Help Yourself to Health

Diabetes Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000148

00:01 We have several epidemics in our day of degenerative diseases
00:05 ...they seem to be related.
00:08 We're going to be talking about these... such things as
00:11 diabetes in the next half an hour
00:14 and we'd be happy if you joined us.
00:16 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician at
00:19 Uchee Pines Institute in Alabama.
00:42 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:44 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute...
00:47 and now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash.
00:52 When we talk of diabetes, everybody always thinks of sugar
00:57 and well that they should
00:58 because excessive sugar is a problem for people who
01:02 have diabetes.
01:04 But just as much a problem as sugar, is that of fat.
01:08 So, we need to talk about fat as well.
01:11 Now fats can come in the form of margarine, and mayonnaise,
01:14 fried foods, cooking fats, salad oils...
01:17 all of these are free fats or visible fats
01:20 and any of these can be a problem to the diabetic
01:23 especially if the diabetic is overweight
01:25 and with type 2 diabetes, that is a very frequent finding.
01:29 Now I have asked Valerie Schreiber,
01:31 who is one of my colleagues at Uchee Pines
01:34 to help me in demonstrating some things about foods
01:38 and my granddaughter Melissa Thrash,
01:41 who will also help to demonstrate some things
01:43 about foods.
01:44 And we would like to show you some things about these two
01:48 troublesome areas... fats and sugars...
01:52 and of course, we could spend quite a long time...
01:54 we could spend the rest of the day just giving you recipes.
01:58 But, two very simple things and one is nut butter
02:02 and the other is a dessert.
02:04 So, Valerie Schreiber will talk with you about nut butters.
02:09 Thank you, Dr. Agatha.
02:10 I'd like to share with you how you can make very good
02:13 nut butter out of almonds
02:15 And much more inexpensive than you can go to the health food
02:19 store or your regular grocery store and buy nut butters
02:22 They can be quite expensive...
02:24 especially the almonds and the pecans
02:27 But what you can do at home is you can buy a bag of almonds
02:32 and take your almonds and put them on a loaf pan in the oven
02:39 about 250 degrees for about 2 hours
02:43 or a little bit more
02:44 and you can test them at that time and it will toast them
02:47 just right...
02:49 And then, all you have to do, is if you have a Champion Juicer,
02:53 is just put them through the Champion Juicer
02:55 And you can watch me, in just a moment,
02:57 just how I'm going to do this.
03:03 Go ahead and put some nuts in...
03:08 Wow, that comes right out as nut butter... I'm amazed!
03:14 Yes, it looks just like peanut butter.
03:21 It's just that simple... as you can see.
03:24 It makes beautiful butter
03:25 and right over here, I have made an almond butter pie.
03:30 And, it is absolutely delicious.
03:33 It's made with tofu and some almond butter.
03:36 My... that is beautiful.
03:39 Is it frozen? ... It's frozen.
03:41 Ah ha... You freeze it and then you eat it frozen.
03:44 Just like you would a peanut butter pie.
03:46 Same as peanut butter pie... This is the almond butter pie.
03:49 This is beautiful and it's tasty and it's also healthful.
03:55 So we can be very happy for almond butter pie.
03:59 YES! And then we can put a dip of banana ice cream on it.
04:03 Ohhh... a dip of banana ice cream on it...
04:05 Now a diabetic can eat this?
04:07 Yes, a diabetic can eat this
04:08 because of the tofu that is in it will cause the blood sugar
04:12 not to rise as rapidly and because of the nuts
04:15 that are in it, will not rise as rapidly.
04:17 Very good... and that means then the glycemic index will not be
04:21 so high and we will talk a little bit later about
04:23 the glycemic index and what that means.
04:26 Now, we have here something else that is very interesting
04:32 and important and that is a sugar substitute.
04:36 Now, in the same Champion Juicer that we have used to make the
04:42 almond butter... now we can make banana ice cream.
04:47 It's a hands-down favorite in our home to have
04:50 this kind of dessert.
04:53 In fact, we can make a whole meal of this kind of dessert.
