Help Yourself to Health

Home Remedies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000153

00:01 The vast majority of illnesses fall in just a few categories
00:05 and can be treated by a very few remedies...
00:09 and most people can do those remedies very well
00:14 We'd like to talk with you about home remedies and simple
00:17 things that you can do for the vast majority of ailments.
00:20 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician from
00:23 Uchee Pines Institute...
00:24 And for the next half an hour, we'll be talking about
00:27 home remedies.
00:48 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:50 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:54 and now, here's your host Dr. Thrash.
01:00 Sometimes when I tell people they should apply a home remedy,
01:04 they say, "Oh, I couldn't DO that. "
01:07 "I'm not a doctor, or I'm not a nurse and I don't know how. "
01:11 And generally, when I tell them that it's probably going
01:14 to be about as simple as making a cup of tea,
01:16 or boiling some water on the stove...
01:19 Then they think, "Well, it probably wouldn't do me any good
01:23 if it's that simple, and neither one of those
01:26 is really probably right on the mark.
01:29 What we need to know about home remedies is that
01:31 any well-equipped home can give you the equipment that
01:34 you need for doing the home remedies for the most part.
01:38 There are a few things that you need to have on hand.
01:41 And sometimes there are a few special routines that you may
01:46 need to learn, but all of these are simple.
01:49 Most of them can be explained on a telephone,
01:52 or can be read from a book, and you can follow them quite well.
01:55 A few illustrations in a home remedies book can often be
01:59 ALL that you need to make it so that you can follow
02:02 the remedy quite nicely.
02:03 Now, we'd like to start today with talking about allergies.
02:07 And since food allergies represent the great majority
02:11 of the allergies that we have,
02:13 we will start with a food allergy.
02:15 Now let me just explain the last statement that I made.
02:18 I said that food allergies make up the vast majority
02:22 of allergies.
02:23 Well, think of it this way...
02:24 You may say, "Well, I get sick in the spring and in the fall
02:27 when the pollens are in the air.
02:29 Well that may be... but during an entire pollen season,
02:33 you may be exposed to as much as maybe 1 teaspoonful
02:38 of something floating in the air,
02:40 but at every meal, you're exposed to cupfuls of food
02:44 and all of those things that go into the body are considered
02:47 by the body to be a foreign element,
02:50 and you can develop an allergy to it.
02:53 Without any question, that thing that gives us the greatest
02:58 amount of allergenic activity, is that of dairy products.
03:02 I supposed that's because many of us were exposed to dairy
03:06 products in infancy or childhood and
03:09 we developed allergies to these.
03:11 Now I have with me today, Don Miller,
03:14 who is from Uchee Pines Institute...
03:16 He is a lifestyle counselor there and in our
03:20 education department, and he will talk with you some
03:22 about dairy allergies. So you can start us off...
03:25 Okay... dairy allergies is the #1 allergen in the world.
03:29 And Dr. Thrash has already mentioned that the early
03:33 exposure to dairy milk will lead to allergies later on.
03:37 And, we find that children who were exposed as infants
03:41 to dairy milk, have a far greater likelihood
03:44 of developing asthma as they get older,
03:47 and things like eczema as they get older.
03:49 As a matter of fact, these things have become much more
03:52 prevalent in this society as years have gone on...
03:55 because of a few things that have happened in our society.
03:58 One, an infant's immune system is still developing,
04:02 and the best way to boost the immune system of an infant,
04:05 is by mother's milk, not cow's milk.
04:08 And children are being taken off the breast and onto the cow
04:13 and, therefore, their immune systems never really develop
04:15 as much as they should, and they're going to have dairy
04:18 allergies down through their lives.
04:20 We are the only species of animal that never really
04:24 weans itself.
04:26 We take dairy products throughout our lives...
04:28 And most people have a dairy allergy.
04:31 It is interesting, the late Dr. Frank Oski,
04:34 wrote a book called, "Don't Drink Your Milk"
04:37 and in the book, he said that he had never seen a child
04:41 with an ear infection or throat infection who had not
04:44 previously drank milk within the previous 5 days...
04:49 ...a very close connection.
04:51 A few years ago, we received a phone call at Uchee Pines
04:56 by Dr. Calvin Thrash...
04:58 And a woman was distraught down in Florida.
05:01 "My child... she's been having earaches, runny nose and
05:06 throat sores... all for a long time.
