His Way is in the Sanctuary

Death And Life In The Sanctuary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000003

00:34 Let's seek the Lord in prayer.
00:38 Our loving heavenly Father, what a privilege it is
00:41 once again to be here in Your house seeking to hear Your voice
00:47 speaking through the ministry of the Word.
00:50 We ask, Father, that the same Spirit that inspired
00:53 Your Holy Word will come to explain it to us
00:58 in this meeting.
01:00 We realize that human wisdom is insufficient to understand the
01:04 great things of Your Word.
01:06 And therefore, we plead for Your help.
01:09 And we thank You because You have promised that You
01:12 hear our prayers and You answer them.
01:15 Because we ask it in the precious and the powerful name
01:18 of Jesus, our Savior.
01:21 Amen.
01:23 The title of our study today is, Life and Death in the Sanctuary.
01:31 And I'd like to begin by reading a couple of verses that we
01:35 find in Genesis chapter 1 and verses 26 and 27.
01:41 This passage is very well known, undoubtedly, by all of us.
01:47 It's speaking about the creation of our first parents,
01:51 Adam and Eve.
01:53 It says there in Genesis 1 verse 26...
02:36 In these verses, we find, as I mentioned before, the creation
02:41 of Adam and Eve in a perfect world.
02:46 The Bible tells us that they were created in
02:48 God's image and likeness.
02:51 At this time, there was no sin in the world.
02:55 And therefore, there was also no death.
02:59 In fact, the Bible makes it clear that it was God's plan
03:02 that Adam and Eve and the human race live forever.
03:07 It was never God's plan that anyone on this planet
03:11 should die.
03:12 God's plan meant that man should reflect His image and likeness
03:17 and live forever.
03:20 But man was not going to live forever because he had
03:23 some type of immortal soul.
03:26 The Bible makes it very, very clear that there was a secret
03:30 to the perpetuation of man's life.
03:35 You see, God placed in the Garden of Eden a certain tree.
03:39 It's called, the tree of life.
03:42 Let's read about that tree in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 9.
03:47 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 9.
03:50 It says there...
04:09 We'll come to that second tree in a few moments.
04:12 But you notice it says here, "The tree of life was also
04:16 in the midst of the garden."
04:18 Now the Bible makes it very clear that in order for
04:22 Adam and Eve to continue living, they had to continue eating
04:27 from the tree of life.
04:28 In other words, they did not have some immortal soul
04:32 inside that would cause them to live forever.
04:35 Their source of life was not inside.
04:38 Their source of life was outside in a tree.
04:42 I want you to imagine the tree of life kind of like a
04:45 battery charger.
04:46 And Adam and Eve would have to come on a regular basis,
04:50 probably monthly.
04:51 And I'll mention in a minute why.
04:53 They would have to come and they would have to
04:55 partake of the tree of life.
04:57 And this way, their battery would be charged.
04:59 You say, "How do you say every month?"
05:02 Well, simply because in Revelation 22 verses 1 and 2
05:06 when everything is restored, we're told that the tree of life
05:10 produces its fruit every month.
05:14 And so the Bible seems to indicate that on a monthly basis
05:18 Adam and Eve had to go to the tree of life to
05:21 partake of this source of life to recharge their batteries,
05:25 or to recharge their energy.
05:27 I'd like to read a couple of statements, both written by
05:31 Ellen White, where she makes some remarks
05:33 about the tree of life.
05:35 In the book, Healthful Living, page 45,
05:39 we find this significant statement.
05:47 And we know that because God had to cast Adam and Eve
05:50 out of the garden so that they would not continue eating
05:52 of the tree and live forever.
05:54 So the tree had virtue, it had life giving virtue.
05:58 And so it says...
06:13 The antediluvians are those who lived before the flood.
06:24 And the Bible tells us that the people who lived before
06:26 the flood, some of them lived to be
06:30 930, 962, 969 years old because they had
06:40 a human body that was closest to the energy
06:44 that Adam and Eve had received from the hands of the Creator.
06:48 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 60, we find another
06:51 significant statement.
06:53 Patriarchs and Prophets is one of my favorite books.
06:55 It gives the history of Scripture from the fall
06:58 of Lucifer in heaven all the way to the time
07:01 of the Hebrew monarchy.
07:03 And this is what this statement says...
07:27 So the source of life for man was not inside.
07:30 The source of life for man was outside in God's tree.
07:35 Man did not have some immortal soul that would cause him to
07:38 continue living forever.
07:40 The Bible tells us that in order to continue living forever,
07:44 man had to continue eating from the tree of life.
07:48 Now there was another tree that we read about in the garden.
07:51 And that tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
07:56 Let's read Genesis chapter 2 and verses 15 through 17.
08:01 Genesis chapter 2 and verses 15 through 17.
08:06 It says here...
08:34 In Hebrew it says, "you will die by death."
08:38 I don't know of any other way of dying.
08:40 But God is saying, "You will really die if you eat
08:44 from this tree."
08:45 Now why did God place this tree in the Garden of Eden?
08:49 Simply so that He could give man freedom of choice.
08:55 You see, if God had not placed this tree in the garden,
08:58 man would have had only one choice.
09:00 And that is to serve God.
09:02 But the fact that God put this tree in the garden
09:05 shows that God was giving man the potential of either
09:09 following what God had said, but He was also giving him
09:13 the potential to say "no" to God and to make a choice
09:17 contrary to God.
09:18 In other words, the tree of knowledge of good and evil
09:21 clearly shows that God gave man freedom of choice.
