Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend and 00:00:01.98\00:00:03.10 sit back as we explore God's word together 00:00:03.11\00:00:05.27 on this edition of House Calls. 00:00:05.28\00:00:07.58 Well, welcome to another House Calls program, 00:00:22.85\00:00:24.78 I'm so glad you've chosen to tune in and 00:00:24.79\00:00:27.62 this is a good time to hit the record button because 00:00:28.25\00:00:30.11 this program you don't wanna miss. 00:00:30.12\00:00:31.70 Sometimes we go off on tangent getting 00:00:32.20\00:00:34.12 excited about God's word but if that's what 00:00:34.13\00:00:36.62 we're guilty for, praise God for it. 00:00:36.63\00:00:38.60 My name is John Lomacang. I have in the studio with 00:00:38.89\00:00:41.07 me my very good friend John Stanton. 00:00:41.08\00:00:43.17 It's good to be here again studying the word. 00:00:43.86\00:00:45.35 That's right. You know it's always a good day 00:00:45.77\00:00:47.68 when you can open God's word and not be 00:00:47.69\00:00:49.36 persecuted for it. That's right. 00:00:49.37\00:00:51.15 And sometimes we get emails that sound like 00:00:51.16\00:00:53.25 they're trying to bring on persecution soon. 00:00:53.26\00:00:55.23 But that's okay, we don't mind you sending those 00:00:55.93\00:00:57.86 emails and those comments. We'll let you know what 00:00:57.87\00:01:00.28 that address is in a few moments. 00:01:00.29\00:01:01.55 But John we have just really enjoyed walking 00:01:01.56\00:01:05.06 through the Bible, I think we did a program on 00:01:05.07\00:01:06.61 current events of what's happening in our world 00:01:07.59\00:01:09.72 and I think we're gonna stretch that for one more 00:01:09.73\00:01:11.80 program today because we are living in a very 00:01:11.81\00:01:14.14 exciting hour of earth's history. That's right. 00:01:14.15\00:01:17.01 And we have Bible questions also but before 00:01:17.02\00:01:20.16 we do any of that why don't you have prayer for us. 00:01:20.17\00:01:22.13 Let's do that. Dear Father in heaven, 00:01:22.14\00:01:23.84 we always want to be sure that when 00:01:23.85\00:01:26.02 we opened your word and we talk about things 00:01:26.03\00:01:27.78 that we know are critical to this world and important 00:01:27.79\00:01:31.22 to you in reaching all people with the gospel 00:01:31.23\00:01:33.77 that we need your Holy Spirit to lead and guide, 00:01:33.78\00:01:35.91 and so we pray for his presence here today. 00:01:35.92\00:01:37.74 We pray that he will not only open our hearts 00:01:38.44\00:01:39.96 and minds, but all those who are hearing and 00:01:39.97\00:01:42.48 are viewing this program here, 00:01:42.49\00:01:43.79 we pray in Jesus name, amen, amen. 00:01:43.80\00:01:47.05 And friends as you know your questions, 00:01:48.20\00:01:49.79 your Bible questions make a major difference, 00:01:49.80\00:01:51.73 so if you have any Bible questions send them 00:01:51.74\00:01:53.82 to housecalls@3abn.org, that's 00:01:53.83\00:01:57.01 housecalls@3abn.org. And we will download them 00:01:57.02\00:02:01.48 and hopefully upload them to the world 00:02:01.49\00:02:03.17 that is through our answering bank. 00:02:03.18\00:02:05.50 But John has some questions and while I 00:02:06.13\00:02:09.18 clear my nostrils, my nose feels clogged up today. 00:02:09.19\00:02:12.85 We're living in the beautiful Midwest where 00:02:13.90\00:02:16.79 everything is budding it seems, yeah. 00:02:16.80\00:02:18.98 But why don't we clear up some misconceptions 00:02:19.23\00:02:20.91 in Bible first, and worry less about my nostrils. 00:02:20.92\00:02:24.46 That sounds good. We have a couple of good 00:02:25.04\00:02:26.77 questions here, one is in regard to 00:02:26.78\00:02:29.65 Isaiah chapter 14. Isaiah 14. And the mention of 00:02:30.56\00:02:33.77 Lucifer's name there, okay. And the question 00:02:33.78\00:02:36.80 is from Javi, okay. And it goes as follows, 00:02:36.81\00:02:41.32 is God talking about the King of Babylon in 00:02:41.33\00:02:44.09 Isaiah 14 verse 4 and then 16 and then he 00:02:44.10\00:02:49.48 backs up here 14 verse 12, if God is talking about 00:02:49.49\00:02:54.34 a man why people say that this is the devil. 00:02:54.35\00:02:57.85 Can you please answer or clear this up for me. 00:02:58.60\00:03:00.56 Well let's take a look at Isaiah chapter 14, okay. 00:03:01.17\00:03:03.83 Actually a very good chapter to know 00:03:08.18\00:03:09.59 with regard to what would I say the MO 00:03:09.60\00:03:13.18 of the enemy Satan himself. Now we use that 00:03:13.86\00:03:16.92 term MO frequently pertaining to other things 00:03:16.93\00:03:19.50 but it's good to know what Satan's MO is, 00:03:19.51\00:03:21.72 what is his goal, what is his objective is at the 00:03:21.73\00:03:23.84 very end of time, right. Of course we know 00:03:23.85\00:03:25.70 that it's to deceive, but it says here as we 00:03:25.71\00:03:28.29 pick it up in verse 12 actually I think they 00:03:28.30\00:03:32.92 mentioned verse 4 here first of all 00:03:32.93\00:03:34.65 and it says verse 3, it shall come to pass 00:03:34.66\00:03:39.30 in the day of the Lord gives you rest 00:03:39.31\00:03:42.79 from your sorrow, and from your fear and 00:03:42.80\00:03:45.23 the hard bondage in which you were made 00:03:45.24\00:03:47.19 to serve that you will take up this proverb 00:03:47.20\00:03:49.58 against the King of Babylon and say and it 00:03:49.59\00:03:51.81 goes on to talk about the king of Babylon, right. 00:03:51.82\00:03:53.79 And then in verse 12 it says, 00:03:54.66\00:03:55.96 How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, 00:03:55.97\00:03:58.67 son of the morning! How you are cut down 00:03:58.68\00:04:00.94 to the ground, You who weakened the nations! 00:04:00.95\00:04:03.39 For you have said in your heart: 00:04:04.00\00:04:05.18 I will ascend to the heavens, 00:04:05.19\00:04:06.38 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; 00:04:07.02\00:04:09.08 I will sit on the mount of the congregation 00:04:09.09\00:04:10.92 on the farthest sides of the north; 00:04:10.93\00:04:12.31 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, 00:04:12.98\00:04:15.36 I will be like the Most High. That's right. 00:04:15.37\00:04:17.95 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, 00:04:18.59\00:04:20.13 to the lowest depths of the Pit. And in verse 16, 00:04:20.14\00:04:22.28 Those who see you will gaze at you, 00:04:23.04\00:04:24.59 And consider you, saying: 'Is this the man, 00:04:24.60\00:04:26.93 who made the earth tremble, 00:04:26.94\00:04:28.19 Who shook the kingdoms? Well a question none of us 00:04:28.20\00:04:32.97 want to be asked. But if we take a look at this text, 00:04:32.98\00:04:36.45 clearly it begins by starting off with the King 00:04:36.46\00:04:39.37 of Babylon, a reference to the King of Babylon 00:04:39.38\00:04:41.33 and then it goes to Lucifer. 00:04:41.34\00:04:42.89 So somehow we got to merge the two 00:04:43.69\00:04:45.71 and we find that they very easily can be merged 00:04:46.48\00:04:49.77 as far as the thoughts, okay. Now we know that 00:04:49.78\00:04:53.29 the prophets of old as they wrote their words, 00:04:53.30\00:04:57.12 they wrote for two audiences, 00:04:57.13\00:04:58.96 they wrote for Israel in their day and they wrote 00:04:59.70\00:05:02.78 for spiritual Israel at the end of time. Okay, 00:05:02.79\00:05:05.83 that is very clear, right. So many of their 00:05:05.84\00:05:07.92 references speak about events that were 00:05:07.93\00:05:09.47 happening in those days, but many references 00:05:09.48\00:05:11.22 also speak about spiritually what happens 00:05:11.23\00:05:13.53 to Israel at the end of time. Right, 00:05:13.54\00:05:15.10 a double application. Yes, and we find, 00:05:15.11\00:05:17.87 we find that throughout the prophets 00:05:17.88\00:05:19.98 or the writings of the prophets in the 00:05:19.99\00:05:21.87 Old Testament. So when someone or anybody tells 00:05:21.88\00:05:24.23 you this is side note here, if anybody tells you 00:05:24.24\00:05:25.90 the Old Testament is not something 00:05:25.91\00:05:27.23 you need to read. That's why I always have 00:05:27.24\00:05:29.15 a problem with these Bibles that are just the 00:05:29.16\00:05:30.50 New Testament. I know it. So they're getting very, 00:05:30.51\00:05:32.90 very, a very small portion of the scriptures 00:05:32.91\00:05:35.13 but anyway, anyone tells you don't read the Old, 00:05:35.14\00:05:37.87 don't listen to them, the Old is just as important 00:05:37.88\00:05:39.83 as the New Testament. But now back to our 00:05:39.84\00:05:42.51 subject, how we reconcile this, 00:05:42.52\00:05:44.91 I believe and I believe the Bible supports this 00:05:46.13\00:05:49.62 clearly that the King of Babylon was not only 00:05:49.63\00:05:52.31 Nebuchadnezzar in a literal sense of old, 00:05:52.32\00:05:54.36 but the King of Babylon is Satan himself in 00:05:55.28\00:05:59.24 spiritual Israel today. That's right. 00:05:59.25\00:06:01.53 So that's how we reconcile both, 00:06:02.31\00:06:03.88 it is talking about the King of Nebuchadnezzar, 00:06:03.89\00:06:06.28 and there's good application for a lot 00:06:06.29\00:06:07.79 of the things that he did at that time, 00:06:07.80\00:06:09.08 prior to his conversion. But we also see that 00:06:09.62\00:06:12.28 this is in its fulfillment, and in it's application 00:06:12.29\00:06:15.27 to spiritual Israel at the end of time, 00:06:15.28\00:06:17.06 he is talking about Satan himself. 00:06:17.07\00:06:18.51 And in fact Revelation gives us one of those 00:06:19.37\00:06:22.55 identifiers as far as the fulfillment 00:06:22.56\00:06:24.88 of this prophesy that we just read. 00:06:24.89\00:06:26.54 And we can look to Revelations chapter 9, 00:06:27.17\00:06:29.96 John I think you know where I'm going. And 00:06:31.07\00:06:32.04 you know the other thing is in this very chapter 00:06:32.62\00:06:35.71 in Isaiah 14 verse 12 the Lord makes it clear 00:06:36.70\00:06:39.58 that he is not talking about the literal King of 00:06:39.59\00:06:41.94 Israel, right, because he uses a very name Lucifer, 00:06:41.95\00:06:45.85 yeah. So this is a proverb you really look at that, 00:06:45.86\00:06:49.70 that's why verse 4 says take up this proverb, 00:06:49.71\00:06:53.11 that's right. You see a proverb, 00:06:53.12\00:06:54.73 has a proverbial meaning here. That's right. 00:06:54.74\00:06:57.02 It's, it's more than just the literal King of Israel 00:06:57.03\00:06:59.64 like whatever King reigned in Israel but 00:07:00.35\00:07:03.24 it's also talking about Christ, yeah. 00:07:03.25\00:07:05.18 You know the King of Israel. 