Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000156

00:01 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician
00:03 at Uchee Pines Institute in Seale, Alabama
00:06 We have a medical missionary training school
00:10 and we train our students to help people learn how to take
00:14 better care of their own health...
00:15 And to take more responsibility for their own health.
00:19 We're going to be talking about some of these things
00:21 you can take more responsibility for your own
00:24 health and for the minor afflictions that plague
00:28 mankind in the next half an hour.
00:30 We hope you will join us.
00:52 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:54 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute.
00:57 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash.
01:02 A very common problem that we see is nausea and vomiting.
01:07 This may be more in the young than it is in older people.
01:11 Somehow babies and children seem to be troubled with
01:16 nausea and vomiting more than adults...
01:19 And frequently, the mother calls and says,
01:22 "My child has vomited X number of times and I can't
01:25 get the child to stop, and she has no appetite.
01:28 She doesn't want to sleep and I can't comfort
01:32 her in any way... What can I do?"
01:34 Well there are a number of things...
01:35 and probably the very first thing that you should try
01:38 with a case of nausea and vomiting in a child is charcoal.
01:42 Mix up some charcoal in some water.
01:44 Mix it up fairly thick but still make it a water so that
01:49 it can be sipped through a straw.
01:51 And then offer it to the child and hope that the child will
01:54 get enough in the stomach so that it makes the stomach
01:57 less irritable and the nausea to be less.
02:02 Now another thing that you can do is carob paste.
02:06 Sometimes a child will not accept charcoal.
02:10 If this is the case, then you can try carob...
02:14 because carob has a large amount of pectin in it
02:18 and a variety of other sedative substances in it
02:23 that make it so that it's quite ideal for helping babies with
02:28 nausea and vomiting.
02:30 Furthermore, they're likely to accept it because
02:32 it has a slight sweet flavor and doesn't feel
02:36 too bad in the mouth...
02:37 And so a child will often accept it unless the nausea is
02:42 really quite severe.
02:43 And I have asked my granddaughter, Melissa,
02:46 if she will mix up some charcoal powder for us...
02:50 and I will tell you just exactly how it's done.
02:52 The first thing that you do is to put some
02:57 carob powder in a glass, or a cup
03:01 and you can put a fair amount, maybe a tablespoonful or more.
03:07 And then, put a little water in it and stir it around.
03:11 Now you will find that carob goes into solution a lot
03:15 easier than charcoal does.
03:16 But the paste that you develop with the stirring,
03:23 is sometimes very thick and sometimes quite thin,
03:27 and either way, it works quite nicely.
03:30 Now, it looks as if Melissa's paste is going to be a little
03:33 on the thin side... That's fine.
03:35 Just let them sip it.
03:37 If it's a paste that's thick,
03:39 then you let them nibble it.
03:41 How's it looking, Melissa?
03:43 Um, well it looks sort of like... Yes, I think that this
03:48 could be sipped...
03:49 Just take a little bit from the spoon... like this
03:53 and just give this to the child just a tiny, little bit...
03:57 It doesn't have to be a large quantity, just a tiny little bit
04:01 And almost immediately, the child will have a settling
04:05 of the stomach.
04:06 This settling of the stomach is usually sufficient so that
04:11 they're willing to take a little more.
04:12 Then the charcoal may come after that.
04:16 If they have refused it before,
04:17 then the charcoal may come after that.
04:19 Now I often have this kind of situation with nausea and
04:24 vomiting that mothers take care of and that is...
04:27 They give the charcoal and it is vomited again.
04:30 Then they don't think to give it anymore.
04:32 They say, "Well, I gave it to my child...
04:35 the child vomited it back"
04:36 Of course, that means that they don't accept it.
04:39 But the important thing for you to remember in any case
04:43 of nausea and vomiting...
04:44 whether it be your own, or whether it be someone else...
04:47 that is just after the vomiting,
04:50 there may be a refractory period in which there is no
04:54 nausea, and during that time,
04:56 you can more readily accept a large amount of either
05:01 carob or of the charcoal, and that can be most helpful.
05:05 Of course, a cool compress to the stomach can also be helpful.
05:09 Sometimes some aroma therapy can be good like mint or pine
05:16 or vanilla... or some other nice aroma in the air
05:24 can sometimes be helpful.
