Participants: Dr. James Marcum (Host), Michelle Chinn
Series Code: HTOH
Program Code: HTOH000036
00:01 Welcome to "The Heart of Health Live."
00:03 There's a place for modern medicine in your life, 00:05 learn to use it correctly by getting 00:07 your toughest questions answered on today's broadcast. 00:10 Discover modern medicine strengths and weaknesses. 00:13 Lifestyle medicine opens the door 00:15 to optimum health and healing. 00:16 How you live and what you eat 00:18 have propounding effect on mind and body. 00:20 Learn simple solutions to complex problems. 00:23 God provides the ultimate healing we all desire. 00:26 He wants us healthy and happy. 00:28 We just need to understand His plan for our lives 00:31 and live accordingly. 00:32 And now live from studio 1A in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 00:36 Here is your Heart of Health host, Dr. James Marcum. 00:40 I hope everyone is having a wonderful day 00:42 and I'm having a good day too. 00:45 And we have a very special topic tonight. 00:48 And it's one that hold dear to me, 00:50 but anyone can call us tonight and ask any medical question, 00:53 we'll try to handle it. 00:55 Our phone number is 855-644-3278. 00:59 In case if you flip channels, you are watching 01:01 "The Heart of Health Live" and I'm Dr. James Marcum 01:04 and with me tonight is going to be Michelle Chinn. 01:07 I'm gonna introduce you a little bit more about her, 01:09 she is unique individual. 01:11 And I am so glad that she's volunteered to help me up, 01:14 because you know I've been on every week now and occasionally 01:17 it's nice to have someone else help out, 01:19 and I think if she likes it tonight, 01:20 we are all nice to her, that she will come back 01:23 and be a co-host and may be I can answer 01:25 some of your questions too. 01:26 So we are hoping she just wants to serve 01:28 and she has been serving people, 01:30 she has been worked as a nurse, a nurse practitioner. 01:33 She is studying for her doctorate degree 01:35 and she is very capable to co-host 01:38 and answer your questions. 01:39 So we're going to sort of see how she does tonight 01:41 and see if she likes it, and hope she will come back, 01:43 but the big news tonight 01:45 in the Heartwise family is baby Bell. 01:49 Michael Bell, our producer, his wife Heidi is going to have 01:54 a baby pretty soon, almost any time. 01:57 So if you have a question about babies, 02:00 you know she's going to be the one to ask in future shows. 02:03 Once she gets some experience, so we want everyone out 02:06 there in the Heartwise world to start praying for baby Bell, 02:10 that this pregnancy will be great, 02:12 it will be easy, there will be no problem, 02:15 no complications and better she had virtually no pain. 02:18 Now wouldn't that be something to have that. 02:20 And so this is a big day, 02:23 baby Bell is going to be coming out. 02:24 We'll keep you posted on Heartwise 02:27 about the development of this young man. 02:29 We already know the sex because of the ultrasound, 02:32 so we're glad you're with us, we're here to serve you, 02:35 we're here to answer your questions. 02:36 Our phone number, don't forget that, its 855-644-3278. 02:41 And Michelle Chinn is going to be back with us after the break. 02:44 So give us a call, we want to answer 02:46 your questions on "The Heart of Health Live." 02:52 The Heart of Health Live will return in just a moment. 02:59 The Heart of Health Live is brought 03:01 to you by Heartwise Ministries. 03:05 3ABN presents Love Rules. 03:08 Isn't it cool that Love Rules 03:12 Isn't it great, there's no hate 03:16 When Love Rules 03:18 Love Rules features Danny Shelton 03:20 backed up by talented children who love to sing for Jesus. 03:24 Love the Lord with all your heart 03:27 And love your neighbor as yourself 03:30 Each song is based on bible truths, 03:32 and many of them went scriptures into the lyrics. 03:35 Jesus said, "Go ye into the world." 03:40 If He said it, we can do it. 03:43 Yes, He said it 03:44 So let's do it 03:46 Take the gospel into the world 03:49 Love Rules is available on CD for just a donation of $16.50. 03:54 Love Rules is available on DVD for a suggested donation of $20. 03:59 Love Rules is available on in accompaniment track CD 04:02 for a suggested donation of $35. 04:05 And don't forget about the Love Rules song book, 04:08 available for a suggested donation of $15. 04:11 Everything is postpaid in the U.S. 04:14 To order Love Rules, contact 3ABN at 618-627-4651 04:21 during regular business hours, 04:22 or go online to our e-store at 04:26 Love Rules, refreshing songs 04:29 will keep you singing all day long 04:31 and draw you closer to Jesus. 04:35 I'm Dr. James Marcum and I talk to patient's everyday 04:38 who wants to know the truth in healthcare. 04:41 On our website 04:44 you can have your questions answered. 04:46 You can read my blog where I talk about interesting 04:49 and controversial subjects in medicine. 04:51 You might choose to go to the radio or television sections 04:54 and learn more about all sorts of health topics. 04:56 Take the time and go to 05:06 "Medicines that kill" from cardiologist 05:08 Dr. James L. Marcum is now available. 05:09 In his newest book, Dr. Marcum explains 05:12 why he believes that medications may very well be the number one 05:15 cause of death in America. 05:17 'Medicines that kill' uncovers the hidden risks associated 05:19 with modern pharmaceuticals and outlines the biblical plan 05:23 for physical and spiritual health. 05:25 To find out how to get your copy, 05:27 visit our website at 05:29 or call us toll free at 855-644-3278. 05:39 You've got questions, we've got answers 05:42 on the Heart of Health Live. Welcome back. 05:45 Well, you are glad to rejoin us you know, 05:47 on last segment I talked about Michelle Chinn, 05:50 I talked about baby Bell, who can't answer your questions. 05:54 I've given our phone number 855-644-3278. 05:58 I did mention, you want to go on our 06:00 website, 06:03 I can answer your questions there or facebook page. 06:06 Lot of people are in the facebook 06:07 and they want to be your friends and you can join us on facebook 06:10 and could be one of our friends and keep track of our ministry. 06:12 We are so glad that we have Michelle Chinn. 06:15 Michelle, welcome to "The Heart of Health Live." 06:17 Thank you Dr. Marcum. 06:18 I am very happy to be here. It's very exciting. 06:19 You know, a lot of people tonight 06:21 probably think this is sort of like, 06:22 Regis and Kathie Lee. 06:24 That's good. So I guess, I would be Regis 06:26 and you could be Kathie Lee. I like it. 06:28 Sort of like that, no. 06:29 they don't have Kathie Lee anymore, that was the old. 06:31 No, you're right they don't. 06:32 They didn't have in there, and I forgot, 06:34 they have someone else. 06:35 I did too. But they do, she's very good. 06:37 But tell me, you've been in healthcare for a long time. 06:40 I have. So sort of tell us some of your experiences, 06:42 I know you have worked as a nurse for a while. 06:45 I did, I did. Tell us a little bit more? 06:48 I started out in Southern California 06:49 working as a nurse. 