Hello friends grab your Bible and a friend 00:00:01.98\00:00:02.95 and sit back as we explore God's word together 00:00:02.96\00:00:05.30 on this edition of House Calls. 00:00:05.31\00:00:07.93 Well friends welcome to tuning into House Calls, 00:00:22.42\00:00:24.86 my name is John Lomacang and I'm so glad 00:00:24.87\00:00:27.74 that you've chosen to tune in and join us 00:00:27.75\00:00:29.66 for program that's going to be informative 00:00:29.67\00:00:31.52 and we believe Christ's centered and Bible based. 00:00:31.73\00:00:35.22 Hit the record button right now you don't want 00:00:35.47\00:00:37.52 to miss the program because in the studio 00:00:37.75\00:00:39.40 with me is my very good friend John Stanton. 00:00:39.62\00:00:42.29 It's good to be hear John and once again, 00:00:42.49\00:00:43.73 it's right, studying the word. 00:00:44.00\00:00:45.55 It's always good to be together because when we 00:00:45.77\00:00:47.33 get emails this is John we both could answer it. Yeah. 00:00:47.53\00:00:50.35 Sometimes when I answer I answer on our behalf 00:00:50.60\00:00:54.36 of both of us it's a program I say Pastor's John 00:00:54.56\00:00:57.27 so, that's good, anyway to sign-off. 00:00:57.51\00:00:59.49 Sometimes they kinda corner as though, 00:00:59.70\00:01:00.98 they say John Stanton I have a question 00:01:01.57\00:01:02.58 for you John Lomacang. Yeah. 00:01:02.79\00:01:04.11 But nonetheless friends we are always pleased 00:01:04.36\00:01:06.69 when you chose to tune in and this is the program 00:01:06.91\00:01:10.12 that you share with your friends, you neighbors, 00:01:10.30\00:01:11.55 your church members so if you are gonna record it 00:01:11.74\00:01:13.30 this is good time to hit the record button 00:01:13.51\00:01:15.31 and before we go any further we are gonna ask 00:01:15.55\00:01:17.86 that John to have prayer for us. Let's do that. 00:01:18.07\00:01:21.48 Our Father in heaven it's so good to be able to open 00:01:22.20\00:01:24.71 up your word Lord and spend some time with you 00:01:24.92\00:01:26.74 and we just ask that you will be hear, 00:01:26.92\00:01:28.27 that your presence will minister to us 00:01:28.48\00:01:30.51 and speak through us as your word 00:01:30.69\00:01:33.31 also speaks to us in Jesus name, amen. 00:01:33.52\00:01:35.75 And also when you send your questions 00:01:36.35\00:01:38.30 to our program which is so widely important to us 00:01:38.51\00:01:40.93 because the questions make the program worthwhile, 00:01:41.12\00:01:43.56 send those questions to the House Call email address, 00:01:43.76\00:01:46.70 housecalls@3abn.org, that's housecalls@3abn.org 00:01:46.90\00:01:52.46 and we will try our best to get to those, 00:01:52.65\00:01:54.68 if we missed your questions send another one 00:01:54.90\00:01:57.25 and tell us you missed my question 00:01:57.45\00:01:59.63 and we'll try to get to it. 00:01:59.84\00:02:01.07 So John let's jump right into the questions today 00:02:01.29\00:02:03.50 what do you have with you? 00:02:03.67\00:02:04.64 You know this question has come up several times, 00:02:04.65\00:02:06.10 alright. Let's go ahead and answer this. 00:02:06.33\00:02:08.05 And it took a little bit of quick jotting down 00:02:08.25\00:02:10.54 some numbers and figures to be able to provide 00:02:10.75\00:02:12.63 this answer but, alright, well the question is 00:02:12.64\00:02:14.55 this and it comes from Georgia and it says, 00:02:14.56\00:02:18.91 she is asking where did the wives for Cain 00:02:18.92\00:02:21.30 and Seth come from? I tried to find it in the 00:02:21.31\00:02:25.20 Bible but all I can find is references 00:02:25.21\00:02:27.25 to their wives. If Adam and Eve 00:02:27.26\00:02:29.67 just had three sons where did the women 00:02:29.68\00:02:32.18 come from? Well, you know the Bible doesn't 00:02:32.19\00:02:35.93 give us every minute detail of the lives of 00:02:35.94\00:02:38.51 every character in it. For the descendants 00:02:38.52\00:02:43.64 continue on from Adam there had to have 00:02:43.65\00:02:45.50 been daughters also born to Adam and Eve, 00:02:45.51\00:02:47.89 so that's an assumption that we can make very 00:02:47.90\00:02:51.71 logically from the text. However, what I did 00:02:51.72\00:02:55.31 here was some are saying, you know 00:02:55.32\00:02:57.16 where did they go to find other, 00:02:57.17\00:03:00.30 you know people and nations, you know 00:03:00.31\00:03:02.39 wives for themselves and one of the ways 00:03:02.40\00:03:05.42 I think is a little bit of a carport but one 00:03:05.43\00:03:07.52 of the ways many tried to explain that there 00:03:07.53\00:03:09.56 are other people on the earth is to say 00:03:09.57\00:03:11.64 and you've heard this John separate 00:03:11.65\00:03:13.34 Genesis 1 from Genesis 2, the Genesis 1 00:03:13.35\00:03:16.55 was a description of the creation of mankind, 00:03:16.56\00:03:19.70 and Genesis 2 was more of a creation of 00:03:19.71\00:03:22.35 Adam and Eve and their story or something, 00:03:22.36\00:03:25.14 okay. And so we've heard that before 00:03:25.15\00:03:27.00 but I don't buy. I believe Genesis 1 00:03:27.01\00:03:28.68 and 2 go hand in hand, right. 00:03:28.69\00:03:30.18 Adam and Eve, the New Testament tells 00:03:30.19\00:03:31.92 us Adam is the father of all people. 00:03:31.93\00:03:34.11 So everything comes down as a descendant 00:03:34.12\00:03:36.31 from Adam and Eve. But here's what I did. 00:03:36.32\00:03:38.57 Just a quick calculation very rough, 00:03:38.58\00:03:40.57 generations are typically spoken of 00:03:40.58\00:03:43.24 in the Bible is being 40 years, 00:03:43.25\00:03:45.53 and so I did a real quick calculation is, 00:03:45.54\00:03:49.44 if each pair had five children. 00:03:49.45\00:03:54.01 Okay, now we are talking about people 00:03:54.02\00:03:55.67 that lived for nearly 1000 years, 00:03:55.68\00:03:57.55 so 5 is conservative, I'm trying to use 00:03:57.56\00:03:59.73 conservative members here. 00:03:59.74\00:04:01.08 But if each couple had just five children 00:04:01.09\00:04:03.82 then in 1140 year generations the earth 00:04:03.83\00:04:08.88 would be full or would be populated with 00:04:08.89\00:04:11.52 over 200 million people. 00:04:11.53\00:04:14.17 That's a lot of, that's a lot. 00:04:14.18\00:04:15.93 In just 1140 year generations, that's 00:04:15.94\00:04:18.78 440 years. So in less than half of Adam's age, 00:04:18.79\00:04:23.94 less than half of Adam's total age 00:04:23.95\00:04:25.66 we've got 200 maybe 300 million people 00:04:25.67\00:04:28.41 on the earth. That is, that's serious. 00:04:28.42\00:04:30.71 And we have a problem with where did Seth 00:04:30.72\00:04:34.59 and Cane get their wives, I mean we don't 00:04:34.60\00:04:38.39 know the time that it took for them to get 00:04:38.40\00:04:40.65 married, but if you are living 900 years, 00:04:40.66\00:04:43.37 you are not in a hurry. Well it's truly. 00:04:43.38\00:04:45.62 And it's very well possible that they 00:04:45.63\00:04:47.33 waited till 300 years to be married, 00:04:47.34\00:04:49.68 that Cain looked for a wife and wandered 00:04:49.69\00:04:51.79 on his for sometime until descendants 00:04:51.80\00:04:55.01 grew up the pit face of earth, 00:04:55.02\00:04:57.12 descendants that were his cousins 00:04:57.13\00:04:58.53 but got further and further away from 00:04:58.54\00:05:00.31 being a direct cousin or first or second 00:05:00.32\00:05:03.25 cousin as we call today and he married 00:05:03.26\00:05:05.53 one of them. So this is not a leap of faith 00:05:05.54\00:05:08.16 to say that Cain married one of his 00:05:08.17\00:05:10.86 distant, distant, distant, distant cousins. 00:05:10.87\00:05:12.86 Because you know, I could say John 00:05:12.87\00:05:14.64 you are my cousin. Well in fact you are right. 00:05:14.65\00:05:17.66 Because somewhere we are tied in. 00:05:17.67\00:05:19.67 Now I see why people say we look alike somewhat. 00:05:19.68\00:05:22.79 Yeah, had their word. But truly, but anyway, 00:05:22.80\00:05:25.71 that point is, just quick. I mean just a 00:05:25.72\00:05:27.21 quick thing. If we really think about this, 00:05:27.22\00:05:29.41 the Bible, although it's silent on exactly 00:05:29.42\00:05:31.57 where the wives of Cain and Seth came from, 00:05:31.58\00:05:33.86 it's not easy, it's not hard to see 00:05:33.87\00:05:35.72 they were plenty of women to choose from. 00:05:35.73\00:05:37.99 And John when you follow that line of thinking, 00:05:38.00\00:05:40.41 which is not unusual, because Adam lived 00:05:40.42\00:05:44.00 to be 930. Yes! That's right. Now 930 years, 00:05:44.01\00:05:49.34 now how many people will be born to a single 00:05:49.35\00:05:52.06 family that continues to multiply and multiply 00:05:52.07\00:05:54.17 and multiply. I just used 5. I mean we can be 00:05:54.18\00:05:57.18 10, 15, 20, and then you are talking a billion 00:05:57.19\00:06:00.56 people on this earth. So, we have often 00:06:00.57\00:06:05.19 forget that there's exponential growth 00:06:05.20\00:06:07.30 in population back then with the time 00:06:07.31\00:06:09.41 that people lived, and nope people weren't 00:06:09.42\00:06:11.27 getting sick like we get sick today. 00:06:11.28\00:06:13.11 People lived like you are saying, 00:06:13.12\00:06:14.79 900, 800, 700 years. And you talked about even 00:06:14.80\00:06:18.27 some of them who had lived for many, many 00:06:18.28\00:06:20.17 hundred years and it says that when they 00:06:20.18\00:06:22.19 died their strength was not even abated. 00:06:22.20\00:06:24.79 You know they were still strong. 00:06:24.80\00:06:26.34 They didn't die because they had cataracts 00:06:26.35\00:06:29.61 that went wild and turned into cancer. 00:06:29.62\00:06:32.11 I am just kind of feeling some ridiculous 00:06:32.12\00:06:33.75 scenes out there because cataracts 00:06:33.76\00:06:34.85 don't usually go that deeper, but you will 00:06:34.86\00:06:37.74 see that in the Bible it talks about the 00:06:37.75\00:06:39.88 multiplication and as you would say the soleil 00:06:39.89\00:06:43.98 growth of humanity. Just for example look 00:06:43.99\00:06:46.93 at Matthew 1, and starting with verse 17, 00:06:46.94\00:06:50.33 it talks about the Genealogy. 00:06:50.34\00:06:52.65 When you look at the Genealogy of Christ, 00:06:52.66\00:06:54.93 it takes as obviously, if you would look at 00:06:54.94\00:06:56.92 verse 1 of Matthew 1, it says the book of the 00:06:56.93\00:07:00.78 Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, 00:07:00.79\00:07:04.26 the son of Abraham. Now you noticed, 00:07:04.27\00:07:06.80 he talked about generations, David 00:07:06.81\00:07:08.91 and Abraham will fall apart. 00:07:08.92\00:07:10.64 They were not in the same generation. 00:07:10.65\00:07:12.50 Christ fall apart from David's generation 00:07:12.51\00:07:15.68 and from Abraham's generation 00:07:15.69\00:07:18.00 and then go further back then from 00:07:18.01\00:07:19.48 Adam's generation. But you will notice 00:07:19.49\00:07:21.32 how it puts together in a very neatly 00:07:21.33\00:07:24.45 assembled package, starting in verse 17 00:07:24.46\00:07:27.94 of Matthew Chapter 1. So all the generations 00:07:27.95\00:07:31.93 from Abraham today that are 14 generations 00:07:31.94\00:07:35.33 from David until the captivity in Babylon 00:07:35.34\00:07:37.82 are 14 generations, and from the captivity 00:07:37.83\00:07:41.12 in Babylon until the Christ are 14 generations. 