Help Yourself to Health

True Recreation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000147

00:01 There is such a thing as TRUE recreation.
00:05 But there is also something that we might call FALSE
00:08 recreation.
00:09 We'd like to discuss these aspects of recreation
00:13 as they pertain to health...
00:15 both mental and emotional health
00:17 and during the next half an hour, we will be discussing
00:20 some things about that,
00:21 and we hope you will join us.
00:44 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health"
00:46 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute.
00:50 And now, here's your host, Dr. Thrash.
00:55 True recreation has the connotation of restoration...
00:59 ...whereas entertainment has just the connotation of fun,
01:03 maybe excitement, maybe injury.
01:09 Whatever it is in your mind,
01:12 let us make a study of some of the principles of true
01:17 recreation as we might find them in the Bible...
01:20 and I would like to present to you from Matthew 13:44...
01:26 something that I can recommend to you as always being a feature
01:31 of true recreation.
01:32 It is something that we can joy in with our Heavenly Father,
01:37 knowing that He is the Author of all TRUE recreation.
01:42 Let me just read...
01:43 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure,
01:46 that a man discovered hidden in a field
01:49 In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything
01:54 he owned to get enough money to buy the field,
01:57 and to get the treasure too. "
02:00 Now this describes the enjoyment that this man had.
02:04 The Bible says... this version of the Bible...
02:07 says that he actually had excitement about
02:10 the fact that he had found the treasure.
02:13 Now if we can get that same kind of excitement about
02:16 things having to do with spirituality,
02:18 this can bring to us true recreation.
02:23 But there are things having to do with the things that God
02:26 has created that make it so that we can have true
02:30 recreation from that too.
02:32 Have you ever considered the recreation that Adam and Eve
02:35 might have had in the Garden of Eden?
02:37 Picture a bit if you can...
02:39 Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden...
02:43 they did not have to work for a living.
02:46 Everything that they needed...
02:48 their clothing was provided for them,
02:50 they carried it around with them in the form
02:52 of a covering of light...
02:55 a robe of pure, white light.
02:59 The canopy of the earth made by the firmament
03:03 that enclosed the entire earth and
03:06 made the temperature uniform throughout
03:08 and made it just so that it had exactly the right humidity
03:12 exactly the right temperature
03:14 to be comfortable and helpful.
03:17 That was all provided for them in the atmosphere around them.
03:21 Then their food was provided for them by the trees and the
03:26 shrubs of the garden...
03:28 so that they had their food already for them just to pick
03:32 and peel and eat.
03:36 Grains that they took, I suppose they would probably
03:40 just rub them... rub the shuck off,
03:42 and I'm sure that it was much different than it is now.
03:47 But for them, that was recreation too...
03:49 gathering the wonderful things that God had provided for them
03:53 in the Bible.
03:55 Down through the centuries, things changed...
03:58 in fact, for Adam and Eve, it changed right away.
04:02 Once they introduced sin into the Garden,
04:05 then the whole aspect of recreation changed...
04:09 After that, they had to work for a living.
04:11 By the sweat of their brow, they earned their bread.
04:16 And now, they didn't have the protective covering
04:20 that they had had.
04:21 They now had to make their clothes as well.
04:26 So this made a certain amount of drudgery
04:28 in what they had to do.
04:29 But even so, I'm sure it was far different
04:32 than it was after the flood.
04:35 After the flood, then the earth was swept clean of much of the
04:41 beautiful verger that covered the earth prior to the flood.
04:47 And now, the ravished earth was no longer the beauty
04:53 that it had been before.
04:56 Now Adam and Eve had a whole different way of looking
05:03 at recreation and especially Noah and his sons
05:08 had a very different attitude than Adam and Eve did
05:13 in the very beginning of time.
05:16 Now we come on down through history and we get to
05:19 the time of the Greeks.
05:21 The Greeks had athletic-type sports which they enjoyed
05:26 very much...
05:27 And a large percentage of the people actually engaged
05:31 in the sports.
