Participants: Stephen Bohr
Series Code: HWIS
Program Code: HWIS000021
00:29 Let us pray.
00:33 Our loving heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege 00:37 of approaching Your throne. 00:39 Not in our merits, but in the powerful merits 00:42 of Your Son, Jesus Christ. 00:45 As we look at the world, we see so many things 00:47 that are going wrong. 00:49 So much evil, so much crime. 00:52 So many natural disasters. 00:55 And this has led people to say, "Where is God?" 01:00 I ask, Father, that as we study the answer to this 01:03 very important question that You will guide us through the 01:07 ministry of Your Holy Spirit. 01:10 Help us to understand the message of the book of Job; 01:15 a story that not only has past relevance, 01:18 but future relevance as well. 01:20 And we thank You for hearing our prayer. 01:23 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. 01:30 The book of Job is the most ancient book of the Bible. 01:38 It is actually a literary masterpiece. 01:44 It was written by Moses... 01:48 ...approximately 1500 years before Jesus was born. 01:55 But it actually tells the story of a patriarch 02:00 who lived about 500 years before Moses wrote the book 02:07 in the early patriarchal age. 02:12 The book is composed, first of all, of prose; 02:15 the first two chapters. 02:17 And then from chapter 3 all the way through chapter 42 verse 7 02:22 it's written in poetry. 02:25 And finally, in chapter 42 and verse 8 through verse 17, 02:30 once again it returns to prose. 02:35 Now this book has confused many theologians. 02:43 There are many ideas on the purpose of this book. 02:48 Some say that the purpose of the book is to answer the question, 02:52 "Why do the righteous suffer?" 02:56 Some also say that the purpose of the book is to 03:00 teach us to be firm and constant in the midst of suffering. 03:06 Now there's no doubt that these issues are included 03:10 in the story of Job. 03:13 But the story is much deeper than just, 03:18 "Why do the righteous suffer," or the need to persevere 03:22 in the midst of suffering. 03:25 What's taking place in the book of Job is really a trial. 03:31 It is a trial that is taking place in heaven. 03:35 Interestingly enough. 03:38 And it really foreshadows the investigative judgment 03:43 that is taking place now in heaven. 03:46 If you look carefully at this story, you're going to find 03:50 that there is an accuser who is Satan. 03:56 There is a Defense Attorney who is Jesus, or God. 04:01 There is a Judge who sits on His throne. 04:06 There is a jury. 04:07 They're called the sons of God. 04:10 Evidence is examined. 04:14 There are accusations. 04:16 And there are responses to those accusations. 04:20 And we'll notice that at the end of the story there is a 04:23 final verdict. 04:26 This book is saturated with legal language. 04:31 In other words, it is to be understood 04:33 in a judicial context. 04:36 It is actually a trial that is taking place in heaven. 04:42 Believe it or not. 04:44 Let me give you one verse as an example 04:48 of the legal language that is used in the book. 04:52 And I have in the written material many more texts 04:55 from Job that use legal or judicial language. 05:01 Notice Job 16 and verse 19. 05:05 Here, Job is speaking to God and he says, "Surely even now 05:12 my witness is in heaven, and my evidence is on high." 05:21 Witness and evidence. 05:24 Language of a court of law. 05:28 Now it's very important for us to remember 05:32 that there was no written revelation 05:35 when this story took place. 05:38 None of the books of the Bible had actually been written yet. 05:43 So Job did not have all of the information that we have today 05:47 that helps us know what's going on in the invisible world. 05:52 In fact, we're going to notice in this story 05:55 that heaven knows what is happening on earth, 05:59 but earth does not know what is happening in heaven. 06:04 And if Job had had Scripture and he had known, 06:08 his trial would have been much easier for him to bear. 06:15 Now the scene in Job begins on earth. 06:18 It's kind of like a drama. 06:20 The curtain opens and we're on earth, 06:24 and Job is introduced in chapter 1 and verses 1 to 3. 