His Way is in the Sanctuary

Found! The Ark Of The Covenant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000017

00:30 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:33 Father in heaven, as we open Your holy Word today,
00:36 as we've done before we ask for the presence
00:38 of Your Holy Spirit.
00:40 We realize that without Your help we cannot
00:42 understand Your Word.
00:44 And so we ask, Father that You will come close to us,
00:46 and through the ministration of the Holy Spirit
00:49 You will open our minds and hearts that we might
00:51 understand and receive Your word.
00:54 And we thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer.
00:55 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
00:59 Perhaps there's no item in archeology that has become
01:03 so famous in the Christian world, as well as in the
01:07 non-Christian world, as the ark of the covenant.
01:11 You know, there are many theories about where the
01:13 ark of the covenant is found.
01:15 I'd like to share with you as we begin our study
01:18 the different theories about the location
01:20 of the ark of the covenant.
01:22 Some people believe that it's in Gordon's Calvary.
01:25 That is right underneath Golgotha where Jesus was
01:29 crucified, in some cave or tunnel there.
01:31 Others believe that the ark of the covenant is in Kuwait.
01:35 Still others believe that it's somewhere in Hezekiah's Tunnel
01:38 near Jerusalem.
01:40 Others still believe that it's found in Ein Gedi,
01:43 where the Dead Sea Scrolls were located in 1948.
01:48 Still others believe that it's found somewhere in Bethlehem
01:51 in a cave.
01:52 Or perhaps in Ethiopia.
01:55 And there's a very strong theory that it's found somewhere
01:58 in a cave on Mount Nebo where Moses died
02:02 and was buried.
02:03 Now this is the idea that is presented in an apocrypha book,
02:07 which is the second book of Maccabees.
02:09 Now I need to make it very clear that the books of Maccabees
02:13 are not inspired.
02:15 They're not part of the canon of Scripture.
02:17 But they are of very important historical value.
02:21 And so I'm going to read from 2 Maccabees chapter 2
02:24 and verses 4 through 8 what Maccabees says about
02:29 the location of the ark of the covenant
02:31 and where it was placed.
02:33 This is speaking about the prophet Jeremiah
02:35 who supposedly hid the ark of the covenant
02:39 right before the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 586
02:42 by Nebuchadnezzar.
02:44 And this is what it says there in 2 Maccabees 2
02:46 verses 4 through 8.
02:48 "It was also in the writing that the prophet, Jeremiah,
02:52 having received an oracle, ordered that the tent
02:56 and the ark should follow with him, and that he went out
03:00 to the mountain where Moses had gone up," that's Mount Nebo,
03:04 "and had seen the inheritance of God.
03:07 And Jeremiah came and found a cave, and he brought there
03:11 the tent and the ark and the altar of incense;
03:15 and he sealed up the entrance.
03:17 Some of those who followed him came up to mark the way,
03:22 but could not find it.
03:24 When Jeremiah learned of it, he rebuked them and declared,
03:27 'The place shall be unknown until God gathers His people
03:32 together again and shows His mercy.
03:35 And then the Lord will disclose these things,
03:38 and the glory of the Lord and the cloud will appear,
03:41 as they were shown in the case of Moses,
03:44 and as Solomon asked that the place should be
03:47 specially consecrated.'"
03:49 And so basically, this idea is that Jeremiah hid
03:53 the ark of the covenant in a cave and it will be
03:55 brought forth when God manifests Himself
03:58 as He did when He filled the temple, or the Sanctuary,
04:02 in the days of Moses, and the temple in the days of Solomon.
04:07 Now Ellen White adds her testimony.
04:09 She seems to confirm what is found in the
04:12 second book of Maccabees.
04:14 It appears to be a genuine tradition.
04:17 In the book, Prophets and Kings, page 453,
04:20 she had this to say about what happened to the
04:24 ark of the covenant; where it was placed
04:26 and if it will be brought forth again.
04:29 This is what she says.
04:31 "Among the righteous still in Jerusalem, to whom had been
04:35 made plain the divine purpose, were some who determined
04:39 to place beyond the reach of ruthless hands the sacred ark
04:44 containing the tables of stone on which had been traced
04:48 the precepts of the Decalogue.
04:50 This they did.
04:52 With mourning and sadness they secreted the ark in a cave,
04:57 where it was to be hidden from the people of Israel and Judah
05:01 because of their sins, and was to be no more restored to them."
05:06 That is, to the Jews.
05:07 "That sacred ark is yet hidden.
05:10 It has never been disturbed since it was secreted."
05:16 And so she confirms that the ark of the covenant
05:18 was placed in a cave and it has been in that cave ever since.
05:22 In other places in her writings, she indicates that the tables
05:27 of the law, which were found inside the ark of the covenant,
05:30 will be brought forth before the world as a testimony
05:33 at the end of time that the law of God
05:36 is still binding even today.
05:39 And so in our study today, we are going to take a look
05:42 at the ark of the covenant.
05:43 We're going to speak about the different aspects
05:46 about the ark of the covenant.
05:48 Now the first thing that I want us to notice
05:50 is something about the Ten Commandments
05:54 which were found inside the ark of the covenant.
05:57 If you have your Bibles, go with me to
05:59 Exodus chapter 19 and verse 11.
06:01 And we're going to notice several things about the
06:04 Ten Commandments when they were given to Moses
06:07 and to Israel on Mount Sinai.
06:10 Exodus chapter 19 and verse 11.
06:14 In this verse, we find that God Himself personally
06:18 came down upon Mount Sinai when He gave the Ten Commandments.
