His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Scapegoat And Revelation's Millennium

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000023

00:31 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:34 Our loving heavenly Father, we can't help but admire
00:37 what a wise and wonderful God You are.
00:41 How You take great pains to solve the sin problem,
00:46 and at the same time convince all of Your creatures
00:50 that You are just and loving in all of Your ways.
00:54 Father, we ask that as we open Your Word today
00:56 to study a little more about this judgment,
01:01 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us to guide our thoughts
01:04 and to open our hearts.
01:07 We thank You, Father, for the privilege of
01:08 being in Your presence.
01:10 And we ask that You will be with us and guide us.
01:16 Because we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:23 In our last presentation, we studied about the three distinct
01:28 phases or stages of the judgment.
01:32 We noticed that there's a pre-advent stage
01:34 that is before Jesus comes, before probation closes,
01:38 that involves those who claimed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
01:45 Those are the only ones that enter in perspective
01:48 before the close of probation.
01:50 And the reason is that Jesus is going to come
01:53 to take them to heaven.
01:55 So it has to be revealed that He has a right
01:58 to take them to heaven before the universe.
02:01 The second stage of the judgment takes place
02:03 during the 1000 years.
02:06 And that stage of the judgment will be performed by the saints,
02:10 according to Revelation 20 verse 4
02:12 and 1 Corinthians 6 verses 1 to 3.
02:15 Those who will be judged will be the wicked
02:18 who are on planet earth dead,
02:20 as well as the devil and his angels will be judged
02:24 by the saints.
02:26 The third stage of the judgment takes place
02:29 after the 1000 years.
02:32 And after the 1000 years the wicked will resurrect,
02:35 and then they will be able to see the records
02:38 that the saints went over during the 1000 years.
02:42 They will be able to see the justice of their sentence.
02:46 And they will bow, along with everyone else in the universe,
02:51 and admit that God acted correctly in every single case.
02:59 Now today we're going to study the same theme
03:03 or the same topic, but from a different perspective.
03:06 We're going to deal with Leviticus 16, the scapegoat,
03:12 and Revelation's millennium.
03:14 And I'd like to begin by going to the book of Hebrews
03:18 chapter 8 and verses 1 through 6.
03:22 We've already said in previous lectures
03:24 that the earthly Sanctuary was an object lesson
03:28 that taught the way in which God resolves the sin problem.
03:34 And I'd like to read this passage again because it
03:37 sets the stage for understanding how God solves the sin problem
03:42 in heaven, illustrating it with the earthly Sanctuary
03:47 with the object lesson that we can see.
03:51 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 1 says...
04:17 So the heavenly Sanctuary is the true tabernacle.
04:20 And then verse 3 says...
04:31 That is, Jesus Christ.
04:44 And now notice verse 5.
04:52 So what was the earthly Sanctuary and its services?
04:55 The services of the high priest?
04:57 They were what?
04:58 Shadows and copies of the heavenly things.
05:15 Verse 6, "But now He," that is Jesus, "has obtained
05:20 a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also
05:26 Mediator of a better covenant, which was established
05:31 on better promises."
05:33 So the new covenant is better because the blood of Jesus
05:36 really removed sin.
05:39 The blood of Jesus actually deals with the sin problem.
05:43 The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin.
05:49 Now what we want to do as we begin our study today
05:52 is take a look at the daily service in the Hebrew Sanctuary.
05:58 And I'm going to review it.
05:59 If you read the first fifteen chapter of Leviticus,
06:04 you're going to find several different passages
06:07 that speak about the way in which the daily service
06:11 in the Sanctuary took place.
06:13 But basically, this is the outline of what took place
06:18 in the daily service.
06:20 First of all, we have the sinner.
06:22 And of course, the sinner is guilty.
06:25 And therefore should die.
06:28 But of course, God does not want the sinner to die.
06:32 And so the sinner can bring an unblemished animal...
06:37 And let's use the lamb as our example.
06:39 Although there were other clean animals
06:41 that were also sacrificed.
06:43 But the sinner could bring an unblemished lamb,
06:47 which represented Jesus Christ.
06:49 And we're told there in several of the episodes
06:52 that the sinner or the priest would place his hand
06:56 on the head of the immaculate unblemished victim
07:01 and confess the sin of that person upon the head
07:07 of the animal.
07:09 Now we need to understand the reason why
07:11 it was placed on the head.
07:12 What do you have in your head?
07:14 Your brain.
07:15 And the brain is the organ of the mind.
07:18 Where were the sins placed upon Jesus?
07:21 Where did He feel the tremendous burden of sin?
07:24 It was in His conscience, or it was in His mind.
07:28 And so we find here that the sinner would place his hand,
07:31 or the priest sometimes, would place his hand
07:34 on the head of the victim and he would confess the sin
07:38 on the head of the victim.
07:39 In this way the sin was transferred from the sinner
07:44 to the victim.
07:46 And then the sinner or the priest would take a knife
07:50 and he would shed the blood of that animal.
07:54 And the sinner could go home with the certainty
08:00 of forgiveness.
08:03 Because the sin had been transferred from the sinner
08:06 to the victim, and the victim had died in place of the sinner.
08:12 This is the ceremony that is described primarily
08:16 in Leviticus chapter 1 through chapter 15.
08:20 Now I'm going to read a few examples from these chapters
08:24 of Leviticus so that we can catch a picture of this.
