Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000182
00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician
00:04 at Uchee Pines Institute... 00:06 This is a place where we train medical missionaries 00:08 to deal with a lot of different kinds of things. 00:12 We have a program for you today about a potpourri 00:15 of things having to do with the skin, with the mouth, 00:18 with the gums, and with infections, and so we hope that 00:23 you will be with us and enjoy our program. 00:47 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:49 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:53 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash 00:58 A tooth is a very common thing but it is most 01:02 marvelously engineered. 01:03 Do you know that a tooth is set in a socket... 01:08 that if you should happen to injure that tooth 01:13 or get it loose, we can, if it isn't separated already 01:18 from its nerve, we can just push it back up into the socket 01:21 and then, if we will not chew on it for a while, 01:26 it will actually grow back into its place 01:29 and be just a nice, normal tooth. 01:32 So, we can always hope if we have a loosened tooth, 01:35 that it doesn't get broken from its nerve. 01:38 The tooth has the nerve on the interior, 01:41 then on the outside of that, there is another casing 01:45 ...and then out on the outside, there's another casing 01:48 called enamel... this is the white part of the tooth 01:51 ...the part that shows and the part that we hope is white. 01:54 That makes us have a very nice, beautiful smile... 01:58 having white teeth. 02:00 I'm so glad the Lord didn't make us with black teeth, 02:03 or purple teeth... even blue teeth... 02:06 I'm not too sorry to have blue eyes, 02:09 but I wouldn't want blue teeth. 02:11 I think the Lord knew just how to make us in an 02:14 artistically-designed whole, so that we would 02:18 look very pleasing. 02:19 I think human beings look very nice. 02:22 Now, in addition to the tooth and its socket, 02:25 we have gums... and gums are also a very nice 02:29 part of the smile, but gums can sometimes get afflicted. 02:33 And Don Miller, who is a Lifestyle counselor at 02:36 Uchee Pines, is going to talk with you about some of 02:39 these things having to do with the mouth, 02:41 and I can guess from what I see in your hand, 02:43 that you're going to be talking about the throat as well... 02:46 I am going to do that... 02:47 So, tell us what you have for us... Okay 02:49 You know, the teeth are so very important... 02:51 As a matter of fact, they sort of related or correlated 02:55 people growing old sooner with the lack of teeth. 02:59 As we get older, we lose our teeth... 03:01 We don't chew our food as well and 03:03 we seem to get older a little bit sooner it seems. 03:06 So we need to take good care of these teeth. 03:08 I've known many people in their 80s and 90s 03:11 and even in their 100s, with all of their teeth still intact 03:14 because they've taken good care of their teeth. 03:17 Dr. Thrash mentioned the gums... 03:19 We can get an inflammation, a bleeding of the gums, 03:22 and even a receding of the gums. 03:25 When we start seeing that particular problem, 03:28 we realize that if we don't arrest it there, 03:30 it's going to get a whole lot worse later into something 03:33 called periodontal gum disease. 03:36 So what we want to do, is take care of our gums and our teeth. 03:39 Some simple things... 03:40 1. Our mothers hopefully have been telling us this 03:43 all of our lives... Take good care of your teeth. 03:46 Brush your teeth every day. 03:47 Now, there are some important points about brushing your teeth 03:50 I know that years ago, when I first went into the military, 03:53 they taught us how to brush our teeth. 03:55 And basically, you took that toothbrush and you put that 03:57 that thing in your fist and you stuck that thing back 03:59 in your head and you went back and forth, 04:01 and you scrubbed, and you scrubbed and you scrubbed 04:03 And I was good at taking orders and so I scrubbed and I scrubbed 04:06 and I scrubbed until I pretty much wore the enamel away 04:09 from the place on the top of my teeth 04:12 just where it gets into the gums, where now I have 04:14 that particular problem. 04:15 But we should be doing more of a sweeping motion 04:19 I've brought my toothbrush with me today 04:21 ...and a couple of recommendations about your 04:25 toothbrush, I'm not going to recommend a brand, 04:27 or a shape, or a color, but I do recommend soft bristles. 04:32 And if you have sensitive teeth, you have this problem 04:35 and you're getting ready to brush your teeth, 04:37 I suggest you take your toothbrush, and you 04:40 soak the bristles in hot water which will soften them up 04:43 just a little bit more before you brush your teeth. 