Help Yourself to Health

The Benefits Of Water

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller and John Champen


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000131A

00:01 Water was given to us by a loving creator for luxury
00:05 and utility, it has so many uses and of course it's awfully
00:10 pleasant to use water, so we hope that you will stay by
00:14 with us in this program when we discuss the benefits of water.
00:37 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:40 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:43 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:46 Water is the most abundant compound on the face of the
00:52 earth, we see it everywhere, we see it in the air, we see it
00:55 on the land, we see it as rain, and we also have it coming out
01:00 of our pipes into our own homes.
01:02 In all of these ways we can say that our Divine Designer
01:06 has made it so that this earth is a user friendly place for us,
01:12 user friendly because we have everything that we need that
01:15 makes us so that we can enjoy the earth that the Lord has made
01:20 for us, now John Champen who is a health educator at Uchee Pines
01:25 will be assisting me in our discussion of water and at this
01:30 time John Champen will talk with you about some of the
01:33 benefits of water inside the body.
01:35 - Thank you! We understand that water comprises most of what
01:41 we really are, our graphics here today is going to show us
01:46 just what we are:
02:02 That's a lot of water, what does it do for us?
02:05 The second graphics will show that some of the things that
02:08 water does for us within the body:
02:13 Which we constantly need, the body is constantly giving off
02:16 waste, every cell that functions gives off waste and the body
02:20 has to get rid of it, water is the meaning for doing that.
02:22 It cleanses the body tissues and invigorates the vital organs
02:26 and proper use promotes health, it promotes vigor and health.
02:42 Some a little bit more and some a little bit less depending
02:45 upon their body structure.
03:08 Through our eyes alone, every time we blink, every time our
03:12 eyes are open moisture is being lost through that medium.
03:50 Dr. Thrash what about water outside the body?
03:53 - We might think with all these benefits of water inside
03:56 the body that that would completely exhaust the
04:00 capabilities of water for us, but far from that there are
04:04 many benefits of water outside the body and Don Miller is going
04:10 to be telling us some things about water on the outside
04:13 of the body as well, and water outside the body can be used
04:17 to treat and to prevent disease and to reduce various symptoms
04:23 that we get so at this point Don Miller will talk with us
04:27 about some ways that water is used outside the body.
04:30 - You know we all use water outside the body when we take
04:33 something as simple as a bath or a shower.
04:35 I remember a few years ago I wanted some outdoor activity
04:40 so I decided to do something different from what I was doing
04:43 so I took a job planting trees in the upper peninsula of
04:47 Michigan in September, now it gets pretty cold up there
04:50 and I remember going out that first day of planting trees,
04:55 and planting trees is a hard, dirty, exhausting, sweaty job
04:59 even if it is cool out and I spent the whole day with my
05:02 Hoedad putting trees in the ground, putting trees is in the
05:05 ground, at the end of the day I was tired and I was also dirty
05:09 and there is one thing that I can't do, I cannot go to bed
05:12 dirty, especially if you have a sleeping bag, you figure I've
05:14 got to get into that sleeping bag for the next month
05:17 and if I go in there every night dirty I wouldn't be able to
05:20 survive and so I said I have to take a bath.
05:22 Now my tent didn't have a bath tub, shower, Jacuzzi,
05:25 nothing, so I started looking around for a place to take a
05:27 bath, now we are out in the middle of nowhere, in the woods,
05:30 and I took a walk through the woods and I came upon a lake,
05:34 this nice big lake and there was nothing around some moose
05:38 and some bear, but nothing else just me, moose, and bear in this
05:42 very very cold water.
05:43 I decided I've got to take a bath in this water, and that
05:46 was a very tough decision to make because it was truly
05:49 cold water, so I went back and got my towel, a change of
05:53 clothes and my bar of soap and I stood there for a few
05:56 moments getting up the nerve and I finally disrobed and I
05:59 jumped into this very frigidly cold water.
06:02 It was quite an exhilarating experience, I've never taken
06:06 a bath so fast in my life, I suspect I was in and out
06:08 in 20 seconds, but I was clean and I think that all the dirt
06:12 just froze and fell off.
