Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend 00:00:01.98\00:00:03.20 and sit back as we explore God's word 00:00:03.21\00:00:05.27 together on this edition of House Calls. 00:00:05.28\00:00:08.01 Well friends, welcome to our house, 00:00:21.97\00:00:24.01 like the doctors of old we get a chance to make 00:00:24.02\00:00:25.97 House Calls in everyone's home at the 00:00:25.98\00:00:27.84 same time. So, welcome to this program 00:00:27.85\00:00:30.14 where we walk through the word of God 00:00:30.15\00:00:31.64 together. Get your Bibles; get your pens 00:00:31.65\00:00:34.16 if you want to, hit record, because 00:00:34.17\00:00:36.12 this program promises to be a blessing as 00:00:36.13\00:00:38.16 God's Holy Spirit is going to guide us 00:00:38.17\00:00:40.07 through his word. I have in the studio with me 00:00:40.08\00:00:43.12 today my good friend John Stanton. 00:00:43.13\00:00:45.75 It's good to be here John, it's been a 00:00:45.76\00:00:47.73 few weeks I think, we had a chance to do 00:00:47.74\00:00:50.05 some programs, our schedules have been 00:00:50.06\00:00:51.39 a little crazy. But for those of you, 00:00:51.40\00:00:53.78 who have missed both of us we're here. 00:00:53.79\00:00:55.66 That's right John and John, John Lomacang, 00:00:55.67\00:00:58.46 John Stanton and we always enjoy 00:00:58.47\00:01:01.38 getting together, this was a dream of ours 00:01:01.39\00:01:03.60 years ago, when we were in California, 00:01:03.61\00:01:05.72 that's right. One day would come that the Lord 00:01:05.73\00:01:07.51 will give us a chance to share with the world 00:01:07.52\00:01:09.10 his word and amazing. And what is the text? 00:01:09.11\00:01:11.87 Make known to God what your desires are, 00:01:11.88\00:01:14.69 that's right, that's right. It's a, it's a 00:01:14.70\00:01:17.48 wonderful thing and so John as we get into 00:01:17.49\00:01:20.21 our program today let's, let's say a word of 00:01:20.22\00:01:22.27 prayer and let the Holy Spirit lead. Okay, 00:01:22.28\00:01:24.31 let's do that. Our Father in Heaven, 00:01:24.32\00:01:25.55 we thank you so much for another opportunity here 00:01:25.56\00:01:27.88 to open your word we just pray that your 00:01:27.89\00:01:29.88 Holy Spirit will lead and guide not only us 00:01:29.89\00:01:32.51 as we talk about it. But Lord all those who are 00:01:32.52\00:01:35.42 hearing us, well impress upon their hearts 00:01:35.43\00:01:37.49 what you have for their lives. 00:01:37.50\00:01:39.33 And the responsibility that all of us 00:01:39.34\00:01:40.93 have to follow you with all our heart 00:01:40.94\00:01:42.50 in Jesus name. Amen, Amen. 00:01:42.51\00:01:45.03 And friends as you know it, your Bible questions 00:01:45.04\00:01:49.14 make this program what it is that's why 00:01:49.15\00:01:51.11 it's called House Calls. We want to allow you to 00:01:51.12\00:01:54.12 continue to send questions to us 00:01:54.13\00:01:55.74 and so here's the email address that's 00:01:55.75\00:01:58.04 Housecalls@3abn.org, that's 00:01:58.05\00:02:00.61 Housecalls@3abn.org, organized, 00:02:00.62\00:02:03.96 organization, whatever you wanna make 00:02:03.97\00:02:05.24 that out. If you use that address 00:02:05.25\00:02:07.07 we'll find your questions and download 00:02:07.08\00:02:08.85 them and try our best by God's word 00:02:08.86\00:02:11.34 to answer them. Now, some of you really are 00:02:11.35\00:02:15.21 very supportive, some of you are 00:02:15.22\00:02:17.39 very to the point, some of you write 00:02:17.40\00:02:20.60 distortions, try to make it is as concise 00:02:20.61\00:02:23.01 and to the point as you can so that we can 00:02:23.02\00:02:25.05 cover many of them. And so John is gonna begin 00:02:25.06\00:02:27.35 with our first question today, 00:02:27.36\00:02:28.37 what do you have John? Well, I've got a several 00:02:28.38\00:02:30.36 parterre question here, a several parterre. 00:02:30.37\00:02:32.38 Yeah, he's got several questions in a one 00:02:32.39\00:02:34.15 email, okay and I can't cover all of them 00:02:34.16\00:02:36.68 but I will cover a couple of them, okay. 00:02:36.69\00:02:38.64 So, let's go through here it says, 00:02:38.65\00:02:40.97 thank you for your informative Bible 00:02:40.98\00:02:43.44 based show, he says that Christ is, 00:02:43.45\00:02:46.37 is really involved in and he appreciates us. 00:02:46.38\00:02:48.35 Thank you very much, we appreciate all 00:02:48.36\00:02:50.37 encouragement that you give us. 00:02:50.38\00:02:51.92 Couple questions here, number one, 00:02:51.93\00:02:54.70 do we or can we pray to the Holy Spirit? 00:02:54.71\00:02:57.77 Good question, okay, you know I've heard 00:02:59.53\00:03:01.26 this as several times before you know as a 00:03:01.27\00:03:02.94 pastor you know we say you know Our Father 00:03:02.95\00:03:05.09 or some people say Dear Jesus. 00:03:05.10\00:03:06.73 But you don't hear that many say Dear 00:03:06.74\00:03:09.30 Holy Spirit, right. You know in the opening 00:03:09.31\00:03:11.38 of our prayer and there's a reason 00:03:11.39\00:03:12.37 for that and we find in the example prayers 00:03:12.38\00:03:15.61 that Christ gave to us. He said, here is what 00:03:15.62\00:03:18.14 you should do, here's how you ought to pray 00:03:18.15\00:03:19.76 and he says our Father. And we find in also 00:03:19.77\00:03:22.10 John chapter 16 how he's encouraging 00:03:22.11\00:03:25.12 his disciples to pray directly to the Father 00:03:25.13\00:03:27.17 because the Father will loves them so much, 00:03:27.18\00:03:29.02 and in fact maybe that's a good verse to 00:03:29.03\00:03:31.33 start off with John chapter 16, 00:03:31.34\00:03:33.21 okay Christ encouraging them to go to the Father 00:03:33.22\00:03:36.23 directly and I think this is, provides a good 00:03:36.24\00:03:38.88 bases for why we pray our Father 00:03:38.89\00:03:41.38 and we appeal to the Father rather then 00:03:41.39\00:03:43.33 praying to the Holy Spirit. Okay, 00:03:43.34\00:03:44.96 John 16, John 16, okay I know it's in my Bible 00:03:44.97\00:03:49.56 somewhere. 24 to start with, alright it says: 00:03:49.57\00:03:54.39 Until now you have asked nothing in my name. 00:03:54.40\00:03:56.69 Ask, and you will receive that your joy 00:03:56.70\00:03:59.65 may be full. So, the first statement here is 00:03:59.66\00:04:01.34 Jesus is saying you haven't asked for 00:04:01.35\00:04:02.75 anything in my name, alright. 00:04:02.76\00:04:04.65 But he wants them to ask and so then 00:04:05.66\00:04:07.86 it goes on verse 25: "These things 00:04:07.87\00:04:09.62 I have spoken to you in a figurative language; 00:04:09.63\00:04:11.58 but the time is coming when I will no longer 00:04:11.59\00:04:14.09 speak to you in figurative language, 00:04:14.10\00:04:16.71 but I will tell you plainly about 00:04:16.72\00:04:18.63 the Father. In that day you will ask in My name, 00:04:18.64\00:04:22.15 and I do not say that I shall pray the Father 00:04:22.16\00:04:25.57 for you." So, here he's, he's acknowledging that 00:04:25.58\00:04:28.42 you ask in my name and that's why at the end of 00:04:28.43\00:04:31.09 prayers you hear a say in Jesus name 00:04:31.10\00:04:33.02 or for Jesus sake, that's an example 00:04:33.03\00:04:36.28 or at least how Christ asked his disciples 00:04:36.29\00:04:40.17 to pray. Well, he didn't say that he would pray 00:04:40.18\00:04:43.00 to the Father for us and now that's an 00:04:43.01\00:04:45.12 interesting statement John because you would 00:04:45.13\00:04:47.25 think that if we're praying in Jesus name 00:04:47.26\00:04:49.04 that somehow he would do something 00:04:49.05\00:04:50.45 with our prayers. Okay, that isn't his role, 00:04:50.46\00:04:53.17 okay so we will get to what his role is here 00:04:53.18\00:04:56.02 in just a minute, verse 26: In that day 00:04:56.03\00:04:59.49 you will ask, oh I already said that, 00:04:59.50\00:05:01.18 verse 27: for the Father, here's the 00:05:01.19\00:05:04.42 reason, the Father Himself loves you, 00:05:04.43\00:05:06.57 because you have loved Me, and have believed 00:05:06.58\00:05:09.73 that I came forth from God. 00:05:09.74\00:05:11.54 So, Jesus is saying I don't say that you pray 00:05:11.55\00:05:14.58 in my name and that I will turn around 00:05:14.59\00:05:15.99 and pray or somehow try to appeal to the Father 00:05:16.00\00:05:18.69 for you with those prayers because 00:05:18.70\00:05:20.75 you know what? He loves you, okay, 00:05:20.76\00:05:22.72 he Himself loves you, because you have 00:05:22.73\00:05:25.55 loved Me. So, when we pray our Father 00:05:25.56\00:05:27.55 we are praying to the Father directly, 00:05:27.56\00:05:29.26 we are praying in Jesus name not so our prayers 00:05:29.27\00:05:32.08 are accepted, but for Jesus sake we want Jesus 00:05:32.09\00:05:35.93 will to be done everything that 00:05:35.94\00:05:37.48 our motive is, is for Jesus to be 00:05:37.49\00:05:39.77 the conqueror, to be our King, 00:05:39.78\00:05:41.24 to be our Savior, to be everything for us. 00:05:41.25\00:05:43.73 And that's why we appeal in His name. 00:05:43.74\00:05:45.82 But the other thing is now how does 00:05:45.83\00:05:48.58 the third person of the God head enter 00:05:48.59\00:05:50.09 into the picture, the Holy Spirit 00:05:50.10\00:05:51.49 and we go to Romans chapter 8 to find out 00:05:51.50\00:05:54.76 what his role is in prayer and 00:05:54.77\00:05:56.31 communicating with the Father, alright. 00:05:56.32\00:05:58.30 So, let's turn there Romans 8 00:05:58.31\00:06:00.10 and lets pick it up right about verse 26, 00:06:01.11\00:06:05.96 okay, it says: Likewise the Spirit also helps 00:06:05.97\00:06:10.16 in our weaknesses. For we do not know 00:06:10.17\00:06:12.90 what we should pray for as we ought, 00:06:12.91\00:06:15.04 but the Spirit Himself makes intercession 00:06:15.05\00:06:17.83 for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 00:06:17.84\00:06:20.14 For He who searches the hearts knows 00:06:20.25\00:06:22.90 what the mind of the Spirit is, 00:06:22.91\00:06:24.18 because He makes intercession for the 00:06:24.19\00:06:25.85 saints according to the will of God. 00:06:25.86\00:06:28.53 And then of course the very famous text 00:06:28.54\00:06:31.26 we know that all things work together for good 00:06:31.27\00:06:32.97 to those who love God. So, somehow 00:06:32.98\00:06:35.36 the Holy Spirit when we communicate 00:06:35.37\00:06:37.91 with our Father, the Holy Spirit helps us 00:06:37.92\00:06:40.35 understand first of all what we should pray for. 00:06:40.36\00:06:42.46 Sometimes, I don't know if you've ever felt 00:06:43.29\00:06:44.86 this John but I felt this at times 00:06:44.87\00:06:46.92 where I just sometimes don't even have 00:06:46.93\00:06:49.76 the words. I don't, I know what my heart 00:06:49.77\00:06:53.01 is feeling, I just can't express it the way 00:06:53.02\00:06:56.06 that I feel like I, I need to express it. 00:06:56.07\00:06:58.41 And sometimes I just remain there in the 00:06:58.42\00:07:01.75 presence of God it's quiet and silent, 00:07:01.76\00:07:03.56 waiting for the Holy Spirit to impress 00:07:03.57\00:07:05.94 upon me my need. And I believe that's impart 00:07:05.95\00:07:09.45 what this is talking about but also the 00:07:09.46\00:07:11.35 Holy Spirit then, even though we can't 00:07:11.36\00:07:14.05 communicated directly, we can't somehow 00:07:14.06\00:07:16.06 communicate our prayers the way we should. 