Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000143
00:01 Twenty-five percent
00:03 of Americans have high blood pressure... 00:04 And 67 percent 00:07 of those do not even know they have it. 00:09 That's why we call it 00:10 "the silent killer. " 00:12 We'll be talking about that 00:13 in the next half-an-hour. 00:15 I'm Agatha Thrash 00:16 from Uchee Pines Institute, 00:18 a Medical Missionary 00:19 Training Institute... 00:21 And we hope you will join us 00:22 for this program. 00:43 Welcome to 00:44 "Help Yourself to Health" 00:45 with Dr. Agatha Thrash 00:46 of Uchee Pines Institute. 00:48 And now... 00:49 here's your host, 00:50 Dr. Thrash. 00:53 Although more than 00:55 60 million people 00:56 in the United States 00:58 have high blood pressure, 01:00 only about 01:01 a- quarter of those 01:02 have their blood pressure 01:04 under control. 01:05 So, 01:06 we need to find out 01:07 how we can manage 01:09 our lifestyles 01:10 so that we can 01:11 get the blood pressure 01:12 under control. 01:14 And I have with me 01:15 Don Miller who is 01:16 going to talk with you about the 01:17 effect of stress 01:21 on the blood pressure 01:22 and how it affects the 01:23 entire lifestyle. 01:24 So, Don Miller. 01:26 I want to say first 01:27 as I talk about stress, 01:28 that stress has been given to us 01:30 by a very loving God 01:31 for a very real purpose. 01:33 I'll give you sort of a 01:34 scenario that happened to me not long ago. 01:36 I was in the country of Zimbabwe 01:37 and we were 01:39 riding through a park 01:40 called Wankee, 01:41 and we came upon 01:43 2 lions; a male lion 01:45 and a female lion... 01:46 ...somewhere off the road, 01:48 and it was very exciting 01:50 to see these 2 lions there. 01:53 But they were just sort of laying there 01:54 ...I want to see these 01:55 lions DO something. 01:56 And so I decided to 01:58 try to get them to DO something. 02:00 And so I, 02:02 rather foolishly 02:03 got out of the vehicle. 02:05 And, it's amazing 02:06 what stress does for the body... 02:08 how fast it make you move 02:10 because when the haunches 02:11 of that lion, the back haunches 02:12 came up off the ground... 02:14 I was in that car 02:15 so fast, 02:16 I couldn't believe it. 02:18 And see, God gave us 02:19 that reaction that when 02:20 something happens, 02:21 that we need that 02:23 fight or flight mode in our bodies, 02:25 we've got everything working 02:27 for that. 02:28 As a matter of fact, what it does 02:29 it raises the blood pressure, 02:31 it increases the pulse rate, 02:34 it constricts certain things, 02:36 your appetite shuts down, 02:38 your digestion shuts down, 02:40 your eliminatory process... 02:42 you can't eliminate... 02:43 all shuts down... 02:44 Because everything is ready 02:46 for that fight or flight situation. 02:48 Stress brings that on. 02:50 And that's a good thing 02:51 when you're walking down the road 02:52 and here comes a Rottweiler 02:54 or you get out of your car 02:55 and there's a lion. 02:57 But what happens 02:58 when you're driving to the airport 03:00 and... 03:01 the plane leaves in an hour 03:02 and you're going to be there... 03:03 it's only 15 minutes away but 03:05 then you come across 03:06 stalled traffic, 03:07 everything is backed up 03:09 for as far as you can see. 03:10 It's the same stress. 03:12 Because what stress is 03:15 is the internal reaction 03:16 to an external stressor. 03:18 And it's how you manage 03:20 that stress that has 03:21 everything to do 03:22 with how you're going to feel 03:24 and how it's going to affect your 03:25 blood pressure and your life 03:26 because basically 03:27 when people get into 03:29 those situations, 03:30 stuck in traffic, 03:31 or not going to make your appointment, 03:33 if you do not know how to 03:35 manage the stress... 