Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend, 00:00:01.98\00:00:02.95 and sit back as we explore God's word 00:00:02.96\00:00:04.55 together on this December 13, 00:00:04.56\00:00:06.74 2004 edition of House Calls. 00:00:07.16\00:00:10.09 Well, good morning friends, and welcome to 00:00:25.61\00:00:27.03 another program of House Calls here in 00:00:27.04\00:00:29.24 nice, cool Southern Illinois, Thompsonville, 00:00:29.72\00:00:32.65 where it's in the 20s and 30s and it's good to 00:00:32.66\00:00:34.39 have you here John. It's good to be here, 00:00:34.40\00:00:36.28 but I'm freezing like you are. 00:00:36.29\00:00:37.65 I tell you. We're trying to keep 00:00:37.66\00:00:39.19 our hands warm here as we start off the program. 00:00:39.20\00:00:41.62 That's right. But you know what the 00:00:41.94\00:00:42.91 Holy Spirit will warm us up. 00:00:42.92\00:00:43.89 That's right, and it's so good that you 00:00:43.90\00:00:45.69 chosen to tune in this morning with us and 00:00:45.70\00:00:47.63 join us as we continue our subject on the law 00:00:47.64\00:00:51.12 of God, and then the Sabbath. 00:00:51.13\00:00:53.24 And as you've known we have advertised 00:00:53.64\00:00:55.63 about the Sabbath being our topic and we're 00:00:55.64\00:00:57.46 gonna get into that today. 00:00:57.47\00:00:58.53 But the law of God, the subject is so vitally 00:00:59.21\00:01:01.65 important that many of you have responded 00:01:01.66\00:01:03.33 wonderfully, and we would like to encourage 00:01:03.34\00:01:05.29 you continue to send your questions if you 00:01:05.30\00:01:07.04 do, send them to housecalls@3abn.org 00:01:07.05\00:01:11.68 or you can. That's the email and you 00:01:12.11\00:01:14.07 can call them if you are in the United States 00:01:14.08\00:01:16.28 1-800-7523-226, and outside of the 00:01:16.29\00:01:19.78 United States 618-627-4651. 00:01:19.79\00:01:23.56 I think I'm correct on that. Yes. 00:01:23.57\00:01:25.25 If I am incorrect we will correct 00:01:25.90\00:01:27.11 that little later on. But we have some 00:01:27.12\00:01:29.33 questions John that we want to jump right into 00:01:29.34\00:01:31.65 because we want to get to our topic, 00:01:32.08\00:01:33.59 you know we are in December already. 00:01:33.60\00:01:35.06 December 2004 and I will go ahead, 00:01:35.87\00:01:38.34 let you begin with reading our first 00:01:38.35\00:01:40.76 question and responding to our viewers and listeners. 00:01:40.77\00:01:42.75 Yeah, John, we got a question from Steve, 00:01:42.76\00:01:44.58 and he is writing from Pennsylvania. 00:01:45.30\00:01:46.92 And he has got a question about faith. 00:01:47.94\00:01:49.49 Oh, here is his question, he says my question is 00:01:50.02\00:01:52.53 in regard to the references of the 00:01:52.54\00:01:53.97 Bible about having a child like faith, 00:01:53.98\00:01:57.18 just as having the faith of a mustard seed. 00:01:57.64\00:01:59.78 Is having these faiths enough to get into heaven? 00:02:00.45\00:02:03.69 Please elaborate on this a little, thank you. 00:02:04.81\00:02:06.64 You know it's a very good question, 00:02:07.33\00:02:08.73 because we often as you try to follow Christ 00:02:08.74\00:02:12.73 and do the best you can. You know we have 00:02:12.74\00:02:14.11 failures John, we all fail a little bit, that's right. 00:02:14.12\00:02:15.86 And so we tend to wonder, are those 00:02:16.31\00:02:17.96 failures keeping us out of heaven. 00:02:17.97\00:02:19.70 And I think one thing we fail to realize is that 00:02:20.39\00:02:23.25 it's what our, it's what keeps us in heaven that 00:02:23.26\00:02:25.58 we need focus on. We shouldn't focus 00:02:25.59\00:02:27.88 on our failures, but we should focus on our 00:02:27.89\00:02:29.48 faith in the one we believe in, 00:02:29.49\00:02:31.28 which is Jesus Christ. And so I want to turn to 00:02:31.29\00:02:35.11 a verse in the Bible, Matthew 17:20. 00:02:35.12\00:02:37.55 Okay, Matthew 17:20. Matthew 17:20 and this 00:02:37.56\00:02:40.81 talks a little bit about faith. 00:02:40.82\00:02:42.68 And will help us with answering this question, 00:02:44.82\00:02:47.26 Matthew 17 verse 20. It says, Jesus said to them, 00:02:47.27\00:02:52.47 because of your unbelief, for surely 00:02:52.48\00:02:55.58 I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, 00:02:55.59\00:02:58.56 you will say to this mountain, move from 00:02:59.46\00:03:01.49 here to there and it will move; 00:03:01.50\00:03:03.48 and nothing will be impossible for you. 00:03:03.94\00:03:05.99 Now, the mustard seed John, is a very, 00:03:06.95\00:03:10.10 very small seed. That's right. 00:03:10.11\00:03:11.94 And so what it's saying that even with a little 00:03:11.95\00:03:13.64 faith that a mountain can move, 00:03:13.65\00:03:15.72 if you command a mountain to move. 00:03:15.73\00:03:17.08 Well, what was the application here? 00:03:17.09\00:03:18.48 You know, one thing we need to remember 00:03:19.42\00:03:20.46 I think is that faith links us to divine power. 00:03:20.47\00:03:24.87 That's right. We have no power within 00:03:24.88\00:03:26.68 ourselves to do anything. That's right. 00:03:26.69\00:03:28.49 But you know God's power it surpasse 00:03:28.81\00:03:31.04 anything we can possibly imagine. 00:03:31.05\00:03:32.62 So, having just a little faith links us with 00:03:32.63\00:03:35.72 divinity with God's, excuse me, 00:03:35.73\00:03:38.87 God's divine power. That's right. 00:03:38.88\00:03:40.62 And that he provides the salvation. 00:03:40.63\00:03:43.42 He provides the strength. He provides everything 00:03:43.43\00:03:45.64 that we need. In this case, the question is, 00:03:45.65\00:03:48.19 are we saved, everything that we need to be saved. 00:03:48.20\00:03:50.76 So, even just a little faith, exercise puts us 00:03:51.41\00:03:54.41 on the platform of salvation, and from that 00:03:54.42\00:03:57.54 point on we have something called 00:03:57.55\00:03:58.91 sanctification, John, that's right, which is a 00:03:59.25\00:04:01.19 day-by-day walk with him. At any point of the day 00:04:01.20\00:04:03.80 in our faith relationship with God and in Christ 00:04:03.81\00:04:06.18 Jesus we are perfect in him, not because we are 00:04:06.19\00:04:09.23 perfect, but perfect in Christ and that little 00:04:09.24\00:04:11.72 faith puts us on that level of perfection in Christ. 00:04:11.73\00:04:15.00 So therefore he gives us salvation, 00:04:15.87\00:04:17.88 but then we have our failures. 00:04:18.18\00:04:19.28 We have the things that we go through, 00:04:19.29\00:04:20.49 we have troubles, we have trials. 00:04:20.50\00:04:22.09 It's just the growth of the Christian, 00:04:22.10\00:04:23.49 and we grows as a Christian. 00:04:23.50\00:04:24.88 So, let's not equate our little fears, 00:04:24.89\00:04:27.17 our growth as Christians equate with 00:04:27.18\00:04:30.39 losing our salvation, because they are two 00:04:30.40\00:04:32.98 separate things; saving faith and living faith. 00:04:32.99\00:04:35.87 That's right. As a matter fact, Hebrews 11:6, 00:04:36.31\00:04:38.25 a verse that comes to my mind. 00:04:38.26\00:04:39.56 It says, but without faith it is impossible 00:04:40.00\00:04:42.30 to please God, for He who comes to God 00:04:42.31\00:04:44.33 must first believe that He is, and that He is a 00:04:44.89\00:04:47.51 rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. 00:04:47.52\00:04:49.98 Romans 10:17 another one; faith cometh by 00:04:50.44\00:04:53.28 hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 00:04:53.29\00:04:54.90 That's right. Ephesians 2 verse 8; 00:04:55.49\00:04:56.93 For by grace are you saved through faith; 00:04:57.52\00:04:59.62 and so as Pastor Stanton just made a comment a 00:05:00.08\00:05:02.48 moment ago, we are saved by grace through 00:05:02.49\00:05:05.28 faith, not in ourselves or in what we do but in... 00:05:05.29\00:05:08.43 In what he does, and what he has done for us. 00:05:08.87\00:05:10.72 You know, one of the little thing I would like 00:05:10.73\00:05:11.99 to do is, John, the closer we get to Christ. 00:05:12.00\00:05:15.01 That's right. The closer that we observe 00:05:15.02\00:05:16.75 him in the way, he is like, and we try to be like him. 00:05:16.76\00:05:18.97 Do you think that we are feeling any cleaner? 00:05:19.46\00:05:21.39 What do you think maybe 00:05:21.99\00:05:22.96 we even feel a little more inadequate? 00:05:22.97\00:05:24.45 Well, the closer we get to the mirror, 00:05:24.89\00:05:26.85 I don't know how many of you have that mirror. 00:05:26.86\00:05:28.29 My wife has this, my wife has this 00:05:28.30\00:05:30.25 magnification mirror that really when you get 00:05:30.26\00:05:32.68 real close to it, you can see every imperfection, 00:05:32.69\00:05:35.92 every flaw from the distance, I look not bad. 00:05:35.93\00:05:38.55 When I get a close I see oh, my... 00:05:39.06\00:05:41.19 Well, the closer we get to the Lord Jesus Christ 00:05:41.60\00:05:43.80 the clearer we see our imperfections, 00:05:43.81\00:05:45.78 and the more we see our need of Christ, 00:05:46.23\00:05:48.59 and so that's what faith does. That's right. 00:05:48.85\00:05:50.97 It allows us to come to him but when we see 00:05:50.98\00:05:53.12 ourselves, we can know that we need 00:05:53.13\00:05:55.71 him more and more everyday. 00:05:55.72\00:05:56.86 Absolutely, so it's actually the growth 00:05:56.87\00:05:58.22 process, it might causes to wonder, boy, 00:05:58.23\00:06:00.77 are we adequate, are we worth, 00:06:00.78\00:06:01.90 but we know that we see Jesus. 00:06:01.91\00:06:03.77 That's right. And he is our adequacy. 00:06:03.78\00:06:05.21 And so let's keep our faith in Him because 00:06:05.57\00:06:07.50 even the littlest faith in Him is enough. 00:06:07.51\00:06:09.56 By grace through faith, we are saved. 00:06:10.34\00:06:12.23 And His grace friends and His faith, our faith 00:06:12.24\00:06:16.18 in Him is grace is sufficient for us. 00:06:16.19\00:06:17.85 We have question from someone I don't know 00:06:18.94\00:06:21.38 if it's a man or woman, but I would assume that 00:06:21.39\00:06:23.81 the person knows who they are. 00:06:23.82\00:06:25.66 The name is simply Manny, and I like the question. 00:06:26.05\00:06:28.34 He says, thank you for your marvelous program. 00:06:28.98\00:06:31.14 God's Immutable Law correct, yes. 00:06:31.60\00:06:35.45 I can't think of a time that God would allow 00:06:36.02\00:06:38.10 for infidelity in a marriage, yet Abraham 00:06:38.11\00:06:40.88 and others had several wives. 00:06:40.89\00:06:43.42 Was this at a time consented by God or 00:06:43.72\00:06:47.04 were they breaking God's law. 00:06:47.05\00:06:48.95 Well, friends God never consented to more than 00:06:49.46\00:06:52.38 one wife, and this was a practice that was started 00:06:52.39\00:06:55.37 by a man by the name of Lamech, LAMECH. 