His Way is in the Sanctuary

His Way Is In The Sanctuary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: HWIS

Program Code: HWIS000001

00:33 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:38 Our loving heavenly Father, as we begin this series
00:44 on the Hebrew sanctuary that you gave as a model
00:49 of the plan of salvation, we ask, Father, that You
00:53 will enlighten minds and that You will soften our hearts
00:56 so that we might understand the great truths that we find
01:00 in the sanctuary.
01:01 And not only understand them in our minds, but also apply the
01:05 lessons in our hearts.
01:08 We ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit,
01:11 for human minds cannot understand the great things
01:15 of God unaided.
01:18 So we plead for your presence.
01:20 And we thank You, Father, for the privilege of
01:22 approaching Your throne boldly, because we do it in the precious
01:26 name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord.
01:30 Amen.
01:33 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to
01:35 the book of Psalms and I'm going to Psalm 73,
01:40 and I would like to read verse 3 and then verses 12 through 14,
01:45 and then we will jump down to verse 17.
01:50 This psalm was written by Asaph.
01:53 You know, many of the psalms were written by David.
01:56 But this particular psalm was written by
01:58 an individual called Asaph.
02:01 And basically, what Asaph is struggling with is
02:05 the prosperity of the boastful and of the wicked.
02:11 And I want you to notice how he expresses this envy
02:15 at the beginning, and then how he answers his question about
02:19 why the wicked prosper.
02:23 Let's begin by reading Psalm 73 and verse 3.
02:28 "For I was envious of the boastful when I saw
02:34 the prosperity of the wicked."
02:38 Then we jump down to verse 12.
02:41 "Behold, these are the ungodly, who are always at ease;
02:46 they increase in riches."
02:50 And then he says, "Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain,
02:55 washed my hands in innocence.
02:59 For all day long I have been plagued,
03:03 and chastened every morning."
03:06 In other words, what use is it to cleanse your life,
03:10 to be righteous, because the wicked prosper
03:14 and the righteous are chastened.
03:16 But now I want you to notice the answer that he found
03:21 to his problem.
03:23 It's found in verse 17.
03:26 It says there, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God;
03:33 then I understood their end."
03:37 There was something in the sanctuary, in the Hebrew
03:40 sanctuary, that explained that it is good to cleanse your heart
03:46 from sin, and that the wicked who prosper, the boastful
03:53 who are successful in life, will eventually receive a just reward
04:01 for their deeds.
04:03 The Hebrew sanctuary has the explanations
04:07 that many times leave questions in the mind.
04:11 Now I'd like to begin by mentioning the sanctuaries
04:16 that are brought to view in Scripture.
04:19 Particularly the earthly sanctuaries.
04:23 Now the first sanctuary that was built, of course, was the
04:26 sanctuary in the wilderness in the times of Moses.
04:30 This sanctuary was built around the year 1445 BC.
04:36 And I'd like to read Exodus 25 and verse 8,
04:40 and then we'll go down to verse 40,
04:43 where this particular tabernacle or this sanctuary is spoken of.
04:49 Exodus 25 and verse 8, here God is speaking.
04:53 And He says...
05:02 And then in verse 40, God told Moses to make this sanctuary
05:06 according to the pattern that He showed him in the mountain.
05:10 It says there...
05:21 And then in Exodus 36 through 39, we find
05:26 the building of this sanctuary that God told Moses to build.
05:32 Now after the sanctuary had been built,
05:35 all of its different parts, we find in Exodus chapter 40
05:40 and verse 34 that the Shekinah Glory of God
05:44 entered the Hebrew sanctuary.
05:47 Let's read that verse, Exodus 40 and verse 34.
05:52 The sanctuary has been built, all of its parts are complete.
05:56 And now we find these words.
05:58 "Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting,
06:02 and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle."
06:07 So this is the first sanctuary that is mentioned
06:10 in Holy Scripture that was built on earth;
06:14 the Hebrew sanctuary at the times of Moses.
06:19 But then God had Israel make a more permanent structure.
06:24 Because the sanctuary in the wilderness was actually a tent
06:27 that they could move around.
06:29 But when Israel entered the Promised Land,
06:31 God told David, and then Solomon, to build
06:35 a more permanent structure.
06:38 Which came to be known as Solomon's temple.
06:41 Now that's a misnomer because it wasn't Solomon's temple.
06:44 Solomon built it, but it was really the Lord's temple.
06:48 This temple was built around the year 960 BC.
06:54 And to give you a little bit of background,
06:57 if you read in 2 Chronicles chapter 6, you'll find that
07:05 Solomon offered a prayer after the building of this temple.
07:10 And then in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verses 1 and 2,
07:14 once again the Shekinah Glory of God entered the sanctuary,
07:19 or the temple that Solomon had built.
07:22 Let's read from 2 Chronicles chapter 7 and verses 1 and 2.
07:50 And so once again, we find the building of a sanctuary.
07:55 This is a permanent temple in the year 960 BC.
08:00 Built by Solomon.
08:01 The building is actually described in
08:04 2 Chronicles chapters 3, and 4, and 5.
08:09 And then in chapter 6, we have Solomon's prayer.
08:12 And in chapter 7, we have the Shekinah Glory
08:15 entering the temple that Solomon built.
08:19 But because of the apostasy of Israel, this temple
08:23 was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar in the year 586.