00:07:16.07\00:07:17.82 He helps those prayers to be communicated 00:07:17.83\00:07:19.97 to our heart, to be communicated 00:07:19.98\00:07:21.05 with the Father directly, so there is a 00:07:21.06\00:07:23.44 communication there, the avenue or the vehicle 00:07:23.45\00:07:26.43 by which we communicate with God 00:07:26.44\00:07:27.89 is through the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:27.90\00:07:29.56 And that is how God, that is how the Father 00:07:29.57\00:07:32.41 and how we communicate with each other, 00:07:32.42\00:07:34.20 I mean we're created beings. 00:07:34.21\00:07:36.50 He's, he's God, how could we possibly talk 00:07:36.51\00:07:39.69 with him? Well, somehow the Lord for what 00:07:39.70\00:07:42.54 he's done, what Jesus has done 00:07:42.55\00:07:44.08 and what we're doing for him on this earth 00:07:44.09\00:07:45.68 and then the Holy Spirit and working to 00:07:45.69\00:07:47.38 communicate our need. And then of course 00:07:47.39\00:07:49.30 communicate that back with the Father, 00:07:49.31\00:07:50.71 all that works together through prayer. 00:07:50.72\00:07:52.67 In a way it's difficult to understand but yeah 00:07:52.68\00:07:55.41 we catch a glimpse of that through this 00:07:55.42\00:07:56.88 various texts and how we should pray 00:07:56.89\00:07:59.41 and appeal to our Father and Paul says 00:07:59.42\00:08:02.17 we should cry out Abba Father, 00:08:02.18\00:08:03.96 in other words Father, you are my, 00:08:03.97\00:08:05.44 you are my Father, I don't have anyone else 00:08:05.45\00:08:07.45 I can go to, please hear my prayer 00:08:07.46\00:08:09.56 and answer me. And even in our frailty God, 00:08:09.57\00:08:13.03 God answers, Amen, he understands us. 00:08:13.04\00:08:15.09 You know John sometimes my wife and I 00:08:15.10\00:08:16.95 go to a restaurant and sometimes we encounter 00:08:16.96\00:08:20.70 a new waiter or waitress at a restaurant that 00:08:20.71\00:08:24.09 we're very familiar with and we know the menu 00:08:24.10\00:08:26.17 and the cook in the kitchen knows us. 00:08:26.18\00:08:28.19 But this new waiter or waitress doesn't 00:08:28.20\00:08:30.41 and we have this meal that we always order 00:08:30.42\00:08:33.03 and we don't even ask for the menu because 00:08:33.04\00:08:34.66 we know that the waiter that often comes 00:08:34.67\00:08:36.83 to our table knows exactly what we want. 00:08:36.84\00:08:38.68 So, we were just simply say you know 00:08:38.69\00:08:41.12 what we want and they'll say, 00:08:41.13\00:08:43.26 they'll run it off I mean they'll write it 00:08:43.27\00:08:45.11 down or sometimes we'll just not even say this, 00:08:45.12\00:08:48.28 oh I know what you need, don't worry about it. 00:08:48.29\00:08:50.36 Because when we get something that we, 00:08:50.37\00:08:52.06 we like, we don't change very often, 00:08:52.07\00:08:55.96 periodically we change before the most part 00:08:55.97\00:08:58.35 we go to our favorite Chinese restaurant 00:08:58.36\00:09:00.09 or favorite Mexican restaurant 00:09:00.10\00:09:01.33 and the waiter knows exactly what we want. 00:09:01.34\00:09:03.61 So, that waiter is able to communicate 00:09:04.56\00:09:06.36 to the person in the kitchen exactly 00:09:06.37\00:09:08.10 what we want. But once in a while we run 00:09:08.11\00:09:10.71 into a new waiter or waitress 00:09:10.72\00:09:12.08 and I remember one of our favorite 00:09:12.09\00:09:13.19 Chinese restaurants, it was a, a young lady 00:09:13.20\00:09:15.75 just started to work there and she came 00:09:15.76\00:09:18.34 to our table and we said oh she said, 00:09:18.35\00:09:22.64 you need the menu we said oh, well, 00:09:22.65\00:09:25.40 actually we don't really use the menu, 00:09:25.41\00:09:27.90 right because we know what we want, yeah 00:09:27.91\00:09:30.60 and so we try to communicate it, 00:09:30.61\00:09:32.71 then there was a language barrier 00:09:32.72\00:09:34.44 because she was really, really new, 00:09:34.45\00:09:35.77 I think she just had come from Asia. 00:09:35.78\00:09:37.20 And do you know what you like 00:09:37.21\00:09:39.17 and so we're just trying to communicate this 00:09:39.18\00:09:40.89 and we're thinking boy, she doesn't even speak 00:09:40.90\00:09:42.74 our language how do we do these? 00:09:42.75\00:09:44.18 And we have the specialty that we like 00:09:44.19\00:09:46.39 and but a certain way it's prepared 00:09:46.40\00:09:48.16 and so we say is that, we ask for the, 00:09:48.17\00:09:51.57 we ask for the cook is such and such 00:09:51.58\00:09:53.88 in the kitchen today? Or is the owner here? 00:09:53.89\00:09:56.40 And we say, well the owner knows what we like 00:09:56.41\00:09:59.65 and so the owner seeing that we're not getting 00:09:59.66\00:10:02.14 it right comes to our table, oh I know 00:10:02.15\00:10:04.65 when they speak in their language to each other 00:10:04.66\00:10:06.40 in Chinese. And then the waiter says oh 00:10:06.41\00:10:10.16 and she comes out the first time 00:10:10.17\00:10:11.33 and we think okay she's getting it, 00:10:11.34\00:10:13.99 it's not right there yet. Because even the, 00:10:14.00\00:10:17.00 even the waiter that knows us well, 00:10:17.01\00:10:19.56 brings out all the things that we like 00:10:19.57\00:10:20.97 extra, you know extra cashews and extra garlic 00:10:20.98\00:10:23.96 sauce and you know all these extra things 00:10:23.97\00:10:26.65 that they know we need. And so that's kind, 00:10:26.66\00:10:28.81 I think that's like it is with the Father, 00:10:28.82\00:10:30.75 he knows what we have need of, the Bible says 00:10:30.76\00:10:33.46 before we ask, so why ask. 00:10:33.47\00:10:35.77 And then so you look at this person between us 00:10:35.78\00:10:38.91 and when we pray, let's look at the whole train 00:10:38.92\00:10:41.35 line here. First of all, it's like coming to a 00:10:41.36\00:10:43.77 restaurant and you don't know what you want. 00:10:43.78\00:10:45.66 But the waiter on that day says oh I know 00:10:46.72\00:10:49.25 exactly who it is, they're tired today 00:10:49.26\00:10:50.87 I know what you want. So, they take our, 00:10:50.88\00:10:52.96 our request that's coming all garbled 00:10:52.97\00:10:55.28 to the kitchen and we're tired, 00:10:55.29\00:10:57.44 we're strung out and they bring it back 00:10:57.45\00:10:59.11 exactly and they said. And we say thank you, 00:10:59.12\00:11:02.42 I was just too tired to get it out today 00:11:02.43\00:11:04.34 but you knew exactly what I needed 00:11:04.35\00:11:05.70 and so the role of the Holy Spirit is to search 00:11:05.71\00:11:10.08 our hearts, search our minds, 00:11:10.09\00:11:12.62 understand what we wanna come to the Father 00:11:12.63\00:11:14.93 and ask but we don't even know how to ask it. 00:11:14.94\00:11:16.71 And then he takes that to the Mediator, 00:11:16.72\00:11:19.64 for the Bible says in First Timothy 2:5, 00:11:19.65\00:11:21.97 For there is one God and one Mediator 00:11:21.98\00:11:24.70 between God and man, and that is the Man 00:11:24.71\00:11:27.76 Christ Jesus, so he is our Mediator. 00:11:27.77\00:11:30.29 Hebrews 7:25 says, He ever lives to make 00:11:30.30\00:11:32.92 intercession for us and John 14:6 says, 00:11:32.93\00:11:36.41 He is the way the truth, and the life. 00:11:36.42\00:11:38.17 No one comes to the Father except 00:11:38.18\00:11:40.17 through Him. And that's the role of Jesus 00:11:40.18\00:11:41.55 in there, exactly, it's not that we're 00:11:41.56\00:11:42.84 convincing the Father or Jesus is convincing 00:11:42.85\00:11:45.28 the Father, right, to somehow answer 00:11:45.29\00:11:47.26 our prayer but just that the righteousness 00:11:47.27\00:11:49.44 of Christ and we find that with the altar of 00:11:49.45\00:11:50.89 incense, right. You know it's the prayers 00:11:50.90\00:11:52.94 of the saints mixed with this smoke of incense 00:11:52.95\00:11:55.30 or this sweet aroma, which is the 00:11:55.31\00:11:56.41 righteousness of Christ. He is the one that 00:11:56.42\00:11:58.85 mixes it with his righteousness, 00:11:58.86\00:12:00.02 that's acceptable to the Father. 00:12:00.03\00:12:01.71 And so the Holy Spirit takes what we can't say, 00:12:01.72\00:12:04.92 fixes it up, presents it to Christ. 00:12:04.93\00:12:08.31 And Christ as our Mediator, 00:12:08.32\00:12:10.82 ever living to make intercession for us, 00:12:10.83\00:12:12.58 brings it before the Father. 00:12:12.59\00:12:14.00 And because they know what we have need of 00:12:14.01\00:12:17.57 even before we ask what we get is a lot better 00:12:17.58\00:12:21.20 then what we ask for, that's the beauty of it. 00:12:21.21\00:12:23.94 What we get is so far beyond what we ask for, 00:12:23.95\00:12:27.03 because He ever lives to make intercession for us 00:12:27.04\00:12:29.54 and the Spirit says. Let me just put this back 00:12:29.55\00:12:32.91 to the restaurant, Father, he's tired 00:12:32.92\00:12:35.65 and he's been here before. You know, 00:12:35.66\00:12:38.93 his heart's open to us, he's open to us 00:12:38.94\00:12:41.63 and we know what he needs. We know 00:12:41.64\00:12:42.99 what he needs, let's just really fix this 00:12:43.00\00:12:44.98 dinner because he's really tired, 00:12:44.99\00:12:46.41 he's really weak, he needs the energy, 00:12:46.42\00:12:48.53 so the waiter, the waiter. The beauty of 00:12:48.54\00:12:51.14 the Father he brings before us the plate of 00:12:51.15\00:12:54.13 food and we live refreshed 00:12:54.14\00:12:55.90 and nourished because the Father knew 00:12:55.91\00:12:57.81 exactly what we needed. You know, 00:12:57.82\00:12:59.80 in direct answer to the question, 00:12:59.81\00:13:01.49 can we pray to the Holy Spirit, 00:13:01.50\00:13:02.72 there is no scripture that says we cannot 00:13:02.73\00:13:05.37 but I don't think that's the Holy Spirits role, 00:13:05.38\00:13:07.52 right. So, you may pray to the Father 00:13:07.53\00:13:10.34 and I'm not sure that it's necessarily 00:13:10.35\00:13:11.79 you know a good or bad thing it's just that 00:13:11.80\00:13:13.82 that's not his role. And he's not our 00:13:13.83\00:13:15.69 intercessor; yeah, he's not our intercessor, 00:13:15.70\00:13:17.54 so we pray in Christ name. We communicate 00:13:17.55\00:13:20.04 with Christ obviously too because you know 00:13:20.05\00:13:21.79 as our brother he's helping us through, 00:13:21.80\00:13:23.39 there's several roles that Christ plays here, 00:13:23.40\00:13:25.09 but Christ does encourage us to talk 00:13:25.10\00:13:27.05 to the Father directly. They will handle 00:13:27.06\00:13:29.05 the communication, but we're to open our hearts 00:13:29.06\00:13:31.04 to the Father directly and that's who I would 00:13:31.05\00:13:32.66 suggest that you open your heart 00:13:32.67\00:13:35.26 and mind to as you pray. Think of the Holy Spirit 00:13:35.27\00:13:37.51 as the interpreter, not, not the source of 00:13:37.52\00:13:40.79 the blessing, right and so it's like going to 00:13:40.80\00:13:42.99 oh man this is kind of terrible analogy, 00:13:43.00\00:13:45.25 but if you ever, if you ever visited 00:13:45.26\00:13:47.88 somebody in a prison before. 00:13:47.89\00:13:49.19 You can't talk to them directly, 00:13:49.20\00:13:50.62 you got to talk through that microphone 00:13:50.63\00:13:52.48 and the glass, yes, yeah. If that microphone 00:13:52.49\00:13:55.20 were turned off you could look at each other 00:13:55.21\00:13:56.45 but you can just do hand signs, 00:13:56.46\00:13:57.85 the Spirit of God is like that microphone 00:13:57.86\00:14:00.07 right there, brings it before the Christ 00:14:00.08\00:14:01.98 and then Christ makes the request 00:14:01.99\00:14:03.64 clear to the Father. Because he 00:14:03.65\00:14:05.73 and the Father are working together 00:14:05.74\00:14:07.63 to bring forth his will. Now the second part 00:14:07.64\00:14:10.29 of this question, okay you know it's not 00:14:10.30\00:14:12.79 connected to the first part but it's got 00:14:12.80\00:14:14.36 you know some, some important things 00:14:14.37\00:14:16.87 I think we need to look at, alright. 