05:26 On the other hand, sometimes ANY aroma of ANY kind
05:32 especially food cooking, the odors from the kitchen
05:35 may just be particularly obnoxious to the individual
05:40 with nausea and vomiting.
05:41 So you have to always watch and see just what is the situation
05:47 with the patient and cooperate as well as you can
05:50 with the patient.
05:52 Okay, this is one way that a person can take
05:56 some responsibility for their own health.
05:58 And now Don Miller, who is one of my cohorts at Uchee Pines
06:02 will tell you about another way you can take responsibility
06:05 for your health... Don Miller
06:06 Okay... one way to take responsibility for your health
06:10 is recognize what out there is going to hurt you.
06:13 Now I'm going to talk about something that has never
06:15 in my life bothered me before, and it hasn't to this day,
06:19 but it might!
06:20 This particular thing I'm going to talk about sometimes
06:24 changes in a person.
06:25 A person may be immune for a long, long time
06:28 and all of a sudden one day, showing off...
06:30 saying, "Look, I can do this with no problem"
06:32 And now they have the problem.
06:33 I'm talking about the situation that some people have
06:37 TERRIBLY in the summertime and that's called
06:39 poison ivy.
06:40 I am immune to poison ivy.
06:43 I can say... Let me put it this way...
06:45 Up until today, I have been immune to poison ivy.
06:48 But the thing about poison ivy...
06:51 It can change from person to person,
06:53 it can change from time to time.
06:56 And so I've sort of learned in my years
06:59 ...let's don't tempt fate out here.
07:01 Let's learn to recognize what it looks like.
07:04 Now before this program began, I went outside
07:08 looking for some poison ivy.
07:09 I wanted to come in and show you some poison ivy
07:12 and hold it and squeeze the leaves and all these things...
07:14 but I didn't want to end up itching in front of you
07:16 and I couldn't find any anyway...
07:17 Out here at 3ABN, they just don't have
07:19 poison ivy, and that's pretty nice.
07:20 But basically, most of you, if you get poison ivy,
07:24 you know what it looks like,
07:25 and if you DON'T know what it looks like,
07:28 and you are allergic to it,
07:29 your best remedy is to learn how to identify it,
07:34 and then how to avoid it.
07:36 Basically, it's 3 leaves, one on the end of the stem
07:40 and then 2 across from each other, a little bit down
07:43 on the stem... it's basically 3 leaves
07:44 that tells you this is poison ivy.
07:48 In the fall, it might have some berries on it.
07:50 Be very careful of your poison ivy.
07:53 And, it's basically spread by an oil.
07:56 It's a resin. It's a volatile oil and called "urushiol"
08:00 And, if it comes in contact either directly or even
08:04 indirectly with your skin, and you are sensitive,
08:07 you WILL get poison ivy.
08:08 Now how can you get poison ivy if you don't touch it.
08:12 Well, it can come in on your pet.
08:14 If your pet has been out there rolling, walking
08:16 through it, and you pet the animal,
08:18 you're going to get poison ivy if that animal has come
08:21 in contact with the poison ivy.
08:23 It can get on someone's clothing and as you are getting ready
08:26 to do the laundry, mothers, or fathers...
08:28 whoever does the laundry.
08:29 If you touch the clothing, you can get the poison ivy.
08:33 It may be on some tools.
08:34 Even droplets of poison ivy, or this volatile oil,
08:39 this resin... can be in smoke from a fire.
08:42 I know people who have gotten poison ivy
08:45 from poison ivy being burned a few yards away
08:50 because they walked through the smoke,
08:51 and somehow these droplets have been carried on the smoke
08:54 because they've been heated up, carried through,
08:57 and the person gets the poison ivy.
08:59 And so, my recommendation is... avoid it by learning
09:03 how to identify it.
09:05 And if you DO get into poison ivy,
09:08 if you DO get exposed to it,
09:10 and you know you've been exposed...
09:12 IMMEDIATELY wash yourself.
09:15 If you've been out there in the woods working,
09:18 and you don't know whether you have it or not,
09:19 and you are allergic,
09:20 it's good always... to wash yourself very well anyway.
09:24 Wash good with soap and water, rinse extremely well.