00:06:55.38\00:07:00.52 If you go with me to Genesis chapter 4 00:07:00.53\00:07:02.59 you will read in verse 19, 00:07:03.03\00:07:04.62 Genesis chapter 4 verse 19, 00:07:05.63\00:07:07.47 before we read that think of this. 00:07:07.83\00:07:09.19 When God created Adam and Eve; 00:07:09.64\00:07:11.91 there was Adam, there was Eve. 00:07:12.82\00:07:15.02 There was not Adam, and Eve, and Mary, 00:07:15.39\00:07:17.94 and Martha. There was not a whole 00:07:18.18\00:07:20.61 group of women that God married Adam to. 00:07:20.62\00:07:22.76 One man, one woman and the command is 00:07:23.20\00:07:26.33 that the two became one flesh. 00:07:26.73\00:07:29.70 Ephesians 5 and verse 31. The two became one flesh, 00:07:30.12\00:07:34.42 not the three became or the one became but 00:07:34.68\00:07:37.24 Lamech was one of the first to introduce the 00:07:37.25\00:07:40.22 evil practice of polygamy, which took off and was 00:07:40.23\00:07:43.47 practiced by many in scripture. 00:07:43.48\00:07:45.24 Now because it's recorded in the Bible, 00:07:45.55\00:07:47.28 doesn't mean that God ordained it. 00:07:48.24\00:07:49.96 You have many things recorded in scripture as 00:07:50.29\00:07:52.13 historical practices as elements of practices in 00:07:52.14\00:07:56.00 the life of those that God chose and led them 00:07:56.01\00:07:58.92 to a stronger relationship with Him. 00:07:58.93\00:08:01.00 But nonetheless it was a practice, not supporting, 00:08:01.34\00:08:04.06 not supported by the law of God, and not by 00:08:04.86\00:08:07.33 any means moving the law of God out of the way. 00:08:07.34\00:08:09.23 Genesis 4:19 the Bible says, then Lamech took 00:08:10.10\00:08:13.36 for himself two wives. The name of one was 00:08:13.37\00:08:17.42 Adah and the name of the second was Zillah. 00:08:17.43\00:08:21.36 And if you look at their names, their very 00:08:21.63\00:08:23.98 names, the meaning of their names meant they 00:08:23.99\00:08:26.43 were seductive and beautiful. 00:08:26.44\00:08:28.52 And so he was attracted to them and he decided 00:08:29.16\00:08:32.08 to go ahead and add more than one, 00:08:32.09\00:08:34.40 which was what God's law and God's word 00:08:34.81\00:08:37.42 always prescribes. As a matter of fact 00:08:37.43\00:08:39.58 that's God's command; one man, one woman. 00:08:39.59\00:08:42.16 And you know what amazed me John is. 00:08:42.67\00:08:44.58 I don't know how these guys could have done 00:08:44.83\00:08:46.26 that because I've been married going on 22 years. 00:08:46.27\00:08:49.59 Now my wife always say it's 21 going on 22. 00:08:49.60\00:08:51.90 But it takes all of our energy just to keep 00:08:52.76\00:08:55.19 one wife happy. That's right. 00:08:55.20\00:08:56.62 You know, and what if we have to devote our 00:08:57.61\00:08:58.68 attention and divide it up between many 00:08:58.69\00:09:00.13 wives, you could see the strife and contention 00:09:00.14\00:09:02.93 which Abraham... Oh, Abraham experienced 00:09:02.94\00:09:05.88 in his relationship with the women in his life 00:09:06.21\00:09:09.76 so, that's right, you know that's one of the 00:09:09.77\00:09:11.28 reasons why we are in this mess in the 00:09:11.29\00:09:12.78 Middle East. You know and so really 00:09:12.79\00:09:15.77 God's prescription is always the best one, 00:09:16.31\00:09:18.06 and that is for one wife, a helpmate for the man. 00:09:18.07\00:09:21.12 That's right, not a helpmates. 00:09:21.13\00:09:22.10 Not helpmates, exactly. 00:09:22.11\00:09:23.48 Okay, what do we have John? 00:09:23.96\00:09:25.25 We have a question from Carlton. 00:09:25.26\00:09:26.86 He says it's in regard to the offering of Cain and 00:09:28.04\00:09:31.07 what he gave to the Lord. He says, from what I've 00:09:31.08\00:09:32.80 heard all my life is that Cain was a farmer, 00:09:32.81\00:09:35.30 and he brought some of his crops to the Lord 00:09:35.75\00:09:37.47 as an offering, right. As the Lord was not 00:09:37.48\00:09:39.78 happy about it, my question is why? 00:09:39.79\00:09:42.85 From what I've learned there is no set offering 00:09:43.51\00:09:46.23 that was required. When did the Lord 00:09:46.24\00:09:48.54 require a blood sacrifice? This has bothered me 00:09:48.55\00:09:50.87 for years. Okay. Well, you know, 00:09:50.88\00:09:52.96 God does have a requirement, 00:09:53.61\00:09:54.80 as we have been talking about the ten 00:09:54.81\00:09:56.08 requirements or commandments of God, 00:09:56.09\00:09:58.26 and from the beginning God has had a 00:09:59.19\00:10:00.81 prescription for the salvation of mankind. 00:10:00.82\00:10:04.27 And that salvation is the Lamb of God 00:10:04.28\00:10:07.21 who taketh away what? The sin of the world, 00:10:07.57\00:10:10.29 and so the altars that were built from the very 00:10:10.98\00:10:13.83 beginning, there was a prescribe sacrifice to go 00:10:13.84\00:10:17.19 on that altar. That's right. 00:10:17.20\00:10:18.26 And these altars were always to point to, 00:10:18.51\00:10:20.78 point the person who is erecting that to the 00:10:21.26\00:10:23.74 person in whom they put their faith and trust, 00:10:23.75\00:10:26.58 and that was into God himself, and Jesus who 00:10:27.06\00:10:29.53 would come, the Messiah. 00:10:29.54\00:10:30.71 And so as a foreshadowing of Messiah who would 00:10:31.34\00:10:34.28 come they were to offer a lamb without blemish 00:10:34.29\00:10:37.23 as you see the story of Abraham and Isaac. 00:10:37.24\00:10:40.49 So when Abel brought an offering to the Lord, 00:10:41.53\00:10:43.72 he brought the right offering, the lamb. 00:10:43.73\00:10:45.91 But Cain brought, Cain brought the food of his 00:10:46.51\00:10:48.65 own labors, the things that he brought to the 00:10:48.66\00:10:51.70 table, which is a representation of what 00:10:51.71\00:10:54.83 the wicked would bring to the table at the end 00:10:54.84\00:10:56.75 of time with the judgment. 00:10:56.76\00:10:58.17 They are judged by their own works. 00:10:58.57\00:11:00.63 And Cain's works were the fruit of his own 00:11:01.00\00:11:03.58 labor, what he toiled for, what he strived to achieve. 00:11:03.59\00:11:07.06 And so this was a picture from the very 00:11:07.27\00:11:08.95 outset in the Bible of the two ways in which 00:11:08.96\00:11:11.97 man would be called to stand at the end of time 00:11:11.98\00:11:14.87 in judgment. One with his own works, 00:11:15.31\00:11:17.26 the other one covered by the blood of Christ, 00:11:17.60\00:11:19.85 and so Cain did not have the acceptable 00:11:20.28\00:11:22.47 sacrifice, John but Abel did. 00:11:22.48\00:11:24.38 And you know why friends, that sacrifice 00:11:24.83\00:11:27.25 was a representation, one of the first 00:11:27.26\00:11:29.85 evidences that one day the Messiah would 00:11:29.86\00:11:31.96 come and shed his blood where there is no 00:11:31.97\00:11:36.27 shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. 00:11:36.28\00:11:38.75 The wages of sin is dead, Romans 6 verse 00:11:38.76\00:11:42.03 23, and Hebrews 9 verse 22 says it this way. 00:11:42.04\00:11:45.01 According to the law almost all things were 00:11:45.53\00:11:47.79 purged with blood, and without shedding of 00:11:47.80\00:11:50.81 blood there is no remission. 00:11:50.82\00:11:52.52 In other words, remission mean 00:11:52.97\00:11:53.99 removing, turning back. That's right. 00:11:54.20\00:11:56.20 And so a fruit, when you cut a fruit 00:11:56.21\00:11:57.98 what does it shed? Juice, fruit juice. 00:11:57.99\00:12:00.25 That's right. Well, Jesus I want to be very 00:12:00.26\00:12:03.37 respectful on this point, but Jesus was not the 00:12:05.43\00:12:10.56 foreshadowing. The foreshadowing 00:12:11.05\00:12:12.31 of the coming of Jesus was not through a fruit, 00:12:12.32\00:12:14.44 but through the life that would be taken. 00:12:14.77\00:12:17.18 See the fruit continue reproducing itself, 00:12:18.24\00:12:19.73 when the lamb died it could not reproduce 00:12:19.74\00:12:21.79 anything more. That's right. 00:12:21.80\00:12:22.93 It brought our sin, he brought our sin to the 00:12:22.94\00:12:25.15 cross and die for that. So that's exactly what 00:12:25.16\00:12:27.76 the Lord required, the burnt offering, 00:12:27.77\00:12:29.77 the sin offerings to prefigure Him coming. 00:12:29.78\00:12:31.98 Exactly, and you know, Hebrews 11:4 speaks 00:12:32.15\00:12:34.15 about Abel. Okay. And it says, by faith 00:12:34.16\00:12:36.84 and it says notice that, by faith, that's right, 00:12:37.28\00:12:39.72 Abel offered to God more excellent sacrifice 00:12:40.09\00:12:43.64 than Cain though which he obtained witness that 00:12:43.65\00:12:46.66 he was righteous. So, it was by faith 00:12:46.67\00:12:50.23 that Abel offered a sacrifice. 00:12:50.58\00:12:52.31 But Cain did not offer his sacrifice by faith. 00:12:52.58\00:12:55.69 He offered his sacrifice by a trusting 00:12:55.70\00:12:58.30 in his own work. That's right. 00:12:58.31\00:12:59.55 In his own fruit of his own labor, 00:12:59.56\00:13:01.17 and so we see that Abel was offering out of a 00:13:01.51\00:13:03.96 faith relationship with God where as Cain was not. 00:13:04.38\00:13:06.97 Out of the works. That's right, faith and works, 00:13:06.98\00:13:09.56 that is the only two options. 00:13:09.84\00:13:11.00 We have a question from a lady name Liz, 00:13:12.38\00:13:14.53 and I like this question, matter of fact, 00:13:14.54\00:13:16.53 I like almost all the questions. 00:13:16.54\00:13:17.79 Sometimes you send us books but that's okay, 00:13:18.54\00:13:20.98 we have to take our time and respond to 00:13:20.99\00:13:22.38 those on email. We couldn't respond 00:13:22.39\00:13:23.85 to the books on the air. But the question is how 00:13:23.86\00:13:26.97 much damage Satan is allowed to cause? 00:13:26.98\00:13:30.04 To our friends, if you would take time and sit 00:13:30.64\00:13:32.96 down and look through just the history books 00:13:32.97\00:13:34.86 that we have record of, you will see that there is 00:13:34.87\00:13:37.71 quite a bit of damage, and the word damage, 00:13:37.80\00:13:39.46 the word damage is an understatement. 00:13:40.14\00:13:41.52 It can't even emphasize all the evil that Satan 00:13:41.78\00:13:45.47 has caused, damage. You know, I damaged 00:13:45.48\00:13:47.87 my bicycle, well, Satan has caused damage this 00:13:47.88\00:13:51.63 isn't even matched. Yeah, and you heard the 00:13:51.64\00:13:52.95 term damage control that can belittles the 00:13:52.96\00:13:55.05 word damage, but... I tell you, yeah. 00:13:55.06\00:13:57.16 Now it continues to go on. Does it depend in part 00:13:57.61\00:14:01.24 in what we do or don't do, sometimes always, 00:14:02.21\00:14:05.69 can witchcraft steal the peace of mind. 00:14:06.15\00:14:08.12 I've heard of people that suffer from depression 00:14:08.45\00:14:10.56 as a consequence of something having done, 00:14:10.71\00:14:13.07 sometimes having done witchcraft against them, 00:14:13.27\00:14:15.30 or someone having done witchcraft against 00:14:15.31\00:14:17.49 him, is this possible? Well, first of all, 00:14:17.50\00:14:20.14 the question I had earlier, in response to 00:14:20.51\00:14:23.19 that earlier part how much damage 00:14:23.20\00:14:25.20 is Satan allowed to cause? 