Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000179
00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash
00:03 a staff physician from Uchee Pines Institute... 00:05 and we train medical missionaries there 00:09 who go all over the world. 00:11 And sometimes they go to places that are not very clean. 00:14 So we try to teach them how to be clean... 00:17 And a lot of things having to do with cleanliness 00:21 might surprise you. 00:23 Not only is it just cleanliness but it is also neatness... 00:26 And just what this does to the mind when the surroundings 00:30 are not clean and neat. 00:32 So we'll be talking about some of these things... 00:34 And we hope you will join us during the next 00:35 half an hour. 00:58 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 01:00 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 01:03 And now, here's your host Dr. Thrash 01:08 You know, a clean, orderly kitchen goes far toward 01:13 making a very happy home. 01:15 And as we think about this matter of having a happy home, 01:19 we want to make sure that it's also very sweet-smelling... 01:23 Because a sweet-smelling home ALSO makes a happy home. 01:28 When the kitchen has all sorts of burned odors coming from it, 01:33 and has soured things coming from it, 01:37 we don't like the smell of those things 01:39 and so, I recommend to you that you try to make 01:42 your kitchen, above ALL places, neat, clean, orderly 01:47 and sweet-smelling. 01:49 Now, it's an interesting phenomenon... 01:51 that if the kitchen is neat, it will look clean... 01:56 even if it's dirty. 01:59 But it will look dirty, even if it's clean, if it's not neat. 02:04 So, the first thing you should do is to 02:07 try to make it look neat. 02:09 Put everything that can be organized into cabinets, 02:13 or shelves, or if it's something you haven't used in a long time 02:17 and there it is cluttering up the deck... 02:19 It's been there for a long time... 02:21 and something is over there 02:23 and maybe last week's mail is over there! 02:25 Get those things out of the kitchen... 02:28 put them somewhere else. 02:29 Have a place for everything. 02:32 Don't allow anything to accumulate in the kitchen. 02:35 Make it so neat, that when a person comes in 02:39 they say... "Ah, this is a light, clean 02:42 airy, sweet-smelling, sunny place. " 02:47 And, of course, your sweet disposition in the kitchen 02:50 is the most sunny and neat thing about the kitchen. 02:55 So, the first thing to aim at is being of sunny disposition. 03:01 Now, sometimes for some reason, it might be desirable 03:06 not to eat at home... I hope that isn't very often. 03:10 But, if you have to eat out, then there are some rules 03:13 that you may want to follow. 03:15 So I've asked Don Miller, who is a Lifestyle Counselor 03:18 at Uchee Pines, to join me to talk with you about 03:21 eating out... Don Miller 03:23 Well, if all you say about our own kitchens 03:27 being light and airy and not even having last week's mail... 03:29 I've got last year's mail still sitting around my kitchen. 03:32 Ahh! I'm going to have to make an inspection tour. 03:34 Maybe that would help me! That might help me a lot. 03:37 Inspection tours are very important for restaurants... 03:40 ...talking about the eating out thing. 03:42 It's important that we know where we are eating 03:45 and what we are eating. 03:46 I once worked in a food preparation facility 03:50 back in the area where the food was prepared 03:53 And I remember one day, I was opening a large #10 can 03:57 which are quite large and they had this MONSTER of a can opener 04:00 that sort of went down and sort of GLEEPED the lid off 04:04 And I was doing this and I sat it on a counter 04:08 and it started to fall and I reached for the can 04:10 and my hand went inside... 04:13 And it was just as the can fell off the counter, 04:16 and as it went down, it took the skin off my fingers 04:19 My thumb... I still have the scars on my thumb 04:22 and on my other finger and one on my other fingers 04:24 And... it took a lot of skin and I bled a lot of blood. 04:28 And, it was ketchup that I was working with at the time 04:30 and I had a lot to do... and this has been many years ago, 04:33 so don't worry about eating out today... 04:36 But I had to keep working. 04:37 There was no one else to take my job. 04:39 and I'm afraid a few of my body fluids went out 04:43 with the dinner that day. 04:45 And I don't know but that might not be the case sometimes. 