His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Manna Test

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000018

00:32 Let's pray.
00:34 Once again, heavenly Father, Thank You for blessing us
00:37 with Your presence.
00:39 Thank You for Your Word.
00:41 We live in a world were everything seems to be
00:44 spinning out of control.
00:46 But we Thank You that we can build upon the solid Rock
00:50 of Your Holy Word to know what has happened,
00:53 what is happening, and what soon will take place
00:57 on this earth.
00:59 We ask for Your guidance as we open Your holy book today.
01:02 Send Your Holy Spirit through the ministration of the angels
01:05 to make things clear to our minds and to open our hearts.
01:10 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:12 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:17 Israel had just crossed the Red Sea.
01:24 And they had sung the song of Moses, in Exodus chapter 15.
01:30 And then they arrived in the desert to a place where
01:34 God wanted to test their willingness to obey
01:38 His holy law.
01:41 Go with me in your Bibles to Exodus chapter 16 and verse 4,
01:46 and let's take a look at what that test was.
01:50 Exodus 16 and verse 4.
02:10 Why were they to do this?
02:12 Notice...
02:15 Is this a test for Israel?
02:17 Yes.
02:27 In other words, the purpose of this test is to see if
02:29 Israel is willing to obey, what?
02:33 God's holy law.
02:36 It is a test.
02:38 And so the Bible tells us that God rained what is known as
02:43 manna from heaven.
02:45 Now the word, "manna," simply means, "what is it."
02:50 Because when the manna fell to the earth,
02:53 the Israelites came out, they had never seen this before,
02:56 and so they started saying, "Manna, manna."
03:00 In other words, "What is it? What is it?"
03:03 And it was actually bread that God had rained from heaven.
03:09 Now God told the Israelites to go out and gather
03:13 the manna six days a week.
03:17 Every day they were suppose to gather manna
03:20 except for the Sabbath.
03:21 We start to catch a glimpse of the fact that God is
03:25 testing them regarding what?
03:27 Regarding the observance of the seventh day Sabbath.
03:31 This is before God gave the Ten Commandments
03:34 on Mount Sinai.
03:36 God is testing their willingness to keep His holy Sabbath.
03:41 And the Bible tells us that some of the Israelites
03:43 went out to pick up manna on the Sabbath and they found none.
03:47 And notice Exodus 16 and verse 28
03:51 the words that we find where God is speaking to the Israelites
03:57 that have gone out to look for manna and they have found none.
04:01 Here God says, "How long do you refuse to keep My..." What?
04:08 "...My commandments and My laws?"
04:12 Interesting.
04:13 God had not yet revealed His commandments or His laws.
04:16 That comes in Exodus 20.
04:19 So it must be that the Sabbath existed before God
04:22 gave it at Mount Sinai.
04:24 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
04:25 Because God says, "How long do you refuse to keep
04:29 My commandments and My laws?"
04:30 And this particular commandment had to do with not picking up
04:35 manna when?
04:36 On the Sabbath.
04:37 It was a command, in other words, to observe
04:40 God's holy Sabbath.
04:42 Now it becomes obvious that God wanted to teach a profound
04:46 lesson through the manna.
04:48 And we know this because after God gave manna to Israel,
04:53 He commanded the Israelites to take some of the manna
04:58 and put it in a golden pot and place it inside
05:02 the ark of the covenant.
05:04 This must have been very, very important because there were
05:08 only three things that were in the ark of the covenant,
05:10 we're going to notice.
05:11 There was, first of all, the tables of the law;
05:13 the Ten Commandments.
05:14 Secondly, Aaron's rod that budded.
05:17 And in the third place, a golden pot of manna.
05:20 Let's read about that pot of manna.
05:23 Exodus 16 and verses 32 through 34.
05:36 An omer is about half a gallon.
06:08 Remember what the Testimony is, the tables of the Testimony?
06:11 We talked about that last evening.
06:17 Now I want to read a passage from Hebrews chapter 9
06:20 where it clearly tells us that the pot of manna
06:23 and Aaron's rod and the Ten Commandments
06:25 were inside the ark of the covenant.
06:27 Notice Hebrews chapter 9, and we'll read verses 1 through 5.
06:32 It says there...
06:55 Which apartment is that?
06:57 That is the Holy Place.
07:00 And then it continues saying in verse 3...
07:09 Actually, a better translation is, the Holy of Holies.
07:20 And now notice what was in the ark of the covenant.
07:45 So question, was the manna in the ark of the covenant?
07:49 Yes it was.
07:50 Was Aaron's rod in the ark of the covenant?
07:53 Yes, we'll talk about Aaron's rod later on in this series.
07:57 The Ten Commandments, of course, were found
08:00 inside the ark of the covenant.
08:02 But now we have a little problem.
08:05 It just so happens that Hebrews is describing the tabernacle
08:10 that was built in the desert.
08:13 But what about Solomon's temple?
08:16 Was the pot of manna and was Aaron's rod
08:20 in the temple that Solomon built?
08:24 This is where we have a problem.
08:26 Go with me to 1 Kings chapter 8 and verse 9.
08:29 1 Kings chapter 8 and verse 9.
08:32 It's speaking here about the ark of the covenant.
08:35 And notice a very interesting detail.
08:38 It says there, "Nothing was in the ark except
08:44 the two tables of stone which Moses put there at Horeb,
08:49 when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel
08:53 when they came out of the land of Egypt."
08:56 So in the temple built by Solomon, what was the
08:59 only thing that was found inside the ark of the covenant?
09:02 Only, it says here, the what?
09:06 The tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb.
