His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Shall Be Cleansed -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000012

00:33 Let's pray.
00:37 Our loving Father in heaven, once again we thank You
00:40 that we can gather in Your presence to open Your holy Word
00:45 and to understand the great things that have taken place,
00:50 are taking place, and soon will occur in this world.
00:55 As we study Daniel chapter 8 today, we need the
00:59 special guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
01:02 We ask, Father, that You will give us understanding
01:06 that we might be able to comprehend this
01:08 magnificent chapter of Scripture.
01:12 I ask, Lord, that You will help us to see its importance
01:14 for our own personal walk with Jesus.
01:17 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:19 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:23 I'd like to begin by reviewing what we've studied
01:27 in our last two lectures.
01:30 Basically, I want to go through the sequence of powers
01:34 that are mentioned in Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7.
01:39 The first power...
01:40 And we'll go to Daniel 7 as our example.
01:44 The first power is a lion.
01:46 It represents what kingdom?
01:48 Babylon.
01:49 The next kingdom is what?
01:52 Medo-Persia.
01:53 The third kingdom, the leopard kingdom, is what?
01:56 Greece.
01:57 Then we have a terrible dragon beast that has iron teeth.
02:02 And what nation does that represent?
02:05 It represents the Roman Empire.
02:07 Then from the head of that dragon beast come forth what?
02:11 Ten horns.
02:12 And those represent the divisions of the Roman Empire
02:17 into which the Roman Empire was divided when it broke up
02:21 in the year 476.
02:23 And then among the ten rises what?
02:26 A little horn, a nasty little horn;
02:29 and does all kinds of wicked things.
02:31 And it rules for how long?
02:34 It rules for 1260 years.
02:37 And that period begins when?
02:40 In the year 538 when the Ostrogoths were defeated.
02:44 The third of the three horns was ripped out by the roots.
02:49 And it continued until what date?
02:52 The little horn? 1798.
02:56 And then you notice that we have the next scene is what?
03:01 The judgment.
03:03 So after what date does the judgment take place?
03:07 It has to be after 1798.
03:11 But it also happens before probation closes.
03:16 Before Jesus comes.
03:18 Because we noticed in Revelation chapter 14, it says,
03:22 "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His
03:25 judgment has come," while the gospel is still being preached.
03:28 Probation can't have closed if the gospel is
03:31 still being preached.
03:32 And only after the third angel's message
03:35 do you have Jesus sitting on a cloud with a sickle
03:39 coming to harvest the earth.
03:42 And so we noticed in our study that the judgment takes place
03:47 sometime between 1798 and the close of probation.
03:53 Although we are not told exactly what the precise date is.
03:58 All we have is the parameters.
04:01 But the prophecy that we're going to study
04:03 in this evening's lecture, as well as our next one,
04:07 regarding Daniel chapter 8, we're going to notice
04:11 that Scripture pinpoints the exact date
04:16 when that judgment was going to begin.
04:20 So let's turn in our Bibles to Daniel chapter 8.
04:24 And the first thing that we're going to notice in this chapter
04:27 is that it does not begin with Babylon like chapter 7
04:31 and like chapter 2.
04:33 There is no symbol for Babylon.
04:36 In fact, in Daniel chapter 8 the vision begins with Medo-Persia.
04:44 Now you might be wondering, "Pastor Bohr, Why does the
04:47 vision of Daniel 8 begin with Medo-Persia
04:50 if Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 began with Babylon?"
04:55 Now the traditional interpretation
04:57 that has been given in the Adventist church is that
05:00 Babylon is about to pass from history.
05:04 But the fact is that this vision is taking place
05:06 in the year 550 BC.
05:08 And Babylon was not going to fall for another 11 years.
05:12 There is another more important reason why Babylon
05:16 is not in this vision of Daniel chapter 8.
05:19 And let me explain the reason succinctly.
05:22 You see, the 2300 days that are mentioned in this prophecy
05:28 begin during the period of the Persian Empire.
05:34 And so the vision begins...
05:37 Now listen carefully.
05:38 The vision begins where the 2300 days begin.
05:44 You see, the 2300 days do not begin in the kingdom of Babylon.
05:48 They begin during the period of the kingdom of Persia.
05:51 And therefore, the 2300 day prophecy begins with Persia.
05:56 And that's the reason why this vision begins with Persia
06:01 and not with Babylon.
06:04 Are you understanding the reason?
06:05 It's a very important reason.
06:06 And we will have reason to come back to this a little bit later.
06:10 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 1
06:13 and move through this magnificent prophecy.
06:17 It says there in verse 1...
06:25 I mentioned that this is the year 550 BC.
06:43 Which is the one that appeared to him the first time?
06:46 The one that is found in the previous chapter.
06:49 In Daniel chapter what?
06:51 Chapter 7.
06:52 Now listen carefully.
06:53 The word for "vision" here is a very important word.
06:57 You see, in Daniel 8 there are two different
06:59 words for "vision."
07:01 And unless we understand that, we're not going to reach correct
07:04 conclusions as we study this chapter.
07:07 The word that is used here for "vision," where it says,
07:10 "The third year of the reign of King Belshazzar
07:12 a vision appears to me," is the Hebrews word, "chazon."
07:18 Remember that because it's very, very important.
07:21 Now let's go to verse 2.
07:23 "I saw in the vision..."
07:26 Once again, the word "chazon."
07:33 Now the emphasis on eye sight here.
07:39 Shusan is one of the capitals of the Medo-Persian Empire.
07:49 Once again, the third time that the word "chazon" is used
07:54 to describe the vision.