06:22 This is significant because the rest of the Bible
06:24 God simply spoke to the prophet and the prophet
06:27 wrote it in a book or wrote it on parchment.
06:29 But with the Ten Commandments, the Bible tells us that God
06:33 did not merely reveal this to the prophet and have
06:36 the prophet write it.
06:37 God came down in person, according to Scripture,
06:41 to give the Ten Commandments.
06:43 Notice Exodus chapter 19 and verse 11.
06:46 It says here, "And let them," God is speaking...
07:02 So notice that God Himself, according to Exodus 19 verse 11,
07:06 had told Moses that He was going to come down in person
07:10 upon Mount Sinai when He was going to give
07:12 the Ten Commandments.
07:13 But God was not going to come by Himself.
07:16 The Bible tells us that He was going to come there
07:18 with ten thousand of His saints.
07:20 In other words, He was going to come down to Mount Sinai
07:23 with the angels.
07:24 Notice Deuteronomy chapter 33 and verse 2.
07:28 Deuteronomy chapter 33 and verse 2.
07:32 This is reminiscing about the experience at Mount Sinai.
07:35 And it says this...
07:50 Now what was He coming for?
07:53 Notice what the verse says at the very end.
08:06 Now what were the Ten Commandments written with?
08:09 They were written in fire, according to this.
08:11 So did God come by Himself when He came down to Mount Sinai?
08:15 No, He actually came down, when He revealed His law,
08:19 with ten thousand of His saints.
08:21 And who are those ten thousand of His saints?
08:24 They are what?
08:26 They are angels. Exactly.
08:28 Now another unique thing about the Ten Commandments is that
08:31 God actually spoke the Ten Commandments.
08:35 He not only came down Himself personally,
08:39 but the Bible tells us that God also spoke the Ten Commandments
08:43 with His own lips.
08:45 He didn't tell the prophet, "You speak them."
08:47 God spoke them Himself.
08:49 Notice Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verses 11 to 13.
08:53 Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verses 11 through 13.
08:58 Here we find these words.
09:13 And now notice verse 12.
09:29 Notice, God declared to them His covenant.
09:38 So notice that this passage tells us very clearly
09:40 that God Himself spoke the Ten Commandments.
09:44 Another interesting and unique thing about the
09:46 Ten Commandments, and we just read it in
09:49 Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 13,
09:52 is that the Ten Commandments were actually written by
09:55 God Himself as well.
09:57 Notice Exodus 31 and verse 18 which underlines this same
10:01 thought that we read a moment ago in Deuteronomy chapter 4
10:05 and verse 13.
10:07 Exodus 31 and verse 18.
10:09 Speaking about the giving of the Ten Commandments
10:12 on Mount Sinai, it says this...
10:33 So God comes down personally, God speaks them personally,
10:37 and God writes them personally as well.
10:41 This makes the Ten Commandments unique.
10:42 And He doesn't come by Himself.
10:44 He comes down with ten thousand of His saints.
10:47 By the way, when Moses broke the tables of the law,
10:51 God told Moses to bring two additional tables of stone
10:54 to the top of the mountain.
10:55 And God said, "I will write again on those tablets."
10:59 Interesting that God, the second time,
11:01 also wrote the Ten Commandments Himself.
11:04 Notice that in Exodus 34 and verse 1.
11:07 Exodus 34 and verse 1.
11:09 Speaking about the second tables of stone,
11:12 it says there...
11:27 So who wrote the Ten Commandments the second time?
11:30 God did.
11:31 You know, the rest of the Bible God spoke to the prophet
11:34 and the prophet wrote it down.
11:35 But God said, "When it comes to the Ten Commandments,
11:38 I'm coming down Myself, I'm speaking these Myself,
11:42 and I'm writing these Myself.
11:45 And I'm coming down with ten thousand of My saints."
11:49 Now another interesting thing about the revealing of the
11:51 Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai was the so called natural
11:55 phenomena that accompanied the giving of the Ten Commandments.
11:58 Notice Exodus chapter 19 and verses 16 through 19.
12:02 And don't forget these details, because we're going to
12:04 come back to this a little bit later on in our study.
12:07 Exodus 19 verses 16 through 19.
12:11 Speaking about Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai
12:14 and what took place on the mountain, we're told this.
12:18 "Then it came to pass on the third day in the morning
12:21 that there were," now listen carefully,
12:23 thunderings and lightenings, and a thick cloud on the mountain;
12:30 and the sound of the trumpet was very loud
12:33 so that all the people who were in the camp trembled.
12:37 And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God,
12:40 and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
12:43 Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke,
12:46 because the Lord descended upon it in fire.
12:49 Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace,
12:52 and the whole mountain quaked greatly."
12:54 Notice that there was an earthquake.
12:56 Verse 19, "And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long
13:00 and became louder and louder, Moses spoke,
13:03 and God answered him by voice."
13:06 In other words, God's voice was heard.
13:08 So notice the phenomena that takes place when God
13:11 reveals the Ten Commandments.
13:13 There's an earthquake, there's thunder, there's lightening,
13:17 there's fire and smoke, and the voice of God is heard.
13:22 Now it's interesting to notice what God told Israel to do
13:25 in the light of the fact that God was going to
13:27 reveal the Ten Commandments.
13:29 God told them that they needed to prepare in a special way
13:33 when God was going to reveal His law.
13:35 We find this in Exodus chapter 19
13:38 and verses 10 and 11.
13:39 Notice the response of the people,
13:41 what the people were suppose to do when God came
13:45 to reveal His law.