09:11 So immediately the question comes, what happened to
09:14 the pot of manna and what happened to Aaron's rod
09:17 in between the time of the wilderness tabernacle
09:20 and the time of the temple that was built by Solomon?
09:25 Is it just perhaps the case that maybe one of them is wrong?
09:28 Maybe it's simply the book of Hebrews is wrong
09:30 when it says that the manna and Aaron's rod was in the
09:34 ark of the covenant?
09:35 And then later, you know, in 1 Kings it says that it wasn't
09:38 in the ark of the covenant.
09:40 That there's this discrepancy or contradiction in the Bible?
09:43 No.
09:44 We don't accept the idea that there are
09:46 contradictions in the Bible.
09:48 And so the question is, how do you reconcile
09:50 what was in the ark in the tabernacle in the wilderness
09:54 and what was in the ark of the temple that Solomon built?
10:00 I want to present a quotation from Ellen White.
10:02 Because she resolves this apparent problem.
10:06 Notice Early Writings, page 32.
10:08 This is very, very interesting.
10:10 And there's Bible backing for what she says.
10:12 I'm going to provide that in a few moments.
10:15 God took her in vision to the heavenly temple
10:20 in the holy city, the New Jerusalem.
10:22 And notice what she says.
10:24 "In the holiest I saw an ark;
10:28 on the top and sides of it was purest gold.
10:33 On each end of the ark was a lovely cherub,
10:36 with its wings spread out over it.
10:40 Their faces were turned toward each other,
10:43 and they looked downward.
10:46 Between the angels was a golden censer.
10:50 Above the ark, where the angels stood, was an exceeding
10:55 bright glory that appeared like a throne where God dwelt."
10:59 That's the Shekinah, by the way.
11:01 Then she says, "Jesus stood by the ark, and as the
11:06 saints' prayers came up to Him, the incense in the censer
11:11 would smoke, and He would offer up their prayers with the
11:15 smoke of the incense to His Father."
11:18 And then here comes the portion of the quotation
11:20 which is very interesting.
11:21 She says, "In the ark was the golden pot of manna,
11:27 Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of stone
11:33 which folded together like a book."
11:36 What happened with the pot of manna
11:39 and Aaron's rod that budded?
11:41 It was what?
11:43 It was transported to the heavenly Sanctuary.
11:45 Because you can only have one Aaron's rod that budded.
11:50 Because if you have in heaven one that is not Aaron's rod
11:53 that budded, then it's not going to be Aaron's rod.
11:55 Right?
11:56 It was Aaron's rod that budded.
11:58 Interestingly enough, the book of Revelation
12:01 strongly hints that the manna is in heaven,
12:05 because in Revelation 2 verse 17, we're told
12:09 that when Jesus comes He will take us to heaven
12:12 and He will feed us with the hidden manna.
12:16 And where is the manna hidden?
12:18 It is hidden in the ark of the covenant.
12:23 So the pot of manna is in heaven,
12:26 and Aaron's rod that budded is in heaven now.
12:28 Somewhere in between the tabernacle in the wilderness
12:32 and the temple built by Solomon, these things were placed
12:36 in the heavenly Sanctuary.
12:39 But now we need to ask the question,
12:41 what lesson did God want to teach through the manna?
12:46 What vitally important lesson would make it so significant
12:50 that the manna would be placed inside the ark of the covenant
12:54 with the Ten Commandments?
12:57 Let's examine this by going to the gospel of John chapter 5
13:03 and verse 39, and we'll read verse 40,
13:06 and then we'll jump down to verses 45 through 46.
13:11 John 5:39-40 and 45-46.
13:16 Here, Jesus is speaking to a group of Jews,
13:18 and notice what He says.
13:23 Which Scriptures was He referring to?
13:25 It had to be the Old Testament Scriptures
13:27 because at this point when Jesus is on earth,
13:30 the New Testament has not been written yet.
13:32 So it's the Old Testament Scriptures.
13:46 So the question is, to whom do the writings of Moses point?
13:49 To whom do the Scriptures point?
13:52 They point to Jesus.
13:55 Now let's go to verse 40.
13:57 Jesus says...
14:04 "You go to the Scriptures because you want eternal life.
14:06 You think there's eternal life in them.
14:07 And yet, you don't want to come to Me.
14:09 Those Scriptures point to Me,
14:11 that you might have eternal life."
14:13 Then notice verse 45.
14:15 "Do not think that I shall accuse you..."
14:24 And now comes the key portion of the verse.
14:36 About whom did Moses write?
14:38 He wrote about Jesus.
14:41 To whom do the Scriptures give testimony?
14:43 They give testimony to Jesus.
14:46 In other words, the writings of Moses are centered
14:49 in Jesus Christ.
14:51 Now we want to study one particular verse.
14:53 And we're going to study other verses in relationship to it,
14:57 but there's one particular verse that I want us
14:59 to take a look at.
15:00 Deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 3.
15:03 One verse from the writings of Moses.
15:05 Deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 3.
15:09 Here, God is speaking about when He gave the manna
15:12 and the reason why He gave the manna.
15:15 Remember, the manna lesson is significant.
15:18 It's a test for Israel to see whether they were going to
15:20 keep God's Sabbath or not.
15:23 And it was so important that God placed a pot of manna
15:25 in the ark of the covenant.
15:27 And it's in heaven right now.
15:29 It must be tremendously significant.
15:31 Now notice Deuteronomy 8 and verse 3.
15:35 Moses is describing this episode of Israel's history.
15:48 Now why did God give the manna?
15:50 You know, most of the time I ask that question,
15:52 people say, "Well, because the people were in the desert
15:54 and they needed food to eat."
