Hope In Motion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000500A

00:14 Child Impact International is an organization giving help.
00:18 Previously called Asian Aid,
00:20 Child Impact International is an organization
00:22 fostering permanent positive change
00:25 in the lives of disadvantaged children
00:27 and their communities.
00:28 Child Impact is committed to making a difference
00:31 in the lives of children and those who are in need,
00:34 serving communities in India,
00:35 Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar,
00:39 and will soon expand to other countries.
00:41 For the last 50 years,
00:43 Child Impact has invested in the futures of people
00:46 and their investment has proven infinite returns.
00:48 Driven by the dedication to helping those
00:51 who have the least, Child Impact is an organization
00:54 focused on the welfare of children,
00:56 implementing diverse development projects
00:59 and sponsoring thousands of children.
01:01 Their outreach spans from child rescue operations
01:04 to providing an education for orphans,
01:06 deaf, and the blind children,
01:08 giving them a sense of place, a home.
01:11 But above all, Child Impact
01:13 is an organization giving hope,
01:15 giving hope to children, giving hope to communities,
01:18 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
01:21 This is Hope In Motion.
01:25 Hi, my name is Jaime Jorge,
01:28 and I am excited to be an Honorary Ambassador
01:30 for Child Impact International.
01:33 I've had the privilege of visiting
01:35 India and Myanmar with Child Impact,
01:38 and I am here to share with you
01:40 some very exciting stories
01:42 as well as some important information.
01:45 Now I have with me Jim,
01:47 the CEO of what used to be Asian Aid.
01:50 Jim, how long have you been with this organization and why?
01:54 the change to Child Impact International?
01:58 Well, Jaime, I've been in the role of CEO
02:01 for just over 10 years now
02:03 and this was a big decision for us.
02:07 But the key reasons
02:09 why is a lot of people don't realize
02:12 that India and Bangladesh are Asia.
02:15 Yes.
02:16 There's a lot of confusion as to what Asia is
02:18 and a lot of the Asian countries,
02:20 oriental countries, we don't operate in.
02:25 Secondly, we want to show
02:27 a difference between Asian Aid Australia
02:30 and Child Impact because we are
02:33 two totally separate organizations.
02:37 We also believe
02:39 that we should grow outside Asia.
02:42 So the name change gives us the ability
02:45 that when we're ready to grow into other countries.
02:49 But most important, the name reflects what we do.
02:52 Yes.
02:53 The name reflects that we're impacting
02:55 on the lives of children.
02:57 So we think it's far more relevant
02:59 and will support our growth strategy.
03:02 Now I've had the privilege of knowing you
03:04 and working with you now for a number of years,
03:07 and I have seen
03:09 how much this organization has grown in that time.
03:13 Can you tell me where you're from originally,
03:15 you have kind of a different accent,
03:17 and what you used to do before coming to now
03:19 Child Impact International?
03:21 Well, I'm a New Zealander,
03:23 and I married an American lady from Tennessee,
03:27 and originally she was to move to New Zealand which she did,
03:32 but just somehow we ended up back in Tennessee.
03:35 But prior to that for 30 years, I owned the largest
03:39 promotional marketing company in New Zealand.
03:43 So I had a wee bit to do with promoting organizations
03:47 and companies and also marketing.
03:50 So that was my background.
03:51 And then when I came to the States,
03:54 I got asked to be put on the board
03:56 of what was then Asian Aid.
03:59 And so I took a six-month contract
04:01 to restructure Asian Aid at the time.
04:04 Well, I'm 10 years into that six-month contract.
04:08 Well, and it's made a huge difference
04:10 for this organization.
04:11 Can you tell me what some of your future plans are?
04:16 Well, I think the key plan
04:17 is to grow our sponsorship program.
04:20 As you know, we sponsor children
04:23 in a number of countries, very large in India,
04:27 Bangladesh, and now Myanmar, and Myanmar is the old Burma,
04:32 we're also in Nepal and Sri Lanka.
