Hope In Motion

Sponsorship Process

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000218A

00:07 Child Impact International is an organization giving hope,
00:11 previously called Asian Aid.
00:13 Child Impact International is an organization fostering
00:16 permanent positive change in the lives of disadvantaged
00:19 children and their communities.
00:21 Child Impact is committed to making a difference
00:24 in the lives of children and those who are in need.
00:27 Serving communities in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
00:31 Myanmar, and will soon expand to other countries.
00:34 For the last 50 years, Child Impact
00:37 has invested in the futures of people
00:39 and their investment has proven infinite returns.
00:42 Driven by the dedication to helping
00:44 those who have the least,
00:45 Child Impact is an organization
00:47 focused on the welfare of children,
00:49 implementing diverse development projects
00:52 and sponsoring thousands of children.
00:54 Their outreach spans from child rescue operations
00:58 to providing an education for orphans, deaf,
01:00 and the blind children,
01:01 giving them a sense of place, a home.
01:04 But above all, Child Impact is an organization giving hope,
01:08 giving hope to children, giving hope to community,
01:12 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
01:14 This is Hope in Motion.
01:20 I've been in this position over eight years now,
01:23 and the privilege that I have in my role
01:26 is being able to visit the children
01:28 that you, the donors, support.
01:31 And as I meet them, I see the difference
01:33 that you make in their lives,
01:35 the difference you make in where they live
01:37 in their village, the difference you make
01:39 with their education.
01:41 And then finally when they get a job...
01:43 Just the other day in India, we met a bank manager.
01:47 He was brought up as a sponsored child
01:50 from a very poor village
01:52 and now he has a successful job,
01:54 he has a family,
01:55 and he is impacting the lives of others.
01:58 And, in fact, the amazing thing is he is now
02:01 sponsoring two children in one of our programs.
02:06 Early when we were married,
02:07 Nick and I spent time over in India,
02:10 and were working for a mission,
02:12 another mission organization for about six months.
02:14 And one of the opportunities we had was to be
02:17 in one of the schools where children were being
02:21 sponsored by Child Impact International
02:23 in receiving education there as well as clothing,
02:26 food, shelter.
02:27 And at that time we were given the opportunity to meet kids
02:31 that still needed sponsors, and have...
02:34 We were able to meet and pick a kid
02:37 that we wanted to sponsor personally at that time.
02:41 So we got to meet him, I think play a little,
02:44 maybe a little cricket with him, gave him
02:46 a little bit of a gift,
02:47 and even though...
02:49 Since then the child that we're sponsoring has changed.
02:53 That's how we started, and have decided
02:55 to continue to sponsor a child
02:57 through Child Impact International.
02:59 I'd say that if you are interested
03:00 in sponsoring a child,
03:03 I think it's a great opportunity
03:05 so and you certainly should.
03:07 There's so many mission fields in the world, you know,
03:09 the kid who lives just down the street from you,
03:11 that's a mission field, your own children,
03:13 your own family, that's a mission field
03:16 but, you know, we were called
03:18 to go into all nations and make disciples.
03:20 And when you sponsor a child for a Christian education,
03:25 you know, it's more than just giving them education,
03:27 teaching them also about Christ,
03:29 and the plan of salvation.
03:31 And so, you know, it's gonna benefit that child,
03:34 it's gonna benefit that child's community
03:36 and, you know, the money
03:39 that we spend every month to support this child,
03:42 it's an easy sacrifice for us but it makes
03:45 just the world of difference in their lives.
03:48 Sponsoring children in activities
03:53 like these mission schools
03:55 and opportunities is a tremendous way
03:58 to help form the character of young people
04:02 as they look to the future.
04:03 They will never forget their association
04:07 in a Christian environment.
04:08 And by God's grace,
04:10 many of them will become
04:11 members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:14 It is absolutely a powerful witness
04:18 to sponsor a child in Child Impact
04:21 and so many other organizations that help
04:25 young people to find Jesus.
04:29 Sponsoring a child not only has short-term effects,
04:33 but it has a long-term effect.
04:36 Sponsoring a child is investing in the character
04:39 of a young person for eternity.
04:42 We're taping this right here in Myanmar,
04:46 at the Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary,
04:49 and about one-third of the students
04:52 or one quarter of the students
04:54 are being sponsored by Child Impact.
04:57 People who become workers in God's church,
05:01 people who make an impact in the community
05:04 have been people who have been sponsored.
05:06 Your sponsorship is absolutely an investment
05:11 in the future of the church.
05:22 I've had the opportunity to visit India and Myanmar
05:26 with Child Impact International.
05:28 These trips have provided me with fantastic insight
05:33 as to how Child Impact works,
05:36 and the work that they do with thousands of children.
05:39 The sponsorship program is absolutely
05:42 what makes this entire organization
05:44 be effective.
05:46 And they are extremely effective.
05:48 Jim, tell us a little bit more about this sponsorship program?
05:51 First of all, I'd like to know how many children
05:54 are being sponsored at the moment.
05:56 And what are the countries that the children are in?
05:59 Oh, Jaime, we're in six countries.
06:01 We have 3,500 children in Adventist mission schools.
06:06 Our biggest country is India, then Bangladesh and Myanmar.
06:11 And we also have children in Nepal and Sri Lanka.
06:15 Okay, excellent.
06:18 How do you select the children for sponsorship?
06:22 Well, the children are selected on need,
06:24 all right?
06:25 And the definition of needy varies from country to country.
06:29 But these are people well below the poverty line.