00:07:41.13\00:07:44.34 So we just do that growth in those 00:07:44.35\00:07:46.19 generations alone, you see clearly that's what 00:07:46.20\00:07:49.28 14, 14, 14, that's what 42 generations right 00:07:49.29\00:07:53.55 there, and their exponential growth 00:07:53.56\00:07:55.59 with the people that are living in that 00:07:55.60\00:07:56.95 generation, we are talking some serious growth. 00:07:56.96\00:07:59.41 Oh yeah, and, yeah so don't let someone 00:07:59.42\00:08:03.52 throw you off, try to, you know there's 00:08:03.53\00:08:05.11 another creation, there's more people. 00:08:05.12\00:08:06.75 It was a different situation back then. 00:08:06.76\00:08:09.21 People lived so long and the earth was 00:08:09.22\00:08:12.39 very populated. I think part of a concern 00:08:12.40\00:08:14.63 that people have and there's something that, 00:08:14.64\00:08:16.08 let me just, I think we could be safe to 00:08:16.09\00:08:17.87 put it in this context, if your mother has a 00:08:17.88\00:08:24.21 sister and you are thinking about, 00:08:24.22\00:08:28.76 and I am just going to be very candid, 00:08:28.77\00:08:30.39 and you thinking is there anything wrong 00:08:30.40\00:08:31.77 with marrying a cousin from my mother's sister, 00:08:31.78\00:08:36.92 no we are not supporting that. Right. 00:08:36.93\00:08:40.07 Okay. There's some individuals in our society, 00:08:40.08\00:08:42.91 they have to think about that because 00:08:42.92\00:08:43.94 in the minds of some people polygamy 00:08:43.95\00:08:47.79 is not unusual, intermarriage is not 00:08:47.80\00:08:50.44 unusual. We call insist if we are too 00:08:50.45\00:08:52.63 close to relationships. But the issue here 00:08:52.64\00:08:55.91 though in that is partly because of 00:08:55.92\00:08:58.74 the problems we have when close, 00:08:58.75\00:09:01.81 you know, similar generations 00:09:01.82\00:09:03.02 or the same families each marrying other, 00:09:03.03\00:09:04.76 they didn't have that back then. 00:09:04.77\00:09:06.25 Right. But not only that, like we are not 00:09:06.26\00:09:07.91 advocating that, but you are talking 00:09:07.92\00:09:09.22 about many generations that grew very, 00:09:09.23\00:09:12.87 very far or distant apart and they weren't 00:09:12.88\00:09:16.32 close in gene makeup. Right and the genealogy 00:09:16.33\00:09:21.34 extended for very many, many generations. 00:09:21.35\00:09:23.59 We did a, matter of fact I made this comment 00:09:23.60\00:09:27.67 not long before we begin the program 00:09:27.68\00:09:30.04 and you may wanna think of this as an 00:09:30.05\00:09:32.55 experiment if you get somebody, 00:09:32.56\00:09:34.01 if you get somebody to enroll in this experiment, 00:09:34.02\00:09:36.19 this will be pretty interesting. 00:09:36.20\00:09:37.72 If someone gave you a penny and 00:09:37.73\00:09:39.40 I heard this before John, but I haven't 00:09:39.41\00:09:40.86 tried it and I haven't got a volunteer. 00:09:40.87\00:09:42.21 If you would like to volunteer give me call. 00:09:42.22\00:09:43.93 But if you give somebody a penny 00:09:43.94\00:09:46.13 and you double it everyday it is reported 00:09:46.14\00:09:50.08 that by the end of the year you will have a 00:09:50.09\00:09:51.91 million dollars. And more, it's like above that. 00:09:51.92\00:09:54.77 And more. So if you gave me a penny today 00:09:54.78\00:09:56.58 then you gave me two cents tomorrow then 00:09:56.59\00:09:58.06 4 cents the next day, and 8 cents 00:09:58.07\00:09:59.96 and 16 cents and 32 cents and 64 cents 00:09:59.97\00:10:02.64 and 128 cents, and on and on. 00:10:02.65\00:10:04.75 In fact yeah, it's going to be a lot 00:10:04.76\00:10:05.84 more than a million. And so by the time 00:10:05.85\00:10:08.66 the year ends, I have at least a million bucks. 00:10:08.67\00:10:11.46 And so if there is somebody who wants to, 00:10:11.47\00:10:13.35 you know try that experiment with John 00:10:13.36\00:10:15.05 and I, just send the emails to House Calls 00:10:15.06\00:10:17.90 and, but now my point is you will see 00:10:17.91\00:10:21.09 how quickly the growth will be. 00:10:21.10\00:10:23.02 Yeah, absolutely. If that's just in one year, 00:10:23.03\00:10:25.73 think all the babies are being born, 00:10:25.74\00:10:28.16 the exponential growth in the course 00:10:28.17\00:10:29.72 of one year. I mean we are talking millions 00:10:29.73\00:10:32.26 in the course of year. Well we got, we got 00:10:32.27\00:10:34.96 six billion and we are saying we are going to 00:10:34.97\00:10:36.75 get 7 and 8 even now much quicker. 00:10:36.76\00:10:38.76 So it's gonna, it's still growing incredibly, 00:10:38.77\00:10:41.05 quickly. Yeah. But to thank you for that 00:10:41.06\00:10:43.04 question, so the answer is obviously 00:10:43.05\00:10:47.01 we all have the same father, his name is Adam. 00:10:47.02\00:10:49.50 We all have the same mother, her name is Eve. 00:10:49.51\00:10:52.00 Bob sent this question and I won't give his 00:10:52.01\00:10:55.01 last name and I like the salutation. 00:10:55.02\00:10:58.52 He capped of this, "With Love, Bob". 00:10:58.53\00:11:01.56 But he says, what is the fate of someone 00:11:01.57\00:11:06.42 who lived and died without ever knowing anything 00:11:06.43\00:11:09.69 about Jesus Christ. Now if this question 00:11:09.70\00:11:13.34 is a modern question for a modern society, 00:11:13.35\00:11:17.85 if the person that may be in this category 00:11:17.86\00:11:20.42 is a person living here in United States, 00:11:20.43\00:11:22.71 I would say chances of them not even 00:11:22.72\00:11:24.44 hearing about Jesus Christ are almost nil, 00:11:24.45\00:11:27.16 in the modern society, society of Europe, 00:11:27.17\00:11:30.93 the society of many of the very developed 00:11:30.94\00:11:33.79 countries, the chances are almost nil. 00:11:33.80\00:11:36.86 But I want to add a couple of things 00:11:36.87\00:11:38.59 because one I've to approach this gentleman 00:11:38.60\00:11:40.72 before I give scripture is, how many 00:11:40.73\00:11:43.59 generations can you think of, 00:11:43.60\00:11:45.36 how many societies can you think of 00:11:45.37\00:11:47.68 where people never even heard about Jesus. 00:11:47.69\00:11:52.54 In societies that are strictly Eastern religion 00:11:52.55\00:11:58.89 that worshipped many, many, many thousands 00:11:58.90\00:12:02.02 of Gods, you know, idol worship is very, 00:12:02.03\00:12:04.28 very strong in those societies it's possible 00:12:04.29\00:12:07.33 that people have not heard about Jesus Christ. 00:12:07.34\00:12:10.19 But the Bible also points out that Jesus 00:12:10.20\00:12:15.79 is the way of salvation, the only 00:12:15.80\00:12:19.49 way of salvation, but even if you expand that 00:12:19.50\00:12:23.14 picture, if you expand that foundation, 00:12:23.15\00:12:26.23 the Bible says that there is no society 00:12:26.24\00:12:28.90 hasn't known about God, you know, 00:12:28.91\00:12:31.67 I am adding God into the picture because 00:12:31.68\00:12:33.29 Jesus is very much God, the God of the 00:12:33.30\00:12:35.78 Old Testament is very much the God of a 00:12:35.79\00:12:38.86 New Testament. You have the Father, 00:12:38.87\00:12:40.50 you have the son, they were the in 00:12:40.51\00:12:41.70 the Old Testament, you have the Father 00:12:41.71\00:12:43.19 and the son they are there in the New Testament, 00:12:43.20\00:12:45.33 father sending the son to this world. 00:12:45.34\00:12:47.42 So I am not just gonna make it, 00:12:47.43\00:12:49.07 I am not just gonna limit it to Jesus, 00:12:49.08\00:12:51.51 but I am going to expand it to God and 00:12:51.52\00:12:53.46 if that's something that's not comfortable, 00:12:53.47\00:12:55.06 you know, email me back and let me know that, 00:12:55.07\00:12:57.56 but I'll say it's very, very unusual that a 00:12:57.57\00:13:01.16 person hasn't heard about Jesus in a modern 00:13:01.17\00:13:03.88 society. But let me share some texts with 00:13:03.89\00:13:06.43 you because Jesus is revealed in a number 00:13:06.44\00:13:08.17 of ways, not just through sermons and preaching 00:13:08.18\00:13:12.90 but we know about the supremeness of God 00:13:12.91\00:13:15.74 by based on, not just based on what we study 00:13:15.75\00:13:18.48 in the Bible, but based on what 00:13:18.49\00:13:19.54 we see in creation. Let me give you an 00:13:19.55\00:13:21.35 example here. First of all, start with 00:13:21.36\00:13:23.96 Acts Chapter 17 and verse 30, 00:13:23.97\00:13:26.16 Acts chapter 17 and verse 30, 00:13:26.17\00:13:28.21 because they were times of ignorance. 00:13:28.22\00:13:30.11 I am sure I have had a chance to travel 00:13:30.12\00:13:33.70 around the world and I am not going to 00:13:33.71\00:13:34.73 pick on any particular country, 00:13:34.74\00:13:36.29 but I would respectfully mention Niugini in this 00:13:36.30\00:13:39.32 context because John we had a chance to 00:13:39.33\00:13:42.29 go to Niugini. We did not go out into 00:13:42.30\00:13:45.17 the strongly, heavily, heavy bush areas 00:13:45.18\00:13:49.45 of Niugini or as some people would say the 00:13:49.46\00:13:51.54 jungles of Niugini where tribal practices 00:13:51.55\00:13:55.64 did not include the name of Jesus. 00:13:55.65\00:13:58.17 But they all believed in the supreme being 00:13:58.18\00:14:01.46 or supreme God. And Romans 1, verse 20 00:14:01.47\00:14:04.28 and 21 gives us enough evidence to know 00:14:04.29\00:14:08.78 that even though may not know God personally, 00:14:08.79\00:14:11.86 they know about God. Now you mentioned 00:14:11.87\00:14:13.58 First Acts 17:30. So what's' that? 00:14:13.59\00:14:15.61 Acts 17:30 starts there, truly, these times 00:14:15.62\00:14:17.70 of ignorance God overlooked, 00:14:17.71\00:14:19.60 but now commands all men everywhere to repent. 00:14:19.61\00:14:22.11 Okay. So the time of ignorance 00:14:22.12\00:14:24.05 if I don't know about something, 00:14:24.06\00:14:25.79 I cannot be held accountable for it. 00:14:25.85\00:14:27.69 How is that translate into what is the faith 00:14:27.70\00:14:32.23 of someone who lived and died without ever 00:14:32.24\00:14:33.86 knowing anything about Jesus Christ, i.e. 00:14:33.87\00:14:36.83 truly a question friends that we must leave 00:14:36.84\00:14:39.52 in the hand of a sovereign God 00:14:39.85\00:14:41.99 because of I said, well since they knew nothing 00:14:42.00\00:14:44.85 about Jesus, surely they are loss or 00:14:45.21\00:14:47.44 since they knew about Jesus, surely 00:14:47.45\00:14:49.47 they are save. I mean even if they knew about 00:14:49.48\00:14:53.00 Jesus, I still can't determine what their 00:14:53.01\00:14:54.39 fate is going to be. The very word fate is 00:14:54.40\00:14:56.90 something that's in the hand of a sovereign God. 00:14:56.91\00:14:59.05 But the only thing I could respond to is 00:14:59.06\00:15:02.56 are they without excuse. 00:15:02.57\00:15:04.60 Yes they are without excuse. 00:15:04.61\00:15:06.70 If they've known about God, are they 00:15:06.71\00:15:08.63 without excuse. Yes. They are without excuse. 