His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Prophecy Of The 70 Weeks -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000016

00:30 Shall we pray.
00:33 Oh mighty God, all powerful, all wise, all knowing,
00:41 we come before You this evening thanking You
00:45 for Your holy Word.
00:47 Father, it would be a terrible thing to be in this world
00:51 without Your holy book.
00:53 Because we wouldn't know what's happening
00:56 and where things are moving to.
00:58 But we thank You that You have given us a sure compass
01:03 that tells us where we came from, why we're here,
01:06 and where things are moving to.
01:08 We ask, Father, for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit
01:11 as we open Your Word.
01:13 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it
01:15 in Jesus' name, amen.
01:19 The first thing that we want to do today in our study
01:23 is to review what we studied in our last lecture.
01:27 And I'm going to go through this quickly.
01:29 So hopefully you were here last time and the review
01:33 will be sufficient in order to understand where we're
01:36 going in Scripture in our study tonight.
01:40 You remember that last time studied the first part
01:43 of the 70 weeks.
01:45 And basically, we noticed that the prophecy of the 70 weeks
01:49 begins from the going forth of the command to restore
01:56 and to build Jerusalem.
01:59 We noticed that there were four decrees given
02:02 with regards to Jerusalem.
02:04 The first decree was given in 536 by Cyrus, Cyrus the Great.
02:10 The second decree was given by Darius in the year 520.
02:15 Neither one of these decrees authorized the restoration
02:19 and building of Jerusalem.
02:21 They only authorized the building of the temple.
02:24 And then we noticed the third decree, which was the decree
02:28 of Artaxerxes the First.
02:29 It was given in the year 457 BC.
02:33 And we noticed that this is the decree that fits
02:37 the biblical criteria for the beginning of the 70 weeks.
02:40 And that's for three reasons.
02:42 First of all, Artaxerxes uses the same word, "dabar,"
02:46 "command," as is used in Daniel chapter 9.
02:50 Secondly, the other dates, 536 and 520, are far too early
02:57 for this to be a Messianic prophecy.
02:59 And the last decree, which was given in 445, which was really
03:04 a re-affirmation of the decree that Artaxerxes had given
03:08 in the year 457, is too late.
03:11 And so none of the other three decrees fit the criteria
03:15 as to time or the use of the specific word, "dabar,"
03:19 which means, command or decree.
03:21 A third reason is that we noticed in our study
03:25 that the decree of Artaxerxes is the only one that authorized
03:30 the Jews to re-establish their political and social order.
03:34 None of the other decrees authorized them to really
03:38 begin once again the functioning of the Hebrew theocracy.
03:43 So we noticed that the decree to restore and build Jerusalem
03:48 began in the year 457 BC.
03:52 Actually, it was in the fall of 457 BC.
03:56 And then we noticed that during the first seven weeks,
03:59 the first 49 years, seven times seven is 49,
04:03 was this period of the restoring and building of Jerusalem.
04:07 And it was done in troublesome times.
04:09 You can read, for example, the book of Ezra.
04:11 All sorts of troubles and opposition in the restoration
04:15 of the city and the religion of the Jewish nation.
04:20 So the first seven weeks have to do with the restoration
04:24 and building of Jerusalem.
04:26 And then it says, after sixty-two additional weeks
04:29 the Messiah would come.
04:32 And the word, "Messiah," means what?
04:34 The word, "Messiah," means, the anointed One.
04:38 And we noticed that Jesus was anointed
04:41 at what event of His life?
04:43 He was anointed at the moment of His baptism
04:46 with the Holy Spirit.
04:48 That is when the Messiah comes.
04:50 And that takes place in the year 27 AD.
04:54 In fact, in the fall of the year 27.
04:58 It would have to be in the fall of the year 27
05:00 because the decree of Artaxerxes was given in the fall of 457.
05:05 So you go forward 483 years when the Messiah is anointed.
05:09 He would have to be anointed in the fall for that to be
05:12 exactly 69 weeks.
05:14 Are you following me or not?
05:16 Now, another reason why we know it was in the fall
05:20 is because Jesus was killed in the spring.
05:24 So in order to know when He was anointed
05:26 three and a half years earlier, you would have to go back
05:30 three and a half years from the spring of the year 31
05:33 when He was crucified.
05:34 So you go back to the spring of the year 30,
05:38 to the spring of the year 29, to the spring of the year 28,
05:43 and then another half a year to the fall of the year 27.
05:48 So in other words, the Messiah was anointed
05:51 in the year 27 AD.
05:55 And then we noticed that sometime during this last week,
05:59 it's not specified in verse 26, sometime during this last week
06:03 the Messiah would be cut off.
06:05 Which means that He would be killed.
06:08 But it would not be for Himself, it would be for others.
06:12 And then we noticed that as a result of the cutting off
06:15 of the Messiah, Jerusalem would be destroyed.
06:19 And in our study, we noticed that Jerusalem would be
06:22 destroyed by the people of the Prince.
06:25 And we saw three possibilities as to who is the one,
06:29 who are the ones, or is the one who brought about the
06:32 destruction of Jerusalem.
06:34 The first idea is that it was Titus.
06:36 We noticed that it cannot be Titus.
06:39 Because Titus could not confirm the covenant for one week.
06:42 And Titus did not bring the sacrifice and offering to an end
06:45 in the middle of the last week.
06:47 So Titus cannot fulfill this.
06:49 It also is not referring to some future antichrist
06:53 after the rapture of the church.
06:54 Because we are studying this prophecy in detail,
06:57 and we noticed that this prophecy does not
07:00 deal with antichrist.
07:01 This prophecy deals with whom?
07:03 It deals with Christ.
07:05 It's a serious thing to take a prophecy that applies to Christ
07:08 and apply it to the antichrist.
