Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash
Series Code: HYTH
Program Code: HYTH000138
00:01 Fresh air... that's the precious boon of heaven.
00:04 And fortunate indeed are those who live where there 00:07 is a lot of fresh air. 00:09 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician from 00:12 Uchee Pines Institute where we have a lot of fresh air. 00:15 It's very good down in the Alabama rural land and 00:20 we enjoy the fresh air. 00:22 But fresh air is a lot more than we might think of just 00:26 as the delicious smell of good fresh air. 00:29 During the next half an hour, we'll be talking about some 00:33 of the great benefits of air. 00:34 So we hope you will join us for that discussion. 00:57 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" with 01:00 Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute, 01:02 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash. 01:07 We often think of fresh air as just being not shut up in 01:13 some closed space accidentally, 01:15 or, maybe we think of it as being out in the open... 01:19 But actually, we can live for only 3 minutes without air. 01:25 But fresh air, we don't have to have that 01:28 and we can still live, we just won't live so well. 01:31 So what we want to do is to find out how to live well. 01:35 So in order to do that, we need to study the 01:38 composition of air. 01:39 We need to understand something about our relationship 01:42 to it and the relationship of good health to good air. 01:46 And so, with me here is Don Miller, Uchee Pines 01:50 lifestyle counselor and he will tell you something about 01:53 the composition of air. 01:55 Don Miller. 01:56 Okay, well Dr. Thrash when you said that we don't necessarily 01:59 have to have fresh air in order to live, that's good or we would 02:02 all be dead because we are really living in 02:05 one polluted world. 02:06 And that's a great misfortune 02:08 and a great sorrow to many of our hearts. 02:10 But we are surrounded by a great cloud, a great atmosphere 02:14 of gases and particles suspended in the air. 02:17 I'm just amazed when I walk outside and look up 02:19 and see those clouds. 02:20 Tons of water just hanging up there ready to 02:23 refresh the earth. 02:24 We certainly have a wonderful atmosphere. 02:27 And it's interesting, we can look at our atmosphere and 02:31 we breathe nicely in it... 02:32 Were we to stick our head in a bucket of water, we would drown. 02:35 A fish in water doing just fine 02:39 Bring it out into our atmosphere it would drown and 02:42 both of us live on oxygen. 02:44 You know when God was in that creative process back there, 02:48 that first week, it was amazing how He made each one of us 02:50 able to take in what we need. 02:53 The plants, they are giving off what we need and 02:55 taking in what we are giving. 02:57 It's a real giving environment that we are in... 02:59 And the trouble is, we've taken far too much from it. 03:02 Now, when we think about what's the composition of our 03:05 atmosphere, what's it made up of? 03:07 First of all, I will say that underneath 10,000 feet, 03:10 we've got about a third of our atmosphere. 03:12 It's pretty thick down here. 03:14 The higher you go, the thinner it is. 03:16 Go up to about 29,000 feet, that's about 03:19 Mt. Everest's height. 03:20 About 75% of the atmosphere is below that point. 03:24 Now, you've seen these men who climb Mt. Everest and women also 03:29 They've go to wear oxygen equipment because it's so rare 03:32 up there, beyond that very, very light air cannot sustain 03:35 life quite well. 03:37 Now, what is it made up of? 03:39 What elements make up our atmosphere? 03:42 People think... well, it's made up of oxygen. 03:45 Well, if our atmosphere was just oxygen, 03:47 the next time you lit your candles for your birthday cake, 03:50 you and the rest of the world would celebrate 03:52 your last birthday because, POOF, it would go up 03:55 in one big explosion. 03:57 But, God has made it just right. 03:59 I'm going to sort of make an illustration here... 04:00 We will take this ball here... 04:02 This is nitrogen... about 79% of our atmosphere 04:06 is made up of nitrogen. 04:08 That is so that it does not burn our nose. 04:10 About 20% of our atmosphere is oxygen. 