04:48 We've all heard our own horror stories about 04:50 how the cooks back there might have a competition 04:55 going with each other, or just try to amuse each other 04:59 with putting strange things into the food. 05:01 And so, it's important that we are aware of the reputability 05:05 of the restaurants, or the kitchens from which we eat. 05:09 Cleanliness is very important in what we're eating... 05:12 And you know, they're finding right now... 05:14 in the salad bars... 05:16 Now sometimes I used to go the steakhouses which have 05:21 wonderful salad bars and you go in there and you got all 05:23 this lettuce and tomatoes and all these different things 05:26 But you know, they're finding E. coli bacteria now in 05:29 some of the items on there... 05:31 which can come from 2 different areas... 05:33 #1.. Whoever back at the farm picked it 05:35 #2.. Whoever back in the kitchen cut it up 05:39 #3.. The last person who decided they didn't want that much 05:42 and put it back into the container. 05:45 And so now, we're finding E. coli bacteria 05:47 in things that should not have E. coli bacteria in them. 05:51 Plus, if you are REALLY careful with your diet... 05:54 which I try to be... try to be a straight vegetarian 05:57 and a strict vegetarian... 05:58 I don't want all these other things in there 06:01 But, you'll see sometimes, dribbled across 06:04 things you're going to put in your salad... 06:06 You got some egg things. 06:07 And you got some cheese things. 06:09 And you got some bacon things. 06:10 And so it's best to leave off those things 06:14 and not get into letting other people decide what 06:17 you're going to eat because of their uncleanliness, 06:20 untidiness, or just the fact that they just drop things a lot 06:23 And so it's very important to stay away from the foods 06:27 that you're not really too sure. 06:29 Go to some of these restaurants where you're putting together 06:32 I used to go to a place to just get bean burritos... 06:34 No cheese, no hot sauce, please. 06:36 That was my order all the time. 06:38 Well you look in there and they are pulling things out with 06:42 their hands and sticking it on there... 06:44 And so the same hand that's now putting lettuce... 06:46 ...just lettuce on yours, just put everything else 06:49 in the world on the last person's 06:50 So whatever is left onto their little rubber glove, 06:53 is now on your particular burrito or whatever it is. 06:56 I'm always amazed too... and amused... 07:00 I go into a restaurant, if I go into a restaurant anymore... 07:03 and I go into the bathrooms... 07:05 and there's always that sign... proudly displayed 07:08 "OUR EMPLOYEES WASH THEIR HANDS BEFORE THEY LEAVE THIS ROOM" 07:14 And I think, Well, that's really good... and so I wash 07:15 my hands too... then I walk up to the door 07:18 and the ONLY way out is to reach down and grab the door 07:22 and pull it open. 07:23 Now, I've washed my hands... 07:26 As a matter of fact, if you ever see me doing it... 07:27 I'm taking out a handkerchief, or I'm using my shirttail 07:30 and I'm grabbing that door and opening it up because 07:32 the last 12 people did NOT wash their hands and they touched 07:37 that doorknob or that little handle, 07:39 and they pulled it open and left whatever they want to 07:41 on that particular thing... 07:43 And so the worker who just washed their hands 07:44 now has picked it up from the door handles 07:47 ...So I'm not really comforted by the fact that the 07:51 workers are washing their hands. 07:53 I would rather they wash it back in their own place, 07:55 very clean, sort of like a surgeon... scrub em up and 07:58 put on their rubber gloves before they go handling 08:01 the food that I'm going to eat. So what do I do? 08:03 There are a couple of choices about eating out... 08:05 #1... I can go to a grocery store. 08:08 I like to carry with me, when I'm traveling, 08:10 a plastic soap bottle with just a little bit of soap and a 08:14 bunch of water... basically just some soapy water 08:17 and I can squirt that on an apple I've just bought 08:20 or whatever else and I can scrub it up really nicely 08:23 and rinse it off in some water I can find somewhere... 08:25 I always carry drinking water. 08:27 And I can eat it because I have washed it, not somebody else. 08:31 Another thing you'll find in these salad bars... 08:36 is they will put certain products on there... 08:39 Certain chemicals to make them look fresh all day. 08:42 You know, that lettuce has been laying there 08:43 for the last 5 hours. 08:45 If I leave lettuce laying around my house for the last 5 hours, 08:48 well, it's going to look pretty crummy. 08:51 But they will put different chemicals on there 08:53 which are going to make them look fresh... 