07:10 The devil does not want people to know about this prophecy
07:13 because it is so exact and specific
07:16 as to when the Messiah was going to come.
07:18 The devil knows that if people understand it,
07:20 they'll say, "God knows the end from the beginning.
07:23 And Jesus came exactly at the right time.
07:26 So we noticed in our study that the Prince is actually Jesus.
07:30 He's already been identified as Messiah the Prince.
07:34 And so, the Prince is the Messiah.
07:37 And the people of the Prince are whom?
07:39 The people of the Prince are the Jewish nation.
07:43 And you say, "Pastor, did the Jewish nation
07:46 destroy Jerusalem?"
07:48 What is the answer to that question?
07:50 Yes, they did.
07:51 They did by rejecting the Messiah;
07:55 by rejecting Jesus Christ.
07:57 Now we're at the point where we can begin some new material,
08:01 studying the rest of the prophecy of the 70 weeks.
08:05 And I invite you to go with me to Daniel chapter 9 and verse 27
08:10 where we will continue our study.
08:13 Now you notice that in verse 26, it tells us that sometime
08:18 during the last week, Messiah would be cut off.
08:21 But it doesn't tell us precisely when during that last week
08:25 Messiah would be cut off.
08:27 But verse 27 tells us specifically when
08:32 He would be cut off.
08:34 And it also tells us that He would confirm the covenant
08:38 for one week.
08:39 Now let's talk about, first of all, the confirming of the
08:43 covenant for this last week, week number 70.
08:47 Daniel 9 verse 27 says...
08:55 I'm reading from the New King James.
08:57 Actually, many modern versions do not translate,
09:01 "He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week,"
09:04 but actually, "He shall make strong the covenant,"
09:08 or a covenant, "for one week."
09:10 For example, the English Standard Version says,
09:14 "And He shall make a strong covenant with many
09:19 for one week."
09:20 The New American Standard Bible says, "He shall make a
09:23 firm covenant."
09:25 The RSV says, "He shall make a strong covenant."
09:29 And Young's Literal Translation says,
09:31 "And He hath strengthened a covenant with many."
09:37 So this was not just a covenant.
09:39 This was a strong covenant that Messiah the Prince
09:42 was going to confirm.
09:44 Now let me ask you, what is the antonym of "strong?"
09:49 You know what antonym means?
09:51 It means, the opposite.
09:52 The antonym of "strong" is what?
09:55 Weak.
09:56 Now why is this covenant that is confirmed for one week
10:00 by Messiah the Prince strong?
10:04 We have to go to the book of Hebrews to understand
10:06 the reason why.
10:08 Go with me to Hebrews chapter 7 and we'll read verses 18 and 19,
10:12 and then we'll jump down to verse 28.
10:15 Hebrews 7:18-19 and 28.
10:18 This is talking about the Old Testament system of sacrifices,
10:22 the ceremonial system of the Old Testament.
10:25 Question, did the ceremonial system of the Old Testament,
10:28 the blood of bulls and goats, take away sin?
10:31 We noticed that it didn't.
10:33 So was it a weak covenant compared to the blood
10:36 that Jesus shed on the cross?
10:38 Absolutely.
10:39 Now notice the words that are used in Hebrews chapter 7:18-19.
10:43 "For on the one hand there is an annulling of the
10:47 former commandment..."
10:48 This is not talking about the Ten Commandments.
10:49 The former commandment has to do here with the priesthood,
10:52 with the ceremonies, if you read the context.
10:54 "For on the one hand there is an annulling of the
10:57 former commandment because of its..." What?
11:00 "...its weakness and unprofitableness,
11:04 for the law..."
11:05 And it's talking about the law of sacrifices,
11:07 the ceremonial law.
11:08 You can read the context.
11:10 "...for the law made nothing perfect."
11:13 In other words, it did not deal once and for all with sin.
11:17 "On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a..." What?
11:21 "...a better hope..."
11:23 Jesus brings in a better hope.
11:24 "...through which we draw near to God."
11:28 And then we go to verse 28.
11:29 It says, "For the law..."
11:31 Once again, it's the law of sacrifices.
11:33 "For the law appoints as high priests men who have..." What?
11:39 There's the word again.
11:40 "...weakness, but the word of the oath, which came after
11:44 the law, appoints the Son who has been..." What?
11:48 "...who has been perfected forever."
11:51 So what was the Old Testament system?
11:53 It was what?
11:55 It was weak.
11:57 Because it did not deal legally and once for all with sin.
12:02 Notice Matthew 26 and verses 27 and 28.
12:06 Matthew 26:27-28.
12:09 Here, Jesus is instituting the Lord's Supper
12:13 in place of the Passover.
12:15 And notice what we find here in Matthew 26 verses 27 and 28.
12:33 Was the blood of Jesus better blood than the blood that was
12:35 used in the Old Testament system?
12:37 Absolutely, because it dealt once and for all with sin.
12:41 And so it says, "For this is My blood of the..." What?
12:46 Is the new covenant a covenant that has better blood?
12:49 Is it a strong covenant?
12:51 Yes.
12:52 And so it says here, "For this is My blood
12:55 of the new covenant, which is shed for many
13:02 for the remission of sins."
13:04 Did you notice that word, "many?"
13:06 In Daniel chapter 9, it says, "He will confirm
13:09 a strong covenant with..." What?
13:11 "...with many for one week."
13:13 Here, you have Jesus using the word, "many,"
13:17 in conjunction with, "new covenant,"
13:19 because it has better blood.
13:22 Notice Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 6.
13:25 Why this new covenant is better than the old covenant
13:28 of sacrifices and ceremonies.
13:30 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 6 says...
13:33 "But now," speaking about Jesus, "He has obtained a more
13:39 excellent ministry..."
13:42 Why has Jesus represented now a more excellent ministry?
13:47 Notice, "...inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a..." What?