04:57 What do you have here, Melissa?
04:58 I had just frozen these bananas overnight and
05:03 I did it in a ziplock freezer bag.
05:07 You can do it to anything other than bananas,
05:09 berries work very well too.
05:13 I'm just going to run them through the Champion Juicer
05:15 and we're going to get the butter out.
05:18 And actually, I like to have the butter... the almond butter
05:22 I like to have that in my ice cream...
05:24 As soon as it's all though, then I just sort of mix
05:28 it up nicely and it's really quite good.
05:33 Ahhh... there come the bananas now
05:42 Now the bananas go through very quickly and you can
05:49 see it's beginning to look like
05:50 banana ice cream now.
05:51 It actually looks like vanilla ice cream
05:54 and with the almond butter in it, we call it
05:57 almond butter ice cream.
06:00 This would be good for diabetics because bananas happen to
06:04 be high in sugar, so mixed with some
06:09 almonds would be good!
06:10 Yes, okay... that's a very good illustration.
06:16 My! That looks just like vanilla ice cream.
06:20 And having had a good bit of experience with it,
06:23 I know it tastes like ice cream too.
06:25 It tastes delicious!
06:27 Can you do anything else with this other than
06:29 just put it through plain?
06:31 Yes, actually I have made it into a dessert.
06:34 Oh yes... banana split!
06:38 Oh that eaten with a cracker or a cookie
06:41 would be quite satisfying for a diabetic... Sure.
06:45 Can you make any other ice cream besides banana?
06:50 Yes, you can use berries and mangos and peaches
06:55 and anything else that you would freeze overnight
06:58 in the freezer.
06:59 And diabetics can use all of those...
07:01 Actually, some diabetics are extremely sensitive to
07:07 some fruits...
07:08 But fruits like strawberries and blueberries and
07:12 most kinds of berries... blackberries,
07:14 most diabetics can eat those very well and they can be
07:18 mixed with a little banana ice cream which makes them creamy
07:22 Bananas work up creamy with a juicer better than any others
07:27 but it's only the Champion Juicer that will make this
07:29 kind of creamy ice cream.
07:31 So you'll want to use that kind of fruit as part of the base.
07:37 But you can put in a little bit of banana,
07:40 then some strawberries,
07:41 a little bit more banana, then some more strawberries
07:44 and you can have strawberry ice cream.
07:46 And this is very nice and most diabetics can eat it very well.
07:49 In fact, most diabetics can even eat this, but it depends on
07:54 the severity and the sensitivity that the diabetic has.
07:59 Now with blueberries, it's exactly the same thing...
08:02 a little bit of banana, then some blueberries,
08:04 a little more banana and a little more blueberries and
08:06 is a beautiful blue color and is really quite delightful.
08:11 I hope this little illustration has been of help to you
08:15 so that you can understand that not everything about
08:20 delicious food has to be unhealthful.
08:23 But we can have some very healthful things that are
08:29 easy to make and that give us a lot of nutrients
08:34 and do not cause the diabetic to have a violation of their
08:39 general principles.
08:41 Now diabetes is of 2 general types...
08:46 the type 1 and the type 2.
08:49 We used to call the type 1, the juvenile diabetes,
08:53 and the type 2, the adult-onset diabetes.
08:56 And we can still do that but you will find that if you
09:01 classify them in the 2 different varieties,
09:04 that it makes it easier for you to know how to treat it.
09:08 Now my husband and I wrote a book a couple of years ago
09:12 called "Diabetes and the Hypoglycemic Syndrome"
09:15 In this book, we tried to gather everything from all
09:19 over the world... every remedy that we could think of
09:22 that would be helpful for a diabetic,
09:24 every practice that they could use that would
09:27 help them with their diabetes,
09:28 and put it all in one book...
09:30 and that is this book, "Diabetes and the Hypoglycemic Syndrome"
09:35 And, as you read through this, you will find some very
09:39 helpful things... whether you're a type 1 or a type 2 diabetic
09:44 We have written all those things that are written for type 2
09:48 diabetics can also help those that have type 1 diabetes
09:52 not to have the complications of diabetes to accelerate.
