Help Yourself to Health

Women's Issues

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000159

00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician
00:03 from Uchee Pines Institute in Alabama.
00:07 I wonder if you've ever noticed that women
00:10 seem to be sicker more...
00:12 but you'll notice that men seem to die younger than women.
00:16 Well there's a reason for that and we're going to be
00:19 talking about women's diseases and why they're sicker.
00:22 So, you join us during the next half an hour and we'll discuss
00:26 a number of these things.
00:47 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:50 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:54 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash
01:00 Yes, it is true that women are sicker more...
01:03 They have more pain.
01:05 They seem to have more disability than men do.
01:09 And, you would expect me probably to say that the Lord
01:13 has endowed us with more sophisticated equipment
01:16 than men have and, therefore, that's why we are sick more,
01:20 and that is also true.
01:22 We do have some very sophisticated equipment
01:24 And of course, that equipment is likely to be breaking down some
01:29 because it is very much more complicated.
01:34 Take for instance the anatomy of the female pelvic organs
01:40 These organs have some extremely sophisticated
01:44 interconnections and they're so arranged that, at times,
01:49 the way the hormones influence the cervix and the
01:55 muscle of the uterus.
01:58 Because of these things, a woman does have a lot
02:01 of pain... we call it "dysmenorrhea," or painful
02:04 menstruation.
02:05 And so every woman needs to learn how to deal with
02:09 this kind of problem.
02:11 And so, I have with me today, Shannon Jenkins.
02:14 Shannon is one of the Lifestyle Educator students
02:18 at our school, at Uchee Pines...
02:20 And with her is my granddaughter Melissa.
02:23 Melissa is also a student in the Lifestyle Educator
02:27 Program there.
02:28 And Shannon, if Melissa had painful menstruation,
02:32 what would you do for her to help her to relieve her pain.
02:37 There's a very simple back massage that we can give her
02:41 It only takes 5 minutes.
02:44 Ohhh... that sounds very good.
02:48 I'm sorry I'm not the subject.
02:53 Right here is her spine...
02:55 and right to the right side of her spine,
02:57 place the heel of your hand, and with as much pressure
03:02 as she can tolerate, press down and slowly inch your way
03:07 down the spine.
03:10 Go all the way down to the end of the spine
03:13 and then come back up and inch your way back up.
03:17 She will tell you if there is too much pressure.
03:21 And that is very simple.
03:23 Five minutes and it's all over.
03:26 Yes... and I have seen a lot of young women with
03:29 this very simple thing... to get an enormous amount of relief
03:34 Now, you can also apply heat and in the classes
03:38 that you are taking there at Uchee Pines, you have
03:42 some heat demonstrations... Could you show those to us?
03:49 You can use a hot water bottle...
03:51 Just take it and fill it with water, very hot and even boiling
03:55 You can buy one of these at a department store
03:58 or a drug store.
04:01 Just fill it with water, and then press and expel the air
04:06 because air bubbles do not produce heat very well.
04:10 Screw the cap on and cover it with a towel.
04:14 Cover it with a towel so that if it's too hot,
04:18 it won't burn her... That's right.
04:19 And place it on the lower back and you can leave it there
04:25 for an hour.
04:26 And, if it gets too hot, you can use a thicker towel.
04:32 What if you don't have a hot water bottle?
04:35 And a lot of homes aren't equipped with
04:37 hot water bottles anymore.
04:39 Well, you can just use a plastic bottle.
04:41 You can just use a laundry detergent bottle.
04:44 ...Or any plastic bottle for that matter.
04:47 Just fill it with hot water and wrap it in a towel.
04:50 That also includes doing a little bit of work and
04:54 a lot of people nowadays don't want to do so much work.
04:57 Well that's very simple, all we need to do is purchase a
05:01 heating pad from a department store, and place it
05:05 on the back and leave it there for an hour.
05:08 Yes... that delivers heat to the back and now since the pain
05:14 is in the front...