04:15 That gives up our life-giving current. 04:17 And then, about 1% is made up of helium, argon 04:21 and carbon dioxide and the other gases that make it 04:25 just the right proportion. 04:26 And in the right proportion, we have good health which is 04:30 exactly what God wants us to have. 04:32 Now, of course, to have good health, we have to get 04:34 oxygen into us which we will talk about a little bit later. 04:37 But I want to talk about air that's outside the house. 04:40 Now, there are other problems with air outside the house 04:42 which I will address in a few moments. 04:44 But let's go inside the house. 04:47 We're inside the house and many people, it's amazing, 04:51 all the windows closed, the doors closed... 04:53 How long does the air stay good in a house with people 04:57 in it when it's all closed up? 04:59 Well, it depends on a number of things. 05:00 1. How many people are in the room. 05:03 2. How big is the room. 05:04 3. Is there any wind or any air at all getting into the room 05:09 Each one of us, every breath, breathes in about a pint of air. 05:14 That's about 120 gallons per hour. 05:18 So, here we have this room, you are breathing in this air. 05:23 Now, we have to understand that when we breathe in the air, 05:27 we are using the oxygen but we are also breathing out 05:31 some of that oxygen. 05:32 We do not use up all the oxygen. 05:33 If so, CPR would be no good. 05:36 When you give CPR to a person, you are doing 05:39 rescue-breathing for them. 05:41 You take a breath and blow it into their lungs. 05:45 Well, there is still oxygen in what you give off. 05:48 But there is also more carbon dioxide because your body 05:51 has taken that oxygen in burning process 05:56 in your cells, gave off carbon dioxide... 05:58 So now you are slowly building up 05:59 the amount of carbon dioxide in your room. 06:03 If you remember back in the 60s, I believe it was, maybe the 70s 06:06 when Apollo 13 went towards the moon, they had a problem 06:10 on board and one of the things that went wrong is their oxygen 06:16 scrubber, their air scrubber, went down which they could 06:19 no longer scrub the carbon dioxide in the air and turn 06:22 it back into oxygen. 06:23 And if they were not able to switch over the scrubbers, 06:27 they would have been in a real serious situation. 06:29 They came within a couple of degrees of perishing 06:32 on the way back to earth after their spacecraft became cripple. 06:35 And so we need to have our air ventilated... 06:38 We need to have fresh breathing space. 06:40 Every year there are some fatalities in this world of 06:45 people, especially in colder climates 06:48 and more affluent climates. 06:49 Let's talk about, as a matter of fact, what had happened in 06:51 California not too many years ago... 06:53 A nice well-built cabin, double insulated windows, 06:57 everything was just batten down the hatches... 07:00 they had a nice fire going in the fireplace... 07:03 and it was a nice evening. 07:04 It was cold outside, so everything was shut down 07:07 and everyone went to bed. 07:08 Well, the fire continued burning and burning and burning 07:13 and it slowly ate up all the oxygen... 07:17 and the people never woke up... 07:19 because the oxygen was depleted, 07:21 carbon dioxide which was all they were giving off was 07:24 what became the major gas in the room... 07:27 And that cannot sustain human life. 07:29 And the people lost their lives. 07:31 We need to have our windows opened. 07:33 Now, how long does a room stay 07:35 fresh with nobody in it? 07:37 Well, first of all, a room, no matter how nice the room is 07:41 closed up, the air will get stale. 07:44 And there are other things in the air that is going to cause 07:46 it to get stale. 07:47 Everything outgases, the carpets, the walls, especially 07:52 nowadays, all these things that are made, they have 07:56 mold retardants and they have pesticides just built into the 07:59 fibers and into the fabrics and the flooring and the drywall, 08:03 everything... all these are out gassing. 