His Way is in the Sanctuary

The Bible's Foundational Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000010

00:33 Let's pray.
00:35 Father in heaven, what a joy it is once again to
00:38 come into Your presence knowing that You are the God who
00:42 knows the end from the beginning.
00:46 And therefore, You can mold history to fulfill Your plan.
00:52 We ask, Father, that as we study this great prophecy of
00:55 Daniel 2 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us to instruct us.
01:00 Help us, Lord, to admire You more each day.
01:04 Because You are the God who knows the end
01:07 from the beginning.
01:09 All wise, omniscient, all powerful, eternal.
01:14 Thank You for being a wonderful Father.
01:17 And thank You for answering our prayer.
01:19 For we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:25 In the next two lectures, we are going to be dealing with
01:29 some foundational material for what we are going to study
01:33 in the rest of our seminar.
01:35 We are now going to begin to transition to the
01:38 Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary.
01:42 Now this evening, you're not going to see the connection
01:47 of what we're talking about with the Sanctuary.
01:50 But believe me, what we're going to study tonight
01:52 is foundational for what we're going to study tomorrow,
01:55 and very foundational for understanding Daniel 8
01:59 which specifically addresses the theme of the Sanctuary.
02:05 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to
02:08 Daniel chapter 2, which will be our chapter of study for today.
02:13 The first thing that I want us to notice is that God knew
02:19 what King Nebuchadnezzar was thinking when he laid down
02:24 on his bed.
02:26 God is able to read our thoughts.
02:29 Here is a biblical evidence that God reads thoughts.
02:33 It says there in Daniel chapter 2 and verse 29,
02:37 here Daniel is speaking to the king...
03:00 What was Nebuchadnezzar thinking about when he went to bed?
03:03 He was thinking about the future of his kingdom.
03:08 Because it says here, "Thoughts came to your mind
03:11 while on your bed about what would come to pass after this."
03:16 Did God know what Nebuchadnezzar was thinking?
03:19 He most certainly did.
03:20 So God says to Nebuchadnezzar, "So you're interested in knowing
03:24 what is going to happen in the future?
03:26 Okay, I'm going to give you a dream
03:28 so that you understand what's going to happen in the future."
03:32 And so in Daniel chapter 2 and verse 1, we have this dream
03:37 or mention of the dream.
03:39 It says there in Daniel chapter 2 and verse 1...
03:54 So Nebuchadnezzar is thinking about the future of his kingdom.
03:58 God knows what he's thinking.
04:00 And so God says, "Okay Nebuchadnezzar,
04:02 I'm going to give you a dream so that you have an answer
04:07 to your concerns about the future."
04:10 And so God gives Nebuchadnezzar this dream.
04:14 But then Nebuchadnezzar wakes up and he can't remember the dream.
04:19 Notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 3.
04:23 He says to the wise men of Babylon...
04:34 In other words, he woke up and he forgot the dream.
04:37 Now who do you think led Nebuchadnezzar to
04:39 forget his dream?
04:41 It was God.
04:43 You say, "What possible purpose could God have
04:47 in giving the king a dream and then the king waking up
04:52 and God having him forget the dream?
04:53 What possible purpose could there be in this?"
04:57 God had a purpose.
04:59 You see, God knew that the first thing that Nebuchadnezzar
05:03 would do would be to call the experts of Babylon
05:07 to tell him his dream and what the dream meant.
05:10 Is that exactly what Nebuchadnezzar did?
05:12 He most certainly did.
05:13 Notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 2.
05:26 Which, by the way, were the priestly cast of Babylon.
05:35 Did God know that Nebuchadnezzar was going to call the
05:38 astrologers and the magicians and the sorcerers
05:41 to tell the king his dream?
05:44 God knew it.
05:45 What was God's purpose in leading Nebuchadnezzar
05:47 to forget his dream?
05:49 The purpose was that these individuals should appear
05:53 before the king and they would not be able to
05:56 tell the king his dream.
05:58 And everybody would see that the religion of Babylon
06:02 was bankrupt.
06:05 In other words, God wanted to unmask these so-called experts.
06:10 He wanted to show that magic, astrology, sorcery
06:15 does not work.
06:17 And the only way to do this would be to give the king
06:20 his dream and lead the king to forget his dream
06:23 so the he would call these so-called experts
06:26 so that God could unmask them and show that the religion of
06:30 Babylon was bankrupt.
06:34 And that's exactly what happened.
06:36 Notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 10.
06:38 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 10.
07:03 In other words, "King, what you're asking is unreasonable.
07:06 If you told us your dream, we would be able to tell you
07:09 what the dream means.
07:11 But you want us to tell you the dream itself.
07:14 There's no individual who could ever do that on earth."
07:19 And then I want you to notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 11.
07:23 There was only one source that would be able to
07:26 tell the king his dream.
07:28 And what was that source, according to the magicians?
07:32 Daniel 2 and verse 11.
