Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash, Wynn Horsely
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000170
00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash from Uchee Pines Institute
00:05 and I want to welcome you to "Help Yourself to Health" 00:10 You know, there have been times when I have thought 00:14 "I can eat this good thing and it won't be too much" 00:19 And then I eat another one and it IS too much! 00:23 Have you ever wondered why a person would eat too much? 00:27 Because it doesn't feel good and you don't want to do it. 00:32 Well we'll be talking about some of these things in the next 00:34 half an hour... maybe you'd like to join us. We hope you will 00:58 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" with Dr. Agatha Thrash 01:02 of Uchee Pines Institute. 01:04 And now here's your host, Dr. Thrash. 01:11 Babies usually do not overeat. 01:15 It's not until they get to be, oh... 3 or 4 years old 01:19 or maybe even 2 years old that they begin to overeat... 01:24 and that usually because mom has said, "Now, you can't leave 01:28 this table until you've cleaned that plate. " 01:32 And then they begin to realize that when they eat a lot, 01:36 that pleases mom. 01:38 And so they want to eat a lot... 01:40 And pretty soon, they begin to develop various things that 01:46 let you know that they're overeating. 01:49 Maybe they have intestinal problems or bad breath, 01:53 or they start gaining weight and they graduate into husky clothes 01:58 and pretty soon they get a double chin and then they get 02:01 skin problems and this lets you know that the baby 02:04 has been overeating. 02:06 But now, what about in adults? 02:09 Are there automatic cutoffs of the appetite for adults 02:15 as there are for children? 02:16 With a baby, newborn, he eats until he knows he's had enough 02:23 and then he doesn't eat anymore. 02:25 And you can continue to offer him the nipple again and again 02:28 and he doesn't take it. 02:31 Why do adults not do the same thing? 02:34 Why do they not realize that... "I've had enough, I won't eat 02:37 anymore. " 02:38 Well, there are several reasons for that. 02:41 Let me just describe a little bit, some of the controls 02:44 that we're now recognizing an adult has for the appetite. 02:50 First in the stomach, there is produced a hormone called 02:53 "ghrelin," you may not have heard of it. 02:58 Ghrelin is a hormone that signals the brain that we 03:04 need to have a good appetite. 03:06 And so, the appetite keeps going forward until you have 03:11 eaten enough to satisfy the appetite. 03:14 And that's one control of the appetite. 03:16 And there's another one... 03:18 When we eat, the blood sugar level goes up, 03:22 and, along with that, goes insulin. 03:24 Insulin stimulates the fat cells to produce a substance called 03:30 "leptin"... again, you may not have heard of that. 03:33 But leptin signals the central nervous system that you've 03:37 eaten enough and this is because of the complex 03:41 interactions of the food, the insulin, the sugar, 03:45 the ghrelin, the leptins and so forth. 03:47 All of these have to do with the control of the appetite 03:51 and it makes it a very nice system. 03:54 Now, what can interfere with this to make it so that 03:57 we DON'T have a good cutoff for the appetite? 04:00 The person just keeps on having an appetite and it never quits. 04:04 And even though they know they've had enough, 04:06 they still have such an enormous appetite and such an urge to eat 04:10 and the appetite is clamoring so loudly, 04:13 that they continue to eat. 04:14 What can make that? 04:15 Well, there are 2 big things... 04:17 One is that our great love of fats... 04:21 And if a meal is very fatty, then the fat tends to gum up 04:27 the works somehow with insulin and we aren't entirely certain 04:30 how that is. 04:31 We just know that a high fatty meal causes the cells to have 04:38 insulin resistance and somehow that messes up the works and 04:42 it can't signal the fat cells to produce leptin which then 04:47 would cut off the appetite 04:48 through the central nervous system. 04:49 So that's one thing... A heavy, fatty meal. 04:53 Then another thing that interferes with this system 04:57 is "fructose. " 05:00 Now fructose is a twin... almost an identical twin, to glucose. 