His Way is in the Sanctuary

As A Thief In The Night

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000020

00:29 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:32 Father in heaven, once again we come before Your throne
00:37 pleading for divine help.
00:41 For we cannot trace the meaning of Your Word
00:45 without the aid of the Spirit who inspired that Word
00:48 in the first place.
00:50 Father, signs of the times are everywhere.
00:56 People know that momentous things are happening
00:58 in this world.
01:00 Things such as we have never seen before.
01:03 Things that show that the close of probation
01:07 and the coming of Jesus is even at the door.
01:11 We're thankful for that because we look forward
01:14 with longing for the coming of Jesus.
01:18 We ask, Father, that You will bless us in our
01:19 study this morning.
01:21 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:25 for we plead in the precious name of Your
01:29 beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
01:31 Amen.
01:35 I would like us to go back in our minds
01:39 to the time of the flood.
01:41 The universal flood in the days of Noah.
01:45 In Genesis chapter 6 and verse 5 and verses 11 and 12,
01:51 we find a description of the wickedness of the world
01:56 before the flood.
01:58 We find there in Genesis 6 and verse 5 the following words.
02:19 Notice the expressions, "the wickedness was great,"
02:24 "every intent of the thoughts of his heart
02:27 was only evil continually."
02:32 And then verses 11 and 12 tell us what the
02:34 result was in society.
02:37 Verse 11 states, "The earth was also corrupt before God..."
03:01 What could have led the world to reach this condition
03:05 in only approximately 1600 years since creation?
03:12 Genesis chapter 6 explains the reason why.
03:16 It tells us that the sons of God, which represents
03:20 the righteous, saw that the daughters of men were beautiful.
03:26 Which basically means that the righteous began to
03:30 intermingle with the unrighteous.
03:35 And let me tell you something.
03:36 Very rarely is it the case when a righteous person
03:41 joins an unrighteous person in marriage that the unrighteous
03:45 person becomes righteous.
03:49 Once in a while it will happen.
03:52 But very seldom.
03:55 And so it was the union of the faithful and the unfaithful,
03:59 the righteous with the unrighteous,
04:01 according to Genesis 6:1-4, that led to the corruption
04:05 of the world, to the demoralization of the world.
04:10 But God had a remnant.
04:14 A faithful remnant.
04:16 Small in the context of the millions that undoubtedly
04:22 lived in the world at that time.
04:25 In fact, the remnant when the flood came was compose
04:29 of only eight people.
04:35 Now between creation and the flood, approximately 1656 years
04:39 had transpired.
04:42 How many people were living in the world at that time?
04:46 Men lived to be almost a thousand years old.
04:48 How many children can a thousand year old man have?
04:52 Actually 969, Methuselah.
04:56 You know, when they were 300 years old they were
04:58 just teenagers.
05:02 There was no scarcity of resources.
05:04 There was very little disease, according to
05:06 the spirit of prophecy.
05:09 The world was in its pristine glory.
05:13 Very little did you see the effects of sin.
05:17 There must have been millions of people living on planet earth.
05:21 There was a faithful remnant.
05:24 Let's read about that faithful remnant in Genesis chapter 6
05:27 and verse 9, and then we'll read chapter 7 and verse 1.
05:30 Genesis 6 verse 9 says, "This is the genealogy of Noah..."
05:44 And then let's notice chapter 7 verse 1.
05:59 So God had a small remnant that walked with Him
06:05 and was righteous.
06:08 God called Noah to be His messenger to the world.
06:13 And God established a period, a clearly defined period,
06:18 of probation.
06:20 Notice Genesis chapter 6 and verse 3.
06:24 Genesis chapter 6 and verse 3 describes the period of
06:27 probation during which Noah preached righteousness.
06:32 It says there...
06:39 In other words, the door of mercy is not going to be
06:41 open indefinitely.
06:53 This was the probationary period for the antediluvian race.
07:00 And during this period, God called Noah to preach
07:04 a message of righteousness.
07:07 In fact, in 2 Peter chapter 2 and verse 5, we're told that
07:12 Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
07:16 He said to the antediluvian world, "God is a God of mercy.
07:19 He's a God of love. He's willing to forgive.
07:22 But through His power, you must straighten out your lives.
07:26 You must live righteous lives."
07:30 Now the message of Noah was accompanied by the
07:33 power of the Holy Spirit.
07:35 Because God said, "My Spirit shall not strive
07:39 always with man.
07:41 But He will strive for 120 years."
07:44 So the message of Noah was a message that was accompanied
07:48 by the power of God's Holy Spirit.
07:52 It was also a message of judgment.
07:57 His preaching was a preaching of judgment.
08:00 And you say, "How do you know that?"
08:03 You know, the word, "strive," that is used there in
08:06 Genesis chapter 6, "My Spirit shall not always
08:08 strive with men," most of the time that this word appears
08:14 in the Old Testament it's the Hebrew word, "doon."