03:36 ...we don't want to eliminate stress. 03:38 If we eliminated the ability 03:40 to react to a stressful 03:42 situation, 03:43 we would cut out 03:44 a large part... 03:46 an important part of our lives. 03:48 But how do we manage that stress? 03:50 So here you are... 03:52 you're in the vehicle, 03:53 you've got to get there... 03:54 if you don't get there, 03:55 you're going to miss the airplane flight. 03:56 So, how do you manage that? 03:58 There are a number of ways to manage it. 03:59 1. Sit there and say... 04:01 "Okay Lord, 04:02 I'm really going to be interested 04:04 and see how you work this thing out... 04:06 ...What flight I'm going to get, 04:07 who I'm going to sit next to... 04:09 ...Why? 04:10 Why Lord? 04:11 am I going to miss this flight? 04:13 Because He's in charge. 04:14 If we could just understand it. 04:16 He's in charge of all these circumstances. 04:18 Don't let yourself be a victim 04:21 of circumstances. 04:22 Another thing you can do... 04:23 is stopped, 04:25 traffic stopped... 04:26 Turn off the car, 04:27 get out, walk around 04:28 your car a few times. 04:29 We are told that exercise 04:31 neutralizes stress. 04:33 So get out there, 04:34 and so some exercise. 04:35 If you can't get out, 04:37 just do some type of 04:38 they teach you in the airplane, 04:40 some different exercises to do, 04:41 DO some type of exercises. 04:43 Do some isometrics... 04:44 push here and push there, 04:46 squeeze the steering wheel, 04:48 Do anything because as we 04:50 exert our physical 04:51 forces, 04:52 we lessen the stress on our body, 04:55 because as that stress builds up, 04:57 we are now releasing 04:59 catecholamine's, 05:00 different stress hormones in the body. 05:02 We've got to somehow let these 05:04 things perk off 05:05 by using them up through 05:06 the exertion of our muscles 05:08 in our bodies. 05:09 And so when we get into a stressful 05:10 situation, 05:11 let's not eliminate the stress 05:13 because quite frankly, 05:14 the crying child 05:16 can give you the stress, 05:18 the spouse sometimes might give you stress. 05:20 You can't eliminate these things. 05:21 What we have to do is learn 05:22 how to deal with them. 05:23 And as we allow 05:25 God to be the 05:28 One in charge of our lives saying... 05:29 "Okay, it doesn't matter anymore. 05:31 God is in charge. " 05:32 And we have to also make sure 05:34 we're not putting ourselves foolishly 05:36 into a stressful situation. 05:38 The plane leaves in 2 hours, 05:40 and we haven't started packing yet. 05:41 Now that's the way I do things... 05:43 but that's not good. 05:44 It gives me stress I don't need. 05:46 We need to be packed ahead of time, 05:48 leave in plenty of time. 05:49 If you have done your part, 05:51 if stress comes, 05:53 and we learn how to manage it, 05:55 God will do His part. 05:56 And so, 05:58 stress... 05:59 it's a blessing of God, 06:00 it's a blessing to the body 06:02 and when we need it. 06:04 But if we don't handle it right... 06:06 If we don't manage it right through the 06:07 exercising 06:10 or completely surrendering 06:13 the stressful situation to God, 06:14 is going to cause some real 06:16 problems and that blood pressure 06:17 is going to rise, 06:18 rise, rise... 06:20 ...perhaps sometimes to the breaking point. 06:23 And that's not what we want to happen. 06:25 So we need to learn how to 06:26 let God 06:27 shoulder those burdens 06:28 and those appointments, Dr. Thrash. 06:30 Yes, very good counsel 06:31 about stress. 06:32 And I hope that 06:33 some of these things will be very helpful to you. 06:35 Also, 06:36 in the management of 06:38 blood pressure, there are 06:39 certain nutrients. 06:41 And I have a 06:42 graphic that I'd like to show you 06:43 about the nutrients 06:45 that are involved in 06:46 controlling the blood pressure. 