00:15:08.64\00:15:12.08 If they acknowledges supreme being and 00:15:12.09\00:15:14.81 they worship him, are they without excuse? 00:15:14.82\00:15:17.69 Yes. They are without excuse and based 00:15:17.70\00:15:20.21 on Roman's 1 of verse 20 and 21. 00:15:20.22\00:15:23.05 And listen to what the Bible says. 00:15:23.06\00:15:24.80 It says for since the creation of the world, 00:15:24.81\00:15:27.49 His invisible attributes are clearly seen, 00:15:27.50\00:15:32.12 being understood by the things that are may, 00:15:32.13\00:15:36.43 even his eternal power and Godhead, 00:15:36.44\00:15:39.69 so that they are without excuse. 00:15:39.70\00:15:43.36 So if a person just has nothing in their 00:15:43.37\00:15:46.96 reference point except the stars 00:15:46.97\00:15:49.08 that they look up to, they know that, 00:15:49.09\00:15:50.82 and this is, you know I think atheism is a 00:15:50.83\00:15:55.31 new science. Atheism is not hundreds of 00:15:55.32\00:15:57.59 years old. Right. Some societies may argue 00:15:57.60\00:16:01.35 that's a possibility, but the very principle 00:16:01.36\00:16:04.85 of atheism is almost like a religion that evolved 00:16:04.86\00:16:07.72 within the last 80 to 100 years. 00:16:07.73\00:16:12.13 But it is saying that those who knew 00:16:12.14\00:16:15.92 God are without excuse. Those who 00:16:15.93\00:16:18.43 acknowledge his existence through creation, 00:16:18.44\00:16:21.50 through what they see that's built around them, 00:16:21.51\00:16:24.11 are without excuse. Because it also goes 00:16:24.12\00:16:26.52 on in Verse 21 to say because although 00:16:26.53\00:16:29.69 they knew God, they glorified him as God 00:16:29.70\00:16:32.49 nor were thankful but became futile 00:16:32.50\00:16:34.38 in their thoughts and their foolish hearts 00:16:34.39\00:16:37.47 were darkened. Now, do you wanna register 00:16:37.48\00:16:41.64 on that yet or shall I go to the next two texts? 00:16:41.65\00:16:44.05 No, the point is very, very clear. 00:16:44.06\00:16:46.41 There is, I think when Jesus, New Testament 00:16:46.42\00:16:51.31 clearly says and Jesus himself says, 00:16:51.32\00:16:53.11 I am the way, a way, right, is the way. 00:16:53.12\00:16:56.76 And I think some people translate that to mean, 00:16:56.77\00:17:00.71 that everybody has to hear the name of Jesus 00:17:00.72\00:17:04.55 and know the Ministry of Jesus to accept Jesus 00:17:04.56\00:17:07.76 to be saved and that's not what it is saying. 00:17:07.77\00:17:09.88 It is actually saying that He is the only 00:17:09.89\00:17:13.12 one that made the way back to God. 00:17:13.13\00:17:15.79 Right. He created a way of being reconciled 00:17:15.80\00:17:19.75 to God and although some of you may not 00:17:19.76\00:17:21.87 hear of the name of Jesus by the things 00:17:21.88\00:17:24.70 around them like you are using with the text 00:17:24.71\00:17:26.48 here in Romans I, the things around them, 00:17:26.49\00:17:28.97 they reveal a God clearly. They reveal 00:17:28.98\00:17:32.01 that God exist. He created the heavens, 00:17:32.02\00:17:33.96 he created the earth, so they give honor to 00:17:33.97\00:17:36.83 the God, to our creator, even though 00:17:36.84\00:17:38.67 they haven't heard the name of Jesus, 00:17:38.68\00:17:40.05 but it doesn't take away the fact that Jesus, 00:17:40.06\00:17:42.22 the way made a way for them to be reconciled 00:17:42.23\00:17:44.73 to that God. You see this isn't mutually 00:17:44.74\00:17:48.96 exclusive. You don't have to hear the name 00:17:48.97\00:17:50.59 of Jesus to receive the benefits of Jesus. 00:17:50.60\00:17:54.32 I guess that's probably the easiest way of 00:17:54.33\00:17:56.00 saying that. So they are some who may 00:17:56.01\00:17:57.75 not hear the name of Jesus, we get Heaven 00:17:57.76\00:17:59.92 reconciled to God because they've 00:17:59.93\00:18:01.11 honored God with what they have known. 00:18:01.12\00:18:03.66 I have to look the text up and 00:18:03.67\00:18:05.26 I give you time to make some comments 00:18:05.27\00:18:06.51 so I could find it, but the Bible also talks 00:18:06.52\00:18:08.81 about the believing spouse and the 00:18:08.82\00:18:10.39 unbelieving spouse, remember that? 00:18:10.40\00:18:12.27 How the believing spouse blesses 00:18:12.28\00:18:15.76 as a result of the unbeliever is blessed 00:18:15.77\00:18:18.28 by the believer. Yeah, he is sanctified by, 00:18:18.29\00:18:20.82 they are sanctified by the spouse. 00:18:20.83\00:18:22.07 Exactly! And so you see that there is, 00:18:22.08\00:18:24.55 we don't call that transitional righteousness 00:18:24.56\00:18:27.26 because we know that each person must 00:18:27.27\00:18:28.75 give an account for themselves, 00:18:28.76\00:18:30.39 but the blessing, the revealing of Christ 00:18:30.40\00:18:32.40 comes through the person who is the believer. 00:18:32.41\00:18:34.48 And in a world where they are believers 00:18:34.49\00:18:36.47 amongst non-believers, Christ is being revealed 00:18:36.48\00:18:39.53 in and through our lives, whether or not 00:18:39.54\00:18:41.26 that person accepts Christ. 00:18:41.27\00:18:42.59 I think we all have the opportunity 00:18:42.60\00:18:44.21 when we see others living at the life of God, 00:18:44.22\00:18:46.88 a godly life to accept that way of life, 00:18:46.89\00:18:49.91 to want that way of life and to pursue it 00:18:49.92\00:18:52.20 or to not. In fact, Jesus also makes the 00:18:52.21\00:18:55.35 comment that the reason why many don't 00:18:55.36\00:18:59.16 accept Him was because that in their hearts 00:18:59.17\00:19:03.89 all they could think of was evil. 00:19:03.90\00:19:05.94 You know they were like their father, 00:19:05.95\00:19:07.70 the devil and they were evil conscience. 00:19:07.71\00:19:09.47 They loved evil. So clearly in this world, 00:19:09.48\00:19:13.07 John, they are people who love and want to 00:19:13.08\00:19:15.19 pursue God and they are some that turn 00:19:15.20\00:19:17.37 that off completely and pursue darkness 00:19:17.38\00:19:19.41 and they want to follow dark side. 00:19:19.42\00:19:22.14 And I mean how may have you gone around, 00:19:22.15\00:19:23.70 some of just attracted to darkness, 00:19:23.71\00:19:25.42 they are attracted to the dark side, 00:19:25.43\00:19:26.84 and that is a separating of Godly from the wicked 00:19:26.85\00:19:33.01 as much as it is hearing the Gospel of Jesus 00:19:33.02\00:19:35.81 and understanding his salvation for our behalf 00:19:35.82\00:19:40.64 that's as much a distinguishing piece 00:19:40.65\00:19:43.09 of being righteous or wicked as is the name 00:19:43.10\00:19:45.69 of Christ. So we have got to follow 00:19:45.70\00:19:47.60 what we know. We got to lead this into. 00:19:47.61\00:19:49.50 I tried, and you know John, first John 3 00:19:49.51\00:19:52.83 verse 1, gives us encouragement in 00:19:52.84\00:19:54.64 this area because I want to really make 00:19:54.65\00:19:56.36 it clear that we cannot determine 00:19:56.37\00:19:58.54 or know the fate of someone who does 00:19:58.55\00:20:00.27 not know Jesus Christ. If they willingly, 00:20:00.28\00:20:02.80 if they willingly reject Christ and say I don't 00:20:02.81\00:20:05.89 want to know him or I desire not to know 00:20:05.90\00:20:09.09 him then they are just as responsible 00:20:09.10\00:20:12.01 as a person who knows him but doesn't 00:20:12.02\00:20:13.65 live up to what they know. The Bible makes 00:20:13.66\00:20:15.82 it clear in Luke 12 and verse 48 to who 00:20:15.83\00:20:18.03 much is given, much is required, which it 00:20:18.04\00:20:21.11 continues to infer to whom little is given, 00:20:21.12\00:20:23.72 little is required, but also First John 3 00:20:23.73\00:20:26.48 in verse 3, the text that I just talked about, 00:20:26.49\00:20:28.58 listen to the encouragement here. 00:20:28.59\00:20:30.48 It says, behold what manner of love the 00:20:30.49\00:20:32.65 father has bestowed on us that 00:20:32.66\00:20:34.51 we should be called Children of God. 00:20:34.52\00:20:36.90 But it continues, therefore the world 00:20:36.91\00:20:40.55 does not know us because it did not 00:20:40.56\00:20:43.51 know him. Now that infers that the world 00:20:43.52\00:20:47.69 just has no knowledge of God. 00:20:47.70\00:20:49.66 But the text does not saying that. 00:20:49.67\00:20:51.72 The text is saying the world chose not know him, 00:20:51.73\00:20:54.45 therefore it chooses not to know us. 00:20:54.46\00:20:57.39 And they are some people that have 00:20:57.40\00:20:59.01 Christians living right next door to them 00:20:59.02\00:21:00.31 or working with them, and they say please 00:21:00.32\00:21:02.14 keep that Jesus stuff away from me. 00:21:02.15\00:21:04.02 They are going to be just as responsible. 00:21:04.03\00:21:06.07 They could be persons that you may tag 00:21:06.08\00:21:07.94 of saying they don't know about Jesus, 00:21:07.95\00:21:10.68 but they know of Jesus. They are pushing Jesus 00:21:10.69\00:21:13.13 away you know. They are pushing Him away. 00:21:13.14\00:21:14.45 You know the text I was referring 00:21:14.46\00:21:15.85 to earlier ties writing the comment to making 00:21:15.86\00:21:18.22 in John 3, beginning with verse 19, okay. 00:21:18.23\00:21:22.21 It says this is the condemnation, oh yeah, 00:21:22.22\00:21:25.24 that light has come into the world, 00:21:25.25\00:21:27.73 but men love darkness rather than the light, 00:21:27.74\00:21:30.54 because their deeds were evil. 00:21:30.55\00:21:32.65 So they loved darkness, they loved to do evil. 00:21:32.66\00:21:35.64 Verse 20, for everyone practicing evil, 00:21:35.65\00:21:38.06 hates the light and does not come to the light, 00:21:38.07\00:21:40.97 notice this is before Christ. Right! They are 00:21:40.98\00:21:44.14 not coming to Christ because they are 00:21:44.15\00:21:45.22 already practicing evil what they know of 00:21:45.23\00:21:47.34 God they don't like. And then it says in verse, 00:21:47.35\00:21:50.67 it says that their deeds should be exposed, 00:21:50.68\00:21:52.56 verse 21. But he who does the truth, 00:21:52.57\00:21:56.07 pre-Christ now, pre-knowledge of Christ, 00:21:56.08\00:21:58.86 he who does the truth comes to the light, 00:21:58.87\00:22:01.37 that's Jesus that his deeds may be clearly 00:22:01.38\00:22:04.42 seen that he, that they have been done in God. 00:22:04.43\00:22:07.78 So the truth they are already living, 00:22:07.79\00:22:09.61 accrue of the truth that they know, 00:22:09.62\00:22:11.71 and when the light of Christ shines they say 00:22:11.72\00:22:15.34 that's God, that's God because I have already 00:22:15.35\00:22:18.07 been practicing God in my heart, 00:22:18.08\00:22:19.60 I have already following his ways, 00:22:19.61\00:22:21.26 I am pursuing the light, or those 00:22:21.27\00:22:23.81 who do evil say, no Jesus stuff. 00:22:23.82\00:22:26.35 I want to pursue the direction I am going, 00:22:26.36\00:22:28.05 which is the dark. See, so the condemnation 00:22:28.06\00:22:30.78 is they are already in this mood of choosing. 00:22:30.79\00:22:32.87 They've already chosen and often, I always, 00:22:32.88\00:22:36.44 I see this because we get discouraged as 00:22:36.45\00:22:37.90 Christians in our witness. They are some 00:22:37.91\00:22:40.79 who you come up to and he will want to show 00:22:40.80\00:22:42.60 Christ, and he will begin to show Christ 00:22:42.61\00:22:43.90 and is just like no get away. Right. 