08:29 And of course, Israel was taken captive for a period of 70 years
08:34 to Babylon.
08:36 And there was a promise that after they were in Babylon for
08:39 70 years, they would be able to go back to their land,
08:43 re-establish their religion, and build the temple once again.
08:49 So after the captivity, in the year 536 they went back
08:53 to their land, and they built the temple.
08:56 And the temple was finished in the year 515 BC.
09:01 This temple is spoken of in Haggai chapter 2
09:05 and verses 6 through 9.
09:08 Now there's something very interesting about this temple
09:11 that was built after the captivity.
09:13 And that is that this temple had no Shekinah Glory go into it.
09:19 In fact, when this temple was finished, many of those
09:23 who had seen Solomon's temple actually cried
09:27 when they saw how inferior this temple was
09:31 to the temple that Solomon had built.
09:34 Let's read about this temple in Haggai chapter 2
09:38 and verses 6 through 9.
10:12 And then comes this promise.
10:16 The latter temple is the temple that is built
10:18 after the captivity.
10:25 The former is Solomon's temple.
10:35 Do you know the Jews are still trying to explain
10:38 how this prophecy was fulfilled.
10:41 Because the temple that was built after the captivity,
10:44 at least outwardly, never reached the magnitude of glory
10:50 that the temple built by Solomon had reached.
10:53 What was meant here when God gave the promise
10:57 that this post exilic temple would be filled with glory
11:02 and that the glory of this latter temple would be
11:04 greater than the former temple?
11:07 The fact is that this was fulfilled because Jesus Christ
11:11 Himself walked in the courts of this temple.
11:16 Now His glory, according to Scripture, was veiled.
11:20 But He brought peace to this place because He was
11:24 the Prince of Peace.
11:27 Now this temple was actually beautified and remodeled
11:32 and enlarged by Herod the Great.
11:35 We find a description of this in John chapter 2 and verse 20.
11:40 Actually, it took 46 years for Herod the Great to remodel
11:47 and to enlarge and to beautify this post exilic temple.
11:52 It says there in John chapter 2 and verse 20...
12:06 Of course, Jesus had said, "Destroy this temple
12:09 and in three days I will raise it up."
12:12 And they thought that He was talking about the temple
12:14 that Herod had remodeled that had taken 46 years
12:19 to remodel and to beautify.
12:22 So we find these temples in Scripture.
12:25 We find the sanctuary in the wilderness,
12:27 we find the temple built by Solomon,
12:30 we find the temple which was built after the
12:32 exile in the year 515, and then the temple that was beautified
12:37 and enlarged by Herod the Great.
12:41 Now the questions is, what did these sanctuaries represent?
12:45 What did these sanctuaries symbolize?
12:48 Did God just build these sanctuaries because He
12:51 wanted to dwell among Israel?
12:53 Or was there a particular reason why God told Israel
12:58 to build these sanctuaries?
13:00 The fact is that these earthly sanctuaries were symbolic,
13:05 or represented several things.
13:07 I want you to notice the first thing that these sanctuaries
13:11 represented or symbolized.
13:13 The earthly sanctuary actually was a symbol
13:17 of the heavenly sanctuary.
13:18 It was a scale model of the heavenly sanctuary.
13:22 God wanted Israel to understand by looking at the
13:25 earthly sanctuary things about the heavenly sanctuary.
13:29 Let's go to Hebrews chapter 8 and verses 1 through 5
13:33 where we find very clearly that the earthly sanctuary
13:36 was a symbol, or was an illustration, of the
13:39 much greater heavenly sanctuary.
13:42 It says there in Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 1...
14:27 And now notice what it says about the earthly sanctuary.
14:37 What was the earthly sanctuary?
14:39 It was a what?
14:40 It was a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.
15:01 So the earthly sanctuary was only a small scale illustration
15:07 of the heavenly sanctuary to give an idea of what
15:11 God's heavenly sanctuary is like.
15:14 Also Hebrews 9 verses 11 and 12 tells us about this comparison
15:20 between the earthly sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary.
15:24 It says there in Hebrews 9 verses 11 and 12...
15:26 And I'm reading from the King James Version,
15:28 which is more accurate.
15:30 It says, "But Christ being come an high priest
15:34 of good things to come..."
15:35 Now notice.
15:37 "...by a greater and more perfect tabernacle,
15:40 not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
15:47 neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood
15:52 He entered into the Holy Place, having obtained
15:56 eternal redemption for us."
15:58 Notice once again that the true tabernacle,
16:02 the heavenly sanctuary, is a more perfect tabernacle
16:06 not made with hands.
16:09 In other words, the earthly sanctuary had the purpose
16:12 of serving as a scale model to illustrate great truths
16:16 about the greater heavenly sanctuary.
16:19 So one reason why God had all of these earthly sanctuaries built
16:24 was because He wanted people to catch a vision
16:27 of the heavenly sanctuary.
16:29 But these earthly temples represented
16:32 other things as well.
16:33 And we're going to study this in this seminar.
16:36 These temples also represented our body temple.
16:41 Notice 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 19 and 20.
16:45 You see, the sanctuary is an illustration of us,
16:49 of our body temple.
16:50 In fact, we have a whole lecture that is titled,
16:52 The Two Temples, towards the end of this series
16:55 where I'm going to compare the sanctuary with our body temple.
16:59 God gave these temples to illustrate plans that He had
17:02 for our own personal body temple.