07:55 So it says in verse 2...
08:12 Now let's go to verse 3.
08:17 Notice one again the emphasis on vision, seeing.
08:21 There's tremendous emphasis on this.
08:31 Just one beast.
08:33 But now notice what it continues saying.
08:38 So this is one nation that is composed of two kingdoms.
08:43 Because horns represent kingdoms.
08:45 So it's one nation composed of two kingdoms.
08:48 In other words, dual kingdoms in one nation.
08:52 So it continues saying...
09:07 So you have two horns.
09:09 One is higher than the other.
09:11 And the higher one comes out how?
09:13 Last.
09:14 Now, you should have received two sheets tonight.
09:17 One of the sheets has the dynasty of the
09:20 Medes and Persians.
09:21 Now if you look at that chart...
09:23 We're not going to look at it carefully right now
09:25 because we don't have the time.
09:28 From the year 539 when the Medes and Persians began to rule
09:33 until the year 522, all of the kings were Medes
09:39 except for Cyrus, who was half Mede and half Persian.
09:44 But from the year 522 until the year 331,
09:49 almost 200 years, every single king was Persian.
09:57 So what was the nation that became more powerful last?
10:01 It was the Persians.
10:02 And interestingly enough, after Daniel chapter 8
10:06 every time that this kingdom appears in prophecy
10:10 it's no longer called Medo-Persia.
10:14 It is called Persia.
10:16 Because the Medes have basically disappeared,
10:20 and now Persia is ruling.
10:22 Are you understanding my point?
10:23 And you can see it on that chart.
10:26 Prophecy is specific and exact on this point.
10:30 Now, this battle that we're going to see here
10:34 at the beginning of Daniel chapter 8 is taking place
10:36 on a horizontal level on earth.
10:39 There is no indication that these nations are in
10:42 controversy or in conflict with God.
10:44 This is a geographical fight among nations
10:47 on a horizontal level.
10:49 There is no fight against God in the early part of the chapter.
10:54 Notice Daniel chapter 8 and verse 4.
10:57 Oh by the way, do you remember that the bear
11:00 was raise up on one side in Daniel chapter 7?
11:03 And here we have one horn that's what?
11:06 That's higher than the other.
11:07 See, it's parallel.
11:09 Now Daniel chapter 8 and verse 4.
11:11 "I saw the ram," which represents the
11:14 Medes and Persians...
11:20 How many ribs did the bear have in its mouth in Daniel 7?
11:24 Three.
11:25 And here, the ram conquers in three directions.
11:29 Westward would be Babylon, 539.
11:32 Northward would be Lydia, 546.
11:35 And southward would be Egypt, in the year 525.
11:39 And it continues saying...
11:51 Now remember that, the ram became what?
11:54 The ram became great.
11:56 That's important.
11:58 Now we have another power that rises.
12:00 Go with me to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 5.
12:13 It's interesting, a male goat came from the west.
12:15 Do you know that Greece is west of Persia?
12:19 And do you know that Daniel was in Persia
12:22 when he received this vision?
12:24 And so he sees this beast coming from the west.
12:27 What nation does this beast represent, this he goat?
12:30 Greece.
12:31 Interesting, even the points of the compass
12:34 are precise and exact.
12:36 And so it says, "And as I was considering,
12:38 suddenly a male goat..."
12:50 What beast represented Greece in Daniel chapter 7?
12:54 A leopard. Is a leopard swift?
12:56 Yes, but the leopard had what?
12:58 Four wings of a bird, super swift.
13:01 Here, the he goat, which represents the same power,
13:03 is so swift that it's flying.
13:07 Have you ever seen a flying goat?
13:09 Oh my.
13:10 He is really conquering in a hurry.
13:13 By the way, as I mentioned yesterday, the prophecy
13:17 tells us that Alexander the Great was represented
13:21 by a notable horn.
13:22 In fact, let's read it.
13:23 And then I'll tell you something about Alexander the Great.
13:26 It says that this he goat came without touching the ground.
13:30 "And the goat had a..." What?
13:32 "...a notable horn between his eyes."
13:35 Which, later on in chapter 8, says that it
13:38 represents the first king of this nation;
13:41 which is Alexander the Great.
13:44 Alexander the Great ruled from Athens all the way
13:47 to the Indus Valley.
13:50 In three years he conquered the known world.
13:54 And he died when he was only 33 years old
13:58 of a drunken binge because he didn't have anything more to do.
14:01 He didn't have anything more to conquer.
14:03 Amazing.
14:04 He was swift.
14:06 Notice Daniel chapter 8 and verses 6 and 7.
14:36 Is this battle still taking place horizontally on earth?
14:40 Is this an earthly battle?
14:41 Any indication that the he goat has any bone
14:46 to pick with the Lord?
14:47 Absolutely not, this is a geographical fight
14:50 among nations on a horizontal level.
14:53 Now let's notice Daniel chapter 8 and verse 8.
15:03 Ah, the ram grew what?
15:07 Great.
15:08 Now we see that the he goat grows what?
15:11 Very great.
15:13 Don't forget that because we're going to come back to it.
15:14 "Therefore, the male goat," which represents Greece,
15:18 grew very great; but when he became strong..."
15:23 In other words, at the climax of his strength, what happened?
15:27 "...the large horn was broken."
15:33 Alexander the Great died when Greece was at the apex
15:36 of its power.
15:38 In a drunken binge, like I mentioned.
15:40 And notice what happened.
15:42 It continues saying...
15:53 How many heads did the leopard have?
15:55 The leopard had four heads.
