Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000137

00:01 Seventy-five years ago, cholesterol was a substance
00:05 that very few people had even heard of.
00:07 Now, every fourth grade school boy knows all about cholesterol.
00:11 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician, from
00:14 Uchee Pines Institute.
00:16 There, we deal quite a lot with cholesterol and people who have
00:20 lifestyle diseases.
00:21 We'd like to talk with you about cholesterol and some of the
00:26 serious problems that we're seeing with it today.
00:28 We really need to get tough with cholesterol and we can.
00:32 So we will be talking about some of the ways
00:35 in the next half an hour.
00:36 So we hope you will join us, won't you?
00:37 Welcome to "Help Yourself to Health" with Dr. Agatha Thrash
01:01 of Uchee Pines Institute.
01:02 A long time ago, we used to think of cholesterol as being
01:10 something that those who are elderly had a problem with.
01:13 We didn't think about it as a teenage problem...
01:16 but today, we are seeing it more and more in teenagers.
01:20 In fact, one out of every six teenagers has a problem with
01:25 cholesterol and it is more serious than we might think.
01:27 And so, we need to start very early in life teaching our
01:31 young people how to eat, and live, and work and be
01:35 regular in all their habits so that they can avoid the
01:38 problem with cholesterol.
01:39 Now the average teenager today does a lot of fast food shopping
01:46 and socializing with friends over some kind of very sweet and
01:51 unhealthful drink...
01:52 But it isn't necessary that teenagers have these sweet
01:56 things and these very fatty things.
01:58 Because I know that teenagers can enjoy their food and their
02:02 drinks without having all of these unhealthful things.
02:06 And here is with me, my granddaughter who is a teenager.
02:09 She makes some very nice things in her kitchen that are
02:15 not unhealthful.
02:16 And, what are you going to do for us today?
02:18 It looks like it's going to be something with orange.
02:21 Yes, I'm going to be making something that is similar to an
02:24 Orange Julius.
02:25 All you have to use is 2 cups of your favorite soymilk which
02:29 I happen to be using Silk.
02:31 Then we will add 12 ounces of frozen orange juice concentrate
02:32 and approximately a teaspoon of vanilla extract
02:33 and about 12 ice cubes.
02:34 And then you blend it until the ice is just a little bit chunky.
02:35 I won't finish blending it but this is somewhat what it
03:47 would look like after it's finished.
03:48 It looks very appetizing.
03:50 Does it taste good?
03:51 I hope so... it tastes good to me.
03:54 You mean it's sweet with just the orange juice, the
04:00 soymilk and the vanilla?
04:03 It is, although if you wish for it to be sweeter,
04:06 you can put a little bit of Stevia in it.
04:08 Oh, that would make it good for diabetics...
04:11 a little bit...
04:12 And for people who are overweight.
04:13 It's very sweet.
04:14 It also comes in powder form.
04:17 Oh yes, that's very good and the Stevia gives it a very
04:22 sweet flavor without adding calories or without making it
04:28 so that diabetics or teenagers who have a problem with
04:33 overweight or with cholesterol would not be able to take.
04:36 And so, this is a very nice sweet drink that a person who is
04:40 a teenager would certainly enjoy.
04:42 Thank you Melissa.
04:43 Now I'm very grateful that we don't have to be bound to one
04:49 set of foods or one set of nutrients but that many
04:54 different kinds of nutrients, many different kinds of
04:56 foods are present in what God has given us in nature.
05:01 So that without any difficulty at all, we can be very
05:04 well-balanced in our nutrition
05:06 We can get everything that is needed from the foods that we
05:11 have without using anything that is unhealthful.
05:14 And the teenagers should learn how to prepare these
05:19 very nice things, sweet drinks that are completely free
05:24 from guilt and also burgers and fries and hot dogs
05:29 and whatever the young people eat nowadays...
05:32 They can learn to make these very healthfully and there
05:34 are cookbooks everywhere that show young people how to do
05:38 these things and they are fun to make.