17:05 It says in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 19 and 20,
17:15 See, the Shekinah is the Holy Spirit, in the case of
17:18 our body temple.
17:34 So in other words, another reason why God had these
17:38 sanctuaries built is because He wanted to give great lessons
17:41 about our own personal body temple.
17:46 Incidentally, these temples were also built to give great lessons
17:52 about the body temple of Jesus.
17:55 Notice what we find in John chapter 2 and
17:57 verses 19 through 21.
18:00 John chapter 2 and verses 19 through 21
18:03 See, these earthly sanctuaries also illustrated great truths
18:06 about Jesus and His body temple.
18:09 It says there in John chapter 2 and verse 19...
18:30 Now notice verse 21.
18:36 "Therefore when He had risen from the dead,
18:39 the disciples remembered that He had said this to them and they
18:43 believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said."
18:48 So the temple was actually symbolic of the body temple
18:52 of Jesus, interestingly enough.
18:54 So the temple was given, not only to give lessons about
18:58 the heavenly sanctuary, about our body temple,
19:02 but also about the body temple of Jesus Christ.
19:06 But there's another dimension to these earthly temples.
19:09 These earthly temples were also given as an illustration
19:13 of the Christian church, which in Scripture is called
19:18 the temple of God.
19:19 Go with me to Ephesians chapter 2
19:21 and verses 19 through 22.
19:24 Ephesians chapter 2 and verses 19 through 22.
19:29 Here we find that these earthly temples, or sanctuaries,
19:33 represented the Christian church.
19:36 It says there in verse 19...
19:48 Now notice the spiritual temple.
19:54 See, these are not stone foundations.
19:57 The foundations of this temple are the apostles and prophets,
20:01 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.
20:04 See, the temple had a chief cornerstone
20:06 that held it all together.
20:08 And now notice that we are the building.
20:10 It says in verse 21...
20:26 Is there a Shekinah in this church temple?
20:28 Absolutely.
20:38 So these earthly temples were given to teach great lessons
20:42 about the heavenly sanctuary, about Jesus Christ,
20:46 about our body temple, and about the Christian church.
20:50 In fact, later on we're going to have a lecture where we
20:52 talk about the antichrist sitting in the temple of God
20:56 showing himself to be God.
20:58 Some people think that somebody is going to rise over in the
21:01 Middle East and sit in a literally rebuilt Jewish temple.
21:05 Is it just possible that he's going to sit within
21:08 the Christian church itself, and that's the temple
21:11 that Scripture is talking about?
21:13 I believe so.
21:14 Now let's talk a little bit about the geography
21:17 of the sanctuary, or of the temple.
21:20 And you'll find an illustration here on the platform.
21:24 The only one that is not in order is the central one
21:29 where you have the priest and you have the lamb.
21:32 I put that one there because that's central
21:34 to the sanctuary service.
21:35 Without that, you don't have anything.
21:37 All of the other panels are in the exact order in which
21:42 the sanctuary was built.
21:44 Now we're suppose to read from east to west because
21:47 the sanctuary was actually, the entrance to the sanctuary was
21:51 actually on the east side.
21:52 Which means that when people worshiped towards the sanctuary,
21:56 their backs were to the sun.
21:58 That was intentional.
21:59 Because in antiquity, people worshiped with their faces
22:03 towards the sun, according to Ezekiel chapter 8.
22:06 But because the entrance to the sanctuary was on the east side,
22:09 when people faced east, their backs were what?
22:12 Their backs were to the sun.
22:14 They were not to worship the sun god.
22:16 And so, you have first of all the camp.
22:21 And that's not depicted here on the platform.
22:24 You have the camp. That's where Israel lived.
22:26 That's where sinners lived.
22:28 They were the ones who needed the sanctuary.
22:30 The sanctuary encampment was actually part of
22:33 the Hebrew Sanctuary.
22:35 We usually start with the court, Holy Place, and Most Holy Place.
22:38 But the camp, we're going to find, was very, very important
22:41 in the sanctuary service.
22:43 And so the camp is the first key place of the Hebrew sanctuary.
22:48 There were three tribes that camped at each point of
22:52 the compass of the sanctuary.
22:54 And then, of course, we have the court.
22:56 Which is kind of like a yard without a roof on it.
23:00 And the court had two key pieces of furniture.
23:03 As you went in through the gate into the court,
23:06 you had the altar of sacrifice.
23:09 That's where all of the animals that were sacrificed
23:12 were placed and they were burned.
23:14 And then a little bit further in, before you got to the
23:17 entrance of the sanctuary, you had the laver.
23:21 And so I want you to keep this in your mind.
23:24 Because every aspect of the sanctuary
23:26 is extremely important.
23:27 So you have the camp beyond all of this where Israel was camped,
23:32 where the needy sinners were living.
23:34 And then you have the altar of sacrifice.
23:38 And then you have the laver.
23:39 Both of those pieces of furniture were actually
23:42 in the court of the sanctuary.
23:44 And then you go into the tent proper.
23:47 And as you go into the tent, you go into an apartment
23:51 which is called the Holy Place of the sanctuary.
23:54 And by the way, you're going from west to east.
23:58 So as you're going in through the door, into the tent,
24:00 you look to the left, that's south, and you see
24:04 a seven branch candlestick.
24:07 And you have the illustration in your hands.
