His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Holy And The Profane

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000028

00:31 Shall we pray.
00:34 Our loving heavenly Father, what a privilege it is
00:38 to come before Your throne, the King of the universe,
00:43 to present our requests to You.
00:46 We thank You, Father, that we have Your Word.
00:49 This Word that keeps us in the strait and narrow
00:54 but shows us exactly what is in harmony with Your will.
00:58 As we speak today about the importance of distinguishing
01:03 the holy from the common, we ask for the guidance
01:06 of Your Holy Spirit.
01:07 Open our hearts and open our minds
01:11 that we might be willing to receive what You have for us.
01:15 And we thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer.
01:18 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:24 The Bible gives us stories that teach universal principles
01:32 that apply in every age.
01:36 Now, the circumstances of those stories might change.
01:42 But the principles illustrated by those stories
01:47 remain eternally.
01:51 I'd like to begin by speaking about the conquest of Jericho.
01:58 If you'd go with me to Joshua chapter 6,
02:01 we're going to read several verses here in this chapter
02:04 of the book of Joshua that speaks about the conquest
02:07 of the Promised Land.
02:10 Now when Israel crossed the Jordon, the first city that
02:13 they came to was the city of Jericho.
02:17 And God told them that they should march around the city
02:21 seven days and seven times on the seventh day.
02:24 And of course when they did that, the city
02:28 was destroyed by God.
02:32 Now, God had warned the Israelites not to take
02:36 anything that was in the city for themselves.
02:40 I'd like to read Joshua chapter 6 and verse 18,
02:45 where we are told, "And you, by all means abstain from the
02:51 accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take
02:57 of the accursed things, and make the camp of Israel
03:01 a curse, and trouble it."
03:05 Now that word, "accursed," at least the time where it is
03:10 used first and the third time that it is used,
03:15 is the Hebrew word, "cherem."
03:18 And basically, that word is also translated in the
03:21 Old Testament, "devoted."
03:25 In other words, I believe that the best translation
03:28 is not to "abstain from accursed things,"
03:30 but abstain from devoted things.
03:34 Now allow me to read you another text from the book of Leviticus
03:39 where this word is translated "devoted,"
03:42 so that you can see that it is translated "devoted"
03:45 in the Old Testament.
03:46 Leviticus chapter 27 and verse 28.
03:50 Leviticus 27 verse 28 uses the same word, "cherem."
03:55 It says there, "Nevertheless no devoted..."
04:00 Same word.
04:02 "...no devoted offering that a man may devote..."
04:05 There's the same word again.
04:07 "...to the Lord of all that he has, both man and beast,
04:12 or the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed;
04:17 every devoted..."
04:18 There's the word used for the third time.
04:20 "...every devoted offering is most holy to the Lord."
04:28 So I believe that in Joshua, the better translation
04:31 is not "accursed."
04:32 The best translation is "devoted."
04:35 The things in Jericho were devoted, or set apart.
04:41 Now you say, set apart for what?
04:44 Well, the book of Joshua tells us for what.
04:48 Chapter 6 and verse 19, the very next verse
04:53 says the following.
05:13 What was the gold and the silver and the bronze to be used for?
05:17 It was to come into the treasury of the Lord.
05:20 In other words, these things were devoted to whom?
05:24 They were devoted to God.
05:26 They weren't accursed.
05:28 They were devoted to God.
05:30 Interestingly enough, in this verse Joshua 6 verse 19
05:35 where it says that they are consecrated to the Lord,
05:39 the Hebrew word there is "qadash."
05:42 Which means, to set apart as holy.
05:47 Now listen up.
05:49 Jericho was the first city that Israel conquered
05:55 in the Promised Land.
05:57 And because it was the first city that Israel conquered,
06:01 the goods of the city were God's tithe of the Holy Land.
06:07 After that, God gave Israel permission to take of the loot
06:11 when cities fell.
06:13 But when it was Jericho, the things of Jericho were devoted.
06:18 They were set apart as holy for the Lord.
06:23 Now there was one individual who's name was Achan,
06:28 who took some of the gold and some of the silver
06:31 and hid it under his tent.
06:34 Now interestingly enough, the sin of Achan was not only
06:39 the sin of stealing.
06:42 The sin of Achan was taking what was holy
06:46 to use for his own secular use.
06:51 He was taking the tithe of the land that belonged to the Lord,
06:55 and he was using that which was dedicated to the Lord,
06:58 that which was holy, for his common everyday use.
07:04 There's one thing which is very clear in the Old Testament
07:08 as well as in the New.
07:10 And that is that the priests were to teach the people
07:14 the difference between the holy and the common.
07:17 In fact, the High Priest wore on his forehead a miter.
07:23 And I want you to notice what this miter said.
07:26 It was kind of like a crown.
07:27 It had an inscription on it.
07:29 Exodus chapter 28 and verse 36 speaks about this miter,
07:34 or this crown, that he used and the inscription that was on it.
07:38 It says here...
07:54 What was the inscription on the miter of the High Priest?
07:57 Holiness unto the Lord.
08:00 The priests were to teach the people the distinction between
08:04 the holy and the common.