05:08 Glucose will stimulate the production of insulin. 05:13 Fructose does not do so in the same way. 05:17 And so, if we take a lot of fructose, then the insulin 05:20 is not produced in the way that will signal the fat cells 05:23 to produce leptin which then signals the central 05:27 nervous system that the appetite should be cut off and 05:29 there is no more. 05:31 And so, fructose, which we find in a lot of foods today, 05:35 you can read the list of ingredients and you will 05:38 find those, and it's especially high in soft drinks. 05:43 So for people who have a problem with the weight, 05:45 they would be well-advised not to take the fructose-containing 05:51 drinks, or any other food containing fructose. 05:55 Cooks will recognize that fructose is also what is called 05:59 confectioners sugar... a very sweet powder used in making 06:05 frostings for cakes... 06:07 And that's why, when you go to a wedding, 06:10 you see the wedding cake there and it high with icing. 06:14 The icing is made from Crisco and confectioners sugar 06:20 mixed together about half and half. 06:22 Then they make this nice frosting and you eat the 06:26 high fat, high fructose food and you have no cutoff 06:31 for the appetite. 06:32 And so you could sit there and eat the whole wedding cake 06:35 all on your own... for the most part, unless other things 06:40 begin to get to your central nervous system and 06:43 make you feel sick. 06:45 Now, how can the person who is overweight learn what to do 06:50 so that they can lose weight? 06:53 Now I've told you a few things ... a few foods not to eat, 06:59 ...soft drinks, high fatty things, but there is much 07:03 much more to the problem than that. 07:06 In fact a much easier way... 07:08 and I have asked Dr. Winn Horsley, who is 07:10 my colleague at Uchee Pines, to assist me in describing 07:14 this matter to you. 07:16 This is Dr. Winn Horsley, who works with us at Uchee Pines 07:20 and you're going to tell us about foods. 07:25 Enlighten us... give us information that can help 07:29 with this problem. 07:30 Well, having been able to talk with you at other times, 07:33 I was just thinking how you've, in the past, 07:35 answered this very question you had about... what is it 07:39 that dampens or blocks this point of losing one's appetite, 07:46 of not having more desire for food. 07:49 And, I remember one conversation we had about popcorn... Oh yes. 07:54 And how popcorn... if one takes just the popcorn 07:59 that... you can enjoy it for a while but I don't think 08:05 that one would eat a gallon of that popcorn that 08:08 has ONLY popcorn... Yes. 08:10 But, you made the point about butter and other things added in 08:15 And the salt... butter and the salt... That's it. 08:18 And one might think it's more helpful putting in vegetable oil 08:21 but I think it's the same effect... The same effect. 08:24 Then it becomes irresistible... Yes. 08:27 And it does seem... Then you can eat a gallon... Yes, yes. 08:31 So in contrast to that, I remember what I saw in one 08:39 commercial... 08:42 a supermarket little booklet that they had on foods. 08:46 There's one thing that stuck in my mind... 08:48 it had under apples that it has a substance in it 08:51 that actually suppresses appetite. 08:54 And the reason it rung a bell with me is that I've noticed 08:56 that since childhood... 08:58 In eating an apple or two, it seems to just be enough. 09:03 And perhaps there is some of that in a number of foods 09:10 when we eat them on their own and especially in the raw state. 09:14 There comes a point where you don't need anymore... 09:16 It's not that you're nauseated, you've just had enough. 09:19 You've had enough and you feel very satisfied... You do. 09:21 Nothing's clamoring, you don't feel an unrest... 09:25 you've just had enough. 09:28 I wanted to say something about this issue of diet 09:33 because one of the issues is that in my own family 09:38 it's something... that I remember my dad... 09:44 One of the things that he... he didn't struggle that much 09:47 with it but he was overweight 09:51 and so he would, at times, go on a diet. 09:55 And others, not just in my family, but many people 10:00 have gone on low-calorie diets for a period of maybe 10:04 8 weeks... maybe if they're really tough, even 4 or 6 months 10:08 And these diets, especially even the more restrictive ones 10:14 going down to 1000 or less 800 calories per day. 10:19 Nobody can live in those for the rest of their lives. 