08:28 Leviticus chapter 5 and verse 10, after speaking
08:31 about one of the sacrifices, it says this...
08:40 Now notice that this was an individual work.
08:58 Is this an individual thing?
09:00 It most certainly is.
09:02 Notice the personal pronoun used several times.
09:05 "...his behalf...his sin which he has committed,
09:08 and it shall be forgiven him."
09:11 Notice also Leviticus chapter 5 and verse 13.
09:14 Leviticus 5 and verse 13.
09:17 It says there...
09:29 Once again this is an issue of forgiveness,
09:33 and it is an individual thing.
09:36 Now notice Psalm 51 verses 1 and 2.
09:39 This is the penitential psalm of David when David
09:44 committed his sin of adultery and murder.
09:48 And notice what David prayed.
10:10 What was it that was cleansed in the daily service?
10:14 Was it the sinner or the Sanctuary?
10:17 What was cleansed was the sinner.
10:20 The sinner was forgiven and cleansed of his sin
10:23 in the daily service.
10:25 Let's notice also Leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11.
10:29 Leviticus 17 verse 11.
10:31 Here it speaks about the sacrifices on the altar.
10:34 And we are told...
10:39 And God is speaking.
10:52 Now an interesting detail about Leviticus is that if you read
10:57 chapters 1 through 15, there are certain words that appear
11:01 time after time.
11:03 These words are, for example, "sin," "transgression,"
11:07 "uncleanness," and "iniquity."
11:11 And almost every single time that these words appear
11:15 in Leviticus chapter 1 through chapter 15,
11:17 they appear in the singular.
11:20 In other words it's not, "sins," it's not, "transgressions,"
11:24 it's not, "iniquities."
11:26 It is, "sin," "transgression," "uncleanness," and "iniquity."
11:32 And the reason why is because in the daily service
11:34 you're dealing with the individual.
11:37 The individual needs forgiveness.
11:39 The individual needs cleansing.
11:43 Now let's look at the fulfillment of this.
11:45 What is it that fulfilled these ceremonies that we read about
11:50 in the Old Testament?
11:52 Let's go to 1 John chapter 1 and verse 9.
11:55 How was the daily service fulfilled?
11:57 With individuals.
11:59 Let's notice, 1 John 1 verse 9.
12:18 So if we confess our sins, whom does Jesus cleanse?
12:22 The Sanctuary?
12:24 No, He cleanses us from unrighteousness.
12:27 He forgives our sins.
12:30 Notice Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
12:33 Once again, the daily service was an individual thing.
12:37 The individual was cleansed, the Sanctuary was not cleansed.
12:41 Acts 2 verse 38.
12:43 It says here...
12:44 And this is Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost.
12:56 Is this an individual thing?
12:57 Absolutely.
13:05 "The remission;" other versions translate, "forgiveness."
13:08 It's the same thing.
13:13 Once again, the personal pronoun.
13:16 So is repentance an individual thing?
13:20 Absolutely.
13:21 "Each one of you," it says.
13:22 Is baptism an individual thing? Absolutely.
13:25 Is forgiveness an individual thing?
13:28 Absolutely.
13:30 Hebrews 9 verse 22.
13:32 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 says...
13:38 This is talking about the ceremonial law.
13:49 The word, "remission," means, "forgiveness."
13:50 Don't get confused, it's not a different Greek word.
13:52 Whenever you find, "forgiveness," and, "remission,"
13:54 it's the same Greek word.
13:57 So notice that without shedding of blood,
13:59 there is no remission of sin.
14:02 Now notice Revelation chapter 1 and verse 5.
14:04 We're looking at how the daily service was fulfilled.
14:08 Individual work of cleansing the sinner
14:11 and forgiving the individual sinner.
14:14 Revelation 1 verse 5 says, speaking about Jesus...
14:27 Who did Jesus wash, the Sanctuary or us?
14:31 He washed us in the daily service.
14:34 One final text, Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
14:38 Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
14:41 Speaking about Jesus, and this is Peter who is speaking.
14:57 What was it that was contemplated
14:59 in the daily service?
15:00 Was it the cleansing of the Sanctuary
15:02 or was it the cleansing of the sinner?
15:05 It was the cleansing of the sinner, according to Scripture.
15:09 When we receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord,
15:12 when we repent, when we confess our sins,
15:14 when we trust in Jesus Christ and we claim Him as our
15:18 High Priest, Jesus takes His life and His death
15:22 and places them to our account, and He looks upon us as if
15:26 we had never sinned.
15:27 In other words, we are forgiven.
15:30 We are cleansed from our sin.
15:33 Is that clear
15:34 But now listen.
15:35 That's not where the Sanctuary service ended.
15:39 Because once the sinner was forgiven,
15:42 the Bible tells us that the priest would take the blood
15:46 into the Sanctuary and he would sprinkle the blood
15:52 in the Sanctuary.
15:54 Now where was the record of sin at this point?
15:58 The sin was no longer upon the sinner.
16:02 The sin was placed on the victim.
16:04 In other words, the blood of the victim was defiled.
16:08 Because it had the sin of the sinner.
16:11 And so when the blood was taken into the Sanctuary,
16:14 what happened with the Sanctuary?
16:17 The Sanctuary became what?
16:19 Defiled by the record of sin that had been transferred
16:22 to the blood of the victim.