06:51 I've always had a love for cardiology, 06:52 I've started out on heart floor, from the heart floor, 06:55 I went into the intensive care unit, 06:57 from intensive car unit, I also did open heart surgery 06:59 for several years, and then ended up back 07:02 in Southern California and spent 07:05 a number of years in San Diego, 07:07 the Trauma Center and which was tremendous 07:10 when it comes to learning, and just learning 07:12 all about the - Now, let me-I'm gonna stop you. 07:13 Sure. What, some of our listeners 07:15 don't know, what a trauma-most of them know 07:17 what is a heart, what is a trauma center, 07:18 what kind of stuff would you see? 07:21 A lot. There's five trauma centers 07:23 in San Diego, so we were one of those 07:25 and you're going to get some pretty horrific accidents. 07:28 So accidents, okay? 07:29 Accidents, anything from gang violence 07:32 that turns very, very violent 07:33 to innocent victim violence to children to motorcycles 07:37 to anything you could possibly think of. 07:40 But it serves a great purpose. 07:42 So you saw a lot of blood, aha? 07:43 Yeah, yeah we do, 07:45 but we also saved a lot of lives. 07:46 So that's the key, that's the key, right there. 07:50 You have a lot of opportunities. 07:51 You know that's a great place for modern medicine, 07:53 you know an acute emergency. 07:55 I think that's the best place for modern medicine 07:58 to step in and some of the greatest technologies 08:00 when something terrible like that and then 08:02 you sort of can help out with the problem. 08:03 And it is a lot of sad stories, 08:05 but there's a lot of good stories. 08:06 And it's a very well trained team, 08:09 you could step in and you could save lives, 08:11 and that's the key. 08:12 It's the key. You did that for a while. 08:13 I did that for a while and I went back 08:15 to my love of cardiology and then kind of got into 08:17 little administration, little teaching at a university 08:21 with nurse practitioner students. 08:22 Okay. Worked as a nurse practitioner 08:25 and so as also preceptor for nurse practitioner as well. 08:28 But thoroughly enjoyed working with the patients 08:33 and helping them to know more about how to prevent 08:36 when you're in cardiology. Yes. 08:37 You're looking how to prevent these events. 08:39 Generally speaking by the time they came to us, 08:42 they already had an event, so our job was really to work 08:45 with them on those things comorbidities those things 08:48 that brought together, will make 08:50 somebody morbid and death. 08:52 Okay. So our goal is really 08:54 to prevent them from having over your currents. 08:57 Working with their life, working with just gently 09:00 changing the things that you can change. 09:01 I like that word, I like that word gently. 09:04 Yes, very important. Very, very important. 09:07 I've learned that, you know, sometimes we are out 09:08 there and there is so much in a lifestyle 09:11 that you know, you don't know 09:12 where to start and I don't know, 09:14 you know, everyone has a different approach. 09:16 But I sort of like to start is, I say, listen, 09:18 let's ask God to help us and join us in this journey. 09:21 Pick one thing. Great, that's exactly right. 09:25 That was sort of your strategy there. 09:26 You do it. You do need to do that. 09:28 It's overwhelming. 09:29 They've already had other problems, 09:31 so if you take baby steps, then you can get to a goal 09:37 and look back and see how far you've really come 09:38 Let me stop you there. 09:40 Okay. Let me stop you there. 09:41 What, If I came to you I said, ah, 09:43 I've had a bypass surgery or whatever. 09:47 What would be your baby step, you would start with me? 09:49 A baby step I would start with you, 09:52 it would be just to say, 09:53 how do you think you got here. Okay. 09:55 Because they need to identify that. 09:57 It's really important because 09:59 if they don't see it as a problem, 10:01 they're not going to join your team 10:02 and then try and fix the problem or try and educate themselves 10:07 to just slowly turn things around. 10:10 So we would look at their diet. 10:11 How are they eating? 10:13 How is that affecting the event that they could've had? 10:16 We'd look at the exercise, 10:18 are they participating in exercise? 10:20 Can we motivate them to participate in exercise? 10:24 And we just look at the stress in their life. 10:27 How are they handling the life situation 10:30 that they are found in. 10:31 And stress as we both know, 10:33 is a huge, huge player in this? 10:35 So we would just have a conversation 10:37 and then have them tell us what they want to fix first. 10:41 For some people, I know I have to quit smoking, 10:43 I know, so we're going to start there. 10:45 For some people, I know, my diet is terrible, 10:47 so we're going to start there. 10:48 So you want to bring them in. 10:50 Now you have those people that want to suddenly 10:52 start changing everything all at once. 10:54 And you almost have to reel them in and say, 10:56 let's just focus on one thing and go from there, 10:59 and go from there. 11:00 Have you ever found out, in working with people that, 11:04 they think some times modern medicine fixes the problem? 11:07 Oh, boy, yes. Absolutely. 11:09 They also think one more pill will fix the problem. 11:14 And you know, you may have a patient that comes in, 11:16 that already has things they need to work on 11:18 and now they are more short of breath, 11:21 usually it's lifestyle related. 11:23 But they want one more pill. 11:25 Just give me a pill, so that-- 11:27 Yes, they want you to fix it. 11:29 And they wanted to fix just today, 11:31 and it's a challenge but it is also an opportunity, 11:35 it's not particularly. 11:36 We're going to continue to tell your story- 11:38 Absolutely. But we have 11:39 a question that's come in. 11:40 We want to answer all of our questions 11:42 and in between two of us we're going 11:43 to answer your question. 11:44 Margaret you're on with Michelle. 11:47 Go ahead Margaret. 11:50 Hi, I am I've been a diabetic for about 15 or 20 years 11:54 and was taken to Nashville State before where my husband 11:57 was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, 11:59 and my stress level was very high and my blood sugar 12:03 was running about 200, so doctors put me on Metformin. 12:07 And my question is, if I hurt make 12:11 it safe like we use. 12:12 Metformin is safe or there is something safer 12:15 and could Metformin cause nausea and vomiting? 12:19 Say the last part again, Margaret? 12:20 I didn't quite hear the last part, 12:22 could it cause what? 12:24 Could it cause nausea or vomiting? 12:29 Yes, it can. Actually any medication 12:32 that you take can cause nausea and vomiting, 12:34 not just Metformin. 12:35 A lot of times when you take a new medication, 12:37 it can cause that. 12:39 You can get over that the longer that you're on. 12:42 Now is metformin safe? 12:43 Metformin is one of the first things prescribed 12:46 and that's been proven safe across 12:48 the board and it sounds to me from what you're saying 12:51 is that this has been brought on by the difficulty, 12:54 just what you're having in life there 12:56 and stress can really do that. 12:57 You identified that the first part 12:59 of your conversation there. 