05:16 Why do you put it here on the back... do you have any idea?
05:19 This is the place for reflex organs.
05:21 This helps the uterus and the cervix.
05:23 Um hm... now that's very good.
05:26 The outflow tracts to all the pelvic organs are in the back
05:31 in the lower part and that's why... and mainly on the right.
05:35 And that's why the massage is mainly on the right of the body
05:40 It's very interesting about these things and I always
05:43 enjoy hearing about them and seeing our young
05:46 students learn about them.
05:47 Now painful menstruation is not the only problem
05:52 that young women have.
05:54 We have A LOT of other things that women have...
05:56 And, in addition to the things that have specifically to do
06:03 with the pelvic organs,
06:04 we also have a number of disorders and diseases
06:08 that, although they are not unique to women,
06:11 they tend to be more common in women.
06:14 One of those is thyroid problems.
06:16 You will see that women often have an enlarged thyroid.
06:21 The thyroid of many women is of such a nature that
06:27 they get what we call a "goiter"
06:29 It is so large... that it's disfiguring.
06:33 We may need to cut it out in that case.
06:36 Or, we may be able to treat it with some very simple things
06:40 And... a number of years ago, my husband and I
06:43 put together some things that women could do
06:46 to help themselves with an underactive thyroid...
06:51 which would then grow a goiter
06:54 And there are a number of things that can be done
06:56 in the way of herbs such as...
06:58 Motherwort... that's a very good one for the thyroid
07:02 Echinacea is also a very good herb for the thyroid
07:06 These are not specific for the hormone...
07:10 They do not replace the hormone.
07:13 But they tend to stimulate or to heal the thyroid
07:17 and enable the thyroid to produce more in the way
07:20 of the hormone that IS specific for the thyroid.
07:24 Bugleweed is another one that one can use.
07:28 Quercetin, a substance that comes from onions...
07:31 this also has a very beneficial effect on the thyroid.
07:35 The very common rolled oats, another very good herb
07:43 that we can use, or supplement that we can use
07:47 for people who have a thyroid problem.
07:50 Then, if there is a problem with an overactive thyroid,
07:54 such things as catnip, and hops and other things that
07:57 have a sedative influence on the body...
08:00 that can be very helpful.
08:03 Now we have a lot of hydrotherapy that can be done
08:06 for an underactive thyroid, or an overactive thyroid.
08:09 Heat treatments to the thyroid can be
08:12 extremely beneficial.
08:14 Various types of foods can help the thyroid
08:18 and, interestingly, some of the same things that help
08:20 women with their pelvic organ diseases can also
08:25 help the thyroid.
08:26 And so I have with me, Lidia Seda today,
08:29 who is going to show us something that looks very nice!
08:33 In fact, it looks like a breakfast meal...
08:36 Is it a breakfast meal?
08:37 Well actually, this can be a breakfast meal,
08:40 but it's more a SUPPER meal.
08:41 It's light... it doesn't help to promote obesity.
08:47 And obesity is a BIG problem, especially for young women.
08:52 They are finding that young girls are entering puberty
08:56 at a much younger age... even at 9 years old
08:59 because of being obese, or even mildly overweight.
09:04 What they have found now is that there is a certain hormone
09:08 called "leptin"... which is produced by fat cells.
09:12 And so, because the young woman is a bit overweight,
09:15 she's producing more of this hormone...
09:18 and this hormone is causing her to develop at an earlier age
09:22 Can you imagine the problems that she might have?
09:24 In school... that her body is ready to deal with certain
09:29 situations... more mature but her mind is NOT
09:33 Well, this is one meal that can help to eliminate
09:36 the problem of obesity.
09:37 And I'd like to share with you how I made it
09:40 and what it contains.
09:42 Well, first of all, what you would need are:
10:00 And you would cut the apples, cut the bananas.
10:04 Place all your ingredients into a pot...