05:08 Took her to a pediatrician and they've got her scheduled
05:11 to have her tonsils taken out, and her adenoids taken out
05:15 and to have shunts put in her ears...
05:17 Ohhh... what should I do?"
05:19 And Dr. Calvin, the sage man that he was...
05:22 He says, "Ma'am, I'm not even going to ask you whether
05:27 your child is on dairy products because I know that she is.
05:30 Take her off of the dairy products. "
05:32 And then he also told her to give some goldenseal
05:35 and Echinacea, a few simple things.
05:37 Well, the mother did that and within a few days,
05:40 the child was completely cleared up.
05:42 Well, she took her child back to the pediatrician
05:44 and the pediatrician examined her and he said...
05:46 "Well, your daughter is doing fine.
05:48 The medications are working. "
05:49 And the mother says, "We didn't give her the medications,
05:52 we took her off of the dairy products. "
05:54 And the doctor says... "Yes, that would have worked too. "
05:58 Well, the mother was shocked that she would have taken
06:01 all these parts of her daughter's body out
06:03 rather than take away milk, and so she left...
06:06 And now they're medical missionaries in PNG,
06:11 and doing a wonderful work.
06:12 God knows how to take care of his children.
06:14 Now, milk allergies are very, very strong for people who
06:20 have that sensitivity.
06:21 I was staying with a family in England a couple of years ago
06:24 and the grandson had a severe dairy allergy.
06:28 And, any BIT of it and he would have these sinus inflammations
06:36 and all these allergic reactions.
06:38 Well, he had been off of dairy for a long time...
06:41 I had finally gotten him off the dairy and
06:42 one day he walked into the house... he was sniffing and
06:45 his eyes were a little bit puffy and he was
06:46 drinking a can of something.
06:47 I said, "Well, son, what are you drinking there?"
06:50 He said, "Oh, this is a smoothie. "
06:53 I said, "Oh, what's in the smoothie?"
06:55 Oh... just good stuff.
06:57 There are no dairy products in there.
06:58 And I said, "Well, let me see it anyway. "
06:59 So I looked at the can and I'm reading the ingredients
07:02 and about the 3rd ingredient was cream.
07:05 And I said, "Son, this has cream in it. "
07:08 He said, "Yeah but, that's okay isn't it?"
07:10 I said, "What do you think cream comes from?"
07:12 He said, "Well, it comes from the crop. "
07:14 I said, "What?" I mean, English accents I can't pick up.
07:18 I said, "It comes from where?"
07:19 He said, "From the crop. "
07:20 And he said, "Remember... cream of the crop. "
07:22 I said, "No Josh, "cream of the crop" is just a saying...
07:26 it comes from a cow. "
07:28 And so from that small ingredient in this can of stuff,
07:31 he had an allergic reaction.
07:33 We need to be away from the world's #1 food allergy...
07:36 or allergen which is dairy products...
07:38 and once we are, we're going to find we're going to be
07:41 far more cleared up in the nose and the head
07:43 and everywhere else, Dr. Thrash.
07:44 And you know, a lot of people are suffering from a
07:47 dairy allergy when they think it's something
07:48 altogether different.
07:49 They think they have a weak stomach,
07:51 or they think they have weak lungs,
07:53 or weak sinuses, and it's really only a dairy allergy.
07:57 Now what do you do if you already have an exposure to
08:00 to milk and you KNOW you're sensitive to it.
08:02 Well, there are several things that you can do...
08:04 You can, of course, take nettles tea.
08:07 You can take charcoal.
08:09 You can take some anti-inflammatory things...
08:11 Or you can do hydrotherapy.
08:13 Hydrotherapy is really quite good.
08:16 And I have with me today, Valerie Schreiber,
08:19 who is going to talk with you about some of the
08:23 things that she does when she has someone who
08:26 has an allergic reaction.
08:28 Valerie... What can you tell us?
08:31 What I'm going to show you how to do is a treatment that
08:33 you can actually do on yourself,
08:35 and, of course, you can do this very same thing to someone else
08:37 So I'm going to have Melissa lie up here as though
08:40 she were in the bed...
08:42 And the first thing that you want to do is to draw
08:45 the congestion away from the head because
08:48 here's where the sinuses are...
08:49 here's where all the pain is...
08:50 And many times, you have a bad headache and stuffed up nose
08:54 and your cheekbones hurt quite a bit.
08:57 So, you want to do that by placing their feet in some
09:01 nice hot water, tolerable.