07:45 And there's three key words that I want us to notice here.
07:56 Do you know what they're saying?
07:57 They're saying, "The gods that we serve like to conceal.
08:04 They like to keep secrets.
08:07 And only if they should choose to reveal the dream
08:11 could we know what the dream is."
08:14 In other words, what they're saying is, "Our gods conceal.
08:18 They hide. They keep secrets."
08:21 Let me ask you, is that the picture that you get
08:24 from the God of the Bible?
08:26 Absolutely not.
08:27 Notice Amos chapter 3 and verse 7.
08:30 Amos chapter 3 and verse 7.
08:33 You see, God is not a God who conceals.
08:36 God is a God who reveals.
08:38 God is not a God who keeps secrets.
08:41 God is a God who reveals secrets.
08:45 Notice Amos chapter 3 and verse 7.
09:01 Notice Daniel 2 verse 29, which we already read.
09:05 Let's read it again, Daniel 2 verse 29.
09:23 Is there a contrast between the pagan gods and the biblical God?
09:27 Absolutely.
09:28 The pagan gods, they have this information
09:31 but they conceal it, they hide it.
09:33 They don't want to reveal it.
09:35 But the God of the Bible is the God who reveals the secrets
09:39 to His servants, the prophets.
09:41 Now do you remember the three key words?
09:44 "Except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh."
09:50 Can you think of another verse in the Bible
09:52 that uses those three words?
09:55 John chapter 1 and verse 1, and then verse 14.
10:02 What does verse 1 say?
10:03 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
10:07 and the Word was God."
10:10 There you have one key word.
10:11 And then verse 14 says, "And the Word," who is God,
10:16 "became..." What?
10:18 There's the second key word.
10:20 "...became flesh..."
10:21 And then what does it say? And what?
10:23 "...and dwelt among us."
10:26 Who is the great revealer of God's secrets?
10:29 Jesus Christ in person.
10:32 And so it says...
10:45 Let me ask you, is the devil able to read our thoughts?
10:51 No.
10:52 Do you know how we know that?
10:54 Because the devil was dying to tell the astrologers
10:56 what the dream was so that he could show that the
10:59 religion of Babylon was true.
11:01 And yet he was not able to do it.
11:04 Now the devil, when he sees that God has unmasked his religion,
11:08 he says, "Okay, what I'm going to do now is I am going to
11:13 kill Daniel and I'm going to kill his three friends."
11:16 Because the devil had already seen that these young men
11:19 were a potential problem for him.
11:22 Because in chapter 1 these three young men, along with Daniel,
11:26 had been faithful to God in their eating
11:29 and in their drinking.
11:30 And so the devil says, "These individuals
11:32 are a potential problem for me.
11:35 And so what I'm going to do now, God unmasked my
11:39 religious leaders, but now I'm going to have them killed
11:41 and I'm going to have Daniel and his three friends killed too.
11:44 And the problem is going to be solved."
11:47 Notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 12.
12:01 Verse 13.
12:08 And whom did they seek?
12:18 But God says to the devil, "Not so quick, buddy.
12:23 You intend to kill Daniel and his three friends.
12:28 But you know what I'm going to do?
12:29 What I'm going to do is I'm going to bring them
12:32 into prominence in the kingdom by your attempt to kill them."
12:37 Is that exactly what happened?
12:39 Notice at the end of this story, Daniel chapter 2
12:42 verses 48 and 49, now Daniel and his three friends
12:46 become famous in the kingdom.
12:48 In other words, instead of being destroyed
12:50 like the devil intended, God allowed them to be
12:54 brought before the king so that they could occupy
12:56 prominent positions in the kingdom and influence
12:59 the kingdom for decades.
13:02 Daniel chapter 2 verses 48 and 49.
13:34 So do you see what's happening here?
13:36 We have a play and a counterplay.
13:38 God knows what the king is thinking and he says,
13:39 "Okay, I know what you're thinking.
13:40 Here's a dream so that you know what's going to happen."
13:45 And then when he wakes up, God says, "Forget the dream.
13:47 Because I want to unmask these charlatans."
13:49 And so the king calls these individuals.
13:53 The religion of Babylon is unmasked so the devil says,
13:56 "Oh yeah, I'm going to kill Your men."
13:57 God says, "No you're not.
13:59 I'm going to bring them to prominence in the kingdom."
14:02 There's a play and a counterplay that is taking place here
14:06 between two forces; the force of good and the force of evil,
14:09 between God and Satan.
14:12 Now let me ask you, what method did God use to show
14:15 Daniel the dream?
14:17 He said to Daniel, "Daniel, wait until it's nighttime
14:21 and you can go out and look at the stars."
14:28 He said, "Daniel, go before the king and tell him to show you
14:34 the palm of his hand."
14:37 No.
14:39 He said, "Daniel, go to a medium and have the medium try to
14:44 conjure up the dead."
14:46 No.
