His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Antichrist's Temple -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000026

00:31 Let's pray.
00:33 Our Father and our God, once again we approach Your throne
00:37 because we need Your help.
00:39 This is a very, very important subject on the antichrist
00:42 sitting in the temple of God.
00:45 And we need divine wisdom.
00:46 We need understanding from on high.
00:50 So we ask for Your presence through the ministration
00:52 of the Holy Spirit.
00:54 I ask, Lord, that You'll give us tender hearts
00:56 and open minds to receive the truth as it is in Jesus.
01:01 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it
01:03 in Jesus' name, amen.
01:07 In our last study, we analyzed what the Bible has to say
01:12 about the antichrist.
01:14 And we were studying the passage of the apostle Paul that is
01:17 found in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
01:21 And basically we noticed that in the Christian world
01:24 there are two ideas concerning the identity of the antichrist.
01:28 The first idea is that the antichrist was a nasty
01:31 individual that arose in Old Testament times
01:35 called Antiochus Epiphanes who lived between 171 and 164 BC.
01:41 Other Christians, mainly conservative Christians,
01:44 believe that the antichrist is a future nasty individual
01:48 who's going to arise and sit in a rebuilt Jewish temple
01:53 after the rapture of the church.
01:55 In other words, for most Christians in the world,
01:58 the antichrist either already came in the distant past
02:02 or the antichrist has not yet come.
02:05 But in our last study, we noticed that the first stage
02:08 of the antichrist has already taken place
02:11 in Christian history.
02:13 Because Scripture tells us that the antichrist
02:16 was going to sit in the temple of God.
02:18 And the temple of God represents the church.
02:22 And so it is a system that claims allegiance to
02:26 Jesus Christ but actually betrays Jesus Christ,
02:30 even though it professes to serve Him and to preach Him.
02:34 Now we want to begin today where we left off
02:37 in our last lecture.
02:38 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 5.
02:41 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 5 tells us that the apostle Paul
02:45 had already told these things to the Thessalonians.
02:48 They already knew everything that he had said
02:51 that we studied last time.
02:53 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2 and verse 5.
02:56 Here the apostle Paul says, "Do you not remember
02:59 that when I was still with you I told you these things?"
03:03 In other words, "This shouldn't be new to you.
03:05 I've already talked to you about the antichrist."
03:08 And then the apostle Paul goes on to speak about
03:11 the mysterious restrainer.
03:14 This is something that was holding back the antichrist
03:18 from manifesting himself.
03:20 From actually revealing himself for what he was.
03:24 Let's read that verse, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2
03:27 and verse 6.
03:29 "And now you know..."
03:31 See, they even knew this; they knew who the restrainer was.
03:40 That is, the antichrist.
03:44 Now as we noticed in our last study, many Christians say,
03:47 "Well you see, the personal pronoun, 'he,' here indicates
03:51 that this is an individual, this is a person.
03:53 Because the personal pronoun, 'he,' is used."
03:56 But we noticed four reasons last time why just because
04:00 the personal pronoun, "he," is used, it doesn't mean
04:04 that it's speaking about an individual, but rather
04:06 about a succession of individuals.
04:09 In other words, a system.
04:12 Now there's an interesting detail here.
04:15 And it is that the apostle Paul does not actually identify
04:19 the restrainer by name.
04:21 Now some Christians believe that the restrainer
04:23 is the Holy Spirit.
04:24 That when the Holy Spirit would be removed,
04:26 then the antichrist would be manifested.
04:29 But I don't believe that the restrainer here that kept
04:33 the antichrist from revealing himself
04:35 actually was the Holy Spirit.
04:37 Because if it had been the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul
04:40 would have had no problem identifying Him.
04:43 But the apostle Paul here is using ambiguous language.
04:47 Because he's saying, "You know what is restraining,
04:51 that he may be revealed in his own time."
04:54 In other words, there's some reason why the apostle Paul
04:57 does not identify the restrainer specifically by name.
05:02 Now I want you to notice the comment that was made by
05:06 the noted Bible commentary, Albert Barnes.
05:09 A very famous Bible commentator.
05:11 He had this to say about the meaning of the restrainer
05:16 who was keeping the man of sin from manifesting himself.
05:19 This is what he says, "The belief among the primitive
05:22 Christians was that what hindered..."
05:26 Another for restrained.
05:28 "...what hindered the rise of the man of sin
05:31 was the Roman Empire.
05:33 And therefore, they prayed for its peace and welfare;
05:38 as knowing that when the Roman Empire should be dissolved
05:43 and broken in pieces..."
05:45 Don't forget that expression.
05:46 "...and broken in pieces, the empire of the man of sin
05:51 would be raised on its ruins."
05:53 In other words, the restrainer was the Roman Empire.
05:55 When the Roman Empire was broken or divided
05:58 in many pieces, then a new empire would arise;
06:02 which is the empire of the antichrist.
06:07 Now in order to understand what the restrainer is,
06:11 we must go back to the Old Testament prophecy
06:15 that is being spoken of by the apostle Paul.
06:18 Do you remember that in our study last time,
06:22 we talked a little bit about the little horn?
06:25 The little horn who thought that it could change
06:27 the law of God, that ruled for 1260 years.
06:32 Well the fact is that Daniel chapter 7 shows us very clearly
06:37 that the Roman Empire would be broken in pieces.
06:41 And then when it was broken in pieces
06:43 the little horn, or the antichrist, would arise.
06:46 In fact, let's read Daniel chapter 7 and verses 23 and 24.
06:51 Daniel chapter 7 and verses 23 and 24.
06:57 "Thus he said, 'The fourth beast shall be a
07:00 fourth kingdom on earth...'"
07:02 What does that fourth beast represent in Daniel 7?