09:27 Now it's very important to realize that God laid down
09:31 the ground rules.
09:32 God was the source of ethical decisions.
09:36 God was the one who said, to not eat from the tree
09:40 is good, and to eat from the tree is evil.
09:44 He didn't tell man, you know, "Just choose whatever tree
09:48 you don't want to eat from.
09:49 And that's fine by Me."
09:51 God established the rule for ethical decisions.
09:55 Now there's something very, very important that
09:57 we find in this one command that God gave Adam and Eve
10:01 to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
10:04 Actually, in this one command were contained all of the
10:09 principles of the Ten Commandments.
10:12 Now let's read in the book of James chapter 2 and verse 10.
10:16 James chapter 2 and verse 10.
10:19 And I want to show you a very important principle
10:23 that we find in Scripture.
10:25 And I believe that Emmanuel Beck read this text in our recent
10:29 evangelistic series.
10:31 It says there in James chapter 2 and verse 10,
10:34 "For whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble
10:41 in one point, he is guilty of..." What?
10:45 "...he is guilty of all."
10:47 So in other words, in this one command were actually contained
10:51 all of the principles of the Ten Commandments.
10:54 And when Eve decided to eat from the tree of the knowledge
10:57 of good and evil, she was actually disobeying
11:00 all of the principles of God's Ten commandments.
11:03 Let me give you some examples so that you can
11:05 understand what I mean.
11:07 When Eve decided to eat from the tree of the knowledge
11:10 of good and evil, was she thinking of making herself God?
11:16 Yes.
11:17 Because the serpent said to her, "You shall be like..." What?
11:20 "...like God."
11:21 Was she violating the first commandment, "Thou shall have
11:24 no other gods before Me."
11:25 Absolutely.
11:27 What about the third commandment that speaks about taking the
11:31 name of the Lord God in vain?
11:33 Was she taking the name of the Lord God in vain?
11:36 In fact, she was.
11:37 Because she actually, in the statement that she speaks
11:41 back to the serpent, she says, "God has told us not to
11:44 eat from the tree, or to even touch it."
11:47 God had not said that they couldn't touch the tree.
11:50 God had said that they could not what?
11:52 They could not eat from the tree.
11:53 She was actually attributing words to God
11:56 that God had not spoken.
11:58 Let me ask you, did Eve dishonor her Creator?
12:01 Absolutely.
12:03 There you have the principle of the fourth commandment.
12:05 The fourth commandment brings attention to the Creator.
12:07 Did Eve, by her sin, bring death into the world?
12:12 Absolutely, because the wages of sin is death.
12:15 Let me ask you, did she steal when she ate from the tree?
12:19 Yes, because the fruit did not belong to her.
12:21 Did she covet?
12:23 Yes, the word is actually used there.
12:25 She coveted the fruit because she thought that
12:28 she could become wise.
12:30 By the way, she also committed spiritual adultery, because the
12:33 Bible compares our relationship with God with marriage.
12:37 What happens when we choose another person
12:40 as our partner other than God?
12:42 That is called what?
12:44 Adultery.
12:45 So she was violating the seventh commandment
12:47 by choosing another lover, so to speak,
12:50 who was Satan in this case.
12:54 So in other words, in this one command were actually encased
12:58 all of the principles of the Ten Commandments.
13:01 By obeying this one command, Adam and Eve would be obeying
13:05 all of the commandments of God.
13:09 Now there's a very important principle that we need to
13:11 remember as we examine this story.
13:14 Turn with me to 1 John chapter 3 and verse 4.
13:18 1 John chapter 3 and verse 4.
13:21 We read this in our presentation this morning,
13:23 and we want to read it again.
13:25 And I'm sure that we will read it several times
13:27 during this seminar.
13:28 1 John chapter 3 and verse 4.
13:32 It says there...
13:44 The King James Version says, "sin is the transgression
13:48 of the law."
13:50 So let me ask you, was there a law originally in the
13:53 Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve to break?
13:55 Absolutely.
13:56 Because sin is transgression of the law.
13:59 Adam and Eve could not have sinned unless the law was there.
14:04 Now I want you to notice also that Romans 6 verse 23,
14:08 the first part of the verse of Romans 6:23, says...
14:19 So I want you to notice the sequence.
14:21 Did God have a command that contained all of the principles
14:26 of the Ten Commandments that He gave to Adam and Eve?
14:29 Absolutely.
14:30 Did He expect Adam and Eve to obey His commandment?
14:34 Absolutely.
14:35 When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God's commandment,
14:38 what was that?
14:40 That was sin, which is transgression of the law.
14:44 And when they sinned, the Bible says that the
14:46 wages of sin is what?
14:48 Death.
14:50 There could be no death unless there was sin.
14:53 And there could be no sin unless there was what?
14:56 Unless there was a law of God.
14:58 So in other words, in this one command
15:01 were contained all of the principles of God's holy Law.
15:06 Now we need to take a look at the original temptation
15:11 of Adam and Eve because it mirrors what happened in heaven
15:15 when Lucifer decided to sin against God.
15:18 Turn with me to Genesis chapter 3 and we're
15:21 going to study in detail the first six verses
15:25 of Genesis chapter 3.
15:28 Now let me say that the devil is a master psychologist.
15:33 The devil is an expert at playing mind games.
15:37 In other words, he can take error and make it appear
15:42 just like the truth.
15:44 He can play tricks on your mind.
15:46 The only protection that Adam and Eve had was simply
15:50 to obey God's command.
15:52 As long as they obeyed God's command, they were safe.