06:33 And also people that the parents want their child
06:37 to go to an Adventist school are very poor.
06:41 So we take them based on need,
06:43 and we put them in an Adventist Mission School.
06:45 Okay.
06:47 Now, when I was there with you,
06:48 I saw that there are different schools,
06:51 there are different categories of sponsorships.
06:54 Can you explain that for us?
06:56 Yes, well, first of all, we have a day student,
06:59 that's a child who obviously
07:01 lives near the school,
07:03 and walks to the school or gets public transport.
07:07 Then we have boarding, which is our biggest category.
07:11 These are children who attend boarding school.
07:14 And so the sponsorship
07:16 not only covers their education,
07:18 it covers their accommodation and it covers their food.
07:22 Then we actually allow donors to sponsor their children
07:27 to higher education,
07:29 which we call tertiary in those countries.
07:31 And that may be a degree course,
07:34 or it may be a course
07:35 to give them a trade or a future.
07:38 And then we have special needs children.
07:41 This is our school for the blind,
07:43 the day school for orphans.
07:46 And so this category is critical to these children,
07:50 because these children have huge needs.
07:53 So there's a special needs category as well.
07:56 And I visited an orphanage and a blind school with you.
08:00 And these kids would otherwise probably
08:02 never have an opportunity to excel in life.
08:06 And I was moved by how these children are being
08:10 developed with their shortcomings,
08:15 but with their talents and gifts,
08:17 to be able to honor and glorify God
08:21 and share with others as well.
08:23 Tell me, is it costly to sponsor a child
08:26 in any of these categories?
08:28 Well, I guess compare with education where we are,
08:32 it's not costly.
08:35 The day student starts off at $25 a month,
08:40 a boarder is $38 a month,
08:43 a special needs child is $48 a month.
08:47 And that covers their education.
08:49 If they're a boarder or the special needs,
08:53 it covers them at either the blind school,
08:56 the day school or the orphanage.
08:59 It also includes a book allowance,
09:01 and also a uniform allowance.
09:04 So it's quite comprehensive to cover their needs
09:09 to attend that Adventist Mission School.
09:12 Fantastic.
09:14 Now tell me, my wife and I
09:17 have given funds to sponsor children before.
09:20 But let's say, somebody is watching this right now
09:22 and wants to sponsor a child, how can they do that?
09:27 Well, the best way is to go on to our website,
09:30 which is childimpact.org.
09:32 That's childimpact.org.
09:34 And there, you go to the sponsorship page,
09:38 and you can choose your country,
09:40 you can choose your category,
09:42 and you'll see a range of children
09:44 now that are available.
09:46 Now if you can't get online, just give us a call.
09:49 Call our office and the ladies, they will be very happy
09:53 to talk to you about
09:54 what current children are available,
09:58 or what their needs are.
10:00 Okay.
10:01 So let's say somebody watching right now
10:04 wants to sponsor a child.
10:06 Can you explain how the funds that somebody gives to Child
10:09 Impact actually gets to that child?
10:13 Yes, Jaime, well, that's a good question.
10:15 First of all, we are registered 501c3 charity.
10:19 So the donation is tax deductible.
10:23 Secondly, and we want the donors to know,
10:26 we retain 15% overhead, we believe that's very fair.
10:29 Yes.
10:31 Last year it was only 11%.
10:33 But at the maximum, it can be up to 15%.
10:37 Then the money goes direct to our partner and country.
10:41 And then it goes direct to the school.
10:44 So we have to have our own on the ground organization.
10:48 And the money goes to them.
10:50 And then it goes direct to the school.
10:52 And then we have field officers.
10:54 And each child is visited three times a year.
10:58 We check that the funds have arrived.
11:00 And we check each individual child.
11:03 And then the donors get school reports,
11:06 they give, well, an APR,
11:08 annual performance report.
11:10 And just like your own children's report,
11:12 sometimes they're exciting,
11:14 sometimes you might be disappointed.
11:16 But you can also write to your child
11:19 and your child will write to you.
11:21 So we believe we've got a good system
11:24 that delivers accountability,
11:26 but also involves you with the child,
11:29 and correspondence, and reports.
11:31 Well, as I mentioned before,
11:33 I have been to India and Myanmar
11:35 with Child Impact.
11:37 And I have seen firsthand the incredible results
11:40 that these sponsorships have on the lives
11:43 of these young people.
11:44 These projects work efficiently to give these young people
11:49 the best Christian education
11:50 that they can have and a future.
11:54 It's made me realize
11:55 the huge hope that it's giving
11:58 these children and their families.
12:01 I also saw the impact
12:03 on the Adventist Mission Schools.
12:05 It makes them thrive and grow.
12:09 Would you please consider sponsoring a child today?
12:17 I just got a letter from our sponsored
12:19 daughter Sheila.
12:20 I've got to tell you,
12:21 there is nothing like getting one of these letters.
12:24 Our family has been able to sponsor her
12:26 through Child Impact International.
12:28 Because of that,
12:29 she's got a great place to live.
12:30 She's got good food.
12:32 She's got great clothing.
12:33 Best of all, I now found out she's in college.
12:37 She's in nursing school.
12:38 There's nothing like getting a letter like this.
12:42 You need to start getting these letters too.
12:44 Listen, through Child Impact, you can make a huge difference
12:47 in the life of a child, and I promise you,
12:50 it's going to make a huge difference
12:52 in your life too.
12:54 Join me and others like me throughout the world
12:57 who are sponsoring a child monthly
12:59 to provide like Jesus did,
13:01 to support like Jesus did, to love like Jesus did.
13:06 You too can make a lifelong impact on the life of someone
13:09 who is waiting for you to say yes.
13:12 Yes, today you will consider sponsorship
13:15 right now with Child Impact or one of our other projects.
13:19 Yes, to give hope to a precious child today.


Revised 2019-08-27