Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000155

00:01 Most people feel very protective toward their vision,
00:04 and toward the eyes... and well, they should.
00:07 As also about the ears and the nose and the mouth
00:10 because these are very highly sensitive organs.
00:14 For the next half an hour, Don Miller and I will
00:17 talk with you about some things having to do with these
00:20 sensory organs, especially the vision.
00:23 I'm Agatha Thrash from Uchee Pines Institute
00:27 and we hope you will stay by
00:29 and hear our program.
00:51 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:53 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute.
00:56 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash.
01:01 The eye is one of the most marvelous of all the anatomical
01:05 structures in the body.
01:06 When you study the eye, you begin to see
01:09 that it has so many different kinds of structures that we
01:13 don't find elsewhere in the body.
01:16 Take the transparent cornea,
01:18 no where else do we have such a marvelous sheet of tissue
01:25 organized so that we can see through it...
01:28 And yet, it's composed of proteins and many other things
01:32 that in other parts of the body are not transparent.
01:36 And yet here, in this place, God has made this a transparent
01:40 window... A window through which we can look out,
01:43 and a window through which we can obtain information from
01:48 the outside world.
01:50 Our outside world comes to us first through the eye,
01:55 then goes to the back of the head where we have the
01:58 visual cortex.
01:59 It is back there that we begin the process of being able to see
02:03 Now, Don Miller, is one of my associates at Uchee Pines
02:08 and he and I will be discussing this topic for you... of vision.
02:13 And Don Miller will now talk with you about some aspects
02:17 of this marvelous process... the vision and how we see.
02:22 Okay... Most people, unfortunately, will develop
02:26 some type of a visual problem.
02:28 And working correctly, the light goes into the eye...
02:32 It goes through the cornea.
02:34 It goes through the pupil.
02:35 It goes through the lens.
02:36 It goes through the aqueous and vitreous humors,
02:38 right back to the retina, to the fovea centralis.
02:42 Everything is just right and we've got good vision.
02:45 And that's the ideal, and most of us, I believe,
02:47 probably were born with this good vision.
02:50 But as time goes on, that vision seems to go away
02:53 and I believe it's becoming more and more of a problem
02:56 today, than it has ever been in the past.
02:59 Now I believe one of the things today,
03:01 and I talk with people all the time now...
03:03 we're now into the computer age,
03:05 and people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer,
03:09 more time that we ever spent in front of the television,
03:12 are starting to have to get glasses changed every
03:15 couple of years.
03:16 And, one thing about watching a television,
03:20 and I'm not for television...
03:21 The television normally is 12, 15, 20 feet away.
03:25 But now we've got these computer screens sitting
03:28 RIGHT in our faces.
03:29 Back at Uchee Pines in my office,
03:32 I've got a computer desk with a hole where you put your
03:35 screen and there's nothing behind it,
03:37 and I don't have my screen sitting there.
03:40 I've got my screen sitting on a table pushed back from there
03:43 so it's far enough away that I don't have that extreme
03:47 eye strain.
03:48 The sooner we start straining our eyes as a child,
03:52 the more apt we are to develop eye problem later on.
03:56 As a matter of fact, children who, either by their choice
04:01 and normally not by their choice but by force,
04:04 or by... just the fact that this is the life we've got
04:07 you in, child...
04:09 learn to read at a very, very young age are far more likely
04:13 to develop myopia or nearsightedness
04:17 as they get older.
04:18 Now, what is nearsightedness?
04:19 Let me just sort of explain a little bit about
04:23 how we see what we see.
04:25 I want to sort of use my hand as a representation
04:29 of the retina, or the back part of my eye.
04:33 And, right there in the center of the retina,
04:36 there's a little indentation called the fovea centralis
04:40 And I'm going to make a little mark on my hand
04:42 to say that's the fovea centralis.
04:45 What happens when we are seeing correctly
04:48 is that the light goes through the cornea,
04:52 through the pupil, through the aqueous humor,
04:56 through the lens, through the vitreous humor
04:59 All these things are refracting the light,
05:02 and if done properly, it focuses right on the fovea centralis.
05:08 That's perfect vision.