06:13 As soon as I got out and dried
06:15 off and put on my clothes this wonderful glow came over my
06:19 body, it was the most wonderful feeling that I ever had, because
06:22 what happens when you get into a water situation you are
06:26 increasing your circulation and we know the saying that says
06:29 perfect health requires perfect circulation, and hydrotherapy
06:34 is all about circulation, we realize that we have good blood
06:38 by eating good food and if we get that good blood
06:41 everywhere we are going to feel good and I felt great.
06:44 I'm going to tell you about one simple hydrotherapy technique,
06:48 the one I just mentioned and I call that a short cold bath
06:50 which is a very effective method, as a matter of fact
06:53 who are know for their longevity always take tepid to cool baths
07:01 this habit of taking hot baths all the time is really
07:05 debilitating to our system.
07:06 Hot baths are what we consider therapeutic baths so I'm going
07:12 to show you what we call a contrast bath and it takes some
07:15 pretty simple equipment, you have a basin and basically in
07:19 the basin you put some water and since it is contrast that
07:23 means that the water is contrasted.
07:25 First basin will be hot water, the second basin would be cold
07:29 water, let's say you have an infected hand, or you sprained
07:33 your hand and after the first 36 hours of a sprain where you
07:37 only use ice then you go to a contrast bath, and I did this
07:40 one time with my ankle, sprained my ankle, iced it down for the
07:44 first 24- 36 hours and then I did a contrast bath,
07:49 I put my foot down into this bucket of very very warm water
07:54 as warm as I can tolerate it, left it there for three minutes
07:58 after three minutes I took my foot out and I put it down
08:02 into a basin of cold water, as cold as I could make it,
08:06 for thirty seconds and I went back and forth, back and forth
08:09 between the hot water and the cold water, two days after
08:15 I sprained my ankle I had very little pain the third day
08:18 no limp no pain but my foot was completely purple from the fact
08:23 that I truly had sprained it.
08:24 So you can use a treatment like this what we call a contrast
08:28 bath three minutes in hot, thirty seconds in cold on about
08:32 any part of your body.
08:34 A few years ago there was a young man at Uchee Pines
08:38 who had a sinus infection and they asked me to give him
08:43 a series of treatments, the first treatment I gave him
08:45 what we call a fomentation pack a sinus pack with full
08:49 fomentations, which was fine but it wasn't as robust as I
08:53 wanted it to be and it's rather time consuming, both of our
08:57 time was rather limited so I decided to do a contrast bath
09:01 on the man's head.
09:03 It's hard to hold someone's head underneath hot water for
09:06 three minutes and so I said I better not do that he might
09:09 not survive the treatment and so what I did was I went to a
09:13 Wal-Mart store and I brought a snorkel, so I put the snorkel
09:17 in the man's mouth, put his head in the water,
09:20 heat his foot, just like ducking for apples.
09:22 He put his face in the water was breathing naturally through
09:25 the snorkel for three minutes and then after three minutes
09:28 was up I just tapped his head, he would bring his head up
09:31 out of the water and go over and put it into the ice,
09:34 I had ice floating it was fun, put his head down in the
09:37 ice water thirty seconds, while his head was in the ice water
09:41 I added more warm water to the warm water bucket because
09:44 then his face could take more warm coming from the contrast
09:48 of the cold, I would tap his head after thirty seconds,
09:52 head come up out of the cold water, down into the hot water
09:55 three minutes all the time breathing.
09:58 I did that that night six to seven times, now what's
10:02 happening when you do a treatment like this in a
10:04 contrast bath?
10:06 First of all, when you put any part of your body in any kind
10:09 kind of water your first reaction is vasoconstriction
10:12 that's your first reaction but immediately upon that first
10:16 reaction in hot water you get vasodilatation, your vascular
10:20 system dilates as big as it can get which is going to then
10:23 bring in more blood flow, now why would it bring in more
10:26 First of all you only have so much blood volume in your body
10:30 and so if you make the passage of the blood larger more blood
10:34 is going to come in there, so you have much more blood coming
10:37 in which is going to bring more oxygen, more nutrients,
10:40 more white blood cells, and more heat to the area all of
10:44 which increase the healing process, and then when you come
10:49 out of the hot and go into the cold you again have
10:51 vasoconstriction, so everything tightens down but after a few
10:56 seconds in that water it starts opening up again because the
10:59 body says look we're cold we've got to warm this part
11:02 of the body back up.
