Help Yourself to Health

Exercise And Its Benefits

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller, John Champen


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000130A

00:01 Hello, I'm Agatha Thrash a Staff Physician at Uchee Pines
00:06 Institute, at Uchee Pines we encourage people to exercise.
00:11 Have you ever considered the miracle of movement, that we can
00:15 actually make a movement, that we can move muscles?
00:19 Well it's more than a miracle, it's also very practical for us
00:24 to be able to move our muscles, during this next half an hour
00:28 we'll be talking with you about exercise and it's benefits
00:31 for the human body.
00:53 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:55 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:59 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
01:02 Exercise is specific for the individual, some people can
01:08 exercise at a very rapid pace, others need a more slow pace,
01:12 some people can do very heavy exercise, others must do more
01:16 mild exercise, now what we find in individuals who are
01:21 exercising is that they tend to overdo.
01:25 We overdo in a lot of things, we overdo in the way we eat,
01:29 we overdo in our study, we overdo in our work,
01:32 and of course we are prone to overdo when we exercise.
01:36 We may try to keep up with someone else, we may try to
01:39 beat the record that we have had in the past, or we may have
01:43 a certain goal that we have for ourselves and so we really
01:48 screw up the courage and push ourselves and drive ourselves
01:52 to the point that we have some kind of injury to the physical
01:55 body, it may injure the heart, or it may injure the muscle,
02:00 or it may injure the bones, or joints, and in all of these
02:05 the person can be damaged by their great desire to overdo
02:10 their exercise, and to achieve something that they maybe
02:14 are not equipped to achieve.
02:16 Now there are certain signs that you can watch that will let you
02:21 know whether or not you have over exercised.
02:25 Let me discuss a few of these for you: one of those is
02:29 that you are tired after a good night of sleep, a night of sleep
02:33 a night of sleep that you usually have a refreshing
02:37 feeling and you know that you have been restored, but now
02:41 this night you didn't get restored.
02:44 You think back about the exercise that you did yesterday
02:46 and you may have to say yes I overworked, or I over exercised
02:51 yesterday.
02:52 Then another thing that you can use to let you know whether
02:56 or not you have over exercised is your pulse rate.
02:59 If your pulse rate is faster in the morning after a night
03:04 of sleep than it was when you went to bed the night before
03:07 then the chances are pretty good that you have over
03:11 exercised and that that is the problem that you are having
03:15 with that.
03:17 Now another indication that you have over exercised is that you
03:21 are aching in your trunk or in your extremities when you go
03:25 to bed.
03:26 Have you ever noticed when you have had to walk a great
03:30 distance or you have over done the exercise and you know you
03:34 have, that your legs ache and you want to move them in the bed
03:38 and your trunk hurts somewhere, maybe your back or you can't
03:43 get in a comfortable position and it takes you quite awhile
03:46 to get settled down to go to sleep?
03:48 That can be from over exercising and if that is the case with you
03:53 then you can know that you have probably over done it
03:56 there, in such a case you may be to tired to go to sleep
04:00 so it may take you a half an hour when usually it only takes
04:03 you three or four minutes to go to sleep.
04:05 Then another thing that's a sign of over exercising is something
04:10 that people are usually sort of proud of and tease about
04:15 and that is that they feel tender in their muscles and they
04:19 sort of pass it off with a laugh and say well I over did the
04:22 exercise, but actually when your muscles are tender that's
04:26 an indication that you have been over exercising and
04:29 of course it isn't good for you to do that.
04:32 Now there are also some signs of stress in the person who is
04:36 over doing exercise and these signs of stress are the usual
04:41 signs of stress for emotions or for over doing or for any
04:46 kind of other thing that causes us to have stress.
04:49 This may be a fast pulse, an increase in the blood pressure,
04:53 or it may be anxiety or irritability, all of those are
04:58 signs of stress, sometimes people have certain facial
05:03 things they do as a sign of stress, they may bite the lips
05:09 or they may squint the eyes, or do something with the neck
05:15 muscles, all of these can be signs of stress.
