Hope In Motion

Hope in Motion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HIM

Program Code: HIM000030

00:01 Not 24 hour ago I was standing overlooking
00:04 the Pacific Ocean and then I flew
00:07 and I crossed the Atlantic Ocean
00:08 and now I find myself
00:10 at the Bay of Bengal part of the Indian Ocean.
00:13 It maybe think about the fact that the ocean
00:16 separates and divides us however hope unites us.
00:20 And I'm here in the great country of India
00:22 on a journey to find out how it is that Asian Aid
00:26 is changing the lives of people,
00:28 particularly the lives of needy children.
00:49 Asian Aid is an organization giving hope,
00:52 an organization fostering permanent positive change
00:55 in the lives of disadvantage children
00:57 and their communities.
00:59 An organization that is committed
01:00 to making a difference in the lives of children
01:03 and those who are in need.
01:05 Serving communities in Nepal, Bangladesh,
01:08 Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India.
01:18 For the last 40 years Asian Aid has invested
01:22 in the futures of people
01:23 and their investment has proven infinite returns.
01:27 Driven by their dedication
01:29 to helping those who have the least
01:31 Asian Aid is an organization
01:33 focused on the welfare of children,
01:36 implementing diverse development projects
01:38 and sponsoring thousands of children.
01:41 Their outreach spans from child rescue operations
01:44 to providing an education for orphans,
01:47 deaf and the blind children.
01:50 Giving them a sense of place, a home
01:52 but above all Asian Aid is an organization giving hope,
01:57 giving hope to children, giving hope to communities,
02:00 giving hope to the ones who needed the most.
02:04 This is Hope in Motion.
02:33 My introduction to India was one of extreme contrast.
02:38 Here I was exhausted
02:40 after a set of flights that lasted 30 hours
02:43 and now resting in the comforts
02:44 of a fine hotel room
02:46 over looking the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal.
02:50 And the next moment
02:51 I was being driven along chaotic traffic to witness
02:54 the communit living in squalid conditions.
02:58 A slum community right in the middle
03:00 of a bustling city.
03:06 I was told about a school
03:08 sponsored and operated by Asian Aid USA in this slum.
03:13 As Jim, CEO of Asian Aid USA led me to the school
03:17 we stopped by on the street side
03:19 to say hello to Romani.
03:21 Well, this is Mr. George.
03:22 How are you, sir?
03:24 Jim introduced me to her and I learned
03:26 she was one of the graduates of the school
03:28 established right here in the slum.
03:31 As we continued to make our way
03:33 towards to the school my heart was troubled.
03:36 Just an hour ago everything was normal
03:39 but now it wasn't.
03:42 It was like I was being transported
03:44 into another world.
03:51 When we arrived at the school
03:53 I saw a glimpse of hope in this neighborhood.
03:57 I was introduced to Naomi the school teacher in-charge
04:00 and I saw precious small children
04:02 sitting on small benches and on the floor.
04:06 They were learning.
04:07 The children were indeed happy to see us
04:10 and they welcomed us clambering to shake our hands.
04:14 I was given a brief tour of the school premises
04:16 and then all the children gathered on the roof top
04:19 to sing songs for us.
04:21 I was able to tell them about what I did for a living
04:24 and I played some violin for them.
04:40 I had the opportunity to speak with Naomi.
04:43 She struck me as a passionate servant.
04:46 Now we have 120 students, sir.
04:49 Wow.
04:50 All are coming from a poor background
04:52 and they all stay here only in this street.
04:55 Just right here.
04:56 And they really need the help of the sponsors
04:59 because it's a great help for them
05:01 Yes.
05:02 It's a great benefit to educate these children in this school.
05:05 They are coming from poor background here
05:07 and they are much benefited by this school here.
05:10 What do you think this area, this street, this slum
05:15 would be like without this school right here?
05:18 Now there is lot of change
05:19 after the school was established since 17 years.
05:23 Since 17 years this school is here
05:26 and there is lot of change.
05:27 The parents understood then they changed their lives
05:31 and they are ready to send their children
05:33 and now lot of change has taken place
05:36 because of this school.