11:04 Now a prolonged cold treatment will after awhile go back into
11:09 sustained constriction but normally after a short time
11:12 in cold you start getting a vasodilatation, then you take
11:16 them out of the cold water into the hot water full dilation
11:19 you go back and forth a few times, like doing anything else
11:22 with exercise, you are making your vascular system stronger
11:26 which is what I was doing for this young man, at the same
11:28 time bringing in more nutrients and more white blood cells
11:31 more oxygen all of which are necessary, vital for the healing
11:34 process, he got some good relief, opening up the vascular
11:40 system and all the passages in his sinus passages would
11:44 cause him to drain more and he came out of the treatments
11:47 breathing quite nicely and was pretty much over his problem
11:50 after just one series of treatments.
11:52 You can do this with an arthritic hand or an arthritic
11:55 limb just putting it into the hot and the cold water,
11:58 you get some real good pain relief, basically any pain
12:02 any type of inflammation, it's very good to go through the
12:05 hot and the cold treatments and it's a lot of fun.
12:09 Let's say you've got a cold coming on, you're just feeling
12:14 sick, you can do a contrast shower, many people do this
12:17 all the time and I don't advise that because if you do a
12:20 contrast shower, people say yeah I take a hot shower and I
12:23 turn on all cold at the end, that's therapeutic and anything
12:26 that you do therapeutically all the time is like saying
12:29 wolf, wolf, to your body and pretty soon the effect is
12:33 a little bit less and so what you should basically do is
12:37 at all times do a tepid shower but when you are not
12:40 feeling good take that hot shower turn it on all cold
12:44 as long as your heart can stand it or tepid if your heart
12:47 is not quite as strong and then go back to hot, cold,
12:50 hot, cold, about five to six changes and you will find that
12:54 your immune system's been increased.
12:56 After a treatment like that or any of these treatments
12:59 you want to dry off and lay down and rest for about an hour
13:02 and you will find that something as simple as a plastic bucket
13:06 full of hot and cold water is going to give some marvelous
13:10 results, God put some amazing powers in water and I believe
13:14 water combined with prayer and the wise use of it God has
13:19 some miracles still in store for us in these last days
13:22 of earth's history.
13:24 What do you think about that Dr. Thrash?
13:25 - So essentially when you go from the hot to the cold and
13:28 from the hot and the cold you are essentially making the
13:31 blood vessels have a pump and you are pumping in good
13:35 nutrients and immune bodies to the blood and that refreshes
13:42 and heals the area that you are treating.
13:44 - That's what we want to do too.
13:46 Very good treatment, and I like the contrast bath very well.
13:52 Now water has some other very good benefits, one of those is
13:56 that it is a lubricant, it lubricates various surfaces
14:00 it lubricates the joints so that as they move back and forth
14:03 they are lubricated and made to glide as surfaces
14:08 much more easily.
14:09 Another place that we are lubricated is in the chest
14:15 the lungs are lubricated both internally as well as on the
14:20 surface where the lung has to slip against the chest wall
14:24 so as it slips against the chest wall if we have plenty of
14:27 water there or plenty of fluid there then there is a very good
14:32 feeling that the person has.
14:34 If the water dries up then there is a scraping of the surface
14:41 against the surface of the lung against the chest cavity that
14:45 we call Pleurisy and that can make a very difficult to
14:50 tolerate problem.
14:52 We must lubricate the organs such as the bladder and the
15:00 gall bladder, if a person drinks plenty of water it's unlikely
15:04 or very much less likely they will get gall stones,
15:08 and if they drink plenty of water it's less likely that
15:11 they will get kidney stones or bladder stones and so we
15:15 urge people who are stone formers to be very careful
15:18 about getting plenty of water so that they don't have a
15:22 difficulty there with their genetic disease.
15:26 Now there are many other hydrotherapeutic treatments
15:31 that we can give and John Champen is going to show us
15:34 some of these very good treatments now.
