Help Yourself to Health

Lifestyle And Stress

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000180

00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician
00:04 at Uchee Pines Institute
00:06 We talk a good bit about lifestyle at Uchee Pines
00:11 It has both good things and things that are not so good.
00:15 And during the next half an hour,
00:16 we're going to be talking about some of these good things
00:19 and not so good things about lifestyle,
00:21 and also some things about stress.
00:23 So, we hope you will join us.
00:46 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:48 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:52 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
00:57 We have promoted country living for a long time,
01:00 and that of being a farmer.
01:02 I grew up on a farm and, when I was a little girl
01:06 I thought it was a very helpful lifestyle...
01:08 In fact, probably it was one of the most helpful lifestyles
01:12 that one could have at that time.
01:14 There was very little pollution.
01:16 In fact, we always expected that we had clean air
01:20 Anytime that you went outside, you could always expect
01:23 to breathe clean air... maybe some smoke sometimes
01:26 The neighbors might have been burning some leaves,
01:29 and would come wafting over from 1/2 mile or so
01:33 where the nearest neighbor lived... over toward our place
01:36 and we'd say, "Hmm, the Carters are burning the leaves...
01:40 They've must have just raked their yard. "
01:42 But that was about the only thing that we could think of
01:45 that would cause what we might consider to be air pollution.
01:49 But now in our day, there are certain lifestyle matters
01:54 that people who live on farms seem to be adopting
01:58 that are unhealthful.
02:00 For instance, here is a report saying that farm workers are
02:03 more diseased...
02:04 This is very distressing to me because I encourage people
02:07 to do country living.
02:09 And it says that a state agency was investigating this
02:13 matter and they found that there were higher rates of
02:15 brain cancer and leukemia, skin and stomach cancers
02:21 and many stress disorders in farm workers.
02:25 Well, I was very unhappy to hear that because
02:29 that doesn't seem very good for the idea of country living.
02:35 And so, let me say that while it is true that still the
02:39 very best place for you to live is in the country.
02:42 Don't bring those lifestyle habits with you that
02:45 will cause you to develop these serious problems
02:50 such as brain cancer, stomach cancer and leukemia
02:52 and a lot of stress-related disorders.
02:56 Now concerning this matter, I have asked that Don Miller
03:00 would talk with me now, along with you,
03:05 on some things having to do with an irregular lifestyle.
03:09 And I see you've got some things here that I suspect
03:13 with these, you're going to illustrate stress.
03:16 I'm going to illustrate stress with that...
03:17 But right now, I need to talk about this thing you talked
03:19 about... about this irregularity All right
03:22 As you know, I was in the Marine Corps for many years
03:25 and I was a competition runner but when I would take my
03:28 men out to run, some people just are not runners
03:31 And, they get out there in the field and they start
03:34 running and I'd say, "Look"...
03:35 This is a physical fitness test... they got a 3 mile run,
03:38 and some people get it in their mind... they just...
03:42 "can't do it, sir... I can't do it, I can't do it, sir"
03:44 So I said... "Keep on going," but I knew for sure
03:47 if they stopped right there, and started walking
03:50 the next day, they would stop right there
03:52 and start walking again.
03:53 Something happened in the mind because
03:55 if you got in the habit of stopping there,
03:57 and only one time...
03:59 I've found it over and over... one time was the habit-stopper
04:02 But if I get them to run the whole 3 miles...
04:05 even if I could walk next to them as they were running,
04:07 they would run better.
04:09 Irregularity means we start doing things off a schedule.
04:14 Their schedule was to run
04:15 the whole thing, but they got off schedule...
04:17 We do that thing at nighttime.
04:18 I was, some time ago, spending some time in an
04:22 an apartment with another person
04:24 I live by myself normally but there was another person
04:26 ...when they got up at night, they'd turn on the lights.
04:30 And, as soon as those lights would go on,
04:32 it would reset my whole circadian rhythm...