15:56 But when they started dialoging with Satan,
15:59 Satan began playing mind games with Eve.
16:02 And whoever plays mind games with Satan
16:05 eventually ends up losing.
16:09 Now notice Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1.
16:13 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1.
16:16 What I want you to notice here is that Satan is trying to
16:19 engage Eve in conversation.
16:22 So what he's going to do is he's going to misstate
16:25 something that God said.
16:27 He's going to misquote God because he knows that
16:29 Eve's immediate reaction will be to correct him
16:33 and say, "No, that's not exactly what God said."
16:36 You know, when somebody tells you something
16:38 that's wrong, what do you want to do?
16:39 You say, "Oh no, no, no. That's not right."
16:41 And then you correct them.
16:42 Notice Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1.
17:02 Is the devil misstating what God had said?
17:04 Absolutely.
17:06 God had said, "Don't eat from this one."
17:07 He didn't say that they couldn't eat from any tree of the garden.
17:10 What is the devil trying to do here?
17:12 He's trying to engage Eve in conversation.
17:16 He knows that the reaction of Eve will be to say,
17:19 "No, no. Now wait a minute.
17:20 That's not exactly what God said."
17:22 Is that exactly what happens in the story?
17:25 Absolutely.
17:26 Notice Genesis chapter 3 and verses 2 and 3.
17:30 Eve is now going to correct the misstatement.
17:33 It says in verse 2, "And the woman said to the serpent..."
17:38 Now she says, "You don't have it exactly right."
17:48 But now she's going to add something that the
17:51 devil didn't bring up.
17:52 She going to add the consequences that God said
17:56 were going to come if they ate from the tree.
17:59 Notice what she continues saying in verse 3.
18:14 So what is Eve doing?
18:16 First of all, she's correcting the misstatement by Satan.
18:19 And then secondly, she's adding an explanation
18:23 of what God said would be the consequence
18:26 of them eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
18:30 She said, "God told us that if we ate from this tree,
18:33 we would surely..." What?
18:36 "...we would surely die."
18:39 Now the devil has her exactly where he wants her.
18:43 Notice the first lie that he utters here.
18:46 the first blatant open lie, in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 4.
19:02 What is the serpent saying to the woman?
19:03 "You are...
19:06 ...immortal."
19:08 That's what he's saying.
19:09 "You will not surely die."
19:11 Now I want you to notice that at this point
19:14 Eve is suffering what is called, cognitive dissonance.
19:19 Now let me explain what that means.
19:22 It simply means that God said one thing and the serpent
19:26 said something that is totally opposite.
19:29 So she's off balance.
19:30 She's saying, "Now who could be right?
19:33 Is God right or is the serpent right?"
19:38 In other words, Satan is planting a question
19:42 in Eve's mind based on what he said.
19:45 When he says, "You will not surely die,"
19:47 he knows that the next thought of Eve would be
19:50 "Then if we're not going to die, why did God say
19:54 we were going to die?"
19:56 Are you with me?
19:57 Is the devil playing mind games here?
20:00 He most certainly is.
20:01 You cannot argue with the devil.
20:03 You can't reason with the devil.
20:04 He'll beat you every time.
20:06 What Eve should have said is, "Yeah, you know, you appear
20:11 to be right in what you're saying.
20:12 It makes sense.
20:14 It's logical.
20:15 But we live by every word that proceeds out of
20:17 the mouth of God.
20:19 We simply obey what God said.
20:21 We obey God's word."
20:22 That was their only safety.
20:25 Now I want you to notice that the devil planted a thought
20:29 in the mind of Eve, a question.
20:31 And that is, "Well, God said that we were going to die.
20:35 The serpent says that we're not going to die.
20:37 Well, if we're not going to die, what ulterior motive would
20:41 God have for telling us that we were going to die?"
20:45 Let me ask you, did the devil have an answer to the question
20:48 that he planted in Eve's mind?
20:50 See, this is all a mind game.
20:52 The devil is playing games with her reasoning powers.
20:56 And when she tries to listen to the reasons of the devil,
20:59 she's lost.
21:00 She should have fled from the tree.
21:03 Now I want you to notice what the devil has to say to her
21:06 in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 5.
21:09 The devil is saying, "Ah, so you want to know why God
21:12 told you that you were going to die
21:13 if you're not going to really die, right?
21:15 You want to know that, huh Eve?"
21:16 And Eve says, "Yeah, tell me about it."
21:19 In verse 5, the devil tells about it.
21:25 Ah, the devil is saying, "God knows something
21:27 that He doesn't want you to know.
21:30 God knows."
21:39 What is he saying?
21:40 "God wants you to be..." What?
21:42 "He wants you to be blind.
21:45 There's some valuable information that God is
21:48 hiding from you.
21:49 He wants you to be blind.
21:51 He wants blind service, He wants blind submission,
21:54 simply because He says so."
21:57 So it says, "For God knows that in the day that
22:00 you eat of it, your eyes will be opened..."
22:07 And what is the next phrase?
22:09 "...and you will be like God."
22:17 We studied that this morning, right?
22:19 What did Lucifer say in heaven?
22:21 "I will be like the Most High."
22:26 Now he says to Eve, "You will be like..." What?
22:29 "You will be like God."
22:31 But now I want you to notice something very important.
22:34 The devil is not saying that she's going to be like God
22:36 in every sense of the word.
22:38 He's saying that Eve is going to be like God
22:41 in a certain restricted sense.
22:43 In what sense?
22:45 Let's finish reading the verse.