00:22:43.91\00:22:46.44 Don't force it. Don't force it. 00:22:46.45\00:22:49.44 You will do more damage forcing Christ 00:22:49.45\00:22:51.31 upon someone who doesn't want Christ 00:22:51.32\00:22:52.90 then you will step in back and just praying 00:22:52.91\00:22:54.76 for that person. They are some that just 00:22:54.77\00:22:57.55 don't want him or don't want anything good. 00:22:57.56\00:23:00.47 You've got to leave that alone, pray about him. 00:23:00.48\00:23:03.45 I am not saying you leave them to be 00:23:03.46\00:23:04.99 condemned but pray for them because only 00:23:05.00\00:23:07.63 God can change that. You know John, 00:23:07.64\00:23:09.34 the point that you made just opened another 00:23:09.35\00:23:11.90 draw for me, I want you to consider this, 00:23:11.91\00:23:13.70 they were thousands of years before Jesus Christ 00:23:13.71\00:23:18.37 came to this world. That's right. Okay. 00:23:18.38\00:23:21.12 So if we follow the natural course of this 00:23:22.85\00:23:25.05 question what is the fate of those 00:23:25.06\00:23:27.01 who knew nothing, what is the fate of someone 00:23:27.02\00:23:31.40 who lived and died without ever knowing 00:23:31.41\00:23:33.02 anything about Jesus Christ, you can say 00:23:33.03\00:23:35.23 that was the possibility from Adam all the 00:23:35.24\00:23:39.16 way up till Christ came. But you will discover 00:23:39.17\00:23:43.54 that there is a single word, Faith, that kept 00:23:43.55\00:23:48.03 the entire nation of Israel looking to the 00:23:48.04\00:23:50.75 Christ and they were saved by faith in the 00:23:50.76\00:23:54.95 Old Testament, where saved by 00:23:54.96\00:23:56.47 grace through faith. That grace that appeared, 00:23:56.48\00:23:59.29 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, 00:23:59.30\00:24:01.19 Abraham believed God and his faith was 00:24:01.20\00:24:03.27 accounted to him for righteousness, 00:24:03.28\00:24:04.61 that grace and faith was in the Old Testament 00:24:04.62\00:24:06.48 as well as the New Testament. 00:24:06.49\00:24:08.01 So the faith and the grace by which 00:24:08.02\00:24:09.51 we are all saved even before Jesus came 00:24:09.52\00:24:12.45 was active in a society of thousands 00:24:12.46\00:24:14.79 of years where there was no Jesus Christ 00:24:14.80\00:24:16.62 walking the earth. So the faith there is the same, 00:24:16.63\00:24:20.22 and you could look at that and say well four 00:24:20.23\00:24:22.74 thousand of years and people could say, 00:24:22.75\00:24:24.00 we didn't know about Jesus Christ 00:24:24.01\00:24:25.15 because he wasn't even in the world yet. 00:24:25.16\00:24:26.82 So then the Lord has, the Lord has 00:24:26.83\00:24:30.35 surely not left himself without a witness 00:24:30.36\00:24:32.10 in that society. Yeah. God chose Abraham. 00:24:32.11\00:24:34.80 Right. Because he followed the goodness 00:24:34.81\00:24:37.24 that he saw. He followed the Godly things 00:24:37.25\00:24:39.11 that were revealed to him and so God said 00:24:39.12\00:24:41.26 this a man I can use and he chose Abraham. 00:24:41.27\00:24:43.72 That's' right. That's prior to talking with 00:24:43.73\00:24:45.68 Abraham, to revealing himself in a fuller way, 00:24:45.69\00:24:48.11 Abraham still walked in the ways of goodness, 00:24:48.12\00:24:51.46 righteousness, and Godliness. 00:24:51.47\00:24:53.32 And so I must conclude by saying ever since 00:24:53.33\00:24:56.24 Jesus Christ to the present, the knowledge 00:24:56.25\00:24:59.91 of Jesus Christ has been in the whole earth, 00:24:59.92\00:25:03.21 except for those who have in societies 00:25:03.22\00:25:07.58 that are very dark and very hidden, 00:25:07.59\00:25:09.25 when I say hidden they got to be really dark 00:25:09.26\00:25:11.63 and really hidden in this world today presently 00:25:11.64\00:25:14.08 to not know the name Jesus Christ. Right. 00:25:14.09\00:25:16.12 And some societies where his name is shut out 00:25:16.13\00:25:18.64 and excluded which we know that in the 00:25:18.65\00:25:20.34 communistic society, they are those who 00:25:20.35\00:25:21.81 had waited for more than 60 years to hear 00:25:21.82\00:25:24.53 the name or to even give themselves to 00:25:24.54\00:25:26.47 Jesus Christ, he was omitted from their 00:25:26.48\00:25:28.04 society, but there was a deep desire in their 00:25:28.05\00:25:30.13 lives to know him because even in the 00:25:30.14\00:25:31.60 communistic society they knew about Jesus. 00:25:31.61\00:25:34.11 He was just not allowed to come in, 00:25:34.12\00:25:36.46 that's right, as far as the practice 00:25:36.47\00:25:37.78 was concerned, but you know what friends 00:25:37.79\00:25:39.43 Jesus cannot be shut out of a heart 00:25:39.44\00:25:41.63 in spite the walls that's placed around us. 00:25:41.64\00:25:44.40 You know and to get right to the point 00:25:44.41\00:25:45.56 he answered the question, 00:25:45.57\00:25:46.54 there will be people in heaven that have 00:25:46.55\00:25:48.21 not heard the name of Jesus. 00:25:48.22\00:25:49.53 So let's just end with that. 00:25:49.54\00:25:50.97 Exactly, that's what Jesus know 00:25:50.98\00:25:52.56 when he says, allow it to be so 00:25:52.57\00:25:54.38 now for thus to become so fulfill all 00:25:54.39\00:25:56.94 righteousness. When he was being baptized, 00:25:56.95\00:25:58.76 his righteousness was the gift to humanity. 00:25:58.77\00:26:03.20 That's right. Okay, go to the next one. 00:26:03.21\00:26:05.84 Let's just do one more here. 00:26:05.85\00:26:07.51 It's kind of two porter, it's got couple of 00:26:07.52\00:26:09.18 things here, but this young lady is from 00:26:09.19\00:26:13.65 Ethiopia, but she is living in America. Okay. 00:26:13.66\00:26:16.24 And she is writing in this question, 00:26:16.25\00:26:17.91 and she says, does God allow ladies to 00:26:17.92\00:26:22.15 wear men's clothing? Okay. 00:26:22.16\00:26:24.52 And the second part of that is, does God 00:26:24.53\00:26:26.48 want us to eat meat? Okay, there are couple 00:26:26.49\00:26:29.28 of questions we will answer here. 00:26:29.29\00:26:30.32 Let's deal with the clothing issue. 00:26:30.33\00:26:32.81 Alright! Let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 00:26:32.82\00:26:34.84 22 verse 5, okay, Deuteronomy that 00:26:34.85\00:26:40.12 Old Testament part of pen took, Deuteronomy 00:26:40.13\00:26:44.46 22 verse 5, I will go ahead and read that, 00:26:44.47\00:26:46.37 "A woman shall not wear anything 00:26:46.38\00:26:49.58 that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put 00:26:49.59\00:26:53.09 on a woman's garment, for all who do so are 00:26:53.10\00:26:57.10 an abomination to the Lord your God." 00:26:57.11\00:27:00.02 Alright. So now that the text has been 00:27:00.03\00:27:02.28 read John and I know that they are many 00:27:02.29\00:27:04.26 who have taken that text out of context 00:27:04.27\00:27:10.38 and have run with all kinds of teachings 00:27:10.39\00:27:12.24 and doctrines and things and so we 00:27:12.25\00:27:14.03 are not here to talk about all that stuff, 00:27:14.04\00:27:15.50 but we are here to kinda shift light on 00:27:15.51\00:27:17.30 what this text is talking about. 00:27:17.31\00:27:18.94 Today John, we have in cultures all kinds of 00:27:18.95\00:27:25.75 dress and clothing. And God I don't think 00:27:25.76\00:27:29.23 was defining or had defined the clothing 00:27:29.24\00:27:32.69 back then. And they were no pants by the 00:27:32.70\00:27:34.79 way. No one wore pants the way 00:27:34.80\00:27:37.77 that we know pants today. 00:27:37.78\00:27:38.89 Right, now jeans and. But they were robes, 00:27:38.90\00:27:41.61 you know, and they free flowing robes 00:27:41.62\00:27:43.98 and things and they looked different. 00:27:43.99\00:27:45.16 I am sure the women's robes looked 00:27:45.17\00:27:47.21 different than the men's robes and other things, 00:27:47.22\00:27:48.79 but it wasn't just talking about clothing 00:27:48.80\00:27:50.95 as far as just robes. Today what we find 00:27:50.96\00:27:55.44 in the world is different clothing 00:27:55.45\00:27:58.20 worn by different societies and cultures. 00:27:58.21\00:28:00.61 You brought up the point before we even 00:28:00.62\00:28:02.51 went on to start this program was that 00:28:02.52\00:28:05.88 in Scotland men wear kilts. They were dresses. 00:28:05.89\00:28:10.58 And in my change in modern order of things, 00:28:10.59\00:28:13.77 but still for that society we would say 00:28:13.78\00:28:15.98 that's normal. Yeah, the men wearing a kilt 00:28:15.99\00:28:19.38 then they understand it's historical, 00:28:19.39\00:28:21.20 but that's acceptable. In America today, 00:28:21.21\00:28:25.54 a woman with pants on is not unusual, 00:28:25.55\00:28:28.76 because it's in the context of the society. 00:28:28.77\00:28:30.91 Because you know what, pants aren't defined 00:28:30.92\00:28:32.39 as men's clothing. I don't know whenever really 00:28:32.40\00:28:36.75 pants were defined as just men's clothing 00:28:36.76\00:28:39.63 unless you go back to real, you know, 00:28:39.64\00:28:41.92 probably the 19th or 18th century where 00:28:41.93\00:28:45.25 they begin to wear pants, men wear 00:28:45.26\00:28:46.58 them first, but today you can't say well 00:28:46.59\00:28:52.13 pants are men's clothing because so 00:28:52.14\00:28:54.45 many women wear pants. So anyway, 00:28:54.46\00:28:57.08 so this text is not talking about pants. 00:28:57.09\00:28:59.64 Right! So let's get into what this text is 00:28:59.65\00:29:01.18 talking about. I know that you had a couple 00:29:01.19\00:29:02.57 of questions there, because we read 00:29:02.58\00:29:04.58 some other things even some commentaries 00:29:04.59\00:29:07.00 and stuff is to what this text is really 00:29:07.01\00:29:08.19 talking about. Clearly it's trying to delineate 00:29:08.20\00:29:11.54 between what the way men look 00:29:11.55\00:29:13.48 and the way women look. 00:29:13.49\00:29:14.48 They are to be different. 00:29:14.49\00:29:15.46 They are different roles. 00:29:15.47\00:29:16.44 They are different things that they do. 00:29:16.45\00:29:19.43 They should look differently and that's 00:29:19.44\00:29:21.66 what the text is talking about. 00:29:21.67\00:29:22.95 Don't emerge the two, that's the principle 00:29:22.96\00:29:25.04 of that text. It is saying that years ago 00:29:25.05\00:29:28.35 we are talking about a person, who may 00:29:28.36\00:29:30.76 or may not have been known worldwide, 00:29:30.77\00:29:32.06 but years ago there was a very famous 00:29:32.07\00:29:33.78 basketball player Dennis Rodman 00:29:33.79\00:29:35.38 and this is not a slam on him just 00:29:35.39\00:29:37.24 he was very eccentric guy and 00:29:37.25\00:29:39.27 he always did things that 00:29:39.28\00:29:40.25 that will keep the height going and people 00:29:40.26\00:29:42.59 always thought that he would never get married. 00:29:42.60\00:29:43.67 So the announcement was one day that 00:29:43.68\00:29:45.18 Dennis Rodman was getting married and 00:29:45.19\00:29:47.29 this hit the media, which really went wild 00:29:47.30\00:29:49.21 and the wedding day, you know, it just really 00:29:49.22\00:29:52.36 hit the news Dennis Rodman had on a 00:29:52.37\00:29:54.35 wedding dress. Dennis is a man's name. 00:29:54.36\00:29:57.31 He had on wedding dress. 