04:34 And I found that 3 to 4 nights after I got out of that
04:38 environment, I would wake up at exactly the same time.
04:41 The same time he turned on the lights.
04:42 As soon as that light went on, my body says...
04:45 "Must be something about this time"
04:46 And I woke up 3 to 4 nights after that exactly the same time
04:50 That's not so bad if it's 4:30...
04:52 I get up around 4:30, but you know, this was
04:54 1:30 in the morning.
04:55 I don't want to get up at 1... 3 hours shy of a night's sleep!
04:58 I'm not ready for that!
04:59 But, you know, they find that the morning after the time
05:05 changes... springs forward, falls backwards
05:08 The next day, there are more accidents
05:11 just about more than any other time of the year. Is that right?
05:14 One hour... because our whole rhythm is off,
05:17 we're irregular now.
05:19 My father was policeman for many years...
05:21 every... I think it was... they called it a "shift"
05:24 I think the shift changed every 8 weeks.
05:28 Every 8 weeks, they changed their whole schedule... 8 hours
05:31 They had no time to recover before it changed again.
05:34 And, I must say that many of my father's friends,
05:38 and certainly my father, were just a little bit...
05:42 Well, they had a hard time with that adjustment
05:45 and made it hard for their families because
05:46 Were they edgy and unpleasant, and difficult to live with?
05:51 You knew my father. No...
05:53 But that is the case.
05:54 But I have known people who lived on an irregular schedule
05:57 and they tend to be irritable, and cranky.
06:00 Some people aren't but many who have that kind of schedule
06:04 I think the schedule irregularity causes them
06:08 to be cranky and irritable. It does.
06:10 And now, many people say... "Well, I'm regular...
06:12 EVERY morning, I get up at 5 a. m. and I do all my things
06:16 and I go to bed at the right time"
06:18 But then one day on a weekend, they sleep in...
06:21 sometimes 2 days on the weekend... That's not regular!
06:24 And it throws their whole system off for the next 5 day cycle
06:28 of being good boys and girls and getting up at the right time
06:31 And so, we need to have a schedule.
06:33 Our whole lives should be scheduled out.
06:36 We should go to bed at the same time... 365 days a year.
06:40 Get up at the same time 365 days a year.
06:44 We should eat our meals...
06:45 Our bodies... we have a thing called a "circadian rhythm"
06:48 We've got our bodies getting all ready for this meal.
06:50 Right now, you may be sitting there and you have just
06:54 eaten some time ago, or not going to eat for
06:56 another few hours.
06:57 Your salivary glands aren't ready to get all juicy
07:00 with saliva because your body has put all those nutrients away
07:05 All that salivary amylase... and everything is put away
07:08 on the top shelf... waiting for your body to say
07:11 "We're supposed to eat in 1 hour"
07:13 But when we get off schedule, we sit there
07:15 and in the middle of the afternoon...
07:17 we might say... "I need a gummy bear"
07:18 So we get a gummy bear and we pop a gummy bear in...
07:20 whatever that thing is.
07:21 And, our body says... "Wait a minute, we don't have
07:23 ANY digestive juices to work with this thing
07:25 So we've got to get ALL this equipment together
07:28 and when we start getting all this equipment together,
07:31 it puts a terrible strain on the body.
07:34 So, the irregularity in eating,
07:36 not just your breakfast and your lunch meal,
07:38 and perhaps a small supper, but eating at different hours
07:41 all during the day, and all during the week.
07:44 If we eat breakfast Monday thru Friday,
07:46 at 6:30, we should eat breakfast 6:30 on Sabbath morning
07:51 and on Sunday morning.
07:53 If we eat lunch at 1 o'clock Monday thru Friday,
07:56 then on Sabbath and Sunday, we should eat lunch at 1 o'clock
07:59 Now, there's a way around that!
08:00 Don't eat the meal at all.
