Help Yourself to Health

Heart Problems Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wynn Horsely, Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000163

00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash a staff physician
00:04 from Uchee Pines Institute
00:07 The heart is our topic for today
00:10 and I think perhaps without any question,
00:13 most people feel that the heart is that organ of the body most
00:17 likely to cause excruciating pain and even death
00:21 if it goes wrong.
00:23 So we'll be talking with some of the issues having to do
00:26 with the heart and how to have a healthy heart.
00:28 We hope you will join us.
00:50 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:52 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:55 And now, here's your host Dr. Thrash
01:00 Now there is much that you can do to make it so that the
01:05 concern that most people have about pain
01:08 and the likelihood of sudden death,
01:12 you can do a lot with your lifestyle to make it so
01:15 that you can minimize these concerns...
01:17 and make it so that your life can be peaceful,
01:20 and that you can have a happy and a healthy and hopeful future
01:26 So our work here is to try to find the kind of lifestyle
01:32 that will be helpful to accomplish just that goal.
01:37 And so, I have with me, Melissa Thrash, who is
01:40 my granddaughter... who has a plastic model of the heart.
01:45 So, can you tell us about the heart and what it's like?
01:48 Sure... Each person's heart is about the size
01:52 of your loosely-clenched fist,
01:55 and here on our plastic model, I'll show you,
01:59 it sits in the chest about like this,
02:02 and it's actually twisted, so that the right side
02:05 is showing more than the left side,
02:07 although the left side is actually larger,
02:10 it's just hidden more behind.
02:12 Okay, let's take a look on the inside...
02:14 On the inside, we see the right atrium is fed by the
02:19 superior and inferior vena cava by the deoxygenated blood
02:22 from the body.
02:23 And it's pumped through the tricuspid valve into the
02:26 ventricle and then from there, it goes to the lungs to be
02:29 oxygenated.
02:30 It returns to the left atrium and is pumped
02:33 through the mitral valve into the left ventricle
02:37 to be pumped to the rest of the body.
02:39 And take a note of the thickness of the wall on the
02:43 left side, as compared to the right side...
02:45 The right side only has to pump blood to the lungs;
02:49 whereas the left side has to pump blood to the entire body.
02:54 So if this right ventricle just pumps blood out to the lungs,
02:59 then it doesn't have to be really FIRM and hard
03:04 and thick because the lungs don't put a lot of resistance
03:07 against the flow... That's right.
03:09 A very neat arrangement.
03:12 The left side is pumping the blood to the body
03:15 by way of the aorta.
03:16 Right at the base of the aorta, the coronary arteries
03:20 branch off and are going to the heart muscle
03:23 where they're going to nourish the heart muscle with
03:25 the oxygen and the nutrients that it needs because
03:28 even the blood is flowing through the heart,
03:31 it's not actually receiving oxygen and nutrients from it
03:34 until it gets to the coronary arteries and goes
03:36 to the muscle... Um hm
03:38 So the coronary arteries then are a very good functioning
03:43 part of the heart... That's right
03:45 Because it supplies the heart muscle with it's own
03:48 nourishment. That's right.
03:49 Very good... Thank you, Melissa.
03:52 We have an interesting thing about the heart
03:54 and that is that its anatomy is a large part of what
03:58 causes its disease.
04:00 And a colleague of mine, at Uchee Pines, is going to
04:04 talk with us about some of the problems that can arise
04:09 in the various anatomical parts of the heart.
04:12 This is Dr. Winn Horsley, who is a colleague of mine,
04:16 a staff physician at Uchee Pines Institute.
04:19 Dr. Horsley, what do you have to tell us about the heart?
04:23 Well, I'd like to start with what Melissa finished on
04:28 which was the coronary arteries.
04:32 When you look at the heart, on this model,
04:34 the coronary arteries stand out... they show in red
04:37 And, it's interesting that the Creator...
04:41 everything was done in wisdom...