00:29:57.32\00:29:58.79 There was no other person in the wedding. 00:29:58.80\00:30:00.72 Dennis Rodman was marrying himself. 00:30:00.73\00:30:03.11 It was the biggest ploy, the biggest 00:30:03.12\00:30:06.11 funny hoax, but it just, according to 00:30:06.12\00:30:10.13 the world standards, but it just created 00:30:10.14\00:30:11.39 a media frenzy and it's just one more 00:30:11.40\00:30:13.12 thing to keep the Dennis Rodman hype going 00:30:13.13\00:30:15.55 because he was just known as one of the 00:30:15.56\00:30:17.55 most unusual guys, very unique in every respect, 00:30:17.56\00:30:20.31 but what made it strange was he had 00:30:20.32\00:30:23.92 on a wedding dress, which in that context, 00:30:23.93\00:30:26.78 a wedding dress is not a man's garment. 00:30:26.79\00:30:29.60 That's right. It's just is not a man's garment 00:30:29.61\00:30:32.29 and I would go so far as even saying to 00:30:32.30\00:30:35.02 this is just terrible comparison because 00:30:35.03\00:30:37.08 we are now living in a age where men are 00:30:37.09\00:30:38.45 marrying men and women are marrying women, 00:30:38.46\00:30:40.36 and so that's not God's plan and I don't 00:30:40.37\00:30:43.71 want to get people all upset, arms, 00:30:43.72\00:30:45.92 but I am still pointing where I believe the 00:30:45.93\00:30:47.46 Bible supports women marrying men and 00:30:47.47\00:30:50.49 man marrying a woman. That's God's ideal plan. 00:30:50.50\00:30:54.27 That's not because of preference either, 00:30:54.28\00:30:55.79 that's scriptural. That's the image 00:30:55.80\00:30:57.20 of God being fulfilled, the maleness 00:30:57.21\00:31:00.22 and the femaleness creating the image 00:31:00.23\00:31:02.13 of God in the human race is more than just 00:31:02.14\00:31:03.69 an issue of do I love her or does she 00:31:03.70\00:31:05.71 or do he love me and all that whole kin-kabuto 00:31:05.72\00:31:08.51 thing I don't even want to go on that road. 00:31:08.52\00:31:10.04 But this issue is about principle and what 00:31:10.05\00:31:12.52 the text was inferring was in the custom 00:31:12.53\00:31:16.56 where it's obvious that a man should be seen 00:31:16.57\00:31:19.29 as a man and woman should be seen 00:31:19.30\00:31:20.52 as woman, you have in some customs today, 00:31:20.53\00:31:22.74 now the Burqa, that's worn. 00:31:22.75\00:31:24.40 I forgot what the country, 00:31:24.41\00:31:25.60 is it Iraq or somebody's? 00:31:25.61\00:31:27.51 Iran is pretty stringent about the burqa 00:31:27.52\00:31:29.28 and obviously before Afghanistan was liberated, 00:31:29.29\00:31:31.91 the Taliban enforced it to death. 00:31:31.92\00:31:34.16 Men don't wear burkas. In that society 00:31:34.17\00:31:37.04 it will be, they have their beards, okay 00:31:37.05\00:31:38.51 in that society, there you go. 00:31:38.52\00:31:40.00 Say that again. They had to have beards. 00:31:40.01\00:31:41.81 That was the normality of society. 00:31:41.82\00:31:43.30 Men with beards and women with burkas. 00:31:43.31\00:31:45.33 Now they show their liberation by cutting 00:31:45.34\00:31:47.26 their beards off and women taking off 00:31:47.27\00:31:49.44 their burkas. In some of those societies 00:31:49.45\00:31:51.40 when they were saying, now we are 00:31:51.41\00:31:53.54 liberated from the customs of our society 00:31:53.55\00:31:56.36 and in some customs you cannot go there. 00:31:56.37\00:31:58.47 A woman cannot go without having her 00:31:58.48\00:31:59.99 head covered. It's disrespectful to that 00:32:00.00\00:32:02.03 society and that's what Bible is talking about. 00:32:02.04\00:32:04.38 Where these customs are clearly delineated 00:32:04.39\00:32:07.48 to draw the line between woman and man, 00:32:07.49\00:32:11.09 it is saying in that respect we must 00:32:11.10\00:32:13.66 uphold those customs. Yes, And Paul, the 00:32:13.67\00:32:15.92 apostle made that very clear because in the 00:32:15.93\00:32:17.70 New Testament, Corinthian and Experience, 00:32:17.71\00:32:19.59 they were those who were saying that the 00:32:19.60\00:32:20.76 Christians, the woman must have her head 00:32:20.77\00:32:22.81 covered. And Paul said wait a minute, 00:32:22.82\00:32:24.72 wait a minute, that's First Corinthians 00:32:24.73\00:32:26.86 Chapter 11. He said this is not a command 00:32:26.87\00:32:30.03 nor is it a custom in any of the churches of God, 00:32:30.04\00:32:33.91 you see. So you have to understand the culture 00:32:33.92\00:32:36.35 and what applies to that culture and in our 00:32:36.36\00:32:38.00 culture, men and women wear slacks, 00:32:38.01\00:32:40.71 but thankfully men have not got into 00:32:40.72\00:32:43.34 the place where they were wearing skirts 00:32:43.35\00:32:44.35 and dresses. Yeah. I am not looking forward 00:32:44.36\00:32:46.29 to that either. Hope we never go down 00:32:46.30\00:32:48.05 that road. But I think you have answered 00:32:48.06\00:32:50.00 the question. Well yeah. 00:32:50.01\00:32:50.98 The second part of the question too, 00:32:50.99\00:32:52.17 I want to hit that real quick is, you know, 00:32:52.18\00:32:55.09 does God want us to eat meat? 00:32:55.10\00:32:56.80 You know I wrote a text down here, 00:32:56.81\00:32:59.80 numbers 11, because in numbers 11 00:32:59.81\00:33:01.54 you have a discussion where the people of God, 00:33:01.55\00:33:04.16 I won't read the whole thankfully sake 00:33:04.17\00:33:05.69 of time but the people are got to be complaining 00:33:05.70\00:33:07.16 because they don't have the meat and 00:33:07.17\00:33:08.70 some of the other things too that they 00:33:08.71\00:33:09.79 had in Egypt. A quail and those. 00:33:09.80\00:33:11.78 And so then God sent the quail you can eat 00:33:11.79\00:33:14.15 so much of the stuff, it's going to come out 00:33:14.16\00:33:15.63 of your nose and that's the response, 00:33:15.64\00:33:18.72 but you know God's, let's separate here. 00:33:18.73\00:33:21.41 God's design, his plan is from the very beginning 00:33:21.42\00:33:24.65 in the Garden of Eden that they wouldn't 00:33:24.66\00:33:26.27 be killing of animals for food, and that's clear. 00:33:26.28\00:33:29.10 Right. In heaven, we are not gonna say 00:33:29.11\00:33:30.77 in heaven all of a sudden there is gonna 00:33:30.78\00:33:31.82 be meat for everybody. Right. 00:33:31.83\00:33:33.42 There aren't other animals that we kill, 00:33:33.43\00:33:34.86 there's gonna be no death. Right. 00:33:34.87\00:33:36.52 So God's plan from the beginning, 00:33:36.53\00:33:38.16 God's plan in the end will be that we 00:33:38.17\00:33:40.99 will not be eating meat that requires 00:33:41.00\00:33:42.87 the death of animal. So in God's design, 00:33:42.88\00:33:45.26 His perfect design, no doesn't want us 00:33:45.27\00:33:46.98 to eat meat. He gave permission 00:33:46.99\00:33:49.08 for his people to meat because they 00:33:49.09\00:33:50.82 complained about it. He also gave them permission 00:33:50.83\00:33:52.91 to have a king because they complained about 00:33:52.92\00:33:55.45 him and wanted a king. There wasn't an issue 00:33:55.46\00:33:57.30 of salvation and that's, that's what we have to 00:33:57.31\00:34:00.62 kind of draw the line here. Yes, absolutely. 00:34:00.63\00:34:01.60 Some people, well if you eat you can't be saved. 00:34:01.61\00:34:04.26 Good, the Bible doesn't say that. 00:34:04.27\00:34:06.10 Clean and unclean! Clean and unclean, 00:34:06.11\00:34:07.48 there's a separation there, but not meat. 00:34:07.49\00:34:09.44 So we got be careful about that, 00:34:09.45\00:34:11.59 yet God allows us to eat meat, but does 00:34:11.60\00:34:13.56 he want us to? No. And you know the societies 00:34:13.57\00:34:16.50 that started including meat, the generations 00:34:16.51\00:34:18.44 started getting less and less and less 00:34:18.45\00:34:20.05 and dying sooner and sooner and sooner. 00:34:20.06\00:34:22.02 And nowadays just recently the ban on 00:34:22.03\00:34:24.42 beef going to, I think it was Korea or China, 00:34:24.43\00:34:29.06 there was a huge protest when the ban 00:34:29.07\00:34:32.71 was lifted against allowing beef from 00:34:32.72\00:34:36.18 America to come to that country 00:34:36.19\00:34:38.26 because people said that they had found 00:34:38.27\00:34:39.74 some disease in the beef and some didn't 00:34:39.75\00:34:42.19 want, some did want and there was huge 00:34:42.20\00:34:43.86 protest in the streets of I think it was either 00:34:43.87\00:34:45.90 China or Korea, I am not sure exactly which 00:34:45.91\00:34:47.71 one I just heard recently in the news. 00:34:47.72\00:34:49.25 So those are things. God wants us to be 00:34:49.26\00:34:51.89 healthy, that's the principle and when 00:34:51.90\00:34:54.95 the society you live in and nowadays 00:34:54.96\00:34:57.24 we talk about USDA, United States Department, 00:34:57.25\00:35:01.37 I mean what's the USDA, anyway. 00:35:01.38\00:35:04.42 It's a health basis. It's a health based 00:35:04.43\00:35:06.18 association, yeah, Department of Agriculture, 00:35:06.19\00:35:08.77 United States Department of Agriculture. 00:35:08.78\00:35:10.71 When they stamp beef approved, 00:35:10.72\00:35:13.35 they've only gone through just a select 00:35:13.36\00:35:15.26 few in a warehouse of probably hundreds 00:35:15.27\00:35:18.48 of carcasses hanging in there. 00:35:18.49\00:35:20.21 And so something is bound to get through, 00:35:20.22\00:35:22.37 if you want to be healthy, the cleaner 00:35:22.38\00:35:24.25 that your diet is back to the original base 00:35:24.26\00:35:26.59 what God intended in Genesis, the healthier 00:35:26.60\00:35:29.07 you are gonna be. And by the, bottom-line John 00:35:29.08\00:35:31.59 if you want to be strong just ask the cow 00:35:31.60\00:35:34.24 what he eats, you know ask the ox what he eats. 00:35:34.25\00:35:37.97 Eat what the cow eats, eat what the cow eats. 00:35:37.98\00:35:39.51 Eat what the cow eats, what the cow eats. 00:35:39.52\00:35:40.54 You know other simple principle to I just 00:35:40.55\00:35:42.25 throw this in because we need to get to 00:35:42.26\00:35:43.81 our lesson study for today, right. 00:35:43.82\00:35:46.16 God even sees the sparrow's fall. 00:35:46.17\00:35:49.43 When the sparrow dies, when a small animal dies, 00:35:49.44\00:35:53.06 God hurts. So how do you think he feels with 00:35:53.07\00:35:56.23 these slaughter houses? By Christians eating 00:35:56.24\00:35:59.73 the meat from the slaughter house is 00:35:59.74\00:36:01.27 another things, we in a way endorse 00:36:01.28\00:36:04.20 which you are supporting for that 00:36:04.21\00:36:06.42 kind of activity. And some maybe upset 00:36:06.43\00:36:10.71 with me for saying that, but common get 00:36:10.72\00:36:12.56 into God's heart here. You think God enjoys 00:36:12.57\00:36:15.11 watching animals slaughter for our consumption, 00:36:15.12\00:36:18.03 and I would say over consumption of meat. 00:36:18.04\00:36:21.28 There are some people that can't go 00:36:21.29\00:36:22.48 a meal without eating meat. You know even, 00:36:22.49\00:36:25.13 this is probably not worth getting into 00:36:25.14\00:36:27.78 that much more, but anyway the principle 00:36:27.79\00:36:29.60 is clearly there, God doesn't want us to kill 00:36:29.61\00:36:32.27 animals for our food. Whenever I see those 00:36:32.28\00:36:34.34 trailer trucks driving down the highway 00:36:34.35\00:36:35.62 and they pass and the cows are sticking 00:36:35.63\00:36:37.06 their nose through little holes. 