10:06 the juice, and also the cornstarch and make sure
10:10 you don't put your cornstarch in when it's hot.
10:14 Put it in when it's cold.
10:15 This way, it won't get clumpy.
10:17 And stir it until it comes to a gentle boil
10:20 ...And it's ready and it's a light meal.
10:22 And you can have it with crackers as we have here.
10:25 The interesting thing about some of the products we have
10:29 in the fruit soup... is that grapes and apples
10:33 have some very protective properties.
10:35 For example, grapes have a trace mineral called selenium.
10:41 And selenium can help guard against cancer.
10:44 And apples and grapes have flavonoids.
10:46 And they have found that flavonoids can help
10:49 guard against the oxidation of LDL.
10:51 It also is a much more potent antioxidant
10:55 than vitamin E which can protect against cancer.
10:59 AND this also prevents heart disease because it
11:03 helps against clumping of blood or blood aggregation.
11:08 So, Dr. Agatha, these are some of the wonderful benefits
11:11 we can get by just having fruit soup!
11:14 I'm impressed and that it's a very nice substitute for dinner.
11:20 It's a supper and supper, ideally, should be something
11:24 that supped from a cup and not something
11:27 that is eaten with a fork from a dinner plate... Exactly.
11:30 Yes, a very light meal, or no meal at all.
11:32 Or no meal at all... and that's what I did.
11:36 Many years ago when I visited Uchee Pines,
11:38 I weighed about 200 pounds and I decided to go on a
11:43 no-third-meal plan.
11:45 Uh huh... And that helped me and then eventually I went
11:48 on a LIGHT meal in the evenings.
11:50 Like a fruit soup, or maybe a little tomato soup with a
11:54 few crackers... Something very light...
11:56 Or maybe just an apple, or a banana and a slice of bread.
11:59 But that helped me to maintain my weight...
12:01 and to reduce many risks in the future that I may face.
12:06 Yes... it is a fact that women who are overweight do have
12:09 quite a big problem with various diseases.
12:14 And so, this is a very good demonstration of something
12:17 that can be done to make it so that a woman can reduce
12:22 her risks of getting a variety of diseases.
12:25 Now another type of disease that is not unique to women
12:29 but it is more common in women is that of
12:32 disease of the veins.
12:35 Now, everybody is endowed with veins and men, as well as
12:38 women can have a problem with varicose veins
12:42 but by far, in a way greater number of people who
12:46 have varicosities are among the feminine set.
12:50 And I have my colleague, Dr. Winn Horsley, with me today
12:54 And Dr. Horsley is a staff physician at Uchee Pines,
12:58 a physiatrist, and is quite well able to talk with us about veins
13:03 So, tell us what you have about varicose veins, Dr. Horsley.
13:07 Good... I'd be happy to Dr. Agatha.
13:11 Varicose veins... we should probably understand first of all
13:15 what is the underlying issue... the underlying cause.
13:20 It doesn't have to do with being a man or a woman
13:23 It's a very simple principle...
13:26 and it's that if you have a container with a tube
13:30 coming off the container, that has either liquid
13:33 or a gas, or air in it,
13:35 that pressure is going to be communicated down that tube.
13:39 If we put that container under pressure,
13:42 the same pressure is going to go down that tube.
13:46 Now that's exactly what happens anytime a person
13:49 strains or bears down... as we say...
13:52 ...with pressure in their trunk, in their chest and abdomen.
13:58 This, with respect to what tubes go out of the chest..
14:05 the trunk, we're talking about blood vessels as the main tubes.
14:10 Now, the arteries don't get affected this way because
14:14 they're already under pressure.
14:16 But veins, by contrast, are very low pressure.
14:21 When we say someone has a certain blood pressure,
14:23 we're talking only about arteries.
14:24 Veins are basically zero pressure UNLESS
14:28 a person does this heavy bearing down.
14:31 Now who does this?
14:32 Well, I could start with men.
14:35 Weight lifters do!