15:57 Now how many horns come when this great horn is broken?
16:03 Four.
16:05 So Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 are parallel prophecies.
16:11 Now you need to understand what happened
16:14 after Alexander the Great died.
16:16 After he died, there was a struggle among his generals
16:19 to gain power in the kingdom.
16:22 And for a while sometimes there were three kingdoms,
16:25 sometimes there were four kingdoms,
16:27 sometimes there were even two kingdoms.
16:29 But finally, four kingdoms emerged from what had been
16:35 Alexander's empire.
16:37 I want to read you a statement that is found in the book
16:40 by W. W. Tarn, Hellenistic Civilization, page 6
16:45 where he explains these four kingdoms.
16:48 He says this...
16:49 "By 275, three dynasties descended from
16:54 three of his generals, and they were well established."
16:58 The Seleucids..."
17:00 Which by the way ruled from 312 to the year 63 BC.
17:05 He says, "The Seleucids ruled much of what had been
17:08 the Persian Empire in Asia.
17:10 The Ptolemies," who ruled from 323 to 30 BC, "ruled Egypt.
17:17 And the Antigonids," who ruled from 283 to 168,
17:21 "ruled Macedonia."
17:24 And then he says this.
17:25 "A Fourth European dynasty not connected with Alexander,
17:31 the Attalids of Pergamum," 263 to 133, "subsequently
17:39 grew up in Asia Minor at Seleucid's expense
17:44 and became great by the favor of Rome."
17:49 So the four kingdoms that arose, four stable kingdoms
17:55 that lasted a significant period of time,
17:57 were the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, the Antigonids,
18:01 and the Attalids in Pergamum.
18:06 Now I want to just mention that many scholars,
18:09 probably most Roman Catholic scholars and Protestant scholars
18:12 believe that the little horn that is going to come from
18:16 these four horns at the four winds represents a nasty
18:21 individual called Antiochus Epiphanes.
18:24 He was a Syrian ruler that ruled from the
18:27 year 171 to the year 163 BC.
18:32 I want to tell you that I do not share the idea that
18:36 this little horn of Daniel 8 that comes forth from
18:39 the four horns represents Antiochus Epiphanes.
18:43 Because there are too many parallels between the
18:45 little horn of Daniel chapter 7 and the little horn of Daniel 8
18:49 that indicate that this represents the same power.
18:51 Let me just mention some of those parallels.
18:54 First of all, both are referred to as a horn.
18:58 And even though Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 are in
19:01 two different languages, Daniel 7 is in Aramaic
19:04 and Daniel chapter 8 is in Hebrew, the same Hebrew
19:08 word, "qeren," is used to describe the horn.
19:11 The identical word for the horn of Daniel 7 and the
19:14 horn of Daniel 8.
19:15 Secondly, both are described as little.
19:18 In the third place, both of them become great
19:22 after they had a small beginning.
19:24 In the fourth place, both are described as persecuting powers.
19:29 In the fifth place, the persecution is against
19:32 the same target group.
19:34 That is, against the people of the saints of the Most High.
19:38 In the sixth place, both of them are self-exalting
19:42 and blasphemous powers.
19:44 In the seventh place, both are distinguished
19:47 by crafty intelligence.
19:49 One has the eyes of a man, in Daniel chapter 7.
19:52 And in Daniel chapter 8, the little horn understands riddles
19:56 and cunning and deceit.
19:59 Number eight, both of these represent the final power
20:03 that will rule upon this earth.
20:05 Number nine, both of these horns have to do with prophetic time.
20:11 Number ten, both of these horns extend until
20:15 the time of the end.
20:16 And number eleven, both of the horns are supernaturally
20:20 destroyed when Jesus comes.
20:22 In other words, the little horn of Daniel 8 represents
20:25 the same power as the little horn of Daniel chapter 7.
20:28 I want to read a statement by an individual who was
20:31 my teacher at the seminary in Michigan, Andrews University.
20:34 William Shea, a tremendous Old Testament scholar.
20:38 In the book, Symposium on Daniel, page 187,
20:41 this is what he says.
20:43 "If the prophet," that is, if Daniel, "had desired to
20:46 represent different powers in this final position
20:50 he could easily have used different symbols to do so.
20:54 But instead, he used the same symbol of a little horn
20:59 at the end of the vision in chapter 8
21:01 as he did at the end of the vision in chapter 7.
21:05 This commonality of representation suggests
21:09 that the same symbol has been used to refer to the same power
21:15 in both cases."
21:17 So in other words, the little horn of Daniel 7
21:20 and the little horn of Daniel 8 represents basically
21:23 the same power.
21:24 Now, there's a problem.
21:27 In Daniel chapter 7, the little horn rises from the
21:31 head of the fourth beast.
21:33 In Daniel chapter 8, the little horn rises
21:37 from one of the four horns that were a part of
21:41 Alexander the Great's broken up empire.
21:44 So you say it gives the impression that in
21:47 Daniel chapter 7 this little horn comes from Rome,
21:51 but in Daniel chapter 8 this little horn comes from
21:54 one of the four divisions of the empire of Greece;
21:57 the empire of Alexander the Great.
21:59 Well this problem is not as difficult as some
22:03 people would believe.
22:05 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 9.
22:08 It says here, "And out of one of them..."
22:11 That is, out of one of the four horns at the four winds.
22:26 Is there a progression here?
22:28 The ram was what?
22:30 Great.
22:31 The he goat was what?
22:33 Very great.
22:35 And the little horn is exceeding great.
22:40 That's why I don't believe that this little horn
22:42 can be Antiochus Epiphanes.