13:00 So hopefully you can take the Metformin 13:03 on to your doctor's advice and then as, 13:05 hopefully that stress comes down you may find, 13:08 you don't need it again. 13:09 And that just diet and exercise can help you out. 13:13 Okay. And Margaret, did you realize, 13:15 I am going to throw this at Margaret, 13:17 did you realize that if you are a type-2 diabetic, 13:20 the good news is, 90% of type-2 diabetes can be cured. 13:24 Absolutely, yes it can. 13:26 And one hour of exercise is worth 5 units of insulin. 13:31 So those are, this kind of what we are talking about Margaret 13:33 in the sense that as things in your life 13:36 get settled a little bit, as you're doing 13:38 what Dr. Marcum said about exercising. 13:40 You may find that you may not need that medication, 13:42 but for now if your doctor feels that you need it now, 13:44 absolutely, I would take it. 13:47 Okay, thank you so much. 13:48 Thank you for calling. 13:49 You know that's a very good point. 13:51 You know, medicines I think 13:53 help us over crisis. Yes. 13:55 To see if we can do the things chemically we can do. 13:58 You know, that the form will change 14:00 into one chemical path way, but when you exercise all 14:03 the chemistry gets better. Absolutely. 14:05 Now when you have rest and sleep better, 14:07 all the chemistry gets better. 14:09 You know like I say, I have some doctor friends, 14:12 that I work with them, if they really, 14:14 patients work hard, it's possible for may be 14:16 to be off medicines, and I think 14:17 that should be our goal, is to change things natural, 14:21 do you agree with that? 14:22 Absolutely, and I would tell patients who've had an event, 14:25 they come in and they don't want to take say, 14:26 cholesterol medication. 14:28 And we might say to them that, 14:30 you know, right now you need it, 14:32 but as we change your life, we're more than 14:35 happy to decrease that. 14:36 Well, we want you to give us a call. 14:38 We want to answer your questions 855-644-3278. 14:43 Go get a glass of water and join us right after this break. 14:52 The Heart of Health Live will return in just a moment. 15:01 Heartwise Ministries. And these adorable sheep. 15:08 Want to remind you that every Thursday at 6 pm Eastern. 15:15 The Heart of Health Live is all new with an exciting guest. 15:21 That's 6 pm, right here on 3ABN. 15:32 Heartwise Ministries would like to invite you, 15:40 to take a moment and connect with us 15:45 and share your thoughts and comments. 15:51 You can join the conversation on facebook. 16:01 You can follow us on twitter. 16:10 will help you stay up 16:13 to date with what's going on. 16:20 And of course you can always watch past shows on 16:30 3 ABN music presents. 16:32 Don't give up 16:34 Heaven's on your side 16:38 Danny Shelton's "Don't give up. 16:40 Heaven is on your side." 16:42 There's power in the name of Jesus 16:48 This new music project features songs 16:51 written by Danny Shelton and it's on CD 16:53 for a suggested donation of $16.50. 16:57 Also available as a DVD and an accompaniment track CD. 17:01 Contact 3ABN during our regular business hours 17:04 and receive a CD and DVD combo or music accompaniment track CDs 17:09 for a suggested donation of $25. 17:11 Everything is postpaid in the U.S. 17:14 Call 3ABN at 618-627-4651, 17:18 or go to our e-store at 17:22 Danny Shelton's "Don't give up. 17:24 Heaven is on your side," on CD, 17:26 DVD and accompaniment track CD. 17:34 You've got questions, we've got answers 17:37 on the Heart of Health Live. Welcome back. 17:40 I am Dr. James Marcum and I am with Michelle Chinn 17:43 and we are talking about your health and anyone 17:46 who wants the answer to a question, 17:47 we are willing between the two of us to answer question 17:49 on just about anything except babies. 17:54 I'm not going to do babies tonight. 17:55 Give us a call, 855-644-3278. 17:59 We have a mother-to-be that might be willing 18:01 to come on and help us, it's Heidi Bell, 18:03 Michael Bell's our producer, his wife is going to have 18:06 a baby in the next couple of weeks. 18:08 I think by the first or second week of June, 18:10 we're gonna give you a complete report, 18:11 may be even a picture. 18:14 Michelle we've been talking about 18:15 all sorts of neat things. 18:16 I think you've made a great thing, 18:18 we're talking during break. 18:20 All this advice, you have to really work 18:22 with your doctor and come up with a game plan. 18:25 Absolutely. You know and we like, 18:27 we just give some suggestions and you know, 18:29 we give our point of view 18:30 and sometimes it helps to know that, 18:32 you know the people are answering questions 18:34 and doing all those things, but you know 18:36 that's like a question I am not from, 18:38 we don't even to stop their medicine. 18:39 Absolutely not. But there is a chance 18:42 if they do-most doctors, I found are willing 18:44 if the patient says, I'm going to exercise, 18:46 I'm going to eat right. 18:47 They are willing to get you off 18:48 from some of those medicines. 18:49 Absolutely. Yes, they are. 18:50 So it's very exciting. 18:51 Now you told us a little bit about your life, 18:53 and we walked through your San Diego experience, 18:57 you're teaching nurse practitioner students and now, 19:01 I know you are working on a big degree. 19:03 Tell us a little bit about that? 19:04 Ah, yes. It is. I am working on a doctorate in nursing practice. 19:08 Okay. And it is a big degree, 19:12 takes a lot of time but it, one of the things 19:15 that I have passion for is women and heart disease clearly, 19:19 but also our healthcare at large, 19:22 advocacy, what's happening at the political ground as well, 19:26 healthcare policy and how are we going 19:28 to take care of people. 19:30 That's good. We'll have to start talking 19:31 about policy on this program. 19:33 Yes, healthcare policy 19:34 and how that's going to affect, how people are doing. 19:36 So my doctoral thesis is on that one. 19:39 Lot of people don't understand 19:40 policies and all that, how it affects them. 19:42 They don't. They don't know 19:44 how it affects them, they don't know 19:45 the change in policy is going to affect their everyday life. 19:47 We're going to have to start as things come up, 19:50 that are important to our audience, 19:51 we're going to have to start talking about 19:52 and make it simple. Absolutely. 19:53 And let people know how it will affect them. 19:55 Absolutely, right. Louis, your on, 19:57 it might be Lewis. 19:59 Is it Lewis or Louis? 20:00 Louis, are you on? 20:03 Louis. Oh, Louis. 20:04 Yeah 50-50. 20:06 You're on Heart to Health Live. 20:07 Go ahead with your question, Louis. 20:10 Okay. Last year my wife 20:14 was weighing 117 pounds 20:19 and that's been about six months ago 20:22 and now she weighs about 85. 20:25 The doctors here say, she has dementia, Alzheimer's. 20:32 But why is she losing so much weight 20:34 is my concern and she is eating. 20:40 Louis, what have they told you when you've gone to see 20:44 the doctor, what have they said 20:46 that might be the reason for that? 20:50 They don't have an answer for her losing the weight. 