Help Yourself to Health

The Influence Of Nutrition On Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Agatha Thrash, Don Miller


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000129

00:01 One of my favorite times of day is gathering with the family
00:05 around the table for the meal, it isn't just good for us to be
00:11 together socially, but it is also good for the health.
00:14 We'll be talking about the influence on nutrition on health
00:18 on this next program, we hope you will join us.
00:40 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:43 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:46 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:49 One of the ways that our heavenly father has chosen
00:54 to make it so that we understand His great love for us is in the
00:58 provision that He made for us with our food.
01:01 I like to think of the fact that way back sometime in the
01:05 eons of the great past our Heavenly Father decided my child
01:12 Agatha Thrash is going to really enjoy this kind of food or
01:18 that kind of food, and He made it just like that.
01:20 I have an assistant today, Don Miller, and he will be
01:24 helping me discuss this matter of nutrition, and how food
01:30 helps us with being strong, thinking well, having a good
01:36 humor, and being able to endure for a life time, and so now
01:41 Don Miller will talk with us about some things God has said
01:44 to us concerning food, Don Miller!
01:47 - Normally when we buy a new vehicle, we look in the
01:51 glove compartment somewhere and there is going to be an
01:52 owner's manual that tells us how to take care of that
01:55 vehicle, well our Heavenly Father who is far more
01:58 meticulous in making us than we are in making vehicles,
02:01 also gave us some good divine plans on how we can present
02:05 our bodies as Paul said in Romans, "A living sacrifice
02:09 holy, acceptable under Him which is our reasonable service"
02:13 and when I hear things like reasonable service it means
02:15 it's something I can grasp myself, I don't need a PhD,
02:19 MD, THD, or a TV to figure it out, I should be able to figure
02:24 it out from God's word alone.
02:26 He's given us some very, very careful instruction,
02:30 I want to read to you from Leviticus, the third chapter
02:34 verse 17, It says: It shall be a perpetual statute, (that means
02:39 forever), a perpetual statute for your generations throughout
02:43 all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.
02:48 Hmmm! Now we hear a lot today about lowering the fat in our
02:53 bodies and our diets, we hear a lot about saturated fats
02:57 which is the fat that it's talking about here,
02:59 the fats from animals.
03:00 Now granted during this time meat was in man's diet,
03:05 but this was also given during a time when God changed their
03:08 diet to a vegan diet, they are eating manna out there in the
03:12 wilderness, so it says eat neither fat nor blood,
03:16 we realize that fat has a very deleterious effect
03:20 upon the arteries, upon the heart, upon the blood pressure
03:23 upon all parts of the body and blood has another
03:27 interesting effect on our body, I'm going to read you another
03:30 verse over here in Leviticus 17:11, it says:
03:34 For the life of the flesh is in the blood:
03:38 the life is in the blood, now the animal that's getting ready
03:43 for it's sacrificial experience today at the butcher shop
03:48 is going through a horrendous amount of stress,
03:51 all this stress, the hormones that it is excreting into
03:54 it's blood stream is what flavors the meat, and so we
03:57 sit down, or someone sits down to this meat and we get
04:01 all those hormones within ourselves and we wonder why we
04:04 get such a strange feeling sometimes when we eat such food,
04:08 God says don't eat the fat and don't eat the blood.
04:12 Now there is a two fold reason for this, one you realize
04:16 that fat was not good for us nor was blood, but two
04:20 if you take all the fat and all the blood out of meat
04:23 it's pretty tasteless glob of gray matter, and man would not
04:27 be compelled or tempted to over eat on the product.
04:32 So here is this mass sometimes they would boil it out or
04:35 they would squeeze it out or they would soak it out
04:37 and cook it up and eat it, it just provides some nutrients
04:41 that it does have in there, which we can get far better
04:44 from fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts, and seeds,
04:46 but God gave us this designed diet way back then,
04:51 the original diet was the edemic diet, which was basically
04:56 a fruitarian diet.
04:57 God knows best how to take care of us, he has given us some
05:00 instruction, the life is in the blood, and this whole idea
05:05 this whole paradigm of a human body is in getting good blood
05:10 all the way through the body, you cannot have good blood
05:12 if you are putting things into the body that are not making
05:15 good blood, and basically animal products do not make
05:19 good blood, so I like to read this and I say ok God you said
05:23 no blood, no fat, easy, I just leave off the animals and eat
05:27 the other foods you have given us, which is going to be the
05:29 food that we are going to have in heaven any way, so I say
05:31 let's get ready and start eating it now, ok Dr. Thrash!