22:43 Antiochus Epiphanes was a non-entity in history.
22:48 He wasn't greater than the Medes and Persians and the Greeks.
22:52 There are other reasons why this little horn
22:54 is not Antiochus Epiphanes.
22:56 And so notice what it continues saying.
22:58 "And out of one of them," out of one of the four horns
23:01 to the four winds, "came a little horn which grew
23:03 exceedingly great toward the east," that is, towards Greece,
23:10 Asia Minor, and Syria, "and toward the south,"
23:14 that's Egypt, "and toward the Glorious Land,"
23:18 that is Israel.
23:21 Now listen carefully.
23:22 There's one kingdom that conquered in those
23:25 three directions to rise to power.
23:28 And that nation was what?
23:31 Rome.
23:33 If you look at history, you'll find that Rome conquered
23:37 the south, Egypt; it conquered towards the east, Greece,
23:41 Asia Minor, and Syria where the previous power had ruled;
23:45 and the Glorious Land, which is what?
23:49 The land of Israel.
23:51 Now listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
23:54 In Daniel chapter 8, the little horn represents both
23:58 pagan Rome and papal Rome.
24:02 And you'll notice as we study this prophecy
24:05 that the little horn at first conquers only horizontally
24:11 and geographically.
24:13 But suddenly that little horn that is only conquering...
24:17 According to this, where?
24:19 The south, the east, and the Glorious Land.
24:22 Suddenly he shifts.
24:25 And now he's fighting against whom?
24:27 He's fighting against the God of heaven.
24:29 Is this true of what happened in Daniel 7 with Rome?
24:33 The iron monarchy of Rome conquered how?
24:36 Horizontally.
24:38 But then suddenly the little horn, which is also Rome,
24:41 now does what?
24:42 It speaks blasphemies against the Most High,
24:45 and it persecuted the saints of the Most High,
24:47 and it thinks it can change the law of the Most High.
24:51 Now you say, "Why is this little horn portrayed as coming
24:54 from one of the four kingdoms that came from the kingdom
24:59 of Alexander the Great?"
25:01 Let me tell you why.
25:02 The reason why is because historians, such as Virgil...
25:06 You ever heard of Virgil?
25:08 ...Seneca, and other historians of Rome, make it very clear
25:15 that Roman religion and Roman civilization
25:19 and Roman culture had their origins in Asia Minor,
25:25 specifically in Pergamum.
25:27 And that was one of the kingdoms into which
25:30 the kingdom of Alexander the Great was divided.
25:33 In other words, it is strictly true that the Roman Empire
25:38 grew out of Asia Minor.
25:41 It grew out of the kingdom of Pergamum, which was
25:44 one of the four kingdoms that were formed after the fall
25:49 of Alexander the Great.
25:52 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 10.
25:56 By the way, if you're interested in studying this
25:58 more extensively, I wrote a document, it's about
26:02 30 pages long, on the whole message of Daniel chapter 8.
26:08 And it has a lot more material than what I'm able to
26:11 present here tonight and in our next lecture.
26:13 So if you really want to get into an in-depth study of
26:17 these things, I have quotations from historians and so on
26:19 showing that Roman civilization, religion,
26:23 culture, arose from one of those kingdoms of Greece.
26:27 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 10.
26:29 Suddenly this little horn, who's only concerned with conquering
26:34 geographically and horizontally, suddenly, like the little horn
26:38 of Daniel chapter 7, it starts fighting against
26:41 the God of heaven.
26:43 Now his fight becomes vertical.
26:45 Notice Daniel chapter 8 and verse 10.
26:47 It says, "And it grew up to the..." What?
27:00 Now the question is, what is represented by the host
27:03 or by these stars?
27:05 You know, we might be tempted to think that they were angels,
27:07 but somehow I don't think that the little horn was
27:11 able to grab the angels and thrown them to the ground
27:14 and trample on them.
27:15 In fact, the Bible uses the word "host," not only to
27:18 describe the heavenly host of God, but to describe
27:22 His earthly people, His earthly army.
27:24 Because in Scripture, the church is described as what?
27:29 As an army.
27:30 Let me prove that.
27:32 Go with me to 1 Samuel chapter 17 and verse 45.
27:38 1 Samuel chapter 17 and verse 45.
27:42 This is speaking about the time that David met Goliath.
27:45 And it says there, "Then David said to the Philistine,
27:49 'You come to me with sword, with a spear, and with a javelin.
27:54 But I come to you in the name of the...'" What?
27:58 "...of the Lord of hosts..."
28:01 And now notice who the hosts are.
28:04 "...the Lord of hosts, the God of the..." What?
28:07 "...of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled."
28:12 So what is the host?
28:13 The armies of what?
28:15 The armies of Israel.
28:16 So what is this little horn doing?
28:18 Who is he casting down?
28:20 In Daniel 7, it says that the little horn would persecute
28:23 the saints of the Most High.
28:25 So here, the stars or God's host represents what?
28:30 It represents God's people.
28:32 Later on in the chapter we're going to find this
28:34 very clearly expressed.
28:36 And so the first thing that this little horn does is
28:40 the same thing as the little horn of Daniel 7.
28:42 He persecutes the saints and he throws them to the ground
28:46 and he tramples them.
28:48 But then you'll notice in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 11
28:52 that he goes even further.
28:53 It says in Daniel 8:11...
29:03 The leader of the host, in other words.
29:08 "...and by him," that is, by the little horn,
29:11 "the daily sacrifices..."