08:18 Pretty close to doom.
08:20 Only an "n" on the end; "doon."
08:23 Most of the time it's translated, "judgment."
08:27 In other words, the Holy Spirit, through Noah, was preaching
08:30 a message of judgment where people had to decide
08:33 to be on one side or on the other.
08:37 In other words, his message had the purpose of
08:40 polarizing society.
08:43 He preached through the power of the Holy Spirit
08:46 and his message was a message of judgment,
08:48 because it divided the world into two groups.
08:54 Now Noah not only preached.
08:56 He showed that he believed his message.
09:00 Because we're told in Hebrews chapter 11
09:03 and verse 7 that he built an ark.
09:07 Every hammer blow on the ark was an evidence that Noah
09:11 believed what he was preaching.
09:13 You see, if he had only preached, people would say,
09:15 "And what are you going to do about it?"
09:19 Noah said, "I believe what I preach.
09:23 It's going to rain."
09:25 And he built an ark to prove that he believed
09:28 what he was preaching.
09:31 And by the way, he was building this ark
09:34 on dry ground.
09:37 Now Noah's message was contrary to historical,
09:45 scientific, sensorial, and rational information.
09:53 In other words, his message of a universal flood
09:56 was preposterous.
09:59 Because before the flood it had never rained.
10:02 The Bible tells us that the earth was watered by
10:05 a sort of automatic sprinkler system.
10:09 The Bible says that a mist would come up from the earth
10:13 and water the earth.
10:15 You see, at creation God placed water above
10:19 and He placed water below the earth.
10:22 Above so that there would be a uniform climate.
10:26 Kind of a greenhouse.
10:28 And below so that the earth could be watered.
10:32 So it had never rained.
10:34 And so Noah brings this message that it's going to rain.
10:37 Absurd, ridiculous.
10:41 Who would ever think that water could fall from heaven
10:45 and totally flood the world?
10:48 I like to use my imagination and think what academia
10:51 had to say about Noah's message.
10:55 Let's imagine the Department of Natural Sciences.
11:00 I can hear the experts saying, "It has never rained before.
11:05 Everything has continued as from the beginning."
11:08 As it says in 2 Peter.
11:10 "It would be unscientific to believe that water could
11:14 fall from heaven and fill the earth."
11:19 I like to imagine what the theologians
11:21 must have been saying.
11:23 "God loves the world too much to destroy it.
11:28 Besides, rain from heaven would require a miracle,
11:31 and nature works on the basis of natural law."
11:35 See, these were liberal theologians.
11:40 I like to think what the history department
11:42 of academia would say.
11:44 "There is no historical record of any flood in the past.
11:49 So why should we believe that there is going to be one now?"
11:55 I like to think what the behavioral sciences department
11:58 must have said.
12:00 "Noah is suffering from an imaginary mental delusion.
12:05 He is confusing reality with fantasy.
12:09 He is mentally deranged."
12:12 I like to think what the sociology department
12:15 of that university must have said.
12:17 "We must not allow a lunatic like Noah to interrupt the
12:21 stable order of society."
12:24 Noah was probably looked upon as peculiar, sectarian,
12:28 and perhaps even as a cultist.
12:33 I like to think what the philosophers must have said.
12:36 "Noah is suffering because of an existential void in his life.
12:42 What's true for Noah is not necessarily true
12:46 for everyone else."
12:49 The bottom line is that when Noah finished his preaching,
12:53 all of the world was divided into two groups.
12:58 And there were only eight people faithful to God.
13:03 You know, that is a sobering thought.
13:07 The minority has always been with God.
13:11 The majority has not been with God.
13:14 People think that because their church is the largest church
13:18 that it has to be the true church.
13:21 Not necessarily.
13:24 Because God has always dealt with minorities
13:27 because the minority are the ones who want to accept
13:29 and follow His ways.
13:32 And so Noah preached this message 120 years.
13:37 I like to imagine what it must have been like when the
13:40 120 years of probation came to an end and Noah stood at the
13:44 door of the ark...
13:46 ...pleading with people to come in
13:51 and take refuge from the flood that was going to come.
13:55 All they did was mock and make fun of him.
14:01 So Noah and his family entered the ark.
14:05 I want you to notice what happens next.
14:08 Probation comes to a close when the door of the ark closes.
14:16 Notice Genesis chapter 7 and verse 16.
14:20 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 16.
14:22 Noah has finished preaching his message, and we're told there...
14:44 Who closed the door?
14:46 God closed the door when probation came to an end,
14:50 when preaching came to an end.
14:55 I like to read the description that Ellen White provides,
14:57 because she saw this in vision of the closing of the door.
15:02 Patriarchs And Prophets, page 98.
15:06 She expressed it this way.
15:37 Were those inside sealed?
15:39 Yes they were.
15:50 And so when the door shut, immediately it started to rain.
15:57 No, it did not.
16:02 How long passed between when the door closed
16:06 and when it began to rain?
