Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000133

00:01 Hello!
00:03 I'm Agatha Thrash, a staff physician from Uchee Pines
00:05 Institute, which is a medical missionary training institute.
00:09 There we teach remedies.
00:12 My very favorite remedy is charcoal.
00:15 It's such a favorite that my husband and I wrote a whole
00:19 book, devoted to that very subject of charcoal, so during
00:23 the next half an hour, we will be discussing that so if you
00:25 would like to stay by and join us I think that you will enjoy
00:27 learning about charcoal.
00:49 Welcome to Help Yourself to Health with Dr. Agatha Thrash
00:53 of Uchee Pines Institute, and now here's your host
00:57 Dr. Thrash.
00:58 Charcoal has so many good properties about it, that you
01:05 can use it for so many different things.
01:07 You can use it internally, you can use it externallly, you
01:11 can use it in your rooms and in the air.
01:13 It's a very good remedy, its a very good substance for us to
01:18 use in a lot of ways, and with me today is Don Miller
01:24 and a little later will be John Champen to help me to
01:29 present the various qualities and faculties, and our
01:32 experiences with charcoal and now Don Miller will talk with
01:36 you about his experience with charcoal.
01:39 You know one of my favorite things with charcoal and you can
01:43 use it in so many ways, we could not even enumerate them
01:46 all in one program, or ten programs.
01:48 But a number of years ago after I had learned about the
01:52 wonderful miracle working propreties, and I do use the
01:55 word miracle, because it does work miracles as far as I'm
01:59 concerned, was when I had gotten out of the Marine Corp and moved
02:02 to my farm in Missouri, and when I got there I decided hmm! I
02:05 want to have some horses, now I wasn't familiar with buying
02:08 horses I didn't learn that in college, didn't learn that in
02:10 the Marine Corp, but I did want to buy some horses, and so I
02:14 bought three horses, and I thought I had enough horses, but
02:17 then I got a phone call one night from a man saying look
02:19 I've got another horse I would like to sell you.
02:21 We had already bought one horse from this man, and he said I
02:25 want to sell you another horse.
02:26 I said, well I really don't want any more horses
02:29 He said well I'll make you a good deal, and I said I don't
02:31 care how good the deal is.
02:32 I don't want your horse.
02:33 He said, well I will tell you what I will do, I'll give you
02:36 the saddle, and the bridle, and the blanket, and the horse
02:40 and I will deliver it all for twenty five dollars,
02:42 and I said "SOLD"
02:43 I never heard that thing, "You never buy a horse unseen,"
02:47 and so the man delivered the horse one day, and he backed up
02:52 his trailer to my gate around my yard, on my farm, and the
02:56 horse was backing down this walkway, and it looked pretty
02:59 good until he turned it around, and that was the worse looking
03:03 horse that I had ever seen.
03:04 One side of his face was nothing but puss, plus you couldn't see
03:08 the eye, it looked miserable, and I thought, Uhh! I'm going to
03:12 dig a deep hole for this poor thing and bury it.
03:14 then I decided well "no", I learned about charcoal, I had
03:18 been to Uchee Pines for a seminar, so I decided to use
03:21 charcoal on my horse.
03:22 I had to use it two ways, I was going to use it
03:25 internally and externally.
03:27 Now how do you feed a horse charcoal?
03:28 It was quite easy.
03:29 I took a big stainless steel bowl, put some charcoal in it
03:32 put some flax seed in it, ground flax seed which Brother
03:35 Champen will be talking about, added some water, chopped up an
03:38 apple, and some turbinado sugar, and it would mix it all up and
03:41 I would roll it in these big black horse jelly beans, and the
03:47 horse loved the things.
03:48 Then I made up some charcoal poultice material, which
03:50 Brother Champen will be talking about, made up a big poultice
03:53 and just slapped in on that horses eye, and tied it on with
03:57 a sock, and I did that every day for that horse.