13:47 It says there in Exodus 19 verses 10 and 11,
13:50 "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Go to the people and
13:53 consecrate them today and tomorrow,'"
13:56 and listen carefully, "and let them wash their clothes."
14:00 What do clothes represent in the Bible?
14:02 What do garments represent in the Bible?
14:04 They represent righteousness.
14:06 They represent character.
14:08 In other words, God is telling them to cleanse their what?
14:11 To cleanse their life, to cleanse their character.
14:13 Because He's going to reveal His Ten Commandments.
14:15 Verse 11, "And let them be ready for the third day.
14:19 For on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai
14:23 in the sight of all the people."
14:26 And so God reveals His law, the Ten Commandments,
14:29 written by His own finger on tables of stone.
14:32 Now the question is, what happened with the
14:35 Ten Commandments after God gave them to Moses?
14:38 Well, we all know that God told Moses to build a Sanctuary
14:41 in the wilderness.
14:43 And one of the pieces of furniture in the Sanctuary
14:45 was the ark of the covenant, which was found in
14:47 the Most Holy Place.
14:48 You can see it there.
14:50 And God told Moses to take the tables of the law
14:53 and to place them inside the ark of the covenant.
14:57 Let's read about that in Deuteronomy chapter 10
15:00 and we'll read verses 1 and 2, and then we'll
15:03 jump down to verse 5.
15:05 Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 1, verse 2, and also verse 5.
15:11 Notice what Moses did with the tables of the law
15:14 after God wrote the Ten Commandments
15:16 on tables of stone.
15:18 It says there...
15:43 Verse 5, "Then I turned and came down from the mountain
15:47 and put the tablets in the ark which I had made;
15:51 and there they are, just as the Lord commanded me."
15:56 So where were the Ten Commandments placed,
15:59 were the tables of stone placed?
16:02 They were placed inside the ark.
16:05 By the way, this is the reason why the ark is called,
16:08 the ark of the covenant.
16:09 Because the Ten Commandments were the stipulations
16:11 of the covenant of God with Israel.
16:14 In fact, let's read that in Deuteronomy chapter 4
16:17 and verses 11 to 13.
16:19 Because the ark is called, the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
16:22 You can read that in Numbers 10 and verse 33;
16:25 the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
16:28 And once again, the reason why it's called,
16:29 the ark of the covenant of the Lord, is because
16:32 the Ten Commandments are the stipulations of the covenant.
16:36 Let's notice that in Deuteronomy 4
16:38 and verses 11 to 13.
16:40 It says there...
16:59 And now verse 13 is the key verse.
17:06 Now what is that covenant?
17:13 And what is the covenant? The what?
17:15 The Ten Commandments.
17:20 Are you understanding why the Ten Commandments
17:21 are called, the covenant?
17:23 And why the ark is called, the ark of the covenant?
17:26 Because the Ten Commandments are the stipulations,
17:29 or the rules, of the covenant.
17:31 By the way, the Ten Commandments were
17:33 also called, the tablets of the Testimony.
17:37 In fact, let's read that in Exodus 31 verse 18,
17:40 which we read a few moments ago.
17:42 But let's notice this particular detail now.
17:44 Exodus 31 and verse 18.
17:48 It says here...
18:05 So the Ten Commandments are called, the Testimony;
18:07 and they're also called, the covenant.
18:09 And the ark is called, the ark of the Testimony;
18:12 and it's called also, the ark of the covenant.
18:15 So the Ten Commandments were placed inside
18:17 the ark of the covenant.
18:18 And then the question is, where was the
18:20 ark of the covenant placed?
18:23 Well, I gave you the answer a little while ago.
18:25 The ark of the covenant was placed in the Most Holy Place
18:29 of the Sanctuary.
18:31 Let's read that in Exodus chapter 26 and verses 31 to 34.
18:36 Exodus 26 and verses 31 through 34 tells us
18:42 where the Ten Commandments were placed, and then where the
18:44 ark of the covenant was placed.
18:47 It says there in Exodus 26 and verse 31...
19:32 So the question is, where was the ark of the covenant placed?
19:35 It was put in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary,
19:40 in the very center of the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
19:44 Now, when was the ark of the covenant brought to view
19:47 in the religious year of Israel?
19:50 The fact is that there was the daily service in the Sanctuary
19:54 and there was the yearly service.
19:56 The daily service had to do with things taking place
20:00 in the court; the sacrifice and the laver.
20:02 And also it had to do with the implements that were found
20:06 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
20:08 You can see it here; the candlestick,
20:10 the table of showbread, and the altar of incense.
20:13 But there was one apartment that was brought to view
20:16 once a year at the end of the religious year.
20:19 And that was the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
20:23 In other words, the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary
20:26 was the central focus at the end of the year on what was known
20:31 as the Day of Atonement.
20:33 In fact, let's read about that in Leviticus chapter 16
20:37 and verses 13 through 15.
20:39 Leviticus 16 and verses 13 through 15.
20:44 It says there...
20:45 And in a moment, I'm going to add some explanations
20:47 to this passage.
20:49 It says...
21:16 Now on the Day of Atonement, the Sanctuary was cleansed
21:21 from all of the sins that had entered the Sanctuary
21:23 in the course of the year.
21:25 But on the Day of Atonement, the Sanctuary itself was cleansed.
21:30 In other words, sins entered the Sanctuary
21:32 every day when people confessed their sins
21:34 and they repented of sin.
21:36 The sins entered the Sanctuary and were deposited there.