09:28 Now God is very good to His children...
09:31 and when somehow in however poison ivy came about being...
09:36 He's also placed IN NATURE, the remedy for the poison ivy
09:41 right out there.
09:42 Many times, around poison ivy, you'll find Virginia creeper,
09:45 or Jewelweed growing and the sap from those things
09:52 rubbed on the skin will help denature, or take away
09:56 these volatile oils and these resins and keep you from
10:00 getting the poison ivy.
10:01 So, first avoid it.
10:03 2... if you have come in contact or think you've come in contact
10:07 with it, wash well.
10:09 And, for people like me who've never had it,
10:12 don't' tempt fate.
10:14 I used to.. for people... they'd say, "Oh, I've got poison ivy "
10:17 I'd go out there and I'd pull it with my bare hands
10:18 and I'd rub it in my hands...
10:20 You know... just sort of showing off and I'd throw it away.
10:22 Never bothered me. Never has to this day.
10:24 But one of these days...
10:26 because I'm getting older,
10:28 immune system gets a little bit weaker,
10:30 I might have a response.
10:32 And I have seen people with poison ivy so bad
10:37 they couldn't sleep and they were just in misery.
10:40 I want to avoid that type of misery, Dr. Thrash,
10:43 so I want to avoid poison ivy.
10:45 Yes, you're very wise and what you have said is
10:48 certainly very good.
10:50 Now if you should get poison ivy and it is an allergic reaction
10:54 so that you have it all over,
10:55 you may want to take some of the anti-inflammatory herbs
10:59 And there are a number of these and I have written a number down
11:03 Some of these are very familiar and some of them you may not
11:07 know as being anti-inflammatory.
11:10 Of course everyone knows that flaxseed is anti-inflammatory.
11:14 And flaxseed oil... it's 1 to 2 tablespoons of the flaxseed oil
11:19 once or twice a day as the severity of the case may dictate
11:25 The anti-inflammatory quality of flax oil may make the
11:32 swelling less and the person may be able to see out of their
11:35 swollen eyes, or breathe out of their swollen nose,
11:39 or write with their swollen fingers... just by taking the
11:43 flaxseed oil.
11:44 Then another anti-inflammatory is hawthorn berry.
11:48 Hawthorn berry has a number of good properties
11:51 and almost everybody thinks of the heart when they think
11:55 of hawthorn berry.
11:56 But it also has an excellent anti-inflammatory quality.
12:00 Boswellia is another of those anti-inflammatory agents
12:04 and you'll want to use that also.
12:07 Turmeric... just the common turmeric that we use in the
12:10 kitchen, also has a very good anti-inflammatory agency.
12:15 Ginger and rosemary and oregano... these common
12:19 kitchen herbs also have a good anti-inflammatory factor
12:24 and these should be used in cases of when one
12:28 gets the poison ivy.
12:29 Now another thing that you can use for poison ivy is
12:33 very thin slices... extremely thin slices of onion.
12:37 You can even use that membrane that's between the layers
12:41 of an onion and just put that membrane of put the very thin
12:45 slice of onion right on the place where you have the
12:50 poison ivy and that can be very helpful too.
12:52 Plain vinegar can give you a little anesthetic agency...
12:57 so can a baking soda paste.
13:00 So make up a little baking soda paste and put that on the place
13:03 where you have the poison ivy...
13:05 and that will give you a little anesthetic quality
13:08 And that, of course, makes you FEEL better.
13:11 But the thing that I think I have found to be the most
13:14 helpful in poison ivy itching
13:16 is a hot bath or a hot treatment of some kind.
13:19 If you have the poison ivy on an extremity...
13:22 if you hold that extremity in a hot shower,
13:25 while it burns very severely while you're holding it
13:28 in even just a moderately warm shower,
13:33 and when you turn it on to hot, it burns even more severely
13:36 But, once you stop after about 3 minutes of holding your
13:40 part in the hot water, after that...
13:44 then you will have a good bit of relief of the itching
13:48 for a number of hours.
13:50 Sometimes it may even be 8 or 10 hours that you can have
13:54 relief from itching.
13:55 Now an interesting thing, if you begin to scratch it,
13:58 then right away, it begins to itch some more.