22:46 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it
22:50 your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.."
22:56 What?
22:58 "...knowing good and evil."
23:02 Let me ask you, who is the source of what is right
23:07 and what is wrong?
23:08 Who establishes the standard of what is right and what is wrong?
23:13 God does, outside of us.
23:15 God had said, "Don't eat from the tree.
23:18 Because if you eat from the tree, that's evil.
23:21 Good means not eating.
23:22 Evil means eating from the tree."
23:25 God laid down the rule.
23:26 And of course, in that rule were contained all of the principles
23:30 of the Ten Commandments.
23:32 Now I want you to notice then that the source of
23:35 ethical decisions is not within Eve.
23:38 It is outside of Eve.
23:41 But what is the devil telling Eve?
23:43 He saying, "Listen, you can be like God knowing what is
23:48 good and what is evil without having to depend on God
23:52 to tell you what is good and what is evil."
23:55 Do you know that this is the first post-modern individual
23:59 in the history of the world?
24:02 The ideas of the Emerging Church go all the way back to the
24:06 Garden of Eden.
24:08 The idea that you can be like God in the sense that you
24:11 can decide what is good and what is evil,
24:14 what is right and what is wrong, without referring to God's
24:18 objective law and His Word, but rather your own heart
24:22 will tell you what is right and what is wrong.
24:25 Is that the same thing that Lucifer argued
24:28 in heaven to the angels?
24:29 Remember that statement that I read from Great Controversy,
24:32 page 499, this morning?
24:33 He said that the angels needed no law.
24:36 That their own heart could show them what was right
24:39 and what was wrong.
24:40 He's saying the same thing to Eve.
24:42 He's saying, "You can be immortal if
24:46 you eat from this tree.
24:47 And you can be the own source of your ethical decisions.
24:51 You don't have to depend on God telling you
24:53 this is good and this is evil.
24:55 No, you can decide that for yourself.
24:58 You don't have to render blind service to God.
25:01 You can be the source of your own ethical decisions."
25:06 In fact, the devil is insinuating something
25:08 even greater than this.
25:11 And you have to kind of read between the lines to see it.
25:14 But what Satan is really saying is, "Eve, some time in the past
25:21 I ate from this tree.
25:25 And when I ate from this tree..."
25:28 Or rather, "Some time in the past, God ate from this tree.
25:32 And when God ate from this tree, He got these marvelous powers
25:37 of immortality and this marvelous power
25:40 to distinguish between good and evil.
25:43 But after God ate from the tree, He didn't want anybody else
25:48 to have this capacity.
25:50 And so what He did after this was intimidate everyone
25:53 and tell them, 'Hey, don't eat from the tree
25:56 because you're going to die.'
25:57 But God actually knew in His heart," according to Satan,
26:01 "that if other people ate, He would have rivals around.
26:05 Because they would have the same powers that He has."
26:08 Are you understanding what the devil is saying here?
26:10 It is an almost overmastering delusion that we have here.
26:15 Of course, the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve
26:17 ate from the tree.
26:19 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 6.
26:22 It says here...
26:28 I want you to notice how her senses are involved.
26:39 Let me ask you, wise in what sense?
26:44 What did the devil say? Wise in what sense?
26:46 In deciding what is good and evil for yourself.
26:51 It says...
27:02 Are you understanding what's going on here?
27:04 And so, now Adam and Eve have sinned.
27:08 They have lost, so to speak, their spiritual robe
27:13 of righteousness.
27:15 And because they have lost their spiritual robe of righteousness,
27:19 something happens to them now.
27:21 Notice Genesis chapter 3 and verse 7.
27:26 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 7.
27:30 Here we find the first consequence of
27:32 Adam and Eve's sin.
27:34 It says...
27:41 You see, before this they were covered with a robe of light.
27:43 No artificial garments.
27:45 But now the robe of light disappeared.
27:47 They lost their robe of spiritual righteousness first.
27:51 And as a result, they lost their literal robe of light.
27:55 And so it says...
28:06 How did Adam and Eve try to solve the problem
28:09 of their nakedness?
28:11 They made themselves coverings made out of what?
28:14 Fig leaves.
28:16 Now what do the fig leaf garments represent?
28:19 The context tells us that they represent the excuses that
28:23 Adam and Eve offered for their sin.
28:27 Now let's notice Genesis chapter 3 verses 12 and 13.
28:31 Genesis chapter 3 and verses 12 and 13.
28:35 God comes and He says to Adam, "What have you done?"
28:40 Notice the answer.
28:52 What is he trying to do?
28:55 He's trying to pass the buck.
28:56 He's offering excuses for his sin.
28:59 And then God comes to Eve, in verse 13.
29:02 "And the Lord God said to the woman, 'What is this that
29:05 you have done?'
29:06 The woman said, 'The serpent deceived me and I ate.'"
29:10 You see, the fig leaves are the excuses that Adam and Eve
29:13 offered for their sin.
29:15 They're trying to justify their sin.
29:17 But you know what's interesting?
29:19 Even after they have covered themselves with the fig leaves,
29:23 God comes in the garden and He searches for them.
29:25 He says, "Adam, where are you?
29:26 Eve, where are you?"
29:28 They're covered with the fig leaves at this time.
29:31 The man says, "Oh, we hid in the midst of the trees
29:34 of the garden because we were naked."
29:37 What nakedness are we talking about here?
29:39 It's not only physical nakedness.
29:42 The physical nakedness came as a result
29:44 of losing their spiritual robe of righteousness.
29:48 And do you know what else?
