His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Judgment's Three Stages

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000022

00:30 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:34 Father in heaven, thank You that in spite
00:39 of the sinfulness of this world You still care so much about us
00:45 that You send Your sun and You send Your rain
00:51 upon righteous and unrighteous.
00:54 Father, we take these things for granted.
00:57 But each one of these things is a blessing
00:59 that comes directly from Your hands.
01:02 Father, we ask that the rain of Your Holy Spirit
01:06 will fall in this place.
01:08 That through the Spirit You'll make Your message crystal clear.
01:15 We thank You, Father, for the privilege of
01:17 approaching Your throne.
01:18 Thank You for hearing our prayer.
01:21 For we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:27 I'd like to begin by reading a statement that we find
01:30 in that classic history book called,
01:34 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 68.
01:38 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 68.
01:42 Of course, this book was written by Ellen White.
01:45 And she's talking here about the plan of redemption.
01:48 And this is what she says.
01:50 "But the plan of redemption had a yet broader
01:54 and deeper purpose than the salvation of man.
02:00 It was not for this alone that Christ came to the earth.
02:07 It was not merely that the inhabitants of this little world
02:13 might regard the law of God as it should be regarded.
02:18 But it was to vindicate the character of God
02:24 before the universe."
02:27 The purpose of the plan of salvation, yes, was to save man.
02:32 But a broader purpose was that through the salvation of man
02:36 the universe could catch a glimpse of the character of God
02:40 and how God resolves the problem of sin.
02:45 You see, the problem of sin is a universal cosmic problem.
02:51 And therefore, in order to resolve the sin problem
02:54 you need a cosmic and universal solution.
02:59 The Bible tells us that the angels are involved in the
03:03 conflict or the controversy that is taking place.
03:07 In fact, the Bible tells us that the devil was able to deceive
03:11 one-third of the angels of heaven with his lies.
03:15 And the other angels, the two-thirds, even though
03:18 they remained loyal to God, there's no doubt
03:21 that they had questions about the statements of Lucifer
03:27 concerning God.
03:29 Therefore, God decided that because the heavenly beings
03:35 were involved in the controversy,
03:37 because the controversy began in heaven,
03:40 that He would make this little world an object lesson
03:43 that would reveal clearly His character before the universe.
03:47 Let's read about the origin of sin.
03:51 In Revelation chapter 12 and verses 7 through 9
03:54 we find the description of the origin of sin.
03:57 It did not happen on earth.
03:59 It happened in heaven.
04:02 It says there...
04:34 So the controversy originated in heaven.
04:37 Heaven is involved in the great controversy.
04:41 This is a cosmic universal mess.
04:44 And heaven is watching, as we studied in our last lecture.
04:50 The heavenly counsel is contemplating
04:54 things that happen on earth.
04:56 And they're watching how God resolves the problem of sin
05:00 in harmony with His character.
05:04 We're going to notice in our study that the purpose
05:07 of the three stages of the judgment is to clarify
05:13 before the entire universe how God solves the problem of sin.
05:20 The Bible makes it clear that heaven is involved.
05:23 Heaven is watching.
05:25 In fact, allow me to read you several statements
05:28 from Scripture that indicate that heaven is involved
05:32 with the events that are taking place on earth.
05:35 1 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 9.
05:37 And I'm reading this from the New International Version.
05:41 And some people don't like the New International Version.
05:45 I have issues with this version of the Bible
05:48 because of certain things that are left out.
05:51 But I'll tell you that the translation of
05:52 1 Corinthians 4:9 is good in the NIV.
05:55 Notice what it says.
05:57 "For it seems to me that God has put us apostles
06:03 on display at the end of the procession,
06:07 like men condemned to die in the arena."
06:11 And then notice, "We have been made a spectacle..."
06:17 That Greek word is, "theatron," where we get our word,
06:21 "theater," from.
06:24 In other words, you could translate it,
06:25 "We have been made a theater of the whole universe,
06:32 to angels and to man."
06:37 Are the angels involved in this theatrical presentation
06:42 called sin?
06:43 Absolutely.
06:45 Notice 1 Peter chapter 1 and verses 10 through 12.
06:49 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 10 through 12
06:51 says as much; the angels are watching the way that
06:55 God solves this problem of sin to see what
06:59 God's character is like.
07:00 If God solves the problem in harmony with His character.
07:04 It says there in verse 10, and we'll read several verses,
07:09 it says, "Concerning this salvation, the prophets,
07:13 who spoke of the grace that was to come to you,
07:17 searched intently and with the greatest care,
07:21 trying to find out the time..."
07:23 I'm reading from the NIV this text also.
07:26 "...and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them
07:30 was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ
07:34 and the glories that would follow.
07:37 It was revealed to them," that is, to the prophets,
07:40 "that they were not serving themselves but you
07:44 when they spoke of the things that have now been told you
07:47 by those who preached the gospel to you by the Spirit
07:51 sent from heaven."
07:52 And now notice what the last part of verse 12 says.
07:56 "Even the angels long to look into these things."
08:04 It's speaking about salvation.
08:06 It's speaking about redemption and the prophets who wrote
08:09 about the time of the coming of Christ,
08:11 and the circumstances of the coming of Christ.
08:14 And it says here, "Even the angels long to look
08:18 into these things."
08:20 Do you know that the death of Jesus on the cross
08:23 actually closed the book on the doubts that the heavenly beings
08:28 had concerning the character of God?