07:06 Remember, Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, and what?
07:10 And Rome, very well.
07:11 So it says...
07:23 And now notice what was going to happen to that empire.
07:32 So was the kingdom of Rome going to be divided?
07:35 Absolutely.
07:36 And then who was going to arise when the empire
07:39 was divided into pieces?
07:41 Ah, notice it continues saying...
07:52 Are you catching the picture?
07:54 There's a restrainer.
07:56 When the restrainer is taken out of the way,
07:58 the antichrist manifests himself.
08:01 And we noticed that the early Christians believed
08:04 that when the Roman Empire was broken in pieces,
08:07 the empire of the antichrist would rise.
08:11 Did they have it correct? Did they have it straight?
08:14 They most certainly did.
08:16 Incidentally, in Revelation chapter 13,
08:18 if you go with me there, Revelation chapter 13
08:21 and verse 2, we notice the same sequence
08:26 of the Roman Empire giving its throne and its power
08:29 to the beast, which is the same as the little horn.
08:32 Let's read that, Revelation 13 and verse 2.
08:35 "Now the beast," which is the same as the little horn,
08:38 "which I saw," the beast that ruled for 42 months
08:42 or 1260 years...
08:49 And now notice, "The dragon," which is the fourth beast,
08:52 which represents the Roman Empire...
09:01 So where did the antichrist get his power from?
09:05 He got it from the fourth beast.
09:07 He got it from the dragon beast.
09:09 So antichrist rises after the dragon beast has its fall,
09:14 after the dragon beast is divided into ten kingdoms.
09:17 Is that point clear?
09:19 So the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation 13
09:22 clearly show the sequence.
09:24 The sequence is, the Roman Empire would rule,
09:28 the Roman empire would be divided into ten kingdoms,
09:31 or broken up into ten kingdoms,
09:33 and then the antichrist would arise.
09:36 So the question is, what was it that was restraining
09:39 the antichrist from manifesting himself?
09:41 It must have been the previous power.
09:44 It must have been the Roman Empire.
09:46 Are you following me or not?
09:47 In other words, it's the previous power.
09:49 While the previous power is ruling, a new power cannot rule.
09:53 The previous power has to be taken out of the way,
09:56 and then the antichrist could manifest himself.
10:00 Now let me ask you this, was this antichrist,
10:05 at least the spirit of this antichrist,
10:07 wanting to manifest itself even in the days of the apostle Paul?
10:13 Absolutely.
10:14 Because he says there is something that is what?
10:17 That is restraining it...
10:20 ...in the days of the Roman Empire.
10:22 Now you can't have something restraining this power
10:26 unless the power is there.
10:28 And so basically what you have here is that you have this
10:32 antichrist spirit that is wanting to manifest itself,
10:36 and it's already there in the days of the apostle Paul
10:39 just waiting to manifest itself.
10:41 Is this then speaking about a future antichrist that's
10:44 going to arise after the rapture of the church?
10:47 No.
10:48 This antichrist power was already wanting to
10:51 manifest itself when?
10:53 In the days of the apostle Paul he was already wanting to
10:57 manifest his power.
10:59 Now allow me to give you a little bit of history.
11:02 I'm going to read lots of quotations from historians
11:05 in this presentation.
11:07 That's why I've given you a copy of the lectures
11:09 so that you can follow along.
11:11 Now I want to just go a little bit through the history.
11:15 The Roman Empire, around the fourth century,
11:18 started to be invaded by the barbarian tribes
11:22 from the northern sector of the empire.
11:24 And they began to carve up what had been the Roman Empire.
11:28 In fact, by the year 476 the Roman Empire had been carved
11:33 into ten pieces.
11:34 In that year, 476, the last emperor of the western
11:39 Roman Empire fell.
11:40 His name was Romulus Augustulus.
11:42 After him there was no emperor in Rome.
11:46 Now shortly before this, Constantine had transferred
11:50 the capital of his kingdom to Constantinople,
11:54 or Istanbul, in the eastern Roman Empire.
11:57 And when he went to the eastern Roman Empire,
12:00 the western empire was left to the mercy
12:03 of the barbarian tribes.
12:04 There was no emperor, there was no law,
12:06 there was no order.
12:08 Everything was a disaster, everything was anarchy.
12:12 Allow me to read you a few statements here
12:14 from historians about this period.
12:18 Notice from Alexander Clarence Flick in his book,
12:23 The Rise of the Medieval Church, pages 168 and 169,
12:27 he says this, "The removal of the capital of the empire
12:32 from Rome to Constantinople in 330 left the western
12:37 church practically..." What?
12:41 Is that an important word, "free?"
12:44 If it left it free, what was it before?
12:48 It was restrained, absolutely.
12:51 "...practically free from..." What?
12:54 "...from imperial power."
12:55 So what was restraining?
12:57 The imperial power.
13:00 Now it continues saying, "The removal of the capital
13:02 of the empire from Rome to Constantinople in 330
13:04 left the western church practically free
13:07 from imperial power to develop its own form of organization.
13:12 The Bishop of Rome," and now listen to this,
13:15 "in the seat of the..." What?
13:17 Ah, it's a continuation of Rome, right?
13:19 "...in the seat of the Caesars was now the greatest man
13:22 in the west, and was soon forced to become the political
13:27 as well as the spiritual head."
13:30 Here's another historian, Philip Schaff,
13:32 one of the greatest church historians in history,
13:35 has this to say, "When the western empire
13:38 fell into the hands of the barbarians,
13:42 the Roman Bishop," which later was called the pope,
13:45 "was the only surviving heir of this imperial past.
13:50 Or in the well known dictum of Hobbes, 'the ghost of the
13:55 deceased Roman Empire sitting crowned
13:58 upon the grave thereof.'"