13:53 "...of a better covenant, which was established on..." What?
13:57 "...on better promises."
13:59 What are those better promises?
14:01 The fact that when Jesus shed His blood, He took care of sin
14:05 once and for all.
14:07 Did we study one topic here where we dealt with the
14:10 moral law and the ceremonial law?
14:12 Remember, we talked about the law of ceremonies;
14:15 the blood of bulls and goats does not take away sin.
14:18 This old covenant blood, it was good because as people
14:21 looked at the sacrifice of the animal, they could see forward
14:25 by faith that Jesus was going to come and He was going to
14:28 shed His blood to die.
14:29 But this blood from the Old Testament system did not save.
14:32 It's the blood of Jesus that saves.
14:35 So this is the reason why He would confirm a strong covenant.
14:39 Not a weak covenant like we read in Hebrews chapter 7.
14:42 Notice also Mark chapter 10 and verse 45.
14:45 Once again the word, "many," is used.
14:48 Mark 10 and verse 45.
15:00 There it is again.
15:02 He will confirm a strong covenant with many.
15:05 Here it says that Jesus came to give His life
15:09 a ransom for many.
15:11 Notice also Isaiah 53 and verse 11.
15:15 Isaiah 53 and verse 11.
15:17 This is a Messianic prophecy.
15:20 It's about Jesus.
15:21 The whole chapter speaks about the Messiah.
15:23 And it says there, speaking about the Messiah...
15:38 There it is again.
15:47 Now let me ask you this.
15:49 When Jesus confirmed the covenant for one whole week,
15:54 does that mean that the door of probation had not closed
15:57 for the Jewish nation during that entire week?
16:00 Absolutely.
16:01 Did probation close for the Jews when Jesus was crucified?
16:05 Absolutely not.
16:06 Because that takes us only to the middle of the last week.
16:09 And after that, there are still three and a half years.
16:13 Did Jesus send additional messengers to the Jewish nation
16:17 after His death and His ascension to heaven?
16:20 Absolutely.
16:21 Go with me to Matthew chapter 23 and verse 34.
16:26 Matthew 23 and verse 34.
16:29 And we're going to read several verses that come after verse 34.
16:34 It says, and here Jesus is speaking.
16:36 These are the woes on the scribes and the Pharisees.
16:39 "Therefore, indeed, I send you..."
16:42 This is two or three days before Jesus dies.
16:49 Was the gift of prophecy still available for the Jewish nation?
16:53 Yes. That's very important.
17:00 What were they going to do to them when Jesus sent them?
17:04 Notice this is future.
17:05 This is future from the time that Jesus dies.
17:22 Were they going to do the same thing with the apostles
17:25 as they did with Jesus?
17:26 For three and a half more years.
17:28 And then notice that the sentence would be pronounced.
17:31 After He sends these additional messengers,
17:34 it says, "...that on you may come all the righteous blood
17:39 shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel
17:42 to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah,
17:46 whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.
17:49 Assuredly I say to you, all these things will come
17:53 upon this generation."
17:56 Are you understanding the sequence here?
17:59 Jesus says, "I'm going to send you additional messengers.
18:02 And you're going to scourge some, you're going to
18:04 persecute them from city to city, you're going to crucify
18:07 and you're going to kill some of them.
18:09 And in this way, all of the blood shed from Abel
18:12 to the last martyr of the Old Testament will fall
18:15 upon this generation.
18:17 Now let's talk about the second phrase that we
18:19 find here in verse 27.
18:21 It not only says that Jesus would confirm
18:24 a strong covenant with many for one week,
18:27 but now it tells us when the Messiah would be cut off.
18:31 See, in verse 26 it only said, sometime during the last week
18:36 Messiah would be cut off.
18:37 But now verse 27 is going to tell us when
18:40 during that last week.
18:42 Verse 27 says, "But in the middle of the week..."
18:46 That is between 27 and 31 AD.
18:50 What would He do?
19:00 Now something very interesting here is that the word,
19:03 "sacrifice," is singular.
19:06 And the word, "offering," is singular.
19:10 It doesn't say, "Bring an end to sacrifices and offerings."
19:15 It says, "He will bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
19:20 Now why is the singular used?
19:22 I'm going to tell you the reason why I believe that the
19:24 singular is used and not the plural.
19:28 Do you know that Jesus died at the precise hour,
19:32 day, and month, in which it had been prophesied
19:36 in the Old Testament?
19:38 The Bible says He died at the ninth hour.
19:41 That's the hour when the Passover lamb was sacrificed.
19:44 He died on the 14th day.
19:47 That's when the Passover lamb was sacrificed.
19:49 And He died in the month of Nisan,
19:53 which is the month when the Passover lamb was sacrificed.
19:56 Jesus died at the precise month, day, and hour
20:02 in which the Passover lamb was sacrificed.
20:06 Now I want you to notice what happened when Jesus died.
20:08 Matthew 27 and verse 51.
20:11 Matthew 27 and verse 51.
20:22 What was God saying?
20:23 He was saying, this whole system has what?
20:26 Has come to an end.
20:34 If you're going to tear a curtain, you would tear it
20:36 from bottom to top.
20:37 You don't climb on a chair and then tear it from top to bottom.
20:40 God did this.
20:46 Ellen White adds some enlightening information
20:49 on what happened the very moment that Jesus died.
20:54 Desire Of Ages, page 757, she says this...
21:15 Did the sacrifice come to an end?
21:18 Did the offering come to an end at that very moment?
21:22 Yes.
21:23 And so it says...
21:24 She says the lamb escapes.
21:26 And then she explains why.
21:31 That is, promise has met fulfillment.
21:38 Do you think that it was the intention of Jesus
21:40 that the Jews understand that really the escape of the lamb,
21:45 the fact that no lamb was sacrificed that day,
21:48 was suppose to teach them that the sacrificial system
21:51 had come to an end?