00:14:16.88\00:14:18.24 He says I'm not a member of any 00:14:18.25\00:14:20.61 organized Church, although I consider 00:14:20.62\00:14:22.72 myself a believer in Christ and practice 00:14:22.73\00:14:24.50 Seventh-day Sabbath worship and, 00:14:24.51\00:14:25.83 and some of the, many of the things that we 00:14:25.84\00:14:28.01 believe here, yeah. But now he goes on to say 00:14:28.02\00:14:31.78 I'm distrustful of Pastors, Preachers 00:14:31.79\00:14:34.08 and Priests, all the leaders of Christian 00:14:34.09\00:14:35.67 churches asking for money and tithes. 00:14:35.68\00:14:38.00 I believe that if God truly calls a man to 00:14:39.10\00:14:41.34 preach, teach, etcetera and be involved 00:14:41.35\00:14:43.88 in the Prophecy of his Almighty word. 00:14:43.89\00:14:45.57 That he would meet all the needs of that 00:14:45.58\00:14:48.42 individual, so there is a direct meaning 00:14:48.43\00:14:50.89 of the needs. They should not have to ask 00:14:50.90\00:14:54.26 mortal man, asking the creator God 00:14:54.27\00:14:57.53 in the mighty name of Joshua, Jesus Christ 00:14:57.54\00:15:00.67 should be enough, what do you say? 00:15:00.68\00:15:02.71 Well, we follow the example of, of Christ, 00:15:05.08\00:15:08.37 we followed the example of Paul as he laid out 00:15:08.38\00:15:10.46 in the epistles to the early Church as to 00:15:10.47\00:15:13.46 how God set forth the way in which blessings 00:15:13.47\00:15:17.88 would come back through the Church actually 00:15:17.89\00:15:20.17 to the Church and through the Church 00:15:20.18\00:15:21.55 as the gospel spreads. So, we look 00:15:21.56\00:15:23.56 to the word of God to see how he does that, 00:15:23.57\00:15:25.23 so let's look at just a few texts here 00:15:25.97\00:15:28.01 because John I think a lot of people have 00:15:28.02\00:15:30.11 this issue and it's, it's an issue raised 00:15:30.12\00:15:33.13 because there are many out there with 00:15:33.14\00:15:35.99 television programs, with radio programs 00:15:36.00\00:15:39.08 who are always asking for money 00:15:39.09\00:15:40.73 and they hold out gimmicks 00:15:40.74\00:15:42.41 and other things to extract money from you. 00:15:42.42\00:15:44.64 And it seems an awful like, an awful lot like 00:15:44.65\00:15:48.63 they aren't really relaying as much on 00:15:48.64\00:15:50.90 the blessings of God, okay. And they're 00:15:50.91\00:15:53.61 having to pull it out of people and, 00:15:53.62\00:15:55.93 and it does skew or it does hurt I think 00:15:55.94\00:15:58.80 sometimes. The way in which God does 00:15:58.81\00:16:01.38 design for us to be blessed as a church 00:16:01.39\00:16:04.29 and to be blessed as individuals. 00:16:04.30\00:16:06.08 Yeah, we call that, we call those begathons, 00:16:06.09\00:16:08.54 begathons, you know that there is almost 00:16:08.55\00:16:11.83 the signs of manipulation that 00:16:11.84\00:16:14.01 makes you, you know if the person says 00:16:14.02\00:16:16.26 well if you sow today you'll reap tomorrow 00:16:16.27\00:16:20.52 and the reason why you don't have is 00:16:20.53\00:16:22.73 because you're not sowing and God wants 00:16:22.74\00:16:25.00 you to be prosperous and wealthy and. 00:16:25.01\00:16:26.77 It's almost like a gimmick, give 00:16:26.78\00:16:28.66 and you'll get, yeah. And the Bible does teach 00:16:28.67\00:16:31.05 the reciprocal blessing of give and it shall be 00:16:31.06\00:16:33.42 given unto you, but some people take that 00:16:33.43\00:16:35.35 to the extreme almost to the point of 00:16:35.36\00:16:37.13 manipulating you to support something that 00:16:37.14\00:16:39.99 is not in the will of God. And it's 00:16:40.00\00:16:41.66 and it becomes almost a gambling thing, 00:16:41.67\00:16:43.36 they give to get, right. See, the getting 00:16:43.37\00:16:46.66 is the natural response of the giving by God, 00:16:46.67\00:16:50.01 because he sees our heart and our desire to 00:16:50.02\00:16:52.78 give to the cause of God and he blesses us 00:16:52.79\00:16:54.55 as a response. But when we give to get, 00:16:54.56\00:16:57.74 that's a whole different thing and often people 00:16:57.75\00:16:59.87 don't receive because they're giving so 00:16:59.88\00:17:01.66 they can receive. And so that's your, 00:17:01.67\00:17:04.17 your motive should be giving, 00:17:04.18\00:17:05.40 but there's a couple ways I'd like to answer 00:17:05.41\00:17:07.00 this John, okay and one of them is a text 00:17:07.01\00:17:08.48 we're gonna get to when we get to our subject. 00:17:08.49\00:17:10.05 First Corinthians 16, alright, 00:17:10.06\00:17:12.51 this is a letter to the Corinthian Church 00:17:12.52\00:17:15.85 by Paul and he's instructing them to do 00:17:15.86\00:17:19.46 something in fact he's commanding them to do 00:17:19.47\00:17:22.26 something. And we read in verses 1 & 2 of 00:17:22.27\00:17:26.70 First Corinthians 16: "Now concerning 00:17:26.71\00:17:29.13 the collection for the saints, 00:17:29.14\00:17:30.64 as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, 00:17:30.65\00:17:34.03 so you must dwell so. So, this isn't just 00:17:34.04\00:17:36.66 one church, this seems to be repeated, right. 00:17:36.67\00:17:38.95 Among churches this collection for 00:17:38.96\00:17:41.10 the saints. On the first day of the week 00:17:41.11\00:17:43.34 let each one of you lay something aside, 00:17:43.35\00:17:46.12 storing up as he may prosper, 00:17:46.13\00:17:48.18 that there be, maybe no collections 00:17:48.19\00:17:50.25 when I come. So, Paul as we know throughout 00:17:50.26\00:17:53.04 the scriptures Acts tells us over 00:17:53.05\00:17:54.51 and over again the Paul went into 00:17:54.52\00:17:55.93 synagogue and into churches on the 00:17:55.94\00:17:57.97 Sabbath day, the Seventh-day of the week 00:17:57.98\00:17:59.94 we talk about that when we get to our subject. 00:17:59.95\00:18:01.82 But he's sending letters ahead saying, 00:18:01.83\00:18:04.37 on the first day begin to take up your offering 00:18:04.38\00:18:06.88 for that coming Sabbath. So, when I get there 00:18:06.89\00:18:09.17 I don't have to beg you for it, 00:18:09.18\00:18:11.19 we don't have to go about scrambling 00:18:11.20\00:18:12.88 to get our money together. But those 00:18:12.89\00:18:14.64 things will already be ready; 00:18:14.65\00:18:15.83 your gifts will be ready to give on the Sabbath. 00:18:15.84\00:18:18.24 And so he's, he's actually giving here a, 00:18:18.25\00:18:21.96 a command that there be offerings 00:18:21.97\00:18:26.43 and there be giving that's going on 00:18:26.44\00:18:28.34 throughout the week as they lay money aside 00:18:28.35\00:18:29.98 and then at the end of the week that 00:18:29.99\00:18:31.19 they're brought to the church, 00:18:31.20\00:18:32.33 to give to the church for the benefit of 00:18:32.90\00:18:35.49 everyone. A principle that we can't deny. 00:18:35.50\00:18:38.01 Acts over and over again talks about the church 00:18:38.02\00:18:41.04 come together and how the blessings that 00:18:41.05\00:18:43.85 they receive from people as they brought them in. 00:18:43.86\00:18:46.25 They parcel them out or they gave them 00:18:46.26\00:18:48.26 out to those who had the needs. 00:18:48.27\00:18:49.88 Okay, so that's our principle there, 00:18:49.89\00:18:51.48 Malachi 3, a very common text and, 00:18:51.49\00:18:55.65 and you may wanna read it or something but, 00:18:55.66\00:18:57.30 alright, but just briefly we find that 00:18:57.31\00:19:00.23 God's people aren't following this example 00:19:00.24\00:19:02.77 and we know in the old system in 00:19:02.78\00:19:06.32 the Old Testament we see that the Levites 00:19:06.33\00:19:09.10 who were the ministers for God to the people. 00:19:09.11\00:19:11.05 Were sustained by the blessing, 00:19:11.06\00:19:13.02 by the tithes that came in and were given by 00:19:13.03\00:19:14.86 the people the ten percent, okay. 00:19:14.87\00:19:16.57 And but in the addition to that there were 00:19:16.58\00:19:18.40 offerings that were given to God's cause 00:19:18.41\00:19:21.04 and we're picking this up here in Malachi 3 00:19:21.05\00:19:23.27 and verse 8: "Will a man rob God? 00:19:23.28\00:19:27.47 Yet you have robbed me. But you say, 00:19:27.48\00:19:30.50 in what way have we robbed you? 00:19:30.51\00:19:32.14 In tithes and offerings." 00:19:32.15\00:19:34.36 So, withholding those from God, from, from God 00:19:34.37\00:19:36.95 and giving them we find that we in fact 00:19:36.96\00:19:39.51 robbed God himself. So, we to answer 00:19:39.52\00:19:43.87 or begin to answer this question we can't expect 00:19:43.88\00:19:45.94 God to just give directly like his hand 00:19:45.95\00:19:49.11 is gonna come down with money 00:19:49.12\00:19:50.30 and hand that to a preacher or hand that to 00:19:50.31\00:19:52.88 someone in need. He excepts and Paul 00:19:52.89\00:19:56.67 commands that the people in the church 00:19:56.68\00:19:59.52 give those offerings freely from their heart, 00:19:59.53\00:20:02.50 right, for the people for their needs 00:20:02.51\00:20:04.67 and for the church to sustained the church 00:20:04.68\00:20:06.49 and the expanses, to sustain the Pastor 00:20:06.50\00:20:09.08 through tithes, our church does it through 00:20:09.73\00:20:11.92 a general conference or a local conference 00:20:11.93\00:20:14.46 that receives those and gives them back 00:20:14.47\00:20:15.89 through, through salaries. 00:20:15.90\00:20:17.42 But, but this is the way that God designs 00:20:18.03\00:20:20.46 that we do it, so you know the question 00:20:20.47\00:20:23.36 really isn't? Well, you know God can bless 00:20:23.37\00:20:25.13 anyway he should be able to just do it 00:20:25.14\00:20:26.85 himself. The issue really is that God is 00:20:26.86\00:20:29.98 saying, no I'm using you to bring about 00:20:29.99\00:20:33.22 the blessings and those blessings come through 00:20:33.23\00:20:36.08 tithes and they come through offerings 00:20:36.09\00:20:37.91 that's right. Of course if you read on in 00:20:37.92\00:20:39.40 Malachi it says: "Bring all the tithes 00:20:39.41\00:20:40.94 into these storehouse, there is one 00:20:40.95\00:20:42.68 store house God's Church. So, we can't 00:20:42.69\00:20:44.97 say now where am I gonna put my tithe, 00:20:44.98\00:20:47.62 right. You know, God has already said 00:20:47.63\00:20:49.54 you return your tithes back to his house, 00:20:49.55\00:20:52.65 into the storehouse. You know, and I like 00:20:52.66\00:20:54.61 the word there return, yeah because 00:20:54.62\00:20:57.34 you know if you go to New York 00:20:57.35\00:20:58.56 but you're from California, you return 00:20:58.57\00:21:00.34 back to California. You will began to see 00:21:00.35\00:21:03.49 that the Lord in essence is saying to you, 00:21:03.50\00:21:05.10 the blessings come from me, 00:21:05.11\00:21:06.70 so return unto me and I will return unto you. 00:21:06.71\00:21:09.77 Let's keep this a reciprocal value, 00:21:09.78\00:21:11.96 let's keep this revolving door going 00:21:11.97\00:21:14.02 and you'll discover when you are obedient 00:21:14.03\00:21:16.53 and when you are faithful and return you 00:21:16.54\00:21:18.18 to God what started with him anyway. 