Participants: Stephen Bohr
Series Code: HWIS
Program Code: HWIS000029
00:30 Shall we pray.
00:33 Our loving heavenly Father, We thank You once again 00:35 for the privilege of being in Your presence. 00:38 We thank You, Father, for Your holy Word. 00:41 We thank You because we have not believed 00:44 cunningly devised fables. 00:47 We thank You that we're able to trust every word that 00:50 proceeds out of the mouth of God. 00:53 We ask that as we open that Word this evening, 00:55 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us as the Holy Spirit 00:59 has been with us in our previous studies. 01:01 I ask, Lord, that You'll give us understanding, 01:04 that You will give us a willingness to not only hear, 01:08 but actually receive and practice what You have for us. 01:11 We thank You for hearing our prayer. 01:13 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. 01:17 Up to this point, we have been making a comparison between 01:23 the earthly sanctuary and its services 01:27 and the heavenly sanctuary and its services. 01:31 But in our study today, I would like us to take a look 01:35 at another temple that the Bible mentions. 01:39 Now I must say that several years ago, I heard 01:42 a presentation by Elder W.D. Frazee 01:47 who was the founder of Wildwood Institute in Georgia. 01:52 And some of the material that I'm going to share with you 01:55 today is actually material that he presented 01:59 in that particular lecture. 02:00 I felt that it was so excellent that it would be a good idea to 02:05 share some of it with you. 02:07 Now some of the material is my own, but some of the 02:09 material is his. 02:11 I believe that I need to give credit where credit is due, 02:14 although all of the glory and honor belongs to God. 02:19 Now I'd like to read 1 Corinthians chapter 6 02:21 verses 19 and 20 where this specific temple is mentioned. 02:27 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 19 and 20. 02:33 Here, the apostle Paul says this. 03:02 So notice here we have another dimension to the temple. 03:07 This is not speaking about an earthly building 03:09 or a heavenly building. 03:11 It's speaking about our body temple. 03:15 Which according to this passage belongs to God, 03:19 is holy, and the Holy Spirit dwells within it. 03:26 Now what I'm going to do is draw a parallel 03:29 between the heavenly sanctuary and our body temple. 03:34 And we're going to take a look at several parallels 03:37 between the heavenly sanctuary or the heavenly temple 03:40 and the earthly body temple. 03:43 The first point that I would like to mention is that 03:46 both temples were made by God to be His dwelling place. 03:52 Notice Hebrews chapter 8 and verses 1 and 2 03:56 where we clearly see that the heavenly sanctuary was 04:00 built by God, and that's the place where He dwells. 04:04 It says there in Hebrews 8:1-2... 04:31 Who built the heavenly temple? 04:34 God did. 04:35 Why was it built? 04:37 To be His what? 04:39 To be His dwelling place. 04:43 But the Bible also tells us that this body temple was 04:46 made by God to be His dwelling place. 04:49 Notice Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7, speaking about 04:53 the creation of our body. 04:55 Which we've already read is the temple of the Holy Spirit 04:59 in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. 05:02 Genesis 2 verse 7 says... 05:19 And so we notice here that God formed man 05:23 with His own hands. 05:25 The earthly body temple was also formed by God. 05:30 Notice also Psalm 139 and verses 13 and 14. 05:34 Once again, the idea that our body temple was formed by God. 05:39 Here, the psalmist says the following words speaking about 05:44 the body temple. 05:46 He's speaking, actually, to God and says... 06:11 So these two verses tell us that God formed us, 06:15 and we are fearfully and wonderfully made 06:19 because we were made by God Himself. 06:23 Psalm 119 and verse 73 emphasizes this same point; 06:29 that our body temple was made by God. 06:33 Once again, Psalm 119 and verse 73 says the following. 06:38 And the psalmist is speaking to God. 06:53 Let's read one more verse where the Bible tells us 06:56 that God formed our body temple. 06:59 Isaiah chapter 64 and verse 8. 07:02 Isaiah chapter 64 and verse 8. 07:06 We've read this verse in previous context, 07:09 but let's read it again. 07:11 It says here... 07:28 And so we notice that the two temples, the heavenly temple 07:31 and our body temple, were created by God 07:35 to be His dwelling place. 07:37 God wants to inhabit both temples. 07:40 In fact, let's notice that in Isaiah 57 and verse 15. 07:45 Isaiah 57 and verse 15. 07:49 I want you to notice that God wants to dwell in two places. 07:53 It says there... 08:01 Where does God inhabit? 08:03 Eternity. 08:25 And so, does God dwell in two places according to Scripture? 