08:07 Let's read another verse where this is made very, very clear.
08:11 Ezekiel 44 and verse 23.
08:19 Here it's speaking about the priests and one of the duties
08:22 of the priests of Israel.
08:24 Notice what we are told here.
08:27 And by the way, Ezekiel 40 through 48 is speaking
08:30 about the services of the temple.
08:32 So this is in a sanctuary context.
08:36 It says there, "And they..." That is the priests.
08:46 Unholy means simply, common.
08:57 In other words, the priests of Israel were to teach the people
09:01 the distinction between the holy and that which was secular,
09:05 or was common.
09:08 You see, in Israel, there was holy money and secular money.
09:15 In Israel, there was holy dress and secular dress.
09:20 In Israel, there were common days and holy days.
09:24 In Israel, there were common places and holy places.
09:28 In Israel, there was holy music and common music.
09:33 In Israel, there were holy occasions and there were
09:38 common occasions.
09:40 In Israel, there were holy vocations and there were
09:43 common vocations.
09:45 And the priests were to teach the Israelites the clear
09:48 distinction between that which had been dedicated to God,
09:52 that which was holy, and that which was common.
09:58 The Bible tells us that the priests failed miserably
10:03 in this task.
10:04 Ezekiel 22 and verse 26.
10:07 Ezekiel 22 and verse 26 speaks about the priests
10:12 and their failure to do this task.
10:16 It says there in Ezekiel 22 verse 26...
10:53 So I want to underline the fact that the priests were
10:57 to teach the people clearly the distinction between that which
11:02 was holy and that which was common.
11:06 Now there was one thing in the sanctuary
11:08 which was very holy, among other things.
11:11 And that was the incense that was used to burn
11:16 on the altar of incense, or the golden altar.
11:21 Exodus 30 verses 7 through 9 speaks about this incense
11:26 that was to be offered.
11:27 Incidentally, it was a special formula.
11:31 And no one was to duplicate this holy formula.
11:36 Because the Bible tells us that if anybody tried to duplicate
11:39 the formula and use the incense in a secular environment,
11:43 the sentence was death.
11:46 Notice Exodus chapter 30 and verses 7 through 9.
11:52 This is the altar of incense.
12:20 What does that mean, strange incense?
12:22 It means, any other kind of incense than the incense
12:26 that is made with this special formula, which is holy
12:30 and dedicated to God.
12:32 "Don't you offer any other kind of incense
12:35 on My altar of incense."
12:38 Was God serious about this?
12:40 Isn't incense incense?
12:44 Absolutely not.
12:46 There was a special incense that was holy
12:49 and it was not to be used as secular.
12:52 And secular incense was not to be presented as holy
12:57 before the Lord.
12:59 Now the question is, what did the incense represent?
13:03 Well, let's read a few verses from Scripture to see
13:06 what the incense symbolized.
13:09 Psalm 141 and verse 2.
13:15 It says there...
13:28 So what is incense connected with here in
13:30 Psalm 141 and verse 2?
13:33 It's connected with prayer.
13:34 But now listen carefully.
13:37 This text tells us that the prayer is linked with incense.
13:44 But there's more to the story.
13:46 Go with me to Revelation chapter 8 and verse 3.
13:50 The prayer itself was not the incense.
13:53 The incense was something separate from the prayer.
13:57 Notice, Revelation chapter 8 and verse 3
14:00 makes this distinction clear.
14:02 It says here...
14:09 This is in heaven, by the way.
14:10 This is the heavenly sanctuary.
14:26 Does the incense represent the prayers?
14:29 No, the incense is offered with the prayers.
14:34 That's a very important detail.
14:36 Now go with me to Luke chapter 1 verses 8 through 10
14:40 where you have both the symbol and what the symbol represents.
14:45 Luke 1 verses 8 through 10.
14:47 It's speaking about Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist,
14:51 and he was serving in the sanctuary.
14:54 And I want you to notice at what hour he was burning incense
14:59 on the altar, and what the people were doing outside
15:02 while he was burning the incense on the altar.
15:04 It says in Luke chapter 1 and verse 8...
15:13 Which, by the way, was the eight division.
15:23 So Zacharias goes in and he's going to burn incense.
15:26 Now what were the people doing outside?
15:29 The incense is added to what?
15:31 To the prayers of the saints.
15:33 Now that's the symbol, right?
15:35 That's the symbol in the sanctuary.
15:36 But what did that symbol represent?
15:40 The last verse tells us. Verse 10 says...
15:50 So there you have the reality, the prayers, and you also have
15:54 the symbol, which is the incense that's being
15:57 burned on the altar.
15:59 Now what does the incense represent?
16:01 It's added to the prayers of God's people.
16:06 Let me read you a statement that we find in
16:08 Selected Message, volume 1, page 329
16:11 where Ellen White explains this symbolism of the incense that
16:16 is added to the prayers of the saints.
16:18 Can we pray to God...
16:19 Would God listen to our prayers if our prayers went
16:21 directly to his throne?
16:24 He would have to destroy us because our prayers are defiled.
