Help Yourself to Health

Meal Patterns

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, John Champen, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000140

00:01 Hello! There is more to food than just what we eat.
00:06 There is also when we eat, there is also how many times
00:11 we eat.
00:12 We'll be discussing meal patterns and just what they mean
00:15 from infancy to old age in the next half an hour,
00:18 and we hope you will join us.
00:39 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health
00:42 with Dr. Agatha Thrash, of Uchee Pines Institute,
00:45 and now here is your host, Dr. Thrash!
00:49 In ancient times people only ate two meals a day.
00:54 Why was that?
00:55 Well, partly because they were rural people, and as many
01:00 rural people do even today, they get up in the morning
01:03 at an early hour, they go out and do some work in the fields
01:06 then they come back in and have a rather late breakfast,
01:10 maybe eight or nine o'clock.
01:12 Then they go back to the fields and work until 3:00 or 2:00
01:17 in the afternoon, then they have their lunch,
01:19 what would be a late lunch, and then if they had supper
01:23 at all, it will be something like milk and bread,
01:26 or juice and bread, it's not a big meal in the evenings.
01:31 It's essentially two meals and a small snack in the evening
01:35 even though they are hard farm workers.
01:38 So the meal pattern needs to be studied, we need find out
01:41 whether that's a good meal pattern, two meals a day,
01:43 or two meals and a snack, or three meals or four meals.
01:47 We need to study that and find out what it is that
01:51 science tells us concerning our meal pattern, we also need to
01:56 study what our own experience can be, and so to help us
02:01 to delve into some of these things I have John Champen
02:03 with me, who is a Health Educator at Uchee Pines
02:06 in administration there, so he is going to talk with some about
02:12 experiences with the two meal plan.
02:15 John Champen!
02:16 Experiences with the two meal plan, yes!
02:18 I used to have a six meal plan Dr. Thrash, I'd have my
02:22 breakfast around 7 o'clock in the morning,
02:24 and at 9 o'clock I would have something, and then at
02:27 about noon I had my second big meal, and then at 3 o'clock
02:31 in the afternoon I would have a little snack, then about
02:34 5:30 or 6 in the evening there would be supper, and then
02:38 sometimes a little bit more on my way to bed in the
02:40 evening, and then if I didn't feel really well, I would have
02:44 a little something on my way from the bathroom at night
02:47 at around 1 o'clock in the morning.
02:49 I was eating all the time!
02:51 I didn't feel very good!
02:53 I felt tired all the time, I felt irritable much of the time,
02:57 my wife used to wonder, what is wrong with you?
03:00 Well I just nibbled and ate like a lot of people do perhaps.
03:05 Well that's what I did, then about 27-28 years ago
03:10 I began to learn of a new way.
03:13 Two meal plan, I didn't know how you could possibly live
03:16 on two meals, I was just barely making it on six and seven.
03:20 But I read the material and began to understand some of
03:24 the principles there, and began to try to put it together
03:28 personally.
03:29 My wife and I started to try to do this, well how do you
03:34 do it, how do you put a two meal plan together where you
03:37 get all of the nutrition and vitamins that you need
03:40 and have the health that you need, and so forth.
03:44 Well, we tried it, we tried to do it, first of all
03:49 we tried an early morning meal...
03:52 I used to go to work, I would get up and have breakfast
03:55 about 5:30 in the morning, and I said let's have breakfast
03:59 at 5:30, and then when I come in the evening,
04:01 we will have the second meal, shall we try that.
04:04 It didn't work very well, it was a long time between
04:08 the first meal and the second meal it's a very long time
04:10 and we were very gaseous and of course we're going to bed
04:16 and still had a lot of food undigested.
04:20 That didn't work out well, we finally gradually shifted it
04:23 to where it is today, now we have a plan that works
04:26 very well for us, we have our breakfast at 6:30 in the morning
04:31 and then we have our next meal at 1:30 in the afternoon
04:34 and the body rests for about almost 18 hours a day
04:40 my stomach is resting after it finishes its work,
04:43 so it rests and I rest, and my wife rests.