24:09 You have a seven branch candlestick that remained
24:14 lighted all the time.
24:15 It had oil all of the time.
24:18 And then as you look to the right, which is north,
24:21 you have the table of the showbread.
24:24 Twelve loaves of bread in two stacks on this golden table,
24:29 the table of the showbread.
24:31 And then straight in front of you as you go towards
24:37 the Most Holy Place, right before you go beyond the veil,
24:40 you have the golden altar of incense.
24:44 So in other words, in the Holy Place of the sanctuary,
24:47 you have three pieces of furniture.
24:49 You have in the south the seven branch candlestick.
24:54 Pure gold, 120 pounds.
24:56 We're going to study that. Of pure gold.
24:58 And then you have the table of the showbread, which is north
25:01 as you look to your right.
25:02 Twelve loaves of bread.
25:04 That is a very important number, we're going to find.
25:07 And then straight ahead of you, before you go into
25:09 the Most Holy Place, you have the golden altar of incense
25:13 where incense was burning all the time.
25:17 And then you have a veil.
25:19 And behind the veil, you have the apartment which is called
25:22 the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary.
25:25 And in the Most Holy Place, you have one piece of furniture.
25:29 And you can see it over there on the far side.
25:32 You have what is called, the ark of the covenant.
25:36 And above the ark of the covenant, you have the
25:38 Shekinah Glory; the glory of God that was above the ark.
25:43 And the Bible tells us that inside the ark were the
25:49 two tables of stone that contained the Ten Commandments.
25:54 But not only were the Ten Commandments inside the
25:57 ark of the covenant beneath where the glory of God was
26:00 manifested above the mercy seat, which was the cover of the ark.
26:05 But you also had inside the ark of the covenant,
26:09 a pot of manna.
26:12 Very, very important symbolically.
26:14 You had a pot of manna, the manna that fell in the
26:17 wilderness for 40 years.
26:19 And you also had in the Most Holy Place inside the
26:23 ark of the covenant, Aaron's rod, which was a dead rod
26:28 that budded miraculously.
26:31 And so in the ark of the covenant, you have three things.
26:34 You have the tables of the law, you have a pot of manna,
26:38 and you have Aaron's rod that budded.
26:43 So is it clear in your mind the geography of the sanctuary?
26:47 Very important that we have this clear in mind,
26:49 because we're going to be referring to it time and again
26:52 as we move through this seminar.
26:54 Now let's talk about the relationship between the
26:57 earthly sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary.
27:00 Now the earthly sanctuary was a small scale model
27:04 of the heavenly sanctuary.
27:06 In other words, it was a miniature
27:08 of the heavenly sanctuary.
27:10 The heavenly sanctuary is far greater than the
27:13 earthly sanctuary ever was.
27:15 Let's go to 1 Kings chapter 8 and verses 27 to 30.
27:21 1 Kings chapter 8 verses 27 to 30,
27:25 where it speaks about the heavenly sanctuary.
27:29 It says there...
28:06 Notice that in this earthly temple, God is looking
28:10 upon the earthly temple.
28:44 Where was God?
28:46 God was in His heavenly temple.
28:49 But He also was present through His Spirit where?
28:52 In the earthly temple.
28:53 But the earthly temple was far inferior to the heavenly temple.
28:59 Notice also Acts chapter 7 and verses 47 through 50.
29:04 Acts chapter 7 and verses 47 through 50.
29:09 Here, Stephen is speaking.
29:11 He's telling the story of Israel in Acts chapter 7.
29:16 And he says there in verse 47, "But Solomon
29:20 built Him a house..."
29:21 That is, built God a house.
29:23 "However, the Most High does not dwell
29:27 in temples made with hands..."
29:29 Where does God dwell then?
29:31 God dwells in the heavenly temple.
29:33 The earthly temple is simply a figure or a symbol.
29:38 And then it continues saying, "...as the prophet says,
29:42 'Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.
29:46 What house will you build for Me' says the Lord.
29:50 'Or what is the place of My rest?'"
29:54 In other words, the earthly sanctuary was only a scale model
29:58 of the heavenly sanctuary.
30:00 In fact, let's notice Exodus 25 and verse 40,
30:03 which we already read.
30:04 Let's take a look at it again.
30:06 Exodus 25 and verse 40.
30:09 I'm going to include verse 8 also.
30:12 It says, "And let them make Me a sanctuary,
30:15 that I may dwell among them."
30:17 And then it says in verse 40, God speaking to Moses...
30:28 So what did God show Moses on the mountain?
30:31 God did not show Moses the heavenly sanctuary.
30:35 God showed Moses a scale model of the heavenly sanctuary.
30:40 In other words, God made a miniature
30:43 of the heavenly sanctuary.
30:44 In fact, let's notice Exodus 26 and verse 30
30:48 where we find the same idea.
30:50 Exodus 26 and verse 30.
30:53 It says...
31:04 Now we've already read Hebrews chapter 8 and verses 1 through 5
31:08 where it says that the earthly sanctuary was a copy,
31:13 the earthly sanctuary was a shadow,
31:16 of the true heavenly sanctuary.
31:18 Allow me to explain and illustrate so that we can
31:22 understand the relationship between the heavenly
31:24 and the earthly sanctuary.
31:27 Let's take the idea of the scale model.
31:29 You know, several years ago, our airport here in Fresno
31:33 was remodeled.