21:52 That was God's intention.
21:54 Now they continued their sacrifices after this.
21:57 But after the sacrifice of Jesus, these sacrifices
22:00 were totally what?
22:02 Totally meaningless.
22:03 Because the blood of bulls and goats and lambs
22:06 cannot take away sin.
22:08 So the sacrifice and offering, singular,
22:12 came to an end that day.
22:14 Because when Jesus died, the sacrifice was not made,
22:18 the offering was not made, because the lamb escaped
22:22 from the hands of the priest.
22:24 Are you following me?
22:26 Now let's talk about the destruction of Jerusalem.
22:28 Because immediately after saying that He would confirm
22:31 a strong covenant with many for one week,
22:33 and then it says in the middle of the week
22:35 He would cause the sacrifice and the oblation, or the offering,
22:40 to cease, immediately it speaks about the
22:43 destruction of Jerusalem.
22:44 Does the destruction of Jerusalem have anything
22:46 to do with the rejection of the Messiah?
22:49 Both times, Messiah is cut off in verse 26,
22:54 and then it speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem.
22:56 In verse 27, it speaks about Messiah bringing the sacrifice
23:00 and offering to an end, and then it speaks about the
23:04 destruction of Jerusalem.
23:05 And the gospels confirm this.
23:07 Daniel 9 verse 27, the last part of the verse, describes the
23:11 destruction of Jerusalem.
23:12 It says, "And on the wing of abominations..."
23:15 Is that a key word?
23:16 It most certainly is.
23:21 Is that a key word also, "desolate?"
23:24 Most certainly.
23:37 And who is the desolate?
23:38 It is Jerusalem.
23:41 Do you remember when Jesus left the Jerusalem temple?
23:44 He said, "Your house is left unto you..." What?
23:49 Desolate.
23:50 Because Jesus left.
23:52 In other words, this verse of Daniel chapter 9 and verse 27,
23:57 when it uses the word, "desolate," to refer
24:01 to Jerusalem, it's using the same word that Jesus used
24:05 in Matthew chapter 23 and verse 38,
24:08 when He left the temple, the Shekinah left, and He said,
24:11 "Your house is left unto you desolate."
24:14 By the way, they are the same two words,
24:17 abomination and desolation, that are used in
24:19 Matthew 24 verses 15 and 16
24:22 to describe the destruction of Jerusalem.
24:24 Notice what it says there in Matthew 24:15-16.
24:31 There are the two keys words that we found in verse 27.
24:35 Now who spoke about the abomination of desolation?
24:51 Did God's faithful people see the sign and flee?
24:53 Were they saved from the destruction?
24:56 Yes, just like when the Old Testament temple was destroyed.
24:59 There was a group that was spared and they were saved.
25:02 Now what does that mean, "When you see the
25:04 abomination of desolation?"
25:05 It's really speaking about the Roman armies coming
25:08 and destroying Jerusalem because of its abominations.
25:10 Notice Luke 21 and verse 20.
25:13 Luke 21 and verse 20.
25:15 Here it says, and Jesus is speaking, "But when you see..."
25:19 This is a parallel passage to Matthew 24.
25:26 Which armies?
25:28 The Roman armies.
25:32 There's the key word.
25:38 So does the destruction of Jerusalem have anything
25:41 to do with the death of the Messiah?
25:44 The gospels make it absolutely clear
25:48 that because the Jewish nation cut off the Messiah,
25:52 and because they caused, to a certain extent,
25:56 the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,
25:59 not in the sense that they didn't continue their sacrifices
26:02 but in the sense that Jesus died on the cross,
26:06 they brought destruction upon themselves,
26:09 as we studied last time.
26:12 Now let's talk about the ending date of the 70 weeks.
26:16 Jesus was baptized in the fall of the year 27.
26:20 He was crucified in the spring of the year 31,
26:24 three and a half years later.
26:26 How many more years would you have to have
26:28 in order for the last week of the 70 weeks to come to an end?
26:32 You would have to have three and a half more years.
26:36 Now I want you to notice Matthew chapter 10 and verses 5 and 6.
26:40 Here, Jesus is speaking.
26:43 And notice what Jesus told to His disciples.
26:46 Matthew 10:5-6.
27:06 Were the Jews going to have exactly 70 weeks of probation?
27:10 Yes or no? Yes.
27:11 So their probation cannot end in the year 31.
27:15 Their probation has to end three and a half years later.
27:20 Now there's something very interesting here.
27:23 And that is that the first nine chapters of the book of Acts,
27:29 which describe the early history of the Christian church
27:32 during those three and a half years,
27:35 the gospel went only to the Jews.
27:38 It's not until you get to Acts chapter 10
27:42 that now, not Paul, the messenger to the Gentiles,
27:47 but Peter actually has the experience with this Gentile
27:52 called Cornelius.
27:54 So in other words, during the first nine chapters of Acts,
27:59 the apostles are preaching to who?
28:02 They're preaching in Jerusalem and in Judea.
28:06 Why? Because probation has not what?
28:09 Probation has not closed for the Jewish nation.
28:13 Allow me to read you once again Matthew 23 and verse 34
28:17 where Jesus predicted this.
28:18 Jesus says...
28:35 Who is it that persecuted from city to city?
28:37 Saul of Tarsus.
28:39 Now let me read you a statement from Great Controversy, page 28,
28:43 where Ellen White describes this period after
28:47 the crucifixion of Christ.
28:48 She says...
28:57 Shine upon the children of those who had betrayed Jesus.
29:00 She continues saying...
29:34 How did the Jews react during those three and a half years
29:38 of additional probation?
29:41 Did they say, "Oh, we receive the Messiah.
29:43 We receive Jesus Christ."