05:19 Now with me today to discuss this matter of exercise
05:25 is one of our health educators at Uchee Pines, John Champen
05:28 and John Champen will be talking with you about some matters
05:32 having to do with exercise, John Champen!
05:34 - Thank you Dr. Thrash!
05:36 We are told that perfect health requires perfect circulation
05:40 and perfect circulation requires activity, you cannot have
05:44 perfect circulation unless we are doing something.
05:46 Muscles are indication that we have something that we can
05:51 use, God has provided for us useful labor as an exercise,
05:56 useful labor was designed to strengthen the body to expand
06:00 the mind and to develop the character.
06:02 That was for Adam and is also for us today and we can see
06:07 that there is a great need for us to have the same thing today
06:11 all of the muscles in our bodies need some sort of exercise
06:17 not exercising the body reduces our strength, reduces our sense
06:22 of well being, reduces our circulation and causes us to
06:27 just feel badly sometimes.
06:29 We need to have our bodies in the best possible shape so that
06:33 we can enjoy life and do the things that God has
06:35 called us to do.
06:37 We are going to go to the screen now and look at some of the
06:40 benefits for exercising:
06:46 This is very positive, many men like this but women
06:49 like it also.
06:50 Muscular strength is needed to carry on the duties of life,
06:55 that does not necessarily mean that we have to be weight
06:58 lifters in order to increase our strength but there should be a
07:02 point where that is optimum, where we feel comfortable
07:05 with the things that we have to do and life can go on and we
07:10 can carry them out pretty well.
07:15 Now this is where a lot of men are very much interested in
07:18 but ladies you can also increase the muscle mass to
07:24 where it is comfortable to you, now you don't have to increase
07:27 the resistance of the things that you are doing, you don't
07:30 have to start picking up 150 lbs or 200 lbs, but whatever you are
07:34 doing, it will reach a certain size and a certain mass
07:38 for that kind of exercise and then it can stay right there
07:42 and you don't have to look like you are muscle bound.
07:49 We need the endurance to continually increase until that
07:53 reaches optimum for us too. We need to be able to have
07:57 strength for the entire day of labor, work and activities that
08:02 God has called us to be engaged in.
08:05 Our bodies are strengthened the cartilage becomes thicker
08:09 by exercise and it also strengthens the tendons
08:13 and ligaments.
08:16 Now we are going to look at our next graphic which will
08:19 show you more of the benefits:
08:23 That is good for the ladies especially who might be
08:28 susceptible to osteoporosis.
08:33 Which is another benefit for all of us, it make it easier
08:37 for our hearts to take care of the needs of our bodies.
08:43 Those are those little power houses that are inside our cells
08:45 to help our body to function more efficiently.
08:50 It also increases the glycogen deposits thereby reducing the
08:54 sugar that is in our system.
08:57 There are many benefits of exercise and we will talk about
09:01 more of them in just a moment. Dr. Thrash!
09:04 I appreciated that, I especially enjoyed the physiology of
09:08 muscles because as we study that we come to understand that
09:12 not everything has to be accomplished by one type of
09:16 exercise, but we need to do a wide variety of exercises and
09:22 people need to have imagination and ingenuity in deciding what
09:28 kind of exercise they are going to do.
09:29 Take for instance the women or man who is bound to a
09:36 wheel chair, they can't move the legs, they can still if they
09:40 are able to move the arms, they can still do exercises that
09:44 involve the upper extremities and any way that they can move
09:47 those and they should do those, they should have a certain
09:51 routine that they go through and also let's say the person
09:54 can't move the shoulders or the elbows very well, they might
09:58 still might be able to use something like this, these are
10:01 hand exercisers and the person can just do squeezing of a hand
10:09 gripper such as this, these can be purchased from any
10:12 variety store, or department store such as the
10:16 discount stores.
10:18 It has been shown that simply squeezing one of these hand
10:23 squeezers will make it so that a persons likelihood of getting
10:28 cataracts will diminish rather greatly and also the likelihood
10:32 that a person would get glaucoma which is an increase in the
10:36 pressure in the eyes, that also is greatly decreased by simply
10:40 doing such a small thing as that.