10:21 That's right... you can take it for a while. 10:25 And so, you take it for a while and then when you go back 10:31 of course you're going back, you're suddenly relieved... 10:33 You are no longer in this concentration camp of 10:37 restrictive food. 10:38 What do you go back to? 10:39 You go back to the diet you always had... 10:40 and that's the very diet that made you fat in the first place. 10:43 You've already done a laboratory experiment 10:45 on that diet... That's right! 10:46 It's going to make you fat. 10:47 And in fact, this thing of dieting for a month or 2 10:52 or 6 and then going back to your regular form of eating 10:56 Actually diet is a general word that means whatever you're 10:59 eating, so whatever your plan of eating is now, is a diet. 11:02 But, we've used the word for diet restrictions. 11:06 So they do the restrictive diet and then back to their 11:08 regular diet and then, of course, they gain the weight 11:10 back and then they go onto another diet. 11:12 That's been called yo-yo dieting 11:14 because what happens to the weight? 11:15 It will go down, of course, when you restrict for a while. 11:17 And then, of course, as soon as you go back to your 11:19 regular diet, you go back up. 11:21 But the problem is... they've shown this, that it's not just 11:27 the loss of weight, and then the getting back to where you 11:32 were before... in fact, the person is worse off when 11:34 he returns... Usually fatter. 11:35 That's right! 11:36 When you do this rather severe restriction, 11:39 the tissue that suffers first and foremost is muscle tissue. 11:43 And so the person loses a fair bit of their muscle tissue, 11:47 but then when they put the weight back on, 11:49 when they go back to their regular way of eating... 11:51 It is fat tissue they put back on. 11:54 Not muscle so much. 11:56 That's exactly right. 11:57 They would have been better off not to have done this... 11:59 And then the cholesterol suffers under that regime also because 12:02 it tends to climb if they have the family type of history of 12:08 climbing cholesterol, the cholesterol will climb with 12:11 this sort of yo-yo thing. 12:14 You know, with respect to these things about diets 12:18 and you see books coming out all the time on this, 12:23 the focus is very largely on how much you eat. 12:28 It's on how many calories. 12:30 You know, you have every food item with the number of calories 12:33 it has in it... 12:37 So people work and work at this 12:38 and the number of calories 12:40 and how many calories have I eaten today 12:42 and whether I can have another piece of this or that. 12:44 And I think just from having 12:46 talked with people that have wide experience... 12:48 yourself and others... 12:51 that we really could and should change that focus 12:56 from how much, 12:58 in terms of calories, 12:59 calories measuring the energy or fat-producing 13:01 potential of food. 13:03 But instead of looking at that, 13:04 look at 13:06 what kind of food... 13:07 what food we're eating 13:10 that's one issue 13:11 and the other one is when we eat. 13:13 So... what and when 13:16 rather than how much... That's right. 13:18 If we do that 13:20 and we make the right choices, 13:22 we have to become specific about that. 13:24 If we do that, 13:25 amazing things happen. 13:28 Maybe before saying anymore about that, 13:30 let's get to the specifics. 13:31 What about the "what"... 13:33 Well... 13:35 the foods that are animal in origin 13:39 from eggs, dairy... 13:43 In fact, you just think about those foods... 13:44 those foods were made for tiny, new creatures 13:48 that need maximum nutrition for growth. 13:50 And maximum growth 13:52 in a short period of time... That's right. 13:53 They're not made for adults. 13:56 Those foods are going to promote growth... 13:58 but the only growth that adults can do 14:00 which is this way... 14:03 Those animal foods really need to be... 14:06 in fact, I'm going to say it... 14:07 not just restricted, 14:08 they need to be eliminated. 