09:57 We should think of diabetes as accelerated aging...
10:02 because essentially that is what it is.
10:04 It is a degenerative disease related to other degenerative
10:09 diseases in a syndrome called "syndrome X"
10:13 Syndrome X... because of too much insulin,
10:17 is characterized by, not only diabetes, but also hypertension
10:22 heart disease that's with a high LDL
10:26 and a low HDL.
10:28 So the bad cholesterol is up, the good cholesterol is down
10:32 in syndrome X...
10:34 And then also cancer and overweight...
10:38 these are also difficulties that people have
10:42 who have syndrome X.
10:45 Now with the type 1 diabetic, or the juvenile diabetic,
10:49 it often comes on rather suddenly...
10:51 in fact, it may be almost EXPLOSIVE.
10:54 They may have a little bit of warning but then
10:59 when the diabetes really comes on rather quickly,
11:02 they may get sick and even prostrate very quickly.
11:08 So adults need to be aware that small children even
11:13 can have a serious problem there.
11:16 A friend of mine, a pediatrician, went with his wife
11:21 on a small trip... they were planning to be gone only
11:28 4 days...
11:29 They left an aunt in charge of their 2 small children;
11:32 one was 3 years old and the other 5.
11:34 The 3-year-old was not feeling very well when they left home
11:38 In fact, for a day or so, he'd just been a little,
11:40 what they thought was just puny...
11:43 They lived in Savannah, Georgia
11:45 and it was summertime
11:46 and so they thought, well maybe the heat, he's playing
11:48 too hard in the heat.
11:50 And so when they left, he didn't have an appetite
11:54 ...he would not eat and the aunt encouraged him to eat
11:59 just a little bit which he promptly threw up
12:02 and they had spent one night
12:07 in the motel at the place where they were vacationing
12:10 for those 3 or 4 days when they got a call from their aunt.
12:14 And she said, "John is still not well, in fact, he is worse.
12:20 I think you should come home and see him. "
12:23 Well the doctor said, "No, you're just overly concerned.
12:27 He's going to be all right. "
12:28 So, he allayed her fears, but in a couple of hours,
12:34 she called again...
12:35 Well, she couldn't get in touch with him right away
12:37 so she was persistent,
12:40 and sent someone for them.
12:42 And again, the doctor thought... well, she's just being
12:46 overly concerned.
12:47 So he listened to her on the phone and tried to allay
12:52 her fears but she said, "No, I really want you to
12:55 come home now. "
12:56 So... nothing to do but the two of them to pack and go back home
13:01 So my friend said... that he walked in the door...
13:05 and he sort of had his hands on his hips
13:07 and he said to his aunt...
13:10 "Now show me where this sick boy is. "
13:13 Well he took one look at his son and he said,
13:17 "My son is very ill. "
13:18 So they went directly to the hospital, got a blood sugar,
13:21 found that it was over 400
13:23 and the boy was already in acidosis
13:27 and it was a little bit nip and tuck to get him
13:30 so that he was straightened out again.
13:32 So it CAN BE that a child can get a very sudden onset
13:38 of type 1 diabetes.
13:39 Now there are certain precursors of type 1 diabetes
13:42 and Don Miller, who is my associate at Uchee Pines
13:47 a lifestyle counselor and a health educator
13:51 and he will now talk with you about some of the precursors
13:55 of diabetes type 1.
13:56 Okay Dr. Thrash.
13:58 There are various things that will precurse or
14:01 perhaps lead to diabetes type 1.
14:04 We don't know all the reasons why a person develops type 1.
14:08 Of course we realize that it can be an inherited trait
14:12 that a person receives from a parent and they've got type 1
14:17 diabetes and we can't do much about things that we inherit.
14:20 But there are 4 more factors that they've come up with
14:24 that they theorize are things that may be causing children
14:28 to develop type 1 diabetes.
14:30 One, is a recent infection of some type.
14:33 And because we realize that...
