Help Yourself to Health

The Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000132

00:01 Hello! I'm Dr. Agatha Thrash and we're going to be talking
00:05 the heart during the next half and hour.
00:07 The very first thing that makes a person know that there is a
00:13 child living with a mother is the heart beat and the very last
00:18 thing that we listen to, to say that the person is not living
00:22 is also the heart beat.
00:24 So how to take care of the heart is a very important function
00:27 of living so stay with us and we will discuss some important
00:31 things during this next half an hour.
00:53 Welcome to Help Yourself To health
00:55 With Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:58 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:04 Some people call it the ticker, some people call it the pumper
01:08 but whatever you call it, it's a most important organ and
01:12 it's care is really quite simple, there isn't a lot
01:15 to taking care of it, it all has to do with lifestyle.
01:18 But there are many people who don't like to take care of the
01:22 heart, it's trouble, sometimes it is a little foreign to their
01:26 nature but a little bit of simple care can give you many
01:31 years, many decades, of trouble free use of your heart and
01:36 with me is Don Miller, he's going to be talking with you
01:39 about some types of heart disease, Don Miller!
01:42 - You know you called the heart the ticker and I remember a
01:45 story back when I was in school, I was in church one Sabbath
01:49 morning and this is back in the mid 60's and this was back when
01:53 I guess these new heart valves and tickers that we put into
02:02 our bodies were pretty new and I remember the pastor talking
02:05 a man who just had a pacemaker placed in his chest and it made
02:11 a little ticking noise when it went off: tick, tick, tick,
02:14 and I remember the pastor asking him a question:
02:17 He says does that noise ever bother you?
02:19 And the thought that came to my mind was I would be much
02:22 more worried about it if I ever stopped hearing that ticking
02:25 noise, and I'm thankful for that ticker that always is ticking
02:28 away in my heart, it has been ticking now for over 55 years
02:31 and I'm thankful for it.
02:33 But there are things that we do to make the heart go bad
02:37 and some of the things that we can do, or some of the things
02:40 that result from a bad lifestyle things like a heart attack
02:44 and basically what happens there is we get one of the
02:49 coronary arteries in the heart that's feeding the heart muscle
02:52 itself, every muscle needs blood supply and our heart has it's
02:57 own blood supply sent by the heart itself to keep it supplied
03:01 with plenty of blood because it's one muscle that never
03:03 rests, never stops, it's always going.
03:06 But if one of those little coronary arteries gets plugged
03:10 up with fat, the heart beyond there will die and that's called
03:15 a heart attack.
03:17 Now it's not always fatal, matter of fact the sooner
03:20 a person gets into medical help the better it is for that
03:23 person, but there is always something wrong with that heart
03:27 which will lead down the line to other problems.
03:31 Let me go back to a situation that happened in 1987, I was
03:36 visiting a friend and he had gone into see a doctor and the
03:40 doctor says you are going to need to have a bypass surgery
03:43 a quadruple bypass, well the man really didn't want to have
03:46 a quadruple bypass surgery and so he talked with me
03:50 and he said what should I do Don, and I said well if you do
03:53 this and this and this and this, basically start drinking water,
03:56 eat the right type of food, he used to sit there at night
03:59 time and eat bowls of ice cream and his spoon was a cookie.
04:03 He would take a cookie and get a big scoop of ice cream
04:05 and that's the way he would eat his ice cream every night,
04:07 no exercise, so I got him exercising, eating the right
04:10 type of diet, off of all saturated fats, really doing
04:14 well, within three weeks he dropped eleven pounds,
04:18 he was feeling good, no pain, so he went back for another
04:21 checkup, well that was a little bit soon to find any real
04:24 appreciable improvement in his coronary artery situation
04:28 and another doctor said the same thing, you got to have a
04:31 quadruple.
04:32 He went to a third doctor and the third doctor said the magic
04:34 words, if you don't get a quadruple bypass surgery
04:37 you will be dead in one year.
04:39 Well he went in and got his quadruple bypass surgery
04:42 which probably he did need and was not going to stay on the
04:45 lifestyle that we had suggested.