05:35 - Foods have a great deal of variety of nutrients in them
05:40 when we think of something like minerals, we often think of
05:44 such things as greens, and whole grains, but actually
05:49 you can think of a large number of foods and they all have
05:54 minerals in them, such things as iron, zinc, copper,
05:58 magnesium, all of those are minerals and they are present
06:01 in many of our foods, if not most of them.
06:04 But then we also have in addition to that we have
06:06 vitamins, now if you think of vitamins, we think of fruits,
06:10 such as oranges and apples, but we think of tomatoes too
06:14 which are high in vitamin C, we think of bread which is high
06:18 in many of the B vitamins, but breads and fruits and
06:23 vegetables also have a wide variety of minerals in them.
06:27 But minerals and vitamins are not the only nutrients in foods,
06:31 we also have fats from nuts and seeds, beans, whole grains,
06:38 we get a variety of fats, now fats and proteins often come
06:45 in the very same foods.
06:47 Foods such as beans and nuts, but also in bread, popcorn,
06:54 very good source of protein, and I'm very glad for that
06:58 because I like popcorn.
07:01 Popcorn is also high in zinc, one of the minerals,
07:04 but we want to be very careful that we don't overdo any kind
07:09 of mineral or vitamin by taking a supplement, but that we get
07:14 that from our food as much as we can unless we demonstrate
07:17 that we are low in some kind of mineral.
07:20 Now we also have proteins and carbohydrates,
07:24 high protein foods, and high carbohydrate foods often come
07:28 together, grains are high in both proteins as well as
07:33 carbohydrates, now you can see by this very brief discussion
07:38 that our Heavenly Father has placed almost all nutrients
07:43 in almost all foods.
07:45 It is true that certain things like greens are high in minerals
07:48 certain things like citrus fruits are high in vitamins
07:52 and certain things like beans are high in protein, and
07:55 potatoes are high in carbohydrates and olives are
07:58 high in fats, but a little bit of fat is present in almost all
08:03 foods, tomatoes have a little fat, cherries have a little fat,
08:07 not just olives among the fruits.
08:10 So we can see that our Heavenly Father intended for us to get
08:14 a wide variety of nutrients from taking a wide variety
08:18 of foods, but we want to be careful there too, and that is
08:21 that we don't overdo the variety at one meal, it's better for us
08:28 to take a limited variety than a great huge variety.
08:32 Now there are diseases that can occur because of our
08:38 over use of various nutrients, I'd like just to show you
08:41 some of the specimens that come from my museum and here
08:45 I would like to show to you a portion of stomach,
08:50 here you are seeing the stomach lining, notice how the stomach
08:56 lining is sort of corrugated, it has little knobs and valleys
09:02 and ridges in it, this kind of thing is essential for the
09:09 proper digestion of the food and if we iron out these little
09:12 rough areas on the lining of the stomach, then we are going
09:18 to have a poorly functioning stomach.
09:20 Now on the opposite side, this is the side that will slip
09:26 against the interior of the abdomen, that side is as you
09:31 can see, quite shiny and smooth, it is as smooth as the interior
09:36 of your mouth.
09:37 Now I have here a portion of small bowel, this small bowel
09:45 is a portion of ileum, the ileum is where we do a large
09:51 part of our digestion and assimilation, for this we have
09:57 quite of variety of very powerful enzymes and other
10:02 chemicals that our great divine designer made for us.
10:06 These chemicals are produced by entering the small bowel
10:11 through this portion right here, you can see there is a
10:13 good bit of fat there, and if any body has fat anywhere
10:16 in the body, they are very likely to have it right there,
10:20 blood vessels and lymphatics and nerves go into the bowel
10:27 at that point right there.
10:28 Now I have another specimen that you may have heard of
10:33 a great deal, this is the appendix, now you see here
10:36 the exterior of the appendix, notice how glistening and shiny
10:41 it is, you can see here where the surgeon clamped it off
10:45 in order to remove it, and here you can see the place where
10:50 I made a little cut in it so that I could examine the
10:53 appendix, but it is actually a normal appendix,
10:57 this one was not removed because of being sick with appendicitis.