16:27 They come from sinful lips.
16:31 What must happen with our prayers?
16:33 They must be cleansed and purified by the
16:35 righteousness of Christ.
16:38 Because He's our Intercessor.
16:39 They can't go just as bare prayers before the Lord.
16:43 Notice what we find here in this statement.
16:45 Profound.
16:46 She says, "With the confession of the repenting believing
16:52 sinner, Christ mingles His own righteousness
16:58 that the prayer of fallen man may go up as fragrant
17:03 incense before the Father, and the grace of God be imparted
17:09 to the believing soul."
17:11 So what does incense represent?
17:14 It represents the merits of Christ's righteousness
17:19 that makes our prayers acceptable before God.
17:25 Now the question is, what does the fire represent?
17:30 Because you have the incense.
17:31 The incense represents the merits of Christ that are
17:33 added to our prayers.
17:34 But what was it that made the incense ascend?
17:39 Is was the fire, right?
17:40 The burning of the incense is what made the incense ascend.
17:44 Now what does the fire represent?
17:47 Well, I think you know what fire represents
17:49 in Scripture symbolically.
17:51 It represents the Holy Spirit.
17:54 On the day of Pentecost, what happened?
17:56 Tongues of fire were seen.
17:59 John the Baptist said He will baptize you with the
18:02 Holy Spirit, and with what?
18:04 And with fire.
18:05 Fire in Scripture represents the Holy Spirit.
18:08 And I'm going to show you in a few moments
18:10 that our prayers are actually aided by the Holy Spirit
18:15 so that we know what to ask for and how to pray.
18:18 The Holy Spirit is involved in bearing our prayers to Christ
18:23 so that Christ can represent us in the heavenly sanctuary.
18:26 Now I want you to notice Leviticus chapter 9
18:30 and verses 23 and 24.
18:32 Leviticus chapter 9 verses 23 and 24.
18:36 This is when the sanctuary sacrifices were established
18:41 in the wilderness tabernacle.
18:44 I want you to notice what happened when the sacrifices
18:48 had been placed upon the altar.
18:50 It says here...
19:03 "And fire came out from before the Lord..."
19:07 And we spoke about this in a previous lecture.
19:09 How did God show that He accepted the
19:11 sacrifice of Christ?
19:14 By the tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost.
19:16 Remember?
19:17 So notice what it continues saying, verse 24.
19:32 So how did God show that He accepted the sacrifices
19:35 that were placed upon the altar?
19:36 He rained fire from heaven.
19:38 Now listen carefully.
19:39 That fire that He rained from heaven was holy fire.
19:45 It was fire that came from the Lord.
19:49 Now let me ask you.
19:50 If you had compared that fire with any other fire,
19:54 would the two fires look similar?
19:56 Sure, absolutely.
19:57 If you stuck your finger in one or the other fire,
20:00 would your finger be burned?
20:02 Absolutely.
20:03 If some chemist examined the chemical qualities
20:06 of common fire and holy fire, would it be the same.
20:10 Of course.
20:11 What made that fire holy?
20:14 The fact that God had rained it from heaven.
20:17 That was holy fire.
20:18 And God told the priests, "When you take fire
20:22 into the sanctuary to burn the incense,
20:25 you make sure that you take this holy fire.
20:30 Don't you take Me any other incense,
20:33 and don't you take Me any other fire."
20:36 Now we need to read the very next chapter.
20:39 Because we have a story of two men, sons of Aaron,
20:45 who ignored that command of God.
20:49 They took the right incense, but the wrong fire.
20:54 They used common fire and they presented it as if it were holy.
20:59 Let's read about it.
21:01 Leviticus chapter 10 and verse 1.
21:14 No problem with the incense, evidently.
21:17 A problem with the fire which represents our prayers
21:21 taken to the presence of Christ through the work
21:23 of the Holy Spirit.
21:35 Some versions say, "strange fire."
21:37 It's not the fire from the altar.
21:47 Did they know which fire they should offer?
21:50 You better believe they knew.
21:51 Was this willful disobedience and trampling
21:56 on the holiness of God?
21:58 It most certainly was.
21:59 Because God had not commanded them to take that common fire.
22:03 He said, "You take the holy fire from the altar,
22:06 because that's the fire that I rained from heaven."
22:08 They willfully disobeyed God.
22:12 So what was the result?
22:14 When God sees them bring in this common fire, God says,
22:17 "Oh, who cares. Fire is fire."
22:21 No.
22:23 Is God serious when He says that something is holy?
22:26 Oh, God is very serious when He says that something is holy.
22:30 And we see how serious He was in this story.
22:34 We're told in chapter 10 and verse 2...
22:48 Wow.
22:49 Because they presented common fire as if it were... What?
22:53 ...as if it were holy.
22:56 Now let me read you that statement from Scripture
22:59 where it says that the Holy Spirit helps us in our
23:02 prayer life and actually intercedes with us before
23:06 Jesus with groanings.
23:08 Romans chapter 8 and verses 26 and 27.
23:12 Romans chapter 8 and verses 26 and 27.