04:46 Now I, once... okay, if hot water is going to make them 04:50 soft, boiling water will make them softer... 04:52 So I once did that, I put them in boiling water... 04:54 Don't do that... it looks like your toothbrush is 04:56 having a bad hair day. 04:58 You've got to leave that one... have a bad hair day 05:01 It looks as if it's flattened out. 05:02 But see, I've had this toothbrush a long time... 05:05 and we shouldn't do that. 05:07 When they start looking like this thing, 05:09 we need to get a new toothbrush. A new tooth brush! 05:11 So... remind me to get a new toothbrush. 05:14 But, I'm sort of fond of this. 05:16 As a matter of fact, they've got these new things... 05:18 they're colored at the end... when the color fades away, 05:21 it means it's time to replace the toothbrush. 05:23 It's a good marketing thing, if nothing else. 05:25 But we should brush our teeth DOWN with the grain of the tooth 05:30 Put the edge of the toothbrush up near the gums, 05:33 do a little sweeping motion... a little back-and-forth motion 05:37 to get up underneath the gums and then SWEEP DOWN 05:39 And, we don't stop there. 05:41 It's good then to do some dental flossing. 05:44 People have a lot of bad breath. 05:47 And I have found a real good way to determine if you have 05:51 bad breath or not... because you can do this all day 05:55 No... smells great... well, all you're smelling is your hand! 05:57 You're not smelling your breath. 05:58 But if you take something like a... they have these little 06:01 toothpicks with brushes. 06:03 It's called a tooth... I forget what it's called 06:05 It's something like a toothbrush but it's a little toothpick 06:07 thing with a little brushy end on the end 06:09 ...stick that between your teeth, twirl it once, 06:12 bring it out and smell it! 06:13 That's what your breath smells like. 06:15 I'm sure you'll stand closer to your toothpaste 06:18 the next time you brush your teeth. 06:19 But we need to keep our teeth clean inside and all around them 06:23 We also need to keep our mouths well-hydrated. 06:26 We have to realize that our teeth... even our teeth 06:29 about 10% fluid content. 06:32 Which means that there is some fluid inside 06:35 in the pulp of our teeth. 06:36 If we are not drinking enough water, eating a lot of sweets, 06:40 or fat, we are clogging up this very minute capillary system 06:44 Therefore, we are closing off the nutrient pipeline 06:49 to the tooth, and if we do that, 06:51 we're going to start having a weakened tooth. 06:53 And when we weaken the tooth, it is now open for assault 06:57 from an outside invader. 06:59 The plaque building up because we don't brush properly 07:02 the tooth itself becoming weak because we're drinking 07:05 2 cups of water a day and eating gummy bears all day 07:07 We need to find a way to keep our teeth healthy 07:10 inside and out... so we do something simple like that. 07:13 But if you already have the bleeding of the gums, 07:16 there are a few things you can do... 07:17 1. You should rinse your mouth out quite often. 07:20 If you have a Waterpik, that's fine. 07:22 Use your Waterpik in-between your teeth, 07:25 and up around the gums 07:26 And then you might want to take a little bit of goldenseal herb 07:29 Now, it's bitter as all get-out but it's a very nice herb 07:33 You put a little bit on your moistened finger, 07:34 and massage it up into your gums. 07:38 You can also use baking soda... massage that up into your gums 07:42 But then I would recommend after that, you rinse your mouth 07:45 and you spit it out because you don't want the baking soda 07:47 inside your body... You want it basically 07:49 helping with this particular problem with your teeth. 07:52 And then you have to increase your diet with raw foods 07:56 and good fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. 08:00 This is a diet that's made for us to keep our bodies healthy. 08:04 And I want to recommend to you, mothers, and even to you young 08:07 children who are listening, who really say... 08:11 "I want to present my TEETH... even my TEETH 08:13 living sacrifices to the Lord. 08:16 We find that if a child is not introduced to 08:19 refined carbohydrates in the form of sugar before they're 08:22 11 years of age... OFTEN, they NEVER have to face carious teeth 08:28 in their whole lives... 08:29 and all the other problems that go along with it. 08:32 So, let's say you have the first one... 08:33 You've got the bleeding gums, and you do not take care of it 08:37 Your next step is pyorrhea... which basically is 08:41 that infection has gone down to the tooth socket 08:45 right down to the bone. 08:46 Now we're in serious situation, so many times 08:49 I'm afraid that the treatment of choice is to take 08:51 all the teeth out. 08:53 But if you can get it before the teeth start getting loose 08:55 in their sockets, I recommend large doses of charcoal. 