00:21:18.19\00:21:19.81 I mean honestly where did the gold come from, 00:21:19.82\00:21:22.02 the gold and silver is mine, 00:21:22.03\00:21:23.69 you discovered that the economies of the world 00:21:23.70\00:21:25.51 are based on how much gold reserve 00:21:25.52\00:21:28.09 they have, how much precious metals 00:21:28.10\00:21:30.36 they have, what kind of precious economy 00:21:30.37\00:21:32.67 they have and you'll find in the Bible 00:21:32.68\00:21:34.40 there were those who had great crops of wheat, 00:21:34.41\00:21:37.16 so they gave to the Lord a portion of that. 00:21:37.17\00:21:40.12 There were those who had great crops of, 00:21:40.13\00:21:41.67 of, of herd and cattle and, and whatever 00:21:41.68\00:21:45.05 livestock that they had and they gave 00:21:45.06\00:21:46.99 to the Lord one tenth of that for the benefit 00:21:47.00\00:21:49.22 of the people and they brought that to a 00:21:49.23\00:21:50.87 general location the storehouse, right. 00:21:50.88\00:21:53.03 And everyone who was able to be blessed by 00:21:53.04\00:21:56.19 what each person brought to that 00:21:56.20\00:21:58.67 particular place, what's so nice about 00:21:58.68\00:22:01.20 that is the Lord is in essence saying, 00:22:01.21\00:22:02.86 it starts with me, return unto me 00:22:02.87\00:22:06.41 and I will return unto you, 00:22:06.42\00:22:07.83 it starts with me and the opening 00:22:07.84\00:22:09.50 of the window of Heaven pouring out 00:22:09.51\00:22:10.75 a blessing. God gives us blessings 00:22:10.76\00:22:12.81 in other ways then just financial blessings. 00:22:12.82\00:22:15.16 Some people are blessed with health, 00:22:15.17\00:22:17.62 some people are blessed with wealth, 00:22:17.63\00:22:20.18 some people are blessed with possessions, 00:22:20.19\00:22:22.70 some people are blessed with gifts. 00:22:22.71\00:22:24.39 Wonderful family relationships and, 00:22:24.40\00:22:26.29 oh man some people are blessed with children, 00:22:26.30\00:22:28.34 some people have like a, a whole slew of 00:22:28.35\00:22:31.60 children, that's not probably not the best 00:22:31.61\00:22:32.85 word to use. They have like 8, 9, 10, 12, 00:22:32.86\00:22:36.76 and in this day and age that's a tremendous 00:22:36.77\00:22:39.33 challenge to have, yeah. But some people 00:22:39.34\00:22:41.08 are able to raise 8 children 00:22:41.09\00:22:42.63 and they're all in the Lord. Some people 00:22:42.64\00:22:45.03 are not able to raise 2, but sometimes 00:22:45.04\00:22:47.49 you have the blessing of holding the house 00:22:47.50\00:22:49.22 together and you'll discover 00:22:49.23\00:22:50.75 that as you follow God's plan 00:22:50.76\00:22:53.04 and his word which is this tithing principle. 00:22:53.05\00:22:55.13 It won't be, it won't become a manipulating 00:22:56.12\00:22:58.41 factor, it'll become a source of continued 00:22:58.42\00:23:00.90 blessings, that's right and the minister 00:23:00.91\00:23:02.83 would live according to God's will, 00:23:02.84\00:23:04.38 not above the will of God. You know 00:23:04.39\00:23:06.67 I don't believe that God ever designed 00:23:06.68\00:23:08.67 that ministers or that even churches 00:23:08.68\00:23:10.99 should beg for money, I don't think 00:23:11.00\00:23:12.93 that's the way that was God's designed 00:23:12.94\00:23:14.26 at all. In fact God says, Paul says 00:23:14.27\00:23:16.79 that God loves a cheerful giver, 00:23:16.80\00:23:18.44 someone who just from their heart, 00:23:18.45\00:23:20.67 they're always giving, that seems to be 00:23:20.68\00:23:22.99 what happened in the early church, 00:23:23.00\00:23:24.77 we find in the book of Acts that people 00:23:24.78\00:23:25.87 gave freely, right. It wasn't this question 00:23:25.88\00:23:28.17 oh boy you know how much should I give, 00:23:28.18\00:23:29.94 they just gave what they had 00:23:29.95\00:23:31.16 and God continue to blessed them through 00:23:31.17\00:23:32.79 the church. And now, connected to 00:23:32.80\00:23:34.68 that is my second way of answering 00:23:34.69\00:23:35.94 this question, okay God gave gifts 00:23:35.95\00:23:38.64 to his church, Apostles, Pastors, Preachers, 00:23:38.65\00:23:42.78 Teachers, tongues other things, 00:23:42.79\00:23:45.03 other gifts. One of those gifts is giving, 00:23:45.04\00:23:47.84 right. Would he have given the gifts 00:23:47.85\00:23:51.88 of giving to the church if he was the one 00:23:51.89\00:23:55.68 that was gonna be giving directly 00:23:55.69\00:23:56.94 and not including them in that giving, no. 00:23:56.95\00:24:00.35 God gave the gift of giving to people 00:24:00.36\00:24:03.50 in the church, so that the church will be 00:24:03.51\00:24:05.45 blessed by those who had special ministry 00:24:05.46\00:24:10.02 of giving to people when they needed it. 00:24:10.03\00:24:12.82 Whether it be finances, whether it be a 00:24:12.83\00:24:14.49 warm home, whether it be goods in whatever 00:24:14.50\00:24:17.02 way, but those gifts were given because 00:24:17.03\00:24:19.94 God intended that always the gifts 00:24:19.95\00:24:22.68 would come through people as they were 00:24:22.69\00:24:24.67 blessed. Giving back to the church, 00:24:24.68\00:24:26.38 giving back to the Lord and so I just, 00:24:26.39\00:24:28.38 everything points John, right to that 00:24:28.39\00:24:30.60 we just don't step back and say, 00:24:30.61\00:24:31.95 well God will bless them anyway 00:24:31.96\00:24:33.15 and just not do our part. God calls us 00:24:33.16\00:24:35.61 to do our part and I would suggest as it says 00:24:35.62\00:24:37.94 in Malachi, Malachi 3 that if aren't giving, 00:24:37.95\00:24:40.64 if we aren't stepping forward with a, 00:24:40.65\00:24:42.65 as it in a cheerfulness to give, 00:24:42.66\00:24:44.31 that in fact we are robbing him 00:24:44.32\00:24:46.76 of the very blessing that he intends 00:24:46.77\00:24:48.65 for his church. And as you, as you 00:24:48.66\00:24:51.78 so wonderfully pointed out the Lord 00:24:51.79\00:24:54.33 gives to us but the greatest blessing 00:24:54.34\00:24:57.26 that comes to us is us giving. 00:24:57.27\00:24:59.60 It's more blessed to give then to receive. 00:24:59.61\00:25:02.35 And the phrase I like to use here is the giving 00:25:02.36\00:25:04.85 without looking for anything in return is 00:25:04.86\00:25:07.13 called disinterested benevolence. 00:25:07.14\00:25:08.85 I'm not giving to you because you're able 00:25:08.86\00:25:11.94 to give to me; I'm giving to you because 00:25:11.95\00:25:14.22 I don't really, without conditions. 00:25:14.23\00:25:15.74 Without conditions, I'm not concerned 00:25:15.75\00:25:17.69 whether or not you give back, 00:25:17.70\00:25:18.73 but we must recognize the source 00:25:18.74\00:25:21.25 of our blessings and you'll find in 00:25:21.26\00:25:23.10 scriptures. The Bible says you know give 00:25:23.11\00:25:25.63 thanks to the Lord for he is good, 00:25:25.64\00:25:27.25 his mercy endures forever, give thanks 00:25:27.26\00:25:29.92 to the Lord, forget not always benefits, right. 00:25:29.93\00:25:32.73 You see, some people don't like to mention 00:25:32.74\00:25:34.78 the fact that God is our the source of 00:25:34.79\00:25:37.21 our benefits, but I think it's 00:25:37.22\00:25:38.73 Deuteronomy 5 or Deuteronomy 7 00:25:38.74\00:25:41.07 where it talks about there are those who 00:25:41.08\00:25:42.57 become wealthy and houses and lands 00:25:42.58\00:25:44.52 and they will forget that it was God 00:25:44.53\00:25:46.34 that gave them the health to get wealth. 00:25:46.35\00:25:49.66 And they'll say my hands and my plans 00:25:49.67\00:25:52.35 have prospered me and the Lord would say 00:25:52.36\00:25:54.64 as he did to the rich fool in Luke, 00:25:54.65\00:25:57.48 he says, fool, tonight your soul is required 00:25:57.49\00:26:00.84 of you, yeah. Well, who would all these things 00:26:00.85\00:26:03.28 before, you've laid up all these treasures 00:26:03.29\00:26:05.21 for many years and it says sit down soul 00:26:05.22\00:26:07.95 and take ease because everything is full, 00:26:07.96\00:26:09.80 you're fat and happy, yeah. 00:26:09.81\00:26:11.34 And Lord says that's not why I gave it 00:26:11.35\00:26:13.05 to you and there are those who are living fat 00:26:13.06\00:26:14.86 and happy and when I say fat, 00:26:14.87\00:26:16.55 I'm not speaking physically but those 00:26:16.56\00:26:18.19 who are materialistically fat 00:26:18.20\00:26:19.92 and they're giving absolutely nothing 00:26:19.93\00:26:22.36 and they're hoarding to themselves 00:26:22.37\00:26:23.89 and by the way you'll discover one 00:26:23.90\00:26:26.46 of the reasons why the dead sea 00:26:26.47\00:26:27.85 is the dead sea. Is because 00:26:27.86\00:26:29.56 it only receives, it gives nothing 00:26:29.57\00:26:31.36 and it just coagulates from a greedy appetite, 00:26:31.37\00:26:36.27 it receives but it gives absolutely nothing, 00:26:36.28\00:26:38.77 there is no aqueduct for this stuff to leave, 00:26:38.78\00:26:40.92 just comes in, yeah. Now, let me pass off 00:26:40.93\00:26:43.74 the other part of this question, 00:26:43.75\00:26:44.92 okay we kind of went by it but I wanna, 00:26:44.93\00:26:46.93 I don't wanna read all the questions here, 00:26:46.94\00:26:48.41 sure. This person starts off by saying 00:26:48.42\00:26:50.85 I'm not a member of an organized church. 00:26:50.86\00:26:52.88 Now, these are tied together this issue 00:26:52.89\00:26:55.92 of the church asking you know God asking 00:26:55.93\00:26:58.44 to the church for people to freely give. 00:26:58.45\00:27:00.39 How are these connected and is it true that 00:27:00.40\00:27:03.79 we don't need to be connected to an 00:27:03.80\00:27:05.36 organized church because there is this thing 00:27:05.37\00:27:07.13 out there and I know you've heard it, 00:27:07.14\00:27:08.60 you know we've all heard this. 00:27:08.61\00:27:09.75 Well, I, I don't believe in organized religion, 00:27:09.76\00:27:12.33 what's the opposite? Yeah exactly. 00:27:12.34\00:27:16.84 Disorganized, disorganized yeah 00:27:16.85\00:27:19.28 but you know I'm gonna hear this, 00:27:19.29\00:27:21.09 I attend a nondenominational 00:27:21.10\00:27:22.71 church, I don't believe in denominations, 00:27:22.72\00:27:24.27 I don't believe in organized religion. 00:27:24.28\00:27:25.86 You know to a degree there are issues 00:27:25.87\00:27:28.51 behind that, that are causing them in fact 00:27:28.52\00:27:31.17 to say it because God believes in organized 00:27:31.18\00:27:33.92 religion. He has an organization; 00:27:33.93\00:27:36.56 it's called the church, right. And he asks us 00:27:36.57\00:27:40.11 to organized in harmony with the scripture, 00:27:40.12\00:27:41.93 so what do you say you know as he starts off 00:27:41.94\00:27:44.18 I'm, I'm not a member of an organized church 00:27:44.19\00:27:46.72 but I believe in these things. 00:27:46.73\00:27:47.77 And then the issue of course comes out 00:27:47.78\00:27:49.25 you know with giving and so forth, right. 00:27:49.26\00:27:50.63 What are you a member of, the first question 00:27:50.64\00:27:52.77 I'd ask is what are you a member of. 00:27:52.78\00:27:54.45 And what's the motive for your membership, 00:27:54.46\00:27:57.06 even a nondenominational church is a denomination 00:27:57.07\00:28:00.45 that's an oxymoron because there is no 00:28:00.46\00:28:02.52 such thing as nondenominational. 00:28:02.53\00:28:04.13 It's the other statement of beliefs and, right, 00:28:04.14\00:28:05.79 if you're teaching the Bible and a lot of times 00:28:05.80\00:28:08.99 nondenominational church it says we don't 00:28:09.00\00:28:10.60 emphasize doctrines. Well, what if you 00:28:10.61\00:28:13.05 realize that not the word teaching has 00:28:13.06\00:28:15.88 bloomed the word doctrine. In Timothy 00:28:15.89\00:28:18.75 and Paul admonished Timothy to, to eat 00:28:18.76\00:28:20.24 his word and pay attention to the 00:28:20.25\00:28:21.52 doctrine, right. And there what they mean 00:28:21.53\00:28:23.77 is we don't teach people about the state 00:28:23.78\00:28:25.11 of the dead, about hell, about heaven. 