05:39 Hope is in this slum, hope is in this street,
05:42 hope is in this community because of this school.
05:45 Yes. Yes.
05:47 I couldn't help but look at all of these
05:49 precious children around me and wonder
05:52 how many doctors, engineers, teachers
05:55 and software professionals will come from this school.
05:58 Even though the school may not have the same features
06:01 and facilities like what we are used to back at home
06:04 it was right up there
06:05 and making a difference in the lives of this children
06:09 and in their community.
06:11 This school serves so many parts of the community.
06:16 First of all the parents are given hope.
06:19 Can you imagine living in despairingly situations
06:23 wanting the best for your child where not got nothing.
06:26 So now the first thing is it gives the children hope
06:30 which inspires the parents.
06:32 We are also gonna look at ways of expanding
06:34 into the community further by took medical follow up
06:38 and doing any vocational training that's our dream
06:42 but right now as you can see the community appreciative.
06:47 And we just so prayed of what the donor have done here.
06:51 Yes.
06:52 Asian Aid is prayed of what its done
06:54 but with the help of those people
06:55 that have supported and sponsored these children--
06:58 Wouldn't be possible.
06:59 Wouldn't be possible, sponsorship,
07:01 this is one of the best example of sponsorship
07:05 not only educating the child
07:07 but making the difference beyond the child.
07:10 Now these parents are coming to know Jesus,
07:12 they are getting baptized, they are being converted.
07:13 Correct.
07:15 And the introduction to Jesus
07:17 is happening in a community
07:18 in the way that you couldn't achieve it any way.
07:21 That's right.
07:22 At that moment I realized that Asian Aid
07:26 is doing what Christ commissioned us to do
07:29 in a way that I hadn't imagined before.
07:32 Well, I've been in India for just over 24 hours
07:36 and I have seen reports on television,
07:39 I have seen magazine articles
07:42 but nothing could really prepare me
07:44 for visiting a slum right here, right now.
07:48 It is an amazing experience
07:51 and just as we were coming in I met a young lady
07:54 that almost seemed to be out of place.
07:57 We greeted her, she smiled and then we began to talk.
08:02 As it turns out right here in this slum
08:05 she attended this school.
08:07 She was able to break free of the path
08:10 that most people have which is a path to nowhere.
08:14 Her life has been turned around.
08:16 Her life has been totally different
08:19 than what she might be if she didn't have the hope
08:21 of attending the school right here in this slum.
08:24 The story of this young lady is exactly why I'm here
08:28 and why we are here.
08:30 Her story is the story of hope,
08:32 her story is the story of opportunity
08:36 which is what this school does for the children
08:39 and the young people that live in this slum.
08:45 From the slum we drove along the coast towards Bobbili.
08:50 Along the way we took a small detour
08:53 to visit another Seventh-day Adventist school.
08:56 By the time we arrived at the school
08:59 it was the middle of the afternoon.
09:01 But a new dorm is under construction
09:04 and excitement was in the air.
09:06 I'm in the town of Vizianagaram which is about an hours drive
09:10 from the city of Vizag and I'm standing
09:13 on what is part of the new girl's dormitory.
09:16 It is really a beautiful facility
09:18 as you can see.
09:20 Over here you can see the structure
09:23 that is going to be the new boy's dorm.
09:26 They've actually been sitting, sleeping, learning,
09:30 and eating in the church
09:32 but provision is being made by the grace of God
09:35 through the donors that support the work
09:38 that Asian Aid is doing so that this building
09:42 which will house 50 boys
09:44 will be erected here soon as you see it's on the way.
09:50 But we have to think about the future,
09:52 there are so much need
09:53 and there are so many young people
09:55 that are coming to us literally every day
09:57 and so we have set it up so that we can grow
10:00 and perhaps build the second floor
10:01 in the near future as you are able to help us
10:05 and make it possible
10:06 so that more young people can study here
10:09 and come to know Jesus Christ.
10:13 Jim informed me that the new boy's dorm
10:15 would be ready in a few months time.
10:18 When he took me on a tour of the classroom
10:21 I realized that more still needs to be done.