20:55 Does she live at home with you 20:57 or is she is living somewhere else? 20:59 No, I am taking care of her at home. 21:04 Does her apetitite seem to be the same 21:06 to you as it was a year ago? 21:11 It's a little bit less, but she's still eating. 21:16 That's good. And I give 21:17 her the best food that money can buy. 21:19 Absolutely, and you know what, 21:21 it sounds like you're doing a very good job. 21:23 One of the things that I would recommend to you, 21:26 is to work with your doctor 21:28 and possibly get a nutritionist involved. 21:31 So if she still has her appetite and it sounds like 21:35 she is still eating, then may be there are some ways 21:38 that you can give her a few different foods 21:41 that may have more calories to them. 21:43 I'd also see if she's exercising and she's get able to get up 21:47 and walk around, because that also will increase 21:49 her apetitite, so she is able to get up 21:51 and around the house. 21:53 No, ma'am she can't walk now. 21:56 So that does make it difficult and may be they can help you 21:58 with some therapy where she can use her arms 22:01 and do some other types of things to keep her active. 22:04 But truly I think your best way to go here would be to work 22:08 with your doctors and see if a nutritionist can come 22:11 in and help you have meals that may meet 22:15 her needs a little bit better. 22:18 Dr. Marcum, your thoughts. 22:20 Louis, a couple of things, thinking about is, 22:22 I am sure your doctors have checked blood and make sure 22:25 there's not a metabolic problem, 22:27 like the thyroid being slower, any other diseases. 22:30 But a couple of things, and I have the privilege 22:33 of working with people all the time 22:35 that they've lost weight when they were demented. 22:37 I think that Michelle's suggestion is right. 22:40 There's some of these energy drinks, 22:41 that you just swallow it and it's loaded with calories, 22:44 and it can help you a lot. 22:46 She might need something like this, 22:48 but one of the things that I want to leave with you today, 22:50 as you know, lots of things disease 22:53 happens you know, unfortunately it's the world 22:55 that's not perfect and God is going to heal her someday, 22:59 if you stay in that relationship with Him. 23:01 And I know it's hard on the daily basis, 23:03 but I just want you to know that we're going 23:05 to be praying for you, Louis that you - 23:07 and it sounds like you're taking wonderful care of her. 23:10 We just want to uplift you and her because I know 23:13 this is not an easy thing to be going through 23:15 when you are caring for a loved one 23:17 that their brain is not thinking right. 23:19 But I just want to thank you for caring enough 23:21 to take care of her. 23:23 You know, a lot of people I can tell you, 23:25 that you really love her and wanted her to do well 23:27 and sometimes this disease, no matter how much, 23:30 how perfect things are, and sometimes things get worse, 23:35 and sometimes you lose weight, 23:36 but no matter, as long as you have your faith 23:38 in that relationship, you know, in the end things 23:41 are going to be turned out okay. 23:42 Absolutely. Doctor can I say 23:45 one little thing more? 23:46 Absolutely. Go ahead, Louis. 23:50 The doctor because she had started to lose some appetite, 23:56 so the doctor gave her some pills, 24:00 to get her up to give her appetite, 24:02 so if I start giving those pills, 24:05 she will start eating better then. 24:08 If it was me, I would. 24:09 If it was my wife, I would. 24:11 And there is one that they use called Megace 24:13 that sometimes very effective and I would do it, 24:16 I would. My doctor recommend and think 24:19 that's the best, I would do that. 24:22 What is that? 24:24 That's a pill, that he gave you 24:26 to help her appetite. 24:28 Yes, I give it to her. 24:29 Good, we're hoping that it will help her some too. 24:34 And I give her ensure. 24:36 Oh, that's good, that's good. 24:38 It sounds like you are doing everything right. 24:41 Sounds like you're doing everything. 24:42 Okay, well, we want to, we'd be praying for you Louis 24:45 and just-well, I hope everything goes well 24:48 with you and your wife, okay. 24:50 Blessings to you. Yeah. 24:52 Okay. Well that's always a challenge. 24:55 It is. It's very difficult. 24:57 There's many people out there Michelle 24:59 that had diseases that you know that are getting worse. 25:03 And they knew, if we can't fix everything 25:06 on earth, we know that there is a God 25:07 in heaven that, and that relationship 25:09 is going to provide healing with us, 25:11 even though we don't sometimes understand that. 25:13 That's true. Absolutely true. 25:15 Now you know that's just a sad story, 25:17 but you know that's a great way, 25:19 you know when someone's losing weight, 25:20 I want to make sure that they don't have 25:21 a medical problem that would do it. 25:23 Yes. And lot of people forget about depression. 25:26 Right. Sometimes depression can cause you lose your weight. 25:29 Sometimes people, thyroid, and sometimes malignancies, 25:33 and things that increase your metabolism. 25:35 But I think, you know, the big thing 25:37 is you know when people are sick and ill, 25:39 it's just sort of a chronic disease 25:41 and they are just gradually loosing weight. 25:43 And sometimes with dementia, 25:45 they just forget to eat like they forget a lot of things. 25:48 And I thought it very hard, I don't know if you've thought, 25:51 I thought it very hard when people are forgetful 25:52 so that I weigh their symptoms because sometimes 25:54 they forget that they don't feel bad. 25:56 Right. And as a caregiver, 25:58 you know, the problem is, more and more people 26:01 are getting dementia of all types 26:03 and it's sort of catastrophic illness so. 26:06 We want to talk to people about preventing that from happening. 26:08 And there's some things we can do when we are younger, 26:10 like you talked about earlier, this, you know, 26:12 this management that we can do to prevent that. 26:15 It's about time for us to go to break. 26:17 You are watching Heart of Health Live. 26:18 You can join us on our website 26:22 Be one of our facebook friends if you would like. 26:24 I mean you still have plenty of time 26:26 to give us a call, 855-644-3278. 26:30 We're going to answer your questions 26:32 and more important than that, we're going to be praying 26:33 for you that God will enter a healing relationship with you. 26:36 Michelle and I are going to be right back, so stay with us. 26:40 Give us a call, 855-644-3278. 26:52 The Heart of Health Live will return in just a moment. 27:00 You have reached that point in life 27:02 where important decisions are being made. 27:04 A charitable gift annuity through 3ABN gives you a way 27:08 to financially provide for you, 27:10 your spouse and the ministry of 3ABN. 27:13 Many do not realize that they can fund 27:15 a charitable gift annuity, with as little as $5,000 27:18 for single annuity and $10,000 27:21 for joint annuity for a husband and a wife. 27:24 Remember a charitable gift annuity 27:27 may further reduce your tax liability 27:30 and it's a fixed interest rate for life, 27:33 based on your age. 27:34 I'm 94 years old and I earn over 9% on my investment. 