05:33 Then we come on down to the Romans and fewer
05:38 percentage of the people engaged in the sports.
05:41 Most of them became spectator sports.
05:45 Then we come on down through the centuries to our day...
05:48 and now, we have become largely couch potatoes.
05:52 We like some board games and some parlor games
05:55 and some computer games.
05:58 But we don't like the games that Adam and Eve had in the
06:01 beginning.
06:02 Or, that this man in Chapter 13:44 of Matthew had...
06:08 where for JOY, he went and sold all that he had...
06:12 so that he could enter in to that GREAT experience.
06:15 He felt that this recreational experience with the Lord was
06:19 worth everything to him.
06:21 And, we can have that very same experience too.
06:24 We can have true recreation.
06:26 But there are some things having to do with sports
06:29 which many people think of as true recreation
06:32 which are not the very best for us...
06:35 And I have here, Don Miller, who is my associate
06:38 at Uchee Pines.
06:39 He is in the education department there.
06:43 Don Miller is a health educator and a health counselor.
06:47 And, he will talk with you some now, about sports.
06:51 What do you have here?
06:52 Well... I'm going to tell you
06:53 about a study that was done
06:54 down in Texas a number of years ago
06:56 about what does sports
06:57 do to people.
06:58 You know I was very much involved in sports through
07:03 high school and college and in the military,
07:06 and I just remember what it did to me to go up against
07:10 the other team... you just... you had this thing in you.
07:12 And...
07:14 there are certain
07:15 theories about
07:16 what sports do for a person..
07:17 But what I want to do is show you a study on the screen
07:21 that was done in Texas with high school varsity sports
07:25 players, 1600 of them... that's a big study.
07:29 And this is what
07:30 they found after seeing
07:31 how these boys reacted.
07:33 They found that they had increased aggression...
07:36 I don't think we need anymore increased aggression in our
07:40 society.
07:41 Increased irritability... that's inbred into the sports person.
07:46 Reduced honesty... it's amazing, you watch these pro-sportsmen
07:50 out there and you can SEE that they weren't across the line...
07:53 you can SEE that they didn't touch somebody or they did
07:56 touch somebody... but they just complain loudly
08:01 because they've been called for their violation, reduced honesty
08:06 Decreased self-control.
08:08 Decreased independence... they were dependent upon
08:12 other people.
08:13 And then there was that last one, #6...
08:16 A slight increase in self-esteem...
08:20 Now I'm always amazed that we send our children to esteemed
08:25 classes.
08:27 We sit there and say... Well, their problem is
08:29 their esteem is too low.
08:31 But the Bible says we are to esteem others
08:33 better than ourselves.
08:35 And I think many times, we misdiagnose or we mislabel
08:40 what we consider might be esteem in these people involved
08:43 in sports and it's more of an arrogance.
08:46 You can see it in pro-sports...
08:48 the football player goes across the finish line or the
08:52 goal line with his football
08:53 and he stands there and he wiggles his legs and he does all
08:56 kinds of jiggles and jaggles around there.
08:58 ...Looks like a foolish person doing these things
09:01 All pride!
09:02 The basketball players nowadays,
09:04 they go out there and they snuff the ball and they hang on
09:07 the loop like a chimpanzee.
09:09 It's all show...
09:10 It's all a part of their arrogance and their thing.
09:13 As a matter of fact, from my thoughts
09:15 going to Washington Sports Program...
09:17 you go to the arena, or the field, or whatever
09:19're watching a bunch of
09:20 millionaires run around
09:21 and play a game.
09:23 There are better ways to spend our monies nowadays...
09:27 So I think we need to take our children away.
09:29 Now I will be talking about a few things later on, soccer moms
09:32 about sports that really aren't the best thing for our children.
09:35 There are better things that they can be doing
09:37 But that's what the Texas study showed, Dr. Thrash,
09:40 and it really doesn't do any favors for young people.
09:42 Yes, as I looked at that list that you have there,
09:45 I thought those aren't things that we used to think of as
09:49 sportsmanship where we thought of honesty, honor,
09:54 fair-dealing, trying to help the under person
09:58 to do better.