10:25 I am sitting in a classroom
10:27 where more than 20 young students
10:29 are able to learn.
10:31 By their standards this place is quite a luxury
10:34 because their backgrounds are very disadvantaged
10:37 but the reality is we need a new place.
10:41 You saw the roof it has a hole in it.
10:43 Monsoon season is coming and it rains and it rains a lot
10:48 and they have to leave this building
10:50 to go to a very crowded place where they all sit together
10:54 and then try to learn.
10:57 It's also pretty warm in here.
10:59 I have been here for just a couple of minutes
11:01 and I have to wipe my face, my forehead
11:04 and my arms because it's so hot.
11:07 I want to see this change
11:08 and I'm thankful that Asian Aid is here
11:11 to be able to do something about it.
11:14 This is at Vizianagaram
11:16 is a part of our school development program.
11:20 We sponsor children in the school
11:22 but as you can see the conditions
11:24 of the classroom at the school are really not acceptable.
11:29 The classrooms, the roofs in disrepair,
11:32 there are holes in the roof
11:33 and as you can see there are of very basic construction.
11:38 We are looking forward to making the classrooms
11:41 apart of our ongoing development plan
11:44 and churches like Bonita Valley in California
11:47 have been very supportive of the school.
11:50 So we are working with donors
11:52 and churches like Bonita Valley to develop the school.
11:57 It was heartwarming to learn that
11:59 some churches back home are actively involved
12:02 in the development work of Asian Aid here in India
12:06 and I hope that their necessary funds
12:08 will be raised soon
12:10 to facilitate the building of a new classroom complex.
12:14 Back on the road we were headed towards
12:17 Asian Aid School for the blind in Bobbili.
12:22 When we arrived at the school for the blind
12:25 all the students were lined up on either side of the entrance.
12:29 It is a customary greeting for special visitors.
12:33 How are you?
12:34 Fine, sir. Welcome to our school.
12:35 Thank you so much. I'm excited to be here.
12:38 Welcome sir. Thanks.
12:39 Many of these children are shunned
12:41 and abandoned by their families because of their blindness
12:45 but here they are treated with love and kindness
12:49 and they flourish beautifully.
12:52 At the blind school the next day
12:54 Pastor Paulson principal of the school
12:57 showed me around and educated me
13:00 on how the children are taught.
13:02 I was surprised to find that these blind children
13:05 were taught how to use computers.
13:08 These children are being prepared
13:10 to face the challenges of the outside world.
13:14 And we do a great job here
13:17 training the children for the future
13:20 and we are always grateful to all the sponsors and donors
13:24 who have done their best
13:25 to make this big dream come true.
13:28 And the buildings are standard, built in such a way
13:33 that will benefit any new child that walks inside.
13:36 It just takes a walk once
13:38 and they feel that is their home.
13:41 And this structure I hope and pray
13:44 it will remain as a monument
13:46 and as a light for all the other villages
13:49 and town and the cities
13:52 and especially for the whole of India.
13:55 That evening I had the honor
13:57 of presenting a concert for them
13:59 and it was moving
14:01 just to seem them soaking up the music.
14:04 Although blind they sang along to my music
14:07 with such conviction and enthusiasm
14:10 it was a powerful moment.
14:47 I've been here at the blind school
14:49 for just a few hours
14:51 but in hearing them sing I have been moved to tears.
14:55 It had made me thing about how music brings us together
14:59 and you know, the music and the songs of praise Jesus
15:02 are the first exposure that many of these
15:05 young people have had to Jesus Christ.
15:09 They have amazing faith.
15:11 It's easy for me to see that
15:13 and it is wonderful to be in a place
15:15 where they are learning to develop
15:17 and dedicate their talents in lives
15:20 to use for God's honor and glory.
15:24 We've got a lot done during my time here.
15:27 As exhausted as I was I couldn't stop my mind
15:31 from replaying the places I visited
15:33 and the things that I got to witness
15:35 as well as the work that Asian Aid is doing
15:38 to reach out to those in need.
15:40 And now at the school for the blind
15:43 I saw children not only receiving an education,
15:46 not just going out and serving, having a career
15:50 but also coming to know Jesus Christ.