21:39 But on the Day of Atonement, the blood was sprinkled
21:42 on the mercy seat of the Most Holy Place of the ark.
21:46 And the sins that had been transferred there
21:48 throughout the course of the year now were
21:51 taken out of the Sanctuary.
21:53 In other words, the Sanctuary was cleansed.
21:55 This is another way of describing the judgment.
21:59 In other words, on great judgment day,
22:01 the cases of the Israelites were examined.
22:04 Those who had confessed their sins and placed their sins
22:07 in the Sanctuary through the blood could receive the
22:10 absolute certainty that their sins had been eradicated,
22:13 not only from their lives, but they had been eradicated
22:16 from the presence of God in the Sanctuary.
22:20 Now there's some other interesting things about
22:22 the ark of the covenant.
22:24 The ark of the covenant actually had tremendous power.
22:29 The ark of the covenant had tremendous saving power,
22:32 but it also had great destroying power.
22:36 I want you to notice Numbers chapter 10 and verses 35 and 36.
22:42 Numbers 10:35-36.
22:44 You know, when Israel was in a covenant relationship
22:47 with the Lord, the ark was a source of comfort for them.
22:50 They could trust that the ark was going to protect them
22:53 from their enemies.
22:54 In fact, notice Numbers chapter 10
22:56 and verses 35 and 36.
22:59 It says here...
23:19 So notice that they took the ark to battle.
23:21 And the Bible tells us that when the ark was lifted up,
23:24 the enemies of Israel were scattered.
23:26 It was a source of comfort and assurance to Israel
23:30 when they were in a covenant relationship with the Lord.
23:33 In other words, when God's people came to the Lord
23:36 in humility and in repentance, confessing their sins,
23:40 the ark was a symbol of salvation.
23:42 It was a symbol of assurance.
23:45 But on the other hand, when people trampled upon the
23:49 commandments of God and broke their covenant relationship
23:52 with the Lord then the ark became, not a source of
23:55 comfort and salvation, but it became a source
23:58 of destruction.
24:00 I want to give you one more example of how the ark
24:03 was actually a saving piece of furniture
24:07 to the people of the Lord when they were in a
24:10 covenant relationship with Him.
24:11 And then I'm going to show you several examples
24:14 of how the ark of the covenant brought destruction
24:16 upon those who were not faithful to God.
24:19 You remember when Israel crossed the Jordon River
24:22 when they entered the Promised Land.
24:24 The story is found in Joshua chapter 3.
24:26 They came to the edge of the Jordon River and there was
24:29 this tremendous barrier.
24:31 In fact, the Jordon was at flood stage at this point.
24:34 "Now how," they asked themselves, "are we
24:37 going to cross the Jordon River into the Promised Land?"
24:40 Well, the Lord performed a tremendous miracle.
24:43 And really, the ark of the covenant was involved
24:46 in this tremendous miracle.
24:48 I want to read you a statement that we find in
24:50 volume 4 of the Testimonies, page 157 and 158,
24:55 about this event of the drying up of the Jordon
24:58 to allow Israel to cross into the Promised Land.
25:01 Ellen White says here, "The priests obeyed
25:04 the commands of their leader and went before the people,"
25:07 notice, "carrying the ark of the covenant.
25:11 The Hebrew hosts took up the line of march and followed
25:16 this symbol of the divine Presence."
25:19 That is the ark of the covenant.
25:20 "The wide column filed down the bank of Jordan,
25:23 and, as the feet of the priests were dipped in the
25:27 brim of the river, the water was cut off from above,
25:31 and the volume below rolled on,
25:34 leaving the bed of the stream dry.
25:37 When they, bearing the ark of the covenant, stood safe
25:40 upon the farther shore, God removed His mighty hand,
25:44 and the accumulated waters rushed down, a mighty cataract,
25:49 in the natural channel of the stream.
25:51 Jordan rolled on, a resistless flood,
25:55 overflowing all its banks."
25:57 You can almost imagine what it must have been like
26:00 for the Lord to perform this tremendous miracle of salvation
26:03 to open up the Jordon so that the people of
26:05 Israel could cross.
26:06 Because at this point, they were in a good proper relationship,
26:10 covenant relationship, with the Lord.
26:12 But as I mentioned, the ark of the covenant
26:14 was not only a source of assurance to those
26:17 who were in a covenant relationship with the Lord.
26:19 The ark also could be a very destructive power
26:23 when people trampled upon God's commandments
26:26 and were not in a covenant relationship with Him.
26:29 You remember the story of the destruction of Jericho.
26:34 Did the ark play a central role in the destruction of Jericho?
26:37 It most certainly did.
26:39 It went before the armies of the children of Israel.
26:42 In fact, let's read Joshua 6 and verses 6 and 7,
26:46 Joshua chapter 6 and verses 6 and 7,
26:50 so that we can understand the role of the ark
26:52 in the destruction of Jericho.
26:54 It says here in Joshua 6 and verse 6...
27:20 And you know, on the seventh day they marched around
27:22 the city seven times.
27:23 And what happened?
27:25 The walls of Jericho crumbled and the city
27:28 was taken by Israel.
27:29 The uncircumcised inhabitants of Jericho were destroyed.
27:34 The ark of the covenant became a symbol of destruction
27:37 to those who were enemies of God's people.
27:40 You also remember the story of Uzzah.
27:43 Do you remember the story of Uzzah?
27:44 God had told the priests, "Don't you touch
27:47 the ark of the covenant.
27:48 Don't you dare touch the ark of the covenant."