04:34 And that sponsorship program takes a child based on need
04:38 and puts them in an Adventist mission school.
04:41 And I have to be honest with you,
04:43 the need is overwhelming.
04:45 Yes.
04:46 The church is continually coming to us and saying,
04:48 "Can you help us with more children?"
04:51 And so the growth of that sponsorship program
04:55 is key for us moving forward.
04:57 Yes.
04:58 Because it not only impacts on the life of the child,
05:02 it impacts on their family but it's also key funding
05:06 for these Adventist mission schools.
05:09 So sponsoring a child has a big impact
05:12 on the number of aspects of the child,
05:15 its family, and the school.
05:18 And to be honest, the need is overwhelming.
05:20 Yes.
05:22 We also support four orphanages,
05:25 school for the blind,
05:26 and a school for the deaf in India.
05:29 And the other important area
05:31 that we're starting to get involved in is a program
05:34 that we have called Operation Child Rescue,
05:39 trafficking of girls, the use of boys in beggary
05:43 and slave labor.
05:44 Yes.
05:46 To be honest, in Indian it's so huge,
05:48 it's just overpowering.
05:50 But we are so excited
05:52 that we can be one of the ministries
05:54 involved in this program.
05:56 So we want to build that program also.
05:59 Yes.
06:00 Well, I've been with you to Myanmar
06:02 where I saw that children
06:04 attend the schools there,
06:06 and then they come back home, and share the gospel
06:09 with their families, and their families
06:11 are being baptized, and this is in a country
06:12 where you can't do public evangelism.
06:15 So this is truly a number of different
06:17 outreach opportunities to get people
06:20 to learn about Jesus Christ.
06:22 Now what does this mean, this change, this growth,
06:26 this vision for the current donors
06:29 of Child Impact International
06:31 and the prospective new ones
06:32 that may be thinking about coming on board?
06:35 Well, to begin with,
06:36 for the existing donors nothing really changes.
06:40 We're still located in Ottawa
06:44 in Tennessee near Chattanooga.
06:47 We still retain the same staff.
06:49 We retain the same policies, the same board,
06:53 but we want to do things better.
06:55 We want to represent the children better,
06:58 we want to increase the communication
07:00 between the child and the projects
07:02 we do with the donor.
07:04 So the use of mobile phone technology,
07:07 the use of Facebook,
07:09 and we want to share the stories
07:12 with those people that are supporting us.
07:14 So we want to step up how we support the children
07:19 but also deliver value to the donors.
07:22 Asian Aid is now Child Impact International
07:26 and what is going to happen is simply fantastic.
07:30 More young people are going to come to know Jesus Christ,
07:33 they're going to have hope and a future,
07:35 and you have the opportunity to be a part of it.
07:38 Would you join us?
07:40 Imagine with me for a moment
07:42 that you're a small child living on the streets of India,
07:45 the sandals on your feet lost their comfort weeks ago,
07:49 your favorite shirt just got another hole.
07:52 It's sad, mommy died last year
07:54 but what makes you feel even worse
07:57 is that your dad chose not to be your dad anymore.
08:00 Hey, I'm Shawn Boonstra,
08:02 Honorary Ambassador for Child Impact International,
08:05 an organization that is a supportive ministry
08:08 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:10 You know, previously called Asian Aid,
08:12 they're making an exciting change
08:14 to Child Impact International in order to grow.
08:18 Something like 15 to 25 million little girls and boys in India
08:22 share similar stories to the one I just told you.
08:25 Many are orphaned at a young age
08:27 with little food to eat and no hope.
08:30 Child Impact serves to bridge the gap
08:32 between hardship and education.
08:36 It's a unique ministry that serves children in poverty
08:39 in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
08:44 Over three and a half thousand children
08:47 are provided an Adventist education
08:49 and lives are changed
08:50 through the numerous development projects.
08:53 Working in these countries,
08:55 Child Impact has come face to face
08:57 with issues like child slavery, poor or no education,
09:01 child trafficking, abandoned babies,
09:05 lack of clean water, and a high number of orphans.