09:04 And so what this does is, it begins to take the congestion
09:08 ...congestion simply means that there is pooled blood
09:11 in that area of the head, or congestion lymph fluids as well
09:16 And so you want to release that and it will pull it on down
09:20 to the feet.
09:21 And then the next thing you'd want to do is
09:23 get yourself just a regular, nice thick hand towel
09:27 and you can take this hand towel, wet it down real good
09:30 in water, wring it out, put it put it in a plastic bag
09:33 and microwave it if you have a microwave.
09:36 If you don't have a microwave, then just put it over a pot
09:40 and just boil it down into a pot till where it's real nice
09:42 and hot... or sometimes your own faucet hot water
09:45 is hot enough.
09:47 Then you can take this hot pack
09:51 and you can wrap it in another towel,
09:53 because you don't want it to burn your face,
09:55 and then just put it right over top of your head...
09:59 leave it so that your nose... you can breathe.
10:03 And when you're doing this for yourself, you'll probably
10:05 want to do this for... oh, 20 minutes to a half hour
10:08 and you can, if you have a heating pad...
10:10 You can lay a heating pad over this and it will keep it hot
10:13 for that long and you won't need to exchange it.
10:16 Most of the time, this will do the trick.
10:18 However, there's another treatment that you can do
10:22 that is equally as nice.
10:23 You can get yourself a bowl like this...
10:27 fill it with hot water and then have yourself
10:29 another bowl that you can finish with cold water
10:33 because usually we finish our treatments with cold.
10:35 However, sometimes in sinuses, they're very delicate
10:38 and they don't like anything cold.
10:40 So you can fill this with cold water,
10:42 and then you would just... and I'll stand side too
10:45 so you can see how to do this...
10:47 so that you can continue to breathe
10:48 You put your mouth over the edge of the bowl like so.
10:53 And then duck your head down into the bowl of water
10:58 ...just like this.
11:02 And you can hold it there for maybe up to 20 minutes.
11:05 And I tell you, it no sooner gets in the water, or this
11:09 pack no sooner gets on the head,
11:11 and you start to feel that WONDERFUL RELIEF...
11:15 especially when you have that headache
11:17 And pretty soon, the sinuses begin to drain back
11:19 in your throat and you can feel everything
11:21 starting to release.
11:23 Thank you, Dr. Agatha.
11:24 Oh, you're very welcome...
11:25 And I think the treatment for acute sinusitis
11:29 is one of the most welcome treatments that we have
11:32 because the person is aching from the lower part of the face
11:37 right on up to the top of the head.
11:39 And so we are always grateful that we have that.
11:42 I have found, also, that for sinus problems,
11:45 not only a hot foot bath, but also a foot RUB
11:49 can be very helpful.
11:50 Now another form of allergy... not every case of asthma
11:55 is caused by allergy but, for the most part,
11:57 asthma is an allergic reaction.
12:01 And, I'd like us to discuss some things about asthma.
12:06 The person who has asthma will often feel that
12:10 they're helpless against it.
12:12 They simply can't breathe.
12:13 And they get to thinking, "Well, for sure I'm going to
12:18 have a serious problem and I might die with this attack
12:22 of the asthma. "
12:23 But actually, there are a number of things that they can do
12:26 for themselves that can be quite helpful.
12:29 And one thing is simply to make a fist like this...
12:32 and leave a tiny, little hole right here where the
12:36 index finger makes a curl like this...
12:39 and then you just hold that up to the mouth
12:41 and blow and it's...
12:45 ...they blow their breath out through that tiny, little hole.
12:50 Now the pressure between the lips and the diaphragm
12:54 causes the lungs to sort of dilate in this way
12:58 and that dilation makes them able to breathe
13:01 better right away.
13:03 So the person who might be beginning to get a little
13:06 anxiety, or might begin to feel this helplessness and being
13:10 borne down a stream that they cannot stop...
13:12 They will often feel immediately that they are being helped
13:16 and that all is not lost to them.
13:19 Then, of course, there are some variety of other things that
13:23 they can do for asthma.
13:24 And my helpers, Don Miller and Valerie Schreiber
13:27 will talk with you about some of these things now.. Don Miller
13:31 Okay, the first thing, I just want to explain one thing
13:33 about asthma because it's really a bad actor
13:36 We have a thing called "intrinsic asthma"
13:39 and "extrinsic asthma"... sorry about that.