06:48 Notice first, "magnesium. " 06:50 Magnesium has a relaxing 06:52 effect on blood vessels, 06:54 and that makes the magnesium 06:56 so that just taking the 06:58 magnesium alone 06:59 can be very helpful. 07:01 Magnesium in the form of 07:02 Epsom salts is the cheapest form 07:04 that you can get it 07:05 but it doesn't taste good, 07:07 so many people like to take 07:08 it as capsules. 07:09 Then we have "potassium. " 07:11 Potassium is also 07:13 very helpful in the control of 07:15 blood pressure. 07:16 Usually, we depend on 07:18 foods for potassium. 07:19 Sometimes 07:21 some people do take a 07:22 supplement of potassium 07:24 but generally it's 07:25 high potassium foods 07:27 that we want to 07:28 depend on for potassium 07:29 because a little bit of 07:31 excess of potassium, 07:32 can result in some 07:33 rather serious 07:35 malfunctionings of the heart. 07:37 Then another one is 07:39 "Coenzyme Q-10" 07:41 CoQ-10 is known 07:42 as a specific nutrient 07:44 for the heart. 07:45 It also has some 07:47 very good 07:49 hyPOtensive effects 07:52 on the blood pressure. 07:53 So we like to use it 07:55 for the blood pressure. 07:57 We like to use it for anything that 07:58 has to do with the heart. 08:00 It's also very good 08:01 for a number of other 08:02 health problems... 08:05 such as cancer, 08:08 and digestive complaints 08:10 and in a wide variety of 08:11 internal problems 08:13 CoQ-10 can be useful. 08:15 Then, "apples. " 08:16 Apples have a number 08:20 of what we might call 08:21 phytochemicals in them 08:23 and also pectin and boron. 08:26 And all of these 08:27 have a good influence 08:29 on the heart. 08:30 And so we can be 08:32 thankful that 08:33 the Lord has put 08:34 these phytochemicals 08:36 ...a whole list of them, 08:37 in apples. 08:38 Plus pectin 08:39 and boron 08:41 that makes it so that 08:42 an apple a day is very good 08:43 for people who 08:45 have high blood pressure. 08:47 And many people 08:48 who do 08:49 some very simple 08:50 lifestyle things, 08:52 and also 08:54 take these special 08:55 nutrient supplements 08:56 can control their blood pressure 08:58 with nothing more. 09:00 Now, not all 09:02 blood pressure is 09:03 the chronic maintenance 09:05 blood pressure. 09:06 There are times 09:07 when the blood pressure 09:08 goes up acutely 09:09 and we are very worried 09:10 about the person. 09:12 In those cases, we need to be 09:14 prepared to help bring the blood pressure 09:15 down right away. 09:17 And I have with me 09:18 Valerie Schreiber 09:19 who is one of my coworkers at 09:21 Uchee Pines, 09:22 and also a health educator, 09:24 and one of our instructors there 09:26 who is going to tell you how 09:27 she has had some experience 09:29 with dealing with 09:31 an acutely elevated 09:32 blood pressure. 09:33 Valerie Schreiber... Thank you. 09:35 I had an experience 09:37 not too awfully long ago 09:39 in Romania 09:40 where I was awakened in the middle 09:41 of the night 09:42 with one of our patients 09:44 at our Lifestyle Center over there... 09:45 whose blood pressure had gone 09:47 extremely high. 09:48 In fact, it was over 200 09:50 the top number 09:51 and the bottom number was over 150. 09:54 And so they said to me, 09:55 "She's going to stroke unless you know what to do. " 09:58 So I jumped out of bed real fast 10:00 and ran down to her room 10:01 and we immediately 10:02 set her up, 10:04 put her feet into 10:05 a hot foot bath, 10:06 and I gave 10:08 a teaspoon of 10:10 Epsom salts 10:11 which you just heard Dr. Agatha 10:12 talk about, which is magnesium. 10:14 Now, I gave a heaping 10:16 teaspoon which 10:17 would look something like this 10:25 maybe even a little bit more than that, 10:26 and you just put it in the water 10:28 and you just stir. 10:30 Now it is kind of bitter... 