00:07:05.48\00:07:06.45 It's not talking about literal Israel, 00:07:07.63\00:07:08.94 the sons of Jacob but it's talking about Israel 00:07:08.95\00:07:12.33 the overcomers of Christ and you find lot 00:07:12.34\00:07:14.56 of proverbial language in the scriptures. 00:07:14.57\00:07:16.08 That's right, yeah, that's right. 00:07:16.09\00:07:17.20 I'm reading from Revelation chapter 9, 00:07:18.09\00:07:20.10 okay, good, and verse 11, good comparison. 00:07:20.66\00:07:24.50 And they had as King over them the angel 00:07:25.51\00:07:28.38 of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew 00:07:28.39\00:07:31.80 is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. 00:07:31.81\00:07:37.00 Both of all in fact all three references 00:07:38.28\00:07:40.21 to Satan himself. So the angel over this army 00:07:40.22\00:07:45.43 and we know Revelation calls this army from 00:07:46.50\00:07:48.95 Babylon itself, it's an army connected to Babylon. 00:07:48.96\00:07:51.36 This angels of reference has been an angel 00:07:52.12\00:07:53.91 from the bottomless pit, and we know of course 00:07:53.92\00:07:55.45 that angel refers to Satan himself. 00:07:55.46\00:07:57.54 So the connection clearly is there when you go 00:07:58.17\00:07:59.78 from Isaiah's prophecy to the prophecy of Revelation. 00:07:59.79\00:08:02.59 Yeah, you see the unmistakable connection 00:08:03.28\00:08:05.95 between one and the other, 00:08:06.51\00:08:07.57 and that's a good analysis, a good deduction 00:08:08.30\00:08:11.80 that whenever you read the Bible look at the 00:08:12.49\00:08:15.06 obvious meaning and also look at the unobvious 00:08:15.07\00:08:17.80 meaning. Ask the question what is, 00:08:17.81\00:08:19.67 where do I se Christ in this verse, 00:08:19.68\00:08:21.50 where do I see the enemy, the adversary Satan, 00:08:22.18\00:08:25.04 the devil, and what message is God 00:08:25.05\00:08:27.51 communicating to me. And so clearly Isaiah 00:08:27.52\00:08:30.07 is talking about the fall of Lucifer, 00:08:30.08\00:08:32.10 because this fall has prescribed and talked 00:08:32.11\00:08:36.26 about throughout scripture. Luke 10:18, 00:08:36.27\00:08:39.22 Revelations chapter 12, and number of other 00:08:40.27\00:08:42.80 references. I have a question here today, 00:08:42.81\00:08:45.21 let me see which one I'm gonna pick here. 00:08:45.22\00:08:46.78 I like to download these questions instead 00:08:47.34\00:08:49.23 of printing lot of paper I just go ahead and 00:08:49.24\00:08:52.22 ask the questions based on what we receive 00:08:54.48\00:08:57.61 from the people that are writing to us, 00:08:58.17\00:09:00.11 appreciate it very much. This is a question from 00:09:00.12\00:09:02.97 a man by the name of Andy. 00:09:02.98\00:09:05.26 Years ago you know just that very name 00:09:06.99\00:09:08.96 reminds me of the song that little boy says; 00:09:08.97\00:09:12.39 I don't know that God's name was Andy. 00:09:13.37\00:09:14.87 Remember that you heard that before. 00:09:15.79\00:09:16.84 He says Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, 00:09:17.47\00:09:19.77 but this is not that Andy by the way. 00:09:20.51\00:09:22.09 It says hi Johns; this is my first time 00:09:23.16\00:09:26.73 writing to you. However let me first say that 00:09:26.74\00:09:29.81 your program has been a blessing to me. 00:09:29.82\00:09:31.30 Preachers always teach that to become a 00:09:32.11\00:09:34.41 Christian you need to surrender to God and 00:09:34.42\00:09:37.92 trust him. My question is, how do you do 00:09:37.93\00:09:42.40 that and how do you obey without trying 00:09:42.41\00:09:45.77 to gain your salvation with your works? 00:09:46.85\00:09:49.61 That's a very, very good question. 00:09:50.45\00:09:51.59 I think that when people come to Christ what 00:09:51.60\00:09:53.83 we wanna know is that we have surrendered 00:09:53.84\00:09:55.39 to Christ. You know the Lord first, 00:09:55.40\00:09:57.67 one of the most familiar passages of the 00:09:58.29\00:10:00.08 scripture is First John 1:9, we are gonna start 00:10:00.09\00:10:03.43 with that one if you turn there John, 00:10:03.44\00:10:04.72 maybe I have you read that for me. 00:10:04.73\00:10:06.24 First John 1:9 when we talk about giving 00:10:07.53\00:10:11.02 ourselves to Christ, I believe that one of the 00:10:11.03\00:10:13.68 first things we have to do is admit that we need 00:10:13.69\00:10:15.89 him and in that admission we're confessing 00:10:15.90\00:10:19.05 our utter inability to cleanse ourselves from 00:10:19.06\00:10:23.21 unrighteousness, that's right. And so matter 00:10:23.22\00:10:26.48 of fact I told John to turn there and while 00:10:26.49\00:10:29.25 you're there, why don't you read verse 8 and 9, 00:10:29.26\00:10:32.49 John, oh yes. This is from First John chapter 1, 00:10:32.50\00:10:35.73 it says, if we say that we have no sin, 00:10:36.01\00:10:37.87 we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 00:10:38.94\00:10:41.36 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and 00:10:42.66\00:10:44.96 just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us 00:10:44.97\00:10:47.87 from all unrighteousness. So one of the first things 00:10:47.88\00:10:51.28 we do as we come to him in confession. Lord, 00:10:51.29\00:10:52.94 I confess I'm a sinner, I need your salvation, 00:10:53.54\00:10:58.52 I need your grace. And then we have to keep 00:10:58.53\00:11:01.15 in mind that this part of surrender is not a daily, 00:11:01.16\00:11:04.59 it's not a daily battle with anything other 00:11:05.30\00:11:08.49 than yourself. You have to daily surrender your 00:11:08.50\00:11:14.83 life to Christ, as Paul the Apostle makes it clear, 00:11:14.84\00:11:17.46 I die daily. And so to not make it difficult for 00:11:17.47\00:11:21.55 you it's just simply comes down to surrendering 00:11:21.56\00:11:24.39 say daily. As you wake up in the morning 00:11:24.40\00:11:26.56 my wife and I do this, we roll out of our bed, 00:11:27.25\00:11:29.28 get on to our knees and we say Father. 00:11:29.29\00:11:31.56 Just invite him, and come into my life today 00:11:32.59\00:11:34.64 because I know that if I live my life according 00:11:35.83\00:11:37.49 to my own agenda, these other things that 00:11:37.50\00:11:39.60 I would do, come into my life today Father. 00:11:39.61\00:11:41.91 And then the next thing you must do in order 00:11:42.58\00:11:45.05 to sustain that surrendered life is you 00:11:45.06\00:11:47.45 have to nourish that surrendered life. 00:11:47.46\00:11:49.74 You have to eat on the word of God, 00:11:50.35\00:11:52.28 you have to increase your faith. 00:11:52.77\00:11:53.98 One of the ways to increase your faith 00:11:54.75\00:11:55.95 is Romans 10 verse 17 which goes back 00:11:55.96\00:11:58.45 to the word of God. Romans 10 verse 17, 00:11:58.46\00:12:00.87 faith comes by hearing. But how you are gonna 00:12:01.45\00:12:03.16 hear? Hearing by the word of God. 00:12:03.17\00:12:05.35 The word of God has to be a daily element 00:12:05.96\00:12:07.73 in your life. It has to be your daily food, 00:12:07.74\00:12:10.38 it has to be your daily bread. It has to be at 00:12:10.93\00:12:13.46 some point even more important than just 00:12:13.47\00:12:15.75 physical sustenance; although we're not going 00:12:15.76\00:12:18.09 to stop eating physical food, unless we don't 00:12:18.10\00:12:20.27 have anything to eat. The word of God has 00:12:20.28\00:12:22.26 to be that particular point of nourishment. 00:12:22.27\00:12:24.41 Two very, very quick points, surrender your 00:12:25.18\00:12:27.96 life to Christ admitting that you can't do it 00:12:27.97\00:12:29.57 on your own. And then you have to allow Christ 00:12:29.58\00:12:32.87 to come in, but how do you allow him to come in. 00:12:32.88\00:12:34.37 You've got to die to you and realize that when 00:12:35.30\00:12:37.56 you invite him in he's the one at work. I think 00:12:37.57\00:12:39.63 its Galatians 2:20, I am crucified with Christ; 00:12:40.31\00:12:45.69 it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives 00:12:46.64\00:12:49.52 in me; and the life I now live in the flesh 00:12:49.53\00:12:51.50 is still on this earth, I live by faith in the 00:12:52.22\00:12:54.57 Son of God, who love me and gave Himself for me. 00:12:54.58\00:12:57.42 So here it is again and I know John is gonna 00:12:57.99\00:12:59.99 register on these too. One, admit that we can't 00:13:00.00\00:13:02.41 do it on our own and confess our sins. 00:13:02.42\00:13:04.50 He'll forgive us but then invite him in; 00:13:05.02\00:13:06.86 he will live within us, Galatians 2:20, right. 00:13:07.47\00:13:10.12 Then nourish that new life, and that is by 00:13:10.35\00:13:14.42 eating more freshly on the word of God everyday, 00:13:14.43\00:13:16.28 Romans 10 and verse 17. Just continue feeding 00:13:16.29\00:13:18.89 yourself, and then lastly but most importantly 00:13:18.90\00:13:22.01 you have to know that the one who began 00:13:22.60\00:13:23.74 the work in you is going to finish it. 00:13:23.75\00:13:26.94 And I believe it's first, let me look this up 00:13:26.95\00:13:29.65 very quickly, I believe while I'm looking this up 00:13:29.66\00:13:32.95 you wanna register on this John. 00:13:32.96\00:13:34.06 You know it was specifically how 00:13:36.08\00:13:37.92 do you obey without you know trying to achieve 00:13:37.93\00:13:41.03 salvation by your work. That's a great question. 00:13:41.04\00:13:43.64 And I think one of the things that is a challenge 00:13:44.25\00:13:47.68 for Christians today is this word, 00:13:47.69\00:13:49.81 you know legalism, legalist, that we are so 00:13:49.82\00:13:52.27 concerned about being a legalist that were 00:13:52.28\00:13:55.04 afraid that by doing good somehow we're trying 00:13:55.05\00:13:57.68 to achieve salvation and I know that even 00:13:57.69\00:14:00.22 Seventh-day Adventist Christians you know 00:14:00.23\00:14:02.18 we get this label sometimes where you know 00:14:02.19\00:14:03.81 while you're keeping the Sabbath day because 00:14:03.82\00:14:05.49 you're trying to be saved. But here's the issue 00:14:05.50\00:14:07.64 you know prior to you giving your life to Christ, 00:14:08.21\00:14:11.08 we're talking about the surrender now. 00:14:11.09\00:14:12.36 Confessing your life and giving your life to Christ, 00:14:12.88\00:14:14.23 prior to that if you're doing good works 00:14:14.47\00:14:17.15 so God will accept you, that's legalism. 00:14:17.16\00:14:19.58 But after you're saved once your life is in Christ 00:14:20.93\00:14:23.21 you're obeying because you are saved. 00:14:24.55\00:14:26.69 That's the difference. That's right. 