11:03 But while you are thinking about appendicitis, let me show
11:07 you this appendix, very different in appearance from
11:11 the other one, you will that there is a good bit more fat,
11:14 this portion right here is fat and this person was overweight
11:20 but the appendix would be about the same size in a very fat
11:24 person and a very thin person so this appendix is quite sick,
11:28 you will notice a little window here where I removed a large
11:33 stone, and here is another window where I left a stone
11:38 in place so that I could show it to you.
11:41 This stone is made from the kinds of foods that we eat,
11:46 this person who ate this kind of foods did not eat the very
11:50 best diet, in fact the diet that this person had was very
11:55 high in fats and sugars, and around the world we find that
11:59 people who have a diet high in fats and sugars are much more
12:03 likely to get appendicitis than our people who eat a very nice
12:07 of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
12:11 Now we think rather easily about diseases of the stomach like
12:17 peptic ulcers and gastritis and diseases of the appendix
12:21 like appendicitis, and diseases of the colon like polyps
12:26 and other things of that nature, but we don't often think about
12:30 the gall bladder as being a part of the digestive tract
12:34 but it is also greatly influenced by the kind of food
12:37 that we eat, and I would like to show you also from some of my
12:41 museum specimens, these several specimens
12:46 of gall stones.
12:48 You will see that these vary greatly in color and shape
12:54 and in size, some of these are quite small as you can see
12:58 here, and some of them are broken such as you can see here
13:02 and this can actually occur inside the body, as well as
13:06 outside, these white ones are quite rare and I'm very
13:10 fortunate to have them, some people say that I collect rare
13:14 gems and that is true, you have to have a special license to
13:18 collect these kinds of stones.
13:21 Now with this one, this one you can see has a crystalline
13:26 interior structure and notice that it is a little different
13:29 from one part of it to another, that's because the chemistry
13:33 of the person's blood, changed from one part of the life
13:39 to another part, so when the gall bladder starting getting
13:42 that little tiny focus of fat and maybe carbohydrate or sugar.
13:51 When the gallbladder started making it's little stone it
13:56 had one kind of metabolism, but as that stone had an
14:00 influence on the gallbladder, then the persons total body
14:05 chemistry changed to some degree and the person started now
14:10 excreting other things than had been excreted before
14:13 in the bile, so the gallstones had a different appearance
14:20 and chemical structure at a later time.
14:23 Now one more specimen that I have here, these are angular
14:29 as you can see, if one of these starts down the bile duct,
14:35 the person who has this will be very uncomfortable
14:39 because these little projections will make life very miserable
14:46 for that person who has this gallbladder.
14:48 The large one that I have already shown you, that one
14:53 does not cause a lot of trouble because it is going to sit
14:56 in the gallbladder and not move, it is when the stone
14:59 moves down the duct that the person begins to feel a lot of
15:04 difficulties, and so we need to learn to eat in a proper way
15:08 so we won't get these very uncomfortable and very expensive
15:12 diseases.
15:14 Now I have with me today in the studio John Champen who is
15:19 going to talk with you about some of the nice things about
15:21 nutrition that will make you healthy and make you feel good.
15:24 John Champen!
15:25 - Thank you Dr. Thrash!
15:26 God has provided for us nutrition bound up in a nice
15:31 little packages, it looks good and it tastes good and it
15:35 provides exactly what we need.
15:38 Within these packages also we find vitamins, there are two
15:42 classes of vitamins, the body needs them and the processes
15:46 that are taking place cannot be happening without these
15:51 vitamins, your metabolism will not go forward
15:54 without these vitamins.
15:55 These two classes of vitamins are water soluble vitamins
16:00 and fat soluble vitamins, the water soluble vitamins are
16:06 vitamin C, the B-Complex vitamins, and they do not
16:10 remain in our system very long, there is a lot of leaching
16:13 of them and if there is excess the body is able to get rid
16:17 of them although it does require a little energy
16:18 for it to do that.
16:19 But the fat soluble vitamins are carried by fat and put in
16:24 solution by fat and are stored in the system, it is quite easy
16:30 then if there is to much taken in, it is quite easy for these
16:34 vitamins to build up in the system and produce a toxicity.
16:39 Vitamins have a wonderful way of being associated with taste
16:48 when food looses it's color and it's taste, it also seems to
16:54 loose it's vitamin content also.