08:02 As a matter of fact, here's a rule which is very
08:04 hard to follow but, if you're trying to live the very best
08:08 ...and basically our plea is, One step better every single day
08:12 If you are going to miss a meal time, your meal schedule
08:18 by as much as 15 minutes, you should fast that meal.
08:22 Not eat it at all.
08:23 Now that's a high standard, I realize, and especially
08:26 in today's world that we're living in.
08:27 I travel around the world...
08:31 and in one day travel to India
08:33 When I traveled the last trip to India,
08:35 I was 12-1/2 hours off what I was back home.
08:40 And it's going to take a while...
08:41 I find that the best thing there, because now
08:43 I'm going to be extremely irregular to do anything
08:45 I just should not eat for a whole day
08:48 I should try to get as much exercise and water as I can
08:51 And then start a new schedule and let your body adjust.
08:55 You know, it's sort of like flying an airplane.
08:57 I've always found that if you're flying an airplane,
09:00 and you go into a spin, usually the best plan
09:02 for the spin is... if you're flying a small airplane
09:04 like I fly... is just let go!
09:06 The airplane will take care of itself.
09:09 And the same way with the body...
09:10 Just quit forcing it into a mold
09:14 Quit doing everything... fast for a day or 2,
09:16 and let yourself go back into a very regular schedule.
09:19 And I think, Dr. Thrash, this irregularity is causing
09:24 a lot of problems in our world today and we need to get regular
09:26 Yes, one of the things that irregularity causes
09:29 is loss of sleep.
09:30 As Don Miller was saying, when you get off your schedule,
09:34 many things go wrong at one time.
09:37 And, not going to bed at the same time every day
09:40 can make it so that the body
09:42 gets so it doesn't know when it supposed to go to sleep.
09:45 If you will allow it to, the body will tell ITSELF...
09:49 ...This is the time to go to sleep,
09:50 this is the time to eat, this is the time to exercise
09:53 this is the time to wake up and do your office work
09:56 or whatever...
09:57 And if you will be regular in your schedule,
10:00 it will help you a lot.
10:02 there are some other things that will help you to sleep...
10:04 If you will exercise every day, that will also greatly increase
10:09 your likelihood of having a good, regular sleep pattern.
10:14 Then another thing...
10:16 If you have difficulty getting to sleep at night,
10:19 if you will limit the number of foods you have at your
10:23 last meal... just the number of dishes
10:26 ...You can eat an adequate quantity, but don't eat
10:29 too many dishes, such as potatoes, and beans,
10:34 and strawberries, and lemons, and squash... ALL at one meal
10:40 If you have it all at one meal, then the more things you add
10:45 to the meal, the less likely you are to have a
10:48 GOOD night of sleep that very night.
10:50 And so, try that as a way to get to sleep on time.
10:55 Another thing that will help you to get to sleep is
10:57 to be certain that you're comfortable.
10:59 Sometimes, a person will have a backache, or knee aches,
11:03 or foot pains, or headaches,
11:06 and they aren't certain exactly why they have these
11:09 and they're just a little bit achy but it's not so definite
11:13 that they think I'm sick with it...
11:15 So they think, "Well, I'll just go to bed, and go to sleep
11:17 and it will go away. "
11:18 So they go to bed, and maybe the headache does cease to be
11:23 noticed, but still they can't sleep.
11:25 Sometimes the reason for that is that the ache or pain
11:29 is still there...
11:30 You just, now, don't have it right up to the edge of your
11:35 consciousness, so that you can put your finger on it.
11:37 So, try to get rid of any kind of ache or pain
11:40 with some kind of hydrotherapy such as a nice neutral bath
11:45 before you go to bed...
11:46 Or drink a glass of water.
11:48 Many people will not drink at night because
11:51 they think... "Well if I drink, well it's for sure
11:53 going to get me up, and then I won't be able
11:55 to go back to sleep. "
11:56 If you have that problem, set a cup of catnip tea
11:59 on the nightstand, so that if you should wake up
12:02 then you can drink the tea and then go back to bed.