09:08 This list is not short on challenges,
09:11 yet the needs are being met.
09:14 You know, my family sponsors Sheila,
09:15 a young lady
09:17 at the Sunrise Orphanage in India.
09:19 For the past couple of years, I'm proud of how my family
09:22 has been able to impact her life for the better.
09:26 Word has it, she just started college.
09:29 What I've come to understand
09:31 is that the children Child Impact supports
09:35 are more than just names, or faces on a screen,
09:37 or a flyer, they're people with a story,
09:42 a story whose ending has not been written,
09:45 instead another chapter is being composed.
09:49 It reminds me of something that Jesus once said,
09:51 "Whatever you do for the least
09:53 of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you do for Me."
09:58 Join me and others like me throughout the world
10:01 who are sponsoring a child monthly
10:03 to provide like Jesus did,
10:05 to support like Jesus did, to love like Jesus did.
10:10 You too can make a lifelong impact
10:13 on the life of someone who is waiting for you
10:15 to say yes.
10:16 Yes, today you will consider sponsorship right now
10:20 with Child Impact or one of our other projects.
10:23 Yes, to give hope
10:25 to a precious child today.
10:30 Our television series Hope In Motion
10:32 has been a big success and we want to continue
10:36 to share with you some of the field stories
10:39 that we have filmed over the years.
10:41 So just from time to time, it may refer to Asian Aid
10:45 as we reflect on these great stories,
10:48 as we share them with you.
10:58 The beautiful landscapes, its people,
11:01 the colors and customs, that's India in a nutshell.
11:14 Child Impact International
11:16 has been working in this vast land
11:18 since its very beginning,
11:19 which is over 50 years ago now.
11:22 Primarily focused on child sponsorship,
11:24 Child Impact also has been instrumental in building
11:27 many children's homes and schools
11:29 to complement its sponsorship program.
11:32 The Immanuel English School in Jeypore
11:34 in the state of Orissa is one such school
11:37 that has undergone a transformation.
11:39 We just feel surprised how the things have changed.
11:45 Everything was just like the hill that you see behind,
11:51 full of bushes and unwanted plants.
11:54 So nobody from town ever thought that
11:58 there can be something here, but God has blessed this place
12:02 and we can see a great change.
12:07 Starting with around 50 children and few staff,
12:10 all under just one building,
12:12 the school has now developed into an expansive campus.
12:16 The larger facility made it possible
12:18 to bring in more children from the tribal communities
12:21 as well as nearby villages.
12:23 As the news of the new facility spread,
12:25 many more children from Adventist
12:27 and non-Adventist families
12:29 desire to be educated at the new school.
12:35 Many in rural India
12:37 struggle to earn two dollars a day,
12:39 their only way of earning a living
12:41 is grazing their livestock or working in the fields.
12:44 Here poverty passes on from generation to generation
12:48 and education is not an option.
12:51 I mean some parts of India really seem to be growing
12:53 and really, you know,
12:55 India seems to be really coming up as they say.
12:57 But when you go to the villages and the slums,
13:00 they have not improved in all the years that,
13:03 you know, that I've been coming to India
13:04 which is now more than 30 years.
13:07 You know, when you go to the villages
13:08 and you see, enter some of the slums
13:10 and you see how bad, you know,
13:12 the conditions are that the people
13:14 and the children are living under
13:15 because there's often
13:17 it's not that they don't want to work
13:18 but there's just not enough work available.
13:22 Although a majority of them
13:23 cannot afford to send their children to school,
13:26 they do view education as a catalyst for change.
13:29 Sixty to seventy percent
13:31 we are dependent on the sponsorship
13:36 because majority of this children are poor
13:39 and they don't have any support.
13:44 Without the support of any sponsorship,
13:47 those children would not be here.
13:50 Today, about 2600 children in India
13:53 are sponsored by Child Impact
13:55 and because of their commitment to the welfare of children,
13:58 especially children from tribal communities
14:01 and villages.
14:02 These children are reaping
14:03 the benefits of an Adventist education.