15:37 - Water can be used for cold or hot or it can be used as ice,
15:43 we are going to go to the screen now and take a look at some
15:45 of reasons for using ice:
15:56 And for most people they respond quite well to that.
15:59 Also some of the indications are:
16:32 Our next graphic shows us sometimes when we perhaps
16:37 would not want to use it:
16:58 That's a constriction of the blood vessel where there is a
17:02 real chilling there, you wouldn't want to use it then,
17:04 and we also have a precaution here:
17:15 And now with those restrictions and those indications we simply
17:21 going to use ice to treat a tennis elbow, this is the ice
17:28 from the equivalent of one ice tray placed in a plastic bag
17:33 that is sealed and then we will use a pillow normally,
17:41 and I'm going to have her hold this, we would normally use a
17:46 pillow, place the elbow in there and it would cradle right there
17:49 with another bag over top, the treatment for this is about
17:55 five to ten minutes and relief is given right away to that
18:00 tennis elbow, if this was an ankle or a sprain or strain
18:06 of an ankle you might want to do the same thing for about
18:09 twenty minutes, a very simple treatment yet very effective.
18:15 Water can be used in many different ways, ice, steam,
18:20 inside the body, outside the body and there are tremendous
18:26 helps that are received then.
18:29 Inflammation is greatly reduced when ice is used, ice has a
18:36 very calming effect on the entire system, Dr. Thrash!
18:41 - That was very interesting about the ice being very
18:45 helpful for tennis elbow, it's also helpful for injuries
18:50 that athletes get and that musicians get in the hands.
18:54 We had a musician one time a harpist who got a trigger finger
19:01 and couldn't play the harp any more and so we recommended
19:07 for her a treatment with ice, but this was ice water.
19:12 Ice directly on the skin must be kept moving or it might cause
19:19 a frostbite, some people will react very severely to ice
19:25 and so you need to keep it moving all the time,
19:27 but in her case we had her to put her hand in ice water.
19:32 Ice water can be tolerated quite nicely by the tissues
19:36 but it is not so pleasant for the person, so we recommend
19:40 that they set a timer for twenty minutes because that is the
19:44 duration of the treatment so they put the hand in the
19:47 ice water with ice cubes floating around on the top
19:50 and then they can watch the ticking of the timer as it ticks
19:56 off the minutes because by about five minutes they will
20:00 begin to say oh I'm sure I've been in here twenty minutes
20:03 already, and there are fifteen minutes yet to go.
20:06 So one has to be very careful to go the full length of time
20:10 to get the full benefit of the treatment.
20:13 Now water will also dissolve the various toxins and one of
20:19 the things that causes a person to accumulate various toxins in
20:26 the body is the and is expressed in the form of a headache,
20:31 so with a headache there is usually not anything wrong
20:35 with a head, usually not anything wrong with the
20:37 blood vessels when a person has a headache, but there may be
20:41 toxins or antibodies or antigens or antigen antibody complexes
20:47 in the body that cause the person to have a headache.
20:51 So with the headache the first thing to try is a glass full
20:55 of water every ten minutes for an hour, now of course an
20:58 individual who has kidney disease will have been told
21:02 by their physician that they must not take water in that
21:06 quantity so they will know that they should not do that,
21:09 but for individuals who are healthy and have healthy kidneys
21:12 they can very easily do that.
21:14 Now the glass of water every ten minutes for an hour can be
21:19 done by a number of people for a number of different
21:23 kinds of problems.
21:24 I remember one time my son had a bad cough, we went to bed
21:30 and we had been in bed maybe five minutes when we heard
21:34 from the other room my son coughing, so I said son get a
21:40 glass of water and drink it, so I heard these steps going
21:44 down to the kitchen, glass of water and he went back to bed
21:47 a little bit he coughed again I said son get another glass
21:51 of water, back down to the kitchen another glass of water
21:55 came back to bed in a little bit he coughed again.
21:58 So this time I said drink a glass full there and bring
22:01 another glass full and put it beside your bed.
22:04 But after the third glass of water his cough went away
22:07 and so he had no more cough the rest of the night he was
22:10 able to sleep and so were we, everybody was able to sleep
22:14 at that time.