16:24 Now one question that people come up with,
16:27 they say, "How is it possible that a holy Sanctuary
16:33 could have unholy sin?"
16:36 Well I ask them another question.
16:39 I say, "How is it that Jesus Christ, who was very, very holy,
16:44 could have sin upon Himself?"
16:47 In fact let's notice, regarding Jesus,
16:49 Hebrews chapter 7 verse 26 what we're told about Jesus Christ.
16:54 Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26 says...
17:09 Was Jesus undefiled and perfect and unblemished?
17:12 Yes or no?
17:13 He was holy.
17:15 But did Jesus take sin upon Himself in spite of the
17:18 fact that He was holy?
17:19 Absolutely.
17:21 Notice 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21.
17:24 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21.
17:27 Here it says, "For He," that is God the Father,
17:30 "made Him," that is Jesus...
17:36 See, He knew no sin.
17:37 But He was made what?
17:39 Sin for us.
17:44 Now the sin that Jesus bore was not His own.
17:47 It was alien to Christ.
17:49 It was imputed to Him.
17:51 It was credited to Him, but it was not His.
17:55 However, He was a Holy Being that was bearing what? Sin.
18:00 In the same way the Sanctuary is a holy place,
18:04 but it bears the record of what?
18:06 The record of sin.
18:08 But it's not God's sin.
18:09 Whose sin is it?
18:11 It's the sin of the sinner that is placed in the Sanctuary.
18:14 Are you clear on this point?
18:15 Very, very important.
18:17 Now, let's notice what the Bible has to say about
18:21 the transfer of sin from the priest into the Sanctuary.
18:27 And it was transferred in two different ways.
18:29 Go with me to Leviticus chapter 4 verses 5 through 7.
18:32 We could take many examples from the first
18:34 15 chapters of Leviticus.
18:36 I just chose some at random.
18:38 Because we don't have time to study them all.
18:40 Each one has their own nuance.
18:42 Notice Leviticus chapter 4 and verses 5 through 7.
18:45 This is one way in which the sin of the sinner
18:48 was transferred into the Sanctuary through the blood.
18:52 It says here, "Then the anointed priest shall take
18:56 some of the bull's blood..."
18:57 In this case it's a bull because it's the sacrifice that's
19:00 offered for leaders of Israel.
19:02 And so it says...
19:18 That is the veil that divided the Holy from
19:20 the Most Holy Place.
19:21 So was the blood of the victim transferred into the Sanctuary?
19:25 It most certainly was.
19:27 And along with the blood, what was transferred
19:29 to the Sanctuary?
19:30 The sin that the blood was bearing.
19:35 Now there was another way in which sin was transferred
19:37 into the Sanctuary.
19:38 And that is if the high priest, or a priest, in the Holy Place
19:44 ate the flesh of the sacrifice.
19:46 Now notice Leviticus chapter 10 and verses 17 and 18.
19:51 Leviticus chapter 10 and verses 17 and 18.
19:54 Moses was kind of mad because they had not done this.
19:57 And notice what he says to the priests who had
20:00 consumed the sacrifice and had not eaten it
20:03 the way they should have.
20:04 He says...
20:29 You see, sin was transferred into the Sanctuary
20:31 either by the blood or it was transferred into the Sanctuary
20:35 by the priest eating the flesh of the victim in the Sanctuary.
20:39 Now the question is, how is this fulfilled in the anti-type?
20:43 How is it fulfilled in reality?
20:46 Go with me to Hebrews chapter 9:11-12.
20:49 Because, you know, we just dealt with the symbolism
20:52 from the Old Testament Sanctuary.
20:53 But how was it fulfilled in reality in the greater
20:56 tabernacle in heaven?
20:58 Hebrews chapter 9 verses 11 and 12.
21:01 It says here...
21:17 A better translation is, "not of this creation."
21:31 I'm reading from the King James version which is more accurate.
21:39 So when the priest entered the Holy Place of the Sanctuary
21:43 and sprinkled the blood, that represented the fact that
21:45 Jesus takes His blood into the Sanctuary.
21:48 And when we sin, our sin is transferred to Christ.
21:52 And Christ introduces it into the Sanctuary.
21:55 In other words, it's recorded in the Sanctuary.
21:57 The veil, in other words, represents the books of heaven.
22:01 Does God keep a record in heaven of our lives?
22:04 Does He keep a record of our words?
22:07 Jesus said in Matthew chapter 12 that by your words you will be
22:10 justified, or by your words you will be condemned.
22:13 Does He keep a record of our works?
22:15 The Bible says we will be judged by our works.
22:18 Does He keep a record of our secret things?
22:21 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, the last two verses say that
22:24 even the secret things will be brought forth in the judgment.
22:27 In other words, He has an exact transcript or record
22:30 of the sins that have entered the Sanctuary through the blood.
22:33 Now don't be, you know, don't think that this is
22:37 something bad for you.
22:39 "Oh, my sins are written up there."
22:41 Listen, if you put them in the Sanctuary through the blood,
22:44 you don't have to worry.
22:46 Because if you didn't put them in the Sanctuary,
22:49 repentant and confessed into the Sanctuary by the blood,
22:53 then you still have them upon yourself.
22:55 So just make sure that you come to Jesus Christ boldly
22:59 and you send the sins into the Sanctuary
23:01 so that when they're written in the books,
23:03 "forgiven" is written next to the sins in the book.
