Help Yourself to Health


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Miller, Agatha Thrash


Series Code: HYTH

Program Code: HYTH000128

00:01 Hello! I'm Dr. Agatha Thrash from Uchee Pines Institute
00:06 and we're going to talk about pain during the next
00:09 half an hour, we hope you will join us.
00:31 Welcome to Help Yourself To Health
00:33 with Dr. Agatha Thrash of Uchee Pines Institute
00:37 and now here is your host Dr. Thrash.
00:40 At Uchee Pines Institute we deal with pain in a lot of ways
00:47 we deal with a number of different kinds of pain.
00:51 Pain can usually be categorized in two ways: We can talk about
00:57 chronic pain or we can talk about acute pain.
01:01 Acute pain is usually treated in a different way than
01:05 chronic pain, and this is Don Miller who will be talking
01:09 with me today in helping you to understand how we treat pain
01:13 at Uchee Pines Institute.
01:15 Don! - Well Dr. Thrash there are
01:18 various ways that we treat pain and one of the first things
01:21 is what we do within our own minds to make pain worse,
01:25 we call these things pain intensifiers,
01:27 It's basically our reaction to the pain perception.
01:32 The first and probably the greatest thing that intensifies
01:36 our pain is fear, fear does a number of things to the body
01:40 physiologically, fear does a number of things to the body
01:42 mentally.
01:44 Physiologically we tense up our muscles become more rigid,
01:48 you remember back in the days where you used to get
01:51 hypodermic needles shoved into your muscles,
01:53 they would say relax, yeah, really right, relax,
01:56 they have this great big long needle, they are going to ram it
01:58 into your muscle and they tell you to relax,
01:59 well normally you don't and you are all stiff,
02:01 they run this needle into your muscle, and that stiff muscle
02:06 hurts more than it would have or could have relaxed
02:09 in the first place.
02:10 But it is also the fear of the unknown, when we get a pain
02:13 we wake up in the morning and we've got a pain
02:16 and we self diagnose ourselves, hummm, what could this pain be,
02:20 and we start coming up with all types of horror stories,
02:23 we read an article yesterday, we heard a news broadcast
02:26 about this pain and this great disease caused by it
02:30 and pretty soon we are thinking that we have that disease
02:33 and the pain becomes much greater.
02:36 Then we go to a physician, he diagnoses our pain as being
02:40 we slept wrong and all of a sudden the pain is not
02:42 quite as bad anymore.
02:43 Because our pain is somewhat palliated by the fact that
02:47 our fear has been assuaged, it's a nice way to take care of
02:50 the fear and the pain.
02:52 Another thing that intensifies our pain is guilt,
02:55 these are for people who basically pain prone,
03:00 they are guilty, "oh I shouldn't have done that,"
03:03 "if only I hadn't done that," if I hadn't eaten that,
03:06 if I hadn't done that, if I hadn't done this thing over here
03:09 I wouldn't have this pain right now, and so this guilt complex
03:12 seems to make the pain much much greater.
03:16 There is also the thing called anger, now we are talking
03:19 again about how the mind is reacting to the pain perception.
03:24 The pain is the same but now we are angry at somebody
03:29 or something, we are angry at the accident, why did that
03:33 happen to me, and often when we start asking those questions
03:36 we become angry at the very one who can take care of
03:39 our problems, that's anger against God.
03:42 So we are angry against God, or we are angry against our
03:45 spouse, or we are angry against our employer, or we are angry
03:49 against ourselves for doing that stupid thing,
03:51 falling down the stairs, tripping over whatever,
03:53 and we get angry and all of these things along the lines
03:57 are making our pain much much greater.
04:00 Really a great pain intensifier is a thing called loneliness,
04:06 people who are alone suffer more pain, we'll talk about
04:11 that a little bit more when I talk about things to assuage
04:13 and take away the pain, but people who are lonely
04:16 seem to have a greater preception of pain.