00:36:37.07\00:36:38.45 I would say well I guess he is on his 00:36:38.46\00:36:40.75 way to Burger Kings, or McDonald's 00:36:40.76\00:36:42.05 or Wendy's, that's a whole other can of work, 00:36:42.06\00:36:45.26 but anyway friends, thank you so much for 00:36:45.27\00:36:46.49 your questions and comments. 00:36:46.50\00:36:47.80 The Lord wants us to be healthy, 00:36:47.81\00:36:49.43 he wants us to be strong, he wants us 00:36:49.44\00:36:51.71 having abundant life, and you do so by 00:36:51.72\00:36:53.40 following the word of God. 00:36:53.41\00:36:54.71 If you have any questions, and any 00:36:54.72\00:36:56.41 comments send those to housecalls@3abn.org, 00:36:56.42\00:36:59.10 that's housecalls@3abn.org, 00:36:59.11\00:37:03.09 and we will hopefully get a chance to 00:37:03.10\00:37:05.64 respond back to you. John lets talk about 00:37:05.65\00:37:09.05 faith today, how to increase your faith. 00:37:09.06\00:37:12.66 You know there are lot of you who are watching 00:37:12.67\00:37:13.89 the program, some of you may want to 00:37:13.90\00:37:16.33 give up on society or give up on your family, 00:37:16.34\00:37:19.17 or give up on your life, or your career, 00:37:19.18\00:37:21.87 or sadly maybe some of you want to give up 00:37:21.88\00:37:24.14 on your walk with Christ, because your 00:37:24.15\00:37:25.80 faith is being attacked, because your faith 00:37:25.81\00:37:28.59 is being eroded by some situation or 00:37:28.60\00:37:31.01 some circumstance in life. 00:37:31.02\00:37:32.60 Today we want to encourage you and 00:37:32.61\00:37:34.72 even give you some principles from the Bible, 00:37:34.73\00:37:37.09 scriptures from the Bible and how to increase 00:37:37.10\00:37:39.92 your faith? How to have a strong walk with Christ? 00:37:39.93\00:37:43.14 I think of football John, I think football 00:37:43.15\00:37:45.23 is one of the, to me its one of the classic 00:37:45.24\00:37:47.55 examples of the Christian life, 00:37:47.56\00:37:49.03 because once you put that uniform on 00:37:49.04\00:37:51.37 of Christian, there is an entire team against you, 00:37:51.38\00:37:54.71 that's going to hit you hard. 00:37:54.72\00:37:56.07 I mean you've played football before. 00:37:56.08\00:37:58.40 I played football for a week till I got hit 00:37:58.41\00:38:01.32 in a head, and I decided there is 00:38:01.33\00:38:02.83 another sport that I will probably get out 00:38:02.84\00:38:04.94 thinking wisely, less broken bones. 00:38:04.95\00:38:07.56 But friends once you become a Christian, 00:38:07.57\00:38:09.86 think of the game of football, 00:38:09.87\00:38:11.00 the America version, maybe even rugby the 00:38:11.01\00:38:16.14 European version, or the Australian version, 00:38:16.15\00:38:18.27 once that ball is in your hands, somebody 00:38:18.28\00:38:20.64 wants it, they are gonna come at you 00:38:20.65\00:38:21.73 and hit you hard, drag you down, knock you 00:38:21.74\00:38:23.39 down, kick you while you are down, 00:38:23.40\00:38:24.89 and you don't get up and say, he hit me, 00:38:24.90\00:38:28.50 I don't want to play anymore. 00:38:28.51\00:38:29.81 We get up and say that's what I expect, 00:38:29.82\00:38:33.16 because I am in not a game, but I am in the 00:38:33.17\00:38:36.52 walk, I am in the stadium, in the arena 00:38:36.53\00:38:38.70 of Christianity. I am on the team, 00:38:38.71\00:38:40.79 and I must expect that what I have is 00:38:40.80\00:38:43.32 so valuable that the opponents wants to 00:38:43.33\00:38:45.79 take it from my hand and keep me from 00:38:45.80\00:38:47.76 getting home, getting to my goal, 00:38:47.77\00:38:51.13 and that's why, the reason I say is because 00:38:51.14\00:38:54.07 Paul the apostle uses the Christian life 00:38:54.08\00:38:56.18 as press toward the goal, and only football 00:38:56.19\00:38:58.94 has a goal in it. You know we often talk 00:38:58.95\00:39:01.31 about faith in terms of meeting more of it, 00:39:01.32\00:39:04.73 but that's actually the wrong use of terminology, 00:39:04.74\00:39:07.14 we don't need more faith. 00:39:07.15\00:39:08.33 We need to increase the measure of faith 00:39:08.34\00:39:09.81 that has been given to us, and so 00:39:09.82\00:39:12.25 you have been given a measure of faith. 00:39:12.26\00:39:14.67 All of us are given a measure of faith; 00:39:14.68\00:39:16.28 the question is what we are gonna to do 00:39:16.29\00:39:17.58 with that faith. As a muscle needs exercise 00:39:17.59\00:39:21.14 to increase its strength, our faith 00:39:21.15\00:39:23.00 needs exercise, it needs to be active to 00:39:23.01\00:39:25.25 increase its strength and that's what our 00:39:25.26\00:39:27.44 program is about today. Lets go to our 00:39:27.45\00:39:30.06 first text because some of you, 00:39:30.07\00:39:31.53 I mean this maybe just a slam dunk, 00:39:31.54\00:39:33.73 that's not football language, 00:39:33.74\00:39:35.77 its basketball language, 00:39:35.78\00:39:36.94 I am all over the place today. 00:39:36.95\00:39:38.81 Don't worry about that. But in Hebrews 11 00:39:38.82\00:39:40.98 let's first give the Bible definition 00:39:40.99\00:39:42.98 of what faith is. John if you get there 00:39:42.99\00:39:45.80 read that for us. We have to define 00:39:45.81\00:39:48.79 what we are talking about before we could 00:39:48.80\00:39:50.05 even talk about how to increase it, 00:39:50.06\00:39:52.67 how to expand it, read that for us. 00:39:52.68\00:39:55.61 Here we go: Now faith is the substance 00:39:55.62\00:39:57.86 of things hoped for, the evidence of things 00:39:57.87\00:40:01.10 not seen. Okay, now break it down. 00:40:01.11\00:40:04.21 Well the thing I like is the faith is a substance, 00:40:04.22\00:40:08.28 so faith is something, its there, 00:40:08.29\00:40:10.88 its substance, it gives meat, it gives, 00:40:10.89\00:40:12.85 it has strength, or provide something for us, 00:40:12.86\00:40:17.78 it's a substance, it's not just like. 00:40:17.79\00:40:19.27 Its not blind arterial out there. 00:40:19.28\00:40:21.04 Yeah, its there, it truly is there and 00:40:21.05\00:40:24.43 it's a substance of things hoped for, 00:40:24.44\00:40:26.29 so it involves not something tangible 00:40:26.30\00:40:29.22 that you can see, but it involves your mind, 00:40:29.23\00:40:32.52 and your heart, and things that you hope for. 00:40:32.53\00:40:35.20 Not just oh I hope that I get to go to 00:40:35.21\00:40:38.10 Disney Land this year. No, that's not the kind 00:40:38.11\00:40:40.84 of hope we are talking about. 00:40:40.85\00:40:41.82 We are talking about something actually put 00:40:41.83\00:40:43.66 and bank on it, you put everything into, 00:40:43.67\00:40:45.66 so it's inevitably connected to you. 00:40:45.67\00:40:48.77 It means something to you and its substance. 00:40:48.78\00:40:50.49 So I like that part of it initially. 00:40:50.50\00:40:52.42 Yeah it's not only, its not only is it substance 00:40:52.43\00:40:55.53 but its evidence, that God is evidence. 00:40:55.54\00:40:58.14 Okay I thought you are gonna go there 00:40:58.15\00:40:59.12 but thank you for saving that piece for me, 00:40:59.13\00:41:00.60 its evidence we can be a someone. 00:41:00.61\00:41:03.37 Many years ago I was growing up, 00:41:03.38\00:41:04.85 and somebody ask this question, 00:41:04.86\00:41:06.07 if you were put on trial for being a Christian, 00:41:06.08\00:41:08.08 is there enough evidence to convict you. 00:41:08.09\00:41:09.97 And see the evidence of the Christian life 00:41:09.98\00:41:12.69 should be reflected in a Christian's life. 00:41:12.70\00:41:16.02 Matter of fact, that the only thing that 00:41:16.03\00:41:17.81 was put on the stand as evidence 00:41:17.82\00:41:19.65 it should be you. Are you a Christian, 00:41:19.66\00:41:22.88 and then they bring people into the courtroom? 00:41:22.89\00:41:24.77 And you see in that courtroom people sitting, 00:41:24.78\00:41:26.88 I've seen that, where have it, and you start 00:41:26.89\00:41:30.48 noticing faces of people that you touched 00:41:30.49\00:41:32.28 at some point in life. You cross paths 00:41:32.29\00:41:34.82 or you work together, would the testimonies 00:41:34.83\00:41:37.33 of those individuals be John's a Christian, 00:41:37.34\00:41:41.14 I mean I know that. My job is to be praying 00:41:41.15\00:41:44.39 you know when we got the water machine 00:41:44.40\00:41:46.27 or after work or. They encourage me. 00:41:46.28\00:41:49.20 Yeah one is on the playing field, 00:41:49.21\00:41:51.96 when he was, whatever he did, 00:41:51.97\00:41:53.68 yeah he is a Christian, and the entire court 00:41:53.69\00:41:56.52 will stand in favor of what you are being, 00:41:56.53\00:41:59.58 what you are being indicted on, 00:41:59.59\00:42:01.42 that's a good thing to be indicted on, 00:42:01.43\00:42:02.89 its evidence. But let just have one more 00:42:02.90\00:42:04.85 portion to the evidence side John. 00:42:04.86\00:42:06.45 Its evidence to say that what God has promised, 00:42:06.46\00:42:10.31 he will fulfill, but it's not evidence based 00:42:10.32\00:42:13.52 on just a theory of claims, its evidence 00:42:13.53\00:42:16.13 based on his word, its based on his word. 00:42:16.14\00:42:21.38 Now if you can't trust God's word, 00:42:21.39\00:42:24.71 whose word can you trust? So that's the 00:42:24.72\00:42:27.77 evidence that we have there. 00:42:27.78\00:42:30.15 Let's go ahead. Now but the other part of 00:42:30.16\00:42:32.69 that to is that you know many have said 00:42:32.70\00:42:35.85 well prove that God exists, prove 00:42:35.86\00:42:38.01 there is a God. The only thing we have 00:42:38.02\00:42:40.20 to prove that there is a God is what, faith. 00:42:40.21\00:42:43.12 Now it's the only thing we have to prove 00:42:43.13\00:42:44.73 there is a God, so my response typically 00:42:44.74\00:42:47.86 now to someone who would say well prove 00:42:47.87\00:42:49.35 there is a God, you know you can't show me 00:42:49.36\00:42:50.44 there is a God. My response always is, 00:42:50.45\00:42:53.85 I can't prove it to you because its within me, 00:42:53.86\00:42:58.30 its part of, it's the evidence of who I am, 00:42:58.31\00:43:00.81 its how I live, it's the faith that I have, 00:43:00.82\00:43:02.75 and until you have it or you begin to live it, 00:43:02.76\00:43:05.41 and it becomes part of you, you are not 00:43:05.42\00:43:07.96 gonna see it. So faith is experiential and 00:43:07.97\00:43:12.42 knowing God is an experience, 00:43:12.43\00:43:14.70 it's not something that just can be proven. 