Hope In Motion

John Lomacang Visits Eric B Hare School, Myanmar

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000201A

00:07 Child Impact International is an organization giving hope,
00:11 previously called Asian Aid.
00:13 Child Impact International is an organization
00:15 fostering permanent positive change
00:18 in the lives of disadvantaged children
00:20 and their communities.
00:21 Child Impact is committed to making a difference
00:24 in the lives of children and those who are in need.
00:27 Serving communities in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
00:31 Myanmar, and will soon expand to other countries.
00:34 For the last 50 years,
00:36 Child Impact has invested in the futures of people
00:39 and their investment has proven infinite returns.
00:41 Driven by their dedication to helping those
00:44 who have the least,
00:45 Child Impact is an organization
00:47 focused on the welfare of children,
00:49 implementing diverse development projects
00:52 and sponsoring thousands of children.
00:54 Their outreach spans from child rescue operations
00:57 to providing an education for orphans, deaf,
01:00 and the blind children,
01:01 giving them a sense of place, a home.
01:04 But above all, Child Impact is an organization giving hope,
01:08 giving hope to children, giving hope to communities,
01:11 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
01:14 This is Hope in Motion.
01:26 Myanmar is a big country and one gets to realize this
01:30 only when traveling by road from one place to another.
01:33 We left Mountain View Academy early morning
01:36 and took a seven hour drive to Southern Myanmar
01:38 to the Southeast Adventist Seminary
01:41 or Eric B. Hare School as it is commonly referred to
01:44 by the locals and visitors.
01:46 Pastor Eric B. Hare was an Australian missionary
01:49 who established the Southeast Adventist Seminary
01:52 to serve the Karen people,
01:54 one of the major tribal communities of Myanmar
01:57 more than 100 years ago.
01:59 Here I get an opportunity today to sit at a very important spot
02:03 on the Southeast Adventist Seminary campus.
02:07 This spot has been chosen to commemorate a vision,
02:10 a seed planted 102 years ago.
02:13 I'm sitting in front of a very special memorial
02:16 to the person who God gave this vision to.
02:20 And for the last century or more
02:22 lives have been transformed.
02:24 Let me share with you what is written
02:25 on the Centennial Jubilee Commemoration.
02:29 It says, "The Centennial Jubilee
02:31 of Southeast Adventist Seminary,
02:33 Eric B. Hare Memorial Academy, 1916-2016.
02:39 In honor of Pastor Eric B. Hare,
02:42 a devoted missionary among the Karen people,
02:45 a master storyteller, a health worker,
02:49 and educator
02:50 who planted the seed of true education
02:53 in this community,
02:54 in the township of the Karen people
02:56 by establishing the Southeast Adventist Seminary
03:00 in June 1916.
03:02 He lived in this community from 1915-1934
03:07 and nurtured the school by his presence."
03:11 What an amazing story.
03:13 The Lord chose Pastor Eric B. Hare
03:15 102 years ago to plant a seed in this community.
03:19 And for more than a century, lives have been transformed
03:23 in the classrooms, on the walkways, in the halls,
03:26 in the dormitories of young men and young women
03:29 in whose life this very seed of ministry has been planted.
03:34 The Karen people have been affected
03:35 in a beautiful way
03:37 by the messages proclaimed from this campus.
03:39 And we're gonna get a chance today
03:41 to see in a very real way
03:43 how that seed planted is being watered
03:45 by Child Impact International
03:48 and transforming lives not only for time
03:51 but also for eternity.
03:57 Child Impact International
03:58 considers it a blessing and a privilege
04:00 to be supporting an historic institution
04:03 that was established a century ago.
04:05 Child Impact sponsorship program
04:07 helps this school continue
04:09 to be of service to the children
04:10 from the community, especially needy children
04:12 from Adventist lay members' families.
04:16 Here at the Southeast Adventist Seminary
04:18 there are about 500 children, of those 500 children,
04:22 Child Impact International sponsors about 25%.
04:27 So Child Impact International is a key part
04:31 of giving support to these students,
04:33 it's a key part of the school's funding,
04:36 it's a key part of the impact on the community
04:40 that this school serves.
04:42 And I'm really proud of the support
04:44 that we get from our sponsors.