09:59 And, when I was in school, I remember those were the things
10:02 that were considered to be sportsmanship.
10:06 Concerning children in sports,
10:08 there are now teams of all sorts for children
10:12 and we would think that children would be much more
10:16 altruistic and idealistic...
10:19 but let me just read some of the things that we find that
10:22 some of these children's teams foster in the children...
10:27 First, a study which was published in the
10:31 "Journal of Sports Psychology," in 1981,
10:35 showed that quarreling occurred on a regular basis.
10:40 The children would quarrel with each other.
10:43 Furthermore, they would quarrel with the coach...
10:46 or the umpire.
10:48 And it wasn't at all uncommon for them to quarrel with
10:52 the parents of some other player.
10:54 Fistfights would break out.
10:57 Fistfights that were a fight to the death.
11:01 They tried, really, to do each other in.
11:03 It wasn't just to hurt them a little but to really injure them
11:08 Crying was another common complaint on several occasions.
11:13 It was generally in the context of some perceived injustice
11:17 done to themselves, or some failure that they had done.
11:21 They might leave the playing field or the court crying
11:25 because they perceived that they had failed
11:28 and they had really hoped or had their ideals
11:33 pinned on doing well and they did not do so well.
11:37 Rivalry with other children was greatly increased
11:40 and altruism was greatly decreased.
11:45 Now, these are all antisocial expressions.
11:49 These are expressions which, if they are fostered
11:52 and cherished by the child, will lead to a handicap
11:57 in later life.
11:58 So, we want to watch over our children...
12:00 sports are fine,
12:02 but the sports that are not competitive sports
12:05 and that foster these kinds of antisocial expressions
12:09 that can handicap the life forever.
12:12 Now, not only can the general life be handicapped
12:18 and the social expressions be handicapped,
12:21 but also, the body can be handicapped.
12:23 And Don Miller is going to talk with you about some of the
12:27 problems that people get in who are in competitive sports.
12:31 Okay... Every sport has its equipment,
12:34 and, of course, we've always got the balls.
12:36 Every sport has a ball involved just about in its
12:39 particular sport.
12:40 But there are pieces of sporting equipment that we don't really
12:43 think about too often, we really
12:44 don't want to think about it.
12:45 One piece of sporting equipment that becomes very handy
12:48 is the Ace bandage.
12:50 I have used these things a lot of times when I have been
12:54 engaged in sports.
12:55 Also, ankle braces and ankle supports
12:59 because we hurt ourselves so much.
13:00 As a matter of fact, every year, there are 10 million sports
13:04 injuries in this country alone.
13:06 We have knee supports and leg braces,
13:10 and quite often, we've got the crutches.
13:13 I had to use one of these after breaking a leg
13:16 in a sporting event.
13:18 These are standard equipment in sports nowadays
13:22 We have to be very careful with our bodies.
13:24 I know of a couple of situations,
13:26 one, a friend of mine,
13:28 an older man was involved in just a pickup game of basketball
13:32 ...just something as simple as playing a game of basketball.
13:35 Bouncing around.. but, you know, it got a little bit rough
13:38 ...think you're going to play a little street rules,
13:40 "jungle rules" as we used to call it...
13:42 and through all this thing, he caught a finger in his eye.
13:46 and now he is permanently blind in that eye
13:50 ...just from a simple game of basketball.
13:52 Once when I was stationed in Key West, Florida,
13:55 I was an officer there at the Marine barracks and
13:58 we were playing a softball game
14:00 and our coach, who was also a player,
14:02 he was running to 3rd base, and the ball was coming in
14:05 and he just dove head first
14:07 and his hands went out first
14:10 and it just took his thumb straight back and it was just
14:13 dangling up against his arm
14:15 and he stayed in the game because he LOVED the game.
14:17 But he really did a miserable job on his hand.
14:20 I remember years ago, I was stationed in Atlanta, Georgia,
14:24 and I was going to play racquetball one noontime
14:27 with our director, a colonel...