14:01 One of the reasons for that is that... by the scratching
14:04 process, you squeeze some histamine into the tissues.
14:08 Histamine is normally held inside the cells and in little
14:13 capsules and by scratching, you can rupture those little
14:18 capsules and the histamine is released,
14:21 and that causes a near pain and itching and pain...
14:25 are carried on the same nerve pathways,
14:28 so you perceive it not as pain but as itching...
14:31 and that can be extremely intense.
14:34 So these are a few remedies.
14:36 There are hundreds of other remedies for poison ivy
14:39 and you can find those if you go searching for them.
14:43 And now, Don Miller has something else for us.
14:47 Okay... One of the most distressing things we can
14:49 come up against is some type of a bronchial problem...
14:53 whether it's asthma or bronchitis, whatever else...
14:55 And it's good in these situations to be able to breathe
14:58 something medicated... something good for us...
15:00 and something simple!
15:02 And a number of years ago, I was in Austria,
15:05 and I got really sick.
15:07 And I was so sick, I was told to go to my room and go to bed
15:12 ...which you have to do with me because I'm one of these types
15:14 no matter how sick I am, I'll try to keep going.
15:17 I remember the last day, before they told me to do this,
15:20 I had to stop every once in a while and sit down and rest
15:23 and I don't DO this.
15:24 I don't get that sick but I got extremely sick.
15:27 And every evening, the director of the school where I was
15:32 teaching, would come into my room and he'd open up the door,
15:34 he'd take one look at me and he'd say...
15:36 "Oh my," and I thought, Oh, I must look like I'm DYING!
15:41 Now, a good remedy is... if you are treating somebody
15:46 NEVER do that to them!
15:48 Because it really put my spirits down to have him look at
15:52 me one time and look away and say, "Oh my. "
15:55 You need to encourage your patient.
15:57 But, bless his heart, he did a lot of good things for me.
16:00 One day, he brought me a present.
16:01 And the present was... this little apparatus right here.
16:05 Very, very nice... I have not seen one in America yet.
16:11 He got this for me probably over in Germany.
16:14 But it's a very nice apparatus.
16:16 Basically what it is, is a little bowl...
16:19 And what I would do is, I'd put hot water in there.
16:22 I'd have a little pot going... a little poly pot type thing.
16:26 boil water, pour the boiling water into this little thing.
16:31 Then I'd pour some type of an essence... usually eucalyptus.
16:35 And I'd put a few drops of the eucalyptus oil into this
16:39 steaming little cup of water and then I would put
16:43 this part back on, lock it down...
16:46 and place it over my nose...
16:49 and breathe these fumes.
16:53 It was SO nice for my mucous membranes,
16:57 for my bronchial tree, for my lungs!
16:59 I felt great!
17:00 We're told that there is healing in the eucalyptus.
17:03 There is also healing in the balsam and in the pine.
17:07 And so by breathing these things...
17:09 because I was getting dry, and when you're getting sick
17:11 you've got to really increase your water intake.
17:14 As a matter of fact, I once heard it said,
17:15 that if you're sick, you should have to go to the bathroom
17:18 every hour.
17:19 That means you are really hydrating yourself.
17:21 When you're sick, drink the water.
17:23 But hydrating and helping the bronchial tree
17:26 because I had... it sounded like and we sort of
17:29 diagnosed it as pertussis.
17:30 I had whooping cough and as a matter of fact,
17:33 I hurt for months afterward and my voice did not
17:36 completely recover...
17:37 Really, it hasn't completely recovered now and this
17:40 was about 3 years ago.
17:41 So, we need to take care of ourselves.
17:43 And so this is very nice.
17:44 There's another way that we can put some nice essences...
17:49 some nice healing properties into our lungs and again...
17:55 I didn't find this in America.
17:57 And I can't tell which is upside-down or backwards
17:59 but I bought this thing when I was in Ukraine recently.
18:02 Very nice little apparatus...
18:05 and what you do with this... it has 2 parts to it
18:09 It has this thing that looks sort of like a pipe.
18:14 And then it has another piece that has a little "Y" on it
18:19 with 2 little bulbs and a little rubber sleeve
18:22 and you put this rubber sleeve over the long part
18:26 of the first part...