04:43 He put these arteries not deep in the wall
04:48 He didn't have them running deep in the wall
04:50 because then, with every contraction, the blood flow
04:54 would be stopped in those arteries... Well, that's true.
04:56 The pressure would close up even the arteries.
04:59 Instead, He put those coronary arteries right out
05:03 on the surface of the heart, so the flow can be there
05:05 all the time.
05:06 The functioning of the heart depends on those
05:10 coronary arteries.
05:13 If we don't have blood flowing through those
05:15 coronary arteries and taking care of the nutrition
05:19 and oxygen needs of the heart,
05:21 you don't have the heart beating.
05:23 And so that leads us to what really is the number one
05:28 killer in the U.S...
05:30 blockage in those coronary arteries.
05:34 What would cause those arteries to block?
05:40 The big culprit, I think, most people, at least
05:45 in the United States, have heard the word "cholesterol. "
05:48 And, it's not out of date... it's very much up-to-date
05:53 and that really is the guilty factor.
06:01 We hear a lot about saturated fat
06:02 Saturated fat DOES enter in but if we're going to name
06:08 one real culprit... it's the cholesterol
06:11 And we'll want to get into that I think.. further along.
06:15 You know, you mentioned the fact that now everybody has
06:19 heard of cholesterol.
06:21 Probably even every 5th grade schoolchild has
06:26 heard of cholesterol.
06:27 But when I was in medical school 50 years ago,
06:30 we could not do cholesterol determinations on the blood of
06:36 people, except one day a week.
06:38 So, we collected all the blood collections.. which weren't many
06:42 because doctors weren't very interested
06:44 in the blood cholesterol.
06:46 We didn't really know that it was as important as it is...
06:50 as we have since learned...
06:51 But we would collect them all together and then once a week
06:56 we could get a report on the cholesterol.
06:59 Whereas now, you have kits that people can have
07:02 in their home, where they can check their own cholesterol.
07:05 It is something has it's come into the public
07:07 consciousness so much.
07:08 I think quite a lot of the interest and scientific focus
07:13 on it started after World War II when they noticed,
07:16 surprisingly, in those countries very involved in the war
07:22 the ones that had a blockade by the Nazi powers
07:28 in their submarines so that they couldn't make exchanges
07:31 with the rest of the world of food and they had to live on
07:35 a rather sparse diet.
07:37 In spite of what one might think with all the stress of
07:41 war... those very countries ended up with a decrease
07:44 in the rate of heart attacks.
07:45 You can account for that by their sparse diet.
07:48 They had to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
07:52 and nuts and seeds that were produced
07:54 on the land they lived on.
07:55 That's right... Not so many rich cakes and all kinds of
07:58 dairy products that are huge.
08:00 They couldn't get from America all of the McDonald's
08:03 products that are now available.
08:05 That's it. Well that's good.
08:07 Well I would like to have Melissa show you how
08:11 you would TREAT a person who has an acute heart attack.
08:16 Of course, the first thing they're going to experience
08:18 is that of pain.
08:20 And so, Melissa, I see you've got a friend here who will
08:24 doubtless help you show that.
08:29 Okay, this is Shannon Jenkins who is a friend of Melissa's
08:34 and she is the fresh heart attack victim.
08:38 So I see you've got her feet in hot water...
08:41 That's right... Yeah, pretty hot.
08:46 Okay, you're going to want to put an ice bag on the chest
08:50 and I just have ice inside of a bag... a ziplock bag
08:55 and I put it inside of another ziplock bag and then
08:58 zipped the other bag just to avoid leakage.
09:00 And then wrap it in a thin towel and put it over the area
09:08 where the heart is.
09:10 You'll want to have an assistant to help you hold the bag
09:12 on her chest... I'm going to have Shannon hold this...
09:15 And while they're holding that, you're going to want to
09:17 put her feet into some hot water to keep the patient
09:20 warm while she's got the ice bag on her chest and
09:24 to loosen up her muscles so that they won't spasm as much.