06:47 Many children in biblical times were a sign of God's blessing. 06:51 But he not only had many children, 06:53 because it continues saying... 07:10 Job was a very rich and prosperous man. 07:17 But he was also a very spiritual man. 07:19 A strange combination indeed. 07:22 Rich, but spiritual. 07:25 Notice Job chapter 1 and verse 1, and then we'll read 07:28 verses 4 and 5, and also verse 8. 07:36 Listen to his character. 07:46 And you know, I read this because some theologians 07:48 say that Job was an arrogant individual; self-sufficient. 07:54 Scripture does not sustain that view. 07:58 Now notice what it says in verse 4. 08:06 Probably on their birthday. 08:20 Notice he was a family man. 08:21 He was interested in the spiritual 08:23 welfare of his family. 08:25 So it says... 08:45 Verse 8... 08:56 In other words God is saying, "Have you looked at My servant 08:58 who lives down in your territory?" 09:10 Now notice here that it is God who is speaking. 09:14 In the introduction to the book, it's simply being 09:16 recorded that he was this. 09:18 But here it's saying that God is saying this 09:20 about His servant Job. 09:22 That he was blameless, upright, feared God, 09:26 and shunned evil. 09:27 Job was also a very generous man, 09:31 a philanthropic man. 09:34 He used his possessions to bless others. 09:37 Notice Job 29 verses 12 through 17. 09:40 Job 29 verses 12 through 17. 09:43 Here, Job is describing what he used his riches for. 10:27 Was he a generous man? 10:29 Oh yes. 10:31 Very philanthropic. 10:32 Rich, spiritual, generous. 10:40 Now let's go to chapter 1 and verse 6. 10:47 The curtain closes on the earthly scene. 10:51 The stage is rearranged. 10:53 And now the curtain opens and we are in heaven. 10:58 Job chapter 1 verse 6. 11:00 God is entertaining a dialogue with Satan. 11:05 And it says there... 11:15 "The sons of God," I don't have time to get into it, 11:17 but the sons of God are the representatives 11:19 of the worlds that never sinned. 11:22 Each world has a representative in the heavenly counsel. 11:26 And so it says... 11:33 The reason Satan came among them is because 11:35 he had stolen Adam's position as the representative 11:39 of this world when Adam allowed himself to be conquered. 11:43 Verse 7... 11:56 That is, "From patrolling my territory." 12:04 And then God, perhaps with a touch of healthy pride, 12:09 says in verse 8... 12:19 "He lives in your territory, but he's My servant." 12:32 "Have you seen My servant? 12:34 Even though he lives in your territory, 12:36 he fears Me and he loves Me and he obeys Me." 12:42 Now in Job chapter 1 verses 9 through 11 12:46 Satan challenges God. 12:48 And these are perhaps some of the most important 12:50 verses in the whole book. 12:53 Satan challenges God, and he says, 12:57 "Does Job serve You because he loves You, 13:02 or does Job serve You for the loaves and fishes? 13:08 Would Job love and serve You even if everything went wrong?" 13:15 Let's read it. 13:17 Job chapter 1 and verse 9. 13:31 In other words, "Would Job serve You even if he didn't have 13:34 anything that You have given to him?" 13:39 Now notice... 13:54 In other words, "You put a fence around him. 13:57 I have no access to him. 13:58 You bless him. 13:59 You have bought his allegiance." 14:04 You know, there's this fundamental misconception 14:06 about the book of Job. 14:07 And that is that the devil was accusing Job. 14:10 The devil was not accusing Job. 14:12 He was accusing God. 14:15 And you can't understand the theology of the book 14:18 unless you understand that the accusation of Satan 14:21 is primarily against God. 14:24 Because he's saying, "Job serves You for the loaves and fishes. 14:28 He loves You and he fears You because of 14:30 everything that You have given him. 14:31 But he would not serve You if everything disappeared. 14:36 So he serves You because You have been good to Him." 14:42 It continues saying there... 15:04 All heaven is listening to this conversation. 15:10 Heaven is watching what is happening. 15:14 And they're asking themselves, "Is it true what Satan 15:18 is accusing God of? 15:20 That Job serves God because God has put a hedge around him 15:24 and God is good to him? 15:26 Does Job serve God only because of the blessings 15:30 that he has received? 