04:00 Within a couple of months, that horse was completely clean,
04:04 completely clear.
04:05 His eye was healed, it was not blind in the eye.
04:08 It had no evidence whatsoever that anything had been wrong
04:12 with that horse,
04:13 and another nice thing was the horse surprised me.
04:16 I don't think I even knew it was a female horse, but it was
04:18 a female horse, and the horse had a baby horse, a foal
04:21 and it was in perfect health, in perfect shape, so I just
04:24 think, that God has given us something like charcoal to
04:28 surprise us with the marvelous working powers of it, and I'm
04:31 thankful for charcoal.
04:33 Dr. Thrash, I know you've had lots of experience with
04:36 charcoal. Yes, I've had quite a lot of experience with charcoal,
04:39 and I enjoy what I know about charcoal,
04:42 but I'm constantly learning more things.
04:45 The charcoal itself is a little granule, the individual parts
04:53 are just little granules, like this.
04:55 These individual granules are interesting because they have
05:01 little crevices, which you can see here.
05:03 You can see how these little holes and little canals, all
05:08 of these little indentations around in the charcoal granule
05:11 All of these can take up poisonous substances, and indeed
05:16 will take up poisonous substances all manner of them.
05:20 In fact a number of articles have been written in a medical
05:25 journal, such as these that I am holding here.
05:27 This one was published in the very prestigious journal called
05:31 Pediatrics, just in 2001.
05:34 Researchers had done a big experiment on many, many
05:40 children, over a thousand children who had gotten poisoned
05:43 in the home, and what they had thought was instead of
05:48 having all children who were poisoned in the home,
05:51 transported to an emergency facility, why not have parents
05:55 have charcoal in the home, so that when a child is poisoned
06:01 they can simply administer it themselves.
06:03 So they began a campaign in this area in Connecticut, and
06:07 invited all parents to have charcoal in their homes in the
06:12 medicine cabinet all ready.
06:13 So they found that, in sixty minutes or less they could
06:20 have a poisoned child or a child who had taken something that you
06:23 weren't certain was poisonous, they could have the child
06:27 with their dose of charcoal already within sixty minutes
06:31 or less, and that almost never happened in the hospital, it was
06:38 less than a third of the cases that came to the hospital that
06:41 were going to have the charcoal administered
06:43 in thirty minutes or less,
06:45 whereas more than ninety percent of those
06:47 who could get the charcoal administered in the home, would
06:51 have the charcoal in a half an hour, in less than an hour.
06:55 Now a concern over proper administration of the charcoal
07:01 by parents was also very big in the minds of physicians,
07:06 and I think generally we feel that parents are going to be
07:13 a little bit backward in being able to administer treatments
07:17 in the home, but as we have had more and more experience
07:20 in dealing with parents, we find that they are fully as capable
07:25 as nurses and doctors to administer a simple treatment
07:30 like charcoal in the home.
07:32 So we recommend now to everybody that they have charcoal in their
07:37 medicine cabinets at all times.
07:39 When you have an emergency that is not the time to try call
07:42 around and see where you can find it.
07:45 Now we speak of activated charcoal.
07:48 Activated charcoal is different from just regular charcoal.
07:53 Regular charcoal is something similar to what I have here.
07:57 Here I have some partly ashed, and partly charred wood that
08:03 came from a fireplace, and you can use this in a pinch.
08:07 Just take some of these dark pieces and crush them up with
08:12 a hammer and a cloth towel or crush them with a fork if
08:19 they are soft enough, and you will get some benefit
08:21 from that, but not a lot.
08:23 What you get the most from is the activated charcoal.
08:27 The activated charcoal has been specially processed in a factory
08:32 where steam and pressure are used to clear the ash away from
08:38 the little granules, with the little crevices, so that ash
08:42 is cleared away, and the activated charcoal is
08:45 at least twice if not three times as
08:47 effective as the regular charcoal.
