Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000152

00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash
00:03 I'm from Uchee Pines Institute, one of the staff physicians
00:06 there and we deal with sleep problems quite a lot at
00:10 Uchee Pines.
00:11 We'll be talking about that during the next half an hour.
00:14 So we hope you will join us for that.
00:36 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:38 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute.
00:42 And now, here's your host Dr. Thrash
00:46 What is sleep?
00:48 Is it just the absence of everything going on in the body?
00:52 Do you just sort of lie down and everything turns off
00:57 and your brain turns off
00:59 and you're just doing nothing...
01:01 You're doing nothing... Your body is doing nothing...
01:03 and your brain is doing nothing.
01:05 No... the people who have studied sleep tell us that
01:10 it's a very active period.
01:12 Very active for the body... Very active for the brain.
01:16 And we require this refreshing time,
01:20 this restoring time,
01:21 this restocking time...
01:23 It's a time when your resources are restocked.
01:28 And so we need that.
01:29 We need this time.
01:31 Now sleep comes in several stages.
01:33 And I'd like to show you these various stages and we can
01:37 discuss them each one point by point.
01:39 The first stage that you will see her in the graphic
01:42 is that of simple drowsiness.
01:45 We are actually in the first phase of sleep
01:50 when we start in with this drowsiness.
01:52 It begins to deepen and shortly you totally lose consciousness
01:58 But you're easily arousable from this second stage.
02:02 So that if a person touches you, or if something drops
02:06 in the room where you are,
02:07 then you're likely to wake up and be more or less alert.
02:14 It is also in this second stage type of sleep
02:18 that we have the REM sleep
02:20 but it doesn't come all the time right here...
02:22 ...most of the time it comes after we have already gone down
02:25 into the third stage of sleep
02:28 which is a deepening of the sleeping condition.
02:33 And even on down to deep sleep, we must go into the deepest
02:39 sleep that we have before we turn around and quickly go
02:45 back up to the second stage passing through the third stage
02:48 very quickly and then to the second stage where
02:52 REM sleep occurs.
02:54 Now let me just tell you a bit about what REM is.
02:58 REM means rapid eye movement sleep.
03:01 During REM sleep, the eyes do move.
03:05 It is also called paradoxical sleep.
03:09 Because although the eyes are moving,
03:11 the rest of the body is paralyzed.
03:15 Now it is felt by those who have researched in this area,
03:19 that probably the reason that the body is paralyzed
03:23 is so that the person will not act out what the eyes are
03:28 seeing inside the brain.
03:30 Some feel that the reason that the eyes are moving
03:34 is because they're searching this hemisphere and that
03:37 hemisphere and trying to find where to plug in
03:41 all of the experiences that you have had in the day that you
03:45 have just lived.
03:46 So the REM time is a time where we fasten
03:49 memories for the experiences that we have had in
03:52 the day just past...
03:53 We fasten those somewhere in the brain at a place
03:58 where we have already stored some material
04:01 on that particular subject.
04:03 Now with babies, they spend about 50% of their time
04:08 in REM sleep.
04:10 This 50% of their time is essential because they
04:14 are learning a lot of things... a lot of new things.
04:16 They go into that... they must be plugged in...
04:20 this place and that place...
04:23 and sometimes the slate is entirely new.
04:25 And so they must find a place to put something
04:28 that has not been put there before.
04:30 Now the brain directs that to some degree.
04:32 It says, make a highway over here,
04:34 or make a highway here.
04:36 So the direction that the brain gives
04:39 can determine to some degree
04:41 just where information is stored.
04:44 We have various chambers in the brain
04:47 so that the chambers of the mind will receive...
04:51 chamber will receive things that are heard,
04:55 that are read from a book
04:57 Another chamber will hear things that are
05:01 perhaps very loud,
05:03 or very disturbing and will have a different chamber for that.
05:07 And these chambers may be near to one another but
05:10 they are different chambers
05:12 And once a chamber starts being used for one type of thing
05:16 from then on, when we want to store some memory
05:19 in the brain, we always store it in that same chamber.
05:23 Marvelous are the workings of the human brain.
05:26 In fact, there are some people who say that the complexity
05:30 of the human brain is greater than the complexity
05:34 of the entire starry universe.
05:37 Well, that would be quite complex.
05:39 And of course, many people spend their entire lives studying
05:43 one tiny segment of the brain and never exhaust that segment.
05:48 So, sleep will restore the brain
05:53 It will reset various systems.
05:55 It will restock certain chemicals...