16:09 The Bible tells us that it was a period of
16:11 seven days that went by.
16:13 Let's read it in Genesis chapter 7 and verse 10.
16:16 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 10.
16:19 It says...
16:29 In other words, between the closing of the door
16:31 and when the destruction came by the rain,
16:34 a period of seven days transpired.
16:40 How do you suppose Noah and his family felt inside the ark
16:43 during those seven days?
16:48 Day one passes; no flood.
16:49 Day two, three, four, five, six; no flood.
16:54 Do you think their faith was tested?
16:58 How do you think the people outside the ark behaved?
17:02 Do you think they became more violent and mocking
17:05 with each passing day?
17:06 See, Noah was crazy.
17:10 In fact, let me read you from Patriarch And Prophets,
17:12 page 98 and 99, about the attitude of those inside and
17:18 those outside the ark.
17:34 There's a period of testing of faith for those inside the ark.
17:46 Although the triumph was very limited and short.
18:03 And on page 99, speaking about those outside
18:06 the ark, she says...
18:21 And then immediately after, she makes this comment
18:24 about what is going to happen at the end of the world.
18:27 I'm going to get ahead of myself just a little bit.
18:29 I'm going to read her statement about how the flood event
18:33 parallels what's going to happen.
18:35 She continues saying on page 99...
18:53 What is going to happen before Jesus comes?
18:56 The door of mercy will be shut.
18:58 And then she says...
19:09 We have no idea what this world is going to be like
19:11 when it's totally under the control of Satan.
19:15 Of course, he will not have control of God's people.
19:18 You need to come to tonight's lecture.
19:21 We're going to talk about the story of Job.
19:24 God's people will suffer.
19:26 But they will not die.
19:30 And so she says, "Then divine grace will no longer
19:33 restrain the wicked and Satan will have full control of
19:35 those who have rejected mercy.
19:37 They will endeavor to destroy God's people.
19:40 But as Noah was shut into the ark, so the righteous
19:46 will be shielded by divine power."
19:51 You see, Jesus will no longer be intercessor,
19:53 but He will be protector.
19:57 Jesus is not going to forsake His people on earth
20:00 when He closes the ministration in the Sanctuary.
20:02 After all, He said, "Lo, I am with you always;
20:05 even unto the end of the world."
20:09 Exactly.
20:12 And then after seven days, suddenly the people
20:18 hear thunder and they see lightening.
20:24 And the sky starts getting dark.
20:27 And these unidentified flying objects called clouds
20:33 begin appearing on the horizon.
20:36 And suddenly, drops of rain begin falling from the sky.
20:42 I can't even imagine how their hearts must have sunk.
20:48 Noah was right.
20:51 What is historically, scientifically, sensorially
20:55 impossible is happening.
20:59 And the Bible speaks about this as a cataclysmic event
21:04 that totally demolished planet earth.
21:09 In fact, in Genesis chapter 7 and verse 11
21:13 we find the description, it says that the great fountains
21:17 of the deep were broken open.
21:21 And the windows of heaven were opened and
21:23 water, torrents of water, came from above and from below.
21:27 You know, in the New Testament, there's a normal
21:29 word for "flood."
21:32 It's the word, "potamos."
21:37 But whenever the flood in Noah's day is referred to,
21:41 a different word is used.
21:44 Only for the flood in Noah's day a special word is used in Greek.
21:48 It's the word, "kataklysmos."
21:52 What word do we get in English from "kataklysmos?"
21:56 Cataclysm.
21:59 By the way, there's a special word for the flood in the
22:01 Old Testament too that is used for the flood in Noah's day.
22:05 The word, "mabbuwl."
22:06 There are many words for "flood" in Hebrew,
22:07 but there's one special one that is used for the
22:09 flood in Noah's day.
22:10 This was a world wide catastrophe.
22:12 You know, as I looked on television at what happened
22:15 in Japan, it was surreal.
22:19 Wasn't it?
22:20 I mean, seeing that tsunami come in and just totally
22:24 take away everything.
22:26 Wow, it's like you're watching some Hollywood movie.
22:33 But that was a local tsunami and a local earthquake.
22:38 Imagine in Noah's day, it was a global compilation.
22:43 Allow me to read you, Patriarchs And Prophets, page 99.
22:47 Ellen White saw in vision what happened.
22:50 She says, "Rivers broke away from their boundaries
22:54 and overflowed the valleys.
22:56 Jets of water burst from the earth with indescribable force,
23:02 throwing massive rocks hundreds of feet into the air.
23:07 And these, in falling, buried themselves deep in the ground."
23:11 She continues saying, "As the violence of the storm increased
23:15 trees, buildings..."
23:16 You can almost see this illustrated in the tsunami
23:20 on a local level.
23:21 She says, "...trees, buildings, rocks, and earth were hurled
23:25 in every direction.
23:27 The terror of men and beast was beyond description.
