Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000178
00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician
00:04 from Uchee Pines Institute... and very interested in foods! 00:08 We're going to be talking about some foods that will help you 00:11 to be in the very best of health and to ward off 00:15 the aging process... as much as it's possible for you to do 00:18 in the surroundings of your life having to do with your 00:22 genetics and the accidents that you've had 00:25 and the lifestyle that you keep. 00:27 And so, we hope that by presenting this, 00:29 you will be much blessed and so we hope you will join us! 00:53 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:55 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute 00:59 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash 01:03 Nutritionists and physical therapists, and 01:09 physical trainers, coaches, and people who teach 01:13 physical education in high schools and colleges 01:16 are ALL talking about how we can avoid the aging process. 01:21 And, of course, some of the ways that we age 01:25 includes our muscles, our skin... 01:27 That's of course something that we are very accustomed 01:30 to seeing... the wrinkling, the graying... 01:34 Those things we see quite a lot, 01:36 and we're accustomed to seeing those. 01:37 But then, there are some things like brain-aging, 01:42 heart-aging. 01:44 We aren't accustomed to seeing those. 01:46 We don't SEE the wrinkles on the heart. 01:50 We don't SEE the graying that might occur in the brain 01:54 We don't see these kinds of things, and so we tend to think 01:58 that these organs are free from the aging process. 02:02 And, since they tend to work pretty well, 02:05 no matter what kind of lifestyle we have, 02:07 except maybe if we lose sleep, or if we get overtired, 02:11 then we know that these organs aren't functioning well 02:13 But otherwise, we tend to think that they're merrily 02:17 going on their way being healthy no matter what we do. 02:20 But that just isn't the case. 02:22 The way we eat, the way we exercise, the regularity we have 02:26 ...even cleanliness and orderliness in our surroundings 02:29 all of these things tend to affect us and 02:33 encourage the way that we age. 02:35 And so, we'd like to talk with you about some things 02:38 having to do with foods first, 02:40 and then we'll talk about some other things having to do with 02:43 the aging process. 02:45 So I have with me today, Lidia Seda, 02:47 who is going to help me talk with you about foods. 02:50 And, I am SO glad that you came here because you 02:54 brought this nice dish with you and I want to hear about it 02:57 What do you have here? 02:58 Well, basically, this is what's called a haystack, 03:02 or some of you may know it as a taco salad. 03:04 It has corn chips and beans and a salsa, guacamole 03:10 and a sour cream dip as well. 03:12 The nice thing about all these ingredients is that they're 03:15 fat-free, have fiber, and also one important 03:20 thing that can help against aging... is melatonin. Um hm 03:23 Melatonin actually is a powerful antioxidant 03:27 and what they have done in experiments with mice... 03:30 They have taken 2 different groups of mice 03:33 They have placed them under very stressful situations 03:36 They have injected them with some very dangerous 03:39 viruses... but one group they injected with melatonin 03:43 and one group, they did not. 03:44 What they found after 30 days, was that the group that had 03:48 not been injected with the melatonin, 92% of them died 03:53 and only 16% of the group that had been injected with 03:58 melatonin died... Um hm 04:00 So we can see that melatonin guards against, not only aging, 04:04 but actually helps to guard the health and keep us healthy. 04:07 Now, 2 things about this dish I want to ask you about. 04:12 First, you said it was fat-free... Um hm 04:15 You mean no free fats... Exactly, exactly 04:19 Because I can see these corn chips, well they're baked 04:23 Those were baked... 04:24 They're not fried... Exactly 04:25 But corn has oil in it. That's true 04:29 That's good... and it's a good oil... Um hm 04:32 I like the corn oil... that's a good oil for humans. 04:34 And then I see a layer of beans. 04:37 Is that what you put on next? Exactly 04:39 Beans have a nice oil in them. 04:42 That's good too. 04:44 And then, I see the guacamole. 