29:45 All you have to do is read the first several chapters
29:48 of the book of Acts.
29:49 They did to the apostles the same thing that they
29:53 did to Jesus Christ.
29:55 You can read, for example, about Peter and John.
29:57 How they were taken before the Jewish Sanhedrin.
30:00 And they were forbidden to speak in the name of Jesus Christ.
30:05 In fact, notice that in Acts chapter 4 verses 17 and 18.
30:08 Acts chapter 4 verses 17 and 18.
30:10 It says, "But so that it spreads no further..."
30:13 They're speaking in the Sanhedrin and in the
30:16 Jewish council because Peter and John are preaching
30:18 and people are being converted.
30:20 "But so that it spreads no further among the people..."
30:23 That is, their message.
30:24 "'...let us severely threaten them, that from now on
30:28 they speak to no man in this name.'
30:31 So they called them and commanded them
30:33 not to speak at all nor teach in the..." What?
30:37 "...in the name of Jesus."
30:41 Did they accept Jesus Christ in these three and a half years
30:45 of additional probation?
30:46 Absolutely not.
30:48 They opposed just like they had while Jesus was on this earth.
30:53 Now Daniel chapter 9 and verse 24,
30:56 you remember that Daniel 9 verse 24 said
30:59 that one of the things that would be accomplished
31:01 during the 70 weeks is that vision and prophecy
31:05 would be brought to what?
31:09 Actually, it would be sealed up.
31:11 But you know, that expression, "sealed up,"
31:13 is the identical expression that is used earlier in the verse
31:16 where it says He shall bring an end to sins.
31:19 In other words, really the Hebrew word, "chatham,"
31:22 really means, seal up or bring to an end.
31:26 In other words, Daniel chapter 9 verse 24 is saying that
31:29 vision and prophecy would be coming to an end.
31:32 Let's read that verse, Daniel 9 verse 24.
31:41 "...to make an end of sins..."
31:43 That's the very word that is used later in the verse;
31:45 to seal up.
31:54 "...to seal up..."
31:56 That's the identical Hebrew word that is translated,
31:58 "bring an end to sins."
31:59 So here it should be translated what?
32:01 Bring an end to what?
32:04 To vision and prophecy.
32:09 So what was going to happen at the end of this period?
32:12 Vision and prophecy would come to what?
32:15 Would come to an end.
32:16 Is that exactly what happened?
32:18 Absolutely.
32:20 Now let me tell you something about the role of the prophet
32:22 in the Old Testament.
32:24 The role of the prophet in the Old Testament
32:26 is that when Israel was very, very unfaithful,
32:29 constantly all the time, God would send them prophets.
32:33 They were actually God's lawyers in divorce court.
32:37 God would say, you know, "I'm going to divorce you
32:40 because you've fallen in love with the practice
32:43 of the other nations.
32:45 And, you know, you've had other lovers.
32:46 You've played the harlot."
32:48 And so He would send prophets and He would say,
32:50 "I want a divorce."
32:52 But then there was always hope.
32:53 He would say, "But if you repent and you turn from
32:56 your wicked ways, then I will relent from the idea
33:00 of divorcing you."
33:03 And whenever you find these prophets in the Old Testament
33:06 giving this message to Israel, you find that they always
33:10 told the story of the benevolent acts of God upon His people.
33:15 They would go through a long description of the history
33:18 of Israel and how God had been good to Israel
33:20 to try and woo Israel back to the Lord.
33:25 In other words, when prophets were raised up to rebuke Israel,
33:29 they called Israel to repentance,
33:31 and they expressed that there was still
33:33 an opportunity for mercy.
33:36 But now we go to the stoning of Stephen
33:38 and we find no message of mercy in the message
33:41 that Stephen presents.
33:43 Stephen, like the prophets of the Old Testament,
33:45 takes almost all of chapter 7 of the book of Acts
33:49 to tell the history of Israel and how God guided in the
33:52 history of Israel to bring the Messiah into the world.
33:56 Let's read several verses from Acts chapter 7,
33:59 and we'll read verse 11 and then I'll tell you
34:01 the verses that we're going to read.
34:04 And I want you to notice that Stephen refers to the
34:07 history of Israel with the expression,
34:09 "our fathers," "our fathers," "our fathers,"
34:12 until he gets to the end.
34:13 And then he changes his tone.
34:16 Notice verse 11.
34:22 This is during the times of Joseph.
34:28 Let's go to verse 19.
34:30 "This man," that is Pharaoh...
34:41 Then it says in verse 38, "This is he," Moses...
34:55 Notice, "our fathers," again.
35:10 Verse 45...
35:23 Do you notice that all during the history of Israel,
35:25 he's talking about what?
35:27 He's including himself in the history of Israel.
35:30 He's saying, "our fathers," "our fathers."
35:33 But when he gets to the end of his speech,
35:35 I want you to notice chapter 7 and verse 52,
35:39 there is a change of tone and a change of expression.
35:43 He says to them...
35:44 Now he's bringing the indictment like the
35:46 prophets did in the Old Testament.
35:47 They would describe the benevolent acts of God
35:50 and then they would present the indictment.
35:52 And then the prophet would say, "Come back to the Lord
35:55 because He doesn't want to divorce you."
35:56 Stephen does not say, "Come back to the Lord.
35:59 He only indicts them.
36:01 Notice what it says there in Acts 7 verse 52.
36:10 You see, he's disconnecting himself from the patrimony
36:13 of those who did these things in the Old Testament.
36:28 You know this reminds us of the speech that Jesus gave
36:31 in the temple to the scribes and the Pharisees,
36:34 the woes upon the scribes and the Pharisees.
36:36 Jesus also did not say, "our fathers,"
36:39 but He said, "your fathers."
36:42 Notice what we find in Matthew chapter 23 and verse 32.
