Hope In Motion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000109A

00:10 Our television series Hope in Motion
00:13 has been a big success
00:15 and we want to continue to share with you
00:17 some of the field stories
00:19 that we have filmed over the years.
00:21 So just from time to time,
00:23 it may refer Asian Aid
00:26 as we reflect on these great stories
00:29 as we share them with you.
00:34 Welcome to Myanmar.
00:36 I am standing
00:37 on the bank of the delta region of this country
00:40 and as we look out on to the river,
00:42 this plays an integral part
00:44 in the lives and economy of the people in this country
00:47 through fishing as well as transportation.
00:50 Ninety percent of the people
00:52 in this country practice Buddhism.
00:54 In fact, Myanmar is one of the most religious
00:57 Buddhist countries in the world.
00:59 When looking at the proportion of monks to people, population,
01:04 as well as the amount of income that they spend on religion.
01:09 This presents a great challenge to the mission
01:12 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church here in Myanmar,
01:15 but this is beginning to change slowly.
01:18 Adventist education plays a central role
01:22 in the spreading of the gospel in Myanmar.
01:26 The challenges that a decent education is expensive,
01:30 most people can't afford.
01:32 But this is where an organization like Asian Aid
01:36 has such a great deal of impact.
01:38 They are concerned and committed
01:40 to the welfare of children in need here.
01:44 Join me on a journey
01:46 as we see what Asian Aid is doing
01:49 to strengthen and further the mission
01:52 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Myanmar.
02:11 Child impact International is an organization giving hope,
02:15 previously called Asian Aid.
02:17 Child Impact International is an organization
02:20 fostering permanent positive change
02:22 in the lives of disadvantaged children
02:24 and their communities.
02:26 Child Impact is committed to making a difference
02:28 in the lives of children
02:30 and those who are in need,
02:31 serving communities in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
02:35 Myanmar and will soon expand to other countries.
02:38 For the last 50 years,
02:40 Child Impact has invested in the futures of people
02:43 and their investment is proving infinite returns,
02:46 driven by the dedication
02:47 to helping those who have the least.
02:49 Child Impact is an organization
02:51 focused on the welfare of children,
02:54 implementing diverse development projects
02:56 and sponsoring thousands of children.
02:58 Their outreach spans from Child Rescue operations
03:01 to providing an education for orphans,
03:04 deaf and the blind children giving them a sense of place,
03:08 a home but above all,
03:09 Child Impact is an organization giving hope,
03:12 giving hope to children, giving hope to communities,
03:16 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
03:18 This is Hope in Motion.
03:29 Myanmar or Burma as it used to be called
03:32 is in Southeast Asia.
03:34 It borders China, India, Bangladesh, Laos and Thailand.
03:39 It has naturally absorbed
03:40 some of the cultural influences of these neighbors.
03:43 For years, colonial rule was seen here
03:46 but then, rampant ethnic strife
03:49 caused a military backed government to take power.
03:53 But more recently,
03:55 civilian rule has come to be established
03:58 and the country has opened up its doors to the outside world.
04:02 There is peace and freedom.
04:05 This is good news for the mission
04:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Myanmar
04:09 and these supporting ministries like Asian Aid.
04:22 Myanmar is predominately a Buddhist country
04:25 where over 85% of the population
04:28 practices Buddhism.
04:30 Public evangelism is banned,
04:32 but the Adventist message is slowly trickling through.
04:36 The main reason for that is our school system.
04:40 Our Adventist schools are a wonderful place
04:42 for us to introduce Jesus
04:44 to the children at a very early age,
04:48 but being a poor country,
04:49 many children struggle to attend school
04:52 and get a good education.
04:54 This is where Asian Aid has its biggest impact.
04:59 Last year at the GC session in San Antonio,
05:01 I was privileged to do a benefit concert for Asian Aid
05:04 so that more children could be sponsored.
05:07 When I heard about the work
05:08 that is also being done here in Myanmar,
05:11 I was naturally curious
05:12 and I wanted to come here and see for myself.