08:05 So quite frankly, in a closed up room, it's not fresh 08:08 to start with. 08:09 And so my recommendation is learn to keep your windows open. 08:13 I remember when I was in elementary school, I loved it, 08:15 I had an old elementary school called Oakley Elementary School 08:18 in Cincinnati, Ohio. 08:19 And I remember, of course, I was little, so everything seemed 08:23 so huge but it seems like those ceilings went so high up there 08:26 and I remember my teacher, my 6th grade teacher, this is when 08:29 it finally made an impression on me... 08:32 She would crack the bottom window, and then she would 08:35 take this long pole with this hook on it and go up and she 08:38 would crack the top window. 08:39 And I never understood... what is she doing? 08:43 I didn't understand that until I understood the "chimney effect" 08:46 What that was doing, we realized that hot air rises and 08:50 as hot air rises, it pulls in other air and so cool air was 08:54 coming in the bottom, rotating up to the top, going out the top 08:58 and we had this constant chimney effect which kept the room cool 09:01 but probably more of her concern was, maybe for a 6th grader it's 09:05 not such a concern about students going to sleep in class 09:08 that's more in your churches nowadays, but it kept us more 09:12 awake, more aware, more oxygen. 09:13 They knew that. 09:14 Now windows all close to the right, or to the left. 09:19 Those are air-conditioning windows and quite frankly, 09:22 I would rather my air be conditioned by the outdoor 09:25 atmosphere rather than by a machine outside my house. 09:28 Not the best way to live, although I live in Alabama 09:31 and I wish I had some sometimes but I still am happy at 09:33 nighttime... I can open my windows, turn on my ceiling fan 09:37 take a cold shower, lay there on my sheets and 09:40 get to sleep at night. 09:41 So, I like to have lots of oxygen and fresh air in my room 09:44 And I think we need to have that 09:45 in our homes all the time, Dr. Thrash. 09:47 Yes, it's a fact that we should have, in our homes all the time 09:51 We should have a window opened 09:55 We should have circulating air that never fails us. 09:58 So, as we study this matter, we need to recognize 10:03 that we sometimes put our attention on things that 10:06 are not so very important. 10:07 We do put our attention on our personal relationships 10:10 and that's good. 10:11 We do need to do that. 10:12 We also put our attention on our food and that's good. 10:16 We need to do that. 10:17 And on the water that we drink, some of us will not drink 10:21 tap water, we only drink filtered water 10:23 or distilled water and that's good too. 10:26 We need to be attentive about that. 10:28 We will even be attentive about the temperature of the air. 10:31 But, we need to be more concerned about the quality 10:32 of the air than we have been. 10:38 Sometimes you will go to church and the air is not fresh, 10:42 so you will say to one of the deacons... 10:45 "Could we have some fresh air?" 10:47 They go immediately to the thermostat... not to the window. 10:50 And if they go to the thermostat, 10:52 it should be to turn the temperature up, so they can 10:55 open the air if the air is cold outside. 10:57 Because we need constantly to have circulating fresh air. 11:01 A human being throws off waste products into the air as they 11:05 breathe... they also throw off some carbon dioxide and 11:09 a little bit of carbon monoxide. 11:11 Fortunately, they breathe out also some of the nitrogen and 11:14 oxygen and other substances that they have breathed in too. 11:19 So it's not all taken up by the blood. 11:21 We refresh the internal tissues but we don't take up 11:26 all the substances that are in the air. 11:28 Then also, when we breathe, we need to air-condition 11:33 and filter the air that we take in... 11:36 So that's all done by the very complex mechanisms that we have 11:41 in the nose and respiratory passages all the way down to the 11:48 very tiniest alveoli that we have in all those areas. 11:53 We have filtering systems so that we can keep the air as 11:56 filtered and nice as we can for the blood. 12:00 Yet, it is a fact that we often do not do our part 12:05 as well as we could. 12:07 And Valerie Schreiber is going to tell you something about 12:10 how we can breathe in a way that will also improve all 12:14 of this function. 