36:46 Jesus says...
36:54 In other words, Stephen is disassociating himself
36:58 from these individuals who were "our fathers"
37:02 until he presents his indictment.
37:04 And then he says, "Your fathers did this."
37:07 Notice Matthew chapter 23 and verse 34.
37:11 Matthew 23 verse 34.
37:13 We already read this, but let's read it again.
37:16 Jesus is speaking, a couple of days before His death,
37:19 and He says...
37:32 And then notice, after He sends additional messengers,
37:35 He says...
37:55 Is the stoning of Stephen an extremely significant event?
37:59 It most certainly is.
38:00 In fact, allow me to share with you some very interesting
38:03 details about the crucifixion of Christ
38:06 and the stoning of Stephen.
38:07 It's like history is being repeated in the
38:09 stoning of Stephen, the history of Christ.
38:12 I'm just going to go through this list.
38:14 You have the texts in your handout.
38:17 Both Jesus and Stephen were taken before the
38:20 Jewish Sanhedrin for their trial.
38:23 Both Stephen and Jesus were accused by false witnesses.
38:27 You can read this in Acts chapter 6 and 7.
38:30 Both Jesus and Stephen reviewed the history of Israel.
38:34 Remember the parable of the vineyard that we studied
38:36 yesterday morning?
38:38 Both of them reviewed the history of Israel
38:40 and talked about God sending messengers to Israel,
38:43 and ended their speeches by speaking about the
38:46 arrival of the Son.
38:48 Both of them were betrayed by money that was paid as a bribe.
38:54 Both of them were accused of speaking against Moses
38:57 and the temple.
38:59 Both of them, the Bible tells us, were accused by the
39:03 Jewish leaders of shutting their ears to logic and reason.
39:10 Both of them prayed that God would forgive the sin
39:13 of their oppressors.
39:15 Both of them were taken and killed outside the city.
39:19 The Bible says that both of them were innocent.
39:22 The Bible says that Stephen's face with like the
39:24 face of an angel.
39:25 Pilate said, "This Man, I find no guilt in this Man."
39:28 And both of them were afflicted by a mob mentality
39:32 by those who killed them.
39:34 Is there an interesting parallel between the death of
39:36 Jesus Christ and the death of Stephen?
39:38 Absolutely.
39:39 In fact, Stephen is repeating the history of Jesus.
39:45 Had there been any change in the spirit and in the heart
39:49 of the Jewish leaders, the Jewish Sanhedrin,
39:52 when Stephen was stoned?
39:54 Absolutely not.
39:56 Even though this is three and a half years after
39:59 the crucifixion of Christ, there has been absolutely
40:02 no change of heart.
40:04 Now you remember that we read in Daniel chapter 9 verse 24
40:09 that there would be an event that would bring
40:11 vision and prophecy to an end.
40:14 Now that's a significant statement.
40:16 Go with me to Acts chapter 7 and verses 55 and 56.
40:21 What was the last vision that was given to a prophet
40:25 for literal Israel?
40:27 Who was that prophet?
40:29 It was Stephen.
40:31 Because just like the prophets of the Old Testament,
40:33 he told the history of Israel and he indicted them
40:36 for their wickedness.
40:38 The same way that the Old Testament prophets did.
40:41 There's no difference.
40:43 Did Stephen catch a vision of heaven,
40:48 and Jesus at the right hand of God?
40:51 Absolutely.
40:53 Acts 7:55-56.
40:55 "But he, being full of the Holy Spirit..."
41:13 Was Stephen seeing a vision?
41:16 He most certainly was.
41:17 Was he a prophet?
41:19 Yes, in good style he was a prophet.
41:22 Was he the last prophet who got the last vision
41:26 that was ever given for literal Israel?
41:28 Absolutely.
41:30 He would bring prophecy and vision to an end.
41:35 And when Stephen said that, his oppressors became ballistic.
41:40 Notice Acts chapter 7 and verse 54, and then we'll
41:43 jump down to verses 57 and 58.
41:46 It says, "When they heard these things
41:48 they were cut to the heart..."
41:54 Can you just imagine gnashing at this follower
41:58 of Jesus with their teeth?
42:00 And then verse 57 says...
42:12 Like it happened with Jesus.
42:15 And now notice a very important detail.
42:27 Did the Jewish theocracy come to an end
42:30 with the stoning of Stephen?
42:32 Absolutely.
42:34 They showed that their case was absolutely irreversible.
42:39 But I want you to notice something very interesting.
42:42 As the Jewish theocracy came to an end...
42:45 Because the whole reason why God...
42:47 Why did God choose Israel?
42:49 He chose them to prepare the way for what?
42:51 For the coming of the Messiah.
42:53 So the world would be ready for the Messiah.
42:56 Did they fulfill that plan. No.
42:59 Did the message have to go to the world?
43:01 It sure did.
43:02 Was the Jewish nation going to take it to the world?
43:04 Absolutely not.
43:05 So God says, "This is it.
43:07 I gave you 70 weeks.
43:08 Last of all, I sent you My Son.
43:11 You didn't fulfill the commission, so now
43:14 the message is going to be taken to the world
43:17 of the Gentiles."
43:19 And it's interesting that when the Jewish theocracy
43:22 came to an end, God already had the champion for the Gentiles.
43:27 What was his name?
43:29 Saul of Tarsus. Exactly.
43:32 Do you remember in the parable that Jesus told
43:35 of the vineyard workers?
43:38 He told about the three stages of Israel.
43:40 God sent out messengers and they killed those messengers
43:44 and rejected their message.
43:45 Then He sent further messengers after that.
43:47 That's during the 70 weeks.
43:48 And last of all, He sends whom?
43:50 He sends His Son, "They're going to respect my son."
43:53 But what did they say?
43:54 "Oh, this is the heir.