04:19 We find that those people who are alone suffer more premature
04:25 deaths, matter of fact, double the national average than those
04:29 who are not alone, divorced people are five times more
04:32 likely to commit suicide and die in fatal accidents
04:36 four times more if they are alone, these are sad
04:39 circumstances for a person.
04:41 They did some experiments back in 1956, they had in a hospital
04:48 ward, they had those people in open ward seemed to use
04:52 less pain medications by about.. they took bout 3.2 doses of
04:56 the pain medication to those in private rooms about 13.4
05:01 doses of pain medication.
05:03 Because there was more going on around them, they weren't
05:06 so lonely any more, so we take away the loneliness
05:10 we often take away the pain, the anger, the guilt, take away
05:14 some of these things and we find that they have far less pain.
05:18 So when you are looking at pain, we are not just dealing
05:21 with the physical response in the skin, in the bones,
05:25 in the muscles, we are looking at the minds perception,
05:28 of why do I have this pain, and as we can rest in the Lord
05:32 with this pain as we can accept it as Job says:
05:36 " Though He slay me, yet will I serve Him."
05:39 We need to get that attitude we will find that our pain
05:43 often times will be going away with giving it over and saying
05:48 I am going to accept this and get a right attitude about it.
05:52 Dr. Thrash!
05:53 - We only treat acute pain with drugs such things as anesthesia
06:01 or when there is a severe injury with intense pain, those can be
06:07 properly treated with drugs, but it is easy to see why we
06:11 would not want to treat chronic pain with a drug.
06:14 The person becomes dependent on the drug and increasing
06:18 quantities of the drug are needed until the person
06:22 is hysterical without it, and may even develop a sort of
06:27 personality problem or become a hypochondriac, and they may
06:31 describe their pain as terrible or horrible, but when you look
06:35 at them, they look as if they are coping pretty well.
06:38 So what we need to do is to find ways that we can
06:42 relieve pain and make the person quite comfortable
06:45 without using a powerful drug medication, and some of these
06:50 very important ways to treat chronic pain are heat and cold.
06:57 Or even alternating heat and cold, where we apply the heat
07:01 treatment and then right away apply the cold, even in the same
07:04 treatment or we can apply heat for one type of pain and cold
07:09 for another type of pain, or it can even be that one person
07:14 in one type of pain will enjoy having heat, but another person
07:20 finds that not pleasant, so you must sometimes treat with
07:25 heat for the same kind of illness that the last person
07:32 you treated with cold and it was quite satisfactory.
07:35 Sinusitis should be treated with heat for the most part
07:40 they can sit in a tub of very hot water and that often
07:44 relieves their pain very nicely.
07:46 But cold applied to sinusitis will sometimes make it worse
07:51 but the occasional patient will find the very reverse,
07:55 cold applied makes it better.
07:58 Now heat can also be applied for such things as a sprained
08:02 ankle, but sprained ankles for the most part will be
08:07 better treated with the cold, an ice pack, or something of
08:11 that nature.
08:12 We also find that pressure is good, pressure can be applied
08:19 by the hand when a person has been acutely injured, sometimes
08:25 if you press on the place that they've been injured and where
08:28 they feel pain, it will help a lot.
08:31 You may have noticed that if a finger gets crushed and you
08:35 put pressure on it that that can help quite a lot,
08:38 and then is such areas as tennis elbow we can put pressure.
08:43 I have asked my granddaughter Melissa if she will help me show
08:47 you this kind of treatment for a tennis elbow.
08:50 This is Melissa Thrash, and Melissa is let us say that
08:55 she has been doing some kind of activity that causes a
09:01 rotational movement of her arm, we can easily prevent this kind
09:07 pain from developing by simply applying something like an
09:12 Ace bandage, or if you prefer you can purchase from a
09:17 drug store a little band called a tennis elbow band.
09:23 So this is simply wrapped around the arm in this way
09:28 and the person wears it doing whatever activity they are doing
09:31 whether is shoveling or hoeing, or whatever they may
09:35 be doing, and it's a very simple and nice treatment.
