Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend and 00:00:01.98\00:00:02.95 sit back as we explore God's word together on 00:00:03.00\00:00:05.33 this edition of House Calls. 00:00:05.53\00:00:07.35 Welcome to another House Calls program, an 00:00:22.77\00:00:24.56 exciting Bible centered Christ centered program 00:00:24.63\00:00:27.16 and I'm glad you're here and the reason I'm 00:00:27.19\00:00:29.41 excited is because I'm not there by myself, my 00:00:29.50\00:00:31.46 good friend John Stanton's with me. 00:00:31.59\00:00:33.71 And it's good to be here John and of course 00:00:33.74\00:00:35.92 we're not excited just because we're here either 00:00:37.83\00:00:38.80 but God's spirit is here with us too. 00:00:38.81\00:00:40.12 That's right, you know friends this is the 00:00:40.18\00:00:42.39 program that you always hit the record button at 00:00:42.52\00:00:45.06 the beginning so you can rewind, share with 00:00:45.09\00:00:47.24 your friends, your neighbors and see what 00:00:47.32\00:00:49.10 you may have missed because we talk fast 00:00:49.55\00:00:51.89 sometimes but we wanna let you know that this 00:00:51.92\00:00:54.20 is your program and we always ask for God's 00:00:54.26\00:00:56.12 blessings to be here. So bow your heads with us 00:00:56.21\00:00:58.69 as John leads us before the throne 00:00:58.76\00:01:00.19 of grace through prayer. 00:01:00.22\00:01:01.37 Lets do that, dear Father in heaven again we 00:01:01.49\00:01:03.42 appeal to you that you will send your Holy 00:01:03.63\00:01:05.90 Spirit, Lord, that you will open up our eyes and 00:01:06.10\00:01:08.22 our ears to your voice and may we have a fuller 00:01:08.37\00:01:11.23 understanding of your word and how it speaks 00:01:11.36\00:01:14.13 to us. In Jesus name, Amen. 00:01:14.16\00:01:15.97 Amen. As you know your questions are a 00:01:16.31\00:01:19.64 significant part of this program, I have a number 00:01:19.85\00:01:21.71 of them with me today, but if you have any 00:01:21.74\00:01:23.66 questions you can send those questions, those 00:01:23.84\00:01:25.46 Bible questions to housecalls@3abn.org 00:01:25.55\00:01:28.75 that's housecalls@3abn.org we go there and 00:01:28.79\00:01:32.52 download them and try our best to respond to 00:01:32.63\00:01:35.26 them, but there are some of you that rather snail 00:01:35.39\00:01:37.39 mail and if you have snail mail, that is the stamp 00:01:37.51\00:01:40.80 and the address and it comes through the post 00:01:40.91\00:01:43.65 office and somebody drops it off at our box. 00:01:43.68\00:01:45.85 Send it to Po Box 220, West Frankfurt, Illinois 00:01:46.41\00:01:50.16 62896 and you'll address at the 3 Angels 00:01:50.46\00:01:53.99 Broadcasting Network, attention House Calls. 00:01:54.17\00:01:57.94 John, what do you have for us today in our 00:01:58.46\00:01:59.86 Bible questions? Well, I've got a question 00:02:00.07\00:02:01.53 here from Devin from Pennsylvania. Okay. 00:02:01.71\00:02:05.78 And he says here, hi John and John, I heard that 00:02:06.41\00:02:09.64 the woman represents the church and I want to 00:02:09.70\00:02:11.72 know where in the Bible it says this? 00:02:11.75\00:02:13.26 Thank you. Okay. There's a few places 00:02:13.46\00:02:16.28 in the Bible we can go to answer this question, 00:02:16.38\00:02:18.30 the most often sided answer to this question 00:02:18.96\00:02:24.44 is Jeremiah 6 verse 2. Okay. So, we can read 00:02:24.64\00:02:27.69 that one here first, Jeremiah 6:2. 00:02:27.75\00:02:30.74 That's in the book of Jeremiah, that's the Old 00:02:32.25\00:02:34.46 Testament by the way so turn there with us. 00:02:34.49\00:02:36.92 Okay, I've got it here Jeremiah 6 verse 2, okay, 00:02:38.00\00:02:41.88 it says I have likened the daughter of Zion to a 00:02:43.18\00:02:46.94 a lovely and delicate woman. Okay. So, God 00:02:46.97\00:02:50.01 views his people in Zion as a lovely delicate 00:02:50.22\00:02:55.44 woman, a woman. Okay. Yeah, sometimes he 00:02:55.59\00:02:58.57 speaks of it as the remnant, as the daughter 00:02:58.62\00:03:02.49 of Zion as well, we find that through scriptures, 00:03:02.60\00:03:04.84 but also I think the other way to answer this 00:03:05.33\00:03:06.50 question John is that we see in the New 00:03:06.74\00:03:10.19 Testament how Christ is the bridegroom and he 00:03:10.42\00:03:13.93 has a bride. So again we find not only is she a 00:03:14.04\00:03:17.19 woman but she is a woman that God wants to 00:03:17.32\00:03:19.38 marry. He wants them to be as one. Jesus speaks 00:03:19.61\00:03:23.58 of also in his, John 17, in his prayer. How he 00:03:23.69\00:03:29.73 wants us to be one with him as they are one that 00:03:29.97\00:03:32.58 we would be one with them, and that the 00:03:32.68\00:03:34.18 oneness of marriage as well. Right. 00:03:34.31\00:03:36.24 There's all kinds of things. It is the atonement, 00:03:36.86\00:03:38.60 reconciliation, where we come together as one. 00:03:39.01\00:03:41.12 See so everything points to not only God's 00:03:41.55\00:03:43.86 people being a woman but God's people being 00:03:44.05\00:03:46.89 married to him and coming together with him. 00:03:47.55\00:03:49.37 You find also on the scriptures that there is a 00:03:50.19\00:03:52.22 passage in the book of Ephesians 5 and verse 27 00:03:52.47\00:03:56.10 and when the Lord through inspiration speaks to 00:03:56.13\00:04:00.49 Paul the Apostle he does a comparison, he talks 00:04:00.71\00:04:02.90 to the husband and the wife. He says husbands 00:04:02.93\00:04:05.81 love your wives also as Christ love the church 00:04:06.08\00:04:10.07 and gave himself for it. See, husbands love your 00:04:10.61\00:04:13.73 wives, as Christ the husband man loves the 00:04:14.30\00:04:17.39 church his bride and here in Ephesians 5 verse 00:04:17.48\00:04:21.86 27, it says it this way, speaking of Christ that 00:04:21.96\00:04:26.15 He, that is Christ, might present her, that is his 00:04:26.21\00:04:30.27 church, to Himself a glorious church, 00:04:30.40\00:04:33.47 not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, 00:04:34.02\00:04:37.05 but that she should be holy and without blemish. 00:04:37.55\00:04:40.35 So husbands, so husbands ought to love their 00:04:40.92\00:04:44.60 own wives as their own bodies; he who loves 00:04:44.81\00:04:48.12 his wife loves himself. And now listen to what, 00:04:48.22\00:04:51.80 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but 00:04:52.20\00:04:54.61 nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does 00:04:54.73\00:04:58.42 his church. And so you clearly see the 00:04:58.70\00:05:00.47 comparison, a woman, glorious church he refers 00:05:00.68\00:05:05.40 to her as a her not having spot or wrinkle, 00:05:05.47\00:05:08.79 husband and wife. Yeah, in fact when we get, 00:05:09.21\00:05:11.43 finally get down to Revelation 21, we see 00:05:11.63\00:05:14.69 that the holy city is coming down, the New 00:05:14.95\00:05:16.81 Jerusalem, as it says prepares a bride adorned 00:05:16.97\00:05:21.12 for her husband. And as that New Jerusalem 00:05:21.22\00:05:24.14 comes down the Saints are in it. That's right. 00:05:24.28\00:05:26.77 Okay so, it's not the just the city but the city full 00:05:26.89\00:05:29.29 of it's, of his people. They finally been married 00:05:29.32\00:05:31.82 to him and they will live with him forever. 00:05:31.96\00:05:34.10 So, all throughout the Bible we find this that 00:05:34.59\00:05:37.15 his people are a woman he treats kindly and 00:05:37.35\00:05:39.85 gently and brings them along and takes care of 00:05:40.00\00:05:42.55 them. And there they end up being his bride. 00:05:42.65\00:05:45.52 That's a very good parallel you brought up 00:05:46.42\00:05:47.80 because there are some people that just say the 00:05:47.88\00:05:49.23 New Jerusalem is his bride, but a city without 00:05:49.35\00:05:53.50 the people in it is of really no value. 00:05:53.54\00:05:55.62 That's right. When the Holy City, New 00:05:55.65\00:05:57.20 Jerusalem is descended from heaven, the saints 00:05:57.34\00:06:00.30 have been there for a 1000 years already. 00:06:01.56\00:06:03.63 The city descends and then the saints descend 00:06:03.99\00:06:06.41 to be in that city. They are not in it when 00:06:06.60\00:06:08.73 it descends but the saints descend after the 00:06:08.76\00:06:10.72 city and they enter into the city and what makes 00:06:10.87\00:06:13.41 the city glorious is that they bring the glory of 00:06:13.51\00:06:17.18 God into it, the glory of Lord is in there, being 00:06:17.36\00:06:20.02 reflected through the spotless wrinkle free 00:06:20.42\00:06:24.09 lives of his church. Let me go to the next 00:06:24.43\00:06:28.59 question we have here, this is a lengthy one, 00:06:28.75\00:06:30.66 I wanna go ahead and read it, because its; 00:06:30.74\00:06:33.02 it's a personative, they just put the initials M.J, 00:06:33.91\00:06:36.52 I don't know if that is a Michael Jackson I don't 00:06:36.58\00:06:37.95 know, but M.J, Michael Jordan maybe. 00:06:37.98\00:06:40.39 Michael Jordan maybe. Okay, but here it is, 00:06:40.56\00:06:42.58 Dear Pastor Lomacang, I don't have a question 00:06:43.47\00:06:46.98 for you at the moment, but just a few comments 00:06:47.12\00:06:49.33 on your telecast and they give the date, 00:06:49.48\00:06:52.07 I like the informal format of your discussion 00:06:53.16\00:06:55.53 of Bible topics however. I couldn't help notice 00:06:55.68\00:06:58.54 your analysis of the prophecy in Matthew 24 00:06:58.69\00:07:01.40 and Mark. That was contrary to the way I 00:07:01.43\00:07:04.10 see it, although your opinion does agree with 00:07:04.21\00:07:07.10 the view point listed in the SDA Bible 00:07:07.19\00:07:09.69 commentary, that's Seventh-Day Adventist. 00:07:09.89\00:07:11.43 SDA, Seventh-Day Adventists have a habit 00:07:12.33\00:07:14.24 of excluding ethnic Israel or Jews from 00:07:14.53\00:07:17.62 end-time prophecies. They always say there is 00:07:17.81\00:07:20.90 neither Jew nor gentile we are all one in Christ. 00:07:20.93\00:07:23.76 Let me just add a little comment right there, we 00:07:24.25\00:07:29.38 don't say that, the Bible says that. That's right. 