27:51 The Bible tells us that when the ark was coming back to Jerusalem
27:54 after it had been in the cities of the Philistines,
27:57 that it looked like the ark was going to fall off the cart.
28:00 And one of the individuals, his name was Uzzah,
28:03 reached out and touched the ark.
28:05 Let's read about it in 2 Samuel chapter 6 and verses 6 and 7.
28:09 Uzzah had broken the covenant of the Lord.
28:11 He had disobeyed God, an explicit command of God.
28:15 Notice 2 Samuel chapter 6 and verses 6 and 7.
28:18 It says...
28:43 So the ark was not only a source of salvation,
28:47 it was also a source of destruction for those
28:50 who knowingly and willingly trampled upon God's word.
28:56 You also remember when the ark was taken to the
28:58 cities of the Philistines, that from the ark came forth plagues.
29:02 Do you remember this, that the ark poured out plagues?
29:05 In fact, let's read it in 1 Samuel chapter 5
29:08 verses 1 and 2, and then we'll jump down to verse 6.
29:11 1 Samuel chapter 5 verses 1 and 2, and then verse 6.
29:17 It says here...
29:31 That was their patron god.
29:33 Verse 6...
29:45 If you continue reading, you'll find that the Philistine cities,
29:48 they passed it on from city to city because
29:50 nobody wanted the ark of the covenant.
29:52 Because the ark of the covenant was pouring out plagues
29:55 upon the uncircumcised Philistines.
29:58 And so we find that the ark of the covenant
30:00 was powerful to save those who were in covenant relationship
30:03 with the Lord, but it was also powerful to destroy
30:06 those who were not in a covenant relationship with God.
30:10 Now let's transition to another temple,
30:13 to another ark of the Testimony.
30:16 We're going to talk now about the Sanctuary in heaven
30:20 and the ark of the covenant in the heavenly Sanctuary.
30:23 I want you to notice that the Sanctuary that was
30:26 built on earth was actually a copy of a pattern of the
30:30 genuine Sanctuary that God showed Moses on the mountain.
30:34 Notice Exodus chapter 25 and verse 40.
30:37 Exodus chapter 25 and verse 40.
30:40 What I want you to notice here is that the earthly Sanctuary
30:43 was actually a copy, or a scale model if you please,
30:48 of the heavenly Sanctuary.
30:50 It says there in Exodus 25 and verse 40,
30:53 God is speaking to Moses...
31:02 In other words, God showed Moses on the mountain
31:04 a scale model of the heavenly Sanctuary, and He said
31:07 make the earthly Sanctuary in harmony with this scale model.
31:11 Now the book of Hebrews amplifies this point.
31:14 Go with me to Hebrews chapter 8 and verses 1 through 5
31:18 where clearly we find the idea that the earthly Sanctuary
31:22 was actually a shadow or a copy of the heavenly Sanctuary.
31:26 Hebrews chapter 8 and we'll read verses 1 through 5.
31:32 Here it says...
32:02 That is, if Jesus were on earth.
32:13 In other words, the earthly Sanctuary
32:15 and the earthly priests serve as what?
32:19 The copy and shadow of what?
32:22 Of the heavenly things.
32:36 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 24 amplifies this point
32:39 about the earthly Sanctuary being a copy or a shadow
32:43 of the replica that God showed Moses on the mountain,
32:47 which is really a scale model of the great heavenly Sanctuary.
32:51 Notice Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 24.
32:54 It says here...
33:09 So the question is, is there a heavenly Sanctuary
33:12 which is the great original of which the earthly Sanctuary
33:16 is a shadow, or a copy, or a scale model?
33:19 Absolutely.
33:20 The Bible is very clear about this.
33:24 So I'd like to ask you, do you suppose that in the
33:26 heavenly Sanctuary there was also going to be
33:29 a Day of Atonement, a day of judgment when God was
33:33 going to cleanse the Sanctuary as well and was going to
33:35 perform a work of judgment?
33:37 Absolutely.
33:39 In fact, let's notice Daniel chapter 7
33:42 and verses 9 and 10, and then we'll read verses 13 and 14.
33:46 Let me give you a little bit of the chronology here.
33:49 And this is something that we're going to study in more detail
33:52 a little bit later on in this series.
33:54 Daniel chapter 7 gives a sequence of powers.
33:58 You have a lion, which represents Babylon.
34:00 You have a bear, which represents the
34:02 Medes and Persians.
34:03 You have a leopard that represents Greece.
34:05 You have a dragon beast that represents the Roman Empire.
34:08 Then the dragon beast sprouts ten horns,
34:11 which represents the divisions of the Roman Empire.
34:14 And then among those ten horns rises a little horn
34:18 who rules 1260 years.
34:21 And those 1260 years end in the year 1798.
34:26 And then as soon as this little horn power receives
34:30 its deadly wound in 1798, we find this interesting scene
34:35 in Daniel 7 and verses 9 and 10.
34:38 Let's read about it.
34:40 Here Daniel says...
34:46 By the way, those thrones are occupied by the heavenly jury.
34:50 And it continues saying, "...and the Ancient of Days was seated."
34:54 Which means that He must not have been seated before.
34:57 Who is the Ancient of Days, by the way?
34:59 The Ancient of Days is God the Father.
35:02 Now it describes what this Ancient of Days looks like.
35:28 Is this the same expression that we found when God
35:31 on Mount Sinai revealed His Ten Commandment law?
35:34 Absolutely.
35:35 He comes now for the judgment with ten thousand of His saints.