14:47 How did God reveal his secret to His prophets?
14:51 Notice Daniel chapter 2 verses 17 and 18.
14:54 Daniel 2:17-18
15:02 Which are their Hebrew names, by the way.
15:17 Ah, see there's that word, "secret," again.
15:29 What method did Daniel use for God to reveal His secret
15:34 concerning the future?
15:36 He used prayer.
15:39 If we want to know what's in store for our life,
15:41 what do we use?
15:43 We don't go visit astrologers.
15:46 We don't go to a palm reader.
15:48 We don't look at the signs of the zodiac.
15:51 We don't go to consult the supposed spirits of the dead.
15:55 We pray to God that God will reveal His secret to us.
16:01 You know, history is like a game of chess.
16:06 Some of you have heard this comparison before.
16:08 You know, there's this chessboard.
16:11 On one side of the table, God is seated.
16:14 And on the other side of the table, Satan is seated.
16:18 And the movements of the pawns on the board
16:22 are the movements of history.
16:24 And so God says to Satan, "Your move."
16:30 And so the devil moves in history.
16:32 And then God says, "Ha ha, you moved.
16:35 My turn."
16:37 And so God moves to counteract what the devil has done.
16:41 And so history develops as a play and a counterplay;
16:45 Satan trying to interrupt God's plans and God implementing
16:50 His plans.
16:52 Now let me ask you, is the devil playing at a disadvantage?
16:58 He most certainly is.
16:59 If you could play a game of chess where you already knew
17:03 all of the moves that the other player was going to make,
17:07 how much of a chance would there be that you could lose?
17:10 Absolutely none.
17:12 If you knew all of the moves that the other player
17:14 was going to make, there's no way you could lose.
17:16 See, the devil has to guess how God is going to play.
17:20 But God knows every move that the devil is going to make.
17:24 And therefore, He can take measures to counteract
17:27 the moves that the devil wants to make in human history.
17:30 Because God knows the end from the beginning.
17:35 Now let's talk about the dream.
17:38 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 31.
17:40 Daniel 2 and verse 31.
17:43 Here, Daniel says to the king...
18:03 And then you have the dream itself.
18:07 Beginning with verse 32, it says, "The image's head
18:11 was of fine gold."
18:12 Use your imagination.
18:13 You have a handout that has the sequence.
18:16 But use your imagination now.
18:36 So you have gold, silver, bronze, iron,
18:40 and iron and clay.
18:42 And then notice verse 34.
19:20 And so we have several important symbols in this passage.
19:24 We have a head of gold, breast and arms of silver,
19:28 belly of bronze, legs of iron, feet of iron and clay.
19:34 And then you have a stone that is cut out of a mountain
19:37 without hands and it comes and it strikes
19:40 the image on its feet.
19:41 And then the stone becomes a gigantic mountain
19:45 that fills the whole earth.
19:48 Now there's a very important point that I need to underline.
19:50 And that is that there are no gaps in the historical flow
19:55 that we find in Daniel chapter 2.
19:58 Because there are some Christians that are saying,
20:00 in fact many Christians that are saying,
20:02 that there's a gap between the legs and the feet.
20:07 And that gap has lasted 1900 years, so far.
20:11 But there no evidence in this dream that there are any
20:15 parentheses or gaps or lapses in the sequence of powers.
20:22 The sequence of powers flow one right after the other
20:26 without interruption.
20:29 Now I want you to notice the interpretation of this dream,
20:33 because later on in the chapter we have what the dream means.
20:37 Go with me to Daniel chapter 2 and verses 37 and 38.
20:42 Daniel 2:37-38, now we're going to see how Daniel
20:46 interpreted the dream or explained the dream.
20:50 Here, Daniel says...
20:55 Why was Nebuchadnezzar such a great king?
20:57 Well, because he had better weapons than anybody else.
21:00 He had more powerful armies.
21:02 He had more money. He was more intelligent.
21:05 Absolutely not.
21:06 Notice what it says.
21:27 Why was Nebuchadnezzar king?
21:29 Because it was God's will that Nebuchadnezzar be king.
21:32 God placed Nebuchadnezzar there.
21:36 Who is in control of human history?
21:38 God is in control of human history.
21:41 Now notice the last part of this, verse 38.
21:45 It says, "He has given them into your hand
21:48 and has made you ruler over them all."
21:52 And now listen carefully.
21:54 "You are this head of gold."
21:59 Does this prophecy clearly explain what the
22:03 head of gold represents?
22:04 Absolutely. What is the head of gold?
22:06 The head of gold represents Nebuchadnezzar.
22:09 But what was Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom?
22:12 His kingdom was Babylon.
22:13 You see, in prophecy we're going to notice that
22:17 king and kingdom are used interchangeably.
22:20 In fact, let's go to the next verse and you're going to see
22:22 it very, very clearly.
22:24 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 38.
22:29 It has just said in verse 38, the first part of verse 38,
22:37 it says, "You are this head of gold."