16:57 The water soluble vitamins loose quite a bit of their
17:02 potency under heat, they can become very unstable, also
17:08 they are limited in their time of which they can be kept.
17:17 The fat soluble vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E,
17:24 and vitamin K are needed at any given time, vitamin K being
17:31 in the system to prevent hemorrhaging so that there is a
17:34 good coagulation.
17:36 If we would receive the strength that we need then we would
17:42 have these vitamins in our system at all times,
17:46 God has arranged for that, there are at times also
17:49 a problem with malabsorption and these problems with
17:53 malabsorption would prevent the body from absorbing the
17:57 vitamins that we need, whether they are water soluble vitamins
18:02 or fat soluble vitamins, it would prevent them from being
18:07 utilized by the body, in this case we would wind up with
18:12 a deficiency even though there are sufficient amount of
18:15 vitamins that are being taken into the system.
18:17 Now God has arranged it so that we need to eat continuously
18:22 some eat three times a day, some more than that,
18:25 some less than that, so that the vitamins that we need
18:29 we can always have, Dr. Thrash!
18:32 - Yes I am very happy that we can look at these nice packages
18:37 that the Lord has given us, and know that He has provided
18:40 for all our needs.
18:41 Not only are there vitamins and minerals and fat soluble and
18:47 water soluble factors in foods but there are also a wide
18:54 variety of what we call phyto- chemicals that have a specific
18:58 effect in the body to do some special thing.
19:03 Let me just mention some of those, one of those is the
19:08 anti-cancer effect that one can expect, now anti-cancer foods
19:15 are of a wide variety but I will just mention a few:
19:18 the Brassica, the whole family of the Brassica foods that would
19:22 be like cauliflower, and cabbage and broccoli, brussel sprouts,
19:27 and all that whole category, even some of those that we saw
19:31 on the platter like radishes, those are very good for the
19:36 anti-cancer effect.
19:37 But there is also beta-carotene, beta-carotene we find in
19:41 anything that is dark green or bright yellow or orange,
19:45 then there is lycopene, lycopene is a red photochemical,
19:51 we should not be afraid of chemicals, because chemicals
19:55 make up our food, and the lycopene has anti-cancer effects
20:00 but it also has anti-aging effects and a number of other
20:04 very good effects in the body.
20:06 Then citrus fruits and soy beans have also a anti-cancer
20:13 effect, now each of these photochemical present in these
20:17 foods have a name and I will not trouble you with these
20:20 chemical names because they are a little difficult for you
20:23 to remember.
20:24 Now I would like to talk about nerve foods, nerve foods are
20:29 such as myoinositol, now that is a bit of a jaw breaker word
20:35 but it's present in cantaloupe, and all citrus fruits,
20:38 especially grapefruit, it's also present in peanuts and
20:43 all legumes.
20:45 I'm happy that the Lord packaged these photochemicals in such
20:51 neat packages so that we can enjoy taking in these
20:56 anti-cancer good nerve foods.
20:59 Now another one is hormone containing foods, and there are
21:03 a wide variety of hormone containing foods especially
21:06 such things as tomatoes and potatoes and eggplant and
21:09 peppers, now you will notice that those last four are all in
21:13 a special group called the night shade group.
21:15 There are some people who do not handle the night shades
21:18 very well, generally speaking these may be those with
21:22 arthritis, but there are many people who can tolerate these
21:27 and for them they are very good.
21:29 Then there are anti-inflammatory foods, that means if you have
21:35 any kind of inflammation such as inflammation in a joint
21:38 from arthritis of from an accident, or from an injury,
21:41 then you can take these anti- inflammatory foods, flax seed
21:45 is one of those and all foods that contain quercetin.
21:50 Now if you have been to a health food store and looked at some of
21:53 their packages of nutrient supplements you are likely to
21:57 run across the word quercetin, it is present in onion and all
22:05 members of the Lily family, like chives and garlic,
22:11 and other members of that same family.
22:12 Quercitin is also very good for a variety of uses,
22:20 even such things as anti-cancer uses, and good for the heart,
22:24 and good for the arteries.
22:25 Now another one is foods that are good anti-pain foods, now
22:33 you might think oh, I want to hear all of those, they are all
22:37 the foods that contain salicylate's and you can get
22:39 a list of those foods, they are widely distributed among our
22:46 foods and many of them do give you some protection from pain.