29:13 You need to delete that word "sacrifices,"
29:15 because it is not in the Hebrew.
29:18 It's only the word "daily."
29:20 And we'll come to that in a minute.
29:37 Interesting.
29:38 Now the question is, who is this Prince of the host?
29:42 Well, this identical expression is used only in one other place
29:47 in the whole Bible, "the Prince of the host."
29:50 It's not translated the same, but it's the
29:51 identical expression.
29:53 Joshua chapter 5 and verses 13 through 15.
29:57 Joshua chapter 5 and verses 13 through 15.
29:59 Let's find out who this Prince of the host is
30:02 from whom the daily is taken away
30:04 and the Sanctuary is cast down.
30:07 Notice Joshua 5 verse 13.
30:09 This is outside of the city of Jericho.
30:11 We read this once before.
30:13 And Joshua meets this man with a sword in his hand.
30:16 It says, "And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho
30:20 that he lifted his eyes and looked.
30:22 And behold, a man stood opposite him with his sword
30:26 drawn in his hand.
30:28 And Joshua went to him and said to him,
30:30 'Are you for us or for our adversaries?'
30:35 So He said, 'No, but as Commander of the army
30:40 of the Lord I have now come.'"
30:43 That expression, "Commander of the army of the Lord,"
30:46 is the identical expression, "Prince of the host."
30:49 It's not translated the same, but in Hebrew it's identical.
30:53 And so He says, "'No, but as Commander of the army
30:57 of the Lord I have now come.'
30:58 And Joshua..." What did Joshua do?
31:01 Oh, it says he, "fell on his face to the earth..."
31:05 And what?
31:06 Was this a common ordinary man?
31:09 No, this was Jesus.
31:10 "...and said to Him, 'What does my Lord say to His servant?'
31:15 Then the Commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua,
31:19 'Take your sandal off your foot, for the place
31:23 where you stand is holy.'"
31:26 Who was that Prince of the host?
31:28 It's none other than Jesus Christ.
31:31 So what does the little horn do?
31:34 He even attacks the Prince of the host, Jesus Christ.
31:38 And he takes away from Jesus, what?
31:41 The daily.
31:42 And he casts the Sanctuary to the ground.
31:45 Now you say, "What is meant by that, the daily?"
31:49 As I mentioned, the word, "sacrifice," is not there.
31:52 It's added by the translators, but it is nowhere to be found
31:56 in the original Hebrew.
31:58 You see, the translators, they felt that this little horn
32:01 represented Antiochus Epiphanes.
32:03 And Antiochus Epiphanes eliminated the sacrifices
32:07 in the temple for three years.
32:08 So because they're thinking Antiochus Epiphanes,
32:11 they're translating, "daily sacrifices."
32:13 The fact is that the word "daily" here is an adjective
32:17 that has no noun to qualify.
32:20 The word simply means, something that goes on and on and on
32:24 without interruption.
32:26 In other words, it's a technical term.
32:28 It should be understood, not as an adjective,
32:31 although technically it is, it should be understood as a noun.
32:36 And of course the question is, he took away the daily what?
32:42 Well it must have something to do with the Sanctuary, right?
32:45 Because the whole theme of Daniel chapter 8
32:47 is the Sanctuary, correct?
32:49 Even the two animals that you find in Daniel chapter 8
32:52 are the two most important animals of the Sanctuary.
32:55 The daily service, morning and evening, a ram was sacrificed.
33:00 And the yearly service, a he goat was sacrificed.
33:04 So God is saying by choosing these two beasts,
33:06 the central theme of Daniel 8 is what?
33:10 The Sanctuary.
33:11 So the question is, the little horn took away the daily.
33:14 The question is, the daily what?
33:17 Well, we need to look at the answer in the Sanctuary.
33:20 Is that word used in connection with the Sanctuary?
33:23 It most certainly is.
33:25 Now allow me to tell you that this word is used
33:29 in connection with the ministry of the priest in the court
33:34 and in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
33:37 It's never used to refer to anything that the priest does
33:40 in the Most Holy Place.
33:42 It's used to refer to what he did in the court and in the
33:45 Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
33:47 Let me mention several verses where this very word,
33:51 "tamid," is used.
33:53 Exodus 28 and verse 30.
33:55 And we're going to go quickly.
33:56 Exodus 28 and verse 30.
33:59 The high priest who ministered in the Holy Place,
34:03 the Bible says that he ministered continually.
34:06 Notice what it says there.
34:25 "Continually," that's the word "tamid."
34:27 Notice the similar language in Hebrews 7:23-25
34:31 where it talks about Jesus.
34:33 Hebrews 7 verses 23 through 25.
34:36 Speaking about the old system, it says...
34:45 See that word, "continuing?"
34:47 They couldn't continue because they what?
34:49 Because they died. And now notice...
35:11 Is the intercession of Jesus Christ continual?
35:15 Is it tamid?
35:16 See, it really shouldn't even be translated "daily."
35:19 It should be translated, "continual."
35:22 Notice Exodus chapter 29 and verse 42.
35:26 The sacrifices that were offered morning and evening
35:28 are also referred to by the word "tamid," continual.
35:33 It says...
35:43 Notice, the offering was what?
35:45 The continual burnt offering.
35:48 The fire that was used to burn the sacrifices
35:51 was also a continual fire.
35:54 Notice Leviticus chapter 6 and verse 13.
36:04 In other words, it was to be burning continually.
36:08 The table of showbread, the bread on the table,
36:11 it called the continual bread.
36:14 Notice Exodus chapter 25 and verse 30.
36:17 Exodus chapter 25 and verse 30.