22:41 But now notice, I believe it's in verse 39, not verse 38.
22:45 It says, "But after you shall arise another..." What?
22:52 "...another kingdom."
22:54 So is the head of gold a kingdom?
22:56 Sure, because it says, "After you will arise another kingdom."
23:01 So Nebuchadnezzar is the king of a kingdom.
23:04 The head of gold represents the kingdom of Babylon.
23:10 And after the kingdom of Babylon there was going to be what?
23:18 And then notice it says...
23:28 So how many kingdoms so far?
23:30 We have three kingdoms.
23:32 The first kingdom is what?
23:34 Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom.
23:37 The second kingdom is which kingdom?
23:40 The Medes and Persians came immediately after Babylon.
23:45 They conquered Babylon.
23:46 And then after the Medes and Persians, which kingdom rises?
23:50 Greece.
23:51 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
23:53 You don't even have to go to the history books
23:56 to know that the first three kingdoms
23:57 are Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
23:59 All you have to do is study the book of Daniel.
24:02 Daniel has the names of all three.
24:05 Which means that it's easy to identify kingdom number four.
24:08 You say, "Now how is that?"
24:10 Does the Bible tell us which kingdom conquered Babylon?
24:14 Daniel chapter 5.
24:16 Belshazzar was the king.
24:18 And Darius the Mede, who's also called Darius the Mede,
24:23 came and he conquered Babylon.
24:25 The troops of the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon.
24:30 So we know what the second kingdom is.
24:32 It is Medo-Persia.
24:34 And then in Daniel 8, which we're going to study later on
24:37 in this seminar, after Medo-Persia it says that
24:40 the kingdom that would arise would be Greece.
24:44 Greece is mentioned by name.
24:47 And so in Daniel itself, even without going to the
24:50 history books, you know that the first kingdom is Babylon.
24:53 You know that the second kingdom is Medo-Persia.
24:55 And you know that the third kingdom is what?
24:58 The third kingdom is Greece.
25:01 Is that clear?
25:02 Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
25:06 You say, "Well, what would the fourth kingdom be?"
25:08 Well if you've identified the first three,
25:10 that come one right after another without parentheses,
25:13 without any interruption, it's easy to identify the fourth.
25:18 Which kingdom conquered the kingdom of Greece?
25:21 It was Rome.
25:22 The Roman Empire.
25:23 Let's read Daniel chapter 2 and verse 40.
25:26 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 40.
25:28 It says here...
25:33 Remember that word, "strong."
25:39 That word, "strong," is a key word.
25:55 Is that a fit description of Rome?
25:57 It most certainly is.
25:59 In fact, the great historian, Edward Gibbon,
26:04 wrote the five volume set called,
26:07 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
26:10 And he called Rome, "the iron monarchy of Rome."
26:16 Interesting, because he was not a church historian.
26:19 He was secular historian.
26:20 And yet he's calling Rome, "the iron monarchy of Rome."
26:25 So very clearly, the first four kingdoms are
26:28 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire.
26:33 But now I want you to notice what we come to in the feet.
26:37 This is what I want to dwell on most in our seminar today.
26:41 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 41.
26:57 That is, this fourth kingdom.
27:04 There you have the word, "strong."
27:06 You remember the word, "strong,"
27:07 with regard to the fourth kingdom?
27:09 Now it says here...
27:19 Verse 42.
27:29 Which is the strong part, by the way?
27:31 Is it the iron part or the clay part?
27:34 It's the iron part that's strong.
27:37 It says in verse 42...
27:48 What is the fragile part?
27:50 It is the clay part.
27:53 Now let's take a look at these verses.
27:55 Very important verses.
27:58 How many toes do two normal feet have?
28:02 And the reason I use the word, "normal," is because I've
28:04 asked the question, I say, "How many toes do two feet have?"
28:07 Some people say, "Well, it all depends if somebody
28:09 has had a toe amputated or not."
28:11 And so I say, "How many toes do two normal feet have?"
28:15 They have ten what? Ten toes.
28:18 Which means that the fourth kingdom was going to be what?
28:22 The fourth kingdom was going to be divided into ten kingdoms.
28:26 You say, "How do we know that?"
28:27 It's very simple.
28:29 Is there iron in the feet?
28:32 Was there iron in the legs?
28:34 What did the iron in the legs represent?
28:37 The Roman Empire.
28:39 What does the iron in the feet then represent?
28:42 It must represent the fact that the Roman Empire, what?
28:46 Continues. But it continues how?
28:49 In a divided state.
28:51 It's divided into ten nations.
28:53 Are you with me or not?
28:55 It's going to be divided into ten nations.
28:59 In other words, this fourth kingdom was going to fall apart.
29:02 It was still going to be Rome because you have
29:04 iron in the feet.
29:05 But it was going to be a divided Rome.
29:11 But then I want you to notice that to the iron in the feet
29:15 is added another strange element.