13:43 Intrinsic means... basically we don't know where the thing
13:46 is coming from.
13:47 We have no idea.
13:48 We have nothing that we can say eliminate this and we
13:51 won't have the asthma.
13:52 Now normally, we don't look close enough
13:55 because it usually is something still in our environment
13:58 but the intrinsic basically begins after the age of 30
14:01 is the most serious type of asthma,
14:03 and we just have to keep looking for the smoking gun.
14:07 Extrinsic means basically it's caused by something out there.
14:11 We've already mentioned the dairy allergy...
14:13 which is the #1 allergy that's going to cause your asthma.
14:16 It could be dust, mold, mildew.
14:18 It could be the perfume on your 1st grade teacher.
14:20 It could be something out there, it usually begins
14:23 in childhood... it goes from there, it's seasonal after that
14:27 It's episodic... it's because sometimes you get into the
14:30 situation and sometimes it can be brought on by
14:33 an emotional situation.
14:36 But intrinsic and extrinsic means basically
14:39 sometimes we know where it comes from
14:41 and sometimes we don't.
14:42 But when we DO know where it comes from,
14:44 eliminate those things and we might eliminate the asthma.
14:47 So that's what those two things are, Dr. Thrash.
14:49 That's very good... intrinsic and extrinsic are
14:51 the two commonest forms of asthma.
14:56 In fact, that encompasses almost all cases of asthma.
14:59 Now, there are a large variety of treatments for asthma
15:06 and Valerie Schreiber is going to talk with us about
15:09 another aspect of the treatment of asthma.
15:12 Well, we find at Uchee Pines that hydrotherapy is
15:15 probably one of the very best treatments besides restricting
15:18 the diet that we can do...
15:20 And so we do, on our patients, hot and cold on the chest
15:23 which we do with towels and compresses
15:27 But I'm going to show you one that we use in the evening
15:29 and can be used throughout the day as well...
15:32 and especially with children...
15:33 You know how, when nighttime comes on,
15:36 and one of the things that happens with the bronchi,
15:37 is they begin to constrict and they can have another attack
15:40 So we do a treatment that we do a compress on the chest
15:45 and I want to show moms at home...
15:47 This is a nice way to do it.
15:49 If you have everything already in a little bag,
15:52 like I have a ziplock bag,
15:53 And, if you notice on here, it will say...
15:55 "Heat compress for chest" and then it will even tell you
15:59 what it's for, colds and bronchi and asthma, flu and so forth.
16:02 And then I write at the bottom, it tells you exactly
16:05 what you're supposed to do.
16:06 So that when an emergency comes, you don't have to run
16:09 around the house looking for the book to figure out how to do it
16:12 You have your whole little compress all together
16:16 and you can just pull it out and your directions are
16:19 right there and you'll know exactly what to do.
16:21 So this is what we do.
16:22 And I teach moms how to do this all the time...
16:25 and they tell me how effective this is...
16:27 especially for their children.
16:29 First, you would you'd get one of the children's
16:32 T- shirts or dad's T-shirts if it's an adult,
16:35 and you would take this T- shirt and you'd
16:37 put it down in cold water, wring it out as tight as you can.
16:40 Now you want to work very quickly in this.
16:42 And you would go ahead and put this on your child
16:49 Then you would get yourself a garbage bag
16:53 and you just kind of cut out the neck hole
16:56 and the arm hole...
17:04 Now this compress is put
17:06 in cold water... there we go
17:14 And then, we go ahead and we put a turtleneck on
17:18 because we want to close off ALL air... we want to get that
17:26 over your head...
17:35 and what we do... we have like a turtleneck around here
17:38 and you notice the cuffs are tighter here...
17:40 and then we would take and cuff this inside of her under panties
17:44 and then I suggest, for moms, to go ahead and put another
17:46 sweater over top of this.
17:48 Now what happens is... because this is cold water,
17:51 is the T-shirt is in there, her body temperature will drop
17:54 down a little bit and then it will begin to heat up.
17:57 And it will heat up to maybe 100-101
18:00 And it will stay like that for several hours
18:03 And what that does is, it keeps the bronchi dilated
18:06 instead of restricting which happens many times at night.
18:10 And they get a lot of comfort from this...
18:11 And 9 times out of 10, they won't have an attack
18:14 This is very good for any kind of a bronchial congestion
18:16 type of thing.