04:48 I remember going to visit this man in the hospital and it was
04:54 feeding time at the hospital and he is sitting there with
04:56 this tray of greasy food again, and I said, what are you doing?
05:01 You know better than that, he says oh well the doctor gave me
05:04 these pills, he said just take one of these pills it will take
05:06 care of my problems.
05:08 One pill will not take care of the problems, I thank the Lord
05:12 that he got the surgery, I thank the Lord that he did get on to a
05:15 good lifestyle program, exercise and he lived for quite a number
05:20 of years after that in quite good shape.
05:23 But later on in his life he developed the leading cause of
05:27 hospitalizations of people over 65, and that is congestive heart
05:32 failure, basically the heart has been weakened and now this
05:35 weak heart can no longer put out the volume of blood,
05:38 can no longer move the fluids of the body like it is
05:40 supposed to and you start swelling in the ankles and
05:44 in the legs, fluid backs up into the lungs, you are tired all
05:48 the time and you have congestive heart failure,
05:51 which basically does not go away and it needs to be
05:55 carefully monitored and taken care of.
05:57 There are other various types of heart diseases, there are
06:00 things called bradycardia, where the heartbeat is to slow
06:03 and tachycardia where it beats to fast, and then there is just
06:07 basically a different type of itis', we have myocarditis,
06:12 basically an inflammation of the heart muscle itself,
06:15 you have perocarditis of the pericardium, that sac that
06:20 surrounds the heart, it gets inflamed or endocarditis the
06:24 inflammation of the lining of the heart and the heart valves
06:28 themselves, all these things are itis' and many times
06:31 they are probably cause by viral infections.
06:35 When a person gets into this type of a situation it is
06:38 a serious situation and so as people say all the time
06:42 the best treatment is prevention, so we take good care
06:46 of our hearts, we feed it good foods we take care of it by
06:49 exercising, drinking plenty of water and as we take care of it
06:53 it's going to take care of us for a lot longer than we
06:56 normally expect it to, we normally go by that one place
06:59 in the Bible where it says, it is given to man to live
07:02 Three Score and Ten, well that's an average, man is really...
07:06 As science looks at man today and what he is capable of living
07:11 he is really capable of living for 120 years and I believe if
07:15 we took care of the heart through the generations we would
07:18 be seeing people more often now living to that age
07:21 than they do now, but the heart is ours and I'm thankful for it.
07:26 We have other hearts, we've got the right and left leg which
07:28 helps pump that blood around through our bodies,
07:30 but we need to take care of this precious organ God has
07:33 given us right there in the center of our chest and I'm
07:35 thankful for my heart. Dr. Thrash, are you
07:38 thankful for yours?
07:39 - Oh yes, and the heart is really not a complex organ, it's
07:44 composed of only four tissues, muscle, nerves, blood vessels,
07:50 and connective tissue, it isn't complex like the pancreas
07:53 which has all sorts of glands and eyelets and ducts and
07:57 various tissues, isn't like the liver with the complexity
08:03 that it has with all of it's metabolic nuances and everything
08:07 that must go on there, also with tubes and glands, and all
08:10 of that kind of thing.
08:11 The heart is a very simple organ and yet it is responsible for
08:16 more deaths than any other of our organs.
08:19 There are certain nutrients that are known to be associated
08:23 with a reduction in your risk of getting a heart attack
08:26 and folic acid is one of those, and here with me is
08:30 Valerie Scheriber who is my associate at Uchee Pines
08:34 she is a lifestyle counselor and a lifestyle educator and
08:38 she will talk with you now about some of the important things
08:41 having to do with nutrients and the heart, Valerie!
08:44 - Folic Acid deficiency may be caused by inadequacy of fresh
08:49 fruits and vegetables in your diet, now folic acid plays a
08:53 key role in the body in terms of homocystine levels and so
08:57 we want to show you today how you can keep a good folic acid
09:02 in your body.
09:04 You do it by eating the fresh fruits and vegetables, now
09:08 all you need is about five servings a day to maintain
09:11 the level that you need in your body and you do this by eating
09:16 it fresh if at all possible.