04:48 Guacamole is made from avocados... Um hm 04:52 And that has some delightful fats in it... Exactly 04:57 They taste good and, of course, they are very good quality... 05:00 Good for the human being. 05:02 And then, what kind of dressing is this on top? 05:05 That's a sour soy cream. A sour soy cream! 05:08 Okay so soy also has some fat in it unless it has been defatted 05:12 Now, you know, there are tomatoes, and there are some 05:16 peppers and, even they, have a little fat in them... 05:19 it's not very much. 05:20 Even lettuce has some fat in it and apples have a little fat. 05:25 So we can't get away from fat and there's probably 05:28 not much of a diet called a "fat-free diet. " 05:32 But when a nutritionist says a fat-free diet, 05:36 it means they just haven't added any... 05:38 Exactly... There are no oils in this 05:41 Not even olive oil has been placed in this. 05:44 Because all those fats are concentrated fats... Ah ha 05:46 Corn oil, olive oil, even though they are vegetable based 05:49 it's still a concentrated oil. 05:51 Even though, overall, they are healthier than, let's say, lard 05:55 which is a saturated type of fat. 05:58 Yes, we certainly would want to stay away from lard. 06:01 It's most unhealthful. 06:02 Now, you mentioned melatonin, and melatonin in foods 06:07 is maybe a new idea... 06:09 So, we know that melatonin is a little bit in corn, 06:13 tomatoes... it's a good bit in tomatoes 06:16 And there's something here that it has, that we don't have 06:20 actually in this recipe but oats are very high in melatonin. 06:25 What other foods are high in melatonin? 06:28 All the grains are also high in melatonin 06:31 as well, especially barley is one of the highest as well. 06:36 And something else I would like to share with our audience, 06:39 is on flavonoids. 06:42 Flavonoids which are high in grapes and many individuals 06:47 think that when they drink wine, 06:49 and they get some of the benefits from wine, 06:51 that they're getting it because of the wine because of the 06:54 fermented product. 06:55 ACTUALLY, the benefits they're getting are from the grapes. 06:58 They have the flavonoids. 07:01 They are potent antioxidants... even more so than vitamin E. 07:06 So, Dr. Agatha, when individuals drink wine, 07:09 the wine is not going to keep them youthful. 07:13 Actually the alcohol, the fermented product can 07:15 actually deter certain organs from working as well as they 07:19 can, but the GRAPES can actually work against 07:22 free radical formation. 07:24 Now, I would rather have my grapes in the fresh form 07:28 like I had them this morning for breakfast. 07:30 And I can tell you, also, that grape juice is a great 07:36 improvement over wine. 07:37 And it has so many things in it that can be beneficial 07:40 to the body and can protect it. 07:42 Now, Lidia, if I wanted to get recipes for this, 07:46 is there a recipe that you have for it? 07:49 Well, if anyone is interested, what we'd like you to do is 07:53 to go to your computer online: 07:58 08:05 Press links and go to... Uchee Pines 08:11 and you'll be able to get these recipes. 08:14 Well that sounds very encouraging and 08:16 I'm very happy that I can do that. 08:18 Now, we age in different ways and I'd like to show you 08:23 something here... that I think can be helpful to us 08:26 to capture the importance that we can see in being very 08:34 careful about the food that we eat. 08:36 I'd like to show you here, a section of a human brain 08:40 This comes from my museum, and I have these glass rods 08:46 so that I can hold it better without having to touch it 08:49 because it's been fixed in formalin 08:52 and so, I'd like to show you just the gray matter 08:55 which you can easily see here on the edge... 08:59 that's the gray matter... 09:00 And then the white matter is that that's on the interior 09:03 that's a little lighter color. 09:05 It's not actually white, although in the fresh brain, 09:09 it looks a lot more white than it does here, 09:12 and the gray part looks a lot more tan than it does here 09:17 But the fixing process sort of makes the colors 09:20 blend a little bit more. 09:21 But you can see in this section, that the gray matter 09:26 is where we do the THINKING part. 09:28 We make all of our decisions here. 09:31 In order for the brain to be able to function, 09:34 it must get EXCELLENT nutrients. 