23:08 Now, when the sins were introduced into the Sanctuary,
23:12 what happened with the Sanctuary?
23:15 The Sanctuary was defiled by the record of sin.
23:19 They were forgiven sins, but the sins were still recorded
23:23 in the Sanctuary.
23:25 So what needed to happen?
23:27 At some point the Sanctuary needed to be what?
23:32 The Sanctuary needed to be cleansed from the record of sin.
23:37 Had the sinner already been forgiven?
23:40 Yes. Could the sinner go home and sleep well?
23:43 Absolutely.
23:45 The sinner could have a clear conscience because he had
23:47 presented his sins to his Advocate in the Sanctuary.
23:51 And the Advocate had placed the sins in the Sanctuary
23:54 covered by His blood.
23:55 That's good news.
23:56 You know some people say, "Adventists, they don't have
23:58 any assurance of salvation because they believe
24:00 your sins are written up in heaven."
24:02 Yeah, they're written in heaven, but they're
24:04 covered by the blood.
24:05 Which is really good news.
24:08 You know, if they're not up there, where are they?
24:10 They're here.
24:11 You better send them up there.
24:13 That's your greatest assurance; through repentance
24:16 and through confession and through trusting
24:19 in the merits of Christ.
24:21 So in other words, the Sanctuary, even though
24:23 these sins did not belong to the Sanctuary,
24:25 they're alien to the Sanctuary, the Sanctuary assimilated
24:29 these sins even though they did not
24:31 belong to the holy Sanctuary.
24:33 Just like Jesus took our sins that did not belong to Him.
24:36 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
24:39 Now, was the sinner cleansed by the daily service?
24:43 Yes.
24:44 Was the Sanctuary cleansed by the daily service?
24:48 No. By the daily service the Sanctuary was defiled.
24:52 So what needed to happen to the Sanctuary?
24:55 It needed to be cleansed.
24:58 Does the Bible speak about cleansing
24:59 the heavenly Sanctuary?
25:01 Let's read Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14,
25:04 which we've looked at before.
25:05 Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14 says...
25:16 And what Sanctuary is this?
25:19 It is the heavenly Sanctuary.
25:20 We've already studied this previously in our lectures.
25:23 Notice also Hebrews 9 and verse 23.
25:27 This text tells us that there's something in heaven that's
25:30 defiled that needs to be cleansed.
25:32 Hebrews 9 and verse 23 says...
25:53 Was the earthly Sanctuary cleansed by the sacrifices
25:56 by the blood that was shed?
25:58 Yes. Must the heavenly things be cleansed
26:01 with better blood than the blood that was used
26:04 in the Sanctuary in the Old Testament service?
26:06 Absolutely.
26:08 Now, when was the Sanctuary cleansed?
26:11 It was actually cleansed once a year
26:13 on what is known as the Day of Atonement.
26:16 So we need to take a look at the service of the Day of Atonement.
26:20 According to Leviticus 16 and verse 7,
26:22 on the Day of Atonement two goats were chosen,
26:26 and lots were case.
26:29 And one of them was going to be a goat for the Lord,
26:33 and the other goat was going to be the scapegoat, or for Azazel.
26:38 Now let's read about that in Leviticus chapter 16
26:42 and verse 7.
26:43 Leviticus 16 and verse 7.
26:58 So you have two goats; one for the Lord
27:01 and one for Azazel.
27:03 And they're presented at the door of the
27:06 tabernacle of meeting.
27:09 Now some people say, "Why in the world did
27:15 this have to take place?
27:16 Why did you have to have one goat for the Lord
27:19 and another goat for Azazel?"
27:22 Well, the goat for the Lord had the purpose
27:24 of cleansing the Sanctuary.
27:26 We need to understand that first.
27:29 Now whose sins were in view on the Day of Atonement?
27:33 Was it the sins of all of the unrighteous that came to view
27:36 on the Day of Atonement?
27:37 Which were the only sins that were considered
27:39 on the Day of Atonement?
27:41 Only the sins that through the course of the year had, what?
27:44 Had entered the Sanctuary through the blood.
27:46 And some people might say, "Why did God have to examine
27:50 the records in the heavenly Sanctuary?
27:52 Didn't He forgive the sin of the sinner when a sinner confessed
27:56 his sin and repented and trusted in the merits of Christ?
27:59 Wasn't that enough?"
28:01 Let me explain.
28:03 Are all Christians true Christians?
28:09 Is there such a thing as counterfeit Christians?
28:12 If you don't believe it, let me give you some examples.
28:16 Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord...'"
28:21 Are those Christians?
28:23 Of course.
28:24 "...will enter the kingdom of heaven.
28:26 But he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.
28:30 Many shall say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
28:32 did we not perform miracles in Your name?
28:34 Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in Your name?
28:38 Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name?'"
28:40 And Jesus is going to say, "Yeah thank you for using My name.
28:43 Come, You're mine."
28:44 No.
28:45 He says, "I never knew you.
28:48 Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity."
28:51 Does the Bible say that even some ministers
28:53 disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness?
28:56 Absolutely.
28:57 Does the Bible tell us that there are
28:59 wheat and tares in the church?
29:01 Absolutely.
29:02 Does the Bible tell us that the gospel net gathers
29:06 good fish and bad fish and they need to be separated?
29:10 That's the judgment, by the way.
29:12 Does the Bible tell us that there were wise virgins
29:14 and also foolish virgins?