09:27 And have some hot water ready so that you can keep it
09:30 warm... not necessarily hot, but nice and warm
09:33 and so have some hot water ready so that you can
09:35 keep her feet warm.
09:36 And this is just to do while you're waiting
09:39 for a doctor to come, or until you can transport the patient
09:42 to the hospital...
09:43 So it's definitely first aid but it CAN be effective
09:48 We had a patient one time, who was sort of a grounds keeper
09:52 for an estate that was near Uchee Pines
09:56 So he got a heart attack one morning rather early
09:59 So he came to Uchee Pines to get help.
10:03 He knew that we had physicians there and even though
10:05 he had never been a patient there before,
10:07 he drove over there in his car and asked if we could help him.
10:10 So, we had some arrangements we had to make
10:14 Usually we don't accept acutely ill patients...
10:18 and certainly not heart attack victims
10:20 And so, we had him to put his feet in the hot water,
10:23 and put the ice pack to his chest...
10:25 And within about 20 minutes, he told us that,
10:29 very definitely, he was feeling better.
10:31 And then we were able to transport a more comfortable
10:34 patient to his doctor in his hospital where he got his
10:41 definitive care for his heart attack.
10:42 So we were able to give him first aid for that.
10:46 So it's a very nice treatment.
10:47 Of course physicians will often use morphine for heart attacks
10:53 which is a very good treatment to relieve the pain.
10:57 But if you have no morphine and you're in a field situation
11:00 or the patient is allergic to morphine,
11:03 then this is a nice first aid that you can do for that.
11:06 All right, thank you very much, I appreciate that.
11:10 Now in addition to these first aid things...
11:16 which you hope you will never have to deal with,
11:18 because you hope that you will never have a heart attack.
11:21 But in addition to these first aid things,
11:23 there are some things in diet that you can do
11:26 that are MOST important and that will go a LONG way
11:30 toward making it so that you will not get a heart attack.
11:33 And I have asked one of our staff members at Uchee Pines,
11:38 a lifestyle counselor, to show us some of those things
11:42 having to do with foods.
11:44 And, as you would expect, the kind of foods that we would be
11:48 dealing with are those kinds of foods that can be protective
11:52 and nourishing and healing for the heart.
11:55 And so I'm very happy to see that... oh this looks so GOOD!
11:59 Did you make this?
12:02 Yes I did, Dr. Agatha.
12:04 Lidia Seda is quite skilled with foods and she has
12:08 traveled with me a good bit and done foods all over
12:11 So, tell us about what you have here.
12:13 Well what I have here is called a Waldorf salad
12:17 and it's basically a fruit salad.
12:19 Fruits are just very valuable in preventing
12:23 any type of heart disease.
12:25 Now usually, you would have this type of meal
12:28 in the morning for breakfast.
12:31 Now what's wonderful about having this type of meal for
12:34 breakfast is that they have found having breakfast
12:38 in the morning will cut the risk of heart disease.
12:41 It has been found that individuals who do have
12:44 breakfast, cut their risk by at least 40%.
12:49 And it has to do with the fact that the blood doesn't
12:52 clump or aggregate... which is one of the reasons why
12:56 one may have a heart attack.
12:58 So having a good breakfast, Dr. Thrash, is a good start
13:01 in cutting your risk of heart disease.
13:03 Yes it is, and looking at something as nice as
13:07 your Waldorf salad here, makes me all more
13:11 interested in breakfast.
13:13 Of course breakfast is my hardiest meal of the day
13:16 and I enjoy it and I think with this kind of dish,
13:20 I could enjoy it even MORE!
13:22 Oh... that is SO nice.
13:24 I see raisins, and walnuts... and raisins and walnuts are
13:30 both good for the heart... and bananas.
13:33 Well, Dr. Agatha, why don't we just give the recipe
13:36 for all those that may be interested in learning
13:38 how to make a Waldorf salad.
13:41 Well basically, what you will need is:
13:57 Along with this Waldorf salad, is also an almond cream.