09:37 Now we may think, "Well, the brain principally 09:40 runs on glucose," and that's true, it does. 09:44 But in order to get a FULL complement of everything 09:48 that the brain needs in order to continue to be healthy, 09:52 the BODY generally must be healthy... 09:56 Because the brain is simply an organ of the body. 10:00 And, if the heart is unhealthy, then the brain is not 10:03 going to be as healthy as it could be. 10:05 If the intestinal tract is unhappy, and unhealthy, 10:10 you can be sure it's going to make an unhappy and 10:12 an unhealthy brain. 10:14 If the brain is not healthy and happy, 10:16 then the thoughts are not going to be good. 10:19 And it is the THOUGHT that is the product of the brain. 10:23 So ALWAYS, we need to be keeping in mind 10:26 that the diet, our lifestyle 10:28 ...All of this needs to be of such a nature that it 10:31 can keep us in the best of health. 10:34 Now, one thing that a lot of Americans pay little 10:37 attention to is that of the fats that they eat 10:40 and the rancidity of them. 10:42 As Lidia showed you, in the food that she showed to you, 10:47 that you can have a diet that does not have rancid fats in it 10:51 for the most part... 10:53 Although grains can become rancid even on your shelf, 10:56 or even in the grocer's shelf. 10:59 So, you need to be careful about grains that they are fresh 11:02 ...they haven't been stored for years, and that they don't 11:06 have rancidity already. 11:08 And, maybe I could have Don Miller to talk with you 11:13 some things about the antioxidant process 11:18 and the rancidity process. 11:20 Well let me ask you a question first, Dr. Thrash... 11:21 How do you know if a fat is rancid? 11:23 Well, there are several ways. 11:25 One way... you can smell of it. 11:27 Another way... is you can ask how old it is. 11:32 If the grocer says, "Well, this is a common item that I have, 11:36 I keep it here all the time. " 11:37 And you look at the package and it looks as if it's old... 11:40 that may tell you something. 11:42 If you have had it in your own house and it's been 11:46 NOT under refrigeration and it's ground, 11:50 you can be pretty certain that it's rancid. 11:52 If it's 6 months or a year old, you can KNOW that it's rancid. 11:58 ...Like flour or nut meals... 12:02 I'm not very happy with nut meals. 12:05 They're very inexpensive but I wonder if they're not 12:09 expensive in the long run 12:11 Because by the time we get them, they may be rancid already 12:15 which means that they are not going to be good for us. 12:18 Now, one thing that I do when I'm at the store... 12:20 If I'm going to buy something and I'm unclear about 12:23 whether it's rancid, I go ahead and pay for it 12:26 ...then I just open the package and I sniff. 12:30 And if it is rancid, I just take it back to the cashier 12:34 and I say, "Dear, this is rancid. I just bought it 12:39 from you. Here it is on my ticket. 12:42 I either want a refund, or I want to exchange it 12:45 for something that's not rancid. " 12:47 That saves me a trip back... 12:49 And if I take it home and I put it on my shelf, 12:52 there's a greater likelihood that I will serve that. 12:56 Than if I deal with it there in the store... 13:00 because to take it back a day or so later, 13:03 it's another trip to the store. 13:05 We frugal types don't want to throw things out, do we? 13:08 No, we don't like to throw things out.. that's a good point 13:11 Not only don't we want to throw things out, 13:13 but I'm the type that doesn't want to take it back either. 13:16 And so you're stuck in that dilemma... 13:18 And I have often opened up a bag... 13:20 Basically, if you're buying a processed food, 13:24 and if you look in the ingredients and it has some 13:26 type of fat in it, there's a good chance that it may well be 13:29 rancid and one sniff will tell you. 13:32 Now, there's a good clue to tell you if something has been 13:35 heated, because there are a couple of ways 13:37 of making your fats very bad for you... 13:39 Basically turning it from a "cis" fat into a "trans" fat. 13:43 Now, those are interesting sounding words. 13:45 Basically, all that means is the alignment of the hydrogen 13:48 molecule to the carbon molecule. 