29:17 What is added to it?
29:20 A special kind of clay.
29:23 Potter's clay.
29:26 Question, what existed before?
29:28 The iron or the clay?
29:31 The iron existed before.
29:32 So the iron continues in the feet.
29:35 And then what is added to the iron?
29:38 Afterwards, the clay is added to the iron.
29:43 Now let me ask you this.
29:47 Is this a different kind of Rome in the feet?
29:52 Yes it is.
29:53 Because first of all, it is a Rome that is divided
29:56 into many what?
29:58 Into many nations.
30:00 But secondly, it is an amalgamated Rome.
30:06 Do you understand what the word "amalgamated" means?
30:09 It is a Rome that is a mixture, not only of the iron.
30:16 It's not political Rome alone any more.
30:19 There's another element that is mixed or blended,
30:22 or amalgamated, with it.
30:26 Now let me ask you, is this a legitimate or
30:29 illegitimate union?
30:33 It's illegitimate.
30:34 Who in his right mind would actually join iron and clay?
30:40 They're two totally different elements, aren't they?
30:42 Totally different.
30:44 There's no way that you can amalgamate them or mix them
30:47 and have the result be strong.
30:50 The clay is good as clay and the iron is good as iron.
30:54 The problem is when you what?
30:57 Is when you put them together or you mix them.
31:01 Now, are we dealing with symbols in Daniel chapter 2?
31:07 Is the gold a symbol?
31:10 Is the silver a symbol?
31:12 Is the bronze a symbol?
31:15 Is the iron a symbol?
31:17 Is the stone a symbol?
31:19 Is the mountain a symbol?
31:22 But the potter's clay, that's not a symbol?
31:26 It would have to also be what?
31:29 It would also have to represent or symbolize something.
31:34 Because Rome is going to be divided and it's going to be
31:36 a different kind of Rome.
31:38 It's going to be an amalgamated Rome.
31:40 So we need to know what the clay represents.
31:43 Because we already know that the iron represents
31:45 the political power of the Roman Empire.
31:47 The Roman Empire will continue as a political entity divided,
31:51 but there will be clay added to it.
31:54 So we need to know what the Bible means by potter's clay.
32:00 Now let's examine some passages of Scripture that
32:02 explain what the potter's clay is.
32:06 Go with me to Jeremiah chapter 18
32:10 and verses 1 through 6.
32:12 Jeremiah chapter 18 and verses 1 through 6.
32:16 Listen carefully.
32:46 What kind of clay?
32:48 Potter's clay, yes.
33:05 Now what is represented by the fact that this vessel
33:09 was made from potter's clay by the potter,
33:11 it broke, and then the potter made it all over again
33:16 as a new vessel?
33:17 The fact is that Jeremiah is here describing
33:19 the Babylonian captivity.
33:22 And if you want a text that proves that,
33:24 Jeremiah 19 verse 11, which we don't have time to read,
33:27 uses the same terminology of the potter to refer
33:30 to the captivity of Israel when they were taken
33:33 by Nebuchadnezzar.
33:34 In other words, God formed Israel at Mount Sinai
33:39 as His people, but because of the apostasy, they broke.
33:43 And God, after 70 years, what did He do?
33:46 He restored Israel once again to their land.
33:50 Are you with me?
33:51 So He made the vessel what?
33:53 Again.
33:55 Now we don't have to guess at this, because notice the
33:57 explanation is given there in Jeremiah chapter 18
34:00 and verse 5.
34:02 "Then the word of the Lord came to me saying,
34:05 'O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?'
34:13 says the Lord."
34:23 What does the potter's clay represent?
34:26 It represents God's people; God's Old Testament church.
34:32 In other words, it represents a religious institution;
34:37 God's Old Testament church, Israel.
34:43 Now let's go to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7.
34:45 And you're not going to see the connection immediately
34:47 with this, but you're going to see it in a few moments.
34:49 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7.
34:53 Speaking about the creation of man.
34:56 And notice what it says.
35:05 What was God? God was the what?
35:07 The potter. I'm going to prove it to you.
35:14 How many of you have ever tried to form anything out of dust?
35:18 You can't. But see, this was wet dust.
35:21 This was really potter's clay.
35:23 We're going to read another text in a moment.
35:28 What faculty of man was made out of dust?
35:31 His physical body, right? His body.
35:34 Did that body have all of its different members;
35:38 arms, legs, heart, lungs, stomach, fingers, nose, mouth?
35:44 Did it have all of the different members or parts?
35:47 Absolutely, it was a perfect body with all of its members.
35:51 But it was a lifeless body.
35:53 Notice I didn't say a dead body.
35:54 It was a lifeless body.
35:56 What was lacking?
35:58 The breath of God, or the spirit of life.
36:00 And so it continues saying, "...and breathed into his
36:04 nostrils the breath of life, and man became a..." What?
36:09 "...a living being."