08:55 and trouble is, when I INGEST those chemicals, 08:59 they don't make ME look fresh! 09:01 As a matter of fact, they start wearing out my system. 09:03 They get down into my liver which has to detoxify 09:06 all the chemicals, and so my liver gets stressed. 09:11 We have a restaurant in Columbus, Georgia 09:13 that Uchee Pines runs. 09:16 It's called "Country Life Vegetarian Restaurant and 09:18 Health Food Store" 09:20 And you'll find at our restaurant, as in EVERY 09:25 other restaurant in this land, they'll have 09:28 inspectors coming along. 09:29 And they should, I believe by law, they are supposed to 09:33 post the last record of that particular inspection. 09:36 Now we've got one of our inspection sheets 09:39 for our Country Life Restaurant and here's what it looks like... 09:43 You can see on there... you can't really read much 09:45 what it's saying but they write the score... 09:47 very largely on there... Uchee Pines Country Life 09:50 Restaurant gets a "100" 09:52 Now if you can read the small print... 09:54 You would look at this particular form and find 09:56 every other restaurant in Columbus, Georgia 09:59 on there and their score is also listed 10:02 And you'll find some of them are 80, some 70, some 40 10:05 and some get down all the way to zero. 10:07 I know that one time, there was a person marked down 10:11 of their many marks down was there was blood 10:14 on the knife... we don't want to determine whose blood 10:17 that was... but just not a clean place. 10:20 I remember one time, I was in a home and they were 10:22 preparing chicken for a particular feast 10:25 that they were having and the discussion as they were 10:28 preparing the food wasn't so much... What did they do today, 10:31 or what are they going to do tomorrow... 10:32 But the discussion was... How do they sanitize 10:36 their cutting boards when they get done cutting up the chicken. 10:39 And I was amazed to find out that, after they got done with 10:42 this discussion... their intention was 10:45 to eat that chicken! 10:46 Now if I ate that chicken, I would probably get sick. 10:50 And if I got sick, I'd want to call on Melissa Thrash 10:53 to tell me what I could do for my sickness... Melissa 10:55 I get some bad food, bad chicken of all things.. what would I DO? 11:01 Well you could try charcoal! Charcoal? 11:03 Yeah... Okay, I'll show you how to make a charcoal slurry. 11:06 Here we have some charcoal. 11:08 To make a charcoal slurry, it's really easy. 11:11 All you have to do is take some charcoal powder 11:13 and take maybe 1 tablespoon, 2 tablespoons, 4 tablespoons, 11:17 depending on how bad your food poisoning was 11:19 ...and put it into the water and stir it up and 11:22 give the person a straw, or give yourself a straw 11:25 and drink the charcoal. 11:26 BUT, some people are sensitive to charcoal. 11:29 They can't handle charcoal in their stomach. 11:31 So what you can do for them is you can take the charcoal 11:33 and you can put it in the water and you can let it sit 11:36 And the charcoal will do down to the bottom of the glass 11:39 what will be left, will be slurry water. 11:42 And, you can give them a straw and let them drink off the water 11:46 ...and they won't get the charcoal and it won't 11:48 upset their stomach. 11:49 Well let me ask you a question... 11:51 I've got my charcoal... I've got my stomachache, 11:54 I take some... I still got the stomachache 11:56 Can I take some more? Sure... 11:58 You can take as much as you want... 11:59 as often as you want. 12:00 You can't overdose on charcoal... Really? 12:02 Well, that's great! 12:03 But what happens... if it really gets me and I regurgitate? 12:08 Throw it up... You take another full dose, drink another glass. 12:11 And if I throw up again? Take another dose! 12:13 And keep on taking it until I'm okay. 12:15 Keep on taking it and keep on taking it... 12:17 You won't overdose on it. 12:18 So there's really no... I can't overdose on charcoal? 12:22 Never... never... 12:24 That's a pretty amazing little treatment, isn't it? 12:26 It is... Who do you think thought that one up? 12:28 I think God made it for us. 12:30 You know, I think so too. 12:31 I think back in the Garden of Eden before there was 12:33 a fire... He says, these people if they mess up, 12:35 I'm going to put something in that tree.. that if they burn it 12:38 they'll be some POWER that they really need. 12:40 And we need this for these last days, don't we? Yes 12:43 If I go out to eat, I'm going to take charcoal 12:45 with me from now on... Okay Thank you 12:48 Okay good... You know, charcoal comes 12:51 in many different forms. 