04:47 There are many advantages to that, my wife used to fix
04:51 three meals a day, cook three meals a day,
04:54 seven days a week, that's 21 meals.
04:57 Today she cooks about four or five meals, and that's all
05:02 that's required, the rest things are prepared
05:04 we learn how to do things much more simply,
05:07 and there are a lot of advantages to that,
05:09 to the two meal plan.
05:12 It is ideal for adults, it turns out to be also ideal
05:16 for children to, once they reach a certain age,
05:19 I believe Dr. Thrash will be talking more about that too.
05:22 I would like to talk about some of the advantages of
05:27 the two meal plan:
05:28 Skipping supper can save costs, it can save as much
05:33 as one third of your grocery bill, grocery bills are high,
05:36 and as you know, they are only going one way,
05:38 they are going higher and higher, and that can put
05:41 a little bit of jingle into your pocket, one third savings.
05:44 Also skipping supper gives you some extra time, that you don't
05:51 have to prepare this meal, time that you can spend
05:55 with your family, time that you can spend on an extra
05:57 project, time that you could spend doing something
05:59 that you need to do or like to do.
06:02 A letter that you need to write, a meditation or whatever,
06:05 you can do that, you have that extra time.
06:09 It also can cut your kitchen chores, less dishes to wash
06:15 and put away, less cooking to prepare, that's the
06:20 real benefit, I think the Madame would like that if
06:22 your husband would insist on a two meal plan,
06:25 It would be a real benefit to them.
06:27 The two meal plan helps regulate the body weight,
06:31 over weight people usually loose weight, and those that
06:33 are underweight gain weight.
06:35 Now that's interesting for myself, I actually weigh about
06:38 five pounds more now on the two meal plan, than I weighed
06:43 on my six meal plan, now you try to figure that out.
06:48 We saved a lot of money as a result of that too.
06:51 Without supper to burden the stomach, the mind is alert
06:55 for evening worship, for socialization,
06:57 for anything like that, that you would like to do.
07:00 The mind is clear, it's an old saying that if your stomach
07:03 is operating you mind is slowing down and not running at all
07:07 very well.
07:08 So you have time to think, you have better thoughts and
07:11 you are able to do much more with the thinking processes.
07:16 With an unburdened stomach which is what you have because the
07:22 the second meal is early enough in the day so that you can
07:27 go to bed with an empty stomach, I know it sounds like a crime.
07:30 I've heard it so many times, you wouldn't want to send
07:32 a child to bed on an empty stomach, would you?
07:35 Yes! That is exactly what you would like to do.
07:37 When you go to bed at night you would like to have your
07:40 stomach finished so that you are resting, and your stomach
07:43 is resting, and every time that your little valve is opening
07:47 in your stomach and you are turning back and forth
07:50 you don't have that experience, you are resting,
07:53 your body is resting, and you feel a lot better.
07:55 When the digestive system is at rest, the entire body rests
08:01 better, less sleep is needed, and the sleep is more peaceful,
08:06 more restful, you get more out of it.
08:09 That's a wonderful benefit right there, you do not wake up
08:12 groggy in the morning.
08:13 Without food in the stomach to draw the blood away from
08:17 the skin, the body can sleep comfortably in a cooler room
08:19 with fresh air.
08:21 That's a real benefit also, you have fewer problems with
08:25 a chilly night.
08:26 In the morning you don't wake up with bad breath and eyes
08:33 that are red and your mind is alert, and you don't have those
08:37 heavy bags under the eyes, and you don't need that makeup.
08:41 When you wake up in the morning the window has been opened,
08:46 and you are just refreshed, you are ready for whatever the next
08:49 day offers, and that's good, it gives you a lot of energy.