08:59 I've had people mix up a paste of charcoal, 09:03 put it on their toothbrush, get it all on their toothbrush, 09:06 go up there and they pack it between their teeth 09:09 up around their gums, all in their mouth at nighttime 09:12 and then they leave it there all night long. 09:14 The charcoal will be adsorbing the infection, will be helping 09:19 with the inflammation, and I have seen 09:21 when the teeth are just barely getting started being loosened, 09:25 the whole process reversed. 09:27 And so you put a lot of charcoal in your mouth... 09:29 I would go then also with the goldenseal. 09:32 I would go with the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide 09:35 massaged into the teeth, all around the teeth... 09:38 and, of course, rinse your mouth out afterwards 09:40 ...Flossing your teeth. 09:42 Flossing the teeth, you'll find the first few times, 09:44 if you're not used to flossing, the first few times you floss 09:47 you're going to get blood. 09:49 But the more you do that, you sort of toughen up the gums 09:52 toughen up the teeth and that very toughening action, 09:55 is going to help you avoid your appointment... 09:59 And many of us have appointments with periodontal gum disease 10:02 just because of the fact that we're not practicing 10:04 good, oral hygiene. 10:05 So let's say we've taken care of the gum problems... 10:08 We're brushing our teeth well... We're eating good food. 10:10 We're staying away from refined carbohydrates. 10:12 We're staying away from free fats, and so we've got a 10:15 good circulatory system. 10:17 The Bible says "the life is in the blood. " 10:19 We've got good life, but for some reason, 10:22 we've gotten in a way of a germ, a virus or something 10:26 and we've gotten a sore throat. 10:27 What can we do for a sore throat? 10:29 Some very simple things... 10:30 1. We can gargle with salt water, or just warm water. 10:33 Warm water will help... Salt water just a little bit better 10:37 What I like to do if I have a sore throat, is I'll take a 10:41 charcoal tablet. 10:43 I'll take usually 2 to 4 of them at nighttime 10:46 before I go to bed. 10:47 I'll put them back between my cheek and my gums 10:49 before sticking down in there 10:51 and work them down there real good. 10:53 They're not going to jump down your throat. 10:54 They're not going to fall out on your pillow. 10:56 They'll just stay there all night long, 10:58 but as you sleep, and you're salivating the whole night long, 11:02 you're going to be putting a small trickle of charcoal down 11:05 your throat and that itself, will take up inflammation. 11:09 You can also do something that we'd like to call 11:12 a "horse collar"... if you're hoarse, or you've got a 11:15 sore throat, you can take something as simple as a 11:17 horse collar, which is nothing more than a piece of felt 11:22 It's made quite nicely. 11:23 Our students made a number of these 11:25 at Uchee Pines a few years ago. 11:26 We put these in cold water and then wring it out 11:30 and then wrap this horse collar around your neck 11:33 And then once it around your neck, 11:35 you take a heavier piece of material... 11:38 ...this one's been made very nice with Velcro... 11:40 We put that around the neck on top of wet felt and it will 11:46 hold it in place... we do that overnight. 11:48 This is bringing... it started off cold but immediately 11:51 it starts bringing heat into the area... which is going to 11:54 fight the infection. 11:55 It's going to bring heat... It's going to bring nutrients... 11:58 It's going to bring oxygen... 11:59 It's going to bring ALL the things that we need... 12:01 And I have found many times, that this simple treatment 12:04 alone, will shortstop a sore throat. 12:06 So let's say you've got the sore throat 12:08 first thing in the morning... 12:09 You don't want to walk around with this thing 12:11 around your neck... well, get yourself a turtleneck sweater 12:13 ...put the turtleneck sweater on in place of this outside one 12:17 and put this underneath, and you'll be fighting a sore throat 12:21 all day long and no one will ever be the wiser. 12:24 There's something else we can do... 12:26 and I'm going to ask Melissa Thrash and 12:28 Shannon Jenkins to come and we're going demonstrate, 12:30 or they're going to demonstrate something simple like 12:33 a hot foot bath... which is a marvelous treatment for 12:35 sore throats, head congestion and lots of other things... 12:38 So, I'm going to turn it over to you, Melissa... 12:40 Okay, Shannon will you get up on the table... 12:46 Okay, first what you're going to do is, you're going to get a 12:49 basin of warm water... not really not right now, 12:52 just maybe 100-101 degrees, so it won't burn anybody. 