14:06 Devoki Moharia, a science teacher
14:09 at the Emmanuel English School was a former student here.
14:13 I finished my BSc degree in college
14:16 and I'm very much interested in science
14:19 because I was good at science.
14:21 In this school I teach mostly 8th, 9th, 10th.
14:25 I teach them chemistry and biology.
14:29 Devoki was one among the first batch of children
14:32 to be brought to the school from neighboring villages
14:34 when Helen Eager and some of the staff
14:36 from the school visited these villages.
14:39 I sent messages to the church pastors
14:43 if there are any children from poverty level
14:47 and wherever there are no schools.
14:50 So many names came from different churches.
14:55 Then first I went to some orphan children,
14:59 then I came to know that there are two girls,
15:03 very small girls nearby Kotpat town.
15:06 So I went there and I met
15:09 with her father of Devoki.
15:13 Then her father was not willing to send the girl here
15:18 because there was no boundary around
15:21 and there was only one building built by Asian Aid.
15:25 Then when I went
15:26 she was the smallest among the two.
15:30 Then she started crying not to take photo.
15:33 I carried her, I gave her a chocolate.
15:37 Then I make her to stand,
15:39 then I took a photograph for Mummy Eager,
15:42 and that's how I found her.
15:45 I was very happy thinking
15:46 that I'm going to go to a school,
15:48 a hostel, English medium.
15:50 No one knows in my school what it means,
15:52 they don't know how to talk in English and all.
15:54 So I was very happy that I will be the person
15:56 to learn English and all.
15:58 So when I came here,
15:59 first two, three days, I was nervous, means,
16:01 I used to remember parents, all this thing.
16:03 And only one single building was there and no boundary.
16:07 It was like jungle.
16:08 And jungle means I really get very, very scared of that.
16:12 And no boundary, no, nothing, only one building was there.
16:15 Boys, girls, staff, everyone in same building.
16:18 Doing all the activities, eating, sleeping, studying,
16:21 everything in the same building.
16:23 From right at the beginning
16:25 when the school was just one classroom,
16:27 then with the vision of Helen Eager,
16:29 and supporters like Garwin McNeilus,
16:32 this school sprouted into an institution
16:35 that now has, I think about 700 children.
16:38 And of those 600 are sponsored.
16:40 And now we see the success stories coming through.
16:43 Devoki, who was right at the school when it started,
16:47 she did her education at the school,
16:49 then she went away to university,
16:51 and now she's come back as a science teacher.
16:54 It's just so fantastic to see the difference
16:57 that has made with her,
16:58 but also with the children that are here.
17:02 If it weren't for the timely intervention
17:04 of Child Impact International and people like Helen Eager,
17:08 Devoki Moharia's life would have seen misfortunes
17:11 of so many young girls like her in her village.
17:15 Life in rural India is simple.
17:17 People live in close quarters and as one unit.
17:24 During the day, they either go to the fields
17:27 or graze what little livestock they have.
17:30 And there is a clear order of social precedence
17:32 based on gender
17:34 and women have little or no say in its structure,
17:36 often leading to unjust practices and misery.
17:40 In villages parents are uneducated
17:42 and they don't send their children
17:46 when they are small to the school.
17:48 So that is the reason I never went to school.
17:51 In villages that is a rule that when a girl is grown up,
17:55 she should be given in marriage to someone.
17:59 So in my case also it would have been like that
18:01 if I had not have been come to the school and study.
18:03 By this time I would have got married,
18:05 having children and all those things.
18:09 Child marriage is a common practice in South Asia
18:12 and it is more prevalent in India.
18:14 According to United Nations Children's Agency, UNICEF,
18:18 18% of the girls are married by the age of 15.
18:23 Although Indian law has made child marriage illegal
18:26 and the practice is in decline in recent years,
18:28 customs and traditions dictate life in rural India.
18:31 It is like so in Devoki's village, Basuli.
18:36 At present I don't have any of my friends to my age.
18:39 Only I am the girl in my village.
18:41 All are younger to me. All have got married.