08:54 The stomach instead of having that all gone feeling
08:57 from exhaustion, feels at peace, no gnawing beast in the stomach.
09:03 Regularity which the two meal plan offers to us,
09:08 regularity allows the body system to move very smoothly.
09:14 All of nature is on a system, the sun rises on time,
09:18 and goes down at a certain time, it's all very predictable,
09:21 and when you are on a two meal plan and you stick
09:24 with the proper times of eating, which ever times
09:27 you have selected, you find that your digestive juices flow
09:31 at a certain time, you are ready for whatever comes your way.
09:35 When breakfast time comes your stomach is ready...
09:40 I notice in the morning, we have breakfast at 6:30,
09:42 at 6:00 in the morning, when the table is being set,
09:47 very interesting, there is no sensation of hunger
09:52 what-so-ever.
09:53 I was telling my wife the other day, you know
09:55 Louise, I don't feel hungry at all, she says well I don't
09:58 either, at 6:30 when it's time for us to eat, we began to feel
10:05 things happening within, and we are ready for the meal
10:07 and when you start eating your meal, we eat hardily,
10:10 and we eat gratefully, we are very thankful for what
10:13 the Lord has provided, and then we are off to our work.
10:17 It's a real blessing not to have a sense of hunger
10:22 in between meals, where we used to feel all the time
10:25 because we were so irregular in our eating.
10:27 Now we don't worry about that at all, we don't even think
10:30 about food until it's time for us to eat.
10:33 We found that those on a two meal plan have less temptation
10:39 to eat in between meals and can comfortably wait until
10:42 mid afternoon for the second meal, and an evening snack
10:47 we don't usually need, we rarely ever have an evening snack.
10:51 You find also that when you are on a two meal plan
10:58 it's a lot easier to deal with irregularities, if you have to
11:01 miss a meal because of traveling or it's inconvenient for
11:04 whatever reasoning, it's no problem, if you need to fast
11:08 for a meal or a day or so, it's no problem.
11:11 It's very interesting, if you are going to fast,
11:14 at the regular time for your eating, you feel a little bit
11:18 of hunger, if you don't take it at that time during that meal
11:22 period, after that, the hunger is gone, you have no more
11:25 sensation of it until it's time for the regular next meal.
11:29 That's a blessing, the body can become as regulated as all
11:33 of nature can, and that's what we are talking about.
11:36 Finally getting our bodies back in harmony with nature.
11:39 What is best for us, a clean rested stomach is the
11:43 prerequisite to having good blood.
11:46 We are told that perfect health requires perfect circulation,
11:50 well it also is important what is being circulated,
11:53 good clean blood is possible there with the regularity.
12:01 With the stomach enjoying longer periods of rest
12:04 the danger of ulcers is lessened and if you have an ulcer it's
12:10 not irritated quite as much because of these untimely meals
12:15 that you would be taking, snacking and what not.
12:17 Even in pregnant ladies, we find that pregnant ladies
12:21 that are on a two meal plan, they have more milk, in fact
12:25 that it's a real blessing for them.
12:28 Some have gone on a two meal plan, had a nice flow of
12:31 milk supply, gone off the two meal plan, gone back
12:34 to the third meal and their milk stopped, and didn't return
12:38 again until they went back to the two meal plan.
12:40 Dr. Thrash, I think there is something to the two meal plan,
12:43 what do you say? - Oh yes!
12:44 It's a physiologic thing, and I've been very pleased to study
12:49 about the two meal plan.
12:51 The year was 1960 when I first became interested in this,
12:55 I was teaching at Columbus University at that time,
12:58 Anatomy and Physiology, which at that time was a
13:02 required course for all of the graduates from the
13:04 university system.
13:06 So I had a lot of students and enjoyed teaching the class
13:10 and one of the things that I had I had while I was
13:15 presenting the Anatomy and Physiology the gastrointestinal
13:19 tract was the various phases of digestion.