14:00 Interesting, isn't it.
14:02 So who is it that took the place of the Roman Empire?
14:06 It was the Roman Catholic Papacy.
14:09 Notice another comment.
14:10 This is by the Roman Catholic, James P. Conroy,
14:14 in the journal, American Catholic, quarterly review.
14:17 He says, "Long ages ago when Rome, through the neglect
14:21 of the western emperors, was left to the mercy
14:26 of the barbarous hordes, the Romans turned to one figure
14:31 for aid and protection, and asked him to rule them.
14:36 And thus in this simple manner, the best title of all to kingly
14:41 right commenced the temporal sovereignty of the popes.
14:45 And meekly stepping to the throne of Caesar..."
14:49 Listen to this, "And meekly stepping to the throne
14:51 of Caesar, the Vicar of Christ took up the scepter
14:56 to which the emperors and kings of Europe were to
15:00 bow in reverence through so many ages."
15:03 One final quotation, from Douglas Auchincloss,
15:10 in his article, City of God and Man, in Time magazine.
15:14 This was in 1960.
15:16 He had this to say, "The all conquering barbarians
15:20 were storming the gates of Augustine's city..."
15:23 That's Hippo in northern Africa.
15:25 "...when the saint died in 430.
15:27 The north African town of Hippo was one of the last
15:31 imperial outposts to be attacked.
15:33 Rome had already gone under.
15:36 Only four years before, Saint Augustine's City of God
15:39 had laid the theological groundwork
15:42 for the church to step into the void left by the
15:46 collapsing Roman Empire."
15:48 Are you catching the picture?
15:50 So what was restraining the antichrist from
15:52 being manifested?
15:54 What was restraining was the existence of the Roman Empire.
15:59 You see, while the Roman Empire was ruling,
16:02 while you had an emperor in the west,
16:05 then the antichrist could not rule.
16:08 The emperor had to be removed.
16:10 And the first step was when Constantine moved the
16:14 capital to Constantinople.
16:15 The second step is when the barbarians began
16:18 carving up the empire.
16:19 Which finally culminated in the last emperor being deposed
16:23 in the year 476.
16:25 Then at that point the empire had fallen.
16:28 It had been divided into ten kingdoms.
16:30 And now the restrainer was taken out of the way
16:33 and the antichrist could manifest himself and
16:37 fill the void that had been left by Rome.
16:41 Now let me read you some statements by
16:44 the early church fathers.
16:46 They were living shortly before this period,
16:49 and some of them were living during this period.
16:51 They knew who the restrainer was.
16:53 Listen to what Tertullian had to say.
16:56 He was one of the renowned church fathers.
17:00 He said this...
17:16 Is he quoting 2 Thessalonians chapter 2?
17:18 Most certainly. That's what he's commenting on.
17:20 And now notice his question.
17:40 Is that clear?
17:42 Absolutely crystal clear, folks.
17:44 Tertullian understood that what hindered the manifestation
17:48 of the antichrist was the existence of the Roman state.
17:53 That was the obstacle, according to him.
17:56 Now notice what Tertullian also had to say in another place.
17:59 And you have the references to this, if you want
18:01 to check them out.
18:03 He said...
18:18 So what was going to happen when the Roman Empire
18:21 was taken out of the way?
18:23 He said, "...threatening dreadful woes."
18:26 Which happened when the barbarians took over the
18:28 western empire; there was no law and order.
18:31 And so they said to the Bishop of Rome,
18:32 "Why don't you rule over us and why don't you
18:35 put down some order."
18:37 Notice what Ambrose had to say.
18:39 This is another church father, Ambrose.
18:50 Notice also what Chrysostom had to say.
18:52 And this is only a sampling. I have many more.
18:54 I have about three pages of quotations from the
18:57 church fathers where they understood that power that
19:00 hindered, or the restrainer, as the Roman Empire.
19:03 Chrysostom had to say...
19:09 Is that language from 2 Thessalonians 2?
19:12 Absolutely.
19:30 When the empire is dissolved.
19:44 Interesting that the church fathers would believe
19:47 that the restrainer was what?
19:50 That the restrainer was the Roman Empire.
19:52 Now we understand the reason why the apostle Paul
19:54 did not identify by name the restrainer.
19:57 What if the apostle Paul had told the Thessalonians,
20:00 "Well you know that the restrainer is the Roman Empire.
20:02 But the Roman Empire, when it's taken out of the way,
20:05 then the antichrist will be manifested."
20:08 What would be a problem there?
20:10 Oh, he'd have trouble with the Roman Empire, wouldn't he.
20:13 Because the Roman Empire would say,
20:14 "We're going to be taken out of the way?
20:16 Are you promoting the idea that the
20:18 Roman Empire is going to fall?"
20:20 He would have been accused of sedition against
20:23 the Roman Empire.
20:24 And so the apostle Paul says, "You know what's restraining."
20:27 The church fathers understood what was restraining.
20:30 But he does not identify by name the restrainer.
20:33 Because if he did, it would cause persecution of Christians.
20:37 Are you understanding the reason why?
20:39 If it had been the Holy Spirit, he would have clearly said,
20:41 "The Holy Spirit is restraining."
20:43 Because that would not be a difficult idea
20:47 for the Romans to accept.
20:48 Now I want to read you an interesting statement.
20:52 Actually a couple of statements from a Roman Catholic cardinal.
20:57 His name is Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.
21:01 He lived actually in the 19th century.
21:04 He converted from the Anglican Communion to the
21:07 Roman Catholic Church.
21:08 Right around the same time that John Henry Newman
21:11 converted also from the Anglican Communion
21:13 to the Roman Catholic Church.
21:15 And I don't believe that...
21:17 In fact, I know that Cardinal Manning
21:20 really does not know the implications of what
21:23 he says in these statements.