09:17 Now one of the things that will destroy folic acid is by heavily
09:21 cooking it or microwaving it, now that doesn't mean you can't
09:24 steam your vegetables some, you can certainly do that but
09:27 it will reduce it slightly, but it's best if you can do your
09:31 fresh fruits and vegetables, and it's very easy to do this.
09:33 You can get up in the morning and have a bowl of cereal
09:37 which now are fortified with folic acid, you can have two
09:40 fruits, you could have a salad for lunch and you will get your
09:43 five servings in per day.
09:46 Now I want to show you what ones are rich, the richest
09:50 source of folic that we have happens to be in the legume
09:54 family which are your beans, your garbanzos, your lentils,
09:58 your navy beans, all of those are very rich in folic acid
10:02 but along with that is your leafy green, like we
10:05 have right here.
10:06 Spinach is very rich in folic acid and your other leafy
10:10 green vegetables, and surprisingly asparagus,
10:13 delicious, asparagus is just has lots of folic acid in it
10:18 and broccoli, and oranges, and avocados, and tofu, tomato
10:25 juice, tomatoes, are just filled with folic acid so you
10:28 can get it in almost all your vegetables and fruits.
10:32 Now one caution I want to relate to you, if you happen to
10:36 be a consumer of alcohol or cigarettes, or you have been
10:41 taking a lot of aspirin products in your life, or antacids,
10:45 or your on oral contraceptives, or you've been using any kind
10:50 of anti-cancer drugs, this can reduce considerably the
10:55 folic acid in your body and so you need to be aware of this.
10:59 If you have been using these things in high consumptions
11:03 you could possibly have a very low folic acid and you want to
11:07 be cautious about this especially moms if you are
11:13 thinking about conceiving, folic acid plays a major roll
11:16 in birth defects and those birth defects happen to be
11:19 Spinal Bifida, they are the neural tube defects, Spinal
11:24 Bifida, Downs Syndrome, in young mothers and the Anti-Cephaly
11:30 which means no brain, and I know a lady that had two
11:32 different births a couple of years apart and her little boys
11:36 were born with no brain.
11:38 Well back in those days, they didn't know what was the reason
11:41 for it, but since then research has shown that it could be
11:44 a folic acid deficiency, so I encourage you mom's consider
11:49 this for yourself as well as for your children,
11:51 and all it takes is five servings of fresh vegetables
11:56 and fruits a day, Dr. Agatha!
11:59 - Now with our understanding with folic acid we need the
12:07 understanding of a wide variety of other things and so we can
12:12 see that foods need to be chosen with great care and so
12:19 Don Miller is going to show you some things now having to do
12:23 with the way that you behave yourself at the market,
12:26 and so Don Miller what do you have here for us?
12:29 - I got some of my favorite pills!
12:31 - Oh, that's very good!
12:32 - When I was growing up this was the favorite pill that
12:34 I could take growing up, and this is a watermelon,
12:39 it has a number of good things in it watermelon is very high in
12:43 potassium, now when people have heart problems the
12:46 number one thing they usually try to do is they say hmm!
12:50 were going to give this person some pills to make their water
12:57 go out of their body some diuretics.
12:59 And so they give them these medications but diuretics really
13:02 are very nicely packaged in things like watermelons,
13:06 matter of fact just drinking water is a good diuretic but
13:09 eating watermelon is a good diuretic and if you take the
13:12 watermelon in the summertime when there are plenty of these
13:15 things around, there's watermelons all over right now.
13:17 Take the seeds as you are eating your watermelon and save them
13:21 at the end of the summer you can take the watermelon seeds
13:25 and dry them and then in the winter time grind them up
13:28 and make some watermelon seed tea, you've got a good diuretic.
13:32 The same thing in the summer time if you have corn growing
13:35 take the corn and save the silk, dry the silk slowly in an oven
13:40 powder it and put it in a jar and make corn silk tea in the
13:45 winter time, a very nice diuretic for those who are
13:48 having things like congestive heart failure and need to get
13:51 rid of some of the fluid in their bodies.