13:23 I learned from studying this, and getting prepared to teach
13:27 my class, that the best plan for human beings is a
13:32 two meal pattern, that we do best on that kind of thing.
13:36 So as I began to study about this I thought,
13:40 I should try to put this into effect in my own life,
13:44 and that's something that I recommend for you too.
13:46 Once you learn something, something that is beneficial
13:49 start immediately making plans, you may not make an
13:53 instantaneous change, but you should start immediately
13:56 to making plans for that change, and as soon as it is feasible
14:00 you begin to slide into it.
14:02 Well that's what we began to do in our own home,
14:05 and we had quite an experience with changing from a
14:11 three meal plan to a two meal plan, that experience being
14:15 extreme hunger during that time for a third meal.
14:19 It just seemed that the appetite was the very best at that time
14:23 that it ever could possibly be.
14:25 So I made a New Year's Resolution on January 1st,
14:29 I was going to eat nothing else in the evening, and for
14:33 three months, until the first day of April,
14:36 I struggled with that every day, I could think about
14:41 how much food I had in certain places in the refrigerator
14:46 and how nice it would be to eat that food.
14:49 But by careful discipline and training and protecting myself
14:54 from having to think about or having to see that food.
14:56 I came to the place where I did not have to eat that food
15:00 so about three months is what it took and now it never
15:04 crosses my mind, it never enters my head to eat
15:08 in the evening, I have really no appetite for evening food.
15:11 Yet I eat a hardy breakfast and a hardy lunch,
15:15 not so hardy as breakfast, and then I have no appetite
15:19 no desire to eat from then on.
15:21 I can be around other people who are eating and I'm
15:23 perfectly fine, I have no desire to eat.
15:27 Now there are some other parts of the two meal plan
15:30 and for that John Champen is going to talk with you some
15:34 more about the two meal plan.
15:36 John Champen!
15:37 I would like to share a few ideas here about instruction
15:41 on eating.
15:42 Some counselors eat largely fruits and vegetables prepared
15:46 in a natural and tasty way, it's best also if the two are
15:52 separated, we in our home we have a vegetable meal,
15:56 basically vegetables and grains and nuts and seeds,
16:01 and things like that for one meal.
16:03 Then fruits at another meal, primarily fruits and grains
16:06 and nuts and so forth, or seeds, and we find that it
16:10 works best that way.
16:11 Because both of these two groups of foods require different
16:15 enzymes to digest, and it's best that they are digested
16:20 separately.
16:21 Number two is that you should vary your diet from meal to meal
16:26 it's not best to eat the same thing every day prepared
16:31 the same way, variety is good, but it shouldn't be
16:33 to great of a variety, two to four items per meal
16:39 is probably the best, besides bread and spread and so forth.
16:44 Three is what most people use in some form:
16:48 Whole grains should be used instead of bolted wheat,
16:54 whole wheat bread, whole wheat flour, rye and oatmeal,
17:00 and less of the polished and prepared things that are
17:04 already precooked.
17:05 It's best to do your own, we want maximum nutrition
17:09 as well as maximum taste.
17:10 It is interesting how those two go together,
17:12 nutrition and natural taste go very closely together.
17:17 We should limit our intake of sugars, if we do have a
17:22 sweet tooth, there are a lot of things that can provide
17:25 for that sweet tooth.
17:26 There are dried fruits that are excellent and delicious
17:30 and nutritious, and you shouldn't find any problem
17:33 with them, they go down very easily, very nicely.
17:37 It is very important in our two meal plan to have a set time
17:43 to eat, it's not a matter of being rigid, it's a matter of
17:46 getting in harmony with nature.
17:48 When you have that set time to eat, and eat on time
17:52 your body does much better, oh you feel so much better.
17:55 You rest much better at night, you don't have that fuzzy tongue
18:01 as I mentioned before, when you wake up in the morning
18:03 you are just ready for the next meal, and you are ready for
18:09 whatever takes place, and you shouldn't have anything
18:13 in between meals except water.