21:24 He doesn't understand.
21:25 But when we read it carefully, we understand perfectly
21:28 that he's writing about the removal of the empire.
21:31 And he's actually saying that the Roman Catholic Church
21:33 is the predicted antichrist.
21:35 Even though he doesn't say so and he doesn't believe that.
21:37 But notice the language.
21:39 The first statement is in his book,
21:41 The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
21:44 In the preface of the book he says this, listen carefully...
21:51 He's speaking about Constantine moving to the east.
21:59 What needs to happen if you're going to be liberated?
22:02 You have to be restrained, right?
22:10 That is, of the popes.
22:11 Are you understanding what he's saying?
22:13 He doesn't understand what he's saying.
22:15 He doesn't understand the implications
22:17 as they apply to 2 Thessalonians 2.
22:19 Now notice what he continues saying.
22:27 And then he mentions several barbarian tribes.
22:37 So what did the barbarians do?
22:40 They effaced the remnants of the empire.
22:42 In other words, the empire what?
22:44 Fell.
22:46 And then he says...
22:57 So who stepped into the void?
22:59 The pontiffs.
23:00 He continues saying...
23:05 Interesting, again the word, "liberation."
23:15 So what was the problem with the successor of Peter before this?
23:20 He was what?
23:21 He was chained, he was restrained.
23:24 But when the barbarians invaded, what happened?
23:27 The Bishop of Rome takes the ascendency
23:30 and the chains fall off.
23:31 He's not restrained anymore.
23:33 Notice what he continues saying.
23:34 "And from the hour of this providential liberation,
23:37 when, by a divine intervention, the chains fell off from the
23:40 hands of the successor of St. Peter, as once before
23:43 his own, no sovereign has ever reigned in Rome
23:48 except the Vicar of Jesus Christ."
23:51 Is that a significant statement?
23:53 That is a powerful statement.
23:55 Notice there's another one.
23:56 This is on pages 11 to 13 of the same book,
23:59 The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
24:02 He says this, "It," that is the papacy...
24:12 So what needed to happen?
24:15 The bonds needed to be broken asunder.
24:26 Why could they be released from subjection to civil powers?
24:29 Because the Roman Empire what?
24:32 Ceased to rule. It fell.
24:34 There was no longer any emperor.
24:37 And so he says...
24:53 So who is the restrainer?
24:55 The restrainer is the what?
24:57 The Roman Empire.
24:59 And when the Roman Empire was taken out of the way,
25:02 then the antichrist power could fill the void,
25:06 could take the place of the empire that existed before.
25:10 Now let me ask you, was there a specific time
25:13 set apart for this?
25:14 Absolutely.
25:16 Is there a prophecy that says exactly when this
25:19 power would rise and when this power would fall?
25:22 Do you remember we studied about the little horn?
25:24 How long was the little horn going to rule?
25:26 Time, times, and the dividing of time.
25:31 Revelation chapter 13, as well as, well actually chapter 13,
25:37 says that he would rule 42 months.
25:39 Revelation chapter 12 says that this power would rule
25:42 1260 days, which are years.
25:47 So was there a time specific when this power was
25:50 going to manifest itself?
25:51 Absolutely.
25:52 Now notice what the apostle Paul says next.
25:54 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 6.
26:01 See, once again he doesn't identify the restrainer.
26:04 He says, "You know what is restraining,
26:08 that he may be revealed..." When?
26:13 "...in his own time."
26:16 Had God established a time when he was going to be manifested?
26:19 Absolutely.
26:20 Daniel 7 has the chronology of when he would be manifested.
26:25 It would be when the empire was broken apart,
26:28 the ten horns appeared, and then the little horn
26:32 would be manifested.
26:34 In other words, his time would come.
26:37 Now let's go to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7.
26:40 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7.
26:43 Was this power already wanting to manifest itself
26:46 in the days of the apostle Paul?
26:48 Absolutely.
26:49 So is this some future antichrist who is
26:51 going to sit in a rebuilt Jerusalem temple?
26:53 Absolutely not.
26:54 Because it was already wanting to manifest its power
26:57 in the days of Paul.
26:59 So it already existed, the spirit of it,
27:01 existed in the days of Paul.
27:03 Now notice 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7.
27:07 He's going to give a new name to this system.
27:10 He says, "For the mystery of..." What?
27:18 Did you notice that previously he was called the man of what?
27:21 Sin.
27:22 Here, it's called the mystery of what?
27:24 Lawlessness.
27:26 Is this apostasy going to have anything to do with God's law?
27:29 Absolutely. What is sin?
27:30 Transgression of the law. Right?
27:33 Interestingly enough, the two words that are used in
27:36 2 Thessalonians 2, "sin," "the man of sin,"
27:40 and, "the mystery of lawlessness,"
27:42 those are the very two words that are used in
27:44 1 John chapter 3 and verse 4 where it says,
27:47 "sin is lawlessness."
27:51 So this power was going to be a power that
27:53 would attack God's law.
27:55 Now obviously it wouldn't be an open attack,
27:58 a blasphemous attack.
28:00 It would be a camouflaged attack against God's law.
28:06 As it says in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 25,
28:08 "He would think to..." What?
28:10 To change God's law.
28:12 In that way he would attack God's holy law.
28:15 And so it says, "For the mystery of lawlessness..."
28:22 Even in his day.
28:34 And see, Christians, they say, "See, once again, 'he,' means
28:37 a person or an individual."
28:40 Because it says very clearly here, it says,
28:43 "He now restrains until he is taken out of the way."
28:49 Actually, it's a very weak argument to say that
28:51 the word, "he," that the personal pronoun, "he,"
28:53 means that it's an individual or a person.
