Hope In Motion

Light of Lanka

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000031

00:02 In this episode of Hope in Motion
00:05 we go to Sri Lanka to see how Asian Aid is helping
00:08 the Adventist Mission in this island nation.
00:11 It makes a huge difference when individuals
00:13 and organizations from around the world
00:16 give support to us here at Lakpahana.
00:19 We visit Lakpahana College and Seminary,
00:21 an Adventist institution
00:23 that is preparing soldiers for Christ.
00:25 This school, Lakpahana College
00:28 and Seminary means a lot to our mission
00:31 because this is where we train most of our workers.
00:36 And witness how Asian Aid's sponsorship
00:38 is helping a young sibling overcome a tragic past.
00:57 Asian Aid is an organization giving hope,
01:00 an organization fostering permanent positive change
01:03 in the lives of disadvantage children
01:05 and their communities.
01:07 An organization that is committed
01:09 to making a difference in the lives of children
01:11 and those who are in need.
01:13 Serving communities in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
01:17 Myanmar and India.
01:27 For the last 40 years
01:29 Asian Aid has invested in the futures of people
01:31 and their investment has proven infinite returns.
01:36 Driven by their dedication to helping those
01:38 who have the least Asian Aid is an organization
01:42 focused on the welfare of children,
01:44 implementing diverse development projects
01:47 and sponsoring thousands of children.
01:49 Their outreach spans from child rescue operations
01:53 to providing an education for orphans,
01:55 deaf and the blind children.
01:58 Giving them a sense of place, a home but above all
02:02 Asian Aid is an organization giving hope,
02:05 giving hope to children, giving hope to communities,
02:09 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
02:13 This is Hope in Motion.
02:46 Sri Lanka is an island nation located
02:48 just a few miles from the southern tip of India.
02:51 Because of its natural beauty and location
02:53 it is commonly known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean.
02:58 Until 1972
03:00 it was called by its Portuguese derived name Ceylon.
03:04 Like its neighbor India, Sri Lanka is a diverse country,
03:07 home to many religious ethnicities and languages
03:10 but it's predominately a Buddhist nation
03:12 with a rich Buddhist heritage.
03:16 Although the Seventh-day Adventist church mission
03:18 was organized here in 1950
03:21 the church membership is only around 4,000.
03:23 This is why Lakpahana Adventist College and Seminary
03:26 was established in Kandy to meet the challenges
03:29 of the Adventist mission in Sri Lanka.
03:32 This school, Lakpahana College
03:34 and Seminary means a lot to our mission
03:37 because this is where we train most of our workers.
03:42 Right from the inception of this school
03:44 it has trained many workers
03:47 who are serving here in Sri Lanka
03:50 as well as in other countries.
03:53 So we really respect and we value this school
03:57 because its great service to the community
04:02 and to our church.
04:06 Established just outside
04:08 Sri Lanka's second largest city Kandy,
04:10 Lakpahana over the decades has produced many workers
04:13 for the mission field.
04:15 We are providing the future really of the church.
04:21 If you are to go around Sri Lanka today
04:25 and look at most of the pastors
04:27 and the leadership of the church
04:28 they are all products of Lakpahana.
04:31 And even if you look at
04:32 some of the leading businessmen around the country
04:34 they are all products of Lakpahana.
04:36 Lakpahana has played a huge role
04:39 in the work of the church here in Sri Lanka.
04:43 Being the only Adventist institution
04:45 for higher education in Sri Lanka
04:47 the demand for admission is high
04:49 among the Adventist community.
04:51 Children also come from different
04:52 socioeconomic background
04:54 and from various parts of Sri Lanka
04:56 and are exposed to the Christian environment
04:58 and to a Christian education and lifestyle
05:00 in this predominantly Buddhist culture.
05:03 But many students in Lakpahana
05:04 like Adventist schools in other south Asian countries
05:07 come from rural and poor backgrounds
05:09 and are enabled to pay basic tuition fees required to attend
05:12 a boarding school like Lakpahana.