15:31 Huh, we wonder." 15:34 So God says, "You wonder? 15:39 I'll tell you what you can do." 15:42 Notice verse 12. 15:45 "And the Lord said to Satan..." 16:05 The devil says, "Oh goodie, goodie. 16:09 I'm going to prove that Job serves God 16:12 because God is good to him." 16:16 And so the curtain closes. 16:19 The stage is rearranged and the curtain opens, 16:22 and now we're on earth again. 16:26 And what happens on earth is truly calamitous. 16:31 The Bible tells us that the Sabeans, the tribe of 16:34 desert-like people, came and stole all of Job's oxen 16:38 and donkeys, and killed his servants. 16:43 Then fire falls from heaven and burns up the sheep 16:47 and the servants. 16:49 The Chaldeans come and they steal all of the camels 16:53 and kill all of the servants. 16:56 A mighty wind comes and collapses the house 17:00 where all of his children are gathered together. 17:02 And all of his children perish. 17:07 Now this did not take place over the course of several days. 17:12 Because the story tells us that while one individual 17:15 was giving the report, the other one was coming 17:17 and giving his report about the calamity that had taken place. 17:20 This takes place within a period of minutes. 17:25 He's lost all of his possessions, 17:28 and he has lost all of his children. 17:34 He's lost oxen, donkeys, sheep, camels, servants, children. 17:40 He is totally bankrupt. 17:45 How did Job react? 17:47 Job 1 verses 20 to 22. 17:51 "Then Job arose..." 18:12 He was half right. 18:15 The Lord gave, but the Lord did not take away. 18:18 But he didn't know. 18:21 He had no written revelation. 18:24 Very important. 18:26 So he says... 18:31 The devil had said, "He'll curse You." 18:33 He says, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." 18:44 And I can imagine the heavenly counsel saying, "Yes. 18:49 God is right. 18:52 Job serves God because he loves Him. 18:56 And look at that ole devil. 18:58 He took everything from him. 18:59 And Job still fears and serves God, and loves Him 19:03 with all of his heart. 19:05 God is right and Satan is wrong." 19:10 Is all heaven starting to catch a glimpse 19:13 of the difference between God and Satan? 19:16 Absolutely. 19:18 This is a universal controversy. 19:20 All eyes are riveted upon the earth. 19:23 That's why 1 Corinthians 4:9 says that earth is the 19:26 theater of the universe both before men and before angels. 19:32 All the universe is watching. 19:36 The curtain closes. 19:39 The stage is rearranged. 19:42 And the curtain opens again and now we're once again in heaven. 19:48 Another counsel is taking place. 19:50 Let's read about it in Job chapter 2 verses 1 to 3. 19:54 "Again there was a day..." 20:12 In other words, "From patrolling my territory 20:14 which Adam gave to me." 20:17 Now I think God, with a touch of extra pride, says... 20:48 God is saying, "What you did is absurd. 20:52 There's no reason for it." 20:55 But Satan has an argument in his mouth. 20:59 Job chapter 2 and verses 4 and 5. 21:22 All heaven is listening and watching. 21:29 So the heavenly counsel says, "Oh, true. 21:31 He lost everything, all of his possessions. 21:34 He lost all of his children. 21:36 But really, God didn't allow Satan to touch him." 21:43 Notice what we find in chapter 2 and verse 6. 21:49 "And the Lord said to Satan..." 22:02 The curtain closes. 22:04 The stage is rearranged. 22:08 The curtain opens and now we are on earth again. 22:14 Chapter 2 and verses 7 and 8. 22:17 "So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord..." 22:32 A potsherd is a part of a piece of pottery. 22:42 So now he's lost his health. 22:46 And he's about to lose the support of his wife, 22:50 who becomes the devil's tempter. 22:54 An instrument in the devil's hands to tempt Job. 22:58 Notice chapter 2 verses 9 and 10. 23:02 "Then his wife said to him..." 23:11 Who had said that Job was going to curse God? 23:14 Satan. 23:16 So she is an instrument of whom? 23:19 Of Satan to try and convince Job to curse God. 23:24 "But he said to her, 'You speak as one of the 23:27 foolish women speaks.'" 23:29 See, there's wise women and there's foolish women. 