14:02 And almonds, or nuts in general, have been found to help
14:06 reduce the risk of heart disease.
14:09 Now to make that, you will need the following ingredients:
14:20 And what they have found in individuals who consume nuts,
14:23 is those that consume nuts less than once per week,
14:29 do NOT have the same results as those individuals
14:32 who consume nuts... let's say 1 to 4 times a week
14:35 They will reduce their risk of heart disease by 25%.
14:40 Now those individuals who have nuts 5 times a week or more,
14:44 will reduce their risk of heart disease by 50%.
14:47 So, Dr. Agatha Thrash, just by making this one little recipe
14:51 you can be saving yourself a lot heart ACHES...
14:55 I tell you what I'm going to do, Lidia...
14:58 In the morning, I'm coming over to your house for breakfast
15:01 because I want some of that almond cream threaded over this
15:04 pretty generously...
15:06 And... this is mine, you have some more for yourself?
15:10 We can make some more Dr. Agatha... Very good.
15:13 Well, I appreciate that very much.
15:17 It's a fact that the things that the Lord has made for us
15:21 so that we can be HEALTHY are DELICIOUS things and
15:25 so common.
15:26 Everywhere you can find bananas and apples and walnuts.
15:30 Walnuts are very good for us and very good for the heart.
15:34 And, of course, there are other nuts that are very good...
15:36 Almonds... Almonds are queen of the nuts!
15:39 And that's in the almond cream that goes over it.
15:42 Now, we don't want to eat too many nuts because they are rich
15:45 and they do require a good bit of digestive effort on our part.
15:49 Now with this background, I would like for Dr. Horsley to
15:53 join me again and we will talk about some of the diseases
15:59 and just what we can do in the way of protecting ourselves
16:04 and how we can recognize these things... Dr. Horsley
16:06 I found it so interesting what Lidia was saying about nuts
16:10 reducing heart disease and I thought...
16:12 There's one other little thing.. before we get into the diseases,
16:16 that has a significant impact on heart disease...
16:19 on the biggest killer which is coronary artery disease.
16:22 Here it is...
16:25 They did a study and they found that men that
16:27 drank more than 5 cups of water a day,
16:29 had 54% LESS coronary deaths compared to those who
16:35 drank 2 or less cups of water a day.
16:37 Okay now... 5 cups a day reduces your risk of a
16:40 heart attack by 54%...
16:42 Compared with those that drank 2 or less cups per day.
16:46 It's amazing... So just drinking more water is cutting
16:49 your risk WAY down... less than half.
16:51 Yes, you know we also know the same thing about strokes!
16:54 That strokes also go down, as water consumption goes up.
16:58 And that's important for us to know.
17:01 It's one of the most excellent anticoagulants.
17:05 Something that keeps the blood just flowing well is
17:07 water that it's mainly made of.
17:09 It keeps the platelets dispersed so that they don't
17:12 hit each other and clump together and start a little clot
17:16 for you anywhere in your blood vessel system.
17:20 And another thing is, if you're on a long trip and you
17:25 are drinking water, it also helps you to know that you
17:29 need to stop you car and get out and walk around a little
17:33 at rest stops... That special room that one has to go to
17:36 Yes... Actually, we need that exercise in our legs.
17:38 We need the exercise.
17:39 And on transoceanic flights, it's very important that people
17:44 drink a lot of water...
17:45 Two reasons, one to thin out the blood,
17:47 and the second reason, because they do need to get up
17:51 and move around to go to the restroom occasionally.
17:53 Yes, were you telling us earlier that there were actually
17:55 several cases recently of mishap, heart attacks or
18:01 death, was it... that had happened? Yes, death.
18:03 That had happened... strokes.
18:05 In fact, it's now called "coach class strokes"
18:09 That's the name of it, "coach class strokes"
18:11 because people are in a small place,
18:14 sitting immobile with the seats, of course,
18:18 making that pressure on the thighs which causes stasis
18:23 of the blood in the lower extremities and
18:25 encourages clotting.