08:29 Yes, He dwells in eternity in the high and holy place. 08:33 But He also dwells with a person who is humble 08:38 and contrite of heart. 08:40 So the first parallel is that both temples, 08:43 the heavenly temple and the body temple on earth, 08:47 were made by God to be His dwelling place. 08:51 Now let's notice another parallel. 08:53 In both temples, there is a law written with the finger of God. 09:01 Let's talk first of all about the heavenly temple. 09:04 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19. 09:07 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19, speaking about the 09:11 heavenly temple. 09:12 It says... 09:21 Which temple is this? 09:23 This is the heavenly temple. 09:25 And what did John see in the heavenly temple? 09:28 The ark of the covenant. 09:38 Now why is the ark of the covenant called, 09:40 "the ark of the covenant?" 09:43 Simply because the conditions or the stipulations of the covenant 09:48 were the Ten Commandments. 09:50 In fact, let's notice Exodus 31 and verse 18, 09:54 Exodus 31 and verse 18, where we are told 09:59 that the law of God was written by God's own finger. 10:03 It's the law that was placed inside the ark of the covenant 10:06 in the temple. 10:08 It says there... 10:13 Speaking with Moses. 10:27 Is there a temple in heaven that has an ark of the covenant 10:31 with the tables of the law that were written by the very 10:34 finger of God? 10:35 Absolutely. 10:37 But what about this earthly body temple? 10:40 Do we have a law that God has written in our body temple? 10:44 Absolutely. 10:46 Let me read you a statement that we find in the book, 10:48 Education, page 196. 10:50 And then I'm going to mention another text from Scripture. 10:55 Here, Ellen White is commenting about our body temple. 10:59 And incidentally, Ellen White had tremendous interest 11:03 in our physical being, in the laws of our physical nature. 11:08 The laws of health, as we're going to notice 11:10 in our study today. 11:12 This is what she says in the book, Education, page 196. 11:49 Are there laws that govern our physical organism? 11:51 Yes or no? 11:53 Absolutely. You know that, right? 11:55 We could give many examples of that. 12:09 Interesting. 12:11 So has God written laws of our physical nature? 12:15 He most certainly has. 12:16 Do you know what else He wants to do? 12:18 Jeremiah 31 and verses 31 through 33 say that God 12:24 wants to write His law in our minds and in our hearts. 12:31 Is that our body temple where He wants to write His law 12:34 written with His own finger? 12:36 Absolutely. 12:37 So according to Scripture, the heavenly temple has an 12:42 ark of the covenant with the Ten Commandments 12:44 written with God's finger. 12:45 On our physical organism are written the laws of God 12:49 as certainly as they were written and placed inside 12:53 the ark of the covenant. 12:54 And God wants to write His Ten Commandment law 12:57 in our minds and in our hearts. 13:01 You see, when we obey God's moral law, 13:04 we are spiritually happy. 13:07 When we obey God's physical laws that are written on every fiber 13:12 of our being, we are physically happy. 13:16 And it's amazing how scientists in recent years have been 13:20 studying in depth anatomy and physiology. 13:24 And they're amazed at how the different systems of our body 13:28 interact according to established set physical laws. 13:35 Now let's go to our next parallel. 13:38 Satan wants to occupy the throne in both temples. 13:45 Let's go to Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 14. 13:49 Didn't the devil want to take God's position 13:51 in the heavenly temple? 13:53 He most certainly did. 13:54 Isaiah 14 verses 12 through 14. 13:58 It's speaking about this being, Lucifer, 14:01 whom we've talked about in one of our early lectures. 14:04 It says here... 14:39 Did Satan want to take away God's position 14:42 in the heavenly sanctuary? 14:44 Yes he did. 14:45 In fact, he was one of the covering cherubs, 14:47 according to Scripture. 14:49 Does Satan also want to occupy the throne in our hearts? 14:53 He most certainly does. 14:56 I want to read a statement in volume 4 of the Testimonies, 14:58 page 346, where Ellen White explicitly says... 15:22 If you would like to see an example of what it's like when 15:25 Satan sits on the throne of the heart, all you have to 15:28 do is read the story in Mark chapter 5, 15:30 the demon possessed men from Gadara. 15:34 Have you ever read that story? 15:37 The Bible says that they lived in the tombs, they were all 15:39 cut up with rocks. 15:41 You know, they had saliva coming out of their mouths. 15:45 They shrieked like wild beasts. 15:47 They had broken chains with which they had been bound. 15:53 I mean, that's what would have happened with all of humanity 15:57 if Satan had been allowed to have total control 15:59 of planet earth. 