08:51 So you can see that it is important for you to use that
08:54 if you can, and as to how to administer it, we can teach
09:00 a parent to give the child the charcoal
09:03 by mouth in several ways.
09:05 One way is to stir it up in a glass,
09:07 and put a straw in it
09:09 and let them drink it.
09:10 Now some will say well, my child won't drink
09:14 that black mixture, and that may be true.
09:17 If you can't get the child to take the
09:20 the charcoal when its mixed up in water, call
09:24 grandmother, because grandmothers know how to get
09:27 a child to take something that they don't want to take.
09:30 In fact that has been shown in homes where there is a
09:36 grandparent, there are fewer visits to the physicians, than
09:40 in homes where there is no grandmother available, so you
09:44 are very fortunate if you have a grandmother, and she can get
09:46 the child to take the activated charcoal.
09:49 This can be a great help to you to know in your very own
09:54 home, you can be prepared to meet emergencies.
09:57 Now we use charcoal inside the body and outside the body,
10:01 and John Champen who is with me here, John Champen
10:05 is a health educator at Uchee Pines, and one of our
10:09 instructors there, and he is going to tell you some about
10:12 his experience in mixing up charcoal.
10:15 Charcoal is a very wonderful substance that has been
10:20 provided for us, and you can get it all over the world.
10:23 Today I'm going to show you
10:25 a little bit about how we mix charcoal.
10:28 Here we have two on our table, we have two glasses,
10:38 this one charcoal has already been mixed in,
10:41 and this one I'm just about to mix the charcaol in.
10:43 This one that has already been mixed in now settling
10:47 to the bottom, this is what we call our slurry water.
10:50 That's for those who have difficulty taking the
10:53 charcoal, or think they might have difficulty taking
10:56 This will eventually settle out, precipitate out to the
10:59 bottom, and will be relatively clear.
11:01 Those who have difficulty
11:03 might be more inclined to take it that way.
11:06 Now its very interesting in mixing charcoal its a very
11:10 fine powder, and if you don't whatch it, it will fly all over
11:12 everything, and get into everything.
11:16 It doesn't come out of garments very easily,
11:19 so it needs to be mixed very, very gently.
11:23 One tablespoon of charcoal per glass is about enough,
11:28 that's the recommended dosage.
11:30 This will take a little while to mix in, but when it
11:51 mixes in, it can be taken with a straw or it can
11:54 be drunk directly, and it works very very quickly.
12:01 There are no known problems with charcoal,
12:07 except that some people
12:08 might find it a little bit constipating,
12:10 and for those who might find
12:12 that to be their case,
12:13 what we advise then that the person
12:19 take alot of water with it.
12:24 Water and charcoal is all that is needed, now every
12:31 medicine cabinet as Dr. Thrash says should have that.
12:35 I keep this in my medicine cabinet,
12:36 it is excellent for bad breath
12:38 it is excellent for gas,
12:39 its excellent for upset stomach.
12:42 If a person has diarrhea, it helps quite a lot,
12:46 it checks diarrhea very, very quickly,
12:48 one tablespoon is all that is needed.
12:51 We've done experiments, and we've had guests who had gas,
12:59 or upset stomach, and we give them a little dose of charcoal
13:03 like this, and it doesn't have any taste, it tends to be
13:08 a little bit grainy, but thats all.
13:10 There is nothing in here that can harm you.
13:13 It goes through the system and it binds the toxins,
13:17 It binds those things that are in the system and it will
13:22 even take out a lot of chemicals from your system,
13:25 to clean the system on the inside.
13:27 It goes directly through the GI track and comes out.
13:37 Dr. Thrash, that's how it is done on the inside.
13:43 Yes!
13:44 That's a very good thing.
13:47 You know another way that I have mixed it up cause as
13:51 you say, it is a little difficult to get it to mix
13:53 into solution.