29:17 Did they all claim to be Christians?
29:18 Yes, because they all had lamps, which represent the Bible,
29:22 and they all had a certain measure of oil.
29:26 So is there such a thing as people who profess
29:29 to believe in Jesus Christ but they are counterfeit believers?
29:32 Absolutely.
29:34 Must Jesus bring forth the names in the judgment to show
29:39 who truly repented of sin and confessed sin
29:44 and trusted in the merits of Jesus, and their life showed
29:47 that they had a faith that worked, yes or no?
29:50 Absolutely.
29:51 In other words, the purpose of the judgment is to reveal
29:54 if repentance was genuine or not.
29:58 And only those who profess the name of Jesus Christ
30:02 are actually even looked at during this
30:04 stage of the judgment.
30:05 Because, as I mentioned, when Jesus comes,
30:08 He's going to take them home.
30:10 So it's urgent to decide who He has a right to take home.
30:13 He needs to reveal to the universe, "These are Mine."
30:16 He's going to open the records and He's going to show
30:19 whether they were genuine or not.
30:21 And the heavenly beings are going to say,
30:23 "You got it all right.
30:24 These are genuine and these are counterfeit."
30:28 And so two goats were chosen.
30:31 Notice Leviticus chapter 16 and verses 8 and 9.
30:36 It says here...
30:55 So who does the first goat represent, the Lord's goat?
30:58 The Lord's goat represents Jesus Christ.
31:02 Now listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
31:05 A few years ago there was a theologian of the
31:07 Adventist church, I'm not going to mention his name,
31:10 who said that the Day of Atonement
31:12 took place at the cross.
31:15 And Pastor Jensen knows who I'm talking about.
31:20 Now let me tell you this.
31:22 There is one aspect of the Day of Atonement
31:24 that was fulfilled at the cross.
31:26 The sacrificial aspect of the Day of Atonement
31:30 was fulfilled at the cross.
31:31 Jesus does not die again in 1844.
31:35 He died once for all.
31:37 In other words, the death that He suffered 2000 years ago
31:41 is the blood that He uses to cleanse the Sanctuary.
31:46 In other words, the sacrificial aspect of the Day of Atonement
31:50 took place at the cross.
31:51 But that doesn't mean that everything regarding
31:53 the Day of Atonement took place at the cross.
31:56 It was only the sacrifice of this goat that was offered
31:59 on the Day of Atonement, which represents the fact that Jesus,
32:02 2000 years ago, sacrificed Himself and gave His blood.
32:07 Is that point very clear?
32:08 Now listen carefully.
32:11 In Leviticus 16, those words which were singular
32:16 in Leviticus 1 through 15 suddenly become plural
32:22 in chapter 16.
32:24 It's no longer, "sin," it's, "sins."
32:27 It's no longer, "iniquity," it's, "iniquities."
32:30 It's no longer, "uncleanness," it's, "uncleannesses."
32:35 Because what's in view on the Day of Atonement
32:37 is the cleansing of the corporate sin of everyone
32:40 in the camp of Israel.
32:42 It's not an individual work, it's the cleansing of what?
32:46 Of the record of sin in the Sanctuary.
32:50 Now let's read Leviticus chapter 16
32:52 and verses 15 and 16.
32:54 Leviticus 16 verses 15 and 16.
33:20 And now notice the words, "because of the uncleanness..."
33:23 Actually it's, "uncleannesses," in the Hebrew.
33:32 Is this a corporate work in favor of all the people?
33:35 Absolutely.
33:45 And you know, when the Day of Atonement ended
33:49 the Sanctuary and the people had been cleansed
33:52 from the record of sin that had entered the Sanctuary.
33:56 Let's read that in Leviticus chapter 16 and verse 30,
33:59 and then we'll jump down to verse 33.
34:01 Leviticus 16 verse 30.
34:25 And when the Day of Atonement ended,
34:27 everybody was clean.
34:30 It was a clean people, it was a clean Sanctuary,
34:33 it was a clean priest, it was a clean camp.
34:37 In other words, sin had been eradicated
34:40 from the encampment of Israel.
34:43 Now there's something very important.
34:46 And that is, that when the Day of Atonement ended
34:49 all cases in Israel were decided.
34:53 In the fulfillment of this, we've studied this
34:56 in previous lectures, what happens when the service
35:01 in the Sanctuary comes to an end?
35:03 When probation comes to a close?
35:06 When the Sanctuary has been cleansed?
35:08 Is there a day coming when God is going to close the
35:11 Sanctuary service and He's going to say,
35:13 "He who is filthy will still be filthy,
35:15 and he who is holy will still be holy."
35:18 Can we bring our sins to the Sanctuary today?
35:20 Can we still confess our sins and receive forgiveness
35:23 and have those sins covered by the blood in the Sanctuary?
35:26 We can.
35:27 But is the day coming when we will not be able
35:30 to introduce sin into the Sanctuary by the blood anymore?
35:33 Absolutely.
35:34 Notice Revelation chapter 15 and verses 5 through 8.
35:37 Revelation 15:5-8, we've read this before,
35:40 but let's read it again.
36:02 Is the cup full at this point?
36:04 Is mercy come to an end?
36:05 Yes, the full wrath of God is going to be poured out.
36:08 And now notice verse 8.
36:24 Can we enter the Sanctuary today by the blood of Jesus?