23:16 Here, the apostle Paul says, "Likewise, the Spirit
23:20 also helps in our weaknesses.
23:23 For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought,
23:29 but the Spirit Himself..." Does what?
23:32 "...makes intercession for us with groanings
23:37 which cannot be uttered."
23:38 That is what the fire represents.
23:41 Our prayers ascend to God through the help
23:44 of the Holy Spirit.
23:45 And by the way, the Holy Spirit does it through coordinating
23:48 the angelic hosts, as we've studied before.
23:52 Now, are there certain prayers that God rejects?
23:56 How about prayers where we pray to God
24:00 in willful disobedience to God?
24:04 Does God hear those prayers?
24:06 Absolutely not.
24:08 Notice what Scripture has to say to us.
24:10 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 9.
24:13 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 9.
24:16 It says here...
24:24 That's God's clearly revealed will.
24:32 So if you say the law was nailed to the cross,
24:35 that we don't have to keep the law anymore,
24:36 that the law was for the Jews,
24:38 we're not under the law but we're under grace...
24:42 Does God listen to those prayers?
24:44 According to the Bible, He doesn't.
24:47 Because it says, "He who turns away his ear from hearing
24:51 the law, even his prayer is an abomination."
24:53 Notice also Psalm 66 and verses 18 through 20.
24:58 The same idea comes forth.
25:00 Psalm 66 and verses 18 through 20.
25:27 So what happens when you, according to this text,
25:30 when you regard iniquity in your heart or when you turn away
25:35 your ear from hearing the explicitly revealed
25:38 Word of God?
25:39 What happens?
25:41 You can pray to God, but Jesus will not present that prayer
25:45 before the Father.
25:48 Very serious.
25:50 Now let's continue in our story of Nadab and Abihu.
25:54 Let's go to Leviticus chapter 10 and verse 3.
25:57 Now God is going to explain something to Moses and Aaron.
26:03 He says this...
26:18 "Those who come into My presence must recognize
26:20 that I am..." What?
26:22 "...that I am holy."
26:32 God is saying, "When you come into My presence,
26:34 you make sure that you respect that which is holy."
26:39 God is saying, "I will not be played with.
26:41 I will not be trifled with.
26:43 You can't approach Me any old way that you
26:46 want to approach Me.
26:48 You have to approach Me on My terms.
26:50 You have to respect that which is holy."
26:53 He's saying, "Don't consider Me your good old buddy
26:55 or the Man upstairs.
26:57 Consider Me the high and lofty One who's name is holy,
27:02 who also comes and inhabits with those who are humble
27:05 and contrite of heart."
27:08 God is serious when He says that we're suppose to
27:11 separate that which is holy from that which is common.
27:15 I wonder what He says about some worship services
27:19 of Christians in the world today.
27:22 We'll come back to that a little bit later.
27:25 Now I want you to notice what we find in Leviticus chapter 10
27:29 and verses 4 through 7.
27:32 God, here, gives a drastic formula to Moses and Aaron.
27:38 He says something that is difficult for us to understand.
27:42 He actually says, "Don't you dare mourn those two young men."
27:47 Wow.
27:48 Let's read about it.
27:50 Notice Leviticus chapter 10 and we'll read verses 4 through 7.
28:08 Notice, they're thrown outside the camp,
28:10 because they're no longer members of God's chosen people.
28:30 Which would be signs of affliction.
28:52 You see, if the people had mourned these two young men,
28:55 they would have given the impression that they were
28:58 sympathizing with them.
29:00 Do you remember what happened in the rebellion of Korah,
29:04 Dathan, and Abiram?
29:06 You see, they were Levites, but they wanted to be priests.
29:10 And so they brought their censors before the Lord saying,
29:13 "We want to be priests and, you know, we're capable.
29:16 We are able to do it.
29:17 So why does the Lord say we can't?"
29:19 And so Moses says, "Bring your censors."
29:22 And they brought their censors, 250 of them.
29:25 And Moses says, "If I'm a prophet of the Lord
29:27 and the earth opens up and swallows you up,
29:30 then you're going to know whether I'm right or not."
29:34 And the Bible says that the earth opened up
29:37 and swallowed up these 250 men.
29:40 And do you know what Israel did?
29:42 They started condemning the Lord and sympathizing
29:46 with those who had been swallowed up by the earth.
29:49 And God says, "Now what a minute."
29:50 God was not going to allow that to happen with Nadab and Abihu.
29:53 If people had mourned them, it would have been an announcement
29:57 that they were sorry for the death of the young men.
29:59 God says, "You be sorry that My holiness has
30:02 been trampled upon."
30:04 Now we need to ask a very important question.
30:07 Why did Nadab and Abihu offer common fire before the Lord?
30:12 They knew that they had to offer holy fire.
30:15 Why did they take common fire and offer it?
30:18 Why is it that they saw no difference between the
30:20 holy and the common?
30:22 The book of Leviticus explains why.
30:24 Notice chapter 10 and verses 8 and 9.
30:27 Leviticus chapter 10 and verses 8 and 9.
30:34 Listen to counsel, now.
30:53 Why weren't Nadab and Abihu able to distinguish
30:57 the holy from the common?