36:10 Did every member now start functioning?
36:12 Did the heart start beating?
36:14 Did the lungs start breathing?
36:16 Did the stomach start digesting once Adam and Eve
36:19 started eating?
36:20 Of course.
36:21 Did their fingers start moving? Did they start walking?
36:24 Yes, now that the body was all together as one
36:28 with many members, and the spirit entered the body,
36:31 now all of the members functioned in perfect unity.
36:37 Now notice Isaiah chapter 64 and verse 8.
36:41 Isaiah chapter 64 and verse 8.
36:44 Here is where the Bible tells us that God, when He created man,
36:48 He did it like a potter.
36:49 It says there...
36:51 And you might want to write down, this isn't on your list,
36:53 Isaiah 45 verse 9 uses the same terminology.
36:57 Isaiah 45 verse 9.
36:58 It says in Isaiah 64 verse 8...
37:20 So what did God form man out of?
37:23 What kind of clay?
37:25 Potter's clay, right?
37:27 And then what did He do?
37:28 He breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life,
37:31 and now man became a living soul.
37:33 In other words, every member of his body started what?
37:38 Functioning.
37:39 Now this is talking about the literal creation of man.
37:43 But this literal creation of man has a symbolic meaning as well.
37:48 You say, "What do you mean a symbolic value?"
37:50 Because in Daniel 2 we're not dealing with the literal,
37:52 we're dealing with what?
37:53 We're dealing with symbols.
37:55 Now let me ask you, what is the body of Christ?
38:00 Symbolically speaking or spiritually speaking?
38:04 The body of Christ is the church.
38:07 Notice Colossians chapter 1 and verse 18.
38:10 Colossians chapter 1 and verse 18.
38:13 Speaking about Jesus it says...
38:28 So what is the body of Christ?
38:31 The body of Christ is the church.
38:35 Who created the church?
38:38 Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church."
38:44 So who was it that created His body?
38:47 Jesus created the church.
38:48 He created the body.
38:52 In what condition was that body before the day of Pentecost?
38:56 Did they all come together?
38:58 The Bible says that they were all of one what?
39:01 One accord.
39:02 But what was still lacking?
39:05 What didn't the body have yet?
39:08 The body did not have the breath.
39:12 So what happened on the day of Pentecost?
39:14 Acts chapter 2 and verses 2 through 4.
39:38 By the way, they not only spoke in tongues.
39:40 All of the gifts of the Spirit now came alive in the church.
39:44 Are you catching the picture?
39:46 Now we're dealing with symbols.
39:48 In Genesis 2 verse 7, you have the literal creation
39:51 of literal man.
39:52 But that represents, that's representative of...
39:54 It's symbolic of the church of Jesus Christ which He created
39:59 out of potter's clay, so to speak.
40:01 And then He gave it what?
40:03 The Holy Spirit, the breath of life.
40:05 Let me ask you, did the body now start functioning?
40:08 Did every member of the body start fulfilling its function?
40:11 Yes, and you know what?
40:13 I'm not inventing this illustration.
40:16 The apostle Paul gives this illustration.
40:19 Notice 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and verses 12 and 13.
40:23 Very clear.
40:24 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 12 and 13.
40:52 Question, then.
40:54 What does the potter's clay represent?
40:57 We noticed in Jeremiah that the potter's clay represents what?
41:01 God's people.
41:03 Israel.
41:04 What does the body represent in the New Testament?
41:07 What does the potter's clay represent in the
41:09 New Testament?
41:10 It represents the body of Jesus Christ in the New Testament,
41:14 which is His what?
41:15 His church.
41:16 So what does the potter's clay represent?
41:19 It represents the church.
41:22 Are you with me?
41:24 Now there's one other illustration where you can see
41:27 that the potter's clay represents the church.
41:33 You remember that vision that Ezekiel had
41:35 of the valley of the dry bones?
41:38 And there were body parts strewn all over the valley?
41:42 And then God called upon all of the parts of the body to
41:45 come together through Ezekiel?
41:47 And then what did God give those bodies?
41:51 He gave those bodies what?
41:54 The breathe of life, the spirit.
41:55 And they stood up.
41:56 What is represented by all of the parts of the body
41:59 coming together and the spirit coming into the body?
42:03 Ezekiel 37 makes it very clear.
42:06 Notice Ezekiel 37 verses 10 and 11.
42:26 Are you catching the picture?
42:35 So the potter's clay represents the church.
42:38 So what was going to happen during the period of the feet
42:40 of the image when the Roman Empire was divided?
42:42 There was going to be a union of what?
42:45 Of church and state.
42:51 Are you following me?
42:53 In other words, during the period of the feet
42:55 you were not only going to have an empire.
42:58 It was going to be an empire that united church and state.
43:03 Remember this, because we're going to come back to this
43:05 tomorrow when we study Daniel chapter 7.
43:07 Now listen.