12:16 So Valerie, tell us something about that. 12:18 Yes Dr. Agatha, I'd like to tell you about proper breathing, 12:22 and the various things that it facilitates in our body. 12:25 Number one, deep breathing aids in digestion by massaging 12:29 the internal organs... 12:30 and I'll show you how that's done in just a few minutes. 12:32 But I also want to tell you how it assists in the return 12:35 of blood to the heart by causing a negative pressure to develop 12:39 in the chest, thereby decongesting your head and 12:44 hopefully stopping the likelihood of headaches because 12:47 headaches usually come from extra blood which is congestion 12:51 pooled in the head. 12:52 So just deep breathing can relieve that condition for you. 12:55 Also, deep breathing pulls blood up from the legs, thereby making 13:00 it unlikely for your lower extremities to have congested or 13:04 pooled blood in the lower legs. 13:06 Also, this exercise about deep breathing that we are going to 13:10 show you in just a few minutes, encourages the flow of blood 13:14 from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver for processing. 13:19 Also, after we have eaten a meal, our blood is usually 13:23 heavily loaded with nutrients and it needs some assistance 13:27 back to the heart. 13:28 So you can see that just deep breathing, along with some 13:31 exercise facilitates many processes in our body that are 13:37 very important, that you would never think about that breathing 13:41 is going to aid my digestion and help my blood get back 13:46 to the heart, but yes, it does. 13:48 In fact, I can tell you a few more things that deep breathing 13:51 does that I share with the patients. 13:53 And that comes in where depression or anxiety... 13:57 I tell them to go outside, look at nature for a few minutes, 14:01 and do some deep breathing 14:03 And you will find that it's just like a tranquilizer. 14:07 You don't have to go to the store and buy them or 14:09 get a prescription... 14:10 Just deep breath God's fresh air for a few minutes and 14:14 you'll start to relax. 14:16 I've had the patients come back in and say... 14:18 "It is amazing. I can't believe what that fresh air did for me. 14:22 I feel so much better. " 14:24 So I encourage you to do the very same thing. 14:26 Now how do you deep breathe? 14:29 You know, we automatically breathe but it's one of the 14:33 processes in our body that we can choose to facilitate. 14:37 So we can take in a deep breath, we can hold our breath, 14:40 we can let it out. 14:42 But one way to facilitate good breathing is good posture. 14:47 You know, today, so many of us are crunched over at our desk.. 14:50 We are couch potatoes at night at the TV. 14:52 We are driving behind the car. 14:53 You know, we are on the computer all day. 14:56 And can you just see what's happening? 14:58 The chest is all crunched over, 15:00 and those poor lungs... they don't even know what it is 15:03 to get good oxygen all the way down in them. 15:06 We're kind of just breathing off the top of them... 15:08 where we need to be standing with good posture 15:12 And good posture, one way that you can do it for yourself 15:16 relatively simply to see if you're standing properly so that 15:20 you can breath right, is just kind of get into a good 15:23 comfortable position... 15:24 Make sure that your head is erect, you are not going to do 15:26 some military thing here. 15:28 But you just lift your shoulders up to your ears like this 15:33 and then you just roll them back comfortably... 15:36 Not jerk them back into a military-type of stance 15:40 And then just kind of drop them down. 15:41 And you are kind of in just a comfortable position. 15:44 Now that is proper standing 15:46 As well as I can show you on Melissa, in just a few minutes, 15:50 how you can measure yourself to make sure you're head is in 15:55 the right place because another position that we find our self 15:58 in is... many times we are crunched over like this 16:00 and then our heads are jetted out like this and it was 16:02 never meant for our body to be like this. 16:04 And so one way that you can check yourself to see 16:08 if you are holding your head properly is... 16:12 I'll show you here on Melissa... 