16:01 And so Satan not only tried to take the position of God in the 16:06 heavenly temple, but Satan is doing his utmost to possess 16:11 human beings, to sit in the heart of human beings, 16:16 to affect their behavior and to affect their lives 16:20 here on earth. 16:22 Another parallel is that both temples have a record of sin. 16:29 Does the heavenly temple have a record of sin? 16:32 It most certainly does. We've studied this. 16:35 Notice Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 14. 16:39 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 14. 16:43 We've already mentioned that God is going to bring 16:46 every work into judgment. 16:48 Which means that God must have a record of these things 16:50 in the heavenly books, or in the heavenly sanctuary. 16:54 It says there... 17:07 So is there a record of sin in the heavenly sanctuary? 17:10 Yes, if we've confessed our sins and we have repented of sin. 17:15 Those sins are still registered there, but they're covered 17:18 with the blood, according to what we have studied. 17:20 But they're still written in the heavenly sanctuary. 17:24 Notice 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10. 17:26 The same idea that in the heavenly sanctuary, 17:29 there is a record of sin. 17:31 2 Corinthians 5 and verse 10. 17:50 Are we all going to have to stand before the 17:52 judgment seat of Christ? 17:53 Absolutely. 17:54 Are we going to have to render an account, not only for the 17:57 good things we did, but for the evil things that we did? 18:00 Absolutely. 18:02 This text says so. 18:04 In other words, not only the good but the bad. 18:07 Let's just make sure that our bad actions and thoughts 18:10 and feelings and words are covered by the blood of Jesus 18:13 in the sanctuary. 18:14 That the record is covered by the blood. 18:17 In the book, "Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, 18:20 and Divorce," page 62, which is a compilation of Ellen White's 18:24 statements, we find this very significant statement about 18:28 what God records in the heavenly sanctuary. 18:31 She says, "Remember, your character is 18:35 being daguerreotyped..." 18:36 Now we don't use that word in English any more. 18:39 Daguerreotyped means, photographed. 18:42 That's an ancient word that means, photographed. 18:45 So she says... 19:04 So God is recording in the heavenly sanctuary 19:08 our good deeds, but He's also registering there our sins. 19:12 We need to make sure that our sins are covered by the blood, 19:15 so that when the sanctuary is cleansed, the blood of Jesus 19:19 will remove those sins from the heavenly sanctuary. 19:23 Now what about our physical body? 19:26 Is there a record of sin in our physical bodies? 19:31 Have you ever gotten the flu? 19:34 I see you smiling. 19:36 Of course we've gotten the flu. 19:37 Let me ask you, do bad physical and psychological habits 19:41 leave their scars and marks on the earthly body temple? 19:46 They most certainly do. 19:48 How about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs? 19:51 Do they leave their doleful record on our body temple? 19:55 They most certainly do. 19:57 What about lack of rest, wrong eating habits, 20:00 lack of exercise, insufficient water, 20:05 not breathing fresh air deeply as we should? 20:09 Do they leave permanent scars on our present body temple? 20:13 They most certainly do. 20:15 So we have a record of the consequence of sin 20:19 on our body temple just like there's a record of sin 20:22 in the heavenly temple. 20:24 Now go with me to Mark chapter 7 verses 21 to 23. 20:28 And I'm going to show you that not only does our body temple 20:31 have the record of our wrong physical habits, 20:34 but our body temple also contains a record of all sorts 20:39 of wrong moral habits. 20:42 Mark chapter 7 verses 21 to 23. 20:46 Notice what Jesus had to say. 20:48 "For from within, out of the heart of men..." 20:55 Where is the problem? 20:58 Where is the sin written? 21:00 Oh, in the temple of the body; in the mind, in the heart. 21:32 So does the heavenly temple have a record of sin? 21:37 Yes it does. 21:39 Does the earthly temple also have a record of sin 21:42 physically and morally? 21:45 Absolutely. 21:46 There's a parallel between the two. 21:48 And this brings us to our next point. 21:50 And that is, both temples, if they are defiled by sin, 21:54 must be cleansed. 21:59 Is that true? 22:00 Must both temples be cleansed? 22:03 Absolutely. 22:04 Notice Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14, 22:07 which we've read before. 22:08 Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14. 22:10 This is the 2300 day prophecy speaking about the 22:13 heavenly sanctuary. 22:15 It says... 22:25 And this is the heavenly sanctuary. 22:26 Does the heavenly sanctuary need to be cleansed 22:29 from the record of sin? 22:30 Absolutely. 