05:58 especially some of those that the body has to make itself.
06:01 Those will be restocked in the brain.
06:04 During sleep time, we are also refreshing, restoring and
06:08 restocking things in chemicals and systems and storage areas
06:16 in the human body.
06:18 So, sleep is required not only for to make us not feel tired.
06:22 It is also necessary for us to maintain good health...
06:27 ...good mental health, and good physical health.
06:29 Now, many things interfere with sleep...
06:32 and Don Miller is going to talk with you about
06:35 some of those things that interfere with sleep.
06:38 Don Miller is one of my associates at
06:40 Uchee Pines Institute and he will now talk with you about
06:44 things having to do with inference of sleep... Don Miller
06:47 There's lots of things, Dr. Thrash,
06:49 that interfere with sleep.
06:50 A lot of things that interfere with my sleep but
06:52 sometimes nothing can interfere with it...
06:54 When you're tired, your tired, and you go to sleep.
06:57 But there are things in our environment...
07:00 There are things that we do to ourselves...
07:02 that cause us not to get the sleep that we need.
07:05 There was a study done a few years ago above movies.
07:09 And we'll just use the word television also here.
07:11 And what they did is, they wanted to study
07:15 the reaction of the human body on watching different
07:19 types of films.
07:20 And so what they did is... they got a group of nurses
07:22 together and they let them watch a television program, or a movie
07:26 They first took some urine samples,
07:29 and they tested it for catecholamines...
07:32 basically adrenal hormones that came out...
07:36 that are basically stress hormones.
07:38 They measured them before the movie,
07:41 in the middle of the movie,
07:42 and some time after the movie was over.
07:45 And they found some very interesting things...
07:47 They showed them first, an adventure movie.
07:50 Very adventurous and, at first, they sort of graphed
07:55 the stress hormones in the urine and it was
07:58 down here somewhere.
08:00 In the middle of the movie, it was quite high
08:02 really caused some stress hormones to come into the body.
08:05 About an hour to 1-1/2 hours after the movie,
08:08 it had fallen back down, not quite down to the baseline
08:11 again but a little bit above that.
08:13 Then they showed them a horror movie.
08:15 And they said that was the most horrible movie ever made.
08:18 Who knows... there are lots of horrible movies...
08:20 I think they're all horrible.
08:21 But the people went off the scale with their stress hormones
08:25 during this particular movie.
08:26 And nowhere near got down to their beginning level
08:29 an hour after the movie.
08:31 Then they said... well, let's try a comedy...
08:33 maybe a comedy will just make them relax and everything.
08:36 So they let them watch a comedy.
08:38 The comedy had the same reaction as the adventure movie.
08:42 It still went up.
08:43 Stress hormones were still pouring into the body
08:46 and did not go back down after the movie for a while.
08:49 Then they said... well, let's try one more movie.
08:52 They took a movie of just nature...
08:54 It had been taken from a train just going through the
08:57 countryside.
08:58 And in almost every case, the stress hormones fell
09:02 during the movie.
09:03 So, this is what happens...
09:05 You probably had this situation.
09:07 You're sitting there watching TV at night
09:08 and you're getting drowsy because
09:10 TV has a hypnotic effect.
09:12 You're getting drowsy,
09:13 you turn off the TV, you go to bed...
09:14 and now you can't go to sleep because
09:16 all the stress hormones are in there
09:18 and you are no longer being hypnotized
09:21 by that one-eyed monster sitting there in the living room
09:23 And so TV can be one of those things that causes us
09:26 to lose our sleep.
09:29 Another thing can be large meals before we go to bed.
09:32 And many people eat their main meal at nighttime
09:35 and a main meal at night is going to disturb your sleep.
09:38 First of all, you cannot properly digest your food
09:42 when you're in a horizontal position.
09:44 Now you may feel drowsy after a meal,
09:46 but that will soon pass and you will become very
09:48 shallow in your sleep, or you can't sleep at all
09:51 And, if you are sleeping,
09:52 you're not getting into the REM sleep that
09:54 Dr. Thrash just mentioned.
09:55 So the quality of your sleep...
09:57 when we talk about sleep,
09:59 we're talking about the entire gambit of sleep.
10:02 If you just get one section, or one phase of it,
10:05 you might as well be in a coma, or drugged-out.
10:07 You've got to get all of them to really have sleep.
10:09 Other things can disturb your sleep at nighttime...
10:12 One could be noises, or the lack thereof.
10:15 You know, you hear that dripping faucet
10:19 in the next room.
10:20 How many people can sleep during a dripping faucet?