23:30 Above the roar of the tempest was heard the wailing
23:35 of a people that had despised the authority of God."
23:42 And then the Bible tells us that the earth returned
23:45 to the condition it was in before creation week.
23:50 Filled with water, dark, and no living inhabitant
23:58 upon the earth.
24:01 Some people ask, "What happened with Satan during the flood?"
24:06 He was getting wet.
24:10 Patriarchs And Prophets, page 99.
24:13 Did he lose all of his power base?
24:16 What is the devil's power base?
24:18 His people.
24:21 Did he lose all of his people?
24:23 All of his people died.
24:26 He lost his power base.
24:29 Page 99 of Patriarchs And Prophets, Ellen White,
24:31 who saw this in vision, said...
24:45 What kind of cataclysm it must have been that the devil
24:50 actually feared for his own existence.
24:54 You know, there's one other time that the devil is
24:55 going to be in a situation like that.
24:57 And that is during the millennium.
25:01 Jeremiah said that the earth will be without form and void.
25:05 And he beheld no man on earth.
25:08 Once again, the devil will be bound to planet earth
25:11 in a chaotic and disorderly state.
25:16 Now let's notice what Jesus had to say about the flood.
25:20 Matthew 24:37-39.
25:22 You see, what we've studied so far is really a type or
25:26 an illustration of what's going to happen at the end of time.
25:28 Jesus Himself said so.
25:31 Matthew 24 verse 37, and we'll read through verse 39.
25:36 It says here...
25:53 Now notice a very important little temporal word,
25:56 a time word.
25:58 They were doing this "until..."
26:12 "...until..." Again a temporal word, a time word.
26:25 Did Jesus see a parallel between what happened at the flood and
26:27 what will happen in relationship to His second coming?
26:30 Absolutely.
26:31 Now did you notice that the word, "until," is used twice?
26:35 The first "until" marks the moment when they enter the ark.
26:38 "Until Noah entered the ark."
26:41 The second "until" marks when it began to what?
26:44 When it began to rain.
26:45 "They did not know until the flood came
26:48 and took them all away."
26:49 How much time was there in between those two "until"?
26:53 Seven days.
26:56 Is that correct?
26:57 We already studied it.
26:58 Seven days between the first "until" and the second "until."
27:02 Did you notice that it says that they did not know something
27:05 during those seven days?
27:07 They did not know until the flood came.
27:10 Now the question is, what didn't they know until the flood came?
27:15 They did not know that they were what?
27:19 They did not know that they were lost.
27:22 Let me ask you this, when were the wicked lost?
27:27 When the door closed or when it started to rain?
27:31 When the door closed.
27:33 Did the door close before it started to rain?
27:37 Yes.
27:38 Was there a period of tribulation for those
27:40 who were inside the ark during those seven days?
27:43 Was it a time of triumph for those outside of the ark?
27:46 Absolutely.
27:47 Those outside, they did not even know that they were lost
27:52 during that period.
27:54 Until the flood came and took them all away.
27:57 So will the coming of the Son of Man be.
28:02 Is it just possible that probation is going to close
28:04 before Jesus comes?
28:07 Absolutely.
28:09 Now, we're studying this series on the Sanctuary.
28:14 We've taken a look at the flood, we've taken a look at
28:16 Matthew chapter 24.
28:18 But now we want to see that this whole idea of
28:21 probation closing and then destruction coming
28:24 actually needs to be understood within the context of
28:28 the Sanctuary.
28:30 And to find that context we must go to the book of Revelation.
28:34 Go with me to Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 and 7.
28:41 Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7.
28:45 Does God have an end time message for the world
28:47 like He had a message in the days of Noah?
28:50 Absolutely.
28:51 It's found in Revelation 14 verses 6 and 7.
28:54 You know that passage.
28:55 You have it memorized, don't you.
28:59 Three angels messages given to the world.
29:02 First angel's message says, "Fear God, give glory to Him,
29:07 for the hour of His..." What?
29:09 "...of His judgment has come.
29:12 And worship Him who made the heavens, the earth,
29:15 the seas, and the fountains of waters."
29:18 So does God have a message to the world that the world
29:21 needs to fear God and give glory to God
29:24 because the hour of God's judgment has come?
29:27 Absolutely.
29:29 Is this God's final message to the world?
29:32 Yes, because immediately after the three angels messages
29:35 Jesus is seen seated on a cloud and He has a sickle
29:38 in His hand and He's coming back to the earth.
29:41 Will this message be accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit?
29:44 Absolutely.
29:45 You say, "How do we know that?"
29:47 Very simple.
29:48 After the three angels messages, the Bible tells us that the
29:53 harvest of the earth is ripe and the grapes of the earth
29:55 are ripe immediately afterwards.
29:58 What was it in the Bible that ripened the harvest?
30:03 The latter rain.
30:05 And what does the latter rain represent?
30:08 It represents the Holy Spirit.
30:12 So is this message accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit
30:15 and matures the world into two groups?