10:32 but let me tell you, 10:33 when you are an emergency, 10:35 you better drink it. 10:36 So, you just drink it on down. 10:38 Now, it will loosen your bowels 10:40 a little bit but that's nothing to be 10:41 concerned about because 10:42 it will relax the blood vessels 10:44 and it will bring the blood pressure down. 10:46 And within about 15 minutes, 10:47 we were taking her blood pressure 10:49 and her blood pressure 10:50 was coming down nicely... 10:52 and she did not stroke. 10:53 So that was an incredible experience for me. 10:55 But I want to show you some other 10:57 things that you can do. 10:58 You can put someone immediately 11:01 into a bathtub 11:02 and do what we call 11:03 a hot half bath, 11:05 so the water could come up here 11:06 just about to your waistline 11:08 would be sufficient 11:09 and you just sit in there 11:10 and I would still, in an emergency, 11:12 give some Epsom salts 11:14 and the blood pressure 11:15 will start to come down. 11:16 However, if you're not able to 11:18 do that and the patient 11:19 is very serious and really can't move, 11:21 the important thing 11:23 is to give them water 11:24 about every 10 minutes, 11:25 and have them drinking water, 11:26 give them the Epsom salts, 11:28 and sit them up 11:30 if at all possible, 11:32 have them sitting up 11:33 and you can do a hot foot bath 11:34 but there's one other thing that you can do, 11:36 and I'm going to show you on Melissa 11:38 as she gets up here on the table. 11:40 Let's say it's someone 11:42 that is just 11:43 on the verge of stroking and 11:45 they're in bed. 11:46 So I would immediately bring 11:49 a hot tub of water 11:51 and I would put their feet in a 11:52 hot tub of water 11:53 and I would elevate them 11:54 as much as possible. 11:56 I would put as many 11:57 pillows as possible 11:59 to have them sitting 12:00 up as far as they can 12:02 in the bed 12:03 and THEN, 12:04 I would get myself 12:06 some towels and 12:07 wet them real good 12:08 in hot water 12:09 and you can stick them in the 12:11 microwave for a few minutes 12:12 but if you're 12:13 in a real crunch, 12:15 and it's real serious, 12:17 just get them real hot, 12:18 wring them out and even if you don't 12:19 have time to wring them out good, 12:21 don't worry about that... 12:22 Take the hot towel, 12:23 and put it on her extremities 12:26 just like this... 12:29 and what this is doing, is... 12:31 ...her feet are in the hot water, 12:32 hot towels are on her arms, 12:34 and what this is doing is drawing 12:35 the blood to her extremities 12:37 instead of it going to her head 12:39 and giving her a stroke. 12:40 Now, one other caution 12:42 here for those that may have diabetes, 12:44 you would do this in a different way 12:46 if they had high blood pressure. 12:48 You would NOT put their feet 12:50 into a hot foot bath 12:51 because of their 12:52 lower extremities not having 12:54 good circulation... 12:55 cannot tell hot 12:56 when the temperature is too hot, 12:58 and various other reasons. 12:59 But you can do this 13:00 emergency treatment 13:01 because many people that are diabetic 13:03 also have high blood pressure, 13:05 and they could get 13:06 into a crisis as well. 13:07 So you would do the very same thing... 13:09 You would sit them up in the bed, 13:11 give them Epsom salts, 13:12 and you would wet the towels 13:15 to put on both of their arms 13:16 and then you would wet another 13:17 heavy towel in hot water 13:19 or microwave it if you can, 13:21 and put it right over the top part 13:23 over their legs and the lower part of their stomach 13:25 And this will create 13:26 the same effect as the hot foot bath, 13:28 and actually it will cause 13:31 a reaction that will give 13:33 good circulation to their feet 13:34 so they will kind of get a 13:35 double treatment there... Very good. 13:38 These are very good 13:40 treatments for people with 13:41 an acute flare-up 13:43 of high blood pressure, 13:44 and I'm glad my granddaughter 13:47 doesn't have one of those acute flare-ups... 13:49 this is Melissa, 13:50 who is my treasured granddaughter. 