14:36 And weight lifters will tend to develop
14:38 problems in the veins.
14:39 Perhaps I could take a moment first to show
14:44 the way the veins are equipped...
14:45 ...the way the Lord created veins so that they do
14:48 handle blood flow even without pressure.
14:51 I'm going to show a leg
14:54 and then a vein in the leg...
15:00 Foot here and here is the leg.
15:05 We'll say the knee is out in front here.
15:07 Maybe I could use this green to show us a vein...
15:16 This is clearly more symbolic than real in size...
15:20 But I want to show you what is in a vein.
15:23 If a vein were just the way I've drawn it,
15:25 you couldn't get blood at zero pressure from the foot
15:29 going up to the heart... where it has to go.
15:31 Instead what we have, are little valves... one way valves
15:37 When the person uses his legs, the muscles tighten around the
15:41 vein and push the blood up past this valve.
15:44 As soon as they relax, it would fall back here, except
15:47 that the valve now shuts,
15:50 and the blood is then in this compartment
15:53 and it will keep on going because there are other
15:55 valves all the way up.
15:57 And different muscles contract and we get the blood going up
16:01 into the trunk.
16:03 The problem that happens with varicose veins, we said,
16:07 was that the person has a lot of pressure in their trunk
16:12 with this bearing down activity like we said a
16:14 weight lifter might do.
16:15 The pressure is so much, that these delicate valves
16:19 in the veins can't withstand it and they actually
16:23 blowup backwards... they will blow out.
16:26 They're built to withstand a certain amount of pressure
16:29 ...reasonable pressures.
16:31 Well, one other kind of situation where these veins
16:36 definitely will blow out, is in childbirth.
16:40 Can you imagine... we men more have to imagine...
16:45 I guess we've seen it, plenty of us, a woman there who is
16:48 bearing down for not just a few seconds of lifting
16:52 a weight, but bearing down with tremendous force
16:54 hopefully alternating at times, over a period of minutes
16:58 but for hours on end.
17:00 Well, it's a real set up that can ruin
17:04 these little valves in the veins.
17:06 And so we end up with varicose veins...
17:10 these bulging veins that not only have discoloration but
17:14 you can see them often bulging right out from
17:17 the rest of the surface in the thigh.
17:19 How would you treat these kinds of people with
17:24 these bulging veins and sometimes they're even painful.
17:27 Yes... I wish it were easy to treat them.
17:31 The valves, once they have blown,
17:34 it's really rather difficult to give a permanent
17:38 curing treatment but we can do some things that will help.
17:41 One very obvious thing, is that when these veins
17:46 have blown out and you've got them bulging now,
17:49 there actually is a fair amount of oozing
17:51 of liquid from the veins so that the rest of the leg
17:55 can become swollen... can become edematous.
17:59 One of the things that will help there, as well as with
18:02 the bulging of the veins, is simply to have the person
18:04 lie down and elevate the legs.
18:08 That might be needed once, twice, maybe more times per day
18:12 for 15 or more minutes...
18:14 to just lie down and have the legs elevated.
18:17 I remember, very well, one gentleman who had this problem
18:24 from other issues, not actually the exact
18:29 same situation I'm talking about but this kind of
18:31 swelling in the legs and he found that having the legs
18:36 perfectly upright was way better than just elevating
18:38 them on a couple of pillows.
18:39 If you have a person inch, while they're lying on their back,
18:44 inch towards a wall, and have the legs upright,
18:47 it supplies perhaps twice the amount of drawing power
18:51 than just putting them up on 2 pillows would.
18:53 So it would be sort of putting them at a 90 degree angle.
18:56 That's exactly right.
18:57 Yes, I could see how the column of fluid would have quite a
19:01 bit of pressure to go BACK into the veins because of
19:06 the fluid would go back into the veins from the pressure of
19:10 gravity... That's it.
19:12 Now, if this problem of the veins gets very advanced,
19:19 you can have very serious changes occur.