15:55 But that's not the main reason why God gave the manna.
15:58 Notice the reason that is clearly expressed here.
16:24 What did the manna represent?
16:27 The manna represented the word of God.
16:32 Because He said, "Man will not live by bread alone,
16:35 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
16:39 In other words, the manna represented God's word.
16:44 The Bible makes it clear that the manna was
16:46 more than physical food.
16:48 Go with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 10
16:50 and let's read verses 1 to 4 where the apostle Paul is
16:54 reminiscing about some of the experiences
16:56 of Israel's history.
16:58 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verses 1 to 4.
17:02 The manna was not primarily physical food,
17:05 although it did provide physical nourishment.
17:07 But that's not the main reason why God gave the manna.
17:10 He gave it to show Israel that man lives by every word
17:13 that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
17:16 Now let's notice 1 Corinthians 10 verse 1.
17:43 That's the water that came from the rock.
17:55 Was the manna symbolic?
17:58 Did it have a spiritual lesson?
17:59 Yes.
18:01 Was the water that came from the rock symbolic?
18:04 Did it represent something beyond literal H2O?
18:08 Absolutely.
18:09 Was the literal rock a symbol of the much more
18:12 profound spiritual truth?
18:14 Absolutely.
18:16 So we know that the manna represents the word of God,
18:19 and it's spiritual food.
18:20 But the question is, who is the word of God?
18:24 Go with me to John chapter 1 verse 1, and then we'll
18:28 go down to verse 14.
18:29 John chapter 1 verse 1, and then we'll go down to verse 14.
18:35 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
18:41 and the Word was God."
18:45 And then it says in verse 14, the first part of the verse,
18:48 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
18:53 Who is the Word?
18:55 The Word is Jesus Christ.
18:57 So what did the manna represent?
18:59 The manna represented Jesus.
19:04 Let me prove it to you with a clear text
19:06 from the gospel of John.
19:08 John 6 verses 48 through 50.
19:11 John 6:48-50.
19:13 Spiritually speaking, the manna represented Jesus Christ.
19:16 Because Jesus Christ is the Word of God.
19:18 He's the speech of God the Father.
19:20 He reveals God the Father.
19:22 He teaches what God the Father told Him to say.
19:26 Notice John 6:48-50.
19:29 Here, Jesus is speaking and He says...
19:47 So what did the manna represent?
19:49 The manna represented the Word of God.
19:52 And the Word of God is whom?
19:54 The Word of God is Jesus.
19:58 But let's become a little bit more specific.
20:01 Not only did the manna represent Jesus generally,
20:06 but there was something specific about Jesus
20:09 that was represented by the manna.
20:11 Some aspect of Jesus that was represented by the manna.
20:15 Let's go to John 6 verse 51, the very next verse.
20:20 Jesus says here, "I am the living bread..."
20:40 What does the manna specifically represent about Jesus?
20:44 It represents His what?
20:47 It represents His flesh.
20:49 Did you catch that point?
20:50 So the manna represents the Word of God.
20:54 The Word of God represents Jesus.
20:57 But specifically, what does the manna represent
20:59 concerning Jesus?
21:01 It represents His what?
21:03 His flesh.
21:05 Don't forget that.
21:06 That's key for everything that we're going to study.
21:08 The manna represented His flesh.
21:11 Now let's go to Exodus 16 and verses 19 and 20.
21:16 See, we have to go back to the Old Testament
21:17 to the manna episode.
21:19 Because Jesus is speaking about the manna.
21:21 So what better place to discover what He wants to teach
21:24 than by going back to the manna episode in the Old Testament.
21:28 Notice Exodus 16 verses 19 and 20.
21:33 How many days was the manna suppose to be picked up?
21:36 It was suppose to be picked up six days.
21:39 Which was the only day in which the manna
21:41 was not to be picked up?
21:43 It was not to be picked up on the Sabbath.
21:45 Now what happened if somebody picked up manna on Wednesday
21:48 and saved it for Thursday.
21:51 Or any other day other than the Sabbath?
21:54 Let's read about it.
21:56 Exodus 16:19-20.
22:08 In other words, they didn't pay any attention to Moses.
22:14 And now two things happened with the manna.
22:16 Which represents what?
22:18 The flesh of Jesus. Don't forget that.
22:20 Two things happened with the manna.
22:22 It was picked up on, not Friday for Sabbath,
22:25 but some other day, which is not identified here.
22:28 And so it says...
22:37 Was this ordinary bread?
22:40 If you go to the grocery store and you buy a loaf of bread
22:44 and you don't open it today, you open it tomorrow,
22:47 when you open the package tomorrow it has worms, right?
22:49 And stinks.
22:50 No.
22:52 Well let's suppose that you leave it in the
22:53 package for a week.
22:55 And you don't open the package until a week from now.
22:59 When you open the package, you say, "Whew, this stinks.
23:02 And it's full of worms."
23:03 No. Absolutely not.
23:06 Let me ask you, what is it that breeds worms and stinks?
23:12 It is dead what?
23:14 Dead decomposing flesh.
23:18 Am I right?
23:19 Absolutely.
23:21 But now notice what happened when the manna was picked up
23:24 on Friday for Sabbath.
23:26 Exodus 16 and verses 23 and 24.
23:31 What does the manna represent?
23:34 The flesh of Jesus. Very well.
23:36 Exodus 16:23-24.
23:48 Notice, not the Sabbath to the Jews.
23:50 A holy Sabbath to the Lord.
23:54 That is, on Friday.
24:06 And now notice, very interesting.
24:08 It says...