00:14:28.12\00:14:29.79 Or you are obeying because you wanna be 00:14:29.80\00:14:31.24 saved or you're obeying because you are 00:14:31.25\00:14:33.28 saved and you see if you are doing good works 00:14:33.29\00:14:35.96 because you are saved, that's never legalism. 00:14:35.97\00:14:39.00 That's because you love Christ, 00:14:39.82\00:14:40.79 in fact Jesus said it all we often emphasize 00:14:40.80\00:14:42.41 the front of this text but not the end of it. 00:14:42.42\00:14:44.28 Oh no we emphasize the end of it, 00:14:44.88\00:14:46.21 but not the front of it, okay. 00:14:46.75\00:14:47.72 If you love me keep my Commandments. 00:14:48.19\00:14:50.02 You see those who don't love God and don't have 00:14:50.71\00:14:52.40 a relationship with him can't keep the 00:14:52.41\00:14:53.92 Commandments. That only comes through 00:14:53.93\00:14:56.07 a relationship of love so the keeping of the 00:14:56.08\00:14:58.20 Commandments, the following of God's ways 00:14:58.21\00:14:59.71 is a result of our loving relationship that 00:14:59.72\00:15:03.46 we have with Christ. We want to follow him, 00:15:03.47\00:15:06.31 we want to obey him. And there's one text 00:15:06.32\00:15:08.58 it really tells us this order of things when it 00:15:08.59\00:15:11.65 comes to salvation first and then the sanctified 00:15:11.66\00:15:14.51 life or becoming sanctified in Christ 00:15:14.52\00:15:16.71 by doing good works and following his ways. 00:15:16.72\00:15:18.95 Ephesians 2 verses 8-10, okay. 00:15:19.76\00:15:22.65 For by grace you have been saved through faith, 00:15:22.66\00:15:24.77 and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. 00:15:25.58\00:15:28.19 So first of all we notice that there, 00:15:28.93\00:15:30.35 we're saved by grace through faith, right. 00:15:30.51\00:15:32.45 Not of works, lest anyone should boast. 00:15:33.24\00:15:35.11 So there's nothing you can do to work your 00:15:35.12\00:15:36.66 way into God's grace or to be saved. 00:15:36.67\00:15:39.03 And don't even boast about it. Don't even, 00:15:39.04\00:15:40.72 yeah, don't boast about it. And in verse 10 though, 00:15:40.73\00:15:42.86 here is a transition. Now we are saved let's 00:15:43.19\00:15:45.17 see what happens. For we are His workmanship, 00:15:45.18\00:15:48.16 created in Christ Jesus for good works, 00:15:49.08\00:15:51.82 that's right, they come afterward. 00:15:51.83\00:15:53.08 Which God prepared beforehand that 00:15:53.73\00:15:55.05 we should walk in them. So here the salvation 00:15:55.06\00:15:57.93 experience happens first, we're justified 00:15:57.94\00:16:00.47 by the blood of Christ then we walk in his ways, 00:16:00.48\00:16:03.40 we obey him because we are saved and that's 00:16:04.05\00:16:06.42 not legalism, that's a loving relationship 00:16:06.43\00:16:09.29 in following Christ as he has asked us to do. 00:16:09.30\00:16:11.11 And you know our works verify our saving 00:16:11.72\00:16:13.92 relationship. If you see that somebody you love 00:16:13.93\00:16:15.84 them but do nothing for them at all, 00:16:15.85\00:16:17.85 they would instantly question your loyalty or 00:16:19.54\00:16:21.92 your love. They will say well I thought you said 00:16:21.93\00:16:23.87 you love me, how come, there's some evidences 00:16:23.88\00:16:26.13 to that and when we look at James the Bible 00:16:26.14\00:16:29.06 talks about how Abraham, his faith, 00:16:29.07\00:16:31.26 his works were accounted to him as evidence of 00:16:31.80\00:16:35.26 his faith, yeah. It says here in James chapter 2 00:16:35.27\00:16:38.36 and verse, oh yeah verse 23. And the scriptures 00:16:39.78\00:16:44.35 were fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, 00:16:45.02\00:16:47.94 and it was accounted to him for righteousness." 00:16:48.72\00:16:50.70 And he was called a friend of God. 00:16:50.71\00:16:52.21 You see then that a man is justified by works, 00:16:52.82\00:16:56.61 and not by faith only. And it goes down to 00:16:56.62\00:17:00.97 verse 26, "For as the body without the spirit 00:17:00.98\00:17:03.83 is dead, so faith without works is dead." 00:17:03.84\00:17:07.28 We sometimes say well I've a lot of faith but 00:17:08.09\00:17:10.91 the Lord says, well prove it, yeah. 00:17:10.92\00:17:12.84 That is not the proving of it is not to gain 00:17:12.85\00:17:14.77 salvation, the proving of it as you said 00:17:14.78\00:17:16.92 we are saved, we are in a saving relationship, 00:17:17.50\00:17:20.19 saved how? Saved from the penalty of sin, 00:17:20.70\00:17:24.61 daily saved from the power of sin and when 00:17:25.28\00:17:28.58 he comes back we'll be saved from 00:17:28.59\00:17:30.29 the presence of sin. You know looking even 00:17:30.30\00:17:32.04 at the judgment, typical judgment you know 00:17:32.05\00:17:34.71 the laws and courts of our land, 00:17:34.72\00:17:36.23 and how they processed, go through the process 00:17:36.24\00:17:37.97 of judging somebody. You know when 00:17:37.98\00:17:40.75 someone confesses or gives a, 00:17:40.76\00:17:42.73 what do you call it a testimony, 00:17:45.25\00:17:46.58 a testimony but know they plead, 00:17:46.59\00:17:47.74 they plead guilty or not guilty. 00:17:47.75\00:17:49.11 You know even if you plead not guilty, 00:17:49.74\00:17:50.97 the court says prove it, yeah, right. 00:17:51.79\00:17:54.86 I mean so we go through this court procedure 00:17:55.57\00:17:57.09 of proving that we are not guilty. 00:17:57.10\00:17:58.73 When we're saying I'm not guilty, 00:17:59.26\00:18:00.36 but basically that proving it is does my life 00:18:00.95\00:18:03.82 reflect in this relationship with Christ. 00:18:03.83\00:18:07.51 You know the innocence that Christ has given 00:18:08.60\00:18:10.15 me now, the new life I have in Christ, 00:18:10.16\00:18:11.96 does my life reflect that. And that's the process 00:18:11.97\00:18:14.56 we go through when we say I'm in Christ. 00:18:14.57\00:18:16.80 You know it's not me, my works would show 00:18:17.51\00:18:18.97 that I'm guilty as all get up, but you know 00:18:18.98\00:18:21.68 what because of Christ, because of what 00:18:21.69\00:18:23.40 he's done I can walk in his ways, 00:18:23.41\00:18:25.32 I can keep the faith as it says, 00:18:25.33\00:18:27.18 and I can be counted as innocent, 00:18:27.76\00:18:29.69 because of Christ and those works that 00:18:30.29\00:18:32.29 I do are evidence of my salvation. That's right, 00:18:32.30\00:18:34.67 that's right. Thank you for that question Andy. 00:18:34.68\00:18:37.12 Do you have one more for us to go? 00:18:37.63\00:18:38.73 Yeah we've got one more here, okay. 00:18:38.74\00:18:39.71 It says it's about the Sabbath but a unique 00:18:39.72\00:18:42.10 perspective, it says does God work on the Sabbath. 00:18:42.11\00:18:44.96 Does he answer his prayers such as on the Sabbath? 00:18:46.74\00:18:49.42 And so a good question there. 00:18:51.12\00:18:52.64 God doesn't work in the sense that he labors 00:18:53.91\00:18:57.81 for wages. He doesn't have secular activities. 00:18:57.82\00:19:03.39 God is always working for our behalf, 00:19:04.14\00:19:07.28 and so when you're talking about God's work, 00:19:08.38\00:19:10.13 everything is spiritual for the redemption 00:19:10.86\00:19:13.76 of this world. And when we are talking about, 00:19:14.32\00:19:17.17 when the Bible talks about breaking the Sabbath, 00:19:17.18\00:19:19.02 how we as human beings can get into this thing 00:19:19.03\00:19:21.91 of breaking the Sabbath day, it's usually 00:19:22.82\00:19:24.34 in the context of allowing that day, 00:19:24.35\00:19:25.90 a sacred day to go secular, okay. In fact 00:19:25.91\00:19:28.85 if you look at Isaiah 58, yes let's go for. 00:19:28.86\00:19:32.48 Verse 13, beginning with verse 13, it says, 00:19:32.49\00:19:35.87 if you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, 00:19:35.88\00:19:37.88 from doing your pleasure on My holy day, 00:19:38.91\00:19:41.93 and call the Sabbath a delight, 00:19:43.32\00:19:44.29 the holy day of the Lord honorable, 00:19:44.47\00:19:45.81 and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, 00:19:46.33\00:19:48.59 nor finding your own pleasure, 00:19:49.60\00:19:50.85 nor speaking your own words. 00:19:51.41\00:19:52.59 You see how everything is selfish here, 00:19:52.60\00:19:54.48 focused on themselves. Then you shall delight 00:19:54.49\00:19:57.51 yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to ride 00:19:57.52\00:19:59.69 on the high hills of the earth, 00:19:59.70\00:20:00.92 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob 00:20:01.50\00:20:03.35 your father, the mouth of the Lord has spoken. 00:20:03.36\00:20:05.99 So here we see that we can often get distracted 00:20:06.48\00:20:11.21 on God's Holy Sabbath day by our own pleasures, 00:20:11.22\00:20:14.12 by own words, by own secular activities, 00:20:14.13\00:20:16.39 God never has that issue. No, he doesn't. 00:20:16.40\00:20:18.63 God is always working his laboring for the 00:20:18.64\00:20:21.61 salvation of men. If you look at some people say, 00:20:21.62\00:20:24.38 have said John, you referred this before, 00:20:24.98\00:20:25.95 I know it's an argument to not, the Sabbath 00:20:25.96\00:20:27.97 command not being enforced. Well Jesus broke 00:20:27.98\00:20:30.12 the Sabbath deliberately to show that the 00:20:30.13\00:20:31.79 Commandment is not binding anymore, 00:20:31.80\00:20:33.19 but what Jesus did was he showed the way 00:20:34.45\00:20:36.14 to keep it. Right, he showed how it should 00:20:36.15\00:20:38.19 be honored. Okay, it's not the system of rigid 00:20:38.20\00:20:40.49 rules and regulations of how many steps you 00:20:40.50\00:20:42.55 can take in a day or what you can and can't do. 00:20:42.56\00:20:44.57 It's just a list of obligations but the Sabbath 00:20:45.13\00:20:48.09 is intended for us to engage in a time with God 00:20:48.10\00:20:51.84 as either communing with him or working for him, 00:20:51.85\00:20:55.12 in his behalf for the benefit of others. 00:20:55.13\00:20:58.15 And that's why often we say, 00:20:58.98\00:21:00.20 you know Sabbath afternoon shouldn't 00:21:00.21\00:21:01.55 be a time that you just you know rest physically, 00:21:01.56\00:21:04.06 but often it's more of a time of going to meet 00:21:05.32\00:21:08.48 with people who need some who are shut-ins, 00:21:08.49\00:21:10.71 you know who need a visit from someone, 00:21:10.72\00:21:12.67 who knows that so they know that they're cared 00:21:12.68\00:21:14.79 for still, we go to rest homes, we sing, 00:21:14.80\00:21:16.99 we do other things like that. That's for, 00:21:17.00\00:21:19.17 that's laboring for the salvation of souls. 