13:57 With high blood pressure, 13:59 we sometimes do 14:01 see people who get strokes. 14:03 I'd like to tell you a 14:05 case history briefly... 14:06 A man named, George, 14:08 who had a stroke 14:10 and was unconscious for 14:12 a few days but he could always swallow. 14:14 As long as a person can swallow, 14:15 you can manage a stroke case 14:17 without 14:19 the specialized nursing care, 14:21 and the specialized equipment 14:22 that you would need in a hospital. 14:26 But if they cannot swallow, 14:28 then they need to have a 14:29 tube placed down. 14:31 Do not try to make a person 14:33 swallow... who, 14:34 it's obvious, cannot swallow. 14:38 So, doing so may 14:39 get materials into 14:41 their lungs which can cause 14:43 really serious pneumonia... 14:45 and may cause the individual to 14:46 lose their life because 14:48 of that very thing. 14:50 Now when 14:52 George had his stroke, 14:54 we noticed that 14:56 after a while, 14:58 he would begin to get a little 14:59 restless... 15:02 He was moving his arms 15:04 and legs 15:06 as well as he could. 15:07 He had a right-side 15:08 partial paralysis. 15:11 We could tell that he would.. 15:13 "uhh" grunt a little bit 15:14 and was just obviously restless. 15:16 So we put his feet 15:18 in hot water 15:19 and we could see 15:20 almost immediately 15:22 that the congestion 15:23 that he would have in the veins 15:24 of his forehead and the veins in his 15:26 temple and in his neck 15:27 that these veins 15:29 would become 15:30 much less 15:32 congested and 15:34 he would immediately begin 15:36 to get less restless. 15:38 And as we continued 15:39 with the hot foot bath, 15:41 he would very shortly 15:43 stop his movements at all 15:45 a peaceful, 15:46 relaxed 15:49 atmosphere would come 15:51 about the room 15:52 and about the patient 15:53 and we would all feel 15:54 good that we had 15:56 been able to 15:57 help him in that. 15:59 Now, 16:00 we approach 16:02 high blood pressure from 16:03 a great number of ways 16:04 and right at this time 16:06 Don Miller is going 16:07 to talk with you about 16:09 some other methods 16:10 that we use to 16:11 treat high blood pressure. 16:13 Don Miller. 16:14 One of my favorite ways 16:15 of treating myself 16:17 is by the food that I eat. 16:19 And, it's 16:21 almost a given that 16:22 if a person eats the right type of foods, 16:24 they are not going to get these 16:25 wrong types of diseases. 16:27 As a matter of fact, the Bible says... 16:28 "If you will diligently harken 16:31 unto the voice of the Lord your God 16:32 and do that which is right in His sight, 16:34 and give ear to His commandments 16:35 and keep of all of the statutes, 16:36 I will lay 16:39 NONE of these diseases upon you 16:41 which I have brought upon 16:42 the Egyptians. " 16:43 We look back in 16:45 antiquity to 16:47 the Egyptians... 16:48 they can take the mummies now 16:50 and they can do some 16:51 pathological studies 16:53 of their bodies and they were finding 16:54 that they were dying of the same things 16:56 that we're dying of today. 16:57 But God has said, 16:58 If you do what I SAY, 16:59 you won't get these diseases. " 17:02 And basically, He gave us the diet in Eden. 17:04 He said... I want you to eat fruits... 17:06 and then He 17:07 finally gave us vegetables 17:09 after sin entered, 17:10 but basically fruits, vegetables, 17:11 whole grains, nuts and seeds 17:13 are the foods God has given us 17:15 to sustain the body 17:16 in a good and healthful situation. 17:19 There are 2 types of nutrients 17:21 I want to mention right now... 17:22 One is omega-3 fatty acids, 17:25 and the other is 17:26 L- arginine. 