00:07:29.41\00:07:32.29 You see one of the things we want to point 00:07:32.54\00:07:33.62 out from the very outside is that any comments 00:07:33.65\00:07:35.93 we make that includes scripture, let me read 00:07:36.02\00:07:39.45 the text that you are referring to here, they say 00:07:39.66\00:07:43.44 there is neither Jew nor gentile, we are all one 00:07:43.56\00:07:45.96 in Christ. Galatians 3 verse 28, this is the Bible 00:07:45.99\00:07:50.71 saying and not Seventh-day Adventist, 00:07:50.87\00:07:52.17 we're just reading what the Bible says. There is 00:07:52.20\00:07:54.77 neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave 00:07:55.03\00:07:59.47 nor free, there is neither male nor female; for 00:07:59.68\00:08:03.67 you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are 00:08:03.76\00:08:07.46 Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs 00:08:07.64\00:08:11.52 according to the promise. What the Bible is in 00:08:11.80\00:08:13.95 essence saying that if you're a woman or man 00:08:13.99\00:08:15.66 you got to give the same account. If you're Jew 00:08:15.82\00:08:17.70 or Greek you got to give the same account, 00:08:17.80\00:08:19.29 if you are slave or you are free you've got to 00:08:19.60\00:08:21.26 give the same account to Christ there is a level 00:08:21.33\00:08:23.91 platform to everyone who is saved and we'll 00:08:24.18\00:08:26.84 bring this home in just a few moments as to why 00:08:27.08\00:08:28.99 we say what we do about the facts at the broad 00:08:29.17\00:08:32.44 stage, the stage has been broadened in the issue 00:08:35.80\00:08:36.77 of salvation rather than narrowed to represent 00:08:36.78\00:08:39.41 just a particular nation. Any comment before I 00:08:39.75\00:08:42.23 go on? Well, yeah, I was gonna say you know it 00:08:42.26\00:08:43.96 talks about there is neither Jew nor Greek, 00:08:43.99\00:08:45.36 the same, in that same book we've got in chapter 00:08:45.62\00:08:48.77 10, 11 excuse me of Romans, Paul is talking 00:08:48.96\00:08:52.79 about how the branch was broken off, the 00:08:52.90\00:08:56.13 branch of Israel was broken off. But, by faith 00:08:56.21\00:09:00.26 they can be grafted back in. Right, so when 00:09:00.29\00:09:03.73 we say there is neither Jew nor Greek, nor male 00:09:03.82\00:09:05.42 nor female when we quote that from Paul what 00:09:05.45\00:09:08.85 we're saying is that and what he saying is that 00:09:08.88\00:09:12.26 by faith we were all one in Christ, that if you 00:09:13.06\00:09:15.39 don't believe in Christ that your race, that your 00:09:15.46\00:09:18.62 gender, that your age, that your and there is 00:09:18.83\00:09:21.13 nothing that commends you to him. Right, 00:09:21.20\00:09:23.58 connects you with him except faith and faith is 00:09:23.61\00:09:26.10 the only thing that will graft them back in. 00:09:26.15\00:09:27.99 So, this person immediately starting from 00:09:28.47\00:09:30.67 a premise that we say that the Jews aren't part 00:09:30.70\00:09:35.35 of God's people today as far as the ones that 00:09:35.59\00:09:40.18 share the gospel and it's interesting, we're 00:09:40.28\00:09:41.76 talking about this at the time that we're talking 00:09:41.84\00:09:43.53 about the harvest and the works in the harvest. 00:09:43.63\00:09:45.48 That's true. But anyway we're saying that 00:09:45.56\00:09:47.50 because it's very true, that God did have to 00:09:47.82\00:09:50.95 break them off, but yet he didn't cast them away, 00:09:51.10\00:09:53.49 he wants to graft them back in by faith and 00:09:53.92\00:09:55.50 that's why Paul is saying neither Jew nor Greek, 00:09:55.58\00:09:57.95 nor male or female. And a very interesting story 00:09:58.17\00:10:00.96 if you follow the Bible about this rejection that 00:10:01.12\00:10:02.89 Jesus obviously made it out to the Jews. He did 00:10:03.14\00:10:06.06 meter it out to the nation; he metered it out to 00:10:06.47\00:10:10.39 the leaders. Right. The leaders were the ones, 00:10:10.64\00:10:13.37 the Pharisees, the scribes, the Essenes, the 00:10:13.40\00:10:15.23 Sadducees, these are the ones that plotted to 00:10:15.28\00:10:18.04 reject him and in Matthew even at his 00:10:18.39\00:10:20.42 resurrection the Jews, the leaders of the Jews 00:10:20.50\00:10:23.51 were the ones who gathered the Roman 00:10:24.04\00:10:25.17 soldiers together and says tell us what 00:10:25.37\00:10:27.66 happened. And they said he rose, well he wasn't 00:10:27.86\00:10:30.51 there and they paid them a price. Bible says 00:10:30.59\00:10:33.57 this, they paid them a price and they said to 00:10:33.60\00:10:36.02 them if you say, that you saw Jesus resurrected 00:10:36.05\00:10:39.55 if you say that he is not there we'll secure you, 00:10:39.68\00:10:42.00 we will come after you. And the Bible says this 00:10:42.07\00:10:45.09 saying is commonly reported among the Jews 00:10:45.21\00:10:47.32 even to this day. So, many of them believe that 00:10:47.43\00:10:49.30 the resurrection was a hoax, that somebody stole 00:10:49.33\00:10:51.70 the body of Jesus away, hid him somewhere else 00:10:51.73\00:10:54.47 to perpetuate this lie they believe that Jesus 00:10:54.78\00:10:57.89 rose and now is in heaven. He said tell them his 00:10:58.05\00:11:01.12 disciples came and stole him by night. Well, 00:11:01.29\00:11:04.12 that's not true, because the Romans secured the 00:11:04.28\00:11:07.75 tomb with a centurion, a 100 soldiers guard that 00:11:07.95\00:11:11.05 tomb during the night and those 100 soldiers 00:11:11.22\00:11:13.97 were only immobilized by the descend of the 00:11:14.15\00:11:16.80 angel. When the angel rolled away the stone, 00:11:16.91\00:11:19.32 the brightest of the angels will cause them to 00:11:19.47\00:11:21.08 fall back like dead man. It was not the disciples 00:11:21.28\00:11:23.99 that came and beat them up during the night and 00:11:24.09\00:11:26.06 to prove that the disciples were hiding for 00:11:26.17\00:11:28.29 fear of the Jews. Yeah. See so this is all a 00:11:28.41\00:11:31.44 premise of no foundation. And Paul is not saying 00:11:31.57\00:11:33.93 that Jews aren't saved either. No, but 00:11:34.10\00:11:36.67 individually they must be saved as they're 00:11:36.94\00:11:38.79 grafted back in as a people chosen by God to 00:11:38.91\00:11:42.15 finish the work that is now the church. 00:11:42.31\00:11:43.72 Right, no preeminence, he's saying. He says 00:11:43.92\00:11:46.17 anybody who comes through these gates will 00:11:46.29\00:11:47.88 come through Jesus' blood. That's right. And 00:11:48.11\00:11:50.34 that's why he says by faith and I'm glad you 00:11:50.42\00:11:51.91 brought that up because by faith means by faith 00:11:52.00\00:11:54.32 in Jesus Christ, Jesus made the statement in 00:11:54.49\00:11:56.83 John 14 verse 1 to 3, he says you believe in 00:11:56.86\00:11:59.50 God, believe also in me. They believed in God 00:11:59.55\00:12:02.76 but they did not believe in Jesus they rejected 00:12:02.79\00:12:05.00 the Messiah, the Messiah. They didn't accept 00:12:05.07\00:12:08.04 him and then John the Baptist said, behold the 00:12:08.20\00:12:13.16 lamb of God, they rejected the lamb of God. 00:12:13.29\00:12:15.50 So, how can you by national birth say that I 00:12:16.19\00:12:20.83 have preeminence no matter what? Right. 00:12:20.90\00:12:22.87 That I have a right no matter what? No, you 00:12:23.28\00:12:25.40 don't, that's where the neither Jew nor Greek, 00:12:25.50\00:12:27.74 neither slave nor free, neither bond nor female 00:12:27.91\00:12:29.82 neither male, you know the whole thing 00:12:29.90\00:12:31.62 together. It's all through Christ Jesus. Let me 00:12:31.66\00:12:35.14 read continually because I think this is a very 00:12:35.27\00:12:37.11 interesting letter I think somebody else who 00:12:37.14\00:12:39.23 maybe thinking along these lines could be, 00:12:39.27\00:12:41.16 it could be cleared up as we address this fully 00:12:41.36\00:12:43.32 John. Adventists have the habit of saying that 00:12:43.49\00:12:47.92 there is neither Jew nor gentile we are all one 00:12:48.06\00:12:50.31 in Christ, but that's the scripture. In other words 00:12:50.41\00:12:52.94 modern Israel is no longer relevant in end 00:12:53.16\00:12:55.56 time prophecies, since the Jews were rejected 00:12:55.74\00:12:58.10 by Jesus. There is now only one Israel and that 00:12:58.27\00:13:02.26 is spiritual Israel, you got it, that's the point. 00:13:02.29\00:13:06.17 Spiritual, those who are born again, that's why 00:13:07.16\00:13:11.08 Jesus came to Nicodemus in John chapter 4, and 00:13:11.18\00:13:14.69 in John chapter 3 and he says you must be born 00:13:14.72\00:13:17.69 again. Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler, Nicodemus 00:13:17.89\00:13:21.67 a very wealthy man once gain of the lineage, 00:13:22.06\00:13:25.04 thought that the lineage gave him preeminence 00:13:25.37\00:13:26.93 when Jesus says you must be born again. 00:13:27.14\00:13:29.28 And he went into that dialogue do I go back 00:13:29.66\00:13:31.38 into mother's womb and come back out, he said 00:13:31.54\00:13:33.05 no, you must be born of the water and of the 00:13:33.27\00:13:35.25 spirit. Once again showing that his natural 00:13:35.35\00:13:37.74 birth wasn't good enough but John let's dissect 00:13:37.89\00:13:40.51 this. Go to Romans 9 verse 6 and read that for 00:13:40.60\00:13:44.53 me. Go to Romans 9 and verse 6 and read that 00:13:44.67\00:13:46.93 for me. We're gonna talk about spiritual 00:13:46.96\00:13:49.15 Israel and this is a very important point and you 00:13:49.25\00:13:52.00 may not know that the sons of Jacob, Jacob's 00:13:52.17\00:13:56.67 name was changed from Jacob to Israel at a very 00:13:56.98\00:14:00.04 pivotal movement when he wrestled with Christ, 00:14:00.24\00:14:02.12 when he rested with the angel and he prevailed 00:14:02.28\00:14:04.56 and the word there prevail means he overcame 00:14:04.78\00:14:06.92 and his name was changed from Jacob to 00:14:07.27\00:14:08.81 Israel. So, when the Bible says the children of 00:14:09.02\00:14:10.91 Israel it simply means the children of Jacob. 00:14:10.99\00:14:13.50 Out of this seed a promised nation came with 00:14:14.37\00:14:16.69 a mission, but read what the Bible says about 00:14:16.72\00:14:19.59 this nation in Romans 9 and verse 6. 00:14:19.69\00:14:21.93 But it is not that the word of God has taken no 00:14:23.04\00:14:25.30 effect. For they are not all Israel who are Israel. 