10:23 You've got to get up and go looking all around the house
10:26 for the dripping faucet.
10:27 But we have people come to Uchee Pines from
10:29 New York City, from Chicago, from L.A.
10:31 They get into our Lifestyle Center and they can't
10:34 sleep because... "I've never heard quiet before"
10:37 It's too quiet for them there after a while.
10:39 And so, depending on what your situation is,
10:42 if it's too noisy in your environment,
10:44 I'd recommend you get a couple of earplugs.
10:47 These are quite nice...
10:48 you just sit there and depress them, curl them in your fingers
10:51 poke them in your ears and it sort of deadens some of the
10:55 noises in your room.
10:56 If you are in an environment where there is just a noise
10:59 that will not go away, you can do this.
11:01 I've had to do this when I've been on trips before
11:03 sharing bedrooms with men who snore.
11:06 It's hard for me to sleep with the man over there
11:08 snoring and so I just sit there and put earplugs in my ears.
11:11 Now there's another thing you can do for the person
11:13 who's snoring that might help them not to snore so much.
11:16 And we sort of recommend you get a Nerf ball or
11:19 some type of a soft ball and you sew it into the back of their
11:22 pajamas, so every time they roll onto their back,
11:24 it disturbs them and they keep on rolling
11:26 because it's hard to snore on your side or on your stomach.
11:30 But it's on the back, so you just put something back there
11:32 so they can't lay on their backs and you will
11:34 pretty much stop the snoring.
11:36 Other things that can disturb your sleep is light.
11:39 And, sometimes you can do something about the lights...
11:42 sometimes you can't.
11:43 And so, I carry with me, when I'm in different places,
11:46 little eye shades.
11:48 I just put these on my eyes so I can't see the light.
11:51 In my home, I've got a little clock radio by my bed,
11:55 I've got to put a magazine over the little lights on there
11:58 because it's too much.
11:59 I've got to have it dark.
12:01 I cannot have any artificial light.
12:03 Now the moon shining through... no problem, I can sleep,
12:06 but I cannot sleep during artificial light.
12:08 People disturbing you and this really happens when I'm
12:10 flying on airplanes a lot.
12:12 You're on the airplane...
12:13 you're flying from Atlanta to London...
12:16 It's always a night flight.
12:18 And for some reason, they wake you up in the middle
12:20 of the night and ask you if you're ready to eat.
12:21 And so what I like to do there,
12:23 is I carry with me a little sign...
12:26 I just sit there and put it on myself
12:27 "Do not disturb. "
12:29 I've got my eye things on.
12:30 I've got my ear things in.
12:31 And I've got my sign that says "Do not disturb. "
12:33 And I just sleep my way across...
12:35 And they will not disturb you.
12:36 And so you can ask them not to disturb you
12:38 in those situations.
12:40 Caffeine can interfere with your sleep.
12:42 That means coffee, tea, cola or chocolate.
12:45 Any of these things are sleep interferers...
12:48 And we need to stay away from them.
12:49 Worry!
12:50 People who worry.
12:51 They're going to bed worrying.
12:52 DON'T WORRY.
12:54 Worry is blind and cannot discern the future.
12:57 Let God take care of tomorrow...
12:58 You get some sleep.
13:00 And, also, doing anything very vigorous before you go to bed
13:03 It's not a good time to do your workouts...
13:05 you get all these things worked up and everything is going
13:08 If you want to get some sleep,
13:10 about an hour before you go to bed, start to relax.
13:14 And we'll talk about some sleep promoters in a few
13:16 minutes, Dr. Thrash, but those are some of the greater
13:19 sleep destroyers.
13:21 Yes, those sound very good and I think paying attention
13:25 to those can help you to get a better night of sleep.
13:27 There are, of course, some people... sort of like myself,
13:31 who can just sleep almost anywhere.
13:33 If it's light or if it's dark, if it's noisy, some of us
13:39 can sleep during any of that.
13:40 But, if you're the kind of person who cannot sleep well
13:44 with noise or light, then pay attention to this kind of
13:48 counsel because you need to know just how to deal
13:52 with these kinds of things.
13:54 Now sleep deprivation is a serious problem in this country.
13:59 We have those things that interfere with our sleep
14:02 We have people who work a night shift
14:05 We have projects that are carried on after work
14:08 that extend well beyond midnight.
14:11 And all of those kinds of things can cause sleep deprivation.
14:15 We need to go all the way down from light sleep to deep sleep
14:19 and back up again to REM sleep.