27:41 For more information contact 27:43 3ABN Planned Giving and Trust Services. 27:46 By calling 800-886-4800 27:52 or go to our website, 27:55 And click on the Planned Giving and Trust Services tab. 28:01 The ultimate prescription by cardiologist Dr. James Marcum 28:04 is taking the nation by storm. 28:06 People everywhere are learning 28:07 what living a healthy life is all about. 28:10 If you are happy living a drug filled, 28:12 pain filled mundane existence, 28:14 this book is definitely not for you. 28:16 In this book Dr. Marcum dives into modern medicines strengths 28:19 and weakness and explains how lifestyle choices 28:22 can significantly impact your health. 28:24 To get your copy visit Barnes and Noble 28:27 or shop online at 28:34 I like to think that one day when we get to heaven, 28:36 we are going to see a list of people, 28:39 people like Jared and Susan who were introduced to Jesus 28:43 because of something we said or may be it was simple 28:47 as a passing smile, but these people will look 28:50 into their past and be able to say, 28:52 I'm here because of you. 28:55 Recently you may have heard that Heartwise Ministries 28:57 has began spreading the gospel to the young, 28:59 the old, the sick and the healthy 29:02 using this very television program. 29:04 But we need your help. 29:07 We want to take this type of medical programming 29:09 to the non-believer and the person 29:11 who has closed themselves off 29:13 to traditional forms of outreach. 29:15 If you believe as we do, and wants to support Heartwise, 29:18 so that together we can count more names on the tree of life. 29:22 Please consider donating today at 29:26 that's 29:34 You've got questions, we've got answers 29:36 on the Heart of Health Live. Welcome back. 29:40 We are so glad you are calling in tonight. 29:42 We want to answer your question. 29:44 If one person has a question, 29:45 Michelle, lots of people have the same question. 29:48 And we have quite a few questions and right now 29:50 we are going to Kathleen, from Portland. Kathleen, 29:53 you're on with Michelle. 29:55 And go ahead with your question. 29:58 Yes, my question is for my sister-in-law. 30:01 Okay. She has been having 30:03 trouble with pancreatitis and they said that, 30:08 when they did this smoke test on her 30:11 that she has got calcification in her pancreas. 30:14 And I was wondering if there were some 30:16 natural supplementation or special foods 30:21 that might help relieve that. 30:23 Okay, that's a great question. 30:25 It is a very good question. 30:27 I'll start unless she want to start. 30:28 Go ahead. Pancreatitis means 30:30 there is inflammation of the pancreas, okay. 30:33 And the key for her is to find out why. 30:36 Lots of people that have pancreatitis 30:38 have scarring and calcifications. 30:41 But she wanted to know why did she have pancreatitis, 30:44 because that's going to be the key 30:46 to successful treatment. 30:48 The most common cause of pancreatitis 30:50 believe it or not is stones. 30:52 You pass a kidney stone through a duct, 30:55 it gets in the duct the fluids can't move through, 30:58 they make fluids like amylase that helps digests lots of- 31:01 The gall stone, yeah. Lots of, 31:02 you're right, that's common. 31:03 Sometimes it can be a medication. 31:06 Sometimes I'm hoping, you know, sometimes 31:08 it could be a toxin in her environment. 31:10 So sometimes people just get it. 31:12 So they want to know the reason why. 31:14 Now the treatment of pancreatitis, 31:16 believe it or not is to rest your pancreas 31:18 if you can let it heal. 31:21 And the pancreas digests protein. 31:23 So also we tell people less protein. 31:26 You know let the pancreas heal itself 31:28 while your doctors look for the cause. 31:30 So I guess the big thing Kathleen 31:32 is to see if they can figure out why it's happening. 31:35 If they can figure out why it's happening 31:37 that's going to be the key to treatment. 31:39 As far as natural remedies, yes the natural remedies 31:42 is to rest your pancreas by not eating a lot of, 31:45 especially protein rich foods, fatty foods, 31:48 tend to make it worst too. 31:49 So she's going to want to get on, 31:51 sort of a plant based diet. 31:53 She's going to want to have her doctors 31:55 look for things including medicines and toxins and stones 31:58 that could be causing this so, 32:00 I hope that helps a little bit, okay. 32:03 Thank you very much. 32:04 She has had problems with kidney stones 32:07 and gall stones in the past. 32:08 And both of those, you know, the other thing 32:10 I would just add to it, Dr. Marcum, 32:12 we're saying here is the importance of finding out 32:15 how she got this is crucial to prevention the next time around. 32:19 So they can work with her on diet and those type of things 32:23 but she doesn't want to get it again, 32:25 it's no fun. Right. 32:27 Thank you for calling us Kathleen. 32:28 Okay, we appreciate it. 32:30 Danielle, you're on Heart of Health Live. 32:33 Go ahead with your question, Danielle. 32:36 Yes, yes. My daughter is 8 months old 32:40 and I wanted to find out 32:41 what her blood type was so I called today. 32:44 And my question is I am O positive, 32:47 my husband is B negative 32:48 but they said her blood type is B positive. 32:53 Is that common, that you can have a combination? 32:58 If you have the positive tag to it, 33:01 then she's going to be positive, 33:03 so there can be O, B and a positive, negative 33:07 is just which one she picks up. 33:09 So, yes, that's very common, that's not uncommon at all. 33:12 Yeah, but that's fine. I mean- 33:16 She's still all yours. 33:17 Yeah, she is yours. 33:19 All yours. Cheers, okay, 33:23 that eases my mind a little, thank you. 33:25 You are welcome. Thank you Daniel. 33:27 You know, that's a good question. 33:28 It is a good question. It's a very good question. 33:30 And on the Heart of Health Live, 33:32 there is no thing that this question is not a good question. 33:34 No. because truly like you said before, 33:37 somebody else thought it, just didn't have 33:39 the guts to ask it, so. 33:40 You know what, we've had lots of women calling. 33:43 Yes. You know, 33:45 and we don't have any men calling, 33:46 I don't know whether they're just all healthy 33:48 and the women aren't healthy or what? 33:50 I think women are more gutsy. 33:51 They're more willing to seek their answers. 33:53 Let's talk to our next gutsy women, 33:55 Brenda you're on Heart of Health. 33:57 Go ahead Brenda. 34:00 Brenda, go ahead. 34:03 I had a gall bladder surgery 17 years ago 34:08 and right now I have really 34:13 a back chronic pain, 34:16 every day which won't go away. 34:19 They did tons of tests on me, they did surgery on me 34:23 and they can't find nothing wrong with me 34:28 and they said everything is fine. 34:31 Every time I go to the doctor, my vital signs are great 34:36 and I used to drink then 34:40 I quit drinking 4 years ago, 34:46 and then I was well for about 34:49 4 months and then all of sudden 34:52 I got sick and they said, from the drinking, 34:56 was nothing wrong with my liver, 34:58 which I was surprised about that, 35:02 so they have me on pain medication, 35:07 I do some walking and my diet is, 35:12 I can't eat anything. 