00:14:25.21\00:14:27.01 There was also an additional question to 00:14:28.89\00:14:30.65 that is, can I pray for Satan to receive all of 00:14:30.66\00:14:38.15 the results of what he has done wrong. 00:14:38.17\00:14:39.96 Well, friends, let me share this text, 00:14:39.97\00:14:41.70 Hebrews chapter 2 in verse 14, Hebrews 00:14:41.71\00:14:45.83 chapter 2 and verse 14. And the Bible says, 00:14:45.84\00:14:49.05 in as much then as the children have partaken 00:14:49.06\00:14:53.40 of flesh and blood that is the sinful nature, 00:14:53.41\00:14:56.43 the nature that Satan has caused to come into 00:14:56.82\00:14:58.64 the world through Adam chosen to sin. 00:14:58.65\00:15:00.86 He himself, that is Christ likewise shared 00:15:02.51\00:15:05.82 in the same, that through death He might 00:15:05.83\00:15:08.14 destroy him, who had the power of 00:15:08.15\00:15:10.63 death that is the devil. So all that Satan has 00:15:10.64\00:15:15.20 caused he is going to be repaid for one day. 00:15:15.21\00:15:17.57 Amen, John. That's right, amen. 00:15:17.73\00:15:19.37 So the day is coming Malachi 4:1 says that 00:15:19.85\00:15:22.63 burns as an oven, and all the proud and the 00:15:22.64\00:15:26.48 wicked will be stubble. They will like be ashes 00:15:26.49\00:15:30.20 under the souls of our feet. 00:15:30.21\00:15:31.39 And so Satan will also be destroyed in the lake 00:15:31.76\00:15:33.99 of fire for all that he has caused. 00:15:34.00\00:15:35.83 But the answer is yes, there are those who 00:15:36.19\00:15:37.95 suffer from what many diagnose as depression, 00:15:37.96\00:15:40.87 but also can be a person being 00:15:41.64\00:15:44.35 possessed by an evil spirit. 00:15:44.36\00:15:45.72 Sometimes people say well someone has 00:15:45.99\00:15:47.66 multiple personalities. Well, the Bible would 00:15:47.67\00:15:50.74 say there were possessed of seven demons. 00:15:50.75\00:15:52.52 And so, it's hard to tell where the clinical 00:15:52.86\00:15:54.82 aspect ends, and the spiritual aspect begins, 00:15:54.83\00:15:58.40 but I tend to think that when a person's mind is 00:15:58.66\00:16:00.67 not balanced, the mind of the 00:16:00.68\00:16:02.41 Christ really can't be in control. 00:16:02.42\00:16:04.05 You know, and I think that's a key point to 00:16:04.11\00:16:05.81 make here is that a person cannot just place 00:16:05.82\00:16:09.30 a spell on a Christian. Right, you just can't do. 00:16:09.31\00:16:11.35 And that Christian become possessed. 00:16:11.36\00:16:13.01 When you trust and you put your faith in Christ, 00:16:13.48\00:16:15.36 He is stronger than the devil is by far. 00:16:15.37\00:16:18.49 That's right. There is no context here, 00:16:18.54\00:16:20.36 but the issue is, can that Christian all of a 00:16:21.47\00:16:24.18 sudden become possessed? 00:16:24.19\00:16:25.16 Well, no, is the answer. But the reason is that 00:16:25.17\00:16:28.28 we should be careful as Christians as not to 00:16:28.29\00:16:30.19 open up the door. You should not open 00:16:30.20\00:16:33.14 up the door to allow Satan to come into our 00:16:33.15\00:16:35.98 life somehow because although someone can 00:16:35.99\00:16:38.31 put a spell or maybe even wish for harm 00:16:38.32\00:16:42.07 against a Christian. Unless that Christian, 00:16:42.08\00:16:44.27 lets go of his faith against with God and 00:16:44.83\00:16:47.32 opens the door for Satan to get in, there is 00:16:47.33\00:16:49.84 no, there is no way that Satan can break 00:16:49.85\00:16:51.90 through that barrier. That's right. 00:16:51.91\00:16:53.14 And so that's why when I pray, I pray Lord 00:16:53.15\00:16:55.49 please put a hedge around my family. 00:16:55.50\00:16:58.05 That's right. Please put a hedge 00:16:58.06\00:16:59.16 around me, so that Satan cannot get 00:16:59.17\00:17:01.19 through and gain access, and continue to 00:17:01.20\00:17:03.35 keep that hedge and that wall between me and Satan. 00:17:03.36\00:17:06.52 So it's very important not to open that door. 00:17:06.53\00:17:08.62 We can do that through movies, 00:17:08.63\00:17:09.99 through entertainment, through things that 00:17:10.35\00:17:11.59 we shouldn't be doing as Christians. 00:17:12.15\00:17:13.59 That's right. And we just need to be careful. 00:17:13.60\00:17:15.95 That's right, very good point, 00:17:15.96\00:17:17.06 I think he said it very well. 00:17:17.07\00:17:18.32 Don't let the devil come in, if he knocks on your 00:17:18.70\00:17:21.22 door, send Jesus to answer it. 00:17:21.23\00:17:23.54 Now, one of the question you had was, 00:17:23.95\00:17:25.37 is it okay to pray that the devil gets what's 00:17:25.92\00:17:27.87 coming to him? Yeah. 00:17:27.88\00:17:28.85 You know, it's okay to pray it, but you know 00:17:29.09\00:17:32.27 it's kind of in vain because his judgment is fixed. 00:17:32.28\00:17:34.83 That's right. Satan already knows 00:17:34.99\00:17:36.65 what's coming to him even himself, 00:17:36.66\00:17:38.06 He knows what's happening, 00:17:38.07\00:17:39.04 what's going to come? Matter of fact the Bible 00:17:39.05\00:17:40.02 says he knows, he knows that he has a short time. 00:17:40.03\00:17:43.64 He knows it that he has a short time. 00:17:43.93\00:17:45.90 That's right. So there is nothing 00:17:45.91\00:17:47.19 you can do to accelerate that or to even, 00:17:47.20\00:17:49.86 you know, wish more harm than 00:17:51.31\00:17:52.55 he is already going to get. 00:17:52.56\00:17:53.53 It's already fixed, his judgment is secure. 00:17:53.54\00:17:55.70 You know I think it's time for us maybe to go 00:17:56.43\00:17:57.72 to our questions, I mean our topic today because 00:17:57.73\00:17:59.92 we have really been enjoying answering that 00:18:00.30\00:18:02.92 law of God questions. We have been 00:18:02.93\00:18:04.59 comparing each week the Law of Moses. 00:18:04.60\00:18:06.43 John has been sharing with you and the law of 00:18:07.27\00:18:09.92 God that I have been sharing with you. 00:18:09.93\00:18:11.69 And so John and John have been sharing about 00:18:12.26\00:18:14.47 the law of Moses and law of God. 00:18:14.48\00:18:16.27 And we're gonna wind up on that today and 00:18:16.87\00:18:18.57 segue over into the one of the laws of God that 00:18:18.58\00:18:21.72 is so vitally important, and that is the topic of 00:18:21.73\00:18:24.29 the Sabbath. And we encourage 00:18:24.30\00:18:26.15 you once again if you would like to send 00:18:26.16\00:18:27.31 questions and comments, send them to 00:18:27.32\00:18:29.62 housecalls@3abn.org, housecalls@3abn.org 00:18:29.63\00:18:35.39 and that's accessible from anywhere in the world. 00:18:35.40\00:18:37.40 If you have a computer you can send your 00:18:37.41\00:18:39.12 questions and we do appreciate them 00:18:39.13\00:18:40.69 continuing to be sent to us, and we enjoy 00:18:40.70\00:18:44.10 sharing the Bible with you. 00:18:44.51\00:18:45.79 Now John, take us in. Yeah, one of the things 00:18:46.24\00:18:49.52 that the Law of Moses John as we're 00:18:49.53\00:18:52.45 contrasting, we're comparing contrast in 00:18:52.46\00:18:54.36 these two things. One of the things 00:18:54.37\00:18:56.14 the Law of Moses could not do was make 00:18:56.15\00:18:59.06 anything perfect. That's right. 00:18:59.07\00:19:00.36 In fact, it clearly reveals that the Law of Moses 00:19:00.71\00:19:03.65 revealed the imperfect. It was something that 00:19:03.95\00:19:07.13 showed how sinful we were and the need for 00:19:07.14\00:19:09.47 us as a Savior, to point is to Christ. 00:19:09.48\00:19:11.70 But if you look at Hebrews 7:19 it says 00:19:12.06\00:19:15.53 that the law made nothing perfect, 00:19:15.54\00:19:17.73 on the other hand there is the bringing of it a 00:19:17.74\00:19:21.04 better hope through which we draw near to God. 00:19:21.05\00:19:24.37 So the law was not, the Law of Moses didn't 00:19:24.84\00:19:27.83 show any perfection. There was no perfection 00:19:27.84\00:19:29.63 there, but it pointed us to the need for a Savior, 00:19:29.64\00:19:32.49 the one who was perfect, who would 00:19:32.88\00:19:34.64 come and deliver us. That's right, so the law, 00:19:34.65\00:19:38.47 one of the reasons why the Law of Moses that 00:19:38.48\00:19:41.40 is the ceremonial aspects of it were 00:19:41.41\00:19:43.66 discontinued after the cross because it pointed 00:19:44.24\00:19:46.46 to the perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ. 00:19:46.47\00:19:49.54 If the law was perfect or if the law could make 00:19:49.55\00:19:52.29 anyone perfect that participated in it then it 00:19:52.30\00:19:55.43 would need to be removed out of the way, 00:19:55.44\00:19:57.22 but when that which was in part was done 00:19:57.23\00:19:59.44 away with, that which is perfect came, 00:19:59.45\00:20:01.21 Paul the Apostle said. That's right. 00:20:01.68\00:20:03.15 Now what does the Bible say about the Law of God? 00:20:03.16\00:20:06.19 Notice the difference friends the Law of 00:20:06.20\00:20:07.88 Moses or the Law of God. 00:20:07.89\00:20:10.66 The Psalms chapter 19 verse 7, 00:20:12.03\00:20:14.10 Psalms chapter 19 verse 7. Now the reason why 00:20:14.75\00:20:17.27 this text is so vitally important is because if 00:20:17.28\00:20:19.99 something is perfect. Now there are those, 00:20:20.00\00:20:23.08 I kind of have this aspect where I like to, 00:20:23.62\00:20:25.62 if something is crooked I straighten it out, 00:20:25.63\00:20:27.26 if something is out of whack, I try to find a 00:20:27.71\00:20:30.38 way to make it look more perfect, 00:20:30.39\00:20:31.73 that's just my nature, my character. 00:20:32.00\00:20:33.63 And but when something is perfect 00:20:34.48\00:20:36.22 you don't want to do anything to it because it 00:20:37.41\00:20:39.26 does not need any altering, any fixing, 00:20:39.43\00:20:42.81 any modification and the Law of the Lord 00:20:43.31\00:20:46.29 according to David in the Psalms, David, 00:20:46.30\00:20:49.06 Psalms chapter 19 in verse 7, listen to what 00:20:49.46\00:20:53.52 he says, and I'm gonna read also verse, 00:20:53.53\00:20:55.16 it was verse 7 actually and verse 8. 00:20:55.82\00:20:58.66 The law of the Lord is perfect, is what friends? 00:21:00.07\00:21:04.35 Perfect, Psalms 19 verse 7 write that down. 00:21:04.72\00:21:08.48 The testimony of the Lord is sure, 00:21:09.13\00:21:12.08 making wise the simple. Verse 8, the statutes of 00:21:12.78\00:21:17.41 the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: 00:21:17.42\00:21:20.77 the commandment of the LORD is pure, 00:21:21.47\00:21:24.23 enlightening the eye. So when you look 00:21:24.66\00:21:27.58 at the law of God that's perfect what it says to 00:21:27.59\00:21:30.70 us is if the law is perfect then I must be imperfect. 00:21:30.71\00:21:34.71 So when we look at the law, 00:21:35.02\00:21:36.24 we see our need of Christ. It drives us to Christ so 00:21:36.25\00:21:39.97 that in Him we find by grace through faith in 00:21:39.98\00:21:42.66 his righteousness, we can live a perfect life 00:21:42.67\00:21:45.30 everyday in his righteousness. 00:21:45.31\00:21:47.34 That's right, in fact, the four points that 00:21:47.56\00:21:49.64 we made was the Law of the Lord is perfect, 00:21:49.65\00:21:51.74 sure, right and pure. That's right. 