23:33 "'Shall we indeed accept good from God, 23:36 and shall we not accept adversity?' 23:41 In all this Job did not sin with his lips." 23:47 Once again Job is only half right because he says, 23:49 "Shall we accept good from God and also adversity from God?" 23:53 Well, God doesn't send adversity. 23:57 But Job doesn't know. 23:58 This is a very important detail to understand this book. 24:01 Job does not know. 24:03 His knowledge is incomplete, his knowledge is partial. 24:07 He doesn't know what we know today from reading Scripture. 24:13 And then Job is going to lose his best friends. 24:18 His three best friends come to console him, 24:21 and the book tells us that they become his accusers. 24:26 Notice chapter 2 and verses 11 to 13. 24:29 Job chapter 2 verses 11 to 13, it says... 24:52 Some comfort. 24:58 He was disfigured from scraping himself with the potsherd. 25:02 They did not recognize him. 25:09 This is a way of showing your terrible suffering 25:12 and affliction in antiquity. 25:27 So what has Job lost? 25:29 He's lost all of his possessions. 25:31 He's lost all of his servants. 25:34 He's lost all of his children. 25:36 He's lost his health. 25:38 He's lost the support of his wife. 25:41 And his best friends become his accusers. 25:47 But you know what really distresses Job 25:49 is that apparently his best Friend, God, 25:53 has also forsaken him. 26:01 Something that has greatly puzzled theologians 26:03 as they have studied this book is that Satan, after chapter 2, 26:09 appears to disappear from the book. 26:13 You know, all of the main protagonists of the book 26:15 reappear at the end of the book. 26:18 But Satan, who caused all of this suffering 26:22 and all of this grief, after chapter 2 appears 26:26 to disappear from the story. 26:29 And he gets off scot-free. 26:33 And they say, "This book is a travesty in justice. 26:39 Because we don't know what happened to the guy who 26:41 did all of this to Job." 26:44 The fact is, we're going to find that Satan does not 26:47 disappear from the book. 26:48 He reappears at the end, but under a different name. 26:55 So after chapter 2, did Job curse God? 27:02 He did not. 27:04 He remained faithful. 27:05 And I can imagine after that second counsel 27:08 that the heavenly beings say, "Hallelujah, God is right. 27:14 Job has lost everything, and yet he still fears God, shuns evil, 27:21 and loves God in spite of everything going wrong." 27:27 Now we need to understand, and I want to repeat this again, 27:31 Job had incomplete knowledge. 27:37 And as he suffers for a long period of time 27:42 he actually comes to believe that God is doing this to him. 27:48 And he's puzzled. 27:50 He cannot understand the reason why. 27:57 It's inconceivable in the mind of Job that his best Friend 28:02 would actually do this to him. 28:05 And throughout the book, he is tempted to throw in the towel 28:10 and do exactly what the devil said that he should do. 28:14 He's plagued with nagging questions and doubts 28:19 because God seems to have forsaken him. 28:23 In the rest of the book he constantly speaks out to God. 28:27 He says, "God please explain what's happening. 28:29 Why have You turned against me?" 28:33 And God's answer is a deafening silence. 28:40 You know, Job can tolerate the idea of losing all of his 28:44 possessions, and even his children and the support 28:46 of his wife, and his health and the support of his friends. 28:52 But he cannot bear the thought of losing his best Friend, God. 28:58 Especially when he was a man of integrity. 29:02 He can't understand what's happening. 29:05 And he pleads with God for an audience. 29:08 And God's answer, that is until chapter 38, is silence. 29:14 Let's read some of those verses where Job is asking 29:18 these questions of God. 29:21 Notice Job chapter 16 and verses 11 to 14. 29:25 He says, "God hates me. 29:27 I can't understand why? 29:30 He's turned me over to the wicked; 29:31 I can't understand why." 29:33 Notice... 29:43 Notice the number of times that he says God is doing this. 30:09 What is his view of God? 30:11 God has turned around and his friend has become his enemy. 30:17 And he cannot understand why. 30:22 Job 16 verses 16 and 17, and also verse 20. 