05:09 BUT sometimes, because of the misshapen part of the lens
05:14 or the cornea,
05:15 the light and the focus is in front of the fovea centralis.
05:20 And when it's sitting out here, you are nearsighted.
05:23 Now nearsighted means that you can see things fine
05:27 up close but things far away ... you don't see quite so well
05:32 So they have to correct that with corrective lenses
05:36 which have a shape of the lens that will then project that
05:41 image back onto the fovea centralis.
05:44 Now let's say you don't have myopia...
05:47 You've got, we'll just use the term "farsightedness. "
05:50 ...easier term to remember.
05:52 That means you can see things fine out there...
05:54 but up front, it's hard to read the small print...
05:57 It's hard to read LARGE print!
05:58 What's happening there is, the focus point is behind
06:02 the fovea centralis...
06:04 Or basically, it has not come together yet...
06:06 nothing is focused behind there,
06:07 you're getting back into the brain there.
06:08 But it would really focus behind the fovea centralis.
06:12 There we have what we call "farsightedness"
06:15 We can see things good far away but up front,
06:18 we're having a problem.
06:19 What we do there is...
06:20 we have another shape of the lens which changes...
06:23 Again, this is because of the shape of the pupil
06:26 or the iris,
06:28 and if we put a certain shape of the lens in front of that eye
06:32 it will pull it back up to the fovea centralis
06:35 and we can see fine there.
06:37 Then we have people like me...
06:39 I've got what's called "astigmatism. "
06:42 That means the light is sort of going all over the place
06:44 in there and it's all hard to see.
06:46 You can usually tell a person with astigmatism
06:49 because they're always squinting...
06:51 They're squinting everywhere.
06:52 They just can't see it anymore.
06:54 And I probably suffered with my eye problem for a number
06:58 of years until finally, in my freshman year of college,
07:01 I finally had an eye test that said...
07:03 "Yes, you need some glasses. "
07:05 And so, I got my first pair of glasses in my
07:08 freshman year of college,
07:09 and I've gotten them all along the way since then.
07:12 Now I'm thankful that along the way,
07:14 that glasses have sort of changed.
07:16 Now, back when I first got them,
07:17 it was just a single sheet of glass.
07:19 And finally about, oh... 10 years ago,
07:22 I had to go to bifocals.
07:23 I mean, BIFOCALS, give me a break!
07:25 And I was only 40 years old!
07:27 But I went to bifocals and that is very hard to
07:30 get used to because you got this line there
07:33 But now they've got these things...
07:34 these graduated lenses like I have
07:36 and it makes vision a whole lot better to handle.
07:39 But there is another eye problem that we are seeing
07:43 more and more in the baby boomers...
07:45 those as we grow older about age 40...
07:47 And this eye problem is that our arms grow too short.
07:52 What basically I'm meaning is...
07:53 You see the people who have this presbyopia
07:56 holding it out further and further because
07:59 they just can't see it up close anymore.
08:01 This is basically called, "old age eye"
08:05 And, as we get older, our muscles get weaker,
08:08 they can no longer pull the lens into the proper shapes
08:11 and we have what's called, I've just mentioned,
08:14 "old age eye. "
08:15 Again, all of these things can be nicely corrected with
08:19 corrective lenses but the sooner we get them corrected,
08:22 the better... for a number of reasons...
08:24 One, without corrective lenses, we're missing some
08:27 quality in our lives.
08:28 We're going to miss the small print.
08:30 We're going to miss things that may be important,
08:32 and may be vital.
08:33 As a matter of fact, my driver's license,
08:35 and my pilot's license both say, "Must wear corrective lenses"
08:39 I have to wear these things so that I can see what
08:42 I need to see out there in my environment.
08:45 And so, especially watch the children.
08:49 First of all, don't force your child... 3, 4, or 5 years of age
08:53 to read if they do not have that propensity to read.
08:58 Let them be as free as lambs as long as possible...
09:02 because their eyes have not yet fully developed.
09:06 Some parts of our body aren't ready, when we are born,
09:09 to jump right into an adult life.
09:10 Our eyes need to slowly develop.
09:13 Let the child be used to looking out at nature...