14:21 The first time takes about 90 minutes...
14:25 The second time may take about half an hour.
14:27 And we continue to cycle all night long...
14:30 ...from light sleep to deep sleep and back up again.
14:32 When we get to the second stage of sleep or REM sleep
14:37 the first time, at that point, that whole cycle needs to be
14:43 done before midnight for you to have the greatest probability
14:47 of relaxation...
14:49 Because after midnight, we only have tiny increments of
14:52 growth hormone that are excreted into the bloodstream
14:58 And growth hormone is essential in adults for
15:03 our maintenance of good health,
15:05 having a good immune system,
15:07 being well-organized in the mind.
15:10 Growth hormone has some very important functions
15:13 for the adult.
15:14 So everybody needs to get that sleep before midnight.
15:20 So 90 minutes, as a minimum, before midnight,
15:24 you need to be going to bed.
15:26 So set your bedtime... whatever time that may be,
15:29 ...set that at least 90 minutes before the hour of midnight.
15:36 And I think that probably ideal would be some time between
15:40 8:30 and 10 o'clock... that might be the most ideal time.
15:45 Now with sleep deprivation, what things can happen?
15:48 Well, a loss of memory...
15:50 We can get in a stressful situation...
15:53 We can have body stress.
15:55 Emotional stress.
15:57 We can have forgetfulness that makes it so that we cannot
16:01 organize ourselves well.
16:03 Or, keep our program going forward...
16:06 so we become less efficient.
16:08 So it behooves us to get a good night of sleep,
16:11 so that we can be more efficient in our daytime labor.
16:14 And people who stay up till all hours of morning...
16:17 doing some kind of project and then have a very sensitive
16:21 or delicate work to do the next day,
16:23 they actually deprive their work of their very best effort.
16:29 So be always mindful of the fact that you owe it to your
16:36 daytime work to get a good night of sleep.
16:38 And now Don Miller is going to cover another aspect of sleep.
16:41 of sleep... Don.
16:43 Okay, we've talked about how not to disturb your sleep
16:47 But, how do you promote the sleep?
16:49 How do you get to sleep at night?
16:50 There are a few things that we can do.
16:52 First of all, we don't do the things I told you about already.
16:55 You stay away from the caffeine...
16:57 You stay away from the stimulating things.
16:59 And you stay away from sleeping aids also because they
17:01 rob you again from REM sleep.
17:03 But here are some things you can do...
17:05 First of all, go to God.
17:07 The Bible says, "He giveth His beloved sleep. "
17:11 So take to Him, His promise.
17:13 Say, "Lord, I've done everything you've asked me to do. "
17:16 and you've promised that You give me rest. You give me sleep"
17:20 And you take it to Him.
17:21 Now, some people say... Well, if you can't sleep,
17:24 count sheep.
17:26 Have you ever tried that?
17:27 I can't get up to 5... not that I say awake that long,
17:31 it's just that pretty soon another sheep jumps this way
17:34 and here comes a wolf, and here comes a cow...
17:36 I can't keep my mind on counting sheep.
17:38 And so... don't count the sheep...
17:40 Talk to the Shepherd.
17:41 So if you can't sleep, open the Word,
17:45 and read the Word.
17:46 But if you've already gone to bed,
17:48 don't turn the light back on, and I'll talk about
17:50 that in a few minutes.
17:51 Don't turn the light back on
17:53 but sit there and talk to the Lord...
17:55 the quietness of your mind, go over Scripture.
17:58 He also says, here's another key for
18:00 for getting a good night's sleep...
18:01 "The sleep of a laboring man is sweet"
18:05 So, do something during the daytime that makes you
18:09 tired enough to sleep at night.
18:11 Most people can't sleep at night because they
18:13 haven't done anything in the daytime to make them
18:15 tired enough to make them sleep at night,
18:16 or they spend half the day sleeping...
18:18 and so, don't take naps in the daytime.
18:20 If you're going to take a nap, it's before lunch
18:23 No naps in the afternoon.
18:25 And many people say... "Oh, I can't sleep at night"
18:27 But every time you see them in the daytime, they're sleeping.
18:29 Stay away from the sleeping in the daytime thing.
18:32 Other things... you can take some herbal teas.
18:35 Hops is a very good tea. Chamomile, catnip.
18:40 Now there's another tea that I'm going to mention to you...
18:43 It's called valerian...
18:44 It's a good sedative tea...
18:46 but you'll want to go to sleep because it smells so bad.
18:49 But anyone of those teas will help you.
18:52 You can take a tepid bath...