30:27 Job says... 30:51 Job 19 verses 6 and 7, and verse 11. 30:55 I'm only choosing certain verses in this section. 30:57 I could have chosen many more about what's going on. 31:01 Job 19 verses 6 and 7, and then verse 11. 31:05 Job says... 31:23 "He has..." that is, God. 31:24 "He has also kindled His wrath against me, 31:28 and He counts me as one of His enemies. 31:32 His troops came together and build up their road against me; 31:38 they encamp all around my tent." 31:41 "God has become my enemy and I cannot understand it, 31:44 because I am His friend." 31:47 Job 19 verses 9 through 11. 31:50 Once again we find this same feeling that Job has. 31:55 Speaking about God, he says, "He has stripped me of my glory, 31:59 and taken the crown from my head. 32:02 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone; 32:05 my hope He has uprooted like a tree. 32:10 He has also kindled His wrath against me, 32:12 and He counts me as one of His enemies." 32:16 Job 23 verses 3 through 5, Job says, "Oh if I could only 32:20 find God wherever He is, I'd present my case before Him. 32:23 And I know that He would see the light." 32:26 Notice Job 23 verses 3 through 5. 32:38 See, this is really a trial. 32:45 Praise the Lord that he didn't do that, 32:47 because there's no greater fool than the one who 32:49 represents himself in a court of law. 32:53 What he didn't know is that God was representing him. 32:56 And God was defending him, 32:58 even though it appeared that God wasn't. 33:01 Verse 5... 33:07 And then he says in chapter 30 and verses 20 and 21, 33:11 "I cry out to God and all I get is silence. 33:14 I get no answer." 33:16 Job 30 verses 20 and 21. 33:34 Remember, Job did not have any written revelation. 33:37 He didn't really have a clear view of what was 33:39 happening behind the scenes. 33:40 All he could see was that calamities 33:42 were coming to his life. 33:43 And he didn't know who was causing them. 33:45 He thinks God has turned against him. 33:48 Notice, Job 30:9-13 tells us... 33:51 Actually let's just read verses 9 through 11. 33:55 The nations make fun of Job. 33:58 "And now I am their taunting song; yes, I am their byword. 34:03 They abhor me, they keep far from me; 34:07 they do not hesitate to spit in my face. 34:11 Because He," that is God, "has loosed my bowstring 34:16 and afflicted me, they have cast off restraint before me." 34:20 In other words, "Because God is doing this to me, 34:22 they've cast off restraint and they do with me 34:25 whatever they wish." 34:27 In Job 31 verses 5 and 6, once again we find legal terminology. 34:34 Here Job says, "If I have walked with falsehood..." 34:52 In chapter 31 verse 35, Job cries out to God, 34:56 "Please answer me." 34:58 Job 31:35... 35:12 See the word, "Prosecutor," there. 35:13 The book is saturated with legal terminology. 35:16 This is a judgment that is taking place in heaven. 35:20 And the case that is being examined is the case of Job. 35:23 Now not all of this section of the book of Job 35:27 up to chapter 38 is negative. 35:30 Job also has his moments of triumphal faith. 35:35 He's saying, "Why God, why are You my enemy? 35:37 Why don't You answer me? Why don't You hear me?" 35:39 But then he has moments where he says, 35:41 "Oh I know my Redeemer lives." 35:45 Kind of like an ambivalent feeling. 35:47 Wanting to let go, but, "No, I'm not going to let go." 35:51 Notice Job 13 and verse 15. 35:53 Job 13 verse 15. 35:55 He says... 36:07 Notice the idea of defending. 36:10 In Job 14 verses 14 and 15, once again this faith 36:14 of Job comes out in the midst of trial and suffering. 36:17 He asks the question, "If a man dies, shall he live again?" 36:27 This is when this mortal will be changed into immortality. 36:31 And then he says... 36:39 In other words, "You're going to desire me in that day." 36:42 Job 19 verses 25 to 27 shows this triumphal 36:46 faith of Job again. 36:48 Job 19 verses 25 to 27, he says... 37:11 "I know my Redeemer lives. 37:12 And I know that in that day I will see Him." 37:17 Job 23, once again, has these words of hope and courage. 37:23 Job 23 and beginning with verse 8. 38:14 Was Job still faithful? 38:16 Yes he was. 38:18 But asking questions because he had incomplete knowledge. 