22:50 But the major thing with the control of pain is to make your
22:53 diet simple, make it so that you are less likely to be over
22:59 burdened by the food that you eat, don't make it heavy in such
23:03 things as fats and salts, and sugar, those all tend to
23:09 intensify pain.
23:10 Now Don Miller is going to talk with you about some of the diets
23:14 that we have had in antiquity.
23:16 - You know it is interesting to think about the diets of
23:19 anti-quitarian, so those people who lived for a long time
23:22 back a long time ago, we seem to have it in our minds that
23:25 persons back in the middle ages and before just lived for
23:30 30-35 years, that was the average life span but let's
23:34 try to make a perspective here.
23:35 If a child died at one and a man died at 70 their average
23:40 age was 35 and then that is where we got average life spans
23:44 but basically if a child lived into adulthood, about 20 years
23:49 old, they pretty much could be assured of another 40-50 years
23:53 it was just surviving those first few years which was
23:55 the problem.
23:56 But the diets of the people who really lived for a long time
24:00 and had great feats of valor and strength and wisdom
24:06 are people with very very simple diets, let's think of a few
24:10 of those right now: Charles Wesley, the great hymn writer,
24:14 he up until about age 14, he said he lived on nothing much
24:18 more than bread and not much of that.
24:20 After that he lived on a very spare diet and drank nothing
24:24 but water, and when he was 80 years of age he said I feel
24:27 just as good now as I felt when I was 20 years of age.
24:30 Let's look at someone like King Cyrus, we can read about
24:33 him in the book of Daniel.
24:34 King Cyrus up until about his 14th year had nothing but water
24:39 to drink and cresses and brown bread to eat, after his 14th or
24:45 15th year they added a little bit of honey and a little bit of
24:48 raisins to his diet, and when he was out there conquering the
24:52 world, because we realize the kingdom of the Medes and the
24:55 Persians was a second grade empire, his whole army lived
24:59 on brown bread and cresses, and when they had a great
25:02 victory in a battle, to celebrate they had cresses
25:05 and brown bread for the celebration dinner.
25:07 The former states man by the name of Cincinnatus,
25:11 my home town is Cincinnati, that's where Cincinnati is named
25:16 after this man named Cincinnatus, he lived on
25:19 basically turnips, turnips, can you believe that, but he
25:24 lived for a long time, and he was a great man.
25:26 But the one I like the best is a man by the name of Old Parr,
25:30 Thomas Parr was born in 1483,
25:34 he was a farmer, lived out there on a farm, ate a very
25:38 simple meal of course bread and a few other products, probably
25:43 no more than 3 or 4 varieties throughout the entire life span.
25:46 he married for the first time at age 80, had two children,
25:52 when he was probably about 30 years later his wife died
25:56 and he married the second time at about the age of 120,
26:00 she died, and finally the Earl of the area where he worked
26:06 heard about him and took him to London to see King Charles
26:10 and after about two weeks in London he died.
26:13 Upon autopsy they found that his intestinal tract was in
26:17 perfect order, it is just that he died of the rich diet that
26:21 he was given for those two weeks, he lived 152 years
26:24 over the reign of 10 Enlish Monarchs, on a simple diet.
26:30 So I think there is something about this simple diet
26:33 Dr. Thrash. - Yes! And it's amazing,
26:35 isn't it true that when he got to London he started eating
26:41 the diet that they ate down there?
26:43 - Ate off the King's trough. - Yes! That was what shortened
26:47 his life, I think he died in just a very short time after
26:50 he had gotten down to London.
26:52 Now we have in the various ages of time Adam and Eve was
27:01 first and they ate all raw foods, that must have been
27:06 a nice time in earth's history.
27:07 Then the vegetables were added at the time of the flood because
27:10 we needed them, and then finally because food was so scarce
27:15 right after the flood the animal products were added
27:19 and that I think shortened our lives a great deal.
27:22 But it was not our Heavenly Father's intention that we would
27:26 have the difficulty with our diet that would shorten our
27:31 lives, such as the use of greater variety than Adam and
27:37 Eve had in the garden of Eden, and it is through the things
27:41 of nature and the deepest and tenderest earthly ties that
27:45 human hearts can know, that God has decided to reveal
27:50 His love to us, and this is nutrition.


Revised 2014-12-17