00:14:25.58\00:14:28.88 Okay, who are of Israel. Yeah, who are of 00:14:29.52\00:14:31.42 Israel, yes, nor are they all children because they 00:14:31.60\00:14:34.34 are the seed of Abraham; and in another words 00:14:34.37\00:14:36.02 lineage. Right. But, "In Isaac shall or your seed 00:14:36.22\00:14:40.50 shall be called." That is those who are the 00:14:40.69\00:14:43.29 children of the flesh, these are not the 00:14:43.48\00:14:45.45 children of God; but the children of the promise 00:14:45.56\00:14:47.96 are counted as the seed. And that's why it's by 00:14:48.17\00:14:50.37 faith. Okay, so it by flesh? No. Read that text 00:14:50.55\00:14:55.57 again which says the children of flesh, not the 00:14:55.70\00:15:00.07 children of flesh, I think verse 8 or so. 00:15:00.24\00:15:01.87 Yeah, that is those who are the children of the 00:15:02.85\00:15:05.21 flesh, these are not the children of God; but the 00:15:05.43\00:15:08.70 children of the promise are counted as the seed. 00:15:08.79\00:15:10.87 Okay, so here what is being said by Paul the 00:15:11.04\00:15:13.52 Apostle, he is saying that's why we must be 00:15:13.71\00:15:16.35 born of the water and of the spirit because we 00:15:16.56\00:15:18.72 were first born of the flesh and that's what 00:15:18.75\00:15:21.52 Jesus means when he says flesh and blood, 00:15:21.60\00:15:23.70 the natural birth does not give us preeminence 00:15:24.02\00:15:26.67 nor give us right. So the question would be what 00:15:26.76\00:15:29.29 position does the Jews have in reference to the 00:15:29.63\00:15:34.38 standing with God and their prominence with 00:15:34.59\00:15:36.15 God. We're gonna go through, I want to read a 00:15:36.21\00:15:37.93 little bit more because I know you may be 00:15:38.00\00:15:39.71 listening and say, well that's not all I said and 00:15:39.74\00:15:41.99 I wanna honor that. In Matthew 24:32, Jesus 00:15:42.02\00:15:45.45 specifically mentions the fig tree, you'll 00:15:45.76\00:15:48.06 notice an old testament scripture that the fig 00:15:48.14\00:15:49.85 tree always refers to the physical nation of 00:15:49.96\00:15:52.43 Israel. One problem I have with SDA is, of with 00:15:52.62\00:15:55.77 the SDA view is that it doesn't substantiate 00:15:55.80\00:15:59.58 other Biblical text that mention the Jewish 00:15:59.61\00:16:01.78 nation, for example in Romans 11. Paul negates 00:16:01.86\00:16:04.90 the impression that Jews have been permanently 00:16:04.94\00:16:07.95 rejected and you just read that. God had not 00:16:08.08\00:16:11.04 cast away His people? Which he foreknew. 00:16:11.22\00:16:13.92 No, he hasn't. And I said it wasn't the people it 00:16:14.41\00:16:16.68 was the nation. But, I like what you said 00:16:16.86\00:16:19.15 because how are they being accepted now. 00:16:19.36\00:16:21.57 They're being grafted back in by faith in Jesus. 00:16:21.89\00:16:24.81 Okay by what again? Faith in Jesus. 00:16:25.03\00:16:26.50 Okay, not by national origin but by faith in 00:16:26.76\00:16:29.41 Jesus. For we are all saved by grace through 00:16:29.52\00:16:32.42 faith. It's not a national thing, it's not a racial 00:16:32.68\00:16:36.33 thing, it's not an ethnic thing, it's not an origin. 00:16:36.41\00:16:40.43 Even as the leaders and the nation, this day 00:16:40.73\00:16:43.54 they're not believers in Jesus. They have no faith 00:16:43.95\00:16:46.08 or trust in Jesus. You cannot say they're God's 00:16:46.12\00:16:48.54 children. Right, I don't understand how you, 00:16:48.63\00:16:51.47 how that can be missed though, that simple 00:16:51.89\00:16:53.77 statement, they cannot be God's children by 00:16:54.01\00:16:55.67 definition that they are not believers or had, 00:16:55.86\00:16:59.80 don't put their faith in Jesus. 00:16:59.97\00:17:01.26 And that seems pretty simple John, but I think 00:17:02.09\00:17:03.96 that. It doesn't mean God has rejected them? 00:17:04.07\00:17:05.87 It doesn't mean that God says you can't be 00:17:06.62\00:17:08.34 saved. That's right, that's right, that's 00:17:08.69\00:17:10.71 right. Yeah, it doesn't mean that God says you 00:17:10.83\00:17:12.71 can't be saved because salvation is for everyone, 00:17:12.74\00:17:14.84 but you got to, will walk though a couple of 00:17:15.40\00:17:17.10 scriptures here because I think we're gonna 00:17:17.28\00:17:18.37 spend some time on this one, it does require 00:17:18.54\00:17:20.77 some approach. Here is another I'm going to go 00:17:20.85\00:17:23.87 further, it says that even Ellen White and this 00:17:24.14\00:17:26.02 person's letter says, even Ellen White states 00:17:26.10\00:17:27.71 the Jews are to play an important part in the 00:17:28.14\00:17:30.96 later day events, not a problem, but they're not 00:17:31.25\00:17:34.88 the ones to be the only ones to play a part in 00:17:35.38\00:17:39.27 the later day events. And you'll discover today 00:17:39.36\00:17:41.53 that around the world there is a significant 00:17:42.10\00:17:43.59 event and a lot of people up to 1948 and when 00:17:43.78\00:17:46.70 Jews returned to their land and this great battle 00:17:46.95\00:17:50.73 in the middle east over the temple mount. 00:17:50.83\00:17:52.99 Some people look at that as a great significance, 00:17:53.34\00:17:54.96 is it gonna be the Palestinians or the 00:17:55.45\00:17:56.50 Israelites, who is gonna get preeminence in that 00:17:56.73\00:18:01.03 spot. They're fighting for the temple dome or for 00:18:01.18\00:18:03.89 the, the word escapes me of the phrase, the 00:18:03.92\00:18:08.79 dome of the rock. They want that spot because 00:18:08.92\00:18:11.07 they believe it's very, very holy, and then you 00:18:11.21\00:18:13.48 have this long standing thousands of years of 00:18:13.54\00:18:16.04 holy war between one son of Abraham and the 00:18:16.28\00:18:20.36 other son of Abraham because they both believe 00:18:20.39\00:18:22.53 in the preeminence here. But, now let me finish 00:18:22.56\00:18:24.60 it up. The facts are that Jesus cursed the fig tree 00:18:24.63\00:18:29.27 and it is not to bear any fruit again, spiritual 00:18:30.29\00:18:34.55 fruit that is, well you made the point. But, he 00:18:34.70\00:18:37.67 didn't say the fig tree, he didn't say the tree 00:18:37.79\00:18:41.06 would never grow again, which it has. 00:18:41.09\00:18:43.40 According to Paul, blindness in part has 00:18:44.11\00:18:46.10 happened to Israel until the fullness of the 00:18:46.39\00:18:48.85 Gentiles be come in. Now I like, I like that 00:18:49.10\00:18:52.04 text. You know what he is saying here, John, 00:18:52.17\00:18:54.92 is that when the Jews see the power of the 00:18:55.55\00:18:59.50 gospel among the gentiles, their eyes will 00:18:59.85\00:19:02.26 be opened. That's what it's saying. It's not saying 00:19:02.33\00:19:05.46 all of a sudden they're gonna become relevant 00:19:05.73\00:19:07.00 again, it says when the gentiles see the power of 00:19:07.25\00:19:10.26 the gospel, when the Jews see the power of the 00:19:10.39\00:19:13.37 gospel among the gentiles then their eyes will be 00:19:13.55\00:19:16.50 opened. Go to Acts chapter 13 and I want you 00:19:16.71\00:19:20.77 to read verse 42 to 46. And you begin to see that 00:19:20.80\00:19:24.72 that's something that was emphasized in 00:19:24.75\00:19:26.56 scripture on the day when Paul and Barnabas 00:19:26.80\00:19:31.68 were preaching in the city of Antioch. 00:19:31.81\00:19:34.76 Matter of fact, lets start with not 42, lets start 00:19:35.45\00:19:40.24 with verse 46, well verse 44 and yeah, verse 44 00:19:40.44\00:19:47.67 to 50, go through that John and follow us very 00:19:47.81\00:19:50.21 carefully, Acts chapter 13 verse 44 to verse 50. 00:19:50.31\00:19:53.64 On the next Sabbath, almost the whole city 00:19:54.80\00:19:56.47 came together to hear the word of God. 00:19:56.59\00:19:58.28 But when the Jews saw the multitudes, 00:19:59.43\00:20:00.94 they were filled with envy; and contradicting 00:20:01.02\00:20:03.48 and blaspheming, they opposed the things 00:20:03.61\00:20:05.40 spoken by Paul. Then Paul and Barnabas grew 00:20:05.58\00:20:08.99 bold and said, "It was necessary that the word 00:20:09.27\00:20:11.74 of God should be spoken to you first; but since 00:20:11.77\00:20:14.56 you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of 00:20:14.86\00:20:17.40 everlasting life, behold we turn to the Gentiles. 00:20:17.49\00:20:20.60 Okay notice before you go any further. He said 00:20:21.01\00:20:22.63 it was God's plan that the; that you receive the 00:20:22.86\00:20:24.99 message first. But, since you reject it, you see, 00:20:25.17\00:20:32.09 now I want you to get this because it's not God 00:20:32.69\00:20:35.18 rejecting them, it's them rejecting the message. 00:20:35.42\00:20:39.34 And I wonder if the writer here also believes 00:20:39.43\00:20:43.02 the teaching of dual covenant, because that is 00:20:43.05\00:20:46.55 errant teaching as well that's out there today, 00:20:47.26\00:20:48.93 which says well that it's a covenant, that's 00:20:49.06\00:20:50.94 running simultaneously with the Jews as a 00:20:51.20\00:20:52.85 nation and with the Gentiles. But what we 00:20:53.11\00:20:55.19 find here is a shift in the focus of the covenant, 00:20:55.42\00:20:58.18 it's one everlasting covenant. Right. 00:20:58.25\00:21:00.06 But there would have been I've made the 00:21:00.36\00:21:01.81 statement several times before, they would have 00:21:02.01\00:21:03.25 been no church had the children of Israel, 00:21:03.33\00:21:06.84 had the nation of Israel fulfilled their calling to 00:21:06.92\00:21:09.36 spread and to be alight to all the Gentiles. 00:21:09.54\00:21:11.56 Gentiles would have come into that faith in 00:21:12.25\00:21:14.53 Christ through their efforts, but because they 00:21:14.73\00:21:17.04 rejected it there the church was born and the 00:21:17.11\00:21:19.75 Gentiles now have the gospel to share with the 00:21:19.91\00:21:21.80 world. Right, read the rest of it. Verse 47, 00:21:22.09\00:21:24.63 for so the Lord has commanded us: 'I have set 00:21:25.02\00:21:27.33 you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should 00:21:27.53\00:21:30.24 be for salvation to the ends of the earth.' Now 00:21:30.41\00:21:33.43 when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and 00:21:33.47\00:21:35.35 glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as 00:21:35.63\00:21:38.26 had been appointed to eternal life believed. 