38:23 Let's not be too hard on Job. 38:26 We have the Bible, he didn't. 38:29 He didn't have all of the biblical ideas about 38:33 what happens in the world in consequence 38:35 of the work of Satan. 38:38 Finally you come to chapter 38. 38:41 And God has heard enough. 38:48 Now God is going to tell Job, "Job, now you be quiet. 38:50 I'm going to ask the questions." 38:54 Job 38 and verse 1. 38:56 Finally God breaks His silence. 39:03 Now listen carefully. 39:13 What was Job's problem? 39:16 His words had no what? 39:18 Knowledge. 39:20 He says... 39:31 And do you know, in chapters 38, 39, and 40, 39:34 God asks Job over 60 questions. 39:40 And the main question is, "Where were you, 39:44 puny little man, when I laid the foundations of the earth?" 39:51 And if you read chapters 38 and 39, you're going to discover 39:55 something very interesting. 39:56 And that is that God describes creation week 40:01 in its exact order. 40:03 First, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth day. 40:07 And He says to Job, "Job, you're so intelligent, 40:12 where were you when I did all this?" 40:15 And as God describes His marvelous works of creation, 40:19 at each instance Job gets smaller and smaller and smaller. 40:24 He says, "Now I realize that the universe does not 40:28 revolve around me." 40:31 God is saying, "Job, I have a cosmic mess on My hands. 40:37 Who are you to question such a great God? 40:44 And God ends with a very penetrating question, 40:47 a series of questions, in Job 40 verses 1 and 2. 41:08 Are you understanding the question? 41:11 God is saying to Job, you know, "Do you have any right 41:14 to correct the Almighty? 41:16 He who rebukes God, let him answer that question." 41:21 And then Job answers God's question. 41:25 And basically he says, "You're right and I'm wrong. 41:30 You have made Your point. 41:33 Who am I to question what You do and what You allow? 41:39 I'm just a miserable, insignificant, 41:45 small human being demanding answers from the 41:48 King of the universe." 41:51 And so Job says, "You've made Your point. 41:57 I'm not going to speak again." 41:59 Notice Job 30 and verse 3. 42:02 Job 40 and verse 3. 42:04 And we'll read through verse 5. 42:11 That word, "vile," really means, "insignificant." 42:15 "Vile," in English means, evil. 42:17 But really in the Hebrew it means, insignificant. 42:20 "I am insignificant." 42:37 In other words, "I am not going to speak anymore." 42:44 And then in chapter 41, we reach the climax of the story of Job. 42:52 Satan once again reappears. 42:57 But at the end of the book, his name is not Satan. 43:04 "Satan," means, the adversary. 43:08 But a different name is given to him. 43:12 The name that is given to him is Leviathan. 43:21 That's the same devil. 43:24 Now I want you to notice several verses of chapter 41 43:27 and you tell me what Leviathan represents. 43:30 See, Job has said to the Lord, "You've made Your point. 43:33 You're great, I'm small. 43:35 I'm a creature. 43:36 I'm not going to ask anymore questions." 43:40 But God has a few more questions to ask Job. 43:43 Notice Job 41 and verse 1. 43:47 God says... 44:18 What is God asking Job? 44:21 He's saying, "Can you contend with Leviathan? 44:24 Can you take him as your servant... 44:27 ...forever?" 44:30 Now who is this Leviathan? 44:33 Obviously we're dealing with a symbol. 44:36 Let's go to verses 18 to 21. 44:38 And I hope you read this whole chapter, 44:39 because the chapter is captivating. 44:41 Job 41 verses 18 through 21. 44:44 You know, some scholars think that this a crocodile. 44:46 This is no crocodile. 44:50 Unless you've seen a fire breathing crocodile. 44:54 It says in verse 18... 45:21 This is a dragon, right? 45:25 Notice verses 24 to 27 that say that Leviathan is invincible. 45:31 It says there in verse 24, "His heart is as hard as stone." 45:35 Oh, he has a stony heart. 46:01 Is this a powerful creature? 46:04 It's a fire breathing creature. 46:06 And God says, "Job, can you contend with Leviathan 46:11 and defeat him?" 46:13 Of course, Job would have known what Leviathan was 46:17 because in his culture it was believed that there was 46:21 a creature which was called, Lotan, and also called, 46:25 Leviathan, which the gods had to fight against 46:30 in order to be able to create the cosmos. 