36:27 Can our sins enter the Sanctuary when we repent and we confess
36:31 our sins and we trust in Jesus Christ?
36:33 Absolutely, but the time is coming when we will
36:35 not be able to enter.
36:36 And it's not talking about physically entering,
36:38 it's talking about entering by faith.
36:41 Coming to the throne of grace boldly, as it says
36:45 in chapter 4 of the book of Hebrews.
36:47 You understand how we can come to the Sanctuary
36:49 today in heaven?
36:50 We come boldly through Jesus Christ.
36:53 We also noticed in one of our previous lectures
36:55 Revelation 22 verse 11 where it says...
37:11 Does that have a certain ring of finality to it?
37:15 In other words, there's a day coming when you're
37:17 going to still be filthy.
37:18 The Sanctuary service will have closed.
37:20 We can't introduce sin into the Sanctuary anymore.
37:22 And therefore, we will remain defiled forever.
37:28 Now let's talk about the last event that took place
37:30 on the Day of Atonement.
37:32 Because what has happened is that sin has been cleansed
37:35 from the Sanctuary.
37:36 Did you understand that the Lord's goat is sacrificed
37:38 to cleansed the Sanctuary, the blood cleanses the Sanctuary?
37:42 But there's still a very important ceremony
37:44 that took place.
37:46 Notice Leviticus chapter 16 and verses 20 through 22.
37:51 After the Sanctuary had been cleansed by the high priest
37:54 by the blood of the sacrifice, the Bible tells us that the
38:00 high priest would go to the door of the tabernacle of meeting.
38:04 In other words, this is in the court.
38:07 The door that leads into the Holy Place.
38:09 The Bible tells us that he would place both his hands
38:12 on the head of the scapegoat.
38:15 The Sanctuary had already been cleansed
38:18 by the blood of the Lord's goat.
38:20 But now he's bringing all of the iniquities and all of the sins
38:23 and he's going to place both of his hands
38:25 on the head of the scapegoat, and he's going to confess
38:28 those sins on the head of the scapegoat.
38:30 Let's read about it in Leviticus 16 verse 20.
38:33 It says...
38:41 Let me ask you, had the Sanctuary already been
38:43 atoned for, it had already been cleansed
38:44 when the scapegoat ceremony takes place?
38:47 Absolutely.
38:48 The scapegoat doesn't save Israel.
38:50 The salvation and the cleansing of the Sanctuary
38:52 has already taken place.
38:54 Notice verse 21.
39:13 "Sins," because it's an accumulate of all of them.
39:46 Two characteristics; the goat after the sins were placed
39:50 upon him, he was sent to the wilderness
39:53 to a land where there were no, what?
39:56 Where there were no inhabitants.
39:58 Now my question is, where is this ceremony fulfilled?
40:03 Let's go to Revelation chapter 20 and verses 1 to 3.
40:07 Revelation chapter 20:1-3.
40:10 We're going to look at some exciting stuff now.
40:12 Revelation 20 verses 1 to 3.
40:15 This is after, immediately after the second coming of Jesus
40:18 is seen in chapter 19.
40:20 It says, "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven
40:23 having the key to the bottomless pit."
40:25 That expression, "bottomless pit,"
40:27 is a deplorable translation.
40:30 It's really the Greek word, "abussos,"
40:34 which should be translated, "deep."
40:38 Do you know it's the same word that appears in
40:41 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 2 where it says,
40:43 where it speaks about the deep.
40:45 Have you ever read that?
40:46 It says, "The earth was without form and void,
40:50 and darkness was over the face of the..." What?
40:53 Of the deep.
40:55 And you say, "How do you know that "abussos" in Greek
40:57 is the same as "tehom" in Hebrew?
40:59 Very simple.
41:00 We have a translation of the Old Testament into Greek.
41:05 Every time that "tehom," the word in Genesis 1 verse 2,
41:09 appears in the Greek Old Testament,
41:12 it's translated, "abussos."
41:14 So what does the word, "abussos," mean?
41:16 It's speaking about the earth in what condition?
41:19 In a condition where it is without form and void
41:24 and in darkness, and without any what?
41:27 Without any inhabitants.
41:29 That's right.
41:31 So that is the earth where this is taking place.
41:33 So it says...
41:50 Once again, the same word; the abussos, the tehom.
41:53 The place where there's darkness and it's disorderly,
41:56 and it's empty or void.
41:58 And where there's no one who's alive, because
42:00 creation hadn't taken place yet.
42:02 And so it says in verse 3...
42:15 By the way, Jeremiah saw the earth in this condition.
42:18 Notice Jeremiah chapter 4 and let's read verses 23 through 25.
42:23 There are many similar words.
42:25 Actually, you should read from verse 19
42:28 all the way through verse 29.
42:29 We don't have the time to read all of the verses,
42:31 but we're going to read verses 23 through 25.
42:34 Listen to Jeremiah describing what the earth
42:37 is going to be like when Jesus comes.
42:39 The earth where the devil is going to be bound
42:41 for 1000 years.
42:43 Jeremiah says...
42:49 Just like before creation week.
42:55 Just like at creation.
43:02 "I beheld, and indeed there were lots of men."
43:07 No, it says, "There was no man."
43:16 Let's read a parallel passage.
43:18 Isaiah 24 and we're only going to read verses 18 to 23.
43:22 This is describing the second coming of Jesus
43:25 and what's going to happen when Jesus comes.