18:28 And what you do is, you fill it with water
18:30 up to just starting into this bulb here.
18:33 Then you drop some essence in here.
18:35 And then you would place this thing in your nose
18:38 and breathe.
18:41 What would happen there, you wouldn't suck the water up
18:43 because of all these little side streets
18:46 would go up so far but you would be basically
18:49 bringing into your nostrils, into your sinuses passages
18:53 ...into your bronchial tree
18:55 moistened and treated air.
18:58 ...which is exactly what you need in these situations.
19:01 So I find something as simple as this to be...
19:06 to me is a must-have piece of equipment in my
19:10 armamentarium against diseases.
19:12 So I carry this with me and if I get sick, I've got a few bottles
19:15 of essences, especially eucalyptus...
19:17 and I will breathe this in, and it gives me
19:20 unbelievable relief in my sinus passages and
19:24 in my bronchial tree, Dr. Thrash.
19:26 It's an amazing device and I think in other countries
19:30 where they take more responsibility for their own
19:32 health, they have a lot of little devices of this nature
19:35 which makes it more easy for you to take
19:38 responsibility for your own health.
19:40 A lot of people have allergies these days and
19:43 more people getting them all the time.
19:45 I think that's because we're exposed to so many chemicals
19:49 in our environment.
19:51 Airborne allergens are very important for us.
19:55 And those who have airborne allergens who respond to those,
20:01 they need to understand how to reduce these in their own home.
20:06 And I have a graphic to show you that I think might
20:09 be helpful to you...
20:10 One that shows you the kind of program that you can
20:14 have in your own home.
20:16 A graphic that tells a schedule
20:20 and also gives you a list of things that you
20:23 should have and should not have.
20:25 The first thing is... No houseplants or knickknacks.
20:28 These gather dust and they also give off dust
20:32 and they give off some out gassing of various kinds
20:36 House plants cannot be kept dust-free.
20:39 And also, they cannot be prevented from
20:42 doing some out gassing.
20:43 And people can be VERY allergic to these...
20:47 they should be avoided in the home.
20:49 Of course, there should be no pets inside the home.
20:52 That's for any person who has any kind of allergy...
20:56 especially a home that has children in it,
20:59 should not have pets.
21:00 Those children in the home, where there are pets,
21:03 are many times more likely to get allergies and
21:07 serious forms of asthma, than are children who live
21:11 in homes where there are no pets.
21:13 The dander that comes off from their hair, from their skin,
21:17 from their saliva and where they lick themselves,
21:21 and lick the child or lick the owner,
21:25 all of these have allergenic substances in them
21:29 to which the allergic person can react.
21:31 Then, of course, air-condition the home throughout...
21:36 if you are allergic to pollens and other known
21:40 allergenic substances from the outside.
21:42 And you should have, if you do not want or cannot have
21:46 an air-conditioner, you should at least have an air filter,
21:50 and bring through the air filter all the air that
21:54 comes into your home.
21:55 In this way, you can filter out most of the allergenic
21:59 substances that could come into your home,
22:02 and get into your nose through this filter.
22:05 Then, another thing is to keep the windows closed.
22:08 Now it goes against the grain a little bit for me to tell you
22:11 to keep the windows closed...
22:12 But even though I tell you that,
22:14 I also must tell you that you STILL need fresh air.
22:17 And so, close your windows so that the airborne
22:22 allergenic substances will not come in, but then
22:26 make certain that you do have plenty of air circulating
22:31 in every room of the house,
22:33 even though it may have to come through an air filter.
22:36 Now, you will also find that you need a schedule for
22:41 doing certain cleaning tasks in your home.
22:44 First thing is to learn that you must vacuum your entire home
22:49 once or twice a week, depending on how dusty
22:52 your home is likely to be and that will be determined by
22:55 the area where you live, and how much humidity you have
22:59 and how much dust is in the air.
23:01 And also, the kind of structure or structural materials
23:05 that your house is made from...
23:07 All these things will determine how many times a week
23:10 you need to vacuum... whether once or twice,
23:12 but by all means, once a week the entire house needs to be
23:16 vacuumed and all surfaces need to be dusted.