05:39 They are very nice for a group of young people to make together
05:43 And Valerie Schreiber has some absolutely wonderful-looking
05:47 things here and I'm looking forward to seeing what she has.
05:50 This is Valerie Schreiber who is one of my co-workers at
05:53 Uchee Pines, a health educator and one who is an excellent cook
05:58 So, what have you today, Valerie?
06:01 Well, Dr. Agatha, I'm going to show moms how they can do a
06:04 transition with their children because most children's favorite
06:08 dinner is hamburgers and French fries at the fast food store.
06:13 And we want to encourage moms and young people not to have
06:17 fast food for the children any longer and there's a good
06:21 way to do it but you need to get your children involved.
06:24 And one way to get your children involved...
06:27 if you will look over here... you will see that I have taken
06:33 burgers and I have bought cookie cutters.
06:35 Now, the cookie cutters look like this.
06:38 You can get all sorts of cookie cutters.
06:42 This is a clown, here's a heart, a frog...
06:49 and if you look back down here on the plate, I took 2 burgers
06:52 and made a snowman.
06:53 I took a heart, a frog and over here is a little group
06:58 of balloons...
07:01 I did that for the little tots that don't eat very much.
07:02 You can make them like a little balloon.
07:03 But the thing that I encourage you to do, moms, is to get
07:06 these cookie cutters and get your children involved.
07:09 If they get involved, they are going to eat it.
07:11 And then again, icing them with mashed potatoes is so
07:15 delicious that they will love them.
07:17 Now over here, you will see that I have a dish with just
07:22 the traditional-looking burger on a plate with French fries
07:26 and so the bachelors can have this...
07:29 They can learn how to make good burgers in place of hamburgers
07:33 in the fast food stores and they can have good French fries.
07:37 Now, I want to tell you how you can make these French fries
07:41 that are not fried and deep fried in fat.
07:45 You can go ahead and take your potatoes and you can cut them
07:50 just real nice like this... you can wash them very good first.
07:55 Leave the skin on because there is a lot of nutrition there
07:59 with the skin and then all you have to do is, in a bag,
08:04 you can mix, oh... yeast flakes, some salt, some paprika,
08:10 some chicken seasoning, any flavor that you may like as a
08:13 seasoning and then you just take your French fries like so
08:23 and you just put them in the bag like this and you can zip it up
08:33 and then just shake it.
08:38 Just shake it like this.
08:41 And then you can just pour these out on a pan, which I will just
08:46 pour them back here into this dish and they are nice and
08:50 seasoned and you can put them right into your oven
08:54 and bake them.
08:56 In fact, we just had them for lunch and they are delicious.
08:59 Now moms, you can make your children a very healthy meal
09:04 without going to the fast food restaurant because you can
09:06 have a burger and French fries and Dr. Agatha is going to bring
09:09 in Melissa's drink... instead of getting an unhealthy milkshake,
09:14 you can now have an orange drink.
09:15 And this isn't just for children moms, it can be just for you
09:18 And you can learn how to make these things quickly...
09:20 you can have all your seasonings put together for your French
09:23 fries and in a little bag, so that when you come home,
09:27 you can just pull that bag out, put your French fries in
09:29 and put it in the oven.
09:30 And, the reason that I showed you over here, how to decorate
09:33 burgers for children, is to get
09:35 your children involved in this in the beginning.
09:37 I know it looks like a lot of work but, let me tell you,
09:40 when you get your children involved in doing this, it's
09:43 so much fun for them, that they are going to eat it.
09:47 And so if they think they can do this every time they have
09:49 burgers, they're going to be more than likely to eat them
09:51 And they will tell their friends about it and their friends are
09:53 going to want to come over and everybody is going
09:55 to have a good time.
09:56 Eventually you can make more simpler things but I'm
09:58 encouraging you in the beginning make it fun for your children
10:02 In fact, I have a lot of fun in doing it and so will
10:04 you, mom, when you get to do it.