00:21:38.48\00:21:40.38 And the word of the Lord was being spread 00:21:41.22\00:21:42.82 throughout all that region. And verse 40, verse 00:21:43.01\00:21:46.39 50, last one. But the Jews stirred up the 00:21:46.54\00:21:49.17 devout and prominent women and the chief men 00:21:49.35\00:21:51.82 of the city, raised up persecution against Paul 00:21:51.92\00:21:54.76 and Barnabas, and expelled them from their 00:21:54.79\00:21:57.04 region. Okay, you see clearly once again even 00:21:57.21\00:22:00.03 as the gospel began to impact the life of 00:22:00.13\00:22:02.06 Gentiles, the Jews said we're not gonna have 00:22:02.51\00:22:04.90 this. Now, if you go to verse 42 to 43 you'll see 00:22:05.00\00:22:10.26 that when Paul and Barnabas preached and 00:22:10.37\00:22:12.28 the Greeks and the Gentiles were not 00:22:12.37\00:22:14.17 included they were happy Oh! What a 00:22:14.77\00:22:16.96 wonderful message, they commended them, 00:22:17.01\00:22:18.71 they said this is a beautiful sermon but the 00:22:18.89\00:22:20.87 next Sabbath and almost the entire city 00:22:21.11\00:22:22.82 came together including Gentiles, including 00:22:22.87\00:22:26.22 non-Jews that's when they got upset. And so 00:22:26.63\00:22:29.56 now I want you to catch the picture, they felt 00:22:29.73\00:22:31.57 that they were exclusive, but they were not 00:22:31.75\00:22:34.23 exclusive because it was intended by God that 00:22:34.26\00:22:37.49 the gospel be given to them but then they carry 00:22:37.52\00:22:41.47 that gospel to the world like the post office they 00:22:41.57\00:22:43.57 get the mail, but they carry it to the 00:22:43.73\00:22:45.73 neighborhood. And you know what John if you 00:22:45.82\00:22:47.23 had a poster worker that refused to carry the 00:22:47.26\00:22:48.78 mail to the neighborhood, that poster worker 00:22:48.96\00:22:50.69 will get fired the mail is still the same, the job is 00:22:50.72\00:22:53.31 still the same. If a person has a will, a last 00:22:53.35\00:22:55.87 will in testament and they have two children 00:22:55.94\00:22:57.53 and they have their names both in the will, 00:22:58.00\00:22:59.79 but before the person dies one of the children 00:23:00.29\00:23:02.16 denounced the father and reject the family, 00:23:02.62\00:23:04.89 the father says there is no way I'm leaving 00:23:05.05\00:23:06.66 anything to you. And so he takes that person's 00:23:06.69\00:23:09.14 name out of the will, but the will still stands. 00:23:09.18\00:23:11.14 He still has a will and the one that is remaining 00:23:11.63\00:23:13.67 is the one that gets all the benefit. So, God still 00:23:13.84\00:23:16.32 has a work to be done, but those who reject the 00:23:16.46\00:23:18.45 work that God has called them to do is what this 00:23:18.62\00:23:20.46 issue is all about. It's not about taking the names 00:23:20.56\00:23:23.21 off of the 12 gates and I think that the person 00:23:23.24\00:23:24.96 got so excited they even want so far as 00:23:24.99\00:23:26.73 saying that we believe that the names are gonna 00:23:26.98\00:23:30.30 be taken off the 12 gates and put the names of 00:23:30.39\00:23:32.58 the 12 leaders of seventh-day Adventist 00:23:32.63\00:23:34.25 church on the 12 gates of the heaven. I mean I 00:23:34.38\00:23:36.69 think they got a little carried away there. 00:23:36.78\00:23:38.21 I know you may have been a little bit upset 00:23:38.62\00:23:40.68 but that's, we know that's not true and I 00:23:41.23\00:23:42.60 think that's a cynical statement, that's not 00:23:42.78\00:23:44.48 really warranted in this understanding or 00:23:44.85\00:23:46.70 misunderstanding. Now the bottom line is, 00:23:46.80\00:23:49.22 I'll read a few scriptures and then we'll go ahead 00:23:50.29\00:23:51.59 and wind this up and go to our topic for the day 00:23:51.65\00:23:53.66 but listen carefully. Romans 10 verse 12 to 13 00:23:54.31\00:23:57.46 For there is no distinction, and John by the way, 00:23:58.46\00:24:00.75 I would go to Romans 1 verse 16, I'm gonna go 00:24:01.57\00:24:03.34 to Romans 10 verse 12 to 13, you go to Romans 00:24:03.37\00:24:05.72 1 verse 16. Romans 10 verse 12 and 13, 00:24:05.91\00:24:10.12 for there is no distinction between Jew and 00:24:10.69\00:24:13.74 Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all 00:24:13.97\00:24:18.25 who call upon Him. For whoever calls on the 00:24:19.02\00:24:22.60 name of the Lord shall be saved. See what it 00:24:22.71\00:24:25.90 says, there is no distinction between the 00:24:26.07\00:24:27.32 Jew and the Greek, this is New Testament 00:24:27.44\00:24:29.85 theology. Now, Romans 1 verse 16. 00:24:30.53\00:24:32.73 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, 00:24:34.02\00:24:35.99 for it is the power of God to salvation for 00:24:36.25\00:24:38.73 everyone who believes, for the Jew first and 00:24:38.98\00:24:41.33 also for the Greek. Exactly, so why does it 00:24:41.50\00:24:43.80 say for the Jew first because when you look at 00:24:43.90\00:24:46.16 the Old Testament the Lord gave them the 00:24:46.19\00:24:48.35 oracles of truth, but what happen by the time 00:24:48.68\00:24:51.02 that John the Baptist introduced Jesus, he said 00:24:51.43\00:24:54.19 there is a lamb of God that takes away the sin 00:24:54.45\00:24:56.27 of the world and from that day forth the lamb 00:24:56.38\00:24:58.33 was rejected. And then when the gospel was 00:24:58.63\00:25:00.74 going forth in Acts chapter 1, when Jesus 00:25:00.96\00:25:04.12 ascended just before he ascended he said to the 00:25:04.34\00:25:06.27 disciples now the apostles, he says go first 00:25:06.79\00:25:09.27 to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Go to 00:25:10.19\00:25:14.75 the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 00:25:14.84\00:25:17.09 Give them one more opportunity. 00:25:17.12\00:25:18.09 Give another opportunity and then when they 00:25:18.28\00:25:19.84 rejected Jesus before he ascended, before he 00:25:19.96\00:25:21.85 went to the cross he says behold your house is 00:25:21.88\00:25:24.80 left unto you desolate. So, he showed 00:25:24.85\00:25:27.58 continually the reason why he chose another 00:25:27.78\00:25:31.16 people to carry the gospel is because those 00:25:31.24\00:25:32.93 he had initially chosen, had chosen not to carry 00:25:32.96\00:25:36.60 it. Can they be saved today? Any nationality 00:25:36.63\00:25:39.39 can be saved today. Is there a special work 00:25:39.52\00:25:41.51 to be done for the Jews in the last days, yes? 00:25:41.67\00:25:44.28 And when those who are natural Jews accept the 00:25:45.02\00:25:49.77 gospel of Jesus Christ then they will have a 00:25:50.15\00:25:52.30 great part to play in evangelizing other Jews 00:25:52.57\00:25:56.12 to come and accept the Christ that has been 00:25:56.32\00:25:58.46 accessible all throughout their existence, 00:25:58.62\00:26:01.14 anything else John you have for me? 00:26:01.87\00:26:02.93 I think that's good, it's covered well. 00:26:03.09\00:26:04.46 Okay, anything else you have as far as another 00:26:05.03\00:26:06.34 question. No, we're, we're good, we're at 30 00:26:06.67\00:26:08.35 minutes and I think we ought to go right into 00:26:08.53\00:26:10.20 topic. Okay well friends. About the harvest. 00:26:10.49\00:26:12.50 So, if you have any questions, I know we 00:26:13.65\00:26:14.92 talked about a lengthy topic here about Jews and 00:26:14.99\00:26:16.90 Gentiles, Greeks and all the like, carrier or send 00:26:17.03\00:26:20.06 your questions to housecalls@3abn.org don't 00:26:20.19\00:26:23.15 carry them that will a long way. Once again 00:26:23.41\00:26:25.87 housecalls@3abn.org if you want to send those 00:26:26.12\00:26:28.86 and snail mail once again PO Box 220, West 00:26:28.95\00:26:32.58 Frankfurt, Illinois-62896. We've been enjoying 00:26:32.74\00:26:38.04 this topic about the harvest John. And I think 00:26:38.13\00:26:40.45 we're gonna continue on that so I'll go and let 00:26:40.57\00:26:42.10 you segue into the topic. Well, we covered the 00:26:42.45\00:26:44.64 first part of the harvest here last time by talking 00:26:44.91\00:26:47.28 about it in the context of getting ready for the 00:26:47.42\00:26:50.06 second coming for Jesus to return, right, and we 00:26:50.26\00:26:52.47 saw that when he returns the harvest is ready, 00:26:52.62\00:26:54.83 it's being gathered, it had ripened and then he 00:26:54.88\00:26:57.85 takes that harvest back with him to heaven for 00:26:58.09\00:27:01.51 the 1000 years. Well, the wicked who are left, 00:27:01.64\00:27:05.21 who are burned at his second coming which are 00:27:05.31\00:27:07.90 the tares, the chaff, they are there gathered 00:27:08.04\00:27:11.96 together or bundled to burn at a later date 00:27:12.13\00:27:14.83 after the 1000 years. And we see the lake of 00:27:15.01\00:27:17.46 fire comes down out of heaven at that point in 00:27:17.55\00:27:19.53 Revelation chapter 20. So, that's the secrets of 00:27:19.69\00:27:22.05 events, in fact we've even asked them to pull 00:27:22.48\00:27:23.60 out a piece of paper and continue to draw on this 00:27:23.66\00:27:25.58 time line because they are some things that are 00:27:25.76\00:27:27.77 being taught today that do not fit in well at all 00:27:27.87\00:27:31.36 with what the Bible says about the harvest 00:27:31.94\00:27:33.76 getting it ready in for Jesus second coming. 00:27:34.10\00:27:35.62 That's right. I think one of the things we talked 00:27:35.94\00:27:37.66 about off camera, off program last time was 00:27:37.86\00:27:42.45 that this rapture theory is teaching that there is 00:27:43.80\00:27:46.82 a snatching out or early picking of the harvest 00:27:48.10\00:27:50.81 and that the harvest is left there so that when 00:27:52.14\00:27:54.71 Jesus returns he can get the rest of it. Right. 00:27:54.85\00:27:57.37 But I've never know a harvest to be picked 00:27:58.61\00:28:02.46 until it's ripe, that's right, and so the rapture 00:28:02.72\00:28:06.66 theory even runs against that, there is no 00:28:06.78\00:28:08.54 picking, God doesn't pick his harvest before it's 00:28:08.82\00:28:10.53 ripe and the harvest is all picked together, 00:28:10.74\00:28:12.48 you've got these big combines that go out you 00:28:12.67\00:28:15.22 know and they have their time when that harvest 00:28:15.25\00:28:17.33 is ripe they go out and they pick it all, okay. 00:28:17.53\00:28:20.50 And the owner of it. No, and I just want to bring 00:28:21.00\00:28:23.82 up one verse here just to talk about that 00:28:23.93\00:28:25.37 because Jeremiah 20 says, The harvest is 00:28:25.55\00:28:27.99 past, The summer is ended, And we are not 00:28:28.25\00:28:30.15 saved! Right, so once it's harvested everyone 00:28:30.42\00:28:32.95 else is lost. There is not second chance. 00:28:33.11\00:28:35.29 Is that clear or what? When the harvest is past 00:28:35.73\00:28:40.60 and the summer has ended the only other 00:28:41.02\00:28:43.32 result is you are not saved. There is no second 00:28:43.43\00:28:46.63 chance theology in that at all. You are the chaff, 00:28:46.88\00:28:48.63 you're the tares, you're remaining to be to have 00:28:48.85\00:28:50.93 one thing happen and that is to be burned by the 00:28:51.10\00:28:52.83 lake of fire. None of us want to be there by the 00:28:53.01\00:28:55.36 way and so God is telling us and we are learning 00:28:55.55\00:28:58.06 through this study that the time to get ready is 00:28:58.27\00:29:00.80 as the rest of the harvest gets ready. 