31:35 And I don't know if those of you who were here remember
31:39 that there was a little scale model of what the final
31:44 airport would look like.
31:46 Now you could get an idea where everything was going to be.
31:49 Where the parking was going to be,
31:51 where the terminal was going to be.
31:53 You had an idea of where everything was going to be.
31:55 But that was only a small scale model of the finished product.
32:01 In other words, what God showed Moses was a little scale model
32:06 of the heavenly sanctuary.
32:07 Because the heavenly sanctuary is so large that nothing like it
32:11 could have been built upon the earth.
32:13 Or it's kind of like taking a picture.
32:16 You know, you get a camera and you take a picture of someone.
32:20 Does the picture give you an idea about that person?
32:22 Yes.
32:24 Is the person a lot smaller in the picture?
32:26 Absolutely yes.
32:28 But does the picture give you an idea of the greater reality?
32:31 Of course.
32:32 And so it is with the sanctuary.
32:34 The sanctuary; God took a snapshot of the sanctuary
32:37 and He showed the snapshot to Moses.
32:40 And then Moses built the sanctuary according to the
32:43 scale model that God showed him.
32:45 Or we could compare it with the map.
32:48 Have you ever seen a map of California?
32:50 Let me ask you, what existed first, the map or California?
32:55 Of course, California.
32:56 And then they make a little map.
32:58 It shows you where all the cities are, the distances,
33:00 where all the rivers and where the mountains are.
33:02 You get a pretty good bird's eye view of California, right?
33:06 But it's a miniature of California.
33:09 California is much greater.
33:11 And so, the sanctuary was in that way.
33:14 God showed Moses, so to speak, a little map of the
33:18 heavenly sanctuary, which is far greater.
33:22 The Bible says that the earthly sanctuary was a shadow
33:25 of the heavenly sanctuary.
33:26 Now in order for there to be a shadow, there has to be a
33:29 reality that projects the shadow.
33:31 Let me ask you, what's more real; a shadow or the
33:35 reality that projects the shadow?
33:37 The reality.
33:38 What's more real; a picture or the person who's in the picture?
33:42 The person who is in the picture.
33:44 Let me ask you, what is more real; a scale model
33:47 or the finished product that the scale model was pointing to?
33:51 The finished product.
33:52 And so the heavenly sanctuary is very real.
33:56 But it's huge, it's immense.
34:00 The Bible tells us that millions and millions of angels
34:03 angels are in the sanctuary.
34:05 We're going to study that tomorrow morning.
34:06 Lord willing.
34:08 I mean, there's no earthly person that even conceive
34:11 what the heavenly sanctuary is like.
34:13 So God made a little scale model.
34:15 And He said to Moses, "You build a sanctuary
34:17 according to the scale model, which is an illustration
34:21 of the greatness of the heavenly sanctuary."
34:25 It reminds me of 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 12
34:29 where it says...
34:42 In other words, we can know little now, enough to get there.
34:46 And when we get there, we will see the real thing.
34:51 Now we need to also talk about the Messiah's calendar
34:57 in relationship to the sanctuary.
34:59 The sanctuary primarily presents the events of salvation history
35:05 by Jesus Christ.
35:06 But the Hebrew feasts present the calendar
35:11 or the timing of those events that are illustrated
35:15 in the Hebrew sanctuary.
35:17 Now let's go to Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 3
35:21 and read about these so called Hebrew feasts.
35:25 They follow the exact order of the sanctuary.
35:29 Leviticus 23 and verse 3.
35:32 And actually let's start reading at verse 1 for the context.
35:35 It says, "And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
35:39 'Speak to the children of Israel and say to them,
35:42 "The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be
35:47 holy convocations, these are My feasts."'"
35:51 Now there were four spring feasts and there were
35:55 three fall feasts.
35:57 And in between the spring feasts and the fall feasts,
35:59 you have a long summer drought, a long summer where there are
36:04 no feasts at all.
36:06 Now allow me to mention the spring feasts.
36:09 The spring feasts were the Passover...
36:14 What was the Passover?
36:15 What was sacrificed on the Passover?
36:17 A lamb.
36:19 See, there you have the altar of sacrifice represented.
36:22 And then the next two feasts are Unleavened Bread
36:25 and First Fruits.
36:27 Now do you know what Unleavened Bread represents?
36:30 It represents the burial of Christ.
36:32 And First Fruits represents His resurrection.
36:34 Because the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15
36:37 that Jesus rose the first fruits of those who went to sleep.
36:42 We're going to find in our study that the laver represents
36:45 the resurrection of Jesus Christ, interestingly enough.
36:49 And the feast of First Fruits represents the
36:52 resurrection of Jesus.
36:53 So we have Passover and Unleavened Bread.
36:56 They were connected.
36:57 And then we have First Fruits, represented also by the laver,
37:01 the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
37:03 And then you have after this the Feast of Pentecost.
37:08 On the Feast of Pentecost, we're going to find that Jesus
37:11 entered the Holy Place.
37:13 He entered there to interceded for us.
37:15 In other words, He entered where the candlestick is,
37:19 and where the table of the showbread is,
37:21 and also where the altar of incense is found.
37:27 In other words, Pentecost, which came exactly 50 days
37:31 after First Fruits, represents the beginning of the
37:35 intercession of Jesus in the Holy Place of the sanctuary.