00:28:25.12\00:28:27.16 We just got this feel good you know we just 00:28:27.17\00:28:29.73 wanna get together and do all these good things 00:28:29.74\00:28:31.46 and nowadays Christianity is becoming 00:28:31.47\00:28:33.29 more of an activist religion rather 00:28:33.30\00:28:35.47 than a Christ center religion, yeah it is. 00:28:35.48\00:28:36.97 See, so that's not what Christ intended 00:28:36.98\00:28:39.04 but just one last question somebody 00:28:39.05\00:28:42.20 mentioned in Luke 11, I mean John 00:28:42.21\00:28:44.44 chapter 11 when I talked about soul 00:28:44.45\00:28:46.06 sleep this I referred to John chapter 11 00:28:46.07\00:28:48.56 in the context of soul sleep which they said, 00:28:48.57\00:28:52.48 which is most troubling to me, 00:28:52.49\00:28:53.69 I will get right to the point so they 00:28:53.70\00:28:55.80 mentioned a few points about Jesus mentioning 00:28:55.81\00:28:58.04 to Martha that your brother will come 00:28:58.05\00:29:00.09 forth in the resurrection at the 00:29:00.10\00:29:01.32 last day and whoever lives and believes 00:29:01.33\00:29:04.23 in me shall never die believe thou this. 00:29:04.24\00:29:06.69 And so they wind up, it's a pretty long 00:29:06.70\00:29:08.89 question and I, I appreciate what you're 00:29:08.90\00:29:11.10 saying here and let me go to the very end. 00:29:11.11\00:29:12.95 Let me again say the obvious, 00:29:12.96\00:29:14.70 they said it is apparent from the context 00:29:14.71\00:29:16.65 of verse 25, that's John 11 that Jesus was 00:29:16.66\00:29:20.13 referring to Martha's brother Lazarus one who 00:29:20.14\00:29:23.09 believing in him had, had physically died. 00:29:23.10\00:29:26.24 The Christ promises this, yet shall he live, 00:29:26.25\00:29:29.46 but going beyond this Jesus lifts the veil 00:29:29.47\00:29:33.72 and reveals that in the realm of the physically 00:29:33.73\00:29:36.19 alive who's believes, whoever believes 00:29:36.20\00:29:40.32 in him shall never experience the greatest 00:29:40.33\00:29:42.70 of all terrors, spiritual death. 00:29:42.71\00:29:44.86 And I think what they meant 00:29:44.87\00:29:46.74 there is the second death at least I 00:29:46.75\00:29:48.73 hope that's what they meant, 00:29:48.74\00:29:49.93 because we do die, but what the Lord 00:29:49.94\00:29:52.16 was in essence saying here, 00:29:52.17\00:29:53.14 is he who lives and believes in me 00:29:53.15\00:29:55.11 shall never die, meaning you will 00:29:55.12\00:29:56.62 not be heard of the second death. 00:29:56.63\00:29:58.27 For references go to Revelation 2:11, 00:29:58.28\00:30:01.19 Revelation 20 verse 6, Revelation 20 00:30:01.20\00:30:04.61 verse 14 and Revelation 21 verse 8, 00:30:04.62\00:30:08.06 just reading one of those he that 00:30:08.07\00:30:10.09 overcomes shall not be heard of the second 00:30:10.10\00:30:13.28 death because all of us die once, right. 00:30:13.29\00:30:15.70 Even though Lazarus was resurrected 00:30:15.71\00:30:17.38 as a special token of God's love to show 00:30:17.39\00:30:19.35 he is the resurrection of the life. 00:30:19.36\00:30:20.66 He's still died and he's waiting the 00:30:22.32\00:30:24.07 first resurrection, right there is a only a 00:30:24.08\00:30:25.77 very small group that will die, 00:30:25.78\00:30:27.12 well that will never die, that's right. 00:30:27.13\00:30:28.57 And those are those who are alive when Jesus 00:30:28.58\00:30:31.37 comes so, right, but everybody experiences 00:30:31.38\00:30:33.37 at least one death before that point. 00:30:33.38\00:30:35.01 Well, friends thank for you questions 00:30:35.02\00:30:36.89 we will like to continue, but we want 00:30:36.90\00:30:38.79 to go into our topic today which is as 00:30:38.80\00:30:40.46 Pastor Stanton alluded a moment ago, 00:30:40.47\00:30:42.46 he read Luke I mean he read 00:30:42.47\00:30:43.82 First Corinthians chapter 16 and 00:30:43.83\00:30:45.74 by the way if you have anymore Bible 00:30:45.75\00:30:46.90 questions you can send those questions 00:30:46.91\00:30:48.45 to housecalls@3abn.org, that's 00:30:48.46\00:30:51.39 housecalls@3abn.org and no matter 00:30:51.40\00:30:55.52 your time zone that question will show up 00:30:55.53\00:30:57.92 at the right location. Today we're going 00:30:57.93\00:31:00.22 to talk about first day texts in the 00:31:00.23\00:31:04.50 New Testament, first day texts in the 00:31:04.51\00:31:09.26 New Testament text like an English teacher. 00:31:09.27\00:31:11.66 You know, now there are some words 00:31:11.67\00:31:13.81 that you have that's in it, that 00:31:13.82\00:31:17.14 English teachers really emphasis. 00:31:17.15\00:31:19.43 So, these first day texts in the 00:31:19.44\00:31:22.06 New Testament are very important 00:31:22.07\00:31:23.46 because of something that's commonly 00:31:23.47\00:31:26.73 practiced today, the honoring 00:31:26.74\00:31:28.95 of the first day of the week. 00:31:28.96\00:31:31.36 And John, the reason why I felt motivated 00:31:31.37\00:31:34.51 to just touch on this today. 00:31:34.52\00:31:35.73 And by the way the next program 00:31:35.74\00:31:37.27 we will talk about how prophecy understood 00:31:37.28\00:31:39.00 the change would come is that many honest 00:31:39.01\00:31:42.80 God loving, Jesus loving, Christ centered 00:31:42.81\00:31:46.33 Bible believing Christians have been 00:31:46.34\00:31:51.04 taught that the first day of the week is 00:31:51.05\00:31:53.05 Holy, blessed by God, honored 00:31:53.06\00:31:55.69 because of the resurrection of Christ, 00:31:55.70\00:31:57.11 changed by the apostles. Now, it's the new day 00:31:57.12\00:32:00.83 of worship and in order for those things 00:32:00.84\00:32:02.65 to be true there has to be some 00:32:02.66\00:32:04.62 scriptural support. I believe that if 00:32:04.63\00:32:07.13 you're watching this program 00:32:07.14\00:32:08.11 and you don't honor the Sabbath 00:32:08.12\00:32:09.63 the Seventh-day of the week, 00:32:09.64\00:32:10.74 sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, 00:32:10.75\00:32:12.75 is because for some reason you maybe 00:32:12.76\00:32:15.14 have been raised in a denomination, 00:32:15.15\00:32:17.38 maybe your grandma, or your grandfather, 00:32:17.39\00:32:19.27 maybe your pastor or your church has taught. 00:32:19.28\00:32:21.13 That the Sunday, the first day of the week 00:32:21.14\00:32:23.52 now is the new day of honoring, 00:32:23.53\00:32:25.14 the new day of worship. But now, 00:32:25.15\00:32:27.37 if you're a Bible believing Christian 00:32:27.38\00:32:28.89 that's where the quandary comes in, 00:32:28.90\00:32:30.19 because if you're a Bible believing 00:32:30.20\00:32:32.68 I think it's important to like saying 00:32:32.69\00:32:34.53 I'm a map believing or like a pilot say 00:32:34.54\00:32:37.83 I'm a compass believing pilot, 00:32:37.84\00:32:39.97 he has to end in a certain radius, right. 00:32:39.98\00:32:42.40 He could not tune his plane to go 361 degrees, 00:32:42.41\00:32:47.52 because they're only 360 degrees 00:32:47.53\00:32:50.00 so he couldn't tune in outside of the radius 00:32:50.01\00:32:52.68 because it doesn't exist. And as a 00:32:52.69\00:32:55.37 Christian we must not step outside 00:32:55.38\00:32:57.97 of the Bible to practice things that are not 00:32:57.98\00:33:01.53 supported by the Bible. Our foundation 00:33:01.54\00:33:03.63 of safety and practice is in the Bible, 00:33:03.64\00:33:05.60 so what we're gonna do John is we're gonna go 00:33:05.61\00:33:07.35 through the text in the New Testament 00:33:07.36\00:33:08.63 all of them that talk about the first day 00:33:08.64\00:33:10.42 of the week and methodically find 00:33:10.43\00:33:12.69 that the Bible is not in support of the 00:33:12.70\00:33:16.37 transference of something that God 00:33:16.38\00:33:18.06 blessed from the Seventh-day 00:33:18.07\00:33:19.43 to the first day and the reasons given, 00:33:19.44\00:33:21.52 we're gonna methodically see if the Bible 00:33:21.53\00:33:24.09 supports any of those reasons. 00:33:24.10\00:33:25.58 So, what we're gonna began is, 00:33:25.59\00:33:27.77 we're gonna first look at 6 Bible verses 00:33:27.78\00:33:31.08 that are in the New Testament, 00:33:31.09\00:33:33.20 that have to do with the first day 00:33:33.21\00:33:35.71 of the week and they're actually mentioned in 00:33:35.72\00:33:37.58 8 verses in the Bible. Okay, let's begin 00:33:37.59\00:33:41.82 with Matthew 28 and we're gonna see verse 1, 00:33:41.83\00:33:45.24 Matthew 28 and verse 1 John and I 00:33:45.25\00:33:48.36 like you to begin with that one because 00:33:48.37\00:33:49.76 we will discover now these texts 00:33:49.77\00:33:51.76 all have a particular theme that are running 00:33:51.77\00:33:55.47 from one text to the other, to the other. 00:33:55.48\00:33:57.88 Let's start with that, Matthew 28 00:33:57.89\00:34:01.12 and verse 1 it says: Now after the Sabbath, 00:34:01.13\00:34:03.52 as the first day of the week began to dawn, 00:34:03.53\00:34:05.92 Mary Magdalene and the other 00:34:05.93\00:34:08.29 Mary came to see the tomb. And of course 00:34:08.30\00:34:12.18 we're speaking of the tomb of Jesus Christ 00:34:12.19\00:34:14.29 here. Okay, so now this, this first text 00:34:14.30\00:34:17.70 will discover is in reference to the 00:34:17.71\00:34:20.45 death of Christ. Because it says now after the 00:34:20.46\00:34:24.40 Sabbath as the first day of the week began 00:34:24.41\00:34:27.61 to dawn, if you follow the story, 00:34:27.62\00:34:29.76 it's talking about the events that are 00:34:29.77\00:34:31.68 happening around the death, 00:34:31.69\00:34:33.37 the burial and the resurrection of Christ. 00:34:33.38\00:34:36.37 So, this first text let's look at it 00:34:36.38\00:34:38.60 very carefully and maybe read the next verse 00:34:38.61\00:34:40.90 John and see if we could find anywhere 00:34:40.91\00:34:42.68 in that passage Jesus authorizing 00:34:42.69\00:34:45.75 a new practice or new day of worship 00:34:45.76\00:34:48.13 based on that text. And behold, 00:34:48.14\00:34:50.28 there was a great earthquake, 00:34:50.29\00:34:51.52 for the angel of the Lord descended 00:34:51.53\00:34:52.96 from heaven, and came and rolled back 00:34:52.97\00:34:54.87 the stone from the door, and sat on it. 00:34:54.88\00:34:57.29 okay, so this angel based on that text 00:34:57.30\00:35:00.97 we find the events of surrounding 00:35:00.98\00:35:03.68 the resurrection of Christ, 00:35:03.69\00:35:05.21 right the rolling away of the door, 00:35:05.22\00:35:06.90 the angel sitting on the door. 00:35:06.91\00:35:08.74 This is the resurrection and this is happening 00:35:08.75\00:35:11.33 after the Sabbath is passed toward 00:35:11.34\00:35:13.13 the first day of the week. Now, John based 00:35:13.14\00:35:15.60 on the resurrection is that text saying there, 00:35:15.61\00:35:18.26 that because Jesus rose on the first day, 00:35:18.27\00:35:21.92 now there is a new day of worship. 