12:05 That's a good habit to drink at night, because people who
12:08 drink when they get up at night, reduce the likelihood
12:11 that they will get a stroke.
12:13 And so you can see that as we do one good lifestyle habit,
12:17 that tends to lead into another very good feature of our health.
12:24 And so we always want to make certain about that.
12:27 Be careful also about eating too frequently and eating too much.
12:33 Both of these accelerate the rate at which you age
12:36 ...they interfere with sleep,
12:37 they increase the rate at which you accept stress.
12:41 They are more likely to make you so that you become
12:44 frustrated, or angry, or irritable...
12:47 so that life does not treat you as well as you think
12:51 it should.
12:52 Now Don Miller is going to talk with you about
12:54 foods that are too rich.
12:56 In addition to our having too much and eating too frequently,
12:59 we can overeat by simply eating foods that are too rich...
13:03 So Don Miller, what do you have to tell us about
13:05 foods that are too rich?
13:06 Well you know, most of the foods that we do eat
13:08 in the Western world are too rich,
13:10 and they are too high in fat,
13:12 too high in refined carbohydrates...
13:14 too high in too many things.
13:16 I've got just a couple of things I'd like to read...
13:18 This comes out of the magazine called "East West"
13:21 Listen to this... "For better or for worse,
13:25 the nutrients from your last meal are influencing your
13:28 mood and thinking at this moment. "
13:31 So whatever you ate, is what you are becoming right now.
13:35 We realize that... going back into the Bible
13:37 and the Bible says that the life is in the blood.
13:40 And so whatever you've eaten in your food,
13:43 has become your blood and it is what is making your
13:45 thoughts, your hormones, your tissues...
13:47 Everything about you is from your food.
13:49 And so what are some of the results of this food thing
13:54 This is a scientific study...
13:56 It says, "A high fat diet induces aggressive behavior
14:00 in male mice and rats. "
14:03 Now granted, you may not be a mouse or a rat,
14:05 but these high fat diets, they say, are inducing
14:09 aggressive behavior.
14:11 And I believe that because we've been using
14:13 mice and rats for many, many years as a pre-human study
14:19 This is going to be proved out in a human study,
14:21 and so, the high fat diets that we have in this world...
14:24 especially in the Western world
14:26 Now, one of the greatest manifestations of the
14:29 high fat diet is obesity...
14:31 And we can see that that is a very real
14:33 problem in this country.
14:34 I travel to areas where you don't see obesity,
14:37 except for in those people who have the money
14:41 to adopt the western lifestyle.
14:43 I go to India. I go to Africa.
14:46 I go to Eastern Europe...
14:47 And you don't see that many real fat people...
14:50 because they've got to live very simply
14:52 And so one of the downsides of the diet too rich,
14:56 is the fact that we're eating too much fat.
14:58 Here's an interesting statement here...
15:01 "Americans drank, this is in the year 2000,
15:05 15 billion gallons of pop in the year 2000."
15:10 ...15 billion gallons!
15:12 Basically, it says here... that American children between
15:16 the ages of 12 and 19 consume about 1/2 quart of pop a day
15:20 or almost a gallon a week.
15:23 And, they get my share and all of our students at
15:26 Uchee Pines share... They get all of their share.
15:27 But some students are eating a whole lot more than that
15:30 in their too rich of a diet.
15:32 So we need to get back to simple diets.
15:34 All right, what's the opposite of a rich diet?
15:36 The opposite of a rich diet is a complex carbohydrate diet,
15:40 eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
15:44 It's the diet of Eden.
15:46 It's the diet I think God wants us on today
15:48 that we could live better, longer, healthier
15:50 and some day live forever, Dr. Thrash... Amen
15:53 I mentioned to you some things that can help you to
15:57 sleep and I would like to say that a simple device such as
16:00 this... you may not always find
16:03 this kind of thing in this country.