14:36 let me just go back and explain what type 1 is
14:41 a little bit... Dr. Thrash has talked about it...
14:43 but we have in our pancreas... we have some beta cells
14:45 and it's our beta cells that produce the insulin
14:49 which takes the glucose into our cells.
14:52 It's when the beta cells are no longer there,
14:56 or do not produce insulin
14:57 we have type 1 diabetes...
14:59 which means the person is going to be diabetes-dependent
15:03 for the rest of their lives.
15:04 So some type of an infection might harm those beta cells.
15:09 It can also be, and we don't understand all of this,
15:13 but science has showed us a child who goes to daycare
15:17 is more likely to come down with type 1 diabetes
15:21 than the child who does not go to daycare.
15:23 A child who drinks milk, dairy milk, after 9 years of age
15:28 in large quantities has a bigger chance of developing
15:31 type 1 diabetes.
15:33 And really scary is a child before 6 months of age
15:37 who takes in dairy milk,
15:40 has a larger chance of developing type 1 diabetes.
15:44 Now, why might that be?
15:46 Why might it be that taking in dairy products
15:48 would cause us to develop type 1 diabetes?
15:51 Well, there's a reason for this.
15:53 The milk protein is a 17 amino acid peptide chain
15:58 ...that's what it looks like to the body
16:00 and the body recognizes, for the most part,
16:03 that protein to be an enemy.
16:06 And it sends out its immune response to it
16:10 produces cells, antibodies, to that protein
16:16 to try to protect our cells from that.
16:19 Trouble is, down in pancreas street where we have those
16:22 beta cells, the beta cells are made up of a 17 amino acid
16:26 peptide chain very similar to the milk protein.
16:30 And so as these antibodies, produced by the beta cells
16:34 of the immune system,
16:35 are out looking for the antigens which are on the milk proteins,
16:41 they find the beta cells in the pancreas...
16:45 and they attack the beta cells,
16:47 and it's basically an autoimmune disease
16:50 where "auto" means we're fighting ourselves
16:53 and a child that cannot do anything about it
16:56 but is receiving dairy milk which should be fed to a calf
16:59 is now receiving the very thing which is going to destroy
17:03 his beta cells...
17:04 and cause that child, for the rest of his life
17:06 to be an insulin-dependent type 1 diabetic.
17:10 And so, these 5 things,
17:12 some of them, we can do something about.
17:14 And all that we can do, we need to do to protect
17:17 our children from something as terrible
17:19 as type 1 juvenile diabetes, Dr. Thrash.
17:23 One of the things that we know about how to handle
17:27 a diabetic is some understanding of the glycemic index.
17:31 And I'm going to go to the board now
17:33 and draw for you a graph, so that you can see
17:36 just what the glycemic index is.
17:39 And you need to know before that, that there is a certain
17:44 spread of the laboratory tests
17:49 that will help you to know what proper blood glucose is.
17:53 Notice here, that the laboratory gives, as its normals 65 to 109
17:58 But your ideal level is 70 to 85.
18:02 With triglycerides, which is another problem that
18:06 diabetics often have,
18:07 the laboratory will give as its normals 0 to 149.
18:13 But, up to 100 is our ideal.
18:17 And over that, is getting to be too much.
18:20 Creatinine which is a waste product
18:23 filtered by the kidney,
18:25 the laboratory will give you 0.5 to 1.5...
18:30 But I don't like to see the creatinine higher than 1.2
18:34 and especially if it's going up year by year...
18:37 that makes me think that the kidneys are not functioning
18:40 as briskly as they had been.
18:43 Then the uric acid level,
18:45 which is another aspect of all of this syndrome X,
18:49 the uric acid level at 2.4 to 8.2
18:54 that is what the laboratory gives,
18:57 but I don't like to see it any higher than 5.
19:02 So if it's higher than 5, then it may be a problem for you.
19:06 Now, the glycemic index is not what the blood glucose is.
19:11 We say that 70 to 85 is the blood glucose
19:14 but as we look at the board, I will show you
19:18 just what we mean when we say the glycemic index
19:22 because the glycemic index gives us another parameter
19:26 that helps us to control diabetes.