18:54 Now when I say "tepid," it's got to be just about
18:57 your temperature.
18:58 So that when you get into it, there's no stimulation...
19:00 it's not cold, it's not hot... It's just tepid.
19:03 And I've seen this thing work like a miracle on people.
19:06 They get into the bathtub in just tepid water,
19:08 about 95, 96, 97 degrees...
19:11 They sit there for a half an hour or 45 minutes...
19:14 They get up and they PAT themselves dry.
19:16 They don't sit there and give a big vigorous rubbing
19:18 Pat themselves dry and go in and lay down and it's
19:22 a good way to promote some sleep at night.
19:24 You can also do one other thing...
19:27 When you're laying there in bed,
19:29 start with any part of your body... maybe your leg
19:32 You TENSE your foot and your calf muscle... just tense them
19:36 and hold them there for about 10 seconds and then relax them.
19:39 And then do your thigh muscles on one side...
19:42 and you tense those things, 10 seconds, relax.
19:44 Start up the other leg,
19:46 then you do one arm.
19:47 Maybe you just do your fist, your forearm,
19:49 then your upper arm, the other side...
19:52 your abdominal muscles.
19:53 If you're doing this through this process,
19:55 normally before you get up to your abdominal muscles,
19:57 you are so relaxed...
19:59 you can fall off to sleep.
20:01 So here are some of the nice things you can do to help
20:03 promote some sleep... Dr. Thrash
20:05 Now I'm sure there are some other things you know about...
20:06 Yes... Everybody who has any problem sleeping develops
20:12 certain techniques that make it so that they can
20:14 fall asleep well.
20:15 I was at Wildwood Institute one time with my mother
20:20 who was a very poor sleeper.
20:22 One of the dear nurses there at Wildwood, said...
20:25 "I can do a little backrub for your mother that I think
20:29 will make her go to sleep. "
20:30 So I said, "What will you do?"
20:31 And she said, "Well, the one that I do is very simple. "
20:35 "It's just a hand over hand. Hand over hand, 200 strokes. "
20:41 I said, "You think that will make my mother go to sleep?"
20:43 She said, "We could try it. "
20:45 So she, just very quietly, did for my mother... 200 strokes.
20:50 And, the next morning, I asked my mother how she slept...
20:53 and she said, "Just like a baby. "
20:55 Well, there are many other techniques that you can use...
20:59 massage techniques that can help people to sleep,
21:02 and I've asked my associate at Uchee Pines, Valerie Schreiber,
21:07 who is a massage therapist.
21:09 I've asked her to show us, on my granddaughter, Melissa,
21:13 some techniques that she uses when she helps people
21:17 go to sleep.
21:18 Valerie Schreiber... Thank you
21:20 Okay, we're going to put Melissa up here on the table
21:24 In fact, we just had a patient at Uchee Pines,
21:27 a couple of weeks ago who had a very difficult time sleeping
21:31 and so I took her in the back room and gave her
21:35 a REAL good massage and she slept that night for 3 hours
21:39 and so she was a very happy patient.
21:43 But you know, you can do massage in a number of ways.
21:45 You don't have to be a massage therapist to massage on somebody
21:50 In fact, you can put oil on their body.
21:54 You can use a light olive oil.
21:56 You can go to the health food store actually,
21:59 and get a massage oil.
22:00 But I'll tell you one thing, that's real good is
22:03 old "Pond's Cold Cream," the cleanser, not the moisturizer
22:06 is EXCELLENT to massage the body with
22:09 and feels real good to them when you massage them.
22:12 But what you can do is... you can just put your hands on
22:15 their body and just rub up and down like this...
22:18 and come around their arms and come back down and massage
22:24 And, I tell you, sometimes it feels real good to massage
22:28 over clothes... Um hm.. you know...
22:30 And then you can just kind of just squeeze the body
22:34 in various ways like this.
22:36 You don't want to do anything real vigorous if you're going
22:38 to try and put them to sleep.
22:40 You just kind of want to do a calming type and
22:42 squeeze a little bit like this,
22:45 and soothing strokes like this.
22:48 And then you can keep right on going down and you can
22:52 run your hands like this down the body
22:55 and then you can just sooth them back up.
22:58 And then you can do a squeezing or you can do a pressure...
23:02 like this... this also feels real good to them.
23:06 And you can just keep right on going right on down the body
23:12 this and then you can massage up and you can just
23:16 do all various things on the body...
23:18 You can just make up...
23:20 Almost just touching and... just touching and rubbing...