24:17 You know, I did a word search of the word, "stink."
24:22 You remember the story of Lazarus?
24:24 You know, when Jesus said, "Take away the stone."
24:27 What did the people say?
24:28 "Lord, he stinketh."
24:31 To use good ole King James language.
24:34 "He stinketh, Lord."
24:36 It's a corpse that stinks.
24:38 Right?
24:39 And it's a corpse that breeds worms.
24:43 And so when the manna was picked up on Friday,
24:46 and saved for the Sabbath, it was as fresh on Sabbath
24:50 as it had been on Friday.
24:53 Now what was God trying to teach?
24:56 We need to go to the gospels to understand
24:59 the interpretation of what God was trying to teach.
25:03 Let's take a look at the last three declarations
25:05 of Jesus on the cross.
25:08 Matthew 27 verse 46 has the fifth declaration
25:13 of Jesus Christ on the cross before His death.
25:16 Matthew 27 verse 46.
25:18 And listen carefully to what it says.
25:20 It says, "And about the ninth hour..."
25:23 Was it the ninth hour yet?
25:25 No, it was about the ninth hour.
25:39 Now that's the fifth declaration on the cross.
25:41 Now let's go to number six.
25:42 John 19 and verse 30. John 19 and verse 30.
25:47 It says there...
26:00 But you know, Matthew and John don't give the whole story.
26:05 Because there was a declaration that was given before this one.
26:07 It's just not recorded in the gospel of John.
26:10 You say, "What declaration is that?"
26:12 Go with me to Luke 23 verse 46.
26:14 This was the last declaration of Jesus on the cross
26:17 after He said, "It is finished."
26:20 Notice Luke 23 and verse 46.
26:37 So when Jesus said, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me,"
26:41 it was about the ninth hour.
26:44 Probably shortly after that, He said, "It is finished."
26:50 And then exactly at the ninth hour, He said,
26:53 "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."
26:57 And you say, "How do you know that it was exactly
26:59 at the ninth hour?"
27:00 Do you know what time the ninth hour is?
27:03 It's three o'clock in the afternoon.
27:05 So you say, "No. Well you know, the ninth hour?
27:08 That's three o'clock. How can it be three o'clock?"
27:10 Well, because the Jews, they reckon hour number one at
27:14 six o'clock in the morning.
27:16 And hour number twelve was at sunset.
27:18 And so hour number nine was at three o'clock in the afternoon.
27:22 I want you to notice Exodus chapter 12 and verse 6.
27:25 I'm going to show you when Jesus died exactly and specifically.
27:29 Exodus 12 and verse 6.
27:31 It's speaking about the death of the Passover lamb.
27:34 You remember we talked about the death of the Passover lamb?
27:37 When was it suppose to be sacrificed?
27:39 On the 14th day of Nisan. Right?
27:41 The month of Nisan, the first month of the religious year
27:44 of the Jews.
27:46 And at what time was it sacrificed?
27:49 It was sacrificed...
27:50 Notice Exodus chapter 12 and verse 6, it gives us the hour.
27:59 That's the month of Nisan.
28:06 When? At twilight.
28:10 Now that's not a good translation.
28:13 Other versions say, "at evening."
28:16 But literally in the Hebrew language, in which this verse
28:20 was written, it says, "between the two evenings."
28:26 In other words, it doesn't say twilight
28:28 and it doesn't say evening.
28:29 It says literally, "between the two evenings."
28:33 And you say, "What is this, 'between the
28:35 two evenings,' thing?"
28:37 Well let me explain it.
28:39 Among the Jews, the first evening was when the sun
28:44 reached its zenith and began its descent in the afternoon hours.
28:50 The second evening is actually when the sun set.
28:55 Are you understanding me?
28:57 I'm going to read you a statement from a commentary.
28:58 I looked at several commentaries.
29:00 They all agree on this.
29:01 So when the sun reached it's zenith at noon,
29:05 that was the first evening because the sun
29:08 now was beginning the afternoon hours.
29:10 It was beginning its descent.
29:12 The second evening was when the sun set.
29:15 Incidentally, in Spanish we say,
29:20 "Las orlas de la mañana.
29:23 E las orlas de la tarde."
29:26 The afternoon.
29:28 And so we need to understand that the two evenings
29:32 are noon and six o'clock.
29:35 Let me read to you from the commentary by
29:37 Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown...
29:39 This is not a Seventh-day Adventist commentary.
29:41 ...on Exodus 12 verse 6.
29:43 "'Between the two evenings' is a phrase denoting the
29:48 part of the day between the declining and the setting sun,
29:54 or between noon and sunset."
30:00 So what time did Jesus die?
30:02 He died at the ninth hour.
30:05 Which is exactly between when?
30:08 The sixth hour, which would be noon,
30:11 and the twelfth hour, which would be sunset.
30:14 Jesus died at the ninth hour exactly at
30:18 three o'clock in the afternoon.
30:20 Are you following me or not?
30:22 Very, very important.
30:24 In other words, Jesus said, "Into Your hands
30:27 I commend My spirit."
30:28 And it was exactly at three o'clock.
30:30 And at that moment, the temple veil rent in two.
30:34 There was an earthquake.
30:35 And the lamb escaped from the hands of the priest.
30:40 Now let me ask you, when Jesus said, "It is finished,"
30:43 "Into Your hands I commend My spirit,"
30:45 had He made perfect provision for salvation?
30:48 Did He have a perfect life to offer to everyone who comes
30:51 to Him in repentance to take the place of your sinful life?
30:54 Absolutely.