09:39 Then when they have finished with the activity, they simply
09:42 take the band off and that enables them to avoid getting
09:48 the tennis elbow.
09:49 Now another thing that you will find is a real problem
09:53 is that of arthritis, and people have pain in their hands
09:59 and especially when they wake up the next morning
10:02 they have pain in their hands, so I am going to ask Melissa
10:06 to show you how she would handle that with these gloves,
10:11 they look as if they are child's gloves, but they are actually
10:14 large enough for an adult, so the treatment is very simple,
10:20 we simply use a pressure on the hands so that the next
10:26 morning the person wakes up and they will tell you
10:29 that their hands feel much better having just had that
10:34 little bit of pressure on them.
10:36 Now another things that is very important is that of water,
10:43 you might think that water is not a good treatment for pain
10:49 but we find it quite excellent, I don't know exactly why it is
10:52 that it works all the time, and it doesn't work in every kind
10:56 of pain, but in most kinds of pains people will find it better
10:59 if they are simply well hydrated, and you can take
11:03 a glass full of water every ten minutes for an hour,
11:06 that's a glass full of water every ten minutes for an hour,
11:10 and it will often relieve such things as a headache or
11:14 an abdominal pain, or sometimes skeletal pain.
11:18 I think it may separate the nerve fibers that cause those
11:24 kinds of pains and make the person feel a lot better.
11:27 Now Don Miller is going to tell you about some other ways
11:33 you can handle pain, Don Miller!
11:36 - I talked a few minutes ago about helplessness and
11:39 loneliness, loneliness is the one that really seems to get us
11:42 the most.
11:43 Picture this scenario, a child is running down the street
11:47 active with the friends, falls and skins up the knee,
11:50 a little bit of blood, the child sees the blood, immediately is
11:53 scared, runs home to mama crying, it hurts terribly,
11:58 what does mama do? Mama holds the child,
12:01 kisses the child, says it will be all better, and it is amazing
12:04 just those words seem to make it all better, and then puts a
12:08 band aid on it and sends the child back out to play,
12:10 and the child is perfectly fine, doesn't even think about
12:13 it any more, until that night mama kisses baby to sleep
12:18 lays her down, covers her up, turns out the light and now
12:22 what's left, in a dark room, no stimulation, and what happens
12:27 the pain comes all back again.
12:28 Because that is where the mind is, all during the day time
12:32 you had mama sitting there comforting the child,
12:35 you had activities going on all around, you had the other
12:38 playmates, things to do, now there is nothing left to do
12:43 but focus on the pain, and we need to keep from focusing
12:47 on the pain.
12:49 There are ways of doing this, I haven't quite gotten to this
12:53 place yet where you are going into the dentist office,
12:55 and I once tried it, I went into the dentist office and said
12:57 I can do it without the pain medication, thank you,
13:01 and so they put me way back there in the chair and he
13:04 opened my mouth and he went in there with that drill...
13:06 as soon as I heard that zzzz! I tensed and as soon as it
13:10 touched my tooth, he took it back out of my mouth
13:13 and he gave me the shot because everything in my body told him
13:16 that I was really going to be a bad patient that day,
13:18 but if you would find some way to divert the mind to other
13:24 stimulation.
13:25 You only can perceive so many things in your mind,
13:29 right now you are sitting there and you are not really
13:31 aware of the fact that you're back is pushed against the sofa
13:37 or chair and the watch band is pressing against your wrist
13:40 and the top of your socks are against your leg, you don't
13:43 feel or notice all of these things although you do have
13:46 true perception, so if we can get more stimulation going in
13:51 that's pleasurable, we will have a less tendency to focus on
13:55 the pain that's also coming in, and there are ways
13:58 of doing this.