00:21:19.84\00:21:22.03 You know as a matter of fact John, 00:21:23.97\00:21:25.10 I'm glad you made that point about the types 00:21:25.66\00:21:27.24 of work; because God is not, I'm gonna use 00:21:27.25\00:21:29.79 this in a very basic sense, he doesn't work 00:21:29.80\00:21:33.13 for Kmart, doesn't work for the government. 00:21:33.14\00:21:35.88 He is never unrighteous, never involved in 00:21:36.69\00:21:40.63 unrighteous activity. So there's never a time 00:21:40.64\00:21:43.87 when God is not doing godly things, right, 00:21:43.88\00:21:48.02 because he doesn't like sometimes people say 00:21:48.03\00:21:50.26 to us well that was a very godly, 00:21:50.27\00:21:52.04 you live a very godly life. Well is there ever 00:21:52.71\00:21:55.60 a time that God doesn't live the godly life? 00:21:55.61\00:21:57.54 I mean it's all originated from him. 00:21:58.29\00:22:00.87 It isn't, yeah. You know is there time that God 00:22:00.88\00:22:03.22 is not righteous, I mean there is no righteousness 00:22:03.23\00:22:05.97 apart from him. That's right. Is ever a time 00:22:05.98\00:22:07.94 that he is love not lovely, well love could not 00:22:07.95\00:22:11.57 exist apart from him. So you find the very 00:22:11.58\00:22:14.58 principle of what the Lord does on the Sabbath 00:22:14.59\00:22:17.07 exemplifies his very character. We have in 00:22:18.00\00:22:20.44 Matthew 12 and verse 12 it says, 00:22:20.45\00:22:21.87 how much more valuable then man is sheep, 00:22:22.36\00:22:25.42 Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. 00:22:26.05\00:22:28.76 So can you imagine we pray on the Sabbath 00:22:29.41\00:22:31.39 morning, and I remember oh you know what, 00:22:31.40\00:22:35.97 I forgot I should pray on Sunday, 00:22:36.45\00:22:37.66 because God doesn't hear our prayers on Sabbath, 00:22:37.67\00:22:39.34 and that's work. I think that some of the things 00:22:39.35\00:22:42.14 we do in our society today alludes to the fact, 00:22:42.15\00:22:45.06 somebody told me this once, this very 00:22:45.07\00:22:49.08 irreverent movie, it was entitled Bruce Almighty, 00:22:49.09\00:22:55.34 where they said that one of the actors in there 00:22:56.43\00:23:00.11 who played the role of God, so to speak was 00:23:00.99\00:23:04.50 having to respond to all these emails of prayers. 00:23:04.51\00:23:07.89 And getting bogged down, they said he just hit yes, 00:23:09.11\00:23:14.22 he answered yes to all of the prayer requests. 00:23:14.23\00:23:16.26 Oh yeah, yeah. And the whole world just 00:23:16.27\00:23:18.48 started falling apart. And so what happens 00:23:18.49\00:23:20.77 is we have a God that the Bible says never 00:23:20.78\00:23:23.57 sleeps, and never slumbers, but he never involves 00:23:23.58\00:23:26.77 himself in things that will violate his own law, 00:23:26.78\00:23:28.93 right, because he can't. Right, he can't. 00:23:28.94\00:23:31.41 His law is his character, that's who he is. 00:23:31.42\00:23:35.05 Yeah, God is not a man that he should lie, 00:23:35.06\00:23:37.07 he can't even lie. That's right. 00:23:37.87\00:23:41.41 So I think on that note maybe we should 00:23:42.03\00:23:44.92 segue over, I have one very quick question, 00:23:44.93\00:23:47.10 anything else you wanna add to that one John, 00:23:47.63\00:23:49.01 no, that's good. We have one very quick 00:23:49.02\00:23:51.09 question about whether or not Jesus was born yet, 00:23:51.10\00:23:56.52 it says Dear John, John and John, 00:23:57.51\00:23:59.28 I think she means all three of us from the 00:23:59.86\00:24:02.34 person name Connie. I just read this verse 00:24:02.35\00:24:05.92 this morning, that I am the Lord your God, 00:24:05.93\00:24:08.70 who brought you out of Egypt. 00:24:08.71\00:24:10.04 You acknowledged no other God but me, 00:24:10.84\00:24:13.46 no savior except me. And then she put, 00:24:14.25\00:24:16.87 now I'm gonna just read as it's put here, 00:24:17.35\00:24:19.53 verbatim. I realized that Jesus wasn't born 00:24:19.54\00:24:22.24 yet she says but God certainly knew that 00:24:22.76\00:24:25.09 he was coming, so, why would God say things 00:24:25.10\00:24:27.91 like this. Does it also apply to the throne 00:24:27.92\00:24:32.41 or the time before Christ, or is it because Jesus 00:24:32.98\00:24:36.33 and God are on the same, are one and the same. 00:24:36.34\00:24:39.30 If they truly are one and the same why does 00:24:40.23\00:24:43.03 the Bible say Jesus is sitting at God's right 00:24:43.04\00:24:46.32 hand? Lot of oppositions in this question, 00:24:46.95\00:24:48.43 one of them is there is never a time that Jesus 00:24:48.91\00:24:50.97 wasn't born. I know you suggested there 00:24:50.98\00:24:53.84 that Jesus wasn't born yet, I think what you 00:24:53.85\00:24:55.84 may mean is that he didn't come into the world 00:24:55.85\00:24:58.35 through Mary yet, but he had pre-existence. 00:24:58.36\00:25:01.36 Matter of fact Isaiah 44 verse 6 and the other 00:25:01.99\00:25:04.95 part is God and Jesus not one and the same as 00:25:04.96\00:25:09.04 far as person is concerned. But they are one and 00:25:09.05\00:25:11.86 the same as far as will, the salvation of humanity, 00:25:11.87\00:25:16.96 creation; they're one in the same that way. 00:25:16.97\00:25:20.39 But again example is when Jesus was being 00:25:21.31\00:25:23.97 baptized in Matthews chapter the Bible says, 00:25:23.98\00:25:26.33 the heavens open and a dove descended but 00:25:26.34\00:25:30.15 that was the Holy Spirit. And then Jesus heard 00:25:30.16\00:25:32.38 a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son, 00:25:32.39\00:25:35.35 he is here, voice is coming from heaven in whom 00:25:35.96\00:25:38.35 I'm well pleased. But Isaiah 44 verse 6 says, 00:25:38.36\00:25:41.40 thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, 00:25:42.18\00:25:44.94 and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: 00:25:45.50\00:25:48.26 I am the First and I am the Last; 00:25:50.60\00:25:52.63 Besides Me there is no God. Saying this about 00:25:53.52\00:25:56.90 the Father and the Son, besides me there 00:25:56.91\00:25:58.37 was no God, singular. That's the beauty of the 00:25:58.38\00:26:01.28 mystery of the godliness, the God head and 00:26:01.29\00:26:03.80 for us to just try to narrow it down like we do 00:26:04.58\00:26:06.36 one person to the next would minimize the 00:26:06.37\00:26:09.01 blessing of what that all, what that all means. 00:26:09.02\00:26:11.03 But yes, Jesus will be sitting at the right hand 00:26:11.99\00:26:14.40 of his Father because he will be sitting 00:26:14.41\00:26:16.57 at the place of authority which is due him 00:26:16.58\00:26:19.16 because he is the lamb that was worthy, 00:26:19.79\00:26:21.82 because he was the lamb that gave his life 00:26:22.39\00:26:23.49 to save our souls. That's right. 00:26:24.01\00:26:25.90 Now let's segue John to the topic because 00:26:26.45\00:26:27.82 this is a very exciting one I understand. 00:26:28.30\00:26:29.70 And by the way before we do that if 00:26:30.17\00:26:31.84 you have any questions friends don't forget 00:26:32.34\00:26:34.04 to send those questions to housecalls@3abn.org, 00:26:34.52\00:26:37.75 that's housecalls@3abn.org and we will hopefully 00:26:37.76\00:26:42.05 get back to you either by email or by answering 00:26:42.06\00:26:45.67 them on the air. That's right. What do you have 00:26:45.68\00:26:48.36 for me John? Well I'll tell you we've been 00:26:48.37\00:26:50.78 in the last part one of this two-parter, 00:26:50.79\00:26:53.66 we've been talking about the world in crisis 00:26:54.29\00:26:56.83 and the world is in crisis and we see economically 00:26:57.88\00:27:00.22 it's in crisis, disastrous. We've talked about 00:27:00.70\00:27:02.32 those how that has brought the crisis upon this world. 00:27:02.33\00:27:04.72 But yet we still I don't believe or to the time 00:27:05.43\00:27:07.58 of trouble that great incredible crisis that will 00:27:07.59\00:27:09.95 come upon the world, but it's building up to that, 00:27:09.96\00:27:12.11 right. And so, you know we're talking about 00:27:12.93\00:27:15.33 you know what should be the response of Christians. 00:27:16.90\00:27:20.34 What should be our response as a church 00:27:21.35\00:27:24.64 to these things going on? What is God's will for us 00:27:25.66\00:27:28.12 as we see these things happening, 00:27:28.13\00:27:29.57 do we just go on with life as usual, 00:27:29.58\00:27:31.42 and do we look at these disasters in China 00:27:32.04\00:27:34.53 and in Myanmar, in Burma? Do we just say well 00:27:35.04\00:27:37.98 it's a good thing it wasn't here, 00:27:37.99\00:27:39.19 it didn't happened to me, or do we say something 00:27:39.20\00:27:41.86 about it, you know. A lot of times people do that, 00:27:41.87\00:27:44.16 they say well look what's happening around 00:27:44.17\00:27:45.72 the world but it doesn't resonate here. 00:27:45.73\00:27:47.60 And then when we have like September 11th, 00:27:48.35\00:27:50.33 that's not the only example, when we have any 00:27:51.11\00:27:52.70 kind disaster hurricane, when we have the 00:27:52.71\00:27:54.82 New Orleans, you know the hurricanes that 00:27:54.83\00:27:58.25 devastated there. We often realize that we're 00:27:58.26\00:28:00.86 vulnerable too, yeah. We're not the shielded 00:28:00.87\00:28:03.96 nation with the wall of protection around us like 00:28:03.97\00:28:05.84 this constitution of no bad weather, you know. 00:28:06.74\00:28:10.46 It does come here and I think the more it 00:28:11.22\00:28:13.38 visits here I don't wanna say this way; 00:28:13.39\00:28:16.67 we don't need more disasters here to realize 00:28:16.68\00:28:18.69 how bad it is outside of the United States, yeah. 00:28:18.70\00:28:21.44 But it's becoming more and more frequent even here. 00:28:21.45\00:28:23.56 Well I asked a question last time what will it 00:28:23.57\00:28:25.07 Take, and how much more do we need disasters 00:28:25.08\00:28:27.77 in the world to know that Christ appearing, 00:28:27.78\00:28:29.86 his second coming is very, very near. 00:28:30.37\00:28:31.59 But, so the question is what do we about 00:28:32.21\00:28:33.63 it and I think Ezekiel, it's not just Ezekiel, 00:28:33.64\00:28:37.25 Isaiah talks about this as well and there's 00:28:37.26\00:28:40.63 a reference clearly in Revelation 00:28:40.64\00:28:41.87 to a special group of people who proclaim 00:28:41.88\00:28:44.15 a message of the last days, in the last days 00:28:44.16\00:28:46.44 during the calamities, during this crisis that 00:28:46.45\00:28:49.05 has come upon the world. And in the 00:28:49.06\00:28:52.31 Old Testament those, gives a label specific 00:28:52.32\00:28:54.61 title to these individuals who see the calamity, 00:28:54.62\00:28:58.28 who see the crisis coming up on the world and 00:28:58.88\00:29:01.02 say something about it, who give a message 00:29:01.03\00:29:02.82 to the world awake them up, because Jesus 00:29:02.83\00:29:05.36 is about to come back, right. And we're gonna 00:29:05.37\00:29:08.28 turn to Ezekiel, first of all Ezekiel chapter 33 00:29:08.29\00:29:11.14 and will see that these individuals who 00:29:12.41\00:29:15.66 are going to sound the call when they see 00:29:15.67\00:29:17.86 the crisis coming, when they see the disasters 00:29:17.87\00:29:19.63 coming, they're called watchmen, watchmen. 