10:43 Sometimes women tell me well I can't exercise because I live
10:47 in a dangerous neighborhood, well I do appreciate that
10:50 and there are several things that a person can do if they
10:52 live in a dangerous neighborhood, one is get a
10:55 companion, sometimes that can be very helpful.
10:57 Especially if that companion is a dog, sometimes a dog can be
11:03 helpful as most people who are intent on doing you some injury
11:08 will think twice before attacking you if you have a
11:13 dog with you, but then sometimes then it's the dog that's the
11:18 problem and if so then you can get one of these things
11:23 which is a mace gun and this little mace gun is a standard
11:27 you can buy this at any department store and it has
11:30 a lock on it so that it can't accidentally be detonated, but
11:36 if you just turn it so that you turn off the little trigger
11:40 then you can spray it and of course it then is very
11:45 irritating to the eyes and nose and mouth but once you do that
11:50 you need to be prepared with something else such as
11:53 a whistle. If you have a whistle then you
11:55 can turn and make your way away while you whistle and that draws
12:03 attention to you and know that you might have a companion to
12:09 the individual that you have sprayed the mace on and that
12:15 person or that animal might put some pursuit, so be ready
12:20 to make another spray with the mace gun if you need to.
12:24 Now I've been interested in the fact that since I was in
12:28 medical school we have changed our attitude quite a lot
12:33 concerning diseases that we used to forbid exercise in.
12:37 Let me just mention a few of these that are instances where
12:42 we used to forbid exercise and now we do recommend exercise:
12:46 One is congestive heart failure, I remember very well that we
12:50 used to tell people, you just sit around and enjoy reading
12:54 and enjoy socializing, call on the telephone and watch TV,
12:57 while you keep your legs elevated so that your feet
13:01 won't swell, and walk as little as you can, you can walk to the
13:04 bed and you can walk to the table and you can walk to the
13:07 bathroom but that's about it.
13:09 But now we tell people that they should do a little exercise
13:13 nothing that is strenuous but it should be done every day
13:17 and should be a little bit progressive so that you can
13:22 increase the capability of the heart to contract and also
13:27 to keep other parts of the body in good health.
13:30 Another area that we used to forbid exercise is hepatitis, I
13:34 remember very well when we had the patient to lie down right
13:40 there and stay there for five weeks, until your liver enzymes
13:46 and liver functions come back to normal, now we don't do that
13:51 we have the person have a certain amount of exercise
13:54 and they do much better, the hepatitis gets better quicker
13:59 and their liver function tests come back to normal
14:02 much quicker.
14:04 Another area is in Tuberculosis, when I was in medical school
14:08 we put the patient to bed, if they coughed we considered that
14:13 exercise and so we gave them an anti-cough medicine such as
14:17 codeine so that they wouldn't cough, we didn't want them to
14:21 move at all.
14:22 They could hold a book and read but that was done in bed
14:26 for the most part, once in awhile we'd let them read
14:29 sitting up, they had certain days a week that they could
14:33 sit in a chair for a certain number of minutes or hours
14:36 but not very much exercise, now we have people
14:40 with Tuberculosis to exercise.
14:43 Then after childbirth, after childbirth we had the woman
14:48 to lie right there in bed and it wasn't to long ago
14:54 but it was before my time in medicine when the woman stayed
14:57 in bed for six weeks, that was 40 days they stayed in bed
15:01 or that is at least what the doctors recommended, now
15:05 we have the person up the same day usually they stay in bed
15:09 for the first hour without moving around a lot, but then
15:12 after the first hour after childbirth then we get them up
15:16 and we have them moving around.
15:17 Hypertension is another one, we used to tell people with
15:20 hypertension, if you exercise it's going to make your
15:24 blood pressure go up and that is true that it may go up some,
15:29 we don't want it to go up a lot and sometimes a blood pressure
15:34 reading during or while the person is exercising or just
15:38 after can tell us how much the person with hypertension
15:43 should exercise.