30:59 Because they were under the influence.
31:02 They were intoxicated with wine.
31:05 Which did not allow them to distinguish the holy
31:10 from the common.
31:11 Not only that, Moses also gave some additional counsel.
31:17 He said, "Don't intoxicate yourselves
31:19 so that you don't die before the Lord.
31:21 So that you are able to distinguish between
31:23 the holy and the common.
31:24 But then notice what he also says in verses 10 and 11
31:27 of Leviticus 10.
31:52 In other words, the counsel given is, "Don't drink
31:55 when you're going into the sanctuary.
31:57 So that you can distinguish the holy from the common.
32:00 And also so that you have clear minds and you're able
32:04 to teach the statutes or the laws of God to His people,
32:09 to Israel."
32:11 So what was the great sin of Nadab and Abihu?
32:15 Is was the sin of taking that which was common
32:20 and presenting it to God as if it was holy.
32:27 How did God look upon that?
32:29 Not very favorably according to the story.
32:33 But now I want us to look at another story
32:36 that presents the other side of the coin.
32:40 The other side of the coin; meaning, how does God feel
32:44 when somebody takes something that is holy
32:47 and treats it as if it is common?
32:51 See, the problem with Nadab and Abihu was that they took
32:53 that which was common and presented it as holy.
32:56 How does God feel when we take something that's holy
32:58 and we treat it as though it's common?
33:00 We have a story in the Bible that illustrates that point.
33:04 Daniel chapter 5.
33:05 Go with me to Daniel chapter 5 and verse 1.
33:09 This chapter describes the fall of Babylon
33:13 when Darius the Mede, or Darius as he's usually called,
33:16 when Darius the Mede came to Babylon and dried up the
33:20 river Euphrates, and the city fell.
33:24 Now that night, the Bible tells us, that Belshazzar
33:27 was celebrating a special banquet.
33:31 Imagine, the invading armies were outside the city,
33:34 and here he was having a banquet for a thousand of his leaders.
33:39 Now notice what we find in Daniel chapter 5 and verse 1.
33:58 This was the straw that broke the camel's back,
34:01 we're going to notice.
34:03 He was drinking wine.
34:05 He was intoxicated.
34:07 And for that reason, he was not able to distinguish
34:11 what was holy from what was common.
34:14 Go with me to verse 2 of Daniel chapter 5.
34:17 It says, "While he tasted the wine..."
34:20 This is interesting, "While he tasted the wine..."
34:22 In other words, he's drinking wine.
34:23 While he was drinking the wine...
34:35 Were these holy vessels? Absolutely.
34:51 Interesting.
34:52 That he would take the holy vessels and he would treat them
34:55 as if they were... What?
34:57 ...as if they were common.
34:59 Drinking in a common social activity at a banquet.
35:04 Now you're saying, did Belshazzar know that he
35:06 was doing wrong?
35:08 We're going to notice that he knew very well
35:10 what those vessels were and where they had come from.
35:14 He knew the whole story of Nebuchadnezzar.
35:16 And yet he still, because he was intoxicated,
35:19 he couldn't think straight, he brought those
35:21 holy vessels and he treated them as if they were common.
35:25 Notice Daniel chapter 5 and verse 3.
35:33 Holy vessels, folks.
35:43 Now I want you to notice something very important
35:45 in the next verse.
35:47 They were intoxicated, and therefore they were not
35:49 able to distinguish the holy from the common.
35:52 And the end result was that they ended up practicing idolatry.
36:00 Notice Daniel chapter 5 and verse 4.
36:16 Did a failure to distinguish between the holy and the
36:19 common lead to idolatry?
36:21 Absolutely.
36:23 It led to worshipping idols that were made with men's hands.
36:29 Are you following me or not?
36:31 Very, very important.
36:33 It led to breaking the commandment that says,
36:36 "Thou shalt not have any other gods before Me,"
36:40 and the commandment that says, don't make images and don't
36:43 bow down to those images.
36:45 And it was also a trampling on the name of God.
36:48 And so basically, what we find here is that Belshazzar,
36:54 because he did not distinguish the holy from the common
36:57 fell into idolatry and trampled upon the commandments of God.
37:01 Particularly, the first table of the law.
37:05 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 5 and verses 5 and 6.
37:09 This is the straw that broke the camel's back,
37:11 as I was mentioning to you.
37:13 See, God had put up with a lot when it came to Belshazzar.
37:16 But when it came to not distinguishing the holy from
37:19 the common, and as a result trampling on God's commandments
37:23 and practicing false worship, God said, "That's it."
37:26 Notice Daniel 5:5 and 6.
37:54 And so to make a long story short, eventually Daniel
37:58 comes to interpret the meaning of the handwriting on the wall,
38:02 because the experts in Babylon couldn't do it.
38:05 And Daniel gives him a long speech about the story of
38:08 Nebuchadnezzar's insanity.
38:10 Because he became arrogant and proud, God said,
38:14 "I humbled him for seven years."
38:16 And then in verse 22 of chapter 5, we see
38:20 that Belshazzar knew this very well.