28:56 Because I want you to notice in Romans chapter 13
29:00 that the Roman Empire is referred to with a personal
29:02 pronoun masculine also.
29:05 Notice Romans chapter 13 and verse 4.
29:10 Romans chapter 13 and verse 4.
29:12 He's speaking about the Roman Empire.
29:15 And notice what he says.
29:16 Not speaking about a specific ruler of the Roman Empire.
29:20 He says, "For he is..." What?
29:24 "...God's minister to you for good.
29:28 But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear
29:34 the sword in vain; for he is God's minister,
29:39 an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil."
29:43 Now you read the context of those verses.
29:45 It's talking about the rulers and the magistrates of Rome.
29:50 It's not talking about a specific magistrate
29:52 or a specific emperor.
29:54 It's simply saying, the Roman Empire is meant
29:58 to keep the peace and to keep civil order.
30:01 And notice that three times in this passage,
30:04 the personal pronoun masculine singular, "he,"
30:08 is used to describe the Roman Empire.
30:11 So if the, "he," here can refer to the Roman Empire,
30:14 then why can't the restrainer who is referred with the
30:17 personal pronoun, "he," refer also to the Roman Empire?
30:20 Are you understanding my point?
30:23 Now, do you know that the Bible teaches
30:27 that this power was not only going to rule in the past,
30:31 but this power was also going to rule in the future.
30:35 The Bible says that at the end of its first stage
30:37 it would receive a deadly wound.
30:40 But then its deadly wound would be what?
30:42 Its deadly wound would be healed.
30:45 Now let's read once again 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7,
30:48 and then we'll come to this aspect of the healing
30:52 of the deadly wound just for a few moments.
30:54 Verse 7 says...
31:07 What does that expression indicate,
31:08 "taken out of the way."
31:11 Is it a case that he says. "Oh, okay, I'm just going to move
31:15 and you just move in."
31:16 No.
31:18 Somebody is what?
31:20 Taking him out of the way.
31:22 Who were the ones that took the Roman Empire out of the way?
31:25 The barbarian invasions took the empire out of the way.
31:29 And the barbarian invasions came because Constantine
31:32 moved the capital of the empire to the east.
31:35 And as a result, the western Roman Empire
31:37 was greatly weakened.
31:39 Now I mentioned that this power's strength
31:45 is going to be seen again.
31:46 In other words, it's deadly wound which it received
31:49 in 1798 when the pope was taken prisoner
31:53 and he died in exile in France, he's going to be healed
31:57 from that wound and he's going to rule again.
31:59 Now let me read you a very significant statement
32:02 that was written by Malachi Martin.
32:07 Now let me explain who Malachi Martin was.
32:09 He was a Jesuit Roman Catholic priest.
32:12 He died a few years ago.
32:14 He was also an exorcist.
32:16 And he wrote a very famous book called, The Keys of This Blood.
32:20 But this statement in Christianity Today is a
32:22 very interesting statement.
32:25 You know, the papacy lost its power in 1798,
32:29 which was the culmination of the French Revolution.
32:32 The French Revolution began in 1789
32:35 and it continued until 1798.
32:38 The pope taken prisoner was the climax
32:40 of the spirit of the French Revolution.
32:42 That's when the papacy lost its ability to use the
32:46 civil powers of the world to accomplish its purposes.
32:49 Now notice what Malachi Martin has to say
32:52 here in Christianity Today, November 21, 1986.
32:57 He says, "For 1500 years and more, Rome,"
33:02 he means the papacy, "Rome had kept as strong a hand
33:07 as possible in each local community
33:09 around the wide world."
33:10 What had the papacy done, according to him,
33:12 for 1500 years and more?
33:15 It had "kept as strong a hand as possible
33:17 in each local community around the world."
33:19 And then he says this, "By and large,
33:22 and admitting some exceptions, that had been the Roman view."
33:27 What had been the Roman view?
33:31 It had "kept as strong a hand as possible
33:33 in each local community around the whole world."
33:36 That was the Roman view.
33:37 Now notice, "By and large, and admitting some exceptions,
33:40 that had been the Roman view until 200 years
33:47 of inactivity had been..." What?
33:53 "...imposed upon the papacy..." By whom?
33:59 "...by the major secular powers of the world."
34:03 Was this power restrained again?
34:05 After it received its deadly wound was it restrained again?
34:08 Who restrained it?
34:10 The major what?
34:12 Secular powers of the world.
34:14 Now let me ask you, in order for its wound to be healed,
34:17 what must happen?
34:19 It must be able once again to rule
34:23 the secular powers of the world.
34:25 Are you with me?
34:26 In other words, it must be able to use the states of the world
34:29 to accomplish its purposes.
34:32 Now the interesting thing is this;
34:35 this is being written in 1986.
34:38 And he's saying that 200 years, up to that point,
34:43 of inactivity had been imposed upon the papacy.
34:49 So let's go back from 1986 two-hundred years.
34:53 Because that's the period of inactivity, according to him,
34:56 imposed by the major secular powers of the world.
34:59 You go back, where does that take you?
35:02 It takes you back to 1786.
35:08 And that's very near to what?
35:11 To the period of the deadly wound
35:13 and the French Revolution.
35:16 So let me ask you, what was it that took away the power
35:19 from the Roman Catholic papacy,
35:20 according to this Roman Catholic theologian?
35:24 It was the French Revolution and when the pope was
35:27 taken captive to France.
35:28 He says, since then the major secular powers of the world
35:32 have imposed upon this system, what?
35:35 Inactivity.
35:36 Now let me read you a statement from Ellen White.
35:38 This is an amazing statement.
35:39 It's found in Great Controversy, 564.
35:42 She says that restraint is going to be removed.
35:46 This is what she says.
35:48 "Let the restraints..." Notice the terminology.
36:12 Are you understanding that statement?