43:09 Revelation 17 presents the same idea, but with
43:13 different symbols.
43:14 Go with me to Revelation chapter 17.
43:16 And this is speaking about the end time.
43:19 Revelation chapter 17 and verses 1 and 2.
43:23 Revelation chapter 17 and verses 1 and 2.
43:28 Different symbols, same meaning; union of church and state.
43:34 It says here...
43:48 What does a woman represent in prophecy?
43:50 It represents the church.
43:52 If it's a pure woman, what kind of church are we talking about?
43:55 A pure church.
43:56 We talked about the woman of Revelation 12, remember?
43:58 It represents God's faithful church.
44:01 Now if it's a harlot woman, what kind of church
44:03 are we talking about?
44:05 We're talking about a church that is apostate.
44:09 Now how did she become a harlot?
44:11 How did the church become a harlot?
44:13 How did she become a fornicating woman?
44:16 Well let's continue reading.
44:17 It says...
44:22 And now comes the explanation of how
44:25 the church became a harlot.
44:37 How did she become an adulteress harlot?
44:42 Because she committed fornication with whom?
44:45 With the kings of the earth.
44:46 Is this a union of church and state?
44:48 It most certainly is.
44:50 A union of church and state.
44:54 Does a church have a right to exist as a church?
44:56 Yes.
44:57 Does the state have its function as state?
45:00 Absolutely.
45:01 Where does the problem come in?
45:03 The problem comes in when the union is illegitimate.
45:07 Because the church is suppose to be married only to whom?
45:11 To Jesus Christ.
45:12 Jesus is the husband and the church is His bride.
45:16 So what happens when the church starts trying to get the
45:18 kings of the earth to do what Jesus Christ should be doing?
45:22 The church becomes adulteress.
45:24 The church becomes a harlot.
45:26 Is that exactly what happened when the
45:28 Roman Empire fell apart?
45:30 Did a church arise that used the political power of Rome
45:34 to persecute those who were not in harmony with the church,
45:37 yes or no?
45:38 Absolutely.
45:39 It can be proven from history.
45:42 Now you knew I wasn't going to go through this
45:44 whole presentation without reading from Ellen White.
45:48 The little old lady knew this all the time.
45:51 And she didn't go through all the study, all the biblical
45:54 study we've gone through.
45:55 See, you know, you can go to the internet and you'll find
45:58 all kind of trash about Ellen White.
46:00 Don't even bother to read it.
46:02 They're the same old rehashed arguments
46:04 that come out all the time.
46:06 Knick picking little things here and little things there.
46:09 Listen, in Scripture you also have little details
46:12 that appear to be discrepancies.
46:14 For example, one gospel says that there was one
46:16 demon possessed man and the other says
46:18 that there were two.
46:19 They say, "Oh, you can't trust the Bible because
46:21 one says one and the other says two."
46:23 Listen, if you're going to let that shake your faith,
46:26 then you're never going to come to believe.
46:29 The fact is that little details like this make no difference.
46:32 It's the big picture.
46:35 And the more I read Ellen White and I see how she's
46:38 in harmony with Scripture, I marvel.
46:41 Not because she's another Bible, not because she
46:43 takes the place of the Bible, not because she knows
46:46 more than the Bible.
46:47 Not because she brings more doctrines
46:48 that are not in the Bible.
46:50 But because she explains and amplifies and simplifies
46:53 what is in the Bible.
46:56 Now listen to this statement.
46:57 It's found in Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary,
47:00 volume four, page 1168.
47:03 She said this.
47:14 She says we're now in that time.
47:47 And when she says, "honor the Sabbath," it doesn't mean
47:49 that they legislate to make the Sabbath the day of rest.
47:51 It means that they respect God's right, the people of God's
47:55 right, to keep the Sabbath and guarantee that right.
47:59 Like in the first amendment to the Constitution.
48:01 She says...
49:13 Isn't that a remarkable statement?
49:15 It's an amazing statement in the light of what we've
49:17 studied from Scripture.
49:19 Now we can't end without talking about the
49:21 mountain and the stone.
49:23 What does the mountain represent?
49:25 Let's go back to Daniel chapter 2 verses 34 and 35.
49:28 This is the climax of this dream.
49:31 Daniel chapter 2 verses 34 and 35.
49:34 This is the dream itself.
49:36 In a moment we're going to read the interpretation
49:38 of what this means.
49:40 It says there in Daniel 2:34...
50:11 Now what does this mean, the mountain that
50:13 fills the whole earth?
50:15 In the explanation of this dream, in verse 44
50:20 we have what this means.
50:22 Daniel chapter 2 and verse 44.
50:39 In other words, there's not going to be any more kingdoms.
50:50 So the mountain represents Christ's everlasting kingdom
50:55 that fills the whole earth.
50:58 And now the question is, how is that kingdom established?
51:03 Well, here we come to the stone.