12:58 And first test to see if the patient can handle the water 13:02 by putting their heels in the water, 13:03 and if it's okay, then you can put their feet 13:05 all the way into the water, and you're going to want to 13:08 start warming the water up. 13:10 So you can put their feet over to one side of the basin, 13:12 and you can add warm water until the water is maybe 13:16 106-110 degrees depending on how hot they can handle the water 13:20 And you're going to leave the feet in the basin of hot water 13:24 for maybe 1/2 an hour, and you can check the water temperature 13:30 by a little bath thermometer like this... to make sure that 13:33 you know that you're not getting it too hot 13:36 Where do you buy these little thermometers? 13:39 I can tell you where I bought this one... Okay 13:40 a drugstore... You can also get these at 13:43 at health food stores, and sometimes at feed stores 13:49 indoor/outdoor thermometers, and they can be very nicely used 13:53 This thermometer is very helpful to check your temperature. 13:57 But then as you did it for Shannon, 14:00 just making it warm at first, and then building it up so 14:03 that it's hot, that's a good method too... 14:04 without using a thermometer. Yes 14:06 Often it's really nice to keep them well-hydrated by 14:10 giving them water to drink and by keeping their head cool 14:13 ...that will help them not get a headache 14:15 Some people tend to get headaches from this. 14:17 And when you're done, what you're going to do is 14:19 you're going to lift their feet up out of the water 14:21 and you're going to pour some ice cold water over their feet 14:25 Oh boy! Yeah... it will feel very shocking. 14:28 And then have a towel ready underneath, so that you can 14:32 friction their feet dry when you're done 14:38 Now the friction draws more blood into the feet... 14:41 That's right... And you want to draw the blood 14:43 into the feet so that it makes a sort of pumping action 14:46 away from the throat, down to the feet, 14:49 then the throat gets a little irritated again and 14:52 draws it back and puts it back down, and so it sort of is 14:55 going like this... all the time 14:57 A man named "Kellogg" checked the temperature 15:01 under one of these horse collars and found that 15:05 the temperature was going up and down all night long 15:07 while the person was doing this... 15:10 And after a friction rub, after a hot foot bath, 15:15 this makes most people feel very good in the throat 15:21 They may even feel, right away, that the sore throat 15:24 is much better... and indeed it is healing. 15:28 So thank you very much... You're welcome. 15:29 That was a very good demonstration. 15:31 So simple to do... even noticed that even fully dressed, 15:37 Shannon could just have run into the bathroom, put her feet 15:39 in the bathtub with the water just coming into the 15:45 bathtub or with the basin set in the bathtub 15:48 and it would have been just as effective. 15:51 And so, we can do this within minutes 15:54 ...we can already have the hot foot bath in motion 15:59 Now something else we can do for ourselves in the home 16:04 is something with this little zapper... 16:07 These zappers can be purchased from most any 16:11 sporting goods places where they sell materials for hiking 16:19 and being out in the wild 16:21 And this one is just a very simple thing... 16:25 It creates its own spark and it sparks over and over 16:28 so it doesn't have to depend on batteries or anything. 16:31 There's a little punch-down at one end, so that you can 16:34 make the spark. 16:36 So I will show you how this spark goes. 16:38 And I'm hoping that you will be able to see it. 16:41 It just makes a little spark... see that little spark 16:47 It just keeps generating a spark, and you can just 16:51 continue to make it spark, and it will spark right on and on. 16:55 And so, if you have a spider bite, or a fire ant bite, 16:59 or even a snake bite, any kind of venomous bite 17:04 that you have, you can just put this right on the skin 17:09 and it doesn't really hurt, so you just do this but, 17:13 you can notice that it does make a little jump in my finger 17:17 See how it really makes a little spark... 17:22 just as static electricity will. 17:25 And so, for something like a spider bite, 17:28 you might put this spark on it for 20, 30, 40 times 17:34 For a fire ant bite, sometimes I will get 10 or 20 at one time. 17:39 And so I just treat them all with about 15 or 20 zaps 17:44 and then many times, I will not even get the little sterile 17:48 abscess that comes from the venom that these little 17:53 creatures like to inject into your skin. 17:57 They're not very pleasant people... the little ants. 18:01 They may once have been when the Bible spoke of these 18:04 little people, but they are no longer pleasant, 18:06 not the fire ants! 18:08 Now another thing that is a venomous bite that 18:11 you need to be prepared for in the