30:55 Had He died the death that everyone should die,
30:58 that if I come to Him in faith and in repentance,
31:01 and I confess my sins, He'll take His death
31:04 and place it to my account as if it was my death?
31:06 Absolutely.
31:07 Jesus, when He said, "It is finished,"
31:09 "Into Your hands I commend My spirit,"
31:11 He had made perfect provision for salvation.
31:15 Now Jesus died at three o'clock in the afternoon,
31:17 but listen up.
31:19 After the death of the lamb, the lamb had to be prepared.
31:23 Because after sunset, the Jews partook of
31:28 the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
31:33 So for three hours in the afternoon, from three o'clock
31:36 until sunset, what they did was they roasted the lamb whole.
31:41 They cleaned it up and they prepared it and they roasted it.
31:44 And then after sundown, they ate the lamb
31:48 along with unleavened bread, and also with bitter herbs.
31:53 Now let me ask you, when Jesus died at three o'clock in the
31:56 afternoon, was it necessary to prepare the body of Jesus?
32:01 Just look at everything that had to happen between three
32:04 and shortly before sundown.
32:06 They had to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus;
32:12 Joseph of Arimathea.
32:14 They had to take Him down from the cross.
32:16 They had to clean His body.
32:19 They had to embalm Him and wrap Him in linen.
32:23 They had to transport Him to the place where He was
32:26 going to be buried.
32:27 They had to bury Him.
32:29 And they had to roll the stone in front of the tomb.
32:32 Would that take five minutes to do all of that?
32:35 Of course not.
32:36 Actually, this is the preparation of Jesus
32:39 to be buried.
32:40 The unleavened bread represents the body of Jesus,
32:44 because leaven represents sin.
32:46 And in Jesus there was no sin.
32:50 Now let's take a look at the sequence of days
32:53 so that we can understand a little bit better
32:55 what is happening here.
32:56 Was Jesus buried before sundown on Friday?
33:01 Yes, you remember that they felt an urgency.
33:03 They said, "We have to hurry.
33:06 We've got to get Him off of the cross.
33:07 Because He has to be buried before sundown."
33:11 And so Jesus, right before sundown, He was placed
33:14 in the tomb.
33:15 Now let's look at the Biblical sequence of days.
33:18 Go with me to Luke chapter 23 and verse 54,
33:22 and we'll read through verse 56.
33:24 Luke 23 verses 54 through 56.
33:28 I want you to see the sequence.
33:30 It's speaking about the day of His death, first of all.
33:33 "That day was the Preparation..."
33:38 Was the Sabbath there yet?
33:41 No, the Sabbath was what?
33:42 Was near when Jesus died.
33:46 Verse 55...
33:56 So His body is laid in the tomb.
33:58 What day?
34:01 Friday.
34:02 Which is which day of the week?
34:05 Day number six.
34:07 Very well.
34:08 And then notice 56...
34:20 Which commandment?
34:22 The fourth commandment of God's holy law.
34:24 They rested the Sabbath according to the commandment.
34:28 Now let me ask you this.
34:30 How do you think the rest of the women was?
34:34 Was it a joyful rest?
34:37 Was it a happy and just bubbly rest?
34:41 Absolutely not.
34:43 It was not really rest.
34:44 It was restlessness.
34:48 They were filled with grief.
34:50 And with sorrow.
34:52 That Sabbath must have been a miserable Sabbath to live.
34:57 If they had understood what the manna represented,
35:00 would it have been very, very different?
35:03 They would have said, "Our Master is resting in the tomb
35:08 from His works of redemption.
35:12 And we need to rest with Him in what He has done.
35:17 And tomorrow, He's going to resurrect."
35:21 What would that Sabbath had been like if they had believed
35:24 what Jesus said that He was going to Jerusalem,
35:26 and He was going to be killed, and He was going to
35:28 resurrect the third day?
35:29 What would that Sabbath have been like?
35:32 They would have understood that Jesus was resting in the tomb
35:35 from His works of redemption, like He rested on the
35:38 seventh day from His works of creation.
35:41 And they would have said, "Our Master has accomplished
35:43 salvation for us.
35:45 How wonderful He is."
35:46 They would have enjoyed the Sabbath of rest.
35:49 But they did not understand.
35:52 They came to understand later.
35:54 Allow me to read you a statement from Ellen White.
35:56 This is found in an article that she wrote titled,
36:01 "The Man of Sorrows" February 24, 1898.
36:05 Listen how she connects creation and redemption.
36:15 And the she quotes Scripture.
36:30 And then she comments...
36:48 What was God's plan?
36:50 That the work of Christ should be what?
36:52 Completed on a Friday.
36:54 And now listen carefully.
37:20 So what was Jesus doing while the women rested?
37:24 Jesus was also what? Resting.
37:26 On which day of the week?
37:28 The seventh day.
37:30 Which day did Jesus rest after He accomplished
37:32 His work of creation?
37:33 The seventh day.
37:34 You see, Jesus is the Creator, according to the Bible.
37:38 John 1 and verse 3 says, "All things were made through Him.
37:43 And without Him was not anything made that was made."
37:45 Jesus is the Creator in Genesis.
37:48 And after He finished His work of Creation, He rested.
37:51 And after He finished His work of redemption, He rested
37:54 on the seventh day Sabbath.
37:56 And then which day did Jesus resurrect?
38:00 The Bible says He resurrected on the first day of the week.
38:02 Which would be our Sunday.
38:04 Do you have the sequence of days clear?
38:07 He died what day?
38:09 Day number six, Friday.
38:11 He rested in the tomb which day?
38:14 On the Sabbath He rested in the tomb.
38:16 And He resurrected which day.