00:35:21.93\00:35:23.50 No, I think in just simple terms 00:35:24.34\00:35:26.56 it's a fact that he resurrected on 00:35:26.57\00:35:28.49 the first day of the week and it's statement 00:35:28.50\00:35:31.17 to that, testing to that, that's all 00:35:31.18\00:35:33.20 this is, it's a historical statement 00:35:33.21\00:35:36.47 in the Bible that he resurrected 00:35:36.48\00:35:38.06 on the first day of the week. 00:35:38.07\00:35:40.10 But I don't see anything involving worship 00:35:40.11\00:35:42.90 at all here. There isn't an issue of, of worship 00:35:42.91\00:35:46.05 going on here, okay it's an issue of concern 00:35:46.06\00:35:48.51 by the women to come and to see the body 00:35:48.52\00:35:50.73 of Jesus. And they were shocked of course 00:35:50.74\00:35:53.30 because the stone was rolled away 00:35:53.31\00:35:54.74 and an amazing event, but we don't wanna 00:35:54.75\00:35:56.95 diminish this event and that's one of the things 00:35:56.96\00:35:58.51 that we don't want you to have the impression 00:35:58.52\00:36:00.31 of this, somehow. Because the first day 00:36:00.32\00:36:02.19 of the week if not a Holy day of worship 00:36:02.20\00:36:04.29 that somehow it's not a wonderful amazing thing, 00:36:04.30\00:36:10.14 because the resurrection of Christ 00:36:10.15\00:36:12.77 I mean if we didn't have the resurrection 00:36:12.78\00:36:14.33 where will be. The Paul says, 00:36:14.34\00:36:15.79 people most pitiful, right exactly, 00:36:15.80\00:36:19.73 so we would be miserable in essence. 00:36:19.74\00:36:22.85 That's right, we would see that just 00:36:22.86\00:36:24.75 oh what use is there if we don't have a risen 00:36:24.76\00:36:27.74 Lord, we serve a risen savior. 00:36:27.75\00:36:29.30 So that one doesn't say, now as the result 00:36:29.31\00:36:32.61 of the resurrection, let's honor this day 00:36:32.62\00:36:35.45 or let's serve the Lord now because of this day 00:36:35.46\00:36:40.04 on this day, right. In fact we're gonna read, 00:36:40.05\00:36:43.02 we will have several other texts 00:36:43.03\00:36:44.28 that we can give here they all essentially 00:36:44.29\00:36:45.67 say the same thing as pointing to the 00:36:45.68\00:36:47.23 resurrection. The first day of the week, 00:36:47.24\00:36:49.48 Luke's account though, okay just the 00:36:49.49\00:36:52.30 same account as here it has a couple other 00:36:52.31\00:36:54.33 significant things if we read that passage 00:36:54.34\00:36:56.14 in Luke because before you get to the first day 00:36:56.15\00:36:58.36 it says some key things about the Sabbath 00:36:58.37\00:37:00.83 itself and if you wanna read that next. 00:37:00.84\00:37:03.32 We're gonna go to that one right after 00:37:03.33\00:37:04.30 this passage here but let's go to Mark 16 00:37:04.31\00:37:06.31 first, we're gonna see another one 00:37:06.32\00:37:08.37 and this one is about the same incident, 00:37:08.38\00:37:10.58 about the same event rather then incident, 00:37:10.59\00:37:13.69 about the same event, about the resurrection 00:37:13.70\00:37:15.64 and the death of Christ. Let's began with 00:37:15.65\00:37:18.44 verse 1, do you have that one John Mark 16 00:37:18.45\00:37:21.89 verse 1 and 2, yes. Now when the Sabbath 00:37:21.90\00:37:23.84 was passed Mary Magdalene, 00:37:23.85\00:37:25.36 Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought 00:37:25.37\00:37:28.58 spices. That they might come 00:37:28.59\00:37:30.63 and anoint him, very early in the morning 00:37:30.64\00:37:32.85 and on the first day of the week; 00:37:32.86\00:37:34.15 they came to the tomb when the Sun 00:37:34.16\00:37:36.94 had risen, okay. And they said among 00:37:36.95\00:37:38.79 themselves, who will roll away the stone 00:37:38.80\00:37:40.87 from the door of the tomb for us. 00:37:40.88\00:37:42.41 And as you see in Matthew the angels 00:37:42.42\00:37:44.60 probably said, I will, and it's already done, 00:37:44.61\00:37:48.96 it was already done, they were contemplating 00:37:48.97\00:37:51.47 well, we've got to enter the tomb 00:37:51.48\00:37:53.45 and we've got to anoint the body of Jesus 00:37:53.46\00:37:55.41 with these spices and anointments, 00:37:55.42\00:37:56.80 so that as we do today, so that we'll keep 00:37:56.81\00:38:01.17 the smell down to a minimum. 00:38:01.18\00:38:02.79 Because if he stays in there, he's going to 00:38:02.80\00:38:04.70 begin to, to rot, so let's just do this now 00:38:04.71\00:38:08.24 because we wanna honor the Lord 00:38:08.25\00:38:09.51 and they came and discovered as the 00:38:09.52\00:38:11.89 prophet, as the prophet said, 00:38:11.90\00:38:13.64 the Lord God did not allow his body 00:38:13.65\00:38:16.53 to see corruption. You know it was custom 00:38:16.54\00:38:18.51 to anoint the body with the spices 00:38:18.52\00:38:20.55 and it's very likely that they couldn't 00:38:20.56\00:38:22.18 get to that prior to the burial because 00:38:22.19\00:38:24.80 it was so close to the Sabbath. 00:38:24.81\00:38:25.98 And that's what we're gonna find here in 00:38:25.99\00:38:28.07 Luke's account, matter of fact 00:38:28.08\00:38:29.44 lets go to Luke now. We're gonna go to Luke 00:38:29.45\00:38:31.19 chapter 23 verse 54 to 56 and then we're 00:38:31.20\00:38:35.21 gonna go to Luke 24 verse 1. 00:38:35.22\00:38:36.98 So, John why don't you begin to unfold 00:38:36.99\00:38:38.87 that account for us Luke chapter 23 00:38:38.88\00:38:42.21 verse 54 to 56 and Luke chapter 24 verse 1, 00:38:42.22\00:38:46.97 okay go for it. Well, I'll read verse 53 00:38:46.98\00:38:50.20 okay, talking about the body of Jesus it says: 00:38:50.21\00:38:52.31 Then they took it or they took it down, 00:38:52.32\00:38:54.35 wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a tomb 00:38:54.36\00:38:56.94 that was hewn out of the rock, 00:38:56.95\00:38:58.57 where no one had ever been lain before. 00:38:58.58\00:39:00.77 Okay, that day was the preparation, 00:39:00.78\00:39:03.73 and the Sabbath drew near. You know 00:39:03.74\00:39:06.40 and this is also an answer to some people 00:39:06.41\00:39:08.51 who think that maybe the, the crucifixion 00:39:08.52\00:39:10.88 happened on a Wednesday or a Thursday 00:39:10.89\00:39:13.01 or some other day. This happened on the 00:39:13.02\00:39:15.73 preparation day, right on preparation day 00:39:15.74\00:39:18.22 which is Friday, the day right before 00:39:18.23\00:39:19.78 the Sabbath day the Seventh-day of the week. 00:39:19.79\00:39:21.91 And it says the Sabbath drew near, verse 55: 00:39:21.92\00:39:25.15 And the women who had come with Him 00:39:25.16\00:39:27.24 from Galilee followed after and they observed 00:39:27.25\00:39:30.23 the tomb and how his body was laid. 00:39:30.24\00:39:31.97 Probably thinking you know we would like to 00:39:31.98\00:39:35.77 anoint him with spices now, but it's getting 00:39:35.78\00:39:37.63 too close to the Sabbath, so they're 00:39:37.64\00:39:40.04 observing the body and how it was laid 00:39:40.05\00:39:41.49 because they're gonna come back, oh yeah. 00:39:41.50\00:39:43.85 They're gonna come back and anoint his body 00:39:43.86\00:39:45.47 because that was the custom and then 00:39:45.48\00:39:47.28 verse 56 says: Then they returned 00:39:47.29\00:39:49.52 and prepared spices and fragrant oils. 00:39:49.53\00:39:51.55 And they rested on the Sabbath according 00:39:51.56\00:39:53.61 to the commandment. They only had enough 00:39:53.62\00:39:55.46 to prepare for the spices and oils, 00:39:55.47\00:39:57.11 but they rested on the Sabbath 00:39:57.12\00:39:59.35 according to what? According to the 00:39:59.36\00:40:01.64 commandment, the commandment. 00:40:01.65\00:40:02.69 Now, now John I know we're just clicking 00:40:02.70\00:40:04.85 right here because we've been asking ourselves 00:40:04.86\00:40:06.46 the question which we're gonna convert, 00:40:06.47\00:40:08.92 confer or convey to you whether we got that, 00:40:08.93\00:40:13.16 there you go. What's exciting about this text 00:40:13.17\00:40:16.79 friends is it says that even after Jesus died 00:40:16.80\00:40:20.02 the Sabbath rest was still in place, 00:40:20.03\00:40:24.16 still in place. Because they returned they 00:40:24.17\00:40:26.34 and they rested on the Sabbath according 00:40:26.35\00:40:30.38 to the commandment. Notice, rested Sabbath 00:40:30.39\00:40:33.96 after the death of Jesus. So, this right 00:40:33.97\00:40:36.96 away dispels the idea that the death of Jesus 00:40:36.97\00:40:40.46 removed the Sabbath command, 00:40:40.47\00:40:42.42 that's what so many teach in order to 00:40:42.43\00:40:45.12 get rid of one they had to find an event to 00:40:45.13\00:40:47.55 get rid of it and many people sight the 00:40:47.56\00:40:49.71 death of Jesus as the defining moment where 00:40:49.72\00:40:52.83 that one was nailed to the cross. 00:40:52.84\00:40:54.50 But that's not the case because these women 00:40:54.51\00:40:56.84 who followed Jesus from Galilee were followers 00:40:56.85\00:41:00.70 of Jesus, right and they understood it, 00:41:00.71\00:41:02.88 they knew, they knew, the preparation 00:41:02.89\00:41:05.63 they put them in the tomb, they went put 00:41:05.64\00:41:08.74 their spices and anointments together 00:41:08.75\00:41:10.10 and waited till the Sabbath was done 00:41:10.11\00:41:12.22 before they went back to the tomb. 00:41:12.23\00:41:13.77 That's right, you know I hear what some people, 00:41:13.78\00:41:15.95 I hear it echoing in my mind what they're 00:41:15.96\00:41:17.58 saying, okay, okay. Well, that's because 00:41:17.59\00:41:20.74 the new Sabbath hadn't come yet because the 00:41:20.75\00:41:22.54 resurrection hadn't occurred yet, 00:41:22.55\00:41:24.29 I could see that challenge. But the 00:41:24.30\00:41:27.21 challenge falls pretty short 00:41:27.22\00:41:28.64 and falls fairly quickly because in the 00:41:28.65\00:41:30.60 book of Acts where we see the 00:41:30.61\00:41:31.97 Acts of the church their act or their custom 00:41:31.98\00:41:36.00 was to meet continually in the church on 00:41:36.01\00:41:39.92 the Seventh-day of the week, so it didn't 00:41:39.93\00:41:41.67 change, we get to those texts here 00:41:41.68\00:41:43.03 in a little bit. But it didn't change, 00:41:43.04\00:41:44.88 right so you say well that's where it changed, 00:41:44.89\00:41:46.91 it didn't, it didn't change. They continued 00:41:46.92\00:41:48.99 to honor the Seventh-day Sabbath 00:41:49.00\00:41:50.40 so you can't use that line of reasoning 00:41:50.41\00:41:52.77 because it just falls short, the issue here 00:41:52.78\00:41:55.04 is that Jesus taught that the Sabbath 00:41:55.05\00:41:57.49 commandment was important, important 00:41:57.50\00:41:59.70 enough for the disciples to continue to keep 00:41:59.71\00:42:01.85 and especially keep here right after 00:42:01.86\00:42:03.87 his crucifixion. And so Luke 24 verse 1 00:42:03.88\00:42:07.34 John is the first day text bring that now 00:42:07.35\00:42:09.18 let's put the context together preparation 00:42:09.19\00:42:11.55 day, Jesus laid to tomb that's the Sabbath 00:42:11.56\00:42:14.10 was drawing near. They took him down before 00:42:14.11\00:42:16.79 the Sabbath laid him in the tomb 00:42:16.80\00:42:18.55 and in order to understand we'll count 00:42:18.56\00:42:20.61 back from the Luke 24 verse 1 we'll come 00:42:20.62\00:42:23.34 backward to see exactly what three days are 00:42:23.35\00:42:25.96 represented there, that's right. 