15:44 Another area where we tell people now to exercise that
15:48 we didn't once tell them and that's in depression,
15:53 now we know that exercise in depression is one of the
15:57 primary treatments for depression, also being very
16:01 regular in one's habits and getting to bed on time,
16:04 getting up early in the morning and going to bed early in the
16:09 evening will do more for the person who has depression
16:15 than most any other treatment that we know.
16:18 Now there is another one and that's if you are retired,
16:22 once when people were retired we would say to them you deserve
16:29 a rest so we want you just to sit there and rest, you don't
16:35 have to even turn your hand to even swat a fly, just sit
16:40 there and rest or take your fishing equipment down by
16:45 the bank of a river and just sit there and fish, but don't
16:51 do any exercise, you don't have to move just enjoy
16:56 what you do without doing any movement at all.
17:00 Now there are more things about exercise and John Champen is
17:04 going to tell you some more things about the fine points
17:08 of exercise, John Champen!
17:10 - One of the points that is very important is that exercise
17:13 neutralizes stress, we live in a very stressful world today
17:17 you turn on the news and look down the street and read the
17:21 newspaper and the stress level goes up, but exercise helps that
17:26 and so God wants us to have that kind of activity that will
17:29 bring down the stress in our lives and give us a better
17:33 heart rate. We're going to go to the screen
17:35 again and look at a few more points:
17:42 Not only little children but teenagers also need to exercise,
17:49 there are some who have become book worms or couch potatoes
17:54 and they are not getting what they need and they won't reach
17:56 their full maturation standard as if they would do if they
18:03 would do if they were exercising.
18:07 That's a very important aspect of exercise, it helps us
18:12 very much to feel better and to get rid of waste.
18:18 or any kind of injury, actually it allows the body to recover
18:25 very quickly.
18:28 A very meaningful experience for most of the people in the
18:33 United States today and in Western countries,
18:36 blood pressure is a real problem among us, so exercise
18:39 helps us to reduce that blood pressure and it improves
18:42 collateral circulation.
18:44 What a blessing exercise is for us, let's go to
18:47 the next one now.
18:50 More benefits of exercise, and also reduces blood cholesterol,
18:57 blood cholesterol is a real problem among us here
19:01 in the United States and this is a real blessing to reduce
19:05 that cholesterol level.
19:07 The cholesterol level is getting higher and higher among us
19:10 as we have been looking to our plates for the health.
19:15 Now there is one more slide that we have here and this is
19:19 when you are exercising you need to have a targeted heart rate
19:22 and it is brought about by:
19:33 That's what you want to be looking for.
19:34 As you exercise, you continue to exercise you will be able to
19:40 bring your resting heart rate down and that's good,
19:44 if you can get your heart rate down where it is not working
19:49 quite as hard, in the 60's is fine, 50's as one gentleman he
19:53 had his down in the 40's, he's very athletic and most people
19:57 will not have their pulse rate down in the 40's, but in the
20:02 50's and 60's is excellent to reach for if your young,
20:07 if you are older it will be a little bit higher, Dr. Thrash!
20:10 - Some people exercise to the point that they injure
20:15 themselves especially that is true of people who do
20:18 competitive sports, and I have here something that I think
20:21 you will be interested in, it is a knee cartilage,
20:25 this knee cartilage shows a tear
20:27 in a place where you would not expect it to be
20:32 because of the fact the individual who owned knee
20:38 cartilage before it was sent to me as a pathologic specimen.
20:42 This person got a tear right there is this knee cartilage,
20:48 knee cartilages are very susceptible to having a problem
20:53 with competitive sports, so I recommend to people who want to
21:00 have some kind of physical exercise that they by all means
21:02 not do competitive sports.
21:04 There are many kinds of sports that a person can do that will
21:08 make life pleasant and enjoyable that don't involve competition
21:13 and competition is much more likely to cause the person to
21:17 get injured because of the drive of the game and the
21:22 determination that the person has to make some kind of very
21:26 special score or mark for them- selves and that of course brings
21:31 the person to have an injury.
21:33 So generally speaking I don't recommend competitive sports
21:38 especially is this so for children, teach your children
21:42 to enjoy the non-competitive sports, hundreds of ways to
21:47 express oneself other than having competitive sports.