46:32 So this was within his culture. 46:34 He would understand that this represented 46:36 the enemies of the gods. 46:38 In this case, the enemy of God. 46:41 Notice chapter 41:33-34. 46:44 It clearly identifies who this creature is. 46:47 Job 41 verses 33 and 34. 46:52 God is speaking here. 46:57 "He beholds..." 46:58 A better translation would be, "He looks down..." 47:12 Who is king over the children of pride? 47:15 The first one who is proud in the history of the universe 47:21 who said, "I will ascend to the heights and I will be like 47:24 the Most High." 47:25 He who said, "I am beautiful. 47:27 I am all wise. I am all rich." 47:31 Satan. 47:34 Now allow me to read you a couple of passages from 47:36 Scripture that prove this. 47:39 Isaiah 27 and verse 1. 47:42 Isaiah 24, 25, 26, and 27 is known as the little book of 47:46 Revelation in the Old Testament. 47:50 Isaiah 27 and verse 1. 48:08 Oh, the fleeing... 48:10 What is Leviathan? The fleeing what? 48:12 Serpent. 48:19 And because the translators think that this is some type of 48:22 crocodile, they translate, "He will slay the reptile 48:28 that is in the sea." 48:29 Actually, the Greek word is, "drakon." 48:34 And the King James translates, "the dragon." 48:39 So this is the dragon and the serpent. 48:43 Now Revelation adds its testimony as to the 48:46 identity of this being. 48:47 You know what God is telling Job? 48:49 God is telling Job, "You want to know 48:51 who's causing your problems? 48:53 I have a big cosmic mess on My hands. 48:55 It's Leviathan." 48:58 And now Job is going to understand. 49:00 You're going to see it. 49:01 Notice Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 through 9. 49:05 Revelation 12 verses 7 through 9. 49:20 Now notice the terminology. 49:31 What was the name that was given to this being 49:33 at the beginning of the book of Job? 49:36 Satan. 49:38 First time in history that the name Satan appears. 49:41 First time in Scripture, because Job was written first 49:44 before anything else. 49:46 So three names are given in this passage; 49:49 Satan, the dragon, and the serpent. 49:54 So who is Leviathan? 49:57 Leviathan is a symbol of the devil. 50:02 And it continues saying, "...called the Devil and Satan, 50:05 who deceives the whole world. 50:07 He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him." 50:09 Now do you remember that Job said, 50:11 "I'm not going to talk anymore. 50:13 I put my hand over my mouth. 50:14 I'm going to shut-up." 50:16 Excuse the expression. 50:18 But now Job feels like he has to talk again 50:20 after God shows him Leviathan. 50:22 He said, "Now I got it." 50:25 Job 42 and verses 1 through 6. 50:27 Listen carefully. The climax of the book. 50:29 Job 42 verses 1 through 6. 50:31 "Then Job answered the Lord and said, 50:35 'I know that You can do everything.'" 50:37 Including what? 50:40 According to the context, including what? 50:44 "You can defeat..." Who? 50:46 Leviathan. 51:08 What was the problem with Job? 51:10 Lack of knowledge, understanding, information. 51:14 He didn't have Scripture. 51:16 He thought it was God. 51:18 And who was it? 51:20 Leviathan. 51:21 Satan. 51:23 "Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand. 51:26 Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. 51:32 Listen please, and let me speak. 51:38 You said, 'I will question you and you shall answer Me.'" 51:42 And now listen. 51:43 "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, 51:48 but now my eye sees You." 51:53 In other words, "Now I understand You." 51:58 Do you think the heavenly universe is watching this? 52:02 What view are they getting of God? 52:05 "Ah, this is the good God." 52:07 What vision are they getting of Satan? 52:11 Wicked, evil. 52:13 Destroyer. 52:14 The whole universe has seen the difference between 52:17 God and the enemy of God. 52:21 "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, 52:23 but now my eye sees You. 52:26 Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." 52:30 In other words, he's saying, 52:31 "I am sorry I ever questioned you." 52:36 Did Job ever curse God? 52:39 Never. 