4 Steps to De-stress

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HM

Program Code: HM000005

00:04 Ready for another healthy moment, in a New York minute?
00:08 Matter of fact, that rings a bell. A New York minute.
00:10 When you think of New York minutes, what do you think of?
00:12 Stress, stress, stress. Work, bills, and more stress.
00:16 Hopefully, not the family of course.
00:17 What we want to do is to find ways to de-stress our situations
00:21 and I have a simple 4-step tip that you can follow.
00:24 1. Know your trigger, what is causing this problem?
00:26 2. Try your best to face it head-on, none of this scenic
00:30 route. Take the train straight to the city.
00:32 3. Recognize your worry. Why are we worried, trust in God.
00:35 And number 4, the most important.
00:37 Let it go and let God. Let's Trust in God because He is
00:40 the key. And I'm going to add a little number 5.
00:43 Are you ready here? Go ahead and make yourself a dessert.
00:47 but a healthy one with Walnuts and Flax Seeds and all of this
00:52 good stuff that will be fantastic for you,
00:54 none of this Ice Cream and Cookies and stuff.
00:56 Do it the right way and de- stress your life.


Revised 2020-06-10