36:19 "And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always."
36:24 It's translated "always," but it's the word "tamid."
36:26 It could be translated, "You shall set the showbread
36:29 on the table before Me continually."
36:33 Notice also that the seven lamps of the Holy Place
36:36 are called the continual lamps.
36:38 Leviticus chapter 24 and verses 1 through 4.
36:41 Leviticus chapter 24 and verses 1 through 4.
36:54 There's the word, "continually."
37:03 "Continually," there's the word again.
37:13 "Continually," once again the same word.
37:16 So the continual refers to the sacrifice, to the ministration
37:19 of the priest in the Holy Place, to the fire that was
37:21 offered in the court.
37:23 It refers to the showbread, it refers to the seven lamps.
37:26 It also refers to the golden altar of incense
37:29 in the Holy Place.
37:30 Notice Exodus chapter 30 and verse 8.
37:32 Exodus chapter 30 and verse 8.
37:42 Well the translation says, "a perpetual incense."
37:46 It's the same identical word.
37:47 It could be, "a continual incense before the Lord
37:51 throughout your generations."
37:54 Now let me ask you, what did the altar and the lampstand
38:01 and the showbread and the priest and the
38:05 altar of incense represent?
38:08 They represented different aspects of the
38:11 saving ministry of whom?
38:13 Of the saving ministry of Jesus Christ.
38:17 Now notice, the place of the Sanctuary was going to be what?
38:20 Cast down to the earth.
38:23 Where does Jesus minister?
38:25 He ministers in the heavenly Sanctuary.
38:27 What was the little horn going to do?
38:29 The little horn was going to take the heavenly ministry
38:32 of Christ and he was going to cast it where?
38:35 To the earth.
38:36 He was going to establish a rival earthly ministry
38:39 in place of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
38:43 Let me ask you, how many times does Jesus have to die?
38:48 The book of Hebrews chapter 7 verse 27 says
38:50 that He dies once for all.
38:54 But in the Roman Catholic Church, they teach that
38:56 at every mass Jesus Christ is sacrificed once again.
39:01 Interesting.
39:02 But there's more.
39:04 They believe that in the little wafer host, Jesus is contained
39:09 in each one of those wafer hosts.
39:11 If there's ten million people participating in the host,
39:14 Christ is fully and completely in each one of them.
39:18 Furthermore, the interesting thing is that this little host
39:24 is what shape?
39:26 Round.
39:27 And what color is it?
39:29 It's yellow.
39:32 What is round and yellow?
39:35 The sun.
39:36 Now listen carefully.
39:38 The host is kept in an artifact that is called, the tabernacle.
39:44 It other words, it's a little circle
39:45 and the host is placed inside.
39:47 And you know, outside the place where you put the host,
39:50 there are the rays of the sun sprouting out.
39:54 I don't know whether you've ever seen that at the
39:56 Roman Catholic Church.
39:57 But it's very interesting.
39:59 And Catholics are told that when the host is raised up,
40:03 they are to bow and they are to what?
40:06 They are to worship the host, because Jesus is in the host.
40:11 Furthermore...
40:13 Listen to what I'm going to say.
40:14 ...the Roman Catholic Church teaches that when the priests
40:17 pronounces those words, "Hoc est corpus meum,"
40:21 "That is my body," he says it in Latin in the traditional way,
40:25 what he does is he creates Jesus Christ
40:30 really and truly in the host.
40:33 And the host is no longer bread, even though
40:36 it appears like bread.
40:37 The appearance doesn't change.
40:39 But it is the real body of Jesus Christ.
40:41 And the grape juice, or the wine, that the priest drinks
40:45 is the real blood of Jesus Christ, even though
40:48 it tastes like grape juice.
40:51 So where is the focus of people in Roman Catholicism?
40:54 Is it upon the body and blood of Jesus Christ
40:58 in heaven who died once for all for us?
41:02 No, it is focused where?
41:04 It is focused on earth.
41:07 And an earthly system cannot save.
41:10 This is very, very serious.
41:12 In fact, do you know that one Roman Catholic theologian
41:14 said that the priest could be called
41:17 the creator of his Creator?
41:20 Because he creates Jesus in the host.
41:24 Amazing.
41:27 What does the candlestick represent?
41:29 We already studied this.
41:30 What does the candlestick represent?
41:33 It represents the oil of the Holy Spirit
41:35 that is given to the church so the church can give what?
41:41 So it can give light.
41:43 What happened during the period of the
41:44 dominion of the little horn?
41:47 The light flickered.
41:48 That's why it's called, what kind of ages?
41:51 It's called the Dark Ages.
41:54 Because the church no longer preached the gospel
41:56 of Jesus Christ, which is spoken of as light in Scripture.
42:00 In other words, it affected the mission and the
42:04 message of the church.
42:07 What about the showbread?
42:08 What does the showbread represent?
42:10 The showbread represents the Word of God.
42:12 Twelve loaves because there's enough to feed all of Israel,
42:15 all of God's people.
42:17 What did the Roman Catholic Church establish in place of
42:21 the Word of God?
42:23 Tradition.
42:24 All kinds of traditions came into the church.
42:27 Purgatory, limbo, celibacy, auricular confession,
42:30 an eternally burning hell, lent, processions, the mass,
42:34 relics, canonizations of saints, the rosary,
42:36 bowing before images, the immaculate conception,
42:39 the assumption of Mary, the baptism of infants
42:42 by sprinkling, novenas, the observance of Sunday.
42:45 I could continue the list.
42:48 None of which are taught in Holy Scripture.