18:27 And so, toward the end of the flight, or even after
18:30 the next day or so, after the flight,
18:32 they dislodge one of these clots and it either goes to the
18:35 lungs or some other vital organ and causes
18:39 a real problem... can cause death even.
18:42 And right after the French published 3 cases,
18:45 the Germans published 3 more cases...
18:47 And then there was another study, I don't remember where
18:49 it came from, that had a whole series of coach class strokes.
18:54 So now, some airliners are actually showing on their screen
19:01 "tense your muscles and relax them. "
19:04 Another thing that's good to do is to
19:06 lift the hands up over the head.
19:07 Sometimes you can't do much with your legs, but you can
19:11 lift your hands up over your head and take a big breath
19:14 and that's very helpful.
19:17 You know what you can always do... isometric exercises
19:20 for the legs... Yes, isometrics are very good.
19:22 You can just sit there and tense your legs and relax them
19:25 and move your feet and push them down and back.
19:29 You know, sometimes I even take with me, if I've got a very long
19:32 flight, I'll take with me one of these little hand grippers
19:35 and then I just work out with them... you know,
19:38 as you press them together...
19:40 Pretty soon, you get to thinking,
19:43 "Well, you know, I need to take a real big breath. "
19:45 So you take a big breath and so it reduces the
19:50 deoxygenation of your blood.
19:52 It gets that blood circulating.
19:54 It keeps the blood circulating.
19:55 You know, I think we should spend a little more time
19:59 talking about that basic issue of cholesterol and blockage
20:03 of arteries... Good, would you do that.
20:05 Maybe you might like to draw some pictures for us
20:08 to let us see what these things look like.
20:12 Well, the basic picture which, I think, many people
20:18 are aware of is...
20:19 If we have an artery here, and we'll draw it as an
20:24 open tube...
20:26 What happens is, the first problem of deposits,
20:32 that start plugging the artery, is from cholesterol.
20:37 So we start filling in this tube that should be wide open
20:47 letting the blood just course through it easily.
20:49 This blockage, of course, can keep on increasing and
20:55 you can get to the point where you're blocking the flow so much
21:00 that only half the diameter is left.
21:06 Now, this beginning of the problem... before we get to a
21:11 late stage like this, where a person might be experiencing
21:14 chest pains, what are called "angina. "
21:18 Long before that, it would be of interest to note...
21:21 what is it that starts this deposit of cholesterol?
21:27 And certainly, one big issue and one that has been looked
21:34 at so much over the past years is...
21:37 How much cholesterol is there in the blood?
21:40 What the level is...
21:41 The level of cholesterol... The total cholesterol in the blood.
21:45 Now you mentioned TOTAL cholesterol...
21:47 that indicates that there may be fractions of cholesterol.
21:51 Exactly! And right now would be a good time maybe to
21:54 say what those are.
21:56 And what the total level would be... what a good level is.
22:00 Does everybody have cholesterol, or can some people not have any?
22:04 Well, in talking about the total, let's get down
22:10 one interesting fact.
22:12 It's being found that people that have a cholesterol
22:16 level under 200, have one-third the risk of heart disease
22:21 than those that have one of 240 or more.
22:24 So, that total cholesterol level is very definitely
22:29 an important factor for having this buildup
22:33 and eventually ending up with a heart attack.
22:35 We want that total to be LOW...
22:40 lower is better in general.
22:41 But, we mentioned fractions...
22:44 because nowadays, we can get a much better picture than just
22:48 the total cholesterol.
22:49 The total cholesterol, we could say that it gives a
22:51 fuzzy picture.
22:52 The parts of cholesterol can be classified this way...
22:56 And many labs give precisely these names to them...
23:00 There is a fraction called "HDL"
23:04 which stands for high density lipoprotein.
23:07 Lipo is a root meaning fat.
23:11 But in this case, we're talking specifically about
23:13 fat cholesterol.