10:05 Thank you.
10:06 And of course, all this is guaranteed to have not
10:09 one single molecule of cholesterol in it.
10:12 Absolutely.
10:13 And so your children are not going to be getting high
10:16 cholesterol from this kind of food.
10:18 Cholesterol is such a problem nowadays that we study all of
10:25 the blood to see what other markers there are for coronary
10:29 heart disease.
10:30 Markers for coronary heart disease are generally falling in
10:34 three categories right now.
10:36 One is cholesterol, a second is triglycerides
10:41 and a third is homocysteine, those three.
10:44 Now just being added now and maybe will come to be
10:48 standard in the next few months or few years is that
10:51 of fibrinogen.
10:53 Fibrinogen is also a marker and I predict that it will become
10:56 as common, commonly done for predicting heart disease as
11:02 cholesterol now is.
11:04 But probably if you think about the fact that cholesterol is
11:09 not present at all in any kind of vegetable food...
11:16 It's only present in animal foods and that that animal
11:20 food has to be taken in sufficient quantity so that
11:24 it will raise the blood cholesterol.
11:26 Now, there are some people whose cholesterol, by family origin or
11:31 heredity, is going to be high.
11:34 Now these individuals, even on a totally vegetarian diet will
11:39 still have to be very careful not to overeat, not to eat
11:42 too many times a day.
11:43 The 2-meal plan for them is usually ideal.
11:46 And so with this, even those who have an hereditary high
11:51 cholesterol, will find that they do very well.
11:54 Exercise and sunshine are also important for the person
11:58 who has an hereditary type of high cholesterol.
12:02 It's very important for them that they obey all of the 8
12:08 natural laws of health.
12:09 Have fresh air... we've found some people whose cholesterol
12:13 will not come down unless they have fresh air in their
12:15 bedrooms at night.
12:16 And unless they learn to be relaxed and to exercise a lot
12:25 and to be unstressed.
12:27 Now, there are other factors that are involved in
12:32 homocysteine that are not in cholesterol.
12:36 Homocysteine also has some aspects of B6 and other things
12:43 but soy has a good affect on homocysteine and soy also has
12:51 a very good affect on cholesterol.
12:53 Soy products of all kinds and the more close to the bean
12:57 itself that you get, the better it is from the standpoint
13:01 of its benefit for the body.
13:03 And so, Valerie, it looks as if you've got something else
13:06 to show us.
13:08 Oh I sure do, Dr. Agatha.
13:09 It looks delicious... Yes!
13:10 And it's beautiful.
13:11 Now what I've done here is another one of those
13:14 fun things.
13:15 And I do this, again, to help with the transition.
13:18 Especially those that maybe like fish.
13:20 This is a mock salmon loaf and if you look real close, you will
13:25 see it looks like a fish...
13:26 Oh there's the tail over there.
13:28 Yeah, I've done it with lettuce.
13:29 There's his little head and there are his gills.
13:31 And this is made from soybean.
13:34 Now you can do one of two ways,
13:36 you can get soybean flour and that's all I really have in
13:40 this is soybean flour, ground up soybeans...
13:43 and what you do is, you soak your soybeans at night
13:46 and then you rinse them off in the morning, put them in the
13:49 blender with the seasoning that you want and blend
13:50 them up and when you blend them up, they'll turn out and look
13:55 just like this.
13:57 And you can do so many things with ground up soy, that
14:03 there is just no end to the things that you can do and
14:05 dishes that you can make with soy like...
14:08 egg salad, scrambled eggs, deviled eggs, all kinds of
14:12 loaves and burgers.
14:14 And in my burgers, I usually put ground up
14:15 soy, just like you see here.
14:18 So, in my little fish here, is ground up soybeans, seasoning,
14:23 tomato juice and some soy flour.