13:53 Now Valerie is a woman and she has this beautiful display
13:58 and I bring my stuff in an old grocery bag, but there are some
14:02 wonderful things we can find in grocery bags.
14:05 Here we have a simple tomato, now a tomato is full of Lutein,
14:11 so is the watermelon full of Lutein which we find protects
14:14 the arteries, it also has Lycopene, as a matter of fact
14:18 let me tell you something about this tomato, Cornell University
14:21 did a study, they have a really good nutrition lab there,
14:24 they say that in each tomato there are over 10,000 different
14:29 phytochemical, phyto meaning plant and a chemical.
14:33 Everything we eat is a chemical, you are a chemical, oxygen,
14:37 nitrogen, carbon, they are all chemicals and so there are
14:41 over 10,000 different phytochemical in just the
14:45 tomato alone.
14:46 God has put all the medications that we need in his foods
14:50 if we just eat the foods like we are supposed to.
14:53 They did a study of men, about 43,000 men and they found that
14:58 those men who ate tomato sauce two to four times a week had
15:02 35% less prostate cancer, so run out there and get yourself
15:06 some tomato sauce.
15:07 The nice thing about the phytochemical like Lutein
15:11 in the tomato is they are not altered by heating and by
15:16 cooking, God realized that we were going to want to cook
15:19 some of the food after while and he's made it so that we can.
15:22 An apple, there are some marvelous things we can do
15:27 with apples, we were in Ukraine a number of years ago and we
15:30 found that people had extremely high blood pressure in a number
15:34 of places, we find that people with extremely high
15:37 blood pressure, if we put them on a three day apple fast
15:40 normally their blood pressure comes down to normal,
15:43 and at that point we say alright follow this no salt
15:47 diet, no fat diet, and put them on a good exercise program
15:50 and they can keep it down.
15:51 But for the purpose of the heart we find that an apple is
15:55 high in Omega 3 fatty acids, now you have heard about
15:58 Omega 3 fatty acids and if I would ask you the question
16:02 where do they tell you to get the Omega 3 fatty acids
16:04 you would say squeeze a fish, I really don't want to get a
16:07 squeezed fish and get the oil out of a fish,
16:09 basically the fish was swimming today in polluted waters.
16:13 When Jacques Cousteau died they published his memoirs
16:18 and in his memoirs he said, (this was towards the end of
16:21 his life), that the world's oceans would be dead
16:23 in 20 years. We are polluted everywhere
16:26 and fish swimming in polluted waters are going to themselves
16:31 be polluted by bio-magnification and bio-intensification and so
16:35 we find that if you want your Omega 3's you can get it through
16:38 apples, you get it through walnuts, you can get it through
16:41 flax seed, flax seed is the best source of Omega 3's that we
16:46 can find.
16:48 We also can find that one of the nicest heart foods is grapes,
16:53 there is a phytochemical called Resveratrol in a grape that is a
16:59 product that keeps you from clotting your blood.
17:02 Normally when a person had a heart problem or is prone to a
17:05 stroke they will give them blood thinners, put them on
17:08 an aspirin a day or some other type of a blood thinner but we
17:12 don't really need to do that if we are supplementing with
17:15 good foods and not eating foods that are going to cause our
17:18 blood cells to aggregate to each other, stick together.
17:23 Another very nice form of a blood thinner is something
17:27 as simple as garlic, it has an anti-platlet stickiness
17:31 factor, one clove of raw garlic a day will give you as much
17:35 anti-platelet stickiness factor as will an aspirin a day,
17:38 it might also help you keep the mosquitoes away.
17:42 We find that something like a green pepper also has Lutein
17:47 in it, this has some very good phytochemical that protects
17:50 the arteries, now I could pull out all these kinds of fruits
17:54 and vegetables like the good old carrot which has
17:59 plant sterols which is going to protect against cancer for a
18:03 woman, ovarian cancer, or breast cancer, but at the same
18:06 time, the thing about a carrot is it is a vegetable.