35:14 My stomach can't tolerate anything, 35:16 it just hurts all the time with 10 plus pain. 35:22 I also have a close relationship with the Lord 35:26 and have been waiting patiently to get it healed 35:30 and when it occur, you know wanted to know. 35:37 What do you think about it? 35:38 Okay, well, thank you Brenda. Go ahead. 35:41 First I want to commend you for stopping drinking. 35:43 I think that is going to help tremendously 35:45 and I know that you're saying that you had relief 35:48 for fours years and then you also had other types of pain 35:51 and this is a complicated issue and it's not easy. 35:55 It is not easy in any way, shape or form. 35:57 That makes it very, very difficult 35:59 day to day for you I know. 36:00 I want you to know that we recognize that, 36:01 we truly recognize that. 36:03 And being close to God is key, it's key. 36:06 You know, you have pain to deal with, 36:08 He can help you deal with that. 36:11 Now when it comes to the question, 36:14 can you tell me what is your question here you're asking, 36:18 what you should do next? 36:22 Well, yeah I want to know, 36:28 what do you think the pain is, 36:30 that doctor can't find nothing on me, 36:33 when I go in my vital signs are great, 36:35 I don't have a high blood pressure. 36:38 They did colonoscopy and endoscopic twice. 36:45 I went to specialist, they said everything is clean, 36:48 there were no ulcers, nothing, 36:49 but I just have this chronic to have pain in my stomach 36:56 and I can't, I don't eat, I can't my, 36:59 my-I can't even work, it's only 20 minutes 37:05 and then I'm on a high dose of morphine and then it helps- 37:10 Makes it difficult, it makes it very difficult. 37:12 You know there is a lot of things in your gut besides 37:15 the what we think about. 37:16 And it could be as simple as adhesions, 37:18 scar tissues, it sounds like you've had several surgeries. 37:23 We don't have the answer for you, 37:24 for what it is, we don't. 37:26 Sounds like you know what it isn't. 37:29 You just don't know what it is. 37:30 Sometimes there's peace of mind in knowing what it isn't, 37:33 but it doesn't always make it more easier to deal with. 37:36 But I don't think that's one that we're going to build 37:38 an answer for you here today. 37:40 And Brenda couple of things in dealing. 37:42 We've some pain management specialist on, 37:46 keep looking for the cause and the other thing 37:48 that's very important, I am glad you got your faith, 37:51 because God will be faithful to heal you in His time. 37:54 Absolutely. And another thing is, 37:56 you know, keep working on things that might help pain 37:59 that are natural, you know the pain medicine helps, 38:02 but you know, music, exercise can sometimes help, 38:05 eating a healthy diet whatever you can eat, 38:08 avoiding inflammatory type foods. 38:10 I am trying to be up dated and happy, 38:13 and we know that helps calm the pain circuits too. 38:16 Yes, it does. It does. And so keep working on that, 38:18 try to focus on helping others, 38:20 that's another way that helps your pain. 38:22 When you serve it helps your pain out as well. 38:24 So we want to let you know 38:26 we're going to be praying for you 38:27 but we're about ready to go to break, Brenda, so. 38:29 We want to thank you for calling us. 38:32 Boy, that's a tough one. 38:33 It's very difficult. You know, lots of people have 38:35 chronic pain. It is very difficult, it is. 38:36 We're going to go to break and after the break Haley 38:39 has a question for us. 38:40 We're going to go to Haley after the break. 38:42 You still have time to give us a call, 855-644-3278. 38:46 You're watching Heart of Health Live. 38:52 The Heart of Health Live will return in just a moment. 39:00 3ABN presents Love Rules. 39:03 Isn't it cool that Love Rules 39:06 Isn't it great, there's no hate 39:10 When Love Rules 39:13 Love Rules features Danny Shelton 39:15 backed up by talented children who love to sing for Jesus. 39:18 Love the Lord with all your heart 39:23 And love your neighbor as yourself 39:24 Each song is based on bible truths, 39:27 and many of them went scriptures into the lyrics. 39:29 Jesus said, "Go ye into the world." 39:35 If He said it, we can do it. 39:38 Yes, He said it 39:39 So let's do it 39:40 Take the gospel into the world 39:44 Love Rules is available on CD for just a donation of $16.50. 39:49 Love Rules is available on DVD for a suggested donation of $20. 39:54 Love Rules is available in accompaniment track CD 39:56 for a suggested donation of $35. 40:00 And don't forget about the Love Rules song book, 40:02 available for a suggested donation of $15. 40:06 Everything is postpaid in the U.S. 40:09 To order Love Rules, contact 3ABN at 618-627-4651 40:15 during regular business hours, 40:17 or go online to our e-store at 40:21 Love Rules, refreshing songs 40:24 will keep you singing all day long 40:26 and draw you closer to Jesus. 40:31 Heartwise Ministries and these adorable sheep. 40:38 Want to remind you 40:41 that every Thursday at 6 PM Eastern, 40:45 the Heart of Health Live is all new 40:49 with an exciting guest. 40:52 That's 6 pm right here on 3ABN. 41:04 Wow, these are really good. 41:05 You are surprised. 41:24 Practice makes perfect. 41:25 You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. 41:27 There are thousands of teens in foster care 41:29 who don't need perfection, they need you. 41:34 You've got questions, we've got answers 41:36 on the Heart of Health Live. Welcome back. 41:40 You know, that sheep gets more attention 41:43 than almost anybody else and we are here, 41:45 our exciting guest tonight is Michelle Chinn. 41:48 We are hoping Michelle likes it enough to come back again 41:51 and help host us and help answer your questions. 41:54 And Haley, you're on with Michelle. 41:56 Go ahead, Haley. 41:59 Well, I've just been having 42:03 a lot of problems within, 42:07 I'm 25 coming in my head and it's just what, 42:12 I've been having since panic attack about it about this stuff 42:16 that's been coming in my head a lot. 42:20 And I've been worrying about my parents 42:22 because they are out and. 42:24 There's like this voice that goes into my head. 42:29 And it just every time 42:34 I love my parents is trying 42:37 why you don't need to love them, don't love them. 42:42 And it's driving me crazy because 42:43 this has been going on 30 days now. 42:47 And I just don't know what to do about it, 42:52 and like everything I love, like with my animals, 42:55 my parents since been doing nothing, 42:58 I don't know what to do. 42:59 Hope you'll have some answers for me. 43:02 Haley, you said it's only been happening 43:04 for couple of days, never before that. 43:07 Well, like it's been a few days but, 43:11 about a week but, you know, 43:14 it hasn't happened before that. 43:18 Do you know why it might have started just a week ago? 43:20 Hmm. I said, anything happened 43:23 a week ago that really bothered you 43:25 and you don't have to tell me what it is. 43:27 But was there something that really upset 43:29 you that happened and again you don't have to say what it was. 43:34 No, no, not really. 