16:13 You just can take a pen and, 16:16 put your head like this, 16:18 and here is your cheekbone and here is your collarbone 16:21 So, you want to make sure that it is standing up straight, not 16:25 jetted out to where it over this way, or back this way... 16:30 if you're in that military stance and you're not to be that 16:33 It should be just right over 16:35 top of your collarbone or your clavicle. 16:37 And that is where your head really should be. 16:40 One of the other things about practicing deep breathing is, 16:46 besides good posture, that you can learn 16:49 by reading out loud. 16:50 If you're reading out loud and walking, 16:52 it will cause you to deep breathe more. 16:55 Climbing steps, exercising also 16:58 helps you with your deep breathing. 17:01 Now one of the things that a lot of people don't take in 17:05 consideration, is they think as long as they're 17:07 sucking in that good breath, 17:08 they're getting plenty of it 17:10 But in order to get in good air, 17:12 and to fill your lungs up, 17:14 the important part is 17:15 to make sure you expel 17:18 And it's how much you expel 17:20 to how much you can inhale. 17:22 That's the important part in deep breathing. 17:24 Now how would you do that? 17:26 Now what you can do is 17:28 in through your nose... 17:29 now I can't talk and do it, 17:30 but you'll get the general idea. 17:32 And put your hand on your tummy 17:33 because when you start inhaling, 17:35 it's not like... 17:36 like this 17:37 You want to inhale slowly 17:38 and you'll feel your tummy starting to expand. 17:41 And so you sort of do it like this... 17:43 You just start... and you keep breathing in slow 17:47 and slow and slow... 17:48 And then when you think you cannot take another breath 17:51 you just try to do it... 17:53 You just try to go... 17:54 and get another good one in there 17:55 And then hold it to maybe the count of 5 or the count of 10 17:58 And then don't do a "whohh" type of thing 18:01 You won't be able to let it all out with that 18:03 and that's not proper. 18:05 What you want to do is purse your lips like this... 18:08 and then you're going... 18:11 And you're just slowly letting it out 18:14 And when you get to where you think you've let every drop out 18:17 you just go... 18:19 and get the last little bit out. 18:20 And then you can begin starting to breathe in through your nose 18:24 and this is the way to really give yourself a good 18:27 tranquilizer if you're nervous 18:29 or in a state of anxiety. 18:30 It is wonderful to do it this way... 18:32 But this is a good way to get good fresh air in your lungs. 18:36 And you know, I say that what is fresh air? 18:39 You hear about negative ions, positive air... 18:41 What in the world are they talking about? 18:43 And where do we get this? 18:44 You know, you hear the ionized machines and so forth. 18:47 Fresh air is simply electrified air. 18:50 You know how when there is a good thunder lightning storm 18:53 outside when it's over with 18:55 because you can breathe in negatively-charged air 19:00 which means it's electrically charged... 19:02 It's alive! 19:03 You see, positive air, dead air 19:05 that Don was talking about, 19:06 that's dead air. 19:08 Positive air is dead air. 19:09 That happens in enclosed places. 19:11 And so many of us... 19:12 We work in an enclosed building. 19:15 We live in an enclosed house. 19:17 We drive in an enclosed car 19:19 And you no wonder that it affects us. 19:22 And some of the ways that it affect us 19:24 is it causes us to be irritable. 19:26 We can't reason properly 19:29 And I can show you how this affects... 19:31 back here on a chart that I have 19:33 Lack of oxygen is very similar to having a drink of alcohol 19:40 how it affects your brain. 19:42 Because you're not able to reason properly 19:44 Your will doesn't work properly 19:46 Your judgment... you can't make good judgment decisions. 19:49 And your emotions are all torqued. 19:51 I've heard people say... 19:52 "When I get up in the morning, I'm as irritable as a snake... 19:54 Don't talk to me until about 10 or 12 o'clock... 19:57 and then I'm, I'm better. " 19:59 But a lot of that can be just from the fact of not having 20:03 good, fresh air in your room at night to where you can be 20:06 breathing those good negative ions... 20:08 Because negative ions come when you go by the ocean 20:12 If you've ever been to the ocean... 