00:42:25.97\00:42:27.08 Luke 24 verse 1 John: "Now on the first day 00:42:27.09\00:42:29.76 of the week, very early in the morning, 00:42:29.77\00:42:31.40 they and certain other women with them 00:42:31.41\00:42:33.30 came to the tomb bringing the spices 00:42:33.31\00:42:35.75 which they had prepared. But they found 00:42:35.76\00:42:38.92 the stone rolled away from the tomb. 00:42:38.93\00:42:40.92 Then they went in and did not find the body 00:42:40.93\00:42:43.83 of the Lord Jesus. Okay, now notice 00:42:43.84\00:42:46.35 this began from this text, Luke 24 verse 1 00:42:46.36\00:42:48.82 first day of the week. In some countries 00:42:48.83\00:42:52.96 this is so strategic and I used to work 00:42:52.97\00:42:55.67 for a shipping company when I work at the 00:42:55.68\00:42:58.62 World Trade Center in New York city 00:42:58.63\00:42:59.96 and I will go to the ports in New Jersey 00:42:59.97\00:43:02.55 and take what they call bill of lading, 00:43:02.56\00:43:04.39 which was in sense the approval of certain, 00:43:04.40\00:43:06.86 by certain companies to allow these shipping 00:43:06.87\00:43:09.48 containers to come in. They had a maritime 00:43:09.49\00:43:12.43 calendar which they listed Monday on their 00:43:12.44\00:43:17.90 calendar they listed Monday as the first day 00:43:17.91\00:43:20.38 because they lined that up as a 00:43:20.39\00:43:22.25 business calendar. And they listed Sunday, 00:43:22.26\00:43:25.38 right they listed Sunday as the Seventh-day 00:43:25.39\00:43:28.18 and that was done on the maritime calendar, 00:43:28.19\00:43:30.54 yeah is that way actually in Europe 00:43:30.55\00:43:32.51 as well. Europe has gone to that same calendar, 00:43:32.52\00:43:34.46 Monday being the first day Sunday being 00:43:34.47\00:43:36.53 the Seventh-day. Now, we will ask ourselves 00:43:36.54\00:43:38.33 the question why is it that so prevalent in 00:43:38.34\00:43:40.81 Europe. Because of the influence of the 00:43:40.82\00:43:42.56 Roman Catholic Church the influence 00:43:42.57\00:43:44.61 is a tremendous overbearing influence. 00:43:44.62\00:43:48.52 And I'm using the phrase because it's not 00:43:48.53\00:43:50.33 something that's optional you know 00:43:50.34\00:43:52.02 we have the common market; 00:43:52.03\00:43:53.15 we have the European market that's pulled 00:43:53.16\00:43:54.47 together. And so you have these countries 00:43:54.48\00:43:56.47 that have act well yes to that under 00:43:56.48\00:44:00.10 the Euro, first day of the week for them 00:44:00.11\00:44:02.39 as Monday, Seventh-day of the week for them 00:44:02.40\00:44:04.37 as Sunday. But that's not scriptural 00:44:04.38\00:44:07.12 nor is that supported by our history 00:44:07.13\00:44:10.62 nor is that supported by the dictionary. 00:44:10.63\00:44:13.22 It's simply what they refer to as their, 00:44:13.23\00:44:15.50 as their civil calendar, which is the business 00:44:15.51\00:44:20.26 work week. But if you follow the Bible, 00:44:20.27\00:44:22.08 the women went back to work on the first day 00:44:22.09\00:44:24.71 of the week, that's right. Jesus rose on the 00:44:24.72\00:44:26.77 first day of the week and look at the 00:44:26.78\00:44:28.59 book of Genesis the creation story he began 00:44:28.60\00:44:31.10 creating on the first day of the week. 00:44:31.11\00:44:32.98 So, it's listed the first day of the week 00:44:32.99\00:44:35.35 is really in fact Sunday that's why when people 00:44:35.36\00:44:38.35 say what are you going to do, what are you 00:44:38.36\00:44:40.08 going to do on the weekend? Well, they mean 00:44:40.09\00:44:43.83 weekend, right, Saturday is the weekend, 00:44:43.84\00:44:47.60 Sunday is the first day of the week. 00:44:47.61\00:44:50.35 And but in America and around the world, 00:44:50.36\00:44:52.57 it's risen to prominence as the day to be 00:44:52.58\00:44:55.86 honored and worship. But so far we can't find 00:44:55.87\00:44:57.99 any support in these scriptures right here, 00:44:58.00\00:44:59.51 that's right okay. Now, let's go to John 00:44:59.52\00:45:01.88 chapter 20 verse 1 and I think we're gonna 00:45:01.89\00:45:04.40 read it right there again John chapter 20 00:45:04.41\00:45:06.74 friends if you have your Bible go with us to John 00:45:06.75\00:45:08.77 chapter 20 verse 1, and, and John is gonna read 00:45:08.78\00:45:13.15 that one for us, John chapter 20 verse 1 00:45:13.16\00:45:15.30 and you'll notice again so far we have followed, 00:45:15.31\00:45:18.00 Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 23 and 24. 00:45:18.01\00:45:22.36 Now, John chapter 20 and verse 1, 00:45:22.37\00:45:25.74 do you have that John? Yes, okay go for it. 00:45:25.75\00:45:28.32 Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene 00:45:28.33\00:45:30.90 went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, 00:45:30.91\00:45:33.72 and saw that the stone had been taken away 00:45:33.73\00:45:36.33 from the tomb. And verse 19 and then 00:45:36.34\00:45:38.95 verse 19 of the same chapter: 00:45:38.96\00:45:40.46 Then the same day at evening, 00:45:40.47\00:45:42.92 being the first day of the week, 00:45:42.93\00:45:44.27 when the doors were shut, where the 00:45:44.28\00:45:46.25 disciples were assembled for fear 00:45:46.26\00:45:47.81 of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst 00:45:47.82\00:45:50.46 and said to them, "Peace be with you." 00:45:50.47\00:45:53.50 John, this is an exciting passage, 00:45:53.51\00:45:55.55 first we find that Mary went and found the tomb 00:45:55.56\00:45:58.53 rolled away and, and the stone had been 00:45:58.54\00:46:03.44 rolled away and if you follow the story 00:46:03.45\00:46:04.86 further on Peter and John they ran 00:46:04.87\00:46:07.52 to the tomb, didn't to know what had happened 00:46:07.53\00:46:09.59 to Jesus and they found that Jesus 00:46:09.60\00:46:12.19 was not there, they saw his clothing, 00:46:12.20\00:46:14.04 they stooped in and saw that his clothing was 00:46:14.05\00:46:16.35 there and they were excited. 00:46:16.36\00:46:17.87 And they eventually had a rendezvous with Jesus, 00:46:17.88\00:46:20.28 but the rendezvous happened not because 00:46:20.29\00:46:25.06 Jesus was conducting a worship service, 00:46:25.07\00:46:28.91 now this passage is really good John 20 00:46:28.92\00:46:32.87 and verse 19 people often use this 00:46:32.88\00:46:35.33 and pastors have used this and say, see 00:46:35.34\00:46:36.99 the disciples assembled on the first day 00:46:37.00\00:46:39.17 of the week. That an assembly, 00:46:39.18\00:46:41.23 but John you've read the passage why did they 00:46:41.24\00:46:43.77 assembled? Well, they were assembled because 00:46:43.78\00:46:45.78 they were fearful, first of all because 00:46:45.79\00:46:47.93 here there leader has just been killed, 00:46:47.94\00:46:50.43 that's right. And they're thinking 00:46:50.44\00:46:52.19 that they're next, right so they meet 00:46:52.20\00:46:54.37 in this upper room, they meet in this room to 00:46:54.38\00:46:56.25 hide kind of away from what might occur. 00:46:56.26\00:46:59.58 And Jesus in fact the words of Christ tell you 00:46:59.59\00:47:02.64 why he appears, he appears to them 00:47:02.65\00:47:05.22 to bring them peace, right. He says, 00:47:05.23\00:47:08.00 Peace be with you, he says. They were fearful, 00:47:08.01\00:47:11.36 don't be afraid, be at peace. 00:47:11.37\00:47:13.98 As my, my Italian friends would say 00:47:13.99\00:47:16.14 don't worry about it, forget about it. 00:47:16.15\00:47:18.74 They were so fearful that they were next 00:47:18.75\00:47:21.07 on the menu, they were so fearful, 00:47:21.08\00:47:23.03 they were in essence saying if they killed 00:47:23.04\00:47:24.84 our Lord, what are they going to do to us. 00:47:24.85\00:47:27.94 So, they were not worshiping, 00:47:27.95\00:47:30.47 for fear of the Jews, for fear of the Jews. 00:47:30.48\00:47:32.59 What's gonna happen to us, so this my friends 00:47:32.60\00:47:35.42 is not a recording of a worship service 00:47:35.43\00:47:38.95 that Jesus instituted on the first day 00:47:38.96\00:47:41.24 of the week, they got together on the day 00:47:41.25\00:47:43.76 that Jesus rose. And a matter of fact you will 00:47:43.77\00:47:46.57 discover that they had hidden already, 00:47:46.58\00:47:48.34 they had run, they had fled, 00:47:48.35\00:47:49.87 and they had left the side of Jesus. 00:47:49.88\00:47:51.84 And the only one that said at the side of 00:47:51.85\00:47:53.89 Jesus was Mary the woman, she stay 00:47:53.90\00:47:56.32 at the tomb. So, it says in verse 20 00:47:56.33\00:47:59.34 and when he had said this he showed them 00:47:59.35\00:48:02.50 his hands and his side then disciples were glad 00:48:02.51\00:48:06.37 when they saw the Lord. So, they saw the Lord, 00:48:06.38\00:48:10.19 they were excited that Jesus had appeared in 00:48:10.20\00:48:13.84 their midst but he did not gather 00:48:13.85\00:48:15.59 there to have a worship service and begin 00:48:15.60\00:48:18.86 a new day of worship, he gathered there to say 00:48:18.87\00:48:20.89 don't worry about it I'm risen. And here is 00:48:20.90\00:48:23.34 another peace John, verse 26 says: 00:48:23.35\00:48:25.16 Eight days later the disciples were gathered 00:48:25.17\00:48:27.08 again inside that's not the first day, 00:48:27.09\00:48:29.24 that's right. So, okay now did it change again, 00:48:29.25\00:48:32.14 so did this worship service is now changed 00:48:33.17\00:48:34.96 to Monday on the next text, that's right, 00:48:34.97\00:48:37.28 I mean if you reason the first time, 00:48:37.29\00:48:39.03 you got to go again to that verse 26 eight days 00:48:39.04\00:48:42.07 later which would be Monday and say oh look 00:48:42.08\00:48:44.28 the day changed now they're worshiping 00:48:44.29\00:48:45.56 on Monday, not the case. Very good point, 00:48:45.57\00:48:49.63 because I hadn't seen that jump out that way. 00:48:49.64\00:48:51.73 The point is every time they gathered does not 00:48:51.74\00:48:54.83 institute a new day of worship. 00:48:54.84\00:48:56.16 Some of you have church services that you may 00:48:56.17\00:48:58.75 have a week of revival or a week of 00:48:58.76\00:49:00.31 special meetings when you gather. 00:49:00.32\00:49:02.00 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 00:49:02.01\00:49:04.44 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, every night at 00:49:04.45\00:49:06.74 7 pm such as the custom. You're not 00:49:06.75\00:49:09.15 instituting a new day of worship even as 00:49:09.16\00:49:11.32 disciples of Christ, you're not changing 00:49:11.33\00:49:13.20 what God has blessed and that's what missing 00:49:13.21\00:49:15.65 here you don't see any new blessings 00:49:15.66\00:49:17.00 being handed down, but let's go faster 00:49:17.01\00:49:19.09 because John now we go to Acts chapter 20 00:49:19.10\00:49:21.27 verse 7, another passage and this one is one 00:49:21.28\00:49:24.15 of the first ones. Acts chapter 20 verse 7, 00:49:24.16\00:49:27.75 very amazing passage and I'll have you read 00:49:27.76\00:49:30.32 that when you get to that. Read that for us 00:49:30.33\00:49:33.12 John. "Now on the first day of the week, 00:49:33.13\00:49:34.87 when the disciples came together to break bread, 00:49:34.88\00:49:37.06 Paul ready to depart the next day, 00:49:37.07\00:49:39.70 spoke to them and continued his message 00:49:39.71\00:49:42.39 until midnight, there were many lamps 00:49:42.40\00:49:44.64 in the upper room where they were gathered 00:49:44.65\00:49:46.47 together. Okay, so now John what were 00:49:46.48\00:49:49.97 they doing, they were breaking bread on 00:49:49.98\00:49:51.49 what day of the week? It says on the first day 00:49:51.50\00:49:53.32 of the week, okay and what was the context 00:49:53.33\00:49:55.63 of that whole meeting. Well, it's an evening 00:49:55.64\00:49:59.60 meeting we know, okay, okay so it clearly says 00:49:59.61\00:50:01.98 that he continued his message until midnight, 00:50:01.99\00:50:05.05 so the lights are down, the candles are probably 00:50:05.06\00:50:07.38 you know burning, there's no, you know 00:50:07.39\00:50:10.61 it's dark outside, this is an evening meeting. 