29:49 Because they lost their spiritual robe of righteousness,
29:53 they lost their physical robe of light which had covered them.
29:57 And ultimately, they were going to suffer the ultimate nakedness
30:01 which the apostle Paul calls death.
30:04 If you go to 2 Corinthians chapter 5, the apostle Paul
30:07 compares death with nakedness.
30:10 That is the ultimate nakedness.
30:12 But there's a sequence.
30:13 You have, first of all, spiritual nakedness; sin.
30:17 And then you have physical nakedness;
30:19 the robe of light leaves.
30:21 And then the consequence of that is ultimate nakedness,
30:25 which is death.
30:28 And so, Adam and Eve are standing in the garden,
30:31 they're shaking, they're saying, "God gave His law.
30:36 We've transgressed His law.
30:38 We've committed sin.
30:40 And the wages of sin is death.
30:43 We lost our spiritual robe of righteousness.
30:45 We've lost our physical robe of light.
30:48 And now the only thing that awaits us is physical
30:52 ultimate nakedness, which is death."
30:56 And when they're shaking, God makes this beautiful
30:59 gospel promise in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15.
31:03 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15.
31:06 My favorite verse in the whole Bible.
31:09 In fact, I did a series of 52 one hour lectures
31:13 primarily on Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15
31:16 and how this verse is developed throughout the whole Scripture.
31:19 It says there in Genesis 3:15, and God is speaking here
31:23 to the serpent who has deceived Eve and has used Eve
31:27 to lead Adam into sin.
31:39 See, this is a woman who's going to have a Seed, or a descendent.
31:42 And then notice the end result.
31:47 Or as other versions say, "He shall crush your head..."
31:55 Do you know what God is saying?
31:56 God is saying, "I going to send a Seed to this world
31:59 born of a woman.
32:00 And that Seed of the woman is going to do battle with you.
32:04 In the process of the battle, the Seed of the woman
32:09 is going to be wounded by you.
32:11 You are going to cause Him pain on His heel.
32:14 But when you have hurt His heel, His foot is going to come down
32:20 and He is going to crush your head."
32:23 This is the first gospel promise of Scripture.
32:25 It's the promise of the coming of the Messiah.
32:28 Born of a woman, according to Galatians chapter 4 and verse 4.
32:32 When Adam and Eve are shaking in their bare feet...
32:36 Because they probably didn't have anything on their feet.
32:38 When they're shaking, thinking that they're going to die,
32:40 they're going to suffer the ultimate nakedness,
32:43 God, in their hearing, challenges the serpent
32:47 and says, "I am going to send a Seed that will crush
32:51 the head of the serpent who has led you into sin."
32:55 I want you to notice Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19.
32:59 After giving this beautiful promise, God says to
33:02 Adam and Eve, "Because you lost your spiritual robe of
33:04 righteousness, and because you lost your physical
33:08 robe of light, you are going to suffer ultimate death,
33:12 ultimate nakedness.
33:14 Notice Genesis 3 and verse 19.
33:17 God is speaking to Adam and He says...
33:34 Well that sounds pretty final.
33:36 Dust you are and to dust you shall return?
33:40 Well, you see, we need to read two verses farther down
33:45 where God offers Adam and Eve hope.
33:50 Did you notice that in Genesis 2 verses 15 through 17,
33:54 we're told that the very day Adam and Eve ate from the tree,
33:58 they would suffer ultimate nakedness?
34:01 Spiritual nakedness would lead to physical nakedness,
34:05 would lead to ultimate nakedness.
34:07 God said, "They very day that you eat of the tree,
34:11 you will surely die."
34:13 But Adam and Eve did not die that very day.
34:16 It's talking about the final death from which
34:19 there is not resurrection.
34:20 The question is, why did they not die that day?
34:24 Go with me to Genesis chapter 3 and verse 21.
34:26 Here's where the sanctuary comes in.
34:29 You see, on the very day that Adam and Eve sinned,
34:32 there was a sacrifice made to cover the shame
34:36 of their nakedness.
34:39 Notice Genesis chapter 3 and verse 21.
34:43 "And for Adam..."
34:45 Notice that this is being done for them.
34:47 "And for Adam and his wife, the Lord God made..."
34:54 Who made?
34:56 He made them for Adam and Eve.
34:59 It says, "The Lord God made tunics of polyester."
35:04 No, that's not what it says.
35:06 Tunics of cotton.
35:09 No.
35:11 Tunics of linen.
35:13 No, it says tunics of what?
35:15 Of skin.
35:17 And He clothed them.
35:19 Who made the tunics? God did.
35:22 Who clothed them? God did.
35:24 He made it for Adam and Eve.
35:26 Who is doing this? God is doing it.
35:28 Let me ask you, what do you need in order to get the
35:30 skin of an animal?
35:32 The animal has to be killed.
35:35 You see, there was a death the very day that
35:38 Adam and Eve sinned.
35:39 A lamb was sacrificed.
35:42 And with the skins of the lamb, the shame of their nakedness
35:47 was covered.
35:49 Allow me to read you a beautiful statement
35:51 that is found in Bible Echo, which is a magazine
35:55 that was published May 21, 1900.
35:59 This was written by Ellen White.
36:00 Profound insight into what happened that day.
36:04 She says...
36:41 Isn't that a beautiful statement?
36:43 By the way, it's sustained by the Bible.
36:46 Because 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 tells us
36:50 that Jesus was foreordained before the foundation
36:54 of the world as a lamb.
36:55 Revelation 13 verse 8 says that He was slain from the
36:59 foundation of the world.