18:19 Yes, so you can use it not only for asthma but for any
18:22 kind of bronchitis.
18:23 You can even use it for pneumonia
18:25 and pneumonia is something that may follow some of these
18:31 different types of chest afflictions.
18:34 Now, changing gear just a little bit...
18:37 Let's go to another aspect of home remedies
18:42 and that is in the area of nutrition with
18:47 the antioxidant teas.
18:49 You'll hear a lot today about green tea and black tea
18:53 being very high in antioxidants.
18:56 And it is true that they are.
18:58 But then the very highest source of protein
19:02 that we have in the plant kingdom I suppose is
19:05 probably tobacco leaves.
19:07 But tobacco leaves come with a lot of other things as well.
19:11 So, we want to know what we can do other than
19:15 the antioxidant teas.
19:17 And teas that can be used also for such things as
19:21 weight control...
19:22 We want to know what we can do for these kinds of things.
19:25 So, Valerie Schreiber has a number of things here
19:28 that I think will be self-explanatory when she
19:32 tells you what they are. Valerie.
19:34 Well to talk once again about antioxidants...
19:39 The two best families in the plant kingdom are the
19:43 foods that have high quantities of vitamin E
19:47 and high quantities of vitamin C.
19:49 Those are considered the highest in antioxidants
19:52 which we're hearing a lot about today... free radicals...
19:55 ...they will go and destroy the free radicals.
19:58 And so your vitamin C again are in your fruits
20:00 but they're also in your red peppers and your potatoes
20:03 and there are many vegetables that have it.
20:05 And your vitamin E...
20:06 those would be in your nuts and your seeds and your
20:10 whole grains...
20:11 And so, again, if you're eating a very good diet, rich in
20:15 phytochemicals which means plant-grown foods that
20:20 God has given us, you will have sufficient antioxidants
20:23 in your body and you won't need to run out and take
20:26 supplements...
20:27 Because your body will work much better with the food.
20:31 Dr. Agatha, would you want me to talk about weight...
20:33 Yes, why don't we go ahead and talk about weight.
20:36 Weight control and what you have that might be helpful
20:39 for people who are trying to win the battle with the bulge.
20:43 Well, what we have here also, with the teas...
20:47 and there are many flavorable teas out here...
20:51 We have one that's here called "Sunburst C"
20:53 ...that happens to be one of the teas that is high in
20:56 antioxidants but it's also very flavorable!
21:00 And here's a nice one that's a peppermint tea.
21:07 This is one of my favorites, "Wildberry Zinger. "
21:10 And these teas are quite delicious...
21:13 And what you can put in the teas is... you can go ahead
21:16 and add a little bit of Stevia as a sweetener.
21:18 Now this is not going to cure your weight problem,
21:22 but this is sort of like a support system for you when
21:25 you begin.
21:26 And the thing that will support you more after you get
21:30 going in your diet program, or weight loss program,
21:32 will be as those pounds come off.
21:34 That will kind of support you and really spur you on.
21:37 But in the beginning, when you've been used to
21:39 eating all day long and drinking sodas and those
21:42 types of things, we like you to go to some flavorful herb teas
21:47 and let me just show you this...
21:49 there are some dieter teas out there as well
21:52 because there are some herbs that play a role in helping to
21:56 possibly suppress your appetite and do various things to help
22:02 you with your weight loss and digestion...
22:04 and that type of a thing.
22:06 So, there are a number of those out there but
22:09 one other thing that I wanted to suggest to you
22:12 that are trying to lose weight,
22:14 is we have some nice imitation coffee, I guess you could say.
22:20 There's Pero and Roma and Cafix.
22:23 There's a number of them out there.
22:24 And, a cup is only 5 calories.
22:27 So when you're try to stop the evening meal
22:30 and that's what we highly suggest... for those that are
22:33 trying to lose weight, is to go on the 2-meal-a-day program...
22:36 nothing in-between... drink lots of water
22:42 About 10 or 15 minutes before your meal, drink a glass of
22:45 cold water that will help suppress you overeating
22:48 And then in the evening, in place of a meal...
22:51 now this is just to help you get over the hump,
22:53 to make yourself a nice cup of Pero or Cafix
22:56 And you will find that will soothe this "wanting to eat"
23:00 in the evening.
23:02 And then eventually, you'll be able to drop that off
23:05 as you're losing weight and you'll be so pleased with
23:07 the weight coming off of you,
23:09 you won't even want to do some of these things anymore.