00:21:52.55\00:21:56.00 And what it does to us is it converts the soul, 00:21:56.26\00:21:59.03 it makes us wise, it makes our heart rejoice, 00:22:00.29\00:22:03.60 and it opens our eyes. Isn't that wonderful? 00:22:04.17\00:22:06.18 Just the comparison of what the Law of Moses 00:22:06.19\00:22:08.74 was intended to do and what the Law of God here, 00:22:08.75\00:22:10.98 that's right, says it will do 00:22:10.99\00:22:12.30 is drastically different. And so that's why 00:22:12.56\00:22:15.07 the Law of God stands forever friends, 00:22:15.08\00:22:17.13 that it's part of our conversion process. 00:22:17.64\00:22:19.61 It's part of our eye opening process, 00:22:19.62\00:22:21.45 it's part of our getting wise. 00:22:21.46\00:22:23.05 We should look to the Law of God 00:22:23.54\00:22:24.95 and heed what it says. In fact, doesn't David 00:22:25.50\00:22:28.94 say that, he says I rejoice 00:22:28.95\00:22:30.61 in the Law of God. According to the yeah. 00:22:31.03\00:22:33.45 According to the yeah so. 00:22:33.93\00:22:34.90 Well, David does rejoice but I was 00:22:34.91\00:22:36.61 thinking of Paul the Apostle 00:22:36.62\00:22:37.59 when he says I delight. Delight in the law yes. 00:22:37.60\00:22:39.62 And Law of God got acquainted with man. 00:22:39.63\00:22:41.20 He just enjoyed it. He says but 00:22:41.21\00:22:43.00 man on the outside. I am having these 00:22:43.01\00:22:44.34 difficulties in many of you who are watching 00:22:44.35\00:22:46.62 this program may say, hey I have 00:22:46.63\00:22:48.32 no problems with the Law of God. 00:22:48.33\00:22:49.93 The problem I have is with me. 00:22:50.17\00:22:51.52 And that's why we need the strength of God 00:22:52.21\00:22:54.15 everyday and the faith, that word faith is going 00:22:54.16\00:22:55.82 to be a part of our whole program today think. 00:22:55.83\00:22:57.50 Amen, amen. By grace through faith 00:22:57.51\00:22:59.25 we are saved. Now John, what 00:22:59.26\00:23:01.48 are the aspects of the Law of Moses? 00:23:01.49\00:23:03.67 The Law of Moses is something that, 00:23:05.07\00:23:06.76 is something that we don't see keeping. 00:23:07.51\00:23:09.20 In fact, one person asked the interesting 00:23:09.44\00:23:10.77 question the other day. He said, why is it in 00:23:10.78\00:23:13.05 Israel there is no sacrifices in the temples 00:23:13.06\00:23:15.66 as an operation and the ceremonies aren't 00:23:15.67\00:23:17.81 continuing now, and so if that's a requirement, 00:23:17.82\00:23:21.58 why is it still going on? Well, the Bible says, 00:23:22.26\00:23:24.90 it doesn't need to continue because Jesus 00:23:24.91\00:23:27.44 himself came and replaced those things. 00:23:27.45\00:23:29.41 He took the place of those things. 00:23:29.62\00:23:30.94 Turn to Acts 15 verse 24. 00:23:30.95\00:23:33.76 In Acts 15:24 says this; since we have heard, 00:23:35.78\00:23:38.48 that some who went out from us have troubled 00:23:38.49\00:23:40.58 you with words, unsettling your souls, 00:23:40.59\00:23:43.03 saying you must be circumcised, and keep 00:23:43.04\00:23:44.94 the law: to whom we gave no such commandment. 00:23:44.95\00:23:48.29 It seemed good to us, being assembled with 00:23:49.67\00:23:51.24 one accord, to send chosen men to you with 00:23:51.25\00:23:53.34 your beloved Barnabas and Paul. 00:23:53.35\00:23:54.88 Anyway he is saying that we need to correct 00:23:55.71\00:23:57.56 this issue of having to be circumcised because 00:23:57.57\00:24:00.99 that is of the Law of Moses. That's right. 00:24:01.00\00:24:03.61 And Paul says in other places in his letters that 00:24:04.17\00:24:09.70 circumcision or an uncircumcision avails 00:24:10.95\00:24:13.56 nothing anymore. Matter of fact, we're 00:24:13.57\00:24:14.80 gonna get to that in just a minute. 00:24:14.81\00:24:15.87 Okay, we will, alright, so I won't jump too far ahead. 00:24:15.88\00:24:18.01 That's right. But this here it says, 00:24:18.02\00:24:19.77 the people were making an issue out of 00:24:19.78\00:24:21.81 circumcision found in the Law of Moses, 00:24:21.82\00:24:24.12 and they were putting emphasis on the 00:24:24.13\00:24:25.36 Law of Moses. When Jesus had already 00:24:25.37\00:24:27.34 come and replace that law that Moses had 00:24:27.35\00:24:30.51 originally given to point to him. 00:24:30.52\00:24:32.41 That's right. And so that's the one 00:24:32.76\00:24:34.48 aspect of the Law of Moses that is 00:24:34.49\00:24:36.61 contrasting to the Law of God, it stands forever. 00:24:36.62\00:24:39.10 And just to build on that, the law that Moses 00:24:39.48\00:24:42.34 wrote down in the book I want it to be very clear. 00:24:42.35\00:24:44.71 God dictated those laws to him and Moses wrote 00:24:45.14\00:24:48.72 them down, but they had a timeframe added to them. 00:24:48.73\00:24:51.56 I think it was Galatians 3:19; they were added 00:24:51.57\00:24:53.70 because of sin, till the seed should come 00:24:53.71\00:24:56.25 which is Christ. But when Jesus 00:24:56.26\00:24:58.42 came there was those who were not accepting 00:24:58.43\00:25:00.55 Jesus Christ continued in these laws and try to 00:25:00.56\00:25:03.25 enforce them on the New Testament 00:25:03.26\00:25:04.68 believers and that's what Dr. Luke was just 00:25:04.69\00:25:06.80 addressing here in Acts 15 verse 24 he says, 00:25:06.81\00:25:09.62 you've heard that you had to be circumcised 00:25:09.95\00:25:11.82 to keep the law, and then he says, we gave 00:25:11.83\00:25:14.08 no such command. So, today you know as 00:25:14.09\00:25:17.78 a Christian, you're not being circumcised to 00:25:17.79\00:25:21.44 keep the commandments of God because you 00:25:21.45\00:25:23.80 will discover in just a moment here that the 00:25:23.81\00:25:25.53 commandments of God gave no such command. 00:25:25.54\00:25:27.78 In fact, that verse 24 says, you must be 00:25:28.25\00:25:31.15 circumcised to keep the law. 00:25:31.16\00:25:32.29 Right. So that would 00:25:32.30\00:25:33.50 exclude people, wouldn't it? 00:25:33.51\00:25:34.48 That would exclude a lot of people. 00:25:34.65\00:25:35.71 And we know that the gospel excludes no one. 00:25:35.72\00:25:37.91 That's right. And so the Law of God 00:25:38.16\00:25:39.70 and the Law of Moses is something that is not 00:25:40.21\00:25:42.73 binding right now on Christians. 00:25:42.96\00:25:45.14 That's right, that ceremonial law, 00:25:45.15\00:25:46.70 but now what about the Law of God, 00:25:47.14\00:25:48.39 the commandments of God. Matthew 5 and verse 19, 00:25:48.40\00:25:52.76 Matthew 5 and verse 19, we read verse 17 00:25:53.29\00:25:55.79 and 18 on previous programs but verse 19 00:25:55.80\00:25:58.87 says, the Law of God must be kept. 00:25:58.88\00:26:00.73 Law of Moses not kept, Law of God must be kept. 00:26:01.22\00:26:04.93 Whoever therefore, verse 19 breaks one of 00:26:05.66\00:26:09.10 the least of these commandments, 00:26:09.11\00:26:10.29 and teaches men so, shall be called least in 00:26:10.30\00:26:13.30 the kingdom of heaven: but whoever teaches 00:26:13.31\00:26:15.53 and does them, he shall be called 00:26:15.54\00:26:17.67 great in the kingdom of heaven. 00:26:17.68\00:26:20.13 What do you want to be least or great? 00:26:20.14\00:26:21.52 I like to be great. And you know what 00:26:21.91\00:26:23.50 it means by being called least? 00:26:23.51\00:26:24.92 Friends what it means is the Bible says if we 00:26:25.48\00:26:28.37 confess Jesus before men, He will confess us 00:26:28.38\00:26:31.99 before His Heavenly Father. 00:26:32.00\00:26:33.32 That's how we come before the Father. 00:26:33.75\00:26:35.49 No man comes to the Father except through 00:26:35.89\00:26:37.57 Jesus Christ. But now just imagine, 00:26:37.58\00:26:39.28 you says Lord I want you to confess my sin 00:26:39.65\00:26:41.73 before the Father, but I am not going to do 00:26:41.74\00:26:43.41 what you want us. I am not going to follow 00:26:43.42\00:26:45.27 your commands. I am not going to do 00:26:45.28\00:26:47.07 what you want me to do, and Jesus says 00:26:47.08\00:26:49.21 and I am saying this in a human way. 00:26:49.89\00:26:51.14 You see if I mention your name to the 00:26:51.15\00:26:52.60 Father, that's kind of the context here, you will 00:26:52.61\00:26:55.13 be called least. And these are the 00:26:55.14\00:26:56.63 accolades from heaven. These aren't self 00:26:56.64\00:26:58.24 proclaimed, so we can say I would like to be 00:26:58.25\00:26:59.99 great, but we are not saying 00:27:00.00\00:27:00.97 I want to be great, right. This scripture says, 00:27:00.98\00:27:03.16 we will be called great. That's right. 00:27:03.17\00:27:04.76 So, it's God who is calling them great 00:27:04.77\00:27:06.58 because they keep His commandments 00:27:06.59\00:27:08.30 and they love Him. That's right. 00:27:08.31\00:27:09.62 And the greatness is because we love the 00:27:10.24\00:27:11.65 Lord, not because we've done something that 00:27:11.66\00:27:13.44 needs to be commendable, 00:27:13.45\00:27:15.40 or that is commendable, or needs to be recognized. 00:27:16.12\00:27:18.23 And I would bring one other issue up in that 00:27:18.44\00:27:20.11 verse because we're gonna talk about the 00:27:20.12\00:27:21.43 Sabbath today. It says here whoever 00:27:21.44\00:27:23.45 breaks therefore one of these commandments, 00:27:23.46\00:27:27.14 so how many does it take John? 00:27:27.53\00:27:28.66 It just takes one to break. 00:27:29.62\00:27:30.59 It just takes one to break and James says 00:27:30.60\00:27:32.83 you have broken them all. Be careful. 00:27:32.84\00:27:34.23 So, that's why I wanted to bring that out 00:27:34.24\00:27:36.68 because we're gonna go to one that is in. 00:27:36.69\00:27:38.79 It's probably the only commandment that is in 00:27:39.33\00:27:41.37 contention here at this day and age. 00:27:41.74\00:27:43.88 And it only takes one, at least that's what the 00:27:44.65\00:27:47.07 scripture says, so we're gonna get into that a 00:27:47.08\00:27:48.72 little bit here but we go ahead 00:27:48.73\00:27:49.89 and finish this up for now. 00:27:49.90\00:27:51.69 John I mentioned that the Law of Moses were 00:27:52.41\00:27:54.18 just for the circumcised. And we just read that text. 00:27:54.19\00:27:56.31 And we were read that text, 00:27:56.32\00:27:57.29 but what about the Law of God? 00:27:57.30\00:27:58.36 That's right. Matter of fact friends, 00:27:58.46\00:28:00.20 First Corinthians 7:19. This is a powerful 00:28:00.21\00:28:04.83 scripture and I want to point out it's in 00:28:04.84\00:28:07.40 New Testament, it's post crucifixion, 00:28:07.41\00:28:10.84 post resurrection, post ascension, meaning 00:28:11.02\00:28:13.86 it's after the crucifixion, after the resurrection, 00:28:13.87\00:28:16.40 after the ascension of Jesus Christ. 