36:14 It's a powerful statement.
36:16 What she's saying is that the papacy has a deadly wound.
36:19 She says that it needs to be reinstated,
36:22 and there would speedily be a revival.
36:25 In order to have a revival, it has to be what?
36:28 Inactive.
36:30 And what is it that would lead to her revival?
36:32 The taking away of the what?
36:35 Of the restraints imposed by what?
36:37 By the secular governments of the world.
36:41 In Great Controversy, page 581, she says this...
36:50 You can't re-establish something that wasn't established first.
37:00 And then she says how it's going to happen.
37:24 Now let me read you a statement from a reformed theologian.
37:27 He's actually quoting Ayn Rand.
37:30 And this woman was a novelist, a philosopher, a playwright,
37:34 a screenwriter; a multi-talented person.
37:37 And notice what she said all the way back in 1967.
37:40 "The Catholic church has never given up the hope
37:44 to re-establish the medieval union of church and state;
37:50 with a global state and a global theocracy as its ultimate goal.
37:56 The Roman church-state is a hybrid; a monster of
38:00 ecclesiastical and political power.
38:02 Its political thought is totalitarian.
38:05 And whenever it has had the opportunity to apply its
38:09 principles, the result has been bloody repression.
38:12 If during the last 30 years it has softened its assertions of
38:17 full supreme and irresponsible power
38:20 and has murdered fewer people than before,
38:23 such changes in behavior are not due to a change in its ideas,
38:27 but to a change in its circumstances."
38:31 What are those circumstances?
38:33 It is restrained by the secular powers of the world.
38:36 The governments do not allow her to lord it over them.
38:40 Like in the Middle Ages.
38:43 He continues saying, or she continues saying,
38:45 "The Roman church-state in the 20th century, however,
38:49 is an institution recovering from a mortal wound."
38:54 And then she says this, "If and when..."
38:57 I would take away the "if," because it's a
38:59 matter of "when."
39:00 But she says, "If and when it regains its full power
39:06 and authority, it will impose a regime more sinister
39:12 than any the planet has yet seen."
39:17 Is the restraint going to be removed?
39:20 Absolutely.
39:21 What was the restraints in the times of the apostle Paul?
39:25 The secular power was ruling,
39:28 and the religious power was bound.
39:31 What happened when the secular power was removed?
39:34 The chains fell off.
39:36 In 1798, what happened?
39:39 The cuffs were put back on by the civil powers of the world.
39:44 When will the cuffs fall off again?
39:47 When the secular powers of the world step back and they say,
39:50 "We'll do as you say we're suppose to do."
39:54 It's that simple.
39:56 Now the Bible tells us what this final controversy
39:59 is going to be about.
40:01 This is the man of sin.
40:03 This is the mystery of lawlessness.
40:06 The end time controversy is going to have to do with
40:08 God's holy law.
40:10 That's why Revelation 12 verse 17, a very famous
40:14 verse in Adventist circles, says, "And the dragon was
40:17 enraged with the woman, and went to make war
40:21 with the rest of her offspring, who..." What?
40:24 "...who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony
40:28 of Jesus Christ."
40:29 Satan hates those who keep the commandments.
40:31 And so does the man of sin, who is the representative
40:35 of the mystery of lawlessness, who claims to have had the
40:38 power to change God's holy law.
40:41 Can any human being change God's holy law?
40:44 Absolutely not.
40:46 By the way, most of the attack on God's law
40:51 is an attack on the first table of the law.
40:55 The Bible says that this power is going to sit in the
40:57 temple of God showing himself to be God.
40:59 Is he breaking the first commandment,
41:01 "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me."
41:04 Is he going to raise an image and command everyone
41:07 to worship the image?
41:08 Does that involve the second commandment,
41:11 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."
41:13 Absolutely.
41:14 How about the third commandment, "Don't take the name of
41:16 the Lord your God in vain."
41:18 Does this power blaspheme the name of God
41:20 by claiming to exercise the power and prerogatives of God?
41:23 Yes.
41:25 Is this power a power that attacks God's holy Sabbath
41:28 by claiming to have changed Sabbath to Sunday?
41:30 Yes.
41:31 In other words, the final attack is against the first
41:34 table of God's holy law.
41:36 Primarily.
41:37 Not primarily against the second table of the law.
41:41 Now the Bible predicts some amazing things that are
41:43 going to happen in the future.
41:45 Once this power regains its authority and regains its
41:48 throne, as Ayn Rand said, "It will establish
41:55 a regime more sinister than any the planet has yet seen."
41:59 And it's going to do it not only through force,
42:03 but through deception.
42:04 Let's continue our study in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2
42:08 and verse 9.
42:10 It says here, "The coming..."
42:13 You know what that word is, "coming," there?
42:16 It's the word, "parousia."
42:18 Is the antichrist also going to have his parousia?
42:22 Is it going to be before the parousia of Christ?
42:25 Absolutely.
42:26 There's going to be a counterfeit parousia
42:29 by the antichrist.
42:30 The same word is used, as we studied before.
42:32 And so it says, "The coming of the lawless one..."
42:35 Notice once again the emphasis on lawless.
42:38 "The coming of the lawless one is according to the
42:40 working of..." Whom?
42:42 "...of Satan with all power, signs..." And what?
42:47 "...and lying wonders."
42:49 Are all miracles from God?
42:52 You know, I was once talking to an individual who
42:54 belonged to a charismatic church.
42:57 And he said, "You Adventists have the truth,
42:59 but we've got the Spirit."
43:02 And I said, "We've got the truth, but you
43:05 don't have the Spirit.
43:06 And he said, "What do you mean?"
43:08 I said, "The Bible says that we're suppose to worship
43:10 God in Spirit and in truth.