38:24 He was trampling on what he knew very well was holy.
38:28 It says in Daniel chapter 5 verse 22...
38:40 Was this willful disobedience to God in taking what was holy
38:44 and treating it as if it was common and trampling on
38:48 God's commandments and practicing false worship?
38:50 Absolutely.
38:53 Now there are other stories in the Old Testament
38:55 and in the New Testament that illustrates the same principle.
38:59 Remember the story of Uzzah?
39:01 God had said, "Don't you touch the ark.
39:05 The ark was being brought back from the Philistine cities
39:09 and it was going up a hill and it looked like it was
39:11 going to fall off.
39:13 And the Bible says that a man called Uzzah reached out
39:16 to hold the ark.
39:17 And God said, "Uzzah, thank you for saving My ark."
39:21 No, that's not what God said.
39:23 The Bible says that instantly he dropped dead
39:26 because he had touched the holy ark of God.
39:28 Does God take seriously what He has made holy?
39:31 Oh, yes He does.
39:33 You know, Christians don't want to talk about that today.
39:35 They want a lovey-dovey God.
39:37 You know, a Santa Clause God.
39:40 And even better than Santa Clause.
39:42 He gives presents to those who are naughty and nice.
39:45 Now, the story of Ananias and Sapphira.
39:48 You remember that story? That's New Testament now.
39:50 That's after the day of Pentecost.
39:52 Remember that they had devoted a certain amount of money
39:54 to the Lord and they held back some of it?
39:57 And so they come and Peter says,
39:58 "Have you given all of the money?"
40:00 "Yes, we have."
40:01 Boom, Ananias falls dead.
40:04 And then Sapphira comes in.
40:06 And Peter says, "Did you sell what you said you were
40:09 going to sell and give the money to the Lord?"
40:10 "Yes, we did."
40:12 Boom, she fell and she died on the spot.
40:14 Because they had held back what they had devoted
40:18 as holy to the Lord.
40:20 Do you remember what happened when the prophet Elisha,
40:25 whom it seems had the same type of problem that I have.
40:28 He was going bald.
40:30 But you know, the 42 kids, they come running behind Elisha.
40:34 They say, "Go up, you bald head. Go up, you bald head."
40:37 The Bible says that he turned and he cursed them
40:39 in the name of the Lord.
40:40 See, he was God's holy prophet.
40:43 Don't you criticize God's holy prophet.
40:45 You might get leprosy.
40:47 Remember the story of Miriam who criticized Moses?
40:51 The Bible says that two she bears came out.
40:54 The Bible doesn't say that they killed the children.
40:57 But the Bible says that they went away and they were hurt
41:00 by these two she bears.
41:02 Because God expected His holy prophet to be respected.
41:08 Now, let's talk about the end time scenario of all of this.
41:14 Because these are stories that we find in Scripture that have
41:18 principles that we need to apply to end time events.
41:22 Revelation chapter 17.
41:24 And we're not going to study this chapter.
41:26 This is a complex chapter.
41:27 I've done some presentations on this chapter before,
41:31 if you're interested.
41:32 Now Revelation 17, just summarizing, you have a
41:35 harlot woman.
41:36 And this harlot woman is seated on many waters.
41:39 The waters represent multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples.
41:44 The Bible says that this harlot is clothed
41:47 in purple and scarlet.
41:49 And she has daughters that were born from her.
41:53 Because she's the mother of harlots,
41:55 according to this passage.
41:57 The Bible tells us that she has a cup in her hand.
42:01 And what do you suppose is in the cup?
42:03 Wine.
42:05 Welch's? No.
42:08 Ernest and Julio Gallo.
42:11 Fermented wine.
42:13 And she gives this wine to the kings of the earth.
42:17 And she gives this wine to the multitudes of the earth.
42:20 And she makes them drunk.
42:23 And prophecy tells us that as a result, people practice idolatry
42:28 and they trample on the commandments of God,
42:31 and they persecute those who keep the commandments of God.
42:35 Allow me to read you a passage from Great Controversy page 389,
42:39 a powerful statement from Ellen White.
42:41 She saw what this wine represents.
42:43 And if I had time, I would need a whole lecture
42:45 to deal with what is Babylon's abominable wine.
42:48 It represents her false teachings
42:50 or her false doctrines.
42:51 Notice what she says.
43:51 Who is to blame for the confusion in the world,
43:54 the religious and doctrinal confusion in the world?
43:58 It is the religious leaders, the ministers,
44:01 that are teaching things that are not found in God's Word.
44:04 And they're teaching practices that the Word of God condemns.
44:08 This is the reason why God gives a last time message
44:11 to those who are in these churches.
44:14 And He calls them to come out.
44:16 Notice Revelation chapter 18 verses 1 through 5.
44:19 Revelation chapter 18 verses 1 through 5.
44:22 After talking about the fall of Babylon
44:24 and the sinfulness of Babylon, God makes a call for His
44:27 people to come out.
44:50 These are unclean birds that represent demons.
44:54 Remember when Jesus spoke in the parable of the sower,
44:56 that the birds came and took away the seed of truth?