00:28:16.72\00:28:18.38 Notice what Paul the Apostle writes 00:28:18.71\00:28:20.22 concerning the Law of God, the commandments of God. 00:28:20.23\00:28:23.04 First Corinthians 7 verse 19, he says, 00:28:24.32\00:28:28.33 circumcision is nothing, is what? 00:28:28.64\00:28:31.47 Nothing, and uncircumcision is 00:28:31.85\00:28:34.16 nothing, but the keeping of the commandments 00:28:34.17\00:28:38.46 of God is what matters, is that amazing or not? 00:28:38.47\00:28:42.50 The keeping of the commandments of God 00:28:43.38\00:28:47.08 is what matters? Somebody maybe 00:28:47.09\00:28:49.36 saying if you're watching for the first 00:28:49.37\00:28:50.53 time we're not saved by keeping the 00:28:50.54\00:28:52.33 commandments of God. You are absolutely 00:28:52.34\00:28:54.68 correct, but we will not be saved by violating them. 00:28:54.69\00:28:58.45 So why keep them. Jesus said, if you love 00:28:58.82\00:29:01.67 me finish with me John. Keep my commandments. 00:29:01.68\00:29:04.47 Keep my commandments, John 14 verse 15, 00:29:04.48\00:29:08.07 so we keep them because we love the 00:29:08.08\00:29:09.99 Lord, He did for us. He gave His life because 00:29:10.00\00:29:13.01 He loved us. Now He asks us by faith 00:29:13.02\00:29:15.70 to be law abiding Christians. 00:29:16.08\00:29:18.61 Now somebody may say law and faith really 00:29:19.23\00:29:22.68 doesn't mix a whole up. But you will discover in 00:29:22.69\00:29:24.40 just a moment that you cannot be a person of 00:29:24.41\00:29:26.14 faith, if you are a violator of the very law 00:29:26.15\00:29:29.51 of the one that you said you love. 00:29:29.52\00:29:31.21 You know John and I feel impressed to 00:29:31.62\00:29:33.37 mention something here because, sure, 00:29:33.38\00:29:34.44 I heard this come up several times 00:29:34.45\00:29:36.23 from Christians, where we had this discussion with. 00:29:37.25\00:29:40.23 And they said, well you know what? 00:29:40.57\00:29:42.00 The commandments of God, the Law of God in 00:29:42.46\00:29:44.77 the Old Testament is not the same as Jesus' 00:29:44.78\00:29:47.18 commandments. You know the Jesus 00:29:47.19\00:29:50.29 repeated eight or so of those commandments 00:29:50.30\00:29:54.05 verbatim and so he establish His 00:29:54.06\00:29:56.48 commandments, in fact His commandments 00:29:56.49\00:29:57.71 are love for God, love for man. 00:29:57.72\00:29:59.62 That's right. But He is not really 00:29:59.63\00:30:00.94 referring to the Ten Commandments. 00:30:00.95\00:30:03.31 Well, friends, over and over again as Jesus 00:30:04.48\00:30:06.85 spoke about the commandments, 00:30:06.86\00:30:08.62 and when He gave a command he referred to 00:30:08.63\00:30:11.59 the Ten Commandments. That's right. 00:30:11.60\00:30:13.35 In context you cannot separate the 00:30:13.36\00:30:15.27 Ten Commandments from the commands that 00:30:15.28\00:30:17.78 Jesus gave while He was on this earth 00:30:17.79\00:30:20.35 recorded in the New Testament. 00:30:20.36\00:30:22.05 In context that a very good point, John, 00:30:23.08\00:30:24.80 lot of people say well, why don't we just 00:30:24.81\00:30:27.02 summarize them as Jesus did; 00:30:27.03\00:30:28.73 love the Lord, your God with all your heart, 00:30:29.52\00:30:31.17 mind, soul, strength, love your neighbor as yourself. 00:30:31.18\00:30:33.79 Those are the two principles on which the 00:30:34.40\00:30:36.97 Ten Commandments are based, follow this. 00:30:36.98\00:30:39.30 You will also notice that if you look at the 00:30:39.82\00:30:41.90 cross, we don't do the sign of the cross, 00:30:41.91\00:30:43.78 but if you look at the cross as a symbol. 00:30:43.79\00:30:45.42 You will find that the vertical part of the cross 00:30:46.05\00:30:47.80 is bigger than the horizontal part 00:30:47.81\00:30:50.30 which means God does more for us than He is 00:30:50.58\00:30:53.18 asking us to do. He does much more 00:30:53.19\00:30:55.57 but notice the relationship, 00:30:55.58\00:30:56.78 the vertical part of the relationship of the 00:30:56.79\00:30:59.14 Ten Commandments is the first four. 00:30:59.15\00:31:00.47 The first Four Commandments have to 00:31:00.74\00:31:03.05 do with our love relationship 00:31:03.06\00:31:05.12 between us and God. So if in fact, 00:31:05.13\00:31:08.52 we love the Lord, those first Four 00:31:08.53\00:31:11.74 Commandments will be kept in our lives. 00:31:11.75\00:31:14.60 We will honor Him, we will not, we will not 00:31:15.03\00:31:17.38 take His name in vain. We will not worship 00:31:17.39\00:31:19.03 strange images. And we will keep the Sabbath, 00:31:19.04\00:31:21.79 we will honor the Sabbath. And the last six will be 00:31:21.80\00:31:25.67 our relationship to our fellowmen, 00:31:25.68\00:31:27.05 the horizontal relationships 00:31:27.06\00:31:28.43 one to another. And we know what those 00:31:28.44\00:31:30.91 are in the scriptures, beginning with the 00:31:30.92\00:31:33.13 wonderful command, honor your father and 00:31:33.14\00:31:34.54 your mother, and so we all way down not 00:31:34.55\00:31:36.73 covering, not stealing, not killing, 00:31:36.74\00:31:38.01 not committing adultery, not bearing 00:31:38.02\00:31:40.28 false witness. All those commands are there, 00:31:40.29\00:31:43.35 so that we can assess our relationship. 00:31:43.36\00:31:46.85 Look at our relationship and say well, 00:31:46.86\00:31:48.34 where am I faltering 00:31:48.35\00:31:49.54 in my relationship to my fellowman? 00:31:50.23\00:31:51.85 Where am I faltering in my relationship to God 00:31:52.35\00:31:54.54 and that's why the Ten Commandments 00:31:54.70\00:31:55.94 are there to summarize those two principles; 00:31:55.95\00:31:58.32 loving God with all of our heart and loving our 00:31:58.33\00:32:00.52 neighbor as ourselves. That's right. 00:32:00.53\00:32:02.12 Now just two more points before we segue 00:32:02.13\00:32:03.72 as a matter of fact one more actually. 00:32:03.73\00:32:05.34 Go right ahead, what about the Law of Moses now? 00:32:06.27\00:32:08.54 Well, let's look at it the reference 00:32:09.22\00:32:11.03 to the Law of Moses. Let's go back to 00:32:11.04\00:32:12.60 Acts chapter 15, starting in verse 10. 00:32:12.61\00:32:15.93 Acts 15 verse 10. It says now therefore, 00:32:16.45\00:32:20.16 why do you test God by putting a yoke on the 00:32:20.17\00:32:23.28 neck of the disciples which neither our 00:32:23.29\00:32:25.61 fathers nor we were able to bear? 00:32:25.62\00:32:28.39 Now if you look at verse 5 it will tell you 00:32:28.79\00:32:30.31 what yoke he is talking about. 00:32:30.32\00:32:32.13 It's where you point. Here's the yoke but 00:32:32.14\00:32:34.50 some of the sector the Pharisees who believed 00:32:34.51\00:32:37.21 rose up saying it is necessary to circumcise 00:32:37.22\00:32:40.45 them and to command them to keep the Law of Moses. 00:32:40.46\00:32:43.06 So here was they were commanding the people 00:32:43.62\00:32:45.46 to keep the Law of Moses, and what is it 00:32:45.47\00:32:48.40 referred to in verse 10. It says, it refers to at 00:32:48.41\00:32:52.27 putting the yoke on the neck of the disciples, 00:32:52.28\00:32:54.81 that's a burden, John. That's right. 00:32:55.11\00:32:56.34 And so why when after faith had come, 00:32:56.78\00:32:59.69 Jesus said, come why would you put a burden, 00:32:59.70\00:33:01.90 a yoke back on those who were now at 00:33:02.39\00:33:05.59 freedom and liberty to serve Christ by faith. 00:33:05.60\00:33:08.74 That's right, and so that's what's he 00:33:08.75\00:33:10.37 referring to, so the Law of Moses was a Law of 00:33:10.38\00:33:14.16 works continually doing, continuing to observe 00:33:14.17\00:33:18.72 what would come, but it says after the 00:33:18.73\00:33:20.42 faith had come no longer we needed to be 00:33:20.43\00:33:23.66 kept under a school master or school teacher. 00:33:23.67\00:33:26.13 So In reference to this, it is a burden. 00:33:26.65\00:33:29.84 The Law of Moses is burden, but the Law of 00:33:29.85\00:33:31.72 God is far different as it's spoken off in the 00:33:31.73\00:33:35.13 text that you're gonna bring up here. 00:33:35.14\00:33:36.33 That's right. Why go back to that 00:33:36.34\00:33:38.23 which is imperfect, when the perfect has come. 00:33:38.24\00:33:41.55 Why go back to trusting a lamb look around for 00:33:41.99\00:33:45.59 a lamb to take his life when Jesus says, 00:33:45.60\00:33:48.07 "Here I am, I have already done for you 00:33:48.48\00:33:51.31 what I was showing you for centuries I would 00:33:51.44\00:33:53.57 do, and I gave this symbols through the 00:33:53.58\00:33:56.25 ceremonial system of Law of Moses to let you 00:33:56.26\00:33:58.56 know that I was coming. I am here now let the 00:33:58.57\00:34:00.73 lamb go and that's exactly what happened 00:34:00.74\00:34:02.99 on the day that Jesus was crucified. 00:34:03.00\00:34:04.85 The Lamb of God Jesus Christ was slain, 00:34:04.86\00:34:07.56 and the lamb in the temple was let loose. 00:34:08.21\00:34:10.99 Now, look at First John chapter 3, First John 00:34:11.39\00:34:15.48 chapter 5 my mistake, 1 John Chapter 5 00:34:15.49\00:34:19.29 and verse 3. Now just a moment ago John, 00:34:20.22\00:34:23.57 mentioned that the Law of Moses which 00:34:23.58\00:34:26.40 the Pharisees were commanding people to ckeep. 00:34:26.41\00:34:28.61 Paul the apostle or Dr. Luke said this is a 00:34:29.48\00:34:31.85 burden, there is no such, we are going back 00:34:31.86\00:34:34.34 to that burdensome system. That's right. 00:34:34.35\00:34:35.76 But what does it say about the 00:34:36.03\00:34:38.08 commandments of God. Notice the difference 00:34:38.09\00:34:40.25 and friends, there is no way where you could 00:34:40.26\00:34:41.74 listen to this topic and say that both are same thing. 00:34:41.75\00:34:43.88 It's not possible, listen to this one 00:34:43.89\00:34:45.84 powerful text. First John 5 in verse 3, 00:34:45.85\00:34:49.34 for this is the love of God that we keep His 00:34:49.81\00:34:54.63 commandments, and His commandments are 00:34:55.26\00:34:59.21 not burdensome, isn't that a wonderful? 00:34:59.22\00:35:02.05 They're not burdensome. They are not a burden. 00:35:02.06\00:35:04.07 The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the 00:35:04.87\00:35:07.39 soul, opening our eyes and lighting our eyes, 00:35:07.40\00:35:09.75 giving us reasons to rejoice as John said a 00:35:09.76\00:35:12.17 moment ago. And now go with us to Psalms. 00:35:12.18\00:35:15.76 Well, let's not finish that, one second here. 00:35:15.77\00:35:17.74 Okay, you get inside it. We talked about faith 00:35:17.75\00:35:20.38 and I want to mention here some people as 00:35:20.39\00:35:22.24 you are looking at this program you haven't 00:35:22.25\00:35:24.32 accepted Christ as your Savior. 00:35:24.33\00:35:25.67 You are looking at this and you are saying boy, 00:35:25.68\00:35:27.96 the Ten Commandments how can I keep them, 00:35:27.97\00:35:29.35 you know I like all these other things, 00:35:29.36\00:35:31.31 I like to do this and that. How can I possibly stop 00:35:31.32\00:35:33.85 those things and come to Christ. 00:35:33.86\00:35:35.40 Friends, you cannot stop doing bad things 00:35:36.04\00:35:39.42 and come to Christ because the carnal 00:35:39.43\00:35:42.45 body, your mortal body cannot keep the 00:35:43.28\00:35:46.07 commandments of God. That's right. 