22:32 Notice also Hebrews 9 and verse 23. 22:35 Hebrews 9 and verse 23 tells us that the heavenly sanctuary 22:40 needs to be cleansed from the record of sin, just like 22:43 the earthly sanctuary was cleansed. 22:46 It says there, and I'm reading from the NIV 22:48 in this particular case. 23:01 How were the copies of the heavenly sanctuary purified? 23:04 By these what? Sacrifices. 23:07 The context says that they were sacrifices of animals. 23:10 But now notice the last part of the verse. 23:21 And what are those sacrifices with which the heavenly 23:24 sanctuary is cleansed? 23:25 What is that sacrifice? 23:27 It is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 23:30 Now let me ask you. 23:31 Must the earthly temple also be cleansed? 23:35 Absolutely. 23:36 Not only does God want to cleanse the heavenly sanctuary 23:41 from the record of sin, but He wants to cleanse 23:44 our soul temple also from sin. 23:48 Doesn't He? 23:50 Notice Leviticus 23 verses 26 to 30. 23:54 This is referring to the great Day of Atonement 23:56 and the attitude that the people needed to have 24:00 while the sanctuary was being cleansed. 24:01 You know, sometimes we emphasize so much 24:04 what the high priest did inside the sanctuary 24:08 on the Day of Atonement that we forget what the people were 24:11 suppose to be doing outside the sanctuary. 24:16 You see, the people outside the sanctuary were suppose to be 24:18 sympathizing with the high priest inside. 24:22 That's the reason why the high priest had some bells 24:24 at the bottom of his garment. 24:27 So that the Israelites could follow the sound of the bells 24:30 inside the sanctuary as the high priest ministered there. 24:35 Now notice what Leviticus 23:26-30 says. 24:49 In other words, everyone was suppose to be gathered there. 24:56 In other words, while the sanctuary was being cleansed, 24:58 the heart needed to be cleansed. 25:01 Because God was not going to cleanse anything in the 25:03 sanctuary that was not cleansed in the life. 25:05 So it says... 25:18 Why no work? 25:20 Because they were suppose to have one focus. 25:22 They were suppose to be gathered at the sanctuary. 25:23 They were suppose to be following what the 25:25 high priest was doing. 25:27 And so it says... 25:40 Wow, whoever did not afflict their soul, what would happen? 25:48 It means that they're aliens to the covenant promises. 25:52 They're no longer a part of God's chosen people. 25:55 So it says... 26:02 Which means that they're busy doing something else 26:04 and not concentrating on what's happening in the sanctuary. 26:14 So is there a work of cleansing on earth that needs to 26:17 take place at the same time that the heavenly sanctuary 26:20 is being cleansed? 26:22 Absolutely. 26:23 Notice 1 John chapter 3 and verses 1 through 3. 26:27 1 John chapter 3 and verses 1 through 3. 26:30 This is speaking about the cleansing of the earthly 26:33 temple of the body. 26:34 And of the mind, of course, because the mind 26:38 is based on your brain. 26:40 And your brain is a physical organism. 26:42 Now notice 1 John 3:1-3. 27:08 That's talking about the second coming. 27:18 Does God expect us to be like Jesus? 27:21 Be like Jesus, this my song; in the home and in the throng. 27:26 Be like Jesus all day long. 27:28 I would be like Jesus. 27:29 As the hymn says. 27:31 And notice what verse 3 tells us. 27:36 That is, the hope of the coming of Jesus. 27:39 What does he do? 27:47 There's a work of purification of the earthly temple 27:50 while the heavenly sanctuary is being cleansed. 27:53 Interestingly enough, in Revelation 3 verse 20 27:57 we find Jesus standing at the door of the last church. 28:01 The church of Laodicea. 28:03 Laodicea simply means, the people of the judgment, 28:06 because this is the last church; it's the judgment church. 28:09 And I want you to notice where Jesus is. 28:12 Here in Revelation 3 verse 20, Jesus is speaking and He says... 28:36 Is Jesus in the church of Laodicea or is He 28:39 outside knocking? 28:40 He's outside knocking. 28:42 He's begging to come in. 28:44 And what does He want to do when He comes in? 28:46 He wants to cleanse the heart. 28:50 I want to read you a statement that we find in 28:53 Review and Herald, February 11, 1890. 28:56 This was written by Ellen White. 28:57 Review and Herald, February 11, 1890. 29:00 She says... 29:19 So as Jesus is cleansing the heavenly temple, 29:22 there needs to be a work of cleansing on earth. 29:26 Now there's an interesting verse that we find in 29:28 2 Corinthians 7 and verse 1. 29:31 And I'm going to quote from Ellen White where she 29:34 actually quotes this verse so that you can see 29:37 how she explains the meaning of this verse. 29:41 This statement says the following. 29:45 "Now Christ is in the heavenly sanctuary." 