35:39 And notice what it continues saying.
35:46 So where is this judgment taking place?
35:48 On earth or in heaven?
35:50 It's taking place in heaven, because it's taking place
35:52 before the Ancient of Days and it's taking place
35:54 in the midst of the angels.
35:56 Now let's go to verse 13.
36:04 Who would the Son of Man be?
36:05 Jesus Christ.
36:08 What do the clouds of heaven represent?
36:10 The angels.
36:11 He came where?
36:17 And now notice what He goes there for.
36:37 Do you know what the purpose of the judgment is?
36:39 You know, we talk about Jesus going into the
36:41 presence of His Father to get the kingdom.
36:43 You know, usually we think of the kingdom as
36:45 a geographical territory.
36:47 But really, what is the kingdom of Jesus Christ?
36:50 The kingdom of Jesus Christ is composed of what?
36:53 It's composed of His people.
36:55 But does He have to determine and reveal who His people are
36:58 before He can establish His kingdom?
37:00 Of course.
37:01 So what Jesus does, He goes into the presence of His Father.
37:04 His Father sits, the court session begins.
37:07 Jesus goes in.
37:09 And now, at the conclusion of the judgment,
37:11 it's been revealed who are His.
37:13 The Sanctuary is cleansed, in other words,
37:15 from the sins of the people.
37:17 And Christ's kingdom is made up.
37:19 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
37:22 Now, if this judgment takes place in heaven,
37:25 which it does, and it takes place in the midst of
37:28 ten thousand of His saints, what would be the
37:32 standard of the judgment?
37:33 What was in the very center of the ark of the covenant?
37:37 The Ten Commandments.
37:39 Are the Ten Commandments the standard of the judgment?
37:42 In other words, the norm that God uses to evaluate people?
37:45 Absolutely.
37:46 Notice what we find in James chapter 2 and verse 12.
37:50 James chapter 2 and verse 12.
37:53 It says here...
38:02 So what is it that's going to judge God's people?
38:04 What are God's people going to be compared with,
38:07 their works or their lives?
38:09 With what?
38:10 With the law.
38:11 And notice, it's not a law of bondage.
38:14 It's a law of what?
38:16 Of liberty.
38:17 Notice also Ecclesiastes chapter 12
38:19 and verses 12 and 13.
38:21 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verses 12 and 13.
38:26 Here in these verses that are very well know, it says,
38:29 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
38:32 fear God and..." What?
38:34 "...and keep His commandments, for this is man's all.
38:39 For God will bring every work into judgment,
38:43 including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
38:48 Do the commandments of God have anything to do
38:50 with the judgment?
38:51 Of course.
38:53 Here, Solomon inspired by the Holy Spirit says,
38:56 "Fear God and keep His commandments,
38:58 this is the whole duty of man."
38:59 Because God is going to bring every work into what?
39:02 God is going to bring every work into judgment,
39:05 whether it be a good work, or whether it be what?
39:08 An evil work.
39:09 And by the way, some people say, "Well, I'm saved by faith."
39:13 That's true.
39:14 The Bible says that we're saved by grace through faith.
39:16 But the Bible also says that we will be judged by works.
39:20 See, we're saved by grace through faith,
39:22 but what is the evidence that we have genuine faith?
39:25 The evidence is found in our works.
39:27 And what are our works compared with?
39:30 They are compared with God's holy law.
39:33 Now the question is, does God have a right to judge us?
39:37 Why does God have a right to judge us?
39:39 Well of course, because He's our Creator.
39:41 Notice Revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7.
39:45 Revelation 14 and verses 6 and 7.
39:48 Here, we find the end time judgment described.
39:52 And it gives us the reason why God has a right
39:54 to judge the human race.
39:57 It says there in Revelation 14:6-7...
40:10 Now let's stop there for a moment and let me
40:12 ask you this question.
40:14 While this gospel is being preached,
40:17 is it possible to be saved?
40:20 Is the door of mercy still open while the gospel is
40:23 being preached to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people?
40:25 Of course.
40:26 Because if the door of probation has closed, why preach?
40:30 Now I want you to notice something
40:32 very interesting in verse 7.
40:33 After saying that the everlasting gospel
40:36 is given to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
40:38 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people,
40:40 it says, "...saying with a loud voice,
40:42 'Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of
40:47 His judgment will come.'"
40:49 Ah, thank you very much.
40:51 It doesn't say, "The hour of His judgment will come."
40:53 It says, "The hour of His judgment has come."
40:57 Does the judgment take place while the door of
40:59 mercy is still open?
41:02 While the gospel is being preached?
41:03 Yes or no?
41:04 Absolutely.
41:05 So this must be a pre-advent judgment, and it must mean
41:08 that it's taking place where?
41:11 Not in earth, but in heaven.
41:12 Where in heaven, specifically?
41:14 Where did the judgment take place in Israel?
41:17 In the Most Holy Place.
41:18 And what was at the center of the Most Holy Place?
41:21 The ark. And what was inside the ark?
41:24 The Ten Commandments.
41:25 Now, notice what it continues saying.
41:28 "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of
41:31 His judgment has come."
41:32 And here it gives us the reason why God has a right to judge us.
41:43 So the judgment transpires while the door of mercy
41:47 is still open, while the three angels messages
41:49 are being proclaimed.
41:51 It there a time, however, when the Sanctuary service
41:54 in the Most Holy Place is going to close and it's going to end?
41:58 Absolutely.