18:15 Water is the only thing that we should take in between meals,
18:18 that is a very important part of the program.
18:25 If you eat something else in between meals, even so much
18:29 as a peanut, it interferes with the digestion, and causes
18:33 the stomach to hold what you have already taken in
18:37 and longer than what it needs to.
18:38 If your stomach is holding food in it longer than it
18:42 needs to, to process that, it winds up fermenting,
18:46 it winds up not making the best blood.
18:50 Remember it is the object of all that you eat, to make
18:53 good blood, so you want to take what is best in,
18:56 and then you want to let it have the time that it needs
18:59 to digest.
19:01 Eat all you need but don't overdo it, moderation is very
19:08 important, we can enjoy our food and we should eat slowly.
19:13 Eat slowly, chew, take your time enjoyment is in the mouth,
19:19 the taste is in the mouth, there is no taste in the
19:21 stomach, there is no taste as it is going down,
19:24 it's in the mouth, so chew slowly, let it be mixed with
19:27 the saliva real well, and enjoy all that God has planned
19:31 for you in that meal.
19:32 Drink enough water daily, which is a very important part,
19:38 again water, so that your urine remains pale,
19:41 and you will find that you will have better health.
19:44 This two meal plan I believe is heaven sent and it provides
19:49 all that we need Dr. Thrash.
19:50 Yes it does, it provides all that we need and any more
19:53 than that is really to much.
19:55 Now there have been a number of experiments
19:57 scientifically performed that help us to know that the
20:01 two meal a day plan is quite good.
20:03 First is a large experiment that was done in this country
20:09 on various animals.
20:11 These animals showed a very important improvement
20:17 in their health and in their longevity by eating a
20:20 two meal plan, they could learn better,
20:23 they had a better memory, they had fewer cases of dermatitis,
20:30 and gastroenteritis, and various problems that
20:33 animals often have, and interestingly enough they had
20:37 93% fewer cancers than did animal that were on an
20:42 adlib plan, they could eat any time they chose and the food
20:46 was always there.
20:47 Then in Australia a study was done on human beings
20:52 showing that those who took a two meal plan,
20:56 and had those two meals between a six hour span,
21:01 lets say at six and twelve, they had their two meals.
21:05 Then they had an 18 hour fast, these individuals had less
21:11 allergies, less asthma, less arthritis, less cancer,
21:15 and a number of other diseases and of course followed
21:18 long enough, they also showed a longer span of life.
21:22 There have been several studies that show a longer span of life
21:26 in those individuals who take a two meal plan,
21:29 so we can recognize that it is physiologic, it is helpful
21:34 and we can benefit much by it.
21:37 Calorie restriction, simply reducing the number of calories
21:42 that you take in a day also helps us to live longer.
21:46 It exposes us to fewer allergens therefore we are less likely
21:50 to have allergies, less likely to have asthma,
21:53 of course these things are all just self explanatory,
21:57 they are just as we think they should be.
22:01 A restriction in calories is inevitable with a two meal plan
22:06 and as John Champen told you it around a third less food
22:11 that you take in, maybe as little as a quarter for
22:16 some people, but for many people it's significant
22:20 quantity of saving of money, and saving of the number of
22:23 calories.
22:24 Then we understand that the likelihood of
22:28 Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease is also
22:33 much less with a two meal plan, and since the weight
22:36 is down, then of course a hypertension and cancer
22:40 and heart disease are also less likely to be afflictions
22:44 that people would experience who are on the three meal plan.
22:48 The cognitive decline, or the ability to recognize things
22:54 to think and to remember things, to plan and execute those plans,
22:59 all of those are also better in individuals who take in
23:04 fewer calories, whose calories are restricted.
23:07 So far as infants are concerned, infants are on a different
23:12 pattern, their physiology is different, their anatomy
23:15 is different than that of the mature person.