15:53 Oh, but there's more to come when we come back
15:56 we'll go to a place I heard so much about.
15:59 Sunrise Children's Home
16:01 and we'll see how it witnessing for the Lord
16:04 to the community around here.
16:06 Don't go away we'll be right back.
16:23 My wife Angela and I are here in Andhra Pradesh, India,
16:26 visiting some of the Asian Aid projects
16:28 to see for ourselves
16:30 how the work that is being done here
16:31 is transforming lives,
16:33 especially lives of orphaned children
16:36 and abandoned children,
16:37 children from the tribal communities.
16:40 And we've discovered that
16:41 because of sponsors like you, they now have a place
16:43 that they can call home.
16:45 They have wonderful clothing, nutritious food
16:48 and they are being prepared to propel themselves
16:51 into the future for a promising career.
16:54 But above all that because of sponsors like you
16:57 they now have hope, hope for a better future.
17:18 Asian Aid USA has been involved in projects
17:21 in and around the Bobbili town for a number of years.
17:25 The school for the blind
17:26 is a fine example of their conviction,
17:28 a Christian organization that is committed
17:31 to providing opportunities for those in need.
17:37 Getting from one place to another requires
17:40 quite a bit of travel
17:42 and I use this time with Jim in the car
17:44 to learn a bit more about Asian Aid.
17:48 How did Asian Aid get started?
17:51 Well, Asian Aid started 40 years ago
17:55 by start of Australia.
17:57 Our cofounder Helen Eager actually came to India
18:03 where she met up with Dorothy Watts,
18:05 Pastor Watts was the division president on that time.
18:09 And the first orphanage
18:12 Sunshine Home started in Bangalore.
18:14 In fact, Mrs. Watts had the home in her house.
18:18 And then Helen saw the need for sponsorship
18:22 and it grew from there and now between us
18:27 and Asian Aid Australia there are about
18:30 just under 8,000 children than have sponsorship.
18:33 Wow, that's amazing.
18:34 Yeah.
18:37 That afternoon we stopped
18:39 by the Seventh-day Adventist school
18:41 in Bobbili town.
18:43 Asian Aid has undertaken
18:44 some development projects recently
18:47 and sponsors a number of students here.
18:51 I have just visited
18:52 a couple of the classrooms in this school.
18:55 This is a Seventh-day Adventist school
18:57 right in the middle of Bobbili town.
18:59 It's packed with kids that come here.
19:02 They are eager to learn, this is also the school
19:06 where the children from Sunrise Home
19:08 come to learn.
19:13 India is a large country
19:15 and traveling on projects here
19:17 involves quite a bit of sacrifice.
19:19 But despite all that I realized Jim and his team in India
19:23 are driven by a passion to work for the welfare of children
19:28 and the community at large.
19:34 We arrived the Sunrise Home and I immediately understood
19:38 why so many people were talking to me about it.
19:41 It is a beautiful campus surrounded by greenery.
19:45 Most of the children were at the school in town
19:48 and so only a handful of newcomers were there.
19:51 So I met with Lalitha Varma the director of the home
19:56 who showed me around and told me
19:58 how God truly blesses and protects them.
20:02 As a mother I feel great that
20:05 we have shelter, food, clothing.
20:09 And children if they don't have parents
20:13 they are birds without nest but it like a nest now.
20:19 What's your name?
20:20 My name is Vijay.
20:22 Okay.
20:23 How old are you?
20:26 And do you like to live here?
20:30 It's hard to imagine
20:33 that some of these very children
20:34 that are here around me have lived on the streets,
20:39 on the roads, their beds,
20:42 the pavement, the dirt,
20:45 because they have no parents, no family, no where to turn.
20:49 The work that we do, Jesus said,
20:51 if we do them for the little children
20:53 we have done that for Him.
20:57 We can all do something.
20:58 We can all make a difference in the lives
21:01 of some of these young people that we may never see
21:04 but are otherwise lost, stranded, hopeless, doomed.
21:11 But there is hope,
21:12 lives are being changed right here in this place.
21:24 Sabbath morning was a celebration.