21:53 Older people, those who are quite elderly need avoid jolting
21:58 themselves and that would be jumping exercises or that is
22:03 with a heavy jolt, or running exercises, those can be
22:10 a problem for the elderly.
22:11 I have a report here done by some people in Canada that
22:17 showed individuals who had jolting exercises or especially
22:22 that had a single very severe jolt got a stroke from that
22:29 and it is a fact that many people who have strokes have
22:34 the stroke to be preceded by some kind of jolting or
22:39 sudden movement, especially if this jolting or this sudden
22:46 movement is during or after stress.
22:50 Now some people get some kind of pain in the body, in the
22:56 skeleton and they say I know that aspirin will be good for my
23:00 pain and so I'm going to take an aspirin for this pain that I
23:05 have here or there, I don't recommend that, we should
23:09 do either ice or heat treatments to a pain in the
23:13 skeleton brought on by some kind of exercise problem
23:18 and use that instead of aspirin, let me just read some of the
23:22 things that aspirin is noted for, I'll just read something
23:28 that is an excerpt from the New England Journal of Medicine
23:32 or is an abstract from it: Aspirin can be dangerous
23:35 in even conservative estimates, revealed that is responsible
23:41 for as many deaths as AIDS every day.
23:44 Well that puts it in a little bit different light about
23:48 aspirin, so we need to be careful about that.
23:51 In addition to that aspirin can cause blindness,
23:56 the so called macular degeneration that older people
24:00 can get, stomach and intestinal ulcerations are also quite
24:05 common in people who use aspirin, and a certain amount of
24:09 bleeding is expected every day in people who use aspirin
24:13 so that a test for blood in the bowel movement is not possible
24:19 as a general rule in people who have aspirin as a part
24:25 of their daily medication.
24:28 Strokes are more likely to occur in people who are chronic
24:32 aspirin users because of the fact that it encourages bleeding
24:36 and so a bleeding episode might be expected in an individual who
24:44 takes aspirin all the time.
24:49 Now we can build up to much iron in the body and it's an
24:56 interesting thing that exercise will help us to reduce the iron
25:01 level if the iron level is to high.
25:05 But if your iron level is to low exercise can also help you
25:11 bring up your iron level in the blood, so your hemoglobin
25:15 which is a good marker for the iron level in the body, in the
25:20 blood, the hemoglobin will go up with exercise if you need it
25:25 or come down with exercise if that's what you need,
25:29 so we recommend that people who have either extreme of iron
25:35 disorder in the blood that they remember that exercise
25:41 can be a very good way that they help that.
25:45 The roll of exercise in clot prevention has been mentioned
25:52 already and one of the interesting things about that
25:54 is that it reduces platelet stickiness and makes it so that
25:58 platelets don't stick together as well as they once did.
26:02 It increases mental abilities and it reduces the cognitive
26:07 decline that elderly people have as they get older,
26:11 of course it's a help in weight control and it's an interesting
26:17 thing that it even helps people with such disorders as
26:21 Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease to slow down
26:26 these diseases, now it may be that we cannot stop Parkinson's
26:32 or Alzheimer's but we can slow down the process so that the
26:38 person remains functional and remains in the work force much
26:44 longer than could be expected otherwise.
26:46 Now sometimes it is not possible for you to exercise right after
26:52 a meal which is a good time to put mild exercise and
26:56 remember that singing is also exercise, so for individuals
27:01 who are house bound or chair bound, or bed bound remember
27:05 that singing is a good exercise and help them to sing
27:08 very frequently.
27:09 Sometimes people may need to get a massage which is one form
27:14 of passive exercise, probably my very favorite form of
27:18 passive exercise is that of the massage.
27:21 We should also try to use every opportunity that we can to
27:27 exercise such as hanging out clothes rather than using
27:31 a dryer or every time the telephone rings stand up to
27:36 to answer it, rather than answering it without standing up
27:38 and so we can see that there are a lot of very good things that
27:43 we can do to increase the opportunity we have to move
27:47 and just moving, just being active can be a most important
27:52 thing in helping you to get the benefits of exercise.


Revised 2015-08-19