14:09 If a person is serious 14:10 about losing weight, 14:12 they need to go on a diet 14:13 that has no animal products. Yes... 14:17 I agree 100%... Okay. 14:19 It's the easiest that way... 14:20 and a lot of times, 14:22 people will say, "Well I... 14:25 I like my meat, 14:26 I like my dairy products. 14:27 I can't live without cheese. " 14:28 And I tell them that 14:31 they can... 14:32 that there are some very good substitutes 14:34 And, we're going to be talking about that too. 14:35 Okay... Yes. 14:36 Now that step on its own... 14:38 if they will take that 14:40 step to a vegetarian diet... 14:42 I like the word "vegetarian"... 14:44 it's saying... 14:46 vegetarian,... it from 14:47 vegetation only. 14:49 Nowadays we use a lot the word 14:50 "vegan" 14:52 as though vegetarian can be 14:53 eggs and cheese, in addition lacto-ovo. 14:55 But a strict vegetarian diet 14:56 sticks just with vegetation. 14:59 When you do that, that's often enough 15:00 for the weight to start coming down. 15:02 That's fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. 15:06 That's it. 15:07 And a wide variety... tremendous 15:09 And you leave off meat, milk, eggs and cheese... 15:12 So it's 4 for 4... 15:14 There you are. 15:15 So that's the first step... 15:17 is a total vegetarian diet. 15:19 That's the "what"... 15:21 "what" food to eat. 15:23 The next step is the "when. " 15:26 And the when of eating... 15:32 it should be first a good breakfast. 15:35 And a good breakfast should be early in the day. 15:39 We're not saying a brunch 15:42 or a lot of people, 15:43 the first meal they eat will be at noon or later. 15:46 No, eat early in the day, 15:48 not that long after you get up. 15:51 And then, the next point to make is 15:54 nothing at all until your next meal. 15:57 And so the very important aspect of the when is... 16:01 No snacking, not a peanut, not even juices... 16:04 No fruit juices. 16:06 Drink water... 16:08 Nothing at all until your next meal 16:10 and that should be at a time when the stomach 16:11 has not only finished its work for the previous meal but 16:14 has had a time to rest. 16:16 So 5 hours I think as being at least a necessary amount 16:22 and 6 is even better. 16:25 And this rest time is very important too for a 16:28 healthy intestinal tract. 16:30 The stomach will be more healthy, 16:31 we will have fewer diseases of the intestinal tract like 16:36 even cancer of the colon... 16:38 and gastritis and peptic ulcers are all less common 16:42 in people who have that rest period... 16:44 which means from 3 to, say, 4 hours for the complete digestion 16:50 of the meal... 16:51 and then a good hour for resting 16:54 before attempting the next meal. 16:56 Now you had something else to say... 17:01 The next thing, of course, is the next meal... 17:03 so that would be your midday meal. 17:06 If you want to call it a lunch. 17:08 Lunch, in I think many peoples' minds 17:10 is, you know, a sandwich or two. 17:13 But if we're making that a good, solid meal, 17:16 notice, I'm not talking about calorie restriction at all... 17:19 No... you haven't mentioned it. 17:22 So far it's been "what" and now it's "when. " 17:25 And so let's make it a good solid meal... 17:27 And so, I think the word dinner is a good word to apply 17:30 to this midday meal... I do too. 17:33 And so eat a good meal there and then again... 17:37 this same rule of nothing in between. 17:40 You finished your meal, don't eat the slightest 17:43 bit of any nutrition, 17:45 anything with calories in it. 17:46 There you can count you're calories... that's the time. 17:49 Yeah I bet, it's zero... it's zero! 17:51 Now, that that we've already described is very important 17:56 but if anyone that we're talking to is really serious about 18:01 wanting to lose weight... 18:02 Here comes the one thing that may seem hard, 18:07 and that is 18:08 supper... 18:10 should really not only be light... 18:13 if you really want to lose weight, 18:15 you should eliminate supper. 