18:45 By now she would have got married...
18:47 If she would not have studied here,
18:49 by now she would have got married.
18:51 So by now she would have been lost that way.
18:54 But now she is in God's hand.
18:57 She is doing wonderful.
19:00 Although Devoki grew up in a boarding school at Jeypore
19:03 and went to college in bigger cities,
19:05 she has not forgotten her roots
19:07 and is always happy to visit her family and her village.
19:12 Yeah, I feel really happy
19:13 because I'm born and brought up in this village.
19:16 And even though I stay in town or something now
19:19 but I still have love for my village,
19:21 for my family members.
19:23 I feel very happy when I come back
19:24 to my home and see them.
19:30 Devoki is the only girl to have successfully
19:32 received a college education
19:34 from her village, and in a community
19:36 where women have little or no say,
19:38 she is treated with utmost respect.
19:43 We feel very proud.
19:44 Whenever someone comes to visit us,
19:46 we always tell them about our daughter.
19:48 When she comes here, we are very happy and proud.
19:51 The realization that there are
19:53 many more children out there
19:54 who yearn for a good education can be discouraging.
19:57 But it is reassuring to know that with sponsorship
20:00 we can go about making a difference one day at a time.
20:04 When we are at home
20:06 sometimes we are not getting three meals to eat.
20:09 No good place to sleep.
20:11 So when schools are that like this school,
20:14 they're providing meals, education, everything.
20:16 Sponsors...
20:17 they are struggling hard to educate some other's lives.
20:21 That is something very great to understand.
20:23 Since sponsorship was there I studied.
20:28 So I'm so much grateful to my sponsor.
20:31 And to me it's really wonderful just to see the changes,
20:34 you know, when you see a child come looking dirty,
20:38 and unhappy, and know that nobody cares about them,
20:42 and then after a very short time
20:44 to see the transformation,
20:45 and then after a few years to see them really doing well,
20:50 I think that's what makes it worthwhile.
20:52 Devoki although having better offers
20:54 to teach outside in bigger cities
20:56 has come back to teach in the place
20:58 that gave her a new chance in life.
21:00 Actually, my education,
21:03 my foundation started from here.
21:05 So I thought first let me serve to my place,
21:09 the place where I belong to, where I have got my foundation.
21:12 Whatever talent I have let me show to those people
21:15 so that those students also will learn about that.
21:18 I feel proud because whatever I did for her,
21:23 I have got the fruit.
21:38 Today Child Impact International
21:40 continues to fulfill its commitment
21:42 to the welfare of children who are in need
21:44 and to provide them with an education
21:46 through sponsorship, giving them hope
21:48 and a chance for a better life.
21:52 So they're building lives.
21:55 Students and children they are in darkness.
21:58 They are receiving the light in their lives.
22:01 If they are at home the lights are been off or gone away
22:05 but once they come here
22:06 their light of their lives is being on.
22:10 I think that...
22:11 I feel since I was in this school,
22:14 I'm blessed to be in this position today.
22:21 I've been in this position over eight years now
22:24 and the privilege that I have in my role
22:26 is being able to visit the children that you,
22:30 the donors, support.
22:31 And as I meet them, I see the difference
22:34 that you make in their lives,
22:36 the difference you make in
22:37 where they live in their village,
22:39 the difference you make with their education.
22:41 And then finally when they get a job...
22:44 Just the other day in India, we met a bank manager.
22:47 He was brought up as a sponsored child
22:50 from a very poor village
22:52 and now he has a successful job,
22:54 he has a family,
22:56 and he is impacting the lives of others.
22:58 And, in fact, the amazing thing is
23:01 he is now sponsoring two children
23:03 in one of our programs.
23:06 This is an important time of year,
23:08 it's a time of year where we share
23:09 and where we give gifts to our loved ones and friends
23:13 but it's also an important time of year
23:15 for us here at Child Impact.
23:18 And this year for our annual appeal,
23:20 we have four projects that will make a real impact
23:24 with the people that they serve.