14:29 and we'd get out there and he was very good
14:31 and I wasn't good at all...
14:33 and he'd be there and hitting that ball
14:34 and every once in a while, I'd turn around and look at him
14:36 And he'd say, "Don't turn around"
14:38 and he'd be playing some more and I'd look back
14:40 and he'd say, "Don't turn around. "
14:42 Well, he'd realized I was turning around too much
14:44 So, every once in a while, he'd take that ball,
14:46 and he was very good,
14:47 and he would plant that thing right in the middle of my back.
14:50 And it hurt terribly.
14:52 But I realized what he was doing,
14:54 if I ever turned around while he hit that ball,
14:56 and I had caught that ball in my eye,
14:59 I would have lost my eye.
15:01 And they lose their eyes all the time in sports nowadays.
15:05 As a matter of fact, you'll see many times,
15:07 especially in racquetball and handball,
15:09 the now almost standard equipment
15:11 is special eye protection
15:13 so if you're going to be involved in these sports,
15:15 protect your bodies.
15:17 Now, we've already talked about the fact that
15:18 it's going to be hard to protect your character
15:21 because your character will suffer trauma...
15:23 but protect your body too.
15:26 We see the football players...
15:28 they've got their shoulder pads and
15:31 everything seems to be padded...
15:32 but they're broken down men many times...
15:35 their playing span is very short from their injuries.
15:39 And that goes right back to the earliest times
15:42 into their sporting experiences.
15:44 Right now, if I were to go outside and pickup a rock,
15:48 and throw it at a tree or somewhere,
15:51 pretty hard, I would be hurting for about a week because
15:54 I've got a permanent rotator cuff injury
15:56 because the first day of softball season,
15:59 every year in the military,
16:00 I'd get out there and I'd throw that ball as hard as I
16:03 could because it's the first day and you feel great
16:06 and I permanently injured my rotator cuff in my right arm.
16:10 It's a thing that I'm stuck with.
16:12 I have basically done a job on my knees because for years,
16:15 I was a competitive runner.
16:16 And it's not a bad thing to run.
16:18 Running is a good sport.
16:19 But when you really get into running,
16:21 this is what you do...
16:22 You're running in a race,
16:23 and I'm talking about a distance run...
16:26 and you're always trying to beat that person up ahead of you
16:29 And you beat that person, and then there's another person
16:32 And you're putting your body through stresses it's really not
16:35 made to take.
16:36 And I basically slowly wore down my left knee
16:39 until the point I really don't want to run anymore because
16:42 I don't want to be stuck with osteoarthritis as I get older.
16:45 And so, we need to learn to take care of ourselves...
16:48 the bruises, the strains, the sprains...
16:51 and part and parcel with sports injuries.
16:54 But there are greater injuries that people succumb to...
16:58 We see them, broken necks and broken bones,
17:01 broken backs...
17:03 I wonder is it really worth all the pain and the debility
17:08 that we experience through these sports,
17:11 and so, I'd rather get involved in the type of a sport
17:14 like walking in the woods and working in my garden and doing
17:18 things with myself and with my Lord
17:21 They're not competitive and they're pretty safe for my body.
17:24 I feel a whole lot better with sports like that, Dr. Thrash.
17:27 Yes, those are very acceptable sports.
17:29 Another type of recreation that many people engage in
17:33 that we would find unacceptable
17:36 is that of drinking and drugs.
17:39 Recreational drugs and recreational alcohol can be very
17:44 ruinous, not only to the health but to the entire life.
17:47 And many people sacrifice their lives and all their potential
17:51 on these alters...
17:52 ...the alter of alcohol and the alter of drugs.
17:55 We recommend to you that you totally avoid them,
17:58 that they be left entirely to the
18:04 animals that we do experiments on
18:06 and not use them at all in your recreational habits.
18:11 I have a number of studies done on blood alcohol levels
18:15 in individuals and the disabilities that they have
18:19 at various levels.
18:20 I have also been a witness against individuals who have
18:28 had high blood alcohol levels and have committed some crime.