00:35:46.08\00:35:47.36 It is an issue of faith. You've got to give your 00:35:47.81\00:35:50.87 heart to the Lord first and 00:35:50.88\00:35:52.65 then your heart will change. 00:35:52.66\00:35:54.69 That's right. You become converted. 00:35:54.89\00:35:56.23 You will not want to do those things. 00:35:56.24\00:35:57.98 You desires are gonna be completely different 00:35:57.99\00:35:59.70 and that's where we get to verse 4. 00:36:00.35\00:36:02.89 For whoever or whatever is burn of God 00:36:03.74\00:36:06.02 overcomes the world and this is the victory 00:36:06.03\00:36:09.22 that overcome the world even our faith. 00:36:09.23\00:36:13.18 There it is? It's our faith that overcomes the world. 00:36:13.19\00:36:16.16 Not looking at the law and saying, okay I got 00:36:16.47\00:36:17.98 to do these things, and I am okay. 00:36:17.99\00:36:19.26 By faith in Christ, the law is implanted in our 00:36:19.73\00:36:22.45 minds, that's right, our desires change, 00:36:22.46\00:36:24.47 we want to keep the Law of God, and then 00:36:24.48\00:36:26.86 it's not burdensome for us, because we are in 00:36:26.87\00:36:28.83 complete harmony with His law. 00:36:28.84\00:36:30.93 As a matter of fact, I want to go and add one 00:36:31.33\00:36:32.88 more verse to that, verse 2 because I read 00:36:32.89\00:36:35.30 verse 3, John read verse 4. Let's look at verse 2, 00:36:35.31\00:36:38.39 it pulls the whole picture together. 00:36:38.40\00:36:39.86 By this, notice, the entrance word, by this, 00:36:40.55\00:36:44.20 next two words we know, that we do what? 00:36:44.21\00:36:47.42 Love the children of God. Notice the second 00:36:47.74\00:36:50.73 aspect of the commandments, when we love God, 00:36:50.74\00:36:53.27 the first aspect now notice how it ties it all 00:36:53.53\00:36:56.09 together, and keep his commandments. 00:36:56.10\00:36:59.03 We love the children of God, and we love God. 00:36:59.48\00:37:01.85 How do we know that? 00:37:02.20\00:37:04.04 When we keep His commandments. 00:37:04.70\00:37:06.60 That's right, amen. How many times 00:37:06.61\00:37:09.82 have we read that keep His commandments? 00:37:09.83\00:37:11.43 One, are you gonna let me preach on the subject. 00:37:11.44\00:37:13.17 It's powerful, it's powerful, 00:37:15.36\00:37:16.41 praise God for that. Psalm 119 verse 35, 00:37:16.42\00:37:19.21 let's just speed up here, John. 00:37:20.20\00:37:21.49 Psalms 119 verse 35 is the last point we want 00:37:21.99\00:37:25.47 to make about the Ten Commandments of God. 00:37:25.48\00:37:27.43 And I am on my way there friends, 00:37:28.31\00:37:29.29 if you can't get there quicker than I am, 00:37:29.30\00:37:30.91 on my way there write it down, Psalms 119 00:37:31.64\00:37:34.87 verse 35 and John help me. 00:37:35.59\00:37:36.91 I will go to Psalm. I'll go ahead and do it. 00:37:36.92\00:37:37.89 This is where I mention that David delighted. 00:37:38.07\00:37:41.43 Okay, you want to read that. 00:37:41.52\00:37:42.49 This is the verse. Go ahead. 00:37:42.50\00:37:43.54 Make me walk in the path of your 00:37:44.10\00:37:45.63 commandments for I delight in it. 00:37:45.64\00:37:48.55 David delighted in keeping the 00:37:49.84\00:37:52.26 commandments of God. It was a delight to him 00:37:52.27\00:37:54.06 and so if it's burdensome for you 00:37:54.60\00:37:55.99 now, the perspective on the Ten Commandments, 00:37:56.00\00:37:58.59 it needs to be altered, it needs to be 00:37:58.60\00:37:59.65 changed a little bit. Pray about that. 00:37:59.66\00:38:01.29 Ask for a renewed spirit within your heart 00:38:01.96\00:38:06.78 to keep the Law of God. 00:38:07.05\00:38:08.02 In fact, David asked for that. 00:38:08.03\00:38:09.15 Oh, Lord creates a clean heart in me. 00:38:09.49\00:38:12.45 Right spirit. And renew a right spirit within me, so... 00:38:12.63\00:38:15.18 Read verse 47 also, it fits right 00:38:15.82\00:38:17.44 into that might as well. Okay. Verse 47, 00:38:17.45\00:38:22.48 And I will delight myself in your 00:38:23.04\00:38:24.41 commandments which I love. 00:38:24.42\00:38:26.60 Isn't that wonderful? Exactly thing, yeah. 00:38:26.90\00:38:28.37 So friends, we are simply saying as we 00:38:28.54\00:38:30.20 segue now to the topic of the Sabbath in particular. 00:38:30.21\00:38:32.75 The Ten Commandments of God are summed up in 00:38:33.99\00:38:36.19 these wonderful phrase, in this wonderful phrase 00:38:36.20\00:38:39.05 which is God's, which is the words of Jesus in 00:38:39.06\00:38:41.46 God's word. John 14 verse 15. 00:38:41.47\00:38:45.12 You may want to say it as I am rolling it off my lips. 00:38:45.56\00:38:47.70 If you love me Jesus said keep 00:38:47.87\00:38:51.44 My commandments. So if you say you love 00:38:52.02\00:38:55.42 Him but you say Lord I love You, but I am not 00:38:55.43\00:38:58.06 keeping your commandments because 00:38:58.07\00:38:59.40 my pastor said not to, or my church doesn't teach 00:38:59.41\00:39:02.51 that, or I come from a different body of 00:39:02.52\00:39:04.66 believers, or you know, we believe its 00:39:04.67\00:39:06.76 nailed to the cross. All those beliefs that 00:39:07.20\00:39:08.75 are inhibiting your praise of Jesus Christ. 00:39:08.76\00:39:11.76 All those things you have been taught 00:39:12.29\00:39:13.84 to hinder your undiluted love for Jesus Christ 00:39:14.62\00:39:19.50 throw them out the window and begin to 00:39:19.91\00:39:21.74 follow what Jesus says. Can you say, amen 00:39:21.75\00:39:23.91 John, you may nod it here. Amen, amen and 00:39:23.92\00:39:25.97 you know we have been spending how many 00:39:25.98\00:39:27.89 weeks, several weeks on this subject. 00:39:27.90\00:39:29.41 There is many. Friends, if you are just 00:39:29.42\00:39:30.72 joining us now you can request maybe even 00:39:30.73\00:39:33.33 back programs in the past, if you like to get a 00:39:33.34\00:39:36.64 perspective, a better perspective on the 00:39:36.65\00:39:38.13 Law of God as it differentiates between 00:39:38.14\00:39:40.18 the Law of Moses and also just what is it mean 00:39:40.19\00:39:44.13 to keep the commandments of God, 00:39:44.14\00:39:45.42 and also the issue of the Sabbath that we're 00:39:45.43\00:39:46.87 gonna get into now. Go ahead and request 00:39:46.88\00:39:48.88 those, you can call in and ask for those, 00:39:48.89\00:39:50.87 and for those who have missed the broadcast or 00:39:51.26\00:39:53.76 not the whole thing today you can also 00:39:53.77\00:39:55.07 tune in later on. That's right 7 pm 00:39:55.08\00:39:57.72 Central Time. So just want to make 00:39:57.73\00:39:59.28 sure that you know that if you are just catching 00:39:59.29\00:40:01.17 a glimpse of this, and you want more 00:40:01.18\00:40:02.54 background, you can ask for that from 00:40:02.55\00:40:04.70 3ABN. That's right and so send your questions into 00:40:04.71\00:40:07.24 housecalls@3abn.org. And if you include 00:40:07.25\00:40:11.49 a request to get additional programming 00:40:11.50\00:40:13.27 or the back programs we'll try to find out how 00:40:13.71\00:40:15.70 to make that available. And I would suggest by 00:40:15.71\00:40:18.67 contacting 3ABN, and by the way 00:40:18.68\00:40:21.37 housecalls@3abn.org. is the e-mail address. 00:40:21.38\00:40:24.06 But if you want to find out more about 3ABN 00:40:24.07\00:40:26.18 just go to 3abn.org and all of our programming 00:40:26.61\00:40:29.88 and there you can see what 3ABN has to offer 00:40:29.89\00:40:32.40 to the wider audience. But John, now we are 00:40:32.76\00:40:35.12 going to focus in on the greatest gift, one of the 00:40:35.13\00:40:37.55 greatest gifts outside of Jesus Christ Himself 00:40:37.56\00:40:39.82 that was given to us. You know the world 00:40:40.67\00:40:43.38 was created in how many days? 00:40:43.39\00:40:44.94 It was created actually in seven days. 00:40:45.77\00:40:47.97 And there was something done each day. 00:40:48.79\00:40:50.89 That's right. I want to make the 00:40:51.26\00:40:53.02 statement very clear when you look 00:40:53.03\00:40:54.72 at our solar system. We have the rising 00:40:54.73\00:40:58.29 and the setting of the sun. That gives us our 24 00:40:58.30\00:41:03.11 hour a day or 23 hours and 56 minutes, 00:41:03.12\00:41:05.85 you know those of you who want to be very specific. 00:41:06.02\00:41:07.86 We have the lunar cycle you know from full 00:41:09.26\00:41:12.07 moon to full moon which is our 30 days 00:41:12.08\00:41:14.34 which gives our 30 day month, that's in the stars. 00:41:14.35\00:41:17.51 We have our one year timeframe, we have our 00:41:17.96\00:41:20.38 four seasons that takes us through 00:41:20.39\00:41:21.81 the entire calendar year. Once again you're 00:41:21.82\00:41:24.50 gonna see those in the heavens, the working of 00:41:24.51\00:41:27.58 the constellations, the bodies, the stars that 00:41:27.59\00:41:29.76 God created. But nowhere in scientific 00:41:29.77\00:41:33.44 research that is in the stars, the sun, the moon, 00:41:34.38\00:41:37.18 the clock, can you find a seven day week? 00:41:37.19\00:41:40.79 The only place that you can find a seven day 00:41:41.20\00:41:43.72 week is in the word of God. Amen. 00:41:43.73\00:41:47.54 Thereby saying that without the word of 00:41:48.30\00:41:51.25 God which points us to the creation record, 00:41:51.26\00:41:54.67 there is no evidence in man's archives that 00:41:55.12\00:41:59.59 there is a seven day week. 00:41:59.60\00:42:01.36 It's not provable by the twenty four hour a day, 00:42:01.56\00:42:03.69 the seven day week, I mean sorry the, 00:42:04.28\00:42:06.19 the twelve months of the year or the lunar 00:42:06.92\00:42:10.70 cycle which is every 30 days when the moon 00:42:10.71\00:42:14.01 goes from full to quarter to half and back to full. 00:42:14.02\00:42:16.69 The only place that you find a seven 00:42:17.19\00:42:18.30 day a week is in the creation record. 00:42:18.31\00:42:20.05 And let's start John by going to the Sabbath 00:42:20.54\00:42:23.96 command, Exodus chapter 20, I want to 00:42:23.97\00:42:27.37 stop by going to the Sabbath Command 00:42:27.38\00:42:29.09 before we go into the specifics. 00:42:29.10\00:42:30.97 And by the way friends I also want to add that 00:42:31.34\00:42:34.41 we are not only going to talk about the making 00:42:34.42\00:42:36.41 of the Sabbath and what the Sabbath command 00:42:36.42\00:42:38.80 is all about, there's some questions that 00:42:38.81\00:42:40.66 came and asking questions about the Sabbath. 00:42:40.67\00:42:42.46 We'll try to respond to those too. 00:42:42.47\00:42:43.86 But we are also going to share with you a very 00:42:44.56\00:42:46.52 powerful eye opening aspect of how the 00:42:46.86\00:42:50.19 Sabbath has been modified and altered 00:42:50.20\00:42:52.54 throughout the centuries. That you noticed when 00:42:52.55\00:42:55.09 you asked me how many days did it take 00:42:55.10\00:42:58.34 for God to create the world, I said seven not six. 00:42:58.35\00:43:00.65 That's right. Because without the seventh 00:43:00.66\00:43:02.50 day the creation would not have been complete. 