20:13 And when you leave, you feel so great... 20:15 Well, you know, you've got exercise out there, sunshine... 20:17 But you have gotten that good, 20:19 negative ionized electrified air 20:23 And it will make you sleep and feel so good 20:25 Well it happens when you go in the mountains as well. 20:28 When you go out into the woods or the forest where there are 20:31 lots of trees... and in the early morning hours. 20:35 That's a good time to do your exercise. 20:37 And you'll get good, negative ionized electrified air that 20:42 will just freshen your whole body for all the functions 20:44 that you need to do throughout the day. 20:47 Now office workers, 20:48 I encourage you at all possible 20:51 go out at your lunch hour 20:53 And at your 10 o'clock, so-called, coffee break, 20:56 don't go drink coffee, it will kill you any way... 20:58 Drink a glass of water and go outside 21:02 and breathe some fresh air. 21:03 I grant you, your work production 21:05 will be much better... 21:06 You'll be much happier, much more cheerful. 21:09 Now, I want to show you 21:10 why, when you're breathing deep, 21:14 and you'll look over here on this chart that I have, 21:17 about breathing and exercise. 21:19 We have a muscle that's right up under the rib 21:20 cage called the diaphragm. 21:23 And a good way to describe this muscle to you... 21:25 it's like a window shade. 21:26 It kind of rolls up and down. 21:28 And if you'll look here on my chart, 21:31 You'll see right here when you have good respiration 21:34 the diaphragm rolls down. 21:36 You'll notice right here, the lungs are filling up and 21:39 the diaphragm is rolling down. 21:41 When you expire the air, you'll see that the diaphragm arches up 21:46 and the lungs are much smaller because it's pushing the air out 21:49 NOW, you get a triple benefit! 21:52 If you go outside and you deep breathe, 21:55 and you exercise and you're going to get sunshine, 21:57 and if you go in the early morning hours, 21:59 you're going to get all those good, negative ions... 22:02 you will have what I have shown right here on this picture... 22:05 I have the arrows up here showing where the diaphragm 22:08 is going to roll down 22:09 But because you are going for a nice, good walk as well, 22:13 you see I have the arrows pointing up from the leg, 22:16 you're going to get this reaction happening to your 22:20 internal organs. 22:21 And it going to be massaging your internal organs. 22:24 And that's why after you've eaten a good meal, 22:26 it's good to go out for just a nice, slow walk 22:30 ...not a fast vigorous walk, 22:31 because you'll take the blood away from the internal organs 22:34 to your extremities. 22:35 But if you go for just a nice walk, 22:37 it exercises the internal organs 22:40 and, therefore, you'll digest your food much better. 22:43 But you get some more pluses besides. 22:45 Here are your intestines 22:47 and it will help peristalsis, so you will be more regular 22:50 in your bowels. 22:52 When you are exercising and deep breathing and you are 22:55 creating this exercise that is happening in your 22:57 internal organs, 22:58 you are giving good integrity to the walls of all your 23:01 internal organs... 23:02 And you could possibly prevent a lot prolapses. 23:06 You hear prolapses... well that's when 23:08 the intestines sort of hang down because they're weak 23:10 and flabby and filled up with junk food all the time... 23:13 And you never get exercise and you're always scrunched over. 23:16 So you get many prolapses... 23:17 Bladder prolapses, the pelvis prolapses and 23:21 the floor of the pelvis gets weak. 23:24 But if you do good exercises 23:26 and deep breathing, 23:27 you will strengthen all this area of your body. 23:30 So I encourage you... 23:32 Learn how to deep breathe 23:34 Learn how to go out for a good walk. 23:36 And most people are always saying, 23:38 "Oh, I just don't have time for it. " 23:40 Well let me read you a Scripture... 23:42 and a quote that is my favorite 23:45 ...Ecclesiastes 4:5 says this, 23:48 "A fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh. " 23:53 And so that's what will happen to you. 23:55 If you don't take time for your health, you are going to 23:57 consume your own flesh. 