12:52 And we should have some of these forms of charcoal in our homes 12:55 because we never know when that time might come when 12:59 we're going to have that event with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 13:03 food poisoning, chemical poisoning. 13:06 We can have it in the powder form which Melissa used 13:09 to make up this charcoal slurry water 13:11 It's a very light substance. 13:12 We have to be very careful when we use it as far as 13:14 getting it blowing all over the house. 13:16 We can get it in charcoal capsules which is another 13:20 very easy way when your traveling. 13:22 I prefer putting it in the water, but if you're traveling 13:24 that's not an option. 13:26 You can get it in a tablet form. 13:28 I like it in tablets for sore throats. 13:30 I'll take one and I'll put it between my cheek and the gums 13:33 on both sides overnight... that charcoal bathing my throat 13:36 during the night will help relieve the inflammation 13:39 in my throat. 13:40 Of course, most filters will have a charcoal base 13:45 And this one is for an activated carbon insert for a water filter 13:50 And, quite frankly, we're sort of behind the power curve. 13:53 This is a product you can pick up in Korea... 13:56 which is a charcoal compress. 13:58 Already made embedded in the material putting it over a 14:02 venomous bite, any type of a skin irritation... 14:05 wonderful products all over the world. 14:08 And, of course, Dr. Thrash, I think you picked this up 14:10 in Korea a couple of years ago, didn't you? Yes, I did. 14:12 It was a product that was being marketed there, 14:15 and they're going to also market it here in this country, 14:17 so you should be able to look for it in health food stores 14:21 and drug stores in this country... Super! 14:23 And makes it so that it's very easy, then if you need to 14:26 deodorize something... and, of course, 14:29 deodorizing is so wonderfully done with charcoal. 14:33 You can deodorize a house, a wound, dresser drawers 14:38 It's just really easy to use charcoal as a deodorizer. 14:43 Now, there are other ways that we need to be clean besides 14:48 just in our premises and on the surfaces in our home 14:51 We also need to have pure, clean, sweet-smelling air. 14:56 And, I have a report here about the pollution in the air 14:59 and the costs to the health of outdoor air pollution. 15:05 This can be by traffic, it can be by industrial fumes. 15:09 A large number of things can cause pollution of the air 15:14 and ALL of these are very difficult for us to clean 15:17 out of the air and makes it so that we have a very serious 15:22 health and economic problem just by air pollution... 15:26 So each of us should do whatever is possible to make it so that 15:30 we're not likely to have such a problem. 15:33 Now, I'd like to talk with you a bit about hepatitis... 15:37 And hepatitis has SO many aspects to it 15:41 One of which is cleanliness. 15:43 And when you are in a place that you don't know 15:46 whether they might have some kind of hepatitis such as in 15:50 a public bathroom, or anywhere downtown, or anywhere overseas 15:56 then you need to be careful about the soaps. 15:59 A lot of us feel very comfortable about antibacterial 16:02 soaps... We take these soaps, we wash the hands with it 16:05 And we aren't so very careful because, after all, 16:07 we're using an ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP! 16:10 Well I'd like to sort of burst a bubble here because 16:12 antibacterial soaps are no better in preventing 16:16 hand bacteria, than plain soap. 16:18 That's what it says right here in this research paper 16:21 where they cultured people's hands after they had washed 16:25 the hands with various kinds of soaps. 16:30 Now, about hepatitis... 16:31 As you know, there are MANY different kinds of hepatitis... 16:34 A, B, C, D, E and so forth. 16:37 A... is a filth-borne hepatitis. 16:41 It's passed from one person's gastrointestinal tract 16:45 to another through filth-borne contamination. 16:50 And so, by washing the hands and being very clean, 16:53 one can usually avoid this kind of hepatitis... 16:57 unless it's put in our food and we're eating out 17:01 In which case, we would not be able to protect ourselves. 17:04 Type B... is spread mainly through blood and blood products 17:09 Type C... through blood and body fluids. 17:13 And the type C gives very few or no symptoms... 17:19 Whereas types A and B may give some very serious symptoms. 17:23 They may turn a VERY deep yellow, a sort of golden yellow 17:27 They may also get nausea and vomiting, backache. 