home, 18:12 if you live in a place that's infested with snakes 18:16 is a snakebite kit. 18:18 Now, we so rarely ever see a snake at Uchee Pines, 18:21 it's almost a call all the neighbors to come to see 18:25 But we do have snakebite kits and I have 2 here 18:30 And these snakebite kits come with the instructions 18:34 in them... it's simply an extractor like this... 18:38 And this works somewhat like a syringe that you just 18:41 pull back like that. 18:43 And it has various sizes of extractors, 18:48 and I will use the very largest one, 18:50 but if you have a smaller area, you could use the smaller size 18:55 So you just fix the little extractor cup like this 18:59 and put it on the area where the snake has bitten 19:04 and then you just pull back like this, 19:06 and it has quite a good bit of suction. 19:08 So you get about 30 cc of suction here, 19:12 and if you could hold it against the skin and do that, 19:16 you could see that it would, indeed, make quite a suction 19:20 for the person and some people like to cut, 19:24 but I've told that that is not very much help. 19:27 So what I think might be helpful is to do this 19:30 little suction and pull the venom back out into the skin 19:35 and then zap it. 19:36 Now they have not only this kind of zapper, 19:38 but bigger ones too and the bigger ones can be used to 19:42 zap a snakebite. 19:44 And what I would do, is to zap it while you're on the way 19:47 to getting professional help... 19:50 Because, of course, with anything as serious as a 19:54 seriously venomous snakebite, you will need professional help. 19:59 This is definitely first aid for that. 20:01 Now for something like a fire ant bite of course you could use 20:04 this and feel that it was definitive. 20:06 Now here, I have something else... 20:09 This is a fluid that you can make easily from 20:15 just vinegar and myrrh and calendula 20:19 It is for afflictions of the nails, and also for 20:25 skin infections with a fungus. 20:27 And it just gives a little fluid like this, and you just 20:32 squirt something like this and just smear that 20:37 on the place where the person has some kind of fungus 20:41 growth, and they will, if you do that several times a day, 20:44 the first day and then twice a day thereafter, 20:47 usually if it's on a protected part of the body, 20:51 such as on the back, or even on the feet, 20:54 then twice a day is probably enough. 20:57 And something like vinegar, calendula and myrrh 21:01 will do fine. 21:02 If you'd like a recipe for that, if you will check into 21:06 our website at www. 21:13 the website for 3ABN will have a link to Uchee Pines 21:20 website and you can find the recipe of how to make that. 21:28 Now some people have a problem with dry mouth... 21:32 And for that, they can get some kind of lubricating jelly 21:35 such as this... which you can buy at a pharmacy 21:39 And just a little bit of it on the finger and rubbed on the 21:42 tongue, can often give the person several hours 21:47 of freedom from the really unpleasant sensation 21:52 of being uncomfortably dry in the mouth. 21:56 Now, at this time, Don Miller is going to 22:00 talk with you again about some of this potpourri 22:05 of small remedies. Don Miller 22:08 I want to re-visit, just for a minute, 22:10 your serpentarium... Okay? All right 22:11 The snakes! It was interesting, I was in Zambia some time ago 22:17 and they were telling me that, you know, we're really having 22:20 a lot of black mambas and cobras right now... 22:22 and, of course, the first thought is... 22:24 "Oh, those are some pretty serious snakes!" 22:27 To comfort me, they said, "No problem, we've got 22:30 lots of charcoal on hand. " 22:32 So that's one treatment for snakebites that I 22:35 really agree with. 22:36 They did tell me that there was no antivenin there, 22:39 and if someone did get bitten by a snake, 22:41 and there were no zappers, or bloodsuckers... 22:44 these other types of things, we would apply 22:47 heavy charcoal poultices or complete charcoal immersions 22:51 and then transport them to a hospital, or a clinic 22:54 where they would have the antivenin, 22:56 and that is very good treatment that I would choose. 23:00 Other things you find, around the home, 23:03 you find down the street, you find around the world, 23:05 for things like wounds and infections... we all get them. 23:08 Sometimes we cut our finger, we step on something 23:11 and we've got a wound... What do you do? 23:13 I would recommend that each one of you find an organization 23:18 in your community that presents a good first aid course. 23:21 I know the American Red Cross... 23:22 I'm an American Red Cross first aid and CPR instructor. 23:27 How to do these simple things... 23:29 But there are some really basic things. 