13:54 Sometimes I will put it in a jar, with the water, and just
13:59 shake it like this, and it goes in alot better, then you can
14:02 just put the, without pouring it out
14:05 I noticed how very carefully you transferred it from the little
14:10 container, into the glass, because that's most important
14:14 for people to know, and you don't use your white suit
14:19 when you are mixing it up the first time.
14:20 No! Not at all, not at all.
14:23 Now it's also used outside the body.
14:27 Outside the body its used in a poltice, and we're going
14:31 demonstrate that poultice a little bit later on Dr.
14:35 Thrash. Alright, very good.
14:36 Well I'd like to talk with you a bit more about some of the
14:40 properties of charcoal.
14:41 One is that it is inert, inside the human body,
14:46 and so you don't have to expect that it is
14:48 going to do you some harm if you overdose,
14:51 in fact overdosing on charcoal is almost impossible.
14:55 It does tend to make the bowels a little bit slow, or sluggish.
14:59 Some people feel that if they took to much, it would actually
15:02 cause them to have a binding up of the bowel,
15:05 but that really isn't true.
15:07 If you drink enough water it will pass through,
15:09 even though it may be a little bit sluggish.
15:11 The reason for its being sluggish is that it attaches
15:15 to the mucous in the bowel,
15:18 and that makes it move more slowly through the bowel,
15:20 but that isnt a great problem to you
15:23 if you simply work with it,
15:26 with a lot of water and sometimes
15:28 an enema might also be
15:30 necessary. Now the slurry water, that John Champen was talking
15:35 with you about, when the black part falls down to the bottom,
15:39 you could see that it was turning gray already up at the
15:43 top part, it will eventually be almost clear.
15:46 But there are some submicroscopic particles
15:51 that are suspended in the water and that does do some good
15:56 for you, as you take it and it is passed through the
16:00 intestinal track.
16:01 When you take it internally, it acts sort of like a little
16:05 mini dialysis,and its not going to cause you a great problem.
16:09 Now as to how to get a child to take it,
16:13 another suggestion,
16:15 I really hope you don't have one of these on hand in your
16:18 household, but if you should have a a chocolate container
16:21 In your, I hope your children don't
16:23 drink chocolate, because its not a good drink for them.
16:26 It's to much sugar, its to much of various things.
16:28 But if you should have a
16:31 chocolate container in your
16:33 home, Pour the charcoal water in there, put a straw in it
16:36 and invite your child to drink.
16:38 You can tell them drink it fast!
16:40 And as they follow your instructions, they
16:42 will get alot of it down.
16:44 Now for a child, don't make up a large quantity
16:47 like John Champen did for an adult dose.
16:50 Just make up a small amount,
16:51 but you still use a tablespoonful
16:53 because chances are,
16:55 you're not going to get it all down
16:56 for the child, so you want to make it fairly thick
16:59 and have him drink it as quickly as you can.
17:01 You can even mask it,
17:02 so its got a little flavor to it.
17:05 It actually doesn't have any flavor.
17:07 It just feels a little gritty in the mouth
17:10 So you can mask that a little bit by putting
17:13 some kind of flavoring, or maybe just
17:15 a little bit of honey with it, but not very much.
17:18 Because sometimes, something that you might put with it
17:21 might encourage absorbtion of some poison
17:23 that the child might have taken.
17:25 Now so far as overdosing with charcoal
17:30 Some people think that it's going to
17:33 take up their nutrients.
17:34 If they use alot of it,
17:38 but, actually interestingly enough
17:41 and for reasons which we do not understand
17:43 at all from the standpoint of physics and chemistry.
17:45 The charcoal granule does not take up nutrients
17:50 well at all, and therefore a person
17:52 who has been poisoned by, lets say
17:54 iron pills or vitamin pills, or zinc pills
17:59 They can just about forget about charcoal
18:01 its not going to be very helpful,
18:02 because it doesn't take up these nutrient substances.