08:31 Even those who had remained loyal.
08:33 Because the death of Jesus on the cross not only reconciled
08:37 earth with Him, but it also reconciled heaven.
08:40 Notice Colossians chapter 1 and verses 19 and 20.
08:44 Colossians chapter 1 verses 19 and 20.
08:48 It says here...
08:52 That is, in Jesus.
09:14 Did heaven also need to be reconciled through the
09:18 cross of Jesus Christ?
09:19 This passage clearly says yes.
09:23 Notice also Luke chapter 15 and verse 10.
09:27 When sinners repent on earth,
09:30 the angels are overjoyed in heaven.
09:33 There's a connection between the angels
09:35 and the events of planet earth.
09:38 It says there in Luke chapter 15 and verse 10,
09:41 Jesus is speaking, "Likewise, I say to you,
09:44 there is joy in the presence of the angels of God
09:48 over one sinner who repents."
09:53 I want you to notice also what we find in
09:57 Psalm 51 verses 1 through 4.
10:00 Psalm 51 and verses 1 through 4.
10:02 This is a very interesting passage.
10:05 This is David's penitential psalm after he
10:08 committed adultery and he had his general murdered
10:12 in the battlefield.
10:14 He's praying to God.
10:15 And notice what he says.
10:17 "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your
10:21 loving kindness.
10:22 According to the multitude of Your tender mercies
10:26 blot out my transgressions.
10:28 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
10:31 and cleanse me from my sin.
10:33 For I acknowledge my transgressions,
10:37 and my sin is always before me.
10:40 Against You, You only, have I sinned
10:43 and done this evil in Your sight;
10:45 that You may be found just when You speak,
10:49 and blameless when You judge."
10:52 Interesting that David would say,
10:55 "You know, I confess my sin.
10:57 I realize I'm a sinner.
10:59 I'm not lying to you.
11:02 Please forgive my sin.
11:04 I acknowledge it. I repent."
11:06 Now when you go to the book of Romans, this text is quoted.
11:11 And I want you to notice how in the New Testament
11:14 the translation is changed by the apostle Paul.
11:18 See, in Psalm 51 verses 1 through 4,
11:22 it speaks about God being blameless when He judges.
11:26 But notice what we find in Romans chapter 3 and verse 4
11:30 where this passage is quoted.
11:32 "Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.
11:37 As it is written, 'That You may be justified in Your words,
11:44 and may overcome when You are judged.'"
11:50 Isn't that interesting.
11:53 God is being what?
11:56 God is being judged.
11:58 The devil says, "How can You forgive them, they're sinners?
12:01 You said the wages of sin is death.
12:04 How can You have mercy upon them
12:07 when You said that if they sinned they would die?"
12:11 And so there's a dilemma.
12:12 "If You punish man, You don't love him.
12:15 But if You don't punish him, then You're not just."
12:18 There appears to be a conflict between the justice of God
12:21 and the love and mercy of God.
12:23 And God decides to forgive.
12:25 And the devil says, "Oh He forgives some
12:27 and He doesn't forgive others."
12:29 And so the purpose of the Sanctuary service
12:31 is to show that God was right in the way
12:34 in which He dealt with sin.
12:37 And in Psalm 51 it speaks about God judging,
12:40 but when that is quoted in Romans chapter 3 and verse 4
12:44 it speaks about God being judged.
12:48 In other words, the judgment has the purpose of vindicating
12:52 the character of God before the universe.
12:56 Now there are basically several parties involved
12:59 in the great controversy.
13:01 First of all, you have the loyal heavenly beings.
13:05 Among those are God, the holy angels,
13:09 and the inhabitants of the worlds that never sinned.
13:12 So the first group involved is the group of loyal
13:16 heavenly beings; God, the holy angels,
13:19 and the inhabitants of the other worlds.
13:21 A second group are the penitent sinners who will be saved.
13:28 And in the third place, you have impenitent sinners
13:31 who are going to be lost, and also Satan and his angels.
13:37 Now before the great controversy can come to an end, all of
13:41 these groups have to be absolutely persuaded
13:44 that God resolved the sin problem in harmony
13:48 with His character.
13:50 You see, God does not solve the sin problem quickly.
13:55 He does not implement superficial solutions.
13:59 When God solves the sin problem, He is not going to
14:02 leave any loose ends.
14:04 We live in a society where people want
14:06 immediate gratification.
14:08 They want things, and they want those things now.
14:10 But God does not operate that way.
14:13 God doesn't cut corners.
14:15 When the sin problem is resolved as a result of the
14:19 three stages of the judgment, everyone in the universe;
14:22 the loyal beings in heaven, the loyal beings on earth,
14:26 the rebellious beings on earth, Satan and his angels,
14:30 will all confess that God was right in the way
14:33 in which He dealt with sin.
14:37 The purpose of the judgment is not to inform God
14:40 who is good and who is evil.
14:42 Because God knows the end from the beginning.
14:45 The purpose of the judgment is not to inform God.
14:48 The purpose of the judgment is to inform the universe.
14:52 Because the universe does not know everything.
14:55 And they need to see how God solves the problem of sin.
15:00 Now at each stage of the judgment, God persuades
15:05 a different group.
15:07 We're going to notice that as we study the
15:10 three stages of the judgment.
15:11 Now let's talk about stage number one of the judgment.
15:15 This stage is the pre-advent investigative judgment
15:21 of the righteous.
15:23 Did you understand what I said?