29:48 Where is Jesus now? 29:50 In the heavenly sanctuary. 29:52 "And what is He doing," she asks? 29:55 "Making an atonement for us. 29:57 Cleansing the sanctuary from the sins of the people. 30:01 Then we must enter by faith into the sanctuary with Him. 30:08 We must commence the work in the sanctuary of our souls. 30:13 We are to cleanse ourselves from all defilement." 30:18 And then she quotes the verse. 30:20 "We must cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of 30:24 the flesh," that is physical, "and spirit," that is mental 30:29 and spiritual, "perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 30:34 And do you know, in Hebrews 12 verse 14, it says that without 30:37 holiness no one shall see the Lord. 30:41 Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, 30:44 for they shall see God." 30:46 In other words, God requires us, through His power, 30:50 to cleanse the earthly temple as the heavenly temple 30:54 is being cleansed. 30:57 Now the question is, what are the cleansing agents? 31:02 With what does Jesus cleanse the heavenly temple, 31:05 the record of sin in the heavenly temple? 31:07 Hebrews 9 verse 23. 31:10 See, we just noticed that both temples need to be cleansed. 31:13 Now the question is, what are the cleansing agents 31:15 of both temples? 31:17 Hebrews 9 verse 23 says... 31:28 And it's talking about the sacrifices of animals. 31:39 Notice also Hebrews 9 and verses 13 and 14. 31:44 Hebrews 9 and verses 13 and 14. 31:49 It's speaking here about the heavenly sanctuary. 31:51 And it says... 32:24 What is it that cleanses the earthly temple? 32:28 What cleanses the earthly temple is what? 32:31 The blood of Christ. 32:33 What cleanses the heavenly temple? 32:36 What cleanses the heavenly temple is also what? 32:39 The blood of Jesus Christ. 32:42 Notice 1 John chapter 1 and verse 7. 32:45 1 John chapter 1 and verse 7. 32:48 It says here, and we've read this verse before. 33:14 Now, there are two cleansing agents. 33:16 One cleansing agent is the blood of Jesus Christ 33:20 that cleanses us from sin. 33:23 But there's another thing that cleanses us. 33:26 And that is the water. 33:28 Not only the blood, but the water. 33:31 You know, in Hebrews 9 verse 22, it says that almost everything 33:36 in the sanctuary was cleansed by blood. 33:39 Almost everything. 33:41 The other things were cleansed by the water. 33:44 Now the question is, what is the relationship between 33:48 cleansing by the blood and cleansing by the water? 33:52 Let me explain. 33:54 Let's go to Ephesians chapter 5 and verses 25 through 27. 33:59 Ephesians chapter 5 and verses 25 through 27. 34:03 Here, the apostle Paul says this. 34:31 So what is it that cleanses us? 34:33 What washes us, the what? 34:35 The Word. And who is the Word? 34:38 Jesus Christ. 34:39 But where is Jesus to be found in written form? 34:44 In Scripture. 34:46 As we read Scripture, what happens to our moral condition? 34:50 What happens to our sinful condition and our 34:53 sinful tendencies? 34:55 They are cleansed. 34:56 In fact, go with me to another passage 34:58 which is very interesting. 35:00 Psalm 119 and verse 11. 35:02 Psalm 119 and verse 11, and we'll read verses 35:07 9 and 10 for the context. 35:08 Listen to what this says. 35:11 The psalmist asks the question... 35:42 So does the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sin? 35:46 It most certainly does. 35:47 Does also the Word of God through the work of the 35:51 Holy Spirit cleanse our lives from the power of sin? 35:54 It most certainly does. 35:56 And you know the way it works is very simple. 35:58 You know, I start reading in Scripture... 36:01 For example, if I should have a problem with straying eyes. 36:05 You understand what I mean by that? 36:07 The straying eyes as a man? 36:10 And one day I'm reading the Scriptures and I find the text 36:14 that says, "You have heard that it was said in ancient times, 36:17 you shall not commit adultery. 36:18 But I say unto you, whoever looks at a woman to covet her 36:23 has already committed adultery in his heart." 36:26 See, I started out reading Scripture, but now Scripture 36:29 is saying, "That's you." 36:31 Now Scripture is reading me. 36:34 And then the Holy Spirit says, "Now you know 36:37 what your condition is. 36:38 The blood of Jesus can cleanse you from sin." 36:42 And He will cleanse you from sin if you repent, 36:45 and you confess your sin, and you trust in Jesus. 36:47 You see the relationship between the cleansing of the blood 36:51 of Christ and the cleansing of the water? 36:53 They're very closely related. 36:55 You see, the Holy Spirit through Scripture leads us to Jesus. 36:58 And then Jesus... What does He do? 37:01 Through His blood, He cleanses us from sin. 37:06 Go with me to 2 Corinthians 3 verse 18. 37:09 We've read this verse before as well. 37:10 2 Corinthians 3 and once again verse 18. 