00:43:14.71\00:43:16.89 And God chose that way, he chose, 00:43:16.90\00:43:19.03 he chooses that way to do it. 00:43:19.04\00:43:20.63 I like the way that James puts it in. 00:43:20.64\00:43:22.91 We are gonna look at the text here 00:43:22.92\00:43:24.02 because you just talked about people asking 00:43:24.03\00:43:26.13 you the question whether or not there is a God. 00:43:26.14\00:43:27.74 Instead of saying that you should prove it, 00:43:27.75\00:43:31.65 I say sometime say why don't you, 00:43:31.66\00:43:33.70 since you are the one that's concerned 00:43:33.71\00:43:35.21 about whether or not he does exist, 00:43:35.22\00:43:36.96 you prove to me that he doesn't exist, 00:43:36.97\00:43:39.23 that's even harder, right. Because James 00:43:39.24\00:43:41.77 says at this way, as the body without the 00:43:41.78\00:43:45.06 spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead, 00:43:45.07\00:43:50.05 right. And so if you fear that because you don't 00:43:50.06\00:43:52.47 see the air around you that you don't really 00:43:52.48\00:43:54.44 need it, just cork your nose for just about 00:43:54.45\00:43:57.54 two minutes. You find you will need it. 00:43:57.55\00:43:59.78 You find you need it. You discover that 00:43:59.79\00:44:02.46 we need God just as much as we need 00:44:02.47\00:44:05.55 the next breath, and we right away know 00:44:05.56\00:44:09.39 when that next breath is not coming, 00:44:09.40\00:44:10.92 when we are in the room filled with smoke, 00:44:10.93\00:44:12.66 or when we smell something that is 00:44:12.67\00:44:14.35 threatening like ammonia, or fumes 00:44:14.36\00:44:17.35 that are toxic, right away we realize at 00:44:17.36\00:44:19.80 that very detrimental moment how badly 00:44:19.81\00:44:22.31 we need clean air. That's right. 00:44:22.32\00:44:23.71 In our lives, let me do the comparison, 00:44:23.72\00:44:26.30 when there is heartache and pain, 00:44:26.31\00:44:29.10 when there is disaster, you find that atheism 00:44:29.11\00:44:32.75 is that as a greatest threat, because when 00:44:32.76\00:44:35.88 a building blows up, or a car is crashed, 00:44:35.89\00:44:38.02 or when plane comes down, or there is 00:44:38.03\00:44:39.93 a great war, fires being broken out, 00:44:39.94\00:44:41.73 you are standing and bullets flying over 00:44:41.74\00:44:43.23 your head, there are very few people 00:44:43.24\00:44:44.62 that are saying, I am an atheist. 00:44:44.63\00:44:47.01 I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. 00:44:47.02\00:44:49.42 You are calling him, help me. 00:44:49.43\00:44:51.60 You know one person said the worst 00:44:51.61\00:44:53.48 situation to be as an atheist, and 00:44:53.49\00:44:54.98 you have nobody to call in a crisis. 00:44:54.99\00:44:56.77 John that goes right 00:44:56.78\00:45:00.25 along the line what you just said about God. 00:45:00.26\00:45:02.75 Without faith it is impossible to please Him, 00:45:02.76\00:45:05.09 for he who comes to God must believe 00:45:05.10\00:45:07.19 that He is, and that He is a rewarder 00:45:07.20\00:45:08.94 of those who diligently seek Him. 00:45:08.95\00:45:10.99 Those who come to God must believe 00:45:11.00\00:45:12.46 that he is, right. You know Jesus says I am, 00:45:12.47\00:45:16.51 right, right, you see. And he rewards you 00:45:16.52\00:45:18.57 by revealing himself after diligent seeking, 00:45:18.58\00:45:22.42 that's the thing. You know most who say 00:45:22.43\00:45:24.83 prove there is a God, you know who ask 00:45:24.84\00:45:26.16 that question, they've never saw him 00:45:26.17\00:45:27.88 or pursued him, and that's one of the 00:45:27.89\00:45:31.24 requirements to actually be rewarded 00:45:31.25\00:45:32.93 with the knowledge of God is an actual 00:45:32.94\00:45:35.32 pursuit of Him and wanting to know him. 00:45:35.33\00:45:37.73 You know you said something earlier John 00:45:37.74\00:45:39.00 too that I thought that was we kind of 00:45:39.01\00:45:40.90 ran by fairly quickly, and we probably 00:45:40.91\00:45:42.25 we are gonna come back to it anyway, 00:45:42.26\00:45:43.38 but you were saying faith without works 00:45:43.39\00:45:44.70 is dead. And we just jumped over that, 00:45:44.71\00:45:48.65 we call one side faith, and the other side 00:45:48.66\00:45:50.80 works, but actually they go hand in hand. 00:45:50.81\00:45:52.80 Works are part of faith, oh yeah. 00:45:52.81\00:45:58.50 Its not faith and then works. 00:45:58.51\00:46:00.70 Its faith that includes works, so the debate 00:46:00.71\00:46:04.93 after which they want what's more important 00:46:04.94\00:46:06.65 you can't even ask the question. 00:46:06.66\00:46:08.10 Faith is part of I mean works are 00:46:08.11\00:46:10.67 part of faith, that's right. 00:46:10.68\00:46:12.10 And the way I explain that is, 00:46:12.11\00:46:14.19 or I would explain it is that faith is, 00:46:14.20\00:46:19.94 it has two, has the possibility of two options, 00:46:19.95\00:46:22.92 passive or active, okay, yeah. 00:46:22.93\00:46:25.79 A passive faith says I believe there is a 00:46:25.80\00:46:28.00 higher power, I believe there is a God. 00:46:28.01\00:46:30.80 And the response of the scripture is 00:46:30.81\00:46:33.80 what the Devil believe there is a God too, 00:46:33.81\00:46:35.53 right. But the Devil doesn't put his 00:46:35.54\00:46:37.36 trust in God, and that's active faith. 00:46:37.37\00:46:40.21 That is putting an active trust in God, 00:46:40.54\00:46:42.32 your confidence in God to where you 00:46:42.33\00:46:43.93 know talk with him, you walk with him, 00:46:43.94\00:46:45.88 you read his word, you live according 00:46:45.89\00:46:47.96 to his principles, and that is works. 00:46:47.97\00:46:50.75 Those are the works, and they begin to 00:46:50.76\00:46:52.94 flow from a true active faith. 00:46:52.95\00:46:55.74 And so we are talking about increasing 00:46:55.75\00:46:57.87 our faith today. We are talking about 00:46:57.88\00:46:59.63 letting those works become more and 00:46:59.64\00:47:02.97 more part of our life, because it's the faith 00:47:02.98\00:47:06.64 that works in us that's producing those works. 00:47:06.65\00:47:08.87 Works don't stand on their own, 00:47:08.88\00:47:10.15 if they do, its legalism, oh yeah. 00:47:10.16\00:47:12.56 But works is part of faith, is an essential 00:47:12.57\00:47:15.24 part of that true faith, and an increase 00:47:15.25\00:47:18.85 in faith. People that say God cannot be 00:47:18.86\00:47:22.32 found should actually look at the writings 00:47:22.33\00:47:26.42 of the Jeremiah, Jeremiah 29:13 00:47:26.43\00:47:28.93 because there was this desire there 00:47:28.94\00:47:31.64 is a seeking after God looking to find him. 00:47:31.65\00:47:34.69 Jeremiah says and you will seek me 00:47:34.70\00:47:38.58 and find me when you search for me 00:47:38.59\00:47:40.81 with all your heart. The Lord says you 00:47:40.82\00:47:43.17 will find me if you search for me with 00:47:43.18\00:47:44.95 all your heart. That's what the writing 00:47:44.96\00:47:47.67 of Hebrew says; he rewards those who 00:47:47.68\00:47:49.97 diligently seek Him. Have you ever lost 00:47:49.98\00:47:52.88 your car keys, and say I can't find my car keys, 00:47:52.89\00:47:57.74 I guess I am not gonna drive again. 00:47:57.75\00:47:59.38 No, you tear that house apart, you 00:47:59.39\00:48:03.09 look in places that you've looked, 00:48:03.10\00:48:04.35 and you look there again, you look there 00:48:04.36\00:48:05.78 again, you look there again because you know 00:48:05.79\00:48:07.05 that I put, its got to be here somewhere, 00:48:07.06\00:48:09.18 that's what we say. And so friends 00:48:09.19\00:48:10.99 we will encourage you for those of 00:48:11.00\00:48:12.35 you say well prove me that there is God. 00:48:12.36\00:48:14.75 Well just like we say and even more evident 00:48:14.76\00:48:17.64 than our car keys, because our car keys 00:48:17.65\00:48:19.23 are just somewhere, but in fact God is 00:48:19.24\00:48:21.48 omnipresent, he is everywhere. 00:48:21.49\00:48:23.20 We will find him when we search for 00:48:23.21\00:48:26.58 him with all of our heart, and he reveals himself. 00:48:26.59\00:48:28.97 How many times have you prayed John, 00:48:28.98\00:48:30.79 and your prayers have been answered. 00:48:30.80\00:48:32.33 How many times did you ask God to 00:48:32.34\00:48:34.19 respond to a particular need, 00:48:34.20\00:48:36.07 and he has responded to that need. 00:48:36.08\00:48:37.62 Many times. You know and some people will 00:48:37.63\00:48:39.38 say well God doesn't always respond 00:48:39.39\00:48:42.11 when we want him to but he is never late. 00:48:42.12\00:48:45.28 And he doesn't always respond in the way 00:48:45.29\00:48:47.54 we want him to. That's right. 00:48:47.55\00:48:49.23 That's why I am very careful, and it's been 00:48:49.24\00:48:52.52 a transition in my life to pray a different way, 00:48:52.53\00:48:56.55 not pray the way I want God to answer 00:48:56.56\00:48:59.45 a prayer, but that God would answer the prayer, 00:48:59.46\00:49:01.54 would intervene and do something in the 00:49:01.55\00:49:03.25 life of some individuals or some circumstance. 00:49:03.26\00:49:05.91 Now what about Romans 10:17 because 00:49:05.92\00:49:10.20 where we headed, where you went with that. 00:49:10.21\00:49:12.28 well you know we went over really quickly, 00:49:12.29\00:49:14.07 we said God has given every Christian 00:49:14.08\00:49:15.63 a measure of faith, oh yeah, each person 00:49:15.64\00:49:16.85 a measure of faith, that text suggest, 00:49:16.86\00:49:19.26 we have that reference is Romans 12 verse 3, 00:49:19.27\00:49:22.76 so everybody has some faith in them. 00:49:22.77\00:49:26.33 I would even say there would be no 00:49:26.34\00:49:28.97 argument by the atheist if they 00:49:28.98\00:49:30.56 weren't some faith first given them 00:49:30.57\00:49:32.58 because why you are fighting, 00:49:32.59\00:49:34.92 what are you fighting for. 00:49:34.93\00:49:35.90 You know you are fighting against, 00:49:35.91\00:49:37.81 why are you fighting against something 00:49:37.82\00:49:38.81 that doesn't exist. It's because there 00:49:38.82\00:49:41.20 is something in you that still is saying 00:49:41.21\00:49:43.24 maybe it does. That's a good point. 00:49:43.25\00:49:46.76 Maybe I am wrong, but I am not you 00:49:46.77\00:49:48.62 quenched that no I cannot wrong, 00:49:48.63\00:49:50.59 the scientist say I can prove there is no God. 00:49:50.60\00:49:52.79 But there is a conversation between 00:49:52.80\00:49:55.50 Christian and a good friend, there were 00:49:55.51\00:49:57.79 good friends, Christian and an atheist. 00:49:57.80\00:49:59.52 This is told by a preacher, however 00:49:59.53\00:50:00.83 he is not coming to my mind right now, 00:50:00.84\00:50:01.90 so I can't give a credit to his name 00:50:01.91\00:50:03.26 but he was saying they were having a 00:50:03.27\00:50:05.29 conversation and they were close, 00:50:05.30\00:50:08.01 and the atheist just didn't believe in God. 00:50:08.02\00:50:11.94 Finally fest up and he said no I've to 00:50:11.95\00:50:15.41 say one thing, I know we talked about this, 00:50:15.42\00:50:17.25 we don't talk about it a lot, but I do want 00:50:17.26\00:50:18.89 to say one thing. If you are wrong what 00:50:18.90\00:50:23.03 have you lost, nothing. 00:50:23.04\00:50:26.40 You are living a good life, you have a 00:50:26.41\00:50:28.01 good family, you have wonderful children, 00:50:28.02\00:50:29.65 you've enjoyed life. But if I am wrong, 00:50:29.66\00:50:33.43 if I am wrong, boy what have I lost, everything. 