19:29 So let us say that here is the graph...
19:31 and here is your fasting blood sugar, right here... this line.
19:37 So you eat a meal, or you eat a food,
19:41 and that food takes your blood sugar up
19:44 and then brings it back down again.
19:47 Now the glycemic index is the whole area
19:52 of the graph that represents the level that the food goes
19:58 and your fasting level.
20:00 So lets say that this food is nuts
20:03 and that this food is white sugar.
20:07 Now the level will come back down the same
20:10 but it has gone up quite a lot
20:12 and, in fact, it may even come down quicker
20:14 but since it has gone up a lot, it has a lot greater area
20:19 under the curve, than a nut would have.
20:24 And you may get the same nourishment from them
20:26 both so far as the energy that you get.
20:28 But, you do not have the same influence on your body.
20:34 So, the glycemic index is one thing that we want to study.
20:38 And, Valerie Schreiber is going to help me show you some foods
20:43 that have a low or a high glycemic index.
20:48 So Valerie, what can you tell us here about these foods
20:51 that you have?
20:52 Well, I'm first going to show you the different foods that are
20:56 high and the foods that are low
20:58 on the glycemic index
20:59 and it's simply a marker,
21:01 telling us, as Dr. Agatha said,
21:02 how fast our sugar goes up, according to what foods
21:06 we eat and some of them are quite surprising as to
21:10 the ones that will do that to us...
21:12 and an example is potato, as I have right here.
21:17 It is high on the glycemic index
21:20 so is corn and so are carrots.
21:23 Now does that mean that, oh.. I can't ever have a potato,
21:27 or a carrot or an ear of corn again?
21:28 No, it doesn't mean that,
21:30 but it means that if you're going to eat these vegetables,
21:32 then you have to figure out a food that would be high fiber
21:36 so that it will slow the rise in your blood sugar
21:41 and so you don't want to eat a whole meal of foods that are
21:45 going to cause your blood sugar to go, very quickly, up...
21:49 You want to eat foods that will cause it to go slower
21:52 and so, those are your high fiber foods.
21:55 And God has given us that in His vegetable kingdom as well.
21:59 So now what you would want to do is...
22:01 Let's say... oh, I want a corn on the cob
22:05 or I want a baked potato.
22:06 How you would do that is, you would go ahead and
22:09 have yourself like a spinach salad
22:11 or, you know, a good salad that would have broccoli,
22:14 cauliflower in it.
22:15 And/or, you can take some lentils or soy
22:21 and both of these are very low on the glycemic index
22:24 And so you could make burgers, loaves...
22:28 all sorts of things you can make out of soy
22:30 Soy is extremely low on it and so beneficial for
22:33 many other things for our body as well
22:35 And, lentils are extremely tasty.
22:37 And so you could have this and a nice salad
22:41 and then you could go ahead and have your ear of corn,
22:44 or your baked potato.
22:46 And it would be quite permissible to do that.
22:49 Now another area to consider on the glycemic index
22:53 is bread.
22:54 And, unfortunately, even in the whole grain breads,
22:58 it will tend to rise it a little swifter.
23:01 So, if you want to eat bread,
23:04 you would do the same thing that I explained
23:05 to you just a minute ago.
23:06 You would go ahead and have a good salad with LOTS of fiber.
23:09 And/or a good legume like pintos or something with soy...
23:16 Tofu would be another good one.
23:17 But another good substitute for bread would be Wasa.
23:23 That is very high in fiber... and this is rye
23:25 and it's very high in fiber and very low in the glycemic index.
23:29 So you could alternate having bread and then have Wasa
23:33 at another time, so that you could still enjoy having
23:36 something either crunchy or kind of bready.
23:38 What if you put the almond butter that you previously
23:42 made on the bread? Yes...
23:43 Now you can go ahead and put almond butter on here
23:45 and that would slow it...
23:47 And so you could go ahead and have your almond butter on
23:51 your bread and it would be permissible to eat that.