15:25 "Pre-advent" means, before the second coming.
15:28 "Investigative" means that their cases are going to be
15:32 researched or investigated from the books.
15:36 And of course it means that the righteous are the ones
15:40 who are going to be judged before Jesus comes.
15:43 And you say, "Why would the righteous be judged
15:46 before Jesus comes?"
15:47 Well, the answer is very simple.
15:51 You see, Jesus, when He comes again, is going to take
15:54 His faithful people to heaven.
15:57 And so He has to reveal before He comes
16:00 who He has a right to take to heaven.
16:03 Are you with me or not?
16:05 There's an urgency to judge the righteous before He comes.
16:08 Because when He comes He's planning to what?
16:11 He planning to take them to heaven.
16:13 And so He must reveal who truly repented,
16:18 confessed, forsook sin, and by faith claimed the perfect life
16:24 and the death of Jesus Christ as his or hers.
16:28 It needs to be revealed to the universe
16:30 so that when Jesus takes His people home,
16:33 all of the heavenly universe says, "You brought everyone
16:36 that You had a right to bring based on Your character."
16:41 Now the question is, when does this judgment take place?
16:46 This first stage.
16:47 Revelation 14:6-7 makes it very clear.
16:50 Revelation 14 verses 6 and 7.
16:53 We've read this before, it says...
17:05 Question, is there still an opportunity to be saved
17:10 when the everlasting gospel is being preached?
17:13 Absolutely.
17:14 While the gospel is being preached people can be saved.
17:18 But now notice what takes place as the gospel is being preached.
17:23 It says in verse 7, "...saying with a loud voice,
17:26 'Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of
17:30 His judgment will come.'"
17:33 No. "...has come."
17:34 Does the judgment begin while the gospel
17:37 is being preached, yes or no?
17:39 Yes, so must it begin before the close of probation
17:42 and before the coming of Jesus?
17:44 Very clearly.
17:45 And so it says...
17:56 So the judgment takes place while the gospel is
18:00 being preached, before probation closes, before Jesus comes.
18:04 Now where does this judgment take place?
18:07 It takes place in heaven.
18:10 Notice Daniel chapter 7:9-10.
18:12 We read this before, but let's read it again.
18:14 Daniel 7 verses 9 and 10.
18:16 It says...
18:23 Where does the Ancient of Days live?
18:26 "Our Father, which art in heaven."
18:30 So it says...
18:52 Who are these?
18:54 The angels. Where do the angels live?
18:56 In heaven.
18:57 They surround the throne of God the Father.
18:59 And then notice what the verse ends saying, verse 10.
19:08 Where does this judgment take place?
19:10 It takes place in heaven.
19:12 When does it take place?
19:14 Before the close of probation, before Jesus comes,
19:18 while the gospel is being preached.
19:20 Do we have a specific date for the beginning of this judgment?
19:24 We certainly do. We studied it, remember?
19:26 The prophecy of the seventy weeks and the prophecy
19:28 of the 2300 days.
19:30 Daniel 8:14 says, "For 2300 days, then the Sanctuary
19:36 shall be cleansed."
19:37 Which is referring to the judgment.
19:39 And that will be our lecture for tomorrow night.
19:42 We're going to talk about the scapegoat,
19:44 in Leviticus chapter 16, and the millennium.
19:47 Now, who must appear at this stage of the judgment?
19:52 Who must appear?
19:54 Everyone who claimed Jesus Christ as Savior.
19:58 Notice 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10.
20:02 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10.
20:05 It says...
20:11 Now what part of "all" don't you understand?
20:14 The apostle Paul says, "we."
20:15 He's speaking to believers.
20:29 Does God keep a record of our good and bad deeds?
20:33 He must keep a record if we all must appear before the
20:35 judgment seat of Christ and we're going to have to render
20:38 an account for what we did good and for what we did evil.
20:41 But now we have a problem.
20:43 This judgment takes place before the second coming of Jesus,
20:46 and it takes place in heaven.
20:49 When are God's people going to go to heaven?
20:53 When Jesus comes.
20:55 So how can they appear before the judgment seat of Christ
20:58 in heaven before Jesus comes?
21:02 Especially those who are in their graves.
21:05 Notice John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29.
21:08 John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29.
21:11 Where are the righteous who die?
21:17 They're in their graves.
21:18 Where are the wicked who have died?
21:20 They're in their graves also.
21:22 Notice John 5:28.
21:24 Jesus is speaking and He says...
21:33 Where are the righteous dead?
21:35 In their graves.
21:48 So here's the question, how can God's people
21:51 appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
21:54 especially those who have died and are in their graves
21:57 and they don't resurrect until Jesus comes,
22:00 and also the living who are walking on planet earth
22:03 until Jesus comes, how can they appear before the
22:06 judgment seat of Christ?
22:08 The answer is that they do not appear in person.
22:10 They appear through their records.
22:14 They appear through what is written in the books.
22:18 Are you with me?
22:19 That extra lecture that I was talking about, don't miss it.
22:22 Because I'm going to talk about the book and the books,
22:24 and how the judgment transpires.
22:26 It's a fascinating message.
22:28 Now I want you to notice Luke chapter 12 and verses 8 and 9.
22:33 Luke chapter 12 verses 8 and 9.
22:36 This gives us an idea about Jesus examining our case
22:41 and confessing us before the angels.
22:43 See, the angels are involved. They're watching.
22:45 They're watching each one of our cases.