00:50:10.62\00:50:12.35 And in fact John, one of the things I, 00:50:12.36\00:50:14.78 I looked at as I was studying this passage 00:50:14.79\00:50:17.74 out was there was. This was a custom 00:50:17.75\00:50:22.32 for the Jews to get together in the evening 00:50:22.33\00:50:24.77 of the Sabbath as the Sabbath closed for 00:50:24.78\00:50:27.47 we call it in modern day terms vesper service, 00:50:27.48\00:50:30.69 okay closing out of the Sabbath 00:50:30.70\00:50:32.55 and evidently when, when Paul came out to 00:50:32.56\00:50:35.86 preach he was gonna leave the next day. 00:50:35.87\00:50:37.62 He gave them a message on that vesper, 00:50:37.63\00:50:41.33 during that vesper service. A farewell 00:50:41.34\00:50:42.96 sermon. And so, but the issue here 00:50:42.97\00:50:45.90 and I know what we're gonna get to, 00:50:45.91\00:50:47.13 this meeting was not on Sunday night. 00:50:47.14\00:50:50.70 This meeting was on the evening of the first day 00:50:50.71\00:50:54.84 of the week and, and why don't you take it 00:50:54.85\00:50:56.55 from here John because we find that God 00:50:56.56\00:50:59.67 doesn't treat the day light as the first part 00:50:59.68\00:51:02.27 of the day. Instead he treats the evening 00:51:02.28\00:51:04.89 as the first part of the day, 00:51:04.90\00:51:06.41 so when the evening comes, when sunset 00:51:06.42\00:51:08.23 comes it begins the very next day 00:51:08.24\00:51:10.65 and we get that from creation. 00:51:10.66\00:51:12.70 That's true and so this was not, 00:51:12.71\00:51:15.41 this was not some now a new worship service 00:51:15.42\00:51:18.58 and people cite the breaking of bread John 00:51:18.59\00:51:21.94 now see they broke bread, how do you 00:51:21.95\00:51:23.98 get rid of that. But friends of you read 00:51:23.99\00:51:25.93 Acts chapter 2 verse 46 the Bible talks about 00:51:25.94\00:51:28.17 the fact that they broke bread everyday, 00:51:28.18\00:51:29.93 it was not a one day of the week in other words 00:51:29.94\00:51:32.38 they imparted to each other the word. 00:51:32.39\00:51:34.09 And sometimes they did that over a meal, 00:51:34.10\00:51:37.26 a lot of churches have done that to gain 00:51:37.27\00:51:39.55 more attendees, they have a nice warm meal, 00:51:39.56\00:51:42.21 they have something hot to drink 00:51:42.22\00:51:44.26 or they have some refreshments 00:51:44.27\00:51:45.58 and Acts 2 verse 46 says: So continuing 00:51:45.59\00:51:49.07 daily with one accord in the temple, 00:51:49.08\00:51:51.94 and breaking bread from house to house, 00:51:51.95\00:51:55.08 they ate their food with gladness 00:51:55.09\00:51:57.62 and simplicity of heart. Day by day they 00:51:57.63\00:52:00.49 broke bread. So, this is not an institution 00:52:00.50\00:52:02.66 of a new day of worship anymore then 00:52:02.67\00:52:04.62 breaking bread from house to house 00:52:04.63\00:52:06.13 everyday. It's a new every day institution 00:52:06.14\00:52:09.14 of a new every day worship day, 00:52:09.15\00:52:10.98 that's right, yeah it's not and more then that 00:52:10.99\00:52:13.06 they had been worshiping on the Sabbath day 00:52:13.07\00:52:15.06 right and they're continuing into the 00:52:15.07\00:52:16.67 vesper program in the evening, 00:52:16.68\00:52:17.91 so this isn't even meeting on Sunday 00:52:17.92\00:52:19.57 in the terms of today this is a Saturday night 00:52:19.58\00:52:21.56 service going on right here. 00:52:21.57\00:52:23.26 And another one which is very interesting, 00:52:23.27\00:52:26.66 First Corinthians 16 verse 2, 00:52:26.67\00:52:29.30 First Corinthians 16 verse 2 we read that 00:52:29.31\00:52:33.17 earlier, First Corinthians 16 verse 2 00:52:33.18\00:52:36.50 and it pointed out about this collection. 00:52:36.51\00:52:40.37 If you read the full context of this 00:52:40.38\00:52:42.30 you'll discover that there was a famine, 00:52:42.31\00:52:45.74 there was hardship happening in Jerusalem 00:52:45.75\00:52:48.07 and this collection for the saints. 00:52:48.08\00:52:50.22 You'll discover here it says: 00:52:50.23\00:52:52.08 Now concerning the collection for the 00:52:52.09\00:52:54.18 saints, First Corinthians 16 00:52:54.19\00:52:56.28 verse 1: As I have given order to the churches 00:52:56.29\00:52:59.44 in Galatia, so you must do also. 00:52:59.45\00:53:01.35 On the first day of the week let each one of you 00:53:01.36\00:53:04.53 lay something aside, storing up as 00:53:04.54\00:53:07.11 he may prosper that there be no collections 00:53:07.12\00:53:09.40 when I come. Notice and when I come, 00:53:09.41\00:53:12.47 whomever you appoint by your letters 00:53:12.48\00:53:15.69 I will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem. 00:53:15.70\00:53:19.00 You study the history John, 00:53:19.01\00:53:20.36 you see that Jerusalem is going through 00:53:20.37\00:53:21.88 hardship kind of like a, a disaster relief, 00:53:21.89\00:53:24.63 if there is a hurricane, or tornado, 00:53:24.64\00:53:26.28 or earthquake, they said know we're gonna be 00:53:26.29\00:53:28.30 coming by the red cross, we're coming by 00:53:28.31\00:53:30.33 on Sunday. We're gonna put it a door hanger 00:53:30.34\00:53:33.52 like in some communities, they put it 00:53:33.53\00:53:35.35 on Thursday and they come on Sunday to pick 00:53:35.36\00:53:37.71 that door hanger up, that plastic bag 00:53:37.72\00:53:39.57 and they say we don't have time to wait. 00:53:39.58\00:53:41.80 Please have it ready when we get there, 00:53:41.81\00:53:43.88 that's what happen here, not us worship service 00:53:43.89\00:53:46.49 and notice this. The collection didn't happen 00:53:46.50\00:53:49.15 when they went to church the collection 00:53:49.16\00:53:51.07 happened when somebody came to their house, 00:53:51.08\00:53:52.77 right. Let everyone of you lay by in store, 00:53:52.78\00:53:55.62 that happen when people came to where I was, 00:53:55.63\00:53:58.28 I laid it by where I live. And as God 00:53:58.29\00:54:01.29 prospered me that's what I had already 00:54:01.30\00:54:03.32 when they got there, right, so that's not 00:54:03.33\00:54:05.94 a new day of worship, that's right. 00:54:05.95\00:54:07.54 And so, so far you begin to see friends 00:54:07.55\00:54:10.06 that over and over and over again in the Bible 00:54:10.07\00:54:13.84 you'll discover that the Lord has references 00:54:13.85\00:54:18.13 and they are in fact only twelve first day 00:54:18.14\00:54:21.16 references. Eight of those have to do 00:54:21.17\00:54:23.70 with the crucifixion, the resurrection of 00:54:23.71\00:54:27.61 Christ. And so you only have 4 chances to find 00:54:27.62\00:54:30.30 a new day of worship, so, so far we've talked 00:54:30.31\00:54:32.71 about three, right. One is the breaking of bread 00:54:32.72\00:54:37.00 on the first day of the week Acts 20 verse 7. 00:54:37.01\00:54:39.14 Then you find the other one because 00:54:39.15\00:54:41.85 that one was not a new institution of day 00:54:41.86\00:54:43.89 of worship, in Acts 16 verse 1 and 2. 00:54:43.90\00:54:46.10 The collection of the saints, that was not 00:54:46.11\00:54:48.43 a new day of worship, you have also another 00:54:48.44\00:54:52.86 one that's cleverly used, let's go to 00:54:52.87\00:54:56.19 Revelation chapter 1 and while this is 00:54:56.20\00:54:59.52 not in our notes you will discover that 00:54:59.53\00:55:02.08 this one used in a different setting. 00:55:02.09\00:55:04.89 It's kind of used to slide in the term that 00:55:04.90\00:55:08.00 really was never applied to the first day 00:55:08.01\00:55:10.67 of the week by God, by Jesus 00:55:10.68\00:55:13.70 or by the disciples. While you're going 00:55:13.71\00:55:16.07 there too, I'll just mention really briefly 00:55:16.08\00:55:17.51 here that the passage we read from Matthew 00:55:17.52\00:55:20.00 when they were gathered together, right. 00:55:20.01\00:55:22.01 They did even know Jesus had resurrected yet, 00:55:22.02\00:55:24.14 okay so the first day it can't be an honor of 00:55:24.15\00:55:27.68 the resurrection because they were there 00:55:27.69\00:55:29.45 meeting together and they didn't even know 00:55:29.46\00:55:31.31 the resurrection had occurred. 00:55:31.32\00:55:32.50 So, even the reasoning behind why 00:55:32.51\00:55:35.53 the institute, there is an institution 00:55:35.54\00:55:37.64 of a new day of worship which we disagree with, 00:55:37.65\00:55:39.83 right. The Bible disagrees with, 00:55:39.84\00:55:41.34 it doesn't follow through, there can't be 00:55:41.35\00:55:44.35 because there was no resurrection 00:55:44.36\00:55:46.09 in the minds of the disciples at that time. 00:55:46.10\00:55:47.85 Revelation 1 and verse 10, you have that 00:55:47.86\00:55:50.86 John yes, it says: "I was in the Spirit 00:55:50.87\00:55:53.55 on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me 00:55:53.56\00:55:56.05 a loud voice, as of a trumpet." 00:55:56.06\00:55:57.89 This is where the new, this is where you have 00:55:57.90\00:55:59.94 to be careful of your Bible reference notes, 00:55:59.95\00:56:02.27 it's amazing, that's right. Because Bible 00:56:02.28\00:56:05.36 reference, those who put the references in. 00:56:05.37\00:56:07.96 Sometimes the Scofield reference chain, 00:56:07.97\00:56:10.15 sometimes the Thompson chain reference 00:56:10.16\00:56:12.57 would link the Lord's day to Acts 20 00:56:12.58\00:56:15.68 and verse 7 and when you go to Acts 20 00:56:15.69\00:56:17.18 and verse 7, it doesn't say the Lord's day 00:56:17.19\00:56:19.27 at all, it says they broke bread on the 00:56:19.28\00:56:21.71 first day of the week. This has been the clever 00:56:21.72\00:56:24.11 way that throughout the years people 00:56:24.12\00:56:26.61 have had their minds molded in the wrong 00:56:26.62\00:56:28.65 direction. If you wanna find out what day is 00:56:28.66\00:56:30.73 the Lord's day you go to Isaiah 58 00:56:30.74\00:56:32.81 verse 12 and 13 and 14 and it calls 00:56:32.82\00:56:35.95 the Lord's day the Sabbath day. 00:56:35.96\00:56:37.94 The first time that the first day of the week 00:56:37.95\00:56:40.15 was called the Lord's day who was done by 00:56:40.16\00:56:42.24 the Roman hierarchy during the dark ages. 00:56:42.25\00:56:45.21 They applied that term to the first day 00:56:45.22\00:56:48.09 of the week, but not using scripture 00:56:48.10\00:56:50.18 and they said there is no scriptural foundation 00:56:50.19\00:56:53.01 for that reference, yeah. It's a tradition, 00:56:53.02\00:56:55.72 it is, not supported by the Bible, it is. 00:56:55.73\00:56:57.85 And so we need to look carefully John, 00:56:57.86\00:56:59.88 we need to search the scriptures carefully 00:56:59.89\00:57:02.25 to make sure that we're following what 00:57:02.26\00:57:04.08 God's design is for his Holy day of worship 00:57:04.09\00:57:06.95 or you know what, the traditions of the day 00:57:06.96\00:57:08.87 will continue to guide us down the wrong 00:57:08.88\00:57:10.28 road when God is asking us to honor 00:57:10.29\00:57:12.95 his Holy Sabbath day, that's right. 00:57:12.96\00:57:14.63 So, friends whatever you do make sure 00:57:14.64\00:57:16.45 you do it based on God's word 00:57:16.46\00:57:18.51 and not on tradition, because one day 00:57:18.52\00:57:21.22 the Lord is gonna come to you with a 00:57:21.23\00:57:23.00 house call and we pray that when he does 00:57:23.01\00:57:24.90 he will find you in truth begin to walk with 00:57:24.91\00:57:27.37 Christ today in his word and may the 00:57:27.38\00:57:29.44 Lord Jesus Christ keep you always, 00:57:29.45\00:57:31.75 may you have a great day in Christ. 00:57:31.76\00:57:34.07