30:19 Yes.
30:20 You have those who have the seal of God,
30:23 and those who receive what?
30:25 The mark of the beast, as a result of the message.
30:28 The world will be divided into two groups.
30:33 So is the end time message a message of judgment?
30:36 Yes.
30:37 Is it a global message?
30:39 Absolutely.
30:40 Is it accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit?
30:44 Yes.
30:48 What will happen when the message has been proclaimed?
30:54 The door of mercy will close.
30:57 Can we now come in faith to the heavenly Sanctuary,
31:00 and in repentance and in faith, confessing our sins?
31:04 Can we have the assurance that Jesus receives our sins
31:06 and He cleanses us from all unrighteousness?
31:09 Do we have that assurance today?
31:10 Is Jesus ministering as High Priest in the Sanctuary?
31:13 We've studied this, right?
31:14 Is the day coming when He's not going to minister
31:16 as the High Priest anymore?
31:19 Revelation 15, the very next chapter after the message.
31:24 Revelation 15, and let's read beginning at verse 5.
31:28 Revelation 15 verse 5.
31:31 Intercession is going to close.
31:32 Now we're in a Sanctuary context.
31:35 It says there in Revelation 15 verse 5...
31:41 We've already identified the temple as the Most Holy Place.
31:43 The word, "naos," in Revelation means, the Most Holy Place.
31:53 The tabernacle is the total structure.
31:55 The temple is the Most Holy Place.
32:02 You say, "Oh well, the Sanctuary is opened.
32:04 So everybody can come in and be saved."
32:06 No, no, the purpose of opening the Sanctuary here
32:09 is not to let people in, but to let the plague angels out.
32:15 Notice what it continues saying, verse 6.
32:18 The temple, once again, is the Most Holy Place.
32:40 The temple, once again the same word, "naos;" Most Holy Place.
33:00 Is the ministration in the Most Holy Place going to
33:02 come to an end?
33:03 It is.
33:04 Are people going to be able to enter there and bring their sins
33:07 to Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing?
33:11 No.
33:12 The Bible tells us that a time is coming when we
33:14 will not be able to enter.
33:16 The temple will be opened in order for the angels to come out
33:21 and pour out God's wrath like He did at the time of the flood.
33:27 You know it's interesting, immediately after
33:28 speaking about the closing of the ministration
33:33 here in Revelation 15, do you know what you find in the
33:35 very next chapter, chapter 16?
33:37 You find the plagues and the tribulation.
33:41 Are you with me?
33:44 You have seven plagues.
33:46 That's before the coming of Jesus.
33:48 The temple ministry closes, seven plagues.
33:51 There's a period...
33:53 ...before Jesus comes.
33:56 Finally when you get to chapter 19 of Revelation,
33:59 there you have the second coming of Jesus.
34:01 The Bible tells us that He's seated on a white horse.
34:04 And the armies of heaven are with Him.
34:07 And He's coming to pick up His people.
34:09 That's the second coming.
34:12 And so Revelation has this pattern: the proclamation
34:15 of the message, Revelation 14;
34:17 the closing of the ministration in the Sanctuary in chapter 15;
34:22 the period of tribulation and the plagues, chapter 16;
34:25 and the arrival of Jesus Christ at His second coming
34:27 after the tribulation in chapter 19.
34:33 So is there going to be a period between the close of probation
34:35 and the coming of Jesus?
34:38 Absolutely.
34:40 You know, most Christians think that they can prepare for the
34:42 coming of Jesus until they see Jesus in the clouds,
34:44 and they say, "Oh Lord, I'm Yours."
34:49 But if you're not prepared for the close of probation,
34:51 you will not be prepared for the second coming of Jesus.
34:53 We need to prepare for the close of probation.
34:56 And no one knows the day or the hour when it will close.
35:00 Go with me to Revelation chapter 22 where this idea
35:03 is flushed out, where this idea is developed;
35:06 this idea of the close of probation, in the context of
35:10 the Sanctuary, before Jesus comes.
35:12 Revelation chapter 22.
35:14 There are three ideas that I want us to notice here
35:16 in Revelation chapter 22 verse 10.
35:22 It's speaking about the book of Revelation.
35:26 It says there in verse 10, "And he said to me..."
35:29 The angel is speaking to John.
35:38 What does that mean, "Don't seal the words of the
35:40 prophecy of this book?"
35:42 Can a message still come from the book and still be understood
35:45 if it's not sealed?
35:47 Sure.
35:48 So in other words, don't seal the book.
35:50 Don't close the book.
35:52 Because a message needs to come from the book.
35:55 Can people be saved while the book is still
35:58 imparting its message?
36:00 Absolutely.
36:02 So in verse 10, probation is open.
36:04 Because it says, "Do not seal the words of the
36:07 prophecy of this book."
36:08 But then it says, "For the time is at hand."
36:10 The question is, what time is at hand."