43:38 Is it getting better or is it getting 43:39 worse or is it the same. 43:43 Seems to be getting worst because I've been having 43:45 anxiety attack so I end up been having. 43:49 I've been going out constantly because it's worrying me. 43:53 Haley, is there somebody you can talk to about this? 43:58 Well, my parents and my grandparents but-- 44:02 Good, that's good. 44:06 We've been praying for a while and I didn't know 44:12 what was going on and I really need some help. 44:15 There can be a lot of different things. 44:17 Dr. Marcum, what are your thoughts? 44:18 Well, Haley, you know, we are so--we're going 44:22 to be praying for you, okay. 44:24 And lots of people have these type of problems, 44:28 so you're not alone, okay. 44:31 But, you know, we can't really tell just by talking to you 44:34 one time what's going on but there are some people 44:37 that might be able to help you a lot, okay. 44:39 And what I would recommend you doing is make an appointment 44:43 to see your doctor, okay, who can examine you, 44:47 to take a look at you, to talk to you and get a little more 44:50 details and make sure there's no medical reasons 44:53 or maybe something in your diet or something 44:55 you're taking might be doing that. 44:57 Then after that he might, once he sort of sees 45:00 what's going on, he might send you some other people 45:03 that can help you even more. 45:05 But I think the most important thing, 45:06 you've realized that something is not right 45:09 and you need some help. 45:11 So we want to just encourage you to don't let it get worse, 45:15 you know, I want you to you know, 45:17 tomorrow or whenever call somebody, 45:20 make an appointment to see a doctor, 45:21 so they can examine your, all your physical, 45:23 make sure that's good. That's right. 45:25 And once they do that, they can decide 45:27 if there's something else they might need to do after that. 45:30 But I think that you're reaching out for help, 45:33 and we can't really tell what's going on from here 45:36 but we are hurting for you, and I think 45:38 if you do these things that will be the step 45:40 in the right direction. 45:41 Absolutely, Haley, don't let it go. 45:43 Okay, Haley, don't let it go. 45:44 Make sure you follow up on what Dr. Marcum 45:46 just said because it truly 45:48 is very, very important sweetie. 45:50 There is like, I have one-- 45:53 I am also diabetic, I didn't know if young age 45:56 and there are things that related 45:59 to that problems I'm having. 46:01 It could be related. 46:02 It could be honey. 46:03 It really it could be related. 46:05 Everything could be related. 46:06 But what Dr. Marcum said, it's really with the path 46:09 you need to take, you need to get hold 46:11 of your doctor, obviously you have a doctor, 46:13 if you're diabetic, so get a hold of that doctor. 46:15 They may need to do just as Dr. Marcum said. 46:18 They need to check your blood level, 46:19 check your blood sugar, check your blood chemistries. 46:22 There could easily just be something physical 46:25 that they need to tweak 46:27 so that you are feeling better about things. 46:28 And that's real important so don't wait, 46:30 okay don't wait. 46:31 Make sure you make that call. 46:34 Yes, ma'am. Thank you Haley for calling 46:36 and we're e going to put you on our prayer list, okay. 46:39 Thank you Haley. Thanks so much 46:41 Okay, you know that's a very important point 46:43 for everybody you know when you know some thing 46:46 is not right pray about it and get some help. 46:49 Absolutely and those go together. 46:52 And Haley is reaching out. 46:54 And Carmen you're on with Michelle. 46:56 You are on Heart of Health Live, 46:58 I mean Carmen go ahead. Carmen? 47:01 Yes, sorry. Yeah, can you hear me? 47:04 Speak up. Just a little bit, Carmen. 47:08 Yeah, okay-- 47:14 Carmen, we can't hear you, 47:16 you're breaking up a little bit. 47:18 Make sure your TV is off, and try to, 47:21 you know speak up a little bit louder if you can, Carmen. Okay. 47:26 Okay. Can you hear me now? 47:29 A little bit better, go ahead. 47:46 Okay. I am-- Carmen, I think 47:48 that you are on a cell phone. 47:50 And the signal might not be very good where you are. 47:52 Carmen we are, I am sorry but we are not really understanding 47:56 you a couple of things I would suggest, 47:58 you can either call back on the landline 48:01 or go to our website 48:05 and I'd be happy to address your question. 48:07 We are just not hearing you Carmen. 48:10 Okay. So we are going 48:11 to go on to Mr. Davis. 48:14 Mr. Davis, or Mrs. Davies or whoever 48:17 is calling from Louisville, 48:19 you are on Heart of Health Live. Go ahead. 48:22 Yes, I have a problem, would not eat. 48:28 About 15 minutes after I eat, I have a diarrhea, 48:32 and every time I eat so. 48:35 I am trying to find out what it is and I went to doctor 48:38 having blood, he took my blood and everything is fine. 48:43 So I don't know what that is. 48:46 How long have you had it? 48:50 Over six months. 48:52 That's quite a while. 48:53 That's six months is quit a while. 48:56 Have they by chance put you on an elimination diet, 48:59 for what might be irritating your bowels? 49:02 No. You may want to talk to your doctor about that. 49:06 What is that exactly? 49:07 An elimination diet is, there is certain things 49:10 that are commonly cause this, 49:13 that people can commonly have it, 49:15 it's like a food allergy to it. 49:17 Things like corn, wheat, soy products, 49:22 there are several things that are out there 49:25 that can cause this. 49:26 And sometimes it's good that you went to the doctor 49:29 and you're safe in knowing that doesn't seem 49:32 to be anything that's life threatening. 49:34 There's not something horrible going on. 49:37 So now it's time to kind of get into the weeds a little bit 49:40 and see what else you can find out 49:42 and it may just be that there's an irritant 49:45 in your digestive tract that's causing this. 49:48 People can not have allergies when they are young 49:51 and then develop them when they are older, 49:53 so talk to your doctor about seeing a nutritionist 49:55 and try an elimination diet and see 49:58 if you can find out what's triggering it. 50:02 I think that's- Okay, thank you very much. 50:04 Well, thank you very much for calling Mrs. Davis. 50:06 You know, I didn't know I should have 50:07 guessed that there was woman there, 50:09 just said, see it on my screen. 50:10 That's all right. So I messed that up on that one. 50:12 We still have time to answer your questions. 50:15 Our phone number is 855-644-3278 50:19 and lot of these questions have been great 50:21 and if one person calls, a lot of persons might hear 50:23 something that would help them. 50:24 And I think that's great because 50:26 when you have the GI problems that you can't figure out 50:28 what it is, may be it's the food 50:29 that's causing the immune reaction that's making you sick. 50:32 I can't tell you how many people 50:33 I've taken off dairy and they've gotten better. 