37:00 Not physically, but He was slain in promise.
37:03 There was a promise of the coming Messiah.
37:05 In other words, the very day that Adam and Eve sinned,
37:08 Jesus said, "I will take upon Myself their death penalty.
37:13 I will die in their place.
37:15 I will live the life that they should live."
37:18 And a ransom that very day was found.
37:21 This whole ceremony pointed to Jesus Christ.
37:27 Now listen up.
37:28 If man was immortal by nature, why would Jesus have to
37:32 come to die to give him life if he already had immortality?
37:36 You see, what the idea of the immortality of the soul does,
37:39 it makes Jesus Christ unnecessary.
37:42 Because we have life because Jesus died.
37:45 Not because we have some immortal soul within ourselves.
37:50 So in other words, by teaching that man is immortal,
37:52 what you're doing is depreciating the importance
37:56 of the death of Jesus to give us life.
37:58 If we already have immortal life, why would Jesus
38:01 have to die to give us what we already possess
38:04 or what we already have?
38:06 Now let's go to the fulfillment of this.
38:08 John chapter 19 and verses 23 and 24.
38:12 You remember that spiritual nakedness led to
38:15 physical nakedness, led to ultimate nakedness.
38:18 That's what Adam and Eve deserved.
38:20 Now how could they escape the death sentence?
38:23 Only by the death of the lamb to cover the shame
38:26 of their nakedness.
38:27 Now notice John 19:23 and 24.
38:30 I'm going to share with you something that might not
38:33 be very palatable to you.
38:35 But it's biblical.
38:37 You know, when artists depict Jesus on the cross,
38:40 they usually cover Him with a loincloth.
38:43 But Scripture teaches that Jesus hung between heaven and earth
38:47 totally naked.
38:50 Let's read John 19 and verses 23 and 24.
38:53 There's a very profound symbolism here.
38:57 It says there in John 19 verse 23, "Then the soldiers,
39:01 when they had crucified Jesus, took His garments
39:06 and made four parts..."
39:08 These are His inner garments.
39:11 And it says, "...and made four parts, to each soldier a part,
39:15 and also the tunic."
39:17 See, He also had a tunic, which was a beautiful robe
39:20 that He wore outside His inner garments.
39:23 And it says, "Now the tunic was without seam,
39:26 woven from the top in one piece.
39:29 They said therefore among themselves, 'Let us not tear it,
39:32 but cast lots for it, whose it shall be,'
39:36 that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says,
39:38 'They divided My garments among themselves...'"
39:41 But then notice, "'...and for My clothing they cast lots.'
39:46 Therefore the soldiers did these things."
39:49 They took His inner garments and His tunic away.
39:52 And Jesus hung between heaven and earth stark naked.
39:57 Now you say, "What is the symbolism here?"
40:01 Let me ask you, did the Father look upon Jesus
40:04 as being guilty?
40:07 He did. Absolutely.
40:09 Did Jesus take upon Himself our spiritual nakedness of sin?
40:14 He most certainly did.
40:15 The Bible says that He took upon Himself the curse.
40:18 He who knew no sin was made sin to be for us.
40:23 In other words, Jesus took our spiritual nakedness,
40:27 and therefore on the cross, He hung... What?
40:30 ...physically naked.
40:31 And what did He suffer?
40:32 He suffered ultimate what?
40:35 Nakedness.
40:36 For Adam and Eve and all their descendents.
40:42 That's what Genesis 3 verse 21 pointed to.
40:45 The death of the lamb to cover the shame
40:49 of our nakedness.
40:51 Now the question is, when is the shame of our nakedness covered?
40:56 Go with me to Galatians chapter 3
40:58 and let's read verse 27.
41:02 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 27.
41:07 A very important verse that tells us when we are covered
41:10 with the spiritual robe of Christ's righteousness.
41:14 The righteousness that He developed when He took
41:17 our sin upon Himself.
41:19 It says in Galatians 3 verse 27, "For as many of you
41:24 as were..." What?
41:26 "...baptized..."
41:28 And what's the next word, the next preposition?
41:31 "...into Christ have..." What?
41:34 "...have put on Christ."
41:36 That expression, "put on," is used in the New Testament
41:39 to speak about putting on a garment, putting on a robe.
41:42 So let me ask you, at what moment do we put on the
41:45 robe of Christ's righteousness that He died to purchase for us?
41:49 We put it on at the moment of baptism.
41:53 And you say, "Pastor Bohr, why at the moment of baptism?"
41:56 It's very simple.
41:57 In our baptism, what we do is in miniature;
42:02 we experience what Jesus experienced on earth.
42:07 Jesus died.
42:09 Do you agree with that?
42:10 Jesus was buried. Correct?
42:13 And Jesus resurrected.
42:14 Who did He do this for?
42:17 He did this for us.
42:18 He died for us, He was buried for us,
42:21 and He resurrected for us.
42:22 Now the question is, how am I included in what Christ did?
42:26 How am I incorporated into Christ?
42:29 That's the preposition that's used.
42:30 How am I incorporated into the work of Christ?
42:33 It's very simple.
42:34 I go through the same experience that He did, symbolically,
42:39 in baptism.
42:43 Were you here this morning to see the baptism?
42:46 Did you notice that the pastor is in the baptistery
42:49 and he has the candidate who is going to be baptized.
42:52 And he says, "I baptize you in the name of
42:56 the Father, and of the Son, and of and the Holy Spirit."
43:00 What is that person doing before they go into the water?