36:12 The next verse tells us what time is at hand.
36:17 Is there a time coming, folks, when the book of Revelation
36:22 will no longer impart a saving message?
36:26 Absolutely.
36:27 Where everybody's case will have been decided based on
36:30 how they react to what we find in the book of Revelation?
36:33 Absolutely.
36:34 This is the reason, we're going to read it in a moment,
36:35 this is the reason why God pronounces a tremendous
36:39 blessing and a terrible curse upon those who do not
36:42 handle the book of Revelation properly.
36:46 It's a serious matter to preach on Revelation.
36:50 It's a dangerous thing to add or take away.
36:54 In fact, Revelation chapter 22 verses 18 and 19 says...
37:23 Is it important to understand the book of Revelation properly?
37:26 Absolutely.
37:27 Now it's not easy.
37:29 It's not like reading Reader's Digest.
37:33 It requires effort, taxing effort, time, prayer.
37:40 So you find in verse 10 a message is coming
37:42 from Revelation; beware, don't add or don't take away.
37:45 Because it's a saving message.
37:47 But is there a time coming when no longer will you
37:51 be able to hear a message from this book?
37:53 The book will be sealed up, so to speak.
37:55 Yes, notice verse 11.
37:57 Revelation 22 verse 11.
37:59 The previous verse has said the time is at hand.
38:01 Don't seal the book, the time is at hand.
38:03 What time?
38:04 The time is spoken of in verse 11.
38:06 It says...
38:13 Does that sound pretty definitive?
38:32 Are all cases decided at this point?
38:36 Will the filthy still be filthy?
38:37 Will the holy still be holy?
38:39 Will the righteous still be righteous?
38:41 Absolutely.
38:43 By the way, these words, "holy," "filthy," have to be understood
38:50 within the context of the Sanctuary.
38:52 This is Sanctuary terminology.
38:56 How do you get clean, spiritually speaking?
39:02 You have to take...
39:03 You have to come in repentance and confession to Jesus,
39:07 and you have to trust in His merits so that He will
39:10 forgive you and cleanse you.
39:11 Right?
39:13 Can we do that today?
39:15 Can we come to Jesus with our sins repentant,
39:18 confessing our sin, and trusting in His merits, and say,
39:20 "Jesus, please forgive me."
39:22 Will Jesus cleanse those sins?
39:25 Will Jesus forgive those sins?
39:27 He most certainly will.
39:29 But the time is coming when we won't be able
39:32 to do that anymore.
39:34 Where the declaration will be made, "He who is filthy
39:37 is going to continue being filthy.
39:40 And he who is unrighteous will continue to be unrighteous."
39:45 All cases will have been decided.
39:47 And this happens before Jesus comes.
39:49 You say, "How do we know that it happens before Jesus comes?"
39:52 Because verse 12 tells us that after this declaration is made,
39:59 then Jesus comes to give His reward.
40:04 Notice verse 12 of Revelation 22.
40:14 Did He already decide what the reward was before He came?
40:18 Yes, because He brings the reward.
40:32 So there's a sequence here.
40:33 There's a message coming from the book.
40:35 Don't seal the book.
40:36 Don't add or take away.
40:37 It's a life saving message.
40:41 But the time is coming when the filthy will be filthy
40:44 and the righteous will be righteous.
40:46 And then Jesus will come to give His what?
40:49 His reward.
40:50 The sequence is clear and it's connected with the Sanctuary.
40:53 Because the Sanctuary cleansed people
40:55 so that they would not be filthy.
40:58 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
41:01 By the way, there are two cleansings.
41:03 One cleansing is the individual cleansing when I come
41:06 in repentance to Jesus Christ and say,
41:07 "Lord, please forgive my sins."
41:09 Jesus forgives me and cleanses me.
41:13 But that sin enters the Sanctuary covered by the
41:16 blood of Jesus.
41:18 And when my case comes up in the judgment...
41:20 We're going to study this in the last few lectures
41:22 of this series.
41:24 When my name comes up in the judgment,
41:26 because we all will appear before the judgment seat of
41:29 Christ, the devil will be there to say,
41:31 "Hey, Pastor Bohr did this and this and this and this.
41:34 He's a sinner, he belongs to me."
41:35 And Jesus is going to say, "I don't deny that Pastor Bohr
41:38 did this and this and this.
41:39 But there's one thing which you forgot.
41:41 And that is, all those sins entered the Sanctuary
41:44 by My blood.
41:46 They are forgiven sins."
41:48 The sins that enter the Sanctuary are forgiven sins.
41:52 And in the judgment, it's God's purpose to
41:54 shut the devil's mouth.
41:57 Don't miss tonight's lecture.
42:00 It's going to be good.
42:01 I can hardly wait.
42:05 Now let's talk a little bit about the coming of the thief.
42:13 You know, the coming of the thief needs to be
42:14 understood in two way.
42:17 First of all, when the thief comes.