05:15 I wanted to see exactly what Asian Aid is doing
05:18 to bring hope, salvation,
05:20 and a future to children in need in Myanmar.
05:41 I was first taken to Myanmar Union Adventist seminary
05:45 or MUAS,
05:47 as it is commonly known here.
05:49 Now, MUAS is the only Adventist institution
05:53 of higher learning in Myanmar,
05:56 and it plays a very important role
05:58 in developing young minds
06:00 to be future torchbearers for the church.
06:04 We have only one Adventist College in Myanmar,
06:09 and it is very important
06:11 because all youths of Adventist Church in Myanmar,
06:16 they come here to study.
06:19 It helped them to get the education for their life,
06:23 and also their spiritual education
06:27 to prepare for testimony to others
06:31 about the love of God.
06:34 Right now we have over 600 students this semester.
06:39 And most of our students
06:42 come from financially poor background.
06:46 And our members scatter all over Myanmar
06:51 from different regions and states.
06:55 So in my union mission,
06:59 the church have a good anticipation
07:03 on these young people.
07:05 They are the future of the church.
07:07 And they have solid Adventist education
07:11 in this institution only.
07:18 The seminary is a beautiful campus.
07:21 As I was given a quick tour,
07:23 I heard music coming from the auditorium.
07:26 Intrigued by the sound of violin filling the air,
07:29 I went to the auditorium
07:31 to find beautiful young ladies practicing.
07:36 Using and developing your talents
07:39 for God's honor and glory.
09:05 All right.
09:07 Fantastic.
09:08 I have been here at the seminary
09:10 for just a few hours,
09:11 but one of the things that has brought me the most joy
09:14 was to hear them practicing.
09:16 We were walking around the campus,
09:17 but we could hear this wonderful beautiful music.
09:21 You know, these young people
09:22 come from different places and different backgrounds.
09:26 But something has brought them together,
09:28 music and Jesus Christ.
09:31 You see, some of these songs that praise the Lord
09:34 are the first exposure that they have to Jesus,
09:37 but this is a way
09:39 in which they are coming to learn about Jesus Christ.
09:42 Asian Aid is making it possible for these young people
09:45 and many others to be able to dedicate
09:48 their talents and their lives
09:50 to share the love of Jesus with others.
09:55 Young people using their talents
09:57 for the glory of God
09:58 and witnessing it
10:00 on one of the frontier mission fields
10:02 of the church is a true blessing.
10:04 In fact, the spirituality that emits
10:07 from the students and staff alike
10:09 is very encouraging to me and many other visitors
10:12 who have visited this campus over the years.
10:16 It reinforced my belief in the Adventist school system
10:19 and the role education plays
10:22 in witnessing for our Lord and Savior.
10:26 I believe that in the country of Myanmar,
10:29 probably more so than in many other countries in the world,
10:32 education is vital.
10:34 And I believe so,
10:35 because education seems to be the platform
10:39 in which many non-Adventists or Christians
10:44 get to know about Jesus Christ.
10:47 And so from my particular perspective,
10:48 education is vital in this country.
10:51 It is important that we subsidize it,
10:54 it is important that we, that we really create
10:57 the environment in which children have an opportunity
11:01 to learn about Christ.
11:04 But a good education is not easy to get,
11:08 particularly in rural areas.
11:11 Especially in a poor country like Myanmar
11:13 where obtaining a good Adventist education
11:16 is not within reach
11:18 of a majority of Adventist families.
11:22 As you know, Asian Aid operates in six countries in Asia,
11:26 and recently into Myanmar.
11:28 Now traditionally, Asian Aid takes the child based on need
11:32 and places them in an Adventist school.
11:36 Poverty is a vicious cycle.
11:38 And in Myanmar, there is a lot of poverty.
11:41 And the great thing about education
11:44 is that it helps break that cycle,
11:46 that cycle that has an impact
11:48 not just on the child but on the family.