43:03 Well they're breathing, but right before they go into
43:05 the water, what happens?
43:07 They stop breathing.
43:09 Do you stop breathing when you die?
43:11 Most certainly.
43:12 And then the pastor puts them under the water.
43:15 Do they breathe under the water?
43:16 They better not.
43:18 See, under the water they're not breathing.
43:20 Does a person who is under the earth buried breathe?
43:23 No. What happens?
43:25 What's the first thing that the person does when they
43:27 come forth from the water?
43:29 They...
43:31 They breathe life, they breathe again.
43:33 Just like when Jesus resurrected.
43:36 So in other words, when we are baptized,
43:38 we are being incorporated into the experience of Christ.
43:42 We are included in Him.
43:44 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
43:46 Baptism is a phenomenal service.
43:49 Some people think it's optional.
43:50 You know, if you want to be baptized, fine.
43:52 If you don't want to be baptized, that's alright.
43:54 The baptism is the official incorporation
43:57 into what Christ did.
43:59 At that moment, what Christ did becomes yours.
44:03 Because by faith you're included in Him,
44:05 because you're participating symbolically in His experience.
44:12 So when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior,
44:15 you're clothed with His spiritual robe.
44:17 You have put on Jesus Christ.
44:20 You are in Him.
44:22 Now this is important.
44:24 Some people ask me the question,
44:25 "Pastor Bohr, are you afraid of dying?"
44:28 And I can honestly say, I'm not.
44:32 In fact some people say, "Pastor Bohr, aren't you
44:35 afraid when you get in airplanes so frequently that the airplane
44:39 is going to fall?"
44:42 And by the way, last year I flew 200,000 miles.
44:46 That's a lot of flights.
44:48 I got on a plane 115 times last year, all of the segments.
44:53 People say, "Aren't you afraid that the plane is going to
44:56 fall from the sky?"
44:57 And I say, "Absolutely not."
44:59 Because I believe that if my usefulness in this earth
45:05 has come to an end, I'm fine with it.
45:08 If God still has a plan, the angels are going to
45:11 grab the wings and they're not going to let
45:13 that airplane fall from the sky.
45:18 You say, "How can you have that assurance?
45:20 Why aren't you afraid of dying?"
45:22 Do you know why?
45:24 Because I'm in Christ.
45:27 Because when I was baptized, when I received Jesus
45:29 as my Savior, I'm in Him.
45:31 And Jesus died, Jesus was buried, Jesus resurrected.
45:35 He took my penalty upon Himself.
45:37 When I go through that experience, He takes His
45:39 righteousness and He covers me with His righteousness.
45:42 I am no longer in me, I am in Him.
45:45 Is that good news?
45:47 That is pointed to in Genesis 3:21,
45:50 where the lamb is sacrificed and the shame of the
45:53 nakedness is... What? ...is covered.
45:55 So let me ask you, where is our source of life?
45:58 Inside in some immortal soul or outside in Jesus Christ?
46:03 Our source of life, folks, is outside in Jesus Christ.
46:07 Not within our self.
46:09 Now let me read you that great resurrection passage,
46:11 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.
46:14 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and verses 15 and 16.
46:19 And there's a little expression here that I want us to notice.
46:22 It's speaking about those who die and the resurrection
46:26 that will take place when Jesus comes.
46:28 It says here...
47:00 When did we get into Christ, or when did we get in Christ?
47:03 When we received Him as our Savior and were baptized
47:07 we are in Him.
47:08 So must we fear death?
47:10 No, because here it says that the dead in Christ will... What?
47:15 ...will rise first.
47:17 God's people will rise, those who are in Jesus Christ.
47:20 Our hope of life is not in us.
47:23 Our hope of life is in Him.
47:25 We have no immortality within ourselves.
47:28 The immortality is in Jesus.
47:30 Jesus said, "Because I live you will live also."
47:34 And the sanctuary clearly shows by the sacrifices of
47:37 millions of animals that the wages of sin is death.
47:41 And the only way that sin can be forgiven is when it's taken
47:44 into the sanctuary into the presence of God
47:47 through the blood of Jesus Christ.
47:50 His name be honored and glorified.
47:53 Then after God gave, in Genesis 3:21,
47:56 this promise of clothing the nakedness of man
47:59 through the death of the lamb, God cast Adam and Eve
48:03 out of the garden.
48:04 Let's read about it in Genesis chapter 3 verses 22 through 24.
48:09 The garden is like the Most Holy Place.
48:11 And then they would come to the entrance of the garden
48:13 and they would offer their sacrifices there.
48:17 You say, "How do you know that?"
48:18 Because at the entrance of the Garden of Eden
48:20 you have cherubim.
48:22 That's God's dwelling place.
48:23 Man was cast out.
48:25 Someday, we will be able to go back in again
48:28 through Jesus Christ.
48:29 Genesis 3:22
48:43 Did man have to eat from the tree to live forever?
48:45 Of course.
48:47 Then he did not have an immortal soul
48:49 if he had to continue eating from the tree.
48:51 Verse 23...
49:03 Where was the entrance to the sanctuary?
49:06 On the east.
49:19 Where was the source of life for man?
49:22 It was in the tree of life.
49:24 And what did the tree of life represent?
49:26 It represented life outside of us in Jesus Christ.
49:31 So the Bible says that there's no such thing
49:34 as an immortal sinner.
49:37 In fact, let's notice what the Bible has to say
49:39 about immortality.
49:41 1 Timothy chapter 6 and verse 16.
49:43 1 Timothy chapter 6 and verse 16 tells us
49:46 who is the only one who is immortal.