37:39 Do you see how this is following the order of events
37:42 in the ministry of Christ?
37:43 But it's giving us the dates.
37:46 Because Passover the year Jesus died was the 14th of Nisan,
37:49 Unleavened Bread was the 15th of Nisan,
37:52 First Fruits was the 16th of Nisan, the third day,
37:55 and Pentecost was 50 days later.
37:57 And the Bible tells us that on the day of Pentecost,
38:01 the Holy Spirit was poured out because Jesus had begun His
38:04 intercessory ministry in the heavenly sanctuary.
38:07 And then we have the fall feasts.
38:10 You see, the Feasts of Trumpets was the first fall feast
38:12 and it announced the coming of the Day of Atonement
38:15 which took place, it was the great day of judgment
38:17 in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary.
38:20 Let me ask you, what is the next apartment in the sanctuary
38:23 in the ministration of Christ?
38:25 It is the Most Holy Place where the ark of the covenant
38:28 and where the Law is.
38:30 In other words, we find in the sanctuary the movements of
38:34 Jesus Christ and the timing of those events.
38:37 Because the Hebrew feasts give specific dates
38:41 when Jesus was going to begin His ministry in these particular
38:46 apartments of the sanctuary.
38:48 And of course, we're going to be studying this in detail
38:51 as we move along.
38:54 Now how important is the sanctuary?
38:56 Let me just mention a few very important things.
39:00 The book of Daniel is seeped in sanctuary terminology.
39:05 In fact, there's no way you can understand the book of Daniel
39:08 without the sanctuary.
39:09 Particularly chapter 8 where it speaks about a little horn
39:14 that takes away the daily.
39:16 And where it speaks about the sanctuary being cleansed;
39:19 a reference to Leviticus chapter 16,
39:22 what happened on the Day of Atonement.
39:24 There's no way you can understand Daniel
39:26 without understanding the sanctuary.
39:28 Furthermore, the whole book of Hebrews from beginning
39:32 to end is an illustration of what Jesus has accomplished
39:37 in the sanctuary.
39:39 There's no way that you can understand the book of Hebrews
39:41 unless you understand the Old Testament Hebrew sanctuary.
39:45 Because the book of Hebrews is saturated
39:48 with sanctuary terminology.
39:51 The book of Psalms.
39:53 There's no way that the book of Psalms can be understood
39:56 independently of the feasts and of the sanctuary.
39:59 You know, David was called the...
40:02 The Bible tells us that he was skillful in playing the harp.
40:06 He was a great musician.
40:07 You can read that in 1 Samuel chapter 16 and verse 18.
40:11 He was so proficient in playing the harp
40:14 that the demons even fled when he was playing for King Saul.
40:19 The Bible also tells us in 2 Samuel chapter 23 and verse 1
40:23 that David was called the sweet psalmist of Israel.
40:27 He wrote 73 of the 150 psalms.
40:31 In fact, the book of Psalms was the hymnal of the sanctuary.
40:35 Each psalm had a particular sanctuary setting
40:39 or the psalm was read during a particular Hebrew feast.
40:44 Let me illustrate the point.
40:48 You know, when Jesus met with His disciples in the upper room
40:52 to institute the Lord's Supper, they sang Psalm 113 and 114.
41:01 See, the Psalms were the hymnal of the sanctuary.
41:05 And when the service was finished when Jesus had
41:08 instituted the Lord's Supper, they sang Psalm 115
41:15 through Psalm 118.
41:17 Do you remember that it says in the gospels that when they had
41:20 sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives?
41:23 Well, what they sang was actually Psalm 115 through 118.
41:28 Psalm 135 was sung at the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
41:35 Psalm 29 and Psalm 132 were sung at Pentecost
41:40 and at the Feast of Tabernacles.
41:42 The book of Ruth was sung at the Feast of Pentecost
41:45 because it has to do with the harvest.
41:48 And Psalms 47, 68, 29, and 132 were sung at the
41:53 Feast of Tabernacles.
41:55 In other words, the Psalms help us understand the sanctuary
41:59 and the Hebrew feasts because the Psalms were connected with
42:02 the sanctuary service.
42:03 In other words, the theme of the Psalms were connected with
42:06 specific events that had to do with the Hebrew sanctuary.
42:11 The book of Revelation cannot be understood
42:13 without the Hebrew sanctuary.
42:15 In fact, the book of Revelation is saturated
42:17 with sanctuary terminology.
42:18 Let's notice several examples.
42:21 Notice Revelation chapter 5 and verse 6.
42:24 Revelation chapter 5 and verse 6.
42:26 It says there...
42:41 There were millions of lambs that were killed
42:43 in the sanctuary service.
42:52 The seven candlesticks are mentioned
42:54 in the book of Revelation.
42:56 Notice Revelation chapter 1 and verses 12 and 13.
43:00 It says there...
43:08 See, there you have the Holy Place ministry of Christ.
43:21 The altar of incense is in the book of Revelation.
43:24 Notice Revelation chapter 8 and verses 3 through 5.
43:29 It says there, Revelation 8 verses 3 through 5...
43:53 So notice, you have the Lamb, you have the seven candlesticks,
43:57 you have the altar of incense.
43:59 You also have the manna.
44:01 Notice Revelation chapter 2 and verse 17.
44:05 Revelation chapter 2 and verse 17.
44:20 Do you know that the Most Holy Place is also mentioned
44:23 in the book of Revelation?