14:26 And I just blend it all together put it in a mold,
14:29 put it in the oven and then take it out.
14:31 This makes it kind of fun, even dad who's kind of resistant
14:34 to this change in the home, when he sees this,
14:37 he'll be so amused and it does amuse you
14:40 You know he is going to take a bite of it instead of being
14:42 angry... how can you be angry if this is sitting on the table?
14:44 Not really, could you, Dr. Agatha...
14:47 No, in fact, even if I were resistant to changing from meat
14:51 to a vegetarian diet, I think that with this, I would be
14:55 willing to give it a whirl.
14:56 Sure, and so I want to encourage you also, moms, you
14:57 can make a real nice tartar sauce with this.
15:02 Just get your favorite vegetarian cookbook and
15:06 there are many of them in the health food stores today,
15:08 Or you can even call Uchee Pines, we have a great
15:10 selection there.
15:12 You can take your favorite mayonnaise and all you have to
15:14 do is cut up sweet pickles in them and you can have a
15:18 delicious tartar sauce that you can put with your fish meal.
15:21 Sounds very good and very appetizing.
15:24 And also fun.
15:25 These are fun things to do and if you like to putter around
15:28 in the kitchen, you can be very certain that you will enjoy
15:31 doing these things.
15:32 Now some people will need more help than just the soy
15:37 to bring the cholesterol down and the exercise,
15:40 and the sunshine.
15:41 They will need some other things as well.
15:43 And, I have asked John Champen to talk with you some about
15:47 some studies that have been done.
15:48 Many have been done in many parts of the world on a variety
15:52 of things but at this time, John Champen, who is my
15:56 co-worker at Uchee Pines, and in the administration there
15:59 and also a health educator... he will talk with you about
16:02 a study done in Finland.
16:06 Thank you.
16:07 There have been two recent studies; one was done in
16:10 Finland and one was done in Brooklyn, New York.
16:12 It had to do with charcoal and had to do with cholesterol...
16:16 putting the two together.
16:17 It's very interesting...
16:18 The one in Finland states that, in the Finnish studies
16:23 7 patients were given a quarter ounce of activated charcoal
16:27 3 times a day for 4 weeks.
16:29 At the end of 4 weeks, their levels of cholesterol went down,
16:34 the LDL went down 41% on average.
16:38 Now, traditional drug therapy usually lowers LDL or
16:43 low density lipoproteins cholesterol, only 16%.
16:48 That's according to "The Lancet," August 16, 1986 and
16:53 "Prevention Magazine," January 1987.
16:56 The other study was done by the "Sunny Health Science Center" in
17:00 Brooklyn, New York.
17:01 Dr. Friedman had 6 patients take a little over 1 ounce
17:06 of activated charcoal for 24 weeks.
17:12 At the end of the trial period, the cholesterol levels
17:15 in this group fell 43% and their triglycerides fell 76%.
17:22 Now that's also from "Prevention Magazine," January 1987.
17:27 Apparently charcoal attracts and holds onto the cholesterol
17:32 taking it through the entire system without it getting into
17:35 the bloodstream, at least a good percentage of it does that.
17:38 It looks like this is a possible way to lower cholesterol
17:42 on a regular basis.
17:44 Sounds good. Yes and I like charcoal.
17:46 It's another thing that really enforces my enjoyment
17:50 of charcoal as a remedy.
17:51 It's not only good on the surface, it's good internally
17:54 and it's good for the blood.
17:55 It's a good blood cleanser.
17:57 Now, we have talked about homocysteine to some degree but
18:01 I'd like to tell you that it's not usually included in a
18:04 routine set of laboratory
18:09 testing done for your annual physical.
18:11 So you request that of your physician.
18:12 Unfortunately, it's still a little bit expensive but I
18:16 predict that as we get more and more people who want the
18:20 homocysteine test, I predict that it will come down...
18:24 The price will come down and it will not be so expensive.
18:28 Homocysteine is an altogether separate marker for heart
18:33 disease than cholesterol is.