09:16 spending time looking at the trees,
09:18 looking through the fields,
09:19 looking out there at the BIG world before you
09:22 bring them down into the small world.
09:24 He will learn and she will learn to read soon enough...
09:27 if you allow them to develop their eyes so that their
09:30 eyesight will be good.
09:31 Ensure that they have that good eyesight as a child
09:33 and they will normally keep it throughout their lifetime.
09:36 And so, these are some of the, if I can use the word,
09:40 "pathologies" of eyesight... farsightedness, nearsightedness
09:44 astigmatism and "old age eyes"
09:46 Don't worry about it...
09:47 One of these days, Jesus is coming and He's going to make
09:49 EVERYTHING change in the twinkling of MY EYES!
09:53 I'm going to have good eyes again, Dr. Thrash.
09:55 Yes, we can look forward to that.
09:58 Now the anatomy of the eye is something I NEVER tire
10:01 of studying.
10:03 I never tire of reading about the research done
10:06 just on the anatomy of the eye.
10:08 Let me just briefly tell you what it is...
10:11 Don Miller mentioned that we have several layers that
10:14 we must go through before we finally get back to the
10:17 fovea centralis, or that place where there is SHARP FOCUS.
10:21 But the first thing is the transparent cornea.
10:24 Then, after that, is a chamber,
10:27 that's the anterior chamber of the eye.
10:29 It is filled with a fluid.
10:31 Then after that is the lens of the eye.
10:34 The lens is suspended by enormously delicate
10:40 strands of connective tissue...
10:42 and suspended on the edges and extends outward to a muscle.
10:49 This muscle is what pulls on those little filaments
10:55 that are attached to the lens and change the shape of the lens
10:59 as long as we can.
11:01 But, the time finally comes in life,
11:04 as Don Miller says... when we contract those muscles,
11:09 that should flatten the lens and make it so that it can
11:12 focus in a different plane,
11:14 that focus can no longer occur because the lens is
11:18 now stiffened a bit...
11:20 And then, the arms get shorter, and shorter,
11:23 and we think that we need some longer arms.
11:27 When actually, what is happening is that
11:31 the focus that occurs, or the part of the focus that occurs
11:37 close up is NOT happening and the rest of the eye
11:42 is not adequate to make the focus come directly to the
11:45 fovea centralis.
11:47 The next part of the eye, after the lens with its wonderful
11:51 little ligaments and little muscle...
11:53 The next part of the eye is the vitreous humor.
11:58 The vitreous humor is somewhat gelatinous.
12:02 This body... it is an actual structure.
12:06 It is not just fluid.
12:07 This structure is attached to the retina.
12:12 Now when a person gets to be about 40, 50, or 60 years of age
12:17 it's a very common thing to have that vitreous
12:20 to turn loose its moorings on the retina.
12:24 And when they do, the person, when these moorings turn loose,
12:29 the person may see some flashes of light in the
12:35 in the peripheral vision.
12:37 Now this peripheral vision that we're seeing,
12:41 where we see this flashing light,
12:43 that peripheral vision is giving us the warning that
12:49 the retina is being indented at that area.
12:52 And so that causes a little flash of light in the
12:56 peripheral visual field...
12:58 And the person can tell that it's in this eye, or that it's
13:01 in this eye because the flash only occurs in that eye.
13:05 And usually only occurs when the person looks
13:08 from side to side.
13:09 And eventually, the release of the vitreous is complete
13:15 and now the vitreous is loose inside the eyeball.
13:21 Now being loose in there,
13:23 there are portions of the vitreous over on the side
13:28 where the density is greater...
13:31 And that now floats to a central area
13:36 where the person gets what is called, "a floater. "
13:39 These floaters are annoying to the person,
13:44 and they are permanent.
13:45 They will not be going away.
13:47 Then past the vitreous,
13:49 then there is the retina.
13:52 And the retina, itself, or the back part of the
13:56 round part of the globe of the eyeball,
13:58 is itself nowhere near simple...
14:01 It's not JUST the retina, but it is several coats
14:05 and that's beyond the scope of our study without
14:08 visual aids, but be aware that the anatomy
14:13 of the eye proves beyond ALL shadow of doubt
14:17 that we have a Divine Designer.