37:16 Here, the apostle Paul says... 37:29 What are we beholding? 37:31 The glory of the Lord. 37:42 How are we being transformed? 37:45 By beholding whom? 37:47 By beholding Jesus Christ. 37:50 Do you know that we are what we behold? 37:54 You know it's like, what we eat is what we are, physically. 37:59 What we look at and what we hear is what we are spiritually. 38:04 Now what happens when Jesus becomes the 38:07 focus of my attention? 38:09 I see two things. 38:10 Number one, I see the absolute immaculate 38:14 perfection of Jesus Christ. 38:17 And that makes me feel real bad. 38:19 Because I say, "Oh, miserable man that I am." 38:21 Just like the apostle Paul says, "Oh, wretched man that I am. 38:26 Who shall save me from this body of death?" 38:30 But then I see something else. 38:32 As I behold Jesus, not only do I see His immaculate perfection, 38:37 but I also see that in spite of the fact that He was 38:40 immaculately perfect, He suffered a cruel death. 38:46 And He cried out, "My God, My God. 38:48 Why hast Thou forsaken Me?" 38:50 And in the Garden of Gethsemane, He begged His Father to 38:54 take away the cup. 38:56 And so as I behold Jesus, I say, "Why did this happen to You?" 39:01 And Jesus says, "Because of your sins." 39:05 So as I behold His absolute perfection, and as I behold 39:10 His matchless sacrifice, what will happen with 39:14 my concept of sin? 39:16 I will not want anything more to do with what? 39:19 With sin. 39:20 The reason why we sin is we're beholding the wrong things 39:23 and we're listening to the wrong things. 39:25 We are cleansed by the working of the water, 39:27 which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, 39:29 through the what? 39:31 Through the Word. 39:32 Let me give you an illustration. 39:34 Adam and Eve, after they sinned... 39:38 Were they sorry that they had sinned? 39:40 No they weren't. 39:42 When God came to Adam and said, "What have you done?" 39:48 "The woman You gave me..." 39:51 He was making excuses. 39:52 Was he sorry? 39:54 No, he was sorry he got caught. 39:56 But he wasn't sorry for his sin. 39:58 And then God comes to Eve and says, "Eve, what have you done?" 40:01 "The serpent that You made..." 40:03 Was she sorry? 40:05 She wasn't sorry. 40:06 Do you know when they were sorry? 40:07 If you read in Patriarchs and Prophets, 40:10 it's when they had to sacrifice the first animal 40:14 in a world where there was no death. 40:18 Do you know that Ellen White says that when the first leaf 40:20 fell off of a tree, they grieved more deeply than a parent would 40:25 grieve for the loss of a child. 40:29 That's an amazing statement. 40:31 And when they had to slay this lamb, it was a huge trial. 40:36 And she says that then God told Adam, "That lamb is a 40:40 symbol of your Creator who's going to come to the earth. 40:45 And because of your sin, He's going to suffer what 40:48 that lamb suffered in order to save you from your sin." 40:52 Adam and Eve were now really sorry, not for the 40:56 consequences of their sin. 40:58 They were sorry for the sin itself. 41:02 Because they beheld what sin was going to do to Jesus. 41:07 You see, victory over sin is gained by 41:11 beholding Jesus Christ. 41:14 And we behold Him where? 41:16 We behold Him in Scripture. 41:18 That's the washing of the water through the Word. 41:20 And then Jesus, through His blood, cleanses us from all sin. 41:25 Now both of these temples, another parallel, is that 41:28 both of these temples have a court, a camp, 41:34 and an inner shrine. 41:37 Now you say, "What could that possible mean?" 41:40 Do you remember when we studied several lectures ago 41:43 about the work of Jesus in the camp and in the court 41:46 that we said that Jesus did this for every person 41:49 who has lived on planet earth? 41:51 That Jesus lived His perfect life for everyone. 41:55 And Jesus died His death for everyone who has ever lived. 41:59 In other words, His work in the camp and in the court was a 42:02 corporate work that reaches absolutely everyone. 42:07 But let me ask you. 42:08 Must we claim the benefits of the work that Jesus did 42:12 in the camp and the court? 42:13 Must we come into the Holy Place where Jesus now intercedes 42:19 for those who come to Him in repentance? 42:21 And then He takes His life and He takes His death 42:24 and He places them to our account. 42:26 Is it necessary not only to believe that Jesus lived 42:30 and to believe that Jesus died, but also necessary 42:34 to receive Him personally as our Savior and as our Lord? 42:39 Absolutely. 42:41 You see, the camp and the court represent the work of Jesus 42:46 living and dying for us. 42:47 Do you know that the religion of many Christians is a 42:52 religion where they say, "Oh, I believe that Jesus 42:55 lived the life that I should live. 42:56 And I believe that Jesus died the death that I should die. 42:59 And I'm saved." 