04:46 So not only child by child we're making a difference,
04:50 but we're having a big impact on the finance, the future,
04:54 and the effectiveness of this school.
05:00 Child Impact's funding is crucial
05:02 as there is an influx of students wanting
05:04 to join the school each year.
05:06 This being a boarding school,
05:08 the steady stream of students
05:09 from Adventist and non Adventist backgrounds
05:11 has, over the years,
05:12 made it difficult to find accommodation for them.
05:16 This difficult situation became more striking
05:18 as Pastor Lomacang and Angela met with Khin Khin,
05:21 the girls' dean who was overcome with emotions
05:24 as she narrated the struggles the girls go through
05:27 in a crowded living environment.
05:30 The most important and the urgent need
05:33 is for the girl's dormitory
05:37 because we need...
05:40 Before we have only 160 or 170 girls,
05:45 but today we have 200 above.
05:49 So the place is getting very crowded
05:51 and we really need to expand
05:54 or build a new hostel for the girls.
06:00 It is a challenge
06:01 to provide quality accommodation,
06:03 especially for the girls
06:04 but parents really want their children to be educated.
06:07 And this desire to give them quality Christian education
06:10 overcomes any temporary discomfort
06:12 their children may face in the dorms or classrooms.
06:23 Sala Lawah
06:24 is a ninth-grade student at the school,
06:26 and she considers it a privilege
06:28 to be studying at the school.
06:29 She is thankful
06:30 that someone is able to sponsor her education.
06:36 Although Sala is a boarding student,
06:38 she visits her grandparents who live close by the school.
06:41 She graciously invited Pastor Lomacang
06:43 to visit her grandparents.
06:45 Her parents have moved to Yangon for work
06:47 and so Sala visits her grandparents every day
06:50 just to help with the chores and look after them.
06:52 We're glad to get a chance to meet you.
06:55 Onji, so good to be here today.
06:57 How old are you?
07:02 Ninety.
07:03 Ninety years old.
07:05 And what did you do throughout the years?
07:07 What was your occupation?
07:17 He used to be a farmer.
07:19 A farmer, in an agricultural way?
07:22 Yes. Yes.
07:23 And now he's retired?
07:25 Yes.
07:26 See, Onji was a farmer, but he's now retired.
07:29 He was helping planting seeds, harvesting crops,
07:33 but now the crops
07:34 are being harvested in a different way
07:36 through the life of their granddaughter,
07:38 Sala Lawah.
07:40 The crop of the seeds that the gospel presented
07:43 are now coming to fruition
07:45 as we see generation after generation,
07:48 I believe they said they have about 10 grandchildren
07:51 and two sons,
07:52 and Sala Lawah is the product of one of their two sons.
07:57 And I also found out something else
08:00 that in her class of more than 60 students,
08:04 Sala Lawah is ranking fourth,
08:07 which means she takes her education
08:09 very, very seriously.
08:11 So you can see that sponsorship
08:12 is not something that is received lightly
08:15 but it's received very humbly,
08:18 and the lives are being transformed
08:19 of young people just like her, just like her siblings,
08:23 and the impact on her family and on the future,
08:26 it's something that we can all be excited about
08:29 and thankful about.
08:30 So whenever you participate
08:32 in any kind of sponsorship for Child Impact International,
08:35 these are the families that you're changing,
08:38 young people like Sala Lawah,
08:40 the impact on her grandmother and grandfather,
08:43 on their generations to come.
08:45 As he was a farmer planting the seeds
08:48 that brought forth crops to bless many lives,
08:50 the Lord through your sponsorship
08:52 is planting the gospel seed in Sala Lawah's life
08:55 through former students like Khin Khin,
08:58 who is now one of the teachers at the Eric B. Hare Seminary.
09:03 Thank you for all you do to make a difference.
09:06 Impacting lives not only for now
09:08 but for eternity.
09:27 Today, the Southeast Adventist Seminary stands
09:30 as a true testament
09:32 to Pastor Eric B. Hare's vision.
09:34 This school that was established by him
09:36 to sow the initial seeds of true education
09:38 among the Karen people
09:40 continues to educate and nurture young minds
09:42 for tomorrow and for eternity.
09:54 Children and their future are very important
09:57 to my wife and to me.