05:14 This is where Asian Aid plays a crucial role
05:17 in giving that opportunity for those children
05:19 who are from an under privileged background.
05:22 We are very happy that they are sponsoring
05:24 organizations such as Asian Aid
05:27 who has come forward to sponsor
05:31 about 80 or 90 even more students
05:36 and because of their assistance
05:39 we are able to educate this children
05:42 and run this school without much problem.
05:48 Our church work is very dependent
05:52 on Asian Aid children and its workforce.
05:57 And so the-- it's not only the development of their child
06:01 its where their child goes
06:03 and they go in so many directions
06:05 where they are having an impact
06:07 not only on them but on their community.
06:11 And the other thing is too
06:13 they have a big impact on the immediate family.
06:16 So they impact on their parents,
06:19 their uncles and aunts and in their local community.
06:23 We are creating a future for those
06:25 who really are left behind
06:27 and need someone to give them
06:29 a hand up never a hand out.
06:32 Because by giving an education it's a hand up.
06:36 They can help themselves.
06:38 They don't have to rely on people forever.
06:41 Its not a welfare issue,
06:44 its creating a new possibility for children and the kids
06:48 that are sponsored really, really do benefit.
06:54 But not all are lucky to get this benefit.
06:56 The school administration is under pressure
06:59 to secure sponsorship
07:00 for the regular inflow of students
07:02 that come for admission each year.
07:04 Basically all of our students are sponsored
07:08 and with the growing enrolment that means
07:10 we need a growing base of sponsors.
07:13 At the beginning of the year which is January
07:17 we made a faith decision
07:19 and that was if you came from Adventist parents
07:23 or you are an Adventist you could come here
07:26 and we would find a sponsor.
07:28 Now that was a real faith for them
07:30 and the Lord has blessed us immensely.
07:33 But with all of our students are not sponsored
07:36 and I have a huge waiting list of students on my desk
07:41 who want to come to Lakpahana,
07:43 they are from Adventist background
07:45 but we just do not have the sponsorship.
07:48 Asian Aid has been a part of Lakpahana
07:50 for a number of years,
07:52 mainly through its sponsorship program.
07:54 Presently over 90 students are sponsored by Asian Aid
07:57 this playing an important role
07:59 in the development of Lakpahana.
08:01 If you haven't been in mission field
08:04 in a third world country
08:06 economics are so different
08:07 than they are in the United States.
08:09 And the sponsorship of a student is just
08:14 I don't even know how to describe
08:15 how important it is.
08:16 It's just-- its our life blood.
08:20 How are you? Welcome back.
08:21 Very, very glad sir. Good to see you again.
08:22 How are you?
08:25 Pastor Brooke Sadler is a retired
08:26 school administrator from Tennessee
08:28 who served as principal of Lakpahana in the 1970s.
08:32 I was comfortably in retirement in northeast Tennessee
08:36 enjoying sitting on the couch looking at the mountain
08:39 and I kept getting emails
08:43 that the school here needed some help.
08:47 And so I actually came over on a visit
08:49 and looked at it and realized
08:52 it should get-- it did need help.
08:54 Went home with no intention of coming back
08:58 and then people started talking to me
09:01 and said well, why don't you go back?
09:04 And I said, I'm 71 years old, should I be a principal again?
09:09 And so anyway make a long story short
09:12 my wife and I prayed about it,
09:13 we came back and I'm principal
09:16 and we've been here 10 months
09:17 and the Lord has blessed immensely
09:19 and we'll be here as long as the Lord wants us to be.
09:24 We were able to get his service back here in Lakpahana
09:29 although he is now retired
09:31 but still he has very graciously
09:34 volunteered to come and serve Lakpahana
09:37 and try to do his best to revive Lakpahana
09:42 and bring it to what it was during that golden era.
09:46 See you again. All right.
09:49 Since Pastor Sadler's return
09:51 Lakpahana has undertaken the path to steady growth
09:54 but the going hasn't been easy.
09:57 There was all kinds of areas of need,
09:59 the physical plan to the classrooms
10:03 but Asian Aid USA has helped us with some funding,
10:08 others have helped us and we are making
10:10 huge progress in bringing the school
10:12 back to what it really should be.