44:59 And then He explains what it means.
45:00 Satan comes and he takes away the seed of truth
45:03 from the heart so that people will not believe.
45:05 Notice verse 3.
45:09 This is why Babylon has become this way.
45:41 Does God have a people in Babylon?
45:43 Does God have a people in all these churches
45:45 where the truth is not taught?
45:46 You better believe it.
45:48 Most of His people are in all of the churches of the world.
45:52 Sincere loving people who serve God to the best
45:56 of their knowledge.
45:58 But they're simply listening probably to their
46:00 religious leaders that teach them things that are directly
46:04 contrary to scripture.
46:06 But if they're sincere and they truly love the Lord,
46:09 when they hear the truth they will hear the voice of Jesus
46:12 and they will come out.
46:15 Now let's apply this in practical terms,
46:17 what we've studied.
46:19 Let me ask you.
46:21 Is Sunday holy?
46:25 Is the Sabbath holy?
46:29 Who made Sunday holy?
46:34 It is an idol of time created by man.
46:41 Am I right?
46:43 Most certainly so.
46:46 Now, why do I say this?
46:48 Why is it that Christians today exalt Sunday as a holy day
46:56 of worship and they say that you don't have to keep the Sabbath?
47:01 The reason why is because they are drinking the wine
47:05 of the harlot.
47:08 The Roman Catholic Papacy who claims to have changed the
47:11 day of worship, as we have studied in this seminar.
47:15 They don't try to hide it.
47:17 They say, "We were the ones who changed the day,
47:20 by the authority that Jesus Christ gave to the church
47:23 to change His commandments."
47:26 In other words, the religious world is intoxicated
47:29 with the wine of Babylon.
47:32 You see, the first day, according to the Bible,
47:34 is a common work day.
47:37 Because God said, "Six days shall you labor and
47:40 do all your work.
47:41 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
47:45 So in other words, Sunday is a common work day.
47:48 The Sabbath is God's what?
47:50 Is God's rest day.
47:54 Is the Christian world distinguishing between
47:56 the holy and the common?
47:58 They are not distinguishing between the holy and the common.
48:01 And listen careful to what I'm going to say.
48:03 As a result, they are practicing idolatry.
48:09 You're saying, "Now wait a minute.
48:11 Are you saying that the observance
48:13 of Sunday is idolatry?"
48:16 Some are doing it ignorantly.
48:18 But never the less, it is idolatry.
48:20 And you say, "How is that?"
48:22 Well, let me explain how.
48:24 Let me ask you.
48:26 Who created the sun?
48:29 God created the sun.
48:31 Is the sun a holy object or a secular object?
48:36 A secular object, right?
48:39 Now what happens if you make the sun a sacred object
48:44 and you worship the sun?
48:46 What is that called?
48:48 Idolatry.
48:50 Now, who made the first day of the week?
48:54 God.
48:56 Did He make that day holy?
48:58 So what happens if you make that day holy?
49:02 It's idolatry.
49:03 It's the same principle.
49:05 The only difference is that the first is an idol composed of
49:09 matter, whereas the second is an idol composed of time.
49:14 But it's still an idol because it's something made by man
49:17 for worship that God did not make for worship.
49:21 Are you following me?
49:23 Now let me read you a statement from Ellen White,
49:25 Volume 9 of the Testimonies, page 211.
49:27 I know what I'm saying is strong.
49:30 But it's the truth.
49:32 Notice what she says.
49:35 "The Sabbath question is one that will demand great care
49:41 and wisdom in its presentation.
49:44 Much of the grace and power of God will be needed
49:49 to cast down the idol..."
49:53 To cast down what?
49:55 "...the idol that has been erected in the shape
50:00 of a false Sabbath."
50:04 So what is the first day of the week for the Christian world?
50:07 It is a what? An idol.
50:09 Because anything that man makes for worship
50:12 that God did not make for worship is... What?
50:15 ...is an idol.
50:17 And I repeat once again, the only difference between
50:20 worshipping the sun and worshipping on the day
50:22 of the sun is that man made the sun an object of worship,
50:26 and made time a matter of worship.
50:30 But the principle is exactly the same.
50:34 Now you're saying, "Pastor, are you saying then that
50:36 God does not accept the prayers of those individuals
50:39 who are keeping Sunday?"
50:41 I'm not saying that at all.
50:43 Because most Christians are oblivious to what
50:45 I'm talking about tonight.
50:47 Most Christians don't know anything about this.
50:49 They simply go to church on Sunday and they assimilate
50:52 what their religious leaders teach them.
50:53 And then they go home and watch the football game.
50:57 Or go to the restaurant to go out to eat.
51:01 Now if you don't know about this and you're sincere
51:04 and you love the Lord and you're going to church on Sunday,
51:08 God still accepts your prayers.
51:10 However, according to what we've studied,
51:13 if you know the truth of God, if you know from your studies
51:17 that the Sabbath is God's rest day and you insist
51:20 on keeping Sunday because of family, because of friends,
51:23 because of work, or whatever it is,
51:27 then you are accountable before God
51:30 and God will not hear your prayers.