16:04 I picked this up in Korea where they tend to have a lot
16:08 of things that can help people to feel better
16:12 about themselves.
16:13 So if you should have a backache or if one of these muscles here
16:16 besides your spine aches, or is tender, then you just do
16:20 this kind of thing with it and this is peculiarly adapted
16:23 just has just the right angle to rake right across
16:28 some of those very tender muscles,
16:31 and can make that very nice.
16:32 Then you can also find something that's made in this country
16:35 I got this from a drug company
16:37 and it's actually for doing a knee jerk,
16:41 but it also works very nicely on the back!
16:45 All you have to do is just ... these little rubber parts
16:47 that you can see here... you just tap yourself
16:50 with it like that, or tap up on the shoulder like that
16:53 And, as you do this, it just relaxes those muscles
16:57 and I can feel it right now...
16:59 As I do that, it's just relaxing and very nice.
17:02 Now some people actually have an "itch" on the back.
17:06 You can't reach the back very well and so
17:09 there are these "scrubbers" that you can buy...
17:13 I've seen them in Chinese shops...
17:16 These long sheets of very coarse, I guess, sort of plastic
17:21 sheets, and you can just do this kind of thing
17:23 and rub the dead skin off your back,
17:26 and it's a good practice to do that.
17:27 Some people don't do that but you can get this kind of thing
17:31 and this is dry... and with a DRY bush such as
17:35 you can buy down at Wal-Mart, or any other department store
17:38 You can just work the back with this and as you
17:43 rub the back, you'd be surprised how it's very much
17:47 like a massage...
17:48 And you may not be a professional person but
17:51 you can certainly massage your back a little bit with
17:55 something as simple as this.
17:57 Then another thing that will relieve tension...
17:59 is a simple hand-gripper.
18:01 Just use a hand-gripper like this,
18:03 and as you work the hand-gripper...
18:05 Do you know that a hand-gripper like this will also
18:09 lower your blood pressure.
18:10 And they have also found that a hand-gripper such as this
18:14 will lower the pressure inside your eyes.
18:18 In other words, it will make it so that you're less likely
18:21 to have glaucoma.
18:23 Interesting things that are being learned today
18:25 I wouldn't miss living in this age of earth's history
18:28 for anything... there's just so much scientific that's
18:31 being learned today.
18:33 Now I have a number of scientific articles just like
18:36 Don Miller had that I'd like to just mention for you
18:39 It's a great temptation to not just share all of
18:43 the things that we learn from the scientific literature.
18:46 But here is one about having a quiet stomach.
18:50 If your stomach is troublesome to you,
18:52 either while you eat, or after you eat,
18:55 here is something that will help you to know what to do
18:58 to quiet your stomach.
19:00 Chewing quiets the stomach.
19:03 Did you know that before?
19:05 I didn't know that before I read that but
19:07 when a person chews, the very act of chewing
19:11 makes it so that the stomach is a little bit more quiet
19:14 than it would be.
19:15 Then as soon as you begin to load the mouth,
19:18 then the stomach picks up it's activity
19:20 and moves a little bit.
19:21 Then you begin to chew again,
19:23 and then your stomach is quiet again.
19:26 So it rests the stomach when you chew... so remember that!
19:30 They used to say "fletcherize" your food...
19:33 Well that, I think, was 40 times you were supposed to chew
19:37 I don't think you ought to count but, at any rate,
19:39 you should know that you should chew your food well.
19:42 Now a high fat meal will cause the interior of your
19:48 blood vessels to malfunction.
19:51 Now the lining of the blood vessels called the "endothelium"
19:55 controls, to a large degree, our blood pressure,
19:59 and also the FLOW of blood through the blood vessels...
20:03 And so we want to be very careful not to eat high
20:06 fatty meals because it damages the endothelium.
20:09 And, oats and vitamin E...