18:10 That means it has no saturated fatty acids and no cholesterol,
18:14 nothing in my bag has any cholesterol in it and so that
18:18 means it is all heart friendly foods.
18:21 Do you like strawberries? Again a very good phytochemical
18:25 in here will protect the heart, no cholesterol, nothing in there
18:31 to harm the heart but everything to make your heart feel better.
18:34 Another very nice phytochemical is found in apricots,
18:38 heart friendly, cancer unfriendly, it's going to keep
18:42 you healthy, all the foods God has given us, He has given us
18:45 everything to keep us healthy.
18:48 You know the Bible talks in the book of Revelation about the
18:51 leaves of the trees being for the healing of the nations
18:54 well right now we got the fruits of the trees and the
18:57 fruits of the ground, and we got the fruits all over the
18:59 place that God has given us to help us be healthy, wealthy,
19:03 and wise, if that's what we can be, and God has given us
19:06 good foods and I love this type of medicine Dr. Agatha.
19:09 Matter of fact this is one of my favorite medicines and I just
19:12 might go over here and have some medicine right now
19:13 if you don't mind.
19:15 - Well we certainly can enjoy this kind of medicine and they
19:19 are very good pills now we are learning something's that we
19:22 keep and some things that we get rid of, we've already said
19:27 that in order to keep our folate high we need to get rid of some
19:31 things that we may be doing and here are some pills,
19:35 these are aspirin and some antacids and I'm going to give
19:40 these to Melissa and she can just take these away so that
19:43 we can be sure that you know that these cigarettes are not
19:48 part of those things that we recommend.
19:50 This beer that is not part of what we recommend.
19:53 We like for you to see those things that we do recommend
19:57 we want these to be firmly fixed in your mind.
20:01 Now there are three chemicals in the blood, I have a graphic
20:05 to show these so that you will be able to spell these words
20:08 and see just how they are written.
20:10 These chemicals have to do with marking your blood tests
20:17 so that you can tell whether your own blood is likely to be
20:22 the kind that a person with a heart attack might have:
20:25 Like cholesterol, cholesterol is high often in people who are
20:31 going to have a heart attack.
20:33 Triglycerides are also high in people who are going to
20:36 have a heart attack. Homocystine is also high,
20:41 now that's a word that you may not have heard of.
20:43 Homocystine is a breakdown product of some of the
20:47 amino acids in the body and as such they can let us know
20:54 if we have a likelihood of getting a heart attack,
20:58 and Valerie was telling you about Folic Acid or Folate,
21:01 which is one of those protectors against having to much
21:06 homocystine, B12 will also help you no to have to much
21:11 homocystine, and so will vitamin B6.
21:14 Now as I look at this table I see a number of other things
21:18 that I would like to have Valerie tell you about because
21:22 these are keepers also, they are keepers in the heart
21:25 and they are keepers in the menu.
21:26 Valerie tell us about some of these beautiful things here!
21:29 - Well Mom's, I want to show you how you can cook a delicious
21:33 meal, getting all your folate in it for your family plus
21:36 many other nutrients in amino acids.
21:38 So one of the ones that we are going to use is lentils,
21:41 lentils are absolutely delicious, I don't care how you
21:44 cook a lentil it's good, soups and stews and burgers and loaves
21:49 and pâtés, it is absolutely delicious, but you know when
21:53 you are going from the transition of eating the all
21:57 American diet and you are trying now to incorporate good healthy
22:01 food sometimes when you look at it like you look at this
22:04 it's kind of like ohh! You are used to seeing that
22:07 big juicy steak or whatever and you are used to that,
22:10 so I've had Mom's come to me and say I'm trying to do this
22:14 but the kids give me a hard time, my husband gives me a
22:17 hard time. So I got to thinking how can we make it so that they
22:21 will want to eat it, and make it more appetizing.
22:25 Well you know one of the things is so appetizing to children
22:28 as well as adults is guess what? Potatoes!
22:31 And if you mash them and make them delicious you can put it on
22:35 any food and they are going to eat, so I want to show you
22:38 how to do that. Now here's this lentil loaf
22:40 and really it's delicious, once you've been eating this way
22:42 for a long time and you look at a lentil loaf it doesn't
22:45 have to be decorated, you know it's good and so you'll eat it,
22:48 but when you are starting out it is real important to do this.