23:59 And Earl of Derby says that... 24:01 He says, "Those who cannot find time for exercise will have to 24:05 find time for illness. " 24:07 Thank you. 24:09 Very good. I think that gives us a very good understanding 24:13 of some of the anatomy involved 24:15 and also how the internal organs respond to 24:18 very good posture and also to very good breathing. 24:21 But even so, some of us may get some diseases of the chest 24:26 and diseases of the lungs... 24:27 And Don Miller is going to talk with you about some of those... 24:31 some of those things having to do with the diseases or 24:33 conditions of the chest and some other matters. 24:36 I want to fill one more thing in here because this matter of 24:40 breathing is very important 24:41 Someone has shown me another way to practice these good 24:44 breathing techniques. 24:45 This is a very easy one. 24:47 I want you to write down... 24:48 1... 4... 2 24:50 Just remember those numbers... 1... 4... 2 24:52 You breathe in... you are taking a walk... 24:54 You breathe in to a count of 1... whatever 1 might be. 24:57 Let's say you're walking and you take 4 paces for the 1. 25:02 That's one. 25:03 Now you multiply that by 4. 25:05 And so you hold your breath for 16... 4, 8, 12, 16. 25:10 And then you expire, or exhale, 25:13 you multiply by 2... that 4 steps 25:15 and so you exhale for 8. 25:18 You do that and you're going to 25:20 find yourself really trying to get that last bit out 25:23 and that will help. 25:24 And that's the problem with people who have things like 25:27 emphysema. 25:28 A person with emphysema... 25:30 it's not so much a problem with 25:32 inhaling, it's the problem with 25:34 exhaling and getting the air out of the lungs because 25:38 they've lost the elasticity. 25:40 Things aren't working well. 25:41 And so they tend to get rather barrel-chested because 25:44 they're always in that sort of the inhaled position 25:47 and they cannot get down in the exhale position. 25:50 So they have this larger chest and they basically end up 25:54 suffocating because they cannot get the air out of their lungs. 25:59 Now this is caused by people living or basically smoking, 26:03 that's one of the main causes of emphysema. 26:06 But it can also be caused by 26:07 people living in areas of high pollution. 26:10 We were in the State of Arkansas a few years ago. 26:13 And an old man came into one of our meetings and this man was 26:18 just a wheezing and a huffing and a puffing and we wondered 26:22 what's the matter with this man. 26:23 I figured he'd smoked all of his life. 26:24 It turns out, he had been a classmate of one of the old 26:28 saints at Uchee Pines and this man had been a clean-liver 26:32 ...not clean LIVER, but he lived clean for all of his life 26:37 But he had found his ministry in the LA Basin. 26:40 And in the LA Basin, sometimes you have what's called a 26:43 "temperature inversion. " 26:44 The cool air comes down at night 26:46 and it's cooler than the air above. 26:49 So it traps all those pollutants 26:51 And it becomes very, very polluted down there and he 26:54 breathed this polluted air all of his life 26:56 And these temperature inversions 26:58 happen all the time. 26:59 One happened in London in 1952. 27:01 It killed 4,000 people. 27:02 We need to make sure that we've got clean air 27:05 where we are at. 27:06 And if we're not living in an area where there is clean air, 27:09 perhaps it's time to move to an area of cleaner air. 27:12 Stay away from carbon monoxide. 27:14 We hear about people who back up 27:16 their cars to their motel rooms and in the morning, 27:18 in the cold winter and they 27:19 go out and turn on their car while they're getting ready, 27:23 and the air-conditioning is sucking in that carbon monoxide 27:27 which is a bad way to go, Dr. Thrash. Yes it is. 27:29 There are so many ways that we can pollute the air around us 27:34 and it makes us susceptible to many different kinds of 27:38 diseases that we otherwise would not be susceptible to. 27:41 So we hope that you will enjoy this precious boon of heaven 27:45 that you will be strong and healthy and that all of your 27:49 internal organs will be healthy 27:51 and massaged nicely by your good breathing techniques. |
Revised 2014-12-17