11:52 And this is why sponsorship in a country like Myanmar
11:56 is very, very significant for the total population,
12:01 not just on the child but on the family
12:03 and on the village they come from.
12:06 I truly believe
12:08 that our Adventist schools and seminaries
12:10 not only serve as an educational institution
12:13 but also as a beacon of light to the community it serves.
12:19 Talking about community,
12:21 I was anxious to visit some of the neighboring villages
12:24 and see for myself,
12:26 some of the circumstances that these students come from.
12:59 I am in a small poor village, deep in the heart of Myanmar.
13:03 You wouldn't know it,
13:04 but our school is actually not too far away.
13:08 In our western comfortable cultures and countries,
13:11 we've probably heard about poverty,
13:13 we've read about it, we've seen pictures
13:16 but unless you are here,
13:17 it's hard to fully grasp and understand what it's like.
13:22 The children you see behind me live in this village.
13:26 Their parents go out and work
13:27 under backbreaking conditions all day.
13:31 That means that these children stay here,
13:33 they don't have the chance to go to school,
13:36 and when they grow up the cycle is perpetuated.
13:39 They can only go to work
13:41 where their parents worked and this continues.
13:44 But Asian Aid is making it possible
13:46 for these young people
13:48 to be able to go to a Christian school,
13:50 get an education, love Jesus
13:53 and then serve others and God.
13:57 Come with me after the break,
13:59 and I'm going to show you a prime example
14:02 of how this sponsorship program is changing the lives,
14:05 is breaking the cycle of poverty
14:08 and bringing hope, salvation, and a future to many.
14:18 I just got a letter
14:19 from our sponsored daughter Sheila.
14:21 I've got to tell you,
14:23 there is nothing like getting one of these letters.
14:25 Our family has been able to sponsor her
14:27 through Child Impact International,
14:29 because of that she's got a great place to live,
14:32 she's got good food, she's got great clothing,
14:35 best of all, I now found out she's in college,
14:38 she's in nursing school.
14:40 There's nothing like getting a letter like this.
14:43 You need to start getting these letters too.
14:45 Listen, through Child Impact,
14:47 you can make a huge difference in the life of a child,
14:50 and I promise you,
14:52 it's going to make a huge difference
14:53 in your life too.
15:05 At Adventist mission schools like this one on Bangladesh,
15:09 Child Impact International sponsors hundreds of children.
15:12 We often think that sponsorship
15:15 only impacts on the life of the child,
15:17 but it's much wider than that,
15:19 it impacts on the parents and on the community,
15:23 but more important, it impacts on the school.
15:26 It becomes valuable income for the school
15:29 and then in turn, it impacts on hundreds of other children.
15:33 I just ask that you would consider sponsoring a child
15:36 with Child Impact,
15:38 or supporting one of its valuable projects
15:40 that will improve education in Adventist mission schools
15:44 like this one in right here.
16:07 Visiting a village that day was a revelation.
16:11 It opened my eyes
16:12 to the struggles and hardships of the poor in a way
16:15 that you can only understand by being there.
16:19 It gave me a new insight
16:21 into the role our schools play in the mission field,
16:25 and the impact organizations like Asia Aid
16:28 has in supporting the church in its mission.
16:33 Even though the church work
16:34 started over a 100 years ago in Myanmar,
16:37 the past 50 years have been a huge challenge for the church
16:41 because of unfavorable political situations
16:44 that prevailed here.
16:45 And the churches had great challenges
16:47 in promoting Christian education
16:49 across this Buddhist country.
16:52 But the situation has changed and the Lord has opened doors
16:56 and opportunities for us to expand His work in Myanmar.
17:01 For us to move forward in Myanmar in a positive way,
17:04 we established the Asian Aid, Educate Myanmar Fund.
17:09 The purpose of this fund
17:11 is to help sponsor the 600 children
17:14 that we've taken.
17:15 We don't have sponsors for them.
17:17 So stage one of the Educate Myanmar Fund
17:20 is to help sponsor those 600 children
17:24 while we find sponsors.