38:18 He resurrected on the first day of the week, on Sunday.
38:22 Now you say, "Where did we leave the manna?"
38:26 Well, let's go back to the manna episode,
38:28 because we want to see what great lesson God wanted
38:30 to teach through the manna.
38:31 Now let's review.
38:33 What did the manna represent?
38:35 The Word of God.
38:37 What is the Word of God?
38:40 Jesus.
38:41 But what specific aspect of Jesus did the manna represent?
38:45 His flesh.
38:46 Let's read it again, John 6 and verse 51.
38:49 John 6:51.
38:52 Here, Jesus says...
39:10 Now as Jesus rested in the tomb, He was the living manna, right?
39:15 The manna represented His what?
39:17 His flesh.
39:19 The flesh of Jesus rested in the tomb.
39:21 Now here's my question, what would have happened
39:23 with a normal body that was buried on Friday?
39:28 It would begin the process of what?
39:31 Of decomposing.
39:33 And eventually it would breed worms, and it would what?
39:37 And it would stink.
39:39 Did that happen with the body of Jesus?
39:42 What is it that happened with the manna when it was
39:45 picked up on Friday for Sabbath?
39:46 It was just as fresh on Sabbath as it had been on Friday.
39:51 And the manna represents the flesh of Jesus.
39:54 Was the flesh of Jesus, all day Sabbath,
39:57 as fresh as when He was placed in the tomb on Friday?
40:00 I'm going to prove it from the Bible.
40:02 God is teaching here the observance of the Sabbath
40:05 in honor of redemption.
40:08 Notice what we find in Acts chapter 2
40:11 and verses 25 through 27.
40:14 Acts chapter 2 and verse...
40:16 Actually, let's go first of all to the Messianic prophecy.
40:19 And then we'll go to Acts 2.
40:20 The prophecy that is found in Acts 2 is in
40:23 Psalm 16 verses 8 through 10.
40:25 I want to read the prophecy first.
40:28 It says here in Psalm 16 and verses 8 through 10...
40:42 And I'm reading from the NIV because it's a
40:43 better translation.
40:48 Here, Jesus is speaking prophetically a thousand years
40:51 before He's actually born.
40:53 He's telling His experience, what is going to happen.
40:56 Now notice what He says...
41:02 "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
41:04 my body..."
41:05 Actually, that is not a good translation.
41:07 There's a word for, "body," in Greek.
41:09 It's the word, "soma."
41:11 This is the same word, "flesh," that is used in
41:14 John 6 and verse 51.
41:15 It's the word, "sarx."
41:17 The NIV mistranslates that word.
41:19 So really it is, "Therefore my heart is glad and my
41:22 tongue rejoices; my flesh also will rest secure..."
41:28 What does Jesus say about His flesh?
41:30 His flesh will what?
41:32 His flesh will rest secure.
41:34 Where is it going to rest?
41:36 In the tomb.
41:38 You say, how do we know that?
41:39 Well, let's read the next verse.
41:41 "Because you will not abandon me to..." What?
41:47 "...to the grave, nor will you let your holy one see..." What?
41:53 "...see decay."
41:56 To whom did Psalm 16 point?
41:59 It pointed to the flesh of Jesus Christ.
42:02 Did the body of Jesus Christ decompose in the grave?
42:07 It did not.
42:08 Because Jesus was the living manna.
42:14 Are you following me?
42:16 Now let's go to Acts chapter 2 verses 29 to 33.
42:19 And once again, I'm reading in the NIV.
42:22 Here, Peter is preaching on the day of Pentecost.
42:25 And He's going to explain Psalm 16 verses 8 through 10.
42:29 Because you might say, "Well, how do you know that
42:32 Psalm 16 is talking about Jesus?"
42:34 Well Peter says so, inspired by God's Holy Spirit.
42:37 Notice Acts 2 and let's begin reading at verse 29.
42:42 And we'll go through verse 33.
42:45 Peter says here, "Brothers, I can tell you confidently
42:50 that the patriarch David died and was buried,
42:54 and his tomb is here to this day."
42:57 In other words, this psalm was not talking about David.
42:59 Because his tomb is here and he's dead.
43:02 Notice verse 30.
43:05 "But he was a prophet..."
43:06 David was a prophet.
43:28 Once again, it should be the word, "flesh."
43:40 "Exalted to the right hand of God, He has received
43:42 from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out
43:46 what you now see and hear."
43:49 Isn't this a magnificent Bible prophecy?
43:52 It was prophesying that Jesus, the manna, would die on Friday,
43:59 on Sabbath He would remain in the tomb all day,
44:02 and His body, like the manna, would not begin the process
44:07 of breeding worms and stinking.
44:10 Because He was what the manna represented.
44:15 In other words, this is not only telling us that we
44:17 keep the Sabbath.
44:19 It's telling us that Jesus kept the Sabbath
44:22 by resting in the tomb on the Sabbath.
44:24 And those who were outside also should have been resting,
44:28 understanding fully what Jesus was doing.
44:31 He should have been resting inside while they rested outside
44:34 understanding what Jesus had accomplished.
44:39 Now we need to ask the question, why did Jesus
44:43 resurrect on Sunday?
44:46 You know, Christians today, they say, "Jesus resurrected
44:50 on Sunday because He wanted Christians to know that
44:53 Sunday is holy.
44:56 And that we're suppose to go to church on Sunday.
45:00 And we're suppose to honor Jesus by celebrating
45:03 the day of the resurrection."
45:04 You know, even Pope John Paul II in his pastoral letter,
45:08 Dias Domini, he tried to impress people by the
45:13 number of things that Jesus did on Sunday.