19:21 The soft tissue around and the skin,
19:25 can become dark and hardened with times...
19:29 ...scar tissue getting in there, from the amount of swelling
19:32 that's been in place for, not just months, but even years.
19:34 ...what we call brawny edema.
19:37 And if it really gets worse, beyond that,
19:42 you can even have ulcerations form.
19:44 Hopefully at the earlier stages, you'll be able to do more.
19:48 If you don't have the skin badly involved,
19:51 a very simple thing to do is just massage...
19:54 When you have the legs up especially is an ideal thing
19:56 ...massage towards the heart.
20:00 Towards the trunk of the body which is, of course,
20:02 the direction you want that fluid to go.
20:07 Another thing that could be done...
20:09 Again if the skin is intact, is to put on some pressure
20:12 wrap.
20:13 Most people have heard of Ace wrap...
20:15 a sort of tan-colored, elastic kind of wrap.
20:20 You MUST be CAREFUL when you use Ace wrap though.
20:23 Very careful that when we apply it, the high pressure
20:27 must not be UP on the leg here,
20:30 it must be DOWN at the foot.
20:32 You must have HIGH pressure at the more distant areas
20:37 from the trunk...
20:38 And then gradually decrease the pressure as you go
20:42 further up the leg.
20:43 Otherwise, you're putting a constriction on the leg.
20:48 What about such things as garters, and tight bands
20:54 that women wear with stockings that they wear.
20:57 You're reading my mind.
20:59 Because the very point I was making there made me think
21:02 exactly... of what are some other problems
21:04 that affect the veins.
21:05 Those tight garters... in fact, even stockings
21:09 that are too tight at the top are a real problem.
21:12 REMEMBER, veins are not built to withstand pressure.
21:17 And so, if you're blocking the returning blood flow here
21:20 with a tight elastic wrap, or elastic area of stocking,
21:27 your BLOCKING all this blood that's down below
21:30 from getting passed, so we want to avoid all
21:33 of that kind of thing.
21:34 In hospitals, good nurses will often tell the patients
21:38 to snip stockings which they use in hospitals
21:40 if they're a little tight at the top.
21:43 One other thing, I'd like to mention about this very point of
21:47 putting pressure on veins... the areas which are going to
21:50 cause a problem in this return to the heart...
21:51 And that is SITTING in a certain way, or having a seat
21:57 that is constructed in such a way that you get a lot of
22:00 pressure UNDER the thigh.
22:04 If a seat... the edge of the seat, near the knee is
22:11 high compared to what the person's lower leg is...
22:19 in terms of getting support from the floor,
22:21 if the feet are barely touching the floor,
22:24 and, instead, what is holding the knees and the lower legs up,
22:27 is the edge of the seat, then you are putting too much
22:29 pressure behind the knee and, therefore, constricting
22:32 these veins.
22:34 So a short woman, could be expected to have more
22:37 varicose veins if she sits a lot, than a tall woman.
22:41 That's right... assuming the same size of chairs.
22:43 Another issue... I think that can affect some people
22:49 is crossing the legs and I'm talking to myself here
22:53 because I tend to do that a lot.
22:55 But, really, crossing your legs, does exactly the same thing.
22:59 You're putting pressure on those veins which tend
23:01 to run in the BACK, rather than the front of the thigh.
23:06 Well, thank you very much.
23:07 This has been very enlightening and very interesting...
23:10 about the way that the Lord has constructed us.
23:12 And He wants us to have every construction possible
23:15 to do everything that we need to do.
23:18 And in regard to that, I'd like to show you a model
23:21 of the pelvic organs.
23:23 You will see here, the female pelvic organs.
23:26 Here, of course, is the entry.
23:29 And then at the end of that, is the cervix...
23:33 down here at the bottom... I'll turn it this way a little bit so
23:37 that you can see that better.
23:38 And the cervix is a very vulnerable area for cancer,
23:45 especially because viruses now are so common in this area.