51:33 Because the Bible tells us that he who turns away his ear
51:37 from hearing God's law, his prayer will be... What?
51:41 ...will be an abomination.
51:43 And that's why the world needs to know this.
51:47 The religious world needs to know this
51:49 that we're talking about.
51:50 Now allow me to read you a statement from Ellen White
51:53 where she describes, where she actually connects the
51:57 sin of Nadab and Abihu with this Sabbath Sunday issue.
52:02 She says, "Those who ignore the Lord's Sabbath to keep holy
52:07 the first day of the week offer strange fire to God."
52:12 I know this is strong.
52:14 But it's the truth.
52:16 It's the truth of God's Word.
52:19 Listen, if God accepts Sunday as the day of worship,
52:22 He's going to have to apologize to Nadab and Abihu.
52:26 He's going to have to say, "I'm sorry.
52:27 You took that which was common and you presented it as holy."
52:33 Is the Christian world taking a common day of work and
52:37 presenting it as if it was holy?
52:39 So if God accepts that, He's going to have to apologize
52:42 to Nadab and Abihu for what He did to them.
52:46 Now listen to what she continues saying.
52:48 "Those who ignore the Lord's Sabbath to keep holy the
52:50 first day of the week offer strange fire to God.
52:52 It is a strange Sabbath which He has not commanded them.
52:57 Will He accept it at their hands?
53:00 Men have sought out many inventions.
53:04 They have taken a common day upon which God has placed no
53:08 sanctity, and have clothed it with sacred prerogatives.
53:14 They have declared it to be holy, but this does not give it
53:18 a vestige of sanctity.
53:20 They dishonor God by accepting human institutions
53:25 and presenting to the world as the Christian Sabbath
53:29 a day which has no, 'thus saith the Lord,' for its authority.
53:34 As did Nadab and Abihu.
53:36 They offered the common in place of the holy."
53:42 A powerful statement.
53:46 So what have we studied tonight?
53:47 What have we learned tonight?
53:49 We've learned that God will not accept us taking
53:52 something common and presenting it to God as if it is holy.
53:58 And God will not accept us taking something holy
54:02 and treating it as if it is... What?
54:05 ...as if it is common.
54:07 Now let's apply that to the Sabbath Sunday issue.
54:11 The Christian world takes a common day
54:15 and they present it to God as... What?
54:17 ...as holy.
54:19 Whereas they take the holy day of God and they
54:21 treat it as if it is... What?
54:23 ...common.
54:24 Is that the same sin of Nadab and Abihu?
54:27 It most certainly is.
54:28 Especially if you know it and you still choose
54:32 to be disobedient to God.
54:36 Now allow me to say a few things to Adventists.
54:41 Pick on our own.
54:44 You see, in the Adventist church we have fallen
54:51 in some places into the same error,
54:56 into the same sin that was committed by Nadab and Abihu.
55:00 Let me ask you, do you think that God cares about the
55:02 way we dress to come to church?
55:06 Does God accept us coming in work clothes to church?
55:10 In unironed dirty clothes to church?
55:14 No, we're going to meet with the King of the universe.
55:17 There has to be special ironed and washed clothing
55:22 to come before the Lord.
55:24 Our best.
55:25 And yet Christians today say, "Oh no, I dress down
55:29 to go to church."
55:30 But they would never dress down if they were going to go
55:33 meet the President of the United States.
55:35 They would never dress down if they were going to
55:38 some formal event.
55:41 But to go to church, you dress down.
55:43 Does God care about the way that we present ourselves
55:46 before Him in the sanctuary?
55:48 You better believe it.
55:50 How about what we do on Sabbath?
55:52 Does God care about what we do on the Sabbath?
55:55 Whether we go out to eat in the restaurant?
55:58 Or we bring the Krispy Kreme doughnuts to the
56:01 foyer of the church?
56:03 Like happens in some churches.
56:06 God cares.
56:08 Does he care about what we talk about on the Sabbath?
56:11 He most certainly does.
56:13 Does God care about the kind of music that we listen to?
56:17 Is all religious music sacred music?
56:21 You know, that's what the Christian world has said.
56:23 "As long as it has Christian words,
56:27 God doesn't care about the music."
56:30 Is there such a thing as sacred music?
56:32 Yes. Is there such a thing as common or secular music?
56:36 Absolutely.
56:37 Must we make a distinction between the two?
56:40 Absolutely.
56:42 A distinction has to be made between the holy and the common.
56:45 Last night, we studied about the tithe.
56:48 To whom does the tithe belong?
56:51 To God.
56:52 Does God care when we take His holy tithe and we
56:55 use it for our everyday expenses?
56:57 You better believe it.
56:59 God takes that personally.
57:01 Because that is not ours.
57:02 That is holy.
57:04 It's separated for the Lord.
57:06 And yet there are many Adventists, even within
57:08 my own church, that don't tithe.
57:13 Let's not point the finger at Sunday keepers alone.
57:17 Because if we are doing these things,
57:20 we are in no better shape.
57:23 We must learn to distinguish between the holy and the common.


Revised 2014-12-17