45:16 Let me give you a list of them.
45:18 He resurrected on Sunday.
45:20 He appeared to two of His followers on the
45:22 road to Emmaus on Sunday.
45:24 He appeared to His disciples on Sunday night.
45:28 He appeared to them again the next Sunday.
45:30 The Holy Spirit was poured out on Sunday.
45:32 The first proclamation of the gospel took place on Sunday.
45:35 The first baptisms took place on Sunday.
45:38 So he gives this long list and he says, "See, it's because
45:41 God wants us now to keep Sunday."
45:44 But in the light of what we've studied,
45:46 we now notice that Jesus resurrected on Sunday,
45:49 not because Sunday is important, but because the day before
45:53 Sunday is important.
45:55 You see, Jesus had to rest in the tomb, which day?
45:59 The Sabbath.
46:00 So which day would He resurrect?
46:02 Duh.
46:04 Sorry for the expression.
46:06 But if He has to fulfill the manna episode,
46:08 and He has to rest in the tomb on the Sabbath day
46:12 according to the commandment, well which day would you
46:15 expect Him to resurrect?
46:16 On Sunday.
46:17 But it's not because Sunday is holy,
46:19 but because Sabbath is holy.
46:23 Are you with me?
46:24 And isn't it interesting that during holy week,
46:27 oh Christians, they love to talk about Palm Sunday, and
46:31 Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
46:35 Resurrection Sunday.
46:36 Who says anything about the Sabbath?
46:38 Nothing.
46:40 Because the devil has made it his utmost objective
46:43 to obliterate the Sabbath.
46:45 Because the Sabbath points to Jesus as our Creator
46:48 and as our Redeemer.
46:50 And when we rest on the Sabbath, we're resting because He made us
46:54 and we're resting because He redeemed us from sin.
47:00 You know, Christians sometimes present objectionable arguments.
47:05 They use psychological arguments.
47:06 They say, "You know, I keep Sunday because
47:09 Sunday was a happy day.
47:11 See, the disciples were sad on Sabbath
47:13 but they were happy on Sunday."
47:16 And Christians who don't study their Bibles,
47:18 they swallow it hook, line, sinker, fisherman's pole,
47:22 fisherman and boat.
47:25 They swallow everything and they believe it
47:28 because they don't study the Bible for themselves.
47:32 Let me ask you, should Sabbath have been a sad day?
47:37 Had Jesus warned the disciples that He was going to
47:39 go to Jerusalem, He was going to die,
47:41 and He was going to resurrect on the third day?
47:43 Of course.
47:44 Was it the intention of Jesus that the Sabbath
47:46 be a joyful day of expectation?
47:49 Absolutely.
47:50 Furthermore, and this is even more devastating,
47:52 Sunday night the day of the resurrection, the disciples
47:57 didn't even believe that Jesus had resurrected.
47:59 You can see that in the gospels.
48:01 So how could they be happy all day Sunday
48:03 if they didn't even believe He had resurrected?
48:06 You see, the argument falls on its face.
48:08 But people who don't study their Bibles,
48:10 and listen to what their preachers say,
48:13 they say, "Oh, this sounds wonderful.
48:15 We're suppose to keep Sunday because Jesus said
48:17 we're suppose to keep Sunday."
48:19 But it is not so.
48:22 Now, do you know that the Sabbath not only points
48:24 backwards to Creation.
48:26 It not only points to Jesus our Redeemer now.
48:30 But the Sabbath also has a prophetic dimension.
48:34 The Sabbath will be kept in the earth made new...
48:39 ...in the future...
48:41 ...when God creates again new heavens and new earth.
48:46 Go with me to Isaiah 66 verses 22 and 23.
48:50 Isaiah 66:22-23.
48:55 Here, it makes it very clear that in the kingdom come
48:59 on the new earth, we will keep God's holy Sabbath
49:04 in commemoration of the creation of the new heavens
49:08 and the new earth.
49:09 It says here...
49:28 Now don't be confused by that "New Moon" thing.
49:30 The New Moon marked the beginning of the month.
49:33 It's the word that is translated, "month,"
49:35 in the Old Testament.
49:37 So in Spanish, for example, it says, "De mes en mes."
49:41 Because the New Moon marked the beginning of the month.
49:43 And so really what it's saying is, "And it shall come to pass
49:47 that from month to month..."
49:50 "...and from one Sunday to another..."
49:53 Oh, thank you. You're still with me.
49:55 "...and from one..." What?
49:57 "...one Sabbath to another..."
49:59 "...all the Jews shall come..."
50:02 No. Do you have flesh?
50:06 You're not ghosts.
50:08 It says, "'All flesh shall come to worship before Me,'
50:13 says the Lord."
50:16 What day will be kept in honor of the creation of the
50:18 new heavens and the new earth?
50:20 God's holy Sabbath.
50:22 Now you say, "Why are we going to go from month to month?
50:25 We know from Sabbath to Sabbath, because that's
50:27 God's rest day to commemorate the new creation.
50:30 But why from month to month?"
50:34 Revelation 22 verses 1 and 2 has the answer.
50:36 Revelation 22 and verses 1 and 2.
50:40 It says here...
50:42 Here, John is speaking about what he saw in vision.
50:56 Actually, a better translation is, "the square;"
51:00 "In the middle of its street."
51:02 You know, people, when they say, "I'm going to walk
51:03 the streets of gold;" no you're not.
51:07 It doesn't say in the Bible, "streets of gold."
51:09 It says, "street."
51:12 Which in the light of what we've studied on the 70 weeks,
51:14 it's really the town square.