23:51 Especially the human papilloma virus.
23:53 It's very common in this area...
23:55 and is likely to cause a problem with infecting the cervix.
24:00 Then is the body of the uterus with the lining of endometrium
24:06 which is that that bleeds every month with the menstrual period.
24:09 When the hormones fall off in the cycle of the woman,
24:13 that sort of knocks the props out from under the lining
24:17 and it then bleeds and that is the menstrual flow.
24:20 But usually not more than 2 or 3 tablespoonsful of blood
24:25 will be lost and a lot of fluid so it looks like a lot of blood
24:28 And then, of course, the fallopian tubes and
24:31 the ovaries here.
24:32 The ovaries are another very vulnerable part of a woman's
24:36 anatomy and can cause a good bit of problem,
24:39 especially problems with cysts or problems with cancer.
24:43 Now, Don Miller is going to assist me now in talking about
24:49 this thing of women's diseases
24:51 And Don Miller is a Lifestyle counselor at Uchee Pines and
24:54 what do you have to talk with us about?
24:56 I want to talk, today, a little bit about early menarche...
24:59 which basically is the time at which a child can reproduce
25:03 its generation, or another way that we can put it is
25:06 when a girl starts her per period.
25:08 We seem to have this desire in our society today
25:13 to see our children grow up very fast.
25:15 And our children are growing up very fast.
25:17 And I don't think we're seeing our children,
25:19 or society in large... getting any better.
25:23 Basically, we want to slow this process down.
25:27 The average age of puberty today is down around
25:31 11 years of age.
25:32 And I read an article some time ago that in some parts
25:35 of the world, in developed countries only,
25:37 it's down as low as 7 and 8 years of age.
25:40 And this is a huge problem because the earlier a
25:43 girl reaches menarche, starts her period,
25:46 the more... with all these new hormones coursing through
25:49 her body, with all these new sensations that she never
25:52 had before, she sort of has something happening
25:55 inside of her body that makes her sort of reach out and
25:58 do things that she should not be doing.
26:00 We see more delinquency.
26:01 We see less scholarship.
26:03 Se see more trouble.
26:04 We see a MUCH LARGER generation gap in the family
26:07 between the child and the parents.
26:09 When you see a BIG generation gap,
26:12 you can pretty much be sure that that child is already
26:14 into their period.
26:15 And so what we want to do is... we want to slow
26:17 that process down.
26:19 We can slow it down by a less refined diet.
26:22 Going into more complex carbohydrates...
26:25 fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
26:28 We need to get the child in bed on time.
26:30 For some reason, we're letting children
26:32 stay up until ALL hours of the night.
26:34 My bedtime, as a child, was always between 8 and 8:30.
26:38 And it's good to get our children in bed on time.
26:40 And then staying away from the stimulating things that our
26:43 children are exposed to... television, books, movies,
26:47 videos and video games... all these things
26:49 will cause the body to start maturing too quickly.
26:53 A 100 years ago... 120 years ago the average age of menarche
26:57 was around 17 years of age.
26:59 In some parts of the world today, it's still the same way.
27:02 And you just do not see that wanderlust that takes over
27:06 in a child when they have that large generation gap
27:09 because they started their periods too soon.
27:11 We need to slow them down.
27:13 We need to do it with simple diets...
27:15 And we need to BE with our children and help them
27:17 through these transitions.
27:18 And if they are already into it right now, mothers and fathers,
27:21 be with them and help them because it's
27:23 serious times for them... Dr. Thrash.
27:26 Yes it is... a very serious time for a young child.
27:30 I have a quote here that I think is a very good one...
27:33 It says, "You should keep saddening thoughts and
27:36 and saddening subjects away from you.
27:38 Be cheerful, happy, grateful, and have a firm reliance upon
27:43 God and an unshaken confidence and trust in Him.
27:47 Your health will be much better if you control your mind.
27:52 And to that, I can only add Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17