18:32 And so I
18:33 recommend to you
18:35 that you not consider
18:37 anything that has the great potential that alcohol does
18:41 and drugs, of ruining your life forever
18:44 I recommend that you simply leave that alone.
18:46 It isn't worth the altered, perverted sense of fun
18:53 that some people have when they use these substances
18:57 It is not worth that to risk all of your future.
19:02 Now another part of recreation is something that has both a
19:06 blessing and a curse
19:07 and that is music.
19:10 I have just read a book by Dr. Eurydice Osterman
19:13 who is the head of the department of music at
19:18 Oakwood College.
19:20 Dr. Osterman has written a book called...
19:22 "What God Says About Music. "
19:24 And I have enjoyed reading that
19:26 And as I read it, I thought about the large place that music
19:33 has in the earth made new.
19:36 I'm sure that God will teach us
19:39 all sorts of things like... how to play a harp,
19:42 apparently we will have that as innate knowledge...
19:45 we will not have to be taught.
19:46 We will be simply issued the harp and immediately
19:49 we will be able to play...
19:51 What a joy that will be... a very challenging instrument.
19:55 But we will also sing.
19:57 The human voice is the most beautiful musical instrument
20:02 on earth.
20:03 And, singing can be a great blessing to us.
20:06 But there is that about music that can also be a curse.
20:10 And Dr. Osterman talks about that in her book on music...
20:14 ...about how the physical body is affected by the kind of music
20:19 that we listen to.
20:20 Much of this kind of music we will find in the
20:23 mass media today... in radio and in television
20:26 And we recommend to you that you learn that kind of
20:30 music that can be damaging to your psychological makeup
20:33 and to your physical body and that you avoid that kind
20:37 of music.
20:38 With television, there are also some other dangers that
20:42 we should mention.
20:43 One is that the flicker of television requires a certain
20:51 time span...
20:53 because of the fact that the eye has to unite those flickers
20:58 into one steady image...
21:01 And making that flicker synthesis requires a certain
21:06 amount of time.
21:07 Then when you receive the image into the eye,
21:11 after that flicker synthesis is done,
21:14 then it must be passed to the back of the head
21:18 where we have the visual cortex... way back here in the
21:21 back of the head.
21:22 That doesn't take long, but it does take a split second.
21:26 And then, not only must we receive it there in the visual
21:30 cortex, but then we must transfer it to another area
21:34 which is an interpretation area...
21:36 another split second.
21:38 Then we have to transfer it to yet another area
21:41 where we synthesize all of these aspects
21:44 of what has gone on in the brain,
21:47 so that we can send the composite picture to the
21:51 judgment center of the brain.
21:54 In the judgment center, we criticize what we have seen.
21:57 Now television does not give us enough time
22:01 to criticize what we have seen.
22:03 All of these steps take a little bit of time
22:05 once we get to the judgment center,
22:07 then it isn't possible for us to take the time
22:11 with commercial TV to evaluate what we see in commercial TV.
22:16 Now you will observe that 3ABN broadcasts its programs
22:21 in an altogether different way...
22:22 The flicker is the same,
22:24 all the things that happen in the brain are the same,
22:27 EXCEPT for what happens in the judgment center...
22:30 You're given plenty of time to make a judgment
22:34 about what I have said or others have said
22:37 so that you can see if that is moral or immoral
22:41 If it agrees with your religion, or it does not agree.
22:44 If it's offensive to your sensibilities,
22:47 or it's not offensive.
22:49 All of that takes time.
22:51 Commercial TV does not give you that time.
22:54 I consider that to be a very difficult problem
22:57 with commercial TV,
22:59 and one of the reasons why parents should be extremely
23:03 careful with television.
23:05 So far as I'm concerned, a child does not need to see television.
23:09 They can watch 3ABN...
23:11 it's not commercial TV and they will be much edified
23:15 by watching 3ABN.
23:17 Now there are some aspects of television that Don Miller will
23:22 talk with you about and
23:23 perhaps at this time, he will say a few words about that.