17:32 They may have weakness and fatigue and just feel terrible. 17:36 These are some of the signs of... 17:38 And their stools may turn very pale-colored, 17:42 even like pale clay. 17:44 And these individuals are sometimes VERY sick, 17:48 and they may require several weeks of being in bed 17:51 to get over their problem. 17:53 Now is there anything that we can DO for hepatitis 17:57 once we have contracted it? 17:59 Well there are a number of things... 18:01 And I have a report here about silymarin... 18:04 You may have heard of milk thistle which has 18:09 the Latin name of silymarin. 18:13 Silymarin is very helpful for the liver for any kind of 18:17 liver afflictions. 18:18 Now, with liver afflictions, we want to also give them 18:23 hot compresses over the abdomen, over the liver. 18:27 And we may want to give them a special type of diet... 18:32 Maybe liquids, maybe a high carbohydrate, 18:37 not-very-high protein diet. 18:40 Or, we may want to have a totally vegetarian diet... 18:44 that's probably the most favorable for hepatitis. 18:47 And then some exercise. 18:49 There was a time when we put the person with hepatitis 18:51 right down to bed, but after the U.S. Army actually ran their 18:58 hepatitis patients down the road in their experiments 19:03 to see if exercise would help hepatitis... 19:06 And sure enough, those soldiers who were exercised 19:11 ...and I don't think that running is as good as just 19:13 being normally active, around the house and 19:16 around your grounds... 19:17 They did much better than those that were just put to bed 19:21 and kept there for a long time. 19:23 So, we know that there are many things that we can do 19:27 for hepatitis and if you would like to get a full discussion 19:32 of that, if you will just log in on the 3ABN web site 19:37 19:41 and then click on LINKS and go to the Uchee Pines link 19:47 Then, you can log in with us and you can find how we 19:52 treat hepatitis with just very natural things 19:55 and we have had some very good success with this. 19:59 Of course with hepatitis C, that's the one that we expect 20:02 is going to slip up on us. 20:04 It doesn't give very many symptoms... 20:05 Sometimes people are totally asymptomatic when they have 20:08 the acute hepatitis. 20:10 They don't even know when they got it. 20:13 But it is sometime later when they develop the 20:17 chronic, active form of it, 20:20 and a fair number of these cases are going to develop 20:24 some serious and life- threatening problem 20:27 like cancer of the liver, or cirrhosis. 20:29 These individuals are prone to do that. 20:33 Now, another form of disease, sort of changing gear a bit... 20:40 is that of the aging, which we call Alzheimer's. 20:46 Aging is something that everybody fears 20:49 ...not because necessarily a person fears getting old, 20:54 but simply because one fears getting sick. 20:57 But I would like to say to you that... just because you get 20:59 old, is no reason why you should get sick! 21:03 Nor is getting old necessarily a reason why you should 21:07 expect that you're going to lose your mind. 21:10 And I think the most frightening thing that we can 21:12 think of is losing the mind as we get older. 21:15 And the older person who gets what we might call 21:19 Alzheimer disease, may get quite agitated, and may have 21:23 quite a serious problem with being difficult to manage. 21:28 So I'd like to show you one of the ways that a person can 21:33 be handled if they are difficult to manage 21:37 And Shannon Jenkins is going to show you that... 21:39 and here is Shannon, who is a Lifestyle educator student 21:44 at Uchee Pines and she has with her, Melissa Thrash, 21:48 and I understand that Melissa is going to be the one who's 21:52 going to get the treatment here. 21:54 We'll say that Melissa is quite agitated, difficult to manage 21:58 and so Shannon is going to try to help her 22:03 to calm down... So what will you do? 22:05 We're going to put a wet sheet pack on her. Oh, very good 22:09 Lay down... You'll want to lay a sheet down lengthwise 22:14 this way so that you'll have enough to wrap around her. 22:16 And, you will need a blanket 22:20 And what you do is, this will be done on bare skin. 22:24 Now what is this? 22:25 This is a sheet... And it's a WET sheet 22:31 I believe you said... Yes, yes, definitely. 22:33 It's a COLD WET sheet... Wet and cold... yes. 22:36 Well that sounds like one of the things 22:38 they did in the Middle Ages. 22:39 Is she going to be ice cold for a long time? 22:42 No, not at all. She will warm up quite quickly. 