14:20 And that this Divine Designer is a genius at engineering
14:24 He especially is a Genius of Light,
14:28 and understands light quite well.
14:30 Now vision would not occur if we only had the eyeball.
14:36 We must have more than the eye itself.
14:40 The eye is connected to the optic nerve.
14:44 The optic nerve from each eye goes backward
14:49 behind the eye and then crosses.
14:52 Again, this is a masterpiece of Divine engineering
14:56 to make this cross...
14:58 It is called the "optic chiasm" or the optic cross.
15:01 And then, part of the fibers from one eye
15:05 will go to the same side,
15:07 but part of the fibers will cross and go to the
15:11 opposite side.
15:12 And it is this thing that enables us to have the most
15:16 excellent vision.
15:17 We also do a lot of fill-in with the eye.
15:21 Not everything is perceived in the eye.
15:24 A lot of what we see as vision,
15:26 occurs actually in the brain itself.
15:30 Now, I don't know if you've ever done this,
15:32 but if you've ever seen a solid brick wall,
15:34 you do not know it, but there is a place
15:38 in that brick wall, where you have a blind spot.
15:42 That blind spot is just perfectly filled in by your mind
15:46 Because the mind has accepted the fact that
15:49 there is a blind spot there and that it should make up
15:53 what is there with what is around it.
15:55 So if it's a tree you're looking at,
15:57 the blind spot is in the tree,
15:59 the mind simply makes up leaves and puts them there.
16:03 Makes up bricks and mortar and puts it there.
16:06 A marvelous instrument is the eye.
16:10 It is positively fascinating to study the subject of vision.
16:14 We also have a number of things that go wrong
16:18 with the vision and with the eye that are annoying,
16:22 or that interfere with our vision.
16:24 One of those things is conjunctivitis.
16:27 Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of
16:31 this outside part of the eye.
16:33 You pull down the lower eyelid,
16:35 you will see that there is a cup there in the bottom
16:38 of the eyelid.
16:39 That cup is the conjunctival sac, or the
16:43 conjunctival cup.
16:44 And it's a very good place for us to put medicine if
16:47 we have to treat the eye with some kind of medicine.
16:49 Just drop it in that little cup made there by
16:52 pulling the lower eyelid down.
16:54 We can also irrigate by pulling the lower eyelid
16:58 down and with a bulb syringe,
17:01 we can inject water into this sac and
17:06 irrigate the eye very nicely.
17:08 Now by having the person look all around, up and down
17:11 and around, they can get all parts of the eye
17:16 or the conjunctiva bathed in the water
17:19 or the saline that you have instilled in this lower eyelid.
17:24 How do you make up saline?
17:26 Very simple... it's 1 teaspoonful of salt
17:28 to 1 pint of water...
17:31 and then it will not burn the eye.
17:33 Plain water will burn the eye,
17:34 but 1 teaspoonful of salt to a pint of water will not
17:37 burn the eye.
17:39 And then you can irrigate the eye if it gets something in it
17:42 and that will be a great help.
17:45 Now let us say that something got in the eye and it is
17:49 sort of imbedded in the tissues of the conjunctiva
17:52 and you can't get it out.
17:53 You irrigate, you wipe with a tissue and you aren't able
17:59 to get it out.
18:00 A neat little trick that has been recommended
18:03 by some physicians who study the eye,
18:06 is just to put a flaxseed... a tiny, little, brown flaxseed
18:12 which has this material on the outside
18:15 that becomes gelatinous once it gets moist.
18:19 So you just lay that... if you can see the speck of trash
18:23 that's imbedded in the conjunctiva...
18:25 you can just put the little flaxseed right there against it
18:29 and hold it there until the gel forms on the outside
18:35 of the flaxseed...
18:37 And often that bit of trash will become trapped in the
18:41 gelatinous part of the flaxseed
18:43 and you can very easily take it out in that way.
18:47 Now often when you've had some kind of trauma
18:49 to the conjunctiva,
18:51 you will also have a source or a portal
18:56 where germs can get into the eye and cause an infection
19:00 and then you have conjunctivitis.
19:01 You can treat conjunctivitis by hot compresses
19:05 and one good way to do that is simply to take a
19:08 towel, a facial towel will do well...