00:43:02.51\00:43:05.17 And so let's look at why God put the Sabbath 00:43:06.10\00:43:09.89 Commandment into the Ten Commandments. 00:43:09.90\00:43:12.76 And then we'd look back at where it was 00:43:13.60\00:43:15.51 originally set up. Okay. Exodus chapter 20 00:43:15.52\00:43:19.59 beginning with verse eight the Bible says, 00:43:19.60\00:43:21.49 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, 00:43:21.50\00:43:23.32 six day shall thou labor and do all thy work, 00:43:24.07\00:43:27.74 but the Seventh-day is the Sabbath 00:43:28.32\00:43:29.54 of the Lord thy God. In it thou shall not do 00:43:29.93\00:43:34.58 any work, you nor your son nor your daughter, 00:43:34.59\00:43:37.04 nor your maid servant, nor your man servant, 00:43:37.63\00:43:40.03 nor your cattle, nor your stranger 00:43:40.51\00:43:42.06 who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord 00:43:42.07\00:43:44.38 made the heavenly earth, the sea and all 00:43:44.39\00:43:46.52 that in them is. And rested the seventh day 00:43:46.53\00:43:49.72 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day 00:43:50.50\00:43:53.03 and hollowed it. A number of things 00:43:53.04\00:43:55.05 we want to point out at the very outset. 00:43:55.06\00:43:56.81 First of all, what's the very first 00:43:57.44\00:43:59.62 word in the Sabbath command John? 00:43:59.63\00:44:01.28 Let's say together, remember. 00:44:01.29\00:44:04.30 Say with me friends remember. 00:44:04.98\00:44:07.68 If I said to you remember my name and 00:44:07.90\00:44:10.58 you say, no. Well, you haven't lost anything, 00:44:10.59\00:44:13.46 but if God says, remember and you 00:44:14.53\00:44:16.76 forget, you've lost everything. 00:44:16.77\00:44:18.49 Couple of examples, you may have heard the 00:44:18.60\00:44:20.38 phrase in the Book Of Luke, remember Lot's 00:44:20.39\00:44:22.67 wife, remember Lot's wife. Now what's so important 00:44:22.68\00:44:27.35 about remembering Lot's wife? 00:44:27.36\00:44:28.59 Lot was a man who hesitated when God 00:44:28.60\00:44:30.85 said leave Sodom, he hesitated, and the 00:44:30.86\00:44:33.62 record shows his wife was effected by his 00:44:33.63\00:44:36.37 hesitation and she turned to the pillar of 00:44:36.38\00:44:38.46 f salt when she turned back to look at Sodom 00:44:38.47\00:44:40.75 when she was leaving it. Remember Lot's wife. 00:44:41.16\00:44:43.52 Secondly, Ecclesiastes 12 and verse 1 says, 00:44:43.68\00:44:46.64 remember now the Creator in the day of 00:44:46.65\00:44:48.48 your youth. One of the problems in our world 00:44:48.49\00:44:50.64 today John is that the young people are 00:44:50.65\00:44:53.01 choosing to forget God. They are choosing to 00:44:53.02\00:44:55.36 forget God. Our society is squeezing God out. 00:44:55.37\00:44:57.69 And we see why the world as way it is 00:44:58.20\00:44:59.74 because they are choosing not to 00:44:59.75\00:45:00.92 remember God while they are young. 00:45:00.93\00:45:02.42 That's right. So we see the impact of forgetting 00:45:02.43\00:45:04.92 Lot's wife. Many are looking back, 00:45:04.93\00:45:07.43 forgetting the Creator while you are young, 00:45:07.81\00:45:09.33 many are becoming polluted by the world. 00:45:09.34\00:45:10.99 But notice the third one, remember the Sabbath 00:45:11.38\00:45:14.60 day to keep it holy. If the world never 00:45:14.61\00:45:17.97 forgot to keep the Sabbath holy, 00:45:17.98\00:45:20.14 they would be no room for people theories like 00:45:20.54\00:45:23.18 Charles Darwin, who came along thousands 00:45:23.19\00:45:26.68 of years after God blessed the Sabbath, 00:45:26.69\00:45:28.53 and said that the world evolved by some 00:45:28.96\00:45:31.21 unusual scientific accidents, 00:45:31.22\00:45:33.79 some biological incidents rather than by 00:45:34.05\00:45:36.97 a divine plan. And how you can say 00:45:36.98\00:45:39.66 that and why you can say that because the 00:45:39.67\00:45:42.35 Sabbath was the christening element of creation. 00:45:42.36\00:45:45.89 The crowning act. It was the crowning act, 00:45:45.90\00:45:47.79 it was the memorial that God used to show that 00:45:47.80\00:45:50.77 His creation was perfect, 00:45:50.78\00:45:52.61 and that He was the Creator. 00:45:53.62\00:45:55.19 And so I believe as well as you believe as you've 00:45:55.76\00:45:58.50 referenced that evolution has gotten 00:45:58.51\00:46:00.55 such a strong hold in the world today because 00:46:00.56\00:46:03.43 the Sabbath Commandment has been forgotten. 00:46:03.44\00:46:05.64 You know science also says, one of the things 00:46:06.04\00:46:07.80 of being a scientist is we say okay, 00:46:07.81\00:46:09.91 there's theory, then there's proof. 00:46:09.92\00:46:12.67 Now a moment ago we mentioned this some 00:46:13.05\00:46:15.29 scientists say well I don't believe that 00:46:15.30\00:46:16.71 if I can't see it that if I, if I cannot prove it on 00:46:16.72\00:46:19.17 paper like DNA or like blood type so whatever 00:46:19.18\00:46:22.84 scientific element is necessary to come to a 00:46:22.85\00:46:24.85 scientific conclusion, then it really doesn't 00:46:24.86\00:46:27.85 impact the way that I think. 00:46:28.31\00:46:30.02 I was encouraged just last week I heard about 00:46:30.46\00:46:32.32 a scientist who had for many years taught 00:46:32.33\00:46:33.98 about evolution who had supported 00:46:33.99\00:46:37.36 a theoretical creation. And he had supported 00:46:37.37\00:46:40.73 the fact that there was no divine origin or no 00:46:40.74\00:46:43.40 divine person, but he said when he studied, 00:46:43.41\00:46:46.58 this is just last week in the news and I'll try to 00:46:46.59\00:46:48.90 find that and share with our audience next. 00:46:48.91\00:46:51.77 But he said, after he studied DNA, 00:46:52.24\00:46:56.11 I don't know exactly what DNA means, 00:46:57.18\00:46:58.49 the exact long words but he said, it is so 00:46:58.50\00:47:01.22 intricate that he had to come up with the 00:47:01.23\00:47:03.32 conclusion that there could be no such 00:47:03.33\00:47:06.16 intricate design without a divine designer. 00:47:06.17\00:47:12.66 There's no way, he said that there could be so 00:47:12.94\00:47:14.69 intricate the code, our genetic code, right, 00:47:14.70\00:47:18.02 that says, this who John is, this is who John is? 00:47:18.21\00:47:21.07 Unless somebody with divine skill and ability 00:47:21.84\00:47:25.83 put that together. That's right. 00:47:25.84\00:47:27.34 He says, so I must say to my colleagues who 00:47:27.54\00:47:30.51 are upset with me I am sure, and my students 00:47:30.52\00:47:32.45 whom I've taught differently for many, 00:47:32.46\00:47:33.72 many years I have now come to accept that 00:47:33.73\00:47:35.84 there has to be a divine origin behind the 00:47:35.85\00:47:38.53 existence of man, praise the Lord for that. 00:47:38.54\00:47:40.22 Amen. Genesis chapter 2, Genesis chapter 1 by 00:47:40.23\00:47:44.43 the way and then we're gonna go to Genesis 00:47:44.44\00:47:46.01 chapter 2 and verse 1. John read Genesis 00:47:46.02\00:47:48.73 chapter 1 verse 31, and then I'll go and read 00:47:48.74\00:47:52.00 Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 to 3. 00:47:52.01\00:47:54.40 Once again we are going to look now, 00:47:55.18\00:47:56.41 we just read the Sabbath command in 00:47:56.66\00:47:58.41 Exodus Chapter 20 verse 8 to 11. 00:47:58.42\00:48:00.25 Now we are going to see, remember the 00:48:00.55\00:48:02.44 Sabbath command says, for in six days the Lord 00:48:02.45\00:48:05.11 made the heavens and the earth. 00:48:05.12\00:48:06.48 Now let's go back to see when that first was done? 00:48:07.75\00:48:10.72 That's right. Genesis 1 verse 31 says, 00:48:11.17\00:48:14.40 then God saw everything that He had 00:48:14.81\00:48:17.07 made and, indeed, it was very good. 00:48:17.08\00:48:19.85 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 00:48:20.38\00:48:23.06 Now I want to point this out, the Lord just 00:48:23.32\00:48:25.14 impressed me to say this as I look at that 00:48:25.15\00:48:26.92 phrase, they are even those that say, 00:48:26.93\00:48:29.38 one of the reason why they don't believe in 00:48:29.39\00:48:30.92 creation because it could have been 6000 00:48:30.93\00:48:32.72 years long. But friends you look 00:48:32.73\00:48:34.72 at the Bible, and the Bible dispels that myth, 00:48:34.73\00:48:37.16 the Bible crushes that myth because every 00:48:37.65\00:48:39.81 time the Lord finished creating, He didn't say, 00:48:39.82\00:48:42.44 well, I finished, He used the word day, 00:48:42.98\00:48:45.37 but He also used the two phrase evening and morning. 00:48:45.87\00:48:49.75 Now evening is the light part, evening is the 00:48:50.53\00:48:53.70 dark part of the day. One evening, and its 00:48:53.71\00:48:55.71 one evening too, not evenings, exactly, evening. 00:48:55.72\00:48:58.26 There you go singular, very important point John. 00:48:58.85\00:49:01.61 Evening, the evening and the morning were 00:49:02.07\00:49:05.81 the sixth day, were the fifth day, fourth, 00:49:05.82\00:49:09.26 third and so on and so forth. 00:49:09.27\00:49:10.61 That's right. He doesn't pluralize that, 00:49:10.62\00:49:12.18 and so the words there in Hebrew indicates 00:49:12.19\00:49:14.34 singular, not multiplicity, not evenings and 00:49:14.35\00:49:17.98 mornings, not 500 years of light, 500 years of 00:49:17.99\00:49:22.80 darkness as some people tend to try to 00:49:22.81\00:49:25.57 explain in a way the creation story. 00:49:25.58\00:49:27.08 And it's amazing to me John that even some 00:49:27.44\00:49:29.46 clergy are coming up with the idea and 00:49:29.47\00:49:32.28 beginning to proliferate this thought or teach 00:49:32.29\00:49:34.62 this idea that the world was created in 6000 years. 00:49:34.63\00:49:37.38 Yeah. This is scary because Satan is now 00:49:37.64\00:49:39.61 beginning to use religion to fight against 00:49:39.62\00:49:42.18 the creation record. That's right. 00:49:42.19\00:49:43.83 And what we see here clearly is that in six 00:49:44.55\00:49:46.38 days God created the heavens and the earth, 00:49:46.52\00:49:49.70 and you know God is powerful. 00:49:50.14\00:49:52.60 He could have done in one. 00:49:53.68\00:49:54.65 He could have done in one, but he chose to do it in 00:49:54.79\00:49:57.23 six days and seven days because now we are 00:49:57.24\00:50:00.34 going to go to chapter 2 verse 1 of Genesis to 00:50:00.35\00:50:04.40 see the Sabbath. You know why He 00:50:04.41\00:50:05.70 did it in seven, because He knew that we 00:50:05.71\00:50:07.88 couldn't do everything in one day because we 00:50:07.89\00:50:09.57 are not God. That's right. 00:50:09.58\00:50:11.49 I think we have this phrase nowadays, 00:50:11.66\00:50:13.14 oh what's been around wide about Rome 00:50:13.37\00:50:15.04 wasn't built in a day. Now we can't do 00:50:15.32\00:50:17.92 everything in a day because we are not God. 00:50:17.93\00:50:20.12 And so God didn't created the world for 00:50:20.13\00:50:21.60 Himself, He created for us to inhabit the world. 