22:51 You make yourself some mashed potatoes, and you just icing
22:54 it like you would a cake, and just put it on here,
22:58 and you can do this on burgers, you can do it on loaves,
23:03 and you can make it real pretty and real delicious because
23:09 you know that the children love it, and Dad loves it,
23:13 and you can do fun things when you get through with this.
23:18 Some times I decorate them I put smiley faces on them,
23:21 flowers, I've run outside and picked flowers right out of
23:24 the garden and put them right on top of it, and you know
23:27 you make things either look really tasty or make them
23:32 amusing to the family and you know if it's amusing like
23:37 putting a smiley face on, they are so amused that they will
23:39 say well let's try it and make Mom happy, and if it's delicious
23:43 looking and they all love potatoes, they are going to
23:45 sit down and eat it.
23:46 So in the beginning I do this kind of thing, and let me just
23:50 show you what I did today, now here you have it all ready
23:54 icing up real nice, and then you can go right outside
24:00 and you can just pick some weeds and wash them off real nice
24:04 and you can lay one weed down this way, or put that one
24:07 in the center like this, and put this going in this direction
24:12 and then you can pick some leaves, I just picked these out
24:17 along in the yard today, and you put a leaf there and put
24:21 another over here like this, and then I took carrots and
24:26 cut them into little flowers, and you put one right here
24:30 and one right there, and one right here, and see it looks
24:37 so pretty and isn't that appetizing?
24:40 Wouldn't you just like to have a piece of that?
24:41 Then you can go ahead and take your vegetables like this
24:47 and lay them all around with your carrots and some more
24:52 broccoli, I'm telling you I don't care who you are you are
25:00 going to want to eat this wouldn't you say, doesn't that
25:02 look delicious? So now what you can do is to
25:06 fix a plate, put your broccoli some carrots on here for your
25:11 family, and you can cut yourself a nice piece of loaf
25:25 and lay it right there with the potatoes and then you can
25:28 go ahead and serve yourself up another big whapping bunch of
25:37 potatoes and you can make a nice gravy, and here is
25:43 your meal. Now who wouldn't want to eat this?
25:48 There you go, Thank you!
25:54 - That's nice! Did I see something else over here?
25:57 - Oh! - I have had my eye on that!
26:01 - Let me tell you what this is Dr. Agatha, this is what they
26:06 call Humus, but if you don't add extra water in it you can
26:10 make it like a pate', and you take any of the legume family,
26:15 the beans, I don't care if it's pintos or navy or lentils,
26:19 or garbanzos, and you can make the most delicious European
26:23 pates' you have ever put in your mouth, and that's what
26:25 I did with this, I sautéed up sesame seeds and I just ground
26:35 up garbanzo's, and mom's, you know it's important in the
26:40 kitchen to make it easy for yourself because at first you
26:43 look at this and you go "oh my dear, we've got to cook like
26:46 grandma did and how am I going to do it all.
26:48 Let me just tell you real quick how to set up your kitchen,
26:51 I do it just like this, here is lentils, everything for this
26:57 loaf is in here, except for the lentils, and you cook the
27:02 lentils and you put all of this right in your freezer so when
27:05 you get ready to make a lentil loaf you can just pull this out
27:07 put it in the bowl, mix it up and put it in the oven and you
27:10 have it in less than five minutes.
27:12 My kitchen is called the fast food painless cooking kitchen.
27:16 - I like that, thank you very much!
27:18 Now you know when was it that God put all these wonderful
27:24 nutrients in all these foods? Did He do that when we started
27:28 having heart disease, and we starting having a problem with
27:31 Spinal Bifida, did He do it at that time?
27:34 No He had done that way back in the great riches of antiquity
27:41 and as I contemplate these things I think how wonderful
27:45 our God is, how Ingenious He is to have made so many
27:50 wonderful things for us, and I'm thankful for that.


Revised 2014-12-17