43:55 Let's take him and kill him."
43:58 And they cast him out of the vineyard,
44:00 which represents Jerusalem.
44:01 And they killed him.
44:03 And Jesus said, "What do you suppose God is
44:05 going to do with them?"
44:07 What did Jesus say?
44:09 He said, "Because they rejected the son,
44:12 the kingdom will be taken from them
44:15 and will be given to a nation..."
44:18 The word, "ethne."
44:20 Which refers to the Gentiles in the New Testament.
44:24 "...and will be given to a nation that produces..." What?
44:28 "...that produces the fruits thereof."
44:31 Did Jesus predict that after His death
44:34 the message would go to the Gentiles because the Jews had
44:37 rejected the message?
44:39 Absolutely.
44:40 So Saul of Tarsus is present when Stephen is stoned.
44:45 And the last vision and the last prophet is given to Israel.
44:50 But he is going to be the champion that God will choose
44:53 to fulfill what Jesus said.
44:55 The message now going to where?
44:58 Going to the Gentiles.
45:00 In other words, the kingdom now given to the Gentiles.
45:04 In fact, notice Acts chapter 22 and verses 20 and 21.
45:09 Here, Saul of Tarsus is describing his experience.
45:14 And notice what it says in Acts 22 verses 20 and 21.
45:33 So notice, he was present there and he was encouraging them
45:40 to stone Stephen.
45:41 But now notice what we find in verse 21.
45:53 Are you seeing the connection?
45:55 Now, when Saul of Tarsus was on the way to Damascus
46:00 to persecute the church, he heard a voice from heaven
46:03 that said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute My people?"
46:09 That's not what He said.
46:11 He said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute.." What?
46:14 "...Me."
46:15 Were they persecuting Jesus?
46:17 Yes, they were persecuting Jesus in the person of His church.
46:22 Because the church is the body of Jesus Christ.
46:25 Were they doing the same thing to the body of Christ
46:27 as they had done to Jesus Christ?
46:29 Absolutely.
46:31 And Saul was there when the Jewish theocracy ended.
46:34 And God said, "You're Mine, buddy.
46:38 You're going to be the messenger to the Gentiles."
46:41 And as I was mentioning, it's very interesting,
46:44 listen to this, in the book of Acts
46:47 chapters 1 through chapter 12 the central figure is Peter.
46:56 And the message is going to whom, primarily?
46:59 It is going to the Jews.
47:04 Do you remember that Jesus said in Acts chapter 1 verse 8...
47:12 Where first?
47:14 In Jerusalem.
47:16 Who lived in Jerusalem?
47:18 Jews.
47:19 "...and in all Judea.."
47:22 Who lived in Judea?
47:24 Jews.
47:25 And then a little bit wider, where?
47:28 Samaria.
47:29 And then where?
47:31 To the uttermost parts of the earth.
47:34 Or to the end of the earth, as some versions say.
47:37 Listen up now.
47:39 Acts 1 through 6, the work of the apostles
47:44 is focused only on Jerusalem and Judea.
47:48 In Acts chapter 7, Stephen is stoned.
47:53 And after Stephen is stoned in Acts chapter 7,
47:57 in Acts 8 you have, of course, the gospel going to Samaria,
48:00 which were half brothers of the Jews.
48:03 And then you have in chapter 9 the conversion
48:07 of Saul of Tarsus.
48:09 And then in chapter 10, all the way through the rest
48:12 of the book of Acts, the gospel is going where?
48:15 The gospel is going to the Gentiles.
48:18 Is the book of Acts showing us that for three and a half years
48:24 after Jesus was crucified, the gospel went to
48:28 Jerusalem and Judea?
48:30 And only after the stoning of Stephen
48:33 does the gospel go, first of all, to Cornelius
48:37 through the work of Peter, and then to the uttermost
48:40 parts of the earth; to the Gentiles?
48:42 Are you following me or not?
48:43 Is the stoning of Stephen a watershed event?
48:47 It most certainly is.
48:49 In fact, do you know that in Acts chapter 13
48:53 Saul and Barnabas are ordained to go to the Gentiles?
48:56 Go with me there to Acts 13 verses 1 to 3.
49:15 That is Saul of Tarsus.
49:17 "As they ministered to the Lord and fasted,
49:20 the Holy Spirit said..."
49:22 Listen now to what the Holy Spirit said.
49:24 "'...Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul
49:28 for the work to which I have called them.'
49:31 Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them,
49:36 they sent them away."
49:38 Was this the official beginning of the ministry of
49:41 Saul of Tarsus?
49:42 Absolutely.
49:43 It's when Saul of Tarsus was what?
49:45 Was ordained.
49:46 Now listen to what happens in the rest of chapter 13.
49:51 Paul and Barnabas, after they're ordained,
49:54 they go to Antioch of Pisidia.
49:58 And Paul preached a long sermon there to the Jews
50:01 in the synagogue.
50:02 You can read this in chapter 13 at your leisure.
50:06 So Paul preaches a long sermon like it was customary for him.
50:09 And some people say, "Well, Pastor Bohr,
50:10 this stuff that you present is so complicated."
50:13 You think I'm complicated, you should be the apostle Paul.
50:18 There's complicated.
50:19 Peter said he wrote some things difficult to be understood.
50:23 But he doesn't blame Paul.
50:24 He doesn't say, "Paul, you should have been clearer."
50:26 He says, "No, the unlearned twist to their own destruction."
50:30 So the fault does not lay with Saul, or with Paul.
50:34 The fault lies with those who don't study carefully
50:36 what Paul wrote.
50:37 You know, one person once said to me,
50:40 "Why can't we just be happy?
50:42 Jesus loves me, this I know. for the Bible tells me so."
50:47 And I looked at that person and I said,
50:49 "You know, that's a good suggestion.