42:51 In other words, instead of the Word of God
42:54 being the rule of the church, the result was that the church
43:00 established tradition.
43:02 And therefore, people were starving to death on earth.
43:05 By the way, at the Council of Toulouse in the year 1229,
43:10 the Roman Catholic Church officially forbade
43:13 lay people from reading the Scriptures.
43:16 And there were other decrees by other councils where
43:18 people were forbidden from reading the Bible.
43:21 That's the reason why Martin Luther, even when he was a monk
43:24 and he discovered a Bible, he was surprised.
43:28 Because the Bible was not accessible.
43:30 It was in Latin.
43:31 In fact, people like Wycliffe, you know, when he translated
43:35 the Bible into English, they burned him at the stake
43:39 for translating the Bible into a language that
43:41 people could understand.
43:43 And so the Roman Catholic Church substituted.
43:46 Instead of the bread, it substituted tradition.
43:49 Let me ask you, what does the altar of incense represent?
43:53 The altar of incense represents that when we pray,
43:56 our prayers are blended with the perfect merits of
43:59 Christ's righteousness and we are accepted
44:02 in the sight of God.
44:04 Question, what did the Roman Catholic Church establish
44:07 in place of the only intercession of Christ?
44:10 We have one mediator between God and man;
44:12 Jesus Christ the Man, Scripture says.
44:15 What does the Roman Catholic Church teach?
44:17 They say that we are suppose to confess to whom?
44:20 We are suppose to confess our sins to a priest,
44:23 an earthly priest.
44:26 And not only that, they say that if we want access
44:29 to Jesus Christ, we have to go through the virgin Mary.
44:33 And we have to go through the saints.
44:35 You know why they teach that?
44:38 Even though they would never admit it, because in their
44:40 theological formulations they don't say this,
44:43 but in practical reality it's this way.
44:46 You see, Jesus is seen by Roman Catholics as a stern judge.
44:53 See, He was human but He really wasn't exactly like one of us.
44:57 So we have to go through someone who can really understand us.
45:01 Like Mary and like the saints.
45:06 And so what do we have happening here?
45:09 All of the functions that belong to Jesus Christ
45:12 in the heavenly Sanctuary, what did the papacy do?
45:16 What did the little horn do?
45:17 It took all of those functions and it placed them where?
45:21 And it placed them on earth.
45:22 Let me ask you, is salvation at stake here?
45:26 It most certainly is.
45:28 Are you understanding what the taking away of the daily is?
45:32 He took away the continual ministration of Christ.
45:35 His feeding the church with the bread,
45:37 His interceding for the church,
45:40 His giving the Holy Spirit to the church
45:43 so that it could shed light,
45:44 the preaching that Jesus died once for all
45:47 for the sins of the world.
45:49 And by the way, the Roman Catholic Church also established
45:52 the idea that, you know, you have to do penance
45:55 in order for your sins to be forgiven.
45:57 So it wasn't enough for Jesus to die on the cross.
46:01 You still have to do part of the payment yourself.
46:05 Are you understanding what Daniel 8 is talking about?
46:08 It's very serious.
46:09 It has to do with salvation.
46:11 Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 12.
46:15 It says, listen carefully...
46:23 The word, "sacrifices," shouldn't be there.
46:25 What does that mean, an army was given to him?
46:28 What did we talk about when we dealt
46:29 with the feet of the image?
46:30 What was joined together?
46:33 Church and what? State.
46:35 How did the church make sure that people kept this
46:39 system going that we talked about?
46:42 The church couldn't do it as a church.
46:43 They had to have an army.
46:45 They had to have a political power to back them up.
46:48 Is that exactly what happened during the Dark Ages?
46:50 Did the church appeal to the arm of the state to
46:53 punish anyone who was not in favor of their beliefs
46:56 and their practices?
46:57 All you have to do is read the history books.
47:01 And so it says...
47:07 Not the daily "sacrifices." The "daily."
47:18 Did the little horn prosper when it was persecuting the saints?
47:22 Absolutely, it prospered.
47:23 Things went well.
47:27 Was it necessary to perform a judgment in heaven
47:29 to rectify things?
47:32 Do you think?
47:33 Absolutely.
47:34 And we're going to be coming to that in a few moments.
47:37 Now notice, it continues saying...
47:41 And by the way, the word that is used here, "prosper,"
47:45 is the same idea that is used in Daniel chapter 7
47:49 for the little horn.
47:51 Now, when we get to this point of the vision,
47:54 the video goes blank.
47:57 And now Daniel can only hear the audio.
48:01 Daniel chapter 8 verses 13 and 14.
48:04 The video goes blank.
48:06 Now he's not seeing, he's only hearing.
48:07 He's hearing a conversation between two angels.
48:23 The word, "vision," that is the word, "chazon."
48:25 Now let me ask you, what does the "chazon" include?
48:29 It includes the whole vision, right?
48:31 Does it include Medo-Persia?
48:33 Does it include Greece?
48:35 Does it include the first king of Greece, the four horns,
48:39 the little horn in its first and second stages?
48:42 That's the vision, that's the "chazon."
48:45 And so the question is, "How long..."
48:47 A better translation would be,
48:48 "Until when will the chazon be..."
48:54 Eliminate the word, "sacrifices."
48:55 Not there.
49:05 You know, we have a similar scene to this in
49:07 Revelation chapter 6 and verses 9 through 11.
49:11 There you have some martyrs that are crying out
49:13 from under the altar.
49:14 This is the fifth seal.
49:15 I wish we had time to speak about this.