10:15 We're just proud to be able to assist
10:19 with the redevelopment of Lakpahana
10:22 and but also to sponsor children there.
10:25 But our key role at the moment is assisting
10:29 in the development of the school.
10:31 This is the only Adventist College
10:34 or institution in Sri Lanka that is developing children
10:41 for college degree and college work.
10:43 So it has a very important role to fulfill in this country.
10:48 One of the great things about being
10:50 part of the Seventh-day Adventist church worldwide
10:52 is its support that it helps do.
10:54 It makes a huge difference when individuals
10:57 and organizations from around the world
10:59 give support to us here at Lakpahana.
11:03 Asian Aid USA has been a huge
11:05 part of the support system in Lakpahana.
11:08 The school under the leadership of Pastor Brooke Sadler
11:10 has taken a proactive approach in relying lesson sponsorship
11:14 and providing a recovering source of income for the school
11:17 by reviving and redeveloping some of its industries.
11:20 This is our dairy in which we have nine cows
11:24 and three calf's, two female.
11:27 We want to expand this very much.
11:30 We use the milk for the cafeteria,
11:31 we sell milk and we are making, starting to make curd.
11:35 If we make curd out of the milk
11:36 we make more money, so more income.
11:38 So we want this again as an income source for the school
11:41 but we also-- this is where the students work.
11:44 We don't have any help other than students.
11:46 All the milking everything is taken care of by the students.
11:49 They come morning and evening and milk them,
11:52 take care all of it.
11:53 They are great bunch of kids.
11:57 The poultry has been restarted since I came back.
12:00 We have about 600 chickens laying chickens
12:03 and we get about 550 eggs.
12:05 We use it to increase the nutrition at the school
12:09 so that children get eggs more often.
12:11 We also use it for bakery products
12:12 and we sell for income for the school.
12:15 And we hope to increase
12:17 the number of cows and chickens.
12:20 This is the very important part of what we are doing
12:22 and again all student labor.
12:24 It's all done by students.
12:26 Boys who are standing behind you
12:28 waiting to go to work.
12:34 The clinic has also become operational now.
12:37 Although small it is adequate
12:39 to meet the needs of his students.
12:43 We didn't have a functional clinic before.
12:46 After Pastor Sadler came back we have started his clinic.
12:51 So now we have facility to treat
12:53 minor aliments and wounds.
12:55 This clinic is a great help for children
12:58 and the staff here.
13:00 A clinic in a campus is essential
13:02 for a large boarding school like Lakpahana.
13:04 For if a child gets a small cut
13:06 they have to almost get that treated immediately
13:08 or it gets infected.
13:10 But they are blessed to have
13:11 Lakeside Adventist Hospital about 15 miles away.
13:14 So when a child needs extra attention
13:16 they are sent to Lakeside.
13:18 There is also plans to collaborate
13:19 with Lakeside Adventist Hospital,
13:21 to start vocational nursing programs at Lakpahana
13:25 so that the school can also provide Adventist nurses
13:27 in the hospital systems here in Sri Lanka.
13:34 The school has a large farm area
13:36 and with the help of student labor
13:38 fresh vegetables are cultivated
13:40 to meet the needs of the kitchen.
13:41 Work program is an intrical part of hostel life
13:44 in Adventist institutions throughout south Asia.
13:47 And in Lakpahana
13:48 students actively take part in its up keeping
13:51 and are encouraged to participate
13:53 and help in the various industries inside the campus.
13:56 This not only lead a disciple life in the campus
13:59 but it helps them acquire skills
14:00 needed for work in the future.
14:04 when we come back
14:05 we look at how key industry at Lakpahana was revived
14:08 since Pastor Sadler's return and meet Sachikala and Shaan
14:12 and witness how Asian Aid sponsorship
14:15 is helping them overcome a tragic past.