23:21 And you should have some very good equipment that will
23:23 help you to be able to reach out of the way places
23:27 like the tops of picture frames, mirrors and
23:31 things of this nature, so that you can keep the house dust free
23:34 Then the next thing is the laundry schedule.
23:37 Sheets and pillowcases should be laundered weekly
23:40 and all bedding should be laundered monthly.
23:43 Curtains need to be laundered quarterly...
23:46 and some people find that it's better
23:49 if they not have curtains at all.
23:51 But rather if they have just blinds on their windows
23:55 that they can dust once or twice a week and
23:59 keep the dust down in that way.
24:02 Now recognizing whether your allergies are airborne,
24:06 or whether they are food-induced can be somewhat
24:10 of a challenge...
24:11 And that is simply done by the elimination and challenged diet
24:15 which means that you eliminate a certain group of foods
24:18 recognized as being likely to cause an allergy
24:23 and then, if your symptoms go away,
24:25 you can say... "Well, whatever it is that's causing my allergy,
24:29 it's in that group of foods. "
24:30 Then, when you symptoms are clear,
24:33 start adding the foods back one at a time
24:36 every 5 to 7 days...
24:38 Then when your symptom returns,
24:40 you know that that last food that you introduced
24:44 back into your diet... that food is likely to be one that's
24:48 causing you to have a problem.
24:50 Now, so far as airborne allergenic substances are
24:53 concerned, these the same.
24:56 If you know that when certain weeds, or flowers or trees
25:02 bloom outside, that's the time you get your allergies,
25:05 then you can feel that that's the thing that's causing you
25:09 to have the allergy, and then you can try to avoid
25:13 that thing as much as possible.
25:15 Allergies are very common and very widespread in
25:20 our population today.
25:21 And now, Don Miller... another remedy for us?
25:24 Well, I want to sort of expand a little bit about this
25:28 keeping the house clean type of a thing.
25:30 Because there is one part of our house most people
25:34 NEVER clean... They do nothing about.
25:36 Now we are human beings...
25:39 and that means the way we cool our bodies is we sweat.
25:42 We're ALWAYS sweating.
25:43 We may not see the sweat because that's how we cool...
25:46 Moisture comes to the surface, it's evaporated...
25:50 This is a process that brings down the temperature of the skin
25:53 which keeps us cool.
25:54 So at nighttime, we go down in those nice, clean sheets
25:58 and we get a good night's rest
26:00 and we sweat all night and where does the sweat go?
26:03 Much of it goes right into the mattress.
26:06 And unless we've got a mattress cover on... which few people do,
26:09 it's IN the mattress... day after day, week after week,
26:13 month after month and some people... year after year.
26:16 You're laying on a sea of your sweat from years past.
26:21 And whereas it may not feel wet, and it probably is not...
26:25 that constant moisture is going to allow things to grow...
26:28 ...some mildews, some molds, some things in there...
26:31 that you do not want, and so here's what I recommend you do.
26:34 A couple of times, 2 or 3 or 4 times a year,
26:38 take your mattress for a walk.
26:40 Get it carried out of your house, carry it outside
26:42 and let it lay in the sunshine which is going to deep clean it
26:47 It's going to deep dry it.
26:49 And you're going to find, you're going to get some
26:51 better sleep from that very thing alone.
26:53 And you'll rarely, rarely see people doing this
26:56 but I recommend you take your mattress for a walk
26:58 this next sunny day...
27:00 Low humidity is the best... don't let it get rained on.
27:03 Let it get cleaned up... deep, deep inside
27:06 And, Dr. Thrash, I think that's one of the things
27:08 that's causing a lot of allergies out there.
27:10 Yes, and I'm glad you brought that up because I failed to
27:12 mention the fact that a mattress cover should be used
27:16 for every person who has known allergies
27:19 And, if you will use a mattress cover, then that will help you
27:24 to make a good laundry schedule for the mattress cover as well.
27:29 And about once every 3 months,
27:31 the mattress cover should be taken off and it should be
27:34 laundered nicely...
27:35 And you should be free from that source of having a problem.
27:40 Now you might say, why is it that we were made
27:43 so that we develop allergies?
27:47 Actually, it is a protective mechanism and we need to
27:50 thank our Heavenly Father that we have this protection.


Revised 2014-12-17