19:12 fold it and put it under the hot water in the sink
19:17 and while you bend over the hot water,
19:19 you simply hold it to your eyes like this.
19:22 Now you should also have a second towel
19:25 in the sink and let it be getting hot while you're
19:29 holding this one there.
19:30 As soon as this one cools, which will be in a minute or so,
19:33 then you can drop this one under the hot water,
19:36 pick up the one that's now hot, squeeze it a little bit
19:38 and put your face on that one too.
19:42 Keep it as hot as you can tolerate it.
19:44 And this kind of treatment to a conjunctivitis will often be
19:50 very curative for it.
19:52 At least it will help it and sometimes that's almost
19:54 instantaneous.
19:56 As with any home remedy, you should get busy
19:59 with the treatment just as soon as you recognize there
20:01 is an affliction.
20:02 Now a sty on the eyelid can cause a visual problem too
20:08 because often it secretes a little bit of secretion into
20:11 the conjunctival sac and that makes it so that one
20:14 cannot focus nicely because the conjunctiva
20:18 needs to be transparent, along with the cornea,
20:21 and all those other structures, so that you can easily see.
20:26 So if you begin to get a cloudiness over the vision
20:29 then you can suspect that you might have some kind of
20:32 problem with the eyelids, and irrigation with
20:35 saline is quite good.
20:36 Every hour or so, you can irrigate, and after a
20:40 short while, this will be helpful to you.
20:43 Now once in a while, someone will get metal imbedded
20:47 in the eye.
20:50 Of course you need the very best of skilled help
20:54 that you can get when something goes wrong with the eye.
20:57 But let us say you're in some kind of field situation
21:00 and you have no physician available.
21:03 If this is the case, then you may be successful
21:06 when taking a metal sliver out of the eye
21:08 by a very strong magnet.
21:11 Now if you attempt to use this kind of treatment,
21:14 you will probably need 2 or 3 people to help you hold the
21:18 individual because once the metal gets in the eye,
21:22 the eye immediately becomes sensitive,
21:24 and the person can hardly hold the eyes open
21:27 even when no one is threatening to put something in it
21:30 But the very thought that someone is going to try to touch
21:34 the sensitive eye, causes the individual who has something
21:37 in the eye, to begin to squint very tightly.
21:41 So with the individuals who are helping you,
21:45 you must hold the eye open for the patient.
21:49 And then, very carefully support your hand that has
21:53 the magnet in it, and bring it close to the metal sliver...
21:57 And if you're very fortunate, the metal sliver will be
22:01 attracted to the magnet just as it begins to touch it.
22:05 But be careful that you do not push the metal object farther
22:09 into the eye.
22:10 Better that you travel several hundred miles with the patient,
22:15 than that you make the situation worse.
22:18 But someone who has as steady hand can very easily
22:21 help that situation with the magnet.
22:24 And usually, you can get it out with a strong magnet.
22:29 Now another thing is trauma to the eye in which the
22:33 conjunctiva is torn and you can see a flap is just flapping
22:38 inside the eyelid.
22:39 You can irrigate it to make certain that it's clean,
22:42 and especially if there is trash in the eye,
22:45 be sure to get all the trash out and then
22:47 by the stream of the irrigation, you can cause the little torn
22:52 flap of the conjunctiva to get back in place...
22:55 then you carefully pull the eyelid down over it
22:59 and bandage the eyelid shut.
23:01 And that will hold the conjunctiva in place
23:06 and usually that's all you need to do for a torn conjunctiva.
23:10 I like irrigation very much.
23:13 And, there are many things that one can do for the eye and
23:16 Don Miller is going to talk with you now about
23:19 another aspect of care of the eyes... Don Miller.
23:22 One thing that's very important when you are dealing
23:25 with your eyes is that you protect them.
23:28 Now God has given us protective measures for our eyes.
23:31 One of the nicest protective measures He has given us
23:34 are things called "tears"
23:35 And, we need to make sure that we keep our tear ducts
23:40 full of tears and one good way to do that is
23:42 make sure we're drinking plenty of water because tears
23:44 are coming from water.
23:45 We don't drink enough water.