00:29:19.64\00:29:23.58 And now if you go back to Old Testament times 00:29:24.34\00:29:28.60 and you know all of these cities that they built 00:29:29.15\00:29:30.68 had these walls to provide a hedge of protection 00:29:31.34\00:29:35.01 from them and those who were their 00:29:35.51\00:29:36.88 enemies outside. And these walls usually on top 00:29:36.89\00:29:39.60 of them had a place for guards to stand post 00:29:39.61\00:29:42.60 and to watch and the watchmen were those 00:29:42.61\00:29:45.41 who were looking for the attacks of the enemy, 00:29:45.42\00:29:47.92 they were looking for the opposition coming or 00:29:47.93\00:29:50.69 any signs of potential destruction to the city 00:29:50.70\00:29:52.91 and would sound or cry the alarm that attack 00:29:53.61\00:29:58.78 or some kind of doom is impending. 00:29:59.42\00:30:01.41 And so these are called watchmen and 00:30:02.12\00:30:04.12 let's see what Ezekiel talks about or what 00:30:04.13\00:30:06.38 God talks about through the prophet Ezekiel 00:30:06.39\00:30:08.21 that these watchmen are to do when they 00:30:08.72\00:30:10.16 see these things coming. It says in verse 1, 00:30:10.17\00:30:13.37 again the word of the Lord came to me, 00:30:14.08\00:30:15.71 saying, "Son of man, speak to the children of 00:30:15.72\00:30:17.86 Israel your people, or the children of your people, 00:30:17.87\00:30:21.17 and say to them: When I bring the sword upon 00:30:21.66\00:30:24.34 a land, and the people of the land take a man 00:30:24.35\00:30:27.13 from their territory and make him their watchman. 00:30:27.60\00:30:29.83 When he sees the sword coming upon the land, 00:30:31.36\00:30:33.73 if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 00:30:34.19\00:30:36.73 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet 00:30:37.59\00:30:39.44 and does not take warning, if the sword comes 00:30:39.45\00:30:42.26 and takes him away, his blood shall 00:30:42.27\00:30:44.32 be on his own head. Now that word sword there 00:30:44.33\00:30:47.69 by the way isn't literally a sword, it could be 00:30:47.70\00:30:49.54 anything that is a type of sword, right, 00:30:49.55\00:30:53.30 that could be disaster, it could be the army 00:30:53.31\00:30:55.57 is attacking or maybe some opposing city. 00:30:55.58\00:30:58.61 There could be any kind of things, 00:30:59.28\00:31:00.30 but its something coming upon that kingdom. 00:31:00.31\00:31:01.90 Verse 5 it says, He heard the sound of the trumpet, 00:31:02.91\00:31:06.39 but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon 00:31:07.05\00:31:09.30 himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 00:31:09.31\00:31:12.92 But if the watchman sees a sword coming and 00:31:13.95\00:31:16.39 does not blow the trumpet, and the people 00:31:16.40\00:31:18.47 are not warned, and the sword comes and 00:31:18.48\00:31:21.40 takes any person from among them, 00:31:21.41\00:31:22.93 he is taken away in his iniquity; but 00:31:23.54\00:31:25.09 his blood I will require at the watchman's hand. 00:31:25.73\00:31:28.50 So not only the one who doesn't hear is destroyed, 00:31:28.61\00:31:31.54 doesn't say that he gets relief, because he 00:31:32.22\00:31:33.95 wasn't warned, right. But also the watchman 00:31:33.96\00:31:36.92 who didn't sound the trumpet, who didn't sound 00:31:37.46\00:31:39.58 the warning is also the blood for that person 00:31:39.59\00:31:42.81 is required at his hand. Then to end it all here 00:31:42.82\00:31:45.92 at verse 7, so you son of man: 00:31:45.93\00:31:47.69 I've made you a watchman for the house of Israel; 00:31:47.70\00:31:50.99 therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth 00:31:51.00\00:31:53.48 and warn them for Me. Now we're gonna see 00:31:54.02\00:31:57.23 here is there's some other references to 00:31:57.71\00:31:59.93 watchman in the Old Testament, 00:31:59.94\00:32:01.15 that God has called a watchman, 00:32:01.16\00:32:03.64 or a group of watchmen, MEN plural, 00:32:04.67\00:32:06.99 at the end of time when they see this trumpets 00:32:07.51\00:32:10.05 blow, when they see this sounding happen, 00:32:10.06\00:32:12.08 and the calamities coming, that they are to sound 00:32:12.54\00:32:14.01 that warning to warn the people that the 00:32:14.02\00:32:15.93 end is near. And so John you know what 00:32:15.94\00:32:18.87 I want to say here just to kind of start this 00:32:18.88\00:32:20.79 off today is, if you and I as preachers of God's 00:32:20.80\00:32:26.19 word as proclaimers of the gospel, 00:32:26.20\00:32:29.29 those who study prophecy and see what is coming. 00:32:30.46\00:32:33.27 If we see these events, this calamity coming, 00:32:33.28\00:32:35.73 these things happening and we just sit there 00:32:35.74\00:32:37.70 with our lips closed and not say a word. That 00:32:38.40\00:32:40.45 as watchmen the blood of others who aren't 00:32:41.65\00:32:44.73 warned is required at our hand. 00:32:44.74\00:32:46.22 So don't, what is it, don't kill the prophet, 00:32:47.67\00:32:50.43 you know not the old prophets, 00:32:50.44\00:32:52.13 don't stone the prophets, but don't kill us 00:32:52.14\00:32:53.94 for sounding the warning because I believe 00:32:53.95\00:32:56.51 the Bible is very clear that John and I, 00:32:57.01\00:32:59.00 John and John can not sit idly and quiet and 00:32:59.50\00:33:02.31 not sound the warning. Oh I'll tell you John 00:33:02.32\00:33:04.50 what's exciting to me and actually giving me energy, 00:33:04.51\00:33:06.79 I wish I had like a huge sandwich right now. 00:33:08.43\00:33:10.15 but what gets me excited is, the spiritual energy, 00:33:10.92\00:33:14.30 spiritual energy, what gets me excited when we 00:33:14.31\00:33:15.36 talk about things that really interests me, 00:33:15.37\00:33:16.78 and this is the topic that really, 00:33:17.29\00:33:18.37 really interests me and gives me the as it 00:33:18.38\00:33:20.61 were that adrenaline boost to say that yes 00:33:20.62\00:33:23.39 we are called as watchmen. We are not called 00:33:23.43\00:33:26.04 as men to just watch but we are called to 00:33:26.41\00:33:29.42 watch and warn. You know blowing the trumpet, 00:33:29.43\00:33:31.77 the cities are surrounded and the walls are 00:33:32.26\00:33:34.08 there and you'll find the walls are somewhat 00:33:34.09\00:33:36.64 like a fence, a gate around us and you'll read 00:33:36.65\00:33:39.24 in Isaiah that the Commandments of God 00:33:39.25\00:33:41.09 are like the gate, a fence around us. 00:33:41.10\00:33:42.73 But sometimes people are coming to breach 00:33:43.65\00:33:45.01 that wall, to break through the gates and 00:33:45.02\00:33:47.13 the watchman has to warn the people, 00:33:47.14\00:33:49.22 so that when the sword comes they will be ready, 00:33:49.23\00:33:51.87 and they would make sure that their walls 00:33:52.87\00:33:54.16 are not are broken through. In this prophecy 00:33:54.17\00:33:58.63 we just read that God says he would bring a sword, 00:33:58.64\00:34:01.29 so now that's something we ought to think 00:34:02.52\00:34:04.01 about because there's this theory out there 00:34:04.02\00:34:06.19 that only the devil causes disasters. 00:34:06.20\00:34:08.04 But yet God in many respects out of his justice 00:34:09.19\00:34:12.90 but also out of his desire to wake people up 00:34:13.38\00:34:15.62 from our lethargy, our sleep, he will send these 00:34:15.63\00:34:19.67 calamities and allow them to get us back into action, 00:34:19.68\00:34:22.03 so God does send these things as well. 00:34:22.04\00:34:23.77 As a matter of fact Jeremiah is the passage, 00:34:25.15\00:34:29.60 we read that this morning in Jeremiah where 00:34:29.61\00:34:31.93 the Lord said I will send, let me read this 00:34:31.94\00:34:34.01 right here, the passage I believe that, 00:34:34.02\00:34:35.50 listen to this, Jeremiah 6 and verse 19. 00:34:35.51\00:34:39.75 Start with verse 17 too, that's very good. 00:34:40.11\00:34:41.79 Okay, well I actually wrote down, 00:34:41.80\00:34:42.92 typed down verse 17 I'm gonna turn to it 00:34:43.52\00:34:45.09 and you turn with us to the book of Jeremiah, 00:34:45.10\00:34:47.29 Jeremiah 6 and verse 17, and I'm there, 00:34:48.34\00:34:52.66 okay here I am, Jeremiah 6 and verse 17 it says, 00:34:53.16\00:34:56.22 Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, 00:34:57.76\00:35:00.62 listen to the sound of the trumpet, but they said, 00:35:00.63\00:35:04.33 we will not listen. That's amazing, yeah. Verse 18: 00:35:04.34\00:35:08.67 Therefore hear you nations, and know O congregation, 00:35:08.68\00:35:12.80 what is among them. Hear, O earth! Behold, 00:35:13.62\00:35:17.31 I will certainly bring calamity on this people, 00:35:17.32\00:35:20.33 the fruit of their thoughts, because they have 00:35:21.40\00:35:24.69 not heeded My words, nor My law, but rejected it. 00:35:24.70\00:35:30.22 So God is saying here's the reasons why these 00:35:30.89\00:35:32.51 calamities are going to come. Matter of fact, 00:35:32.52\00:35:34.34 go with me to Isaiah now, let's turn to Isaiah 24. 00:35:34.87\00:35:37.33 Connect that first real quick the watchmen and 00:35:37.34\00:35:39.57 the calamity coming. The watchmen have to 00:35:39.58\00:35:41.24 watch for the calamities and to sound the warning, 00:35:41.25\00:35:42.91 that's right. So there's a clear connection here, 00:35:42.92\00:35:44.73 yeah. The watchman, the calamity, 00:35:44.74\00:35:46.40 sounding of the warning of the trumpet, 00:35:46.41\00:35:48.87 if you go to verse 17, so you have calamity 00:35:49.45\00:35:51.49 of the watchmen, you have the trumpet. 00:35:51.50\00:35:52.74 Yeah, altogether there. All together there, 00:35:53.29\00:35:55.76 so you are saying that when the calamity, 00:35:55.77\00:35:57.71 the calamity will be evaded or we could escape 00:35:57.72\00:36:02.14 the calamity, if we listen to the watchmen 00:36:02.15\00:36:04.28 as he blows the trumpet. I like that. 00:36:04.82\00:36:06.54 You see, and so let's go to Isaiah 24 now, 00:36:06.55\00:36:10.23 I want you to see this one, 00:36:10.72\00:36:11.69 and the reason why the trumpet has to be blown 00:36:11.70\00:36:13.92 is because the earth is in a devastating condition. 