00:29:01.15\00:29:02.43 Now some I could hear this echo already John, 00:29:03.57\00:29:06.24 you ready, good. Well these is a first fruit 00:29:06.44\00:29:10.54 that is selected first, but it's still in the 00:29:10.79\00:29:13.70 context of the harvest, always, you don't pick a 00:29:13.86\00:29:15.86 first fruit before it's ripe. The first fruit is 00:29:16.07\00:29:19.35 picked, so those can be the final laborers to 00:29:19.46\00:29:23.13 finish picking the rest of the harvest or reap, 00:29:23.41\00:29:25.52 helping in the reaping work of the rest of the 00:29:25.73\00:29:27.10 harvest. Right. That's know as the 144,000, 00:29:27.28\00:29:29.70 the first fruits to God, right, so we'll look at 00:29:29.93\00:29:31.70 that in the context of the time line here, but I 00:29:31.78\00:29:34.64 think to just set the stage here just notice 00:29:34.67\00:29:36.59 this how the rapture theory flies in the face, 00:29:36.86\00:29:40.01 it opposes, it is against the teaching, clear 00:29:40.11\00:29:43.45 teaching of the harvest that is ready, that is 00:29:43.71\00:29:46.73 ripened and ready to go for Jesus return as he 00:29:46.93\00:29:51.32 reaps with not only his early, the early harvest, 00:29:51.62\00:29:55.22 the first fruits but he reaps by sending his 00:29:55.58\00:29:57.68 angels out to gather that harvest and it all comes 00:29:57.90\00:30:00.45 in at the same time. And you know John, 00:30:00.52\00:30:02.50 that is so wonderfully put together because 00:30:02.67\00:30:04.02 friends you know, a lot of people that are just 00:30:04.37\00:30:05.67 existing in Christianity today believing that the 00:30:06.89\00:30:10.26 rapture could happen at any movement, I mean 00:30:10.72\00:30:13.40 like they could be driving down the freeway 00:30:13.66\00:30:16.18 and or in a plane or in an airport or at the 00:30:16.38\00:30:18.93 alter getting married or whatever and then all of 00:30:19.07\00:30:22.64 a sudden they just disappear and they say 00:30:22.67\00:30:25.41 huh, we were just gathered away, gather, 00:30:25.63\00:30:28.86 we were just snatched away, so they conclude 00:30:29.26\00:30:32.39 that this is the first fruits were taken. 00:30:32.70\00:30:34.76 And the whole church they say was taken the 00:30:35.17\00:30:36.57 whole church. Yeah, the whole Christian 00:30:36.73\00:30:37.96 church, not just a few people but all those that 00:30:37.99\00:30:40.67 are ready will be taken away at the time, 00:30:40.70\00:30:42.30 snatched out of the world and the text that's 00:30:42.52\00:30:45.96 often referred to in reference to that is 00:30:46.09\00:30:47.62 Revelation chapter 4 and that's why many 00:30:47.95\00:30:49.79 denominations don't teach past Revelation 4 00:30:50.06\00:30:52.77 because they say, they say relevant the church 00:30:52.99\00:30:54.90 is not here and then they say that Revelation 7 00:30:55.00\00:30:57.66 talks about the Jews evangelizing the world, 00:30:58.18\00:31:00.95 that's the view of this dispensationalism idea. 00:31:01.47\00:31:04.35 That's why people had a hard time with this 00:31:05.02\00:31:06.32 context about whether or not Israel has 00:31:06.69\00:31:08.19 relevance in the last days. Right, they believe 00:31:08.47\00:31:10.21 that Revelation 7 when it refers to Israel and 00:31:10.26\00:31:13.14 describes the tribes, they refer to the literal 00:31:13.89\00:31:16.03 nation. Right, but we will find that the 00:31:16.22\00:31:17.89 multitudes are involved in this harvest which are 00:31:18.02\00:31:19.96 also in Revelation 7. That's right. 00:31:20.04\00:31:21.86 And not only that, the great harvest in 00:31:22.22\00:31:23.84 Revelation is chapter 14, after chapter 4. So, the 00:31:24.00\00:31:30.42 rapture theory is completely at odds with 00:31:30.66\00:31:33.34 scripture, that's right, so the question is do you 00:31:33.47\00:31:35.55 want to accept a rapture theory that doesn't fit 00:31:35.74\00:31:38.18 or you wanna accept what the scripture says 00:31:39.11\00:31:40.74 about the harvest being ripe and getting ready 00:31:41.17\00:31:42.75 for Jesus return. I need it to be very straight 00:31:42.92\00:31:44.79 here John, because I know we're kind, we are 00:31:44.91\00:31:47.15 very kind guys, you could even see it all over 00:31:47.38\00:31:48.87 our face. We smile. We try to be kind, but we 00:31:49.14\00:31:52.35 have to be pointed at times. Books like The Late 00:31:52.41\00:31:55.37 Great Planet Earth, this new generation 00:31:55.63\00:31:57.64 probably doesn't know that book, written by Hal 00:31:58.11\00:32:00.02 Lindsey many, many years ago The Late Great 00:32:00.35\00:32:02.45 Planet Earth, had espoused a theory that 00:32:02.78\00:32:06.52 was put together by Scofield, Cyrus I. Scofield, 00:32:06.55\00:32:10.32 the Scofield translation of the Bible, the 00:32:10.80\00:32:12.34 Scofield study notes. If you have Scofield study 00:32:12.53\00:32:15.14 notes in your Bible avoid it. Dispensation. 00:32:15.23\00:32:17.82 Avoid it, it's a dispensation, 00:32:18.10\00:32:19.38 dispensational theology that came from John 00:32:20.06\00:32:22.84 and Darby, that came from Francisco Ribera in 00:32:22.94\00:32:28.01 the 1600. Which connected with that also just as 00:32:28.21\00:32:30.21 a quick note is law and grace, right, that there is 00:32:30.24\00:32:32.82 no law in the New Treatment at all, 00:32:32.85\00:32:34.50 when Jesus as he teaches he says if you love me 00:32:34.59\00:32:37.33 keep my commandments, right, so I mean, 00:32:37.44\00:32:38.67 even on the surface you see that there is 00:32:39.02\00:32:40.48 problems with that dispensation theory. 00:32:40.82\00:32:42.23 Yeah, this dispensation theology, what it does, 00:32:42.44\00:32:44.35 it brings you now to the modern day where we 00:32:44.50\00:32:46.20 have these millions and millions and millions 00:32:46.32\00:32:48.98 and millions of books written by Tim LaHaye 00:32:49.01\00:32:50.93 and Jerry Jenkins starting out with the 00:32:50.99\00:32:52.90 you know tribulation for us, left behind you 00:32:53.24\00:32:56.08 know the gathering, one is called the 00:32:56.11\00:32:59.64 gathering, that's right. These are books that were 00:32:59.87\00:33:04.15 greatly circulated, sold by the millions but it's a 00:33:04.45\00:33:09.48 huge lie. I can't say it any other way. I don't 00:33:09.94\00:33:12.73 want anybody watching this program to say will 00:33:12.76\00:33:14.28 they weren't really clear about whether or not 00:33:14.52\00:33:16.06 where they stood, it's not the truth, it's not 00:33:16.09\00:33:19.00 truth. And we are not saying that you're 00:33:19.42\00:33:21.20 intentionally lying, because I believe that 00:33:21.47\00:33:23.03 they believe the dispensation theory, 00:33:23.23\00:33:24.95 what I'm saying is, right, and what I think what 00:33:25.50\00:33:27.36 we're both saying here is that the Bible doesn't 00:33:27.39\00:33:29.35 agree with what those books are espousing. 00:33:29.62\00:33:32.55 Right, and on the back of the books if you turn 00:33:32.91\00:33:34.41 them around and just at the bottom print right 00:33:34.49\00:33:36.79 above the barcode you will see a very word, 00:33:36.95\00:33:39.20 a very important word that will save you time 00:33:39.30\00:33:41.25 from reading the book. The word is fiction, 00:33:41.42\00:33:43.38 turn it around, look at the barcode, right above 00:33:44.30\00:33:45.66 the barcode you see a tiny little about, 00:33:45.71\00:33:47.58 tiny little four point word that is in text size, 00:33:48.09\00:33:52.27 FICTION, when you got to the Christian book 00:33:55.47\00:33:56.98 stores, go to the section that those are sold and 00:33:57.21\00:33:59.89 you see above the section fiction. 00:34:00.13\00:34:01.83 That means it's not true, so please don't make 00:34:02.44\00:34:04.86 that which is not true, take that which is not 00:34:05.07\00:34:07.23 true and try to fit into the story of the 00:34:07.52\00:34:08.88 scriptures because you'll discover that you got to 00:34:08.91\00:34:10.72 give up one, why waste money for that which is 00:34:10.77\00:34:13.42 not bread Jesus said. Get the bread, this is the 00:34:13.58\00:34:16.85 bread, that will give you thoughts, this will give 00:34:17.17\00:34:19.56 you nourishment, that will give you sloth 00:34:19.68\00:34:21.93 and chaff, this will give you wheat. Right, and 00:34:22.03\00:34:24.52 so that's what you want but now keep going 00:34:24.55\00:34:26.48 John. Because we just talked about, we segued 00:34:26.64\00:34:28.90 to the harvest is past, the summer is ended, 00:34:29.06\00:34:30.60 and when then the harvest is past and the 00:34:30.94\00:34:32.29 summer is ended there is no second chance, 00:34:32.41\00:34:34.78 there is nobody else waiting and around for 00:34:35.26\00:34:36.45 another harvest. When the combines go though, 00:34:36.60\00:34:38.82 I like the way you said that, when the combines 00:34:38.89\00:34:41.67 go through and collect all the corn and all the 00:34:41.74\00:34:43.21 grapes, the next thing that's gonna happen is 00:34:43.40\00:34:46.10 the field is gonna be purified by fire. 00:34:46.62\00:34:48.68 Now, you're from California right John? 00:34:49.54\00:34:51.17 Yes, I'm. Have you ever seen those fires that 00:34:51.69\00:34:53.34 bellows the smoke going up in the distance 00:34:54.09\00:34:55.57 outside of Sacramento. Sure. What is in that 00:34:55.67\00:34:58.21 that, what are they doing. Well, they're 00:34:58.57\00:35:01.22 burning, either they're burning the tares, the 00:35:01.49\00:35:06.68 chaffs, the weed and things, so they would be 00:35:06.83\00:35:08.45 no fires set, that are doing damage. We are 00:35:08.58\00:35:11.77 seeing a lot of fires actually in California right 00:35:11.80\00:35:13.51 now because they don't do that and keep up with 00:35:13.60\00:35:16.17 that probably as much as they should but, yeah 00:35:16.24\00:35:18.78 its clear indication that that's what they are 00:35:19.01\00:35:20.54 doing. And what happens is when they gather 00:35:20.70\00:35:23.36 all of the harvest, whatever is left the 00:35:23.56\00:35:25.80 farmers intentionally burn the field, they start 00:35:25.87\00:35:28.22 a fire so that fire burns in a particular direction 00:35:28.34\00:35:31.24 and everything that is there, what it does it 00:35:31.65\00:35:34.38 inadvertently but directly prepares the ground 00:35:34.41\00:35:38.20 for nourishment. Because all that burns up, 00:35:38.32\00:35:41.36 it takes, it gets rid of everything that's weeds 00:35:42.19\00:35:45.58 and tares and chaff and leaves that beautiful 00:35:45.62\00:35:48.70 black topsoil and prepares now for the 00:35:48.92\00:35:51.60 resting of the, resting of the ground during the 00:35:51.77\00:35:54.77 cold part of the year, but go to the next stage. 