43:02 Because they believe it where? 43:05 In their brain, in their intellect. 43:08 But that's keeping the truth in the outer court. 43:11 That's keeping the truth in the camp. 43:15 What do you have to do? 43:17 You actually have to repent and confess and trust personally 43:22 in Jesus Christ. 43:23 You have to allow the truth to come into your soul. 43:26 You have to enter the Holy Place where Jesus is 43:29 performing His work, and you have to enter the 43:31 Most Holy Place where Jesus is cleansing the sanctuary. 43:35 Allow me to read you some interesting statements 43:37 from Ellen White on this particular point. 43:40 Volume 5 of the Testimonies, page 547. 43:43 She says this. 44:13 That is, just believing that Jesus lived and died. 44:16 Only believing that Jesus lived and died and that's enough. 44:33 In another statement in Review and Herald, 44:35 February 28, 1907, she says... 44:44 She means a religion of the mind. 45:09 In the devotional book, This Day With God, page 70, 45:12 we find this statement. 45:36 You know, in the days of Christ, the Jews had this problem. 45:41 In Matthew 15 and verse 8, Jesus said... 45:58 Must the truth be brought into the heart and must it 46:02 influence the life? 46:03 It's not enough to believe. 46:05 In fact, James chapter 2 says that the devil 46:09 believes and trembles. 46:12 Does the devil believe that Jesus died? 46:14 Does the devil believe that Jesus lived? 46:17 Does the devil believe that Jesus went to heaven? 46:19 Does the devil believe that Jesus is interceding in heaven? 46:22 Does he believe that Jesus is cleansing the sanctuary? 46:25 Is all of that belief going to save him 46:28 just because he has it in his brain? 46:29 Absolutely not. 46:31 It must affect the life. 46:35 That's why it's so scary in Revelation 3 verse 20 46:38 where it says that Jesus is outside of the door 46:43 knocking and wanting to come into the heart. 46:47 And by the way, the Laodicean church is a church that claims, 46:50 they say, "We are rich and increased with goods, 46:53 and in need of nothing." 46:56 Interesting. 46:58 And yet Jesus is outside of the heart. 47:00 And He says, "You are not rich, you're poor. 47:04 You're not clothed, you're naked. 47:07 You're not happy, you are miserable." 47:11 But Laodicea believes much in the head. 47:14 But there's not much in the practical life. 47:19 Another parallel, it is vital to understand both temples. 47:25 Hebrews chapter 8 verses 1 and 2 tells us this 47:29 about the importance of the heavenly sanctuary. 47:33 The apostle Paul, whom I believe to be the 47:36 author of this book, says... 47:43 He has spoken about the sanctuary in previous chapters. 48:03 Is the heavenly sanctuary an important 48:05 thing for the apostle Paul? 48:06 The whole book of Hebrews is an exposition of the 48:10 importance of the ministry of the heavenly sanctuary. 48:13 And he says the main point is that we have this High Priest 48:17 in the heavenly sanctuary. 48:19 In the book, Counsels for the Church, page 347, 48:24 Ellen White said... 48:33 You've noticed that in this series of meetings. 48:36 All of the truths of the Bible can be explain 48:39 from the perspective of the sanctuary. 48:41 There's not one single one that is not explained. 48:44 And the relationship that all of those teachings 48:47 and all of those concepts have with one another. 48:50 And so she says, "The correct understanding of the 48:52 ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the 48:55 foundation of our faith." 48:57 And she's not saying something that the Bible doesn't say. 48:59 Because Hebrews 6:19-20 makes this clear. 49:03 It says that the ministry of Jesus in the sanctuary 49:06 is an anchor for us. 49:08 Notice what it says there, Hebrews 6 verses 19 and 20. 49:14 Speaking about Jesus. 49:23 So what kind of person is Jesus Christ 49:25 and His ministry in the sanctuary? 49:46 Now let me ask you. 49:47 Is the understanding of our earthly temple also 49:52 of vital significance and importance? 49:55 The understanding of physiology, the understanding of hygiene. 50:00 Is it very important also as it relates to our 50:03 earthly trek and our earthly walk? 50:05 Absolutely. 50:07 Notice this statement from the book, Education, page 195. 50:25 What does "basis" mean? 50:28 It means, the foundation. 50:29 It's another word for foundation. 50:31 She's just said that "The correct understanding of the 50:34 ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the 50:36 foundation of our faith." 50:37 And then she says, "A knowledge of physiology and hygiene 50:41 should be the basis," which is the foundation, 50:43 "of all educational effort." 50:45 So is it also foundational to understand physiology 50:48 and hygiene as it relates to our earthly body temple? 