41:59 And the very next chapter in the book of Revelation,
42:02 after saying, "The hour of His judgment is come,"
42:05 and after telling us that this event takes place
42:08 in heaven before Jesus comes, while the door of mercy is
42:12 still open, in the very next chapter we're told that the
42:15 time is coming when the Sanctuary service
42:18 is going to close.
42:19 And nobody is going to be able to enter the Sanctuary anymore
42:22 for forgiveness of sin.
42:24 Notice Revelation chapter 15 and verses 5 and 6.
42:27 Revelation 15 verses 5 and 6.
42:32 This is the very next chapter after John has written
42:35 about the hour of God's judgment and the preaching of the
42:38 everlasting gospel.
42:39 He says this...
42:49 Where was that temple of the tabernacle?
42:51 Oh, "...in heaven was..." What? Was opened.
42:55 Which means that it must have been what?
42:57 It must have been closed before.
42:59 Because Jesus was in a different place.
43:01 Now notice...
43:18 So who comes out of the temple now?
43:20 The seven angels with what?
43:23 With the seven last plagues.
43:24 And if you continue reading there, it tells us
43:28 that the temple is filled with smoke.
43:31 And no one is able to what?
43:34 No one is able to enter the temple until
43:38 the seven last plagues have been what?
43:41 The seven last plagues have been poured out.
43:45 Incidentally, Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19
43:49 describes this moment when the temple of God was opened.
43:54 And in Revelation chapter 15, it tells us when it's closed.
43:58 Notice Revelation 11 and verse 19.
44:00 The moment in which the temple or the Most Holy Place
44:02 was opened in heaven.
44:04 It says, "Then the temple of God was..." What?
44:06 "...was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant
44:10 was seen in His temple."
44:13 And then what does it say?
44:15 "And there were..." What?
44:17 Lightening and noises and thunderings,
44:22 and an earthquake.
44:25 Did we see those things before?
44:27 Where did we see those things?
44:29 On Mount Sinai when God revealed His law.
44:31 So let me ask you, when the temple of God was
44:33 opened in heaven for the final judgment,
44:35 do we find the same phenomena that were found when God
44:38 revealed the Ten Commandments?
44:40 Absolutely.
44:41 The same identical phenomena.
44:45 Now you remember that the people at the foot of Mount Sinai
44:50 were required to make a special preparation
44:52 when God came to reveal His law.
44:56 They were suppose to wash what?
44:58 They were suppose to wash their garments.
45:00 Is there a special preparation that needs to take place
45:05 in the context of the judgment that is transpiring
45:08 in heaven now in preparation for the coming of Christ?
45:12 Absolutely.
45:14 Notice several texts that we find in the book of Revelation.
45:17 Revelation chapter 14 and verse 12.
45:19 It's speaking about God's people in the end time.
45:22 It says, "Here is the patience of the saints;
45:26 here are those who..." What?
45:28 "...who keep the commandments of God
45:31 and the faith of Jesus."
45:32 Is God going to have a group of people who keep
45:34 His commandments at the end of time?
45:36 Absolutely.
45:37 Is the devil enraged against those who keep
45:39 the commandments?
45:40 Absolutely.
45:42 Notice Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17.
45:44 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17.
45:55 And what characterizes that remnant?
46:03 Notice once again, they keep the commandments of God.
46:07 Notice also Revelation chapter 22 and verses 14 and 15.
46:10 Same idea coming through.
46:12 Revelation 22 verses 14 and 15.
46:16 It says there...
46:25 So are all of those who are going to enter through
46:27 the gates commandment keepers?
46:29 They most certainly are.
46:30 What about those outside?
46:32 Are they commandment keepers or commandment breakers?
46:35 Breakers. Notice verse 15.
46:37 "But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral
46:42 and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves..."
46:46 And what?
46:47 "...and practices a lie."
46:49 Is there a special work of purification that takes place
46:52 in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ?
46:55 Absolutely.
46:56 Let's read several other verses in Scripture.
46:59 Notice 1 John chapter 3 and verses 1 through 3.
47:03 We're talking now about the preparation that Israel made
47:06 when God came to reveal the Ten Commandments,
47:08 how they washed their garments.
47:09 The equivalent is that God's people, through the power
47:12 of the Holy Spirit, are to wash their characters
47:15 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
47:17 Notice 1 John chapter 3 and verses 1 to 3.
47:45 And now notice verse 3.
47:49 That is, the hope of the coming of Jesus.
48:01 Notice Isaiah 33:14-16.
48:03 This same idea in the context of the second coming.
48:07 The emphasis is constantly that God's people
48:10 will have prepared.
48:11 They will be pure.
48:12 Their lives will be in harmony with God's holy law.
48:15 Isaiah 33 and verses 14 through 16.
48:19 It says here...
48:31 Who is the devouring fire?
48:33 God.
48:37 In other words, who's going to be able to live
48:39 in the presence of God?
48:41 Notice the answer.
49:05 So who are those who are going to be ready
49:07 when Jesus comes?
49:09 Notice the details, the character details.
49:12 They walk righteously, they speak uprightly,
49:15 they despise the gains of oppressions,
49:17 they gesture with their hands, refusing bribes,
49:19 they stop their ears from hearing bloodshed,
49:22 they shut their eyes from seeing evil.
49:25 In other words, their lives have been cleansed
49:27 through the power of God; through the power of
49:29 the Holy Spirit.
49:30 Incidentally, on the Day of Atonement
49:33 when the high priest was cleansing the Sanctuary
49:37 from the sins of the people, the people were suppose to be
49:40 outside the Sanctuary afflicting their souls
49:42 and cleansing their lives from sin.