18:35 And homocysteine also indicates your likelihood of getting
18:40 cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a
18:44 number of other problems in life that we have come to associate
18:48 with a high homocysteine level.
18:50 There are certain things that we know will be helpful in
18:54 bringing the homocysteine level down and thereby reducing
18:58 your probability of getting any one of these disorders
19:03 that I've mentioned.
19:04 One of those is vitamin B12.
19:06 Vitamin B12 is very important in helping make the change
19:11 in the amino acids that result that an improper change
19:15 there makes homocysteine level go up.
19:18 And so if you take B12, that
19:19 will help with the homocysteine level.
19:23 Folic acid will also help and folic acid is present in
19:28 greens and beans and whole grains but folic acid may also
19:34 need to be taken by supplement for those people who have a high
19:38 homocysteine level.
19:40 Vitamin B6 is also one of those things that we give by
19:45 supplement to people who have a high homocysteine level.
19:49 There are certain foods that are high in vitamin B6 and we want
19:53 to discuss those with you now
19:55 And so I have Valerie here who
19:57 is going to show you some of these foods that are high in
20:00 vitamin B6.
20:01 Valerie, what do you have?
20:02 Well vitamin B6 happens to be one of my favorite vitamins
20:05 to talk about simply because it's involved in more bodily
20:08 functions than almost any other nutrient.
20:10 It is involved in the physical, as well as the mental.
20:13 And let me just read you a few things that it does.
20:16 It is involved in the production of hydrochloric acid,
20:19 in the absorption of fats and proteins,
20:21 in maintaining sodium and potassium balance.
20:25 It promotes red blood cell formation.
20:28 It is needed for normal brain function.
20:31 It aids the absorption of vitamin B12.
20:33 It aids the immune system functions.
20:36 It aids in the ability of antibody production.
20:39 B6 also plays a role in cancer immunity and aids in the
20:44 prevention of atherosclerosis.
20:46 So you can see, these are just a few of the systems that
20:49 B12 plays a major role in.
20:52 So therefore, I want to show you just some of the foods that
20:55 have rich sources of B12...
20:58 And bananas right here,
21:01 have one of the richest sources of B12.
21:05 Now let me tell you about bananas.
21:06 When I was a little girl, I used to love bananas.
21:08 And, I used to dream I was up in a banana tree eating
21:12 bananas and so I must have needed a lot of B6 back then,
21:15 I don't know, but I encourage you to feed your children
21:18 bananas... eat bananas.
21:20 They are one of the richest sources of B6.
21:24 Now other sources of B6 are in potatoes.
21:30 Avocados are another very good source of B6
21:36 And, good old tomato juice has plenty of B6 in it.
21:41 Now your corn flakes whole grain cereals are fortified with B6,
21:47 so are grains and seeds which I have right here.
21:52 Here are some good old sunflower seeds
21:53 and they are so delicious and they're just filled with B6.
21:57 We also have here a soy product, which is tofu, but it has a good
22:03 amount of B6 in it as well.
22:04 And there are many other vegetables like green beans,
22:08 and sweet potatoes that have a good amount of B6 in them.
22:12 And I want to show you, we also have some herbal teas...
22:15 believe it or not that have a good source of B6 in them.
22:19 And this is oat straw.
22:21 Here is catnip and this is very good if you want to relax.
22:28 Catnip is a good herb to help you relax your nervous system.
22:32 So that's why B6 plays a role in that.
22:35 Now we know why it helps so much.
22:37 Alfalfa also has quite a bit of B6 in it.
22:42 So if you are not eating vegetables and you want to
22:43 be sure that you are getting some good amounts of B6,
22:46 you can be drinking your herbal teas.
22:48 So you will be getting it whatever you are doing,
22:51 whether you are drinking teas or eating your
22:52 fruits and vegetables.