18:18 If you do that, 18:20 it's going to make the job just so easy. 18:23 AND... you make think of that as being a terrible suffering 18:26 you know... going to bed 18:27 with an empty stomach 18:28 as though you were some poor starving child 18:30 in Timbuktu or 18:32 somewhere, you know, in a concentration camp. 18:36 The person... everyone needs to realize this, 18:39 the digestive system adapts in a wonderful way 18:43 within not many days 18:45 to any regime you give it. 18:47 ...any reasonable regime. 18:49 People that eat their main meal at midnight... 18:51 they seem to be quite happy with doing that. 18:54 Dogs... pets that we feed, 18:57 often are quite content if you just... 19:00 many owners just give them just once a day their meal. 19:03 Two meals in a day is plenty enough... Yes. 19:06 And so, going without that 19:08 evening meal 19:09 the first time since you're accustomed to having it, 19:12 yes, you'll feel deprived. 19:14 But if you can just hold on, 19:16 think of people going through wartime 19:18 and the terrible hardships... 19:19 you can just bite the bullet for 2-3 days 19:24 of saying no to that clamor of the stomach 19:26 you'll find, after not many days, 19:29 that, in fact, you're not even hungry at suppertime. 19:31 Your digestive system works a little bit like a clock, 19:34 you can set it. 19:35 If you don't give it food at a certain time 19:37 and you're consistent, 19:38 it doesn't clamor anymore. 19:39 It is very definitely a timed process. 19:44 So we can time when we want to have appetite. 19:49 And then, if we are careful enough with it, 19:51 then it will cooperate with us on that. 19:54 You know, that simple a thing of just 19:57 going to a strict vegetarian diet 19:59 2 meals a day 20:01 and it's the first 2, not the last 2. 20:03 Just those items 20:08 in almost all cases 20:10 certainly in the vast majority of cases 20:13 is going to bring about 20:15 a tremendous change for anyone that's obese. 20:17 They're going to find that without even counting calories, 20:21 watching calories, etc... 20:22 that in between meal time, 20:23 that they're going to start losing weight 20:26 and they won't feel bad about missing supper once they've 20:29 gotten into the program. 20:31 Now one more point I want to make and that's this... 20:34 You mentioned that your father 20:36 had a problem with his weight... 20:40 I have met a few of the members of your family 20:43 and some of them are a little plump 20:47 but people tell me all the time 20:49 "Well yes, Dr. Thrash, 20:50 you can control your weight because you're a doctor. " 20:54 And Dr. Winn, you can control your weight 20:56 because you're a doctor... 20:58 But I know that your father was a doctor too 21:01 and your mother and everybody in your family is a doctor... 21:03 your extended family... they're all doctors. 21:06 This ideas of doctors having better control is just a myth. 21:09 It's a myth... Absolutely. 21:11 When we decide we want to lose weight, 21:13 the first thing to do is to pray about the matter 21:16 ask the Lord to help you to direct your program. 21:19 Thank you so much... You bet. Appreciate that. 21:23 Now I would like for us to discuss some things 21:26 about what you CAN eat. 21:28 If you're going to restrict what you do eat 21:30 and certainly if you don't have cheese, 21:34 it just seems to me that life would hardly be worthwhile 21:37 without cheese. 21:40 And so, if I don't eat dairy cheese, 21:42 what can I eat? 21:43 Are there other cheeses? 21:44 Why yes, there are many... 21:46 There are hundreds of other cheeses. 21:51 When you have dairy cheese, there are what... 5, 10, 15. 21:54 But with vegetarian cheeses, they are limitless. 21:58 They're just all over everywhere. 22:00 And my assistant, Lidia Seda, 22:03 who is from Uchee Pines. 22:05 She is a VERY good cook 22:08 and I'm always happy to eat at Lidia's house. 22:13 So you've got some wonderful things that smell good 22:16 and one thing is one of my very favorite foods, 22:20 I can see that it's macaroni and cheese, 22:22 or a similar dish of pasta and cheese. 22:25 Pasta and cheese, yes, these types of cheeses 22:29 are wonderful because they are filling. 22:32 And that's one of the things about having fat in the diet, 22:35 it's filling. It helps to satisfy. 22:38 And these types of cheeses that we have here 22:41 also are filling. 