22:47 It says there in Luke chapter 12 verses 8 and 9,
22:51 "Also I say to you," Jesus is speaking,
22:54 "whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man
22:58 also will confess before..." Whom?
23:02 "...before the angels of God.
23:04 But he who denies Me before men will be denied before..." Whom?
23:09 "...the angels of God."
23:10 Are the angels of God watching the cases
23:12 of individuals on planet earth?
23:14 Absolutely.
23:15 But now I want you to notice that in Revelation chapter 3
23:18 and verse 5, when Jesus said that he will confess us
23:23 before the angels of God, really what He meant is that
23:26 He's going to confess our name before the angels of God.
23:30 Because we're not there in person.
23:32 Our name will be brought up.
23:34 Notice Revelation chapter 3 and verse 5.
23:37 Here Jesus is speaking, by the way, also.
23:40 He says, "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments,
23:46 and I will not blot out His..." What?
23:49 "...his name from the Book of Life;
23:52 but I will confess his..." What?
23:54 "...his name before My Father and before His..." What?
23:59 "...and before His angels."
24:01 What is Jesus going to confess before His Father?
24:04 He's going to confess our name.
24:06 And where is our name written?
24:08 It is written in the Book of Life.
24:10 So we are not there in person.
24:13 We are there through our records.
24:15 Because God in heaven has an exact record
24:17 of who we are on earth.
24:20 In other word, we appear there through the record of our lives.
24:23 Now listen.
24:25 Most Christians have no need for the idea of a judgment
24:29 before Jesus comes.
24:30 Do you know why?
24:32 It's very simple.
24:33 Because most Christians believe that when you die
24:35 you go to heaven.
24:37 So if when you die you go to heaven,
24:39 why would there have to be a judgment to decide
24:41 whether you're going to go to heaven or not?
24:43 Are you with me?
24:45 So the doctrine of the judgment is related to the doctrine of
24:48 the state of the dead.
24:49 If you believe that the dead, when they die, their soul
24:52 flies off to heaven and receives its reward,
24:55 then you can't believe that there's going to be a judgment
24:58 of everyone before Jesus comes, because people were judged
25:01 when they died.
25:03 Are you following me tonight?
25:05 In other words, if you are wrong on the state of the dead
25:08 you will be wrong about the judgment, and vise versa.
25:12 Now what happens when all of the righteous have been judged?
25:16 When all of the righteous cases have come before the
25:18 judgment bar of God?
25:21 Probation will what?
25:24 Probation will close.
25:27 And every case will have been what?
25:30 Will have been decided for life or for death.
25:33 And there will be no opportunity to change.
25:37 Now let me make something very clear, folks.
25:40 There is a close of probation for the world.
25:45 But there is also an individual close of probation
25:48 before the close of probation for the world.
25:51 Do you know what that individual close of probation is?
25:54 When you die.
25:57 If you don't live to the moment when the world's probation ends,
26:01 but you die, when you die your probation was over.
26:05 Notice what we find in Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 27.
26:08 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 27, the apostle Paul says,
26:12 "And as it is appointed for men to die once,
26:16 but after this..." What?
26:18 "...after this the judgment."
26:20 So is there going to be a close of human probation
26:23 where people will no longer be able to be saved?
26:26 When all cases will have been decided?
26:28 Absolutely.
26:29 Let me just review a couple of things that we studied
26:32 a couple of lectures ago.
26:34 Let's refer to what happened before the flood.
26:36 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 16.
26:38 It says...
26:50 Did it start to rain as soon as the door closed?
26:53 Absolutely not.
26:54 Seven days passed, and then it began to rain.
26:57 Did probation close before destruction came?
27:01 Absolutely.
27:03 Jesus made it clear in Matthew 24 verses 37 to 39.
27:07 This is review, but we need to review it because
27:09 it's very, very important.
27:10 Matthew 24:37-39, Jesus said...
27:26 That's the first "until."
27:28 First point of time, when the door closes.
27:30 He enters the ark, the door closes.
27:31 And then it says...
27:34 The people did not know that they were lost, in other words.
27:38 There's the second "until."
27:39 That's when it begins to rain.
27:48 Will probation close before Jesus comes?
27:51 Absolutely.
27:52 Will all cases of the righteous have been decided before
27:55 probation closes?
27:56 Absolutely.
27:57 Revelation 22 verse 11 is another verse that we
28:00 looked at in our study a couple of lectures ago.
28:04 It says there...
28:20 Probation closes before Jesus comes.
28:24 All cases are decided.
28:26 All the cases of the righteous have been evaluated,
28:29 and before the universe it's been shown that Jesus
28:32 has a right to bring these people home.
28:35 Now, what happens after the tribulation period?
28:40 Jesus comes.
28:42 And I want you to notice Revelation 22 and verse 12.
28:45 What happens when Jesus comes?
28:48 It says there, Revelation chapter 22 and verse 12,
28:51 Jesus is speaking...
29:00 What is Jesus bringing?
29:03 Can He bring the reward without determining beforehand
29:05 what the reward is?
29:07 Of course not.
29:16 You know, it's a solemn idea that in the Bible
29:18 people are saved by grace through faith,
29:20 but they will be judged by works.
29:22 Because you're works show if you're faith is real or not.
29:26 It's the proof of whether your faith was really
29:29 an active dynamic faith or whether your faith was
29:32 only an intellectual belief and a sham.
29:36 And so when Jesus comes, He brings His reward.