17:26 The second way is obviously to sponsor
17:29 one or more Myanmar children,
17:32 which you can do through
17:33 the Asian Aid sponsorship system.
17:36 The other need is that these mission schools
17:39 need resources in the classroom,
17:41 they're growing so fast.
17:43 So the Asian Aid Myanmar Fund will be totally committed
17:47 to helping the Adventist schools in Myanmar.
17:51 And the critical thing is that 100% of the money
17:55 sent to Myanmar goes direct to these needy schools,
18:00 mainly for sponsorship
18:02 but also to help develop these schools.
18:05 The Educate Myanmar Fund
18:08 that Asian Aid operates to sponsor children,
18:11 addresses another important issue
18:14 and that is the issue of congestion in the dorms
18:17 and other infrastructural needs.
18:20 Visiting one of the girls' dorm that day,
18:23 it was very evident to me
18:25 that the boarding facilities lacked
18:27 a conducive living environment.
18:37 Yes. We need more rooms.
18:39 Okay. Thank you very much.
18:43 Mm-hmm. Good.
18:51 I just finished a tour of the girls' dorm,
18:54 but the segment that I walked around,
18:56 it's pretty crowded,
18:57 in fact, there are 51 girls that are rooming in that area.
19:02 They sleep on a hard surface.
19:04 And so we want to make it possible for them
19:07 to have improved conditions.
19:10 Now where they come from is a lot more disadvantaged,
19:14 so they are really excited and happy to be here.
19:17 We want to be able to get more of those young people
19:19 from those villages into here
19:22 so that they can study and learn.
19:40 Jim led me to the Adventist high school
19:42 that was situated right across the road
19:44 from the seminary.
19:46 As we went around,
19:47 I came across the same infrastructural needs
19:51 that prevailed in the seminary,
19:53 but to me what was encouraging
19:56 was the fact that in spite of the difficult
19:58 circumstances and situations,
20:00 children were sitting in classrooms learning,
20:03 receiving an education, a Christian education.
20:08 How exciting it is to witness and participate
20:11 in the development of a child's future.
20:15 Going around the campus
20:16 and talking to students and staff,
20:18 I saw the role Asian Aid, and more importantly,
20:22 you, the sponsors are playing in the lives of these children
20:27 that come from such impoverished backgrounds.
20:32 They say that seeing is believing.
20:34 Well, you know what?
20:35 This is it right here.
20:37 It's very exciting behind me,
20:39 beautiful, wonderful young people learning.
20:42 If you're a sponsor, I want you to check this out,
20:46 and if you're not, I want you to look at these young people,
20:49 and perhaps catch the joy,
20:52 the spark and the spirit to be able to do the same
20:55 and make a difference
20:57 in the lives of one of these young people.
21:10 Students who received scholarship
21:14 and obtained Adventist education,
21:17 now they are prospering in their ministry
21:21 as well as in outside jobs.
21:24 For instance, some are now working in the institution.
21:30 Some are in the mission field,
21:32 so I really thank God
21:36 for this sponsorship program.
21:41 The sponsorship for the children is very important
21:44 because when we look Adventist family,
21:49 average of the families
21:51 are trying for their daily foods.
21:57 So that it is very difficult to send their children
22:01 to the college and sponsor their children.
22:04 So when the children get sponsorship,
22:08 they continue to their education
22:12 and when they got the sponsorship,
22:19 they study and when they finish,
22:22 some can work in the denomination
22:25 and some work outside, and at the same time,
22:29 they can be a good witness and testimonies to other.
22:33 They can tell about the love of Jesus.
22:38 This was important for me,
22:39 the fact that Asian Aid was contributing
22:42 to the growth of the church in Myanmar,
22:44 a frontier mission field is good news.
22:48 As I mentioned earlier,
22:49 public evangelism in Myanmar is banned,
22:52 and so Asian Aid's involvement in our schools plays a key role
22:57 in the growth of the church.
22:59 I do believe that Asian Aid
23:01 is in tuned with the mission of the church.