13:51 And, you know if it's been heated basically 13:55 if it's been fried food. 13:57 Fried foods are all heated fats and many times you don't know. 14:00 As a matter of fact, the oils that you buy in the store 14:03 for the most part, have been heated... 14:04 and they go through a horrendous process of refining. 14:08 They go through caustic things. 14:09 As a matter of fact, they go through... 14:11 One product in their refining process, which is equivalent 14:15 to what we use what we call Drano in the drain. 14:18 They add it to the oil, then they take it back out of the oil 14:22 to try to keep it to get a longer shelf life 14:25 because that's the name of the game... 14:27 Not HEALTH but SHELF. 14:29 We want a longer shelf life... 14:30 and quite frankly, I want a longer HEALTH Life 14:33 and so, I would like to stay away from 14:35 these particular products... 14:36 So we try to stay away from things that have fat already 14:39 added to them. 14:41 The GOOD fats are things like flaxseed oil, and walnuts 14:47 are very good forms of fat. 14:49 Now, Dr. Thrash talked about nuts and getting nut meal... 14:54 How long ago was that nut ground up and made into 14:57 meal before you have it on your shelf? 14:59 I often find, if I eat nuts that have been taken out 15:03 of the shell... because you see, God knew all about these fats 15:05 God is NOT surprised, Dr. Thrash, about nuts 15:10 And so, how does He package them? 15:12 He packages them in an airtight, light-tight container. 15:17 So we don't want cracked nuts then... Don't want cracked nuts! 15:20 I often... you know, you go to the store and you spend 15:22 all that money for cashews or walnuts... 15:25 and you take that first bite, and you say, 15:27 "It doesn't taste right and it's rancid. " 15:30 And it takes a lot of... inside of me to dump them out 15:34 because nuts are very expensive nowadays. 15:37 God realized that a nut was a concentrated nutrient 15:42 He realized that the fat inside the nut was quite necessary 15:45 for us, but He put them inside of a shell... 15:48 And like I've just said, the shell is airtight and it's 15:52 light-tight. 15:53 And there are 3 enemies to fats... 15:55 One is light, one is air, and one is heat 15:59 And as soon as we separate oil from its constituent 16:03 coating, it's exposed to the light and it's exposed to oxygen 16:08 You can take an ear of corn and squeeze it all day long 16:11 and you will not squeeze oil out of there 16:14 But once you have extracted the oil usually through a 16:17 high-speed auger system, from the corn, 16:20 it's exposed immediately to air, it's exposed immediately 16:23 to light... and at that point, it starts to become rancid. 16:27 And so REALLY, the BEST thing to do is start moving away 16:31 from using fats... visible fats to bottled fats. 16:35 And if you're going to buy bottled fats, 16:36 get it in the dark bottles. 16:38 These clear glass bottles... and you let them sit there 16:41 on your counter... being exposed to the light 16:43 Now what they do... to keep those from going rancid 16:47 is they hydrogenate these things. 16:48 They infuse it with hydrogen which then makes it even 16:52 worse for our bodies. 16:54 Look at statistics... 16:55 Today, nearly one-half of people in this country, Dr. Thrash, 16:59 die of a coronary vessel disease... A BIG killer. 17:05 In 1900, 1 in 7... Um hm... There's been a big difference. 17:10 Nowadays, we have a lot of cancer... 17:13 Basically, almost a third of people will die of cancer. 17:17 Go back to 1900, 1 in 30 were dying of cancer. 17:20 We have seen that the exposure to these altered fats... 17:25 these hydrogenated fats, these trans fats 17:28 increase cancer and increase coronary artery disease 17:32 and atherosclerosis. 17:35 Basically what happens, when we take in a trans fat, 17:38 an altered fat, it RAISES the cholesterol in the blood 17:42 And if we're eating a cholesterol diet, 17:45 then it raises it even more. 17:47 Even a vegetarian diet will raise it 15% somehow stimulating 17:52 our liver to produce more cholesterol... 17:54 And it will shoot up the triglycerides by 47% 17:58 And this extra fat in the body will find ways to accumulate 18:03 on the artery walls, which is atherosclerosis 18:06 and this is going to lead to coronary artery disease. 