17:28 These are 17:29 very nice 17:31 nutrients that God has given to us. 17:33 You hear a lot about the omega-3 17:35 fatty acids. 17:36 You don't hear much about 17:37 the arginine... 17:38 but I'm going to tell you 17:39 a little bit about each 17:40 one of these things. 17:41 Basically with the omega-3 fatty acids... 17:43 let me explain first of all 17:45 where you get the omega-3. 17:46 We always say... 17:47 Where do they get the omega-3 from? 17:49 Basically, you've got this 17:51 fatty acid chain 17:53 and you have an alpha end 17:55 and an omega end. 17:56 The omega end 17:58 3 bonds up... 18:00 there is a double bond 18:02 and that's the omega-3 end... 18:04 that's where we get the omega-3 18:06 part of the fatty acid. 18:07 It's a very good 18:08 fatty acid for us to have. 18:10 It comes in lots of 18:12 different foods that 18:13 are available to us. 18:14 Now normally 18:16 out there in 18:17 the markets, 18:18 and in nutrition stores, 18:20 you will find your 18:21 omega-3 fatty acids 18:23 being sold as some types of fish oils... 18:26 And whereas they are 18:27 high in omega-3 fatty acids, 18:29 they are also high in 18:31 biomagnification 18:32 and biointensification 18:34 because they are swimming and living 18:36 and doing everything 18:37 that they do today 18:38 in polluted waters. 18:40 And so I tend to 18:41 stay away from 18:42 the omega-3 fatty acids from 18:44 fish sources 18:46 and go to the natural sources 18:48 that God has given to us. 18:49 Probably one of the highest 18:51 sources of omega-3 fatty acids is 18:53 flaxseed oil 18:54 or just flaxseed. 18:56 It's a very nice food. 18:58 It's a very good food. 18:59 As a matter of fact, 19:00 not only is it high 19:01 in omega-3 fatty acids, 19:03 it's an anti-inflammatory. 19:05 Not only is it an 19:06 anti-inflammatory, 19:07 it's high in fiber. 19:09 So if you have a sluggish bowel, 19:11 if you have some type 19:12 of an intestinal problem, 19:13 taking flaxseed is 19:15 an excellent 19:16 solution for that. 19:17 Another nice 19:19 source of omega-3 19:20 fatty acids is walnuts. 19:22 I love walnuts 19:23 and they are very high 19:24 in omega-3 fatty acids... 19:26 especially the English walnut 19:27 and the black walnut. 19:29 But there are many, many foods. 19:31 As a matter of fact, 19:32 most of your foods 19:33 will have some omega-3 fatty acids. 19:34 I have a little list here 19:36 with some that have it... 19:37 Canned spinach, 19:39 a very nice source of 19:40 omega-3 fatty acids. 19:41 Now people say... 19:43 "I don't like spinach. " 19:45 Children usually say that. 19:47 Well you know, 19:48 I don't know why they don't. 19:49 But when I was growing up, 19:51 my family had a little tradition 19:53 I had 3 sisters... 19:55 I have 3 sisters still... 19:56 and we would all sing 19:58 that little thing... 19:59 "I'm Popeye the sailor man"... 20:00 and then we'd say, 20:02 "and I eat my spinach" 20:04 and we'd pop it in... 20:05 And it was such a joyful 20:06 thing to do. 20:07 And so if we make eating 20:08 a little bit more fun 20:09 rather than "EAT YOUR SPINACH." 20:11 we might enjoy 20:12 it a little bit more. 20:13 Almonds! 20:15 A nice source 20:16 of omega-3 fatty acids. 20:18 California avocados, 20:20 sweet potatoes, bananas 20:21 pretty nice medicine 20:23 wouldn't you agree? 20:24 I suggest we get on 20:25 omega-3's 20:27 because they are all heart-friendly, 20:28 they are good for relaxing 20:30 the muscle walls of the arteries 20:32 and good for cleaning out the cholesterol. 20:34 It will help your cholesterol to come down. 20:36 L- arginine is 20:37 another one that I want to mention 20:38 briefly today... 20:40 because it has a very nice 20:41 effect on the artery walls. 