44:25 Notice Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19.
44:27 Revelation chapter 11 and verse 19.
44:39 In which temple?
44:41 In the heavenly temple.
44:43 Is there an ark in the heavenly temple?
44:45 Most certainly.
44:56 In fact, we don't have the time right now to show this,
45:00 but the book of Revelation follows the exact order of
45:03 the Hebrew sanctuary.
45:05 It goes from the people in the camp to the lamb,
45:10 to the candlesticks, to the table of showbread,
45:13 to the altar of incense, to the Most Holy Place,
45:16 and then to the cessation of intercession
45:20 in the Most Holy Place.
45:21 In fact, let's read that in Revelation chapter 15
45:24 and verses 5 through 8.
45:26 You know, the time is coming when the service of the
45:28 sanctuary is going to come to an end.
45:30 And nobody is going to be able to enter the sanctuary
45:33 by faith anymore.
45:34 Probation will have closed.
45:35 That is presented in Revelation 15 and verses 5 through 8.
45:40 Notice...
46:19 Is the sanctuary service going to come to an end some day?
46:23 Most certainly it will.
46:24 The Most Holy Place ministry of Christ will come to an end.
46:27 And when it comes to an end, probation will close.
46:30 A time of tribulation will come; the time of the plagues.
46:33 And then Jesus will return in power and glory.
46:37 The book of Revelation follows the exact order
46:40 of the Hebrew sanctuary from beginning to end.
46:43 Which means that there's no way that we can understand
46:45 the book of Revelation unless we understand the sanctuary.
46:49 So we must understand the sanctuary to understand the
46:52 Psalms, to understand the book of Revelation,
46:54 to understand the book of Hebrews,
46:56 to understand other portions of Scripture.
46:59 The sanctuary is of critical importance
47:02 for understanding Scripture.
47:04 Do you know that the sanctuary also presents
47:07 step by step each event of the life of Christ,
47:11 of the ministry of Christ?
47:13 Let's read several verses now so that you see how the sanctuary
47:17 points to each action of the ministry of Christ.
47:20 John chapter 1 and verse 14 speaks about Jesus coming
47:24 to the camp to live with us.
47:27 John chapter 1 and verse 14.
47:30 It says here...
47:40 Do you know that word "dwelt" actually means,
47:42 He pitched His tent.
47:46 The Greek word skenoo, it means He came and He pitched His tent.
47:49 He came to live in our midst.
47:50 Before He goes into the court to die at the altar,
47:54 He lives in our midst.
47:56 Because He came to live a perfect life so that
47:58 His sacrifice would be accepted.
48:00 See, sometimes we forget that He had to live a holy life
48:03 in order for His sacrifice to be accepted.
48:05 So the first step of the ministry of Jesus is to come
48:09 and live with us in the camp.
48:10 And so it says...
48:21 Did Jesus live without sin in our midst?
48:24 He most certainly did.
48:25 Notice Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15.
48:28 Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15.
48:31 "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot
48:34 sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted
48:38 as we are, yet without sin."
48:41 He lived in the camp with us, but He never what?
48:44 He never sinned.
48:46 Because He was that perfect lamb of the sanctuary service.
48:49 But then the lamb had to die.
48:51 That's the next step in the ministry of Jesus.
48:53 He was slain and then placed on the altar.
48:56 Notice 1 Peter chapter 1 and verses 18 through 20.
49:00 1 Peter chapter 1 and verses 18 through 20
49:03 speaks about the death of the unblemished lamb.
49:27 Was He without blemish and without spot
49:29 before He shed His blood?
49:30 Absolutely.
49:32 He came to live in our midst, to live a life without sin,
49:35 so His sacrifice as the lamb would be acceptable.
49:38 So first He came to live with us, then He came to die.
49:41 Now, the interesting thing is that the next thing that
49:44 Jesus does is intercede for us in the Holy Place.
49:48 Notice what we find in the book of Hebrews chapter 7
49:51 and verse 25.
49:53 This is the next step.
49:54 Jesus is now in the Holy Place where the table of showbread is,
49:57 where the seven branch candlestick is,
50:00 where the altar of incense is.
50:02 And we're going to follow Him, in each lecture, we're going to
50:06 follow Him in His trek through the sanctuary.
50:09 It says there in chapter 7 and verse 25...
50:24 See, Jesus went to heaven to the Holy Place to be
50:27 the intercessor.
50:28 Notice also 1 John chapter 2 and verse 1 speaks about
50:32 this stage of the ministry of Christ.
50:35 It says, "My little children, these things I write to you
50:39 so that you may not sin.
50:41 And if anyone sins, we have..." What?
50:44 "...we have an advocate with the Father,
50:48 Jesus Christ the..." What?
50:50 "...the righteous."
50:52 Let me ask you, is Jesus also going to perform someday
50:56 a Most Holy Place ministry of judgment?
50:59 He most certainly is.
51:01 Notice 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10.
51:04 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10.
51:08 It says here...
51:22 And let me ask you, where was the judgment in the sanctuary?
51:27 Where did the judgment take place once a year?
51:30 It took place in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary,
51:33 because people will be judged by the perfect law of liberty.
51:38 The judgment takes place where the law is.
51:40 So Jesus is going to fulfill that function as well.
51:44 And you know what's interesting?