29:39 Which means He must have decided beforehand
29:41 what the reward would be.
29:43 Notice Matthew 16 verse 27 has the same idea.
29:47 Matthew 16 and verse 27.
29:49 It says...
30:00 When is Jesus going to give out the reward?
30:03 When He comes with all of His angels.
30:05 So did He give the reward to people when they died?
30:08 Absolutely not.
30:09 It's when Jesus comes that people receive their reward.
30:12 The apostle Paul expected His reward when Jesus comes.
30:16 Notice 2 Timothy chapter 4 and verses 6 through 8.
30:20 Here, the apostle Paul is in the Mamertine Prison in Rome.
30:23 He knows that soon he's going to be beheaded.
30:26 And I want you to notice what he says.
30:28 2 Timothy 4 verses 6 through 8.
30:51 Is Paul going to be...
30:53 Is his name going to go up through the judgment?
30:56 Absolutely.
30:57 Because here it says...
31:03 So Paul is going to receive a crown on that Day, right?
31:07 Now, when is that date?
31:18 When is it that Paul is going to be rewarded?
31:22 It's not when he died.
31:24 It's when Jesus, what?
31:26 When Jesus comes.
31:28 So when Jesus comes, He's going to bring His reward.
31:32 And of course, He is going to resurrect all of His
31:35 faithful people who died.
31:37 In fact, let's notice that in Revelation chapter 20
31:40 and verse 6.
31:41 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 6.
31:43 Here it's speaking about the resurrection before the
31:47 millennium at the second coming of Christ.
31:49 And it says, "Blessed and holy is he..."
31:56 The second resurrection is after the millennium.
31:58 That's the wicked.
32:14 So what's going to happen to the dead in Christ?
32:16 They are going to, what?
32:17 They are going to resurrect.
32:19 And what's going to happen with the righteous living?
32:21 They are going to be changed, according to
32:23 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
32:26 Now here's the big question.
32:28 Where will the righteous reign for 1000 years?
32:33 Will it be in heaven or will it be on earth?
32:39 It depends what your background is.
32:42 What you believe.
32:45 You see, most Christians today,
32:49 they say Jesus gave two promises.
32:52 First of all, He promised to take His people to heaven.
32:56 Right?
32:57 And secondly, He said the meek will inherit the earth.
33:01 So he promised heaven and He promised the new earth.
33:06 So how can Jesus fulfill both promises?
33:09 Well Christians say, "The only way that He can fulfill
33:12 both promises is if He raptures them to heaven for seven years.
33:18 And then after the seven years He comes, and the
33:20 meek inherit the earth."
33:23 That's the only way they say it can happen.
33:25 But Seventh-day Adventists believe that there's another
33:27 biblical way that can happen.
33:30 And that is that when Jesus comes at His second coming,
33:34 He will take His people to heaven for 1000 years.
33:38 And then after the 1000 years, He will bring them back
33:42 and He will created a new heavens and a new earth.
33:44 And the meek will inherit the earth.
33:46 See, it's because Christians believe that the millennium
33:51 is going to be on earth that they have to come up with
33:55 the rapture idea, because they say,
33:57 "Jesus promised to take His people to heaven.
34:00 Well if Jesus comes only at His second coming
34:03 and He establishes His kingdom on earth, then He never
34:06 fulfilled His promise to take His people to heaven."
34:08 That's why they say, "We need a rapture
34:10 so they can go to heaven for seven years.
34:13 And then they can come down and inherit the earth."
34:15 Are you understanding?
34:17 Scripture makes it very, very clear
34:20 that God's people will be in heaven for 1000 years.
34:24 They will not be here on earth during the 1000 year period.
34:29 You say, "Where does the Bible teach that?"
34:31 Go with me to John chapter 13 verses 36 and 37.
34:34 We're going to notice several verses now.
34:36 John 13 verses 36 and 37.
34:39 And then we'll read chapter 14 and verses 1 to 3.
34:42 Verse 36 says, "Simon Peter said to Him,
34:45 'Lord, where are You going?'"
34:47 Because Jesus said, "I'm leaving."
34:49 "'Where are You going?'
34:50 Jesus answered him, 'Where I am going you cannot
34:52 follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward.'"
34:57 Did Jesus promise Peter that he was going to follow Him
35:00 where He was going to go?
35:01 Absolutely.
35:03 Now, notice what we find in verse 1 of chapter 14.
35:13 Where is the Father's house?
35:16 Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father which art in heaven."
35:40 Did Jesus promise to take His people to heaven?
35:43 Very clearly He did.
35:44 He told Peter, "You're going to go where I'm going,
35:48 but it's not going to be now.
35:49 It's going to be later."
35:51 He promised to take us to His Father's house.
35:54 Now let's notice 1 Thessalonians chapter 4
35:57 and verses 15 through 17.
35:59 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and verses 15 through 17.
36:04 This is a very clear passage.
36:06 It says there...
36:38 What does that refer to, "with them?"
36:41 With those who died and what?
36:44 With those who died and resurrected, right?
36:46 So did the righteous dead go to heaven before
36:49 those who are alive go to heaven?
36:51 No. They go to heaven how?
36:53 Together, according to Scripture.
36:55 And so it says in verse 17...
37:05 What are those clouds?
37:07 Angels. Very important.
37:15 Is Jesus coming back to this earth to establish His kingdom
37:18 at His second coming?
37:19 No, He is not coming down.
37:21 We are going, what?