00:35:54.83\00:35:58.93 I'm looking at John chapter 4 here 'cause 00:35:59.00\00:36:01.36 we're talking about you know the workers in 00:36:01.39\00:36:05.00 God's field. Okay, let's look at the John 4. 00:36:05.22\00:36:07.13 And morning as it gets ripe what goes on there. 00:36:07.16\00:36:09.50 And John chapter 4 gives us some indication 00:36:09.53\00:36:12.65 here as the fields become ripe, what is going on 00:36:12.87\00:36:15.95 in those fields. John, maybe you wanna read 00:36:16.13\00:36:18.59 that one John 4:34. Staring with verse 34 00:36:18.73\00:36:21.44 and listen to this, because we are in fact called 00:36:21.87\00:36:25.27 the workers in the field as you know, you go to 00:36:25.49\00:36:27.35 the central valleys in California any place 00:36:27.42\00:36:29.28 where there's farms, you have people that are 00:36:29.45\00:36:31.50 working there. Jesus said to them, "My food is 00:36:31.77\00:36:38.01 to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish 00:36:38.15\00:36:41.33 His work. Do you not say, they are still four 00:36:41.38\00:36:44.98 months and then comes the harvest? Behold, 00:36:45.25\00:36:47.77 I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the 00:36:47.96\00:36:50.56 fields, for they are already white for 00:36:50.76\00:36:53.36 harvest!" And read verse 36 to 38 John, I won't 00:36:53.63\00:36:57.13 read the whole thing. And he who reaps 00:36:57.18\00:36:58.70 receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal 00:36:59.09\00:37:01.40 life, and both he who sows and he who reaps 00:37:01.61\00:37:04.31 may rejoice together. For in this the saying is 00:37:04.46\00:37:07.21 true: "One sows and another reaps. I sent you 00:37:07.45\00:37:10.39 to reap that for which you have not labored; 00:37:10.53\00:37:12.80 others have labored, and you have entered into 00:37:13.60\00:37:16.09 their labors." Sometimes John, we're there to 00:37:16.12\00:37:19.82 share the gospel and to share the good news of 00:37:19.94\00:37:21.80 Christ with others and they don't seem to want 00:37:22.10\00:37:24.74 to follow it or make that commitment right at 00:37:24.77\00:37:26.58 that time but then someone comes along a 00:37:26.73\00:37:29.48 little while later and that ground, that is 00:37:29.60\00:37:33.30 already kind of begun to germinate is nourished 00:37:33.42\00:37:36.66 enough where they finally then accept. 00:37:36.80\00:37:38.65 And so then we find that they're ready for 00:37:39.51\00:37:42.67 harvest. This gives a concept that we ought to 00:37:42.84\00:37:46.61 grab on to here as pastors and leaders and 00:37:46.80\00:37:48.74 teachers, very important, because sometimes we 00:37:49.04\00:37:52.09 plant and we want to see the fruits right away 00:37:52.49\00:37:54.37 and we feel that because we don't get a baptism 00:37:55.29\00:37:57.81 that we have done nothing. But, that's not what 00:37:58.20\00:38:00.81 the Bible says. First Corinthians 3 verse 00:38:00.93\00:38:03.72 6 and 7, I want to read this for you, I planted, 00:38:03.88\00:38:07.47 Paul is saying Apollos watered, but God gave 00:38:08.09\00:38:12.49 the increase. So, then neither he who plants is 00:38:12.54\00:38:16.81 anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives 00:38:16.88\00:38:21.43 the increase. So, when you have an evangelistic 00:38:21.49\00:38:24.10 series pastor I wanna encourage you Bible 00:38:24.20\00:38:25.71 teacher keep giving Bible studies because you 00:38:25.89\00:38:28.17 maybe the waterer or you may be the planter. 00:38:28.32\00:38:30.23 Yeah. But, God no matter what, God is the 00:38:30.59\00:38:33.18 increase, God is the one who does the 00:38:33.51\00:38:34.99 harvesting, now listen to verse 8. Now he who 00:38:35.23\00:38:38.11 plants and he who waters are one, we're 00:38:38.49\00:38:40.36 doing the same thing and each one will receive 00:38:40.39\00:38:43.19 his own reward according to his own 00:38:45.11\00:38:46.08 labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are 00:38:46.09\00:38:49.65 God's field, you are God's building. So, we're 00:38:49.97\00:38:53.74 working with the Lord, we are not scattering, 00:38:53.78\00:38:56.53 we're gathering with him. So, John may give a 00:38:56.94\00:38:59.30 Bible study and I may come along and bring 00:38:59.44\00:39:01.28 that person to fruition or I may give a Bible 00:39:01.39\00:39:03.51 study and John will come along and baptize 00:39:03.71\00:39:05.27 them, hey, Praise the Lord, we're doing God's 00:39:05.41\00:39:07.47 word, God calls us at different times to do 00:39:07.66\00:39:09.80 different things. So don't let it be become an ego 00:39:09.83\00:39:11.97 thing that somebody has 15 baptisms and you've 00:39:12.18\00:39:14.68 got 5, you maybe the one that did all the 00:39:14.71\00:39:16.69 planting and he came along and watered that 00:39:16.91\00:39:18.75 which you planted for five years, I remember 00:39:18.95\00:39:21.68 going to Barbados, I remember going to 00:39:21.95\00:39:23.88 Trinidad to Rio Claro, you maybe watching 00:39:24.31\00:39:27.33 from Rio Claro. And I did an evangelistic 00:39:27.61\00:39:29.89 series there for one week, a revival. And there 00:39:29.98\00:39:31.95 was a gentleman who was attending church, 00:39:31.98\00:39:35.12 his name is Charlie, I remember him very, 00:39:36.58\00:39:38.60 very well. And he, for years the pastor had been 00:39:38.83\00:39:43.49 trying to get him to join the church. And he just 00:39:43.52\00:39:47.65 for whatever reason wouldn't budge, but that 00:39:47.77\00:39:50.43 pastor had been sowing all those years. He had 00:39:50.57\00:39:52.96 been sowing seeds in that person's life all those, 00:39:52.99\00:39:54.91 he visits Bible studies, prayer and I came along 00:39:55.11\00:39:58.67 and I got the heroes accolade of baptizing him. 00:39:59.75\00:40:02.92 And I thought to myself, but I didn't do all the 00:40:04.64\00:40:06.50 work. I just came along by God's own and God 00:40:06.69\00:40:09.92 said now is the time to give increase, gather 00:40:10.12\00:40:13.04 young man in, gather this father in and that 00:40:13.33\00:40:15.91 family rejoiced. It was a celebration and all and 00:40:16.06\00:40:18.48 sometimes we give accolade to the guy who 00:40:18.66\00:40:21.25 comes in and gets the baptism, the evangelist 00:40:21.54\00:40:23.86 that's comes into town hits and runs, but give 00:40:24.07\00:40:27.60 recognition to the pastor who's laboring 00:40:28.04\00:40:29.68 diligently in the field without notice, he is out 00:40:29.96\00:40:32.72 there sowing seeds, sowing seeds, sowing seeds 00:40:32.96\00:40:35.93 and you have a big series and the evangelist gets 00:40:36.13\00:40:38.33 all the, yeah, it's not good. You know, let's 00:40:38.66\00:40:41.78 define something here, because we're talking 00:40:41.93\00:40:43.48 about the harvest in two respects, we're talking 00:40:43.75\00:40:47.17 about the great harvest that happens at the end 00:40:47.34\00:40:50.19 of time, that is right, but Jesus also speaks in the 00:40:50.30\00:40:54.29 context of harvesting as we go along. So, they're 00:40:54.66\00:40:59.22 sowing and they're reaping, reaping is the 00:40:59.42\00:41:00.99 harvesting or pulling from the harvest that 00:41:01.25\00:41:02.93 has been ripen and so John throughout centuries 00:41:02.96\00:41:05.82 now, harvesting has been going on. Oh! Yes. 00:41:06.51\00:41:09.93 It's just in the very last days the book of 00:41:10.60\00:41:12.56 Revelation tells about a great harvest, okay, 00:41:12.60\00:41:16.04 that's the last harvest that occurs and so if 00:41:16.29\00:41:21.21 you're kind of confused maybe that we're kind 00:41:21.24\00:41:22.56 of talking back and fourth about both, I just 00:41:22.59\00:41:24.62 want to clarify that they're constant 00:41:24.75\00:41:26.77 harvesting going on but then there was a great 00:41:27.09\00:41:29.05 harvest at the end of time. And that is 00:41:29.32\00:41:31.06 something that I think is important for us to 00:41:31.15\00:41:32.63 clarify here, because in the context of that 00:41:32.74\00:41:34.82 timeline that we talked about and that you're 00:41:35.10\00:41:36.31 writing now in your white piece of paper or 00:41:36.47\00:41:38.45 whatever paper you have, there is great harvest 00:41:38.52\00:41:40.72 at the end. Maybe we ought to just read that 00:41:40.75\00:41:42.59 to kind of developing, go for it, and then we can 00:41:42.73\00:41:44.40 go. It's Revelation chapter 14. Okay, 00:41:44.58\00:41:47.61 Revelation 14 around verse 15. And notice here 00:41:48.94\00:41:51.78 that this harvest is, has gone through some 00:41:51.93\00:41:55.41 terrible things, they've gone through a time of 00:41:55.59\00:41:57.73 trouble, they've endured the attacks from the 00:41:57.88\00:42:00.70 beast, they've resisted it's mark chapter 13, 00:42:00.87\00:42:04.31 they've done all these things, and finally at the 00:42:05.77\00:42:07.68 end of time, connected to the return of Jesus 00:42:07.97\00:42:11.04 Christ we find this great harvest. And it says 00:42:11.14\00:42:15.67 here I'll begin with verse 14, okay. In it, 00:42:15.70\00:42:21.17 you know, lets read verse 12 here real quick to get 00:42:21.44\00:42:23.32 a context. Here are the patience of the saints; 00:42:23.64\00:42:25.79 here are those who keep the commandments of 00:42:25.88\00:42:27.20 God and have the faith of Jesus. Those who are 00:42:27.71\00:42:29.54 loyal to him, okay now let's read about the 00:42:29.88\00:42:31.86 harvest verse 14. Then I looked, and behold a 00:42:32.04\00:42:35.16 white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the 00:42:35.54\00:42:38.48 Son of Man, having on His head a golden 00:42:38.66\00:42:40.29 crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. 00:42:40.62\00:42:42.98 You know what a sickle is, sickle is that curved 00:42:43.71\00:42:46.28 blade that you go through. You've seen that in 00:42:46.51\00:42:48.35 the Soviet Union flag, remember that. 00:42:48.41\00:42:50.19 Yeah there we go, sickle there. And its 00:42:50.34\00:42:53.52 says here, another angel came down out of the 00:42:53.70\00:42:56.48 temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat 00:42:56.68\00:42:58.67 on the cloud, "Thrust in Your sickle and reap, 00:42:58.87\00:43:01.78 for the time has come or You to reap, for the 00:43:01.88\00:43:04.51 harvest of the earth is ripe." This is the entire 00:43:04.79\00:43:07.89 earth's harvest now. That's right. 00:43:08.19\00:43:09.44 Not individually harvesting as we are able 00:43:09.74\00:43:11.94 to convert souls and reach those for Jesus. 