21:27 A huge tent was erected
21:29 right in the middle of Sunrise Home
21:32 and church members from nearby villages
21:34 and towns are invited.
21:36 I was fortunate to share a bit of my life testimony
21:40 and play some music for them.
21:42 After the service scores of people came
21:45 asking for me to pray for them.
21:48 It was very humbling.
21:50 Who am I to bless them, I wondered?
21:53 But I made me realize I'm a servant of God
21:57 and I was there to glorify His name
21:59 through my testimony and music.
22:05 Our service this morning at Sunrise Home
22:08 has been an absolute blessing.
22:10 It was a blessing for me personally.
22:12 We started out and people just kept coming and coming.
22:16 We had set up 600 chairs
22:18 and even in a rain people kept on coming.
22:22 We had to set out another 200 chairs.
22:25 When I made an appeal
22:27 for people to give their hearts to Jesus
22:29 and rededicate their lives
22:31 so many folks stood up, it was unbelievable.
22:34 And then afterwards as we prayed
22:36 people were crying and you could sense
22:39 that the Holy Spirit was moving in a very powerful way.
22:42 People from all over the community have come
22:45 and keep on coming to Sunrise Home.
22:48 There are folks from around the area,
22:50 the villages that are here, this place is a blessing.
22:54 That's what Sunrise Home is about,
22:56 its about reaching people
22:58 and bringing those that are around,
23:00 that are in the darkness into the light.
23:03 Sunrise Home, praise God.
23:08 That afternoon I was given the honor
23:11 of opening and dedicating
23:12 the new boy's dorm at Sunrise Home.
23:16 Praise God for Sunrise Home
23:19 for the work that they are doing.
23:21 May God continue to bless Sunrise Home
23:24 and praise God for the work that Asian Aid USA is doing.
23:28 And so it is my great privilege right now
23:32 to cut the ribbon.
23:37 The inauguration of the boy's dorm that afternoon
23:40 was a moving experience for me.
23:43 This was an underserved honor but it was gratifying to see
23:48 that positive impact this dorm is already making
23:52 in the lives of this children that are living here.
24:02 Sunrise Children Home, boy's dormitory
24:05 inaugurated by Elder Jaime Jorge,
24:08 Asian Aid USA ambassador on August second 2014.
24:26 I'm here overlooking
24:27 the beautiful campus of Sunrise Home,
24:30 a place in the middle of nowhere in Karada village.
24:35 You know, when I was growing up I had a wonderful family,
24:39 I had parents that taught me to love
24:40 and serve Jesus
24:42 but there was something I didn't have,
24:45 the opportunity to go to a Christian school.
24:48 The orphans that are here don't have a lot of things
24:52 but they do have the opportunity
24:55 and the privilege to learn about Jesus Christ
24:58 from the moment that they arrive.
25:00 Sunrise Home is a place that gives young people
25:05 the opportunity to have hope and light
25:08 from the moment that they walk in
25:10 through the front gate.
25:19 Stepping down from the water tower that day
25:22 I realized how we can all make a difference in this world.
25:29 We have the opportunity to give hope.
25:31 We have the opportunity to show Jesus
25:34 to those who don't know him.
25:36 And we have the opportunity
25:38 to make a difference in people's lives.
25:42 I'm grateful that I had that opportunity.
25:47 Well, this is the end of my trip here in India.
25:50 Over the last few days we have visited places
25:53 and I have seen things
25:54 that I never imagined ever existed.
25:56 We went to a slum school,
25:59 then we ventured off into the country
26:01 to visit a school that is being remodeled and rebuilt
26:04 so that its students can learn properly.
26:07 And then we had the opportunity to go to a beautiful orphanage
26:10 as well as the blind school.
26:12 I was told that my visit here
26:14 would be a blessing and joy to people
26:16 but in reality I have been the one
26:18 who has been blessed and touched.
26:20 You see, I'm seeing hope in the eyes
26:23 of the precious young people that are in these schools.
26:26 Without the help of Asian Aid USA,
26:29 its donors and sponsors this would not be possible.
26:33 But now so many children have hope and assurance.


Revised 2015-01-01