22:15 Now water is also a vehicle for red blood cells,
22:20 white blood cells, and for platelets, these are the formed
22:25 elements in the blood, and so the individual who wants to
22:30 have healthy circulation must have plenty of water in the
22:34 blood, and it's a known fact that individuals who
22:37 do not drink much water tend to have more blood clots
22:41 they tend to get more strokes, they also tend to get more
22:44 thrombophlebitis, that's a clotting of blood inside blood
22:50 vessels, usually in the lower extremities either in the
22:53 pelvic veins or in the lower extremities, thighs, calves,
23:00 and even in the feet, so drinking plenty of water can
23:03 make a nice vehicle to keep the fluid elements of the blood
23:08 fluid, we want to keep the blood flowing nicely.
23:11 Now platelets because they tend to stick together under certain
23:16 circumstances will stick together more if the person is
23:20 dehydrated and so that's a good way to prevent clotting
23:24 of you blood inside your blood vessels.
23:27 There was once a woman who came to one of my meetings
23:31 who sat right down on the second row with another group
23:35 of women and as soon as I started talking I introduced
23:40 my topic which for that time was water.
23:43 Almost immediately this lady got up and walked out and I
23:49 thought "Oh she was probably offended" because of the very
23:53 simplicity of the remedies that I am going to be talking about
23:56 so she left the meeting and I suspect I will never see her
24:01 again at a meeting.
24:02 Well we had our hour in the meeting and at the end of the
24:07 hour this woman came back in and came walking right down
24:12 front with a good bit of purpose and I thought oh, I'm probably
24:17 get a scolding now she's probably going to tell me how
24:22 impossible it is to make water do the things that I was
24:27 saying that it would do.
24:28 But instead of that this woman came right down front she said
24:32 Dr. Thrash when you started talking I had such a headache
24:38 that I thought I would not be able to sit through this meeting
24:41 and when you said a glass full of water every ten minutes for
24:44 an hour might help a headache I went out and took the glass
24:50 full of water every ten minutes for the hour and I want to
24:53 tell you that my headache is almost gone, she was a very good
24:57 attendee of the meetings on Simple Remedies from then on.
25:02 So let me encourage you to remember that you can have
25:07 a great benefit for a headache from a glass full of water
25:11 every ten minutes for an hour.
25:13 A person can also get a lot of benefit from a headache for
25:18 just a simple treatment like a massage, massage of the neck
25:23 and the lower portion of the scalp muscles, those can also
25:29 give one a very good benefit for a headache.
25:33 Women often have a problem with feeling weak, they just
25:39 tell you that they are just to weak to do their house work,
25:42 especially in the morning, it takes them a long time to get
25:45 going in the morning.
25:47 Often for these individuals I will say to them do you drink
25:51 water in the morning? And often they say No! I can't
25:56 really tolerate water in the morning, in fact if I drink
26:01 water in the morning I'm going to throw up I know I will
26:04 I always do, and I say to them start with a thimble full of
26:09 water but you need to drink because your problem with
26:13 feeling weak in the morning is that you are simply wilted.
26:17 You don't have your forces about you because of the fact
26:23 that you don't have enough water on board.
26:26 And so by starting with a small amount of water, the next
26:30 morning double that amount and usually you can do that without
26:34 feeling nauseated.
26:35 A lot of people will tell you that even so they don't feel
26:39 good drinking water, they simply have no appetite
26:41 for water, that makes them tell you that they can't stand
26:48 the taste of water.
26:49 So what do you do for these individuals, it's to give them
26:53 some kind of tea, the tea can be catnip tea which is a sort of
26:59 sedative tea, or it can be mint tea, which can be sedative
27:04 if you need a sedative, but if you need to be perked up then
27:08 mint tea can also have that kind of function for you, and so it's
27:12 a very good way to improve the person's appetite for water.
27:19 Whatever your experience with water may be remember that the
27:24 body needs about eight glasses of water every day, that's
27:31 provided you are under the age of 50, if you are over the age
27:34 of 50 then you may need a little more than that, so remember to
27:39 keep the water that you have in your system always at a good
27:46 level so that you can have good lubrication, you can also have
27:50 that good benefit of strength that comes from water.


Revised 2015-08-19