13:59 One of these days I'm going to try going to a dentist office
14:05 with a friend and say as soon as that guy opens my mouth
14:08 and heads for it with the drill, without the Novocain
14:10 I want you to take something as simple as a hairbrush
14:13 and start stroking perhaps my arm or my leg, or you can reach
14:18 up and just take your fingers and give me a little scalp
14:21 massage, and at the same time perhaps take some type of a
14:25 perfume and put it on a handkerchief and let me be
14:28 smelling, so now I've got some olfactory senses coming
14:31 in here and I've got some senses here from touch,
14:34 and perhaps I can take a CD and turn on some music
14:38 so I'm hearing some music going on at the same time,
14:41 with head phones it is even better, you can't hear that zzz!
14:44 going on because basically if you have been inside a
14:47 dentist office, even sitting out into the waiting area when
14:51 you hear the drill you tense up, remember we talked
14:54 about this tensing up, which is one thing that amplifies pain.
14:58 Another thing that you can do is have some type of little
15:00 massage technique, now if someone can give you a massage
15:03 or you can take your foot, this is a little foot massager
15:07 and you just take your foot and you slide it back and forth.
15:10 This gives you a very nice sensation which will sort of
15:13 overwhelm the other sensations going into the body, and so if
15:17 you find ways of sort of over loading the brain with other
15:22 sensations will find that that pain that is usually rather
15:26 acute if we are just focusing on that, will seem to go away.
15:30 I had an experience one time I was in Ukraine in the winter
15:36 time and a neighbor of the place I was working had fallen
15:40 and severely twisted and wrenched his back,
15:44 this big Ukrainian man,
15:46 big burly guy crying, he was in so much pain
15:50 we got him laid down on this couch of the nearest house
15:54 he could not even go home he was in so much pain
15:56 so we put him on the couch of the nearest home and here he was
16:00 and I had a doctor from Ukraine with me, she examined him to
16:04 make sure his back wasn't broken because he walked in
16:07 so it wasn't broken, but now what to do with all this pain
16:11 and so I said well go out and get me an icecicle,
16:15 so they went out and broke a big icecicle, and they are big
16:18 icecicles in Ukraine, big Texas size icecicles, and brought
16:21 this big thing in here and I got a pot of hot water and I
16:23 dipped the end in and sort of smoothed off the edges
16:25 and then I started massaging that back area, well now you had
16:31 a different sensation going on that was cold,
16:34 but at the time I was taking another part of his body
16:37 and I was massaging another part of his body, I forget
16:40 whether it was his shoulder or his head, but I was
16:43 massaging this other part of the body while I was massaging
16:46 the back with the ice and pretty soon he was complaining because
16:50 it was cold.
16:51 But then he got up, he didn't have any more pain,
16:54 not that the situation was fixed he still had a sprained back
16:58 but the ice had taken the pain away enough that he could
17:01 go home that night, pain free and deal with it that way.
17:05 So as we find ways of diverting the mind away from ourselves
17:11 at night time when we are all alone is when we hurt the most,
17:14 so we need to be doing something and I like that saying if you
17:18 can't sleep don't count sheep talk to the Shepherd.
17:20 When you have pain talk to the one who knows all about
17:24 your pain, he went through the pain too, and He'll help
17:27 you through it and so as we talk to Him, as we get other
17:30 senses involved in this process we'll find that pain will be
17:36 saying Sayonara, and that's what we want it to do,
17:38 Dr. Thrash.
17:40 - Another kind of very good treatment for pain is that of
17:46 counter irritation, you may have heard your grandmother
17:50 talk about her liniments, or some neighbor about their
17:55 materials that they rub on come from a store such as Capsaicin
18:00 or Cayenne, it's a red pepper extract and you can get it
18:04 from almost any store, and this kind of red pepper when you
18:10 put it on the skin, will help you greatly with the
18:14 counter irritation.
18:15 Now there are many other liniments, liniments made from
18:18 camphor, from Menthol, and some other counter irritants
18:24 they are a little irritating or icy feeling on the skin
18:29 but when you use it in times of pain, it can actually take
18:35 the pain away.