43:13 We cannot worship God in the Spirit without the truth.
43:15 And we cannot worship God in truth without the Spirit.
43:18 They have to go together."
43:20 He said, "Well, we have signs and wonders.
43:22 We have miracles and we speak in tongues.
43:24 And we have healing and all these things."
43:26 I said, "So does the devil."
43:30 In fact, let's continue reading here.
43:32 Don't depend on signs and wonders and miracles,
43:36 because the devil can counterfeit the genuine.
43:40 Notice what we find in Acts chapter 2 and verse 22.
43:43 Acts chapter 2 and verse 22.
43:47 This is speaking about the miracles that were
43:49 performed by Jesus.
43:50 Now you noticed three words that we just read in
43:52 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
43:54 It says the antichrist will come with power, signs,
43:57 and lying wonders.
43:59 Now there's only one other verse in the Bible that
44:01 uses those three identical words.
44:03 They're not translated the same,
44:04 but they're the same three words.
44:06 And they refer to the miracles that Christ performed.
44:08 Acts 2 and verse 22.
44:11 "Men of Israel, hear these words..."
44:19 Those are the identical three words.
44:28 So what is the antichrist going to do?
44:31 He's going to perform the same signs and wonders
44:34 that who performed?
44:35 That Jesus Christ performed.
44:37 Only, the antichrist does it by the power of Satan,
44:41 according to what we just read.
44:42 Whereas Jesus performed these things by the power of whom?
44:46 By the power of God.
44:47 In fact, this prophecy tells us that Satan is going to
44:51 counterfeit the second coming of Jesus Christ.
44:55 Now you say, "Where does the Bible say that?"
44:57 Go with me to Matthew chapter 24.
44:59 This isn't in your list. I added it afterwards.
45:01 Matthew 24 and verse 23 through verse 27.
45:05 And we'll read this quickly.
45:07 Matthew chapter 24 and verses 23 through 27.
45:11 This is at the very end of the tribulation period.
45:14 And notice once again, signs and wonders and miracles
45:17 through which the devil is going to try and deceive people.
45:20 It says there in verse 23...
45:40 Now notice, is there going to be someone who is going to
45:44 counterfeit the second coming of Christ?
45:45 Listen carefully, verse 26...
46:05 Ellen White calls this the almost overmastering delusion.
46:09 In fact, let me read you the description that she gives
46:12 that she saw in vision of how Satan is going to counterfeit
46:15 the second coming of Christ.
46:17 This is in Great Controversy page 624.
46:19 It's a rather long passage, but it's very significant.
46:22 She says, "As the crowning act in the great drama of deception,
46:27 Satan himself will personate Christ.
46:30 The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent
46:34 as the consummation of her hopes.
46:36 Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come.
46:40 In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself
46:44 among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness,
46:48 resembling the description of the Son of God
46:50 given by John in the Revelation.
46:53 The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything
46:57 that mortal eyes have yet beheld.
46:59 The shout of triumph rings out upon the air,
47:02 'Christ has come! Christ has come!'"
47:04 If you believe that Jesus is coming back to this earth
47:06 to establish His kingdom here for a thousand years,
47:08 you're going to be deceived.
47:11 Now notice what she continues saying.
47:13 "The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him..."
47:16 These are Christians, folks.
47:17 "And he lifts up his hands and pronounces
47:20 a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed his disciples
47:23 when he was upon the earth.
47:25 His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody.
47:30 In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the
47:34 same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered;
47:38 he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his
47:42 assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the
47:46 Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day
47:49 which he has blessed.
47:51 He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the
47:54 seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen
47:58 to his angels sent to them with light and truth.
48:01 This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion."
48:07 Interesting, she's referring to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
48:10 That's where the language comes from.
48:12 "This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion."
48:16 How are God's people going to know this isn't really Christ?
48:20 By two things.
48:22 First, we need to know how Jesus is going to come.
48:25 You know, I once heard a minister, an Adventist
48:27 minister, who said, "I don't care how Jesus is coming.
48:29 I only care that He is coming."
48:33 Let me tell you, if you don't know how He is coming,
48:39 you probably will accept the wrong "he."
48:43 Because you have to know how He's coming,
48:45 that's the first one.
48:46 And secondly, you have to know what the Bible teaches.
48:51 Now notice what she continues saying.
48:53 "But the people of God will not be misled.
48:55 The teachings of this false christ are not
48:58 in accordance with the Scriptures."
49:01 So what do we compare everything with?
49:03 The Scriptures.
49:05 "His blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers of the beast
49:08 and his image, the very class upon whom the Bible declares
49:12 that God's unmingled wrath shall be poured out."
49:15 And then she says not only are his teachings contrary
49:18 to the Bible, but then she speaks about the
49:20 manner of Christ's coming.
49:21 "And furthermore, Satan is not permitted to counterfeit
49:25 the manner of Christ's advent.
49:27 The Saviour has warned His people against deception
49:30 upon this point, and has clearly foretold the manner
49:33 of His second coming.
49:34 'There shall arise false christs, and false prophets,
49:37 and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that,
49:40 if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect...
49:43 Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
49:45 "Behold, He is in the desert;" go not forth;
49:48 "Behold, He is in the secret chambers," believe it not.
49:51 For as the lightning cometh out of the east,
49:53 and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the
49:56 coming of the Son of man be.'
49:59 This coming there is no possibility of counterfeiting.
50:03 It will be universally known; witnessed by the whole world."
50:09 So every eye is going to see him simultaneously.
50:12 Don't ask me to scientifically explain that.
50:15 But the Bible says so.
50:17 And I believe it.
50:18 And He's not going to touch the earth.
50:21 He's going to be above the earth and we are going to be
50:24 gathered together to Him.
50:25 He said so in verse 1.