18:06 So it will not give you a long term
18:10 malnutrition, if you take charcoal on a regular
18:14 basis. One of the best ways that we use it is
18:18 externally, and of course we could talk with
18:20 you about charcoal stories, and how
18:23 we have used charcoal both inside the body
18:25 and outside the body.
18:26 We could talk with you the rest of the year
18:29 on that, and probably not adequately cover the subject.
18:33 But now Don Miller is going to show you
18:36 some of the ways that we can use it externally
18:40 One of the scary things that people
18:43 worry about in their homes is
18:45 the insects that they might have
18:47 in their homes.
18:48 And one insect that I discovered
18:51 for the first time, saw it for myself
18:53 was in the sink when I was
18:54 going to graduate school
18:55 in the University of Oklahoma,
18:56 was the Brown Recluse spider.
18:57 Everyone is worried about that Brown Recluse spider
19:00 and they are pretty nasty.
19:02 When they bite you they cause necrotic tissue,
19:06 it can go right down to the bone
19:07 and it seems it just does not heal
19:10 While we were on a tour one time
19:12 we are out in California
19:13 and a man came to our booth where we were
19:16 displaying some of our materials
19:18 and he says, he told us I got bit
19:21 I got bit by a Brown Recluse spider
19:22 I think it was in January
19:25 and this was about June when he told us this
19:27 and I says really and he said yes, and I kept
19:30 the scrapbook about my bite
19:32 He had this big scrapbook full of pictures
19:36 They didn't really identify it as
19:39 a Brown Recluse spider bite for about three weeks.
19:41 So for three weeks there was no
19:42 treatment at all.
19:43 By the time this three weeks had elapsed
19:46 he had ulcers all up and down his leg.
19:49 It wasn't just the one, it seemed to
19:51 have traveled through his bloodstream
19:52 and he had ulcers all up and down his leg.
19:55 Well, they started using Charcoal poultices
19:57 which brother Champen will tell you how to do
19:59 but they had just not applied a poultice
20:02 on this one, and a poultice on this one
20:03 they made entire leg poultices,
20:06 from his ankle to his hip
20:08 he had these large charcoal poultices
20:10 and every two or three days,
20:12 they took a picture of the leg.
20:14 I'll tell you what, the first few days
20:16 and the first few weeks,
20:17 and the first couple months
20:18 that leg looked meat.
20:20 It was a bad looking leg
20:22 these large ulcers and very angry looking
20:25 an necrotic tissue going on down.
20:28 But slowly they started healing over,
20:31 and healing over, until finally
20:32 the last few pictures,
20:34 there were still some wounds there
20:35 it wasn't that bad, well here it was
20:37 I think he took the pictures until June
20:40 this must have been July
20:41 I says well let me see your leg.
20:42 So right there in this booth area
20:45 all the people around he hiked up his pant leg
20:47 On his leg he had a few little brown patches
20:50 No wounds, no necrotic tissue
20:53 no holes down through the bone,
20:54 no amputations, just nice flesh
20:58 with a little bit of discoloration
21:00 which will probably eventually go away to.
21:02 Brown Recluse spider you don't use antibiotics
21:06 Cutting away the tissue
21:08 is not the way we should not do.
21:09 Just take charcoal and pack
21:12 it into the wound if you have to.
21:13 If it tatoos your skin.
21:14 Does it really make a difference
21:15 I'd rather have tatooed skin
21:17 than to have my skin cut away by a surgeons knife
21:21 because they can't figure any other way to treat it.
21:24 So, use God's simple ways
21:26 and I'm sure we will get rewards from that.
21:30 The horse, this man's leg
21:33 there's all kinds of ways to use it.
21:34 Oh yes, and all sorts of situations
21:36 to use it in to.
21:37 As we think about the many, many
21:41 ways that charcoal can be used
21:43 I'd like us to study some things
21:45 about how charcoal can be used in poultices
21:49 or compresses in the body.