50:51 Absolutely. 50:52 Now here's the reason why. 50:54 In the devotional book, Our High Calling, 50:56 page 266, she has this to say. 50:58 Let me ask you, does your mind have an impact upon your body? 51:04 Does your body have an impact upon your mind? 51:08 Is a drunkard able to grasp spiritual things? 51:14 Do your physical habits have anything to do with 51:17 your spiritual health? 51:18 Yes. 51:20 Does your mental health have anything to do 51:22 with your physical health? 51:23 You know that they interrelate. 51:24 Now listen to this. 51:26 And she's writing this before medical science even 51:30 had any dreams of discovering it. 51:32 She says, "The relationship that exists between the 51:35 mind and body is very intimate. 51:38 When one is affected, the other is always 51:42 more or less in sympathy. 51:45 It is impossible for men, while under the power of sinful, 51:50 health-destroying habits, to appreciate sacred truths. 51:55 When the intellect is clouded, the moral powers are enfeebled, 52:00 and sin does not look sinful." 52:04 Wow. 52:05 "The most ennobling, grand, and glorious themes of God's Word 52:10 seem but idle tales. 52:13 Satan can then easily snatch away the good seed 52:17 that has been sown in the heart; for the soul is in no condition 52:21 to comprehend or understand its value. 52:24 It is thus that selfish, health-destroying indulgences 52:29 are counteracting the influence of the message which is to 52:34 prepare a people for the great day of God." 52:39 Powerful, powerful statement. 52:41 You know, if you want to read a couple of books written by 52:43 Ellen White that will boggle your mind; 52:46 the book, Ministry of Healing. 52:49 If the medical world read that book today, 52:53 there would be a revolutionary change 52:55 in the philosophy of health. 52:59 You know, if people followed the counsels in that book... 53:07 Dare I say it? 53:10 ...the health system would go bankrupt 53:12 because people would get real health just by using 53:17 simple things, most of which are free. 53:22 Now allow me to read you just a couple of 53:24 statements here in closing. 53:26 You know, Ellen White received many visions. 53:29 And some of those visions had to do specifically with health. 53:32 One of those visions was in 1863. 53:36 It was the first vision on health reform 53:38 where on June 6, 1863, she had this vision about 53:45 certain things that should not be eaten and 53:47 certain habits that should be laid aside. 53:52 Let me read you from the book, Counsels on Diet and Foods, 53:54 page 481, she says... 54:12 She saw the extreme importance of health 54:17 in having a spiritual nature that is connected with God. 54:22 She not only wrote Ministry of Healing, but she also wrote 54:25 the book, Counsels on Health. 54:27 And there are many other books that are compilations 54:29 from her writings. 54:31 Like for example the book, Medical Ministry, that deals 54:33 with the administration of hospitals and so on. 54:37 She also, didn't write, but there's a compilation of her 54:42 writings that is called, Counsels on Diet and Foods, 54:46 where much of what she said over 100 years ago 54:49 has been proven true by medical science. 54:52 It's amazing. 54:54 All you have to do is go for yourself and read these books. 54:57 Read Ministry of Healing, Counsels on Health, 54:59 Counsels on Diet and Foods, Medical Ministry, 55:02 and other books that she wrote on healthful living. 55:05 And her counsels are amazing. 55:07 They're very much up to date. 55:10 You see folks, an understanding of the heavenly sanctuary 55:13 is absolutely indispensable to be prepared 55:18 for the coming of Jesus 55:19 But also physical health and caring for our physical temple 55:25 is also just as important in our preparation 55:28 for the coming of Christ. 55:30 In fact, I'd like to end by reading a couple of statements. 55:33 One of them is in Testimonies for the Church, 55:35 volume 3, page 162. 56:30 Now what are the remedies that she spoke of? 56:34 Most of them are free. 56:35 Ministry of Healing, 127, she says, "Pure air." 56:39 How much was your last bill for pure air? 56:43 "Sunlight. 56:45 Abstemiousness." 56:47 That means to abstain from that which is harmful. 56:50 "Rest, 56:51 Exercise. 56:54 Proper diet. 56:56 Use of water. 56:59 Trust in divine power. 57:01 These are the true remedies. 57:05 Every person should have a knowledge of nature's 57:08 remedial agencies and how to apply them. 57:12 It is essential both to understand the principles 57:15 involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a 57:17 practical training that will enable one rightly 57:21 to use this knowledge." 57:24 So is it important to understand the heavenly sanctuary? 57:28 Yes. How about the earthly temple? 57:30 Just as much. |
Revised 2014-12-17