43:27 Isaiah 24 and verse 18.
43:31 Let's begin with verse 19.
43:53 That is at the second coming when the earth
43:55 returns to this condition.
44:12 Does Revelation chapter 20 talk about Satan
44:15 being shut up in the prison?
44:16 Absolutely, but here it includes also his angels.
44:20 The host of the high ones here are Satan and his angels.
44:23 And it says, "They will be gathered together as prisoners
44:27 are gathered in the pit, and will be shut up in the prison."
44:30 But now listen, this isn't their final punishment.
44:32 Because it says, "After many days they will be punished."
44:36 How many are those many days, according to Revelation?
44:39 A thousand years.
44:40 And then after the thousand years, you have the
44:43 New Jerusalem appearing, if you read Revelation 21 and 22.
44:46 Here you have it also.
44:47 It says, "Then the moon will be disgraced
44:49 and the sun ashamed."
44:51 Remember we talked about that when we said that
44:54 there will be sun and moon, but you know, they're going to be
44:56 eclipsed by the glory of God.
44:58 So it says...
45:06 That's Revelation 21 and 22.
45:12 Now allow me to read you a statement from Ellen White
45:14 on this ceremony of the scapegoat.
45:17 She says...
45:40 See, sin had already been taken care of.
45:42 The Sanctuary had already been cleansed.
45:44 She continues saying...
46:35 Isn't it amazing the parallel between the Day of Atonement
46:39 in the Old Testament and what is going to happen
46:41 at the end of time.
46:43 Now most scholars think that both scapegoats
46:45 represent Jesus Christ.
46:48 But they don't represent Jesus Christ.
46:50 Because one of them, the Bible says, was for the Lord,
46:54 and the other one was for Azazel.
46:57 Notice Leviticus chapter 16 verses 7 and 8.
47:00 Leviticus 16 verses 7 and 8.
47:16 How can you say one for the Lord and one for the scapegoat,
47:18 and you say both are for the Lord?
47:21 Obviously one is for the Lord and the other one is
47:24 for the scapegoat.
47:26 So really, you have one representing Jesus
47:31 and the other representing the enemy of Jesus Christ.
47:35 Now some people say, "Well the Adventist church,
47:37 they believe then that the devil is their Savior,
47:38 because the devil bears their sins."
47:40 Listen, let's read Leviticus chapter 16 verse 20,
47:44 and you're going to see that we don't believe that at all.
47:47 Had the sacrifice of the Lord's goat already taken place
47:50 at this point?
47:51 Had all of the sins already been cleansed from the
47:54 Sanctuary at this point?
47:55 Yes.
47:56 So really, what is it that cleansed the Sanctuary?
47:59 It was the blood of Christ.
48:02 Only afterwards do you have this goat having the sins
48:06 because he's the originator and the instigator of sin.
48:10 If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't be any
48:11 sin in the universe.
48:13 Notice Leviticus chapter 16 and verse 20.
48:16 It says here, "And when he has made an end
48:19 of atoning for the Holy Place..."
48:21 That is, once he's already performed the cleansing
48:23 of the Sanctuary.
48:25 It says...
48:34 Had already sin been cleansed from the life
48:36 and been cleansed from the Sanctuary at this point?
48:39 Absolutely.
48:40 Now furthermore, the goat for Azazel was presented alive.
48:46 So he could not atone for sin.
48:48 What is it that atones for sin?
48:51 Notice Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 says...
49:01 In other words, this goat was presented alive.
49:04 He was not sacrificed for sin.
49:08 Furthermore, and this is very important,
49:10 The sins were imposed upon this scapegoat.
49:15 Whereas the Bible tells us that the sins of us human beings
49:19 were voluntarily taken upon Jesus Christ by Himself.
49:24 Finally, and this is the most persuasive argument,
49:28 the book of Revelation follows the exact order
49:32 of the Hebrew Sanctuary service.
49:34 Let me just go through it quickly.
49:36 We don't have time to read all of the verses.
49:38 If you read Revelation chapter 1 verses 4 and 5,
49:41 these should be on your list, there is says that Jesus
49:45 shed His blood and cleansed us from our sins.
49:49 That has to do with what?
49:51 With the daily service.
49:53 Then in chapters 1 to 3 Jesus is walking among
49:58 the seven candlesticks.
49:59 He's in the Holy Place.
50:00 In the series on the seals, which is chapter 4 through
50:04 chapter 7, Jesus is at the table of showbread.
50:08 In the trumpet series, the trumpet series begins with
50:12 Jesus at the altar of incense.
50:15 Are you noticing how He's moving?
50:16 First of all, the sacrifice of His blood in the court.
50:20 And then He's among the candlesticks.
50:21 Then He's at the table of showbread.
50:23 Then He's at the altar of incense.
50:24 Where would we expect Him to go next?
50:27 It would be the Most Holy Place.
50:29 Revelation 11 verse 19 says that the temple in heaven
50:33 is opened and the ark of the covenant is seen.
50:36 And then Revelation 14, the judgment hour
50:39 message is proclaimed.
50:40 See, the temple is opened, so now you have to proclaim,
50:43 "The hour of His judgment..." What?
50:45 "...has come."
50:46 But when the three angels' messages have been proclaimed,
50:49 Revelation 14 verses 14 through 20,
50:52 which comes right after the final warning of the world
50:54 that the judgment is here, the world is divided into
50:59 how many groups?