50:50 The last time that I sang that was when I was
50:53 in the primary division."
50:56 That's good for primary kids.
50:58 But God has given us Scripture to challenge our intellect.
51:01 Hasn't He done that?
51:03 It's like detective work.
51:05 It's marvelous seeing the unity and harmony of Scripture
51:08 as we study it carefully, and with prayer,
51:11 and with God's wisdom.
51:13 And so Paul preaches a long sermon in Antioch of Pisidia
51:16 to the Jews in the synagogue.
51:18 And the Gentiles, when they heard, because they were
51:21 present there, they heard the sermon that Paul preached,
51:24 they said, "Could you come and preach to us next Sabbath?"
51:28 Not next Sunday.
51:29 "Next Sabbath, will you come and preach to us?"
51:32 And the apostle Paul said, "Sure, we'll come and
51:36 preach to you next Sabbath."
51:37 And the Bible says that the next Sabbath,
51:39 almost the whole city came together.
51:42 And the Gentiles, bunches of Gentiles,
51:45 gave their lives to the Lord.
51:48 And when the Jews saw that, they were filled with anger.
51:52 They were filled with jealousy.
51:55 They said, "Oh those Gentiles, multitudes of Gentiles,
51:58 accepting the message.
52:00 If this grows, we're going to be...
52:06 ...a small group, a small insignificant group."
52:09 And so they were jealous.
52:11 And they started blaspheming.
52:14 Let's read about it in Acts chapter 13 verses 46 and 47.
52:18 Remember, this is the first trip that Saul, or that Paul, takes
52:22 after his ordination.
52:23 He still wants to preach to whom?
52:26 To the Jews.
52:27 But because the Jews blaspheme, notice what he says.
52:40 Why did the word of God have to be spoken to the Jews first?
52:43 Because they had 70 weeks. Exactly.
52:56 Is the kingdom that Jesus spoke about,
52:58 "The kingdom will be taken from you and given to a nation
53:01 that produces the fruits thereof?
53:02 Absolutely.
53:04 "...we turn to the Gentiles..."
53:05 And then now notice.
53:19 Is this a clear prophecy, the prophecy of the 70 weeks?
53:23 I mean, it is amazing how God predicted all these things
53:27 centuries before they happened.
53:30 Precisely and exactly.
53:31 Forget Nostradamus.
53:33 You have to stretch your imagination to find
53:38 anything there that's being fulfilled today.
53:40 This tells you exactly when, what, and where
53:44 was going to happen.
53:45 And you know what's sad?
53:47 Almost all of the Protestant world has taken the last week
53:50 of this prophecy, and instead of applying it to the Christ
53:54 it has applied it to the antichrist, who supposedly
53:57 will arise after the rapture of the church.
54:00 It is a serious matter to take a prophecy
54:03 that applies to Christ and apply it to the antichrist.
54:06 And listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
54:08 What Protestants have done, and also the Roman Catholic Church
54:11 by doing this, it that they have exonerated the Jewish nation
54:16 from the terrible crime of crucifying the Messiah.
54:19 By saying that this prophecy applies in the future,
54:24 after the rapture of the church, they're saying that the Jews
54:27 were not guilty of anything back then.
54:29 But you know what else?
54:31 Because Protestantism and Roman Catholicism
54:34 has said that the little horn of Daniel 7
54:38 applies to a future antichrist, they are also exonerating
54:42 the Roman Catholic Church from destroying the body of Christ
54:46 during the 1260 years.
54:48 In other words, what the devil has done
54:50 in shifting the view to the future, he has exonerated
54:55 the Jewish nation as a nation...
54:57 I'm not talking about any individuals.
54:58 ...from the terrible crime of crucifying the Messiah.
55:01 And they have also exonerated the Roman Catholic Church
55:04 from persecuting the body of Jesus Christ
55:07 during the period that is known as the dark ages.
55:09 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
55:12 Everybody today is looking to the Middle East.
55:15 "Oh, look at the Muslims. They're the enemy."
55:18 "Oh yeah, look at Jerusalem.
55:19 You know, the Arabs are going to come and they're going to
55:21 attack Jerusalem."
55:22 And while everybody is looking east,
55:25 prophecy is being fulfilled in Rome and in the United States.
55:29 And no one can see it because they're looking
55:32 in the wrong place.
55:35 The devil is an expert at directing your attention
55:38 to where the controversy isn't.
55:41 Now allow me to summarize this.
55:44 The 2300 years begin in the year 457 BC.
55:48 Right?
55:50 You go forward 69 weeks, that's 483 years.
55:55 That takes you to the year, what?
56:00 27 AD.
56:01 But there's one more week.
56:03 That takes you from 27 to the year, what?
56:06 34 AD.
56:08 So those are the first 490 years.
56:10 And those 490 years are cut off from what?
56:14 From the 2300 days.
56:16 Now, so from 457 to 34, you have the first 490 years
56:21 of the 2300 days.
56:23 So what do you have to do in order to know when the
56:25 Sanctuary is going to be cleansed?
56:27 You don't have to have the wisdom of Solomon
56:30 in order to figure it out.
56:32 All you have to do is subtract 490 from 2300.
56:38 Because the 490 were fulfilled.
56:40 What does that give you? 1810 years.
56:46 So basically, what you have to do is go from the year 34
56:50 1810 years, which is the remaining portion
56:53 after you subtracted the 490 years.
56:56 And that will take you to the precise moment
56:58 when the Sanctuary will be cleansed.
57:01 And if you do that operation, you will find that the
57:05 prophecy of the 2300 days ends precisely in the year 1844.
57:14 Folks, there's no way around it.
57:16 Prophecy is clear.
57:19 The reason why the Christian world does not like this
57:22 is because if they accepted it they would have to be
57:25 Seventh-day Adventists.


Revised 2014-12-17