09:58 Those are the things that are close to our heart.
10:01 That's why we enjoy traveling
10:02 with Child Impact International.
10:04 A few years ago,
10:06 they invited us to go with them to India.
10:08 This time, we're in Myanmar.
10:09 And since we've been here,
10:11 we've seen some amazing stories
10:12 coming to fruition.
10:14 We went to Mountain View, the academy
10:17 where we saw young children and their teachers
10:19 working hand in hand together,
10:21 their eyes brightly lit with hope and a future
10:25 seeing that somebody cares
10:27 about what happens with them tomorrow.
10:29 Not only is sponsorship making a difference,
10:31 but the places they are educated,
10:33 the places that they live,
10:35 the dormitories, their educational supplies,
10:38 but more important than that,
10:39 the relationship that they have with their teachers,
10:42 people that are dedicated to their well-being.
10:45 Here on the Southeast Adventist Seminary campus,
10:47 I've witnessed the very same thing.
10:49 We've also saw a student
10:51 who was at one time going to school here,
10:55 Khin Khin, she's now a teacher teaching mathematics.
10:58 She's also the dean for 219 girls.
11:01 And I spoke to her and had a chance to find out
11:03 why she would come back to a campus
11:05 when, in fact, she can make more money elsewhere
11:07 around this country.
11:09 She said, "This place has transformed my life,
11:12 and I want to give back
11:13 to transform somebody else's life."
11:16 Your sponsorship and your support
11:19 is where the future is going to be secure.
11:21 So when you think about
11:22 how you can be participating in this mission,
11:25 think of a child here in Myanmar,
11:27 a child in India, throughout Southeast Asia.
11:31 One day, you're gonna stand before the Lord
11:33 and I'm looking forward to hearing the phrase,
11:35 "As much as you have done it
11:37 to the least of these my brethren,
11:39 you have done it to Me."
11:40 So thank you, thank you from the bottom of our heart
11:44 for all that you do for these children
11:46 here in Myanmar and in India.
11:48 The kingdom is going to be a beautiful and a bright place
11:52 because the Lord has reached out
11:53 and touched your heart and you've responded
11:56 by touching the hearts and lives
11:57 of these young children.
11:59 What a wonderful thing to do knowing that our Lord is near
12:02 and He's called us to stand
12:04 at this very beautiful and challenging moment.
12:07 Child Impact International is committed to the vision
12:10 that was started here in Myanmar
12:12 and the vision of Southeast Asia.
12:14 Thank you for all that you do, and may God richly bless you.
12:31 A couple of years ago,
12:32 my daughters and I had a wonderful opportunity
12:35 to travel to India,
12:36 and while we were there,
12:38 we met yet another part of our family
12:40 and that's our sponsored daughter, Sheila.
12:42 We had the privilege of sponsoring Sheila
12:45 through Child Impact International
12:47 for more than three years now.
12:49 And you know, while we were there,
12:51 she shared with us
12:53 that her dream was to become a nurse.
12:56 Now, what a wonderful privilege it is for us
12:59 now as a family to know
13:01 that she is fulfilling that dream.
13:04 Sheila is now studying to be a nurse.
13:06 She is in college
13:08 and we could not be happier for her.
13:10 It's been wonderful
13:11 to be part of that journey with her.
13:13 And, you know, sponsoring a child
13:15 through Child Impact,
13:17 it's made an incredible difference
13:18 for our family.
13:20 And I know that for you sponsoring a child
13:22 can make a difference for you too.
13:24 And most importantly, it can make the difference
13:27 in the life of a child every day.
13:38 At Adventist mission schools like this one in Bangladesh,
13:41 Child Impact International sponsors hundreds of children.
13:45 We often think that sponsorship only impacts
13:47 on the life of the child,
13:50 but it's much wider than that,
13:52 it impacts on the parents and on the community.
13:55 But more important, it impacts on the school.
13:58 It becomes valuable income for the school,
14:02 and then in turn,
14:03 it impacts on hundreds of other children.
14:05 I just ask that you would consider
14:08 sponsoring a child with Child Impact
14:10 or supporting one of its valuable projects
14:13 that will improve education in Adventist mission schools
14:17 like this one in right here.


Revised 2019-04-19