20:43 Basically, 20:45 your body produces... 20:47 basically your endothelium cells 20:50 on the inside of your artery walls, 20:51 produce 20:53 a chemical called 20:54 nitric oxide. 20:56 It's not nitrous oxide 20:58 which is laughing gas but 20:59 nitric oxide. 21:01 The nitric oxide 21:03 allows 21:04 the muscle walls 21:05 to relax... 21:06 so they are not always tensed up 21:08 causing high blood pressure, 21:10 but they cause them to relax... 21:12 BUT as cholesterol 21:14 goes up in the body, 21:15 it sort of destroys 21:17 some of that 21:19 nitric acid. 21:20 As that nitric oxide is 21:22 being destroyed, 21:24 we produce more 21:25 of the nitric oxide 21:28 by the L-arginine 21:30 in those endothelium cells... 21:32 But pretty soon our bodies 21:34 become exhausted of the 21:36 L- arginine and 21:37 we can no longer produce 21:38 the nitric oxide. 21:40 So, we have to eat foods 21:42 that are high 21:43 in L-arginine 21:44 to help our 21:46 vascular walls relax 21:48 and bring down blood pressure. 21:49 And I'll just briefly 21:50 read off a list 21:51 of some of the ways that we can get 21:53 our L-arginine. 21:54 I'll say, first of all, 21:55 fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds... 21:57 that's a given... you're going to find it. 21:59 But some very high... 22:00 as a matter of fact, 22:01 the highest source is 22:02 roasted pumpkins seeds. 22:04 I just had some of those for breakfast today. 22:06 Roasted pumpkin seeds, 22:08 delicious food! 22:09 Soybeans, lentils, 22:10 red kidneys, baby limas, 22:12 almonds, brazil nuts, 22:14 all of these things... 22:15 are high in L-arginine 22:17 which is going to allow 22:18 your body to produce 22:20 the nitric oxide, 22:21 which is going to allow your 22:22 artery walls to relax 22:24 therefore, bringing down 22:25 your high blood pressure... 22:26 Dr. Thrash... Yes. 22:28 Want some medicine? 22:29 Oh YES... 22:31 Yes, a walnut 22:33 is very high 22:34 in a number of things. 22:35 It has the omega-3 22:37 fatty acids. 22:39 It has a very good complement 22:41 of a lot of minerals 22:43 and some very good B vitamins. 22:45 It's a wonderful food 22:47 and I much prefer to 22:48 take a pill that way 22:50 than from some 22:51 pharmaceutical agent. 22:52 Now there are some 22:54 other supplements that 22:55 can be helpful to you with 22:56 blood pressure. 22:57 One of those is "taurine. " 23:00 Taurine, which I will 23:01 show you on the screen, 23:03 so that you will know how 23:04 it's spelled... 23:06 Taurine has a number of 23:07 good influences 23:09 on the nervous system 23:12 and even in the growth 23:14 of babies' brains. 23:16 So, mother's milk 23:18 which is high in taurine, 23:20 is the best for the baby's 23:22 brain development; 23:23 whereas cow's milk 23:25 has almost no taurine in it. 23:27 So, that's a good thing 23:29 that we want. 23:30 Vitamin E... 23:31 can be taken up to, 23:33 say... 400 IU 23:36 a day. 23:37 More than that may cause 23:38 some problems 23:39 with the clotting mechanism. 23:41 And then vitamin C. 23:43 We have not always 23:44 thought of vitamin C as being 23:45 helpful to the blood pressure, 23:46 but recent studies 23:49 show that vitamin C 23:51 is quite useful in that way. 23:53 I like to get vitamin C 23:55 not from a pill, 23:56 but you may 23:58 want to use that if your blood pressure is high up. 24:00 But I like to get 24:02 my vitamin C 24:04 from the foods that I eat. 24:06 And Valerie Schreiber is 24:07 going to show you some of these 24:09 delicious foods 24:11 that are high in vitamin C. 24:13 What do you have for us Valerie? 24:14 Well, right here I have 24:16 fruits. 24:17 Most people think that 24:19 "Oh, vitamin C just comes in fruits. " 24:21 But vitamin C is also 24:23 in our vegetables. 24:24 And one of the highest sources of vitamin C 24:26 happens to be right here 24:27 in red pepper. 