23:18 But as the gastrointestinal tract and its accesory organs
23:23 mature through the years they gradually develop the adult
23:28 type pattern, so we might ask the question, at what time
23:33 of age would it be proper to take a two meal plan?
23:37 Well for most children between the ages of one and three
23:42 you can train them to a two meal plan.
23:43 We have found and I have observed as I have seen children
23:47 in my own family as well as in other people's families,
23:50 I have observed that it goes against nature to give them
23:54 a third meal.
23:55 You have to call them in from play and say "It is now time
23:58 to come and have your evening meal" or as many people call it
24:02 a dinner, and dinner should not be held in the evening,
24:06 if you are going to have something in the evening
24:08 it should be a light supper.
24:09 But even that, children very quickly get so that they do
24:13 not need... And if food is not out
24:15 and other people are not eating, or if they do not know that
24:19 meal time is supposed to be served at this time
24:22 they will not ask for food, they are not hungry
24:24 and so they go to bed with a empty stomach which means
24:27 they will rest better, and will wake up more refreshed
24:30 and in a much better mood the next day.
24:33 Now when an infant is born, what kind of schedule do you
24:37 put the infant on at that time?
24:39 Well perhaps various authorities will have different ideas
24:44 and I will tell you what my idea is.
24:46 If a child is born underweight and we are concerned about
24:51 it's weight, then I say let the child eat when the child can
24:55 but as John Champen mentioned in the talk that he gave
24:59 he actually gained a little weight when he went on the
25:02 two meal plan, the reason for that is a greater efficiency
25:06 of the digestive system.
25:07 Your infant may also have a better digestive efficiency
25:13 on fewer meals per day than on an on demand schedule
25:17 so you need to do a little experimenting with your child.
25:20 But as long as the child is underweight, then you may
25:24 properly think an on demand feeding schedule would be
25:28 fine, but as certainly by the child reaches 8 Ibs,
25:33 then the child can be put on a schedule, every four hours,
25:37 and possibly going all through the night, certainly going
25:41 six hours during the night time hours without eating at all,
25:46 and that's a great help to the mother who doesn't have to
25:49 get up so many times.
25:50 I remember the story about a German nanny who was taking
25:55 care of an infant, and a doting father and doting mother
26:00 wanted to go in and feed the child when the child cried
26:04 during the night, but German nanny was standing there
26:08 with her hands on her hips right besides the child's door
26:11 and the child cried a little while, then stopped crying
26:14 and went back to sleep, so this we can do also
26:18 with our children.
26:19 Once we put them on a schedule and they stick to it
26:22 then they are happier and we are happier as well,
26:25 we have time to do other things with the child.
26:29 You should not think that a child has a
26:32 perverted appetite because they eat enough that even
26:36 at infancy they may even regurgitate a bit.
26:38 That does not mean that they have a perverted appetite
26:41 because they eat that much, generally a child has not
26:45 lost it's signals that tell it when it has had enough
26:50 and when it should quit eating when it is still just an infant.
26:53 So it is proper for the mother to say that that child
26:58 can eat as much as the child wishes.
27:00 Now once the child gets to be five or six or seven,
27:04 that is no longer the case, then at that point the mother
27:08 needs to make the decision as to how much
27:10 the child should eat.
27:11 Then the mother judges by such things as bloating,
27:16 gas, bad breath, the bowel movement pattern,
27:21 and some other things to help her to decide if the child
27:26 has eaten to much.
27:27 Now with the signals, then the mother can be guided
27:31 if the child is gaining weight and gaining strength
27:35 at a proper speed, then of course we can understand that
27:39 the child is having enough to eat.
27:41 Our heavenly Father loves to have us eat the food that
27:45 He has provided, He has made it delicious, He has made it
27:48 abundant, He has made it very varied, and so we can
27:52 thank the Lord when we eat His food.


Revised 2014-12-17