52:40 Because the Bible says that God gave to him twice as much 52:43 as what he had before. 52:44 God would not have rewarded him if he had cursed God. 52:47 And so the heavenly universe says, "God is right, 52:52 and Satan is wrong." 52:56 Now listen carefully. 52:58 This story is going to be repeated in the end time. 53:03 During the time of trouble such as never has been seen 53:05 in the history of the world. 53:08 The Bible tells us that the beholding universe will 53:12 see on this earth an entire generation of human beings 53:16 who love God so much that they will be willing to die 53:22 rather than give up their trust in God. 53:26 The Bible tells us that the devil will take everything 53:30 from God's people. 53:31 He will take their possessions. 53:33 He will take away their health. 53:34 He will have them thrown into prison. 53:36 He will turn their families against them. 53:38 Their friends will abandon them. 53:41 They will have no earthly support. 53:45 And yet because they have the experience of Job, 53:50 and other experiences in the Bible, 53:53 they will say, like Job, "Though He slay me, 53:57 yet will I trust in Him." 54:00 In fact, Job 23 verse 10, Job understood. 54:02 He says... 54:09 You remember the story of the three young men 54:11 who were thrown into the fiery furnace? 54:15 Did they prize their relationship with God 54:18 more than they prized their life. 54:21 They did. 54:22 It was a matter of loyalty to God. 54:26 No matter what. 54:28 And they were willing to give up their life 54:31 in order to be loyal to God. 54:36 You know, when they stood before King Nebuchadnezzar, 54:38 King Nebuchadnezzar says, "You know, if you don't 54:42 bow before the image and worship it, 54:45 one sentence is for you. 54:47 You'll be thrown into the fiery furnace. 54:49 And what God will be able to deliver you from my hands?" 54:53 And they say, "God... 54:58 ...will be able to deliver us. 55:01 And we will not worship your image that you have raised up." 55:06 And so Nebuchadnezzar has the furnace heated seven times 55:09 worse than ever before. 55:10 I believe that this represents the period of the 55:13 seven last plagues, the great tribulation. 55:17 And they're thrown into the fiery furnace. 55:22 And they loved God so much they were willing to die. 55:25 The universe was watching what was happening. 55:29 And then of course you know how the story develops. 55:31 They're in the fire and they're walking around like 55:33 they're in a garden. 55:36 The only thing that burned up were the ropes 55:40 with which they were tied. 55:42 And Nebuchadnezzar sees a fourth man in the furnace and he says, 55:46 "Did we not cast three? 55:48 I see four. 55:50 And they're walking in the midst of the fire. 55:54 And they're not burned." 55:56 And then Nebuchadnezzar says, "Shadrach, Meshach, and 55:58 Abed-Nego, come out. 56:02 When God delivers, He delivers really. 56:05 Because not even a hair from their heads were burned off. 56:08 They didn't even smell like smoke. 56:10 The Bible says that. 56:14 Did God reward His servants? 56:17 Did He spare them the trial? 56:20 He did not spare them the trial. 56:21 He delivered them in the midst of trial. 56:25 Which is different than what many are teaching today. 56:27 They're saying, "Oh no, the church will be 56:29 raptured to heaven. 56:30 And the tribulation; that's for the Jews." 56:33 And they'll be found in the midst of the tribulation 56:36 without any refuge, because they have not made 56:40 any preparation beforehand. 56:43 Do you know the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 33 56:46 that it's the righteous that will be able to live with 56:49 the everlasting fire? 56:51 I read this in a previous lecture. 56:53 You know why? 56:55 Because they have a fireproof character. 57:00 The fire of God does not consume them. 57:03 Now the wicked; the fire is going to 57:05 consume them in an instant. 57:06 They're not going to burn forever and ever. 57:08 The fire will consume them, and that's it. 57:11 But God's people will be able to live in the 57:13 presence of a holy God, 57:16 in the midst of the fire that consumes, 57:19 because they have loved God more than life itself. |
Revised 2014-12-17