23:53 Now another thing is...
23:55 You know, people love pancakes and waffles.
23:57 Well, the standard pancake mixes and waffles are
23:59 very questionable...
24:00 and they will go ahead and shoot her sugar up high.
24:04 So, the BEST ones to get...
24:06 and I'm telling you, they make best waffles and
24:08 pancakes you ever ate...
24:09 happens to be buckwheat flour and soy flour.
24:12 And what's so nice about soy flour is that
24:16 it acts like a leavening in there.
24:17 It will rise them up and make them nice and fluffy and soft.
24:20 And you can make the BEST pancakes,
24:22 and you can make the BEST waffles out of soy flour.
24:26 So then you don't have to use baking soda or baking powder?
24:28 No, you do not have to use it.
24:29 The soy just puffs them up a little bit.
24:33 The soy just puffs them up and makes them nice and fluffy.
24:35 And the steam from your waffle iron does the rest?
24:37 Oh yes! And they are delicious
24:40 and they don't affect the...
24:41 makes me hungry just to think of it... I know it! I know...
24:43 it does me too!
24:44 And we'll have some banana ice cream on that waffle?
24:47 You could have banana ice cream on that waffle!
24:49 Yes! You could have banana ice cream on that waffle and put
24:51 some strawberries on top and you would be just fine.
24:57 Fiber, as we said a few minutes ago, does slow
25:01 the glycemic index.
25:03 Another thing, that eating a large meal
25:05 will rise your sugar, your glycemic index,
25:08 so it's important that if you're having problems with diabetes,
25:12 that you want to eat smaller meals.
25:13 Now this doesn't mean, okay I can eat 6 meals a day.
25:15 No... it means the regular meals that you're eating
25:18 whether it be 2 or 3,
25:19 you eat smaller meals.
25:20 And then you will find that your sugar level will not rise
25:24 as rapidly.
25:25 So... so those are very good things to know about
25:30 the glycemic index...
25:32 and how we can handle this
25:33 and how we can make it so that even though
25:37 we may eat something that has a pretty high glycemic index
25:41 If we manage our diet in just the right way,
25:44 then we are going to be able take care of things well.
25:48 Now type 1 diabetes is never handled with a fast.
25:54 But type 2 diabetes can very properly be handled with a fast.
25:58 In fact, that's one of the standard treatments
26:01 that we use for that.
26:02 And I would like to tell you just a little bit about
26:06 some of the experiences that we have had with fasting.
26:09 We have had many people who have some to Uchee Pines
26:12 type 2 diabetics, who are on 70 or 80 or 90 units of insulin.
26:18 We give them a fast, and of course, they don't take insulin,
26:21 they don't take food during that time.
26:23 They only take water and clear herb teas.
26:27 And as they take these, when we finish with the fast,
26:33 sometimes that's 2 days, sometimes it's 3 days,
26:36 sometimes it may be up to 5 days that we will
26:39 have the person to fast.
26:40 But as soon as they come off the fast,
26:42 we may find that their insulin requirements have halved.
26:46 So that we are no longer using 70 or 80 or 90 units.
26:49 But now we may be using 20 or 30 or 40
26:53 for that individual.
26:55 And as we continue to help them to lose weight,
26:58 and to exercise more...
27:00 As we do these things, then the person slowly
27:04 gets off insulin.
27:06 Once in a while, we'll have a person who has a lot of the
27:10 oral antidiabetic agents that they are using
27:12 and we need to have them take a fast too.
27:17 For these individuals, if they come to our center,
27:20 then we can easily fast them 4 or 5 days
27:23 when they're right under our care.
27:25 But, if they're at home, then we tell the person
27:28 not to fast more than a day or two per week.
27:31 So they can fast on Monday,
27:33 and then they can fast again, perhaps, on Thursday.
27:36 And again, the person who is on these agents
27:40 can usually stop taking them gradually as they
27:44 get better in control of themselves.
27:46 I hope that your understanding of diabetes has been increased,
27:51 and that you will improve
27:53 your glycemic index.


Revised 2014-12-17