00:50:33.44\00:50:37.94 And so the question is look at the evidence 00:50:37.95\00:50:41.38 of Christ, look at Christians around 00:50:41.39\00:50:42.87 who are truly living a life of Christ. 00:50:42.88\00:50:44.51 What is the testimony they are giving about 00:50:44.52\00:50:47.21 God, that God creates wonderful lives 00:50:47.22\00:50:50.27 for his children. He takes cares of us 00:50:50.28\00:50:53.17 even when we are having a tough time 00:50:53.18\00:50:54.58 he gives us a right perspective and 00:50:54.59\00:50:56.52 we can get through life even in tough times 00:50:56.53\00:50:58.70 knowing God is by our side. 00:50:58.71\00:51:00.41 That is evidence alone enough that 00:51:00.42\00:51:04.15 God is real and true to his word. 00:51:04.16\00:51:07.65 You know John that's a good comparison 00:51:07.66\00:51:11.12 because if we don't believe in God, 00:51:11.13\00:51:13.83 if we don't give ourselves to him, 00:51:13.84\00:51:15.67 but he is there, we have lost everything. 00:51:15.68\00:51:18.40 But if we live our lives and give our 00:51:18.41\00:51:20.70 lives to God, accept Jesus Christ as our 00:51:20.71\00:51:23.64 savior, and he is not there, we haven't 00:51:23.90\00:51:27.55 lost anything. And by the way we are 00:51:27.56\00:51:29.82 not saying that we have any doubt that 00:51:29.83\00:51:31.32 he is there because we are not, we are not, 00:51:31.33\00:51:32.91 once you live, once you experience God 00:51:32.92\00:51:34.44 you know he exists, but yes, you are right, 00:51:34.45\00:51:37.02 I mean in objective sense what have 00:51:37.03\00:51:38.75 you lost if he is not. And you know we live 00:51:38.76\00:51:40.42 in a world of risk takers, if you don't 00:51:40.43\00:51:42.22 believe you just go to Reno or Las Vegas, 00:51:42.23\00:51:45.03 or Lake Tahoe, or anything of these 00:51:45.04\00:51:47.83 gambling casinos where billions of dollars 00:51:47.84\00:51:50.97 I would say go through the hand and 00:51:50.98\00:51:52.79 exchange machines throughout the year. 00:51:52.80\00:51:54.62 People are sitting there dropping coins, 00:51:54.63\00:51:57.32 rolling dice, playing cards, you know why 00:51:57.33\00:52:00.53 because they believe somehow there is 00:52:00.54\00:52:04.12 a chance that I win, yeah. 00:52:04.13\00:52:06.61 And an atheist, people don't attend church, 00:52:06.62\00:52:08.91 people that probably don't name the name 00:52:08.92\00:52:10.33 of God at all. People that never walked 00:52:10.34\00:52:11.98 to the doors and have a shadow of 00:52:11.99\00:52:13.19 the church even hit their bodies. 00:52:13.20\00:52:14.81 They are rolling the dice, they are playing 00:52:14.82\00:52:16.71 in the machines, because they know 00:52:16.72\00:52:17.86 that even if I've turned this machine like 38, 00:52:17.87\00:52:21.44 if I come to the same one for five weeks 00:52:21.45\00:52:23.57 in a row, surely I got to hit it somewhere 00:52:23.58\00:52:25.88 along the way, and they sit there and 00:52:25.89\00:52:27.32 they see jackpot going higher, and higher, 00:52:27.33\00:52:28.93 and higher, and higher, and higher, 00:52:28.94\00:52:30.28 and they come there for five weeks 00:52:30.29\00:52:31.67 and don't hit, and they end up with the 00:52:31.68\00:52:34.06 torn up life. But the point I am aiming 00:52:34.07\00:52:36.04 at here, don't loose your thought is that 00:52:36.05\00:52:38.47 if they are willing to risk something that 00:52:38.48\00:52:40.28 they have beheld with their eyes, 00:52:40.29\00:52:42.98 and they think there is a possibility, 00:52:42.99\00:52:44.42 faith says there is infinitesimally larger 00:52:45.77\00:52:50.74 blessing than that slot machine is waiting 00:52:50.75\00:52:53.06 for you, and its not even a risk. 00:52:53.07\00:52:56.06 And I would say that there is even a 00:52:56.07\00:52:58.34 much greater risk odds involved by accepting 00:52:58.35\00:53:01.78 and believing in big bang theory, oh man. 00:53:01.79\00:53:04.68 You think the risk or the odds of hitting the 00:53:04.69\00:53:06.86 jackpot in Reno or in Los Vegas is high, 00:53:06.87\00:53:10.56 talk about the odds of a big bang actually 00:53:10.57\00:53:14.24 happening. It's so much more of a greater risk, 00:53:14.25\00:53:18.39 and so you are right, I mean we take a risk 00:53:18.40\00:53:20.84 all the time, but the risk I believe that an 00:53:20.85\00:53:23.83 atheist would take is far beyond reasonable risk, 00:53:23.84\00:53:27.72 right. It's unreasonable and it's based on a 00:53:27.73\00:53:32.71 percentage and so when people say 00:53:32.72\00:53:34.98 what is the percentage possibility 00:53:34.99\00:53:38.02 that Jesus exist. And I say 100 percent, 00:53:38.03\00:53:42.01 you throw somebody in the left field 00:53:42.02\00:53:44.63 because he said prove it and there is no 00:53:44.64\00:53:47.11 greater proof than a changed life, 00:53:47.12\00:53:49.08 yeah changed life, changed life, which 00:53:49.09\00:53:50.42 people will look at somebody and say 00:53:50.43\00:53:51.92 there is no way that he can change, 00:53:51.93\00:53:53.18 I mean, I know that guy, there is no way 00:53:53.19\00:53:54.62 he could change, yes Jesus can change 00:53:54.63\00:53:57.12 any of our life. Quick story on that too, 00:53:57.13\00:53:58.89 I will make it very quick, okay, 00:53:58.90\00:54:00.18 because we kind of recap where we are 00:54:00.19\00:54:01.21 going. I was going through in 2005 00:54:01.22\00:54:05.98 we had in St. Louis the General Conference, 00:54:05.99\00:54:08.56 yes. I was walking through there, 00:54:08.57\00:54:11.25 you know at that point I had been a pastor 00:54:11.26\00:54:13.42 for over three years, and I was going 00:54:13.43\00:54:17.25 through and someone did a double take 00:54:17.26\00:54:19.67 oh yeah John Stanton, how are you doing. 00:54:19.68\00:54:22.48 It was someone that from where I lived, 00:54:22.49\00:54:24.50 where I grew up as I was raised in California 00:54:24.51\00:54:26.81 and they say hey what you are doing here. 00:54:26.82\00:54:29.84 I said well you know I am here, 00:54:29.85\00:54:31.87 I am a pastor from just up to right just 00:54:31.88\00:54:34.74 moved to Springfield, this transition to 00:54:34.75\00:54:36.58 Springfield and I am just a pastor up there, 00:54:36.59\00:54:39.10 a pastor here in Illinois and they, 00:54:39.11\00:54:40.45 I have never actually seen this happen, 00:54:40.46\00:54:42.51 but I saw this. This is an older couple 00:54:42.52\00:54:47.60 whose son was in school at the same 00:54:47.61\00:54:49.38 time I was, although he was a few years 00:54:49.39\00:54:50.92 younger. Well the son was an athlete 00:54:50.93\00:54:55.34 and he was a freshman, we were 00:54:55.35\00:54:56.75 seniors as an athlete, and we picked on him, 00:54:56.76\00:54:59.25 okay. You know I am little ruthless back 00:54:59.26\00:55:01.12 in high school, oh yeah. We didn't 00:55:01.13\00:55:03.64 let him forget he was a freshman, 00:55:03.65\00:55:05.17 but that was a way often of accepting 00:55:05.18\00:55:07.81 someone too, you know you pick on him 00:55:07.82\00:55:09.33 and it endures to them a little bit to give him 00:55:09.34\00:55:11.42 a hard time, and you let him in your group, 00:55:11.43\00:55:13.49 because he was a pretty good athlete. 00:55:13.50\00:55:15.52 Anyway so after I said yeah I am a pastor 00:55:15.53\00:55:18.98 and they said are you John Stanton 00:55:18.99\00:55:22.05 from Angwin, and they literally were so over, 00:55:22.06\00:55:25.20 they were blown away, yeah. 00:55:25.21\00:55:27.20 I said yeah that's me. They said but our son 00:55:27.21\00:55:31.67 talked about how you and some of your 00:55:31.68\00:55:33.80 friends would pick on him sometimes, 00:55:33.81\00:55:35.90 and I said yeah we picked on lot of 00:55:35.91\00:55:39.13 freshman but he was an athlete, 00:55:39.14\00:55:40.62 and I think we were picking on him 00:55:40.63\00:55:41.60 as a thing of endearment not 00:55:41.61\00:55:43.51 so much, as a mascot, to mean 00:55:43.52\00:55:45.05 and cruel you know and he said he couldn't 00:55:45.06\00:55:48.36 believe it, he couldn't believe it. 00:55:48.37\00:55:50.07 A changed life is no greater evidence of 00:55:50.08\00:55:52.97 God existence than a changed life, and 00:55:52.98\00:55:54.39 God has changed my life, even after 00:55:54.40\00:55:56.89 he changed my life, he has changed my life, 00:55:56.90\00:55:58.55 that's right, and he changed my life, 00:55:58.56\00:55:59.76 that's right. So where we are going here 00:55:59.77\00:56:01.86 in this today because we are starting 00:56:01.87\00:56:03.26 to wrap up. We are going in the study 00:56:03.27\00:56:05.30 by saying that first to begin to increase 00:56:05.31\00:56:08.06 your faith, you got to accept the faith 00:56:08.07\00:56:10.43 that is given you. We are starting 00:56:10.44\00:56:12.42 of with the measure of faith given to 00:56:12.43\00:56:14.18 you believe in God and accept it and then 00:56:14.19\00:56:17.10 say okay Lord now grow me, lets grow 00:56:17.11\00:56:19.42 in our experience, just growing and getting 00:56:19.43\00:56:20.82 to know each other and take my faith 00:56:20.83\00:56:22.48 and increase it. And I think a lot of people 00:56:22.49\00:56:24.18 out there are wanting to know how they can 00:56:24.19\00:56:25.76 increase that faith from where they start 00:56:25.77\00:56:28.38 which is okay God I accept you exist, 00:56:28.39\00:56:30.73 now take me where we need to go. 00:56:30.74\00:56:32.05 And you know friends let me encourage 00:56:32.06\00:56:33.66 and I believe in that we could say this back 00:56:33.67\00:56:35.63 and forth just before our program is done. 00:56:35.64\00:56:37.77 There are lot of people who are 00:56:37.78\00:56:39.25 saying well then what is the will of God 00:56:39.26\00:56:41.32 for my life. You know that's not necessary 00:56:41.33\00:56:43.03 for you to know, what's necessary 00:56:43.04\00:56:45.35 for you to know is to know God. 00:56:45.36\00:56:47.31 He will reveal all the blessings and 00:56:47.32\00:56:49.95 benefits in the time and the manner in 00:56:49.96\00:56:51.68 which he wants them to happen, 00:56:51.69\00:56:53.07 that's right. There are some people asking 00:56:53.08\00:56:54.17 that question, what is God's will for my life, 00:56:54.18\00:56:56.88 its like almost saying well if I marry you 00:56:56.89\00:56:58.44 what's going to happen five years from now, 00:56:58.45\00:57:00.29 that's not for you to know. 00:57:00.30\00:57:01.71 The Lord has committed this relationship, 00:57:01.72\00:57:03.83 and all the blessings and gifts will follow 00:57:03.84\00:57:05.86 afterwards. You know so John here 00:57:05.87\00:57:08.51 at House Calls we believe that the word 00:57:08.52\00:57:09.92 of God is something that we are not reading 00:57:09.93\00:57:12.71 it as a work of literature or compilation 00:57:12.72\00:57:16.38 of many books, that's rights, thus one cannon 00:57:16.39\00:57:18.61 of scripture. We are saying this is indelible 00:57:18.62\00:57:21.14 letter of love from God. God's speaking to us. 00:57:21.15\00:57:23.32 God's speaking to us, and friends so 00:57:23.33\00:57:25.87 encourage yourself by reading God's word, 00:57:25.88\00:57:28.16 trust in God's word and knowing God 00:57:28.17\00:57:30.59 for yourself, begin that today in Christ. 00:57:30.60\00:57:33.75