23:04 The mission of the church is to prepare men and women,
23:07 and to prepare the people
23:09 that believe in God for soul winning.
23:13 And Asian Aid is offering that particular opportunity.
23:16 There are 100% in tune
23:20 with the mission of this church.
23:22 All right. Here she is.
23:27 Hi, there. It's nice to me you.
23:30 Nice to meet you.
23:31 I have heard a lot about this young lady.
23:42 She also has the interest in teaching.
23:45 Working here and also, it's a calling from God.
23:49 She felt that kind of calling from the Lord...
23:54 Okay. Fantastic.
23:56 Well, I shared with you
23:57 that we had a special story before the break,
24:00 and here she is Mia.
24:02 Mia is a recipient of our sponsorship program
24:06 through Asian Aid.
24:07 She was able to come to the school.
24:09 She finished her education
24:11 and she felt a calling from God to go into teaching,
24:15 and that's why she's here,
24:17 teaching these precious children.
24:19 This is what it's all about, this is the story of hope,
24:23 this is a story of Asian Aid, and you can be a part of that,
24:27 as we make it possible
24:28 for children to have an education,
24:31 come to know Jesus and share with the world.
24:36 Mia's real name is May Thuzar Tun,
24:40 but she preferred to be called Mia.
24:42 She is a 24-year-old
24:44 Bachelor of Arts graduate from the seminary.
24:48 Mia is a fine example
24:49 of what a simple gesture of sponsoring
24:52 a child's education can achieve.
24:55 It achieves far beyond its intended purpose
24:58 of providing a children's education.
25:00 It gives them hope for the future.
25:03 Meeting Mia that day also made me realize
25:07 that she was one of the lucky few.
25:09 Many children across Myanmar,
25:11 especially in rural areas do not have this opportunity.
25:27 Being in this place,
25:29 a Christian school in the heart of Myanmar,
25:33 reminds me of when I was a little boy.
25:36 You see, I lived in a communist country.
25:38 And it was impossible to have Christian schools there.
25:41 My parents dreamed of taking my sister and me
25:45 to a place where we should not only
25:48 be able to worship God freely,
25:50 but also have a Christian education.
25:52 Well, Asian Aid is making it possible
25:54 for hundreds of young people here in Myanmar
25:57 to have just that.
25:59 Would you consider partnering with us
26:01 to make a huge difference
26:03 in the life of a young person,
26:04 so that they can come to know Jesus,
26:07 have a Christian education and share His love with others?
26:12 I was encouraged
26:13 by Asian Aid's plans for Myanmar.
26:16 Asian Aid is an organization
26:18 that wants to make a significant contribution
26:21 in the lives of needy children.
26:23 Today, Asian Aid is making it possible
26:26 to give them this opportunity
26:28 to not just receive an education,
26:31 but an opportunity towards eternal life.
26:36 Children and their future are very important to me.
26:40 Those are things that are close to my heart.
26:42 And two years ago, Asian Aid invited me
26:45 to go on a life changing trip to India.
26:48 Well, this time, I have joined them
26:50 on a trip to Myanmar.
26:52 During our time here,
26:54 we have visited all kinds of interesting places.
26:57 We've been to pagodas.
26:58 We've also been to villages
27:00 where poverty is visible everywhere.
27:04 I've also been on the campus of some of our schools.
27:07 I had the opportunity to play
27:09 with a group of beautiful young ladies
27:11 who play the violin.
27:12 I am seeing these young people whose lives are being changed
27:17 because of the sponsorship program.
27:19 They have a Christian education,
27:21 they have hope and they will have a future.
27:24 In fact, I met a young lady
27:25 who is now the teacher at the preschool.
27:28 She went through our program, she was sponsored,
27:31 she graduated and now she is a teacher.
27:34 What a joy it is to be able to make an impact
27:37 in the lives of so many young people.
27:39 Would you be willing to partner with us?
27:42 Would you be willing to help change a life
27:44 and bring future and Jesus to a young person in Myanmar?


Revised 2018-03-22