50:35 Yes dairy is the other one. 50:36 And Rosaline we will be back after this break, 50:38 you are watching Heart of Health Live. 50:40 So stay with us, we going to be with 50:41 Rosaline after this short break. 50:52 The Heart of Health Live will return in just a moment. 51:00 I'm Dr. James Marcum and I talk to patient's everyday 51:03 who wants to know the truth in healthcare. 51:05 On our website 51:09 you can have your questions answered. 51:11 You can read my blog where I talk about interesting 51:14 and controversial subjects in medicine. 51:16 You might choose to go to the radio or television sections 51:19 and learn more about all sorts of health topics. 51:21 Take the time and go to 51:31 "Medicines that kill" from cardiologist 51:32 Dr. James L. Marcum is now available. 51:34 In his newest book, Dr. Marcum explains 51:37 why he believes that medications may very well be the number one 51:40 cause of death in America. 51:41 'Medicines that kill' uncovers the hidden risks associated 51:44 with modern pharmaceuticals and outlines the biblical plan 51:48 for physical and spiritual health. 51:49 To find out how to get your copy, 51:51 visit our website at 51:54 or call us toll free at 855-644-3278. 52:31 Hi I'm Dr. James Marcum, speaker 52:33 and director of Heartwise Ministries. 52:35 And at Heartwise our goal is to bring people into a relationship 52:39 with the heavenly Father, using modern medicine 52:42 and the healing principles down in the Bible. 52:44 We teach people if there is a place for modern medicine 52:47 in the healthy lifestyle but it is in a relationship 52:50 with our Creator where ultimate healing can occur. 52:54 Over the past years our ability to share this message of truth, 52:57 love and healing around the world 52:59 has increased exponentially, but to continue 53:02 this steady growth we need your help. 53:05 We are look and pray for 100 individuals 53:08 willing to give $1,000 a year. 53:11 If the spirit is moving you to become one of the Heartwise 100 53:14 won't you consider donating 53:16 online today at 53:34 You've got questions, we've got answers 53:36 on the Heart of Health Live. Welcome back. 53:41 Welcome back Rosaline. 53:43 You're on Heart of Health Live. 53:44 Go ahead with your question, Rosaline. 53:48 Yes, doctor. am 70 years old. 53:51 Congratulations. And I just recently joined 53:54 the gym and I noticed that after exercise, 54:00 I've been like doing abdominal exercises 54:04 that I started having problems with hemorrhoid. 54:09 And I am wondering, is the exercise causing 54:13 this or what could it be? 54:17 Now you're saying you just started going to the gym, 54:19 so when did you start. 54:22 Ah, it's been a week now. 54:23 Okay, you probably didn't develop hemorrhoids in a week. 54:28 However when you are doing abdominal exercises 54:31 and you're putting that pressure on your abdomen, 54:33 that's the same as like having a bowel movement. 54:36 So it is putting pressure on that area, 54:38 so if you've had some hemorrhoids that you may not 54:40 have noticed before, and now you're doing 54:42 a lot of abdominal exercises, you may now be noticing 54:46 that a little bit more. 54:49 Number one, congratulations on going to gym at 70 years old 54:52 and doing abdominal exercise, 54:54 that's very good and very important. 54:55 I mean that's terrific to be doing that, 54:57 especially as a woman, so congratulations on that one. 55:00 Dr. Marcum, do you want to add something. 55:02 Yeah couple of things is, sometimes if, you know, 55:05 there are some creams that will help at sometimes 55:07 the hemorrhoids might heal on, so remember these are veins 55:10 that get pooch out, so like varicose veins 55:13 in a bad spot, if you know what I mean. 55:15 Some times you can go to your doctor 55:17 and there are some simple procedures 55:18 that he can do to help these 55:20 and it's called banding procedures 55:22 and that might be what needs to be done, 55:24 if they don't sort of get better on there so. 55:26 But I would go, see a doctor, have him look at him 55:28 and see if he can help you out because you definitely want 55:30 to keep exercising Rosaline. Absolutely. 55:32 So keep up the good work and that's a great question, 55:36 but I think like hemorrhoids 55:37 are like varicose veins in the bottom. 55:39 They are, yeah, yeah. 55:41 So we will be praying for you. 55:42 We hope you get fixed up soon, okay. 55:46 All right, thank you so much. Okay. 55:47 You're welcome. We've had a question 55:50 that comes and this person is having a lot of insomnia. 55:54 Don't sleep well at night. 55:55 What are some things that might help a person 55:57 start to sleep better? 55:59 Well, it's an interesting topic in the sense that articles 56:02 have just recently truly been hitting, 56:04 they're flooding the market on the importance of not having 56:07 what's called the 'blue light.' Blue light, okay. 56:10 Blue light, so blue light in the sense serve, 56:12 how many of us have an iPad that we're checking before 56:15 we got to bed, how many of us have iPhones 56:16 or any variation there of. 56:18 Televisions in the bedroom and so because 56:22 it that particular type of light is from what they are saying 56:26 is it makes your brain think it's day light 56:29 and it's just the way that lighting is. 56:31 So one thing that can help is eliminating that prior 56:36 to going to bed within few hours, 56:38 not checking that phone, just before you got to sleep. 56:40 And they're also saying that children, 56:42 high-schoolers are having this problem mostly because 56:45 they have their phones there and they are checking them 56:47 right before they go to bed and it's making us, 56:49 they're not sleeping well. 56:50 What are your thoughts? 56:51 Well, other things that can causes 56:53 not to sleep good at night, they don't think 56:55 eating big at night, caffeine. 56:58 Caffeine, very important. 56:59 Sometimes you've taken certain medicines that do it. 57:02 Stress is another big one. 57:04 So I always encourage people, try to find out the reason why, 57:07 and you know what Michelle we are running out of time, 57:10 but we want to thank you for calling and unfortunately 57:12 Laurie and Margaret, we're not going be able 57:15 to get you, but if you will either leave your question 57:18 with the caller or leave our website, 57:20 we'll try to answer that question 57:22 and we want to thank you Michelle for joining us. 57:25 Thank you, it's my pleasure. 57:26 And next time, may be we'll switch places 57:28 and have you over here. 57:29 There you go. And may be I'll have over 57:31 there and we just thank you for giving 57:33 your time and service tonight. 57:34 Thank you. We want to thank each one 57:36 of you for being part of our program, 57:38 for being part of our family. 57:39 And remember we want you to uplift us, 57:41 as we have a new baby coming at the Heartwise family, baby Bell. 57:45 So thank you for joining us on Heart of Health Live. 57:48 I am Dr. James Marcum praying for you and wishing you 57:51 the best of health. Thanks for joining us. |
Revised 2014-12-17