23:27 Our first project
23:28 is the Where Needed Most!
23:29 Fund.
23:31 This is a critical fund for Child Impact
23:34 as it not only helps with the operating
23:36 that we do in six countries but it also allows us
23:40 to have a pool of money for emergencies
23:43 which consistently come along.
23:45 Some are small just like medical needs,
23:48 but others are major
23:49 when there's a disaster or a flood.
23:51 We just ask that you consider the Where Needed Most!
23:54 Fund as one of the ones
23:56 that you can support this Christmas.
23:59 Our next project is Operation Child Rescue.
24:02 Operation Child Rescue is a very dramatic project
24:06 that we are involved in Bangalore, India.
24:10 We are partner with a lady
24:12 who has a team that rescues girl
24:15 from brothels and the sex industry.
24:17 It is simply hard to comprehend how many girls
24:21 and children are taken to the sex industry.
24:24 In India, it's thousands every year.
24:27 The same team helps rescue boys from factories
24:31 where they are poorly paid or hardly paid anything.
24:35 And the other aspect of Operation Child Rescue
24:38 is looking after and rescuing babies
24:41 who have been dropped off
24:42 on the side of the road or abandoned.
24:45 Operation Child Rescue is not only saving lives,
24:49 it's giving those children hope.
24:51 Operation Child Rescue is a key project
24:55 for Child Impact International.
24:58 The next project is the Unsponsored Child Fund.
25:01 At any time Child Impact has over 3,500 children
25:06 and we normally have about 500 unsponsored children.
25:10 These are children we have had to take
25:12 because of an urgent need.
25:14 We also need a pool of children available for sponsorship.
25:18 And yes, once a donor can't support
25:21 a child for some reason,
25:23 they go into that pool of children.
25:26 Once the child is in our program,
25:28 we support them whether they have
25:30 a sponsorship or not.
25:32 Supporting the Unsponsored Child Fund
25:35 is a unique way of being involved in sponsorship
25:39 if you don't want the monthly commitment.
25:41 The Unsponsored Child Fund
25:43 is critical to our sponsorship program.
25:47 Child Impact is very excited
25:49 that we can partner with the church in India,
25:52 with a blind school, a deaf school,
25:55 and four orphanages.
25:57 These special homes and schools
26:00 are just so exciting to visit.
26:03 I had one of the most emotional moments of my whole work career
26:07 when one day I visited the blind school
26:10 and a young girl was just arrived
26:12 at the school that morning,
26:14 they had found her in a village,
26:16 and she had been locked in the basement of the house
26:18 for over six years.
26:20 She just sat in the corner, she wouldn't talk to anyone,
26:24 she wouldn't communicate, and she was just totally lost.
26:28 And I thought is there any hope for this child,
26:31 totally blind by the way.
26:33 Well, I went back eight weeks later
26:36 and here she was, I couldn't believe it,
26:39 she was talking to the other children,
26:41 she was playing.
26:43 And then in the evening, it was just so touching
26:45 to see her singing Jesus Loves Me.
26:48 It really was just very emotional.
26:52 And so these children in a country like India
26:56 have a larger need than here
26:58 because when they're home in their village,
27:00 they are rejected,
27:01 their parents don't know what to do.
27:03 So supporting the blind school, the deaf school,
27:07 or the orphanages is a very real way
27:10 in which you can impact the life of children
27:13 who have a huge need.
27:15 We're very grateful at Child Impact
27:17 for the support that you, the donors, give.
27:20 But December is a critical month for us
27:23 and a month where you can give to one of these four funds
27:27 or any of our projects and have a real impact.
27:30 I just ask that you give consideration
27:33 to supporting our year end program
27:36 for one of these four projects.
27:38 You can contact us on our phone by talking to our staff
27:43 and we've put the number on the screen.
27:45 Or you can go online to Childimpact.org.
27:49 That's Childimpact.org
27:52 to see how you can get further information
27:55 or support us at Child Impact international.
27:58 I want to thank you for your support.


Revised 2018-08-09