51:07 See, the stone has to do something
51:10 to destroy the kingdoms of the world so that this stone can
51:16 become the mountain that fills the whole earth.
51:19 Go with me to Daniel chapter 2 and verse 45,
51:22 and I want you to notice an interesting detail
51:24 about this stone.
51:50 So you have a stone, and it says that the stone
51:52 is cut out of the mountain, how?
51:55 Without hands.
51:57 Now what does that stone represent?
52:00 Go with me to Matthew 21 verse 42.
52:03 And this is only one verse of many that I could read
52:06 from the New Testament.
52:07 Matthew chapter 21 and verse 42.
52:09 This is the conclusion of a parable that Jesus gives
52:12 of the vineyard workers.
52:13 We'll come back to this parable in our lecture
52:15 this coming Sabbath morning.
52:18 Matthew 21 and verse 42.
52:21 "Jesus said to them, 'Have you never read
52:25 in the Scriptures, "The stone which the builders rejected
52:31 has become the chief cornerstone.
52:33 This was the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes."'"
52:37 To whom was Jesus referring when He spoke about the
52:39 stone that the builders rejected?
52:42 He was talking about Himself.
52:44 So what does the stone of Daniel chapter 2 represent?
52:48 It represents Jesus Christ.
52:51 Now notice that we're told here that this stone
52:55 was cut out of the mountain, how?
52:59 Without hands.
53:00 What does that mean, "without hands?"
53:03 Let's go to two verses that explain it.
53:06 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 11.
53:09 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 11.
53:10 Let's see what "not with hands" means.
53:14 It says there, speaking about the Sanctuary,
53:16 the heavenly Sanctuary compared to the earthly Sanctuary...
53:28 Which tabernacle is that?
53:30 Which is the greater and more perfect tabernacle?
53:33 It's the heavenly Sanctuary.
53:35 Who build the earthly Sanctuary?
53:37 Moses.
53:39 Was it built by human hands?
53:41 Absolutely. But notice...
53:57 You know, there's this idea among Christians that we need to
53:59 take over the world.
54:01 We need to use the power of the state to establish
54:04 Christ's kingdom in the United States.
54:06 We need to return to the good old days
54:09 when this was a Christian nation.
54:12 You know the best way to make this a Christian nation
54:15 is not by appealing to President Obama to do it.
54:18 It's by having the church go out and under the power of the
54:21 Holy Spirit preach the gospel and the truth of Jesus Christ.
54:25 That's the mission to which God has called the church.
54:28 God has not called the church to go to Washington, D.C. and
54:31 lobby for the state to do what the church should be doing.
54:34 Besides, the state never changes hearts.
54:37 It's the Holy Spirit through the power of the gospel
54:40 preached by the church that brings a change
54:43 to the human heart.
54:45 In other words, the kingdom of Christ will not be established
54:49 by men within history.
54:50 It will be established from outside of human history
54:53 by a miracle of God.
54:55 It is not of this creation.
54:59 Notice one more text.
55:00 Mark chapter 14 and verse 58.
55:03 Mark chapter 14 and verse 58.
55:05 Here, Jesus is talking about His own body.
55:10 You know, who brought the body of Jesus into existence
55:14 when He became incarnate?
55:17 Mary, right?
55:18 He was born from Mary.
55:20 Like we're born from women.
55:23 But what about the resurrected body of Jesus?
55:26 Oh, that body was given by a miracle of God,
55:31 by the Father.
55:32 It says in Mark 14 verse 58...
55:40 That's the temple that they had built and Herod had remodeled.
55:50 That means, without human intervention.
55:54 By a divine miracle of God.
55:56 How is Christ's kingdom going to be established
55:59 on this earth?
56:00 It will not be by men maneuvering within history
56:04 to establish a golden age.
56:05 It will come from outside of human history.
56:08 A miraculous stone, Jesus Christ, that will establish
56:11 His everlasting kingdom.
56:14 Now listen carefully.
56:16 We have a choice that we need to make.
56:19 We can either decide to fall on that stone
56:23 and be converted or that stone will fall on us and crush us.
56:30 See this is all fine and dandy; we're talking about
56:33 empires and kingdoms, but what about us personally?
56:36 Let's finish by reading Matthew chapter 21 and verse 44.
56:40 I believe Jesus is referring here to this prophecy of
56:44 Daniel chapter 2.
56:46 He says there in verse 44, "Whoever falls on this stone..."
56:50 He's talking about Himself.
56:51 Whoever's heart is broken and is converted.
56:56 "...will be broken."
56:57 But now notice.
56:58 "...but on whomever it falls, it will..." What?
57:03 "...it will grind him to powder."
57:09 So the plea of God with us is to receive Jesus Christ
57:14 as our Savior and Lord.
57:16 To fall on the stone so that He breaks our selfish heart.
57:21 And in this way, when Jesus comes we'll be in His kingdom.
57:25 The stone will not destroy us, but the stone will save us.


Revised 2014-12-17