20:12 Foods that are high in vitamin E such as ALL of the whole grains
20:16 and nuts and seeds, and things like avocado
20:20 with very nice fat that it has and olives...
20:23 these are all very good foods that help to PREVENT
20:26 this endothelial problem.
20:29 Now, another thing that's a big trial to us
20:32 and that's the stress of kidney stones.
20:36 Kidney stones are related to stress.
20:38 The more stress we have, the greater the likelihood
20:41 that we will get a problem with kidney stones.
20:45 So I'd like just to tell you some of the things that
20:48 can cause kidney stones.
20:50 ...A high protein diet, milk-drinking,
20:52 refined carbohydrates, animal products, alcohol
20:56 If you take too much of vitamin A or vitamin C supplements,
21:01 that can cause kidney stones in some people,
21:03 Worcestershire sauce, sedentary lifestyle...
21:08 And the preventive for all of these is, of course,
21:10 doing the opposite... A low protein diet, or
21:12 avoiding dairy milk, a vegan diet,
21:16 and so forth... these things can control many of these
21:21 serious causes of kidney stones.
21:24 Now there are so many things about kidney stones...
21:27 I'm sure that there are many who would like to know
21:30 just how they can avoid kidney stones...
21:32 But let me just say this, if you take a lot of
21:35 ascorbic acid or vitamin C, some people will form
21:41 kidney stones from that.
21:44 And women who are susceptible to iron overload,
21:47 also need to be careful not to take too much vitamin C
21:52 because it can encourage iron overload in some.
21:55 Phytate which is present in grains, can reduce
22:00 kidney stone formation that would make
22:03 oxalate stones.
22:05 And, of course, if you reduce your stresses,
22:07 that will reduce your kidney stones.
22:11 Exercise neutralizes stress.
22:14 Remember that little jingle that we try to teach everyone...
22:17 So if you are prone to kidney stones, remember to get
22:21 exercise and that will neutralize your stress.
22:23 And remember that lemon juice can help to
22:26 prevent kidney stones...
22:28 That was a very nice study that was done.
22:29 I was happy to see that... something so simple as
22:33 lemon juice, of course it has citric acid in it
22:36 and that can be helpful for that.
22:38 And lemon juice... just squeeze a lemon in some water
22:43 every day and that can be helpful to you.
22:46 Don Miller, what can you tell us about stress and
22:50 and how to control stress?
22:51 Well, I like the subject of stress.
22:54 I was in Africa teaching anatomy and physiology
22:56 ...when I got to the part about the different hormones
23:00 we have in our body, and I was talking about the
23:02 sympathetic nervous system and I thought...
23:04 "I really want to TEST my sympathetic nervous system"
23:07 And so every day, I would walk up on what's called the
23:10 escarpment out into the bush,
23:11 and I was hoping to come across either a black mamba,
23:15 or a puff adder or a cobra, just to see
23:18 what happens in the body...
23:20 I never did run into one, but when I was down in Zimbabwe
23:23 one day with my friend,
23:25 we ran into a couple of LIONS!
23:28 And, we wanted to take the pictures of the lions
23:31 and everything and it was sort of exciting... I can imagine.
23:35 The male lion was just laying there looking at us.
23:38 Just head down on his hands.
23:40 I said... "Lion you gotta get up and do something...
23:43 This isn't very exciting. "
23:44 And so, I hit the car door to see
23:46 if maybe I could get him to do something.
23:48 He just blinked... I opened the car door and I closed it.
23:50 He didn't do anything and I opened the car door and I
23:53 stuck my leg out... Didn't even move!
23:55 So I got skinny legs, I put another leg out next to that one
23:58 and it didn't move and so I stood up and behind the door
24:02 looking out there and the lion just stood there...
24:04 So I stepped away, kept holding the car door, he just laid there
24:07 and then I took a walk away from the vehicle...