00:36:13.93\00:36:16.66 Not just devastating with all the things that 00:36:17.35\00:36:18.96 we talked about like the earthquakes, the fires, 00:36:18.97\00:36:20.48 the floods, the disasters, but the earth is 00:36:20.49\00:36:24.18 in a very sad condition morally. 00:36:24.19\00:36:27.42 The earth is in a very sad condition morally. 00:36:28.68\00:36:31.80 Look at Isaiah 24, Behold the Lord makes the earth 00:36:32.52\00:36:37.99 empty and makes it waste, Distorts its surface as 00:36:38.00\00:36:42.97 the King James Version says scatters abroad, 00:36:42.98\00:36:45.32 And scatters abroad it's inhabitants. Who's 00:36:46.07\00:36:48.51 gonna escape? Listen to what verse 2 says. 00:36:49.33\00:36:51.43 And it shall be: As with the people, 00:36:52.43\00:36:54.25 so with the priest; As with the servant, 00:36:54.67\00:36:57.03 so with his master; As with the maid, 00:36:57.63\00:36:59.44 so with her mistress; As with the buyer, 00:36:59.96\00:37:01.99 so with the seller; As with the lender, 00:37:02.49\00:37:04.74 so with the borrower; As with the creditor, 00:37:05.23\00:37:08.59 so with the debtor. The land shall be utterly, 00:37:09.07\00:37:12.02 entirely emptied and utterly plundered; 00:37:12.66\00:37:15.24 For the Lord has spoken this word. 00:37:15.75\00:37:17.45 And he makes it very clear the reason why. 00:37:18.18\00:37:19.69 Verse 4: The earth mourns and fades away; 00:37:20.42\00:37:22.77 the world languishes and fades away; 00:37:22.78\00:37:24.69 the haughty or high minded proud people 00:37:25.42\00:37:27.86 of the earth languish. The earth also is defiled 00:37:27.87\00:37:31.87 under its inhabitants, because they have 00:37:31.88\00:37:34.82 transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances 00:37:34.83\00:37:38.57 and broken the everlasting covenant. 00:37:39.15\00:37:40.83 So what's the problem John, the problem is 00:37:41.45\00:37:42.98 with us not with God. Okay, so these calamities 00:37:42.99\00:37:45.41 are gonna come not because God did 00:37:45.42\00:37:47.00 anything bad, that's right, but because 00:37:47.01\00:37:49.02 we've removed ourselves from his protection 00:37:49.03\00:37:51.12 and now God moves to urge upon man the 00:37:51.13\00:37:55.83 urgency of the hour, so they can come back, 00:37:55.84\00:37:57.89 that's right. Now you mentioned something 00:37:57.90\00:37:59.66 a moment ago, I would like you to expand on. 00:37:59.67\00:38:01.09 People think that God never sends calamities 00:38:01.61\00:38:03.44 or judgments, yeah. What do you think that 00:38:03.45\00:38:06.61 comes from? Well, well I think that you know 00:38:06.62\00:38:09.33 people they see you know this is old adage 00:38:09.34\00:38:12.95 of what the Jesus you know you hear the 00:38:12.96\00:38:15.01 statement, well I like the God of the New Testament 00:38:15.02\00:38:16.75 through Jesus, but not the one of the Old. 00:38:16.76\00:38:18.40 But what you don't realize is that the IM of the 00:38:19.07\00:38:21.65 new Jesus is the IM at the burning bush with 00:38:21.66\00:38:24.40 Moses of the Old, it's Jesus both ways, amen, 00:38:24.41\00:38:26.14 that's right. So you are seeing the same 00:38:26.15\00:38:27.75 thing or the same Christ both in the Old and 00:38:27.76\00:38:31.69 in the New Testament. But what you're seeing 00:38:31.70\00:38:33.63 also is a merciful side of God and the just 00:38:33.64\00:38:37.80 side of God. And who among us don't appreciate 00:38:37.81\00:38:42.49 the justice of the laws of our land, 00:38:42.50\00:38:44.42 and what if when someone committed murder 00:38:45.23\00:38:47.72 or stole from you or whatever, 00:38:47.73\00:38:49.34 what if all they did was call them up and 00:38:49.87\00:38:51.18 they say you know you shouldn't that. 00:38:51.19\00:38:52.58 But I'll just you know we'll let you go, 00:38:54.01\00:38:55.43 what if that's all we do, we'll let you go, 00:38:56.26\00:38:57.57 we'll let you go, we'll let you go. 00:38:57.58\00:38:58.82 Do you think, do you think crime will increase 00:39:00.34\00:39:02.39 or will decrease? I think it would increase 00:39:02.91\00:39:05.44 because people wouldn't be held accountable, 00:39:05.93\00:39:07.12 right. So God in a way when he says 00:39:07.13\00:39:09.84 I send this sword among the land or I'll send 00:39:09.85\00:39:12.08 calamity upon this people. He is saying 00:39:12.09\00:39:13.81 I'm holding them accountable now for their 00:39:14.78\00:39:16.96 decisions, and that's not bad. Yeah I like the 00:39:16.97\00:39:20.44 fact that he says I'm giving you what you 00:39:20.45\00:39:22.65 deserve pretty much, because if we don't get 00:39:22.66\00:39:24.68 God's mercies we get God's judgments, yes. 00:39:24.69\00:39:26.81 You see, God is a God of mercy but God 00:39:27.54\00:39:28.98 is also a God of justice and judgment. 00:39:28.99\00:39:30.77 And if we refuse one, we get the other, yeah. 00:39:31.23\00:39:33.95 You know like in Second Thessalonians where 00:39:33.96\00:39:35.70 it says God will send them strong illusion that 00:39:35.71\00:39:37.92 they will believe a lie because they believe 00:39:37.93\00:39:40.29 not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness, 00:39:40.30\00:39:42.94 yeah. You see. Now the part I disagree with 00:39:42.95\00:39:45.20 is God doesn't have pleasure in his judgments 00:39:45.74\00:39:47.81 that he sends at all. No not at all. 00:39:47.82\00:39:49.68 In fact he says why won't you turn and live, 00:39:49.69\00:39:53.38 right. And he says why won't you just follow 00:39:53.94\00:39:56.11 my ways, so you can live and finally he says 00:39:56.12\00:39:58.12 oh I've got to send these judgments like 00:39:58.13\00:39:59.92 a parent making a child you know. 00:39:59.93\00:40:01.23 If you do it the right way you don't really 00:40:01.89\00:40:03.40 want to inflict pain but you do that because 00:40:03.41\00:40:06.45 they were disobedient and they will turn them 00:40:07.08\00:40:08.51 from their ways and that's what God is doing, 00:40:08.52\00:40:10.66 he chastises us sometimes through calamities. 00:40:10.67\00:40:13.20 Somebody once said he is not going to move 00:40:13.67\00:40:15.11 until you set a fire unto him. 00:40:15.12\00:40:16.41 You know and sometimes God sets a fire under us, 00:40:17.28\00:40:19.83 not to destroy us but to awaken us. 00:40:20.39\00:40:23.09 And I refer back to a commentary that almost 00:40:23.59\00:40:28.57 sounds like it's just contemporary. 00:40:28.58\00:40:30.26 It sounds like it is amazingly accurate to the 00:40:30.89\00:40:34.68 day in which we live. Because we're looking 00:40:35.17\00:40:37.17 at it now and let's just go back briefly John 00:40:37.18\00:40:39.61 we talked about these last day disasters. 00:40:39.62\00:40:41.39 Let's just rewind the tape to the Tsunami 00:40:41.94\00:40:44.55 that hit the Pacific rim, and the number of 00:40:45.05\00:40:47.74 countries and a number of cities along the coast 00:40:47.75\00:40:49.96 that were destroyed, and the number of communities, 00:40:50.45\00:40:53.37 and a number of lives over 300,000 that were taken 00:40:53.38\00:40:56.22 in that single event, yeah. It just exponentially 00:40:56.23\00:41:01.73 grew and grew and grew and it was not so much 00:41:01.74\00:41:03.99 just the actual disaster itself but aftermath 00:41:04.00\00:41:06.84 that continued to promulgate the fact that 00:41:07.44\00:41:09.61 when disaster comes, it brings with a costly result. 00:41:10.28\00:41:13.87 We find that in the last days we are told that 00:41:15.32\00:41:18.40 many other cities. Now let's just set this up correctly. 00:41:18.92\00:41:21.86 I'm not a proponent of those who say that 00:41:25.24\00:41:31.76 the reason why this terrible hurricane came to 00:41:31.77\00:41:34.21 New Orleans is because God was upset with the 00:41:34.22\00:41:38.76 fact that they were about to have the largest gay 00:41:38.77\00:41:40.69 parade in history. That's right. 00:41:40.70\00:41:42.33 I'm not a proponent of those who say that, 00:41:43.04\00:41:45.12 I'm not saying God was gonna kill innocent lives 00:41:46.31\00:41:48.61 for people that guilty. Because he says the guilty 00:41:49.18\00:41:51.67 will bear their guilt, the innocent will benefit 00:41:51.68\00:41:54.75 from their innocence. But when we look back now 00:41:54.76\00:41:59.36 at Sodom and Gomorrah, when we look back at 00:41:59.37\00:42:02.77 the cities of the plain in the Old Testament, 00:42:02.78\00:42:05.65 these sister cities that were visited by the 00:42:06.28\00:42:09.94 judgments of God. You'll notice two things, 00:42:09.95\00:42:12.70 one, the Lord make sure that Lot and his 00:42:12.71\00:42:15.74 daughters were out of the city and then the 00:42:15.75\00:42:18.37 judgments came. And I think that in these last days, 00:42:18.38\00:42:21.56 we will be wise not for everybody to get into their 00:42:22.52\00:42:25.66 cause and evacuate the city that's not what 00:42:25.67\00:42:27.66 I'm saying. But the cities are becoming so polluted, 00:42:27.67\00:42:30.42 so destroyed by it's lifestyle that it's not too 00:42:30.92\00:42:35.03 long from now that the judgments of God are gonna 00:42:35.04\00:42:37.33 come to these places. As it did to Sodom, 00:42:37.34\00:42:39.69 as it did to many of the cities of the plain, 00:42:40.19\00:42:41.93 as it did to many cities in the Old Testament, 00:42:42.23\00:42:44.24 even among the people of God that decided 00:42:44.25\00:42:46.42 to ignore his voice. So the world is setting itself up 00:42:46.43\00:42:50.66 for the right, right judgments of God, where 00:42:51.00\00:42:53.12 I would say thousands of cities could be 00:42:53.41\00:42:56.14 destroyed, yeah. And we have some references 00:42:56.59\00:42:58.54 actually too, yeah. And we'll read some of these 00:42:58.55\00:43:00.32 here in a little bit here. We've got you know 00:43:00.33\00:43:05.76 we read in the words of Jesus himself, he 00:43:06.14\00:43:07.98 said this several times, he said to his disciples 00:43:08.33\00:43:10.56 who were living in the last days watch, watch 00:43:11.27\00:43:13.01 and pray, often watch and pray but sometimes 00:43:14.76\00:43:16.81 it just says watch and that is a reference 00:43:16.82\00:43:20.71 I believe to the disciples in the last days who 00:43:20.72\00:43:22.78 are watchmen, don't watchmen to watch. 00:43:22.79\00:43:25.81 Well if they don't, they shouldn't have that title. 