24:29 This is one of the very highest sources 24:31 of vitamin C. 24:32 Now, another place 24:34 where there is high sources of 24:36 vitamin C happens to be in potatoes. 24:38 Now we don't think of that, 24:40 but in Ireland, 24:41 back in the mid-1840s, 24:44 they had an epidemic of 24:46 scurvy happening. 24:47 And they never had this 24:48 in the country before 24:50 until they had 24:51 a blight with the potatoes. 24:53 And then over 2 million 24:55 people got sick 24:56 and died of various infections 24:58 and diseases... 24:59 and they related it right back 25:00 to the fact that they were 25:01 heavy potato-eaters. 25:03 And really, around the world, 25:04 this is a staple in almost 25:05 every country 25:06 and it has quite a bit of 25:08 vitamin C and it is... 25:09 when you cook this, 25:10 even though you bake this 25:12 potato or cook it, 25:13 it retains at least 30% 25:15 of its vitamin C. 25:16 Unlike what would happen 25:18 in a fruit. 25:19 And so, you know, 25:20 God is so good to us, 25:21 He puts it just 25:22 the right way 25:24 in either fruits or vegetables, 25:25 and so we are better to eat 25:27 them more fresh or steamed 25:29 but those that we need to cook, 25:30 like a potato, 25:31 He still has it chemically 25:33 fixed in such a way 25:34 that we still retain our vitamin C. 25:38 And so, it's also 25:39 in grapefruit juice. 25:42 It has a good quantity 25:43 of vitamin C in grapefruit juice. 25:46 Tomatoes have 25:47 a good amount of vitamin C. 25:50 Kiwi has a real good 25:51 amount of vitamin C. 25:52 And believe it or not, 25:55 so does brussel sprouts, 25:56 broccoli, cauliflower, 25:58 all have a good 26:00 amount of vitamin C. 26:01 Now, a few other things 26:03 I'd like to just tell you about 26:04 vitamin C 26:05 is the fact that 26:07 it is also a decongestant. 26:09 You know how when you get a cold 26:10 and you get a stuffy nose 26:11 and you run out and you buy all these antihistamines, 26:13 well, all you need to do is 26:14 increase your vitamin C... 26:16 Because vitamin C, 26:18 it deactivates 26:19 histamine in your body. 26:21 So the next time you're congested, 26:22 just start eating some 26:24 fresh fruits of vitamin C 26:26 and you'll find that it will 26:27 decongest your head 26:29 and you won't need to go out and buy 26:30 antihistamines. 26:31 Now vitamin E... 26:32 we'll talk a little bit about vitamin E. 26:34 Vitamin E happens to be 26:36 one of the vitamins that is 26:37 ALMOST in every 26:39 common food that we eat. 26:42 It is high in abundance 26:43 in your grains and wheat germ 26:46 and nuts 26:48 and seeds 26:49 but it is also in vegetables 26:51 It's in broccoli 26:53 and it's in cauliflower 26:54 as I have right here, 26:56 and asparagus and tomatoes and carrots 26:58 and it is quite 26:59 a bit in our leafy green vegetables. 27:03 And, as well, as it is in fruit. 27:05 So you know, God is so good... 27:07 He just puts everything 27:08 that we need for 27:10 life and health in all 27:11 of His vegetables and 27:13 fruit, and nuts and grains 27:15 And if we learn to eat them 27:16 properly this way, 27:18 in the right fashion, 27:19 and not overcook them 27:21 and not put them in fat, 27:22 we will have all that we need 27:24 for life. 27:25 And I see walnuts have 27:26 shown up again... 27:29 and sunflower seeds. 27:30 So we can, 27:32 with blood pressure problems, 27:34 we can feel 27:35 very good about 27:36 eating these nuts and seeds 27:38 and know that we have 27:40 done something very good 27:41 for the blood pressure. 27:43 So, with these very 27:44 simple things that we have 27:46 the Lord has made it 27:47 so that we are not 27:48 powerless against the 27:50 influence of the evil one 27:51 but have His tools 27:53 that we can work with. |
Revised 2014-12-17