51:00 Into two groups.
51:01 The three angels' messages, the judgment hour message,
51:04 divided the world into two groups.
51:05 Just like the message of Noah.
51:08 And then the next chapter says that nobody is able
51:12 to enter the temple.
51:14 That's the passage that we read.
51:16 Because probation has what?
51:17 Probation has closed.
51:19 And then after that, in the very next chapter,
51:21 we have the plagues.
51:23 Is that the tribulation period?
51:26 Yes, after the close of probation you have the
51:28 tribulation period.
51:29 And then you come to chapter 19 and you have the
51:32 second coming of Jesus.
51:33 He's seated on a white horse and the armies of heaven
51:35 are coming with Him.
51:39 And then what do you have?
51:41 In chapter 20 you have the scapegoat ceremony.
51:44 Satan is bound to planet earth in a non-inhabited land,
51:50 because all of his followers are dead,
51:51 and the earth is like a vast wilderness.
51:55 And then after the 1000 years, God makes a new heavens
51:59 and a new earth, in Revelation 21 and 22.
52:03 Are you seeing the sequence?
52:04 Clearly in the sequence of Revelation
52:07 the scapegoat ceremony comes in the exact place
52:11 where we would expect it, according to the model
52:14 of the Hebrew Sanctuary of the Old Testament.
52:16 Now you're saying, "But what about the wicked?
52:18 We've talked about Satan, you know, because
52:20 he's the originator and the instigator.
52:22 He's going to suffer the final penalty.
52:24 But what about the wicked?"
52:25 Well, the devil is not going to...
52:28 The sins of the wicked aren't going to be placed on him.
52:32 Who's going to bear the sins of the wicked?
52:35 The wicked.
52:36 Because they did not sympathize with the work of the high priest
52:40 on the Day of Atonement.
52:41 In fact, go with me to Leviticus 23 verses 29 and 30.
52:44 On the Day of Atonement everybody in Israel
52:47 had to be focused on what was happening.
52:50 While the high priest was cleansing the Sanctuary
52:54 they had to be afflicting their souls and cleansing their
52:57 lives from sin.
52:59 Notice Leviticus chapter 23 and verses 29 and 30.
53:17 See, people had to fast on the Day of Atonement.
53:19 They had to afflict their souls on the Day of Atonement.
53:22 And they couldn't work on the Day of Atonement.
53:25 You're saying, "Does that mean that we don't work since 1844?"
53:27 No.
53:29 The reason why they didn't work is because their minds had to be
53:33 focused on what was happening in the Most Holy Place.
53:36 So any work that you have today that distracts your attention
53:41 from being focused on what Jesus is doing,
53:44 that is cleansing the Sanctuary, and He wants to cleanse
53:47 our lives from sin, we need to beware of anything that
53:50 interferes with us gathering around the Sanctuary.
53:53 Because everyone had to gather around the Sanctuary
53:56 to focus on what the high priest was doing.
53:58 In fact, the high priest had bells around the
54:01 bottom of his garment so that Israel could
54:03 follow his movements in the Sanctuary.
54:06 Can we follow Jesus in what He's doing?
54:08 That's why God gave us the model in the Old Testament
54:11 so that we could understand what Jesus is doing today.
54:15 By the way, what does it mean to "cut off" from among the people?
54:19 It's a very serious thing.
54:22 Notice Psalm 109:14-15 tells us what it means to be cut off.
54:26 It means that your memory will be cut off forever
54:28 when the wicked are destroyed because they
54:31 bear their own sins.
54:32 See, you can decide to let Jesus bear your sins
54:35 or you can bear them yourself.
54:36 There's two ways of paying for sin.
54:38 Either Jesus can pay for your sin or you can pay for it.
54:41 I'd rather have Jesus pay for it.
54:43 How about you?
54:45 Psalm 109 verses 14 and 15.
54:48 This is what it means to cut off.
54:53 This is speaking about Judas specifically.
55:12 And do you know where people were destroyed?
55:14 Where the wicked were destroyed in the Old Testament
55:16 when you had high-handed sinners?
55:18 Leviticus chapter 24 verse 14 and 23
55:21 tells us that this happened outside the camp of the saints.
55:26 Where are the wicked going to be after the millennium?
55:30 The Bible tells us that the devil and all of the wicked
55:33 will gather outside the camp of the saints.
55:38 Exactly what we find in Leviticus 24 and verse 14
55:41 and verse 23.
55:45 Now the question is, what should we be doing today?
55:48 Many Christians today think we should all be having a
55:50 good time in church and we should be jumping and dancing
55:53 and just having a jolly good time.
55:56 Now is the time that Jesus is cleansing the Sanctuary.
55:59 And we should gather there, and through His power
56:02 cleanse our lives from sin.
56:05 Notice Joel chapter 2:10-11.
56:07 It's speaking about the second coming of Christ, it says...
56:27 And then if you continue reading, let's notice
56:30 Joel chapter 2 verse 12.
56:32 It's describing the Day of Atonement.
56:34 Verses 10 and 11 are speaking about the
56:36 second coming of Christ.
56:37 And then verses 12 through 17 describe the preparation.
57:01 Let's go down to verse 16.
57:20 This is all describing the Day of Atonement.
57:22 What attitude should we have on the Day of Atonement?
57:24 Through the power of God we should be overcoming sin.


Revised 2014-12-17