18:36 Now another type of counter irritation is something
18:39 like this, you may not have seen this because I picked this up in
18:43 Korea and I like it very much because it can be
18:46 self administered if you have a pain in your back you can
18:51 just do this kind of thing and it helps enormously
18:55 for the back pain, and then you can just do it on the other
18:58 side as well.
19:00 But let's say that your pain is not in your back,
19:02 your pain is in your foot, or in your abdomen, will this help
19:06 with that? Yes it does!
19:08 Do the same thing, you can apply it here and here
19:12 or you can apply it on your arm or your thigh, or else ware
19:17 and interestingly enough, it is as Don Miller was
19:21 talking about with the gate theory, which is that you
19:25 simply overload the senses with as much as you can
19:28 in the way of other sensations and it is theorized that there
19:34 is a gate that goes up to the brain that allows a certain
19:39 number of impulses to go through and if you've put other impulses
19:44 in then the pain will not feel so bad.
19:47 Now another thing that you can do to help your pain
19:53 is that of control the diet.
19:55 I mentioned already about drinking water, a lot of water,
20:00 keeping well hydrated will also help you with pain.
20:03 The diet in pain control should be very simple, it should be
20:09 non-inflammatory, which means that it should not be heavy in
20:13 spices or vinegar, or heavy with salt or sugar or fats,
20:23 but in this way you can help yourself with diet.
20:28 The very best diet in pain is the kind of diet that we
20:34 recommend as the least inflammatory, the least likely
20:38 to be irritating, and the least likely to cause you to get
20:41 a chronic disease, and that is the totally vegan vegetarian
20:46 type diet.
20:47 That means fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds,
20:51 and as these are eaten in a very simple way, not to many
20:55 at one meal, then the person can find that a chronic pain
20:59 will be very much helped by that.
21:02 If you are overweight, be very careful not to over eat
21:06 and jus the very act of not over eating will also help you
21:11 to deal with pain.
21:12 Now Don Miller is going to talk with you a bit about
21:15 herbal remedies for pain control, Don!
21:20 Ok! I think one of the herbs that we like to use for pain
21:24 sort of works on the gate theory also, the herb is called
21:27 Valerian, and if any of you have ever worked with Valerian
21:30 it's the smelliest herb that I have ever smelled.
21:33 I think basically by drinking a cup of the stuff, your mind
21:36 is so overwhelmed with how bad it smells, that you forget
21:39 how bad you feel, and so maybe that's the gate theory,
21:42 but I'm sure it also has some type of analgesic effect.
21:44 But there are some wonderful pain herbs, we're not talking
21:48 about something that is going to work as fast or as numbingly
21:51 as one of the caines,Lidocain, Novocain, we are talking about
21:55 something that will take the edge off your pain, and I've had
21:58 experiments with these things and I will tell you one other
22:00 story, but some of the pain herbs are things like Angelica,
22:04 Black Hull, Blue Violet, some of the sedative herbs like
22:08 Chamomile, or Cat Nip are very very nice herbs to take away
22:13 the edge off the pain.
22:14 The one I like the best is White Willow, it is basically
22:19 called White Willow Bark, it is the inside layer of the
22:22 bark of the White Willow Tree, and it's been used for many,
22:25 many years, matter of fact centuries as a pain reliever.
22:29 The old folk medicines, that is how we found out about it
22:33 I say we, the drug manufacturers, they found
22:36 the salicylate in the White Willow Bark
22:38 was a pain reliever, so they sort of
22:41 extracted it and synthesized it and made a thing called aspirin,
22:45 but still the White Willow Bark works quite nicely.
22:48 A few years ago I was working on a table saw and I cut the
22:51 tips of two of my fingers off and quite painful experience,
22:55 right down to the bone, the nails the skin, the whole thing
22:57 was gone, and I was in a lot of pain but I wanted to do
23:02 everything just the way we were supposed to do it.