21:50 Compresses represent one of our primary ways
21:55 of treating the skin, and John Champen
21:58 is going to show you now just how to make a poultice
22:02 and how to apply it.
22:03 Thank you!
22:04 We're going to be making a poultice here
22:07 and I'm going to have Melissa come over
22:09 so that I can apply this poultice to her
22:12 after I make it.
22:13 The great need in making a poultice, is to have
22:19 charcoal, and we have here a little flax seed
22:24 which can be ground up and added to the poultice
22:28 or, and if some have used also oatmeal.
22:33 This is a nice binder also
22:35 and allows for the moisture to remain in the compress.
22:39 Simply we take,
22:43 I'm going to use oatmeal today
22:45 One tablespoon of oatmeal
22:50 and some charcoal, and they will be bound together
22:56 and we'll use a little water
23:00 and we'll make a compress here.
23:04 We add a little water to this
23:12 this will make a paste
23:16 as you see it's very light
23:24 very light, and it flies very easily
23:26 and this paste then will
23:30 be put on a paper towel
23:32 which is pre-cut
23:34 The charcoal, activated charcoal
23:40 with the binder here, in the water
23:43 will work through the paper towel,
23:48 common kitchen paper towel.
23:51 Here we have a little paste
23:56 which I'm going to apply
23:58 now to the paper towel
24:02 we'll spread it out,
24:06 we'd like to have it about 1/4 inch thick
24:09 and then over top of that
24:20 I will place another one
24:31 Mellisa Thrash,
24:34 Dr. Thrash's granddaughter
24:36 is my sbuject today
24:37 and on top of this
24:43 we're going to place a little peice of plasic
24:46 to keep the moisture in.
24:54 Secure it with a little tape
25:01 and then overtop of this
25:20 we can put an Ace bandage
25:22 to keep it bound.
25:26 We're running out of time
25:28 so i'm just going to show you very quickly here
25:30 If on the other hand she had a
25:34 little misquito bite, not a misquito bite,
25:39 or a bee sting, or wasp,
25:41 then a little band-aid can be used
25:45 Melissa was telling me
25:57 about experiences that she had
25:59 where she had these little
26:01 band-aids all over her.
26:02 Getting rid of a little problem
26:05 that her sister had picked up
26:06 and shared with her
26:08 without her consent.
26:10 When this is taken off,
26:13 this can stay on for about six hours
26:15 to ten hours, and when
26:16 that's taken off, just simply wipe with a cool
26:19 cloth, rub very clean, then she is better
26:25 The problem that she had
26:28 would probably be taken care of.
26:29 Thank you Melissa.
26:33 Charcoal,
26:37 charcoal can be used in many different ways.
26:42 One of our doctors at Uchee Pines,
26:45 this little child was playing around a little hole
26:48 in the ground, and put a stick in the ground
26:50 and out of that hole came these yellow jackets
26:54 In just a moment
26:55 the yellow jackets were in
26:58 charge Our doctor then took the
27:01 child, placed the child in the
27:02 bathtub with water, and then put
27:06 in 2 cups of charcoal water
27:09 stirring it around, and she received releif
27:13 Dr. Thrash, that was a simple way to do it wasn't it?
27:16 Yes it was and it was very effective
27:18 but the interesting thing was
27:21 the doctor who sort of got lost
27:23 in all this work with the child
27:25 didn't get treatment
27:27 and he had a real big problem.
27:29 We didn't treat him, but we did treat his daughter.
27:33 Now I hope that in these things that we covered
27:37 with charcoal, that you will
27:38 be stimulated to try it.
27:41 Be sure you have it in your home
27:43 at all times.
27:44 Don't wait until the emergency arises
27:47 and then you have to run out
27:48 and get the charcoal, at that time
27:51 valuable time will be lost
27:52 and you can be enjoying
27:54 charcoal all this time
27:56 if you have it on hand.


Revised 2014-12-17