51:45 After Jesus performs His work in the Most Holy Place
51:48 of the sanctuary, the Bible tells us that He will take off
51:52 His priestly garments and He will return
51:54 to this earth as King.
51:58 The sanctuary also tells of that stage of the ministry of Christ.
52:02 Notice Revelation chapter 19 and we'll read verse 11,
52:05 and then we'll jump down to verse 16.
52:08 Revelation 19 verse 11.
52:29 In other words, Jesus will come back to this earth as
52:32 King of kings when He has finished
52:34 His Most Holy Place ministry.
52:36 But do you know there is another ceremony that needs to
52:38 take place after this.
52:40 It's found in the very next chapter.
52:42 Chapter 20 of Revelation.
52:44 Have you ever heard about the scapegoat ceremony?
52:48 When the scapegoat was sent to the wilderness
52:50 to a non-inhabited land, you see, that's in the next chapter.
52:54 Revelation chapter 20 and verses 1 and 2.
52:58 Let's read it.
53:19 So the sanctuary presents the order of all of the steps that
53:23 Jesus takes in the plan of salvation.
53:26 Now the final point that I want to make in our lecture today
53:29 is that the sanctuary actually explains all of the doctrines
53:35 of the Bible.
53:37 The sanctuary is the great magnet that brings
53:40 all of the doctrines of the Bible together.
53:43 Now let me mention some of those doctrines.
53:45 Does the sanctuary present the character of God?
53:49 It most certainly does.
53:50 It shows that God is justice; the law demand death.
53:54 But it shows that God is mercy because God takes the judgment
53:57 upon Himself.
53:59 It shows His justice and His love.
54:03 Does the sanctuary present the doctrine of sin?
54:06 Millions of sacrifices died in the sanctuary service
54:09 showing that the wages of sin is... What?
54:11 ...death.
54:13 Does the sanctuary present the humanity of Jesus?
54:16 It most certainly does.
54:17 You know, it's interesting that the sanctuary outside
54:20 was very ordinary, but inside it was beautiful.
54:24 And that was a picture of Jesus.
54:26 Inside, His character was beautiful.
54:28 But outside, He had no comeliness
54:31 that we should desire Him.
54:33 Does the Bible present the perfection of
54:35 the life of Christ?
54:36 Yes, because the priests could not have any blemish
54:39 and the lamb could not have any blemish.
54:42 Which shows that Jesus had to be a perfect sacrifice
54:45 and He had to be a perfect priest.
54:47 Is death revealed in the sanctuary?
54:50 It most certainly is.
54:51 Is forgiveness revealed in the sanctuary?
54:53 Absolutely.
54:55 When the sinner placed his sin on the head of the animal
54:57 and confessed his sin on the head of the animal,
54:59 the transfer was made.
55:01 And now the sinner could have the assurance of forgiveness.
55:06 Is the priesthood of Jesus presented in the sanctuary?
55:09 Most certainly.
55:10 Because the priest would take the blood into the Holy Place,
55:13 the blood of the victim to whom the sin had been transferred.
55:17 The blood was taken in, and in this way
55:20 forgiven sin was transferred into the sanctuary.
55:25 Is the importance of the study of Scripture
55:27 presented in the sanctuary?
55:28 Yes, in the table of showbread.
55:30 Is prayer presented in the sanctuary?
55:33 Yes, the altar of incense.
55:34 We're going to study all of these things.
55:36 Is the importance of the church shedding the light
55:39 of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit
55:41 presented in the sanctuary?
55:43 Yes, in the seven branch candlestick.
55:47 Are angels presented in the sanctuary?
55:49 We're going to study this tomorrow morning.
55:51 Amazing.
55:53 The doctrine of baptism is presented in the laver.
55:56 The Trinity is presented.
55:58 There's one seated on the throne.
55:59 Before the throne, a Lamb as though He had been slain.
56:02 And also the seven branched candlesticks,
56:05 which are called the seven Spirits of God.
56:08 The three are there.
56:09 Tithing is presented in the sanctuary.
56:12 This whole system was sustained by the tithes
56:15 and by offerings.
56:16 All of the doctrines of the Bible come together,
56:19 and you see the relationships of those doctrines
56:22 in the perspective of the sanctuary.
56:24 But not only the general truths, but also the distinctive truths.
56:28 Is the judgment presented in the sanctuary?
56:31 Absolutely, the cleansing of the sanctuary.
56:33 Is the law presented in the sanctuary?
56:36 Yes, it was in the ark of the covenant.
56:38 Is the Sabbath found in the sanctuary?
56:40 Yes, it's in the ark of the covenant.
56:42 Is healthful living in the sanctuary?
56:45 The manna pointed to healthful living.
56:47 We're going to study about that.
56:49 God gave manna to teach Israel to have a simple diet.
56:53 Is the state of the dead presented in the sanctuary?
56:56 Yes, that rod that sprouted life by a miracle of God,
57:00 we're going to find, represented that life comes
57:02 only through Jesus Christ.
57:04 The antichrist is presented in the sanctuary as well.
57:08 He sits in the temple of God showing himself to be God.
57:11 The millennium is in the sanctuary because the
57:14 scapegoat ceremony is found in Revelation chapter 20.
57:18 So all of the doctrines of the Bible are found
57:21 in the sanctuary.
57:22 What a magnificent lesson that God taught
57:25 through the Hebrew sanctuary.


Revised 2014-12-17