22:42 They're made out of nuts. 22:43 And nuts do have oils 22:45 with a natural source of oil 22:47 and also they're combined with fiber. 22:49 So that the oil and other nutrients are combined 22:52 together with the fiber 22:53 and are released and are worked into the metabolism 22:56 a little differently than when they're in a concentrated form. 22:59 mentioned, 23:01 the nuts, they have oils and then they have fiber.. 23:05 Both of these are excellent for the cholesterol. 23:08 since they are vegetable oils... that's right... 23:11 and fiber. 23:12 And of course, animal products don't have any fiber... 23:17 Milk doesn't have any fiber 23:19 and meat, although it fibrous, 23:22 fibrous tissue is a protein, 23:24 it's not a fiber which is a carbohydrate... Exactly. 23:28 And what they are finding now with different types of studies 23:31 is that high fat diets also are conducive to 23:34 different types of cancers. 23:36 There was some research done at the Ludwig Institute for 23:40 Cancer Research in Toronto 23:42 and what they found is that individuals that were placed on 23:46 90 grams of fat per day 23:48 were more than likely to increase their risk of colon 23:54 cancer, than those that were on 30 grams of fat per day. 23:58 And the interesting aspect about that, Dr. Agatha Thrash, 24:02 is that a plain hamburger, some French fries, 24:06 and a donut, would equal 90 grams of fat. 24:10 ...And that's what many Americans eat. 24:14 So they are raising their chances of getting colon cancer. 24:19 Yes, that's a lot of fat. 24:21 And I can remember before I paid any attention to my diet 24:25 in my irresponsible youth, 24:27 that I would eat that at least once a day, 24:30 maybe even a couple of times a day... Exactly. 24:32 ...and feel good about not having eaten too much. 24:35 And so would I... 24:37 quite a few years ago, when I first arrived in Uchee Pines, 24:41 I know you know the story and some others know it... 24:43 that I actually weighed about a little over 200 pounds. 24:47 And now you weigh... 24:48 about 155... ah ha 24:51 You're a little taller than I am Yes, exactly. 24:54 So what I found was that as Dr. Horsley mentioned... 24:58 Just going on a sensible diet, a 2-meal plan 25:02 and getting some basic daily exercise, 25:05 not being excessive but being consistent 25:07 is the most important thing. 25:09 And not focusing so much on the weight 25:12 but focusing on having a good diet... 25:14 And having fun with your menus and discovery. 25:17 Well I'd like you to tell us, 25:19 very briefly, how you made these beautiful foods. 25:22 There are two of them. 25:23 Yes there are; one is the American cheese and... 25:27 This must be the American cheese... 25:29 This is the American cheese 25:30 and this one is the cashew cheese. 25:34 And, let us show you how to make these cheeses. 25:36 Let us show you with the ingredients here... 26:00 The dill seed is optional. 26:08 After that, you blend all your ingredients together 26:11 and you have your cashew cheese sauce. 26:13 For the American cheese is the following: 26:41 The carrot or pimento is to give it that cheesy color as well. 26:46 So you just put that all together... 26:48 the boiling water melts the Emes gelatin... Yes 26:52 Emes gelatin is a pectin-type of gelatin 26:56 which comes from plants and not the type of gel that comes 27:00 the hides and horns and hoofs of animals. 27:04 Animals... yes, it's a plant base instead of animal based 27:07 thickener. 27:08 So then you can just pour it into a mold? 27:10 You pour it into a mold, place in the refrigerator 27:13 and let it sit for 2 hours 27:15 and then you can remove it from the mold 27:18 and it's ready to slice. 27:19 And make sandwiches... Make sandwiches... exactly. 27:22 You can make sandwiches then with this cheese and tomatoes 27:25 and lettuce and it's delightful. 27:28 You can use a little bit of the cashew cheese 27:30 to spread on the bread as a spread for the bread. 27:34 In fact, you can use that for a savory breakfast as well. 27:38 So you can easily see 27:40 that even without dairy cheeses 27:42 which have the growth-promoting 27:44 factors in them that make adults grow this way, 27:47 we can still live and still enjoy cheese. 27:51 We can say that the Lord is good and gives us plenty to eat. |
Revised 2014-12-17