23:15 Another one is "LDL" low density lipoprotein
23:18 And there's even very low density lipoprotein
23:21 And in some presentations, they'll get even
23:26 further fractions, but these are the BIG main ones.
23:29 And, as we present this, we should say that the low
23:34 density lipoprotein, the LDL is generally considered the
23:39 DANGER FACTOR... the one that is going to be
23:42 doing the depositing.
23:43 In other words, LDL is the precise unit... the molecule
23:48 that starts STICKING on the side of the artery.
23:53 And NOW even, we're talking about SMALL units of LDL...
23:58 the smaller fractions of the LDL.
24:01 The bigger fractions and the smaller fractions and then,
24:04 of course, under that the VERY low density lipoprotein. Yes...
24:08 One can go considerably further... that's right.
24:11 Now many people, I think are aware, that the HDL
24:15 is what's called the "good cholesterol. "
24:19 This HDL has 2 properties;
24:25 one is that it does NOT tend to stick to the wall...
24:30 which is nice but it has a further and much better quality
24:33 in that it will tend to GO... as it goes in the blood and
24:40 comes near the LDL that's already deposited,
24:43 it can pull it OUT of the deposit and get RID
24:48 of LDL that's already deposited.
24:50 The liver will then handle it when it's taken
24:52 back into the blood.
24:53 What level is a good level of HDL?
24:56 HDL, generally, one would like to have at least 40.
25:03 I think some labs will accept above 35 as good,
25:08 but it really is better to have above 40...
25:10 And if you have one of 50 or better, that's excellent.
25:13 ...60 even better?
25:15 I've seen people with 70s and, I think, 80s... 80s yes
25:19 That makes you very comforted... Yes.
25:24 Should we say something more about diet?
25:27 I think so... I think that we need to understand
25:29 more that each one of these things clarifies a little better
25:33 just how we can go about protecting ourselves.
25:36 So, mention a little more about diet.
25:38 Because this whole issue of cholesterol, is something that
25:44 people are ingesting.. something they're taking into them
25:47 Now there's another expression that's used all the time
25:49 with this and it's the expression "saturated fat"
25:53 I'm just going to write that over here... saturated fat.
26:00 And people think of those...
26:02 I used to think of them as sort of the same thing,
26:06 or very much the same.
26:08 And that's really a misconception.
26:11 Saturated fat is a fat... a regular type of oil or fat.
26:17 Chemically, it's very similar to other fats.
26:21 Cholesterol is VERY DIFFERENT from fat or oil.
26:25 And the REAL problem that starts these deposits
26:31 is the cholesterol.
26:32 It isn't the saturated fat.
26:35 Now the saturated fat, once you have these deposits formed,
26:39 it CAN get entangled in them.
26:41 But since cholesterol is the most basic culprit,
26:46 we should look at what foods have it.
26:50 And when you look at it closely, it's only animal products.
26:55 Only animal products?
26:57 You mean like meat, milk, eggs, and cheese. Absolutely!
27:01 That give us the cholesterol.
27:02 One little word before we leave this and I know we don't have
27:06 much time, but if you would just mention a little bit about
27:09 oxidized cholesterol.
27:11 More recent... there's a whole lot we could say...
27:14 LDL is when it is oxidized...
27:17 It is the actual initiating factor and that is
27:21 cholesterol that we get from the outside
27:24 Cholesterol that we EAT is going to be oxidized and be
27:26 the worse culprit. Um hm!
27:27 Well you know, there's a lot that can be said about
27:32 this but I'm sure that our understanding is a lot better
27:34 than it was before our discussion.
27:37 I learned some things from Dr. Winn and I'm sure
27:40 that you did too.
27:42 Now, heart disease, along with our spiritual diseases is
27:45 not God's intention for us.
27:47 So keep your HEART pure before the Lord and in good health
27:52 so that the Lord can BLESS you give you peace
27:55 and prosperity.


Revised 2014-12-17