49:49 There we find these words.
49:52 "Which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed
49:56 and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords..."
50:02 And now notice...
50:06 Now let me ask you, what part of "alone" don't you understand?
50:09 Other versions say, "Who only has immortality."
50:13 So who is the only one who has immortality?
50:15 The King of kings and Lords of lords.
50:18 And then it goes on to say...
50:28 Scripture also tells us in Romans chapter 2
50:31 verses 6 and 7 that we must seek immortality.
50:36 If we have to seek it, it's because we don't have it.
50:39 Because you don't seek for what you have.
50:41 Notice what we find there in Romans chapter 2 verses 6 and 7.
50:47 "...who will render to each one according to his deeds..."
51:03 What must we do with regards to immortality?
51:06 We must what?
51:08 Seek it.
51:09 Notice 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 10.
51:12 The Bible is clear on this point.
51:13 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 10.
51:17 Immortality is only been brought to light through the gospel.
51:21 It says there in 2 Timothy 1 verse 10,
51:24 and it's speaking about the plan of salvation...
51:34 When it says He has abolished death, that's not
51:35 talking about physical death.
51:37 Because believers in Christ still die.
51:38 It's talking about ultimate nakedness, ultimate death.
51:42 So it says...
51:52 Through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
51:55 Notice also 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 53 and 54.
52:00 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 53 and 54.
52:04 Very clearly, it's saying that immortality must be put on.
52:08 If you have to put it on, it's because you don't
52:10 have it by nature.
52:12 It says there, the apostle Paul speaking about
52:15 the resurrection...
52:41 If man is immortal by nature, why would Jesus have to die
52:44 to give him what he already has?
52:47 You see, immortality is one of the incommunicable
52:51 attributes of God.
52:52 Do you know what those attributes are?
52:54 For example, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence,
53:02 immutability, and also immortality.
53:08 You see, immortality is something that belongs
53:10 only to God.
53:12 So what were the two lies that the devil brought in
53:16 to the Garden of Eden?
53:17 Two lies that are being presented even within
53:21 the Christian church today.
53:24 First lie; you will not surely die.
53:30 And the idea is that human beings have
53:32 some type of immortal soul that lives on after death
53:37 that even God cannot eradicate or destroy
53:41 because it is indestructible.
53:43 You say, "Well, yeah that's true.
53:45 But you see, the wicked will suffer death by
53:48 burning eternally in hell."
53:49 Well that's not death.
53:51 Death means to be deprived of what?
53:54 Life.
53:55 It means simply, death from which there is no resurrection.
54:00 The Bible says they shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not awake.
54:05 Speaking about the wicked.
54:06 And so the first lie is that man is by nature immortal.
54:11 The devil said, "You will not surely die."
54:15 The second lie is also being taught in many
54:17 Christian pulpits.
54:19 And that is the idea that you can be like God
54:23 knowing good and evil.
54:26 That's the foundation of post-modern thought.
54:30 It's the foundation of the Emerging Church idea
54:34 where people say, "Don't tell me what the Bible says.
54:36 Don't tell me what your ethical system is.
54:40 I believe that I can decide on my own
54:42 what is right and what is wrong.
54:44 And that's why in the Christian church you have people who say
54:47 that it's okay to live a gay lifestyle, and you have
54:50 people that say that it's not okay to live a gay lifestyle.
54:53 And those who believe that you can live a gay lifestyle,
54:56 they say, "Don't impose your ethics on me.
54:58 This is what I believe to be true."
55:02 Let me ask you, who is it that defines truth?
55:05 Is it something that comes out of my heart?
55:08 "I know good and evil.
55:09 I don't have to do what God says."
55:11 Absolutely not.
55:13 Good and evil are defined outside of man by God
55:18 in His holy Law and in His holy Word.
55:21 And we must live like Jesus lived; by every word
55:25 that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
55:28 Only in that way can we be absolutely safe
55:31 from the arguments of Satan.
55:33 Let's not argue with Him.
55:35 Let's take the Bible the way that it is written.
55:38 And let's simply obey God because God's way
55:42 is always the best way.
55:46 The devil wanted people to think that by getting rid of the law
55:50 you would be truly free.
55:52 You would be emancipated.
55:54 And you would be able to choose your own ethical lifestyle.
55:57 Let me ask you, has it worked out very well?
56:02 Just look at the world.
56:04 Wars and rumors of wars.
56:06 Corruptions, thefts, kidnappings, murders.
56:10 What is the world like without the law of God?
56:14 The devil wants to get rid of the law.
56:16 And any church or any theologian that says
56:19 that the law was nailed to the cross,
56:21 that we're not under law but we're under grace,
56:24 or God doesn't expect us to keep the law,
56:27 is simply repeating the deceptions that Satan spoke
56:32 in the Garden of Eden; "You will not surely die,
56:36 but you will be like God knowing good and evil."
56:41 So the short of it, folks, is that our only hope
56:45 of life is found outside of us in Jesus Christ
56:50 who came and died for our sins.
56:52 And our only hope of knowing what is good and what is evil
56:56 is also outside of us in God's holy Law and in God's holy Word.
57:02 I pray to God that we will live the way that Jesus lived.
57:08 Every time that the devil came to Jesus,
57:10 Jesus didn't argue with him.
57:12 Jesus didn't say, "Well, I think this or I think that."
57:15 Jesus simply said, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
57:20 but he shall live by every word that proceeds
57:24 out of the mouth of God."


Revised 2014-12-17