14:30 My wife Angela and I are here in Andhra Pradesh, India,
14:33 visiting some of the Asian Aid projects to see for ourselves
14:37 how the work that is being done here is transforming lives,
14:40 especially lives of orphaned children
14:43 and abandoned children,
14:44 children from the tribal communities.
14:47 And we've discovered that because of sponsors like you,
14:49 they now have a place that they can call home.
14:52 They have wonderful clothing, nutritious food
14:54 and they are being prepared to propel themselves
14:58 into the future for a promising career.
15:00 But above all that because of sponsors like you
15:04 they now have hope, hope for a better future.
15:20 My name is Sue Smith and I'm an Asian Aid sponsor.
15:23 I'm here in India visiting our sponsored children.
15:26 I've seen the difference
15:27 that Asian Aid makes in the life of a child.
15:30 It's a real change
15:32 and I appreciate the work that Asian Aid does here.
16:08 Lakpahana Adventist College and Seminary
16:10 is the only Adventist institution
16:12 in Sri Lanka for higher studies.
16:14 Since its inception in 1923
16:17 it has served a wonderful variety of students
16:19 from many cultures and religions
16:21 represented in Sri Lanka.
16:27 In a comfortable rural setting the college and seminary
16:30 provides both the quality Adventist education program
16:33 and vocational training program
16:35 to prepare the students for life after school.
16:38 Pastor Brooke Sadler is the principal of the school.
16:41 Since his return from retirement
16:43 the school has witnessed a revival.
16:48 One of the key industries that has been revived
16:51 since Pastor Sadler's return is the bakery.
16:54 We started this bakery project from last December.
16:57 Before that we have product only for the cafeteria
17:01 to deliver the bread for the students
17:03 but now we have a good demand in outside.
17:06 Per day we are making that 120 loaf
17:09 before the project start.
17:10 After the project starts
17:11 we will start to make 300 breads per day
17:14 and we don't have any vehicle facilities
17:16 before to deliver things outside
17:18 but now we have a new vehicle to delivery outside.
17:21 So we are making some profit for the school.
17:30 A large institution like Lakpahana Adventist College
17:33 and Seminary draws attention from all quarters
17:36 and it has to maintain its standards
17:38 and build on its reputation.
17:40 It has to have basic facilities
17:41 to attract a large number of paying students.
17:44 Let me start with the need about
17:46 telling my second day here.
17:47 I was sitting in my office
17:49 and I heard this horrible scraping sound.
17:52 And I discovered that students
17:55 came to the first period they captured a chair
17:58 and took it with them the rest of the day
18:00 because we didn't have chairs
18:01 and even seventy percent of those were broken.
18:04 And our-- the limitations right now for us
18:09 are sponsorships, number one,
18:13 and desk and chairs for the classrooms,
18:19 beds and mattresses for the hostels or dormitories,
18:23 those are really the critical needs.
18:25 We have the classroom space,
18:27 we really have the teaching staff.
18:29 Some of our classes are small
18:31 but we just don't have really the basic.
18:35 Every provision made and every development
18:37 envisioned at Lakpahana is student centric.
18:40 There is no question, when we invest in the child
18:43 whether it is through sponsorship
18:44 or investing facilities we endow them
18:47 with the ability to go through life
18:50 with more than just an education.
19:03 Today is a special day at Lakpahana.
19:05 We were fortunate to witness their annual preset day.
19:08 The chief guest Asanka Weerathunga
19:11 is a naval officer in the Sri Lankan Navy.
19:15 As a person called Asanka Weerathunga
19:19 was designed by this.
19:22 so now I'm proud, I came to here.
19:26 I came here
19:31 something like a mother give birth to a child.
19:35 Lakpahana gave birth to me.
19:39 Asanka is former student of Lakpahana.
19:41 Born into the Adventist family he was a sponsored student.
19:46 There is no question that we change lives
19:51 and sponsorship change lives.
19:53 Because these young people come,
19:54 they come from so many different varying backgrounds.
19:57 We just had a special day called a preset day
20:00 which doesn't mean much in the US
20:02 but its where we have student leaders
20:04 and we had a ceremony for to the day and blessing
20:08 and the chief guest is, we have chief guest here
20:11 is a former student here and he is a naval officer.