51:16 So anyway, it says...
51:24 Notice, one tree.
51:25 You say, "How's that?
51:27 On either side of the river, and it's one tree?"
51:30 Ellen white explains it beautifully.
51:32 She says that there's one trunk on one side
51:35 and one trunk on the other, and they meet in the middle
51:37 over the river.
51:39 So there's no contradiction.
51:41 And so it says, "...was the tree of life which bore
51:44 twelve fruits..."
51:45 Now listen carefully.
51:55 How frequently does the tree of life produce its fruit?
51:58 Every month.
51:59 Which means that we are going to go to partake of the
52:03 tree of life every, what?
52:04 Every month.
52:06 You read the messages to the churches, God says that
52:08 He's going to give us to eat from the tree of life.
52:11 So we're going to go to eat.
52:12 But it produces its fruit every month.
52:14 And so now we know why we're going to go monthly.
52:16 And we're also going to go, what?
52:19 We are also going to go weekly to commemorate
52:22 the creation of the new heavens and of the new earth.
52:26 But somebody says, "Pastor, are you sure that we're going to
52:29 go and worship before the Lord on Sabbath?
52:32 Isn't it true that there's not going to be any sun or moon?
52:35 So if there's no sun or moon, how can there be days?
52:40 How can there be months?"
52:41 Well the problem is, people don't read the Bible carefully.
52:45 Let's go to that text, Revelation 21 verse 23.
52:48 Revelation 21 and verse 23.
52:51 See, we've got to read carefully.
52:53 The Bible doesn't say that there's not going to be
52:55 any sun or moon.
52:56 Listen to what it says, "The city..."
53:01 Not the new earth.
53:03 "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon..."
53:09 Does it say that there's not going to be any sun or moon?
53:12 No, it says the city had no need of sun or moon.
53:17 "...to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.
53:20 And the Lamb is its light."
53:23 Let me give you an illustration so you can understand.
53:25 Supposing that at midday in July in Fresno,
53:29 I'm walking down the street and I have a flashlight in my hand.
53:33 The flashlight is on and I'm shining the flashlight
53:35 on the ground.
53:39 Is the light shining?
53:41 Of course it's shining.
53:42 Somebody comes up to me and says, "Are you crazy?"
53:47 "Well, what do you mean crazy?
53:49 This flashlight has light, right?"
53:50 He says, "Where? I don't see it."
53:52 Because you can't see it on the ground.
53:54 Why?
53:55 Because the glory of the sun is so bright that
53:57 it is as if the flashlight sheds no light.
54:01 In other words, the glory of God is going to be so bright
54:05 that the sun and the moon will be eclipsed.
54:07 Read Isaiah 24 verse 23 where it says that the
54:11 sun and the moon are going to be ashamed
54:13 before the glory of God.
54:16 Now allow me to mention one thing in closing.
54:19 In the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary,
54:23 God put the ark of the covenant.
54:26 And the Sabbath commandment was highlighted
54:30 in the ark of the covenant.
54:32 You know, Ellen White had a vision where she saw
54:34 the law of God in heaven.
54:35 And she says that there was a halo of light that shown around
54:39 the Sabbath commandment.
54:41 And some Adventists say, "Well, where did she get that from?
54:44 Where is that in the Bible?"
54:45 I'll tell you where it is.
54:47 The Sabbath is highlighted.
54:49 What was inside the ark of the covenant?
54:53 The Ten Commandments.
54:54 Is the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments?
54:56 It most certainly is.
54:57 It's the fourth commandment.
54:58 But did God give something additional that He put inside
55:01 the ark of the covenant to highlight the Sabbath,
55:05 and to underline that it is a test,
55:07 and it is extremely important?
55:09 Yes. What did He place there?
55:11 The manna.
55:13 Highlights and underlines the Sabbath.
55:15 And God is saying, "If you don't get it from the
55:17 Ten Commandments, get it from the manna."
55:22 Let's read Deuteronomy 10 verses 1 and 2,
55:25 and verse 5 in closing.
55:27 It says, "At that time the Lord said to me..."
55:31 He's speaking to Moses.
55:49 "Then I turned and came down from the mountain
55:51 and put the tablets in the ark..."
55:58 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
56:01 We're going to talk in our next lecture about
56:03 what happened in 1844.
56:06 There was a great disappointment in 1844.
56:09 When Jesus entered the Most Holy Place,
56:11 people were oblivious to what Jesus really was going to do.
56:14 They didn't understand.
56:16 Just like what happened in the triumphal entry,
56:19 the people did not understand.
56:21 Later on, they studied Scripture and they understood
56:24 that the date was correct, but the event that was
56:27 going to take place on that date was incorrect.
56:32 After the great disappointment, the founders of the
56:35 Seventh-day Adventist Church went back to the Bible
56:40 and they started studying Scripture.
56:42 And they discovered that Jesus had entered the
56:44 Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
56:45 And you know, one after another they started discovering
56:49 the distinctive truths of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
56:52 They discovered that the law is in the heavenly Sanctuary.
56:55 Which means that the law is still binding.
56:58 And they said, "But if in heaven there's the Ten Commandments,
57:00 there's also the fourth commandment among the ten.
57:04 So the Sabbath is binding."
57:07 They looked at Aaron's rod which budded by a miracle of God.
57:10 Life from that which was dead.
57:12 They said, "Life is only in Christ, not in
57:14 some immortal soul."
57:17 They discovered the idea of the judgment.
57:19 The distinctive truths of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
57:21 were discovered when they entered the Most Holy Place
57:25 of the heavenly Sanctuary.


Revised 2014-12-17