22:54 That sounds good and not only is this nice to talk about,
22:57 but it is also good to contemplate what nice things
23:00 that we have that are high in vitamin B6.
23:03 And so, we can see by these very simple things,
23:06 that we can learn what we can do that will reduce our likelihood
23:12 of getting heart disease.
23:13 Heart disease is not nice and I will show you why right
23:18 here with these two specimens from my museum.
23:21 These hearts are actual human hearts and they have been
23:25 treated in such a way that when I prepared them this way,
23:29 the first thing was to fix them with formalin
23:31 Then to replace the water little by little with a fat soluble
23:37 substance and eventually end up with paraffin.
23:40 The whole process takes about one month
23:43 and for me, that was quite a long time to spend on
23:48 these... of course, I didn't have to do it full-time.
23:50 But, I felt like one of the head shrinkers from some of these
23:53 countries that shrink heads because the process is
23:57 somewhat similar.
23:58 Now you will notice in this heart... this is the normal
24:01 heart... that's the back that you've just been seeing
24:04 and this is the front.
24:05 It's about the size of your loosely-clenched fist.
24:08 And it sits in the chest upside down so that the
24:11 point goes down as you see here.
24:13 Now, if you will notice carefully,
24:15 you can see a thin line right down here representing
24:21 the major coronary vessel, major coronary artery.
24:26 Now I have here a heart of a man the very same age as the
24:34 normal heart but this heart is very abnormal.
24:37 You will be able to see immediately that the same artery
24:40 that you could barely see, is now very easily seen because
24:44 it has so much calcium deposited in it.
24:48 The calcium is deposited because of the fact that the artery
24:52 got sick and the fat that first deposited in the artery
24:57 then drew the calcium to it and now we have a stiffened artery
25:03 filled with material that makes
25:06 it difficult for blood to go through.
25:08 It also makes it so that the artery cannot make its normal
25:13 pulsation and that, of course,
25:15 alters the blood pressure as well.
25:17 It makes the heart have to pump harder in order to get blood
25:20 through this stiffened artery.
25:23 Now some people feel, well I will not be very disturbed about
25:28 my hardened arteries because they have techniques now
25:31 that they can go up and strip all this material that's on the
25:35 inside of the artery... they can just strip that out
25:38 Or, they have certain bypass procedures that they can do
25:42 and so if my artery gets very badly damaged like this one is,
25:48 and you can see the artery right here.
25:51 This artery is very calcified, very small.
25:56 This is the aorta which should be almost twice that size.
26:00 This is the lower end of the aorta
26:02 And what happened here was the same kind of calcium
26:06 deposits following the fat, like cholesterol and triglycerides
26:10 that deposited in the aorta
26:13 Those then made the aorta itself so that it was nonfunctional.
26:18 And so the surgeons went in and did a bypass for the man
26:24 and gave him an aorta.
26:26 They also replaced another artery...
26:30 I think it was the renal artery.
26:31 And made a nice, new aorta for him with the tributary
26:38 arteries but unfortunately, it only functioned for
26:42 about 18 months and then it got a clot in it as you can
26:46 here... you see this dark clot here inside of it.
26:50 And that made it so that the artery was then nonfunctional
26:54 and when that happened, of course, the man lost his life.
26:57 So that isn't the way to go, not with surgeries, not even
27:02 with drugs that promise you that they will bring your
27:06 cholesterol down.
27:07 The very best that you could hope with a cholesterol
27:12 lowering drug is perhaps 15% reduction in your cholesterol
27:17 But you may need 50 or 60% reduction in your cholesterol.
27:21 And of course, that could not be achieved with these
27:26 artificial things.
27:28 So the natural thing such as diet and exercise and these
27:34 things that God has provided for us in abundance,
27:37 showing His great love for us and making it so that we are
27:40 not just cast out here in the earth with a serious foe
27:45 like Satan without many tools that we can use to fight
27:50 against Satan's sophistries.
27:52 So, may this be your experience.
27:54 May God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17