00:43:26.82\00:43:28.62 Well I wanna just bring up one last text on this, 00:43:29.80\00:43:31.81 so we can understand the import of what 00:43:32.26\00:43:33.67 we're called to do here, Isaiah 21:6-10. 00:43:33.68\00:43:36.65 Okay, I'm there. It says the following here for thus, 00:43:37.12\00:43:40.11 it says: For thus has the Lord said to me: 00:43:40.12\00:43:42.73 "Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he sees." 00:43:43.64\00:43:46.96 And he saw a chariot with a pair of horsemen, 00:43:47.87\00:43:49.89 a chariot of donkeys, and a chariot of camels, 00:43:49.90\00:43:52.11 and he listened earnestly with great care, 00:43:52.12\00:43:54.06 then he cried, a lion, my Lord! I stand continually 00:43:54.54\00:43:58.10 on the watchtower in the daytime; 00:43:58.11\00:44:00.24 I have sat at my post every night, and look, 00:44:01.01\00:44:03.00 here comes a chariot of men with a pair of horsemen! 00:44:03.44\00:44:06.00 Then he answered and said, "Babylon is fallen, 00:44:06.69\00:44:09.45 is fallen." And all the carved images of her Gods 00:44:10.50\00:44:14.34 He has broken to the ground. Oh! 00:44:15.11\00:44:17.12 My threshing and the grain of my floor, 00:44:17.13\00:44:19.36 that which I have heard from the Lord of hosts, 00:44:20.09\00:44:22.46 the God of Israel, I have declared to you. 00:44:22.47\00:44:24.30 The watchmen are part of the message is, 00:44:24.92\00:44:27.15 Babylon has fallen, right. And it's brought with what 00:44:27.86\00:44:31.28 the judgment says too as you look at Revelation 18. 00:44:31.29\00:44:33.72 It says that they stand far off and they see 00:44:34.76\00:44:36.61 Babylon come to nothing within a short hour. 00:44:36.62\00:44:39.32 And Babylon we know in this particular is 00:44:40.30\00:44:43.28 referring to all the false systems of the earth, 00:44:43.29\00:44:45.50 not just one but all the false systems of the earth 00:44:45.51\00:44:48.35 that were erected to fight against the people of 00:44:48.36\00:44:50.78 God to try to destroy the people of God. 00:44:50.79\00:44:52.95 And condemned false worship, yeah. 00:44:52.96\00:44:54.32 I'll tell you and John I would never think in my 00:44:54.33\00:44:58.46 lifespan that I would be living out in the 00:44:58.47\00:45:00.21 country as I'm now. When I was living in the city 00:45:00.22\00:45:02.65 of New York, I didn't think of moving out to 00:45:02.66\00:45:04.74 you know where I'm living now. But now that 00:45:04.75\00:45:08.35 I am living out here I'm thinking this is the city 00:45:08.36\00:45:11.73 where God can communicate with us better 00:45:11.74\00:45:13.93 than in the cities because when I go back 00:45:13.94\00:45:15.92 to the cities whether New York, 00:45:16.43\00:45:17.74 or California whatever city it maybe, 00:45:17.75\00:45:19.57 there is this voice calling you from every direction 00:45:20.78\00:45:23.77 you're hearing things you don't wanna hear. 00:45:23.78\00:45:25.27 You're seeing things you don't wanna see. 00:45:26.49\00:45:27.92 But these cities that are setting themselves up 00:45:29.27\00:45:33.03 in this transgressive way are setting themselves 00:45:33.56\00:45:37.20 up for the judgments of God that are soon to come. 00:45:37.21\00:45:39.83 And I believe that's what inspired Ellen White 00:45:40.31\00:45:41.95 to make the statement. In 1903 she wrote in the 00:45:41.96\00:45:46.65 Review and Herald, September 10th, 1903: 00:45:46.66\00:45:49.35 All that God's people have a sense of the 00:45:50.22\00:45:52.29 impending destruction of thousands of cities, 00:45:52.30\00:45:55.97 now all thousands of cities, now almost given 00:45:55.98\00:45:59.58 to idolatry. And are our cities given to idolatry? 00:46:01.10\00:46:04.33 Oh yeah, idolatry everywhere, its not just 00:46:04.34\00:46:06.74 bowing down to carved images, right. 00:46:06.75\00:46:08.60 It's all those things that we worship in the way 00:46:08.80\00:46:10.71 that we give them attention and our devotion. 00:46:10.72\00:46:14.78 It could be anything that comes between us and God. 00:46:16.32\00:46:17.89 Massive access is another way of saying it. 00:46:18.49\00:46:20.72 Some of the cities and I want you to register on 00:46:21.20\00:46:23.15 this, some of the cities and you know this, 00:46:23.16\00:46:24.54 are you go to cities and you could just spend 00:46:25.35\00:46:27.42 your whole day, your entire week doing nothing 00:46:27.43\00:46:29.93 but going from store to the next to the next, 00:46:29.94\00:46:31.79 to the next, to the next, comparing items that 00:46:31.80\00:46:34.84 in and of themselves are not evil, right. 00:46:34.85\00:46:37.79 But are, but we are drawn by the idolatry 00:46:38.34\00:46:41.25 of the moment. We have to get this and get that 00:46:41.26\00:46:43.52 and get this and get that and doing essential 00:46:43.53\00:46:46.35 things but failing to realize that the moments 00:46:46.36\00:46:50.74 of eternity are just sliding through the hour 00:46:50.75\00:46:53.29 glass of time. Yeah, and you know and to 00:46:53.30\00:46:56.08 give this a little balance to the statement 00:46:56.09\00:46:58.09 we just read. She also has quoted elsewhere 00:46:58.10\00:47:00.94 saying we need to as the people of God as watchmen, 00:47:00.95\00:47:04.13 we need to work the cities. Oh yes. So as 00:47:04.67\00:47:06.84 far as living, lit out of them but let's work 00:47:07.24\00:47:09.67 them because the salvation of souls is at stake here. 00:47:09.68\00:47:12.48 And just like the prophets of old like Jonah, 00:47:13.17\00:47:15.87 he went into the city preached the message and 00:47:15.88\00:47:18.32 then left the city, yes. Right, and so that's what 00:47:18.33\00:47:21.28 God is calling us to do, we should look carefully 00:47:21.79\00:47:24.61 at where we are living and our families, 00:47:25.07\00:47:26.49 what they're exposed to, and then counsel 00:47:26.50\00:47:29.15 would be then whenever as best we can find time 00:47:29.16\00:47:32.06 to do that, get away from there, 00:47:32.07\00:47:33.77 to get out of there. But then lets continue 00:47:33.78\00:47:35.35 to work those cities to share the gospel and call 00:47:35.36\00:47:37.20 other people out, you know they're being called 00:47:37.21\00:47:39.19 we just read a text where they're calling people, 00:47:39.20\00:47:41.65 want to call people out of Babylon, right, 00:47:41.66\00:47:42.94 which is a city, well why not literally let's call 00:47:42.95\00:47:45.18 people out of the cities where they are exposed 00:47:45.19\00:47:47.29 to Babylon's tactics, and other things that are 00:47:47.30\00:47:50.46 part of Babylon. I want to read this real quick, 00:47:50.47\00:47:54.52 its a quote from Ellen White as well from 00:47:54.53\00:47:57.56 Testimonies 9, of page 19 it says in a special sense: 00:47:57.57\00:48:00.44 Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the 00:48:01.34\00:48:03.62 world as watchmen and light bearers. 00:48:03.63\00:48:05.46 To them has been entrusted the last warning 00:48:06.28\00:48:08.26 of a perishing world. On them is shining 00:48:08.27\00:48:10.97 wonderful light from the word of God. 00:48:10.98\00:48:12.64 They have been given a work of the most 00:48:13.48\00:48:15.02 solemn import, the proclamation of the first, 00:48:15.03\00:48:17.59 second, and third angels messages. 00:48:17.60\00:48:19.25 By the way the messages that are given, 00:48:19.26\00:48:21.85 they are the first, second and third in 00:48:21.86\00:48:23.29 Revelation is in the midst of calamity occurring 00:48:23.30\00:48:25.03 all around it by the way. That's right. 00:48:25.04\00:48:26.40 So there is no other work of so great importance 00:48:27.33\00:48:29.46 they're to allow nothing else to observe 00:48:29.47\00:48:31.47 their attention, but being watchmen 00:48:31.48\00:48:33.50 proclaiming that message. We've read some things 00:48:33.51\00:48:37.61 here today John that people have probably 00:48:37.62\00:48:39.22 scratching their heads on, yeah. 00:48:39.23\00:48:40.69 And the reason I say this because we stepped 00:48:41.26\00:48:43.02 outside of just the Bible and have included extra 00:48:43.03\00:48:46.03 biblical resources from Ellen White. 00:48:46.04\00:48:48.35 And when you hear if you go past, 00:48:48.89\00:48:50.92 if you go past the author, some people will be 00:48:50.93\00:48:55.60 able to hear what is being said, 00:48:55.61\00:48:57.05 because these statements that are being made 00:48:57.60\00:48:59.78 if we were living in the 1800's or the 1700's 00:49:00.65\00:49:05.16 we would say well that doesn't really sound 00:49:05.99\00:49:11.07 kind of too accurate for the day and age 00:49:12.36\00:49:14.75 in which it's applying to. But if you listen to them 00:49:14.76\00:49:17.97 in the light of today, listen to this I mean 00:49:17.98\00:49:20.96 this is just, it just amazes me how God can 00:49:20.97\00:49:23.34 inspire someone to be so accurate, 00:49:23.35\00:49:24.84 and then you could see these things that 00:49:25.19\00:49:27.43 are talked about or prognosticated or forecasts 00:49:27.44\00:49:30.42 coming to pass, right in front of our eyes. 00:49:30.43\00:49:34.33 Here's another one this is from the book 00:49:35.08\00:49:38.25 called Country Living, page 7 paragraph 4: 00:49:38.26\00:49:42.04 I'm bidden to declare the messages that cities 00:49:42.70\00:49:47.19 full of transgression and sinful and the extreme 00:49:47.86\00:49:50.84 will be destroyed by earthquakes, by fire, 00:49:51.63\00:49:54.34 by flood. All the world will be warned that there 00:49:55.25\00:49:58.33 is of God who will displace authority as God. 00:49:58.34\00:50:00.93 His unseen agencies will cause destruction, 00:50:02.06\00:50:04.22 devastation, and death. All the accumulated riches 00:50:05.14\00:50:09.43 will be as nothingness. So now you get that, 00:50:09.44\00:50:12.37 why would God allow these things to happen and 00:50:13.35\00:50:15.25 what would he allow, destroyed by earthquakes, 00:50:15.26\00:50:17.61 fire, flood. Now John when we think of cities what 00:50:18.19\00:50:21.16 big city comes to your mind. Well a few of them, 00:50:21.17\00:50:25.58 New York City is the biggest city in America. 