18:09 And so, really, the best step is... 18:11 EAT YOUR FATS IN A COMPLEX FORM 18:13 Eat the nuts... and because of the fact that they're 18:16 concentrated, because of the fact that their oil so 18:19 easily becomes rancid... 18:22 Buy it in the shell and that way it's a little bit harder to 18:26 overeat on nuts. 18:28 As a matter of fact, I seem to find this in my experience... 18:31 The higher the fat content of a nut, 18:34 the harder it is to get into that nut! 18:36 A Brazil nut, it's tough... 18:38 You're not going to put that thing in your 18:39 mouth and break it open. 18:40 And then you take a Macadamia nut, Dr. Thrash 18:42 I've lived in Hawaii... those Macadamia nuts, 18:44 you've got to break them open with a hammer! 18:46 And you'll be tired before you overeat on Macadamia nuts. 18:52 Well, it sounds as if that would be the ideal. 18:55 To take your nuts in the shell in that way. 18:58 Now most of us, like myself, I'm not likely to buy 19:04 nuts in the shell, except I have a pecan tree, 19:08 so I'll have pecans in the shell, 19:10 and sometimes I'll buy peanuts in the shell... I like that. 19:13 But almonds, I always buy them shelled. 19:16 But I want to be certain that they are whole... Um hm 19:19 And I also want to be certain that they are this year's nuts, 19:22 and not last year's nuts. 19:24 You know, another way that you can tell that they are 19:26 fresh nuts, is if they have not been toasted. 19:31 If you buy them raw and you toast them in your own oven 19:35 that's another way that you can tell that they are 19:38 probably fresh... 19:39 Because once they start to go over-the-hill, then 19:42 the nut is likely to get toasted because then you can't tell 19:49 so well that it's over-the-hill with its rancidity. 19:53 So, that's another thing that can protect you 19:55 But just always know that the more it has been broken 19:58 or ground, the more likely it is to start having some rancidity 20:04 Now, Don Miller, I think may also know something about 20:09 cholesterol. 20:13 Are there certain fats that will balance your fats inside 20:16 your body? 20:18 Well I've mentioned some of the "cis" fats like the flax oil, 20:22 like the walnuts... 20:23 And of course now, you're going to find, in the media today, 20:26 they're telling you to eat oil from a cold-water fish. 20:30 We find that these cis fats WILL lower cholesterol... Ah ha 20:34 But as I have learned, over my years of study about the 20:39 accumulation of toxins in fish, 20:41 I'd rather not squeeze a fish and get its oil out 20:43 So, I'll stay with the flax oil. 20:45 But even the flax oil, the best is going to come in a 20:49 dark container, completely opaque... 20:51 and you store it in the refrigerator because, again, 20:53 it is the HEAT and that's where you talked about the heating 20:57 of the nuts... toasting the nuts in the store somewhere 21:00 ...that has made it into more of a trans fat too. 21:04 So any kind of toasting that we do, 21:07 we want it to be lightly done... 21:09 Lightly done and VERY, VERY, lightly done 21:11 As a matter of fact, the way I sometimes do it... 21:13 if I'm going to toast a nut, 21:14 Although, you know, toasted nuts is an acquired taste too 21:18 We get used to a toasted nut, when a raw nut is just as good. 21:22 It's once of those wonderful foods you can eat raw. 21:24 But I will take, sometimes, a hot air popcorn popper 21:27 and put some nuts in there and I'll turn it on 21:30 And when I hear the first crack, I stop it and dump them out. 21:35 It's heated up just enough that what it's doing is 21:38 heating up the oil and the moisture content 21:40 just like popcorn will explode because of the moisture content 21:44 a nut will just... you'll hear CRACK once. 21:47 The first one that cracks, it's out of there. 21:49 Or put it on a tray, about 200 degrees 21:52 for a couple of hours... it will toast it just right 21:54 But I don't toast up enough for a week. Um hm 21:57 I toast up enough for right now. 21:59 Well that's good. 22:00 And I thank you very much, I appreciate that. 22:02 Now, there are so many things in our kitchens that will 22:08 SLOW DOWN this oxidation process. 22:11 I'll just mention a few, like turmeric. 22:13 Turmeric has that ability to cause some slowing down 22:19 of the oxidation process 22:20 And so does pycnogenol and various phytosterols. 