37:22 We are going up.
37:24 And so it says...
37:29 This is the reason why Matthew chapter 24,
37:31 the last several verses, when Jesus comes,
37:33 it says He will send forth His angels to gather His elect
37:38 from the four winds.
37:41 And where is He going to gather them?
37:42 We just read in 1 Thessalonians 4.
37:44 He going to gather them in the clouds.
37:46 To meet Him where?
37:48 To meet Him in the air.
37:50 And then what is Jesus going to do?
37:52 He's going to establish His kingdom here on earth
37:54 for 1000 years?
37:55 No, He's going to take His people where?
37:58 He's going to take His people to His Father's house.
38:03 Is all heaven going to be in agreement that God was right
38:06 in taking all these people to heaven?
38:08 Did they see the judgment, did the angels watch the judgment?
38:11 Were the names of the righteous confessed before the holy angels
38:16 and before the Father?
38:17 Absolutely. All cases were examined.
38:19 And the heavenly courts, the heavenly counsel says,
38:22 "You're right in every single case.
38:24 Bring them all home."
38:27 Now there's no special urgency with the wicked,
38:29 because the wicked were left behind.
38:32 And they were left behind all dead.
38:36 Now let's talk about the second stage of the judgment.
38:40 This is the millennial judgment.
38:42 It's a judgment that takes place during the 1000 years.
38:46 Do you know who's going to be judged during the 1000 years?
38:48 It's certainly not the righteous, because
38:50 they were judged before Jesus came.
38:52 And they were taken to heaven.
38:55 So the question is, who is going to be judged
38:57 during the 1000 years?
38:59 The fact is that the Bible tells us that those who are
39:03 going to be judged are the wicked.
39:05 And also Satan and his angels.
39:07 I'm going to read you an interesting text from Scripture.
39:09 Let's go to Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4.
39:13 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4.
39:15 It says here, "And I saw thrones..."
39:20 And listen carefully.
39:26 Are God's people going to participate in the judgment?
39:30 Absolutely.
39:31 "Judgment was committed to them."
39:52 Are those people going to participate
39:54 in the work of judgment?
39:56 Yes, because it says, "I saw thrones, and they sat on them,
40:00 and judgment was committed to them."
40:03 The question is, who are they going to judge?
40:07 Well let's go to Revelation chapter 20 and verses 11 and 12,
40:11 and then to an interesting text in 1 Corinthians.
40:14 Revelation chapter 20 and verses 11 and 12.
40:18 It says here...
40:40 How can dead people stand before God?
40:45 The text tells us how they stand before God.
40:47 It's not dead people standing before God.
40:50 They stand up there through their records.
40:52 Just like before the second coming, the righteous
40:55 stood before God through their records.
40:57 You say, "Where does it say that?"
40:58 Let's continue reading, verse 12,
40:59 "And I saw the dead small and great standing before God..."
41:02 And what?
41:11 Listen carefully.
41:12 Were they dead or were they alive?
41:14 Dead.
41:22 So how do they appear before the judgment bar of God
41:25 during the 1000 years?
41:27 Through their records.
41:28 Through what is written in the books.
41:30 Because God has an exact transcript of them in heaven.
41:35 Now which dead is this referring to?
41:37 Is this referring to the righteous dead?
41:39 No, we just read about the righteous dead.
41:41 This is speaking about the wicked dead.
41:44 Now go with me to a captivating passage
41:46 in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and verses 1 to 3.
41:50 Chapter 6 of 1 Corinthians verses 1 to 3.
41:53 Here, the apostle Paul clarifies who God's people
41:56 are going to judge, who the righteous are going to judge
41:59 during the 1000 years.
42:00 It says here in 1 Corinthians 6 verses 1 to 3...
42:13 In other words, should you go to a court of law to
42:15 sue your brother in a secular court of law?
42:18 He continues saying...
42:26 And the word, "world," refers to worldly people.
42:29 It's not talking about, you know, the...
42:31 The mass of the world doesn't need a judgment.
42:33 It's talking about the worldly people.
42:36 And so it continues saying...
42:46 And then notice what it says.
42:54 What are the saints going to judge?
42:56 Angels.
42:57 I suppose those are the good angels they're going to judge.
43:00 No, the good angels don't need a judgment.
43:03 The saints are going to judge which angels?
43:06 Satan and his angels.
43:08 They're going to even look at the record of Satan's
43:10 existence and life, as well as his angels.
43:13 And so it says, "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?
43:16 How much more things that pertain to this life?"
43:20 I like to compare this millennial judgment
43:22 with God's great audit.
43:26 Do you think that when the records are opened in heaven
43:28 the righteous, you know, we're looking at the records
43:30 and we're seeing why these people were lost.
43:34 Because there's people absent in heaven that we thought
43:37 for sure were going to be there.
43:39 And then there's some other people that are there
43:40 and we say, "We thought that they would never make it."
43:43 And so God opens the books and He says,
43:48 "Was the book keeping done right?
43:51 Was I right in excluding all of these people?"
43:55 Let me ask you, what does an auditor do?
43:57 A good auditor doctors the books.
44:01 No, all he does is he examines the books to see if the
44:05 accounting was done correctly.
44:07 And so during the 1000 years, the purpose is to convince
44:11 God's people, as well as the heavenly beings,
44:14 that God was right in every case of those who were left behind.
44:19 Are you following me or not?
44:22 I like to compare it also with an instant replay.