20:15 And he will tell you, you know,
20:17 I came here and I was one person,
20:20 I left I was someone else
20:22 and I've been in the navy 15 years
20:23 and this has given me a life change.
20:28 Former students like Asanka are living testament
20:31 of the role Lakpahana has played in their lives
20:34 and bares witness to the impact
20:35 sponsorship can have on a child's future.
20:38 And we really have a family atmosphere here
20:42 that is wonderful for the kids
20:44 and gives them an opportunity to really find Christ
20:48 and to put purpose in their life
20:51 and that's something that we really, really, work hard.
20:56 Sachikala Nishadi is 10th grade student at the school.
21:00 She and her brother Shaan
21:01 come from a village next to Lakpahana.
21:04 Their father is a daily laborer
21:06 working in a small restaurant as a cleaner.
21:10 I'm a daily laborer
21:11 and I work as a cleaner in a restaurant.
21:14 I go to work at eight in the morning
21:17 and comeback late night.
21:18 I get a small amount doing that job
21:20 and I have difficult time take care of my children.
21:24 That's why I agreed to send my children to Lakpahana.
21:40 Although hesitant at first Shashikala confided to us
21:44 when asked about the where abouts of her mother.
21:46 Her mother had set fire to herself
21:48 and died a few years ago
21:49 and the memory of that fateful day
21:51 is still fresh in her mind.
21:57 When my son was six years old and my daughter nine years old
22:01 my wife set herself on fire and I went intervene
22:05 and I got burnt and I fainted
22:08 and I was admitted to the hospital.
22:11 When I regain consciousness
22:12 I learned my wife had passed away.
22:16 Confronted with his unexpected personal tragedy
22:19 and the burden of caring for his young children
22:22 Sujith Suranga was hoping for a miracle.
22:35 Every Sabbath we come in here and then I met this family.
22:41 I saw this little boy.
22:43 I don't know my heart got touched in.
22:47 I thought to take to Lakpahana,
22:49 then I asked father you like to put the children there.
22:53 I'm waiting, he said,
22:55 I'm waiting to put in Lakpahana.
22:59 Moureen de France,
23:00 kiddies corner in-charge of Lakpahana
23:03 was moved by the predicament of this family
23:05 and informed the school administration
23:07 about the children.
23:08 Although not from an Adventist background
23:10 Sachikala and Shaan were immediately
23:12 brought to Lakpahana
23:13 and enrolled with Asian Aid sponsorship program.
23:20 I like to study here because the school
23:22 has a good name in the community.
23:24 All the teachers are friendly and I have good friends here.
23:27 I'm very happy to be here with my brother.
23:32 The real joy is to give people the opportunity
23:35 to see a different future.
23:40 And by seeing it they can create a future
23:43 and they don't, they don't have to be trapped by their past.
23:47 That is so, so exciting.
23:51 Sachikala and Shaan today are in a place
23:54 where they can overcome their tragic past
23:56 and look forward to a long future
23:58 that lies ahead of them.
24:03 I want to study hard and complete my education
24:07 and I wish to be a teacher
24:09 and my brother wants to be an engineer.
24:13 God will bless those who are sponsoring my children.
24:16 I don't know who they are
24:18 but they are doing a selfless thing
24:20 and I pray to God that He will them
24:22 for what they are doing.
24:25 Today, Asian Aid sponsorship program
24:27 is spreading the light of hope to children in Sri Lanka
24:30 and education is transforming their lives.
24:33 This transformation is not just to give them an education
24:36 but give them an opportunity to make a choice for eternity.
24:40 An Adventist institutions like Lakpahana is giving them
24:43 that opportunity to make that choice
24:45 and provides them a chance to make a difference
24:48 in the church and in the community.
24:50 Lakpahana of course has the light of Lanka
24:53 and it was designed to educate students children facilities
24:59 and I wish that it will continue
25:02 to function in that manner
25:04 and it will educate our students,
25:06 our children to serve in Sri Lanka.


Revised 2015-01-01