23:04 I had been in natural medicine for a long time, and so when I
23:08 walked into the Lifestyle Center the first thing they said,
23:10 "Are you allergic to any of the cains?"
23:11 And I said I don't want any of the cains, give me a glass of
23:14 ice water, so they took a glass full of ice and water and they
23:18 just stuck my fingers down in the ice water, and that is
23:20 a good pain reliever, and left it in there for quite awhile
23:23 brought it out and they scrubbed it off, because I had once read
23:26 that scrubbing a wound, of course we have to do that
23:29 anyway to clean it but some how lessens the pain,
23:32 I can't attest to that right now because it really did hurt
23:35 when they were scrubbing those little things, but from then on
23:39 someone had made me a quart of White Willow Bark tea
23:44 and I drank that and I got some White Willow Bark capsules
23:47 I would take those things each night and within
23:51 three weeks my fingers, using some other herbs for cell growth
23:55 proliferation, like comfrey, within three weeks I could
23:59 play the guitar again, and that was my fingers that you
24:01 push on the strings, in three weeks I could play,
24:03 with very, very little bit of pain, so I believe in the
24:07 pain herbs, I believe that God has given us everything
24:10 that we need to deal with it, as a matter of fact, I found out
24:12 just the other day that 40% of the drugs that we have today
24:18 came from plants in the rain forest, and so I think that God,
24:22 I don't think, I know that God has everything that we need
24:25 out there in nature, we just have to be patient enough first
24:29 to find it and patient enough for it to work in it's own time,
24:33 God does everything right in His own time, and so I encourage
24:38 you to look into the pain herbs and to try them when you have
24:42 the pain, and do the other things that we have been talking
24:44 about and Dr. Thrash has a few more suggestions, Dr. Thrash.
24:47 Not only is pain dealt with directly and as a particular
24:57 thing that we must say, this we must treat, but also for a
25:02 person who is in a chronic pain we will often need to treat them
25:05 for their depression, because they begin to think this pain
25:11 is not going to go away, I'm going to always have it.
25:14 As they begin to think that way I see the limitation
25:18 that they have with their lives with the things that they love
25:24 to do, and the way that they have always carried on their
25:28 affairs and now they are unable to do that because of pain,
25:31 as they see this then they are likely to get depression.
25:34 So what one must do for the person with depression is to
25:38 treat that, that should be treated with exercise,
25:41 it should be treated with extreme regularity, that is
25:44 going to bed on time, getting your meals on time,
25:46 doing exercise on time, all of those things must be done
25:50 with regularity.
25:51 But then I like also and herbal remedy for depression,
25:56 the one that I like the best is probably St. John's Wort,
26:01 St. John's Wort is characterized by the ability to relax the
26:07 body, it is also characterized by the ability to elevate
26:12 the spirits a good bit, so the person with depression should
26:17 always try to use some kind of relaxing herb like
26:22 St. Johns Wort.
26:24 Now don't sell exercise short, exercise for depression is one
26:30 of the most important things that we can do, every day
26:34 the person with depression should get out of doors
26:37 because being in the out of doors will also help the person
26:40 with depression, the diversion one gets from looking at the
26:44 birds and the trees and the flowers, all of these kinds of
26:48 things can help the individual who has depression.
26:52 Then some of the herbs like cat-nip tea, can also be very
26:58 helpful in depression, and so as we think about the total
27:05 treatment of person with pain we need to think also about
27:09 dealing with depression, and helping them do some of the
27:13 things that once they could do and now they cannot do.
27:16 Have you ever wondered what God is going to do with all the
27:21 pain receptors that we have in the body?
27:24 They are among the most numerous of all the nerves
27:29 that we have in the body, and God is a very conservative God,
27:35 He has some use for every part of the body that we have,
27:39 and while I don't know what it is that God has for us,
27:44 I do believe that He is going to do something very wonderful
27:48 with our pain receptors in the earth made new
27:52 it's worth waiting for.


Revised 2014-12-17