44:25 Don't you think that when we're examining the books in heaven
44:28 we're going to say, "Lord, that guy down there
44:30 should be up here."
44:32 That's not going to happen.
44:34 Because all cases will have been decided correctly
44:38 before Jesus comes.
44:41 It's like an instant replay.
44:42 Does an instant replay change the play?
44:45 No, all it does is reveal whether the umpire
44:49 made the right call.
44:51 And that's what's going to be revealed.
44:53 It's going to be revealed whether God actually
44:56 made the right call in every single case of those
45:01 who were left behind.
45:03 And also we will be able to examine the cases of
45:07 those who are there who we never thought would be there.
45:12 And as we examine the books, we'll say,
45:14 "Lord, You did it right.
45:16 Everybody that's here should be here.
45:18 And everybody that's not here, we now see
45:22 that You gave them an opportunity.
45:24 But they rejected the opportunity."
45:26 And so that's the millennial judgment.
45:28 Every case of every wicked person, and the devil
45:31 and his angels will be examined.
45:34 And now we must go to stage number three.
45:37 Stage number three takes place after the millennium.
45:41 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 5 tells us that
45:44 the rest of the dead did not live again until the
45:47 1000 years were ended.
45:49 Who are "the rest of the dead?"
45:51 When did the righteous resurrect?
45:53 At the second coming, at the beginning of the millennium.
45:55 So who are "the rest of the dead" that don't rise again
45:58 until the 1000 years are finished?
46:00 It must be the wicked.
46:02 So they resurrect after the 1000 years.
46:05 Have they already been judged in heaven?
46:07 They most certainly have.
46:09 Have they seen their case examined?
46:12 No. Has the devil and his angels seen their cases examined?
46:17 Absolutely not.
46:18 Are they convinced about the righteousness of God
46:21 in being outside the holy city?
46:23 Absolutely not.
46:25 And so what's going to happen is the devil is going to go
46:27 in the midst of all of the wicked and he's going to
46:30 persuade them to attack the holy city.
46:33 He's going to say, "Those people in there,
46:35 they've stolen the city.
46:36 It really belongs to us."
46:38 And for a period of time all of the wicked are going to
46:41 buy into the devil's deceptions and they're going to
46:44 prepare for war.
46:46 Notice Revelation chapter 20 verses 7 through 9.
46:49 Revelation 20:7-9.
46:51 At this point the wicked don't know all of the issues.
46:54 It says...
47:00 I wish I had time to talk about that.
47:01 Why is the devil is prison?
47:04 What is the devil's power base?
47:07 His power base is his people, right?
47:10 He's able to deceive people.
47:13 But what happens during the millennium with all his people?
47:16 They're all dead.
47:17 So he's all tied up.
47:19 He has no one to deceive.
47:21 His power base is gone.
47:23 That's what it means when it says that he is bound.
47:26 He's bound while his people are dead.
47:28 And he's unbound when his people are alive.
47:31 So his people come to life after the 1000 years
47:34 and he gets his power back.
47:36 And so it says...
47:56 But there's something that happened before
47:58 the fire devoured them.
47:59 The books are now opened before the devil and his angels
48:03 and the wicked for them to see why they were lost.
48:06 Because God will not destroy them without them admitting
48:09 that God was right in leaving them outside.
48:12 Notice Revelation chapter 20 and verse 13.
48:16 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 13.
48:18 Here it speaks about the resurrection of the wicked,
48:20 and the judgment that is going to take place.
48:23 It says, "The sea gave up the dead who were in it..."
48:26 What does that mean, "The sea gave up the dead?"
48:30 It means that the dead are what?
48:33 Resurrecting.
48:34 "...and Death and Hades," that's the grave,
48:37 "delivered up the dead who were in them."
48:39 In other words, the dead are what?
48:41 They're resurrecting.
48:43 And now what happens?
48:44 "And they were..." What?
48:46 "...judged, each one according to his works."
48:51 Are the wicked going to resurrect and see the
48:53 record of their lives as well?
48:54 Is God going to show and persuade them that He was
48:57 right in the way that He dealt with them?
49:00 Absolutely.
49:01 Now what was written in the books that condemned them?
49:05 Revelation 21 and verse 8 gives a list of some of the things
49:08 that they were guilty of that they did not
49:10 repent of or confess.
49:12 They did not receive Jesus.
49:14 It says...
49:28 Are those the things that they're going to see in the
49:30 records of their lives?
49:31 Absolutely.
49:32 And that's why they are outside the holy city.
49:36 I'd like to read you a passage that we find in,
49:39 Great Controversy, page 666, where this stage of the
49:43 judgment is described.
49:44 Notice what Ellen White describes in this page.
49:49 You'll never forget it; page 666.
49:54 "As soon as the books of record are opened,
49:57 and the eye of Jesus looks upon the wicked,
50:01 they are conscious of every sin which they have ever committed.
50:07 They see just where their feet diverged from the path
50:11 of purity and holiness, just how far pride and rebellion
50:21 have carried them in the violation of the law of God.
50:24 The seductive temptations which they encouraged
50:27 by indulgence in sin, the blessings perverted,
50:30 the messengers of God despised, the warnings rejected,
50:35 the waves of mercy beaten back by the stubborn
50:38 unrepentant heart; all appear as if written in letters of fire."
50:45 They will see the record of their lives.
50:47 And then do you know what's going to happen?