23:27 I'd like to say a few words about that because
23:29 things have changed since I was a child.
23:31 I was born in 1947.
23:33 1950s was the year the television came out
23:37 and things were on television back then which
23:40 I consider, even today, to be rather innocent.
23:43 I mean... I grew up with Beaver Clever.
23:45 I grew with Ozzie and Harriet
23:47 I grew up with these very simple family situations.
23:50 But things have changed...
23:52 there's been a whole paradigm shift as it were
23:55 to today's television programming.
23:57 And I don't watch television anymore.
23:59 I do not have a TV. I have not had TV for years.
24:02 But I hear about what's going on these TVs
24:05 I read in newspapers.
24:06 I read about that guy named "Beavis" and his friend.
24:08 I read about Mary with children.
24:10 and all these things... the very programming
24:13 is meant to change a person's whole mindset.
24:17 Even going back to the detectives and the dramas
24:23 back in my youth,
24:24 you had the things like "Highway Patrol" and
24:30 programs like that.
24:31 You never saw blood and guts flying...
24:33 You never saw the violence that you seen nowadays
24:36 in programs on the television
24:38 So, I've even forgotten the names of the programs back then
24:41 That's good! Things are getting better in my mind.
24:43 But, we see that as programming changes...
24:47 well, they've done some studies.
24:49 They've gone to places where they've never had television
24:52 and finally, they've gotten TV in.
24:55 And, as soon as TV is introduced in a society,
25:00 they find a number of things...
25:02 One, homicides go up.
25:03 Delinquency goes up.
25:06 Attitudes of children in schools
25:08 down as low as the first and second grades
25:10 go down.
25:11 In South Africa, for years, the homicide rate had been
25:15 falling, falling, falling...
25:17 and then TV was introduced
25:19 and as soon as TV was introduced,
25:21 for the next 15 years, it went up precipitously.
25:24 Now, it's interesting to look at the time in which
25:28 TV was introduced in South Africa
25:30 and how much it rose and take the same period of time
25:33 for TV introduced into the United States
25:36 and the rise in crime was much lower in the United States.
25:41 Why was it lower
25:42 in the U.S.,
25:43 than it was in South Africa?
25:44 Are they different?
25:46 Were they created by a different God?
25:47 No... because when TV was created or introduced
25:51 into the United States, back in the 50s,
25:53 the programming was quite innocent and family-oriented.
25:57 BUT, when TV was introduced in 1975,
26:00 in South Africa, programming at that time
26:03 had become quite violent.
26:05 Quite perverted... if I can use that word.
26:09 And it changed the people, because what you view,
26:14 what you behold is what you become.
26:17 And so, if you want to become a Beavis,
26:20 watch Beavis.
26:22 If you want to become like Christ, observe Him.
26:25 Observe Him in the Word, observe Him in nature.
26:29 Because one of these days, we're going to be like Him...
26:32 if we allow Him to make us that way... Dr. Thrash.
26:35 I feel that even what we might call "innocent TV"
26:40 as a Christian parent, we need to be very mindful of the fact
26:44 that most "innocent TV" and "innocent drama" teaches our
26:49 children that they can get along very well without God.
26:53 And I'm not certain that that's the message that we want to
26:56 transmit to them.
26:58 Now one big time when we need to have Christian recreation
27:03 is on Sabbath.
27:05 and singing, walks in nature, water walks or
27:11 water and nature studies...
27:12 all of these can be a part of what we do on Sabbath
27:16 that can teach our children about the wonders
27:19 of God's creation.
27:20 And as we see the wonders of God's creation,
27:23 we come to have a heart filled with gratitude for Him.
27:27 We know that God created this world,
27:31 then He made Adam and Eve
27:33 and He gave this world to them as a wedding gift.
27:38 It's a gift that is so varied
27:42 so big...
27:44 that we can spend an entire lifetime
27:47 trying to study the various aspects of it
27:50 and we still never exhaust
27:52 the marvelous source.


Revised 2014-12-17