23:31 1. If you've wounded yourself, if you make sure that you 23:34 remove yourself from the area where you wounded yourself, 23:37 the possibility exists that you will continue wounding yourself. 23:42 I once cut off the tips of my fingers with a table saw 23:45 and the first thing I did was to turn off the table saw. 23:48 And get away from that table saw because, you know, 23:51 if you get woozy and you fall down, 23:52 you might really have a problem on your hands... 23:55 besides the fact that you're missing a couple of digits. 23:57 And so, those are the nice things to do... is watch the 24:01 area and make sure you're not going to re-injure yourself. 24:03 2. You've got to protect your wounded area, 24:06 and you've got to clean your wounded area. 24:08 And, the best way to do that is with flushing water. 24:11 Get the water in there and flush it out. 24:13 If you can get some hydrogen peroxide, that's also very good. 24:16 It's good to do it under pressure sometimes. 24:19 If you can have a bulb syringe, you can sit there and 24:22 jet it in there... a Waterpik 24:25 I've used something as simple as a water bottle. 24:28 Just take the water bottle with water in there, 24:30 and turn it upside-down and just squeeze real hard 24:32 to get a good jet of water in the wound to clean it. 24:35 ...Because cleaning is fundamental. 24:37 What I would do, then, if I had it, I would apply some 24:41 tea tree oil to a dry, sterile dressing. 24:44 And if I don't have that, I'd put, first of all, 24:47 just a dry, sterile dressing over my wound 24:50 to protect it from outside pathogens because quite frankly, 24:55 this is our first line of defense against infection. 24:58 It's our skin.. I'm thankful for my skin, 25:00 but as soon as I violate this skin, as soon as I open 25:03 the skin up, everything around wants to get in there 25:06 and mess up my body... 25:08 so we want to protect it as soon as possible. 25:10 We want to make sure we are changing the dressing 25:13 at least on a daily basis. 25:15 And, once it's starting to heal, 25:18 if you happen to get an infection, 25:20 I will slap a charcoal poultice on that thing in no time 25:23 because a charcoal poultice will help take up infections. 25:26 And so you keep it sterile, you keep it clean, 25:30 you keep it protected. 25:31 And what I like to do sometimes, when the sun is shining, 25:34 I like to expose it to the sunshine, because 25:37 the sunlight has a natural effect on killing bacteria 25:41 and other types of pathogens that may be on our skin 25:44 ...So we want to get that in there, and we want to keep 25:46 ourselves well-hydrated and eat very healthfully, 25:50 because as soon as we violate this part of our body, 25:52 we're open to have things going all through our body 25:55 So, if we keep our body strong, our immune system is going 25:58 right there... stay away from sugar, stay away from sweets 26:01 so that our immune system is operating 100%, 26:03 and we should pretty much be able to 26:06 get away from this problem. 26:07 And, there are other nice herbs... we can put some 26:10 goldenseal; we can put some Echinacea on it 26:12 poultices... we can use some aloe vera 26:15 Simple things... God has given us simple things 26:18 and I suggest we go out there and use those things 26:20 and we might be a whole lot 26:21 better for the exercise, Dr. Thrash 26:23 Yes, those are certainly very good suggestions. 26:27 One more thing that I might mention... 26:30 and that is the use of something like 26:33 petroleum jelly for eczema. 26:36 I think it's one of the very best treatments for that 26:39 and all you have to do is just to take a little lump 26:41 of petroleum jelly such as this and some water 26:45 and usually this can be done right after you have washed 26:48 your hands and your hands are still wet with the water 26:52 of washing your hand 26:53 And then, you just put this there and with a motion 26:57 like this, as rapidly as you can do, 27:00 you make sort of a milk... 27:02 You see, this looks a trifle milky. 27:04 And then it's spread on the area where you have 27:07 the eczema, in the direction of the skin lines 27:11 Now you know the skin lines go across here 27:14 In other parts of the body, they take another direction 27:17 but whichever direction they go, you always put it in the 27:20 direction of the skin lines... 27:22 Because if you pull like this, then you may open up 27:26 these little skin lines, and with eczema, 27:29 that can cause a problem. 27:31 Because the opening up of the skin lines 27:34 is what keeps eczema going. 27:36 It may not have caused it, but it does keep it going. 27:39 Now I hope from this potpourri of things of small remedies, 27:44 that you can get the idea that our Heavenly Father has 27:47 provided for us in many different ways, 27:50 and every day, we should thank the Lord for all these 27:55 very simple remedies. |
Revised 2014-12-17