00:43:12.12\00:43:14.63 This is the full package, the whole thing, 00:43:14.98\00:43:17.30 the gathering, yes. Verse 16 and He who sat on 00:43:17.41\00:43:21.79 the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, 00:43:21.82\00:43:23.77 and the earth was reaped. Then another angel 00:43:24.77\00:43:27.54 came out of the temple which is in heaven, 00:43:27.68\00:43:29.58 he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel 00:43:30.03\00:43:33.27 came out from the altar, who had power over 00:43:33.40\00:43:36.28 fire, and he cried with a loud voice to him who 00:43:36.39\00:43:39.00 had the sharp sickle, saying, "Thrust in your 00:43:39.03\00:43:41.72 sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine 00:43:41.75\00:43:44.25 of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. 00:43:44.28\00:43:46.87 " So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and 00:43:47.66\00:43:49.63 gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into 00:43:49.84\00:43:52.23 the great wine press of the wrath of God. 00:43:52.26\00:43:54.84 And the wine press was trampled outside the 00:43:55.98\00:43:58.07 city; the blood came out of the wine press, 00:43:58.21\00:44:01.31 up to the horses' bridles, for 1600 furlongs. 00:44:01.68\00:44:06.27 Umm! This a terrible picture. Okay, 00:44:06.54\00:44:08.35 this is a terrible picture of the harvest. 00:44:08.38\00:44:10.37 But, know that it's a beautiful terrible picture, 00:44:10.60\00:44:12.52 because one they were two reaping here, 00:44:12.59\00:44:14.12 if you've noticed that, that's right, Jesus but 00:44:14.27\00:44:15.95 then another angel coming, this is the angel 00:44:16.17\00:44:18.32 of bringing destruction and by the way John, 00:44:18.36\00:44:21.21 you know this pictures takes be back right in 00:44:21.41\00:44:22.83 the movement here and I wanna write this 00:44:22.86\00:44:23.83 down, you may even wanna write this down too 00:44:23.92\00:44:25.47 friends because in Egypt, there were two 00:44:25.73\00:44:29.33 harvests, those who had the blood of the Christ 00:44:29.49\00:44:32.62 on their door post when the destroying angel 00:44:32.79\00:44:35.02 came by, the sickle, the second angel here talked 00:44:35.20\00:44:39.31 about all the first born in Egypt died and 00:44:39.50\00:44:43.26 destruction came to Egypt in just a numerable 00:44:43.36\00:44:45.51 ways, but those who are covered by blood of 00:44:46.18\00:44:48.72 lamb, that's right, were passed over. But you 00:44:48.86\00:44:53.44 also have the harvest of the Israelites because 00:44:53.47\00:44:56.79 God sent a message to Egypt to gather them out, 00:44:57.08\00:45:00.16 to get them out of there. And he was in essence 00:45:00.22\00:45:02.02 saying to them like Revelation 18, come out 00:45:02.15\00:45:04.39 of Egypt my people, but in the end time, 00:45:04.62\00:45:06.55 he's gonna be saying come out of Babylon my 00:45:06.58\00:45:08.32 people. And when you look at Revelation, it 00:45:08.53\00:45:10.61 even talks about the place spiritually called 00:45:10.72\00:45:12.55 Egypt it's connecting us back to that event, 00:45:12.70\00:45:14.75 when God delivered his people the first time. 00:45:14.86\00:45:16.90 You see, so you see the way John broke this 00:45:17.52\00:45:19.49 down all the way, the way the Bible broke this 00:45:19.53\00:45:21.49 down from verse 14 to 16 is the beautiful 00:45:21.58\00:45:24.58 harvest. From 17 to 20 is the terrible harvest. 00:45:24.86\00:45:29.03 You see, Jesus gathering as people, but then the 00:45:29.96\00:45:33.42 angel coming and saying now that we've gotten 00:45:33.48\00:45:35.00 all the good stuff. There is a, 00:45:35.03\00:45:36.00 there is some, there is a wine press of the fierceness of the 00:45:39.83\00:45:41.88 wrath of God. And it said in verse 18 at the 00:45:41.99\00:45:44.69 end. Her grapes are fully ripe, yes, yeah. 00:45:44.76\00:45:48.71 That means her sin as Revelation 18 verse 5 00:45:48.80\00:45:53.11 says. Which is the fruit of, their fruit is sin. 00:45:53.40\00:45:55.63 There you go. Not righteousness, their fruit 00:45:56.14\00:45:57.95 is sin, they both, we both have fruit. 00:45:57.98\00:45:59.60 That's right. The harvest entirely in it's, in it's 00:45:59.78\00:46:02.67 entirety has fruit both of it, but some 00:46:02.77\00:46:04.53 righteousness, some sin, but, but notice this here 00:46:04.64\00:46:08.59 John it says that the end is not yet, that the ones 00:46:08.93\00:46:14.87 that are here or all the harvest that's here have 00:46:15.15\00:46:17.58 to go to this time period called the seven last 00:46:17.68\00:46:19.60 plagues, okay, the seven last plagues, which are 00:46:19.63\00:46:23.16 Revelation 15 and 16. And those, who are part 00:46:24.36\00:46:27.53 of the hymn of the, of the harvest of the wicked. 00:46:27.75\00:46:31.66 Those who have the, the fruit of wickedness, 00:46:31.89\00:46:35.49 not righteousness, it says, that they are, are 00:46:36.03\00:46:39.91 thrown into the great wine press of the wrath 00:46:40.47\00:46:42.63 of God. That's their result, that's what they 00:46:42.71\00:46:45.55 go through, okay. So, and then we have chapter 00:46:45.58\00:46:48.68 15 and 16 that great, the great. The seven last 00:46:48.83\00:46:54.24 plagues in that wine press of the wrath of God 00:46:54.29\00:46:56.56 that they're all experiencing. The, the 00:46:56.65\00:46:58.21 fierceness of the wrath of God. There is 00:46:58.32\00:47:01.01 something else, this is the so much here, I'm 00:47:01.17\00:47:02.63 getting excited. Calm dow now John, calm 00:47:02.86\00:47:06.62 down. Okay, here we go. The latter rain is the 00:47:06.80\00:47:14.29 ceiling, when that latter rain happens the farmer 00:47:14.68\00:47:19.19 knows, it's time to go ahead and get the harvest 00:47:19.42\00:47:21.68 go out and get it all. And Jesus says, I will 00:47:22.17\00:47:26.09 send forth my angels and they will and I 00:47:26.37\00:47:30.25 believe I have that down here, read it for me 00:47:30.40\00:47:33.04 John, help me, okay. Matthew 24:31, 00:47:33.23\00:47:37.60 and he will send his angels with a great sound 00:47:37.69\00:47:39.35 of a trumpet and they will gather together his 00:47:39.51\00:47:41.31 elect from the four winds, from one end of 00:47:41.50\00:47:43.16 heaven to another. Okay, at least that's one of 00:47:43.31\00:47:45.12 them. That's right, and so, so that's what I'm 00:47:45.32\00:47:47.04 talking about. He's and the way the angels know 00:47:47.21\00:47:49.47 who to gather is because some are righteous, 00:47:49.65\00:47:51.80 some are, okay. Okay, here we go. 00:47:52.60\00:47:53.83 Joel, we didn't cover Joel, we gotta hit Joel 00:47:54.11\00:47:56.36 because we're right on this subject now. Okay, 00:47:56.51\00:47:57.77 but I'm, finish the point and go to Joel. Okay, 00:47:58.01\00:48:00.84 if you have the righteous and then you have the 00:48:01.27\00:48:02.92 wicked. You and so, there is a sealing that 00:48:03.08\00:48:06.01 makes it very clear. What category each one 00:48:06.28\00:48:08.79 is in? Revelation 22:11. He that is unjust, 00:48:08.93\00:48:12.18 let him be unjust still. He that is filthy let him 00:48:12.84\00:48:15.54 be filthy still. He that is righteous, let him be 00:48:15.73\00:48:18.24 righteous still. He that is holy, let him be holy 00:48:18.41\00:48:20.81 still; good grapes taken into the barn of God, 00:48:20.98\00:48:25.56 the wheat. The tares, the bad grapes, they're 00:48:25.88\00:48:30.21 gathered to be, set side to be. Set aside to 00:48:30.57\00:48:32.77 receive the wrath of God, set aside to be burned 00:48:33.01\00:48:35.35 as chaff. That's right, okay. But they; but they 00:48:35.61\00:48:37.89 all designated by the end of the harvest, 00:48:38.12\00:48:39.79 that's why we're saying to you and I want to 00:48:40.09\00:48:41.60 reiterate going back to the beginning point, 00:48:41.82\00:48:43.08 that declaration of who's going, and who's 00:48:43.72\00:48:45.30 staying is not made until the sealing takes place. 00:48:45.52\00:48:48.00 That's right. And the sealing doesn't happen at 00:48:48.31\00:48:49.63 the, at the. There is no rapture because, there is 00:48:49.66\00:48:52.39 no sealing, right, at that particular point, 00:48:52.44\00:48:54.90 you see. Go ahead. Yeah, and the, the 00:48:55.29\00:48:57.73 thing is, the point is that you made with the 00:48:57.86\00:48:59.31 sealing, is that every decision has been made at 00:48:59.48\00:49:01.67 that point. For the whole world. That's your 00:49:01.70\00:49:03.47 decision made, so the harvest in this last days 00:49:03.62\00:49:06.74 that Revelation 14 is talking about is 00:49:07.01\00:49:08.46 everything is done, is pulled up. That's it. 00:49:08.66\00:49:10.61 There is nothing left. See, this has been 00:49:10.73\00:49:11.97 harvesting, that's going along throughout these 00:49:12.07\00:49:13.79 years, but at the end of time that final harvest 00:49:13.98\00:49:16.28 will occur. Both, both the righteous and the 00:49:16.38\00:49:19.33 wicked will be harvested and decisions will 00:49:19.51\00:49:21.43 have been made. Now, go to Joel chapter 3, 00:49:21.65\00:49:24.96 and we'll see that this is exactly what's 00:49:25.86\00:49:27.49 happening. Okay, Joel chapter 3, okay, we're 00:49:27.61\00:49:31.75 there. After Joel chapter 2 talks about that his 00:49:32.04\00:49:36.13 spirit is poured out on, on his, on his people, 00:49:36.33\00:49:39.80 his sons and his daughters to prophecy. 00:49:39.91\00:49:41.78 We know, that is the latter rain, Holy Spirit 00:49:42.57\00:49:44.76 outpouring, we get then to chapter 3 and here is 00:49:44.89\00:49:48.00 what it's saying in chapter 3. Behold in 00:49:48.15\00:49:51.46 those days and at that time, when I bring the 00:49:51.70\00:49:54.27 back, back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem I 00:49:54.32\00:49:56.98 will also gather, will do what? Gather. Gather 00:49:57.01\00:50:01.20 all nations and bring them down to the valley 00:50:01.41\00:50:03.87 of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment 00:50:03.96\00:50:06.99 with them there. Okay, so you wonder, well 00:50:07.11\00:50:08.74 what, what is gonna. What happened to the 00:50:08.77\00:50:11.39 valley of Jehoshaphat. By the way Jehoshaphat 00:50:11.55\00:50:14.20 means Yahweh is judge, by the way. So, the 00:50:14.41\00:50:17.63 valley of Jehoshaphat is where judgment takes 00:50:17.93\00:50:19.44 place. You know, I said this and maybe I've 00:50:19.65\00:50:21.94 gotten in trouble for before, but I, I don't 00:50:22.15\00:50:24.15 think too much trouble because it's very 00:50:24.28\00:50:25.62 Biblical. Many say that the last decisions are 00:50:25.77\00:50:29.70 made in this battle of Armageddon, but that's 00:50:29.92\00:50:33.44 not the case. No. The battle of Armageddon, 00:50:33.51\00:50:36.98 it doesn't actually occur in Armageddon, 00:50:38.31\00:50:40.09 because if you look back at Revelation 16, 00:50:41.27\00:50:43.54 it says, that those who gathered together or 00:50:43.67\00:50:45.52 those gathered together at that time in 00:50:45.66\00:50:47.01 Armageddon are coming from the spirits of 00:50:47.10\00:50:49.37 demons and devils, those that gather on the 00:50:49.51\00:50:51.36 weaken side are from Armageddon, but God's 00:50:51.59\00:50:54.64 people don't dwell in Armageddon. They just 00:50:54.88\00:50:57.24 are impacted by the battle of Armageddon, 00:50:57.47\00:50:59.23 right, but the people who have not made their 00:50:59.63\00:51:01.60 decisions aren't in Armageddon. They're 00:51:01.75\00:51:03.55 actually in the valley of Jehoshaphat as it says, 00:51:03.73\00:51:05.53 making their decision where God will judge. 