24:10 And at that point, the back end of the lion went up in the air
24:13 and I got my first REAL test of my sympathetic nervous system
24:18 I didn't have to ask my legs to do it,
24:20 I didn't have to ask my blood pressure to go up,
24:22 my vascular system to open up, my eyes to get really dilated,
24:26 I just had to stand by and let it take over
24:29 and I was in that vehicle so fast!
24:31 So it really does work!
24:33 That's stress... that's the type of a stress
24:35 that we get, Dr. Thrash.
24:36 But we get the SAME stress reaction when I'm sitting
24:40 there trying to get to the airport in my car
24:42 and I see that I'm going to be late.
24:45 The same stress!
24:46 So how do you handle that?
24:48 I can't run down the road.
24:50 I can't jump in the vehicle.
24:51 I'm in the vehicle and I've got all this stress.
24:53 And it's how we manage the stress.
24:56 People manage it different ways.
24:57 Some people manage stress sort of like this...
25:00 They get bent by circumstances of life...
25:02 the vicissitudes and everything in life and they just bend
25:05 and when you let go...
25:06 they go right back, before long they're going to be
25:08 right back in the same old way again.
25:10 And that's the way I want to be.
25:11 You have other people that they get into a stressful
25:14 situation and it bends them and it bends them and
25:17 pretty soon... I can't even bend this thing... you get kinked!
25:20 And, once you get kinked, it's going to take some work
25:23 to get it back into the same shape again.
25:25 But it will eventually get back there.
25:27 But then we get some people, because they allow
25:30 stress to build up in their system...
25:32 they don't go out and get some exercise,
25:33 which will neutralize it.
25:34 If you're stuck in traffic, trying to get to the airport,
25:37 and you're going to miss your airplane,
25:38 and your car is not moving, get out and run around
25:40 your car a few times.
25:42 Otherwise, you might be like this type of a stressful person
25:45 and it's going to bend until it breaks!
25:47 And then you're really in trouble because
25:48 some people DO break because of stress.
25:50 God has given us a stress response.
25:53 I'm thankful for it because there have been times
25:55 in my life, I've needed it and I was thankful to have it...
25:59 But when I DON'T need it, and it's just going to do me
26:01 damage, I've got to sit there and I've got to
26:03 give it to the Lord because He can take care of my stress.
26:05 Yes, He can.
26:07 And it's also a fact that there are things that we can do
26:10 in lifestyle that can help us to deal with stress.
26:13 We've mentioned exercise...
26:15 but let me say that exercise itself can become
26:18 stressful if we OVERDO it.
26:19 Almost anything in life that we OVERDO on can become stressful
26:24 for us, even going to bed on time and eating our
26:27 meals on time.
26:28 If we're too punctilious with this and it absolutely must be
26:31 RIGHT NOW, or we're going to be most unhappy,
26:35 then this kind of thing itself can become stressful.
26:38 We know that we should not, generally, take a lot of
26:42 liquid foods when we're eating solid foods.
26:44 I have an article from the "Journal of Gastroenterology"
26:49 here published just this past year,
26:52 on gastric emptying of liquids when there are also
26:57 solids in the stomach and the delay that's caused
27:00 from the improper digestion that occurs because of that.
27:04 But if we are so punctilious about this... that we cannot
27:07 take ANYTHING... we couldn't even take a little soup
27:10 because we cannot tolerate to have anything that's not
27:15 precisely on what we consider to be our definition of
27:18 a perfect lifestyle... even THAT can also become stressful.
27:22 But regularity, having a proper eating routine that we do
27:30 every day and a proper way that we eat,
27:33 and we know the way that we should eat...
27:34 And we do these things always, then this can allay stress
27:38 and can make it so that we can talk with our
27:40 Heavenly Father.
27:41 We can put these things that are stressful to us
27:44 and that we don't understand,
27:46 right in His lap and receive His comfort, and receive
27:50 His peace.
27:51 And may the Lord give YOU that very peace.


Revised 2014-12-17