49:17 This is the same historical time period.
49:19 And they're crying out and they're saying...
49:21 Because they've been mowed down by the church
49:25 that claims to be the church of Jesus Christ.
49:27 They're crying out, they're saying, "Lord, until when?"
49:30 Same question.
49:32 "Will you not judge and avenge our blood
49:35 on those who have shed our blood upon the earth?"
49:40 Now notice verse 14.
49:43 "And he said to me..."
49:50 Literally, it says in Hebrew, "For two-thousand three-hundred
49:53 evening mornings."
49:55 In other words, units that are composed of evening and morning.
49:58 In other words, days.
49:59 The translation, "days," is good.
50:09 Now listen, there's a very interesting nuance here.
50:12 Before Daniel 8 verse 14, the word that is used for
50:18 "Sanctuary" is the word, "miqdash."
50:23 But in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14, the word for
50:27 "Sanctuary" is changed.
50:30 Instead of the word "miqdash," it uses the word, "qodesh."
50:37 Interesting, "The Sanctuary shall be cleansed."
50:39 It's not the entire Sanctuary that's been talked about.
50:43 It must be something different because
50:45 a different word is used.
50:46 Are you understanding me?
50:48 So the Sanctuary to be cleansed is not the "miqdash,"
50:51 the whole Sanctuary structure.
50:53 It is the "qodesh."
50:56 Which must refer to the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
50:58 And we'll notice that a little bit later on.
51:01 Now notice Daniel 8 verses 15 to 19.
51:09 "The vision;" the chazon.
51:18 That word, "appearance," is the same word that's
51:21 translated, "vision," we're going to notice, in verse 16.
51:27 Notice, so it says...
51:47 "The vision;" the mareh.
51:50 See, if you only were reading in English,
51:54 you wouldn't know that a different word
51:56 is used for "vision" here.
51:58 It's not the word, "chazon."
52:00 It's not referring to the whole vision.
52:02 A different word is used. The word, "mareh."
52:06 Which is the same word that is used here where it says,
52:09 "one appeared to me having the appearance of a man."
52:12 The word, "appearance," is mareh.
52:15 The word, "mareh," is used in connection with the 2300 days.
52:19 With that particular conversation between
52:21 the two heavenly beings.
52:24 Verse 17.
52:34 "The vision;" this is the chazon.
52:56 And then he goes on to explain
52:59 the vision that we just looked at.
53:02 Let's go to Daniel chapter 8 and verse 20 very quickly.
53:05 We have very little time.
53:12 Now comes the explanation.
53:14 Verse 21.
53:23 Verse 22.
53:34 In other words, they're not going to be descendants
53:36 of Alexander the Great.
53:39 Is he explaining the vision?
53:41 Absolutely, the whole vision.
53:44 Verse 23.
53:47 That is, of the four.
53:51 "A king shall arise..."
53:52 This is the little horn, by the way.
53:59 In other words, he's a crafty politician.
54:02 Verse 24.
54:10 Why not by his own power?
54:13 Where is he going to get his power from?
54:15 What was given to him?
54:17 An army was given him.
54:20 In Daniel 7, who was it that helped him?
54:24 The iron monarchy of Rome.
54:26 The iron mixed with the clay.
54:28 And so it says in verse 24, "His power shall be mighty,
54:33 but not by his own power.
54:34 He shall..." What?
54:43 Ah, there's the host explained.
54:45 He was going to destroy what?
54:46 The holy people.
54:48 That's the stars that he was going to trample.
54:50 Now comes the last part which has to do with
54:52 the Prince of the host.
54:53 Verse 25.
54:55 See, he's a shrewd politician.
54:58 He's going to use deceit to prosper under his rule.
55:04 Is he going to be a haughty power like the little horn
55:06 who spoke blasphemies against the Most High
55:09 and tried to occupy the place of the Most High?
55:11 Absolutely.
55:13 And notice...
55:17 And now notice the last part.
55:24 That's the same as the "Prince of the host", right?
55:26 Is he explaining every element of this vision?
55:28 Absolutely.
55:30 And then he says...
55:33 But there was one part that he did not explain.
55:37 The one part he did not explain was the conversation
55:40 between the two angels; the time period.
55:43 He ends with the Prince of princes.
55:45 Let's notice verse 26.
55:47 "And the vision..." This is the mareh.
55:49 The conversation of the two, the appearance.
55:54 See, we know what the "mareh" is.
55:55 It has to do with the 2300 days, with the evening and mornings.
56:08 What was the only thing that was not explained
56:10 in Daniel chapter 8?
56:12 The 2300 day aspect.
56:14 Do you know why?
56:16 Because Daniel got sick.
56:19 Notice verse 27.
56:33 "The vision;" that is the mareh, not the chazon.
56:35 Had the "chazon" been explained?
56:37 Yes.
56:38 "I was astonished at the mareh, but no one understood it."
56:44 What didn't he understand?
56:46 He understood the chazon because God told him through Gabriel.
56:49 Everything up to the Prince of the host.
56:51 But the only thing that was left unexplained was what?
56:55 The time period.
56:57 The 2300 days.
56:59 Now the big question is, how can you know
57:03 where the 2300 days end if you don't know where they begin?
57:10 Daniel 8 doesn't tell us where they begin.
57:12 Where would you expect to find in the Bible the place
57:15 that would tell you where the 2300 days begin?
57:18 How about the next chapter?
57:22 We're going to notice in our next study that the
57:24 next chapter tells us the exact date for the beginning
57:28 of the cleansing of the Sanctuary.


Revised 2014-12-17