50:27 Not Him gathered to us, we gather to Him.
50:29 And then He is going to take us to His Father's house.
50:33 So if any individual comes, even if he looks like Christ
50:36 and performs miracles, and walks on the earth and
50:39 speaks beautiful words like Jesus spoke;
50:42 he's walking on the earth, and that is not Christ.
50:45 And we're not suppose to go out and even look.
50:48 She ends this statement by saying,
50:50 "Only those who have been diligent students of the
50:53 Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth
50:58 will be shielded from the powerful delusion
51:01 that takes the world captive.
51:03 By the Bible testimony these will detect
51:06 the deceiver in his disguise."
51:10 How important is it to study the Bible
51:13 and strengthen your mind with Scripture?
51:15 It is a matter of life and death.
51:17 And the church has gone far astray from Scripture;
51:21 justifying all kinds of practices that are
51:24 contrary to Scripture in the name of culture.
51:29 It's not culture that dictates what we believe
51:31 and what we practice.
51:32 It's God's holy Word that dictates what Christians
51:36 should do, and what they should speak, and where they should go,
51:39 and what they should eat, and when they should worship,
51:41 and how they should worship.
51:43 God has given indications on all of these things.
51:47 Now let's go to verse 10.
51:48 Because our time is running out.
51:50 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 10.
51:53 Why are most people going to be deceived?
51:56 Listen carefully.
51:58 It says that the antichrist will come "with all unrighteous
52:02 deception among those who perish..."
52:07 Why?
52:08 Listen, "Because..."
52:11 Here's the reason why they're going to perish.
52:21 How important is it to know the truth
52:23 and follow the truth?
52:25 It's a matter of life and death, folks.
52:27 And where do we find truth?
52:31 On CNN?
52:33 Well, there's some truth in CNN.
52:36 Or the New York Times?
52:39 What our preacher says?
52:41 Maybe.
52:42 Some truth.
52:44 But where do we find absolute and undiluted truth?
52:48 In God's Word.
52:50 And so it says, "Because they did not receive the love of
52:53 the truth that they might be saved."
52:54 Jesus said in John 17 and verse 17,
52:57 "Sanctify them by Your truth."
52:59 That is, "Make them holy by Your truth."
53:02 "Your word is truth."
53:06 By the way, the Bible also says that God's law is the truth.
53:10 Psalm 119 and verse 142 says...
53:24 And so what is the issue going to be at the end of time?
53:27 The issue is very simple.
53:29 Do you obey God's commandments because you love Him?
53:32 Are you willing even to die to be loyal to God?
53:36 Not as a legalist, but as someone who loves Jesus
53:39 so much that you're not willing to bend your knee
53:43 to anyone else; to the beast, his image, or receive his mark,
53:46 because your love for Jesus is number one.
53:50 That is going to be the issue.
53:51 Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
53:54 For them, being loyal to God and not bowing before the image,
53:59 which was raised up by Nebuchadnezzar,
54:01 was more important than life itself.
54:05 They lived by every word that proceeds
54:07 out of the mouth of God.
54:09 And now I want to end by going to verses 11 and 12.
54:13 Verses 11 and 12.
54:16 The Bible says that because they did not receive
54:18 the love of the truth, that they might be saved,
54:21 something happens.
54:22 It says, "And God will send them..."
54:25 Now the Bible attributes to God what God allows.
54:28 You understand that?
54:29 It's not that God is deluding people.
54:32 It's that these people did not want to receive
54:34 the love of the truth, and so God says,
54:35 "I'm not going to force the truth on you.
54:37 I'll just withdraw."
54:38 And when God withdraws, then they're deluded.
54:41 Are you understanding what this is saying?
54:43 It's not that God deludes people or deceives people.
54:46 Because God does not deceive anyone.
54:48 He wants everyone to be saved.
54:49 And so it says...
54:53 In other words, He will allow them to be deluded.
54:58 Now listen carefully.
55:00 This is not that they should believe a lie.
55:04 The word, "lie," here has the definite article, "the" lie.
55:10 What lie is this referring to?
55:12 According to the context, what is the lie?
55:17 The counterfeit what?
55:19 The counterfeit second coming of Christ.
55:22 That they should believe the lie.
55:25 In other words, the counterfeit parousia.
55:29 So because they did not receive the love of the truth,
55:32 they believe the lie.
55:34 And the word, "lie," here is the word, "pseudos."
55:38 Which means, "false," "counterfeit."
55:41 "...that they should believe the lie,
55:45 that they all may be condemned who did not..."
55:48 Once again, the same idea.
55:50 "...who did not believe..." What?
55:52 "...the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
55:58 Folks, the only standard in this world that we can trust in
56:01 is God's Word.
56:04 Not science, not philosophy, not historians.
56:08 Not that they don't have some truth.
56:11 We need to compare what they say with Scripture.
56:14 But the ultimate authority by which we test
56:16 everything in this world to determine whether
56:19 it's true or false is the absolute standard
56:24 of God's holy Word.
56:27 As Jesus said when he was in the mount of temptation.
56:30 The devil used all kinds of temptations to try and get
56:35 Jesus to sin.
56:36 But every time that the devil came to Jesus,
56:39 Jesus didn't say, "Well, I don't think that
56:41 what you're saying is right."
56:43 Or you know, "It doesn't look right."
56:46 Or, "It doesn't feel right."
56:48 Or, "It doesn't sound right."
56:50 That wasn't the standard that Jesus applied.
56:53 Every single time, all three times, when the devil came,
56:57 Jesus said what?
56:59 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
57:04 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"
57:09 It's my prayer that we will make the choice
57:13 of living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,
57:16 no matter what it might cost.
57:19 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world
57:23 and loses his soul.


Revised 2014-12-17