50:50 The Bible tells us in Isaiah 45, and this is quoted also in
50:54 Philippians chapter 2, that every knee will bow
50:57 and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
51:02 to the glory of God the Father.
51:03 In other words, the whole universe at this moment,
51:05 even the devil and his angels, will bow and they will say,
51:10 "God, we're out here.
51:12 We hate You with a passion.
51:14 But we have to admit that You got it right.
51:17 We're lost because we chose to be lost."
51:21 Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 11 says,
51:24 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
51:27 who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery
51:30 to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation,
51:34 taking the form of a bondservant, and coming
51:36 in the likeness of men.
51:38 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself
51:41 and became obedient to the point of death,
51:43 even the death of the cross."
51:45 Ellen White describes this great panoramic view
51:47 above the city where all of the events of the life of Christ
51:51 and the sufferings and the death of Christ are seen
51:53 by the wicked above the city.
51:54 What they could have had if they had accepted Jesus Christ.
51:57 That's what's being described here.
51:59 And then when they see that, what they could have had,
52:02 and how their lives have been a violation of God's law.
52:06 Notice what happens according to verse 9.
52:10 "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him
52:14 the name which is above every name, that at the
52:16 name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven,
52:20 and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
52:24 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ
52:27 is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
52:32 And now the controversy reaches its climax,
52:34 because the wicked have seen the record of their lives.
52:37 The devil has deceived them into thinking that he is right,
52:40 they are right, and those in the city are wrong, God is wrong.
52:42 But now they've seen the record.
52:44 They've seen what they could have had
52:46 by accepting Jesus Christ.
52:48 They see that they have been excluded by their own choice.
52:52 And they are filled with rage.
52:56 Not against God, but against the deceiver.
53:01 You know, there's this idea in the Adventist Church
53:04 that the wicked are destroyed when they're
53:05 attacking the holy city.
53:08 That is not biblical.
53:10 The wicked die attacking Satan.
53:15 Allow me to read you, first of all, from Great Controversy,
53:17 and then I'm going to read you a passage from
53:19 the book of Ezekiel.
53:21 Ellen White describes this, she says,
53:23 "He rushes into the midst of his subjects
53:26 and endeavors to inspire them with his own fury
53:28 and arouse them to instant battle.
53:32 But of all the countless millions whom he has
53:36 allured into rebellion, there are none now
53:41 to acknowledge his supremacy.
53:43 His power is at an end.
53:46 The wicked are filled with the same hatred of God that
53:49 inspires Satan, but they see that there case is hopeless,
53:53 that they cannot prevail against Jehovah.
53:55 Their rage is kindled against Satan and those who have
53:59 been his agents in deception.
54:01 And with the fury of demons they turn on them."
54:07 And then Ellen White quotes a passage from Scripture
54:10 to back up what she's saying.
54:11 Ezekiel chapter 28 and verses 6 through 10.
54:15 Notice what it says there.
54:18 "Therefore, thus says the Lord God..."
54:19 It's speaking about this glorious being;
54:21 Lucifer, the covering cherub.
54:22 That's the theme of chapter 28 of Ezekiel.
54:25 "Therefore, thus says the Lord God,
54:27 'Because you have set your heart as the heart of God...'"
54:30 Remember he said, "I will be like the Most High."
54:33 "...behold, therefore, I will bring strangers against you,
54:37 the most terrible of the nations; and they shall
54:40 draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom,
54:43 and defile your splendor.
54:46 They shall throw you down into the Pit, and you shall
54:49 die the death of the slain in the midst of the seas."
54:52 The seas represent multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples.
54:55 "Will you still say before him who slays you, 'I am God?'
55:00 But you shall be a man, and not a god..."
55:03 Well you say, "Well, the devil isn't a man."
55:06 Sometimes in the Bible angels are called men.
55:08 For example, in Daniel chapter 9, Daniel says,
55:10 "That man, Gabriel, who I had seen in the
55:13 vision at the beginning."
55:14 So don't get thrown off by that.
55:16 Verse 9, "'Will you still say before him who slays you,
55:19 "I am a god?"
55:21 But you shall be a man, and not a god,
55:25 in the hand of him who slays you.
55:27 You shall die the death of the uncircumcised,
55:30 by the hand of aliens.
55:33 For I have spoken,' says the Lord God."
55:39 At this point let me ask you, is all of the universe
55:42 on the same page?
55:45 All agree.
55:47 The righteous, the heavenly beings, Satan, the wicked,
55:55 his angels.
55:57 All have seen the process of judgment.
55:59 Everyone is persuaded that God has been right
56:03 in the way in which He has dealt with sin.
56:07 And then the Bible tells us that the last enemy
56:09 that will be destroyed is death.
56:10 1 Corinthians 15 verse 26.
56:14 "Then Death and Hades..."
56:16 This is Revelation 20:14-15.
56:18 "Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
56:22 This is the second death.
56:24 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
56:26 was cast into the lake of fire."
56:29 And then the Bible tells us that God will create a new heavens
56:33 and a new earth.
56:34 And the meek shall inherit the earth.
56:39 And I'd like to end by reading that beautiful passage
56:42 in Revelation 21 verses 3 and 4.
56:44 "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
56:47 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
56:50 and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people.
56:53 God Himself will be with them and be their God.
56:56 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes..."
57:11 And then God will have a clean universe
57:14 where sin will never rise again.
57:16 Who in his right mind would ever want to
57:18 experiment with sin again after seeing what has happened?
57:23 And God's people will live forever more with the Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17