23:23 And, as you mentioned, you don't really have to be
23:26 a skilled massage therapist to do this... No...
23:30 Anyone can do it in the home.
23:31 And you can just do... sometimes just light strokes...
23:35 ...just like this... Yes
23:36 It will feel SO soothing to them.
23:40 Very good... wake up...
23:47 Massage stroking is so simple, so easy and anyone can do it
23:53 But if you know someone who is really skilled with it,
23:58 they can put you to sleep very nicely.
24:02 Now, Don Miller is going to talk with you about another
24:06 aspect of sleep which you will find very helpful
24:10 and I know that after our program,
24:12 you'll be a better sleeper than you were... Don Miller.
24:15 Okay... I'm one of the people like you, Dr. Thrash...
24:17 I can fall asleep anywhere...
24:19 I once fell asleep standing up in a bus and dropped
24:21 my jacket on a lady and she thought she was getting mugged
24:23 and screamed, woke me up and we had a wonderful time!
24:25 But one of the greatest interferers of sleep
24:29 is the electric light bulb.
24:31 Now, it's a great blessing to mankind...
24:33 But it has also really changed the way we live.
24:36 It's changed basically night into day.
24:39 I've been in cities where you would never know that it's
24:41 nighttime because it's so bright.
24:43 But here's what Edison's little light bulb has done...
24:46 It has moved the people's biological clock
24:50 from somewhere where it should be, nighttime,
24:54 to somewhere between California and Hawaii...
24:58 is where their biological clock is set because
25:01 now they can stay up a whole lot later.
25:03 They've done some studies on college students.
25:06 And this is quite an interesting study...
25:07 because for some reason college students like to
25:10 stay up late and study.
25:12 For whatever reason they're doing this,
25:14 ...I did it too.
25:15 But they find that the circadian nadir
25:18 ...the lowest level of their body temperature
25:22 is about 5:30 to 6 o'clock in the morning...
25:25 which is about 5 or 6 hours later than it should be.
25:29 It should be really in the wee, wee hours,
25:32 midnight, 1 o'clock in the morning when they are
25:34 in the lowest little phase.
25:36 SO, we wonder and they wonder why we can't
25:40 stay awake in math class...
25:41 It's because our nadir has been moved away
25:44 because we have used the light bulb.
25:46 You know the old saying, "Early to bed, early to rise,
25:49 makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"
25:51 Try something very interesting...
25:53 Go to sleep when the sun goes down, when it gets dark.
25:57 As a matter of fact, I tried it recently...
25:59 As a matter of fact, for a period of time, I tried it.
26:01 I was going to be in bed when it got dark.
26:03 Now, it's very hard to do that in the wintertime
26:05 when it's dark at 4:30...
26:07 Maybe we have to do some fudging in the wintertime...
26:10 But in the summertime, when the sun is setting at 9 o'clock,
26:14 go to bed at 9 o'clock and see if it doesn't do some
26:16 real good things for you.
26:17 There are some other things about this circadian rhythm
26:20 that's quite interesting... or about the light bulb.
26:24 What we do when we use the light bulbs at night
26:27 and we're going to sleep in the morning,
26:29 is now we have heavy shades in our rooms.
26:32 Now, it's the natural light that comes from the sun
26:35 that will reset our fouled up circadian rhythm and our
26:40 biological clock.
26:41 But we really mess things up... we have the light bulb on
26:45 at night and in the morning time, we've got our blinds drawn
26:48 so we can't see the first thing when the light comes in
26:51 and so when we finally drag out of bed at 9 or 10 o'clock
26:54 in the morning, our biological clock is completely messed up
26:58 and we've got some real problems on our hands
27:00 and so, basically I'd recommend that we try as much as
27:04 possible... and one last thing, Dr. Thrash,
27:06 at nighttime, if you have to get up and go to the
27:08 bathroom, don't turn on the light...
27:10 That will completely reset your biological clock.
27:13 Get little nightlights in plugs..
27:16 ...know where the bathroom is,
27:17 but as soon as you turn on the light,
27:19 everything is upside-down.
27:20 Yes... so the nightlight which will not usually disturb anyone,
27:26 can be your helper at night.
27:28 Now in some climates where they do not have good light
27:33 in the daytime, in these areas we are more likely to see
27:37 disturbances of the mind because of a lack of sleep.
27:41 And one of those is the seasonal affective disorder
27:46 that comes on because we don't have enough sunshine.
27:49 So the sun is our great friend...
27:52 Make it your companion.


Revised 2014-12-17