23:48 Our eyes... Dr. Thrash has mentioned the term
23:50 "vitreous humor" and "aqueous humor".. this is liquid
23:54 And we find that since our brains are 85% water,
23:58 and our eyes are but an extension of our brains,
24:01 as we don't drink enough water,
24:02 first things to go and one of the first things to suffer
24:06 will be our brains and our eyes.
24:08 And we start having dried eyes and we can't see as well.
24:11 So I'm thankful for this thing called "tears"
24:13 ALSO, for the eyelashes that we have in our eyes.
24:17 And we should keep the eyelashes as natural as possible
24:21 I know some people have a habit of plucking
24:24 their eyelashes out.
24:25 Well, they are hurting their eyes in a very positive way
24:28 because they're made to sit there and sweep things away.
24:31 Another thing that some people do is...
24:34 they sit there and they paste them all up with things
24:36 like mascara.
24:38 They don't work quite as well when you do that.
24:39 Another nice thing about the eyes that God has built in
24:42 is the "blink response"
24:44 And if we cannot blink, and some people do not blink...
24:47 And basically blinking is caused mostly by an irritation.
24:51 It's amazing how many times we get our eyes irritated.
24:54 But also, it's just a process that God has built into us
24:57 to sweep the eyes, sweep the eyes, sweep the eyes.
25:02 Now if we didn't have tears, we'd have this flap of skin
25:04 all the time rubbing across our eyes...
25:06 It could give us a real problem.
25:08 Another thing we need to do to take care of our eyes is...
25:11 If we are working in any type of construction, any type of
25:15 equipment, we should wear some type of eye protection.
25:18 Some good plastic... some good nonshatter plastic... like these
25:23 or other types, which will protect our eyes.
25:26 And sometimes we think...
25:27 "Well, it's not going to happen to me"
25:29 and we're out there with our lawn mower
25:31 and we hit that one little, tiny thing...
25:33 and Dr. Thrash has talked about a piece of metal in your eye
25:36 send a small piece of metal into your eye from a
25:39 lawn mower, and you may lose your eye.
25:42 A weed eater... those little pieces of monofilament,
25:44 flying off all the time... flying off
25:46 Whenever you're doing anything with machinery,
25:50 hammering a nail, whatever, we need to protect our eyes.
25:53 And one other thing we need to do to protect our eyes is...
25:57 when we're out in the sunshine,
25:58 we should be wearing some type of eye protection that has
26:02 something to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of the sun
26:05 Now the rays of the sun are good for the eyes.
26:08 We should not wear the sunglasses all the time.
26:11 But between the dangerous hours of 10 in the morning
26:14 and 3 in the afternoon... very important to have some type of
26:16 eye protection to keep from damaging the back of the eyes.
26:21 And, of course, we learned as children...
26:22 never look into the sun.
26:24 Well, that's a no brainer... don't look into the sun.
26:27 And you don't look into someone over there doing some
26:30 arc welding because that too can cause some serious
26:32 and permanent damage to the eyes.
26:37 Eyesight! What a blessing!
26:38 I am so thankful for my eyesight!
26:40 And we need to do everything that we can do, Dr. Thrash,
26:43 to take good care of our eyes.
26:44 Yes, we do.
26:45 And another one of the marvels of the eye...
26:49 is the structure in the retina called the cones.
26:53 We also have rods in the retinas.
26:58 The eyes can see color but they can also see shape.
27:02 If we can see both... both shape and color,
27:05 then we are indeed quite well blessed...
27:08 And God has made us so that we can do that.
27:11 Now some people are color blind and cannot
27:14 see colors or certain colors
27:16 and for these individuals,
27:18 they are handicapped to some degree
27:20 but by certain corrections that they can do
27:23 and certain learned behavior that they have,
27:25 they can learn to handle the color blindness that they have.
27:30 But with the rods, we have night vision with them principally,
27:36 and the cones are not so active at that time.
27:40 The next time that you begin to thank the Lord for anything,
27:44 let me encourage you to THANK THE LORD FOR YOUR VISION!
27:48 And especially, thank the Lord that you have spiritual eyesight
27:53 and know some things about Him.


Revised 2014-12-17