23:13 These are just crutches, they are not cures.
23:15 But, as we know about many things that are on the
23:21 healing edge of things...
23:23 that if we can get just a little help...
23:26 then the body will do its own thing
23:29 and we can get over that major affliction.
23:33 Another problem that people often have is
23:36 nausea and vomiting.
23:38 Now nausea and vomiting can usually be handled in the home
23:41 except in VERY small infants under the age of
23:44 6 months perhaps when a protracted case of nausea
23:48 and vomiting and especially if it also has diarrhea.
23:52 This may require professional help,
23:54 but the average case of just a little food poisoning
23:57 or a little bit of nausea in grandmother
24:01 who may have eaten something that didn't agree with her,
24:04 some of these things can be rather nicely handled
24:07 by just very simple things that we can do in the home.
24:11 Now, if a child has a problem with nausea and vomiting,
24:19 we can use a paste made of carob,
24:24 or we can use slurry made of charcoal.
24:28 And, so I've asked Valerie if she will show you a slurry
24:31 made of charcoal and just how you would make it up for a child
24:36 Well... here is our charcoal...
24:40 I notice you're taking that top off very carefully.
24:42 VERY carefully because charcoal is like powder...
24:47 It will FLY everywhere.
24:49 So you want to be very, very careful with charcoal.
24:52 You don't move swiftly at all with it...
24:55 You move very carefully and slow with it.
25:02 Now I tell you, charcoal is the most wonderful thing...
25:04 Don't go anywhere in the world without it.
25:06 Have it with you everywhere you go.
25:09 Especially if you go below the border... FOR SURE!
25:13 Or if you go overseas... anywhere.
25:15 Now charcoal does come in many forms...
25:18 You can get it in capsule and tablet form.
25:21 However though, I caution you in the tablet form,
25:23 look on the bottle... read... many times now,
25:26 they're starting to put sugar in it.
25:28 So, I would go to the capsule for traveling especially...
25:31 If you're flying or driving in the car,
25:32 you certainly don't want to open one of these up and mix it,
25:34 unless you stop the car and get out.
25:36 But in the airplane, you can't quite do that.
25:38 But this is a nice way to mix it...
25:40 and you would just get yourself a teaspoon and you could
25:44 heap it up about like this for a child,
25:46 I guess, just about like this and pour it in one of these
25:50 little jelly jars...
25:51 And you notice, I'm being REAL careful because this
25:54 stuff will fly like crazy.
25:55 So you have one of these jars that has one of those...
25:59 like canning lids and when you put it on there,
26:02 you just tighten it real good and then you can begin
26:04 to shake it like this.
26:06 This is an easy way to do it moms... for your children.
26:10 And, let me tell you a nice way to get children to drink this...
26:16 you know, because many times the children will look at this
26:18 and they will go "Yuck, I have to drink this. "
26:20 So I tell moms to put it in grape juice...
26:24 Give the children a straw and 9 times out of 10,
26:27 they won't even know that they've had charcoal.
26:29 And they'll just drink it on down because it will
26:31 taste like grape juice to them,
26:32 and very well hidden in grape juice for children.
26:34 So, now if it's babies and you want to give your baby
26:38 charcoal for whatever reason...
26:40 and I know we've done this for our jaundiced babies.
26:42 You can let this charcoal settle right down to the bottom
26:46 and then you can see through it, but it will still
26:49 be kind of smoky color.
26:51 And then, if you want, you can still strain it through
26:54 a paper towel or some gauze and put it in a bottle for the baby.
26:57 So, I encourage you, out there, moms...
27:00 Don't do anywhere without your charcoal.
27:02 Get yourself charcoal.
27:04 Very good, and I like charcoal also because when you have
27:09 made it, it's very good for a sore throat...
27:12 People who have a headache will often have a headache because
27:15 they have some kind of toxicity in the body
27:18 and just drinking down a charcoal slurry
27:22 will be very helpful.
27:23 And, as Valerie said... you can use both the mixed up
27:29 black part but you can let it settle and people who have
27:33 very sensitive stomachs, will not be able to take that
27:36 that's black, so they can just let it settle,
27:38 and take the fluid that's on the top and drink that down
27:43 and often that will give them a lot of benefit
27:45 just from that kind of thing.
27:48 So, we hope these very simple things will become
27:50 second nature to you
27:51 in your own home.


Revised 2014-12-17