00:51:05.74\00:51:07.61 And if you want to see more of this, look at 00:51:07.71\00:51:08.85 this, verse 12. Now, I'm getting excited. Okay. 00:51:08.89\00:51:12.36 Verse 12, let the nations be awakened and come 00:51:12.56\00:51:15.52 up to the valley of Jehoshaphat. For there 00:51:15.67\00:51:19.26 I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. 00:51:19.42\00:51:22.08 Put in the sickle; for the harvest is ripe, come, 00:51:22.91\00:51:26.00 go down for the wine press is full. The vats 00:51:26.28\00:51:28.86 overflow for their wickedness is great. 00:51:29.13\00:51:31.20 That's right. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley 00:51:31.75\00:51:34.96 of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in 00:51:35.27\00:51:37.74 the valley of decision. The sun and moon will 00:51:37.78\00:51:39.67 grow dark, and the stars will diminish their 00:51:39.83\00:51:41.76 brightness. The Lord will roar from Zion, 00:51:41.99\00:51:44.92 and utter his voice from Jerusalem, the heavens 00:51:45.04\00:51:46.93 and earth will shake, but the Lord will be a 00:51:47.02\00:51:48.86 shelter for his people and the strength of the 00:51:49.16\00:51:51.35 children of Israel. Here's the exciting thing John, 00:51:51.43\00:51:54.75 look at this, Jerusalem is here. Okay, outside of 00:51:54.89\00:51:58.33 Jerusalem you go down to the valley of 00:51:58.43\00:51:59.96 Jehoshaphat. Outside of the city. Above that 00:52:00.10\00:52:03.38 valley to the north you have Megiddo, 00:52:03.51\00:52:05.40 Armageddon, the valley or the valley of 00:52:06.19\00:52:08.97 Megiddo from the north. We know Babylon's 00:52:09.53\00:52:12.06 attack comes from the north. That's where 00:52:12.23\00:52:14.35 Armageddon is. The decisions are made right 00:52:14.74\00:52:17.10 in the middle. The question is, do you go, 00:52:17.33\00:52:19.26 do you go by way of the north. Babylon, 00:52:19.97\00:52:22.43 or do you go by way of the east, Jerusalem. 00:52:22.83\00:52:25.56 Good picture. Just, I mean even 00:52:27.59\00:52:29.15 the geography is, is, is impactful here when you 00:52:29.18\00:52:31.91 study this out. It's just very, very neat. 00:52:32.13\00:52:34.05 So, anyway read Joel. Joel is an end time 00:52:34.23\00:52:37.97 prophetic book. And Joel by the way, 00:52:38.23\00:52:40.51 is where John when, when Revelation comes 00:52:41.16\00:52:43.60 together. Revelation is a compilation of pieces 00:52:43.73\00:52:47.80 to a puzzle. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. 00:52:48.50\00:52:50.68 And it all comes together in Revelation, 00:52:50.91\00:52:52.39 you find pieces of the treasure in Joel and 00:52:52.50\00:52:53.89 other Old Testament prophets, but a couple of 00:52:54.00\00:52:57.03 points I want to also make before we go finally 00:52:57.25\00:53:00.17 into the harvest. The harvest always comes 00:53:00.31\00:53:02.61 after the spring in summer. Always comes 00:53:03.19\00:53:07.20 after the spring in summer. The other thing 00:53:07.56\00:53:12.38 is, if we're not ready for the harvest we will 00:53:12.47\00:53:14.44 miss it. The harvest is passed, the summer is 00:53:14.74\00:53:17.22 ended. We're not saved. The harvest is a season 00:53:17.31\00:53:20.53 of gathering. The harvest is a season of saving. 00:53:20.56\00:53:24.13 The harvest is a season of destruction. Yeah. 00:53:25.15\00:53:27.93 The harvest is a season of also people that have 00:53:28.49\00:53:30.92 not made their minds to be saved or not given 00:53:31.06\00:53:33.67 their lives to Christ, they will be lost. 00:53:33.74\00:53:35.40 The harvest is a significant time, 00:53:35.76\00:53:37.58 but also until the harvest is ripe, 00:53:38.24\00:53:40.40 gathering doesn't occur. You see, Revelation 00:53:41.59\00:53:44.48 15:7. John, you, I thought, you, you 00:53:44.57\00:53:49.50 went okay. We went there, but we need to go 00:53:49.54\00:53:51.73 back to this. I don't want to go to Revelation 00:53:51.85\00:53:53.46 15 yet. I'm going to go to Revelation, back to 00:53:53.68\00:53:55.88 Revelation 14 because we talked about the 00:53:56.07\00:53:58.58 laborers. We talked about the laborers. 00:53:58.76\00:54:01.92 Those who are gonna labor, but the Revelation 00:54:02.99\00:54:05.16 7 and Revelation 14 give us a picture of the 00:54:05.39\00:54:10.07 laborers. You know where I'm headed with 00:54:10.46\00:54:11.93 Yeah, sure. Okay, so segue into that for me. 00:54:12.31\00:54:14.67 Well, Revelation 7 talks about two groups and 00:54:15.26\00:54:17.50 they're currently delineated there in 00:54:17.55\00:54:19.41 Revelation 7. The first that's introduced is the 00:54:20.00\00:54:25.61 144,000 it says, you are sealed by God and 00:54:25.78\00:54:29.43 notice that the winds, the four winds are not 00:54:29.57\00:54:31.72 let loose to blow upon the earth until they're 00:54:31.85\00:54:33.92 sealed. That's right. Reason for that is 00:54:34.19\00:54:36.04 because that calamity that comes that shakes 00:54:36.29\00:54:38.32 the nations, that causes them to have to evaluate 00:54:38.46\00:54:40.49 their life can't come unless the messengers are 00:54:40.70\00:54:43.54 already prepared and ready to go. That's right. 00:54:43.61\00:54:45.62 So, they're ready to go. And what we find in 00:54:46.09\00:54:48.36 verse 9 of Revelation 7 is that finally a great 00:54:48.59\00:54:51.48 multitude, which no one could number of all 00:54:51.69\00:54:53.45 nations, tries peoples and tongues, standing 00:54:53.63\00:54:56.37 before the thrown and before the lamb, clothed 00:54:56.51\00:54:59.37 in white robe, so that is the harvest that is 00:54:59.40\00:55:03.69 finally completed, but the laborers there are 00:55:04.01\00:55:07.88 the 144,000 who are preaching, who are 00:55:07.91\00:55:10.58 God's prophets, who are God's servants, it says 00:55:10.76\00:55:12.71 the servants of God, who finish, help to finish 00:55:12.80\00:55:15.45 the work. So, you find that the, these 144,000 00:55:15.49\00:55:18.66 are standing poised to now this final gathering, 00:55:18.70\00:55:22.27 because remember I used the comparison 00:55:22.82\00:55:23.85 earlier. There was a final call, God's 00:55:23.94\00:55:26.03 messengers were sent to Egypt. Moses and 00:55:26.19\00:55:28.98 Aaron were sent to Egypt to, to carry this final 00:55:29.15\00:55:31.59 message the pharaoh to let God's people go that 00:55:31.73\00:55:33.80 they may serve him. In the last days, there's 00:55:33.90\00:55:35.82 gonna be a let my people go, but this call is 00:55:35.93\00:55:38.14 going to spiritual Babylon where people are in 00:55:38.34\00:55:40.04 darkness. Let them go that they may worship me 00:55:40.28\00:55:42.44 in spirit and in truth. Let them go that they 00:55:42.51\00:55:44.12 may honor me. And this final message 00:55:44.15\00:55:46.09 comes through the preaching of a 144,000. 00:55:46.39\00:55:48.54 Revelation 18, says, that, that, that message 00:55:49.27\00:55:52.24 that they preached Babylon has fallen is 00:55:52.38\00:55:54.05 repeated, but now it's repeated with a loud 00:55:54.18\00:55:55.84 voice, loud voice, yeah. And then they, but they 00:55:56.13\00:55:57.84 add to it come out of her my people, like it 00:55:57.97\00:56:00.11 was come out of Egypt, now come out of 00:56:00.31\00:56:01.40 Babylon. And that's all the false systems of the 00:56:01.65\00:56:03.80 earth. Religion as well as secular systems, 00:56:03.83\00:56:06.76 they all call us together under Satan's banner to 00:56:06.90\00:56:09.97 destroy the work of God, but God says, I'm 00:56:10.05\00:56:12.20 going to destroy their work, come out of her. 00:56:12.48\00:56:14.41 Yeah, and in the sequence of, of time and, 00:56:14.57\00:56:16.93 and structure here, Revelation 14 also 00:56:17.01\00:56:19.50 introduces 144,000. The messages they preach 00:56:19.66\00:56:22.58 and the harvest as a result of that message. 00:56:23.00\00:56:24.91 That's right. This stuff just comes together 00:56:25.12\00:56:27.01 perfectly. John, I'm not sure we need to spend a 00:56:27.18\00:56:29.49 whole another time on 15 and 16. 'Cause those 00:56:29.61\00:56:31.64 are just the, the ancillary, last plagues, 00:56:31.67\00:56:33.81 but go ahead and say your final comments here, 00:56:34.67\00:56:36.10 because this is exciting. We got to get this. 00:56:36.22\00:56:38.30 Now, we talked about first fruits, the 144,000 00:56:39.14\00:56:42.43 are the first fruits before the harvest is 00:56:42.56\00:56:44.02 done. Revelation 14 and verse 4, these are the 00:56:44.16\00:56:47.02 ones who are not defiled with women of 00:56:47.26\00:56:48.70 the churches, for they are virgins, pure message. 00:56:48.93\00:56:51.08 They are the ones who follow the lamb 00:56:51.53\00:56:52.79 wherever he goes. They were redeemed 00:56:53.19\00:56:54.85 from among men being first fruits to God and 00:56:55.02\00:56:57.59 to the lamb. So, and finally what it is in 00:56:57.88\00:57:00.67 their mouth was found no deceit for they are 00:57:00.86\00:57:03.05 without fault before the throne of God. 00:57:03.25\00:57:04.58 Their message is pure, that's the message of the 00:57:04.88\00:57:06.82 final gathering. Yeah, the three angel's 00:57:07.04\00:57:08.79 messages which are being proclaimed, the 00:57:08.96\00:57:10.92 everlasting gospel being claimed to all the world 00:57:11.04\00:57:12.98 in your hearing even today. That's right, 00:57:13.35\00:57:15.45 John I, I think we tried to squeeze all these into 00:57:16.26\00:57:18.39 a knapsack and just vacuum pack it. We tried 00:57:18.95\00:57:21.13 to do our best, but if you have any questions 00:57:21.27\00:57:23.05 you know where to find us, but friends think 00:57:23.12\00:57:24.83 about this. The time for sowing is now, 00:57:24.94\00:57:27.23 get ready because Jesus is soon to come. 00:57:27.69\00:57:29.32 The harvest is soon be ready by 00:57:29.37\00:57:31.69 accepting Christ today. 00:57:31.72\00:57:33.37