22:25 Pycnogenol is from grapeseed and many of the phytosterols 22:31 are from things like apples cherries, nuts and whole grains 22:38 And the emphasis should be on the WHOLE grains. 22:42 The already polished and nicely packaged white grains have 22:50 lost most of their protective value so far as being able to 22:55 slow down the aging process. 22:57 Then olive oil... a lot of research is being done on 23:01 olive oil today or olives. 23:02 And they are much better at slowing down the aging 23:08 process than we have known in the past. 23:11 So, we should take a bit of a moderate view on olive oil 23:15 It should not be heated high because that causes 23:19 some serious problems with it. 23:20 But if we are very careful about the way that we treat olive oil 23:25 a little bit of it can be used. 23:27 Of course, no oil should be used in heavy quantities. 23:31 Then, I showed you the section of the brain... 23:35 The brain, itself, is susceptible to 23:38 gluten sensitivity. 23:40 Now gluten is present in rye, wheat, and oats 23:46 And these are the so-called gluten grains and barley 23:50 And these grains can cause the susceptible person 23:55 to have a sensitivity. 23:57 And a brain sensitivity is a very common thing. 24:01 And individuals may have various kinds of problems 24:05 with the brain and with the nervous system because of 24:09 the gluten sensitivity. 24:10 There are other manifestations of gluten sensitivities 24:16 such as an acne-like rash, or a gastrointestinal problem. 24:20 Now here's one on guar gum and there are some cautions 24:27 on that, and if you use guar gum in your kitchen, 24:31 you should probably check those out on the internet. 24:34 Here's one on daidzein and genistein which are very high 24:39 in soy but also present in a number of other 24:46 vegetarian foods. 24:47 And these tend to slow down the aging process for bones. 24:52 We're very happy to know that because bones can become 24:56 aged at a more rapid rate than other organs of the body 25:01 So we want to be able to SLOW DOWN this aging process... 25:05 So the vegetarian cuisine, even though it may not be as high 25:09 in calcium as other cuisines might be, 25:13 because of a HOST of other nutrients present in plants, 25:19 we don't have any problem keeping a vegetarian woman 25:23 with firm bones... especially if she will add 25:26 to a good vegetarian routine... 25:28 Also, plenty of good quality exercise. 25:32 The lowly soybean, both the tiny, little, round ones 25:37 that are usually used to express the oil, 25:40 as well as the nice, large greener ones, the soy limas 25:45 which taste so buttery and good... 25:47 These are now under a great deal of research 25:51 and you may hear both positive and an occasional negative 25:57 voice on soy 25:59 But to me, it seems that the negative voices on soy 26:03 may have some kind of bur under their saddle 26:08 that I don't quite understand. 26:09 Because some of the same things that they say, 26:12 a lot of main research done well is saying the very opposite. 26:19 Here is a very nice research paper that shows that it will 26:25 lower the lipid content of the blood and it will also 26:29 improve the quality and the functioning of the lining cells 26:34 of the arteries. 26:35 Now, if you've studied this at all, you know that the lining 26:39 cells of the arteries are KEY to many of the functions 26:46 of the blood vessel and also the KEY to many of the diseases 26:51 of the blood vessels... 26:53 So it's very important that we know about that. 26:56 Now, we also know that in the vegetarian diet, 27:00 there may be a downside... 27:02 Because, not a lot of B12 is present in the vegetarian diet 27:08 The person who is a vegetarian might become B12 deficient. 27:12 So they need to check themselves for homocysteine, 27:16 which can increase your risk of getting heart disease and 27:20 Alzheimer disease and cancer, 27:22 and also methylmalonic acid, which is an evidence 27:26 that you don't have enough B12. 27:28 And if you do have low levels of B12, 27:33 then this can be supplied by a pill. 27:37 It isn't necessary for you to eat a dangerous food 27:40 just because you have a low level of these. 27:43 There's SO much written today that helps us to know that 27:47 the original diet that our Creator gave to us 27:50 is still very much a protective diet. 27:53 May the Lord bless you! |
Revised 2014-12-17