42:20 And secondly, when you discover that the thief has come.
42:27 Imagine an individual who has locked the doors to the house
42:35 since time immemorial.
42:37 It's December; cold, windy.
42:42 And you're under the covers nice and warm.
42:45 And you remember, "I forgot to lock the door.
42:50 Oh I hate to get up.
42:51 But the thief hasn't come for 20 years.
42:54 He's not going to come tonight."
42:57 And so you stay under the covers.
42:58 And while you're sleeping, the thief comes.
43:05 Do you know he's come?
43:07 You don't know it, but he comes.
43:11 And he steals your money.
43:17 He steals your video camera.
43:23 He steals everything that's valuable.
43:27 You get up in the morning.
43:30 And when you get up in the morning, you discover
43:32 that your television is gone.
43:33 Hallelujah.
43:38 "What happened to my TV?"
43:41 And then you notice that all these other things are missing.
43:45 The thief came and you didn't know it.
43:48 Until you woke up in the morning.
43:52 So will also the coming of the Son of Man be.
43:57 Because the close of probation catches everyone like
44:00 the coming of a thief.
44:03 And people will not know that Jesus has closed the
44:06 door of probation until He's coming on the clouds.
44:10 But at that time it is too late.
44:13 You say, "Is it biblical to believe that probation closes
44:16 before destruction comes?"
44:17 Let me give you...
44:18 This is the pattern of the Bible.
44:20 Let me ask you, did the door of probation close for the
44:22 Jewish nation before the city was destroyed?
44:25 It was closed in the year 34 and it was destroyed in the year 70.
44:29 Did the door of probation close for Babylon
44:32 before Babylon was destroyed?
44:34 Remember the handwriting on the wall
44:36 that expressed doom, and then it was destroyed?
44:39 Sodom and Gomorrah; was the door of probation closed
44:41 for them before the destruction came?
44:43 Yes, remember the angels.
44:45 They took Lot and they pulled him in,
44:47 and they shut the door.
44:49 At that moment, the door was shut for Sodom and Gomorrah.
44:52 Did the door close before the first destruction of Jerusalem?
44:57 Was there a sealing that went on, dividing the righteous
45:00 from the unrighteous, and then destruction came?
45:03 Absolutely.
45:05 So this is a pattern in the Bible.
45:08 That, first of all, there's a judgment.
45:10 Judgment sentence is pronounced.
45:12 And then the execution of the sentence takes place...
45:16 ...later.
45:19 Let me share with you an experience.
45:23 I lived many years in Columbia.
45:26 My wife is from Columbia.
45:29 On November 13, 1985, the city of Armero...
45:37 ...was buried by an avalanche of mud...
45:41 ...due to the explosion of the volcano, Nevado del Ruiz.
45:47 You see, the people in the city, they didn't believe that
45:50 they were ever in danger, because there's a river that
45:54 runs on the western side of the city.
45:56 And they felt that if ever that volcano exploded,
46:00 that the lava would go down the river bed.
46:04 But what they didn't realize is that there was a huge boulder
46:08 that blocked the river bed and diverted the mud
46:15 right to where the city was.
46:17 I was there, actually, about three years ago
46:19 and visited this place.
46:21 They still have that huge rock there
46:24 that blocked the river.
46:26 22,000 people that night died and were buried under the mud.
46:37 I read an article in the newspaper, one of the
46:39 Columbia newspapers; El Espectadore.
46:42 It was written by the local, Rodríguez Calderón.
46:47 And what he said in that article showed that all these people
46:51 could have survived.
46:54 Because they had abundant signs that a disaster was imminent.
46:59 Let me share some of those signs with you.
47:01 Eleven months before the disaster, the mountain
47:03 had begun spewing out smoke.
47:07 The fluffy snow at the top of the mountain turned into
47:11 a sheet of ice because of the heat.
47:14 The water level of the rivers daily increased more and more.
47:20 The cloud of ash and gases of the first day reached
47:24 15 feet in height.
47:25 The second day was 750 feet.
47:28 And the day of the eruption, the cloud of smoke and ash
47:32 had reached 16,000 feet.
47:35 On September 11, a couple of months before,
47:39 the earth started shaking...
47:42 ...on the scale of 3 on the Richter scale.
47:45 The people testified, those few who survived,
47:47 testified that they could hear the mountain rumbling within.
47:52 The government had to close the access roads because of
47:55 constant mudslides that made it impossible
48:00 to get up to the mountain peak.
48:03 People said they couldn't keep their houses clean
48:07 because there was constant ash all over their furniture.
48:09 They could smell sulfur in the air.
48:13 And those who survived said that the evening of the disaster,
48:16 there was this torrential rain around 9 o'clock in the evening,
48:21 and a supernatural darkness.
48:24 Were there plenty of signs that the disaster was imminent?
48:28 Absolutely.
48:30 And yet 22,000 people, including 120 of 124
48:36 Seventh-day Adventists, were buried by the avalanche of mud.