00:50:21.61\00:50:25.05 Notice what He reminds us of in Genesis chapter 00:50:25.45\00:50:27.40 2, Genesis chapter 2 beginning with verse 1. 00:50:27.41\00:50:30.31 Thus the heavens and the earths and all the 00:50:31.12\00:50:33.95 host of them were finished. 00:50:34.34\00:50:36.50 When the seventh day came, He finished His work. 00:50:37.43\00:50:40.32 And on the singular seventh day God ended 00:50:41.79\00:50:46.25 His work which He had done. 00:50:46.26\00:50:48.02 And He rested on the seventh day, 00:50:49.34\00:50:51.61 no He wasn't tired, from all His works 00:50:51.62\00:50:55.50 which He had done. Then God blessed, 00:50:55.72\00:51:01.02 the word blessed means made it special, 00:51:01.23\00:51:03.73 blessed the seventh day. Now John how many 00:51:04.99\00:51:08.08 days did God blessed? Say blessed one. 00:51:08.09\00:51:10.33 And what day is that? The seventh day. 00:51:10.55\00:51:12.12 Okay, somebody maybe saying, well, 00:51:12.26\00:51:13.57 how do you know what's that, we're gonna 00:51:13.58\00:51:15.09 talk about this in just a moment, how do you 00:51:15.10\00:51:16.92 know which day is the seventh day? 00:51:16.93\00:51:18.29 Just a moment, let's finish the text. 00:51:18.67\00:51:19.78 God blessed the seventh day singular 00:51:21.26\00:51:24.17 and sanctified it. He set it aside from all the rest, 00:51:24.44\00:51:28.23 meaning it wasn't like the rest, it was different. 00:51:28.61\00:51:31.21 Sanctified means set aside, 00:51:31.91\00:51:33.42 also means to be made holy. 00:51:33.73\00:51:35.86 He made only one day holy, 00:51:36.37\00:51:37.44 He blessed only one day. And here's the reason 00:51:37.45\00:51:39.66 because in it he rested from all His work 00:51:39.98\00:51:43.70 which God created and made. 00:51:44.14\00:51:46.36 Now, John, let's go to the question, 00:51:46.82\00:51:48.55 how do we know what day is the seventh day? 00:51:48.98\00:51:51.46 What very popular observance that 00:51:51.90\00:51:55.24 happens every year around April that 00:51:55.25\00:51:57.88 Christians observe to remind us incessantly 00:51:57.89\00:52:02.06 of what the seventh day is? 00:52:03.16\00:52:04.67 Easter. Okay, just walk me through that. 00:52:04.99\00:52:07.23 Well, yes, Easter is what day of the week, 00:52:07.24\00:52:11.23 it's always observed on what day? 00:52:11.24\00:52:12.68 The resurrection day. The resurrection 00:52:12.87\00:52:14.20 morning of Sunday, the first day of the week, 00:52:14.21\00:52:16.86 that's right. And so, let's go to the, 00:52:16.87\00:52:19.14 John you want to go to that reference. 00:52:19.15\00:52:20.12 Let's go to Luke chapter 23 verse 54 to 56. 00:52:20.13\00:52:23.15 We need to establish before we talk about the 00:52:23.16\00:52:25.23 Sabbath, we need to establish 00:52:25.24\00:52:27.13 what day the Sabbath is? How do we know that 00:52:27.14\00:52:29.95 this seventh day that the Bible talks 00:52:29.96\00:52:31.54 about is the Sabbath. And by the way, 00:52:31.55\00:52:32.70 I want you to discover, in the Bible you don't 00:52:32.71\00:52:34.80 find the word Saturday. In some of the new 00:52:34.81\00:52:36.73 paraphrased Bible you will find them putting 00:52:36.74\00:52:39.18 the word Saturday, Sunday. But the Bible uses 00:52:39.19\00:52:41.43 different phrases, it uses the Sabbath day, 00:52:41.44\00:52:43.17 it uses the first day and it uses another word to 00:52:43.98\00:52:46.75 describe today before the Sabbath. 00:52:46.76\00:52:48.30 Luke chapter 23 verse 54 to 56. 00:52:48.71\00:52:52.60 And we're going now to the creation record, 00:52:52.61\00:52:54.41 and if we don't finish it in this program, 00:52:54.83\00:52:56.78 we'll catch up on the next one or some down the road. 00:52:56.79\00:52:59.34 Luke 23 verse 54. Jesus is now on the 00:53:00.17\00:53:02.94 cross and an event is going to occur. 00:53:02.95\00:53:05.48 Now starting with verse 50 I'll read very quickly. 00:53:06.29\00:53:11.91 And behold there was a man named 00:53:12.56\00:53:14.12 Joseph, a council member, a good and just man. 00:53:14.13\00:53:16.67 And he had not consented to the 00:53:17.21\00:53:18.96 counsel indeed he was from Arimathea, 00:53:18.97\00:53:21.77 a city of the Jew: who himself was also 00:53:21.78\00:53:24.18 waiting for the kingdom of God. 00:53:24.19\00:53:25.89 This man went to Pilate, and asked for the body 00:53:27.04\00:53:29.19 of Jesus that is off the cross. 00:53:29.20\00:53:30.78 Then he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, 00:53:31.20\00:53:33.97 and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of 00:53:34.16\00:53:36.62 the rock, where no one had ever lain before. 00:53:37.01\00:53:40.42 Now notice what day he took the 00:53:40.94\00:53:42.10 body off the cross friends. 00:53:42.11\00:53:43.44 Here it is in verse 54, John read verse 54 for us. 00:53:43.45\00:53:46.48 Since that day was the preparation, 00:53:46.56\00:53:48.61 and the Sabbath drew near. That's right, 00:53:49.21\00:53:50.77 the preparation day is always the day 00:53:51.08\00:53:52.49 before the Sabbath. Let's keep on going 00:53:52.50\00:53:54.35 because we haven't established the order of 00:53:54.36\00:53:55.98 the day yet, first the preparation and it says 00:53:55.99\00:53:58.06 in verse 55. And the women who 00:53:58.07\00:53:59.88 had come with him from Galilee that has 00:53:59.89\00:54:01.73 followed Jesus, they followed after, 00:54:01.74\00:54:03.87 they followed Joseph of Arimathea, and they 00:54:03.88\00:54:06.65 observed the tomb, and how his body was laid. 00:54:06.66\00:54:08.94 Then they returned and prepared spices and 00:54:09.68\00:54:11.74 fragrant oils and they rested on the Sabbath 00:54:11.75\00:54:14.03 according to the commandment. 00:54:14.04\00:54:15.47 What Commandment John? The Fourth Commandment. 00:54:16.02\00:54:18.54 They still were keeping the Sabbath after the 00:54:19.18\00:54:22.83 death of Jesus. And if anyone knew 00:54:22.84\00:54:25.41 that it was changed, it would definitely be 00:54:25.42\00:54:27.88 His followers because they followed Jesus. 00:54:27.89\00:54:30.55 They followed the woman that followed Him. 00:54:30.56\00:54:32.65 They would have known that Jesus 00:54:33.21\00:54:34.26 changed it and there was no need to keep it 00:54:34.27\00:54:36.62 any longer. But they still kept it 00:54:36.63\00:54:38.21 after His resurrection. And if He had nailed 00:54:38.36\00:54:41.30 that to the cross or if it was nailed to the cross. 00:54:41.31\00:54:43.46 That's right. Would His disciples be 00:54:43.47\00:54:45.55 resting on the Sabbath day. 00:54:45.56\00:54:47.08 According to the Commandment? 00:54:47.12\00:54:48.13 According to the Commandment? 00:54:48.14\00:54:49.11 No. Now look at the Luke 24 verse 1. 00:54:49.18\00:54:52.43 And then we're gonna go ahead and segue and 00:54:52.44\00:54:53.64 prepare for the next program that we are 00:54:53.95\00:54:55.40 going to do on this wonderful topic. 00:54:55.41\00:54:57.14 Now, on the first day of the week very early in 00:54:57.67\00:55:01.88 the morning, they and certain other women 00:55:01.89\00:55:04.51 with them came to the tomb, bringing the 00:55:04.52\00:55:06.49 spices which they have prepared. 00:55:06.50\00:55:07.89 And they found the stone rolled away from 00:55:08.31\00:55:09.81 the tomb and they went in and did not find the 00:55:09.82\00:55:12.88 body of the Lord Jesus. Jesus rose on the first day. 00:55:12.89\00:55:17.52 Here are the three days. What days He used to 00:55:17.97\00:55:19.59 observe on Sunday? First day of the week. 00:55:19.60\00:55:22.19 Look at your dictionary, look at your 00:55:22.53\00:55:24.29 encyclopedia, not your pastor. 00:55:24.30\00:55:26.59 Look at your dictionary, your encyclopedia, 00:55:27.20\00:55:29.12 look at the Bible, and look at the largest 00:55:29.13\00:55:31.52 reference in human history the entire Jewish 00:55:31.53\00:55:34.36 nation still to this day observes the Sabbath. 00:55:34.37\00:55:37.74 It's all in scripture, here are five words friends, 00:55:38.21\00:55:40.19 I am going to say this very quickly. 00:55:40.20\00:55:41.27 Five words that you should research and 00:55:41.75\00:55:43.75 you'll discover the validity of the Sabbath. 00:55:43.76\00:55:45.86 Here they are, seventh day, first day, Sabbath, 00:55:45.87\00:55:51.86 Sunday and Saturday, seventh day, first day, 00:55:52.77\00:55:57.79 Sabbath, Sunday and Saturday. 00:55:57.80\00:56:01.42 Look up those five words in the Bible. 00:56:01.67\00:56:03.18 I mean in the dictionary as well as in the Bible, 00:56:03.56\00:56:05.47 you'll find some of them there. 00:56:05.48\00:56:06.61 And you'll discover unequivocally what the 00:56:07.49\00:56:09.59 history teaches about what day the Sabbath is. 00:56:09.60\00:56:11.54 And so friends, here it is the preparation day 00:56:11.55\00:56:13.57 Friday, Sabbath in the middle, and the first day 00:56:13.58\00:56:16.64 of the week the day Jesus rose is called the 00:56:16.65\00:56:18.51 first day of the week in scripture. 00:56:18.52\00:56:19.59 And today we have Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 00:56:19.91\00:56:22.86 So the day between Good Friday, and 00:56:23.16\00:56:25.97 Easter Sunday is the Sabbath, the seventh 00:56:26.31\00:56:29.06 day of the week, that's the order in the Bible. 00:56:29.07\00:56:31.23 Yes, and so we're seeing that the calendar 00:56:31.87\00:56:33.78 that exists today beginning on Sunday 00:56:33.79\00:56:35.90 still is correct. That's right, and 00:56:36.61\00:56:38.53 remember if you look in the Bible the Lord says 00:56:38.54\00:56:40.31 six days you shall labor, so Sunday is the work day. 00:56:40.32\00:56:42.97 That's right. And we'll find out how 00:56:43.87\00:56:45.23 it became the day of worship friends. 00:56:45.24\00:56:46.60 Our time is coming and going so quickly, 00:56:46.61\00:56:48.82 but if you want send questions once again 00:56:48.83\00:56:50.48 remember tonight at 7:00 PM the program is 00:56:50.49\00:56:52.50 going to be aired again. Still send your 00:56:52.51\00:56:54.32 questions and comments to 00:56:54.33\00:56:55.56 housecalls@3abn.org and we are just getting 00:56:55.57\00:56:59.19 into the subject on the Sabbath, we have so 00:56:59.20\00:57:01.06 much to still cover. But remember this friends, 00:57:01.07\00:57:03.47 there is no substitute for studying the word of God. 00:57:03.77\00:57:07.12 There is no substitute for knowing the truth 00:57:07.52\00:57:10.24 for yourself. One day, when the Lord 00:57:10.25\00:57:13.19 comes to make a house call on your life, 00:57:13.20\00:57:15.15 we pray that by faith and studying His word, 00:57:15.60\00:57:17.87 and by love for Him you'll be ready. 00:57:18.04\00:57:20.21 So take that Bible out dust it off, sit down 00:57:20.64\00:57:23.57 with your friends, get another friend like John 00:57:23.58\00:57:25.70 and when the Lord comes, He's going to 00:57:26.06\00:57:28.21 find you faithful, look forward to seeing you again. 00:57:28.22\00:57:30.17 God bless you and have a great day in Him. 00:57:30.18\00:57:32.65