00:50:25.59\00:50:27.38 Okay, I was hoping you will say California, 00:50:27.39\00:50:29.05 since you are Californian. Well I mean, 00:50:29.06\00:50:30.54 I think New York is the biggest city but then 00:50:30.55\00:50:32.49 I think it's San Francisco, that's where I live closest 00:50:32.50\00:50:34.12 to. Yeah, look at these coastal cities, 00:50:34.13\00:50:36.71 now the reason I mentioned those, the 00:50:36.72\00:50:38.00 reason I was pushing for those two names, 00:50:38.72\00:50:40.33 we could look at, look at the big cities and it 00:50:40.89\00:50:42.92 seems like it just seems like to me that the cities 00:50:42.93\00:50:45.82 that are closest to the ocean seem to be some 00:50:45.83\00:50:48.30 of the most wicked, yeah. I mean look at the 00:50:48.31\00:50:51.38 just outline that. San Francisco, Los Angeles, 00:50:51.39\00:50:55.50 San Diego, let's go down to the East Coast, 00:50:56.89\00:50:59.35 Miami, New York, you find these cities that are 00:50:59.89\00:51:05.10 huge and along the coasts, it seems like there's so 00:51:05.11\00:51:08.76 much access but also there's so much excess, yeah. 00:51:08.77\00:51:12.41 They just seem to do everything in the extreme 00:51:12.98\00:51:14.84 and they have kind of as the Bible says 00:51:15.39\00:51:17.41 they've cast off restraint. And my wife have a 00:51:17.42\00:51:21.41 number of times commented how she loved 00:51:21.42\00:51:23.67 to live in Miami, and my brother-in-law lives 00:51:23.68\00:51:25.93 down there. We have a lot of friends that live 00:51:25.94\00:51:27.25 down there but I look at every time we take off 00:51:27.26\00:51:29.81 from an airplane out of Miami I look at that place 00:51:29.82\00:51:32.41 and I think, it's just flat as a pancake, 00:51:32.42\00:51:36.30 it's ripe for any kind of destruction that would 00:51:37.31\00:51:41.14 come whether by flood, whether by rising water, 00:51:41.15\00:51:44.85 whether by tidal wave, whether by Tsunami. 00:51:44.86\00:51:46.95 I mean this, and everything there built is built 00:51:47.50\00:51:49.89 primarily on sand and you think wow what 00:51:49.90\00:51:53.02 would happen? How would people, 00:51:53.03\00:51:54.55 now this is amazing, how would people evacuate 00:51:55.10\00:51:57.29 in an orderly manner. Yeah, yeah in fact there 00:51:57.30\00:52:01.92 will be mass confusion, they had that situation 00:52:01.93\00:52:03.23 where hurricanes were coming or something and 00:52:03.24\00:52:05.15 people waited too late and they were just, 00:52:05.16\00:52:06.66 you know, keep so many people on the road, 00:52:06.67\00:52:09.65 you couldn't get out quick. They turned both, 00:52:09.66\00:52:12.03 they turned both North and South 95, 00:52:12.04\00:52:14.90 295 both going North and still not enough to get 00:52:15.81\00:52:20.21 out quickly enough, yeah. Listen to this, 00:52:20.22\00:52:22.12 you know I am reading that from Revelation chapter 00:52:22.13\00:52:24.28 7 because the Bible does say clearly that there 00:52:24.29\00:52:27.22 is gonna come a time that these things 00:52:28.00\00:52:29.99 will just be let loose, the message that I 00:52:30.00\00:52:34.19 appreciate fairly recently was called no longer 00:52:34.20\00:52:36.31 life as usual. Oh that's a good title. 00:52:36.32\00:52:38.86 And there is a time where there will be no longer 00:52:39.86\00:52:41.28 life as usual. There won't be some calamity 00:52:41.29\00:52:43.41 that happened somewhere and you 00:52:43.42\00:52:44.39 can say well life goes on, that's kind of how 00:52:44.40\00:52:45.95 we recover. There will come at time where all 00:52:45.96\00:52:48.35 of a sudden life will not go on, as usual, 00:52:48.36\00:52:52.39 will not go on as usual. And listen to that time 00:52:52.40\00:52:54.81 here foretold in the Book of Revelation chapter 7 00:52:54.82\00:52:58.26 verse 1, After these things I saw four angels 00:52:58.27\00:53:01.56 standing at the four corners of the earth, 00:53:01.57\00:53:03.71 holding the four winds of the earth, 00:53:04.60\00:53:06.43 that the wind should not blow on the earth, 00:53:06.44\00:53:08.47 on the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw another angel 00:53:08.48\00:53:12.31 ascending from the east, having the seal 00:53:12.32\00:53:13.79 of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice 00:53:13.80\00:53:16.58 to the four angels to whom it was granted 00:53:16.59\00:53:18.41 to harm the earth, the sea, and the trees, 00:53:18.42\00:53:20.20 or the earth and the sea, excuse me, saying, 00:53:20.21\00:53:22.75 do not harm the earth, the sea, 00:53:23.26\00:53:24.65 or the trees till we have sealed the servants of 00:53:24.66\00:53:27.08 our God on their foreheads. And of course we know 00:53:27.09\00:53:30.35 that is a 144,000 that were sealed, right. 00:53:30.36\00:53:33.09 The same 144,000 in chapter 14 that are, 00:53:33.10\00:53:35.24 they have the Three Angels messages to proclaim, 00:53:35.84\00:53:37.83 that's right. So then the work is set for the 144,000 00:53:38.30\00:53:43.26 prior to those four wings being released. 00:53:44.27\00:53:46.09 So the question is at a time today, 00:53:46.69\00:53:48.22 are we being ready, are God's workers getting 00:53:49.34\00:53:52.31 ready to be sealed for the work of proclaiming 00:53:52.32\00:53:55.00 that final last message as watchmen on the wall 00:53:55.01\00:53:58.39 that the coming of Christ, is at hand. 00:53:59.30\00:54:02.25 And if we don't believe we are living in the last days, 00:54:03.33\00:54:06.53 then when is the last days? If we don't live, 00:54:06.54\00:54:09.89 if don't believe we're living in the end time then 00:54:09.90\00:54:11.46 when is the end time? Yeah, like I said, 00:54:11.47\00:54:13.34 what more does it take, what more you need as 00:54:13.85\00:54:16.49 evidence? Second Timothy says to us this know also 00:54:16.50\00:54:20.95 that in the last days peerless time, 00:54:21.48\00:54:24.21 Second Timothy chapter 3, I'm quoting this off the 00:54:24.69\00:54:26.65 top of my head. This now also that in the last days 00:54:26.66\00:54:29.86 perilous times will come. John, friends 00:54:29.87\00:54:33.24 we're living in perilous times. 00:54:33.25\00:54:34.91 The Bible makes it clear what those perilous times 00:54:35.47\00:54:37.64 are all about. It says men will be lovers of 00:54:37.65\00:54:41.05 themselves boasters, proud, blasphemers, 00:54:41.06\00:54:47.13 yeah, what about children, disobedience to parents, 00:54:47.75\00:54:50.15 unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection the 00:54:50.69\00:54:55.01 King James Version says, New King James unloving, 00:54:55.02\00:54:58.08 unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, 00:54:58.58\00:55:02.33 brutal, I mean some of the crimes that are 00:55:03.06\00:55:06.24 perpetrated, the violence. The violence that 00:55:06.25\00:55:09.10 if we even mention it sometimes the news cast 00:55:09.58\00:55:11.28 is now having to say more than not, 00:55:11.29\00:55:13.46 what you're about to see, we apologized what 00:55:13.47\00:55:17.71 you about to see, you may not want to look at, 00:55:17.72\00:55:19.21 if you're sensitive you may want to turn away, 00:55:19.22\00:55:21.23 yeah. So, I mean where we're heading? 00:55:21.74\00:55:24.00 That's where we are heading, 00:55:24.01\00:55:24.98 and it's not like you know people who want 00:55:24.99\00:55:27.02 to say well Jesus say that you know, 00:55:27.03\00:55:29.11 you are reading the Bible you're reading the 00:55:29.12\00:55:30.28 Old Testament, you know you are reading Revelation, 00:55:30.29\00:55:32.06 you know that's your interpretation. 00:55:32.07\00:55:33.09 I want to hear what Jesus said chapter 24 verse 21: 00:55:33.68\00:55:37.23 For then there will be great tribulation, 00:55:38.66\00:55:40.15 such as has not been since the beginning 00:55:40.16\00:55:41.74 of the world, the worst ever seen, until this time, 00:55:41.75\00:55:45.89 nor ever shall be. And unless those days were 00:55:46.40\00:55:49.87 shortened, no flesh would be saved. 00:55:49.88\00:55:52.88 In other words not just the people of God 00:55:52.89\00:55:54.55 but no one, right, could be saved unless 00:55:54.56\00:55:56.86 those days were shortened, they are so bad. But 00:55:56.87\00:55:58.35 for the elect sake those days will be shortened. 00:55:59.24\00:56:01.18 They will come and they will be rapid, 00:56:01.64\00:56:02.85 they will be quick, they will be severe. 00:56:03.55\00:56:04.96 And we somehow think and here's the deceptive 00:56:05.67\00:56:08.24 part, the devil has brought in this doctrine that 00:56:08.99\00:56:11.36 if you believe in God you won't be here. 00:56:11.43\00:56:13.13 Oh yeah. Don't worry about it you won't be here, 00:56:14.59\00:56:16.14 you will be ruptured out. We're telling you today 00:56:16.15\00:56:18.13 that is one of the worst heresies ever known 00:56:18.80\00:56:21.06 to Christendom, the secret rapture theory. 00:56:21.07\00:56:23.39 It's teaching you to not be ready for the time 00:56:24.02\00:56:25.94 that's coming to look around of these signs 00:56:25.95\00:56:27.71 and say, oh we will be gone anyway. 00:56:27.72\00:56:29.12 No, that's not where this is headed. 00:56:29.63\00:56:31.35 Or they will say well if it happens and 00:56:31.84\00:56:33.51 we're still here, we'll have a second chance, 00:56:33.97\00:56:35.14 a second chance. That's the deception, 00:56:35.15\00:56:36.73 that's the deception as well. There are two 00:56:36.74\00:56:38.57 things very deceptive about that teaching. 00:56:38.58\00:56:40.30 Because when the doors of the Ark 00:56:40.62\00:56:41.59 were closed John, there was no second chance. 00:56:41.60\00:56:43.16 No, if you were not inside of that, 00:56:43.71\00:56:44.78 your umbrella wouldn't work. 00:56:45.80\00:56:46.78 Yes, that's right. You know there is no mutable, 00:56:48.17\00:56:49.14 there's no mutable situation here. 00:56:49.43\00:56:50.63 But so let's wrap this up, where are we headed? 00:56:51.25\00:56:52.93 Well, you know we don't know where 00:56:53.59\00:56:55.21 we're headed, we don't know how fast this 00:56:55.68\00:56:56.65 is gonna wrap up. We are not here to tell you 00:56:56.66\00:56:58.21 even an opinion as to when we think 00:56:58.82\00:57:00.59 the Lord is coming. All we can say is that 00:57:00.60\00:57:02.12 Jesus when you see things know that it's near 00:57:02.13\00:57:04.54 even at the door. So what we're saying 00:57:04.55\00:57:07.37 here today is with the stuff that's happening 00:57:07.38\00:57:09.28 around us lately, it seems like Jesus 00:57:09.29\00:57:12.21 is about to come, wow, let's look for him. 00:57:12.22\00:57:15.04 That's right and friends you know what we 00:57:15.36\00:57:16.39 are urgent about this and I guess you can 00:57:16.40\00:57:18.27 sense that in our voices today and in the 00:57:18.28\00:57:21.20 word of God and even some of the extra 00:57:21.21\00:57:22.78 Bible resources and references that we made 00:57:23.35\00:57:25.28 today but we believe that the House Call is coming, 00:57:25.29\00:57:26.99 it's coming and we pray that by God's grace you 00:57:27.55\00:57:30.25 will be ready to make that preparation today. 00:57:30.26\00:57:33.38