22:45 Okay, how are you going to do this? 22:47 She raises her arms, and you wrap this around like this 22:52 and tuck this side under the leg 22:57 so that she CAN move her legs when we're all done 23:00 and then tuck it snuggly all the way around here. 23:04 And then you can lower your arms. 23:07 Now, if this patient is agitated and is uncooperative, 23:11 you may need a helper to hold her down while you 23:14 put this wet sheet... Yeah... or she might not lie still. 23:18 Then you wrap this side around. 23:20 This goes ALL the way around to the other side and wraps 23:23 around this leg. Ah ha 23:25 I see... so the idea is to get the wet against her skin 23:30 everywhere... Yes. 23:32 Nice and snug... kind of like a mummy. 23:35 Ah ha... Looks sort of like a mummy. 23:37 And THEN, take a towel and just wrap it around... 23:42 that brings the wet sheet right up against her neck 23:46 and then keeps it from drying out. 23:50 Now you MIGHT ask her reach her hand up there and 23:53 help you... But I can tell you, 23:55 she can't do that... No. 23:56 Because if you wrapped it snuggly enough, 23:58 it does have a slightly restraining influence 24:02 for the patient, which is good. Um hm 24:05 It doesn't encase them in a straight jacket but it is 24:08 slightly restraining... All right then what? 24:10 Then you would take this blanket and 24:14 wrap it around... ALL the way around 24:17 and tuck it in... all the way down 24:25 and then pull the other... 24:27 Now this one is dry... Yes, this one is dry. 24:30 The sheet is the only thing that is wet. 24:34 And just tuck it in and THEN we will lay a blanket 24:41 ALL the way across... 24:50 Just lay it ALL the way over. 24:54 Now this is for the purpose of HOLDING the heat in 24:57 So she's going to warm up quickly and... 25:00 Let's say she says she's still a little chilly... 25:02 Then what can you do? 25:04 Then you can take a hot water bottle, 25:06 put some hot water in it and lay it at her feet 25:15 And that will help to warm up the feet. 25:18 And you cover that back up and it's all up in there with her 25:21 and then she warms up. 25:23 She's smiling, so she must be feeling a lot better. 25:26 Not agitated anymore. 25:29 Did you learn to do all this in the Lifestyle Educator Course 25:32 at Uchee Pines? Yes... Very good. 25:35 All right, okay, well you can take Melissa out of that 25:39 and when you take her out, after a hour or 2 or 3, 25:42 they can in for a long time 25:43 And, as long as they feel comfortable and you're with them 25:47 there, they can stay in this. 25:50 And then, at the end of that time, 25:53 you just take them out of it and do a friction dry 25:56 on the skin and let them go to bed and sleep 26:00 for a good little while if they would like to do that, 26:03 or you can take them for a nice walk, 26:04 and that's also very good for the agitated person... 26:07 the one with Alzheimer disease is often agitated. 26:12 And so, there are many things that the 26:16 Alzheimer patient may need... 26:18 Sometimes they wander around at night 26:21 And we have found that if you just take their shoes 26:23 away, so that they can't find their shoes, 26:25 often that will do wonders to make it so that they 26:29 are not able to wander around. 26:32 They don't feel so inclined to wander around. 26:36 And then, we also find that if you will play music 26:40 for them... sometimes they will listen for hours to music 26:44 or to a single sermon tape. 26:46 You have it so that it will continuously play and they will 26:50 sometimes listen to it for hours. 26:53 Another thing that you can do for the Alzheimer's patient 26:56 who is difficult to handle, is to furnish them with a mirror 27:00 and let them talk to themselves in the mirror. 27:03 They often get very agitated just being alone and being 27:07 sorry that they can't participate in things 27:11 and somehow, they know they should be doing something 27:13 but they always do it wrong. 27:15 And so, they get agitated and frustrated with the fact 27:19 that they can't do anything. 27:21 And that they don't have anybody who is close to them 27:24 who can talk with them. 27:26 And so you can, at that point, introduce them 27:29 to the mirror. 27:30 And sometimes by talking to themselves, 27:32 that can be very helpful. 27:34 Now there are Alzheimer's support groups 27:37 and by joining these, you can learn a lot about how 27:41 you can help the Alzheimer's patient 27:44 to tolerate their lives and for you to be able 27:48 to take care of them. 27:49 Depression should not exist in either the Alzheimer's 27:52 patient, or the caretaker. 27:54 And may God bless you richly. |
Revised 2014-12-17