49:44 Notice Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 29 on this point.
49:48 Leviticus 23 and verse 29, speaking about what the
49:52 people were suppose to be doing, just like Israel at the
49:54 foot of Mount Sinai.
49:56 Leviticus 23:29
49:58 It tells us...
50:08 In fact, it says in that same chapter that He who does not
50:11 sympathize with the work of the high priest
50:13 will be destroyed from among the people.
50:17 Notice also Joel chapter 2:12-13.
50:20 Describing once again the Day of Atonement
50:22 when the life is going to be compared with God's holy law.
50:26 Joel chapter 2 and verses 12 and 13.
50:30 "'Now therefore,' says the Lord..."
50:43 What did Israel do at Mount Sinai?
50:45 They cleansed their garments and they rend their garments.
50:47 But God is saying now, "Don't rend your garments.
50:50 That was a symbol."
50:51 What is He saying now?
50:52 "Don't rend your garments, but your..." What?
50:56 Your heart.
51:06 Psalm 15 describes this same necessary preparation
51:09 for the coming of Christ.
51:10 Notice Psalm 15.
51:12 And it's a short psalm, so we'll read all five verses.
51:15 It says, it begins by asking a question...
51:25 Notice the answer.
51:56 Let's notice several other texts from the New Testament.
51:58 2 Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 1.
52:01 This theme comes through time and again
52:03 that in preparation for the coming of Christ,
52:05 not only must Christ cleanse the sins from
52:08 the heavenly Sanctuary, but Christ, through the power of
52:10 the Holy Spirit, must cleanse the life from sin as well.
52:14 2 Corinthians 7 verse 1.
52:34 Notice Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14.
52:37 Time and again this theme comes through.
52:39 Hebrews 12 and verse 14.
52:41 Here, the writer of Hebrews says,
52:44 "Pursue peace with all people, and..." What?
52:48 "...holiness, without which no one will see the Lord."
52:54 Let's read one more.
52:56 Titus chapter 2 and verses 11 to 14.
52:58 Titus 2 and verses 11 to 14.
53:01 Speaking once again about the sterling character that
53:03 God's people must have.
53:05 It says there in Titus 2 verse 11,
53:08 "For the grace of God that brings salvation
53:11 has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying..."
53:15 now listen carefully, "denying ungodliness
53:18 and worldly lusts..."
53:20 What do we need to deny?
53:22 "...ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
53:27 righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for..."
53:34 Notice, this is in the light of the coming of Christ.
53:36 "...looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing
53:40 of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
53:43 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us
53:46 from every..." What?
53:48 "...lawless deed..."
53:49 And then do what?
53:52 "...purify for Himself His own special people,
53:57 zealous for..." What?
53:59 "...zealous for good works."
54:02 One final point that I want to share with you as we
54:04 draw this to a close.
54:06 Do you remember that the ark of the covenant
54:08 poured out plagues upon those who were not in a
54:10 covenant relationship with the Lord?
54:12 It was a source of protection for those who had a
54:14 covenant relationship with God, but it was a destructive power
54:18 upon those who were not right with the Lord.
54:22 Go with me to Revelation chapter 16
54:24 and verses 17 to 21.
54:26 This is our final passage in our study today.
54:30 I want you to notice that when the temple is opened
54:33 at the very end of time, and the angels come out to
54:36 pour out the plagues, the seventh angel, when he
54:39 pours out his plagues, you have the same phenomena
54:42 that you had at Mount Sinai.
54:44 But now not in a saving context, but in a destroying context.
54:49 Notice Revelation 16 and verse 17.
55:00 Was there a voice heard at Mount Sinai?
55:03 Was it God's voice?
55:04 Absolutely.
55:05 Notice what it continues saying.
55:07 "And there were noises..."
55:09 Did that happen at Sinai?
55:11 Yes. "...and thunderings..."
55:12 Did that happen? Yes.
55:14 "...and lightenings... How about that?
55:16 Sure.
55:17 "...and there was also a great..." What?
55:20 "...earthquake..."
55:21 Did that happen at Sinai?
55:23 Absolutely.
55:45 Do you remember that there was also fire on Mount Sinai?
55:48 Notice that there are now stones of fire that fall.
55:51 It says then in verse 21...
56:08 And by the way, this was not hail made of ice.
56:11 This was fiery hail.
56:13 You can read about it in Exodus chapter 9 and verses 24 and 25.
56:17 And also the fact that the book of Revelation says that
56:20 upon the wicked will fall fire and what?
56:23 Fire and brimstone.
56:25 Which takes place at the moment of the seventh plague.
56:28 And so what has God tried to teach us
56:30 with the ark of the covenant?
56:32 What God is saying is that there was a Sanctuary on earth
56:36 in which was the ark of the covenant.
56:38 In the ark of the covenant was the law of God
56:41 that was used to evaluate the lives of His people
56:45 on the great Day of Atonement.
56:46 His people were suppose to cleanse their lives
56:49 so that God would save them in the great Day.
56:52 Is that parallel to what is transpiring now in heaven?
56:57 The same thing is happening in heaven.
56:59 Only now, Israel is not in view.
57:02 The whole human race is in view.
57:05 The lives of all are being compared with the
57:07 great standard of justice; God's holy law.
57:12 And God is inviting us now in this time of mercy and grace
57:15 to come into the Sanctuary with our sins, to confess our sins,
57:19 to repent of sin, so that our sins can be cleansed
57:23 from the Sanctuary and from our lives.


Revised 2014-12-17