48:42 The question is, could this have been averted?
48:47 And why wasn't it?
48:50 Do you know the reason why people decided to stay?
48:54 Because they chose to believe the testimony of the experts.
49:00 Let me give you some other details that appeared
49:02 in this article.
49:04 The town priest, Edgar Efren Torres,
49:09 came over the radio at 7 pm and told the people,
49:12 "There's no reason to panic. Please keep calm."
49:16 The civil defense of Columbia sent out a message
49:19 by radio also saying, "There is no reason to be concerned."
49:26 The bishop of the town, Augusto Osorio,
49:30 even came out and warned against fanatics who were
49:32 making it appear like a major disaster was imminent.
49:37 The mayor of the town said, "Don't worry,"
49:40 and then skipped town.
49:45 The governor of the state of Tolima later said,
49:50 "The disaster could not have been predicted in advance."
49:55 Columbian scientists, Jaime Viegas Velásquez,
49:57 affirmed, "This volcano is not going to erupt.
50:00 Nothing is going to happen.
50:01 Beware of speculations and exaggerations."
50:06 The Secretary of Mines, Evan du Escobar,
50:10 asserted, "Nothing will happen."
50:12 Even United States geologist, Darryl Hurd,
50:16 said, "It is very unlikely that the cities could be buried
50:21 by rocks, lava, or mud."
50:24 And the regional emergency committee, that very evening,
50:27 sent out a message that said, "Don't expect your
50:29 windows to shatter.
50:31 Don't expect darkness.
50:32 Don't expect lava to run down the mountain.
50:36 Don't expect large layers of ash."
50:39 Among other things.
50:41 In fact, they said, "Go out and enjoy the spectacular scene."
50:48 The people did not know that the door had closed
50:55 until destruction came and took them all away.
50:59 Because instead of paying attention to the signs,
51:03 they listened to the experts.
51:06 Just like happened before the flood.
51:09 I'd like to end by reading a passage from Ellen White
51:12 that applies directly to us.
51:17 This is a rather lengthy passage.
51:18 It's found in volume 2 of the Testimonies, pages 190 and 191.
51:22 Now let's bring it home to us.
51:25 She says this...
51:30 And now she's going to quote Mark 13:33-37.
51:35 She's going to quote Scripture.
52:01 And then she's going to comment on this passage.
52:03 Because, you know, you read this where it says,
52:05 "Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping."
52:08 You say, "Oh, that's the second coming."
52:09 It's not the second coming of Jesus.
52:13 It's the coming of the thief by surprise.
52:16 Listen to what she comments.
52:29 See, the coming here is when we are what?
52:33 Sleeping, not when we wake up and say, "Uh ho."
52:36 Too late.
52:39 Now notice what she says.
53:15 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still;
53:17 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still;
53:20 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still;
53:22 and he that is holy, let him be holy still."
53:25 Somebody once asked me, "You know, where does Ellen White
53:28 get the idea that Jesus is going to change His garments
53:31 from His priestly garments to His royal kingly robes?
53:37 And I knew that he was being, this was an Adventist,
53:39 he was being kind of...
53:42 I want to say he was opposed to Ellen White's comment.
53:44 He was making fun of it.
53:46 And so I said to him, "You know, if you just use
53:50 a little bit of the brain that God gave you,
53:54 it wouldn't be too difficult to reach the conclusion."
53:57 He said, "What do you mean?"
53:58 I said, "Well, what function is Jesus fulfilling
54:01 in the Sanctuary today?"
54:03 "Well, He's High Priest."
54:05 "So how is He clothed?"
54:08 "Well, as a High Priest, of course."
54:11 I said, "And when He returns again, how is He clothed?"
54:14 Revelation 19 says that He's clothed as King of kings,
54:18 and Lord of lords.
54:19 So sometime before He comes clothed as King of kings,
54:23 He must have changed.
54:26 It's that simple.
54:29 She continues saying, now listen to what she says to us...
54:46 Notice the word she uses, "To those who have neglected..."
55:17 "...neglected..."
55:18 Notice again, it's not, "rejected."
55:20 "Those who have neglected..."
55:30 Notice, "weary."
55:40 Do you long for His appearing?
55:43 She says, "They longed not for His appearing."
56:13 They forgot about their church budget.
56:44 So what is the message of Jesus?
56:46 After He spoke about His coming, the closing of the door and
56:49 His coming, He said we need to watch.
56:53 We need to pray.
56:56 We need to be ready.
56:58 We need to be faithful in using the gifts that He has given us.
57:01 All of the parables He gives afterwards tell us
57:04 what we need to do in the light of the fact that
57:06 probation will close.
57:10 Christians who are teaching that we're going to be raptured
57:12 all over the world before the tribulation will be found
57:15 in the tribulation without any shelter or any preparation.
57:20 And among that group will be many Adventists
57:24 who lost anxiety over His coming.


Revised 2014-12-17